Enabling Unlimited Cryptographic Policy for Java

Enabling the Unlimited Cryptographic Policy for Java enables you to use the AES-256 keys for encryption.



Skip the steps mentioned in this section as JCE is enabled by default for the following Java versions:

·       Java 7:

7u171 and later

·       Java 8:

8u161 and later


You can download the JCE Policy JAR files, for the current and later Java versions required for OFSAA, from the following web page:


For Java versions, where Unlimited Cryptographic Policy is not enabled by default, follow these steps to enable it:

1.      Download the JCE Policy related JARs local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar.

§       For Oracle Java 7, download it from the following web page:


§       For Oracle Java 8, download it from the following web page:


§       For IBM Java, download it from the following web page:


2.     Copy (or replace) the downloaded JCE Policy related JARs local_policy.jar and US_export_policy.jar into the /jre/lib/security directory of the Java installation directory used for OFS AAI and the Web Application Servers.