
This document describes the test flows available with the Starter Pack of the Functional Testing Suite for E-Business applications. The test flows cover features of the E-Business Suite Release 12.2.4.


This document should be used by implementers and testers of E-Business Suite applications. The document can also be referenced by end users to seek details about the test flows.

Using This Guide

This guide is organized as follows:

Part I, "Introduction" introduces Oracle Flow Builder Starter Pack for E-Business Suite Release 12.2.4 and provides an overview of the sample flows.

Part II, "Customer Relationship Management" provides information about the test flows for Customer Relationship Management applications.

Part III, "Financials" provides information about the test flows for Financial applications.

Part IV, "Human Capital Management" provides information about the test flows for Human Capital Management applications.

Part V, "Lease Management" provides information about the test flows for Lease Management applications.

Part VI, "Procurement" provides information about the test flows for Procurement applications.

Part VII, "Projects" provides information about the test flows for Projects applications.

Part VIII, "Supply Chain Management" provides information about the test flows for Supply Chain Management applications.

Appendix A, "Test Flow Name Mappings" provides a mapping between the functional and technical names of the test flows.

Appendix B, "Component Listing" provides a mapping between the functional and technical names of the test flows.

In this Document

This document refers to or provides information as follows:

  • The acronym OATS refers to the Oracle Application Testing Suite product.

  • "Seed data" is referred to as "Predefined data".

  • "Form” is referred to as "Window".

  • The chapter name mirrors the exact navigation path to the test flow in Oracle Flow Builder.

  • Product level prerequisites and setups are explained in the chapter overview. Flow specific details, if any, are explained along with the flow description.

  • All profile options are set at User level, unless indicated otherwise for a test flow.

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Related Documents

For more information, see the following documents in both the Oracle Application Testing Suite and Oracle E-Business Suite Online Documentation Library documentation sets:

  • Oracle Functional Testing Flow Builder User's Guide

  • Oracle Functional Testing OpenScript User's Guide

  • Oracle Functional Testing OpenScript Programmer's Reference

  • Oracle Functional Testing Suite Advanced Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite - Asset Lifecycle Management Reference Guide

  • Oracle Functional Testing Suite Advanced Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite - Incentive Compensation Reference Guide

  • Oracle Functional Testing Suite Advanced Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite - Project Management Reference Guide

  • Oracle Functional Testing Suite Advanced Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite - Process Manufacturing Reference Guide

  • Oracle Functional Testing Suite Advanced Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite - Property Manager Reference Guide

  • Oracle Functional Testing Suite Advanced Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite - Service Reference Guide

For instructions on how to assign a responsibility, or set a profile option, see:

  • Human Resources Configuring, Reporting, and System Administration Guide 12.2


The following text conventions are used in this document:

Convention Meaning
boldface Boldface type indicates graphical user interface elements associated with an action, or terms defined in text or the glossary.
italic Italic type indicates book titles, emphasis, or placeholder variables for which you supply particular values.
monospace Monospace type indicates commands within a paragraph, URLs, code in examples, text that appears on the screen, or text that you enter.