A ServerStats Examples

This appendix provides examples for creating various types of monitors. In these examples, monitored systems are configured while configuring the monitors. You could configure the monitored systems in advance using the System Manager by selecting Systems from the Manage menu. The examples also use the Oracle Load Testing Server system as the data collector in all examples. You could configure remote data collectors to use either during configuration or in advance using the System Manager.

A.1 Windows Metric Profile

This example explains how to create a Windows metric profile monitor.

  1. Select Configurations from the ServerStats menu.

  2. Click New.

  3. Enter a name and description for the profile and click Save.

  4. Click New in the Monitors section.

  5. Expand the Metric Profiles node.

  6. Expand the Systems node and select Windows.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Select the system you want to monitor or click Add to add it.

  9. Enter the name of the system and it's host name or IP address.

  10. If the system does not have a data collector running on it, enter the domain name, username, and password for logging on to the monitored system.

  11. Click Test to see whether Oracle Load Testing can access the system.

  12. Click OK.

  13. Click OK.

  14. Click Next.

    The Add Monitor: Step 3 dialog box lists components that have been previously discovered or that were manually entered in the Systems Manager.

  15. Click Discover. The Discovery setup dialog box is displayed showing any previously configured data.

  16. Make any changes and click OK. Oracle Load Testing goes through the discovery process to find the components available on this system. The Discovery Status dialog box is displayed.

  17. Click OK when the message Discovery Done is displayed.

  18. Select the components that you want to monitor and click Next.

  19. Deselect any metrics that you do not want to use.

  20. Click Test to verify that the results returned are the correct data values for the statistics and that no errors are returned.

  21. Click Stop then click Close.

  22. Click Finish. The Configurations dialog box is displayed.

  23. Click New to add additional monitors.

  24. Click Close to exit the Configurations dialog box.

A.2 Virtual Agent for Solaris Metric Profile

This example explains how to create a Virtual Agent for Solaris metric profile monitor.


Plink must be installed in the datacollector\bin directory on the machine on which you are running the Data Collector. This is only required if you intend to use the SSH connection method.
  1. Select Configurations from the ServerStats menu.

  2. Click New.

  3. Enter a name and description for the profile and click Save.

  4. Click New in the Monitors section.

  5. Expand the Metric Profiles node.

  6. Expand the Systems node and select Virtual Agent - Solaris.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Select the system you want to monitor or click Add to add it.

  9. Enter the name of the system and it's host name or IP address.

  10. If you are using telnet or Localhost, enter the remote username and password for logging on to the system.

  11. Enter the command prompt. For the root user, the default is #. For other users that have not configured a custom prompt, the default is $.

  12. Click Test to see whether Oracle Load Testing can access the system.

  13. Click OK.

  14. Click OK.

  15. Click Next.

  16. Click Discover. The Discovery Setup dialog box is displayed.

  17. Click OK. Oracle Load Testing goes through the discovery process to find the components that are available on this system. The Discovery Status dialog box is displayed.

  18. Click OK when Discovery Done is displayed.

  19. Select the components that you want to monitor and click Next.

  20. Deselect any metrics that you do not want to use.

  21. Click Test to verify that the results returned are the correct data values for the statistics and that no errors are returned.

  22. Click Stop then click Close.

  23. Click Finish. The Configurations dialog box is displayed.

  24. Click New to add additional monitors.

  25. Click Close to exit the Configurations dialog box.

A.3 Virtual Agent for Linux Metric Profile

This example explains how to create a Virtual Agent for Linux metric profile monitor.


Plink must be installed in the datacollector\bin directory on the machine on which you are running the Data Collector. This is only required if you intend to use the SSH connection method.
  1. Select Configurations from the ServerStats menu.

  2. Click New.

  3. Enter a name and description for the profile and click Save.

  4. Click New in the Monitors section.

  5. Expand the Metric Profiles node.

  6. Expand the Systems node and select Virtual Agent - Linux.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Select the system you want to monitor or click Add to add it.

  9. Enter the name of the system and it's host name or IP address.

  10. If you are using telmet or Localhost, enter the remote username and password for logging on to the system.

  11. Enter the command prompt. For the root user, the default is #. For other users that have not configured a custom prompt, the default is $.

  12. Click Test to see whether Oracle Load Testing can access the system.

  13. Click OK.

  14. Click OK.

  15. Click Next.

  16. Click Discover. The Discovery Setup Dialog Box is displayed.

  17. Click OK. Oracle Load Testing goes through the discovery process to find the components that are available on this system. The Discovery Status dialog box is displayed.

  18. Click OK when Discovery Done is displayed.

  19. Select the components that you want to monitor and click Next.

  20. Deselect any metrics that you do not want to use.

  21. Click Test to verify that the results returned are the correct data values for the statistics and that no errors are returned.

  22. Click Stop then click Close.

  23. Click Finish. The Configurations dialog box is displayed.

  24. Click New to add additional monitors.

  25. Click Close to exit the Configurations dialog box.

A.4 Virtual Agent for AIX Metric Profile

This example explains how to create a Virtual Agent for AIX metric profile monitor.


Plink must be installed in the datacollector\bin directory on the machine on which you are running the Data Collector. This is only required if you intend to use the SSH connection method.
  1. Select Configurations from the ServerStats menu.

  2. Click New.

  3. Enter a name and description for the profile and click Save.

  4. Click New in the Monitors section.

  5. Expand the Metric Profiles node.

  6. Expand the Systems node and select Virtual Agent - AIX 4.3.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Select the system you want to monitor or click Add to add it.

  9. Enter the name of the system and it's host name or IP address.

  10. Enter the remote username and password for logging on to the system.

  11. Enter the command prompt. For the root user, the default is #. For other users that have not configured a custom prompt, the default is $.

  12. Click Test to see whether Oracle Load Testing can access the system.

  13. Click OK.

  14. Click OK.

  15. Click Next.

  16. Click Discover. The Discovery Setup Dialog Box is displayed.

  17. Click OK. Oracle Load Testing goes through the discovery process to find the components that are available on this system. The Discovery Status dialog box is displayed.

  18. Click OK when Discovery Done is displayed.

  19. Select the components you want to monitor and click Next.

  20. Deselect any metrics that you do not want to use.

  21. Click Test to verify that the results returned are the correct data values for the statistics and that no errors are returned.

  22. Click Stop then click Close.

  23. Click Finish. The Configurations dialog box is displayed.

  24. Click New to add additional monitors.

  25. Click Close to exit the Configurations dialog box.

A.5 Perfmon Data Source

This example explains how to create a Perfmon data source.

  1. Select Tools from the ServerStats menu.

  2. Click New.

  3. Enter a name and description for the profile and click Save.

  4. Click New in the Monitors section.

  5. Expand the Data Sources node and select Perfmon (Windows Performance Monitor).

  6. Click Next.

  7. Select the system you want to monitor or click Add to add it.

  8. Enter the name of the system and it's host name or IP address.

  9. If the system you are monitoring does not have a data collector running on it, enter the domain name, username, and password for logging on to the system.

  10. Click Test to see whether Oracle Load Testing can access the system.

  11. Click OK.

  12. Click OK.

  13. Click Next. Oracle Load Testing goes through the discovery process to find the metrics available on this system.

  14. Select the performance object you want to monitor.

  15. Select the counters you want to monitor and click Add.

  16. Click Test to verify that the results returned are the correct data values for the statistics and that no errors are returned.

  17. Click Stop then click Close.

  18. Click Finish. The Configurations dialog box is displayed.

  19. Click New to add additional monitors.

  20. Click Close to exit the Configurations dialog box.

A.6 Oracle Database Metric Profile

This example explains how to create an Oracle Database metric profile.

  1. Select Configurations from the ServerStats menu.

  2. Click New.

  3. Enter a name and description for the profile and click Save.

  4. Click New in the Monitors section.

  5. Expand the Metric Profiles node.

  6. Expand the Databases node and select Oracle.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Select the system you want to monitor or click Add to add it.

  9. Enter the name of the system and it's host name or IP address.

  10. Select the type of driver you are using. The connect string is automatically generated for all types except custom.

  11. Specify the host name.

  12. Specify the SQL server named instance that you want to use. If nothing is specified, Oracle Load Testing uses the default instance as set up on your server. Refer to your database administrator for details.

  13. Change the default port if necessary.

  14. For the Inet Sprinta driver for SQL Server, provide the database name. For the Oracle Thin JDBC driver, provide the database or server ID.

  15. Enter the remote username and password for logging on to the system.

  16. Click Test to see whether Oracle Load Testing can access the system.

  17. Click OK.

  18. Click OK.

  19. Click Next.

  20. The Add Monitor: Step 3 dialog box lists components that have been previously discovered or that were manually entered in the Systems Manager.

  21. Click Discover. The Discovery setup dialog box is displayed showing any previously configured data.

  22. Make any changes and click OK. Oracle Load Testing goes through the discovery process to find the metrics available on this system. The Discovery Status dialog box is displayed.

  23. Click OK when the message Discovery Done is displayed.

    The Add Monitor Step 3 dialog box is displayed showing the discovered components.

  24. Select the components that you want to monitor and click Next.

  25. Deselect any metrics that you do not want to use.

  26. Click Test to verify that the results returned are the correct data values for the statistics and that no errors are returned.

  27. Click Stop then click Close.

  28. Click Finish. The Configurations dialog box is displayed.

  29. Click New to add additional monitors.

  30. Click Close to exit the Configurations dialog box.

A.7 Oracle Enterprise Manager Metric Profile

This example explains how to create an Oracle Enterprise Manager metric profile. To monitor an Enterprise Manager instance, you need to specify the base URL of the Enterprise manager instance as a monitored system.

To specify the URL of Enterprise Manger instance to monitor:

  1. Select Systems from the Manage menu.

  2. Select Monitored Systems and click New on the toolbar.

  3. Enter a name and description for the Enterprise Manager system.

  4. Expand the Data Sources node and select Enterprise Manager.

  5. Enter the URL of the Enterprise Manager instance. For example:


    The URL must refer to an Enterprise Manager instance version 11gR1 or later with all of the appropriate diagnostic packs installed. Refer to the Enterprise Manager documentation set for information on configuring the Enterprise Manager instance.

  6. Click OK. The Oracle Load Testing ServerStats validates system availability.

  7. Click Close to close the Systems Manager.

To configure the Enterprise Manager data source:

  1. Select Configurations from the ServerStats menu.

  2. Click New.

  3. Enter a name and description for the profile and click Save.

  4. Click New in the Monitors section.

  5. Expand the Data Sources node and select Enterprise Manager.

  6. Click Next.

  7. Select the system you want to monitor (the Monitored System that specifies the base URL of the Enterprise Manager instance) or click Add to add a new system.

  8. Click Next.

  9. Select the Metric Type. See Section, "Adding Enterprise Manager Metrics" for additional information about prerequisites and descriptions of the parameters.

    • For Weblogic JVM and Weblogic Domain Metrics, enter the Target, Method Name, Request Name, and select the Thread State.

    • For Oracle Database Metrics, enter the Target to point to as a specific database instance.

  10. Click Finish. The Configurations dialog box is displayed.

  11. Click New to add additional monitors.

  12. Click Close to exit the Configurations dialog box.

A.8 WebServer IIS Metric Profile

This example explains how to create a WebServer IIS metric profile.

  1. Select Configurations from the ServerStats menu.

  2. Click New.

  3. Enter a name and description for the profile and click Save.

  4. Click New in the Monitors section.

  5. Expand the Metric Profiles node.

  6. Expand the WebServers node and select Microsoft IIS.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Select the system you want to monitor or click Add to add it.

  9. Enter the name of the system and it's host name or IP address.

  10. Enter the remote username and password for logging on to the system.

  11. Click Test to see whether Oracle Load Testing can access the system.

  12. Click OK.

  13. Click OK.

  14. Click Next. Oracle Load Testing goes through the discovery process to find the metrics available on this system.

  15. Deselect any metrics that you do not want to use.

  16. Click Test to verify that the results returned are the correct data values for the statistics and that no errors are returned.

  17. Click Stop then click Close.

  18. Click Finish. The Configurations dialog box is displayed.

  19. Click New to add additional monitors.

  20. Click Close to exit the Configuration dialog box.

A.9 URL Monitor for Apache Web Server

This example explains how to create a URL monitor for Apache Web Server.

Apache provides performance data via the Apache Server status web page. You can create a URL monitor that requests this page and parses data from it using a regular expression. The following examples shows sample data as returned from Apache:

Current Time: Monday, 08-May-2006 14:55:26 PDT 
Restart Time: Tuesday, 02-May-2006 10:24:02 PDT 
Parent Server Generation: 9 
Server uptime: 6 days 4 hours 31 minutes 24 seconds 
Total accesses: 29000810 - Total Traffic: 693.7 GB 
CPU Usage: u209.367 s369.148 cu0 cs0 - .108% CPU load 
54.2 requests/sec - 1.3 MB/second - 25.1 kB/request 
105 requests currently being processed, 151 idle workers 

This example shows how to retrieve requests/per second as found in row seven in the above example. You can view sample data using the URL:


  1. Select Configurations from the ServerStats menu.

  2. Click New.

  3. Enter a name and description for the profile and click Save.

  4. Click New in the Monitors section.

  5. Expand the Data Sources node.

  6. Select URL.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Click Next. Oracle Load Testing displays the Add Monitor: Step 3 dialog box.

  9. Select Specify in the URL usage field and enter:


    in the URL field.

  10. Select Result of Perl Expression as the metric type.

  11. Enter /([0-9]+\.[0-9]) requests\/sec/ in the Perl Expression field.

  12. Click Test to verify that the results returned are the correct data values for the statistics and that no errors are returned.

  13. Click Stop then click Close.

  14. Click Finish. The Configurations dialog box is displayed.

  15. Click New to add additional monitors.

  16. Click Close to exist the Configurations dialog box.

A.10 JMX Data Source

This example explains how to create a JMX data source.

This example can be used for retrieving metrics from application servers offering performance counters via JMX. For example, WebLogic, WebSphere, and other supported servers.

A data collector can only monitor one type of JMX monitor at a time. To monitor more than one type of JMX monitor at the same time, you must use a separate data collector for each. All JMX monitors require some set up. Following are the broad steps followed by the specific procedures:

WebLogic 9.0

  1. Copy configuration jar files to the data collector machines

WebSphere 6.0, 5.1, 5.0

  1. Copy configuration jar files to the data collector machines

  2. Update the properties file

WebSphere 6.1, 7.0

  1. Copy configuration jar files to the data collector machines

  2. Copy keystore/trust store files

    The following are the default values for the monitored system:

    Port: 8880 (default)

    Username: admin (check with the JMX system administrator for changes to the username)

    Password: password (check with the JMX system administrator for changes to the password)

    Trust Store File: C:\keys\DummyClientTrustFile.jks

    Trust Store Password: WebAS

    Key Store File: C:\keys\DummyClientKeyFile.jks

    Key Store Password: WebAS

WebLogic 8.0, 8.1

  1. Copy configuration jar files to the data collector machines

  2. Create jar files

  3. For WebLogic 8.1, update the properties file

A.10.1 Copying the JMX Server Installation Jar Files

Before these server types can be used, the JMX agent needs one or more specific configuration jar files to be copied from the JMX server installation to the <installdir>\DataCollector\classes directory on all machines that will be used as data collectors for sampling from that server. The default <installdir> is C:\OracleATS. The file(s) can be obtained from your application server installation and copied to the appropriate directory as listed in the following table.


Versions prior to 9.20 included the version number in the directory names for the Jar files. If you are upgrading from a previous version of Oracle Application Testing Suite and have JMX monitors configured, you will need to move the Jar files to the directories specified below. If the Jar files are in the previous version locations, you may receive an error message similar to the following message: Error loading websphereXX JMX classes--check classpath setting in data collectors OSDC.properties.
Application Name Files to Copy Default Directory
Redhat JBoss 4.x jbossall-client.jar <installdir>\DataCollector\classes\jboss
Redhat JBoss 5.x all *.jar files under <JBoss5 install dir>/jboss-as/client/ <installdir>\DataCollector\classes\jboss
Oracle WebLogic 9.0 weblogic.jar, webservices.jar <installdir>\DataCollector\classes\weblogic
Oracle WebLogic 9.1 weblogic.jar, webservices.jar <installdir>\DataCollector\classes\weblogic
Oracle WebLogic 10.x wlfullclient.jar (This file must be created using the WebLogic JarBuilder tool. On the WebLogic sever, switch to server/lib and use the command java -jar wljarbuilder.jar to create wlfullclient.jar in the server/lib directory, then copy the file.) <installdir>\DataCollector\classes\weblogic
IBM WebSphere 6.0 admin.jar, bootstrap.jar, bsf.jar, classloader.jar, client.jar, commons-el.jar, configmanager.jar, db2j.jar, deployutils.jar, emf.jar, ffdc.jar, filetransfer.jar, ibmcertpathprovider.jar, ibmjceprovider.jar, ibmjsse.jar, idl.jar, iwsorb.jar, j2ee.jar, jacl.jar, js.jar, jspcore.jar, jspruntime.jar, jsptranslation.jar, jspvisitor.jar, mail-impl.jar, mail.jar, management.jar, pluginconfig.jar, ras.jar, runtime.jar, runtimefw.jar, sas.jar, security.jar, soap.jar, tcljava.jar, uddi4j.jar, utils.jar, validationmgr.jar, wasjmx.jar, wasproduct.jar, wccm_base.jar, webcontainer.jar, webservices.jar, wjmxapp.jar, wlmserver.jar, workspace.jar, wsdl4j.jar, wsexception.jar, wsprofile.jar, wssec.jar <installdir>\DataCollector\classes\weblsphere
IBM WebSphere 6.1, 7.0 Both versions java\jre\lib\*.jar java\jre\lib\ext\*.jar

WebSphere 6.1 runtimes\com.ibm.ws.admin.client_6.1.0.jar plugins\com.ibm.ws.security.crypto_6.1.0.jar

WebSphere 7.0 runtimes\com.ibm.ws.admin.client_7.0.0.jar plugins\com.ibm.ws.security.crypto.jar

Trust Files DummyClientKeyFile.jks DummyClientTrustFile.jks


A.10.2 Creating the Monitor

To create the monitor:

  1. Select Configurations from the ServerStats menu.

  2. Click New.

  3. Enter a name and description for the profile and click Save.

  4. Click New in the Monitors section.

  5. Expand the Data Sources node.

  6. Select JMX.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Select the system you want to monitor or click Add to add it.

  9. Enter the name of the system and it's host name or IP address.

  10. Select the server type.

  11. Enter the username and password if needed.

  12. Enter Trust Store and Key Store File information if needed.

  13. Click Test to see whether Oracle Load Testing can access the system.

  14. Click OK.

  15. Click OK.

  16. Click Next. Oracle Load Testing goes through the discovery process to find the metrics available on this system.

  17. Select the counters that you want to use and click Add.

  18. Click Test to verify that the results returned are the correct data values for the statistics and that no errors are returned.

  19. Click Stop then click Close.

  20. Click Finish. The Configurations dialog box is displayed.

  21. Click New to add additional monitors.

  22. Click Close to exit the Configurations dialog box.

A.11 JMX Metric Profile

This example explains how to create a JMX metric profile.

This example can be used for applying the JMX-based application servers. Default profiles are included, however, you can create additional profiles after creating JMX metrics as described in the "Adding JMX Metrics" section of Chapter 1.

  1. Select Configurations from the ServerStats menu.

  2. Click New.

  3. Enter a name and description for the profile and click Save.

  4. Click New in the Monitors section.

  5. Expand the Metric Profiles node.

  6. Expand the Application Servers node and select the profile.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Select the system you want to monitor or click Add to add it.

  9. Enter the name of the system and it's host name or IP address.

  10. Click Test to see whether Oracle Load Testing can access the system.

  11. Click OK.

  12. Click OK.

  13. Click Next. Oracle Load Testing goes through the discovery process to find the metrics available on this system.

  14. Deselect any metrics that you do not want to use.

  15. Click Test to verify that the results returned are the correct data values for the statistics and that no errors are returned.

  16. Click Close.

  17. Click Finish. The Configurations dialog box is displayed.

  18. Click New to add additional monitors.

  19. Click Close to exit the Configurations dialog box.

A.12 WebLogic Server Metric Profile

This example explains how to create a WebLogic Server metric profile.

SNMP must be enabled on the system you are monitoring. Also, be sure that the MIB data you plan on collecting is supported by the SNMP daemon on the monitored machine. Refer to your system administrator for more information.

  1. Select Configurations from the ServerStats menu.

  2. Click New.

  3. Enter a name and description for the profile and click Save.

  4. Click New in the Monitors section.

  5. Expand the Metric Profiles node.

  6. Expand the Application Servers node and select BEA WebLogic Server 5.x.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Select the system you want to monitor or click Add to add it.

  9. Enter the name of the system and it's host name or IP address.

  10. Click Test to see whether Oracle Load Testing can access the system.

  11. Click OK.

  12. Click OK.

  13. Click Next. Oracle Load Testing goes through the discovery process to find the metrics available on this system.

  14. Deselect any metrics that you do not want to use.

  15. Click Test to verify that the results returned are the correct data values for the statistics and that no errors are returned.

  16. Click Stop then click Close.

  17. Click Finish. The Configurations dialog box is displayed.

  18. Click New to add additional monitors.

  19. Click Close to exit the Configurations dialog box.