B Function Library Reference

This appendix lists the function libraries and functions available to specify component code in Oracle Flow Builder. The function libraries and functions are used with the FUNCTIONCALL Keyword in the component code and related the test data in flows.

B.1 Installed Function Libraries

The following table lists the function libraries available to use to specify component code.

Table B-1 Function Libraries Installed with Oracle Flow Builder

Library Related Application/Description


Customer Relationship Management


EBS Forms applications


Generic Library








Supply Chain Management


Telnet (requires a third-party Java library to be added to the OpenScript repository where Oracle Flow Builder-generated scripts will be executed. See Adding a Telnet Function Library for additional information).


Web Tables

The following sections provide details about the functions in each library.

B.1.1 Function Parameters

Various functions in the libraries use the following parameters:

Table B-2 List of Parameter Types used with Functions

Parameter Label Description


Specifies that the value after the specified text is used. The @after text is specified in the Attribute Value column of the component code. For example, @after='Child Labor Laws Compliance',@uitype='checkbox'.


Specifies that the value before the specified text is used. The @before text is specified in the Attribute Value column of the component code. For example, @before='Child Labor Laws Compliance',@uitype='checkbox'.


Specifies the caption used to identify an object. The @caption is specified in the Display Name column of the component code. For example, @caption='Title'.


Specifies a True/False value. The @logical values is specified in the Attribute Value column in the component code. For example, @logical='True'.


Specifies the Test Data parameter(s) required for the function. Test Data is specified in the Flow test data.


Specifies the type of UI component. The @uitype is specified in the Attribute Value column of the component code corresponding to the component type of the UI component. Valid values for @uitype are: select, textarea, input, checkbox.


Refers to current window that is in context.

B.2 cRMLIB Function Library

The cRMLIB function library is used to develop component code and flows for Customer Relationship Management applications.

B.2.1 addToCartItemDetails

Clicks on the Item Details icon and Add to cart button for the specified item and quantity.

Test Data

The addToCartItemDetails function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Item label, Quantity.

B.2.2 cartCheckout

Click on Checkout for the specified cart type.

Test Data

The cartCheckout function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Cart Type.

B.2.3 checkImageCheckBox

Checks the specified Checkbox.

Test Data

The checkImageCheckBox function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1 as Check ( True / False ).

B.2.4 clickAddToCart

Clicks on AddtoCart for the specified Item Name.

Test Data

The clickAddToCart function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Item Name.

B.2.5 clickConfigure

Clicks on Configure for the specified Item Name.

Test Data

The clickConfigure function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Item Name.

B.2.6 clickExpressCheckOut

Clicks on Express Checkout for the specified Item Name.

Test Data

The clickExpressCheckOut function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Item Name.

B.2.7 clickImageInInnerNavigationTable

Click on the image in the table with inner navigation.

Test Data

The clickImageInInnerNavigationTable function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2, @param3, @param4, @param5 as Table Name, Navigation Column, Search Column, Search Value, Target Column.

B.2.8 clickLOVBasedOnLabel

Clicks on the Torch icon for the specified field.

Test Data

The clickLOVBasedOnLabel function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Label Name.

B.2.9 clickSiteLink

Clicks on the specified SiteLink in iStore.

Test Data

The clickSiteLink function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Site Name to Click.

B.2.10 clickTableImage

Clicks the image in the specified table.

Test Data

The clickTableImage function requires the following Test Data:

@caption, @param1, @param2, @param3 as Column Number To Verify , Search text, ColumnName To Select.

B.2.11 crmWebSelectLOV

Selects the specified values from the Search and Select list of values for the specified field.

Test Data

The crmWebSelectLOV function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2, @param3, @param4, @param5 as LovName, SearchByOption, SearchValue, ColName, RowValue.

B.2.12 expandBasedOnLabel

Expands the specified label name.

Test Data

The expandBasedOnLabel function does not require Test Data.

B.2.13 expandCollapseBasedOnLabel

Expands or collapses the specified label.

Test Data

The expandCollapseBasedOnLabel function does not require Test Data.

B.2.14 getRequestStatus

Click the refresh button until the request status is completed with Request ID to get the Refresh the status of the request.

Test Data

The getRequestStatus function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Request ID.

B.2.15 jttLogin

Login to the wireless application with the specified username and password.

Test Data

The jttLogin function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Username, Password.

B.2.16 refreshWebItem

Click on the specified button until the status changes to the required value.

Test Data

The refreshWebItem function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2, @param3, @param4, @param5, @param6 as Button Name, Table Name, Source Column, Source Column Value, Target Column, Target Column Value.

B.2.17 searchEditableRow

Searches For Editable row

Test Data

The searchEditableRow function does not require Test Data.

B.2.18 selectAddress

Selects the specified address.

Test Data

The selectAddress function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Address.

B.2.19 selectCartAction

Select the action to be performed on the specified cart type.

Test Data

The selectCartAction function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Cart Type, Item To Select.

B.2.20 selectCustomer

Selects the specified customer by value and account number

Test Data

The selectCustomer function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2, @param3 as Search For, Search For Value, Account Number.

B.2.21 selectDisplayTemplate

Selects the radio button with the specified label name.

Test Data

The selectDisplayTemplate function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Label Name.

B.2.22 selectFormsSingleColValues

Selects the multiple (comma separated) resources.

Test Data

The selectFormsSingleColValues function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1 as comma seperated resources.

B.2.23 selectImageRadiobutton

Selects the specified Radio Button.

Test Data

The selectImageRadiobutton function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1 as Select [ True / False ].

B.2.24 selectMediaContent

Select the specified value from Search and Select list of values.

Test Data

The selectMediaContent function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Search For, Value to Select.

B.2.25 setCartQuantity

Sets the cart quantity for the specified Item name.

Test Data

The setCartQuantity function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Item Name, Quantity.

B.2.26 setSearchParams

Sets the search parameters to handle the search criteria for different values in the listbox.

Test Data

The setSearchParams function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as SearchForName, OperatorValue, ValueToSet.

B.2.27 verifyBatchStatus

Verifies the batch status.

Test Data

The verifyBatchStatus function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Batch Status.

B.2.28 verifyDateBasedOnMonday

Verify if the date is Monday.

Test Data

The verifyDateBasedOnMonday function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1, @param2, @param3 as time, dateFormat, minutesToBeAdded.

B.2.29 verifyJobStatus

Verifies the job status.

Test Data

The verifyJobStatus function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Job Status.

B.2.30 webClickDynamicLink

Clicks on the specified Link Name.

Test Data

The webClickDynamicLink function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as LinkName.

B.3 eBSLibrary Function Library

The eBSLibrary function library is used to develop component code and flows for EBS Forms applications.

B.3.1 addFailedResult

Adds a "Failed" result to the Oracle Application Testing Suite results file for the specified Step Name.

Test Data

The addFailedResult function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Step Name, Comment.

B.3.2 addPassedResult

Adds a "Pass" result to the Oracle Application Testing Suite results file for the specified Step Name.

Test Data

The addPassedResult function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Step Name, Comment.

B.3.3 oracle_close_all_browsers

Closes all open browsers and EBS Forms.

Test Data

The oracle_close_all_browsers function does not require Test Data.

B.3.4 oracle_date_manipulation

Returns a date value based on the format and manipulations specified as input.

Test Data

The oracle_date_manipulation function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2, @param3, @param4 as Date Format, Days, Months, Years.

B.3.5 oracle_exit_app

Exits the EBS Forms application and closes all browsers.

Test Data

The oracle_exit_app function does not require Test Data.

B.3.6 oracle_form_initial_condition

Sets the initial state of the EBS Forms Navigator window.

Test Data

The oracle_form_initial_condition function does not require Test Data.

B.3.7 oracle_formWindow_close

Closes the specified EBS Forms window.

Test Data

The oracle_formWindow_close function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Title.

B.3.8 oracle_homepage_nav

Navigates to the specified responsibility, menu path, and function in an EBS Application home page.

Test Data

The oracle_homepage_nav function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2, @param3 as Resp, Menu Path, Menu Choice.

B.3.9 oracle_input_dialog

Prompts the user for an input using the specified message title.

Test Data

The oracle_input_dialog function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Prompt Message Title.

B.3.10 oracle_launch_istore_url

Launches an iStore URL.

Test Data

The oracle_launch_istore_url function does not require Test Data.

B.3.11 oracle_launch_jsp_url

Launches a JSP URL.

Test Data

The oracle_launch_jsp_url function does not require Test Data.

B.3.12 oracle_launch_php_url

Launches a PHP URL.

Test Data

The oracle_launch_php_url function does not require Test Data.

B.3.13 oracle_menu_select

Selects the specified menu path in an EBS Forms window.

Test Data

The oracle_menu_select function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Menu Path.

B.3.14 oracle_navigation_menu

Navigates to the specified menu and function in the EBS Application home page.

Test Data

The oracle_navigation_menu function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Menu Path, Menu Function.

B.3.15 oracle_navigator_select

Selects the navigation path in the EBS Forms Navigator window.

Test Data

The oracle_navigator_select function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Navigation Path.

B.3.16 oracle_php_login

Logs in to a PHP URL with the specified user credentials.

Test Data

The oracle_php_login function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as User Name, Password.

B.3.17 oracle_php_signon

Logs in to a PHP URL with the specified user credentials and clicks on the specified responsibility of an EBS Application.

Test Data

The oracle_php_signon function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2, @param3 as User, Password, Resp.

B.3.18 oracle_prompt_sql

Prompts the user to provide a SQL URL.

Test Data

The oracle_prompt_sql function does not require Test Data.

B.3.19 oracle_prompt_url

Prompts the user to provide instance URLs.

Test Data

The oracle_prompt_url function does not require Test Data.

B.3.20 oracle_statusbar_msgck

Checks the EBS Forms status bar message against the specified expected value.

Test Data

The oracle_statusbar_msgck function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Expected Status Bar Message.

B.3.21 oracle_switch_responsibility

Switches to the specified responsibility in an EBS Form.

Test Data

The oracle_switch_responsibility function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Responsibility Name.

B.3.22 oracle_table_objClick

Clicks an image in the specified table.

Test Data

The oracle_table_objClick function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as UniqueIdentifier, Column, State.

B.4 gENLIB Function Library

The gENLIB function library is used to develop component code and flows for General applications.

B.4.1 actOnAssignment

Clicks on update or correct button based on the specified input.

Test Data

The actOnAssignment function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Click Update / Correction.

B.4.2 addPassFailResult

Adds pass or fail result to the OATS result file based on input.

Test Data

The addPassFailResult function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Step Name, Comment.

B.4.3 alterEffectiveDate

Sets effective date to the specified value.

Test Data

The alterEffectiveDate function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Date.

B.4.4 clickFlexOK

Clicks the Ok button on a flex window.

Test Data

The clickFlexOK function does not require Test Data.

B.4.5 clickHide

Clicks the hide link.

Test Data

The clickHide function does not require Test Data.

B.4.6 closeForm

Closes the current form.

Test Data

The closeForm function does not require Test Data.

B.4.7 closeForms

Closes all open forms.

Test Data

The closeForms function does not require Test Data.

B.4.8 closeWebPage

Close the specified web page.

Test Data

The closeWebPage function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Title Name.

B.4.9 expandAndSelectNode

Expands and selects tree nodes in EBS Form window.

Test Data

The expandAndSelectNode function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1 as Navigation Path.

B.4.10 expandNodes

Expands the specified tree nodes in EBS Form window.

Test Data

The expandNodes function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1 as Navigation Path.

B.4.11 extractNumber

Extracts a number from a specified string.

Test Data

The extractNumber function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Text.

B.4.12 extractZipFile

Extracts the zip file to the specified location.

Test Data

The extractZipFile function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as File Name.

B.4.13 formHideField

Hides the current field in an EBS Form window.

Test Data

The formHideField function requires the following Test Data:

@window, @logical as FieldName.

B.4.14 formMenuSelect

Selects the specified menu option in an EBS Form window.

Test Data

The formMenuSelect function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Main Menu Path.

B.4.15 formsChoiceWindow

Clicks the Ok button in an EBS Forms decision box.

Test Data

The formsChoiceWindow function does not require Test Data.

B.4.16 formsConfirmDialog

Clicks the Yes button in an EBS Forms alert dialog.

Test Data

The formsConfirmDialog function does not require Test Data.

B.4.17 formSelectDate

Selects the specified date from an EBS Forms calendar.

Test Data

The formSelectDate function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1 as DateValue.

B.4.18 formSelectLOV

Selects a value from a forms select list of values window.

Test Data

The formSelectLOV function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1 as Value To Select.

B.4.19 formSetValueInDynamicColumn

Sets a value in a dynamic column.

Test Data

The formSetValueInDynamicColumn function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2, @param3 as Forms Dynamic Column Name, Row Number, Value To Set.

B.4.20 formShowField

Shows a specified field in an EBS Form window.

Test Data

The formShowField function requires the following Test Data:

@window, @param1 as | separated field name and value or field name to show.

B.4.21 formsSelectColor

Selects color from an EBS Forms color picker window.

Test Data

The formsSelectColor function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1 as Color Value.

B.4.22 formsVerifyTextArea

Verifies the value of a textarea located in an EBS Form window.

Test Data

The formsVerifyTextArea function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1 as Expected Value.

B.4.23 formVerifyCheckBox

Verifies the status of an EBS Forms check box.

Test Data

The formVerifyCheckBox function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1 as CheckBox Status.

B.4.24 formVerifyEdit

Verifies text field values on an EBS Form window.

Test Data

The formVerifyEdit function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1 as Expected Value.

B.4.25 formVerifyList

Verifies a list value in an EBS Form window.

Test Data

The formVerifyList function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1 as Expected Value.

B.4.26 formVerifyListBox

Verifies a list box value in an EBS Form window.

Test Data

The formVerifyListBox function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1 as Expected Value.

B.4.27 formVerifyListBoxValues

Verifies if the specified values exists in an EBS Forms list box.

Test Data

The formVerifyListBoxValues function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as expectedValue1, expectedValue2, expectedValue3[...].

B.4.28 formVerifyRadioButton

Verifies the status of an EBS Forms radio button.

Test Data

The formVerifyRadioButton function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1 as Radio Button Status.

B.4.29 formVerifyStatus

Verifies an EBS Forms status bar message.

Test Data

The formVerifyStatus function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Message.

B.4.30 getNumbersFromStr

Extracts numbers from a specified string.

Test Data

The getNumbersFromStr function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2, @param3, @param4 as Message, before, after, index.

B.4.31 getRandomNumber

Returns a random number.

Test Data

The getRandomNumber function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as MaxRange.

B.4.32 getSysDate

Gets the current date based on the specified format.

Test Data

The getSysDate function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Format, Numberofdays[0/+ve/-ve].

B.4.33 getSysDateTime

Gets the current date and time based on the specified format.

Test Data

The getSysDateTime function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Format, Numberofdays[0/+ve/-ve].

B.4.34 getValueBasedonLabelAfterUIComponent

Gets a value from a field based on the label present after the field.

Test Data

The getValueBasedonLabelAfterUIComponent function does not require Test Data.

B.4.35 getValueBasedonLabelBeforeUIComponent

Gets a value from a field based on the label present before the field.

Test Data

The getValueBasedonLabelBeforeUIComponent function does not require Test Data.

B.4.36 handleDialog

Approves or rejects the dialog window based on the input provided.

Test Data

The handleDialog function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Action to Perform ( TRUE / FALSE ).

B.4.37 handleMicrosoftAlert

Handle the Microsoft alerts.

Test Data

The handleMicrosoftAlert function does not require Test Data.

B.4.38 handleSSL

Handles the ssl alerts.

Test Data

The handleSSL function does not require Test Data.

B.4.39 navigateToHome

Navigates to the EBS Application home page.

Test Data

The navigateToHome function does not require Test Data.

B.4.40 openInventoryPeriod

Opens inventory periods for specified list of periods.

Test Data

The openInventoryPeriod function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Comma separated periods.

B.4.41 oracle_prompt_jtt_url

Prompts the user to provide a jtt URL.

Test Data

The oracle_prompt_jtt_url function does not require Test Data.

B.4.42 saveDialog

Saves the downloadable file to the specified location.

Test Data

The saveDialog function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Loction.

B.4.43 selectFile

Browses and selects a file in EBS OAF / web page.

Test Data

The selectFile function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1 as File Path.

B.4.44 selectListMultiValues

Selects multiple values in a list box.

Test Data

The selectListMultiValues function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1 as Comma separated values to Select.

B.4.45 setEditValueBasedOnLabel

Sets a value in an edit field based on the specified label.

Test Data

The setEditValueBasedOnLabel function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Label Name, Value to set.

B.4.46 setFlexText

Sets a value in text field of a flex window.

Test Data

The setFlexText function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Text Field Name, Value.

B.4.47 setFormsText

Sets the specified value in EBS Forms text field.

Test Data

The setFormsText function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1 as Value To Set.

B.4.48 setPayablePeriods

Sets payable periods to a status as per the specified input.

Test Data

The setPayablePeriods function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2, @param3, @param4 as Ledger, Operating Unit, Comma separated Periods, Comma separated status.

B.4.49 setPurchasingPeriod

Sets the specified purchasing periods to the specified status respectively.

Test Data

The setPurchasingPeriod function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Comma separated periods, Comma separated status.

B.4.50 setRadioValueBasedonLabelAfterUIComponent

Selects a radio button based on the label present after the button.

Test Data

The setRadioValueBasedonLabelAfterUIComponent function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as After Text For Radio.

B.4.51 setRadioValueBasedonLabelBeforeUIComponent

Selects a radio button based on the label present before the button.

Test Data

The setRadioValueBasedonLabelBeforeUIComponent function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Before Text For Radio.

B.4.52 setValueBasedonLabelAfterUIComponent

Sets or selects a value in a field based on the label present after the field.

Test Data

The setValueBasedonLabelAfterUIComponent function requires the following Test Data:

@after, @uitype, @param1 as Value to set.

B.4.53 setValueBasedonLabelBeforeUIComponent

Sets or selects a value in a field based on the label present before the field.

Test Data

The setValueBasedonLabelBeforeUIComponent function requires the following Test Data:

@before, @uitype, @param1 as Label before UI component, UI Component type, Value to set.


Shows all fields in an EBS Form window.

Test Data

The SHOWALLFIELDS function does not require Test Data.

B.4.55 switchResponsibility

Switches to the specified responsibility in EBS Forms.

Test Data

The switchResponsibility function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Value To Select.

B.4.56 uploadFile

Uploads the specified file.

Test Data

The uploadFile function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as File Name.

B.4.57 verifyAndClosePopup

Verifies a message on a popup and closes the popup.

Test Data

The verifyAndClosePopup function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @logical as Popup message to verify.

B.4.58 verifyParenetChildReqs

Verifies the parent and child request status based on the specified input.

Test Data

The verifyParenetChildReqs function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2, @param3, @param4, @param5 as Parent ReqID, Parent ReqIndex, Parent Status, comma Sepearted Child Request Names, comma seperated Child Req Statuses.

B.4.59 verifyRequestStatus

Verifies the request status with the specified value.

Test Data

The verifyRequestStatus function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Expected Value.

B.4.60 verifyValueBasedonLabelAfterUIComponent

Verifies the value of a field based on the label present after the field.

Test Data

The verifyValueBasedonLabelAfterUIComponent function requires the following Test Data:

@after, @uitype, @param1 as Value to verify.

B.4.61 verifyValueBasedonLabelBeforeUIComponent

Verifies the value of a field based on the label present before the field.

Test Data

The verifyValueBasedonLabelBeforeUIComponent function requires the following Test Data:

@before, @uitype, @param1 as Value to verify.

B.4.62 verifyValueInDynamicColumn

Verifies a value in the specified column of web table.

Test Data

The verifyValueInDynamicColumn function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2, @param3 as Column Name, Row Number, Expected Value.

B.4.63 webClickButton

Searches a specified button name in an EBS OAF / web page and clicks the button.

Test Data

The webClickButton function does not require Test Data.

B.4.64 webClickDynamicLink

Searches the specified link name on an EBS OAF / web page and clicks the link.

Test Data

The webClickDynamicLink function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as LinkName.

B.4.65 webClickImage

Clicks an image on an EBS OAF / web page.

Test Data

The webClickImage function does not require Test Data.

B.4.66 webClickLink

Clicks a link in a EBS OAF / web page.

Test Data

The webClickLink function does not require Test Data.

B.4.67 webGetTextBasedOnLabel

Gets plain text from a web page which is present after the specified text.

Test Data

The webGetTextBasedOnLabel function does not require Test Data.

B.4.68 webLogout

Logs out from the EBS Application.

Test Data

The webLogout function does not require Test Data.

B.4.69 webSelectDate

Selects the specified date value from an EBS OAF calendar.

Test Data

The webSelectDate function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1 as DateValue.

B.4.70 webSelectListBox

Selects a value in a list box.

Test Data

The webSelectListBox function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1 as Value to Select.

B.4.71 webSelectLOV

Selects a value from Search and Select list of values.

Test Data

The webSelectLOV function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1, @param2, @param3, @param4 as SearchByOption, SearchValue, ColName, RowValue.

B.4.72 webSetTextBasedOnLabel

Sets text in an OAF text field based on the label specified.

Test Data

The webSetTextBasedOnLabel function requires the following Test Data:

@caption, @param1 as Value To Set.

B.4.73 webVerifyCheckBox

Verifies if the EBS OAF / web check box is checked or unchecked as per the specified input.

Test Data

The webVerifyCheckBox function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1 as Expected Value.

B.4.74 webVerifyEdit

Verifies text field values on an EBS OAF / web page.

Test Data

The webVerifyEdit function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1 as Expected Value.

B.4.75 webVerifyLinkBasedOnLabel

Verifies a link from a web page which is present after the specified text.

Test Data

The webVerifyLinkBasedOnLabel function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1 as Expected Value.

B.4.76 webVerifyList

Verifies a value in list object.

Test Data

The webVerifyList function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1 as Expected Value.

B.4.77 webVerifyListBoxValues

Verifies if values are present in EBS OAF / web list box.

Test Data

The webVerifyListBoxValues function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1 as expectedValue1, expectedValue2, expectedValue3[...].

B.4.78 webVerifyListValues

Verifies if values are present in an EBS OAF / web list.

Test Data

The webVerifyListValues function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1 as expectedValue1, expectedValue2, expectedValue3[...].

B.4.79 webVerifyRadioButton

Verifies the status of a radio button status in an EBS OAF / web page.

Test Data

The webVerifyRadioButton function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1 as Radio Button Status.

B.4.80 webVerifyText

Verifies plain text on an EBS OAF / web page.

Test Data

The webVerifyText function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Text.

B.4.81 webVerifyTextArea

Verifies if the EBS OAF / web text area has the specified value.

Test Data

The webVerifyTextArea function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1 as Expected Value.

B.4.82 webVerifyTextBasedOnLabel

Verifies plain text in a web page which is present after the specified text.

Test Data

The webVerifyTextBasedOnLabel function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1 as Expected Value.

B.4.83 webVerifyTextWithAfter

Verifies the text on a EBS OAF / web page which is present after the specified string.

Test Data

The webVerifyTextWithAfter function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1 as Expected value to verify.

B.4.84 webVerifyTextWithBefore

Verifies the text on a EBS OAF / web page which is present before the specified string.

Test Data

The webVerifyTextWithBefore function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1 as Expected value to verify.

B.4.85 webVerifyTextWithBeforeAfter

Verifies text on an EBS OAF / web page which is present between two specified strings.

Test Data

The webVerifyTextWithBeforeAfter function requires the following Test Data:

@before, @after, @param1 as Expected value to verify.

B.5 pRJTBLVERIFYLIB Function Library

The pRJTBLVERIFYLIB function library is used to develop component code and flows for Projects applications.

B.5.1 setTableContext

Verify if the values present in web table match the values present in the specified Excel file.

Test Data

The setTableContext function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2, @param3 as Table Name, Excel Name, Sheet Name.

B.6 pROCLIB Function Library

The pROCLIB function library is used to develop component code and flows for Procurement applications.

B.6.1 addAttachments

Adds attachments.

Test Data

The addAttachments function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2, @param3 as Array of Field Labels, Array of Field Values, Action.

B.6.2 addIDVStructuretoCart

Adds the specified IDV structure to the cart based on the Item name and IDV number.

Test Data

The addIDVStructuretoCart function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2, @param3 as Item Name, Enter IDV Number, enter price.

B.6.3 addItemFromFavToDocument

Adds the specified Item from the favorites list to the cart.

Test Data

The addItemFromFavToDocument function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Enter Item, Enter IDV Number (Optional).

B.6.4 addItemPricingDetails

Sets specified Item pricing detail to specified value.

Test Data

The addItemPricingDetails function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Array of Field Names, Array of Field Values.

B.6.5 addToCartBasedOnSource

Adds an item to the cart based on the Item name and Source document number.

Test Data

The addToCartBasedOnSource function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Item Name, Enter Source.

B.6.6 Award_Bid_To_Supplier

Fills in details in the Award By Bid page for the specified supplier and specified option.

Test Data

The Award_Bid_To_Supplier function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2, @param3, @param4, @param5, @param6 as Supplier Name , Award, Award Option, Value To Enter, Internal Note , Note To Supplier.

B.6.7 awardTableAction

Enters text or selects the Award option of a Supplier in the Awards table.

Test Data

The awardTableAction function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2, @param3, @param4 as Supplier name, Label value of line, Enter object type among:checkbox/radiobutton/textarea/textbox, Enter value.

B.6.8 carWebSelectLOV

Selects values from a List of Values (LOV) in the Car creation page, which does not have OAF UI.

Test Data

The carWebSelectLOV function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1, @param2, @param3, @param4 as SearchByOption, SearchValue, ColName, RowValue.

B.6.9 clearShopppingCart

Clears the existing items in the iProcurement Shopping cart.

Test Data

The clearShopppingCart function does not require Test Data.

B.6.10 clickBidinAwardBid

Clicks on the Bid of a mentioned Supplier in the Award By Bid page.

Test Data

The clickBidinAwardBid function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Supplier Name .

B.6.11 editRequisitionNumber

Edits the Requisition number auto-generated to a user defined Requisition number.

Test Data

The editRequisitionNumber function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2, @param3, @param4 as Enter Prefix, Enter Agency Identifier, Enter Allowed Range, Enter serial Number.

B.6.12 encryptURL

Generates a Encrypted URL for a specified operating unit for a Supplier to register to that Operating unit.

Test Data

The encryptURL function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Url to Encrypt.

B.6.13 formsSetChargeAccount

Sets the charge account for a distribution Line in the Distributions window.

Test Data

The formsSetChargeAccount function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as chargeAccount, distributionLineNumber.

B.6.14 getAwardOption

Gets the specified Award option of the specified Supplier name in the Award by Bid table.

Test Data

The getAwardOption function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Supplier name, Label value of line.

B.6.15 getCheckboxValueBasedOnLabel

Gets the state of the checkbox next to the specified label.

Test Data

The getCheckboxValueBasedOnLabel function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Enter label name.

B.6.16 getEditValueBasedOnLabel

Gets the text in the textbox next to the specified label.

Test Data

The getEditValueBasedOnLabel function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Enter label name.

B.6.17 getOfferReceiveTime

Calculates Offer receive time to be used while creating Surrogate bid based on Negotiation open time.

Test Data

The getOfferReceiveTime function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Enter Date format of OpenTime (Optional), Enter the open time.

B.6.18 getSelectValueBasedOnLabel

Gets the selected option in the Selectbox next to the specified label.

Test Data

The getSelectValueBasedOnLabel function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Enter label name.

B.6.19 getTextAreaValueBasedOnLabel

Gets the text in the textarea next to the specified label.

Test Data

The getTextAreaValueBasedOnLabel function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Enter label name.

B.6.20 getValueBasedOnLabel

Gets a value in the specified type of component next to the label specified.

Test Data

The getValueBasedOnLabel function requires the following Test Data:

@caption, @param1 as Component Type.

B.6.21 handleEditDocumentNumber

Edits the Document number auto generated to a user defined Document number.

Test Data

The handleEditDocumentNumber function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2, @param3, @param4 as DODAAC, Instrument Type, Allowed Range, Serial Number.

B.6.22 handleWebTermsWindow

Handles Terms and Accept condition window and Click on specified button in Terms and Accept condition window.

Test Data

The handleWebTermsWindow function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Button Name ( Accept / Cancel ).

B.6.23 launchCustomURL

Navigates to a generated custom URL.

Test Data

The launchCustomURL function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Enter custom URL.

B.6.24 selectApproverInManageApprovals

Selects a specific Approver from the Approver's list.

Test Data

The selectApproverInManageApprovals function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as approver.

B.6.25 selectFirstOptionInSelectBoxBasedOnLabel

Selects the first available option in the Selectbox next to the specified label.

Test Data

The selectFirstOptionInSelectBoxBasedOnLabel function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Label name.

B.6.26 selectFirstValueFromLOV

Selects the First available value in a List Of Values (LOV).

Test Data

The selectFirstValueFromLOV function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Enter LOV Name.

B.6.27 selectRadiobuttonBasedonLabel

Selects the Radio button next to the specified label.

Test Data

The selectRadiobuttonBasedonLabel function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Select Label.

B.6.28 selectSearchRadioOption

Selects specified Show table data Radio button in Search criteria of Search window.

Test Data

The selectSearchRadioOption function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Search Radio Label.

B.6.29 setCheckboxValueBasedOnLabel

Checks or unchecks the checkbox next to the specified label.

Test Data

The setCheckboxValueBasedOnLabel function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Enter label name, Enter true or false to Check or uncheck.

B.6.30 setEditValueBasedOnLabel

Enters text in the textbox next to the specified label.

Test Data

The setEditValueBasedOnLabel function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Enter label name, Value to enter.

B.6.31 setNextRandomNumber

Enters a Random number in a field until that Random number is unique and not present in the Application database.

Test Data

The setNextRandomNumber function does not require Test Data.

B.6.32 setSelectValueBasedOnLabel

Selects an option in the Selectbox next to the specified label.

Test Data

The setSelectValueBasedOnLabel function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Enter label name, Value to select.

B.6.33 setTextAreaValueBasedOnLabel

Enters text in the textarea next to the specified label.

Test Data

The setTextAreaValueBasedOnLabel function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Enter label name, Value to enter.

B.6.34 setValueBasedOnLabel

Sets a value in the specified type of component next to the label specified.

Test Data

The setValueBasedOnLabel function requires the following Test Data:

@caption, @param1, @param2 as Type of the Component, Value to Set.

B.6.35 Verify_AwardBid_Details_Supplier

Verifies the details in the Award By Bid page for the specified supplier and specified option.

Test Data

The Verify_AwardBid_Details_Supplier function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2, @param3 as Supplier Name , Award Option, ValuevTo VerifY.

B.6.36 verifyAwardOption

Verifies that the specified Award option of the specified Supplier name in the Award by Bid table matches the Expected value.

Test Data

The verifyAwardOption function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2, @param3 as Enter Supplier name, Enter Label value of line, value to verify.

B.6.37 verifyCheckBoxImageBasedOnLabel

Verifies that the image ALT tag next to the specified label matches with ON/OFF checkbox image ALT tag.

Test Data

The verifyCheckBoxImageBasedOnLabel function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Label Name, Enter true/false for checked/unchecked status.

B.6.38 verifyCheckboxValueBasedOnLabel

Verifies the state of the checkbox next to the specified label .

Test Data

The verifyCheckboxValueBasedOnLabel function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Enter label name, Enter true or false to Check or uncheck.

B.6.39 verifyDocumentNumberDetails

Verifies whether or not the document number fields have expected values.

Test Data

The verifyDocumentNumberDetails function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Enter Label Name, Enter value.

B.6.40 verifyEditValueBasedOnLabel

Verifies the text in the textbox next to the specified label.

Test Data

The verifyEditValueBasedOnLabel function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Enter label name, Value to verify.

B.6.41 verifyItemPricingDetails

Verifies the Pricing details of an Item matches with expected value.

Test Data

The verifyItemPricingDetails function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Enter Label of Pricing Detail, Enter pricing Value.

B.6.42 verifyRequisitionNumber

Verifies whether Requisition number is in the expected format.

Test Data

The verifyRequisitionNumber function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2, @param3, @param4 as Enter Prefix, Enter agencyIdentifier, Enter allowedRange, Enter delimiter.

B.6.43 verifySelectValueBasedOnLabel

Verifies the selected option in the Selectbox next to the specified label.

Test Data

The verifySelectValueBasedOnLabel function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Enter label name, Value to verify.

B.6.44 verifyTextAreaValueBasedOnLabel

Verifies the text in the textarea next to the specified label.

Test Data

The verifyTextAreaValueBasedOnLabel function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Enter label name, Value to verify.

B.6.45 verifyValueBasedOnLabel

Verifies a value in the specified type of component next to the label specified that matches with the expected value.

Test Data

The verifyValueBasedOnLabel function requires the following Test Data:

@caption, @param1, @param2 as Type of the Component, Value to Verify.

B.7 pROJLIB Function Library

The pROJLIB function library is used to develop component code and flows for Projects applications.

B.7.1 formsMinMaxViewOutput

Verifies a forms minimum/maximum output.

Test Data

The formsMinMaxViewOutput function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Item, Target Column Name.

B.7.2 leaseOpenAccountingPeriod

Opens the Lease accounting period from specific start to end periods.

Test Data

The leaseOpenAccountingPeriod function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as start period, end period.

B.7.3 refreshPaymentProcessRequest

Refresh payment process request.

Test Data

The refreshPaymentProcessRequest function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2, @param3, @param4, @param5, @param6 as refreshButtonName, requestSourceColName, requestSourceColValue, referenceSourceColName, referenceSourceColValue, StatusToBeVerified.

B.7.4 webImgVerfyCheckBox

Verifies the image label of a checkbox.

Test Data

The webImgVerfyCheckBox function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Image Label.

B.7.5 webVerfyMergTblValBasedOnLabel

Verifies a specific concurrent request output file.

Test Data

The webVerfyMergTblValBasedOnLabel function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Search Column Cell Value.

B.7.6 webVerfyTblValueBasedOnLabel

Verifies a specific concurrent request output file.

Test Data

The webVerfyTblValueBasedOnLabel function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Search Column Cell Value.

B.8 sCMLIB Function Library

The sCMLIB function library is used to develop component code and flows for Supply Chain Management applications.

B.8.1 disableInterCompanyRecord

Disable the intercompany records for the specified organizations and end dates.

Test Data

The disableInterCompanyRecord function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2, @param3, @param4 as From org, end org, flow type, end date.

B.8.2 getDeliveryNumber

Gets the delivery number from the Ship Confirm Request string.

Test Data

The getDeliveryNumber function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Ship Confirm Request String.

B.8.3 getExpenditureGroup

Get the expenditure group.

Test Data

The getExpenditureGroup function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Enter expenditureGroupRowindex.

B.8.4 getLPNNameFromLog

Picks LPN number from Log file which is in 'Defined but Not used' status.

Test Data

The getLPNNameFromLog function does not require Test Data.

B.8.5 getLPNNumber

Select a specific serial number from the specified list.

Test Data

The getLPNNumber function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as From LPN, LPN Index.

B.8.6 getShipConfirmReqIds

Capture request id's after Ship Confirm.

Test Data

The getShipConfirmReqIds function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2, @param3 as Ship Confirm Request String, Before, After.

B.8.7 getTripStopReqId

Gets the Trip stop request number.

Test Data

The getTripStopReqId function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Ship Confirm Request String.

B.8.8 selectDayInMonth

Selects a day in a month.

Test Data

The selectDayInMonth function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Enter Day.

B.8.9 setTextInDualField

Sets the specified value to the Itemfield value in a Flex window.

Test Data

The setTextInDualField function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1, @param2 as Enter label with commas, Enter testdata with commas.

B.8.10 unexpectedPopUp

Clicks the OK button on the popup window.

Test Data

The unexpectedPopUp function does not require Test Data.

B.8.11 verifyLabelContextXMLData

Verifies the XML output in the Label Content field in the Label request History Page.

Test Data

The verifyLabelContextXMLData function requires the following Test Data:

@logical, @param1, @param2 as Name attribute values of variable tag, Variable tag values.

B.9 tELNETLIB Function Library

The tELNETLIB function library is used to develop component code and flows for Telnet applications.

B.9.1 buttonPress

Presses Enter in a Telnet window.

Test Data

The buttonPress function does not require Test Data.

B.9.2 changeOrg

Changes the organization in a Telnet session.

Test Data

The changeOrg function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Org.

B.9.3 close

Closes a Telnet session.

Test Data

The close function does not require Test Data.

B.9.4 commit

Commits the transaction in a Telnet window.

Test Data

The commit function does not require Test Data.

B.9.5 commitAndVerify

Commits the transaction and verifies the status bar message in a Telnet window.

Test Data

The commitAndVerify function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Expected StatusBar Text.

B.9.6 commitExpandAndVerify

Commits the transaction and verifies the complete status bar message in a Telnet window.

Test Data

The commitExpandAndVerify function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Expanded Verify Message.

B.9.7 connect

Connects to a Telnet window.

Test Data

The connect function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Host, Port.

B.9.8 ctrl

Presses the specified key combined with the Ctrl key in a Telnet window.

Test Data

The ctrl function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Key.

B.9.9 ctrlAndEnter

Presses Ctrl and Enter the specified message on the Telnet window.

Test Data

The ctrlAndEnter function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Message.

B.9.10 esc

Presses the Escape key on a Telnet window.

Test Data

The esc function does not require Test Data.

B.9.11 expandVerifyStatusBarValue

Expands and verifies if the status bar value the specified message.

Test Data

The expandVerifyStatusBarValue function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Expanded Verify Message.

B.9.12 getCurrField

Gets the title of the current field.

Test Data

The getCurrField function does not require Test Data.

Gets the value from the current field in a Telnet window.

Test Data

The getCurrField function does not require Test Data.

B.9.13 getFieldValue

Gets the field value from a Telnet window.

Test Data

The getFieldValue function does not require Test Data.

B.9.14 getFullStatus

Gets the complete status bar message from a Telnet window.

Test Data

The getFullStatus function does not require Test Data.

B.9.15 getPreviousField

Gets the title of the previous field in a Telnet screen.

Test Data

The getPreviousField function does not require Test Data.

Gets the value from the previous field from a Telnet window.

Test Data

The getPreviousField function does not require Test Data.

B.9.16 getScreen

Gets a Telnet screen's content.

Test Data

The getScreen function does not require Test Data.

B.9.17 getStatusBar

Gets the status bar message of a Telnet window.

Test Data

The getStatusBar function does not require Test Data.

B.9.18 gotoTopField

Goes to the top field in a Telnet window.

Test Data

The gotoTopField function does not require Test Data.

B.9.19 initializeTelnetService

Initializes the Telnet session before login.

Test Data

The initializeTelnetService function does not require Test Data.

B.9.20 login

Logs in to Telnet session with the specified username and password.

Test Data

The login function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Username, Password.

B.9.21 logout

Logs out from a Telnet session.

Test Data

The logout function does not require Test Data.

B.9.22 navigateByName

Navigates to the specified path.

Test Data

The navigateByName function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Resp.

B.9.23 selectOption

Selects an option from the list of options present in a Telnet window.

Test Data

The selectOption function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Option.

B.9.24 set

Enters the specified value in the current field in a Telnet window.

Test Data

The set function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Value.

B.9.25 setScreenBufferTime

Sets the screen buffer time in milliseconds.

Test Data

The setScreenBufferTime function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Milliseconds.

B.9.26 skipDown

skips down one field in a Telnet window.

Test Data

The skipDown function does not require Test Data.

B.9.27 skipUp

Skips up one field in a Telnet window.

Test Data

The skipUp function does not require Test Data.

B.9.28 sleep

Waits for the default wait time.

Test Data

The sleep function does not require Test Data.

B.9.29 switchResp

Switches to the specified responsibility in a Telnet window.

Test Data

The switchResp function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Resp.

B.9.30 verifyFieldValue

Verifies the specified value for the field in a Telnet window.

Test Data

The verifyFieldValue function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Verify field label name, Expected value to verify.

B.9.31 verifyStatusBarValue

Verifies the status bar message in a Telnet window.

Test Data

The verifyStatusBarValue function requires the following Test Data:

@param1 as Expected status bar message.

B.9.32 waitForActionComplete

Waits for the current action to be completed in a Telnet window.

Test Data

The waitForActionComplete function does not require Test Data.

B.9.33 waitForScreen

Waits for the screen until the text appears on the Telnet window.

Test Data

The waitForScreen function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Text, Time.

B.9.34 waitForTitle

Waits for the Telnet window until the title appears.

Test Data

The waitForTitle function requires the following Test Data:

@param1, @param2 as Title, Time.

B.10 wEBTABLELIB Function Library

The wEBTABLELIB function library is used to develop component code and flows for Web Table applications.


Clicks the Web table image object.

Test Data

The CLICKIMAGE function does not require Test Data.