This screen capture of a Job Analyzer report shows the following:

Job Information

Property Value
Job Name invindx
Job Id job_1405207264024_0122
Start Time 2014-07-22 15:03:39
Finish Time 2014-07-22 15:04:35

Time Information

Property Value
Map Phase 00:00:29
Reduce Phase 00:00:19
Shuffle 00:00:04
Merge 00:00:08
Reduce 00:00:15
Elapsed Time 00:00:56

Reduce Tasks Metrics Summary

Task ID Time Start Time Finish Time Elapsed %Load Observed
0 15:04:15 15:04:27 00:00:11 12
1 15:04:15 15:04:25 00:00:09 7
2 15:04:15 15:04:25 00:00:09 8
3 15:04:15 15:04:25 00:00:09 7
4 15:04:15 15:04:27 00:00:11 10
5 15:04:15 15:04:28 00:00:12 13
6 15:04:16 15:04:24 00:00:07 4
7 15:04:16 15:04:23 00:00:06 3
8 15:04:16 15:04:35 00:00:18 29
9 15:04:16 15:04:26 00:00:09 8

Reduce Tasks Metrics Elapsed Time

The following three tables compose one large table in the figure.

Task ID Shuffle Merge Reduce
0 00:00:03 00:00:02 00:00:05
1 00:00:03 00:00:01 00:00:04
2 00:00:03 00:00:02 00:00:04
3 00:00:03 00:00:01 00:00:04
4 00:00:03 00:00:02 00:00:05
5 00:00:03 00:00:03 00:00:05
6 00:00:03 00:00:01 00:00:03
7 00:00:03 00:00:00 00:00:02
8 00:00:03 00:00:06 00:00:08
9 00:00:03 00:00:02 00:00:04
Total 00:00:04 00:00:08 00:00:15
Average 00:00:03 00:00:02 00:00:05

Reduced Tasks Metrics Input

Task ID SBFoot 1  Count SB% Keys Count Keys % Records Count Records % VB CountFoot 2  VB%
0 20,987,702 12 13 13 2,300,118 12 20,987,702 12
1 15,630,571 9 12 12 1,438,876 7 15,630,571 9
2 14,682,583 8 7 7 1,503,328 8 14,682,583 8
3 14,977,081 9 10 10 1,450,603 7 14,977,081 9
4 21,175,220 12 11 11 2,073,885 10 21,175,220 12
5 19,664,004 11 10 10 2,580,271 13 19,664,004 11
6 8,867,408 5 9 9 775,690 4 8,867,408 5
7 5,912,478 3 6 6 531,247 3 5,912,478 3
8 35,890,632 21 11 11 5,824,950 29 35,890,632 21
9 16,252,928 9 11 11 1,521,032 8 16,252,928 9
Total 174,040,607 - 100 - 20,000,000 - 174,040,607 -
Average 17,404,061 - 10 - 2,000,000 - 17,404,061 -

Footnote 1 Shuffle Bytes

Footnote 2 Value Bytes

Reduced Tasks Metrics Output

Task ID Records Count Records % Bytes Count Bytes %
0 1,698,171 12 48,022,226 12
1 1,309,838 9 36,424,492 9
2 1,220,301 9 33,206,894 9
3 1,253,630 9 33,638,218 9
4 1,768,698 13 51,191,915 13
5 1,497,856 11 40,709,092 11
6 740,944 5 20,503,323 5
7 494,798 4 13,336,988 3
8 2,527,641 18 69,087,902 18
9 1,359,917 10 38,889,633 10
Total 13,871,794 - 385,010,683 -
Average 1,387,179 - 38,501,068 -