43 Oracle Warehouse Management System

Oracle Warehouse Management System (WMS) is the next-generation warehousing solution which includes an excellent task management system. Oracle Warehouse Management System brings operational flexibility via its rules-based architecture. It is capable of handling warehouse environments where transaction volumes are high and business processes are complex.

This chapter describes the following test flows in Oracle Warehouse Management System:

  • Over Pick Under Pick Without Exception

  • Work In Progress PutAway

  • Inspection Purchase Order Receipt and Put Away With New Operation Plan Attached to Plain Item

  • Direct Ship Base Case

  • Perform License Plate Number Ship for Alias-Enabled Sub Inventory

  • Express Return from Inventory to Supplier

  • Pick None and Curtail Pick Exceptions

  • Return Material Authorization

  • Bulk Pack Cartonization


  • Earliest acceptable date and latest acceptable date in Sales Order Line - Shipping tab are in Hide status.

Profile Options

Table 43-1 Profile Options for Oracle Warehouse Management System

Profile Name Profile Value

RC: Processing Mode


Predefined Data

Not applicable.

Setup Data

  • Warehouse management system enabled organization (W1).

  • Create a resource by assigning it to a department.

  • Sub inventories get created along with the storage locator, receiving locator and staging locator.

  • Define shipping parameters as below:

    • Weight, volume class and unit of measure values are defined.

    • Release sequence rule, pick slip grouping rule and default staging sub inventory are set as per the requirement.

    • Ship confirm rule is optionally defined.

  • Define picking methodologies.

  • Open inventory accounting periods.

  • Create item using the Purchase Item template and added to the price list.

43.1 Over Pick Under Pick Without Exception

Warehouse Management System picking process supports picking more than the requested quantity, but only after the user has selected an exception to indicate intent to over pick. This process also validates the confirmed quantity against the over pick tolerance that is defined either at the time of creation of a sales order or is defined for a customer and item combination as a part of setup in Order Management. The requirement is to change the picking process, so that the user does not have to select pick over exception to be able to pick over. Same is the case with pick partial flow.


  • Transaction reasons - Pick Over and Pick Partial.

  • Advanced Pick Load (APL) template associated with user task type.

  • "Allow under pick without exception" is set to Yes in APL template.

  • WMS picking rules assigned in WMS Rules Workbench.

Profile Options

Table 43-2 Profile Options for Over Pick Under Pick Without Exception Flow

Profile Name Profile Value Level

WSH: Over picking Enabled



Predefined Data

Table 43-3 Predefined Data for Over Pick Under Pick Without Exception Flow

Window Name Field Name Field Value

Organization Parameters

Over Pick Checkbox


Setup Data

Table 43-4 Setup Data for Over Pick Under Pick Without Exception Flow

Window Name Field Name Field Value

Pick Load Page Template

Template Name


Define Picking Methodologies

Rule Name

Order Picking

43.2 Work In Progress PutAway

Work in Progress (WIP) completion can be performed for discrete jobs that have quantity available to complete. After identifying the License Plate Number (LPN) to complete into, and the job or assembly which is being completed, there is an option of either completing directly into inventory, or allowing the LPN to reside in WIP until another operator puts the LPN away. The completion and put away process can be included in one continuous flow, or the process can be split into two separate parts. In this flow LPN resides in WIP until the operator puts the LPN away.


  • Item is created in the organization by copying from the Finished Goods template.

  • WMS putaway rules and putaway strategy is assigned in WMS Rules Workbench.

  • In Rules Work Bench page, under PutAway tab, Seq no: 1 is deleted.

Profile Options

Not applicable.

Predefined Data

Not applicable.

Setup Data

Table 43-5 Setup Data for Work In Progress PutAway Flow

Window Name Field Name Field Value

Organization Parameters



43.3 Inspection PO Receipt and Put Away With New Operation Plan Attached to Plain Item

Advanced task framework uses operation plans to define the routing of material from a receiving area to the storage area. An operation plan is similar to manufacturing routing. Like routing, an operation plan defines the sequence of operations and when the operations occur. An operation plan has a unique name, and a description to describe what the operation plan does.


  • Operation plan for plan type defined as inspection.

  • WMS task type assignment rule is defined with Inbound as activity and return value as defined operation plan.

  • WMS putaway rules and putaway strategy is assigned in WMS Rules Workbench.

Profile Options

Not applicable.

Predefined Data

Not applicable.

Setup Data

Table 43-6 Setup Data for Inspection PO Receipt and Put Away With New Operation Plan Attached to Plain Item Flow

Window Name Field Name Field Value

Operation Plan



WMS Rule


Operation Plan Selection

43.4 Direct Ship Base Case

Oracle WMS enables users to ship confirm material for a sales order line without having to pick release or pick confirm the delivery lines. This feature is enabled by selecting the Direct Shipping Allowed check box located on the Warehouse tab of the Organizational Parameters desktop window. Selecting this check box allows normal pick release shipping methods. Both direct shipping and normal pick release shipping can be utilized by selecting Direct Shipping Allowed.


  • Direct shipping enabled at organization parameter level.

Profile Options

Not applicable.

Predefined Data

Not applicable.

Setup Data

Not applicable.

43.5 Perform LPN Ship for Alias-Enabled Sub Inventory

When a mobile page containing the locator field is rendered and presented to the user, it displays the actual locator name. When an operator attempts to confirm the locator, he or she is required to enter or scan the locator alias. The system does not accept any value other than the locator alias. On typing the alias name, the locator name corresponding to that alias name in that sub-inventory is returned automatically.

For uniqueness defined at the sub inventory level, the alias name for locators belonging to one sub inventory has to be unique. No two locators in one sub inventory can have the same locator alias name. But locators from two different sub inventories within the same organization can have the same locator name.

For uniqueness defined at organization level, the alias name across the organization has to be unique; that is, two different sub inventories belonging to the same org cannot have the same locator alias name.


  • Enable Locator Alias is selected at sub inventory level.

  • Locator alias name is specified.

Profile Options

Not applicable.

Predefined Data

Not applicable.

Setup Data

Table 43-7 Setup Data for Perform LPN Ship for Alias-Enabled Sub Inventory Flow

Window Name Field Name Field Value

Organization Parameters

Enforce Locator Alias Uniqueness


43.6 Express Return from Inventory to Supplier

Receiving returns functionality enables users to perform returns to suppliers and receiving. Users use the receiving returns functionality to return delivered items to receiving or to return received or delivered items to the supplier. Oracle Warehouse Management offers a one step or a two step process for returns. This option is determined by the WMS: Express Returns profile option. If enabled, the operator can perform return in one way (through desktop only). If disabled, the operator can perform return in two ways - desktop and mobile. In this test flow, we perform the express return from inventory to supplier.



Profile Options

Table 43-8 Profile Options for Express Return from Inventory to Supplier Flow

Profile Name Profile Value Level

WMS: Express Returns



Predefined Data

Not applicable.

Setup Data

Not applicable.

43.7 Pick None and Curtail Pick Exceptions

To raise a task exception in Oracle Warehouse Management, a transaction reason set up is required and it should be linked to the reason type. While entering an exception during the picking process, we need to select the reason for the exception.

Curtail Pick and Pick None are the two reason contexts, in which Pick None is applied when there is no need to perform the task from that locator or the system assumes that there is no on-hand quantity available in that locator while Curtail Pick ends the picking process after picking a few license plate numbers (LPN) or lots and loads the contents.

This flow tests APL Exceptions like Pick None and Curtail Pick and finally performs LPN ship. The script also periodically checks the inventory before and after critical transactions so as to keep track of the material being moved or transacted and to check the validity and the accuracy of the transactions.


  • Transaction reasons - pick none and curtail pick are created.

  • WMS picking rules are assigned in WMS Rules Workbench.

Profile Options

Not applicable.

Predefined Data

Not applicable.

Setup Data

Table 43-9 Setup Data for Pick None and Curtail Pick Exceptions Flow

Window Name Field Name Field Value

Pick Load Page Template

Template Name


Define Picking Methodologies

Rule Name

Order Picking

43.8 Return Material Authorization (RMA)

Oracle WMS enables reverse logistics tasks by supporting receipt of return material authorizations in all three types of routing methods. Account Receivables allows users to authorize the return of sales orders from the customers as well as sales made by other dealers or suppliers. This flow tests the receiving of return material authorization.


  • Returnable item.

Profile Options

Not applicable.

Predefined Data

Not applicable.

Setup Data

Not applicable.

43.9 Bulk Pack Cartonization

Oracle WMS bulk pack feature is used to suggest containers while packing material in a particular locator in the warehouse. Mobile bulk packing automatically generates the appropriate LPN labels. The user can either enter only the container item if the user wants the system to suggest the appropriate quantity of that container, or alternately let the system suggest both the type and quantity of containers. This flow tests bulk pack for given items.


  • Container parameter checked for container item.

  • Contained item and container item attached to organization.

Profile Options

Not applicable.

Predefined Data

Not applicable.

Setup Data

Table 43-10 Setup Data for Bulk Pack Cartonization Flow

Window Name Field Name Field Value

Organization Parameters

Enable Cartonization

Always cartonize for pick release process


Cartonize Sales Orders
