Sun Ethernet Fabric Operating System VXLAN Administration Guide

Part No: E60924-02

August 2015

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Using This Documentation. 5

VXLAN Overview.. 7

VXLAN Protocol Description. 7

Static and Ingress Replica Case Topology Example. 7

Dynamic Case Topology. 8

Configuring VXLAN. 9

Enable VXLAN. 9

Configure a VXLAN UDP Port 9

Configure the VXLAN Trace Option. 10

Create a VXLAN Interface. 10

Configure a Source VTEP IP Address for VXLAN. 11

Configure VNI-VLAN Mapping. 12

Configure Remote VTEP. 13

Configure Unicast VXLAN. 13

Configure Ingress Replica (CLI) 14

Configure VXLAN Multicast (CLI) 15

Configure VXLAN for Static and Ingress Replica Case Topology. 16

Configure VXLAN Dynamic Case Topology. 19

BGP Configuration. 20

IGMP and PIM Configuration. 21

VXLAN configurations. 22

Static VXLAN Configuration. 22

Ingress Replica VXLAN Configuration. 22

Multicast VXLAN Configuration. 22

Configure Static Unicast-Based VXLAN (Script) 23

Configure Dynamic Multicast-Based VXLAN (Script) 27

Configure the Middle Router (Script) 32

Configure Ingress Replication (Script) 34

Using This Documentation

      Overview – Provides information about the VXLAN feature and how to configure VXLAN

      Audience – Users implementing VXLAN protocol with other protocols in the router stack

      Required knowledge – Working knowledge of the protocol

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Acronyms and Abbreviations




Border Gateway Protocol


Command-line interface


Internet Group Management Protocol


Internet Protocol


Network virtualization edge


Open Shortest Path First


Protocol Independent Multicast


Show running configuration


Top of rack


User Datagram Protocol


Virtual machine (end devices in local LAN segment of VTEP)


VXLAN network identifier (or VXLAN segment ID)


VXLAN tunnel end point


Virtual extensible local area network

CLI Command Modes

This table lists the various command modes used in this document with their access and exit methods.

Command Mode

Access Method


Exit Method


Initial mode for starting a session.


Use the logout command to return to the Oracle ILOM prompt.

Privileged EXEC

From User EXEC mode, use the enable command.


Use the disable command to return to the User EXEC mode.

Global Configuration

From Privileged EXEC mode, use the configure terminal command.


Use the exit or end command to exit to the Privileged EXEC mode.

Interface Configuration

From Global Configuration mode, use the interface-type interface-id command.


Use the exit command to return to Global Configuration mode, or use the end command to return to Privileged EXEC mode.

VLAN Configuration

From Global Configuration mode, use the vlan vlan-id command.



Use the exit command to return to Global Configuration mode, or use the end command to return to Privileged EXEC mode.


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VXLAN Overview

VXLAN Protocol Description

VXLAN is a Layer 2 overlay scheme over a Layer 3 network, and addresses the requirements of Layer 2 and Layer 3 data center network infrastructure in the presence of VMs in a multitenant environment.

VXLAN transports MAC frames generated by VMs in isolated Layer 2 networks over an IP network.

VXLAN enables Layer 2 communication of VMs across servers in a data center and across data centers. Across datacenters, VMs that are required to be in a separate domain are grouped as a VXLAN segment identified by unique VXLAN identifier (VNI). The overlay network is formed over Layer 3 network for communication between VMs in a segment.

VXLAN gateway functionality connects VXLAN-aware network devices to VXLAN-unaware network devices. For example, to connect natively VXLAN-aware servers with VMs to VXLAN-unaware servers with virtual machines (VMs) and targets, VXLAN gateway functionality is required.

Static and Ingress Replica Case Topology Example

This figure provides the static and ingress replica case topology example.

VMs have the following MAC addresses:

      VM1 00:01:02:03:04:01

      VM2 00:01:02:03:04:04

VTEPs are connected back-to-back (directly) in this topology, which is used for VXLAN static and ingress replica functionality verification.

A route to the physical interface of the next VTEP need not be added in a VTEP, because the interfaces are directly connected in the same network.

Static Unicast

Static Unicast VXLAN configurations on VTEP1 and VTEP2

Ingress-Replica-Unknown Unicast

Ingress replica VXLAN configurations on VTEP1 and VTEP2

Note:    If the loopback IP of VTEP2 is used as remote VTEP-IP in VTEP1, then the route (static) to that loopback must be configured in VTEP1 for reachability.

Dynamic Case Topology

This figure provides the dynamic case topology example.

VMs have the following MAC addresses:

      VM1 00:01:02:03:04:01

      VM2 00:04:02:03:04:01

VTEPs are connected through an additional router in the middle. VTEP1 should have the route to VTEP2 and vice versa. The connection is achieved by performing the following steps:

1.     Add static routes in VTEP1 and VTEP2.

a.     Add IP route to VTEP2 in VTEP1 through the Middle-R.

b.    Add IP route to VTEP1 in VTEP2 through the Middle-R.

2.     Configure a routing protocol in the VTEPs. For example, iBGP, OSPF, or RIP.

In this document, iBGP routing protocol is used on all the routers to route packets between VTEP1 and VTEP2. This topology is used to verify the static and ingress replica functionality and dynamic VXLAN functionality.

1.     Static (unicast) and ingress-replica (unknown-unicast)

      Routing protocol iBGP on all the three routers

      VXLAN configurations on VTEP1 and VTEP2

2.      Dynamic multicast-based:

      Routing protocol iBGP on all the three routers

      VXLAN configurations on VTEP1 and VTEP2

      IGMP on three routers for joining and leaving the multicast group

      PIM protocol on middle router for forwarding the multicast packets


In real hardware boards, the ports can be extreme-ethernet (interface Ex 0/1) or XL-ethernet (interface xl 0/1) ports. Therefore, configurations must be changed according to the ports available in the board.

Configuring VXLAN

Enable VXLAN

VXLAN must be enabled for all the VXLAN-related configurations. See Static and Ingress Replica Case Topology Example for the topology for this configuration.

1.     To enable VXLAN, perform the following in VTEP1.

a.     Enter Global Configuration mode.

SEFOS# configure terminal

b.    Enable VXLAN.

SEFOS(config)# set vxlan enable

VXLAN is enabled in VTEP1.

c.     Exit Global configuration mode.

SEFOS(config)# end

2.     View the status of VXLAN.

SEFOS# show running-config vxlan

set vxlan enable

Configure a VXLAN UDP Port

The following configuration sets the UDP port number for VXLAN. By default, 4789 is set as the UDP port number. VXLAN must be configured in VTEP1 before configuring UDP. See Static and Ingress Replica Case Topology Example for the topology for this configuration.

1.     To configure the UDP ports, perform the following in VTEP1.

a.     Enter Global Configuration mode.

SEFOS# configure terminal

b.  Set the VXLAN UDP port number.

SEFOS(config)# vxlan udp-port 5566

VXLAN UDP port number is set as 5566.

c.     Exit Global Configuration mode.

SEFOS(config)# end

2.     View the VXLAN UDP port number.

SEFOS# show vxlan udp-port

Udp Port Number: 5566

Configure the VXLAN Trace Option

The following configuration sets the VXLAN debug trace option. VXLAN must be configured in VTEP1 before configuring UDP. See Static and Ingress Replica Case Topology Example for the topology for this configuration.

1.     In VTEP1, set the debugging trace option for VXLAN.

SEFOS# debug vxlan critical

VXLAN has the following debug trace options:









2.     View the VXLAN debugging trace options.

SEFOS# show running-config vxlan

debug vxlan critical

Create a VXLAN Interface

1.     Enter Global Configuration mode in VTEP1.

SEFOS# configure terminal

2.  Create an NVE interface.

SEFOS(config)# interface nve 1

A VXLAN interface is created.

3.     Exit Interface Configuration mode.

SEFOS(config-if)# no shutdown

4.     Exit Global Configuration mode.

SEFOS(config)# end

Configure a Source VTEP IP Address for VXLAN

This VXLAN configuration sets the IPv4 source VTEP IP addresses for VTEP. The IP address is used as a source IP in a VXLAN packet and is configured in the following two ways:

      Physical interface IP as source VTEP IP – For example: source-interface vtep-ipv4

      Loopback interface IP as source VTEP IP – For example: source-interface loopback 0

See Static and Ingress Replica Case Topology Example for the topology for this configuration.

1.     Type the following commands in VTEP1.

a.     Enter Global Configuration mode.

SEFOS# configure terminal

b.    Create an NVE interface.

SEFOS(config)# interface nve 1

A VXLAN interface is created.

c.     Set  the source VTEP IP address in one of the following ways:

      SEFOS(config-if)# source-interface vtep-ipv4

      SEFOS(config-if)# source-interface loopback 0

d.    Make the NVE interface UP.

SEFOS(config-if)# no shutdown

e.     Exit Global Configuration mode.

SEFOS(config)# end

2.     View the VTEP source IP.

The physical interface IP is configured as source VTEP-IP:

SEFOS# show vxlan nve interface nve 1

NVE interface information


Interface: nve 1,  State:UP,  encapsulation:VXLAN


The loopback interface IP is configured as source VTEP-IP:

SEFOS# show vxlan nve interface nve 1

NVE interface information


Interface: nve 1,  State:UP,  encapsulation:VXLAN

source-interface:loopback 0

Note:    The physical interface or the loopback IP must be configured before configuring the source VTEP-IP.

Configure VNI-VLAN Mapping

Create this VXLAN configuration to map VLAN to VXLAN, and to clear the packets sent, received, or dropped counters. See Static and Ingress Replica Case Topology Example for the topology for this configuration.

1.     Type the following commands.

SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS(config)# switch default

SEFOS(config)# vlan 100

SEFOS(config)# ports Ex 0/2 un Ex 0/2

SEFOS(config)# end

2.     Type the following commands in VTEP1.

a.     Enter Global Configuration mode.

SEFOS# configure terminal

b.    Enter VLAN mode.

SEFOS(config)# vlan 100

c.     Configure the VNI-VLAN mapping.

SEFOS(config-if)# member vni 5000

d.    Clear the statistics counters of VXLAN.

SEFOS(config-if)# member vni 5000 clear-counters

e.     Make the NVE interface UP.

SEFOS(config-if)# no shutdown

f.      Exit Interface and Global Configuration mode.

SEFOS(config-if)# end

3.     View the control plane statistics of packets sent, received, and dropped in VXLAN.

SEFOS# show vxlan vni 5000 statistics

VNI Statistics


VNI        VXLAN Pkt Sent Cnt  VXLAN Pkt Received Cnt  VXLAN Pkt Dropped Cnt

5000         0                   0                        0

Configure Remote VTEP

Configure the IPv4 remote VTEP IP addresses in VTEP. You can configure remote VTEP before multicast or ingress replica – VNI configuration. If this is not configured, remote VTEP is learned internally when the first VXLAN packet is received by control plane.  See Static and Ingress Replica Case Topology Example for the topology for this configuration.

Note:    You must configure the source VTEP before configuring the remote VTEP IP address.

Perform initial configurations in VTEP1.

1.     Enter Global Configuration mode.

SEFOS# configure terminal

2.     Create an NVE interface.

SEFOS(config)# interface nve 1

3.     Configure the NVE entry with the following values:

      VNI  For example, 4096

      VTEP2-IP (loopback-IP or Interface-IP) as remote-VTEP-IP

      MAC address of VM2 as static-VM-MAC

SEFOS(config-if)# member vni 4096 remote-vtep-ipv4

4.     Make the admin status of NVE interface UP.

SEFOS(config-if)# no shutdown

SEFOS(config-if)# end

Configure Unicast VXLAN

Configure the remote VTEP IP address along with the VM MAC address in VTEP.

Note:    You must configure the source VTEP before configuring the Remote VTEP IP address.

1.     Enter Global Configuration mode.

SEFOS# configure terminal

2.     Create an NVE interface.

SEFOS(config)# interface nve 1

3.     Configure NVE entry with the following values:

      VNI — For example: 4096

      VTEP2-IP (loopback-IP or Interface-IP) as remote-VTEP-IP

       MAC address of VM2 as static-VM-MAC

SEFOS(config-if)# member vni 4096 static-vm-mac 00:01:02:03:04:01 remote-vtep-ipv4

4.     Make the admin status of NVE interface UP.

SEFOS(config-if)# no shutdown

SEFOS(config-if)# end

5.     View the VXLAN peers configured in VTEP1 using the following command.

SEFOS# show vxlan nve peers

VTEP Peers information


Interface Peer-IP        VNI       VM-MAC              MAC-Type

nve 1        4096      00:01:02:03:04:01   Static

Configure Ingress Replica (CLI)

Configure the replication VTEP IP addresses in VTEP. See Static and Ingress Replica Case Topology Example for the topology for this configuration.

Note:    You must configure the source VTEP before configuring the ingress replica remote VTEP IP.

1.     Enter Global Configuration mode.

SEFOS# configure terminal

2.     Create an NVE interface.

SEFOS(config)# interface nve 1

3.     Configure NVE entry with the following values:

      VNI — For example: 4096

      VTEP2-IP (loopback-IP or Interface-IP) as remote-VTEP-IP in ingress replica

SEFOS(config-if)# member vni 4096 ingress-replication ipv4

Note:    For dynamic remote VTEP learning, the following remote VTEP configuration is not required.

SEFOS(config-if)# member vni 4096 remote-vtep-ipv4

4.     Make the admin status of NVE interface UP.

SEFOS(config-if)# no shutdown

SEFOS(config-if)# end


5.     View the ingress replica VXLAN peers configured in VTEP1.

SEFOS# sh vxlan nve interfaces nve 1 detail

NVE interface information


Interface: nve 1,  State:UP,  encapsulation:VXLAN

source-interface:loopback 0

VNI            Ingress-Replica-VTEP-List


4096 ,

Configure VXLAN Multicast (CLI)

Configure the multicast group IP Address in VTEP. See Dynamic Case Topology for the topology of this configuration.

Note:    You must configure the source VTEP before configuring the multicast group IP.

1.     Enter Global Configuration mode.

SEFOS# configure terminal

2.     Create an NVE interface.

SEFOS(config)# interface nve 1

3.     Configure multicast entry with the following values:

      VNI —For example: 4096

      Multicast group IP to be joined — For example:

SEFOS(config-if)# member vni 4096 multicast-group-ipv4

Note:    For dynamic remote VTEP learning, the following remote VTEP configuration is not required.

SEFOS(config-if)# member vni 4096 remote-vtep-ipv4

4.     Make the admin status of the NVE interface UP.

SEFOS(config-if)# no shutdown

SEFOS(config-if)# end

5.     View the VXLAN multicast group configured in VTEP1.

SEFOS# show vxlan nve interfaces nve 1 detail

NVE interface information


Interface: nve e1,  State:DOWN,  encapsulation:VXLAN


VNI       Mcast          VNI-State

4096      DOWN

Configure VXLAN for Static and Ingress Replica Case Topology

1.     Perform initial configurations on VTEP1.

a.     Configure loopback 0 with an IP address.

For example:

b.    Configure VLAN-1000 and make it active.

This action connects to the other VTEP.

c.     Configure the extreme-ethernet interface.

For example: Ex 0/1 as a member port of VLAN-1000.

d.    Configure the IP address to VLAN-1000.

For example: IP - mask -

e.     Configure VLAN-1000 and make it active.

This action connects to the host or VM.

f.      Configure the extreme-ethernet interface.

For example: extreme-ethernet 0/2 as a member port of VLAN-100.

g.    Add a static route to the remote-VTEP (for example:

2.     Perform initial configurations on VTEP2.

a.     Configure loopback 0 with an IP address.

For example:

b.    Configure VLAN-1000 and make it active.

This action connects to the other VTEP.

c.     Configure the extreme-ethernet interface.

For example: Ex 0/1 as a member port of VLAN-1000.

d.    Configure the IP address to VLAN-1000.

For example: IP - mask -

e.     Configure VLAN-100 and make it active.

This action connects to the host or VM.

f.      Configure the extreme-ethernet interface.

For example: Ex 0/2 as a member port of VLAN-100

g.    Add a static route to the remote-VTEP (for example:

3.     Perform VXLAN configurations for static and ingress replica in VTEP1.

a.     Enter Global Configuration mode.

SEFOS# configure terminal

b.    Enable the VXLAN feature.

SEFOS(config)# set vxlan enable

c.     Create an NVE interface.

SEFOS(config)# interface nve 1

d.    Configure the source-VTEP IP.

For example, with loopback 0

SEFOS(config-if)# source-interface loopback 0

e.     Make the admin status of NVE interface UP.

SEFOS(config-if)# no shutdown

SEFOS(config-if)# end

f.      Make the NVE interface a member port of VLAN-100 by configuring VLAN-VNI mapping.

SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS# vlan 100

SEFOS(config-if)# member vni 4096

SEFOS(config-if)# end

4.     Perform VXLAN configurations for static and ingress replica in VTEP2.

a.     Enter Global Configuration mode.

SEFOS# configure terminal

b.    Enable the VXLAN feature.

SEFOS(config)# set vxlan enable

c.     Create an NVE interface.

SEFOS(config)# interface nve 1

d.    Configure the source-VTEP IP.

For example, with loopback 0.

SEFOS(config-if)# source-interface loopback 0

e.     Make the admin status of NVE interface UP.

SEFOS(config-if)# no shutdown

SEFOS(config-if)# end

f.      Make the NVE interface a member port of VLAN-100 by configuring VLAN-VNI mapping.

SEFOS# configure terminal

SEFOS# vlan 100

SEFOS(config-if)# member vni 4096

SEFOS(config-if)# end

5.     Perform static VXLAN configuration in VTEP1.

a.     Enter Global Configuration mode.

SEFOS# configure terminal

b.    Create an NVE interface.

SEFOS(config)# interface nve 1

c.     Configure NVE entry with the following values:

      VNI — For example: 4096

      VTEP2-IP (loopback-IP or Interface-IP) as remote-VTEP-IP

       MAC address of VM2 as static-VM-MAC

SEFOS(config-if)# member vni 4096 static-vm-mac 00:01:02:03:04:04 remote-vtep-ipv4

d.    Exit global configuration mode.

SEFOS(config-if)# end

6.     Perform static VXLAN configuration in VTEP2.

a.     Enter Global Configuration mode.

SEFOS# configure terminal

b.    Create an NVE interface.

SEFOS(config)# interface nve 1

c.     Configure the NVE entry with the following values:

      VNI — For example: 4096

      VTEP1-IP (loopback-IP or Interface-IP) as remote-VTEP-IP

      MAC address of VM1 as static-VM-MAC

SEFOS(config-if)# member vni 4096 static-vm-mac 00:04:02:03:04:01 remote-vtep-ipv4

d.    Exit Global Configuration mode.

SEFOS(config-if)# end

7.     Perform ingress replica VXLAN configuration in VTEP1.

a.     Enter Global Configuration mode.

SEFOS# configure terminal

b.    Create an NVE interface.

SEFOS(config)# interface nve 1

c.     Configure the NVE entry with the following values:

      VNI — For example: 4096

      VTEP2-IP(loopback-IP or Interface-IP) as remote-VTEP-IP in ingress replica

Note:    For dynamic remote VTEP learning, the following remote VTEP configuration is not required.

SEFOS(config-if)# member vni 4096 remote-vtep-ipv4

d.    Exit Global Configuration mode.

SEFOS(config-if)# end

8.     Perform ingress replica VXLAN configuration in VTEP2.

a.     Enter Global Configuration mode.

SEFOS# configure terminal

b.    Create an NVE interface.

SEFOS(config)# interface nve 1

c.     Configure the NVE entry with the following values:

      VNI — For example: 4096

      VTEP2-IP(loopback-IP or Interface-IP) as remote-VTEP-IP in ingress replica

SEFOS(config-if)# member vni 4096 ingress-replication ipv4

Note:    For dynamic remote VTEP learning, the following remote VTEP configuration is not required:

SEFOS(config-if)# member vni 4096 remote-vtep-ipv4

d.    Exit Global Configuration mode.

SEFOS(config-if)# end

Configure VXLAN Dynamic Case Topology

1.     Perform initial configurations on VTEP1.

a.     Configure loopback 0 with an IP address.

For example:

b.    Configure VLAN-1000 and make it active.

This action connects to the other VTEP.

c.     Configure the extreme-ethernet interface.

For example: Ex 0/1 as a member port of VLAN-1000

d.    Configure IP address to VLAN-1000.

For example: IP - mask -

e.     Configure VLAN-1000 and make it active.

This action connects to the host or VM.

f.      Configure the extreme-ethernet interface.

For example: Ex 0/2 as a member port of VLAN-100

g.    Add a static route to the remote-VTEP (for example:

2.     Perform initial configurations on VTEP2.

a.     Configure loopback 0 with an IP address.

For example:

b.    Configure VLAN-2000 and make it active.

This action connects to the other VTEP.

c.     Configure the extreme-ethernet interface.

For example: Ex 0/1 as a member port of VLAN-2000

d.    Configure IP address to VLAN-2000.

For example: IP - mask -

e.     Configure VLAN-100 and make it active.

This action connects to the host or VM.

f.      Configure the extreme-ethernet interface.

For example: Ex 0/2 as a member port of VLAN-100

3.     Perform middle router configurations.

a.     Configure VLAN-1000 and make it active.

This action connects to VTEP1.

b.    Configure the extreme-ethernet interface.

For example: Ex 0/1 as a member port of VLAN-1000

c.     Configure IP address to VLAN-1000.

For example: IP - mask -

d.    Configure VLAN-2000 and make it active.

This action connects to the host or VM.

e.     Configure the extreme-ethernet interface.

For example: Ex 0/2 as a member port of VLAN-2000

f.      Configure IP address to VLAN-2000.

For example: IP - mask -

BGP Configuration

1.     Perform BGP configurations on VTEP1.

You need to configure a routing protocol in the three routers to learn the routes between VTEPs. In this document, iBGP routing protocol with AS number 100 is used on all the routers to route packets between VTEP1 and VTEP2.

a.     Configure BGP AS number.

For example: 100

b.    Configure the middle router as the BGP neighbor.

2.     Perform BGP configurations on VTEP2.

a.     Configure the BGP AS number.

For example: 100

b.    Configure the middle router as the BGP neighbor.

3.     Perform middle router configurations.

a.     Configure the BGP AS number.

For example: 100

b.    Configure the two VTEPs as BGP neighbors.

IGMP and PIM Configuration

Enable the IGMP protocol globally in VTEP routers and on interfaces connected to the PIM router, which is responsible for routing the multicast packets to destination VTEP. Through this interface, VTEPs joins the particular multicast group.

Configure the PIM multicast protocol in core routers. For example, in this case the middle router. Enable PIM globally and on interfaces through which VTEPs join the IGMP multicast group. You can configure PIM in three modes, sparse mode, dense mode, and bi-directional mode.

VXLAN is tested with sparse mode on boards and mentioned as PIM sparse mode configurations in this document.

1.     Perform IGMP configurations on VTEP1.

a.     Enable IGMP globally.

b.    Enable IGMP on the interface that is connected to the middle router (PIM - enabled router).

2.     Perform IGMP configurations on VTEP2.

a.     Enable IGMP globally.

b.    Enable IGMP on the interface that is connected to the middle router (PIM - enabled router).

3.     Perform IGMP configurations on the middle router.

a.     Enable IGMP globally.

b.    Enable IGMP on interfaces through which VTEPs join the IGMP group.

4.     Perform PIM configurations.

a.     Enable PIM globally and configure the PIM component.

b.    Enable PIM and configure PIM component on interfaces through which VTEPs join the IGMP group.

c.     Configure PIM sparse mode.

d.    Configure multicast group IDs range and rp-candidate.

For example: rp-candidate rp-address

e.     Configure the rp-candidate hold time.

For example: 200

VXLAN Configurations

For configuration steps, see Step 3 and Step 4 in Configure VXLAN for Static and Ingress Replica Case Topology.

Static VXLAN Configuration

For configuration steps, see Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, Step 4, Step 7, and Step 8 in Configure VXLAN for Static and Ingress Replica Case Topology.

Ingress Replica VXLAN Configuration

For configuration steps, see Step 1, Step 2, Step 3, Step 4, Step 7, and Step 8 in Configure VXLAN for Static and Ingress Replica Case Topology.

Multicast VXLAN Configuration

See Configure VXLAN for Static and Ingress Replica Case Topology.

1.     Perform multicast VXLAN configuration in VTEP1.

a.     Enter Global Configuration mode.

SEFOS# configure terminal

b.    Create an NVE interface.

SEFOS(config)# interface nve 1

c.     Configure the multicast entry with the following values:

      VNI —For example: 4096

      Multicast group IP to be joined —For example:

SEFOS(config-if)# member vni 4096 multicast-group-ipv4

Note:    For dynamic remote VTEP learning, the following remote VTEP configuration is not required.

SEFOS(config-if)# member vni 4096 remote-vtep-ipv4

d.    Exit Global Configuration mode.

SEFOS(config-if)# end

2.     Perform multicast VXLAN configuration in VTEP2.

a.     Enter Global Configuration mode.

SEFOS# configure terminal

b.    Create an NVE interface.

SEFOS(config)# interface nve 1

c.     Configure the multicast entry with the following values:

      VNI — for example: 4096

      Multicast group IP to be joined — for example:

SEFOS(config-if)# member vni 4096 multicast-group-ipv4

Note:    For dynamic remote VTEP learning, the following remote VTEP configuration is not required:

SEFOS(config-if)# member vni 4096 remote-vtep-ipv4

d.    Exit Global Configuration mode.

SEFOS(config-if)# end

Configure Static Unicast-Based VXLAN (Script)

1.     Configure static VXLAN on VTEP1.

configure terminal

set gvrp disable

set gmrp disable

interface vlan 1


no ip addr



configure terminal

vlan 1

no ports



configure terminal

interface loopback 0

ip address

no shu



configure terminal

vlan 1000

ports Ex 0/1 untagged Ex 0/1

vlan active



configure terminal

interface Ex 0/1


switchport pvid 1000

no sh



configure terminal

interface vlan 1000

ip addr

no sh



configure terminal

vlan 100

port add Ex 0/2 un Ex 0/2


interface Ex 0/2

switchport pvid 100

no shu



configure terminal

ip route



configure terminal

set vxlan enable



configure terminal

interface nve 1

source-interface loopback 0

no sh



configure terminal

interface nve 1

member vni 4096 static-vm-mac 00:04:02:03:04:01 remote-vtep-ipv4



configure terminal

vlan 100

mem vni 4096



2.     Configure static VXLAN on VTEP2.

configure terminal

set gvrp disable

set gmrp disable

interface vlan 1


no ip addr


configure terminal

vlan 1

no ports



configure terminal

interface loopback 0

ip address

no shu



configure terminal

vlan 1000

ports Ex 0/1 untagged Ex 0/1

vlan active



configure terminal

interface Ex 0/1


switchport pvid 1000

no sh



configure terminal

interface vlan 1000

ip addr

no sh



configure terminal

vlan 100

port add Ex 0/2 un Ex 0/2


interface Ex 0/2

switchport pvid 100

no shu



configure terminal

ip route



configure terminal

set vxlan enable



configure terminal

interface nve 1

source-interface loopback 0

no sh



configure terminal

interface nve 1

member vni 4096 static-vm-mac 00:01:02:03:04:01 remote-vtep-ipv4



configure terminal

vlan 100

mem vni 4096


Configure Dynamic Multicast-Based VXLAN (Script)

1.     Configure dynamic VXLAN on VTEP1.

configure terminal

set gvrp disable

set gmrp disable

set ip igmp enable

interface vlan 1


no ip addr



configure terminal

vlan 1

no ports



configure terminal

interface loopback 0

ip address

no shu



configure terminal

vlan 1000

ports Ex 0/1 untagged Ex 0/1

vlan active



configure terminal

interface Ex 0/1


switchport pvid 1000

no sh



configure terminal

interface vlan 1000

set ip igmp enable

ip addr

no sh



configure terminal

vlan 100

port add Ex 0/2 un Ex 0/2


interface Ex 0/2

switchport pvid 100

no shu



configure terminal

router bgp 100

redistribute connected

neighbor remote-as 100

neighbor update-source



configure terminal

set vxlan enable



configure terminal

interface nve 1

source-interface loopback 0

no sh



configure terminal

interface nve 1

member vni 4096 multicast-group-ipv4



configure terminal

vlan 100

mem vni 4096


2.     Configure dynamic VXLAN on VTEP2.

configure terminal

set gvrp disable

set gmrp disable

set ip igmp enable

interface vlan 1


no ip addr


configure terminal

vlan 1

no ports



configure terminal

interface loopback 0

ip address

no shu



configure terminal

vlan 2000

ports Ex 0/1 untagged Ex 0/1

vlan active



configure terminal

interface Ex 0/1


switchport pvid 2000

no sh



configure terminal

interface vlan 2000

set ip igmp enable

ip addr

no sh



configure terminal

vlan 100

port add Ex 0/2 un Ex 0/2


interface Ex 0/2

switchport pvid 100

no shu



configure terminal

router bgp 100

redistribute connected

neighbor remote-as 100

neighbor update-source



configure terminal

set vxlan enable



configure terminal

interface nve 1

source-interface loopback 0

no sh



configure terminal

interface nve 1

member vni 4096 multicast-group-ipv4



configure terminal

vlan 100

mem vni 4096


Configure the Middle Router (Script)

·  Configure the middle router.

configure terminal

set gvrp disable

set gmrp disable

set ip igmp enable

sh span

interface vlan 1


no ip addr



configure terminal

vlan 1

no ports



configure terminal

set ip pim enable

ip pim component 1

rp-candidate holdtime 90



configure terminal

vlan 1000

ports Ex 0/1 untagged Ex 0/1

vlan active


vlan 2000

ports Ex 0/2 untagged Ex 0/2

vlan active




configure terminal

interface Ex 0/1


speed 10000

switchport accep untagg

switchport mode access

switchport pvid 1000

no sh



configure terminal

interface Ex 0/2


speed 10000

switchport accep untagg

switchport mode access

switchport pvid 2000

no sh



configure terminal

interface vlan 2000

set ip igmp enable

ip addr 16..0.0.2

no sh

ip pim component 1


interface vlan 1000

set ip igmp enable

ip addr

no sh

ip pim component 1

ip pim bsr-candidate 40


interface loopback 0

ip addr

no sh



configure terminal

ip pim component 1

set mode sparse

rp-candidate rp-address

rp-candidate holdtim 200



configure terminal

router bgp 100

redistribute connected

neighbor remote-as 100

neighbor update-source

neighbor remote-as 100

neighbor update-source


Configure Ingress Replication (Script)

1.     Configure ingress replication on VTEP1.

configure terminal

set gvrp disable

set gmrp disableinterface vlan 1


no ip addr


configure terminal

vlan 1

no ports



configure terminal

interface loopback 0

ip address

no shu



configure terminal

vlan 1000

ports Ex 0/1 untagged Ex 0/1

vlan active



configure terminal

interface Ex 0/1


switchport pvid 1000

no sh



configure terminal

interface vlan 1000ip addr

no sh



configure terminal

vlan 100

port add Ex 0/2 un Ex 0/2


interface Ex 0/2

switchport pvid 100

no shu



configure terminal

ip route



configure terminal

set vxlan enable



configure terminal

interface nve 1

source-interface loopback 0

no sh



configure terminal

interface nve 1

member vni 4096 ingress-replication ipv4



configure terminal

vlan 100

mem vni 4096


2.     Configure ingress replication on VTEP2.

configure terminal

set gvrp disable

set gmrp disableinterface vlan 1


no ip addr


configure terminal

vlan 1

no ports



configure terminal

interface loopback 0

ip address

no shu



configure terminal

vlan 1000

ports Ex 0/1 untagged Ex 0/1

vlan active



configure terminal

interface Ex 0/1


switchport pvid 1000

no sh



configure terminal

interface vlan 1000ip addr

no sh



configure terminal

vlan 100

port add Ex 0/2 un Ex 0/2


interface Ex 0/2

switchport pvid 100

no shu



configure terminal

ip route



configure terminal

set vxlan enable



configure terminal

interface nve 1

source-interface loopback 0

no sh



configure terminal

interface nve 1

member vni 4096 ingress-replication ipv4



configure terminal

vlan 100

mem vni 4096
