This image is a screen capture of the Import Image window. The options for Image Type options are ISO, FLAR, Assembly Template, Virtual Disk, Storage Appliance Update, UAR, or Oracle VM Template. Because this is a software library, only the options for ISO, FLAR, Storage Appliance Update, and UAR are available. In this image, the UAR option is selected.

The Image Source options are a directory accessible to the Enterprise Controller, a local host or machine, the images/blobs directory, or a URL Because this is a software library, the URL option is not available. The option for a directory accessible to the Enterprise Controller is selected.

Use the Parent ISO field to specify the location of an ISO image. Because the example is using the UAR option, this field is blank.

The Directory field accepts text for the path to the image, in this case, a UAR file. The example directory is /scratch/iso/uar.

The Image to be Imported field is a list of the images in the specified location, available for selection. The list has a Search field to filter the contents of the directory. In the example, no image is selected.

The Image Name field is a required field.

The URL field specifies the location of the image, if the URL option were selected as the Import Source.

The Description field is not required.