2 Basics

This chapter explains how to install and start Oracle Test Manager. It also describes the Oracle Test Manager windows, their features, and their menu options. For information about setting up and using the Windows Interface, refer to Chapter 11, Using the Windows Interface.

Oracle Test Manager allows you to do the following:

2.1 Installing and Starting Oracle Test Manager

To install Oracle Test Manager:

  1. Go to: http://www.oracle.com/technology/software/products/app-testing/index.html.

  2. Download the Oracle Application Testing Suite product from the Oracle Web site and save it to a temporary directory on your hard disk. See the Oracle Application Testing Suite Release Notes for additional information about the product zip files.

  3. Unzip the download Zip file and run setup.bat.

  4. Follow the setup instructions to install the Oracle Application Testing Suite.


    A product establishes its Default Repository in $installDir/OFT, where $installDir is the directory where Oracle Application Testing Suite is installed or, if Oracle Application Testing Suite is not installed, where OpenScript is installed.

    During the Oracle Application Testing Suite installation, you will be required to enter a master password to be used with Oracle Application Testing Suite products. Remember this password. It will be required to log in to the Administrator, Oracle Load Testing, and Oracle Test Manager.

  5. For Windows installations, select Oracle Test Manager from the Oracle Application Testing Suite Start menu or enter http://<machine>:8088/otm or http://localhost:8088/otm in your browser where <machine> is the name of the machine where the Oracle Application Testing Suite is installed.

    For Linux installations, enter http://<machine>:8088/otm or http://localhost:8088/otm in your browser where <machine> is the name of the machine where the Oracle Application Testing Suite is installed.

    Two default administrator accounts are created at installation. The usernames for the default accounts are administrator and default. The default password for both the administrator and default accounts is the master password specified during the Oracle Application Testing Suite installation process. Use the Oracle Application Testing suite Administrator to customize the Oracle Test Manager database by creating user accounts, assigning user names and passwords, and assigning the type of access that they have in Oracle Test Manager. See Chapter 11, "Administering the Database" for additional information about using the Oracle Application Testing Suite Administrator.

    Use the Oracle Application Testing Suite Database Configuration utility to configure database connections to Oracle Load Testing databases. On Windows machines, you can access the Database Configuration utility from the Tools sub menu of the Oracle Application Testing Suite Start menu. On Linux machines, you can access the Database Configuration utility from <oats_install>/bin/DbConfig.sh.

2.1.1 Running Tests on Remote Systems

When you run a test, you can specify the workstation to run it on. Workstations are configured using the Systems Manager. To run Oracle OpenScript tests on remote systems, you must also install the Oracle Application Testing Suite Remote Agent on the remote system and configure Remote Agent Service login credentials. See the "Installing the Oracle Load Testing Remote Agent" section in the Oracle Application Testing Suite Release Notes for additional information about installing the agent and configuring the login credentials.

2.2 Changing the Web Server Port

The default Oracle Test Manager web server port is 8088. You can change this to another port. The port number must be changed in the WebLogic Console and the Oracle Application Testing Suite configuration.

To change the port in the WebLogic Console:

  1. Go to http://localhost:8088/console to start the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console.

  2. Log in as an administrator (the default username is "oats") using the password you defined during the Oracle Application Testing Suite installation procedure.

  3. In the Domain Structure, select Environment under "oats" and then select Servers.

  4. Select AdminServer(Admin).

  5. Change the port and release the configuration.

  6. In <oats-home>/config/oats-config.xml update http, admin, and cluster URLs with appropriate port specifications.

  7. Restart the ATS service and login to Oracle Load Testing or Oracle Test Manager.

    See the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console documentation for additional information about using the Console application.

2.3 Using SSL

You can set up Oracle Test Manager to use SSL (Secure Sockets Layer). The procedure is comprised of the following steps:

  1. Go to http://localhost:8088/console to start the Oracle WebLogic Console.

  2. Log in as administrator using the password you defined during the Oracle Application Testing suite installation procedure.

  3. In the Domain Structure, select Environment under "oats" and then select Servers.

  4. Select AdminServer(Admin).

  5. Select the SSL tab.

See the Oracle WebLogic Server documentation for additional information about using the Console application.

2.4 Setting Up the Web Server

To set up the Web Server:

  1. Install Oracle Test Manager on the server machine as described previously.

  2. Use Oracle Test Manager Administrator, configure users, projects, and custom fields as necessary.

  3. Select Oracle Application Testing Suite from the Start menu and then select Oracle Application Testing Suite Database Configuration from the Tools menu to configure the database name.

  4. Start the Oracle Test Manager web server on the server machine by selecting Control Panel from the Start menu and then selecting Services from the Control Panel Administrative Tools.

  5. Select Oracle Test Manager web-server.

  6. Click Start from the Action menu.

  7. You can set up web server so it will start when you start your machine. Select Properties from the Action menu.

  8. Click the Recovery tab.

  9. Select Restart the Service in the First failure field.

2.5 Logging In

To log in:

  1. Select Programs from the Start menu and then select Oracle Test Manager - Web from the Oracle Application Testing Suite menu.

  2. Enter your user name and the password as set by the installation procedure or your System Administrator.

  3. Select the database you want to access.

  4. Click Login.

2.6 Test Plan Tab

The Test Plan tab lets you work with test plans.

The number of test plans displayed is determined by the Maximum Tree Nodes setting in options. You can:

  • Expand and collapse the tree view by clicking on the plus and minus signs.

  • View the next or previous group of test plans by clicking the Next or Previous button.

  • Move test plans by dragging and dropping them into their new locations.

The right pane lists the selected test plan's details. In the upper right corner, associated requirements are listed as well as attachments and links. You can:

  • Click Edit this Test Plan Node to open the Edit Test Plans dialog box.

  • Click Print to print the right pane.

  • Click e-Mail to e-mail the test plan. The title and description are automatically copied to the e-mail.

  • Click on an associated requirement to view its details.

  • Click on an attachment to open it in the appropriate application.

  • Click on a link to view the URL in a separate browser window.

  • Select Add/Edit to add or edit attachments, links, or associated items.

2.6.1 Right-Click Menu

The right-click menu is displayed when you right-click a test plan in the left pane. It has the following options:

Add Test Plan Node - displays the Add Test Plan Node dialog box.

Edit Test Plan Node - displays the Edit Test Plan Node dialog box for the selected item.

Multi Edit Test Plans - displays the Edit Test Plan Nodes dialog box for the selected items. Use Shift-click to select sequential items in the tree. Use Ctrl-click to select non-sequential items in the tree.

Rename Test Plan - opens a dialog box for specifying a new name for the test plan. The test plan name will be changed in all places where the test plan is used.

Delete Test Plan Node - deletes the selected item.

Copy - copies the selected item to the clipboard.

Paste - pastes the contents of the clipboard to the left pane.

Associate Requirements - displays the Associate Requirements dialog box.

Associate Test Sets - displays the Associate Test Sets dialog box.

Attachments - displays the Attach files dialog box.

2.7 Requirements Tab

The requirements tab lets you work with requirements.

The number of requirements displayed is determined by the number you enter in the Maximum Tree Nodes field in options. You can:

  • Expand and collapse the tree view by clicking on the plus and minus signs.

  • View the next or previous group of requirements by clicking the Next or Previous button.

  • Hold the mouse over a node to view a count of its child nodes.

  • Move requirements by selecting a requirement and using the move buttons.

  • Search requirements by clicking the Find button.

  • Group requirements by clicking Group.

  • Filter requirements by clicking Filter.

  • Display a particular requirement by entering the requirement number in to Goto field and clicking the Goto button.

The color of the icon in front of the requirement indicates its priority. The default colors are as follows and can be changed by changing the order of the Requirement Priorities in the Administrator.

  • Red, high priority

  • Yellow, medium priority

  • Green, low priority

The right pane lists the selected requirement's details. In the upper right corner, associated tests and issues are listed as well as attachments and links. You can:

  • Click Edit this requirement to open the Edit Requirement dialog box.

  • Click Print to print the right pane.

  • Click e-Mail to e-mail the requirement. The title and description are automatically copied to the e-mail.

  • Click on an associated test or issue to view its details.

  • Click on an attachment to open it in the appropriate application.

  • Click on a link to view the URL in a separate browser window.

  • Select Add/Edit to add or edit attachments, links, or associated items.

2.7.1 Right-Click Menu

The right-click menu is displayed when you right-click a requirement in the left pane. It has the following options:

Add Requirement - displays the Add Requirement dialog box.

Edit Requirement - displays the Edit Requirement dialog box for the selected item.

Multi Edit Requirements - displays the Edit Requirements dialog box for the selected items. Use Shift-click to select sequential items in the tree. Use Ctrl-click to select non-sequential items in the tree.

Rename Requirement - opens a dialog box for specifying a new name for the requirement. The requirement name will be changed in all places where the requirement is used.

Delete Requirement - deletes the selected item.

Copy - copies the selected item to the clipboard.

Paste - pastes the contents of the clipboard to the left pane.

Associate Tests - displays the Associate Test dialog box.

Associate Test Plans - displays the Associate Test dialog box.

Attachments - displays the Attach Files dialog box.

Group - displays the Group Requirements dialog box for selecting how to sort items in the left pane.

2.8 Tests Tab

The tests tab lets you work with tests.

The number of tests displayed is determined by the Maximum Tree Nodes setting in options. You can:

  • Expand and collapse the tree view using the plus and minus signs.

  • View the next or previous group of tests by clicking the Next or Previous button.

  • Hold the mouse over a node to view a count of its child nodes.

  • Move tests by selecting the test and using the Move buttons.

  • Search tests by clicking the Find button.

  • Group tests by clicking the Group button.

  • Filter tests by clicking the Filter button.

  • Schedule when to run tests by clicking the Schedule button.

  • Display a particular requirement by entering the requirement number in to Goto field and clicking the Goto button.

The icon in front of the test indicates the type of test as follows:

  • Oracle OpenScript script - blue with a spiral.

  • Manual test - blue with a pencil.

  • Test folder - blue with a spiral.

  • 3rd Party test - blue with two stars

  • JUnit test - blue with the letter J.

The color of the icon in front of the test indicates the last result from running the test, as follows:

  • Green, passed

  • Red, failed

  • Yellow, warning

  • Blue, not run

  • Light Blue, skipped

  • Silver, currently running

The right pane lists the selected test's details. Test steps and run history are displayed. You can:

  • Click Run Test to start the Run Manual Test wizard or run an Oracle OpenScript test.

  • Click Edit Test to open the Edit Test dialog box.

  • Click Print to print the right pane.

  • Click e-Mail to e-mail the test. The title and description are automatically copied to the e-mail.

  • Click Delete Results to display the Delete Results dialog box for deleting results from particular test runs.

  • Click the date in the Run History section to display result details for a particular run. The Run History section uses the following icons to indicate the results for test runs either as a quick run or as part of a test set:

    Passed icon - green circle with check mark.

    Warning icon - yellow circle with dash mark.

    Failed icon - red circle with exclamation mark.

    Running icon - blue circle with dash mark.

    In Progress icon - blue circle with dash mark.

    Skipped icon - blue circle with dash mark.

In the upper right corner or the right pane, associated requirements and issues are listed as well as attachments and links. You can:

  • Click on an associated requirement or issue to view its details.

  • Click on an attachment to open it in the appropriate application.

  • Click on a link to view the URL in a separate browser window.

  • Select Add/Edit to add or edit attachments, links, or associated items.

2.8.1 Right-Click Menu

The right-click menu is displayed when you right-click a test in the left pane. It has the following options:

Add Test - displays the Add Test dialog box.

Add Test as child - displays the Edit Test dialog box for adding a test as a child of the currently selected node.

Edit Test - displays the Edit Test dialog box for the selected item.

Multi Edit Tests - displays the Edit Test dialog box for the selected items. Use Shift-click to select sequential items in the tree. Use Ctrl-click to select non-sequential items in the tree.

Rename Test - opens a dialog box for specifying a new name for the test. The test name will be changed in all places where the test is used.

Delete Test - deletes the selected item.

Copy - copies the selected item to the clipboard.

Paste - pastes the contents of the clipboard to the left pane.

Paste as child - pastes the contents of the clipboard to the left pane as a child node of the currently selected node.

Associate Requirements - displays the Associate Requirement dialog box.

Associate Issues - displays the Associate Issue dialog box.

Attachments - displays the Attach files dialog box.

Run Test - runs the selected test.

Schedule Test - displays the New Schedule and Add Task dialog boxes for creating a schedule. The selected test is automatically added to the tests list.

Set Test Result - displays the Set Test Result dialog box for setting the test result for the selected tests to passed, failed, or warning.

Group - displays the Group Tests dialog box for selecting how to sort items in the left pane.

2.9 Test Execution Tab

The test execution tab lets you work with test sets to run tests.

The number of test sets displayed is determined by the Maximum Tree Nodes setting in options. You can:

  • Expand and collapse the tree view using the plus and minus signs.

  • View the next or previous group of test sets by clicking the Next or Previous button.

  • Hold the mouse over a node to view a count of its child nodes.

  • Move test sets by selecting the test and using the Move buttons.

  • Search test sets by clicking the Find button.

  • Filter test sets by clicking the Filter button.

  • Schedule when to run test sets by clicking the Schedule button.

  • View the current status of the test set (passed, warning, failed) and the progress of a test set.

The icon in front of the test indicates the type of test as follows:

  • Oracle OpenScript script - blue with a spiral.

  • Manual test - blue with a pencil.

  • Test folder - blue with a spiral.

  • Test set - blue with a plus sign.

  • 3rd Party test - blue with two stars

  • JUnit test - blue with the letter J.

The color of the icon in front of the test indicates the last result from running the test, as follows:

  • Green, passed

  • Red, failed

  • Yellow, warning

  • Blue, not run

  • Light Blue, skipped

  • Silver, currently running

The right pane lists the selected test set's details. Test steps and run history are displayed. You can:

  • Click Create Run to create a test run for all tests added to the test set. This option is available at the top of the Test Set page only after tests have been added to a Test Set. Click the Add/Edit link in the Test List to add tests to a Test Set. When you create a test run, a run entry is added to the Run list in the Test List and a new entry is added to the Run History list.

  • Click Edit Test Run to open the Edit Test Set dialog box. If you add tests to a Test Set after you have created a Test Run, you must create a new Test Run.

  • Click Print to print the right pane.

  • Click e-Mail to e-mail the test. The title and description are automatically copied to the e-mail.

  • The Details section shows the Test Set creation, type, and owner information. Click Expand or Collapse to show or hide the Details section.

  • The Test List section shows the tests in the Test Set with owner and run status information. Click Expand or Collapse to show or hide the Test List section. Click the Add/Edit link in the Test List to add tests to a Test Set. If you add tests to a Test Set after you have created a Test Run, you must create a new Test Run. Click Create Run to create a test run, then click Launch to run the Test Set. Manual tests are launched individually using the run link in the Test List. Click Set Result to manually set or override test results for a test run.

  • The Run History section shows the Test Set run history and status information. Click Expand or Collapse to show or hide the Run History section. Click the date in the Run History section to display result details for a particular run. Click Delete Results to display the Delete Results dialog box for deleting results from particular test runs.

    The Run History and Test Set Run Details sections use the following icons to indicate the results for test set runs and the results of tests run within a test set:

    Passed icon - green circle with check mark.

    Warning icon - yellow circle with dash mark.

    Failed icon - red circle with exclamation mark.

    Running icon - blue circle with dash mark.

    In Progress icon - blue circle with dash mark.

    Skipped icon - blue circle with dash mark.

    Incomplete icon - white circle with clock hands.

In the upper right corner or the right pane, associated requirements and issues are listed as well as attachments and links. You can:

  • Click on an associated requirement or issue to view its details.

  • Click on an attachment to open it in the appropriate application.

  • Click on a link to view the URL in a separate browser window.

  • Select Add/Edit to add or edit attachments, links, or associated items.

2.9.1 Right-Click Menu

The right-click menu is displayed when you right-click a test in the left pane. It has the following options:

Add Test Set Node - displays the Add Test dialog box.

Edit Test Set Node - displays the Edit Test dialog box for the selected item.

Multi Edit Test Sets - displays the Edit Test dialog box for the selected items. Use Shift-click to select sequential items in the tree. Use Ctrl-click to select non-sequential items in the tree.

Rename Test Set - opens a dialog box for specifying a new name for the Test Set. The Test Set name will be changed in all places where the Test Set is used.

Delete Test Set Node - deletes the selected item.

Copy - copies the selected item to the clipboard.

Paste - pastes the contents of the clipboard to the left pane.

Associate Requirements - displays the Associate Requirement dialog box.

Associate Issues - displays the Associate Issue dialog box.

Associate Test Plans - displays the Associate Test Plans dialog box.

Attachments - displays the Attach files dialog box.

Run Test Set - runs the selected test set.

Schedule Test Set - displays the New Schedule and Add Task dialog boxes for creating a schedule. The selected test is automatically added to the tests list.

2.10 Issues Tab

The issues tab lets you work with issues.

The number of issues displayed is determined by the Maximum Tree Nodes setting in options. You can:

  • View the next or previous group of issues by clicking the Next or Previous button.

  • Group issues by clicking the Group button.

  • Filter issues by clicking the Filter button.

  • Hold the mouse over a node to view a count of its child nodes.

  • Search issues by clicking the Find button.

  • Display a particular issue by entering the issue number in the Goto field and clicking the Goto button.

The color of the icon in front of the issue indicates its priority. The default colors are as follows and can be changed by changing the order of the Issue Priorities in Oracle Test Manager Administrator:

  • Red, high priority

  • Yellow, medium priority

  • Green, low priority

The number inside the icon corresponds to the status number.

The right pane lists information about the selected issue including the issue's details, solution, priority, and status. You can:

  • Click Edit this issue to open the Edit Issue dialog box.

  • Click Print to print the right pane.

  • Click e-Mail to e-mail the issue. The title and description are automatically copied to the e-mail.

In the upper right corner of the right pane, associated requirements, tests, and issues are listed as well as attachments and links. You can:

  • Click on an associated test, requirement, or issue to view its details.

  • Click on an attachment to open it in the appropriate application.

  • Click on a link to view the URL in a separate browser window.

  • Select Add/Edit to add or edit attachments or links.

2.10.1 Right-Click Menu

The right-click menu is displayed when you right-click an issue in the left pane. It has the following options:

Add Issue - displays the Add Issue dialog box.

Edit Issue - displays the Edit Issue dialog box for the selected item.

Rename Issue - opens a dialog box for specifying a new name for the issue. The issue name will be changed in all places where the issue is used.

Multi Edit Issues - displays the Edit Issue dialog box for the selected items. Use Shift-click to select sequential items in the tree. Use Ctrl-click to select non-sequential items in the tree.

Delete Issue - deletes the selected item.

Copy - copies the selected item to the clipboard.

Paste - pastes the contents of the clipboard to the left pane.

Associate Tests - displays the Associate Test dialog box.

Associate Issues - displays the Associate Issue dialog box.

Attachments - displays the Attach files dialog box.

Group - displays the Group Issues dialog box for selecting how to sort items in the left pane.

2.11 Reports Tab

The Reports tab lets you work with both standard and custom reports.

Oracle Test Manager comes with a standard set of reports that can be viewed as either a graphic or as data. In addition, you can create custom reports to display only the data that you are interested in. You can:

  • View a standard or custom report by selecting it from the left tree.

  • Add a custom report by clicking Add.

  • Edit a custom report by clicking Edit.

  • Delete a custom report by clicking Delete.

  • Clone an existing report to create a copy of it that you can then edit by clicking Clone.

  • Save custom reports by clicking Save.

  • Email reports by clicking Email.

  • Print reports by clicking Print.

  • Filter the fields in the report to display only the data in which you are interested.

  • Export reports to jpg, and xls formats.

Refer to Chapter 5 for instructions on using reports.

2.12 Dashboard Tab

The Dashboard tab lets you view an overview of reports.

One Dashboard reports is available for requirements, tests, and issues. You can customize which reports are displayed for each and then save the view. In addition, you can select the number of columns to use for the display.

You can:

  • Add reports to the view by clicking Add.

  • Remove the selected dashboard report by clicking Delete.

  • Save the customized view by clicking Save.

  • Print dashboard reports by clicking Print.

  • Toggle the display of the report tree by clicking Toggle.

Each report has the following toolbar with the following options, described from left to right.

Move Left - moves the report one space to the left.

Move Up - moves the report up one space.

Move Down - moves the report down one space.

Move Right - moves the report one space to the right.

Minimize - minimizes the report.

Maximize - displays the report in a separate window. From there you can toggle between report and data views, and export the report.

Delete - removes the report from the display.

2.13 Menu Options

This section lists the Oracle Test Manager menus and options.

2.13.1 Project Menu

The Project menu lets you select which project to open.

Open - displays the Open Project dialog box for selecting the project you want to open.

Import Data - displays the Import dialog box for importing a .csv or .xls file into the database.

Export Project - displays the Export dialog box for exporting data from the database to an .xls file. The exported .xls file is saved to a .zip archive file.

2.13.2 Tools Menu

The Tools menu lets you set user options, configure systems, and view legacy reports. It has the following options:

Systems - displays the Systems Manager for configuring the systems on which you will run tests.

Repositories - displays the repositories dialog box for managing repositories.

Options - displays the Options dialog box for setting user preferences.

2.13.3 Help Menu

Contents - displays the table of contents for online help.

About - displays version and copyright information.

2.14 Toolbar Options

The toolbar has the following buttons for the Test Plan tab:

Refresh - refreshes the display.

Add - displays the Add Test Plan Node dialog box.

Edit - displays the Edit Test Plan Node dialog box.

Delete - deletes the selected item.

Copy - copies the selected node.

Paste - pastes the last copied node.


Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V are supported for copy and paste.

History - displays the History dialog box for viewing the history of the selected item.

Move Up - moves the selected item up one spot at its current level.

Move Down - moves the selected item down one spot at its current level.

Outdent - moves the selected item to the same level as its parent.

Indent - moves the selected item to a submenu of the previous item.

Goto - displays the test plan that is entered in the field.

The toolbar has the following buttons for the Requirements, Tests, Test Execution, and Issues tabs:

Refresh - refreshes the display.

Add - displays the Add dialog box based on the selected tab.

Edit - displays the Edit dialog box based on the selected item.

Delete - deletes the selected item.

Copy - copies the selected node.

Paste - pastes the last copied node.


Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V are supported for copy and paste.

Find - displays the Find dialog box for searching requirements, tests, and issues.

History - displays the History dialog box for viewing the history of the selected item.

Schedule - displays the Schedule dialog box for scheduling tests. This button is not available for requirements and issues.

Move Up - moves the selected item up one spot at its current level. This button is not available for issues.

Move Down - moves the selected item down one spot at its current level. This button is not available for issues.

Outdent - moves the selected item to the same level as its parent. This button is not available for issues.

Indent - moves the selected item to a submenu of the previous item. This button is not available for issues.

Sort - displays the Sort dialog box for selecting how to display the left pane.

Group - displays the Group dialog box for selecting how to display the left pane. Group configurations can be saved and are listed in the drop down list. This button is not available for test execution.

Filter - displays the Filter dialog box for selecting the items to display in the left pane. Filter configurations can be saved and are listed in the drop down list.

Goto - displays the requirement, test, or issue that is entered in the field. Items that are not listed in the left pane because of the way the pane is filtered, are displayed in the Temporary Node.

Next - displays the next group of items based on the Maximum Tree Nodes setting in options.

Previous - displays the previous group of items based on the Maximum Tree Nodes setting in options.

The toolbar has the following options on the Reports tab.

Refresh - refreshes the display.

Add - displays the Add Report dialog box for adding a custom report.

Edit - displays the Edit Report dialog box for editing the selected custom report. Standard reports cannot be changed.

Delete - removes the selected custom report. Standard reports cannot be deleted.

Clone - creates a copy of the selected standard or custom report. The copy can then be edited as needed.

Save - displays the Save Report dialog box for saving custom reports.

Email - displays the Email Report dialog box for emailing the selected report.

Print - displays the Print dialog box for printing the selected report.

Stop - stops loading the report. This is useful when the report is taking a long time to download.

Filter - displays the Filter dialog box for selecting the items to display in the left pane. Filter configurations can be saved and are listed in the drop down list.

The toolbar has the following options on the Dashboard tab.

Refresh - refreshes the display.

Add - displays the report tree for selecting the report you want to add to the Dashboard.

Delete - removes the selected report from the display.

Save - displays the Save Dashboard dialog box for saving the dashboard report.

Toggle - toggles the display of the report tree.

2.15 Changing Your User Options

Your user options contain your name, email address, password, and information about how you want to display items in Oracle Test Manager. If you are an administrative user, you will have an additional option for resetting test run results.

To change your user options:

  1. Select Options from the Tools menu to display the Options dialog box.

    This dialog box has the following options:

    User Information - displays options for changing your name and e-mail address.

    • Database - displays the database that you are logged in to. This field cannot be changed.

    • First Name - displays your first name.

    • Last Name - displays your last name.

    • E-mail - enter your e-mail address.

    • Enable E-mail Notification - select this check box to enable e mail notification when new issues are created or the assigned to field is changed. Notification is sent to the e-mail address entered in the E mail field.

    Tree Preferences - these options let you customize tree behavior.

    • Maximum Number of Displayed Nodes - enter the maximum number of tree nodes you want to display.

    • Include all of the associated nodes while copying a node - when checked, associated nodes will be copied when copying a node. Otherwise, only the selected node is copied without any associated nodes.

    Change Password - displays the following options for changing your password:

    • Change - select this check box to change your password.

    • Old Password - enter the current password.

    • New Password - enter the new password.

    • Confirm New Password - re-enter the new password.

    Reset User State - this option is used to reset the current user's state. Oracle Test Manager automatically saves the current state of the application for the current user when the user logs out of the application. The user state is used to return the user to the same place in the application at the next log in. Resetting the user state may become necessary if at any time an action does not complete properly and the progress bar indicator remains without completing.

    Resetting the user state deletes the current user state, including groups, filters, and the currently remembered tab selection, and restores the default settings. You will be logged out of Oracle Test Manager to complete the reset.

    • Reset User State (for user : username) - select this option and click Save to reset the user state.

    Right Hand Pane Display - displays the following options for setting right pane page options:

    • Use default/old layout for Test Execution tab - when selected the right pane of the Test Execution tab uses the pre-version 12.3 page layout.

  2. Make any changes.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Click OK.

2.16 Grouping and Filtering Items

This section explains how to group and filter items in the tree.

2.16.1 Grouping Items

You can change the order in which requirements, tests, and issues are displayed in the tree view by changing the way they are grouped. The default view is not grouped, that is, items are listed in order.

You can optionally save a grouping configuration for use again at a later time. Saved groupings are listed in the drop down list in the toolbar.

Oracle Test Manager remembers and applies your last grouping selections the next time you log in.

To group items:

  1. Select the tab corresponding to the category you want to group - requirements, tests or issues.

  2. Click Group.

    This dialog box has the following options:

    Saved groups - lists the saved grouping configurations. To edit or delete a saved group select it.

    Save - displays the Save Criteria dialog box for saving the group settings. Grouping configurations do not have to be saved.

    Delete - deletes the selected saved group.

    Group by - select the top level grouping criteria.

    Then by - select the second level grouping criteria.

    Then by - select the third level grouping criteria.

    Then by - select the fourth level grouping criteria.

    Apply - applies the settings to the left pane.

  3. Select how you want to group items. You can group by default and custom fields up to four levels.

  4. Click Apply to use the settings immediately.

  5. Click Save to save the settings for later use. The Save Criteria dialog box is displayed.

    Name - enter a name for the grouping. Saved groups are listed in the drop down list in the toolbar.

  6. Enter a name and click OK.

  7. Click OK.

  8. Click the folder level to display a list of items in the folder. Click the item for which you want to view details.

2.16.2 Filtering Items

You can filter the tree view to display only those items in which you are interested. You can filter by both default and custom fields. Requirements and tests must be grouped before they can be filtered. Issues can be filtered whether or not they are grouped.

Filter configurations can be saved for reuse later. Saved filters are listed in the drop down list in the toolbar.

Oracle Test Manager remembers and applies your last filtering selections the next time you log in.

To filter items:

  1. Select the tab corresponding to the category you want to filter - requirements, tests or issues.

  2. Click Filter.

    This dialog box has the following options:

    Saved filters - lists the saved filter configurations. Select a saved filter to edit or delete it.

    Save - displays the Save Criteria dialog box for saving the settings. Filters do not have to be saved.

    Delete - deletes the selected saved filter.

    Search for - displays whether you are filtering requirements, tests, or issues.

    that match - select how to apply the filtering criteria.

    • all - match all of the configured criteria. This setting places an AND between the criteria. For example, if you wanted to view all issues with a high priority that are assigned to you, use this option.

    • any - match any of the configured criteria. This setting places and OR between the criteria. For example, if you wanted to view all issues with either a high priority or a high severity, use this option.

    • a combination - this setting lets you combine AND and OR. For example, if you wanted to view all issues assigned to Mary or Caren with a high priority, use this option. This option lets you select how to group the criteria using parenthesis as required. For example:

      (((Assigned to = Mary OR Assigned to = Caren) AND Priority = High) OR Severity = High)

    <left parenthesis> - select the left parenthesis up to three.

    Field - select the field that you want to use to select the items to display.


    • Equals - causes only items that match the value for the selected field to be displayed.

    • Not Equal to - causes only items that do not match the value for the selected field to be displayed.

    Value - enter or select the value of the field that you want to use to select the items to display.

    <right parenthesis> - select the right parenthesis up to three.

    <operator> - select the operator to use, AND or OR.

    <delete> - deletes the corresponding criteria.

    <expression> - shows the filtering expression you are creating as you select criteria.

  3. Select how you want to match the criteria. Select all to match all criteria. Select any to match one criteria. Select a combination to create a filter using a combination of And and Or.

  4. Select or enter the first value by which you want to filter.

  5. Select Equals if you want to display items that match the value. Select Not Equal to if you want to display items that do not match the value.

  6. Select the value to use.

  7. Repeat these steps to filter to additional levels, if required.

  8. Click Apply to immediately apply the filter to the left pane.

  9. Optionally, click Save to save the filter for reuse. The Save Criteria dialog box is displayed.

    Name - enter a name for the filter. Saved filters are listed in the drop down list in the toolbar.

  10. Enter a name for the filter and click OK.

  11. Click OK.


    Items that are not displayed are still in the database. To display the default view set the filter selection to None.