5 Oracle Test Manager Tutorial

This tutorial walks you through the main features of Oracle Test Manager. It consists of the following examples.

The tutorial is designed to be followed sequentially from beginning to end. Many of the examples are interrelated and build upon the steps in previous examples.

5.1 Starting Oracle Test Manager


This section uses the default login credentials from the Oracle Application Testing Suite installation.

To start Oracle Test Manager:

  1. Select Programs from the Start menu and then select Oracle Test Manager from the Oracle Application Testing Suite Start menu.

  2. Enter administrator as the user name.

  3. Enter the password specified during the Oracle Application Testing Suite installation process.

  4. Make sure the Database is set to OATS_otm_DS.

  5. Click Login.

5.2 Opening the Sample Project

A demonstration project is installed with Oracle Test Manager for testing the sample stock brokerage application Fitch & Mather. This application can be viewed at http://demo.fmstocks.com/fmstocks/. To open the sample project:

  1. Start Oracle Test Manager and log in.

    The default installation user names are administrator and default unless changed by an administrator. The password is the password specified during the installation procedure unless changed by an administrator.

  2. Click Open from the Project menu to display the Open Project dialog box.

    Figure 5-1 Open Project Dialog Box

    Open Project Dialog Box
    Description of "Figure 5-1 Open Project Dialog Box"

  3. Make sure the OAST_otm_DS database is selected. This is the database that was created when you installed Oracle Test Manager.

  4. Click OK. The main window appears as follows:.

    Figure 5-2 Oracle Test Manager Main Window

    Oracle Test Manager Main Window
    Description of "Figure 5-2 Oracle Test Manager Main Window"

The left pane contains tabs for the modules that comprise the application. They are test plans, requirements, tests, test execution, issues, reports, and dashboard. The detailed information for the selected item is displayed in the right pane. The information displayed may be different from the examples shown in this tutorial if your system administrator has customized the database to add new fields or disable default fields.

5.3 Example 1: Adding a Test Plan

This example explains how to add a Test Plan.

  1. Click the Test Plan tab.

  2. Select item 1. The test plan will be added for the Master Test Plan.

  3. Click Add to display the Add Test Plan dialog box.

    Figure 5-4 Add Test Plan Window

    Add Test Plan Window
    Description of "Figure 5-4 Add Test Plan Window"

  4. Enter "System Requirements" in the Name field.

  5. Select an owner.

  6. Select High from the Priority list.

  7. Enter "Web Server and Oracle Database" in the Description field.

    Figure 5-5 Add Test Plan Window with Sample Data

    Add Test Plan Window with Sample Data
    Description of "Figure 5-5 Add Test Plan Window with Sample Data"

  8. Click Save. The new test plan appears in the tree.

  9. Select the System Requirements item to make it the selected item in the tree.

  10. Click the Indent toolbar button so that the System Requirements node is moved below the item 1 Master Test Plan tree node.

    Figure 5-6 Test Plan Tab with New Test Plan Added

    Test Plan Tab with New Test Plan Added
    Description of "Figure 5-6 Test Plan Tab with New Test Plan Added"

5.4 Example 2: Adding a Requirement

This example explains how to add a requirement.

  1. Click the Requirements tab.

  2. Expand item 1 "User authentication should be required in order to access stock brokerage site" and select item 5 "New customers should be able to create an account online". The new requirement will be added under item 1.

    Figure 5-7 Requirements Tab

    Requirements Tab
    Description of "Figure 5-7 Requirements Tab"

  3. Click Add to display the Add Requirement dialog box.

    Figure 5-8 Add Requirement Window

    Add Requirement Window
    Description of "Figure 5-8 Add Requirement Window"

  4. Enter "Users should have access to the chart view of their portfolio" in the Name field.

  5. Select a type, owner, and status.

  6. Select Medium from the Priority list.

  7. Enter "All customers should be able to view their portfolio in the chart view" in the Description field.

    Figure 5-9 Add Requirement Window with Sample Data

    Add Requirement Window with Sample Data
    Description of "Figure 5-9 Add Requirement Window with Sample Data"

  8. Click Save. The new requirement appears in the tree.

    Figure 5-10 Requirements Tab with New Requirement Added

    Requirements Tab with New Requirement Added
    Description of "Figure 5-10 Requirements Tab with New Requirement Added"

5.5 Example 3: Adding Tests

You can add two types of test cases to Oracle Test Manager:

Manual tests - these are tests that allow you to organize your test cases. For each step in the test, you enter the action, expected result, and pertinent comments. When you run the test, the Oracle Test Manager Manual Test Wizard takes you step by step through the test, allowing you to manually execute each test and enter the result.

Automated tests - these are Oracle OpenScript tests that can be run automatically without manual intervention. You can run one test, an entire branch of tests, or all automatic tests in the project.

This example has two parts. The first part explains how to add a manual test. The second part explains how to create the same test using Oracle OpenScript and add it as an automated test.

5.5.1 Adding a Manual Test

This example explains how to add a manual test.

  1. Click the Tests tab.

  2. Expand item 2, Customer Account Tests.

  3. Select

  4. Click Add to display the Add Test dialog box.

    Figure 5-11 Add Test Window

    Add Test Window
    Description of "Figure 5-11 Add Test Window"

  5. Enter "Verify customer chart view of portfolio" in the Name field.

  6. Select Manual Test in the Type field.

  7. Enter "This test verifies that the chart view of the portfolio is accessible" in the Description field.

  8. Select an owner and priority.

    Figure 5-12 Add Test Window with Sample Data

    Description of Figure 5-12 follows
    Description of "Figure 5-12 Add Test Window with Sample Data"

  9. Click Save. The test is added to the tree.

  10. Select the newly added node in the tree and click the Indent toolbar button to move the new item below item 2 "Customer Account Tests". You are now ready to add test steps.

  11. Make sure the new test is selected in the tree and click Add/Edit in the Test Steps section of the right-hand pane to display the Test Steps dialog box.

    Figure 5-13 Manual Test Steps Window

    Manual Test Steps Window
    Description of "Figure 5-13 Manual Test Steps Window"

  12. Click Add.

  13. Enter, "Go to http://www.fmstocks.com/fmstocks" in the Action field.

  14. Enter, "The FMStocks Customer Login page should be displayed" in the Expected Results field.

  15. Click Add to update the top of the dialog box and to go to the next step.

    Figure 5-14 Manual Test Steps Window with Sample Data

    Manual Test Steps Window with Sample Data
    Description of "Figure 5-14 Manual Test Steps Window with Sample Data"

  16. Enter the following steps, clicking Add to start each step:

    Step Action Expected Result
    2 Click Login. The Welcome to FMStocks page should be displayed.
    3 Click the Chart Your Portfolio link The Your Portfolio page should be displayed with a spreadsheet and graphs.

    The Manual Test Steps dialog box shows the entries as entered.

  17. Click OK.

5.5.2 Adding an Automated Test

Oracle Test Manager can run Oracle OpenScript functional test scripts as automated tests. This example explains how to add a script created in Oracle OpenScript to the Tests in Oracle Test Manager and associate it with the requirement just added.

  1. Select Programs from the Start menu and then select OpenScript from the Oracle Application Testing Suite menu.

  2. Select New from the File menu.

  3. Expand the Functional Testing (Browser/GUI Automation) folder.

  4. Select "Web" and click Next.

  5. Select the default repository.

  6. Enter ChartPortfolio as the name of the script and click Finish.

    OpenScript creates the script project and adds the Initialize, Run, and Finish sections to the script tree.

  7. Select Record from the Script menu or click the toolbar button. A new browser window opens.

  8. Go to http://www.fmstocks.com/fmstocks.

  9. Click Login.

  10. Click the Chart Your Portfolio link.

  11. Select Stop from the Script menu or click the toolbar button.

  12. Select Save from the File menu.

  13. Select Playback from the Script menu or click the toolbar button and verify that the script plays back correctly and passes. You can view the results in the OpenScript Results view or the Details view.

  14. Select Exit from the File menu to exit Oracle OpenScript and return to Oracle Test Manager.

  15. Click the Tests tab.

  16. Expand Customer Account Tests and select Verify customer stock portfolio.

  17. Click Add to display the Add Test dialog box.

  18. Enter "Verify customer chart view of portfolio" in the Name field.

  19. Select Oracle OpenScript in the Type field.

  20. Click Find in the Repository field.

  21. Expand the Default repository, select the ChartPortfolio script, and click OK.

  22. Select an owner and priority.

  23. Enter "This test verifies that the chart view of the portfolio is accessible" in the Description field.

    Figure 5-15 Add Test Window with Sample Automated Test

    Add Test Window with Sample Automated Test
    Description of "Figure 5-15 Add Test Window with Sample Automated Test"

  24. Click Save.

  25. The test is added to the tree.

    Figure 5-16 Tests Tab with New Test Added

    Tests Tab with New Test Added
    Description of "Figure 5-16 Tests Tab with New Test Added"

  26. Click Add/Edit next to Associated Requirements in the right pane, to display the Associate Requirement dialog box.

  27. Click the Tree View tab.

    Figure 5-17 Associate Requirements Window

    Associate Requirements Window
    Description of "Figure 5-17 Associate Requirements Window"

  28. Expand item 1 and select "Users should have access to the chart view of their portfolio".

  29. Click Select.

  30. Click OK. The test is now linked to the requirement and is listed on the right-hand side of the screen. The test is also listed in the Associated Tests section of the requirement.

    Figure 5-18 Test Associated with Requirement

    Test Associated with Requirement
    Description of "Figure 5-18 Test Associated with Requirement"

5.6 Example 4: Creating Test Sets and Running Tests

Tests are run using the Test Execution tab. The Test Execution tab is where you define Test Set Folders and Test Sets. Test Set Folders can be used to group test sets. Test Sets specify the tests to execute.

This example has three parts. The first part explains how to create a Test Set and add tests to the test set. The second part explains how to run the manual test created in the previous example. The third part explains how to run the automated test created in the previous example, then how to view the detailed Results Report.

5.6.1 Creating a Test Set

This example explains how to create a Test Set and add tests to the test set.

  1. Click the Test Execution tab.

  2. Click Add to display the Add Test Set Node dialog box.

    Figure 5-19 Add Test Set Node Window

    Add Test Set Node Window
    Description of "Figure 5-19 Add Test Set Node Window"

  3. Enter "Chart portfolio tests" as the test set name.

  4. Select Test Set as the Type.

  5. Select an owner.

  6. Enter "Run Chart portfolio tests" as the Description.

    Figure 5-20 Add Test Set Node Window with Sample Data

    Add Test Set Node Window with Sample Data
    Description of "Figure 5-20 Add Test Set Node Window with Sample Data"

  7. Click Save. The new Test Set is added to the tree.

5.6.2 Adding Tests to a Test Set

This example explains how to add tests to the Test Set created in the in the previous example.

  1. Select "Chart portfolio tests" in the tree.

  2. Click Add/Edit next to Test List in the right pane, to display the Add/Edit test in group dialog box.

  3. Click the Tree View tab.

  4. Select "Verify customer view of chart portfilio" and click Select. The test is added to the Selected List.

    Figure 5-21 Add/Edit test in group dialog box with Test Selected

    Add/Edit test in group dialog box with Test Selected
    Description of "Figure 5-21 Add/Edit test in group dialog box with Test Selected"

  5. Expand item 2 Customer Account Tests.

  6. Select "Verify customer view of chart portfilio" and click Select to add the automated OpenScript test to the list. The test is added to the Selected List.

  7. Click OK. The test is added to the Test List in the right-hand pane.

    Figure 5-22 Test Execution Tab with Test Added to Test Set

    Test Execution Tab with Test Added to Test Set
    Description of "Figure 5-22 Test Execution Tab with Test Added to Test Set"

  8. If necessary, scroll down to view the Run History section in the right-hand pane

5.6.3 Running a Manual Test

This example explains how to run the manual test entered in the previous example.

  1. Click the Tests Execution tab and select Chart Portfolio tests in the tree.

  2. Click Run this test in the Run History section of the right-hand pane.

    Figure 5-23 Run Test Info Window

    Run Test Info Window
    Description of "Figure 5-23 Run Test Info Window"

  3. Select the "Verify customer view of chart portfilio" with the pencil (manual test) icon.

  4. Make sure the check box is selected. You can use the check boxes for each test to enable or disable specific tests within the Run Test window.

  5. Select OTM Server in the System field.

  6. Leave the current date and time in the Run Name field.

  7. Select 1.0 in the Version field. This is the version number of the application you are testing.

  8. Select the "Verify customer view of chart portfilio" with the scroll (automated test) icon.

  9. Make sure the check box is cleared.

  10. Select OTM Server in the System field.

  11. Leave the current date and time in the Run Name field

  12. Select 1.0 in the Version field. This is the version number of the application you are testing.

  13. Click Run. For manual tests, the Run Manual Test window opens.

    Figure 5-24 Run Manual Test Window

    Run Manual Test Window
    Description of "Figure 5-24 Run Manual Test Window"

  14. This dialog box tells you the action to take and the expected result. Open your browser and perform the first action. Select the result Passed. Enter comments, when needed, in the Summary field.

  15. Repeat for steps 2 and 3.

  16. Click OK to display the Run Manual Test - Summary window.

    Figure 5-25 Run Manual Test Summary Window

    Run Manual Test Summary Window
    Description of "Figure 5-25 Run Manual Test Summary Window"

  17. Select Passed.

  18. Enter, "No problems encountered with this test." in the Summary field.

  19. Click OK.

The Run History and Result Detail are displayed in the right pane.

Figure 5-26 Run History of Manual Test

Run History of Manual Test
Description of "Figure 5-26 Run History of Manual Test"

5.6.4 Running an Automated Test

This example explains how to run an the automated test created in the previous example and how to view the results detail and the detailed Oracle OpenScript Results Report.

  1. Click the Tests Execution tab and select Chart Portfolio tests in the tree..

  2. Click Execute Test Set in the at the top of the right-hand pane to display the Test run Info dialog box.

  3. Select the "Verify customer view of chart portfilio" with the pencil (manual test) icon.

  4. Make sure the check box is cleared.

  5. Select OTM Server in the System field.

  6. Leave the current date and time in the Run Name field.

  7. Select 1.0 in the Version field. This is the version number of the application you are testing.

  8. Select the "Verify customer view of chart portfilio" with the scroll (automated test) icon.

  9. Make sure the check box is selected.

  10. Select OTM Server in the System field.

  11. Leave the current date and time in the Run Name field

  12. Select 1.0 in the Version field. This is the version number of the application you are testing.

  13. Click Run. Oracle OpenScript executes the script (this may take a few moments).

  14. Click the Refresh arrows next to the Script Name in the right pane to update the Run History. Oracle Test Manager displays the Result Detail Summary when the test is finished.

    Figure 5-27 Run History of Automated Test

    Run History of Automated Test
    Description of "Figure 5-27 Run History of Automated Test"

  15. Click the date of the test in the Run History section of the right pane to view the status of the Test Set run.

    Figure 5-28 Status of Test Set Run

    Status of Test Set Run
    Description of "Figure 5-28 Status of Test Set Run"

  16. Review the report and close the Result Report window when finished.

5.7 Example 5: Adding an Issue

This example explains how to search through issues, add an issue, associate it with a test, and add an attachment with additional information. For the purposes of this example, we will assume that the script run in example 3 failed.

To search through issues to see if an issue already exists for this topic, or to find related issues:

  1. Click the Issues tab.

  2. Click the Find icon (magnifying glass) to display the Find dialog box.

  3. Select Description for the field to search.

  4. Enter "chart" in the Value field.

  5. Make sure that Issues is selected in the Search for field and that all is selected in the that match field. This will search all of the issue descriptions for the word, "chart."

  6. Click Search. If there are any matches, they are displayed in the Results portion of the window.

    Figure 5-30 Find Window with Search Results

    Find Window with Search Results
    Description of "Figure 5-30 Find Window with Search Results"

    One match was found. You can click Navigate in the Results list to display it in Oracle Test Manager or click Preview to view the issue in a separate preview window. We will assume that our failure is different enough to warrant creating a new issue.

  7. Click Close to close the Find dialog box.

To create an issue.

  1. Click the Issues tab.

  2. Click Add to display the Add Issue dialog box.

    Figure 5-31 Add Issue Window

    Add Issue Window
    Description of "Figure 5-31 Add Issue Window"

  3. Enter "Chart portfolio failed" in the Summary field.

  4. Select the default component.

  5. Select 1.0 for the version.

  6. Assign the issue to Default User.

  7. Set the status to Created.

  8. Change the Priority to Medium.

  9. Change the Severity to Medium.

  10. Select the Windows platform.

    Figure 5-32 Add Issue Window with Sample Data

    Add Issue Window with Sample Data
    Description of "Figure 5-32 Add Issue Window with Sample Data"

  11. Click Save. The issue is assigned the next available number and added to the bottom of the list.

    Figure 5-33 Issues Tab with New Issue Added

    Issues Tab with New Issue Added
    Description of "Figure 5-33 Issues Tab with New Issue Added"

  12. Click Add/Edit next to Associated Tests in the right pane to display the Associate Test dialog box.

  13. Click the Tree View tab.

  14. Expand the Customer Account Tests folder and select "Verify customer chart view of portfolio".

  15. Click Select.

    Figure 5-34 Associate Test Window with Issue Selected

    Associate Test Window with Issue Selected
    Description of "Figure 5-34 Associate Test Window with Issue Selected"

  16. Click OK. The test is listed in the Associated Tests list.

  17. Select Add/Edit in the Attachments section to display the Attach Files dialog box.

  18. Click Add.

  19. Click Browse.

  20. Select a file to attach and click Open.

  21. Click Upload.

    Figure 5-35 Attach Files Window with File Selected

    Attach Files Window with File Selected
    Description of "Figure 5-35 Attach Files Window with File Selected"

  22. Click Close. The attachment is listed in the Attachments list in the right pane. Click on the attachment to open it in the appropriate application.

    Figure 5-36 Issue with File Attachments

    Issue with File Attachments
    Description of "Figure 5-36 Issue with File Attachments"

5.8 Example 6: Creating Reports

Oracle Test Manager comes with a standard set of reports. In addition, you can create and optionally save custom reports. Reports can be either public, that is, available to all users, or private, available only to you. This example explains how to view standard reports and how to create a custom report and save it.

  1. Click the Reports tab.

  2. Expand the Public Reports node, then the Issues node.

  3. Select Issues by Assigned to Bar Graph to display the graph in the right pane.

    Figure 5-37 Reports Tab with Bar Graph Report

    Reports Tab with Bar Graph Report
    Description of "Figure 5-37 Reports Tab with Bar Graph Report"

  4. Click once on the graph area then mouse over the bars to view the actual values. Click Data View to view just the data.

  5. To create a custom report click Add.

    Figure 5-38 Add Report Window

    Add Report Window
    Description of "Figure 5-38 Add Report Window"

  6. Enter a name for the report.

  7. Select Vertical bar chart for the report type.

  8. Select Priority from the Available fields and click the right arrow to add it to the Selected fields list.

    Figure 5-39 Add Report Window with Selected Fields

    Add Report Window with Selected Fields
    Description of "Figure 5-39 Add Report Window with Selected Fields"

  9. Click Define filters.

    Figure 5-40 Add Report Filters Window

    Add Report Filters Window
    Description of "Figure 5-40 Add Report Filters Window"

  10. Select Priority as the field, not equal to in the Operator field, and Low for the Value. This means that the report will only display information for Medium and High priority requirements.

  11. Click OK to display the report.

  12. Click Save to save this report.

  13. Enter Requirements Medium and High for the report name. The name will be displayed in the report tree.

  14. Select My Reports as the Report Category.

  15. Click OK. The new report is added under the My Reports folder.

    Figure 5-41 Reports Tab with Custom Reports

    Reports Tab with Custom Reports
    Description of "Figure 5-41 Reports Tab with Custom Reports"

5.9 Example 7: Using Dashboards

The Oracle Test Manager Web Dashboard tab is where you can create and view multi-report dashboards. These dashboards allow you to select the key reports of interest and save them in a single integrated view. This allows you to create report dashboards that are tailored to the needs of specific users. Each new dashboard can also be saved as either a public dashboard which will be viewable by all users who log into this project or a private dashboard that is only viewable by your account.

  1. Click the Dashboard tab.

  2. Select the Test Cases Dashboard from the select list.

  3. Select Two Column from the Layout list.

    Figure 5-42 Dashboard Tab with Test Cases Dashboard

    Dashboard Tab with Test Cases Dashboard
    Description of "Figure 5-42 Dashboard Tab with Test Cases Dashboard"

    Each graph in the Dashboard has a toolbar for moving, sizing, and closing individual graphs in the Dashboard.

    Figure 5-43 Dashboard Graphs Toolbar

    Dashboard Graphs Toolbar
    Description of "Figure 5-43 Dashboard Graphs Toolbar"

  4. Click New Dashboard on the main toolbar.

  5. Expand the My Reports node.

  6. Double-click the Requirements Medium and High report created previously in this example.

  7. Expand the Public Reports node then the Requirements node.

  8. Double-click the Requirements by Owner Bar Graph report. The second graph is added to the Dashboard.

    Figure 5-44 New Dashboard with Selected Graphs Added

    New Dashboard with Selected Graphs Added
    Description of "Figure 5-44 New Dashboard with Selected Graphs Added"

  9. Click the left arrow [<] in the second graph's toolbar to move it to the left.

  10. Click the minimize [-] button in a graph's toolbar to minimize the graph. Click the restore [+] button in a graph's toolbar to restore the graph.

  11. Click Save.

    Figure 5-45 Save Dashboard Dialog Box

    Save Dashboard Dialog Box
    Description of "Figure 5-45 Save Dashboard Dialog Box"

  12. Enter My Custom Dashboard as the name for the custom Dashboard.

  13. Select My Dashboards and click OK. The new dashboard is added to the Dashboard sector list.

    Figure 5-46 Dashboard Tab with a Custom Dashboard Added

    Dashboard Tab with a Custom Dashboard Added
    Description of "Figure 5-46 Dashboard Tab with a Custom Dashboard Added"

  14. Make sure My Custom Dashboard is selected and click Delete.

    Figure 5-47 Delete Dashboard Dialog Box

    Delete Dashboard Dialog Box
    Description of "Figure 5-47 Delete Dashboard Dialog Box"

  15. Click Yes to delete the custom Dashboard.

This completes the Oracle Test Manager tutorial. Click Logout to exit the application.