Sun Ethernet Fabric Operating System BFD Administration Guide

Part No: E60921-02

July 2015

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Using This Documentation. 5

BFD Overview.. 9

BFD Protocol Description. 9

Default Configurations. 9

BFD Topology Example. 10

Configuring BFD. 11

Configure SEFOS1 in Topology for Testing Oracle BFD.. 11

Configure SEFOS2 in Topology for Testing Oracle BFD.. 13

Configure SEFOS3 in Topology for Testing Aricent BFD.. 15

BFD Over Static IP Path Configuration. 17

BFD Over Static IPv6 Path Configuration. 17

BFD Over OSPF Configuration. 18

BFD Over OSPFv3 Configuration. 18

BFD Monitoring for BGP Configuration. 18

Using This Documentation

·       Overview – Includes the description of BFD protocol and instructions to configure it

·       Audience – Users implementing BFD protocol with other protocols in the router stack

·       Required knowledge – Working knowledge of the protocol

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Acronyms and Abbreviations




Conceptual row is available for use by the managed device.


A management station wanting to create a new instance of a conceptual row and to have its status automatically set to active, making it available for use by the managed device, supplies this row status value.


A management station wanting to create a new instance of conceptual row (but not making it available for use by the managed device) supplies this rowstatus value.


A management station wishing to delete all of the instances associated with an existing conceptual row supplies this rowstatus value.


Conceptual row exists in the agent, but is unavailable for use by the managed device.


Conceptual row exists in the agent, but some more information is necessary to make it available for use by the managed device.


Bidirectional Forwarding Detection


Continuity check


Connection verification




Generic associated channel header


Generalized alert label


Label edge router


Label switched path


Label switch router


Maintenance entity


Maintenance entity group


Maintenance entity group end point


Maintenance entity group intermediate point


MPLS operations, administration, and maintenance


MPLS transport profile


Unidirectional or bidirectional label switched path


Object identifier


Open shortest path first




Packet data unit




Remote defect indication


Service level agreement


Subpath maintenance element


Time to live


Virtual circuit connectivity verification

CLI Command Modes

This table lists the various command modes used in this document with their access and exit methods.

Command Mode

Access Method


Exit Method


Initial mode for starting a session.


Use the logout command to return to the Oracle ILOM prompt.

Privileged EXEC

From User EXEC mode, use the enable command.


Use the disable command to return to the User EXEC mode.

Global Configuration

From Privileged EXEC mode, use the configure terminal command.


Use the exit or end command to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode.

Interface Configuration

From Global Configuration mode, use the interface-type interface-id command.


Use the exit command to return to Global Configuration mode, or use the end command to return to Privileged EXEC mode.

Switch Configuration

From Global Configuration mode, use the switch switch-name command.


Use the exit command to return to Global Configuration mode, or use the end command to return to Privileged EXEC mode.

BFD Session Configuration

From Global Configuration mode, use the bfd session session-index command.


Use the exit command to return to Global Configuration mode, or use the end command to return to Privileged EXEC mode.


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BFD Overview

BFD Protocol Description

Oracle BFD implements the Bidirectional Forwarding Detection described in the RFC 5880. BFD is a detection protocol designed to provide fast forwarding-path failure detection times for media types, encapsulations, topologies, and routing protocols. BFD detects forwarding path failures at a uniform rate, rather than the variable rates for different protocol hello mechanisms. BFD makes network profiling and planning easier and reconvergence time consistent and predictable. BFD provides subsecond failure detection between two adjacent devices and can be less CPU-intensive than protocol hello messages, because some of the BFD load can be distributed to the data plane on supported modules.

Oracle BFD supports path monitoring for the following protocols:

·       Static IPv4 & IPv6

·       BGP

·       OSPF

·       MPLS

Linux IP support for BFD is provided and the configurations are same as mentioned in this document. The supported protocols for BFD in Linux IP are static route, OSPF, and BGP in IPv4, and static route and BGP in IPv6. This document describes how to configure Oracle BFD running as a part of Sun Ethernet Fabric Operating System (SEFOS).

BFD is configurable and managed by CLI. For more information about the command modes of CLI, see CLI Command Modes.

Default Configurations

The following table lists the default values assigned to several BFD parameters, during the start-up of the router.


Default Setting

BFD Administrative System Control Status


BFD Global Operational Mode

Asynchronous mode without echo function.

BFD Global Minimum Transmit Interval

1 second

BFD Global Minimum Reception Interval

1 second

BFD Global Detection Time Multiplier

3 seconds

BFD Global Slow Transmission Interval

1 second

BFD Session Role


BFD Session Mode

CC (Continuity Check)

BFD Session Timer Negotiation


BFD Session Offloading


BFD Trap Notifications

Session UP and DOWN notifications enabled

BFD Session Admin Status


BFD Version Number

BFD Version 1 (RFC5880)

BFD Session State


BFD Demand Mode


BFD Control Plane Independency


BFD Generalized TTL Security Mechanism (GTSM)


BFD Session Authentication


BFD Topology Example

The following figure is an example of BFD configuration.


This figure shows an example of BFD configuration.

The figure depicts the components used in the topology, which are described as follows:

·       R1, R2, and R3 represent routers in which SEFOS is installed.

·       VLAN2 and VLAN3 represent the VLAN interfaces of the SEFOS routers.

·       Each SEFOS switch has a router ID.

This table lists the IPv4 and IPv6 addresses of the interfaces and hosts provided in the figure.

Router / Host



IPv4 Address / Mask

IPv6 Address / Prefix Length



0/2 /

fec0::2222:0:1 / 96, 2222::1/96



0/2 /

fec0::2222:0:2 / 96, 2222::2/96


0/3 /

fec0::3333:0:2 / 96, 3333::2/96



0/2 /

fec0::3333:0:3 / 96, 3333::3/96


Configuring BFD

The Oracle BFD software is designed in accordance with the FSAP2 (Flexible Software Architecture for Portability) to ensure a high level of portability

This chapter describes the preliminary configurations and the configurations for the topologies of Oracle BFD. You can configure the Oracle BFD feature by accessing Global Configuration mode or Interface Configuration mode. The configuration steps described in this document begin with accessing one or both of these modes.

This chapter describes the configuration of the Oracle BFD features using CLI.

·       Configuring BFD over Static IPv4 & IPv6 paths

·       Configuring BFD over OSPF

·       Configuring BFD over BGP

Configure SEFOS1 in Topology for Testing Oracle BFD

The figure in the BFD Topology Example depicts the topology setup for this configuration.

Note:     For the enterprise package, ports are automatically mapped to default switch.

1.     Type the following commands to configure SEFOS1 in Topology for Testing Oracle BFD.

SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS(config)# interface vlan 1

SEFOS(config-if)# shutdown

SEFOS(config-if)# ip address

SEFOS(config-if)# no shutdown

SEFOS(config-if)# end


SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS(config)# interface extreme-ethernet 0/1

SEFOS(config-if)# map switch default

SEFOS(config-if)# no shutdown

SEFOS(config-if)# end


SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS(config-switch)# vlan 1

SEFOS(config-switch-vlan)# ports extreme-ethernet 0/1

SEFOS(config-switch-vlan)# end

SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS(config)# interface extreme-ethernet 0/1

SEFOS(config-if)# switchport pvid 1

SEFOS(config-if)# end


SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS(config)# interface vlan 2

SEFOS(config-if)# shutdown

SEFOS(config-if)# ip address

SEFOS(config-if)# no shutdown

SEFOS(config-if)# end


SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS(config)# interface extreme-ethernet 0/2

SEFOS(config-if)# map switch default

SEFOS(config-if)# no shutdown

SEFOS(config-if)# end


SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS(config-switch)# vlan 2

SEFOS(config-switch-vlan)# ports extreme-ethernet 0/2

SEFOS(config-switch-vlan)# end

SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS(config)# interface extreme-ethernet 0/2

SEFOS(config-if)# switchport pvid 2

SEFOS(config-if)# end


2.     Verify the VLAN configurations.

SEFOS# show ip interface

Vlan1 is up, line protocol is up

Internet Address is

Broadcast Address


Vlan2 is up, line protocol is up

Internet Address is

Broadcast Address

Configure SEFOS2 in Topology for Testing Oracle BFD

The figure in the BFD Topology Example depicts the topology setup for this configuration.

1.     Type the following commands to configure SEFOS2 in BFD Topology Example.

SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS(config)# interface vlan 1

SEFOS(config-if)# shutdown

SEFOS(config-if)# ip address

SEFOS(config-if)# no shutdown

SEFOS(config-if)# end


SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS(config)# interface extreme-ethernet 0/1

SEFOS(config-if)# map switch default

SEFOS(config-if)# no shutdown

SEFOS(config-if)# end


SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS(config-switch)# vlan 1

SEFOS(config-switch-vlan)# ports extreme-ethernet 0/1

SEFOS(config-switch-vlan)# end

SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS(config)# interface extreme-ethernet 0/1

SEFOS(config-if)# switchport pvid 1

SEFOS(config-if)# end


SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS(config)# interface vlan 2

SEFOS(config-if)# shutdown

SEFOS(config-if)# ip address

SEFOS(config-if)# no shutdown

SEFOS(config-if)# end


SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS(config)# interface extreme-ethernet 0/2

SEFOS(config-if)# map switch default

SEFOS(config-if)# no shutdown

SEFOS(config-if)# end


SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS(config-switch)# vlan 2

SEFOS(config-switch-vlan)# ports extreme-ethernet 0/2

SEFOS(config-switch-vlan)# end

SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS(config)# interface extreme-ethernet 0/2

SEFOS(config-if)# switchport pvid 2

SEFOS(config-if)# end


SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS(config)# interface vlan 3

SEFOS(config-if)# shutdown

SEFOS(config-if)# ip address

SEFOS(config-if)# no shutdown

SEFOS(config-if)# end


SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS(config)# interface extreme-ethernet 0/3

SEFOS(config-if)# map switch default

SEFOS(config-if)# no shutdown

SEFOS(config-if)# end


SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS(config-switch)# vlan 3

SEFOS(config-switch-vlan)# ports extreme-ethernet 0/3

SEFOS(config-switch-vlan)# end

SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS(config)# interface extreme-ethernet 0/3

SEFOS(config-if)# switchport pvid 3

SEFOS(config-if)# end


2.     Verify the VLAN configurations.

SEFOS# show ip interface

Vlan1 is up, line protocol is up

Internet Address is

Broadcast Address

Vlan2 is up, line protocol is up

Internet Address is

Broadcast Address

Vlan3 is up, line protocol is up

Internet Address is

Broadcast Address

Configure SEFOS3 in Topology for Testing Aricent BFD

The figure in the BFD Topology Example depicts the topology setup for this configuration.

1.     Type the following commands to configure SEFOS3 in topology for testing Oracle BFD.


SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS(config)# interface vlan 1

SEFOS(config-if)# shutdown

SEFOS(config-if)# ip address

SEFOS(config-if)# no shutdown

SEFOS(config-if)# end


SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS(config)# interface extreme-ethernet 0/1

SEFOS(config-if)# map switch default

SEFOS(config-if)# no shutdown

SEFOS(config-if)# end


SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS(config-switch)# vlan 1

SEFOS(config-switch-vlan)# ports extreme-ethernet 0/1

SEFOS(config-switch-vlan)# end

SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS(config)# interface extreme-ethernet 0/1

SEFOS(config-if)# switchport pvid 1

SEFOS(config-if)# end


SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS(config)# interface vlan 3

SEFOS(config-if)# shutdown

SEFOS(config-if)# ip address

SEFOS(config-if)# no shutdown

SEFOS(config-if)# end


SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS(config)# interface extreme-ethernet 0/2

SEFOS(config-if)# map switch default

SEFOS(config-if)# no shutdown

SEFOS(config-if)# end


SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS(config-switch)# vlan 3

SEFOS(config-switch-vlan)# ports extreme-ethernet 0/2

SEFOS(config-switch-vlan)# end

SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS(config)# interface extreme-ethernet 0/2

SEFOS(config-if)# switchport pvid 3

SEFOS(config-if)# end


2.     Verify the VLAN configurations.

SEFOS# show ip interface

Vlan1 is up, line protocol is up

Internet Address is

Broadcast Address

Vlan3 is up, line protocol is up

Internet Address is

Broadcast Address

BFD Over Static IP Path Configuration

This feature enables you to monitor IP neighbor reachability by using BFD. You can configure the neighbor statically. IP moves static routes (with next hop as neighbor) to pending state when BFD notifies that the neighbor is not reachable.

BFD Over Static IPv6 Path Configuration

This feature enables you to monitor IPv6 neighbor reachability using BFD. You can configure the neighbor statically. IPv6 moves static routes (with next hop as neighbor) to pending state when BFD notifies the neighbor is not reachable. Refer to the Sun Ethernet Fabric Operating System IPv6 Administration Guide for static configurations.

BFD Over OSPF Configuration

This feature enables OSPF to detect its neighbor unreachable faster. BFD reports neighbor unreachable to OSPF as soon as it detects BFD packet failure. This speeds up convergence.

BFD Over OSPFv3 Configuration

This feature enables OSPFv3 to detect its IPv6 neighbor unreachable faster. BFD reports neighbor unreachable to OSPFv3 as soon as it detects BFD packet failure. This speeds up convergence. Refer to the Sun Ethernet Fabric Operating System OSPFv3 Administration Guide for detailed configuration.

BFD Monitoring for BGP Configuration

This feature enables BGP to detect its IPv4 and IPv6 remote neighbor unreachable faster. BFD reports neighbor unreachable to BGP as soon as it detects BFD packet failure. This speeds up convergence. Refer to the Sun Ethernet Fabric Operating System BGP administration Guide for detailed configuration.