Versioning and Make Latest Feature of Data Mapping

When a new definition is created, it will be saved as version 1. Once you modify and save a definition, it will be saved with version as highest version +1. That is, if you modify version 2, which is the highest version available and save it, the version becomes 3.

In earlier version, Data Mapping definitions having same name with different sources could co-exist, which is not allowed in OFSAAI version and above. Hence, while migrating Data mapping definitions from earlier OFSAAI versions, the second occurrence of the definition with different source will be saved as version 2. Then version 2 will be active and version 1 will be inactive and both are executables. But, you can modify only the active versions.

To make any older version as latest:

1.      From the Data Mapping window, select INACTIVE from the Record Status drop-down list and click Search. All inactive definitions are displayed.

2.     Select the required definition and click Make Latest. The selected definition becomes active and the current active definition becomes inactive.