Passing Runtime Parameters in Data Mapping

The following Parameters are supported in Expressions, Joins and Filters used in the Data Mapping definition.

·       $RUNID

·       $PHID

·       $EXEID

·       $RUNSK

·       $SYSDATE

·       $TASKID

·       $MISDATE


Apart from the above $Parameters, any other parameter can be passed within Square-Brackets. For example, [PARAM1], [PARAM2], [XYZ], [ABCD].

Apart from these, L2H/H2H/T2H/H2T/F2H mappings also support following additional default parameters. Values for these are implicitly passed from ICC/RRF.

·       $MISDT_YYYY-MM-DD - Data type is String and can be mapped to VARCHAR2. Value will be the MISDATE in ‘yyyy-MM-dd‘ format.

·       $MISYEAR_YYYY - Data type is String and can be mapped to VARCHAR2. Value will be the year value in ‘yyyy‘ format from MISDATE.

·       $MISMONTH_MM - Data type is String and can be mapped to VARCHAR2. Value will be the month value in ‘MM‘ format from MISDATE.

·       $MISDAY_DD - Data type is String and can be mapped to VARCHAR2. Value will be the date value in ‘dd‘ format from MISDATE.

·       $SYSDT_YYYY-MM-DD- Data type is String and can be mapped to VARCHAR2. Value will be the System date in ‘yyyy-MM-dd‘ format.

·       $SYSHOUR_HH24 - Data type is String and can be mapped to VARCHAR2. Value will be the hour value in ‘HH24‘ format from System date.

·       $MISDT_YYYYMMDD - Data type is String and can be mapped to VARCHAR2. Value will be MISDATE in YYYYMMDD date format.

·       $SYSDATE_YYYYMMDD- Data type is String and can be mapped to VARCHAR2. Value will be system date in YYYYMMDD date format.



The aforementioned parameters are not supported for T2T and F2T.


Two additional parameters are also supported for L2H mappings:

·       [INCREMENTALLOAD] – Specify the value as TRUE/FALSE. If set to TRUE, historically loaded data files will not be loaded again (load history is checked against the definition name, source name, target infodom, target table name and the file name combination). If set to FALSE, the execution is similar to a snapshot load, and everything from the source folder/file will be loaded irrespective of load history.

·       [FOLDERNAME] – Value provided will be used to pick up the data folder to be loaded.

§       For HDFS based Weblog source: Value will be suffixed to HDFS File Path specified during the source creation.

§       For Local File System based Weblog source: By default the system will look for execution date folder (MISDATE: yyyymmdd) under STAGE/<source name>. If the user has specified the FOLDERNAME for this source, system will ignore the MISDATE folder and look for the directory provided as [FOLDERNAME].

Passing values to the Runtime Parameters from the RRF module

§       Values for $Parameters are implicitly passed through RRF

§       Values for dynamic parameters (given in Square Brackets) need to be passed explicitly as: "PARAM1","param1Value", “PARAM2”, “param2Value"

Passing values to the Runtime Parameters from the Operations module

§       Value for $MISDATE is passed implicitly from ICC

§       Value for other $parameters and dynamic parameters (given in Square Brackets) is passed as: [PARAM] = param1VALUE , $RUNSK = VALUE



If the Runtime parameter is a string or involves string comparison, ensure that appropriate single quotes are given in the DI UI. For example, Filter Condition can be DIM_COUNTRY.CountryName = ‘[PARAMCNTRY]’.