Sun Ethernet Fabric Operating System CLI Reference Manual, Vol. 3

Part No: E60927-02

    August 2015

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    Using This Documentation. 9

 20.      VLAN. 11

20.1     set vlan. 13

20.2     vlan. 14

20.3     base bridge-mode. 16

20.4     mac-vlan. 19

20.5     fid20

20.6     mac-address-table static unicast 22

20.7     mac-address-table static unicast – Transparent Bridging Mode. 26

20.8     mac-address-table static multicast 29

20.9     mac address-table static - mcast 33

20.10  mac-address-table static multicast – Transparent Bridging mode. 35

20.11  mac-address-table aging-time. 38

20.12  clear vlan statistics. 40

20.13  vlan default hybrid type. 41

20.14  map subnet 42

20.15  ports. 44

20.16  vlan active. 49

20.17  interface range. 51

20.18  forward-all 53

20.19  forward-unregistered. 56

20.20  switchport pvid. 59

20.21  switchport access vlan. 61

20.22  switchport acceptable-frame-type. 62

20.23  switchport ingress-filter 64

20.24  port subnet – vlan. 65

20.25  switchport priority default 67

20.26  switchport mode. 68

20.27  vlan map-priority. 70

20.28  debug vlan. 72

20.29  show vlan. 74

20.30  show vlan device info. 85

20.31  show vlan device capabilities. 88

20.32  show fid. 90

20.33  show forward-all 92

20.34  show forward-unregistered. 94

20.35  show vlan traffic-classes. 96

20.36  show vlan port config. 99

20.37  show vlan protocols-group. 104

20.38  show protocol-vlan. 106

20.39  show mac-vlan. 107

20.40  show subnet vlan mapping. 109

20.41  show vlan counters. 111

20.42  show vlan statistics. 114

20.43  show vlan learning params. 117

show mac-address-table. 119

20.44  show dot1d mac-address-table. 121

20.45  show mac-address-table count 123

20.46  show mac-address-table static unicast 126

20.47  show dot1d mac-address-table static unicast 128

20.48  show mac-address-table static multicast 130

20.49  show dot1d mac-address-table static multicast 132

20.50  show mac-address-table dynamic unicast 134

20.51  show mac-address-table dynamic multicast 136

20.52  show mac-address-table aging-time. 138

20.53  show wildcard. 139

20.54  shutdown garp. 141

20.55  set gvrp. 143

20.56  set port gvrp. 145

20.57  set port gvrp - enable | disable. 147

20.58  set gmrp. 148

20.59  set port gmrp. 150

20.60  set garp timer 152

20.61  vlan restricted. 154

20.62  group restricted. 155

20.63  debug garp. 156

20.64  show garp timer 158

20.65  multicast-mac limit 160

20.66  dot1x-tunnel-address. 161

20.67  lacp-tunnel-address. 162

20.68  stp-tunnel-address. 163

20.69  gvrp-tunnel-address. 164

20.70  gmrp-tunnel-address. 165

20.71  bridge-mode. 166

20.72  l2protocol-tunnel cos. 168

20.73  clear l2protocol-tunnel counters. 169

20.74  switchport dot1q customer vlan. 170

20.75  switchport dot1q customer vlan – Status. 171

20.76  switchport customer-vlan. 172

20.77  switchport service vlan. 174

20.78  switchport service vlan classify. 176

20.79  switchport unicast-mac learning limit 178

20.80  switchport [dot1q] ether-type. 179

20.81  set switchport ether-type swap. 180

20.82  set switchport [service] vlan swap. 181

20.83  switchport [service] vlan mapping. 182

20.84  l2protocol-tunnel 184

20.85  l2protocol-peer 186

20.86  l2protocol-discard. 188

20.87  service-vlan. 190

20.88  service-vlan acceptable-frame-type. 191

20.89  service-vlan ingress-filter 193

20.90  service-vlan def-user-priority. 195

20.91  service-vlan recv-priority. 197

20.92  service-vlan cos-preservation. 199

20.93  switchport [provider-bridge] require-drop-encoding. 201

20.94  switchport [provider-bridge] pcp-selection-row. 202

20.95  switchport [provider-bridge] use-dei 203

20.96  switchport mode dot1q-tunnel 204

20.97  service-type. 205

20.98  show service vlan. 206

20.99  show [service] vlan mapping. 208

20.100     show ethertype mapping. 210

20.101     show [provider-bridge] port config. 212

20.102     show multicast-mac limit 218

20.103     show l2protocol tunnel-mac-address. 219

20.104     show provider-bridge pep configuration. 222

20.105     show [provider-bridge] pcp encoding. 224

20.106     show [provider-bridge] pcp decoding. 226

20.107     show provider-bridge priority regen. 228

20.108     show dot1q-tunnel    230

20.109     show l2protocol-tunnel 232

20.110     show l2protocol-discard statistics. 234

20.111     show vlan private-vlan. 236

20.112     service-instance map  238

20.113     set customer unicast-mac learning. 239

20.114     set customer unicast-mac learning limit 240

20.115     set default vid  241

20.116     set ether-type  242

20.117     set vlan swap  244

20.118     set vlan mapping  245

20.119     shutdown - service-instance. 246

20.120     pcp-selection-row  247

20.121     use-dei 248

20.122     require-drop-encoding. 249

20.123     pcp-encoding  250

20.124     pcp-decoding  252

20.125     show default vid  254

20.126     show provider-backbone config service-instance. 255

20.127     set sw-stats  257

20.128     clear mac-address-table dynamic. 258

20.129     debug vlan global 260

20.130     show gmrp statistics  261

20.131     show gvrp statistics    262

20.132     switchport [dot1q] ethertype mapping. 264

20.133     mvrp-tunnel-address  265

20.134     mmrp-tunnel-address. 266

20.135     user-defined TPID      267

20.136     vlan egress ether-type. 268

20.137     switchport encapsulation. 269

20.138     switchport egress TPID-type. 270

20.139     show user-defined TPID.. 271

20.140     switchport - svlan-priotype. 272

20.141     name  273

20.142     l2protocol-tunnel override. 274

20.143     l2protocol-tunnel (For vlan) 275

20.144     l2protocol-peer (For vlan) 276

20.145     l2protocol-discard (For vlan) 277

20.146     show l2protocol-tunnel vlan. 278

20.147     vlan loopback  280

20.148     eoam-tunnel-address  281

 21.      VRRP. 283

21.1     router vrrp. 284

21.2     interface – VRRP. 285

21.3     vrrp - ipv4 address. 287

21.4     vrrp - ipv6 address. 288

21.5     vrrp – ip address. 290

21.6     vrrp group shutdown. 291

21.7     vrrp – ipv4 priority. 292

21.8     vrrp – ipv6 priority. 293

21.9     vrrp – ipv4 preempt 294

21.10  vrrp – ipv6 preempt 295

21.11  vrrp - text-authentication. 297

21.12  vrrp - authentication text 298

21.13  vrrp – interval 299

21.14  vrrp - ipv4 timer 300

21.15  vrrp - ipv6 timer 302

21.16  show vrrp. 304

21.17  show vrrp interface. 309

21.18  auth-deprecate. 311

21.19  debug ip vrrp. 312

21.20  track - interface. 313

21.21  track - links. 315

21.22  vrrp - version. 316

21.23  vrrp - ipv4 accept-mode. 317

21.24  vrrp - ipv6 accept-mode. 318

21.25  vrrp - ipv4 track. 319

21.26  vrrp - ipv6 track. 320

21.27  show - track. 321

Using This Documentation

      Overview – Provides information on Oracle’s SEFOS CLI commands

      Audience – Users and system administrators who configure SEFOS through the CLI

      Required knowledge – Basic knowledge of UNIX CLI command syntax

Product Documentation Library

Documentation and resources for this product and related products are available at


Refer to the Sun Ethernet Fabric Operating System CLI Reference Manual, Vol. 1 for acronyms and abbreviations.

CLI Command Modes

Refer to the Sun Ethernet Fabric Operating System CLI Reference Manual, Vol. 1 for CLI command modes.


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 Chapter 20             


VLANs (Virtual LANs) can be viewed as a group of devices on different physical LAN segments which can communicate with each other as if they were all on the same physical LAN segment. That is, a network of computers that behave as if they are connected to the same wire even though they might actually be physically located on different segments of a LAN. VLANs are configured through software rather than hardware, which makes them extremely flexible.

VLAN provides the following benefits for switched LANs:

      Improved administration efficiency

      Optimized Broadcast and Multicast Activity

      Enhanced network security

The list of CLI commands for the configuration of VLAN is common to both SI and MI except for a difference in the prompt that appears for the switch with MI support.

The prompt for the switch configuration mode is,


The prompt for the Config VLAN mode is,


All the existing commands in Config VLAN mode are also used for the configuration of a B-VLAN of a PBB.

      The parameters specific to MI are stated against the respective parameter descriptions in this document.

      The output of the show commands differ for SI and MI. Hence both the outputs are documented while depicting the show command examples.

Few VLAN commands are retained for backward compatibility. The following table lists the backward compatible commands and maps them to the commands which have the same functionality.

Commands Retained for Backward Compatibility

Commands for Backward Compatibility

Commands with Similar functionality

provider-bridge dot1x-tunnel-address


provider-bridge lacp-tunnel-address


provider-bridge stp-tunnel-address


provider-bridge gmrp-tunnel-address


provider-bridge gvrp-tunnel-address


provider-bridge eoam-tunnel-address



20.1      set vlan

Command Objective

This command globally enables or disables VLAN feature in the switch.

The VLAN feature allows you to logically segment a shared media LAN for forming virtual workgroups.


set vlan { enable | disable }

Parameter Description

      enable - Enables VLAN feature on all ports of the switch.

      disable - Disables VLAN feature on all ports of the switch.


Global Configuration mode or Switch Configuration mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




      The VLAN feature can be disabled on all ports of the switch only if GVRP and GMRP features are disabled on all ports of the switch.

      The VLAN feature cannot be configured in the switch if the base bridge mode is set as transparent bridging.

      VLAN feature can be enabled or disabled in the switch only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.

      This command is available only on simulation environment. Not available on target platforms.


SEFOS(config)# set vlan disable

Related Command(s)

      base bridge-mode dot1q-vlan - Configures the VLAN operation mode as VLAN-aware bridging.

      set gmrp disable – Globally disables GMRP feature on all ports of a switch.

      set gvrp disable – Globally disables GVRP feature on all ports of a switch.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.

      show vlan device info - Displays the VLAN global information that is applicable to all VLANs created in the switch or all contexts.


20.2      vlan


Command Objective

This command creates a VLAN or VFI ID and enters into the config-VLAN mode in which VLAN-specific configurations are done. This command directly enters into the config-VLAN mode for the specified VLAN / VFI ID, if the VLAN is already created.

      <vlan –id> - This is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

      <vfi-id>. - VFI ID is a VLAN created in the system which contains pseudowires and attachment Circuits as member ports . This creates a logical LAN for the VPLS service. This value ranges from 4096 to 65535.

Note:     The VLAN ID 4095 is reserved and might be used to indicate a wildcard match for the VID in management operations or filtering database entries.

Note:     VFI IDs 4096 and 4097 are reserved identifiers used in MPLS PW.

Note:     The theoretical maximum for the maximum number of VFI is 65535 but the actual number of VFI supported is a sizing constant. Based on this, the maximum number of VFI ID accepted in the management interface is restricted. For example if 100 VFIs are supported, the maximum number of VFIs supported will be restricted to 100 added to the maximum number of VLANs. An error message is displayed for any value beyond this range.

In PBB bridge mode, this command is used to create customer, service, and backbone VLANs.

The no form of the command deletes the existing VLAN/ VFI  and its corresponding configurations.


vlan <vlan-id/vfi_id>

no vlan <vlan-id/vfi_id>


Global Configuration Mode/Switch Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


By default VLAN 1 is created


      The Native VLAN (VLAN 1) created by default cannot be deleted using the no form of the command.

      For default VLAN 1, interface VLAN configuration alone is permitted and no other configuration on this VLAN is allowed, if the base bridge mode is set as transparent bridging. No new VLAN can be created if the base bridge mode is set as transparent bridging.

      The creation of new VLAN and configuration of existing VLAN can be done only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


SEFOS(config-switch)# vlan 4


Related Command(s)

      base bridge-mode - Configures the base mode (either 802.1d transparent bridge mode or 802.1q VLAN-aware bridge mode) in which the VLAN feature should operate on the switch.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.

      interface vlan <vlan-id> - Creates an L3 VLAN interface. An L3 VLAN interface is a VLAN that is mapped to an IP interface and assigned an IP address.

      show vlan - Displays VLAN entry-related information of all active VLANs and VLANs (that are not active) for which the port details are configured.

      l2protocol-tunnel (For vlan) - Enables the tunneling of Layer 2 protocols on the VLAN.

      l2protocol-tunnel(For vlan) - Enables the peering of Layer 2 Protocols on the VLAN.

      l2protocol-tunnel(For vlan) - Discards Layer 2 protocol packets  on the VLAN.

20.3      base bridge-mode


Command Objective

This command configures the base mode (either 802.1d transparent bridge mode or 802.1q VLAN-aware bridge mode) in which the VLAN feature should operate on the switch. This configuration is globally applied on all ports of the switch.


base bridge-mode { dot1d-bridge | dot1q-vlan }

Parameter Description

      dot1d-bridge - Configures the VLAN operation mode as transparent bridging. The switch operates according to IEEE 802.1q implementation. This mode allows you to connect two similar network segments to each other at the datalink layer in a manner transparent to end stations, so the end stations do not participate in the bridging algorithm.

The mode can be set as transparent bridging only if the following conditions are satisfied:

        GARP, IGS, MLDS, PNAC, LA, and LLDP are shut down.

        Spanning tree mode is set as RSTP or spanning tree is shut down.

        All logical interfaces such as loopback are deleted. The default L3 VLAN interface is also deleted.

      dot1q-vlan - Configures the VLAN operation mode as VLAN-aware bridging. The switch operates according to IEEE 802.1d implementation. This mode allows you to interconnect end stations at different LAN segments and communicate with each other using VLANs.


Global Configuration Mode/Switch Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


dot1q-vlan (VLAN-aware bridging)


The VLAN mode can be configured only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


SEFOS(config)# base bridge-mode dot1q-vlan

Related Command(s)

      shutdown garp - Shuts down the GARP module in the switch on all ports and releases memory used for the GARP module.

      shutdown snooping - Shuts down snooping in the switch.

      shutdown spanning-tree - Shuts down spanning tree functionality in the switch.

      spanning-tree mode - Sets the type of spanning tree to be executed, enables spanning tree operation, and starts spanning tree functionality in the switch.

      shutdown dot1x - Shuts down dot1x feature.

      shutdown port-channel - Shuts down LA in the switch and releases the allocated resources to the switch.

      shutdown lldp - Shuts down all the ports in the LLDP and releases all the allocated memory.

      interface-configuration and deletion - Allows configuration of the interface such as out of band management, port channel, tunnel, and so on.

      set vlan - Globally enables or disables VLAN feature in the switch (that is the status of the VLAN feature is configured for all ports of the switch).

      vlan - Creates a VLAN in the SEFOS and enters into the config-VLAN mode in which VLAN-specific configurations are done.

      mac-vlan - Enables MAC-based VLAN membership classification on all ports of the switch.

      subnet-vlan - Enables subnet-VLAN-based membership classification on all ports of the switch.

      protocol-vlan - Enables protocol-VLAN-based membership classification on all ports of the switch.

      map protocol - Creates a protocol group with a specific protocol and encapsulation frame type combination.

      set gvrp - Globally enables or disables GVRP feature on all ports of a switch.

      set gmrp - Globally enables or disables GMRP feature on all ports of a switch.

      vlan learning mode - Configures the VLAN learning mode to be applied for all ports of the switch.

      set vlan traffic-classes - Enables or disables traffic class feature in a switch on all ports.

      switchport filtering-utility-criteria - Creates filtering utility criteria for the port.

      mac-address-table static unicast – Transparent Bridging Mode - Configures a static unicast MAC address in the forwarding database when base bridge mode is transparent bridging in order to control unicast packets to be processed.

      mac-address-table static multicast – Transparent Bridging mode- Configures a static multicast MAC address in the forwarding database in transparent bridging mode in order to control multicast packets to be processed.

      vlan default hybrid type - Configures the default hybrid learning mode for all VLANs when the operational learning mode of the switch is globally set as hybrid.

      wildcard - Configures the wildcard VLAN entry for a specified MAC address or any MAC address.

      set unicast-mac learning - Enables or disables unicast-MAC learning feature for a VLAN.

      vlan unicast-mac learning limit - Configures the unicast-MAC learning limit for a VLAN.

      unicast-mac learning limit - Configures the unicast-MAC learning limit for a switch.

      vlan active - Activates a VLAN in the switch.

      switchport pvid - Configures the PVID on the specified port.

      switchport acceptable-frame-type - Configures the type of VLAN-dependant BPDU frames such as GMRP BPDU, that the port should accept during the VLAN membership configuration.

      switchport ingress-filter - Enables ingress filtering feature on the port.

      switchport map protocols-group - Maps the protocol group configured to a particular VLAN identifier for the specified interface.

      switchport priority default - Sets the default user priority for the port.

      switchport mode - Configures the mode of operation for a switch port.

      switchport map protocols-group - Maps the configured protocol group to a particular VLAN ID for an interface.

      switchport priority default - Configures the default ingress user priority for a port.

      switchport protected - Enables switchport protection feature for a port.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.

      show vlan device info: Displays the VLAN global information that is applicable to all VLANs created in the switch / all contexts.


20.4      mac-vlan


Command Objective

This command enables MAC-based VLAN membership classification on all ports of the switch. VLAN membership classification is done based on the MAC address of the source of received packets. The VLAN membership should be assigned initially, if the MAC-based VLAN membership classification is to be enabled in the switch.

The no form of the command disables MAC-based VLAN membership classification on all ports of the switch.


This command is available only if either the switch NPAPI_WANTED is set as no or the switch XCAT is set as yes during the compilation of the exe.



no mac-vlan


Global Configuration Mode/Switch Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


MAC-based VLAN membership classification is disabled on all ports of the switch.


MAC-based VLAN membership classification cannot be configured in the switch if the base bridge mode is set as transparent bridging or the VLAN switching feature is shut down in the switch.


SEFOS(config)# mac-vlan

Related Command(s)

      base bridge-mode dot1q-vlan - Configures the VLAN operation mode as VLAN-aware bridging.

      mac-map - Configures the VLAN-MAC address mapping that is used only for MAC-based VLAN membership classification.

      port mac-vlan - Enables MAC-based VLAN membership classification in a port.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.

      show vlan device info - Displays the VLAN global information that is applicable to all VLANs created in the switch / all contexts.

      show mac-vlan - Displays all entries in the MAC map table.

20.5      fid


Command Objective

This command configures a VLAN or a list of VLANs to use a filtering database for making forwarding decisions.

The filtering database is identified using a filtering database identifier. If the VLANs are mapped to the same FID, then those mapped VLANs operate in SVL mode. If the VLANs are mapped to unique FID, then those mapped VLANs operate in IVL mode.

The no form of the command unmaps the specified VLANs from the FIDs except the default VLAN list. The default VLAN list is always mapped with the FID.


This command is available only if the switch NPAPI_WANTED is set as no during the compilation of the exe.


fid <integer(1-4094)> vlan <vlan-range>

no fid vlan <vlan-range>

Parameter Description

      <integer(1-4094)> - Configures the FID that should be mapped with the specified VLAN or list of VLANs. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

      <vlan-range> - Configures a VLAN ID or list of VLAN IDs that should be mapped with the specified FID. This value is a string whose maximum size is 9. For example, the value is provided as 4000-4010 to represent the list of VLANs IDs from 4000 to 4010.


Global Configuration Mode/Switch Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


All VLANs are mapped to FID having value equal to the ID of those VLANs, if default hybrid learning type is set as ivl. That is, VLAN 1 is mapped to FID 1, VLAN 2 is mapped to FID 2 and so on.

All VLANs are mapped to filtering database ID 1 if default hybrid learning type is set as svl. That is, VLANs 1 to 4094 are mapped to FID 1 and no VLANs are mapped to other FIDs.


      The VLAN IDs and FIDs can be mapped only if the VLAN learning mode is set as hybrid.

      This command will not work when the VLAN learning mode is either IVL or SVL.The mapping of VLANIDs and FIDs can be configured in the switch only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.

      The MST instance of all VLANs in the list should be the same.

      This command can be executed successfully only if VLANs mapped to the configured FID have the same instance as the VLANs configured in the VLAN List.


SEFOS(config)# fid 2 vlan 2-20

Related Command(s)

      vlan learning mode hybrid - Sets the VLAN learning mode for the switch as hybrid.

      vlan default hybrid type - Configures the default hybrid learning mode for all VLANs when the operational learning mode of the switch is globally set as hybrid.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.

      show fid - Displays the FID VLAN mapping information of all FIDs in the switch / all contexts.

20.6      mac-address-table static unicast


Command Objective

This command configures a static unicast MAC address in the forwarding database.

The no form of the command deletes a configured static unicast MAC address from the forwarding database.


More than one egress port (AllowedToGoTo ports) for a static unicast entry is not supported on BCM and XCAT platforms.


mac-address-table static unicast <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa> vlan <vlan-id/vfi_id> [{recv-port <ifXtype> <ifnum> }] [interface ([<interface-type> <0/a-b, 0/c, ...>] [<interface-type> <0/a-b, 0/c, ...>] [port-channel <a,b,c-d>][pw <a,b,c-d>][ac <a,b, c-d>])] [connection-identifier <ucast_mac>] [status { permanent | deleteOnReset | deleteOnTimeout }]

no mac-address-table static unicast <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa> vlan <vlan-id/vfi_id> [{recv-port <ifXtype> <ifnum>}]

PBB feature enabled in the switch

mac-address-table static unicast <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa> vlan <vlan-id/vfi_id> [{recv-port <ifXtype> <ifnum> | service-instance <integer(256-16777214)>}] [interface ([<interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...>] [<interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...>] [port-channel <a,b,c-d>][pw <a,b,c-d>][ac <a,b, c-d>])] [connection-identifier <ucast_mac>][status { permanent | deleteOnReset | deleteOnTimeout }]

no mac-address-table static unicast <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa> vlan <vlan-id/vfi_id> [{recv-port <ifXtype> <ifnum> | service-instance <integer(256-16777214)>}]

Parameter Description

      <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa> - Configures the static unicast destination MAC address. The received packets having the specified MAC address are processed.

      vlan <vlan-id/vfi-id> - Configures the static unicast destination MAC address for the specified VLAN / VFI ID. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

        <vlan –id> - VLAN ID is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

        <vfi-id>. - VFI ID is a VLAN created in the system which contains pseudowires and attachment circuits as member ports. This creates a logical LAN for the VPLS service. This value ranges from 4096 to 65535.

Note:     The VLAN ID 4095 is reserved and might be used to indicate a wildcard match for the VID in management operations or filtering database entries.

Note:     VFI IDs 4096 and 4097 are reserved identifiers used in MPLS PW.

Note:     The theoretical maximum for the maximum number of VFI is 65535 but the actual number of VFI supported is a sizing constant. Based on this, the maximum number of VFI ID accepted in the management interface is restricted. For example if 100 VFIs are supported, the maximum number of VFIs supported will be restricted to 100 added to the maximum number of VLANs. An error message is displayed for any value beyond this range.

      recv-port  - Configures the receive ports details. The static unicast packets received only on this specified port are processed. The details to be provided are:

        <interface-type> - Configures the receive ports details for the specified type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

Note:     As of release, all interfaces are referred to as extreme-ethernet.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <interface-id> - Configures the receive ports details for the specified type of interface. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel.

      service-instance<integer(256-16777214)> - Configures a static unicast MAC address for the specified  service-instance identifier. This value ranges from 256 to 16777214.

      interface  - Configures the member ports interface type and ID. The details to be provided are:

        <interface-type> - Configures the member ports for the specified type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <0/a-b, 0/c, ...> - Configures the member ports for the specified interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only internal-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel. port-channel <a,b,c-d> - Sets the list of port channel interfaces or a specific port channel identifier. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 1,3.

      pw <a,b,c-d> - Configures a static unicast MAC address for the specified  pseudowire interface. When the pseudowire interface is mapped to a specific VLAN, interface structures are created. This value ranges from 1 to 65535. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 1,3.

      ac <a,b, c-d> - Configures a static unicast MAC address for the specified attachment circuit interface. This value ranges from 1 to 65535. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 1,3.

      connection-identifier<ucast_mac> - Associates backbone MAC address of peer backbone edge bridge with customer MAC address that can be reached through the bridge.

      status - Specifies the status of the static unicast entry. The options are:

        permanent - Entry remains even after the next reset of the bridge.

        deleteOnReset - Entry remains until the next reset of the bridge.

        deleteOnTimeout - Entry remains until it is aged out.


Global Configuration Mode/Switch Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


status - permanent


      VLAN or service-instance must have been configured and member ports must have been configured for the specified VLAN or service-instance.

      The VLAN value in a configured static MAC entry must be active..

      The new configured ports are appended to the existing member port list of the VLAN.

      The egress port value and receive port value in a configured static MAC entry must be a member of the configured VLAN. Receive port cannot be an egress port in a configured static MAC entry.


SEFOS(config)# mac-address-table static unicast 00:11:22:33:22:11 vlan 1 recv-port extreme-ethernet 0/2 interface extreme-ethernet 0/1 status deleteOnTimeout

SEFOS(config)# mac-address-table static unicast 00:11:22:33:22:11 vlan 1 service-instance 1005 interface extreme-ethernet 0/1 status deleteOnTimeout

SEFOS(config)# mac-address-table static unicast 00:11:22:33:22:11 vlan 1 recv-port extreme-ethernet 0/2 interface extreme-ethernet 0/1 pw 1

SEFOS(config)# mac-address-table static unicast 00:11:22:33:22:11 vlan 1 recv-port extreme-ethernet 0/2 interface ac 1

Related Command(s)

      mac-address-table static multicast - Configures a static multicast MAC address in the forwarding database.

      vlan - Configures a VLAN in the switch and enters the config-VLAN mode.

      service instance - Enters the service-instance mode for performing ISID specific operations.

      ports - Statically configures a VLAN entry with the required member ports, untagged ports and forbidden ports, or untagged ports or forbidden ports, and activates the VLAN.

      vlan active - Activates a VLAN in the switch.

      show mac-address-table static unicast - Displays the statically configured unicast address from the MAC address table.


20.7      mac-address-table static unicast – Transparent Bridging Mode


Command Objective

This command configures a static unicast MAC address in the forwarding database in transparent bridging mode in order to control unicast packets to be processed. Only the unicast packets having the configured value are processed.

The no form of the command deletes the configured static unicast address from the forwarding database.


mac-address-table static unicast <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa> [recv-port <interface-type> <interface-id>] interface ([<interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...>] [<interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...>] [port-channel <a,b,c-d>]) [status { permanent | deleteOnReset | deleteOnTimeout }]

no mac-address-table static unicast <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa> [recv-port <interface-type> <interface-id>]

Parameter Description

      <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa> - Configures the unicast destination MAC address. The received packets having the specified MAC address are processed.

      recv-port - Configures the receive port's details. The unicast packets received only on this specified port are processed. The details to be provided are:

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <interface-id> - Sets the interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel.

      interface - Configures the member ports details. The unicast packets received on the specified receive ports and having the specified unicast destination MAC address are forwarded through these member ports. The details to be provided are:

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <0/a-b, 0/c, ...> - Sets the list of interfaces or a specific interface identifier. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 0/1,0/3 or 1,3.

      port-channel<a,b,c-d> - Sets the list of port channel interfaces or a specific port channel identifier. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 1,3.

      status - Configures the status of the static unicast entry. The options are:

        permanent - The static unicast entry resides in the switch, even after restarting the switch.

        deleteOnReset - The static unicast entry is deleted once the switch is restart.

        deleteOnTimeout - The static unicast entry is deleted once the MAC address table aging timer expires.


Global Configuration Mode/Switch Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


status - permanent


      This command is applicable only if the base bridge mode is set as transparent bridging.

      The interface XL-ethernet 0/1 cannot be set as member port or receive port in the static entry, as it is configured as a router port in transparent bridging mode.

      The same interface cannot be configured as both ingress port (receive port) and egress port (member port). The port can act only as ingress or as egress.

      If the receive port is configured in the created static unicast MAC address entry, then that entry can be deleted only if the receive port details are exactly mentioned in the no form of the command.

      Only one static unicast MAC address entry is allowed in the switch in transparent bridging mode. If any updates need to be done in the existing one, then it should be deleted and new entry should be created with new configurations.


SEFOS(config)# mac-address-table static unicast 00:11:22:33:44:55 recv-port extreme-ethernet 0/3 interface extreme-ethernet 0/2 status deleteOnTimeout

Related Command(s)

      base bridge-mode dot1d-bridge - Configures the VLAN operation mode as transparent bridging.

      mac-address-table aging-time - Configures the timeout period (in seconds) for aging out dynamically learned forwarding information entry and static entry in the MAC address table.

      show dot1d mac-address-table - Displays all static and dynamic unicast and multicast MAC address entries created in the FDB table, when the VLAN base bridge mode is transparent bridging.

      show dot1d mac-address-table static unicast- Displays all static unicast MAC address entries created in the FDB table, when the VLAN base bridge mode is transparent bridging.


20.8      mac-address-table static multicast


Command Objective

This command configures a static multicast MAC address in the forwarding database.

The no form command deletes a configured static unicast MAC address from the forwarding database


mac-address-table static multicast <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa> vlan <vlan-id/vfi_id> [recv-port <ifXtype> <ifnum>] interface ([<interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...>] [<interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...>] [port-channel <a,b,c-d>][pw <a,b,c-d>] [ac <a,b,c-d>]) [forbidden-ports ([<interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...>] [<interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...>] [port-channel <a,b,c-d>][pw <a,b,c-d>][ac <a,b,c-d>])] [status { permanent | deleteOnReset | deleteOnTimeout }]

no mac-address-table static multicast <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa> vlan <vlan-id/vfi_id> [recv-port <ifXtype> <ifnum>}]

PBB feature enabled in the switch

mac-address-table static multicast <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa> vlan <vlan-id/vfi_id> [{recv-port <ifXtype> <ifnum> | service-instance <integer(256-16777214)>}] interface ([<interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...>] [<interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...>] [port-channel <a,b,c-d>] [pw <a,b,c-d>]) [forbidden-ports ([<interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...>] [<interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...>] [port-channel <a,b,c-d>] [pw <a,b,c-d>] [ac <a,b,c-d>])] [status { permanent | deleteOnReset | deleteOnTimeout }]

no mac-address-table static multicast <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa> vlan <vlan-id/vfi_id> [{recv-port <ifXtype> <ifnum> | service-instance <integer(256-16777214)>}]

Parameter Description

      <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa> - Configures the multicast destination MAC address. The received packets having the specified MAC address are processed.

      vlan <vlan-id/vfi-id> - Configures the static multicast destination MAC address for the specified VLAN / VFI ID. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

        <vlan –id> - VLAN ID is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

        <vfi-id>. - VFI ID is a VLAN created in the system which contains pseudowires and attachment circuits as member ports . This creates a logical LAN for the VPLS service. This value ranges from 4096 to 65535.

Note:     The VLAN ID 4095 is reserved and might be used to indicate a wildcard match for the VID in management operations or filtering database entries.

Note:     VFI IDs 4096 and 4097 are reserved identifiers used in MPLS PW.

Note:     The theoretical maximum for the maximum number of VFI is 65535 but the actual number of VFI supported is a sizing constant. Based on this, the maximum number of VFI ID accepted in the management interface is restricted. For example if 100 VFIs are supported, the maximum number of VFIs supported will be restricted to 100 added to the maximum number of VLANs. An error message is displayed for any value beyond this range.

      recv-port  - Configures the receive port's details. The multicast packets received only on this specified port are processed. The details to be provided are:

        <ifXtype> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <ifnum> - Sets the interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel.

      service-instance<integer(256-16777214)> - Configures a static multicast MAC address for the specified  service-instance identifier. This value ranges from 256 to 16777214.

      interface  - Configures the member ports details. The multicast packets received on the specified receive ports and having the specified multicast destination MAC address are forwarded through these member ports. The details to be provided are:

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <0/a-b, 0/c, ...> - Sets the list of interfaces or a specific interface identifier. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 0/1,0/3 or 1,3.

        port-channel <a,b,c-d> - Sets the list of port channel interfaces or a specific port channel identifier. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 1,3.

        pw <a,b,c-d> - Configures a static multicast MAC address the pseudowire interface. When the pseudowire interface is mapped to a specific VLAN, the interface structures are created. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

Note:     Maximum number of pseudowire interfaces supported in the system is 100.

        ac <a,b, c-d> - Configures a static multicast MAC address for the specified attachment circuit interface. This value ranges from 1 to 65535. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 1,3.

      forbidden-ports  - Configures the ports for which GMRP should not dynamically register the service requirement attribute forward-all multicast groups. This configuration is restored once the switch is reset. The details to be provided are:

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet - A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet - A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan - Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel - Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <0/a-b, 0/c, ...> - Sets the list of interfaces or a specific interface identifier. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 0/1,0/3 or 1,3.

        port-channel <a,b,c-d> - Sets the list of port channel interfaces or a specific port channel identifier. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 1,3

        pw <a,b,c-d> - Configures the pseudowire interface. When the pseudowire interface is mapped to a specific VLAN, the interface structures are created. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

Note:     Maximum number of pseudowire interfaces supported in the system is 100.

        ac <a,b, c-d> - Configures a static multicast MAC address for the specified attachment circuit interface. This value ranges from 1 to 65535. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 1,3.

      status - Status of the static multicast entry. The options are:

        permanent - Entry remains even after the next reset of the bridge.

        deleteOnReset - Entry remains until the next reset of the bridge.

        deleteOnTimeout - Entry remains until it is aged out.


Global Configuration Mode/Switch Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


status - permanent


      VLAN or service-instance must have been configured and member ports must have been configured for the specified VLAN or service-instance.

      The VLAN value in a configured static MAC entry must be active.

      The new configured ports are appended to the existing member port list of the VLAN.

      The egress port value and receive port value in a configured static MAC entry must be a member of the configured VLAN

      Receive port cannot be an egress port in a configured static MAC entry


SEFOS(config)# mac-address-table static multicast 01:02:03:04:05:06 vlan 1 interface extreme-ethernet 0/1

SEFOS(config-switch)# mac-address-table static multicast 01:02:03:04:05:06 vlan 1 interface extreme-ethernet 0/1 pw 1

Related Command(s)

      mac-address-table static unicast - Configures a static unicast MAC address in the forwarding database.

      vlan - Configures a VLAN in the switch and is also used to enter into the config-VLAN mode.

      ports - Statically configures a VLAN entry with the required member ports, untagged ports and forbidden ports, or untagged ports or forbidden ports and then activates the VLAN. The VLAN can also be activated using the VLAN active command.

      vlan active - Activates a VLAN in the switch.

      service instance - Enters the service-instance mode for performing ISID specific operations.

      show mac-address-table static multicast - Displays the statically configured multicast entries.

20.9      mac address-table static - mcast


Command Objective

This command configures a static multicast MAC (Media Access Control) address in the forwarding database.

The no form of the command deletes a configured static multicast MAC address from the forwarding database.


This command is a complete standardized implementation of the existing command and operates similar to that of the command mac-address-table static multicast.

This feature has been included in adherence to the Industry Standard CLI syntax.


mac address-table static <mcast_mac> vlan <integer(1-4094)>  ([interface <interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...>]  [<interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...>][port-channel <a,b,c-d>])

no mac address-table static <mcast_mac> vlan <vlan-id(1-4094)>  [interface <ifXtype> <ifnum>]

Parameter Description

      <mcast_mac> - Configures the static MAC address that should be mapped to the specified VLAN and used for MAC-based VLAN membership classification.

      vlan<integer(1-4094)> - Configures the VLAN ID to which the configured MAC address should be mapped. This is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN created. This value ranges from 1 to 4094..

      interface - Configures the member ports details. The static packets received on the specified receive ports and having the specified static destination MAC address are forwarded through these member ports. The details to be provided are:

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

      <0/a-b, 0/c, ...> - Sets the list of interfaces or a specific interface identifier. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 0/1,0/3 or 1,3.

        port-channel<a,b,c-d> - Sets the list of port channel interfaces or a specific port channel identifier. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 1,3.


Global Configuration Mode/Switch Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


      VLAN or service-instance must have been configured and member ports must have been configured for the specified VLAN or service-instance.

      The VLAN value in a configured static MAC entry must be active


SEFOS(config)# mac address-table static 01:02:03:04:05:06 vlan 1 interface extreme-ethernet 0/1

Related Command(s)

      show mac-address-table static multicast - Displays the statically configured multicast entries.

      vlan - Configures a VLAN in the switch and is also used to enter into the config-VLAN mode.

      service instance – Enters the service-instance mode for performing ISID specific operations.

      vlan active - Activates a VLAN in the switch.

      ports - Configures a VLAN entry.


20.10  mac-address-table static multicast – Transparent Bridging mode


Command Objective

This command configures a static multicast MAC address in the forwarding database in transparent bridging mode in order to control multicast packets to be processed. Only the multicast packets having the configured value are processed.

This configuration is used to filter incoming reports that can be commonly used by all multicast protocols.

The no form of this command deletes the configured static multicast MAC address from the forwarding database.


mac-address-table static multicast <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa> [recv-port <interface-type> <interface-id>] interface ([<interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...>] [<interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...>] [port-channel <a,b,c-d>]]) [status { permanent | deleteOnReset | deleteOnTimeout }]

no mac-address-table static multicast <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa> [recv-port <interface-type> <interface-id>]

Parameter Description

      <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa> - Configures the multicast destination MAC address. The received packets having the specified MAC address are processed.

      recv-port - Configures the receive port's details. The multicast packets received only on this specified port are processed. The details to be provided are:

        <ifXtype> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <ifnum> - Sets the interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel.

      interface - Configures the member ports details. The multicast packets received on the specified receive ports and having the specified multicast destination MAC address are forwarded through these member ports. The details to be provided are:

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <0/a-b, 0/c, ...> - Sets the list of interfaces or a specific interface identifier. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 0/1,0/3 or 1,3.

        port-channel <a,b,c-d> - Sets the list of port channel interfaces or a specific port channel identifier. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 1,3.

      status - Configures the status of the static multicast entry. The options are:

        permanent - The static multicast entry resides in the switch, even after restarting the switch.

        deleteOnReset - The static multicast entry is deleted, once the switch is restart.

        deleteOnTimeout - The static multicast entry is deleted once the MAC address table aging timer expires.


Global Configuration Mode/Switch Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


status - permanent


      This command is applicable only if the base bridge mode is set as transparent bridging.

      The interface XL-ethernet 0/1 cannot be set as member port or receive port in the static entry, as it is configured as a router port in transparent bridging mode.

      The same interface cannot be configured as both ingress port (receive port) and egress port (member port). The port can act only as ingress or as egress.

      If the receive port is configured in the created static multicast MAC address entry, then that entry can be deleted only if the receive port details are exactly mentioned in the no form of the command.

      Only one static multicast MAC address entry is allowed in the switch in transparent bridging mode. If any updates need to be done in the existing one, then it should be deleted and new entry should be created with new configurations.


SEFOS(config)# mac-address-table static multicast 01:00:5E:01:02:03 interface extreme-ethernet 0/2

Related Command(s)

      base bridge-mode dot1d-bridge - Configures the VLAN operation mode as transparent bridging.

      mac-address-table aging-time - Configures the timeout period (in seconds) for aging out dynamically learned forwarding information entry and static entry in the MAC address table.

      show dot1d mac-address-table - Displays all static and dynamic unicast and multicast MAC address entries created in the FDB table, when the VLAN base bridge mode is transparent bridging.

      show dot1d mac-address-table static multicast - Displays all static multicast MAC address entries created in the FDB table, when the VLAN base bridge mode is transparent bridging.

20.11  mac-address-table aging-time


Command Objective

This command configures the timeout period (in seconds) for aging out dynamically learned forwarding information entry and static entry in the MAC address table. That is, the entry is deleted once the aging timer expires. High value for the aging time helps to record dynamic entries for a longer time, if traffic is not frequent. This reduces the possibility of flooding.

      This timeout period value ranges from 10 to 1000000 seconds, if the switch DX260 is set as no during compilation of the exe.

      The value ranges from 10 to 630 seconds, if the switch DX260 is set as yes during compilation of the exe.

The no form of the command resets the maximum age of an entry in the MAC address table to its default value.


mac-address-table aging-time <10-630 seconds>

no mac-address-table aging-time

If switch DX260 is set as no during compilation of the exe:

mac-address-table aging-time <10-1000000 seconds>


Global Configuration Mode/Switch Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




      The aging timer is applied to the static entry in the MAC address table only if static entry status is set as deleteOnTimeout.

      The MAC address table maximum age can be configured in the switch only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


SEFOS(config)# mac-address-table aging-time 200

Related Command(s)

      mac-address-table static unicast – Transparent Bridging Mode - Configures a static unicast MAC address in the forwarding database in transparent bridging mode in order to control unicast packets to be processed.

      mac-address-table static multicast – Transparent Bridging mode - Configures a static multicast MAC address in the forwarding database in transparent bridging mode in order to control multicast packets to be processed.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.

      show mac-address-table aging-time - Displays the ageing time configured for the MAC address table.


20.12  clear vlan statistics


Command Objective

This command clears VLAN counters that maintain statistics information on a per VLAN basis.

The counter is cleared for all available VLANs or for the specified VLAN. The statistics information contains number of unicast, broadcast, and unknown unicast packets flooded.


clear vlan statistics [vlan <vlan-id/vfi_id>]

Parameter Description

      vlan <vlan-id/vfi-id> -  Clears VLAN counters for the specified VLAN / VFI ID. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

        <vlan –id> - VLAN ID is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

        <vfi-id>. - VFI ID is a VLAN created in the system which contains pseudowires and attachment circuits as member ports. This creates a logical LAN for the VPLS service. This value ranges from 4096 to 65535.

Note:     The VLAN ID 4095 is reserved and might be used to indicate a wildcard match for the VID in management operations or filtering database entries.

Note:     VFI IDs 4096 and 4097 are reserved identifiers used in MPLS PW.

Note:     The theoretical maximum for the maximum number of VFI is 65535 but the actual number of VFI supported is a sizing constant. Based on this, the maximum number of VFI ID accepted in the management interface is restricted. For example if 100 VFIs are supported, the maximum number of VFIs supported will be restricted to 100 added to the maximum number of VLANs. An error message is displayed for any value beyond this range.


Global Configuration Mode/Switch Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


The information in the VLAN counters can be deleted only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


SEFOS(config)# clear vlan statistics vlan 1

Related Command (s)

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.

      show vlan statistics - Displays the unicast and broadcast statistics of all active VLANs and VLANs (that are not active) for which the port details are configured.

20.13  vlan default hybrid type


Command Objective

This command configures the default hybrid learning mode for all VLANs when the operational learning mode of the switch is globally set as hybrid.


This command is available only if the switch NPAPI_WANTED is set as no during the compilation of the exe.


vlan default hybrid type {ivl | svl}

Parameter Description

      ivl - Configures the default hybrid learning mode as IVL. All VLANs are mapped to FID having value equal to the ID of those VLANs. That is, VLAN 1 is mapped to FID 1, VLAN 2 is mapped to FID 2 and so on.

      svl - Configures the default hybrid learning mode as SVL. All VLANs are mapped to filtering database ID 1. That is, VLANs 1 to 4094 are mapped to FID 1 and no VLANs are mapped to other FIDs.


Global Configuration Mode/Switch Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


      The default VLAN hybrid learning mode can be configured only if the VLAN learning mode is set as hybrid.

      VLAN’s default hybrid learning type cannot be configured in the switch if the base bridge mode is set as transparent bridging or the VLAN switching feature is shut down in the switch.

      This configuration should be saved and restored on restart of the switch. This configuration should not be done while exe is running.


SEFOS(config)# vlan default hybrid type ivl

Related Command(s)

      base bridge-mode dot1q-vlan - Configures the VLAN operation mode as VLAN-aware bridging.

      vlan learning mode hybrid - Sets the VLAN learning mode for the switch as hybrid.

      fid - Configures a VLAN or a list of VLANs to use a filtering database for making forwarding decisions.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.

      show fid - Displays the FID VLAN mapping information of all FIDs in the switch or all contexts and the default hybrid learning mode configured in the switch or all contexts.

20.14  map subnet


Command Objective

This command configures VLAN-IP subnet address mapping that is used only for subnet-VLAN-based membership classification.

In subnet-VLAN-based membership classification, the source IP address in the received packet is matched to a VLAN ID using this mapping entry to perform VLAN membership classification.

The no form of the command deletes the VLAN-IP subnet address mapping entry.


map subnet <ip-subnet-address> vlan <vlan-id/vfi_id> [arp {suppress | allow}][mask <subnet-mask>]

no map subnet <ip-subnet-address> [mask <subnet-mask>]

Parameter Description

      <ip-subnet-address> - Configures the IP subnet address to be used for deciding on discarding / allowing of ARP frames.

      vlan <vlan-id/vfi-id> - Configures VLAN-IP subnet address mapping for the specified VLAN / VFI ID. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

        <vlan –id> - VLAN ID is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

        <vfi-id>. - VFI ID is a VLAN created in the system which contains pseudowires and attachment circuits as member ports. This creates a logical LAN for the VPLS service. This value ranges from 4096 to 65535.

Note:     The VLAN ID 4095 is reserved and might be used to indicate a wildcard match for the VID in management operations or filtering database entries.

Note:     VFI IDs 4096 and 4097 are reserved identifiers used in MPLS PW.

Note:     The theoretical maximum for the maximum number of VFI is 65535 but the actual number of VFI supported is a sizing constant. Based on this, the maximum number of VFI ID accepted in the management interface is restricted. For example if 100 VFIs are supported, the maximum number of VFIs supported will be restricted to 100 added to the maximum number of VLANs. An error message is displayed for any value beyond this range.

      arp - Configures the handling of ARP untagged frames on the specified VLAN. The options are:

        suppress - Does not perform VLAN classification for ARP frames having the specified source IP subnet address.

        allow - Performs VLAN classification for ARP frames having the specified source IP subnet address.

Note:     This parameter is not supported in BCM target. The ARP option cannot be configured as allow when running on Broadcom target, since BCM does not classify ARP broadcast packets based on subnet VLAN mapping. In case of BCM, subnet VLAN mapping works only on IP packets.

      mask <subnet-mask> - Configures the subnet mask address to be used to decide the discarding or allowing of ARP frames.


Global Configuration Mode / Interface Configuration Mode(Physical/ Port Channel)

      This command is available only in the Global Configuration mode, if the switch BCMX_WANTED is set as yes during the compilation of the exe.

      This command is available only in the Interface Configuration mode, if the switch BCMX_WANTED is set as no during the compilation of the exe.


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


arp - Allow for all boards, suppress for Broadcom board


      Only the VLANs that are activated in the switch can be mapped to the specified IP subnet address.

      VLAN-IP subnet address mapping can be configured in the port only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


SEFOS(config-if)# map subnet vlan 1 arp allow

Related Command(s)

      subnet-vlan - Enables subnet-VLAN-based membership classification on all ports of the switch.

      vlan active - Activates a VLAN in the switch.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.

      show subnet-vlan mapping - Displays all entries in the subnet map table.

20.15  ports


Command Objective

This command statically configures a VLAN entry with the required member ports, untagged ports and forbidden ports, untagged ports or forbidden ports and then activates the VLAN. The VLAN can also be activated using the VLAN active command.

The configuration defines the tagged and untagged member ports that are used for egress tagging of a VLAN at a port.

For ports in PBB bridge mode, this command is used to define member ports for a VLAN in a component.

      For BVLAN in a B component, only the PNP ports can be set as member ports.

      For SVLAN in an I component, only the CNP-S tagged ports can be set as member ports.

      For CVLAN in an I component, only the CNP-C tagged ports can be set as member ports.

The no form of the command deletes the specified port details for the VLAN. The member ports cannot be set empty for the VLAN once the member ports' details are configured for that VLAN.


ports [add] ([<interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...>] [<interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...>] [port-channel <a,b,c-d>] [pw <a,b,c-d>][pw <a,b,c-d>]) [untagged <interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...> [<interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...>] [port-channel <a,b,c-d>] [pw <a,b,c-d>] [ac <a,b,c-d>] [all])] [forbidden <interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...> [<interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...>] [port-channel <a,b,c-d>] [pw <a,b,c-d>] [ac <a,b,c-d>]]

no ports [<interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...>] [<interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...>] [port-channel <a,b,c-d>] [pw <a,b,c-d>] [ac <a,b,c-d>] [all] [untagged ([<interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...>] [<interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...>] [port-channel <a,b,c-d>] [pw <a,b,c-d>] [ac <a,b,c-d>] [all])] [forbidden ([<interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...>] [<interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...>] [port-channel <a,b,c-d>] [pw <a,b,c-d>] [ac <a,b,c-d>] [all])]

Parameter Description

      add - Appends the new configured ports to the existing member port list of the VLAN.

      <interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...> - Configures the ports that should be set as a member of the VLAN. The details to be provided are:

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <0/a-b, 0/c, ...> - Sets the list of interfaces or a specific interface identifier. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 0/1,0/3 or 1,3.

      port-channel<a,b,c-d> - Sets the list of port channel interfaces or a specific port channel identifier. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 1,3.

      pw <a,b,c-d> - Configures the pseudowire interface as member port. When the pseudowire interface is mapped to a specific VLAN, the interface structures are created. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

Note:     Maximum number of pseudowire interfaces supported in the system is 100.

      ac <a,b, c-d> - Configures the specified attachment circuit interface as a member port. This value ranges from 1 to 65535. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 1,3.

      all - Deletes all configured member ports for the VLAN and sets the member ports as none. This option is available only in the no form of the command.

      untagged<interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...> - Configures the ports that should be used for the VLAN to transmit egress packets as untagged packets. The details to be provided are:

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <0/a-b, 0/c, ...> - Sets the list of interfaces or a specific interface identifier. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 0/1,0/3 or 1,3.

        port-channel - Sets the list of port channel interfaces or a specific port channel identifier. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 1,3.

        pw <a,b,c-d>  - Sets pseudowire interface. When the pseudowire interface is mapped to a specific VLAN, the interface structures are created. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

Note:     Maximum number of pseudowire interfaces supported in the system is 100.

        ac <a,b, c-d> - Configures the AC identifier or a list of identifiers to be used for the VLAN to transmit egress packets as untagged packets. This value ranges from 1 to 65535. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 1,3.

        all  - Sets all configured member ports as the untagged ports for the VLAN.

The ports configured should be a subset of the member ports.

The ports that are attached to VLAN-aware devices should always be set as untagged ports only.

The ports can be set as untagged ports only if they are not configured as trunk ports.

CBP should always be set as untagged member port of a BVLAN.

      forbidden<interface-type> <0/a-b,0/c,...> - Configures the ports that should never receive packets from the VLAN. These ports drop the packets received from this VLAN. The details to be provided are:

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <0/a-b, 0/c, ...> - Sets the list of interfaces or a specific interface identifier. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 0/1,0/3 or 1,3.

        port-channel - Sets the list of port channel interfaces or a specific port channel identifier. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 1,3.

        pw <a,b,c-d>  - Sets the pseudowire interface as a port that should never receive packets from the VLAN. When the pseudowire interface is mapped to a specific VLAN, the interface structures are created. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

Note:     Maximum number of pseudowire interfaces supported in the system is 100.

        ac <a,b, c-d> - Sets the AC interface as a port that should never receive packets from the VLAN. This value ranges from 1 to 65535. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 1,3.

        all - Deletes all configured forbidden ports for the VLAN and sets the forbidden port as none. This option is available only in the no form of the command.

The ports configured should not be a subset of the member ports. That is, the forbidden ports and member ports are mutually exclusive.


Config-VLAN Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


All ports available in the switch are configured as member ports and untagged ports of the default VLAN (VLAN 1). For other active VLANs, the member, untagged and forbidden ports are not set (that is, set as none).


SEFOS(config-vlan)# ports extreme-ethernet 0/1 pw 1 untagged extreme-ethernet 0/1 forbidden extreme-ethernet 0/2 pw 2

SEFOS(config-vlan)# ports add extreme-ethernet 0/1 ac 1 untagged extreme-ethernet 0/1 forbidden extreme-ethernet 0/2 ac 2

Related Command (s)

      vlan active - Activates a VLAN in the switch.

      ipv6 mld snooping mrouter - Configures statically the router ports for a VLAN.

      forward-all - Configures the forward-all port details for a VLAN to specify the ports that forward or do not forward-all multicast group-addressed frames.

      forward-unregistered - Configures the forward-unregistered port details for a VLAN to specify the ports that forward or do not forward multicast group-addressed frames for which no more specific forwarding information applies.

      switchport mode - Configures the mode of operation for a switch port.

      show vlan - Displays VLAN entry-related information of all active VLANs and VLANs (that are not active) for which the port details are configured.

      show vlan counters - Displays the VLAN traffic statistics for all VLANs (for which the member port details are configured) available in the switch / all contexts.

      show vlan statistics - Displays the unicast and broadcast statistics of all active VLANs and VLANs (that are not active) for which the port details are configured.

      show mac-address-table count - Displays the total number of static and dynamic unicast and multicast MAC address entries created in the FDB table.

      show vlan learning params - Displays the VLAN learning parameter details for all active VLANs and VLANs (that are not active) for which the port details are configured, available in all contexts or in the switch.

      set vlan counter - Enables or disables the statistics collection for the specified VLAN.


20.16  vlan active


Command Objective

This command activates a VLAN in the switch. The created VLANs should be active for further VLAN-related configurations. The VLAN can also be activated using ports command.


vlan active


Config-VLAN Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Only default VLAN (VLAN 1) is activated once the switch is started.


VLAN cannot be made active if base bridge mode is set as transparent bridging.


SEFOS(config-vlan)# vlan active

Related Command(s)

      ports - Statically configures a VLAN entry with the required member ports, untagged ports and forbidden ports, or untagged ports or forbidden ports and then activates the VLAN.

      ipv6 mld snooping – Enables MLD snooping in the switch for a VLAN.

      ipv6 mld snooping version – Sets the operating version of the MLD snooping switch for a specific VLAN.

      ipv6 mld snooping fast-leave - Enables fast leave processing for a specific VLAN.

      ipv6 mld snooping querier – Configures the MLD snooping switch as a querier for a specific VLAN.

      ipv6 mld snooping query-interval - Sets the time period with which the general queries are sent by the MLD snooping switch when it is configured as a querier on the VLAN.

      ipv6 mld snooping mrouter - Configures statically the router ports for a VLAN.

      spanning-tree vlan - Configures spanning tree-related information on a per VLAN basis.

      spanning-tree vlan status - Configures the status of PVRST on a port for the specified VLAN.

      spanning-tree vlan cost - Configures the cost of port for the specified VLAN.

      show spanning-tree vlan - Summary, Blockedports, Pathcost - Displays PVRST-related information for the specified VLAN.

      show spanning-tree vlan - bridge - Displays the PVRT-related information of the bridge for the specified VLAN ID.

      show spanning-tree vlan - root - Displays the PVRT-related information of the root, for the specified VLAN ID.

      show spanning-tree vlan - interface - Displays interface-specific PVRST information for the specified VLAN.

      base bridge-mode dot1q-vlan - Configures the VLAN operation mode as VLAN-aware bridging.

      mac-map - Configures the VLAN-MAC address mapping that is used only for MAC-based VLAN membership classification.

      map subnet - Configures VLAN-IP subnet address mapping that is used only for subnet-VLAN-based membership classification.

      set unicast-mac learning - Enables or disables unicast-MAC learning feature for a VLAN.

      vlan unicast-mac learning limit - Configures the unicast-MAC learning limit for a VLAN.

      forward-all - Configures the forward-all port details for a VLAN to specify the ports that forward or do not forward-all multicast group-addressed frames.

      forward-unregistered - Configures the forward-unregistered port details for a VLAN to specify the ports that forward or do not forward multicast group-addressed frames for which no more specific forwarding information applies.

      switchport pvid - Configures the PVID on the specified port.

      show vlan - Displays VLAN entry-related information of all VLANs for which the port details are configured.

      show forward-all - Displays all entries in the VLAN forward-all table.

      show forward-unregistered - Displays all entries in the VLAN forward unregistered table.

      show vlan statistics - Displays the unicast and broadcast statistics of all VLANs for which the port details are configured.

      show mac-address-table count - Displays the total number of static and dynamic unicast and multicast MAC address entries created in the FDB table.

      show vlan learning params - Displays the VLAN learning parameter details for all VLANs for which the port details are configured, available in all contexts / in the switch.

      set vlan counter - Enables or disables the statistics collection for the specified VLAN.

20.17  interface range


Command Objective

This command selects the range of physical interfaces and VLAN interfaces to be configured.

The no form of the command selects the range of VLAN interfaces to be removed.


This command is a complete standardized implementation of the existing command.

This feature has been included in adherence to the Industry Standard CLI syntax.


interface range ( { <interface-type>  <slot/port-port>} | {vlan <vlan-id(1-4094)> - <vlan-id(2-4094)>})

no interface range vlan <vlan-id(1-4094)> - <vlan-id(2-4094)>

Parameter Description

      <interface-type> - Selects the range of the specified interface. The interface can be:

        fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

        XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

        extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

        internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

        port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

      <slot/port-port> - Selects the range of the specified interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel.

      vlan <vlan-id(1-4094)> - <vlan-id(2-4094)> - Selects the range of the specified VLAN ID. This is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN created and activated. This value ranges from 1 to  4094.

For specifying the interface VLAN range, space should be provided before and after the dash. That is, the command interface range VLAN 1 – 4 is valid, whereas the command interface range VLAN 1– 4 is not valid.


Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


For port channel range, the specified range must be configured using the interface command.


SEFOS(config)# interface range extreme-ethernet 0/1 vlan 1-2


SEFOS(config)# interface range vlan 1 - 2 extreme-ethernet 0/1


Related Command(s)

      interface – Enters into the interface mode.

      show interfaces description - Displays the interface status and configuration.


20.18  forward-all


Command Objective

This command configures the forward-all port details for a VLAN to specify the ports that forward or do not forward-all multicast group-addressed frames.

The no form of the command deletes the forward-all port details for the VLAN and sets as none.


This command is available only if either the switch NPAPI_WANTED is set as no or switch NPSIM_WANTED is set as yes or switch SWC is set as yes, during the compilation of the exe.


forward-all ([static-ports ([<interface-type> <0/a-b, 0/c, ...>] [<interface-type> <0/a-b, 0/c, ...>] [port-channel <a,b,c-d>][pw <a,b,c-d>] [ac <a,b,c-d>] [none])] [forbidden-ports <interface-type> <0/a-b, 0/c, ...> [<interface-type> <0/a-b, 0/c, ...>] [port-channel <a,b,c-d>][pw <a,b,c-d>][ac <a,b,c-d>]])

no forward-all

Parameter Description

      static-ports - Configures the ports to which all multicast group-addressed frames are to be forwarded. This configuration is restored once the switch is reset.  The details to be provided are:

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet - A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet - A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan - Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel - Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <0/a-b, 0/c, ...> - Sets the list of interfaces or a specific interface identifier. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 0/1,0/3 or 1,3.

The configured forward-all static ports should have been already set as member ports for the VLAN.

The configured forward-all static port should not be a member of the forward-all forbidden port.

        port-channel <a,b,c-d> - Sets the list of port channel interfaces or a specific port channel identifier. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 1,3.

        pw <a,b,c-d> - Sets pseudowire interface. When the pseudowire interface is mapped to a specific VLAN, the interface structures are created. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

Note:     Maximum number of pseudowire interfaces supported in the system is 100.

        ac <a,b,c-d> - Configures the AC identifier or a list of identifiers for the static port. Attachment Circuit (AC) is a physical or virtual circuit attaching a Customer Edge to a Provider Edge port. This value ranges from 1 to 65535. To configure a list of interfaces, use comma as a separator without space. Example: 1,3

        none - Sets none of the ports as static forward-all port for the VLAN.

      forbidden-ports - Configures the ports for which GMRP should not dynamically register the service requirement attribute forward-all multicast groups. This configuration is restored once the switch is reset. The details to be provided are:

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet - A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet - A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan - Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel - Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <0/a-b, 0/c, ...> - Sets the list of interfaces or a specific interface identifier. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 0/1,0/3 or 1,3.

        port-channel <a,b,c-d> - Sets the list of port channel interfaces or a specific port channel identifier. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 1,3.

        pw <a,b,c-d> - Sets pseudowire interface. When the pseudowire interface is mapped to a specific VLAN, the interface structures are created. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

Note:     Maximum number of pseudowire interfaces supported in the system is 100.

        ac <a,b,c-d> - Configures the AC identifier or a list of identifiers for the forbidden port. Attachment Circuit (AC) is a physical or virtual circuit attaching a Customer Edge to a Provider Edge port. This value ranges from 1 to 65535. To configure a list of interfaces, use comma as a separator without space. Example: 1,3

Note:     The configured forward-all forbidden ports should not be a member of the forward-all static port.


Config-VLAN Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Both forward-all static ports and forward-all forbidden ports are not set (that is, set as none) for the active VLANs.


The forward-all port details can be configured only in the VLANs that are activated.


SEFOS(config-vlan)# forward-all  static-ports extreme-ethernet 0/1 forbidden-ports extreme-ethernet 0/2 pw 1

Related Command(s)

      ports - Statically configures a VLAN entry with the required member ports, untagged ports and forbidden ports, or untagged ports or forbidden ports and then activates the VLAN.

      vlan active - Activates a VLAN in the switch.

      show forward-all - Displays all entries in the VLAN forward-all table.


20.19  forward-unregistered


Command Objective

This command configures the forward-unregistered port details for a VLAN to specify the ports that forward or do not forward multicast group-addressed frames for which no more specific forwarding information applies.

The no form of the command sets the forward-unregistered port details for all VLANs to default value.


This command is available only if either the switch NPAPI_WANTED is set as no or switch NPSIM_WANTED is set as yes or switch SWC is set as yes, during the compilation of the exe.


forward-unregistered ([static-ports ([<interface-type> <0/a-b, 0/c, ...>] [<interface-type> <0/a-b, 0/c, ...>] [port-channel <a,b,c-d>] [pw <a,b,c-d>] [ac <a,b,c-d>] [none])] [forbidden-ports <interface-type> <0/a-b, 0/c, ...> [<interface-type> <0/a-b, 0/c, ...>] [port-channel <a,b,c-d>] [pw <a,b,c-d>][ac <a,b,c-d>]])

no forward-unregistered

Parameter Description

      static-ports - Configures the ports to which multicast group-addressed frames, for which there is no more specific forwarding information, are to be forwarded. This configuration is restored once the switch is reset. The details to be provided are:

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet - A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet - A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan - Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel - Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <0/a-b, 0/c, ...> - Sets the list of interfaces or a specific interface identifier. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 0/1,0/3 or 1,3.

        port-channel - Sets the list of port channel interfaces or a specific port channel identifier. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 1,3.

        pw <a,b,c-d> Sets pseudowire interface. When the pseudowire interface is mapped to a specific VLAN, the interface structures are created. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

Note:     Maximum number of pseudowire interfaces supported in the system is 100.

        ac <a,b,c-d> - Configures the AC identifier or a list of identifiers for the static port. Attachment Circuit (AC) is a physical or virtual circuit attaching a Customer Edge to a Provider Edge port. This value ranges from 1 to 65535. To configure a list of interfaces, use comma as a separator without space. Example: 1,3

        none - Sets none of the ports as static forward-unregistered port for the VLAN. The configured forward-unregistered static ports should have been already set as member ports for the VLAN. The configured forward-unregistered static ports should not be a member of the forward-unregistered forbidden port.

      forbidden-ports  - Configures the ports for which GMRP should not dynamically register the service requirement attribute forward for unregistered multicast groups. This configuration is restored once the switch is reset. The details to be provided are:

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet - A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet - A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan - Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel - Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <0/a-b, 0/c, ...> - Sets the list of interfaces or a specific interface identifier. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 0/1,0/3 or 1,3.

        port-channel - Sets the list of port channel interfaces or a specific port channel identifier. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 1,3.

        pw <a,b,c-d> - Sets pseudowire interface. When the pseudowire interface is mapped to a specific VLAN, the interface structures are created. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

        ac <a,b,c-d> - Configures the AC identifier or a list of identifiers for the forbidden port. Attachment Circuit (AC) is a physical or virtual circuit attaching a Customer Edge to a Provider Edge port. This value ranges from 1 to 65535. To configure a list of interfaces, use comma as a separator without space. Example: 1,3

Note:     Maximum number of pseudowire interfaces supported in the system is 100.

Note:     The configured forward-unregistered forbidden port should not be a member of the forward-unregistered static port.


Config VLAN mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


      All the ports available in the switch are set as forward-unregistered static ports and forward-unregistered forbidden ports for the default VLAN (VLAN 1).

      Both forward-unregistered static ports and forward-unregistered forbidden ports are not set (that is, set as none) for the active VLANs other than the default VLAN (VLAN 1).


The forward-unregistered port details can be configured only in the VLANs that are activated.


SEFOS(config-switch-vlan)# forward-unregistered  static-ports extreme-ethernet 0/2 forbidden-ports extreme-ethernet 0/1 pw 2

Related Command (s)

      ports - Statically configures a VLAN entry with the required member ports, untagged ports and forbidden ports, or untagged ports or forbidden ports and then activates the VLAN.

      vlan active - Activates a VLAN in the switch.

      show forward-unregistered - Displays all entries in the VLAN forward unregistered table.


20.20  switchport pvid


Command Objective

This command configures the PVID on the specified port. The PVID represents the VLAN ID/VFI ID that is to be assigned to untagged frames or priority-tagged or C-VLAN frames received on the port. The PVID is used for port-based VLAN-type membership classification. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

      <vlan –id> - This is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

      <vfi-id>. - VFI ID is a VLAN created in the system which contains pseudowires and attachment circuits as member ports . This creates a logical LAN for the VPLS service. This value ranges from 4096 to 65535.

Note:     The VLAN ID 4095 is reserved and might be used to indicate a wildcard match for the VID in management operations or filtering database entries.

Note:     VFI IDs 4096 and 4097 are reserved identifiers used in MPLS PW.

Note:     The theoretical maximum for the maximum number of VFI is 65535 but the actual number of VFI supported is a sizing constant. Based on this, the maximum number of VFI ID accepted in the management interface is restricted. For example if 100 VFIs are supported, the maximum number of VFIs supported will be restricted to 100 added to the maximum number of VLANs. An error message is displayed for any value beyond this range.

In PBB ICOMP bridge mode, PVID can be configured on CNP port. In PBB BCOMP bridge mode, PVID can be configured on CBP and PNP ports.

The PVID configuration done is used based on the acceptable frame type of the port. The packets are processed against PVID, if the packets accepted at ingress do not have tags.

The no form of the command resets the PVID to the default value on the port.


switchport pvid <vlan-id/vfi_id>

no switchport pvid


Interface Configuration mode (Physical / Port Channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


1 (ID of default VLAN)


      Only the IDs of the active VLAN can be used as PVIDs in the command.

      This command is applicable only for the port configured as switch port.

      The PVID cannot be configured for the port, if the base bridge mode is set as transparent bridging or the VLAN switching feature is shut down in the switch.


SEFOS(config-if)# switchport pvid 3

Related Command (s)

      switchport - Configures the port as switch port.

      base bridge-mode dot1q-vlan - Configures the VLAN operation mode as VLAN-aware bridging.

      vlan active - Activates a VLAN in the switch.

      switchport acceptable-frame-type - Configures the type of VLAN-dependant BPDU frames such as GMRP BPDU, that the port should accept during the VLAN membership configuration.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.

      show vlan port config - Displays the VLAN-related port-specific information for all interfaces available in the switch / all contexts.


20.21  switchport access vlan


Command Objective

This command configures the PVID (Port VLAN Identifier) on a port. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

The no form of this command sets the PVID to the default value on the port.


This command is a complete standardized implementation of the existing command and operates similar to that of the command switchport pvid.

This feature has been included in adherence to the Industry Standard CLI syntax.


switchport access vlan <vlanid (1-4094)>

no switchport access vlan


Interface Configuration Mode(Physical / Port Channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


      If the frame (untagged, priority tagged, or customer VLAN tagged) is received on a "tunnel" port, then the default PVID associated with the port is used.

      If the received frame cannot be classified as MAC-based or port-and-protocol-based, then the PVID associated with the port is used.

      For ports in PBB bridge mode, PVID can be configured on CNP (Customer Network Port) and CBP (Customer Backbone Port).

      Usage is based on acceptable frame type of the port. Packets will be either dropped or accepted at ingress. Once a packet is accepted, if the packet has a tag, it will be processed against that tag. Otherwise, the packet will be processed against PVID.


SEFOS(config-if)# switchport access vlan 1

Related Command (s)

      show vlan port config - Displays the VLAN-related parameters specific for ports.

      switchport pvid - Configures the PVID on the specified port.


20.22  switchport acceptable-frame-type


Command Objective

This command configures the type of VLAN-dependent BPDU frames such as GMRP BPDU that the port should accept during the VLAN membership configuration.

The no form of the command resets the acceptable frame type for the port to its default value.

This configuration does not affect VLAN-independent BPDU frames such as GVRP BPDU and STP BPDU. It affects only the VLAN-dependent BPDU frames.


switchport acceptable-frame-type {all | tagged | untaggedAndPrioritytagged }

no switchport acceptable-frame-type

Parameter Description

      all - Configures the acceptable frame type as all. All tagged, untagged, and priority tagged frames received on the port are accepted and subjected to ingress filtering.

      tagged - Configures the acceptable frame type as tagged.

Only the tagged frames received on the port are accepted and subjected to ingress filtering. The untagged and priority tagged frames received on the port are rejected.

For ports in PBB bridge mode, the description of tagged frames is given in the below table:

Port Type

TAG Description

CNP S Tagged


CNP C Tagged


CNP Port Based







B-Tag or S Tag

      untaggedAndPrioritytagged - Configures the acceptable frame type as untagged and priority tagged. Only the untagged or priority tagged frames received on the port are accepted and subjected to ingress filtering. The tagged frames received on the port are rejected.


Interface Configuration Mode(Physical / Port Channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




      This command is applicable only for the port configured as switch port.

      The acceptable frame type cannot be configured for the port, if the base bridge mode is set as transparent bridging or the VLAN switching feature is shut down in the switch.

      The acceptable frame type cannot be configured and is always set as untaggedAndPrioritytagged, if the bridge port type is set as customer network port. The bridge port type can be set as CNP only in Metro package.


SEFOS(config-if)# switchport acceptable-frame-type tagged

Related Command(s)

      switchport - Configures the port as switch port.

      bridge port-type - Configures the bridge port type for an interface.

      base bridge-mode dot1q-vlan - Configures the VLAN operation mode as VLAN-aware bridging.

      switchport pvid - Configures the PVID on the specified port.

      switchport ingress-filter - Enables ingress filtering feature on the port.

      switchport mode - Configures the mode of operation for a switch port.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.

      show vlan port config - Displays the VLAN-related port-specific information for all interfaces available in the switch / all contexts.


20.23  switchport ingress-filter


Command Objective

This command enables ingress filtering feature on the port.

The ingress filtering is applied for the incoming frames received on the port. Only the incoming frames of the VLANs that have this port in its member list are accepted. This configuration does not affect VLAN-independent BPDU frames such as GVRP BPDU and STP BPDU. It affects only the VLAN-dependent BPDU frames such as GMRP BPDU.

The no form of the command disables ingress filtering feature on the port. All incoming frames received on the port are accepted.


switchport ingress-filter

no switchport ingress-filter


Interface Configuration Mode(Physical / Port Channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


The ingress filtering feature is disabled on the port.


      This command is applicable only for the port configured as switch port.

      The ingress filtering cannot be configured on the port, if the base bridge mode is set as transparent bridging or the VLAN switching feature is shut down in the switch.

      The ingress-filtering feature cannot be configured and is always enabled on the port, if the bridge port type is set as customer network port – S tagged. The bridge port type can be set as CNP-S tagged only in Metro package.


SEFOS(config-if)# switchport ingress-filter

Related Command(s)

      switchport - Configures the port as switch port.

      bridge port-type - Configures the bridge port type for an interface.

      base bridge-mode dot1q-vlan - Configures the VLAN operation mode as VLAN-aware bridging.

      switchport acceptable-frame-type - Configures the type of VLAN-dependant BPDU frames such as GMRP BPDU, that the port should accept during the VLAN membership configuration.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.

      show vlan port config - Displays the VLAN-related port-specific information for all interfaces available in the switch / all contexts.

20.24  port subnet – vlan


Command Objective

This command enables subnet-based VLAN membership classification in a port. The source IP address in the received packet is matched to a VLAN ID using an administrator configured table to perform VLAN membership classification.

The no form of the command disables the subnet-based VLAN membership classification in the port.


This command is not available for the BCM chipsets. This command is available only if the switch BCMX_WANTED is set as no during the compilation of the exe.


port subnet-vlan

no port subnet-vlan


Interface Configuration Mode(Physical / Port Channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Subnet-based VLAN membership classification is disabled on all ports.


      Subnet-based VLAN membership classification can be enabled or disabled in the ports without depending on the global status of the subnet-based VLAN membership classification.

      The change in global subnet-based VLAN membership classification overrides the port membership classification. For example, if the classification in the port is set as enabled while global classification is disabled,  and if  global classification is changed to enabled and once again to disabled, the classification in the port will be automatically set as disabled.

      Subnet-based VLAN membership classification can be enabled or disabled in the switch only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


SEFOS(config-if)# port subnet-vlan

Related Command (s)

      subnet-vlan - Enables subnet-VLAN-based membership classification on all ports of the switch.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.

      show vlan port config - Displays the VLAN-related port-specific information for all interfaces available in the switch / all contexts.

      show subnet-vlan mapping - Displays all entries in the subnet map table.

20.25  switchport priority default


Command Objective

This command configures the default ingress user priority for a port.

This priority is assigned to frames received on the port that do not have a priority assigned to it. This priority value is useful only on media such as Ethernet that does not support native user priority. This value ranges from 0 to 7. The value 0 represents the lowest priority and the value 7 represents the highest priority.

The no form of the command resets the default ingress user priority for the port to its default value.


switchport priority default <priority value(0-7)>

no switchport priority default


Interface Configuration Mode (Physical / Port Channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




      This command is applicable only for the port configured as switch port.

      The default user priority cannot be configured for the port, if the base bridge mode is set as transparent bridging or the VLAN switching feature is shut down in the switch.


SEFOS(config-if)# switchport priority default 5

Related Command(s)

      switchport - Configures the port as switch port.

      base bridge-mode dot1q-vlan - Configures the VLAN operation mode as VLAN-aware bridging.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.

      show vlan port config - Displays the VLAN-related port-specific information for all interfaces available in the switch / all contexts.


20.26  switchport mode


Command Objective

This command configures the mode of operation for a switch port. This mode defines the way traffic is handled for VLANs.

The no form of the command resets the mode of operation for the switch port to its default value.


switchport mode { access | trunk | hybrid | {private-vlan {promiscuous | host }} |{dynamic {auto | desirable}} }

no switchport mode

Parameter Description

      access - Configures the port as access port that accepts and sends only untagged frames. This kind of port is added as a member to specific VLANs only and carries traffic only for the VLAN to which the port is assigned. The port can be set as access port, only if the following 3 conditions are met:

        The GVRP is disabled for that port.

        Acceptable frame type is set as “untagged AND priority” tagged.

        Port is a not a tagged member of any VLAN.

      trunk - Configures the port as trunk port that accepts and sends only tagged frames. This kind of port is added as member of all existing VLANs and for any new VLAN created, and carries traffic for all VLANs. The trunk port accepts untagged frames too, if the acceptable frame type is set as all. The port can be set as trunk port, only if the port is not a member of untagged ports for any VLAN in the switch.

      hybrid - Configures the port as hybrid port that accepts and sends both tagged and untagged frames.

      private-vlan - Configures PVLAN for the specified VLAN switch port.

      promiscuous - Communicates with all interfaces, including the isolated and community ports within a PVLAN.  The function of the promiscuous port is to move traffic between ports in community or isolated VLANs.

      host - Specifies the type of a port in private VLAN domain. Untagged member port in a primary or secondary VLAN

        If a host port is a member port of an isolated VLAN, traffic from the  host port is sent only to the promiscuous port of the private VLAN and  the trunk port.

        If a host port is a member port of the community VLAN, traffic from the  port can be sent only to other ports of the community VLAN, trunk port, and promiscuous port of the private VLAN.

      dynamic - Configures the mode as Dynamic Mode. This can be:

        auto – Interface converts the link to a trunk link.

        desirable – Interface actively attempts to convert the link to a trunk link.

This feature has been included to adhere to the Industry Standard CLI syntax. This feature is currently not supported.


Interface Configuration Mode (Physical / Port Channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




      This command is applicable only for the port configured as switch port.

      The VLAN port mode cannot be configured for the port, if the base bridge mode is set as transparent bridging or the VLAN switching feature is shut down in the switch.


SEFOS(config-if)# switchport mode access

Related Command(s)

      spanning-tree guard - Configures the various PVRST guard features such as root guard, in a port.

      spanning-tree encap - Configures the encapsulation type to be used in an interface.

      switchport - Configures the port as switch port.

      base bridge-mode dot1q-vlan - Configures the VLAN operation mode as VLAN-aware bridging.

      set port gvrp - Enables or disables GVRP feature on the specified interface.

      ports - Statically configures a VLAN entry with the required member ports, untagged ports and forbidden ports, or untagged ports or forbidden ports and then activates the VLAN.

      switchport acceptable-frame-type - Configures the type of VLAN-dependant BPDU frames such as GMRP BPDU, that the port should accept during the VLAN membership configuration.

      switchport mode dot1q-tunnel - Enables dot1q-tunneling on the specified interface

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.

      show vlan port config - Displays the VLAN-related port-specific information for all interfaces available in the switch / all contexts.


20.27  vlan map-priority


Command Objective

This command maps an evaluated user priority to a traffic class on a port.

The frame received on the interface with the configured priority is processed in the configured traffic class. Traffic class is used to meet the latency and throughput requirement of time-critical traffic in a LAN environment, where both time-critical and non-time-critical traffic compete for the network bandwidth.

The no form of the command maps the default traffic class to the specified priority value on the port.


vlan map-priority <priority value(0-7)> traffic-class <Traffic class value(0-7)>

no vlan map-priority <priority value (0-7)>

Parameter Description

      <priority value(0-7)> - Configures the priority value to be set for the specified traffic class. This value ranges from 0 to 7. The frames with the configured priority are mapped to the specified traffic class.  The priority determined for the received frame is equivalent to the priority indicated in the received tagged frame or one of the evaluated priorities determined based on the media-type. The priority determined is equal to the Default User Priority value for the ingress port, if the untagged frames are received from Ethernet media. The priority determined is equal to the Regen user priority for the ingress port and media-specific user priority, if the untagged frames are received from non-Ethernet media.

      <Traffic class value(0-7)> - Configures the traffic class value to which the received frame of specified priority is to be mapped. This value ranges from 0 to 7. Each value represents the concerned traffic. They are:

        0 - Best effort. This represents all kinds of non-detrimental traffic that is not sensitive to QoS metrics such as jitter.

        1 - Background. This represents bulk transfers and other activities that are permitted on the network without impacting the network usage for users and applications.

        2 - Standard (spare traffic). This represents traffic of more importance than background but less importance than excellent load.

        3 - Excellent load. This represents the best effort type service that an information services organization should deliver to its most important customers.

        4 - Controlled load. This represents traffic subject to admission control to assure that the traffic is received even when the network is overloaded.

        5 - Interactive voice and video. This represents traffic having delay less than 100 milli-seconds.

        6 - Internetwork control-Layer 3 network control. This represents traffic having delay less than 10 milli-seconds.

        7 - Network control-Layer 2 network control reserved traffic. This represents traffic that demands special treatment based on its requirements and relative importance.

The configured traffic class value should be less than the maximum number of traffic classes in the port.


Interface Configuration Mode (Physical / Port Channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


The default traffic classes that are mapped to the priority is listed below:

Priority             Traffic Class

1                      0

2                      1

3                      3

4                      4

5                      5

6                      6

7                      7


      The default traffic classes mapped to the priority value depends upon the maximum traffic classes supported on the port.

      The evaluated user priority can be mapped to the traffic class, only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


SEFOS(config-if)# vlan map-priority 2 traffic-class 2

Related Command(s)

      vlan max-traffic-class - Configures the maximum number of traffic classes supported on a port.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.

      show vlan traffic-classes - Displays the evaluated user priority and traffic class mapping information of all interfaces available in the switch / all contexts.


20.28  debug vlan


Command Objective

This command enables the tracing of the VLAN sub module as per the configured debug levels. The trace statements are generated for the configured trace levels.

The no form of the command disables the tracing of the VLAN sub module as per the configured debug levels. The trace statements are not generated for the configured trace levels.

This command allows combination of debug levels to be configured (that is, more than one level of trace can be enabled or disabled).


debug vlan { [{fwd | priority | redundancy}([initshut] [mgmt] [data] [ctpl] [dump] [os] [failall] [buffer] [all])] [switch <context_name>] }[{ <short (0-7)> | alerts | critical | debugging | emergencies | errors | informational | notification | warnings }]

no debug vlan {fwd | priority | redundancy}[[initshut] [mgmt] [data] [ctpl] [dump] [os] [failall] [buffer] [all]] [switch <context_name>]


Parameter Description

      fwd - Sets the submodule as VLAN forward module, for which the tracing is to be done as per the configured debug levels.

      priority - Sets the submodule as VLAN priority module, for which the tracing is to be done as per the configured debug levels.

      redundancy - Sets the submodule as VLAN redundancy module, for which the tracing is to be done as per the configured debug levels.

      initshut - Generates debug statements for init and shutdown traces. This trace is generated on failed initialization and shutting down of VLAN-related entries.

      mgmt - Generates debug statements for management traces. This trace is generated during failure in configuration of any of the VLAN features.

      data - Generates debug statements for data path traces. This trace is generated during failure in packet processing.

      ctpl - Generates debug statements for control path traces. This trace is generated during failure in modification or retrieving of VLAN entries.

      dump - Generates debug statements for packet dump traces. This trace is currently not used in VLAN module.

      os - Generates debug statements for OS resource related traces. This trace is generated during failure in message queues.

      failall - Generates debug statements for all kind of failure traces.

      buffer - Generates debug statements for VLAN buffer-related traces. This trace is currently not used in VLAN module.

      all - Generates debug statements for all kinds of traces.

      switch <context_name> - Configures the tracing of the VLAN submodule for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string of  maximum size 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.

      <short (0-7)> - Generates the debug statements for severity level value.This value ranges from 0 to 7.

      alerts - Generates debug statements for immediate action.

      critical - Generates debug statements for critical conditions.

      debugging - Generates debug statements for debugging messages.

      emergencies - Generates debug statements when system is unusable.

      errors - Generates debug statements for error conditions.

      informational - Generates debug statements for information messages.

      notification - Generates debug statements when normal but significant messages.

      warnings - Generates debug statements for warning conditions.


Privileged Exec Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Tracing of the VLAN sub module is disabled.


The VLAN sub module tracing-related configuration takes effect in the switch only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


SEFOS# debug vlan fwd all switch sw1 warnings


Related Command (s)

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.

      show debugging - Displays state of each debugging option.


20.29  show vlan


Command Objective

This command displays VLAN entry-related information of all active VLANs and VLANs (that are not active) for which the port details are configured.

The information contains the member ports, untagged ports, forbidden ports, VLAN name, and the status of that VLAN entry.


This command is available only if the switch NPAPI_WANTED is set as no during the compilation of the exe.


If switch L2RED_WANTED is set as no during compilation of exe

show vlan [brief | id <vlan-range> | summary | ascending]

If switch L2RED_WANTED is set as yes during compilation of exe

show vlan [{brief | id <vlan-range> | summary | redundancy  | ascending}]

Parameter Description

      brief - Displays the VLAN entry-related information of all active VLANs and VLANs (that are not active) for which the port details are configured.

      id <vlan-range> - Displays the VLAN entry-related information for specified VLANs alone. This value denotes the VLAN ID range for which the information needs to be displayed. This value is a string of maximum size 9. For example, the value is provided as 4000-4010 to display the information for VLANs IDs from 4000 to 4010. The information is displayed only for the active VLANs and VLANs (that are not active) for which the port details are configured.

      summary - Displays only the total number of VLANs existing in the switch. This includes only the active VLANs and VLANs (that are not active) for which the port details are configured. The VLAN entry-related information is not displayed.

      redundancy - Displays the VLAN entry-related information for standby node.

      ascending - Displays the VLAN entry-related information in ascending order.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command can be executed in the switch only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


SEFOS# show vlan

Switch default


Vlan database


Vlan ID             : 2

Member Ports        : Ex0/2

Untagged Ports      : Ex0/2

Forbidden Ports     : None

Name                :

Status              : Permanent

Egress Ethertype    : 0x8100

Service Loopback Status   : Disabled


Vlan ID             : 5

Member Ports        : None

Untagged Ports      : None

Forbidden Ports     : None

Name                :

Status              : Permanent

Egress Ethertype    : 0x8100

Service Loopback Status   : Disabled


Vlan ID             : 4098

Member Ports        : Ex0/2

Untagged Ports      : Ex0/2

Forbidden Ports     : None

Name                :

Status              : Permanent

Egress Ethertype    : 0x8100

Service Loopback Status   : Disabled


Vlan ID             : 4099

Member Ports        : Ex0/3

Untagged Ports      : Ex0/3

Forbidden Ports     : None

Name                :

Status              : Permanent

Egress Ethertype    : 0x8100

Service Loopback Status   : Disabled


Vlan ID             : 1

Member Ports        : Ex0/1, pw1, ac1

Untagged Ports      : Ex0/1

Forbidden Ports     : Ex0/2, pw2, ac2

Name                : vlan1

Status              : Permanent

Egress Ethertype    : 0x8100

Service Loopback Status   : Enabled



Switch sw1

Vlan database


Vlan ID             : 1

Member Ports        : None

Untagged Ports      : None

Forbidden Ports     : None

Name                :

Status              : Permanent

Egress Ethertype    : 0x88a8

ServiceType         : E-LAN

MacLearning Admin-Status  : Default

MacLearning Oper-Status   : Disabled

Service Loopback Status   : Disabled



Switch sw2

Vlan database


Vlan ID             : 1

Member Ports        : None

Untagged Ports      : None

Forbidden Ports     : None

Name                :

Status              : Permanent

Egress Ethertype    : 0x88a8

ServiceType         : E-LAN

MacLearning Admin-Status  : Default

MacLearning Oper-Status   : Disabled

Service Loopback Status   : Disabled


Vlan ID             : 100

Member Ports        : Ex0/7

Untagged Ports      : None

Forbidden Ports     : None

Name                :

Status              : Permanent

Egress Ethertype    : 0x88a8

ServiceType         : E-LINE

MacLearning Admin-Status  : Default

MacLearning Oper-Status   : Disabled

Service Loopback Status   : Disabled



Switch sw3

Vlan database


Vlan ID             : 1

Member Ports        : Ex0/10

Untagged Ports      : Ex0/10

Forbidden Ports     : None

Name                :

Status              : Permanent

Egress Ethertype    : 0x8100

Service Loopback Status   : Disabled


SEFOS# show vlan brief

Switch default


Vlan database


Vlan ID             : 2

Member Ports        : Ex0/2

Untagged Ports      : Ex0/2

Forbidden Ports     : None

Name                :

Status              : Permanent

Egress Ethertype    : 0x8100

Service Loopback Status   : Disabled


Vlan ID             : 5

Member Ports        : None

Untagged Ports      : None

Forbidden Ports     : None

Name                :

Status              : Permanent

Egress Ethertype    : 0x8100

Service Loopback Status   : Disabled


Vlan ID             : 4098

Member Ports        : Ex0/2

Untagged Ports      : Ex0/2

Forbidden Ports     : None

Name                :

Status              : Permanent

Egress Ethertype    : 0x8100

Service Loopback Status   : Disabled


Vlan ID             : 4099

Member Ports        : Ex0/3

Untagged Ports      : Ex0/3

Forbidden Ports     : None

Name                :

Status              : Permanent

Egress Ethertype    : 0x8100

Service Loopback Status   : Disabled


Vlan ID             : 1

Member Ports        : Ex0/1, pw1, ac1

Untagged Ports      : Ex0/1

Forbidden Ports     : Ex0/2, pw2, ac2

Name                : vlan1

Status              : Permanent

Egress Ethertype    : 0x8100

Service Loopback Status   : Enabled


Switch sw1


Vlan database


Vlan ID             : 1

Member Ports        : None

Untagged Ports      : None

Forbidden Ports     : None

Name                :

Status              : Permanent

Egress Ethertype    : 0x88a8

ServiceType         : E-LAN

MacLearning Admin-Status  : Default

MacLearning Oper-Status   : Disabled

Service Loopback Status   : Disabled



Switch sw2


Vlan database


Vlan ID             : 1

Member Ports        : None

Untagged Ports      : None

Forbidden Ports     : None

Name                :

Status              : Permanent

Egress Ethertype    : 0x88a8

ServiceType         : E-LAN

MacLearning Admin-Status  : Default

MacLearning Oper-Status   : Disabled

Service Loopback Status   : Disabled


Vlan ID             : 100

Member Ports        : Ex0/7

Untagged Ports      : None

Forbidden Ports     : None

Name                :

Status              : Permanent

Egress Ethertype    : 0x88a8

ServiceType         : E-LINE

MacLearning Admin-Status  : Default

MacLearning Oper-Status   : Disabled

Service Loopback Status   : Disabled



Switch sw3


Vlan database


Vlan ID             : 1

Member Ports        : Ex0/10

Untagged Ports      : Ex0/10

Forbidden Ports     : None

Name                :

Status              : Permanent

Egress Ethertype    : 0x8100

Service Loopback Status   : Disabled


SEFOS# show vlan summary

Switch default

Number of vlans : 5


Switch sw1

Number of vlans : 1


Switch sw2

Number of vlans : 2


Switch sw3

Number of vlans : 1

SEFOS # show vlan ascending


Switch default


Vlan database


Vlan ID             : 1

Member Ports        : Ex0/1, pw1, ac1

Untagged Ports      : Ex0/1

Forbidden Ports     : Ex0/2, pw2, ac2

Name                : vlan1

Status              : Permanent

Egress Ethertype    : 0x8100

Service Loopback Status   : Enabled


Vlan ID             : 2

Member Ports        : Ex0/2

Untagged Ports      : Ex0/2

Forbidden Ports     : None

Name                :

Status              : Permanent

Egress Ethertype    : 0x8100

Service Loopback Status   : Disabled


Vlan ID             : 5

Member Ports        : None

Untagged Ports      : None

Forbidden Ports     : None

Name                :

Status              : Permanent

Egress Ethertype    : 0x8100

Service Loopback Status   : Disabled


Vlan ID             : 4098

Member Ports        : Ex0/2

Untagged Ports      : Ex0/2

Forbidden Ports     : None

Name                :

Status              : Permanent

Egress Ethertype    : 0x8100

Service Loopback Status   : Disabled


Vlan ID             : 4099

Member Ports        : Ex0/3

Untagged Ports      : Ex0/3

Forbidden Ports     : None

Name                :

Status              : Permanent

Egress Ethertype    : 0x8100

Service Loopback Status   : Disabled



Switch sw1


Vlan database


Vlan ID             : 1

Member Ports        : None

Untagged Ports      : None

Forbidden Ports     : None

Name                :

Status              : Permanent

Egress Ethertype    : 0x88a8

ServiceType         : E-LAN

MacLearning Admin-Status  : Default

MacLearning Oper-Status   : Disabled

Service Loopback Status   : Disabled



Switch sw2


Vlan database


Vlan ID             : 1

Member Ports        : None

Untagged Ports      : None

Forbidden Ports     : None

Name                :

Status              : Permanent

Egress Ethertype    : 0x88a8

ServiceType         : E-LAN

MacLearning Admin-Status  : Default

MacLearning Oper-Status   : Disabled

Service Loopback Status   : Disabled


Vlan ID             : 100

Member Ports        : Ex0/7

Untagged Ports      : None

Forbidden Ports     : None

Name                :

Status              : Permanent

Egress Ethertype    : 0x88a8

ServiceType         : E-LINE

MacLearning Admin-Status  : Default

MacLearning Oper-Status   : Disabled

Service Loopback Status   : Disabled



Switch sw3


Vlan database


Vlan ID             : 1

Member Ports        : Ex0/10

Untagged Ports      : Ex0/10

Forbidden Ports     : None

Name                :

Status              : Permanent

Egress Ethertype    : 0x8100

Service Loopback Status   : Disabled


Related Command(s)

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.

      vlan - Creates a VLAN in the SEFOS and enters into the config-VLAN mode in which VLAN-specific configurations are done.

      ports - Statically configures a VLAN entry with the required member ports, untagged ports and forbidden ports, or untagged ports or forbidden ports and then activates the VLAN.

      vlan active - Activates a VLAN in the switch.

      vlan egress ether-type - Sets the VLAN egress ethertype.

      vlan name - Configures name for the VLAN.

      vlan loopback - Sets the loopback status for the VLAN.


20.30  show vlan device info


Command Objective

This command displays the VLAN global information that is applicable to all VLANs created in the switch / all contexts.

The information contains VLAN status, VLAN oper status, GVRP status, GMRP status, GVRP oper status, GMRP oper status, MAC-VLAN status, subnet-VLAN status, protocol-VLAN status, bridge mode of the switch, VLAN base bridge mode, VLAN traffic class status, VLAN learning mode, VLAN version number, maximum VLAN ID supported, maximum number of VLANs supported, and VLAN unicast MAC learning limit.


show vlan device info


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command can be executed in the switch only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


Single Instance:

SEFOS# show vlan device info

Vlan device configurations


Vlan Status                       : Enabled

Vlan Oper status                  : Enabled

Gvrp status                       : Disabled

Gmrp status                       : Disabled

Gvrp Oper status                  : Disabled

Gmrp Oper status                  : Disabled

Mac-Vlan Status                   : Disabled

Subnet-Vlan Status                : Disabled

Protocol-Vlan Status              : Enabled

Bridge Mode                       : Provider Edge Bridge

Base-Bridge Mode                  : Vlan Aware Bridge

Traffic Classes                   : Enabled

Vlan Operational Learning Mode    : IVL

Hybrid Default Learning Mode      : IVL

Version number                    : 1

Max Vlan id                       : 4158

Max supported vlans               : 4160

Global mac learning status        : Enabled

Filtering Utility Criteria        : Enabled

Unicast mac learning limit        : 768

Multiple Instance:

SEFOS# show vlan device info

Switch default

Vlan device configurations


Vlan Status                       : Enabled

Vlan Oper status                  : Enabled

Gvrp status                       : Disabled

Gmrp status                       : Disabled

Gvrp Oper status                  : Disabled

Gmrp Oper status                  : Disabled

Mac-Vlan Status                   : Disabled

Subnet-Vlan Status                : Disabled

Protocol-Vlan Status              : Enabled

Bridge Mode                       : Provider Edge Bridge

Base-Bridge Mode                  : Vlan Aware Bridge

Traffic Classes                   : Enabled

Vlan Operational Learning Mode    : IVL

Hybrid Default Learning Mode      : IVL

Version number                    : 1

Max Vlan id                       : 4158

Max supported vlans               : 4160

Global mac learning status        : Enabled

Filtering Utility Criteria        : Enabled

Unicast mac learning limit        : 768

Related Command(s)

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.

      set vlan - Globally enables or disables VLAN feature in the switch (that is the status of the VLAN feature is configured for all ports of the switch).

      set gvrp - Globally enables or disables GVRP feature on all ports of a switch.

      set gmrp - Globally enables or disables GMRP feature on all ports of a switch.

      mac-vlan - Enables MAC-based VLAN membership classification on all ports of the switch.

      subnet-vlan - Enables subnet-VLAN-based membership classification on all ports of the switch.

      protocol-vlan - Enables protocol-VLAN-based membership classification on all ports of the switch.

      bridge-mode - Configures the bridge mode of the switch.

      base bridge-mode - Configures the base mode (either 802.1d transparent bridge mode or 802.1q VLAN-aware bridge mode) in which the VLAN feature should operate on the switch.

      set vlan traffic-classes - Enables or disables traffic class feature in a switch on all ports.

      vlan learning mode - Configures the VLAN learning mode to be applied for all ports of the switch.

      unicast-mac learning limit - Configures the unicast-MAC learning limit for a switch.

      set filtering-utility-criteria - Sets the filtering utility criteria to be applied on all ports.


20.31  show vlan device capabilities


Command Objective

This command displays only the list of VLAN features such as traffic class feature, supported in the switch / all contexts.


show vlan device capabilities


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command can be executed in the switch only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


Single Instance:

SEFOS# show vlan device capabilities

Vlan device capabilities


Extended filtering services

Traffic classes

Static Entry Individual port

IVL capable

SVL capable

Hybrid capable

Configurable Pvid Tagging

Multiple Instance:

SEFOS# show vlan device capabilities

Switch - default

Vlan device capabilities


Extended filtering services

Traffic classes

Static Entry Individual port

IVL capable

SVL capable

Hybrid capable

Configurable Pvid Tagging

Switch - cust1

Vlan device capabilities


Extended filtering services

Traffic classes

Static Entry Individual port

IVL capable

SVL capable

Hybrid capable

Configurable Pvid Tagging

Related Command(s)

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.


20.32  show fid


Command Objective

This command displays the FID VLAN mapping information of all FIDs in the switch / all contexts. This information contains the FID and the ID of the VLAN that is mapped to the FID.


This command is available only if either the switch NPAPI_WANTED is set as no or switch NPSIM_WANTED is set as yes, during the compilation of the exe.


show fid [<integer(1-4094)> | detail]

Parameter Description

      <integer(1-4094)> - Displays the FID VLAN mapping information of the specified FID and the default hybrid learning mode configured in the switch / all contexts.

      detail - Displays the FID VLAN mapping information of all FIDs in the switch / all contexts and the default hybrid learning mode configured in the switch / all contexts.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command can be executed in the switch only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


Single Instance:

SEFOS# show fid 2

Default Learning Type    : IVL

Fid Vlan mapping information


Fid     : 2

Vlan's  : 2,


Multiple Instance:

SEFOS# show fid 2

Switch - default

Default Learning Type    : IVL

Fid Vlan mapping information


Fid     : 2

Vlan's  : 2,


Switch - cust1

Default Learning Type    : IVL

Fid Vlan mapping information


Fid     : 2

Vlan's  : 2,


Related Command(s)

      fid - Configures a VLAN or a list of VLANs to use a filtering database for making forwarding decisions.

      vlan default hybrid type - Configures the default hybrid learning mode for all VLANs when the operational learning mode of the switch is globally set as hybrid.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.


20.33  show forward-all


Command Objective

This command displays all entries in the VLAN forward-all table. These entries contain forward-all details of all active VLANs in the switch. The details have VLAN ID and information regarding forward-all ports, forward-all static ports and forward-all forbidden ports assigned to the VLAN.


This command is available only if either the switch NPAPI_WANTED is set as no or switch NPSIM_WANTED is set as yes, during the compilation of the exe.


show forward-all


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command can be executed in the switch only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


Single Instance:

SEFOS# show forward-all

Vlan Forward All Table


Vlan ID : 1

ForwardAll Ports          : Ex0/2

ForwardAll Static Ports   : Ex0/2

ForwardAll ForbiddenPorts : Ex0/1


Vlan ID : 2

ForwardAll Ports          : Ex0/1

ForwardAll Static Ports   : Ex0/1

ForwardAll ForbiddenPorts : Ex0/2


Multiple Instance:

SEFOS# show forward-all

Switch – default

Vlan Forward All Table


Vlan ID : 1

ForwardAll Ports          : Ex0/2

ForwardAll Static Ports   : Ex0/2

ForwardAll ForbiddenPorts : Ex0/1


Vlan ID : 2

ForwardAll Ports          : Ex0/1

ForwardAll Static Ports   : Ex0/1

ForwardAll ForbiddenPorts : Ex0/2


Related Command(s)

      vlan active - Activates a VLAN in the switch.

      forward-all - Configures the forward-all port details for a VLAN to specify the ports that forward or do not forward all multicast group-addressed frames.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.


20.34  show forward-unregistered


Command Objective

This command displays all entries in the VLAN forward-unregistered table. These entries contain forward-unregistered port details of all active VLANs in the switch. The details have VLAN ID and information regarding unregistered ports, unregistered static ports, and unregistered forbidden ports assigned to the VLAN.


This command is available only if either the switch NPAPI_WANTED is set as no or switch NPSIM_WANTED is set as yes, during the compilation of the exe.


show forward-unregistered


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command can be executed in the switch only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


Single Instance:

SEFOS# show forward-unregistered

Vlan Forward Unregistered Table


Vlan ID : 1

Unreg ports           : Ex0/1

Unreg Static Ports    : Ex0/1

Unreg Forbidden Ports : Ex0/2


Vlan ID : 2

Unreg ports           : Ex0/2

Unreg Static Ports    : Ex0/2

Unreg Forbidden Ports : Ex0/1


Multiple Instance:

SEFOS# show forward-unregistered

Switch - default

Vlan Forward Unregistered Table


Vlan ID : 1

Unreg ports           : Ex0/49

Unreg Static Ports    : Ex0/49

Unreg Forbidden Ports : None


Switch - cust1

Vlan Forward Unregistered Table


Vlan ID : 1

Unreg ports        : Ex0/1, Ex0/2, Ex0/3, Ex0/4, Ex0/5, Ex0/6

Unreg Static Ports : Ex0/1, Ex0/2, Ex0/3, Ex0/4, Ex0/5, Ex0/6

Unreg Forbidden Ports : None


Vlan ID : 20

Unreg ports           : Ex0/1

Unreg Static Ports    : Ex0/1

Unreg Forbidden Ports : None


Vlan ID : 30

Unreg ports           : Ex0/2

Unreg Static Ports    : Ex0/2

Unreg Forbidden Ports : None


Related Command(s)

      vlan active - Activates a VLAN in the switch.

      forward-unregistered - Configures the forward-unregistered port details for a VLAN to specify the ports that forward or do not forward multicast group-addressed frames for which no more specific forwarding information applies.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.


20.35  show vlan traffic-classes


Command Objective

This command displays the evaluated user priority and traffic class mapping information of all interfaces available in the switch / all contexts.


show vlan traffic-classes [{port <interface-type> <interface-id> | switch <context_name>}]

Parameter Description

      port - Displays the evaluated user priority and traffic class mapping information of the specified interface. The details to be provided are:

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       i-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

        <interface-id> - Sets the interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than i-lan. Only i-lan ID is provided, for interface type i-lan.

      switch <context_name> - Displays the evaluated user priority and traffic class mapping information of all interfaces, for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string whose maximum size is 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command can be executed in the switch only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


Single Instance:

SEFOS# show vlan traffic-classes

Traffic Class table


Port     Priority    Traffic Class

-----    ---------   -------------

Ex0/1    0           2

Ex0/1    1           0

Ex0/1    2           1

Ex0/1    3           3

Ex0/1    4           4

Ex0/1    5           5

Ex0/1    6           6

Ex0/1    7           7

Ex0/2    0           2

Ex0/2    1           0

Ex0/2    2           1

Ex0/2    3           3

Ex0/2    4           4

Ex0/2    5           5

Ex0/2    6           6

Ex0/2    7           7

Multiple Instance:

SEFOS# show vlan traffic-classes

Switch - default

Traffic Class table


Port     Priority    Traffic Class

-----    ---------   -------------

Ex0/49    0           2

Ex0/49    1           0

Ex0/49    2           1

Ex0/49    3           3

Ex0/49    4           4

Ex0/49    5           5

Ex0/49    6           6

Ex0/49    7           7

Switch - cust1

Traffic Class table


Port     Priority    Traffic Class

-----    ---------   -------------

Ex0/1    0           2

Ex0/1    1           0

Ex0/1    2           1

Ex0/1    3           3

Ex0/1    4           4

Ex0/1    5           5

Ex0/1    6           6

Ex0/1    7           7

Ex0/2    0           2

Ex0/2    1           0

Ex0/2    2           1

Ex0/2    3           3

Ex0/2    4           4

Ex0/2    5           5

Ex0/2    6           6

Ex0/2    7           7

Related Command(s)

      vlan map-priority - Maps an evaluated user priority to a traffic class on a port.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.


20.36  show vlan port config


Command Objective

This command displays the VLAN-related port-specific information for all interfaces available in the switch / all contexts. The information contains PVID, acceptable frame type, port mode, filtering utility criteria, default priority value and status of ingress filtering feature, GVRP module, GMRP module, restricted VLAN registration feature, restricted group registration feature, MAC-based VLAN membership, subnet-based VLAN membership, protocol-VLAN-based membership and port protected feature.


show vlan port config [{port <interface-type> <interface-id> | switch <context_name>}]

Parameter Description

      port - Displays the VLAN-related port-specific information for the specified interface. The details to be provided are:

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

       virtual – Virtual Interface. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

        <interface-id> - Sets the interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan, virtual, and port-channel. Only i-lan , virtual or port-channel ID is provided, for interface types internal-lan, virtual, and port-channel.

      switch <context_name> - Displays the VLAN-related port-specific information, for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string with the maximum size as 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command executes only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


Single Instance:

SEFOS# show vlan port config

Vlan Port configuration table


Port Ex0/1

 Port Vlan ID                        : 1

 Port Acceptable Frame Type          : Admit All

 Port Ingress Filtering              : Disabled

 Port Mode                           : Hybrid

 Port Gvrp Status                    : Enabled

 Port Gmrp Status                    : Enabled

 Port Gvrp Failed Registrations      : 0

 Gvrp last pdu origin                : 00:00:00:00:00:00

 Port Restricted Vlan Registration   : Disabled

 Port Restricted Group Registration  : Disabled

 Mac Based Support                   : Disabled

 Subnet Based Support                : Disabled

 Port-and-Protocol Based Support     : Enabled

 Default Priority                    : 0

 Filtering Utility Criteria          : Default

 Port Protected Status               : Disabled

 Ingress EtherType                   : 0x8100

 Egress EtherType                    : 0x8100

 Egress TPID Type                    : Portbased

 Allowable TPID 1                    : 0x0

 Allowable TPID 2                    : 0x0

 Allowable TPID 3                    : 0x0


Port Ex0/2

 Port Vlan ID                        : 1

 Port Acceptable Frame Type          : Admit All

 Port Ingress Filtering              : Disabled

 Port Mode                           : Hybrid

 Port Gvrp Status                    : Enabled

 Port Gmrp Status                    : Enabled

 Port Gvrp Failed Registrations      : 0

 Gvrp last pdu origin                : 00:00:00:00:00:00

 Port Restricted Vlan Registration   : Disabled

 Port Restricted Group Registration  : Disabled

 Mac Based Support                   : Disabled

 Subnet Based Support                : Disabled

 Port-and-Protocol Based Support     : Enabled

 Default Priority                    : 0

 Filtering Utility Criteria          : Default

 Port Protected Status               : Disabled

 Ingress EtherType                   : 0x8100

 Egress EtherType                    : 0x8100

 Egress TPID Type                    : Portbased

 Allowable TPID 1                    : 0x0

 Allowable TPID 2                    : 0x0

 Allowable TPID 3                    : 0x0


Multiple Instance:

SEFOS# show vlan port config

Switch default


Vlan Port configuration table


Port Ex0/1

 Bridge Port Type                    : Customer Bridge Port

 Port Vlan ID                        : 1

 Port Acceptable Frame Type          : Admit All

 Port Mac Learning Status            : Enabled

 Port Ingress Filtering              : Disabled

 Port Mode                           : Hybrid

 Port Gvrp Status                    : Enabled

 Port Gmrp Status                    : Enabled

 Port Gvrp Failed Registrations      : 0

 Gvrp last pdu origin                : 00:00:00:00:00:00

 Port Restricted Vlan Registration   : Disabled

 Port Restricted Group Registration  : Disabled

 Mac Based Support                   : Disabled

 Subnet Based Support                : Disabled

 Port-and-Protocol Based Support     : Enabled

 Default Priority                    : 0

 Dot1x Protocol Tunnel Status        : Peer

 LACP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Peer

 Spanning Tree Tunnel Status         : Peer

 MVRP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Peer

 MMRP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Peer

 GVRP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Peer

 GMRP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Peer

 IGMP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Peer

 Filtering Utility Criteria          : Default

 Port Protected Status               : Disabled

 Ingress EtherType                   : 0x8100

 Egress EtherType                    : 0x8100

 Egress TPID Type                    : Portbased

 Allowable TPID 1                    : 0x0

 Allowable TPID 2                    : 0x0

 Allowable TPID 3                    : 0x0


Related Command(s)

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.

      switchport pvid - Configures the PVID on the specified port.

      switchport acceptable-frame-type - Configures the type of VLAN-dependant BPDU frames such as GMRP BPDU, that the port should accept during the VLAN membership configuration.

      switchport ingress-filter - Enables ingress filtering feature on the port.

      switchport mode - Configures the mode of operation for a switch port.

      set port gvrp - Enables or disables GVRP feature on the specified interface.

      set port gmrp - Enables or disables GMRP feature on the specified interface.

      vlan restricted - Configures the restricted VLAN registration feature in a port.

      group restricted - Configures the restricted group registration feature in a port.

      port mac-vlan - Enables MAC-based VLAN membership classification in a port.

      port subnet – vlan - Enables subnet-based VLAN membership classification in a port.

      port protocol-vlan - Enables protocol-VLAN-based membership classification in a port.

      switchport priority default - Configures the default ingress user priority for a port.

      switchport filtering-utility-criteria - Creates filtering utility criteria for the port.

      switchport protected - Enables switchport protection feature for a port.

      switchport egress TPID-type - Sets the egress TPID-type for the port.

      switchport encapsulation - Configures standard or user-defined TPID for a port.

      switchport [dot1q] ether-type - Configures port Ingress or Egress ethertype


20.37  show vlan protocols-group


Command Objective

This command displays all entries in the protocol group table. These entries contain protocol group information of the switch / all contexts. The information contains ID of a group, protocol assigned to the group, and frame type assigned to the group.


show vlan protocols-group


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command can be executed in the switch only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


Single Instance:

SEFOS# show vlan protocols-group

Protocol Group Table



Frame Type      Protocol             Group


Enet-v2         IP                   1   

Snap            Novell               2   


Multiple Instance:

SEFOS# show vlan protocols-group

Switch - default

Protocol Group Table



Frame Type      Protocol             Group


Enet-v2         IP                   1   

Snap            Novell               2   


Related Command(s)

      map protocol - Creates a protocol group with a specific protocol and encapsulation frame type combination.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.


20.38  show protocol-vlan


Command Objective

This command displays all entries in the port protocol table. These entries contain VLAN-protocol group mapping information of the switch / all contexts. The information contains ID of a group, ID of a VLAN mapped to the group, and ID of interface to which the VLAN-protocol group mapping is assigned.


show protocol-vlan


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command can be executed in the switch only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


Single Instance:

SEFOS# show protocol-vlan

Port Protocol Table


Port           Group          Vlan ID


Ex0/2          1              2

Ex0/1          2              3


Multiple Instance:

SEFOS# show protocol-vlan

Switch - default

Port Protocol Table


Port           Group          Vlan ID


Ex0/2          1              2

Ex0/1          2              3


Related Command

      switchport map protocols-group - Maps the configured protocol group to a particular VLAN ID for an interface.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.

20.39  show mac-vlan


Command Objective

This command displays all entries in the MAC map table. These entries contain MAC-VLAN mapping details configured for the interfaces available in the switch / all contexts. The details contain MAC address, ID of VLAN that is mapped to the MAC address, multicast and broadcast status, and MAC-based VLAN membership status.


show mac-vlan [{interface <interface-type> <interface-id>}]

Parameter Description

      interface - Displays all entries in the MAC map table for the specified interface. The details to be provided are:

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <interface-id> - Sets the interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command can be executed in the switch only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


Single Instance:

SEFOS# show mac-vlan interface extreme-ethernet 0/1

     Mac Map Table For Port 1--Mac Vlan Disabled


     Mac Address        Vlan ID          MCast/Bcast

     -----------        -------          -----------

     00:11:11:11:11:11    1              discard

     00:22:22:22:22:22    1              allow

Multiple Instance:

SEFOS# show mac-vlan switch cust1

Switch - cust1

Mac Map Table


Mac Address         Vlan ID

-----------         -------

00:11:22:33:44:55   2

Related Command(s)

      mac-vlan - Enables MAC-based VLAN membership classification on all ports of the switch.

      port mac-vlan - Enables MAC-based VLAN membership classification in a port.

      mac-map - Configures the VLAN-MAC address mapping that is used only for MAC-based VLAN membership classification.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.


20.40  show subnet vlan mapping


Command Objective

This command displays all entries in the subnet map table. These entries contain VLAN-IP subnet address mapping details configured for the interfaces available in the switch / all contexts. The details contain subnet address, ID of VLAN that is mapped to the subnet address, ARP status, and subnet-based VLAN membership status.


If switch BCMX_WANTED is set as no during compilation of exe:

show subnet-vlan mapping [{interface <interface-type> <interface-id> | switch <string(32)>}]

If switch BCMX_WANTED is set as yes during compilation of exe:

show subnet-vlan mapping [switch <string(32)>]

Parameter Description

      interface - Displays all entries in the subnet map table for the specified interface. The details to be provided are:

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <interface-id> - Sets the interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel.

      switch <string(32)> - Displays all entries in the subnet map table, for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context.This value is a string with the maximum size as 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command can be executed in the switch only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


Single Instance

SEFOS# show subnet-vlan mapping

Subnet Map Table For Port 1--Subnet Vlan Enabled


Source IP      Subnet Mask      Vlan ID        ARP Traffic

----------------------------------------------------------           4150           allow

Multiple Instance

SEFOS# show subnet-vlan mapping

Switch default


Subnet Map Table For Port 1--Subnet Vlan Enabled


Source IP      Subnet Mask      Vlan ID        ARP Traffic

----------------------------------------------------------           4150           allow

Related Command(s)

      port subnet – vlan - Enables subnet-based VLAN membership classification in a port.

      subnet-vlan - Enables subnet-VLAN-based membership classification on all ports of the switch.

      map subnet - Configures VLAN-IP subnet address mapping that is used only for subnet-VLAN-based membership classification.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.


20.41  show vlan counters


Command Objective

This command displays the VLAN traffic statistics for all VLANs (for which the member port details are configured) available in the switch / all contexts. The details include VLAN ID, number of valid frames received in the interface from the VLAN, number of valid frames transmitted through the interface to the VLAN, and number of frames discarded.


show vlan counters [vlan <vlan-range>]

Parameter Description

      vlan <vlan-range> - Displays the VLAN traffic statistics for specified VLANs alone. This value denotes the VLAN ID range for which the details need to be displayed. This value is a string whose maximum size is 9. For example, the value is provided as 4000-4010 to display the details for VLAN IDs from 4000 to 4010. The details are displayed only for the VLANs for which the member port details are configured.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


      This command can be executed in the switch only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.

      This command is available only if either the switch NPAPI_WANTED is set as no or switch NPSIM_WANTED is set as yes, during the compilation of the exe.


Single Instance:

SEFOS# show vlan counters

Port Vlan statistics


Port Ex0/1

 Vlan ID    : 1

 In frames  : 342

 Out frames : 345

 Discards   : 0

Port Ex0/1

 Vlan ID    : 2

 In frames  : 446

 Out frames : 248

 Discards   : 0

Port Ex0/2

 Vlan ID    : 2

 In frames  : 115

 Out frames : 517

 Discards   : 7

Port Ex0/2

 Vlan ID    : 2

 In frames  : 0

 Out frames : 0

 Discards   : 0

Multiple Instance:

SEFOS# show vlan counters

Switch - default

Port Vlan statistics


Port Ex0/49

 Vlan ID    : 1

 In frames  : 75

 Out frames : 0

 Discards   : 0


Switch - cust1

Port Vlan statistics


Port Ex0/1

 Vlan ID    : 1

 In frames  : 0

 Out frames : 0

 Discards   : 0


Port Ex0/1

 Vlan ID    : 20

 In frames  : 0

 Out frames : 0

 Discards   : 0


Port Ex0/2

 Vlan ID    : 1

 In frames  : 70

 Out frames : 0

 Discards   : 0


Port Ex0/2

 Vlan ID    : 30

 In frames  : 0

 Out frames : 0

 Discards   : 2


Related Command(s)

      ports - Statically configures a VLAN entry with the required member ports, untagged ports and forbidden ports, or untagged ports or forbidden ports and then activates the VLAN.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.


20.42  show vlan statistics


Command Objective

This command displays the unicast and broadcast statistics of all active VLANs and VLANs (that are not active) for which the port details are configured.

The statistics include VLAN ID, number of unicast packets received in the VLAN, number of multicast and broadcast packets received in the VLAN, number of unknown unicast packets flooded in the VLAN, number of known unicast packets forwarded in the VLAN, and number of known broadcast packets forwarded in the VLAN.


show vlan statistics [vlan <vlan-range>]

Parameter Description

      vlan <vlan-range> - Displays the unicast and broadcast statistics for specified VLANs alone. This value denotes the VLAN ID range for which the details need to be displayed. This value is a string whose maximum size is 9. For example, the value is provided as 4000-4010 to display the details for VLAN IDs from 4000 to 4010. The details are displayed only for the VLANs that are activated and VLANs (that are not active) for which the port details are configured.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command can be executed in the switch only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


Single Instance

SEFOS# show vlan statistics vlan 1

Software Statistics Enabled

Unicast/broadcast Vlan statistics


 Vlan Id                          : 1

 Unicast frames received          : 0

 Mcast/Bcast frames received      : 0

 Unknown Unicast frames flooded   : 0

 Unicast frames transmitted       : 0

 Broadcast frames transmitted     : 0

Vlan Statistics Collection is Disabled


Multiple Instance

SEFOS# show vlan statistics

Switch default

Software Statistics Enabled


Unicast/broadcast Vlan statistics


 Vlan Id                          : 1

 Unicast frames received          : 0

 Mcast/Bcast frames received      : 0

 Unknown Unicast frames flooded   : 0

 Unicast frames transmitted       : 0

 Broadcast frames transmitted     : 0

 Vlan Statistics Collection is Disabled


 Vlan Id                          : 3

 Unicast frames received          : 0

 Mcast/Bcast frames received      : 0

 Unknown Unicast frames flooded   : 0

 Unicast frames transmitted       : 0

 Broadcast frames transmitted     : 0

 Vlan Statistics Collection is Disabled


 Vlan Id                          : 20

 Unicast frames received          : 0

 Mcast/Bcast frames received      : 0

 Unknown Unicast frames flooded   : 0

 Unicast frames transmitted       : 0

 Broadcast frames transmitted     : 0

 Vlan Statistics Collection is Enabled


Related Command(s)

      vlan active - Activates a VLAN in the switch.

      ports - Statically configures a VLAN entry with the required member ports, untagged ports and forbidden ports, or untagged ports or forbidden ports and then activates the VLAN.

      clear vlan statistics - Clears VLAN counters that maintain statistics information on a per VLAN basis. The counter is cleared for all available VLANs or for the specified VLAN.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.

      set sw-stats - Sets the software statistics collection globally in the switch.

      set vlan counter - Enables or disables the statistics collection for the specified VLAN.


20.43  show vlan learning params


Command Objective

This command displays the VLAN learning parameter details for all active VLANs and VLANs (that are not active) for which the port details are configured, available in all contexts / in the switch. The details include admin status of unicast MAC learning feature and value representing MAC learning limit, and operational status of learning feature.


show vlan learning params [vlan <vlan-range>]

Parameter Description

      vlan <vlan-range> - Displays the VLAN learning parameter details for specified VLANs alone. This value denotes the VLAN ID range for which the details need to be displayed. This value is a string whose maximum size is 9. For example, the value is provided as 4000-4010 to display the details for VLAN IDs from 4000 to 4010. The details are displayed only for the VLANs that are activated and VLANs (that are not active) for which the port details are configured.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command can be executed in the switch only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


Single Instance

SEFOS# show vlan learning params

Unicast MAC Learning Paramters


Vlan Id                  : 1

Mac Learning Admin-Status : Enable

Mac Learning Oper-Status  : Enable

Mac Learning Limit        : 150


Multiple Instance

SEFOS# show vlan learning params

Switch default

Unicast MAC Learning Paramters


Vlan Id                  : 1

Mac Learning Admin-Status : Enable

Mac Learning Oper-Status  : Disable

Mac Learning Limit        : 1500


Switch switch1

Unicast MAC Learning Paramters


Vlan Id                  : 1

Mac Learning Admin-Status : Enable

Mac Learning Oper-Status  : Disable

Mac Learning Limit        : 1500


Vlan Id                  : 2

Mac Learning Admin-Status : Enable

Mac Learning Oper-Status  : Enable

Mac Learning Limit        : 1500


Related Command(s)

      vlan active - Activates a VLAN in the switch.

      ports - Statically configures a VLAN entry with the required member ports, untagged ports and forbidden ports, or untagged ports or forbidden ports and then activates the VLAN.

      set unicast-mac learning - Enables or disables unicast-MAC learning feature for a VLAN.

      vlan unicast-mac learning limit - Configures the unicast-MAC learning limit for a VLAN.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.


show mac-address-table


Command Objective

This command displays all static and dynamic unicast and multicast MAC entries created in the MAC address table. These entries contain VLAN ID, unicast and multicast MAC address, unicast backbone MAC address of peer backbone edge bridge, member ports, the type of entry (that is static, learned and so on), and total number of entries displayed.


If switch L2RED_WANTED is set as no during compilation of exe:

show mac-address-table [vlan <vlan-range>] [address <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa>] [{interface <interface-type> <interface-id>}]

If switch L2RED_WANTED is set as yes during compilation of exe:

show mac-address-table {[[vlan <vlan-range>] [address <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa>] [{interface <interface-type> <interface-id> }]] | [redundancy] }

Parameter Description

      vlan <vlan-range> - Displays all static and dynamic unicast and multicast MAC entries created in the MAC address table for the specified VLANs alone. This value denotes the VLAN ID range for which the entries need to be displayed. This value is a string with the maximum size as 9. For example, the value is provided as 4000-4010 to display the entries for VLAN IDs from 4000 to 4010.

      address <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa> - Displays all static and dynamic unicast and multicast MAC entries created in the MAC address table for the specified unicast and multicast MAC address.

      interface - Displays all static and dynamic unicast and multicast MAC entries for the specified interface. The details to be provided are:

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <interface-id> - Sets the interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel.

      redundancy - Displays all static and dynamic unicast and multicast MAC entries for standby node.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command can be executed in the switch only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


Single Instance

SEFOS# show mac-address-table

Vlan    Mac Address         Type     ConnectionId     Ports

----    -----------         ----     -----------     -----

1       00:10:00:00:00:07   Learnt                    Ex0/1

2       00:10:00:01:02:03   Learnt                    Ex0/1

Total Mac Addresses displayed: 2

Multiple Instance

SEFOS# show mac-address-table

Switch default

Vlan   Mac Address        Type   ConnectionId  PwIndex  Ports

----   -----------        ----   ------------  -------  -----

1     00:10:00:00:00:07    Learnt                -      Ex0/4

Total Mac Addresses displayed: 1

Switch sw1

Vlan  Mac Address        Type   ConnectionId   PwIndex  Ports

----  -----------        ----   ------------   -------  -----

2     00:10:00:01:02:03   Learnt                 -      Ex0/1

Total Mac Addresses displayed: 1

Related Command(s)

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.


20.44  show dot1d mac-address-table


Command Objective

This command displays all static and dynamic unicast and multicast MAC address entries created in the FDB table, when the VLAN base bridge mode is transparent bridging.

These entries contain unicast and multicast MAC address, member ports, and the type of entry (that is static, learned and so on).


show dot1d mac-address-table [address <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa>] [interface <interface-type> <interface-id>]

Parameter Description

      address <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa> - Displays all static and dynamic unicast and multicast MAC entries created in the FDB table for the specified unicast and multicast MAC address.

      interface - Displays all static and dynamic unicast and multicast MAC entries for the specified interface. The details to be provided are:

        <interface-type> - Specifies the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

      <interface-id> - Specifies the interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Single Instance

SEFOS# show dot1d mac-address-table

Mac Address         Type     Ports

-----------         ----     -----

00:00:d1:20:18:d4   Learnt   Ex0/1

Total Mac Addresses displayed: 1

Multiple Instance

SEFOS# show dot1d mac-address-table

Switch default

Mac Address         Type     Ports

-----------         ----     -----

00:00:d1:20:18:d4   Learnt   Ex0/1

Total Mac Addresses displayed: 1

Related Command(s)

      mac-address-table static unicast – Transparent Bridging Mode - Configures a static unicast MAC address in the forwarding database in transparent bridging mode in order to control unicast packets to be processed.

      mac-address-table static multicast – Transparent Bridging mode -  Configures a static multicast MAC address in the forwarding database in transparent bridging mode in order to control multicast packets to be processed.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.

20.45  show mac-address-table count


Command Objective

This command displays the total number of static and dynamic unicast and multicast MAC address entries created in the FDB table. The count is displayed for all active VLANs, VLANs (that are not active) for which the port details are configured, and VLANs for which the MAC address table entries are created.


show mac-address-table count [vlan <vlan-id/vfi-id>]

Parameter Description

      vlan <vlan-id/vfi-id> - Displays the total number of static and dynamic unicast and multicast MAC address entries created for the specified VLAN / VFI ID. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

        <vlan –id> - VLAN ID is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

        <vfi-id>. - VFI ID is a VLAN created in the system which contains pseudowires and attachment circuits as member ports . This creates a logical LAN for the VPLS service. This value ranges from 4096 to 65535.

Note:     The VLAN ID 4095 is reserved and might be used to indicate a wildcard match for the VID in management operations or filtering database entries.

Note:     VFI IDs 4096 and 4097 are reserved identifiers used in MPLS PW.

Note:     The theoretical maximum for the maximum number of VFI is 65535 but the actual number of VFI supported is a sizing constant. Based on this, the maximum number of VFI ID accepted in the management interface is restricted. For example if 100 VFIs are supported, the maximum number of VFIs supported will be restricted to 100 added to the maximum number of VLANs. An error message is displayed for any value beyond this range.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command can be executed in the switch only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


Single Instance

SEFOS# show mac-address-table count

Mac Entries for Vlan 1:


Dynamic Unicast Address Count    : 0

Dynamic Multicast Address Count  : 0

Static Unicast Address Count     : 0

Static Multicast Address Count   : 0



Mac Entries for Vlan 4099:


Dynamic Unicast Address Count    : 0

Dynamic Multicast Address Count  : 0

Static Unicast Address Count     : 1

Static Multicast Address Count   : 0



Mac Entries for Vlan 4158:


Dynamic Unicast Address Count    : 0

Dynamic Multicast Address Count  : 0

Static Unicast Address Count     : 0

Static Multicast Address Count   : 0


Multiple Instance:

SEFOS# show mac-address-table count switch cust1

Switch - cust1

Mac Entries for Vlan 1:


Dynamic Unicast Address Count    : 1

Dynamic Multicast Address Count  : 0

Static Unicast Address Count     : 0

Static Multicast Address Count   : 0


Mac Entries for Vlan 20:


Dynamic Unicast Address Count    : 0

Dynamic Multicast Address Count  : 0

Static Unicast Address Count     : 0

Static Multicast Address Count   : 0


Mac Entries for Vlan 30:


Dynamic Unicast Address Count    : 0

Dynamic Multicast Address Count  : 0

Static Unicast Address Count     : 0

Static Multicast Address Count   : 0


Related Command(s)

      vlan active - Activates a VLAN in the switch.

      ports - Statically configures a VLAN entry with the required member ports, untagged ports and forbidden ports, or untagged ports or forbidden ports and then activates the VLAN.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.


20.46  show mac-address-table static unicast


Command Objective

This command displays all static unicast MAC address entries created in the FDB table.

These entries contain VLAN ID to which unicast MAC address entry is assigned, unicast MAC address, member ports, receiver ports, the status of entry (that is permanent, static and so on), the unicast backbone MAC address of peer backbone edge bridge, and total number of entries displayed.


show mac-address-table static unicast [vlan <vlan-range>] [address <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa>] [{interface <interface-type> <interface-id> | switch <context_name>}]

Parameter Description

      vlan <vlan-range> - Displays all static unicast MAC address entries created in the FDB table for the specified VLANs alone. This value denotes the VLAN ID range for which the entries need to be displayed. This value is a string whose maximum size is 9. For example, the value is provided as 4000-4010 to display the entries for VLAN IDs from 4000 to 4010.

      address <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa> - Displays all static unicast MAC address entries created in the FDB table for the specified unicast MAC address.

      interface - Displays all static unicast MAC address entries for the specified interface. The details to be provided are:

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <interface-id> - Sets the interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel.

      switch <context_name> - Displays all static unicast MAC entries, for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string with the maximum size as 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command can be executed in the switch only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


Single Instance:

SEFOS# show mac-address-table static unicast

Vlan  Mac Address      RecvPort  Status   ConnectionId  Ports

----  -----------      -------- ------     ---------   ------

2     00:11:22:33:44:55   Ex0/2   Del-OnTimeout         Ex0/3

Total Mac Addresses displayed: 1

Multiple Instance:

SEFOS# show mac-address-table static unicast switch cust1

Switch - cust1

Vlan  Mac Address        SrvInst/ Status         Ports

----  -----------        -------- ------         -----

1     00:11:22:33:44:55   Ex0/2   Permanent      Ex0/3

Total Mac Addresses displayed: 1

Related Command (s)

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.


20.47  show dot1d mac-address-table static unicast


Command Objective

This command displays all static unicast MAC address entries created in the FDB table, when the VLAN base bridge mode is transparent bridging.

These entries contain unicast MAC address, member ports, receiver ports, the status of entry (that is permanent, static and so on), and total number of entries displayed.


show dot1d mac-address-table static unicast [address <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa>] [interface <interface-type> <interface-id>]

Parameter Description

      address <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa> - Displays all static unicast MAC entries created in the FDB table for the specified unicast MAC address.

      interface-type - Displays all static unicast MAC entries for the specified interface. The details to be provided are:

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <interface-id> - Sets the interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command can be executed in the switch only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


SEFOS# show dot1d mac-address-table static unicast address 00:11:22:33:44:55

Mac Address        RecvPort    Status              Ports

-----------        --------    ------              -----

00:11:22:33:44:55                 Permanent       Ex0/2

Total Mac Addresses displayed: 1

Related Command(s)

      mac-address-table static unicast – Transparent Bridging Mode - Configures a static unicast MAC address in the forwarding database in transparent bridging mode in order to control unicast packets to be processed.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.


20.48  show mac-address-table static multicast


Command Objective

This command displays the static multicast MAC address entries created in the FDB table.

These entries contain VLAN ID to which multicast MAC address entry is assigned, multicast MAC address, member ports, receiver ports, forbidden ports, the status of entry (that is permanent, static and so on), and total number of entries displayed.


show mac-address-table static multicast [vlan <vlan-range>] [address <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa>] [{interface <interface-type> <interface-id> | switch <context_name>}]

Parameter Description

      vlan <vlan-range> - Displays all static multicast MAC address entries created in the FDB table for the specified VLANs alone. This value denotes the VLAN ID range for which the entries need to be displayed. This value is a string whose maximum size is 9. For example, the value is provided as 4000-4010 to display the entries for VLAN IDs from 4000 to 4010.

      address <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa> - Displays all static multicast MAC address entries created in the FDB table for the specified unicast MAC address.

      interface - Displays all static multicast MAC address entries for the specified interface. The details to be provided are:

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <interface-id> - Sets the interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel.

      switch <context_name> - Displays all static multicast MAC entries, for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string with the maximum size as 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command can be executed in the switch only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


Single Instance:

SEFOS# show mac-address-table static multicast

Static Multicast Table


Vlan            : 1

Mac Address     : 01:02:03:04:05:06

Receive Port    : Ex0/1

Member Ports    : Ex0/1

Forbidden Ports : Ex0/2

Status          : Permanent


Total Mac Addresses displayed: 1

Multiple Instance:

SEFOS# show mac-address-table static multicast switch cust1

Switch - cust1

Static Multicast Table


Vlan            : 1

Mac Address     : 01:02:03:04:05:06

Receive Port    : Ex0/2

Member Ports    : Ex0/3

Status          : Permanent


Total Mac Addresses displayed: 1

Related Command(s)

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.


20.49  show dot1d mac-address-table static multicast


Command Objective

This command displays all static multicast MAC address entries created in the FDB table, when the VLAN base bridge mode is transparent bridging.

These entries contain multicast MAC address, member ports, receiver ports, the status of entry (that is permanent, static and so on), and total number of entries displayed.


show dot1d mac-address-table static multicast [address <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa>] [interface <interface-type> <interface-id>]

Parameter Description

      address <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa> - Displays all static multicast MAC entries created in the FDB table for the specified multicast MAC address.

      interface - Displays all static multicast MAC entries for the specified interface. The details to be provided are:

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <interface-id> - Sets the interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command can be executed in the switch only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


SEFOS# show dot1d mac-address-table static multicast address 01:00:5E:01:02:03

Mac Address       RecvPort      Type     Ports

-----------         ----        -----    -----

01:00:5E:01:02:03              static   Ex0/2-3

Total Mac Addresses displayed: 1

SEFOS# show dot1d mac-address-table static multicast interface extreme-ethernet 0/2

Mac Address       RecvPort  Type     Ports

   -----------     ------    ----     -----

01:00:5E:01:02:03            static   Ex0/2

01:00:5E:01:02:04            static   Ex0/2

Total Mac Addresses displayed: 2

Related Command(s)

      mac-address-table static multicast – Transparent Bridging mode- Configures a static multicast MAC address in the forwarding database in transparent bridging mode in order to control multicast packets to be processed.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.


20.50  show mac-address-table dynamic unicast


Command Objective

This command displays all dynamically learned unicast entries from the MAC address table.

These entries contain VLAN ID for which unicast MAC address entry is learned, unicast MAC address, ports through which the entry is learned, the status of entry (that is permanent, static and so on), the unicast backbone MAC address of peer backbone edge bridge, and total number of entries displayed.


show mac-address-table dynamic unicast [vlan <vlan-range>] [address <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa>] [{interface <interface-type> <interface-id> | switch <context_name>}]

Parameter Description

      vlan <vlan-range> - Displays all dynamically learned unicast entries from the MAC address table for the specified VLANs alone. This value denotes the VLAN ID range for which the entries need to be displayed. This value is a string whose maximum size is 9. For example, the value is provided as 4000-4010 to display the entries for VLAN IDs from 4000 to 4010.

      address <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa> - Displays all dynamically learned unicast entries from the MAC address table for the specified unicast MAC address.

      interface - Displays all dynamically learned unicast entries from the MAC address table for the specified interface. The details to be provided are:

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <interface-id> - Sets the interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel.

      switch <context_name> - Displays all dynamically learned unicast entries, for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string with the maximum size as 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command can be executed in the switch only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


Single Instance:

SEFOS# show mac-address-table dynamic unicast vlan 2

Vlan    Mac Address         Type     ConnectionId  Ports

----    -----------         ----     ------------  -----

2       00:01:02:03:04:21   Learnt                 Ex0/1

Total Mac Addresses displayed: 1

Multiple Instance:

SEFOS# show mac-address-table dynamic unicast

Switch - default

Vlan    Mac Address         Type     Ports

----    -----------         ----     -----

1       00:02:02:03:04:04   Learnt   Ex0/2

1       00:03:02:03:04:04   Learnt   Ex0/3

2       00:02:02:03:04:04   Learnt   Ex0/2

2       00:03:02:03:04:04   Learnt   Ex0/3

3       00:02:02:03:04:04   Learnt   Ex0/2

3       00:03:02:03:04:04   Learnt   Ex0/3

Total Mac Addresses displayed: 6

Related Command(s)

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.


20.51  show mac-address-table dynamic multicast


Command Objective

This command displays all dynamically learned multicast entries from the MAC address table.

These entries contain VLAN ID for which multicast MAC address entry is learned, multicast MAC address, ports through which the entry is learned, the status of entry (that is permanent, static and so on), the unicast backbone MAC address of peer backbone edge bridge, and total number of entries displayed.


show mac-address-table dynamic multicast [vlan <vlan-range>] [address <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa>] [{interface <interface-type> <interface-id> | switch <context_name>}]

Parameter Description

      vlan <vlan-range> - Displays all dynamically learned multicast entries from the MAC address table for the specified VLANs alone. This value denotes the VLAN ID range for which the entries need to be displayed. This value is a string whose maximum size is 9. For example, the value is provided as 4000-4010 to display the entries for VLAN IDs from 4000 to 4010.

      address <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa> - Displays all dynamically learned multicast entries from the MAC address table for the specified unicast MAC address.

      interface - Displays all dynamically learned multicast entries from the MAC address table for the specified interface. The details to be provided are:

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <interface-id> - Sets the interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel.

      switch <context_name> - Displays all dynamically learned multicast entries, for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string with the maximum size as 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command can be executed in the switch only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


Single Instance:

SEFOS# show mac-address-table dynamic multicast

Vlan    Mac Address         Type     ConnectionId Ports

----    -----------         ----     ------------ -----

2       01:03:05:07:09:04   Learnt                Ex0/1

Total Mac Addresses displayed: 1

Multiple Instance:

SEFOS# show mac-address-table dynamic multicast

Switch - default

Vlan    Mac Address         Type     Ports

----    -----------         ----     -----

2       01:02:02:02:02:02   Learnt   Ex0/2, Ex0/3

3       01:02:02:02:02:02   Learnt   Ex0/2

3       01:03:03:03:03:03   Learnt   Ex0/3

Total Mac Addresses displayed: 3

Related Command(s)

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.


20.52  show mac-address-table aging-time


Command Objective

This command displays the ageing time configured for the MAC address table. This time denotes the interval (in seconds) after which the dynamically learned forwarding information entry and static entry in the MAC address table are deleted.


show mac-address-table aging-time [ switch <context_name>]

Parameter Description

      switch <context_name> - Displays ageing time of the MAC address table, for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string with the maximum size as 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command can be executed in the switch only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


Single Instance:

SEFOS# show mac-address-table aging-time

Mac Address Aging Time: 300

Multiple Instance:

SEFOS# show mac-address-table aging-time

Context default: Mac Address Aging Time: 300

Related Command(s)

      mac-address-table aging-time - Configures the timeout period (in seconds) for aging out dynamically learned forwarding information entry and static entry in the MAC address table.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.


20.53  show wildcard


Command Objective

This command displays all wildcard MAC entries created in  the switch / in all contexts.

The wildcard VLAN static filtering information is used for all VLANs for which no static unicast and multicast MAC address entries are created.


show wildcard {mac-address <mac_addr> | broadcast} [switch <context_name>]

Parameter Description

      mac-address <mac_addr> - Displays the wildcard MAC entries created in the switch / in all contexts, for the specified destination unicast or multicast MAC address to which filtering information of wildcard entry is applied.

      broadcast - Displays the wildcard MAC entries created in the switch / in all contexts, for the broadcast MAC address (that is, ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff).

      switch <context_name> - Displays the wildcard MAC entries for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string with the maximum size as 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command can be executed in the switch only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


Single Instance

SEFOS# show wildcard mac-address 00:11:22:33:00:00

Wild Card Entries:


  Mac Address          Ports

----------------  , -------------------

 00:11:22:33:00:00    Ex0/2

Multiple Instance

SEFOS# show wildcard mac-address 00:55:66:77:00:00

Switch default

Switch sw1

Wild Card Entries:


  Mac Address          Ports

 ----------------  , -------------------

 00:55:66:77:00:00    Ex0/3

Related Command(s)

      wildcard - Configures the wildcard VLAN entry for a specified MAC address or any MAC address.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.


20.54  shutdown garp


Command Objective

This command shuts down the GARP module in the switch on all ports and releases memory used for the GARP module.

The no form of the command starts and enables the GARP module in the switch on all ports. GMRP and GVRP are enabled explicitly, once the disabled GARP is enabled.

GARP is used to synchronize attribute information between the bridges in the LAN. It allows registering and de-registering attribute values, which are disseminated into the backbone of the GARP participants.


shutdown garp

no shutdown garp


Global Configuration Mode / Switch Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


GARP module is started and enabled in the switch on all ports.


      GARP can be started, only if VLAN switching feature is started in the switch.

      GARP can be shut down, only if GVRP and GMRP or GVRP or GMRP are disabled.

      GARP cannot be started in the switch, if the base bridge mode is configured as transparent bridging.


SEFOS(config)# shutdown garp

Related Command(s)

      base bridge-mode - Configures the base mode (either 802.1d transparent bridge mode or 802.1q VLAN-aware bridge mode) in which the VLAN feature should operate on the switch.

      set gvrp disable – Globally disables GVRP feature on all ports of a switch.

      set port gvrp - Enables or disables GVRP feature on the specified interface.

      set gmrp disable – Globally disables GMRP feature on all ports of a switch.

      set port gmrp - Enables or disables GMRP feature on the specified interface.

      set garp timer - Configures GARP timers for a port.

      vlan restricted - Configures the restricted VLAN registration feature in a port.

      group restricted - Configures the restricted group registration feature in a port.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.

      show garp timer - Displays the GARP timer information of all interfaces available in the switch / all contexts.

      debug garp - Enables the tracing of the GARP submodule as per the configured debug levels.


20.55  set gvrp


Command Objective

This command globally enables or disables GVRP feature on all ports of a switch.

GVRP uses the services of GARP to propagate VLAN registration information to other VLAN-aware bridges in a LAN. This information allows GVRP-aware devices to dynamically establish and update the information about the existence of the VLANs in a topology. The GVRP registers the created VLANs with GARP and de-registers the deleted VLANs from the GARP.


set gvrp { enable | disable }

Parameter Description

      enable - Enables GVRP feature in the switch on all ports and also starts the GARP in the switch if the GARP is disabled.

      disable - Disables GVRP feature in the switch on all ports.


Global Configuration Mode / Switch Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




      GVRP feature can be globally enabled, only if VLAN feature is globally enabled in the switch.

      GVRP feature should be globally disabled before globally disabling the VLAN feature in the switch.

      GVRP feature cannot be enabled in the switch, if the base bridge mode is set as transparent bridging or the VLAN switching feature is shut down in the switch.


SEFOS(config)# set gvrp disable

Related Command(s)

      spanning-tree mode - Sets the type of spanning tree to be executed, enables spanning tree operation, and starts spanning tree functionality in the switch.

      set vlan - Globally enables or disables VLAN feature in the switch (that is the status of the VLAN feature is configured for all ports of the switch).

      bridge-mode - Configures the bridge mode of the switch.

      base bridge-mode dot1q-vlan - Configures the VLAN operation mode as VLAN-aware bridging.

      shutdown garp - Shuts down the GARP module in the switch on all ports and releases memory used for the GARP module.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.

      show vlan device info - Displays the VLAN global information that is applicable to all VLANs created in the switch / all contexts.

      show gvrp statistics - Displays GVRP statistics for the specified port.


20.56  set port gvrp


Command Objective

This command enables or disables GVRP feature on the specified interface.

GVRP uses the services of GARP to propagate VLAN registration information to other VLAN-aware bridges in a LAN. This information allows GVRP-aware devices to dynamically establish and update the information about the existence of the VLANs in a topology. The GVRP registers the created VLANs with GARP and de-registers the deleted VLANs from the GARP.


set port gvrp <interface-type> <interface-id> { enable | disable }

Parameter Description

      <interface-type> - Configures the GVRP feature for the specified type of interface. The interface can be:

        fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

        XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

        extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

        internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

        port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

      <interface-id> - Configures the GVRP feature for the specified interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than i-lan and port-channel. For example: 0/1 represents that the slot number is 0 and port number is 1. Only i-lan and port-channel ID is provided, for interface types i-lan and port-channel. For example: 1 represents i-lan and port-channel ID.

      enable - Enables GVRP feature on the specified interface.

      disable - Disables GVRP feature on the specified interface.


Global Configuration Mode /Switch Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




      The GVRP feature can be configured on the specified interface, only if the GARP module is not shut down.

      Any GVRP packet received is discarded and no GVRP registrations are propagated from other ports, if GVRP is globally disabled or GVRP is disabled in the interface.


SEFOS(config)# set port gvrp extreme-ethernet 0/1 disable

Related Command(s)

      no shutdown garp - Starts and enables the GARP module in the switch on all ports.

      switchport mode - Configures the mode of operation for a switch port.

      shutdown garp - Shuts down the GARP module in the switch on all ports and releases memory used for the GARP module.

      show vlan port config - Displays the VLAN-related port-specific information for all interfaces available in the switch / all contexts.

      show gvrp statistics - Displays GVRP statistics for the specified port.


20.57  set port gvrp - enable | disable


Command Objective

This command enables or disables GVRP (GARP VLAN Registration Protocol) on the interface.


This command operates similar to that of the command set port gvrp. This feature has been included in adherence to the Industry Standard CLI syntax.


set port gvrp { enable | disable } <interface-id>

Parameter Description

      enable - Enables GVRP on the interface.

      disable - Disables GVRP on the interface.

      <interface-id> - Configures the GVRP feature for the specified interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than i-lan and port-channel. For example: 0/1 represents that the slot number is 0 and port number is 1. Only i-lan and port-channel ID is provided, for interface types i-lan and port-channel. For example: 1 represents i-lan and port-channel ID.


Global Configuration Mode / Switch Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




      The value enable indicates that GVRP is enabled on the current port, as long as global GVRP status is also enabled for the device.

      If port GVRP state is disabled, but global GVRP status is still enabled, then GVRP is disabled on the current port. Any received GVRP packets will be discarded and no GVRP registrations will be propagated from other ports.


SEFOS(config)# set port gvrp disable 0/1

Related Command (s)

      show vlan port config - Displays the VLAN-related parameters specific for ports.


20.58  set gmrp


Command Objective

This command globally enables or disables GMRP feature on all ports of a switch.

GMRP uses the services of GARP to propagate multicast information to the bridges in a LAN. This information allows GMRP-aware devices to reduce the transmission of multicast traffic to the LANs, which do not have any members of that multicast group. GMRP registers and de-registers the group membership information and group service requirement information with the GARP.


set gmrp { enable | disable }

Parameter Description

      enable - Enables GMRP feature in the switch on all ports and also starts the GARP in the switch if the GARP is disabled.

      disable - Disables GMRP feature in the switch on all ports.


Global Configuration Mode / Switch Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




      GMRP feature can be globally enabled, only if VLAN feature is globally enabled in the switch.

      GMRP feature should be globally disabled before globally disabling the VLAN feature in the switch.

      GMRP feature cannot be configured in the switch if the base bridge mode is set as transparent bridging or the VLAN switching feature is shut down in the switch.


SEFOS(config)# set gmrp disable

Related Command(s)

      ipv6 mld snooping – Enables MLD snooping in the switch for a VLAN.

      set vlan - Globally enables or disables VLAN feature in the switch (that is the status of the VLAN feature is configured for all ports of the switch).

      bridge-mode - Configures the bridge mode of the switch.

      base bridge-mode dot1q-vlan - Configures the VLAN operation mode as VLAN-aware bridging.

      shutdown garp - Shuts down the GARP module in the switch on all ports and releases memory used for the GARP module.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.

      show vlan device info - Displays the VLAN global information that is applicable to all VLANs created in the switch / all contexts.

      show gmrp statistics - Displays GMRP statistics for the specified port.


20.59  set port gmrp


Command Objective

This command enables or disables GMRP feature on the specified interface.

GMRP uses the services of GARP to propagate multicast information to the bridges in a LAN. This information allows GMRP-aware devices to reduce the transmission of multicast traffic to the LANs, which do not have any members of that multicast group. GMRP registers and de-registers the group membership information and group service requirement information with the GARP.


set port gmrp <interface-type> <interface-id> { enable | disable }

Parameter Description

      <interface-type> - Configures the GMRP feature for the specified type of interface. The interface can be:

        fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

        XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

        extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

        internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

        port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

      <interface-id> - Configures the GMRP feature for the specified interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than i-lan and port-channel. For example: 0/1 represents that the slot number is 0 and port number is 1. Only i-lan and port-channel ID is provided, for interface types i-lan and port-channel. For example: 1 represents i-lan and port-channel ID.

      enable - Enables GMRP feature on the specified interface.

      disable - Disables GMRP feature on the specified interface.


Global Configuration Mode / Switch Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




      The GMRP feature can be configured on the specified interface, only if the GARP module is not shut down.

      Any GMRP packet received is discarded and no GMRP registrations are propagated from other ports, if GMRP is globally disabled or GMRP is disabled in the interface.


SEFOS(config)# set port gmrp extreme-ethernet 0/1 disable

Related Command(s)

      no shutdown garp - Starts and enables the GARP module in the switch on all ports.

      show vlan port config - Displays the VLAN-related port-specific information for all interfaces available in the switch / all contexts.

      show gmrp statistics - Displays GMRP statistics for the specified port.


20.60  set garp timer


Command Objective

This command configures GARP timers for a port. GARP uses these timer values to control the transmission of GARP PDUs used in synchronizing attribute information between the switches, and in registering and de-registering of attribute values. The configured GARP timer values are applicable for both GVRP and GMRP application of the GARP module.


set garp timer {join | leave | leaveall} <time in milli seconds>

Parameter Description

      join <time in milli seconds> - Configures the time interval (in milli-seconds) till which a GARP participant should wait for its join message to be acknowledged before re-sending the join message. The join message is re-transmitted only once, if the initial message is not acknowledged. This time is started, once the initial join message is sent. The join message is sent by a GARP participant to another GARP participant for registering:

        Its attributes with other participant

        Its manually configured attributes

        Attributes received from a third GARP participant

This value can be multiple of tens only (that is, as 210, 220, 230 and so on) This value should satisfy the condition: GarpJoinTime > 0 and (2*GarpJoinTime) < GarpLeaveTime.

      leave <time in milli seconds> - Configures the time interval (in milli-seconds) till which a GARP participant should wait for any join message before removing attribute details (that is, waiting time for a registrar to move from empty state (MT) to leave state (LV)). This time is started, once a leave message is sent to de-register the attribute details. The leave messages are sent from a GARP participant to another participant, when:

        Its attributes should be de-registered

        Its attributes are manually de-registered

        It receives leave messages from a third GARP participant

This value can be multiple of tens only (that is, as 610, 620, 630 and so on). The leave time should be greater than or two times as that of the GarpJoinTime. That is, the maximum value of the leave time cannot be more than two times of the join time. For example, if you configure join time as 500 milliseconds, then the leave time value can be from 510 milliseconds to 1000 milliseconds only.

      leaveall <time in milli seconds> - Configures the time interval (in milli-seconds) till which the details of the registered attributes are maintained. The attribute details should be re-registered after this time interval. A leaveall message is sent from a GARP participant to other GARP participants, after this time interval. This time is started, once a GARP participant starts or once re-registration is done. The leaveall messages are sent from a GARP participant to other participants for:

        De-registering all registered attributes

        Re-registering all attributes with each of the participants

This value can be multiple of tens only (that is, as 10010, 10020 and so on). The leaveall time should be greater than 0 and greater than GarpLeaveTime.


Interface Configuration Mode (Physical)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


      join - 200

      leave - 600

      leaveall - 10000


      The GARP timers cannot be set as zero.

      The GARP timers can be configured, only if the GARP module is not shut down.


SEFOS(config-if)# set garp timer join 250

Related Command(s)

      no shutdown garp - Starts and enables the GARP module in the switch on all ports.

      show garp timer - Displays the GARP timer information of all interfaces available in the switch / all contexts.


20.61  vlan restricted


Command Objective

This command configures the restricted VLAN registration feature in a port. This feature configures the dynamic registration of VLAN.


vlan restricted {enable | disable}

Parameter Description

      enable - Enables restricted VLAN registration feature in the port. The creation or modification of a dynamic VLAN entry is permitted only for VLANs for which static VLAN registration entries exist.

      disable - Disables restricted VLAN registration feature in the port. The creation or modification of a dynamic VLAN entry is permitted for all VLANs.


Interface Configuration Mode (Physical)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




The restricted VLAN registration feature can be configured in the port only if the GARP module is started and enabled in the switch.


SEFOS(config-if)# vlan restricted enable

Related Command(s)

      no shutdown garp - Starts and enables the GARP module in the switch on all ports.

      show vlan port config - Displays the VLAN-related port-specific information for all interfaces available in the switch / all contexts.


20.62  group restricted


Command Objective

This command configures the restricted group registration feature in a port. This feature enables you to restrict the multicast groups learned through GMRP learning.


group restricted {enable | disable }

Parameter Description

      enable - Enables restricted group registration feature in the port. The multicast group attribute or service requirement attribute is learned dynamically from the GMRP frame only if the specific attribute is statically configured in the switch.

      disable - Disables restricted group registration feature in the port. The GMRP packets are processed normally and the multicast group attribute/service requirement attribute are learned dynamically even if they are not statically configured in the switch.


Interface Configuration Mode (Physical)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




The restricted group registration feature can be configured in the port only if the GARP module is started and enabled in the switch.


SEFOS(config-if)# group restricted enable

Related Command(s)

      no shutdown garp - Starts and enables the GARP module in the switch on all ports.

      show vlan port config - Displays the VLAN-related port-specific information for all interfaces available in the switch / all contexts.


20.63  debug garp


Command Objective

This command enables the tracing of the GARP sub module as per the configured debug levels. The trace statements are generated for the configured trace levels.

The no form of the command disables the tracing of the GARP sub module as per the configured debug levels. The trace statements are not generated for the configured trace levels.

This command allows combination of debug levels to be configured (that is, more than one level of trace can be enabled or disabled). The debug levels are configured one after the other and not in single execution of the command.


debug garp { global | [{protocol | gmrp | gvrp | redundancy} [initshut] [mgmt] [data] [ctpl] [dump] [os] [failall] [buffer] [all]] [switch <context_name>] } [{ <short (0-7)> | alerts | critical | debugging | emergencies | errors | informational | notification | warnings }]

no debug garp { global | [{protocol | gmrp | garp | redundancy} [initshut] [mgmt] [data] [ctpl] [dump] [os] [failall] [buffer] [all]] [switch <context_name>] }

Parameter Description

      global - Generates debug statements for all kinds of traces.

      protocol - Sets the submodule as GARP module, for which the tracing is to be done as per the configured debug levels.

      gmrp - Sets the submodule as GMRP module, for which the tracing is to be done as per the configured debug levels.

      gvrp - Sets the submodule as GVRP module, for which the tracing is to be done as per the configured debug levels.

      redundancy - Sets the submodule as GARP redundancy module, for which the tracing is to be done as per the configured debug levels.

      initshut - Generates debug statements for init and shutdown traces. This trace is generated on failed initialization and shutting down of GARP related entries.

      mgmt - Generates debug statements for management traces. This trace is generated during failure in configuration of any of the GARP features.

      data - Generates debug statements for data path traces. This trace is generated during failure in packet processing.

      ctpl - Generates debug statements for control path traces. This trace is generated during failure in modification or retrieving of GARP entries.

      dump - Generates debug statements for packet dump traces. This trace is currently not used in GARP module.

      os - Generates debug statements for OS resource related traces. This trace is generated during failure in message queues.

      failall - Generates debug statements for all kind of failure traces.

      buffer - Generates debug statements for GARP buffer-related traces. This trace is currently not used in GARP module.

      all - Generates debug statements for all kinds of traces.

      switch <context_name> - Configures the tracing of the GARP submodule for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string whose maximum size is 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.

      <short (0-7)> - Generates the debug statements for severity level value.This value ranges from 0 to 7.

      alerts - Generates debug statements for immediate action. .

      critical - Generates debug statements for critical conditions.

      debugging - Generates debug statements for debugging messages.

      emergencies - Generates debug statements when system is unusable.

      errors - Generates debug statements for error conditions.

      informational - Generates debug statements for information messages.

      notification - Generates debug statements when normal but significant messages.

      warnings - Generates debug statements for warning conditions.


Privileged Exec Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Tracing of the GARP sub module is disabled.


The GARP sub module tracing can be configured in the switch, only if the GARP module is started and enabled in the switch on all ports.


SEFOS# debug garp redundancy ctpl switch default  debugging

 GARP_TRC_LVL : 255, i4CliDebugLevel: 7

% GARP is disabled

Related Command(s)

      no shutdown garp - Starts and enables the GARP module in the switch on all ports.

      show debugging - Displays state of each debugging option.


20.64  show garp timer


Command Objective

This command displays the GARP timer information of all interfaces available in the switch / all contexts. The information contain the interface type, interface ID, GARP join time, GARP leave time, and GARP leave all time.


show garp timer [{ port <interface-type> <interface-id> }]

Parameter Description

      port - Displays the GARP timer information of the specified interface. The details to be provided are:

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <interface-id> - Sets the interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command can be executed in the switch, only if the GARP module is not shut down and VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


Single Instance:

SEFOS# show garp timer port extreme-ethernet 0/1

Garp Port Timer Info (in milli seconds)


Port     Join-time      Leave-time      Leave-all-time

-----    ---------      ----------      --------------

Ex0/1    200            600             10000

Multiple Instance:

SEFOS# show garp timer

Switch - default

Garp Port Timer Info (in milli seconds)


Port     Join-time      Leave-time      Leave-all-time

-----    ---------      ----------      --------------

Ex0/49   200            600             10000

Switch - cust1

Garp Port Timer Info (in milli seconds)


Port     Join-time      Leave-time      Leave-all-time

-----    ---------      ----------      --------------

Ex0/1    200            600             10000

Ex0/2    200            600             10000

Ex0/3    200            600             10000

Ex0/4    200            600             10000

Ex0/5    200            600             10000

Ex0/6    200            600             10000

Related Command(s)

      set garp timer - Configures GARP timers for a port.

      no shutdown garp - Starts and enables the GARP module in the switch on all ports.

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.


20.65  multicast-mac limit


Command Objective

This command configures multicast MAC limit. This value ranges from 0 to 4294967295.

The no form of the command configures multicast MAC limit to the default value.


multicast-mac limit <size(0-4294967295)>

no multicast-mac limit


Global Configuration Mode / Switch Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


The default value varies with target.


SEFOS(config)# multicast-mac limit 10

Related Command(s)

      show multicast-mac limit - Displays multicast MAC limit.


20.66  dot1x-tunnel-address


Command Objective

This command configures the multicast destination MAC address to be used in tunneled DOT1X PDUs.

When the Dot1x tunneling is enabled on a port, this MAC address will be used as the the destination MAC address for the customer Dot1x packets received with reserved address over this port.

Inside a given Network, Dot1x packets received with this MAC address will be treated as data packets and not processed.

When the tunneled Dot1x packets are sent out of the given Network, this MAC address will be replaced with the reserved address defined for Dot1x packets. This is done only when Dot1x protocol tunnel status is set to Tunnel on the outgoing port else the packets are dropped


dot1x-tunnel-address <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa>


Global Configuration Mode / Switch Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




      This command executes only if VLAN is started in the switch.

      Dot1x tunneling must be enabled for the dot1x tunnel address to be effective.

      A specific MAC address can be assigned to any one of the L2 protocols DOT1X/ LACP/ STP/ GVRP/ ELMI/ LLDP/EOAM tunneling.


SEFOS(config)# dot1x-tunnel-address 01:00:00:00:22:22

Related Command(s)

      show l2protocol tunnel-mac-address - Displays the tunnel MAC address configured for Layer 2 protocols.

      no shutdown vlan – Enables VLAN on the switch.


20.67  lacp-tunnel-address


Command Objective

This command configures the multicast destination MAC address to be used in tunneled LACP PDUs.

When LACP tunneling is enabled on a port, this MAC address will be used as the destination MAC address of the customer LACP packets received over this port.

Inside a given network, LACP packets received with this MAC address will be treated as data packets and not processed.

When the tunneled LACP packets are sent out of the given network, this MAC address will be replaced with the reserved address defined for LACP packets. This is done only when LACP protocol tunnel status is set to Tunnel on the outgoing port, else the packets are dropped.


lacp-tunnel-address <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa>


Global Configuration Mode / Switch Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




      This command executes only if VLAN is started in the switch.

      LACP tunneling must be enabled for the LACP tunnel address to be effective.

      A specific MAC address can be assigned to any one of the L2 protocols DOT1X/ LACP/ STP/ GVRP/ ELMI/ LLDP/EOAM tunneling.


SEFOS(config)# lacp-tunnel-address 01:00:00:00:22:33

Related Command(s)

      show l2protocol tunnel-mac-address - Displays the tunnel MAC address configured for Layer 2 protocols.

      no shutdown vlan - Enables VLAN on the switch.


20.68  stp-tunnel-address


Command Objective

This command configures the multicast destination MAC address to be used in tunneled STP BPDUs.

When STP tunneling is enabled on a port, this MAC address will be  used as the the destination MAC address of the customer BPDUs received.

Inside a given network, BPDUs received with this MAC address will be treated as data packets and are not processed.

When the BPDU is sent out of the given network, this MAC address will be replaced with the reserved address defined for Customer STP BPDU. This is done only when STP protocol tunnel status is set to Tunnel on the outgoing port, else the packets are dropped.


stp-tunnel-address <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa>


Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




      This command executes only if VLAN is started in the switch.

      STP tunneling must be enabled to make this address effective.

      A specific MAC address can be assigned to any one of the L2 protocols DOT1X/ LACP/ STP/ GVRP/ ELMI/ LLDP/EOAM tunneling.


SEFOS(config)# stp-tunnel-address 01:00:00:00:22:44

Related Command(s)

      show l2protocol tunnel-mac-address - Displays the tunnel MAC address configured for Layer 2 protocols.

      no shutdown vlan – Enables VLAN on the switch.


20.69  gvrp-tunnel-address


Command Objective

This command configures the multicast destination MAC address to be used in tunneled GVRP PDUs.

When GVRP tunneling is enabled on a port, this MAC address will be used as the the destination MAC address of the customer GVRP PDUs received.

Inside a given network, packets received with this MAC address will be treated as data packets and are not processed.

When the GVRP PDU is sent out of the given network, this MAC address will be replaced with the reserved address defined for Customer GVRP PDU. This is done only when GVRP protocol tunnel status is set to Tunnel on the outgoing port, else the packets are dropped.


gvrp-tunnel-address <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa>


Global Configuration Mode / Switch Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




      This command executes only if VLAN is started in the switch.

      GMRP tunneling must be enabled to make this address effective.

      A specific MAC address can be assigned to any one of the L2 protocols DOT1X/ LACP/ STP/ GVRP/ ELMI/ LLDP/EOAM tunneling.


SEFOS(config)# gvrp-tunnel-address 01:00:00:00:22:55

Related Command(s)

      show l2protocol tunnel-mac-address - Displays the tunnel MAC address configured for Layer 2 protocols.

      no shutdown vlan – Enables VLAN on the switch.


20.70  gmrp-tunnel-address


Command Objective

This command configures the multicast destination MAC address to be used in tunneled GMRP PDUs.

When GMRP tunneling is enabled on a port, this MAC address will be used as the the destination MAC address of the customer GMRP PDUs received over this port.

Inside a given network, GMRP PDUs received with this MAC address will be treated as data packets and are not processed.

When the tunneled GMRP PDUs are sent out of the given network, this MAC address will be replaced with the reserved address defined for GMRP PDUs.This is done only when GMRP protocol tunnel status is set to Tunnel on the outgoing port, else the packets are dropped.


gmrp-tunnel-address <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa>


Global Configuration Mode/Switch Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




      This command executes only if VLAN is started in the switch.

      GMRP tunneling must be enabled to make this address effective.

      A specific MAC address can be assigned to any one of the L2 protocols DOT1X/ LACP/ STP/ GVRP/ ELMI/ LLDP/EOAM tunneling..


SEFOS(config)# gmrp-tunnel-address 01:00:00:00:22:66

Related Command(s)

      show l2protocol tunnel-mac-address - Displays the tunnel MAC address configured for Layer 2 protocols.

      no shutdown vlan – Enables VLAN on the switch.


20.71  bridge-mode


Command Objective

This command configures the bridge mode of the switch.


bridge-mode {customer | provider | provider-core | provider-edge }


bridge-mode {customer | provider | provider-core | provider-edge | provider-backbone-icomp |provider-backbone-bcomp}

Parameter Description

      customer - Sets the bridge to Customer Bridge Mode which allows the switch to operate as a 802.1Q VLAN Bridge.

      provider - Sets the bridge to Provider Bridge Mode which allows the bridge to operate as a normal Q-in-Q Bridge.

Note:     This parameter executes only if GARP, MRP, ELPS, ECFM, and spanning tree modules are shut down.

      provider-core - Sets the bridge to Provider Core Bridge Mode which allows the switch to operate as a 802.1ad-compliant provider bridge with only S-VLAN component.

Note:     This parameter executes only if GARP, MRP, ELPS, ECFM, and spanning tree modules are shut down.

      provider-edge - Sets the bridge to Provider Edge Bridge Mode which allows the switch to operate as a 802.1ad provider edge bridge with S-VLAN component and atleast one C-VLAN component.

Note:     This parameter executes only if GARP, MRP, ELPS, ECFM, and spanning tree modules are shut down.

      provider-backbone-icomp - Sets the bridge to Provider Backbone Bridge I component Mode which allows the switch to operate as a 802.1ah provider backone bridge as I component.

Note:     This parameter executes only if  GARP, MRP, ELPS, ECFM, and spanning tree modules are shut down and Provider backbone bridge is globally enabled.

      provider-backbone-bcomp - Sets the bridge to Provider Backbone Bridge B component Mode which allows the switch to operate as a 802.1ah provider backone bridge as B component.

Note:     This parameter executes only if GARP, MRP, ELPS, ECFM, and spanning tree modules are shut down and Provider backbone bridge is globally enabled.


Global Configuration Mode / Switch Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E

Note:     In the Workgroup and the Enterprise package, only the customer and provider are the valid parameters.


Based on the bridge mode value in issnvram.txt


Only one bridge mode can be set at a time. If multiple bridge modes are required, multiple instances of the bridge should be run.


SEFOS(config)#  bridge-mode provider-backbone-icomp

Related Command(s)

      set gmrp disable – Shuts down GMRP module.

      set gvrp disable - Shuts down GVRP module.

      shutdown garp - Shuts down GARP module.

      set mmrp disable – Shuts down MMRP module.

      set mvrp disable - Shuts down MVRP module.

      shutdown mrp - Shuts down MRP module.

      shutdown aps - Shuts down ELPS module.

      no ethernet cfm start - Shuts down ECFM module.

      shutdown spanning-tree - Shuts down spanning tree.

      no shutdown provider-backbone-bridge – Enables provider backbone bridge.

      switchport [dot1q] ether-type - Configures port Ingress or Egress ethertype.

      l2protocol-tunnel - Enables the tunneling of L2 protocols on this port.

      l2protocol-peer - Enables peering of L2 protocols on this port.

      l2protocol-discard - Sets the option to discard L2 protocols received on this port.

      switchport [dot1q] ethertype mapping - Creates an ethertype swapping entry for the port.

      mvrp-tunnel-address - Configures the multicast destination MAC address to be used in tunneled MVRP PDUs.

      mmrp-tunnel-address - Configures the multicast destination MAC address to be used in tunneled MMRP PDUs.

      show vlan device info - Displays the VLAN-related global status variables.


20.72  l2protocol-tunnel cos


Command Objective

This command configures the priority for the tunneled STP BPDUs. This value ranges from 0 to 7.

The no form of the command configures the default priority for the tunneled STP BPDUs.


l2protocol-tunnel cos <cos-value(0-7)>

no l2protocol-tunnel cos


Global Configuration Mode / Switch Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


cos - value - 7


The configured priority value will be effective only when the L2 Protocol tunnel STP is enabled on an interface.


SEFOS(config)# l2protocol-tunnel cos 5

Related Command(s)

      show l2protocol-tunnel - Displays the entries in VLAN tunnel protocol table containing the number of ingress or egress STP BPDUs tunneled.


20.73  clear l2protocol-tunnel counters


Command Objective

This command clears the L2 protocol tunnel counters for the specified interface or VLAN.


clear l2protocol-tunnel counters [{<interface-type> <interface-id> | vlan <vlan-id(1-4094)>}]

Parameter Description

      <interface-type> - Clears the L2 protocol counter for the specified interface. The interface can be:

        fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

        XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

        extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

        internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

        port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

      <interface-id> - Clears the L2 protocol counter for the specified interface identifier. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 0/1,0/3 or 1,3.

      vlan <vlan-id(1-4094)> - Clears the L2 protocol tunnel counters for the specified interface or VLAN .This value ranges from 1 to 4094


Global Configuration Mode / Switch Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS(config)# clear l2protocol-tunnel counters

Related Command(s)

      show l2protocol-tunnel - Displays the entries in VLAN tunnel protocol table containing the number of ingress or egress STP BPDUs tunneled.

      show l2protocol-tunnel vlan - Displays the entries in VLAN tunnel protocol table. containing the number of ingress or egress L2 packets tunneled.


20.74  switchport dot1q customer vlan


Command Objective

This command sets the customer VLAN ID for the port. This is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN created. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.


switchport dot1q customer vlan <vlan-id(1-4094)>


Interface Configuration Mode (Physical / Port channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


vlan-id  - 0


This command executes only if the bridge port type is set as customerBackbonePort.


SEFOS(config-if)# switchport dot1q customer vlan 10

Related Command(s)

      bridge port-type - Sets the specified bridge port type for an interface.

      show [provider-bridge] port config - Displays Service VLAN port information.


20.75  switchport dot1q customer vlanStatus


Command Objective

This command enables or disables Customer VLAN classification.


switchport dot1q customer vlan { enable | disable}

Parameter Description

      enable - Enables Customer VLAN classification.

      disable - Disables Customer VLAN classification.


Interface Configuration Mode (Physical / Port channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




This command executes only if the bridge port type is set as customerBackbonePort.


SEFOS(config-if)# switchport dot1q customer vlan enable

Related Command(s)

      bridge port-type - Sets the specified bridge port type for an interface.

      show [provider-bridge] port config - Displays Service VLAN port information.


20.76  switchport customer-vlan


Command Objective

This command configures an entry in the Customer VLAN Identification (C-VID) registration table.

The no form of the command deletes entry in the C-VID registration table.


This command is not supported for BCM target except for BCM SDK 580.


switchport customer-vlan <vlan-id(1-4094)> service-vlan <vlan-id/vfi_id> [untagged-pep {true|false}][untagged-cep {true|false}][relay-vlan-id <integer(1-4094)>]

no switchport customer-vlan < vlan-id (1-4094)>

Parameter Description

      customer-vlan < vlan-id (1-4094)> - Configures the VLAN ID to which the C-VID registration is to be done. This is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN created. This value ranges from 1 to 4094..

      service vlan< vlan-id/vfi_id > - Configures the service VLAN/ VFI ID. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

        <vlan –id> - VLAN ID is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

        <vfi-id>. - VFI ID is a VLAN created in the system which contains pseudowires and attachment circuits as member ports . This creates a logical LAN for the VPLS service. This value ranges from 4096 to 65535.

Note:     The VLAN ID 4095 is reserved and might be used to indicate a wildcard match for the VID in management operations or filtering database entries.

Note:     VFI IDs 4096 and 4097 are reserved identifiers used in MPLS PW.

Note:     The theoretical maximum for the maximum number of VFI is 65535 but the actual number of VFI supported is a sizing constant. Based on this, the maximum number of VFI ID accepted in the management interface is restricted. For example if 100 VFIs are supported, the maximum number of VFIs supported will be restricted to 100 added to the maximum number of VLANs. An error message is displayed for any value beyond this range.

      untagged-pep - Sets Untagged Provider Edge Port . The options are:

        true – Enables the untagged provider edge port.

        false– Disables the untagged provider edge port.

      untagged-cep - Sets Untagged Customer Edge Port . The options are:

        true – Enables the untagged customer edge port.

        false– Disables the untagged customer edge port.

      relay-vlan-id <integer(1-4094)> - Configures the relay VLAN ID to which the C-VID registration is to be done. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

        This feature has been included to adhere to the Industry Standard CLI syntax. This feature is currently not supported.


Interface Configuration Mode (Physical / Port channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


      untagged-pep - false

      untagged-cep - false


This command executes only if the

      Bridge mode is set as provider-edge.

      Bridge port type is set as customerEdgePort.


SEFOS(config-if)# switchport customer-vlan 4 service-vlan 5

Related Command(s)

      bridge-mode – Sets the bridge mode of the switch.

      bridge port-type - Sets the specified bridge port type for an interface.

      show service vlan – Displays Service VLAN configuration.

      switchport -svlan priority - Configures the SVLAN Priority type of the outgoing packets.


20.77  switchport service vlan


Command Objective

This command configures the Service VLAN assignment for the incoming packet based on various criteria such as source MAC, destination MAC, customer VLAN ID, source IP, destination IP, and DSCP.

The no form of the command deletes the given Service VLAN classification entry.


switchport service vlan <vlan-id/vfi_id>  { [ customer vlan < vlan-id (1-4094)> { SrcMac <ucast_mac> | DstMac<ucast_mac> | Dscp <integer (0-63)> | DstIp <ip_addr> } ] | SrcMac <ucast_mac> | DstMac <ucast_mac> | dscp <integer (0-63)> | SrcIp <ucast_addr> [ DstIp <ip_addr> ] | DstIp <ip_addr> }

no switchport service vlan <vlan-id/vfi_id> { [ customer vlan < vlan-id (1-4094)> { SrcMac <ucast_mac> | DstMac<ucast_mac> | Dscp <integer (0-63)> | DstIp <ip_addr> } ] | SrcMac <ucast_mac> | DstMac <ucast_mac> | dscp <integer (0-63)> | SrcIp <ucast_addr> [ DstIp <ip_addr> ] | DstIp <ip_addr> }

Parameter Description

      service vlan < vlan-id/vfi_id > - Configures the service VLAN/ VFI ID. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

        <vlan –id> - VLAN ID is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

        <vfi-id>. - VFI ID is a VLAN created in the system which contains pseudowires and attachment circuits as member ports . This creates a logical LAN for the VPLS service. This value ranges from 4096 to 65535.

Note:     The VLAN ID 4095 is reserved and might be used to indicate a wildcard match for the VID in management operations or filtering database entries.

Note:     VFI IDs 4096 and 4097 are reserved identifiers used in MPLS PW.

Note:     The theoretical maximum for the maximum number of VFI is 65535 but the actual number of VFI supported is a sizing constant. Based on this, the maximum number of VFI ID accepted in the management interface is restricted. For example if 100 VFIs are supported, the maximum number of VFIs supported will be restricted to 100 added to the maximum number of VLANs. An error message is displayed for any value beyond this range.

      customer vlan < vlan-id (1-4094)> - Configures service VLAN assignment of the incoming packets for the specified customer VLAN ID. This is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN created and activated. This value ranges from 1 to 4094..

      SrcMac <ucast_mac> - Sets the source MAC address of the customer VLAN ID to configure service VLAN.

      DstMac <ucast_mac> - Sets the destination MAC address of the customer VLAN ID to configure service VLAN.

      Dscp <integer (0-63)> - Sets the DSCP value of the customer VLAN ID to configure service VLAN. This value ranges from 0 to 63.

      DstIp <ip_addr> - Sets the destination IP address of the incoming packet to configure service VLAN.

      SrcMac <ucast_mac>  - Sets the source MAC address of the VLAN ID to configure service VLAN.

      DstMac <ucast_mac>  - Sets the destination MAC address of the VLAN ID to configure service VLAN.

      dscp <integer (0-63)>  - Sets the DSCP value of the VLAN ID to configure service VLAN.  This value ranges from 0 to 63.

      SrcIp <ucast_addr>  - Sets the source IP address of the incoming packet to configure service VLAN.

      DstIp <ip_addr>  - Sets the destination IP address of the incoming packet to configure service VLAN.


Interface Configuration Mode (Physical / Port channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Default SVLAN assignment is based on PVID


This command executes only if Service VLAN classification method is configured.


SEFOS(config-if)# switchport service vlan 3 customer vlan 2 Dscp 1

Related Command(s)

      switchport service vlan classify - Configures the Service VLAN classification method used for the port.

      show service vlan - Displays Service VLAN configuration.


20.78  switchport service vlan classify


Command Objective

This command configures the Service VLAN classification method used for the port.

The no form of the command configures a default service VLAN classification method used for the port.


switchport service vlan classify {srcMac | dstMac | cvlanSrcMac | cvlanDstMac | dscp | cvlanDscp | srcIp | dstIp | srcIpDstIp | cvlanDstIp }

no switchport service vlan classify

Parameter Description

      srcMac - Sets the Source MAC-based Service VLAN classification method.

      dstMac - Sets the Destination MAC-based Service VLAN classification method.

      cvlanSrcMac - Sets the Customer VLAN and Source MAC-based Service VLAN classification method.

      cvlanDstMac - Sets the Customer VLAN and Destination MAC-based Service VLAN classification method.

      dscp - Sets the DSCP-based Service VLAN classification method.

      cvlanDscp - Sets the Customer VLAN and DSCP-based Service VLAN classification method.

      srcIp - Sets the Source IP-based Service VLAN classification method.

      dstIp - Sets the Destination IP-based Service VLAN classification method.

      srcIpDstIp - Sets the Source IP and Destination IP-based Service VLAN classification method.

      cvlanDstIp - Sets the Customer VLAN and Destination IP-based Service VLAN classification method.


Interface Configuration Mode (Physical / Port channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


      Default Classification Method for Customer Edge Port Type: Customer VLAN

      Default Classification Method for Provider Network Port Type and Customer Network Port Type : PVID


      This command executes only if the bridge port type is set as customerBackbonePort.


SEFOS(config-if)# switchport service vlan classify srcMac

Related Command(s)

      switchport service vlan- Configures the Service VLAN assignment for the incoming packet based on different criteria.

      bridge port-type - Sets the specified bridge port type for an interface.

      show service vlan - Displays Service VLAN configuration.

      show [provider-bridge] port config - Displays Service VLAN port information.


20.79  switchport unicast-mac learning limit


Command Objective

This command configures port unicast MAC learning limit.

The no form of the command resets port unicast MAC limit.


switchport unicast-mac learning limit <size(0-4294967295)>

no switchport unicast-mac learning limit


Interface Configuration Mode (Physical / Port channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Default value varies with target.


SEFOS(config-if)# switchport unicast-mac learning limit 100

Related Command(s)

      show [provider-bridge] port config - Displays Service VLAN port information.


20.80  switchport [dot1q] ether-type


Command Objective

This command configures port Ingress or Egress ethertype.

The no form of the command resets port Ingress or Egress ethertype.


switchport [dot1q] { ingress | egress } ether-type <size(1-65535)>

no switchport [dot1q] { ingress | egress } ether-type

Parameter Description

      dot1q - Enables dot1q tunneling for the specified ethertype.

      ingress - Configures Ingress ethertype and hence allows the service provider to support tunneling. Packets received on a port are considered tagged when the packet ethertype matches with the port ethertype configured.

      egress - Configures Egress ethertype. This object indicates the ethertype of the S-VLAN tag that has to be applied for all the outgoing packets on this port. If a valid value is in this object, all the packets which are outgoing on this port will contain the ethertype as configured in this object.

      ether-type <size(1-65535)> - Configures the size of the ethertype. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.


Interface Configuration Mode (Physical / Port channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




SEFOS(config-if)# switchport dot1q ingress ether-type 100

Related Command(s)

      show [provider-bridge] port config - Displays Service VLAN port information.

      switchport encapsulation - Configures standard or user-defined TPID for a port.

      show vlan port config - Displays the VLAN-related port-specific information for all interfaces available in the switch / all contexts.


20.81  set switchport ether-type swap


Command Objective

This command enables or disables ethertype swapping.

Ether type swapping is applicable for only network ports. It is done for S-Tag and B-Tag when these are either the outermost or the first level encapsulated tags for the ports in the PB or PBB bridge mode. The enable or disable for the ethertype swapping is common, that is, it is not tag-specific. The list of the allowed ethertype swapping on ports is given in the following table:

Port Type


CNP S-tagged

S-Tag Ether type


B-Tag/ S-Tag Ether type


set switchport ether-type swap { enable | disable }

Parameter Description

      enable - Enables ethertype swapping

      disable - Disables ethertype swapping


Interface Configuration Mode (Physical / Port channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




SEFOS(config-if)# set switchport ether-type swap enable

Related Command(s)

      show [provider-bridge] port config - Displays Service VLAN port information


20.82  set switchport [service] vlan swap


Command Objective

This command enables or disables VLAN swapping on a port.

VLAN swapping is done for C-VLAN, S- VLAN, and B-VLAN tags for the ports in PB/PBB bridge mode. The enable or disable for the VLAN swapping is common, that is, it is not tag-specific. The list of the allowed VLAN swapping on ports is given in the following table.

Port Type


CNP S-tagged


CNP C-tagged





set switchport [service] vlan swap { enable | disable }

Parameter Description

      service - Indicates service VLAN.

      enable - Enables VLAN swapping.

      disable - Disables VLAN swapping.


Interface Configuration Mode (Physical / Port channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




SEFOS(config-if)# set switchport service vlan swap enable

SEFOS(config-if)# set switchport vlan swap enable

Related Command(s)

      show [service] vlan mapping - Displays service VLAN translation information.


20.83  switchport [service] vlan mapping


Command Objective

This command configures a VLAN translation entry for the port. The no form of the command deletes a VLAN translation entry from the port.

VLAN translation is done by the ports, when it is enabled. If it is disabled or it is enabled, but there is no entry for the received VLAN-ID, then no translation is done.

VLAN translation is done for outermost and the first level encapsulated tags at the ports in PB/PBB bridge mode. The list of the allowed VLAN swapping on ports in PB/PBB bridge mode is given in the following table:

Port Type


CNP S-tagged


CNP C-tagged




Outermost tags for ports are defined in the following table:

Port Type


CNP S-tagged


CNP C-tagged




All other tables, having references to the VLAN ID in the bridge, contain the relay VLAN and not the local VLAN.


switchport [service] vlan mapping <local vlan integer(1-4094)> <relay vlan integer(1-4094)>

no switchport [service] vlan mapping <vlan integer(1-4094)>

Parameter Description

      service - Indicates service VLAN.

      <local vlan integer(1-4094)> - Configures the value of the VLAN ID outside (sent/received) the bridge.  This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

      <relay vlan integer(1-4094)> - Configures the value of the VLAN ID towards the relay entity of the bridge, the VLAN ID value used inside the bridge.  This value ranges from 1 to 4094.


Interface Configuration Mode (Physical / Port channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-if)# switchport vlan mapping 100 200

Related Command(s)

      show [service] vlan mapping - Displays service VLAN translation information.


20.84  l2protocol-tunnel


Command Objective

This command enables the tunneling of L2 protocols on this port.

The no form of the command disables the tunneling of L2 protocols on this port.


l2protocol-tunnel {dot1x | lacp | stp | gvrp | gmrp| igmp | mvrp | mmrp | elmi | lldp | ecfm | eoam }

no l2protocol-tunnel {dot1x | lacp | stp | gvrp | gmrp| igmp | mvrp | mmrp | elmi | lldp | ecfm | eoam }

Parameter Description

      dot1x - Enables the tunneling of L2 protocols for Dot1x PDUs.

      lacp - Enables the tunneling of L2 protocols for LACP PDUs.

      stp - Enables the tunneling of L2 protocols for STP BPDUs.

      gvrp - Enables the tunneling of L2 protocols for GVRP BPDUs.

      gmrp - Enables the tunneling of L2 protocols for GMRP BPDUs.

      igmp - Enables the tunneling of L2 protocols for IGMP Packets.

      mvrp - Enables the tunneling of L2 protocols for MVRP PDUs.

      mmrp - Enables the tunneling of L2 protocols for MMRP PDUs.

      elmi - Enables the tunneling of L2 protocols for ELMI PDUs.

      lldp - Enables the tunneling of L2 protocols for LLDP PDUs.

      ecfm - Enables the tunneling of L2 protocols for ECFM PDUs.

      eoam - Enables the tunneling of L2 protocols for EOAM PDUs.


Interface Configuration Mode (Physical / Port channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Based on the port type


To enable L2 protocol tunneling,

      The port must be customer edge port, customer network port, proprietary customer edge port, proprietary customer network port, or access port.

      The protocol should be disabled on the port, except for IGMP and Dot1x protocol, which have to be disabled globally.


SEFOS(config-if)# l2protocol-tunnel dot1x

Related Command(s)

      show [provider-bridge] port config – Displays Service VLAN port information.

      l2protocol-tunnel override - Enables or disables the Layer 2 control protocol tunnel Override option.

      show l2protocol-tunnel - Displays the entries in VLAN tunnel protocol table containing the number of ingress or egress STP BPDUs tunneled.


20.85  l2protocol-peer


Command Objective

This command enables peering of L2 protocols on this port.


l2protocol-peer {dot1x | lacp | stp | gvrp | gmrp| igmp | mvrp | mmrp | elmi | lldp | ecfm | eoam }

Parameter Description

      dot1x - Enables peering of L2 protocols on Dot1x PDUs.

      lacp - Enables peering of L2 protocols on LACP PDUs.

      stp - Enables peering of L2 protocols on STP BPDUs.

      gvrp - Enables peering of L2 protocols on GVRP BPDUs.

      gmrp - Enables peering of L2 protocols on GMRP BPDUs.

      igmp - Enables peering of L2 protocols on IGMP Packets.

      mvrp - Enables peering of L2 protocols on MVRP PDUs.

      mmrp - Enables peering of L2 protocols on MMRP PDUs.

      elmi - Enables peering of L2 protocols for ELMI PDUs.

      lldp - Enables peering of L2 protocols for LLDP PDUs.

      ecfm - Enables peering of L2 protocols for ECFM PDUs.

      eoam - Enables peering of L2 protocols for EOAM PDUs.


Interface Configuration Mode (Physical / Port channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Based on port type


To enable L2 protocol peering, the port must be customer edge port, customer network port, proprietary customer edge port, proprietary customer network port, or access port.


SEFOS(config-if)# l2protocol-peer lacp

Related Command(s)

      show [provider-bridge] port config – Displays Service VLAN port information.

      l2protocol-tunnel override - Enables or disables the Layer 2 control protocol tunnel Override option.

      show l2protocol-tunnel - Displays the entries in VLAN tunnel protocol table containing the number of ingress or egress STP BPDUs tunneled.


20.86  l2protocol-discard


Command Objective

This command sets the option to discard L2 protocol packets received on this port.


l2protocol-discard {dot1x | lacp | stp | gvrp | gmrp| igmp | mvrp | mmrp | elmi | lldp | ecfm | eoam }

Parameter Description

      dot1x - Discards Dot1x PDUs received on on this port.

      lacp - Discards LACP PDUs received on this port.

      stp - Discards STP PDUs received on this port.

      gvrp - Discards GVRP BPDUs received on on this port.

      gmrp - Discards GMRP BPDUs received on on this port.

      igmp - Discards IGMP Packets received on on this port.

      mvrp - Discards MVRP PDUs received on on this port.

      mmrp - Discards MMRP PDUs received on on this port.

      elmi - Discards ELMI PDUs received on on this port.

      lldp - Discards LLDP PDUs received on on this port.

      ecfm - Discards ECFM PDUs received on on this port.

      eoam - Discards EOAM PDUs received on on this port.


Interface configuration mode (Physical / Port channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Based on the port type


To enable L2 protocol discard,

      The port must be customer edge port, customer network port, proprietary customer edge port, proprietary customer network port, or access port.

      The protocol should be disabled on the port, except for IGMP and Dot1x protocol, which have to be disabled globally.


SEFOS(config-if)# l2protocol-discard gvrp

Related Command(s)

      show [provider-bridge] port config – Displays Service VLAN port information.

      l2protocol-tunnel override - Enables or disables the Layer 2 control protocol tunnel Override option.

      show l2protocol-tunnel - Displays the entries in VLAN tunnel protocol table containing the number of ingress or egress STP BPDUs tunneled.


20.87  service-vlan


Command Objective

This command sets the PVID for the provider edge port.


service- vlan <vlan-id/vfi_id> pvid <vlan-id(1-4094)>

Parameter Description

      <vlan-id/vfi_id > - Configures the service VLAN/ VFI ID. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

        <vlan –id> - VLAN ID is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

        <vfi-id>. - VFI ID is a VLAN created in the system which contains pseudowires and attachment circuits as member ports . This creates a logical LAN for the VPLS service. This value ranges from 4096 to 65535.

Note:     The VLAN ID 4095 is reserved and might be used to indicate a wildcard match for the VID in management operations or filtering database entries.

Note:     VFI IDs 4096 and 4097 are reserved identifiers used in MPLS PW.

Note:     The theoretical maximum for the maximum number of VFI is 65535 but the actual number of VFI supported is a sizing constant. Based on this, the maximum number of VFI ID accepted in the management interface is restricted. For example if 100 VFIs are supported, the maximum number of VFIs supported will be restricted to 100 added to the maximum number of VLANs. An error message is displayed for any value beyond this range.

      pvid<vlan-id(1-4094)> - Configures the PVID for the provider edge port for the specified VLAN ID.This value ranges from 1 to 4094.


Interface Configuration mode (Physical / Port channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


By Default, PVID of this Provider Edge Port is taken from the CVID Registration Table for this SVLAN.


This command executes only if there is an entry in CVID registration table for this Service VLAN.


SEFOS(config-if)# service-vlan 5 pvid 2

Related Command(s)

      switchport customer-vlan - Configures an entry in the Customer VLAN Identification (C-VID) registration table.

      show provider-bridge pep configuration - Displays the provider edge port configuration.

20.88  service-vlan acceptable-frame-type


Command Objective

This command sets the acceptable frame type value for the provider edge port.

The no form of the command resets the acceptable frame type value for the provider edge port to default value.


service-vlan <vlan-id/vfi_id> acceptable-frame-type { all | tagged | untaggedandprioritytagged}

no service-vlan <vlan-id/vfi_id> acceptable-frame-type

Parameter Description

      <vlan-id/vfi_id > - Configures the acceptable frame type value for the specified  service VLAN/ VFI ID. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

        <vlan –id> - VLAN ID is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

        <vfi-id>. - VFI ID is a VLAN created in the system which contains pseudowires and attachment circuits as member ports . This creates a logical LAN for the VPLS service. This value ranges from 4096 to 65535.

Note:     The VLAN ID 4095 is reserved and might be used to indicate a wildcard match for the VID in management operations or filtering database entries.

Note:     VFI IDs 4096 and 4097 are reserved identifiers used in MPLS PW.

Note:     The theoretical maximum for the maximum number of VFI is 65535 but the actual number of VFI supported is a sizing constant. Based on this, the maximum number of VFI ID accepted in the management interface is restricted. For example if 100 VFIs are supported, the maximum number of VFIs supported will be restricted to 100 added to the maximum number of VLANs. An error message is displayed for any value beyond this range.

      all - Sets the acceptable frame types as all.

      tagged - Sets the acceptable frame types as Tagged frames.

      untaggedandprioritytagged - Sets the acceptable frame types as Untagged and Priority Tagged Frames.


Interface Configuration mode (Physical / Port channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


acceptable-frame-type  - all


This command executes only if there is an entry in CVID registration table for this Service VLAN.


SEFOS(config-if)# service-vlan 2 acceptable-frame-type untaggedandprioritytagged

Related Command(s)

      switchport customer-vlan - Configures an entry in the Customer VLAN Identification (C-VID) registration table.

      show provider-bridge pep configuration - Displays the provider edge port configuration.


20.89  service-vlan ingress-filter


Command Objective

This command enables or disables the Ingress Filtering for the provider edge port.

The no form of the command sets the Ingress Filtering value for the provider edge port to default value.


service-vlan <vlan-id/vfi_id> ingress-filter { enable | disable }

no service-vlan <vlan-id/vfi_id> ingress-filter

Parameter Description

      <vlan-id/vfi_id > - Configures the ingresss filtering for the specified  service VLAN/ VFI ID. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

        <vlan –id> - VLAN ID is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

        <vfi-id>. - VFI ID is a VLAN created in the system which contains pseudowires and attachment circuits as member ports . This creates a logical LAN for the VPLS service. This value ranges from 4096 to 65535.

Note:     The VLAN ID 4095 is reserved and might be used to indicate a wildcard match for the VID in management operations or filtering database entries.

Note:     VFI IDs 4096 and 4097 are reserved identifiers used in MPLS PW.

Note:     The theoretical maximum for the maximum number of VFI is 65535 but the actual number of VFI supported is a sizing constant. Based on this, the maximum number of VFI ID accepted in the management interface is restricted. For example if 100 VFIs are supported, the maximum number of VFIs supported will be restricted to 100 added to the maximum number of VLANs. An error message is displayed for any value beyond this range.

      enable - Enables the Ingress Filtering.

      disable - Disables the Ingress Filtering.


Interface configuration mode (Physical / Port channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


ingress-filter - disable


There must be an entry in CVID registration table for this Service VLAN using the switchport customer-vlan command.


SEFOS(config-if)# service-vlan 5 ingress-filter enable

Related Command(s)

      switchport customer-vlan - Configures an entry in the Customer VLAN Identification (C-VID) registration table.

      show provider-bridge pep configuration - Displays the provider edge port configuration.


20.90  service-vlan def-user-priority


Command Objective

This command sets the default user priority value for the provider edge port.

The no form of the command sets the default user priority value for the provider edge port to default value.


service-vlan <vlan-id/vfi_id> def-user-priority < default user priority (0-7)>

no service-vlan <vlan-id/vfi_id> def-user-priority

Parameter Description

      <vlan-id/vfi_id > - Configures the default user priority value for the specified  service VLAN/ VFI ID. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

        <vlan –id> - VLAN ID is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

        <vfi-id>. - VFI ID is a VLAN created in the system which contains pseudowires and attachment circuits as member ports . This creates a logical LAN for the VPLS service. This value ranges from 4096 to 65535.

Note:     The VLAN ID 4095 is reserved and might be used to indicate a wildcard match for the VID in management operations or filtering database entries.

Note:     VFI IDs 4096 and 4097 are reserved identifiers used in MPLS PW.

Note:     The theoretical maximum for the maximum number of VFI is 65535 but the actual number of VFI supported is a sizing constant. Based on this, the maximum number of VFI ID accepted in the management interface is restricted. For example if 100 VFIs are supported, the maximum number of VFIs supported will be restricted to 100 added to the maximum number of VLANs. An error message is displayed for any value beyond this range.

      < default user priority (0-7)> - Configures the default user priority value. This value ranges from 0 to 7.


Interface Configuration mode (Physical / Port channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


def-user-priority - 0


There must be an entry in CVID registration table for this Service VLAN using the switchport customer-vlan command.


SEFOS(config-if)# service-vlan 5 def-user-priority 2

Related Command(s)

      switchport customer-vlan - Configures an entry in the Customer VLAN Identification (C-VID) registration table.

      show provider-bridge pep configuration - Displays the provider edge port configuration.


20.91  service-vlan recv-priority


Command Objective

This command configures the regenerated priority for the received service priority for internal CNP (Customer Network Port).

The no form of the command configures the default value for the received priority for internal CNP.


service-vlan <vlan-id/vfi_id> recv-priority <received priority (0-7)> regen-priority <regenerated priority (0-7)>

no service-vlan <vlan-id/vfi_id> recv-priority <received priority(0-7)>

Parameter Description

      <vlan-id/vfi_id > - Configures the regenerated or received priority value for the specified  service VLAN/ VFI ID. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

        <vlan –id> - VLAN ID is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

        <vfi-id>. - VFI ID is a VLAN created in the system which contains pseudowires and attachment circuits as member ports . This creates a logical LAN for the VPLS service. This value ranges from 4096 to 65535.

Note:     The VLAN ID 4095 is reserved and might be used to indicate a wildcard match for the VID in management operations or filtering database entries.

Note:     VFI IDs 4096 and 4097 are reserved identifiers used in MPLS PW.

Note:     The theoretical maximum for the maximum number of VFI is 65535 but the actual number of VFI supported is a sizing constant. Based on this, the maximum number of VFI ID accepted in the management interface is restricted. For example if 100 VFIs are supported, the maximum number of VFIs supported will be restricted to 100 added to the maximum number of VLANs. An error message is displayed for any value beyond this range.

      <received priority (0-7)> - Configures the priority value assigned or retrieved from the packet. This value ranges from 0 to 7.

      <regenerated priority (0-7> - Configures the regenerated priority. This value ranges from 0 to 7.


Interface Configuration Mode (Physical / Port channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


recv-priority is equal to regen-priority


There must be an entry in CVID registration table for this Service VLAN using the switchport customer-vlan command.


SEFOS(config-if)# service-vlan 5 recv-priority 2 regen-priority 4

Related Command(s)

      switchport customer-vlan - Configures an entry in the Customer VLAN Identification (C-VID) registration table.

      show provider-bridge pep configuration - Displays the provider edge port configuration.


20.92  service-vlan cos-preservation


Command Objective

This command enables or disables Class Of Service (COS) preservation for this service.

The no form of the command sets the COS preservation value to default value for this service.


service-vlan <vlan-id/vfi_id> cos-preservation { enable | disable }

no service-vlan <vlan-id/vfi_id> cos-preservation

Parameter Description

      <vlan-id/vfi_id > - Configures the COS preservation for the specified  service VLAN/ VFI ID. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

        <vlan –id> - VLAN ID is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

        <vfi-id>. - VFI ID is a VLAN created in the system which contains pseudowires and attachment circuits as member ports . This creates a logical LAN for the VPLS service. This value ranges from 4096 to 65535.

Note:     The VLAN ID 4095 is reserved and might be used to indicate a wildcard match for the VID in management operations or filtering database entries.

Note:     VFI IDs 4096 and 4097 are reserved identifiers used in MPLS PW.

Note:     The theoretical maximum for the maximum number of VFI is 65535 but the actual number of VFI supported is a sizing constant. Based on this, the maximum number of VFI ID accepted in the management interface is restricted. For example if 100 VFIs are supported, the maximum number of VFIs supported will be restricted to 100 added to the maximum number of VLANs. An error message is displayed for any value beyond this range.

      cos-preservation - Preserves the COS and VLAN ID in the incoming C-Tagged packet.

        enable – Enables the COS preservation.

        Disable – Disables the COS preservation.


Interface Configuration Mode (Physical / Port channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


cos-preservation - disable


This command executes only if

      There is an entry in CVID registration table for this Service VLAN with Untagged-PEP and Untagged-CEP set as false.

      Bridge mode is set as provider-edge.


SEFOS(config-if)# service-vlan 5 cos-preservation enable

Related Command(s)

      switchport customer-vlan - Configures an entry in the Customer VLAN Identification (C-VID) registration table.

      bridge-mode- Configures the bridge to operate on customer or provider network.

      show provider-bridge pep configuration - Displays the provider edge port configuration.


20.93  switchport [provider-bridge] require-drop-encoding


Command Objective

This command configures the required drop encoding parameter in the port.


switchport [provider-bridge] require-drop-encoding {true | false}

Parameter Description

      provider-bridge - Sets the bridge type as provider bridge.

      true - Specifies that drop encoding is required.

      false - Specifies that drop encoding is not required.


Interface Configuration Mode (Physical / Port channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




SEFOS(config-if)# switchport provider-bridge require-drop-encoding true

SEFOS(config-if)# switchport require-drop-encoding true

Related Command(s)

      show [provider-bridge] port config - Displays Service VLAN port information.


20.94  switchport [provider-bridge] pcp-selection-row


Command Objective

This command configures the PCP selection row parameter in the port. This is used to select a row in PCP encoding and decoding table.

Refer the Standard IEEE 802.1ad/d6 –section 6.7.3 for details on Priority Code point selection row.


switchport [provider-bridge] pcp-selection-row {8POD|7P1D|6P2D|5P3D}

Parameter Description

      provider-bridge - Indicates bridge type as provider bridge.

      pcp-selection-row  - Specifies the row to be used by the port in PCP encoding or decoding. The options are:






Interface Configuration Mode (Physical / Port channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




This command executes only if the bridge mode is set as either provider edge or provider core.


SEFOS(config-if)# switchport provider-bridge pcp-selection-row 7P1D

SEFOS(config-if)# switchport pcp-selection-row 7P1D

Related Command(s)

      bridge-mode – Sets the bridge mode of the switch.

      show [provider-bridge] port config - Displays Service VLAN port information.


20.95  switchport [provider-bridge] use-dei


Command Objective

This command configures the Use_DEI (DEI - Drop Eligible Indicator) parameter in the port.


Refer the Standard IEEE 802.1ad/d6 –section for details on Use_DEI.


switchport [provider-bridge] use-dei {true | false}

Parameter Description

      provider-bridge - Indicates the bridge type as provider bridge.

      true - Sets Use_DEI to true.

      false - Sets Use_DEI to false.


Interface Configuration mode (Physical / Port channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




This command executes only if the bridge is configured as either provider core bridge or provider edge bridge.


SEFOS(config-if)# switchport provider-bridge use-dei true

SEFOS(config-if)# switchport use-dei true

Related Command(s)

      bridge-mode- Configures the bridge to operate on customer or provider network.

      show [provider-bridge] port config - Displays Service VLAN port information.


20.96  switchport mode dot1q-tunnel


Command Objective

This command enables dot1q-tunneling on the specified interface.

The no form of the command disables dot1q-tunneling on the specified interface.


switchport mode dot1q-tunnel

no switchport mode dot1q-tunnel


Interface Configuration Mode (Physical / Port channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




      Bridge Mode must be set to 'provider' for the dot1q-tunneling status to be enabled.

      It is not possible to set the dot1q-tunnel status on the port if the port mode is not 'access' type.

      PNAC port control must be force-authorized.

      If dot1q tunneling is enabled on the specified interface, then GMRP is disabled internally.


SEFOS(config-if)# switchport mode dot1q-tunnel

Related Command(s)

      bridge-mode- Configures the bridge to operate on customer or provider network.

      switchport mode - access- Configures the VLAN port mode.

      show dot1q-tunnel - Displays the entries in the dot1q-tunnel table.

      show vlan device info - Displays the VLAN-related global status variables.

      show vlan port config - Displays the VLAN port information.


20.97  service-type


Command Objective

This command configures the service type for a VLAN.


service-type {e-line | e-lan}

Parameter Description

      e-line - Sets the service type of VLAN as two points of customer attachments in the Provider Network.

      e-lan - Sets the service type of VLAN as multiple points of customer attachments in the Provider Network.


Config-VLAN Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




To configure the service type as

      e-line – there must be two member ports for a given service VLAN.

      e-lan – No restriction on the number of member ports for a given service VLAN.


SEFOS(config-vlan)# service-type e-line

Related Command(s)

      show vlan brief - Displays the VLAN information in the database.


20.98  show service vlan


Command Objective

This command displays Service VLAN configuration.


show service vlan [ srcMac | dstMac | cvlanSrcMac | cvlanDstMac | dscp | cvlanDscp | srcIp | dstIp | srcIpDstIp | cvlanDstIp | cvlan | pvid ] [switch <context_name>]

Parameter Description

      srcMac - Displays the service VLAN configuration of the source MAC-based service VLAN.

      dstMac - Displays the service VLAN configuration of the destination MAC-based service VLAN.

      cvlanSrcMac - Displays the service VLAN configuration of the customer VLAN and source MAC-based service VLAN.

      cvlanDstMac - Displays the service VLAN configuration of the Customer VLAN and Destination MAC-based service VLAN.

      dscp - Displays the service VLAN configuration of the DSCP-based service VLAN.

      cvlanDscp - Displays the service VLAN configuration of the Customer VLAN and DSCP-based service VLAN.

      srcIp - Displays the service VLAN configuration of the Source IP address-based service VLAN.

      dstIp - Displays the service VLAN configuration of the Destination IP address-based service VLAN.

      srcIpDstIp - Displays the service VLAN configuration of the Source IP and Destination IP-based service VLAN.

      cvlanDstIp - Displays the service VLAN configuration of the Customer VLAN and Destination IP-based service VLAN.

      cvlan - Displays the service VLAN configuration of the Customer VLAN-based service VLAN.

      pvid - Displays the service VLAN configuration of the PVID-based service VLAN.

      switch <context_name> - Displays service VLAN configuration for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string with the maximum size as 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# show service vlan

Service Vlan Classification


 Service Vlan     Port    Customer Vlan  Untag-pep  Untag-cep  Relay

CVlan Id  SVLAN Pri Type  SVLAN Priority

 --------------------------------- ----------------------------------- 1               Ex0/2     2                False       False       2    

           FIXED       2

 1               Ex0/4     1                False       False       1    

           NONE        NA

Service Vlan     Port    pvid

 -------------------------------- --------------------------

 1               Ex0/1        1

 1               Ex0/2        1

 1               Ex0/3        1

 1               Ex0/4        1

Related Command(s)

      switchport customer-vlan- Configures the Service VLAN assignment for the incoming packet based on different criteria.

      switchport service vlan classify - Configures the Service VLAN classification method used for the port.

      switchport svlan-priotype - Configures the SVLAN Priority type of the outgoing packets.


20.99  show [service] vlan mapping


Command Objective

This command displays service VLAN translation information. If the interface is specified then the information of that specific interface is displayed, else the information of all the interfaces is displayed.


show [service] vlan mapping [{port <interface-type> <interface-id> | switch <context_name>}]

Parameter Description

      service - Indicates service VLAN.

      port - Displays service VLAN translation information for the specified interface.

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <interface-id> - Displays the list of interfaces or a specific interface identifier. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 0/1,0/3 or 1,3.

      switch <context_name> - Displays service VLAN translation information for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string with the maximum size as 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# show vlan mapping port extreme-ethernet 0/1

VLAN mapping


Port Ex0/1


Type              Local VLAN            Relay VLAN

C                    10                     5

S                    10                     5

B                    10                     5

Related Command(s)

      switchport [service] vlan mapping - Configures a S-VLAN translation entry for the port.

      set switchport [service] vlan swap - Enables or disables service VLAN swapping.


20.100              show ethertype mapping


Command Objective

This command displays ethertype mapping information.


show ethertype mapping [{port <interface-type> <interface-id>] [switch <context_name>}]

Parameter Description

      port - Displays ethertype mapping information for the specified port.

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <interface-id> - Displays the list of interfaces or a specific interface identifier. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 0/1,0/3 or 1,3.

      switch <context_name> - Displays ethertype mapping information for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string with the maximum size as 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Single Instance:

SEFOS# show ethertype mapping

EtherType Mapping


Port Ex0/2


      Local EtherType     Relay EtherType

         0x1f40                  0x2710

Multiple Instance:

SEFOS# show ethertype mapping

Switch - default

EtherType Mapping


Port Ex0/2


      Local EtherType     Relay EtherType

         0x64                  0x1f40

Related Command(s)

      switchport [dot1q] ethertype mapping - Creates an ethertype swapping entry for the port.


20.101              show [provider-bridge] port config


Command Objective

This command displays Service VLAN port information.


show [provider-bridge] port config [{port <interface-type> <interface-num> | switch <context_name>}]

Parameter Description

      provider-bridge - Indicates the bridge type as provider bridge.

      port - Displays service VLAN port information for the specified interface.

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <interface-num> - Displays the list of interfaces or a specific interface identifier. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 0/1,0/3 or 1,3.

      switch <context_name> - Displays service VLAN port information for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string with the maximum size as 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Single Instance:

SEFOS# show provider-bridge port config

Provider Bridge Port configuration table


Port Ex0/1

 Port Type                           : Customer Network Port(Port-Based)

 Dot1x Protocol Tunnel Status        : Peer

 LACP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Peer

 Spanning Tree Tunnel Status         : Tunnel

 MVRP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Tunnel

 MMRP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Tunnel

 GVRP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Tunnel

 GMRP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Tunnel

 IGMP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Tunnel

 ELMI Protocol Tunnel Status         : Peer

 LLDP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Peer

 ECFM Protocol Tunnel Status         : Peer

 Service Vlan Classification         : PVID

 EtherType Swap Status               : Disable

 Service Vlan Translation Status     : Disable

 Require Drop Encoding               : False

 Use_Dei                             : False

 PCP Selection Row                   : 8P0D

 Unicast Mac Learning Status         : Enable

 Unicast Mac Learning Limit          : 768

 SVLAN Priority Type                 : FIXED

 SVLAN Priority                      : 1


Port Ex0/2

 Port Type                  Customer Network Port(Port-Based)

 Dot1x Protocol Tunnel Status        : Peer

 LACP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Peer

 Spanning Tree Tunnel Status         : Tunnel

 GVRP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Tunnel

 GMRP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Tunnel

 IGMP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Tunnel

 ELMI Protocol Tunnel Status         : Peer

 LLDP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Peer

 ECFM Protocol Tunnel Status         : Peer

 Service Vlan Classification         : PVID

 Ingress EtherType                   : 0x88a8

 Egress EtherType                    : 0x88a8

 EtherType Swap Status               : Disable

 Service Vlan Translation Status     : Disable

 Require Drop Encoding               : False

 Use_Dei                             : False

 PCP Selection Row                   : 8P0D

 Unicast Mac Learning Status         : Enable

 Unicast Mac Learning Limit          : 150

 SVLAN Priority Type                 : NONE


Port Ex0/3

 Port Type               : Customer Network Port(Stag-Based)

 Service Vlan Classification         : PVID

 Ingress EtherType                   : 0x88a8

 Egress EtherType                    : 0x88a8

 EtherType Swap Status               : Disable

 Service Vlan Translation Status     : Enable

 Require Drop Encoding               : False

 Use_Dei                             : False

 PCP Selection Row                   : 8P0D

 Unicast Mac Learning Status         : Enable

 Unicast Mac Learning Limit          : 150


Port Ex0/4

 Port Type                  : Prop Customer Edge Port

 Dot1x Protocol Tunnel Status        : Peer

 LACP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Peer

 Spanning Tree Tunnel Status         : Tunnel

 GVRP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Tunnel

 GMRP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Tunnel

 IGMP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Tunnel

 Service Vlan Classification         : PVID

 Ingress EtherType                   : 0x88a8

 Egress EtherType                    : 0x88a8

 EtherType Swap Status               : Disable

 Service Vlan Translation Status     : Disable

 Require Drop Encoding               : False

 Use_Dei                             : False

 PCP Selection Row                   : 8P0D

 Unicast Mac Learning Status         : Enable

 Unicast Mac Learning Limit          : 150

 Customer Vlan Status                : Disabled


Port Ex0/5

 Port Type                  : Prop  Customer Network Port

 Dot1x Protocol Tunnel Status        : Peer

 LACP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Peer

 Spanning Tree Tunnel Status         : Tunnel

 GVRP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Tunnel

 GMRP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Tunnel

 IGMP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Tunnel

 Service Vlan Classification         : PVID

 Ingress EtherType                   : 0x88a8

 Egress EtherType                    : 0x88a8

 EtherType Swap Status               : Disable

 Service Vlan Translation Status     : Disable

 Require Drop Encoding               : False

 Use_Dei                             : False

 PCP Selection Row                   : 8P0D

 Unicast Mac Learning Status         : Enable

 Unicast Mac Learning Limit          : 150

 Customer Vlan Status                : Disabled


Port Ex0/6

 Port Type                   : Prop Provider Network Port

 Service Vlan Classification         : PVID

 Ingress EtherType                   : 0x8100

 Egress EtherType                    : 0x8100

 EtherType Swap Status               : Disable

 Service Vlan Translation Status     : Disable

 Require Drop Encoding               : False

 Use_Dei                             : False

 PCP Selection Row                   : 8P0D

 Unicast Mac Learning Status         : Enable

 Unicast Mac Learning Limit          : 150

 Customer Vlan Status                : Disabled


Port Ex0/7

 Port Type                           : Provider Network Port

 Service Vlan Classification         : PVID

 Ingress EtherType                   : 0x88a8

 Egress EtherType                    : 0x88a8

 EtherType Swap Status               : Disable

 Service Vlan Translation Status     : Enable

 Require Drop Encoding               : False

 Use_Dei                             : False

 PCP Selection Row                   : 8P0D

 Unicast Mac Learning Status         : Enable

 Unicast Mac Learning Limit          : 150


Multiple Instance:

SEFOS# show provider-bridge port config

Vlan-Pb Port config information


Switch default


Provider Bridge Port configuration table


Port Ex0/1

 Port Type                           : Customer Network Port(Port-Based)

 Dot1x Protocol Tunnel Status        : Peer

 LACP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Peer

 Spanning Tree Tunnel Status         : Tunnel

 MVRP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Tunnel

 MMRP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Tunnel

 GVRP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Tunnel

 GMRP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Tunnel

 IGMP Protocol Tunnel Status         : Tunnel

 Service Vlan Classification         : PVID

 EtherType Swap Status               : Disable

 Service Vlan Translation Status     : Disable

 Require Drop Encoding               : False

 Use_Dei                             : False

 PCP Selection Row                   : 8P0D

 Unicast Mac Learning Status         : Enable

 Unicast Mac Learning Limit          : 768

 SVLAN Priority Type                 : COPY

Related Command(s)

      switchport dot1q customer vlan - Sets customer VLAN ID for the port.

      switchport dot1q customer vlan – Status - Enables or disables Customer VLAN classification.

      switchport service vlan classify - Configures the Service VLAN classification method used for the port.

      switchport unicast-mac learning - Enables or disables unicast-mac learning for the port.

      switchport unicast-mac learning limit - Configures port unicast MAC learning limit.

      switchport [dot1q] ether-type - Configures port Ingress or Egress ethertype.

      set switchport ether-type swap - Enables or disables ethertype swapping.

      set switchport [service] vlan swap - Enables or disables service VLAN swapping.

      switchport -svlan priority - Configures the SVLAN Priority type of the outgoing packets.


20.102              show multicast-mac limit


Command Objective

This command displays the multicast MAC limit.


show multicast-mac limit [switch <context_name>]

Parameter Description

      switch <context_name> - Displays multicast MAC limit for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string with the maximum size as 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Single Instance

SEFOS# show multicast-mac limit

Mulitcast Mac Limit               : 25

Multiple Instance

SEFOS# show multicast-mac limit switch default

Switch default

Multicast Mac Limit               : 4096

Related Command(s)

      multicast-mac limit - Configures multicast MAC limit.


20.103              show l2protocol tunnel-mac-address


Command Objective

This command displays the tunnel MAC address configured for Layer 2 protocols.


show l2protocol tunnel-mac-address [switch <context_name>]]

Parameter Description

      switch <context_name> - Displays tunnel MAC address configured for Layer 2 protocols for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string with the maximum size as 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# show l2protocol tunnel-mac-address

Switch default

 VLAN tunnel MAC address


 Dot1x tunnel MAC address :  01:00:00:00:22:22

 LACP  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:00:00:22:33

  STP  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:00:00:22:44

 MVRP  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:00:00:33:88

 MMRP  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:00:00:33:99

 GVRP  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:00:00:22:55

 GMRP  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:00:00:22:66

 ELMI  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d7

 LLDP  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d8

 ECFM  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d9

 EOAM  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:da



Switch sw1

 VLAN tunnel MAC address


 Dot1x tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d3

 LACP  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d4

  STP  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d0

 MVRP  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d5

 MMRP  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d6

 GVRP  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d1

 GMRP  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d2

 ELMI  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d7

 LLDP  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d8

 ECFM  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d9

 EOAM  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:da



Switch sw2

 VLAN tunnel MAC address


 Dot1x tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d3

 LACP  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d4

  STP  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d0

 MVRP  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d5

 MMRP  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d6

 GVRP  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d1

 GMRP  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d2

 ELMI  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d7

 LLDP  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d8

 ECFM  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d9

 EOAM  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:da



Switch sw3

 VLAN tunnel MAC address


 Dot1x tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d3

 LACP  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d4

  STP  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d0

 MVRP  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d5

 MMRP  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d6

 GVRP  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d1

 GMRP  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d2

 ELMI  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d7

 LLDP  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d8

 ECFM  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:d9

 EOAM  tunnel MAC address :  01:00:0c:cd:cd:da

Related Command(s)

      dot1x-tunnel-address - Configures the destination MAC address to be used in tunneled DOT1X PDUs.

      lacp-tunnel-address - Configures the destination MAC address to be used in tunneled LACP PDUs.

      stp-tunnel-address - Configures the destination MAC address to be used in tunneled STP BPDUs.

      gvrp-tunnel-address - Configures the destination MAC address to be used in tunneled GVRP PDUs.

      gmrp-tunnel-address - Configures the destination MAC address to be used in tunneled GMRP PDUs.

      mvrp-tunnel-address - Configures the multicast destination MAC address to be used in tunneled MVRP PDUs.

      mmrp-tunnel-address - Configures the multicast destination MAC address to be used in tunneled MMRP PDUs.

      eoam-tunnel-address - Configures the destination MAC address to be used in tunneled EOAM PDUs.

20.104              show provider-bridge pep configuration


Command Objective

This command displays the provider edge port configuration.


show provider-bridge pep configuration [{port <interface-type><interface-num> | [switch <context_name>}]

Parameter Description

      port  - Displays provider edge port configuration for the specified interface type . The details to be provided are:

        <interface-type> - Configures the receive ports details for the specified type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <interface-id> - Configures the receive ports details for the specified type of interface. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel.

      switch <context_name> - Displays provider edge port configuration for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string with the maximum size as 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Single Instance:

SEFOS# show provider-bridge pep configuration

Provider Edge Port configuration


Port Ex0/1

 Service VLAN-ID                     : 2

 Port VLAN-ID                        : 1

 Acceptable Frame Type               : Admit all

 Ingress Filtering                   : Disabled

 Default Priority                    : 0

 Oper status                         : Up

Multiple Instance:

SEFOS# show provider-bridge pep configuration switch default

Provider Edge Port configuration


Switch - default

Port Ex0/1

 Service VLAN-ID                     : 1

 Port VLAN-ID                        : 2

 Acceptable Frame Type               : Admit all

 Ingress Filtering                   : Disabled

 Default Priority                    : 0

 Oper status                         : Down


Related Command(s)

      service-vlan acceptable-frame-type - Sets the acceptable frame type value for the provider edge port.

      service-vlan ingress-filter - Enables or disables the Ingress Filtering for the provider edge port.

      service-vlan def-user-priority - Sets the default user priority value for the provider edge port.

      service-vlan recv-priority - Configures the regenerated priority for the received service priority for the internal CNP.


20.105              show [provider-bridge] pcp encoding


Command Objective

This command displays PCP encoding table for all ports or for a specific port.


show [provider-bridge] pcp encoding [{port <interface-type> <interface-num> | switch <context_name>}]

Parameter Description


      provider-bridge - Indicates the bridge type as provider bridge.

      port - Displays PCP encoding table for the specified interface.

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <interface-num> - Displays the list of interfaces or a specific interface identifier. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 0/1,0/3 or 1,3.

      switch <context_name> - Displays PCP encoding table for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string with the maximum size as 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Single Instance:

SEFOS# show provider-bridge pcp encoding port extreme-ethernet 0/1

Port Ex0/1


DropEligible: 0 0DE 1 1DE 2 2DE 3 3DE 4 4DE 5 5DE 6 6DE 7 7DE

Priority    :


8POD        : 0  0  1  1  2  2  3  3  4  4  5  5  6  6  7  7

7P1D        : 0  0  1  1  2  2  3  3  5  4  5  4  6  6  7  7

6P2D        : 0  0  1  1  3  2  3  2  5  4  5  4  6  6  7  7

5P3D        : 1  0  1  0  3  2  3  2  5  4  5  4  6  6  7  7

Multiple Instance:

SEFOS# show provider-bridge pcp encoding switch default

Pcp Encoding Table


Switch - default

Port Ex0/1


DropEligible: 0 0DE 1 1DE 2 2DE 3 3DE 4 4DE 5 5DE 6 6DE 7 7DE

Priority    :


8POD        : 0  0  1  1  2  2  3  3  4  4  5  5  6  6  7  7

7P1D        : 0  0  1  1  2  2  3  3  5  4  5  4  6  6  7  7

6P2D        : 0  0  1  1  3  2  3  2  5  4  5  4  6  6  7  7

5P3D        : 1  0  1  0  3  2  3  2  5  4  5  4  6  6  7  7

Port Ex0/2


DropEligible: 0 0DE 1 1DE 2 2DE 3 3DE 4 4DE 5 5DE 6 6DE 7 7DE

Priority    :


8POD        : 0  0  1  1  2  2  3  3  4  4  5  5  6  6  7  7

7P1D        : 0  0  1  1  2  2  3  3  5  4  5  4  6  6  7  7

6P2D        : 0  0  1  1  3  2  3  2  5  4  5  4  6  6  7  7

5P3D        : 1  0  1  0  3  2  3  2  5  4  5  4  6  6  7  7

Related Command(s)

      pcp-encoding - Configures the encoding table.


20.106              show [provider-bridge] pcp decoding


Command Objective

This command displays Priority Code Point (PCP) decoding table for all ports and also for specific ports.


show [provider-bridge] pcp decoding [{port <interface-type> <interface-num> | switch <context_name>}]

Parameter Description

      provider-bridge - Indicates the bridge type as provider bridge.

      port - Displays PCP decoding table for the specified interface.

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <interface-num> - Displays the list of interfaces or a specific interface identifier. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 0/1,0/3 or 1,3.

      switch <context_name> - Displays PCP decoding table for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string with the maximum size as 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Single Instance:

SEFOS# show provider-bridge pcp decoding port extreme-ethernet 0/1

Port Ex0/1


PCP   : 0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7   


8POD  : 0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7   

7P1D  : 0    1    2    3    4DE  4    6    7   

6P2D  : 0    1    2DE  2    4DE  4    6    7   

5P3D  : 0DE  0    2DE  2    4DE  4    6    7   

Multiple Instance:

SEFOS# show provider-bridge pcp decoding switch default

Pcp Decoding Table


Switch - default

Port Ex0/1


PCP  :  0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7


8POD  : 0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7

7P1D  : 0    1    2    3    4DE  4    6    7

6P2D  : 0    1    2DE  2    4DE  4    6    7

5P3D  : 0DE  0    2DE  2    4DE  4    6    7

Port Ex0/2


PCP  :  0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7


8POD  : 0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7

7P1D  : 0    1    2    3    4DE  4    6    7

6P2D  : 0    1    2DE  2    4DE  4    6    7

5P3D  : 0DE  0    2DE  2    4DE  4    6    7

Related Command(s)

      show provider-bridge pep configuration - Displays the provider edge port configuration.


20.107              show provider-bridge priority regen


Command Objective

This command displays service priority regeneration table for all ports and also for a specific port.


show provider-bridge priority regen [ {port <interface-type> <interface-num>][switch <context_name>}]

Parameter Description

      port - Displays priority regeneration table for the specified interface.

        <interface-type> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <interface-num> - Displays the list of interfaces or a specific interface identifier. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 0/1,0/3 or 1,3.

      switch <context_name> - Displays priority regeneration table for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string with the maximum size as 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Single Instance:

SEFOS# show provider-bridge priority regen

Service Priority Regeneration table


 Port : Ex0/1         Service VLAN-ID : 2   

 Receive Priority     Regenerated Priority    

-----------------     ---------------------

    0                       0

    1                       1

    2                       2

    3                       3

    4                       4

    5                       5   

    6                       6  

    7                       7 

Multiple Instance:

SEFOS# show provider-bridge priority regen switch default

Service Priority Regeneration table


Switch - default

 Port : Ex0/1         Service VLAN-ID : 1

 Receive Priority     Regenerated Priority

-----------------     ---------------------

   0                       0

   1                       1

   2                       2

   3                       3

   4                       4

   5                       5

   6                       6

   7                       7

Related Command(s)

      service-vlan recv-priority - Configures the regenerated priority for the received service priority for internal CNP.

      interface range - Selects the range of physical interfaces and VLAN interfaces to be configured.


20.108              show dot1q-tunnel


Command Objective

This command displays the entries in the dot1q-tunnel table.


show dot1q-tunnel [{interface <ifXtype> <ifnum> | switch <context_name>}]

Parameter Description

      interface - Displays the entries in dot1q-tunnel table for the specified interface.

        <ifXtype> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <ifnum> - Displays the list of interfaces or a specific interface identifier. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 0/1,0/3 or 1,3.

      switch <context_name> - Displays the entries in dot1q-tunnel table for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string with the maximum size as 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Single Instance:

SEFOS# show dot1q-tunnel




Multiple Instance:

SEFOS# show dot1q-tunnel switch cust6

Switch - cust6




Related Command(s)

      switchport mode dot1q-tunnel - Enables dot1q-tunneling on the specified interface.


20.109              show l2protocol-tunnel


Command Objective

This command displays the entries in VLAN tunnel protocol table containing the number of ingress or egress STP BPDUs tunneled.


show l2protocol-tunnel [{ interface <ifXtype> <ifnum> | summary [ switch <context_name>]}]

Parameter Description

      interface - Displays the entries in VLAN tunnel protocol table for the specified interface.

        <ifXtype> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <ifnum> - Displays the list of interfaces or a specific interface identifier. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 0/1,0/3 or 1,3.

      summary - Displays brief information about the L2 protocol-tunnels.

      switch <context_name> - Displays the entries in VLAN tunnel protocol table for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string with the maximum size as 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Single Instance:

SEFOS# show l2protocol-tunnel

COS for Encapsulated Packet : 5

 Port  Protocol  Encapsulation Counter  Decapsulation Counter

 ----  --------  ---------------------  ---------------------

 Ex0/1     stp          0                    2

SEFOS# show l2protocol-tunnel summary

COS for Encapsulated Packet : 5

 Port  Protocol  Status

 ----  --------  ------

 Ex0/1   stp       up

SEFOS# show l2protocol-tunnel interface extreme-ethernet 0/1

COS for Encapsulated Packet : 5

 Port  Protocol  Encapsulation Counter  Decapsulation Counter

 ----  --------  ---------------------  ---------------------

 Ex0/1     stp          0                   58

Multiple Instance:

SEFOS# show l2protocol-tunnel summary switch cust6

Switch - cust6

COS for Encapsulated Packet : 7

 Port  Protocol  Status

 ----  --------  ------

 Ex0/31   stp       up

Related Command(s)

      l2protocol-tunnel cos - Configures the priority for the tunneled STP BPDUs.

      clear l2protocol-tunnel counters - Clears the L2 protocol tunnel counters.

      l2protocol-tunnel - Enables the tunneling of L2 protocols on this port.

      l2protocol-peer - Enables peering of L2 protocols on this port.

      l2protocol-discard - Sets the option to discard L2 protocols received on this port.


20.110              show l2protocol-discard statistics


Command Objective

This command displays the discard statistics for the L2 protocols.


show l2protocol-discard statistics [{interface <ifXtype> <ifnum> | vlan <vlan-id(1-4094)> | switch <context_name>}]

Parameter Description

      interface - Displays the discard statistics for the L2 protocols of the specified interface.

        <ifXtype> - Sets the type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        <ifnum> - Displays the discard statistics for the L2 protocols of the specified interface identifier. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel. Use comma as a separator, without space, while configuring list of interfaces. Example: 0/1,0/3 or 1,3.

      vlan <vlan-id(1-4094)> - Displays the displays the discard statistics for the L2 protocols for the specified VLAN ID. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

      switch <context_name> - Displays the discard statistics of the L2 protocols for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string with the maximum size as 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Single Instance:

SEFOS# show l2protocol-discard statistics

Switch default

 Port Ex0/1


 Protocol  Discard-Counter:Rx  Discard-Counter:Tx

 --------  -------------------  -------------------

         GVRP           0                0

Related Command(s)

      l2protocol-discard - Sets the option to discard L2 protocols received on this port.

      l2protocol-discard(For vlan) - Discards Layer 2 protocol packets  on the VLAN.


20.111              show vlan private-vlan


Command Objective

This command displays the private VLAN information for the switch.


show vlan private-vlan [{primary | isolated | community}]

Parameter Description

      primary - Displays the private VLAN information for primary VLAN.

      isolated - Displays the private VLAN information for isolated  VLAN.

      community - Displays the private VLAN information for community VLAN.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro_E and package


SEFOS# show vlan private-vlan

Switch default

switch default

VlanId   Type    Primary VlanId  Ports

-------  ------  --------------  -----

2        isolated         10

10       primary          -

SEFOS # show vlan private-vlan isolated


Switch default

switch default

VlanId   Type    Primary VlanId  Ports

-------  ------  --------------  -----

2        isolated         10

Related Command(s)

      private-vlan - Configures the private VLAN type for the VLAN to provide Layer 2 isolation between the ports.

      private-vlan association - Maps the list of VLANs to a primary VLAN and associates a specified secondary VLAN with the primary VLAN to function as a PVLAN domain in the running configuration.

      switchport private-vlan host-association – Configures the association between the primary and secondary VLAN ID to host port.

      switchport private-vlan mapping - Maps the private VLAN promiscuous port to the primary VLAN and to the selected secondary VLANs.


20.112              service-instance map


Command Objective

This command maps the S-VLAN and C-VLAN to the ISID and provides the tagging or untagging status of the given ports for S-VLAN and C-VLAN used for egress tagging of the first level encapsulated tag (S-Tag).

If this command is given multiple times with the same value of untagged-pip for S-VLAN and C-VLAN, it overwrites all the mappings of the S-VLAN and C-VLAN. An empty portlist deletes mapping of all VLANs to the service-instance.


service-instance map untagged-pip { true | false } [vlan <port_list>]

Parameter Description

      untagged-pip - Specifies tagging or untagging status of the first level encapsulated tag (C-Tag/S -Tag) from CNP to PIP. Specifies that S-Tag or C-Tag should be removed or inserted when sending the packet for the S-VLAN or C-VLAN (from the set of S-VLANs or C-VLANs configured) from the CNP to the PIP.

        true – Removes the tag.

        false – Inserts the tag.

      vlan <port_list> - Configures the range of VLAN to be mapped to ISID. This is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN created. This value ranges from 1 to 4094..


Service Instance Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




SEFOS(config-switch-si)# service-instance map untagged-pip true vlan 1,2

Related Command(s)

      service instance - Configures a service-instance in the switch and enters into the service-instance configuration mode.

      show service-instance config - Displays all the data related to the ISID given as the parameter.


20.113              set customer unicast-mac learning


Command Objective

This command enables or disables the customer MAC learning for a service-instance. This command is applicable at PBB I-comp only.


set customer unicast-mac learning {enable | disable}

Parameter Description

      enable - Enables the customer MAC learning.

      disable - Disables the customer MAC learning.


Service Instance Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




SEFOS(config-switch-si)# set customer unicast-mac learning disable

Related Command(s)

      service instance - Configures a service-instance in the switch and enters into the service-instance configuration mode.

      show service-instance config - Displays all the data related to the ISID given as the parameter.

      show provider-backbone config - Displays all the service data configured on the service-instance given as the parameter.


20.114              set customer unicast-mac learning limit


Command Objective

This command configures the learning limit for customer MAC addresses. This value ranges from 0 to 4294967295.

The no form of the command resets the MAC learning limit to default value.


set customer unicast-mac learning limit <size(0-4294967295)>

no customer unicast-mac learning limit


Service Instance Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Default value varies with target.


SEFOS(config-switch-si)#  set customer unicast-mac learning limit 100

Related Command(s)

      service instance - Configures a service-instance in the switch and enters into the service-instance configuration mode.

      show service-instance config - Displays all the data related to the ISID given as the parameter.

      show provider-backbone config - Displays all the service data configured on the service-instance given as the parameter.


20.115              set default vid


Command Objective

This command configures the default SVID/CVID for an I component ISID in PBB bridge mode. This value ranges from 1 to 4094..

If this command is given multiple times for the same port, then it overwrites the previous configuration of default SVID/CVID on the port respectively. Its usage is as follows:

      In S-VLAN-based I component – for untagged packets PVID for VIP will be used as SVID.

      In C-VLAN-based I component – for untagged packets, PVID for VIP will be used as CVID.

The no form of the command removes the default SVID/CVID from the port and resets it to the PVID.


set default vid <vlan-id (1-4094)>

no default vid


Service Instance Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-switch-si)# set default vid 1

Related Command(s)

      service instance - Configures a service-instance in the switch and enters into the service-instance configuration mode.

      show service-instance config - Displays all the data related to the ISID given as the parameter.

      show default vid - Displays the default SVID and CVID configured on a port, if the interface is specified.


20.116              set ether-type


Command Objective

This command configures the port ingress or egress ethertype in PBB mode.

The no form of the command resets port ingress or egress ethertype.

In PBB bridge mode, this command is applicable at VIP for specifying ethertype for S-tag.

The ethertype configured at the PIP is used for translating the S-Tag ethertype, before sending the packet out at the PIP. Similarly, the S-Tag ethertype is translated at CNP, before sending the packet out using the ethertype configuration at CNP.

The following table specifies valid ethertypes for different port types:

Port Type











set { ingress | egress } ether-type <integer(1-65535)>

no { ingress | egress } ether-type

Parameter Description

      ingress - Sets the ingress ethertype.

      egress - Sets the egress ethertype.

      <integer(1-65535)> - Configures the S-VLAN/B-VLAN tag ethertype used for the packets received on the port. Packets received on a port are considered tagged, when the packet ethertype matches with the port ethertype configured. Otherwise, they will be considered untagged. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.


Service Instance Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-switch-si)# set ingress ether-type 23

Related Command(s)

      show service-instance config - Displays all the data related to the ISID given as the parameter.

      show default vid - Displays the default SVID and CVID configured on a port, if the interface is specified.

      show provider-backbone config - Displays all the service data configured on the service-instance given as the parameter.


20.117              set vlan swap


Command Objective

This command enables or disables VLAN swapping of a C-VLAN or S-VLAN associated to a service-instance.


set vlan swap {enable | disable}

Parameter Description

      enable - Enables VLAN swapping.

      disable - Disables VLAN swapping


Service Instance Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




SEFOS(config-switch-si)# set vlan swap enable

Related Command(s)

      show service-instance config - Displays all the data related to the ISID given as the parameter.

      show default vid - Displays the default SVID and CVID configured on a port, if the interface is specified.

      show provider-backbone config - Displays all the service data configured on the service-instance given as the parameter.


20.118              set vlan mapping


Command Objective

This command configures a VLAN translation entry for a VLAN associated to a service-instance for a port.

The no form of the command deletes the VLAN translation for the service-instance.


set vlan mapping <local vlan integer (1-4094)> <relay vlan integer (1-4094)>

no vlan mapping <vlan integer (1-4094)>

Parameter Description

      <local vlan integer (1-4094)> - Configures VID value used outside (sent or received) the bridge. This value ranges from 1 to 4094..

      <relay vlan integer (1-4094)> - Configures the value of the VID towards the relay entity of the bridge, that is, the VID value used inside the bridge. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

      <vlan integer (1-4094)> - Configures the local VID value. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.


Service Instance Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-switch-si)# set vlan mapping 1 2

Related Command(s)

      show service-instance config - Displays all the data related to the ISID given as the parameter.

      show default vid - Displays the default SVID and CVID configured on a port, if the interface is specified.

      show provider-backbone config - Displays all the service data configured on the service-instance given as the parameter.


20.119              shutdown - service-instance


Command Objective

This command disables sending and reception of packets for this service-instance.

The no form of the command enables sending of the packets. This specifies the operational status of the VIP associated with the ISID.



no shutdown


Service Instance Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-switch-si)# shutdown

Related Command(s)

      show service-instance config - Displays all the data related to the ISID given as the parameter.

      show default vid - Displays the default SVID and CVID configured on a port, if the interface is specified.

      show provider-backbone config - Displays all the service data configured on the service-instance given as the parameter.


20.120              pcp-selection-row


Command Objective

This command configures the PCP selection row parameter for a service-instance. This is used to select a row in the PCP encoding and decoding table.


pcp-selection-row {8P0D | 7P1D | 6P2D | 5P3D}

Parameter Description

      8P0D  - Configures 8 priority PCP encoding and 0 drop eligible PCP encoding values.

      7P1D - Configures 7 priority PCP encoding and 1 drop eligible PCP encoding values.

      6P2D - Configures 6 priority PCP encoding and 2 drop eligible PCP encoding values.

      5P3D - Configures 5 priority PCP encoding and 3 drop eligible PCP encoding values.


Service Instance Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




SEFOS(config-switch-si)#  pcp-selection-row 7P1D

Related Command(s)

      show service-instance config - Displays all the data related to the ISID given as the parameter.

      show default vid - Displays the default SVID and CVID configured on a port, if the interface is specified.

      show provider-backbone line - Displays the status of whether the packets can be sent or received for a service-instance in a context.


20.121              use-dei


Command Objective

This command sets the use_dei (Drop Eligibility Indicator) for the service-instance. It specifies whether drop_eligible parameter in the PCP can be used for encoding and decoding.


use-dei {true | false}

Parameter Description

      true  - Encodes the drop_eligible parameter in the DEI of transmitted frames. If the DEI is set in the S-tag or the PCP decoding table indicates that drop_eligible True, then drop_eligible will become true for the received frames.

      false - Transmits the DEI as zero and ignored on receipt. This can be set only on PNPs and external CNPs.


Service Instance Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




SEFOS(config-switch-si)#  use-dei true

Related Command(s)

      show service-instance config - Displays all the data related to the ISID given as the parameter.

      show provider-backbone config - Displays all the service data configured on the service-instance given as the parameter.


20.122              require-drop-encoding


Command Objective

This command sets the require-drop-encoding feature for service-instance.


require-drop-encoding {true | false}

Parameter Description

      true  - Enables the require-drop-encoding feature for service-instance.

      false - Disables the require-drop-encoding feature for service-instance.


Service Instance Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




SEFOS(config-switch-si)#  require-drop-encoding true

Related Command(s)

      show service-instance config - Displays all the data related to the ISID given as the parameter.

      show provider-backbone config - Displays all the service data configured on the service-instance given as the parameter.


20.123              pcp-encoding


Command Objective

This command configures the encoding table on the service-instance.

The no form of the command configures default values for PCP encoding table.


pcp-encoding <pcp-selectionrow {8P0D | 7P1D | 6P2D | 5P3D}> priority <decoded-priority (0-7)> drop-eligible {true | false} pcp <encoded-priority (0-7)>

no pcp-encoding <pcp-selectionrow {8P0D | 7P1D | 6P2D | 5P3D}>

Parameter Description

      pcpselectionrow - Configures the PCP selection row in the encoding table for which the PCP value to be mapped for a particular priority and drop_eligible combination. The encoding values are

        8P0D – Configures 8 priority PCP encoding and 0 drop eligible PCP encoding values

        7P1D - Configures 7 priority PCP encoding and 1 drop eligible PCP encoding values

        6P2D - Configures 6 priority PCP encoding and 2 drop eligible PCP encoding values

        5P3D - Configures 5 priority PCP encoding and 3 drop eligible PCP encoding values

      priority <decoded-priority (0-7)> - Configures the decoded priority associated with a particular PCP selection row. This value ranges from 0 to 7.

      drop-eligible - Configures the drop_eligible parameter associated with a particular priority and PCP selection row in the PCP encoding table. This can be:

        true - Determines the drop eligibility of the packet as true.

        false - Determines the drop eligibility of the packet as false.

      pcp<encoded-priority (0-7)> - Configures the encoded priority. This value ranges from 0 to 7.


Service Instance Configuration Mode / Interface Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


pcpselectionrow - 8P0D


The default configuration of the PCP encoding table:

PriorityDrop Eligible



























































































Note:     Refer the Standard IEEE 802.1ad/d6 –section 6.7.3 for details on Priority Code point selection row


SEFOS(config-switch-si)#  pcp-encoding 8P0D priority 4 drop-eligible true pcp 2

Related Command(s)

      show provider-backbone config - Displays all the service data configured on the service-instance given as the parameter.


20.124              pcp-decoding


Command Objective

This command configures the PCP decoding table on the service-instance. The no form of the command configures the default values for the PCP decoding table.


pcp-decoding <pcpselectionrow(8P0D|7P1D|6P2D|5P3D)> pcp <recv priority (0-7)> priority <decoding priority (0-7)> drop-eligible {true|false}

no pcp-decoding <pcpselectionrow(8P0D|7P1D|6P2D|5P3D)>

Parameter Description

      pcpselectionrow - Configures the PCP selection row in the encoding table for which the priority and drop eligible parameters are to be mapped for a given PCP value. The decoding values are

        8P0D – Configures 8 priority PCP encoding and 0 drop eligible PCP encoding values.

        7P1D - Configures 7 priority PCP encoding and 1 drop eligible PCP encoding values.

        6P2D - Configures 6 priority PCP encoding and 2 drop eligible PCP encoding values.

        5P3D - Configures 5 priority PCP encoding and 3 drop eligible PCP encoding values.

      pcp<recv priority (0-7)> - Configures the PCP value in the decoding table for which the priority and drop eligible parameters are to be derived. This value ranges from 0 to 7.

      priority  - Configures the decoded priority for the PCP associated with the received frame. The frame will further be processed with this priority value.

      drop-eligible  - Configures the drop_eligible parameter associated with the particular PCP and PCP selection row in the PCP decoding table. This can be

        true - Determines the drop eligibility of the packet as true.

        false - Determines the drop eligibility of the packet as false.


Service Instance Configuration Mode / Interface Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


pcpselectionrow - 8P0D


The default values of the PCP decoding table are given in the following table:












Drop Eligible






































SEFOS(config-if)# pcp-decoding 6P2D pcp 4 priority 4 drop-eligible false

Related Command(s)

      show provider-backbone config - Displays all the service data configured on the service-instance given as the parameter.


20.125              show default vid


Command Objective

This command displays the default SVID and CVID configured on a service-instance.


show default vid service-instance <integer(256-16777214)> [switch <string(32)>]

Parameter Description

      <integer(256-16777214)> - Displays the default vid for the specified service-instance. This value ranges from 256 to 16777214.

      switch<string(32)> - Displays the default SVID and CVID configured on a service-instance for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string whose maximum size is 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.


Privileged Exec Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# show default vid service-instance 456

Default vid :10

Related Command(s)

      set default vid - Configures the default SVID/CVID for an I component ISID in PBB bridge mode.


20.126              show provider-backbone config service-instance


Command Objective

This command displays all the service data configured on the given service-instance.


show provider-backbone config service-instance <integer(256-16777214)> [switch <string(32)>]

Parameter Description

      <integer(256-16777214)> - Displays all the service data configured, for the specified service-instance. This value ranges from 256 to 16777214.

      switch<string(32)> - Displays all the service data configured for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string whose maximum size is 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.


Privileged Exec Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# show provider-backbone config service-instance 300

Switch 1

Provider Backbone Bridge configuration table


PCP Encoding Table:


DropEligible:0DE 0 1DE 1 2DE 2 3DE 3 4DE 4 5DE 5 6DE 6 7DE 7

Priority    :


8POD        : 0  0  1  1  2  2  3  3  4  4  5  5  6  6  7  7 

7P1D        : 0  0  1  1  2  2  3  3  4  5  4  5  6  6  7  7 

6P2D        : 0  0  1  1  2  3  2  3  4  5  4  5  6  6  7  7 

5P3D        : 0  1  0  1  2  3  2  3  4  5  4  5  6  6  7  7 

PCP Decoding Table:


PCP   : 0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7   


8POD  : 0    1    2    3    4    5    6    7   

7P1D  : 0    1    2    3    4DE  4    6    7   

6P2D  : 0    1    2DE  2    4DE  4    6    7   

5P3D  : 0DE  0    2DE  2    4DE  4    6    7   

Ingress EtherType                   : 0x88a8

Egress EtherType                    : 0x88a8

Require Drop Encoding               : True

Use_Dei                             : True

PCP Selection Row                   : 8P0D

Customer Unicast Mac Learning Status         : Enable

Customer Unicast Mac Learning Limit          : 150

Service Vlan Mapping


  Local service vlan  Relay service vlan

          1                   2

 Service Vlan Translation Status     : Enable

Related Command(s)

      pcp-decoding - Configures the PCP decoding table on the service-instance.

      pcp-encoding - Configures the PCP encoding table on the service-instance.

      require-drop-encoding -Sets the require-drop-encoding feature for service-instance.

      pcp-selection-row - Configures the PCP selection row parameter for a service-instance.

      set vlan mapping - Configures a VLAN translation entry for a VLAN associated to a service-instance for a port.

      use-dei - Sets the use_dei (Drop Eligibility Indicator) for the service-instance.

      set-ether-type - Configures the port ingress or egress ethertype in PBB mode.

      set customer unicast-mac learning status - Enables or disables the customer MAC learning for an service-instance.

      set customer unicast-mac learning limit - Configures the learning limit for customer MAC addresses.

20.127              set sw-stats


Command Objective

This command sets the software statistics collection globally in the switch.


set sw-stats { enable | disable }

Parameter Description

      enable  - Enables software statistics collection globally in the switch and the statistics will be stored in the software. This value can be set only if data switching is done by the software.

      disable - Disables software statistics collection globally in the switch. The statistics collection will be done by the hardware and will not be stored in software.


Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


If data switching is done by software, then the default value is enabled. However, by default, statistics collection by the software is disabled.


SEFOS(config)# set sw-stats enable

Related Command(s)

      show vlan statistics - Displays the unicast and broadcast statistics of all active VLANs and VLANs (that are not active) for which the port details are configured.

20.128              clear mac-address-table dynamic


Command Objective

This command clears the dynamically learned MAC Addresses.


clear mac-address-table dynamic [interface {port-channel <port-channel-id (1-65535)> | <interface-type> <interface-id>}] [vlan <vlan_vfi_id>]

Parameter Description

      port-channel <port-channel-id (1-65535)> - Clears the FDB entries for the specified port channel interface. Port-Channel are logical interfaces that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

      <interface-type> - Clears the FDB entries for the specified type of interface. The interface can be:

        fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

        XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

        extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

        i-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

      <interface-id> - Clears the FDB entries for the interface identifier of the specified type of interface. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan ID is provided, for interface types i-lan.

      vlan <vlan-id/vfi-id> - Clears the FDB entries for the specified VLAN / VFI ID. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

        <vlan –id> - VLAN ID is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

        <vfi-id>. - VFI ID is a VLAN created in the system which contains pseudowires and attachment circuits as member ports . This creates a logical LAN for the VPLS service. This value ranges from 4096 to 65535.

Note:     The VLAN ID 4095 is reserved and might be used to indicate a wildcard match for the VID in management operations or filtering database entries.

Note:     VFI IDs 4096 and 4097 are reserved identifiers used in MPLS PW.

Note:     The theoretical maximum for the maximum number of VFI is 65535 but the actual number of VFI supported is a sizing constant. Based on this, the maximum number of VFI ID accepted in the management interface is restricted. For example if 100 VFIs are supported, the maximum number of VFIs supported will be restricted to 100 added to the maximum number of VLANs. An error message is displayed for any value beyond this range.


Global Configuration Mode/Switch Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS(config)# clear mac-address-table dynamic

Related Command(s)

      show mac-address-table static unicast - Displays the statically configured unicast address from the MAC address table.

      show mac-address-table static multicast - Displays the statically configured multicast entries.

20.129              debug vlan global


Command Objective

This command enables tracing in VLAN sub module and generates debug statements for global traces for the specified severity levels.

The no form of the disables tracing of the VLAN sub module.


debug vlan global [{ <short (0-7)> | alerts | critical | debugging | emergencies | errors | informational | notification | warnings }]

no debug vlan global

Parameter Description

      <short (0-7)> - Generates the debug statements for the severity level value. This value ranges from 0 to 7.

      alerts - Generates debug statements for immediate action.

      critical - Generates debug statements for critical conditions.

      debugging - Generates debug statements for debugging messages.

      emergencies - Generates debug statements when system is unusable.

      errors - Generates debug statements for error conditions.

      informational - Generates debug statements for information messages.

      notification - Generates debug statements for normal but significant messages.

      warnings - Generates debug statements for warning conditions.


Privilege Exec Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Tracing of the VLAN sub module is disabled.


The VLAN sub module tracing-related configuration takes effect in the switch only if the VLAN switching feature is started and enabled in the switch.


SEFOS# debug vlan global alerts

Related Command (s)

      no shutdown vlan - Starts and enables VLAN switching feature in the switch.

      show debugging - Displays state of each debugging option.

20.130              show gmrp statistics


Command Objective

This command displays GMRP statistics for the specified port.


show gmrp statistics [{ port <interface-type> <interface-id> }]

Parameter Description

      <interface-type> - Displays GMRP statistics for the specified type of interface. The interface can be:

        fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

        XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

        extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

        internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

        port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        pw  - Pseudowire (PW) is a emulation of a point-to-point connection over a packet-switching network (PSN). This value ranges from 1 to 65535. Maximum number of pseudowire interfaces supported in the system is 100.

        ac - Attachment Circuit (AC) is a physical or virtual circuit attaching a Customer Edge to a Provider Edge port. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

      <interface-id> - Displays GMRP statistics for the interface ID of the specified type of interface. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# show gmrp statistics port extreme-ethernet 0/1

Related Command(s)

      set gmrpGlobally enables or disables GMRP feature on all ports of a switch.

      set port gmrp - Enables or disables GMRP feature on the specified interface.

20.131              show gvrp statistics


Command Objective

This command displays GVRP statistics in the system or for the specified port.


show gvrp statistics [{ port <interface-type> <interface-id> }]

Parameter Description

      <interface-type> - Displays GVRP statistics for the specified type of interface. The interface can be:

        fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

        XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

        extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

        internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

        port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

        pw  - Pseudowire (PW) is a emulation of a point-to-point connection over a packet-switching network (PSN). This value ranges from 1 to 65535. Maximum number of pseudowire interfaces supported in the system is 100.

        ac - Attachment Circuit (AC) is a physical or virtual circuit attaching a Customer Edge to a Provider Edge port. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

      <interface-id> - Displays GVRP statistics for the interface ID of the specified type of interface. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided for interface types internal-lan and port-channel.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# show gvrp statistics port extreme-ethernet 0/1

Switch default


GVRP Statistics for Port 1


Total valid GVRP Packets Received:  0

Join Emptys             0

Join In                 0

Leave In                0

Leave All               0

Leave Empty             0

Empty                   0

Total valid GVRP Packets Transmitted: 0

Join Emptys             0

Join In                 0

Leave In                0

Leave All               0

Leave Empty             0

Empty                   0

Related Command(s)

      set gvrpGlobally enables or disables GVRP feature on all ports of a switch.

      set port gvrp - Enables or disables GVRP feature on the specified interface.

20.132              switchport [dot1q] ethertype mapping


Command Objective

This command creates an ethertype swapping entry for the port.

The no form of this command deletes an ethertype swapping entry for the port.


switchport [dot1q] ethertype mapping <local ethertype value(1-65535)> <relay ethertype value(1-65535)>

no switchport [dot1q] ethertype mapping <value(1-65535)>

Parameter Description

      dot1q - Creates an ethertype swapping entry for the dot1q tunneling.

      <local ethertype value(1-65535)> - Configures the local ethertype value present in the service VLAN of the ingress packet to the given port. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

      <relay ethertype value(1-65535)> - Configures the relay ethertype value. It is the relay ethertype mapped for the ethertype present in the local service VLAN tag of the ingress packet at the given port. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.


Interface Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


The bridge mode for this port should be provider core bridge or provider edge bridge.


SEFOS(config-if)# switchport dot1q ethertype mapping 11 22

Related Command(s)

      show ethertype mapping - Displays ethertype mapping information.

20.133              mvrp-tunnel-address


Command Objective

This command configures the multicast destination MAC address to be used in tunneled MVRP PDUs.

When MVRP tunneling is enabled on a port, this MAC address will be used as the the destination MAC address of the received MVRP PDUs. Inside a given network, packets received with this MAC address will be treated as data packets and not processed.

When the MVRP PDU is sent out of the given network, this MAC address will be replaced with the reserved address defined for Customer MVRP PDU. This is done only when MVRP protocol tunnel status is set to Tunnel on the outgoing port, else the packets are dropped.


mvrp-tunnel-address <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa>


Global Configuration Mode / Switch Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




      This command executes only if VLAN is started in the switch.

      This configuration is effective only if MVRP tunneling is enabled.

      A specific MAC address can be assigned to any one of the L2 protocols DOT1X/ LACP/ STP/ GVRP/ ELMI/ LLDP/EOAM tunneling.


SEFOS(config)# mvrp-tunnel-address 01:00:00:00:22:77

SEFOS(config-switch)# mvrp-tunnel-address 01:00:00:00:22:77

Related Command(s)

      no shutdown vlan - Enables VLAN on the switch.

      show l2protocol tunnel-mac-address - Displays the tunnel MAC address configured for Layer 2 protocols

20.134              mmrp-tunnel-address


Command Objective

This command configures the multicast destination MAC address to be used in tunneled MMRP PDUs.

When MMRP tunneling is enabled on a port, this MAC address will be used as the destination MAC address of the MMRP PDUs received over this port.

Inside a given network, MMRP PDUs received with this MAC address will be treated as data packets and not processed.

When the tunneled MMRP PDUs are sent out of the given network, this MAC address will be replaced with the reserved address defined for MMRP PDUs.This is done only when MMRP protocol tunnel status is set to Tunnel on the outgoing port, else the packets are dropped.


mmrp-tunnel-address <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa>


Global Configuration Mode / Switch Configration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




      This command executes only if VLAN is started in the switch.

      This configuration is effective only if MMRP tunneling is enabled.

      A specific MAC address can be assigned to any one of the L2 protocols DOT1X/ LACP/ STP/ GVRP/ ELMI/ LLDP/EOAM tunneling.


SEFOS(config)# mmrp-tunnel-address 01:00:00:00:22:88

SEFOS(config-switch)# mmrp-tunnel-address 01:00:00:00:22:88

Related Command(s)

      no shutdown vlan - Enables VLAN on the switch.

      show l2protocol tunnel-mac-address - Displays the tunnel MAC address configured for Layer 2 protocols.

20.135              user-defined TPID


Command Objective

This command configures user-defined TPID allowable for Port/Egress VLAN. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

The no form of this command deletes the configured user-defined TPID allowable for a Port/Egress VLAN ethertype.


user-defined TPID  <size(1-65535)>

no user-defined TPID


Global Configuration Mode / Switch Configration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




This command can be executed only if the VLAN switching feature is not shut down in the switch.


SEFOS(config)# user-defined TPID 200

SEFOS(config-switch)# user-defined TPID 20

Related Command(s)

      no shutdown vlan – Enables VLAN on the switch.

      switchport encapsulation - Configures standard or user-defined TPID for a port

      vlan egress ether-type - Sets the VLAN egress ethertype

      show user-defined TPID - Displays the configured user-defined TPID.

20.136              vlan egress ether-type


Command Objective

This command sets the VLAN egress ethertype.

The no form of this command resets the VLAN egress ethertype to the default value.


vlan egress ether-type {CTAG | STAG | QINQ | user-defined}

no vlan egress ether-type

Parameter Description

      CTAG - Configures the the secondary ethertype as0x8100.

      STAG - Configures the secondary ethertype as 0x88A8.

      QINQ - Configures the standard ethertype as 0x9100.

      user-defined - Configures the user-defined TPID as VLAN egress ethertype.

Note:     This value can be set only if user-defined TPID is configured.


Config-VLAN Mode


CTAG (0x8100)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-vlan)# vlan egress ether-type CTAG

Related Command(s)

      user-defined TPID - Configures user-defined TPID allowable for Port/Egress VLAN.

      vlan active - Activates a VLAN in the switch.

      show vlan - Displays VLAN entry-related information of all active VLANs and VLANs (that are not active) for which the port details are configured.

20.137              switchport encapsulation


Command Objective

This command configures standard or user-defined TPID for a port.

The no form of this command deletes the configured TPID for a port.


switchport encapsulation dot1ad vlan-type {tpid1 <CTAG | STAG > [tpid2] [tpid3 ]}

no switchport encapsulation dot1ad vlan-type [tpid1] [tpid2 ] [tpid3 ]

Parameter Description

      tpid1 CTAG - Configures standard allowable TPID for CTAG. This indicates the secondary ethertype that is allowable for a port.The configurable value for this object is 0x8100.

      tpid1 STAG - Configures standard allowable TPID for STAG. This indicates the secondary ethertype that is allowable for a port.The configurable value for this object is 0x8808.

      tpid2 -. Configues standard allowable TPID for a port. This indicates the standard ethertype that is allowable for a port. The configurable value for this object is Q-in-Q EtherType [0x9100].

      tpid3 -.Configures the user-defined allowable TPID for a port.


Interface Configuration Mode (Physical / Port Channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


The TPID1 value should be configured as a value diffferent from the default ingress ethertype. If the ingress etherytype is 0x8808, then TPID CTAG should be configured using this command and if the ingress ethertype is 0x8100, TPID STAG should be configured.


SEFOS(config-if)# switchport encapsulation dot1ad vlan-type tpid1 STAG tpid2 tpid3

Related Command(s)

      switchport [dot1q] ether-type - Configures port Ingress or Egress ethertype.

      user-defined TPID - Configures user-defined TPID allowable for Port/Egress VLAN.

      show vlan port config - Displays the VLAN-related port-specific information for all interfaces available in the switch / all contexts.

20.138              switchport egress TPID-type


Command Objective

This command sets the egress TPID-type for the port.

The no form of this command resets the egress TPID-type for port to the default value.


switchport egress TPID-type { portbased | vlanbased }

no switchport egress TPID-type

Parameter Description

      portbased - Configure egress TPID-type as portbased. The egress TPID of the packet is selected from the Egress Port Table.

      vlanbased - Configure egress TPID-type as VLAN-based. The egress TPID is selected from the Egress VLAN Table.


Interface Configuration Mode (Physical / Port Channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




SEFOS(config-if)# switchport egress TPID-type vlanbased

Related Command(s)

      show vlan port config - Displays the VLAN-related port-specific information for all interfaces available in the switch / all contexts.

20.139              show user-defined TPID


Command Objective

This command displays the configured user-defined TPID allowable for Port/ Egress VLAN.


show user-defined TPID [switch <context_name>]

Parameter Description

      switch <context_name> - Displays the user-defined TPID for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string whose maximum size is 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command does not display the output if the VLAN switching feature is shut down in the switch.


SEFOS # show user-defined TPID switch default


Switch default

User Defined TPID                 : 0xc8

SEFOS# show user-defined TPID


Switch default

User Defined TPID                 : 0xc8


Switch sw1

User Defined TPID                 : 0x7d0


Switch sw2

User Defined TPID                 : 0x8fc

Related Command(s)

      no shutdown vlan – Enables VLAN on the switch.

      user-defined TPID - Configures the user-defined TPID allowable for Port/Egress VLAN.

20.140              switchport - svlan-priotype


Command Objective

This command configures the SVLAN Priority type of the outgoing packets.


switchport [customer-vlan <vlan-id(1-4094)>] svlan-priotype {fixed <integer(0-7)> | copy | none}

Parameter Description

      customer-vlan <vlan-id(1-4094)> - Specifies the customer VLAN for which the SVLAN priority is to be configured.. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

      fixed <integer(0-7)> - Sets the SVLAN priority type as fixed and configures the fixed priority value for the packets that are being S-tagged on a CEP or CNP port. This value ranges from 0 to 7.

      copy - Sets the SVLAN prority type as copy. This copies the incoming CVLAN priority to outgoing SVLAN priority of the packets that are being S-tagged on a CEP port.

      none - Set the SVLAN prority type as none. This implies that the outgoing SVLAN priority is not modified.


Interface Configuration Mode (Physical / Port channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




This command is configurable only for CEP and CNP  Ports.


SEFOS (config-if)# switchport svlan-priotype fixed 3

Related Command(s)

      switchport customer-vlan- Configures the Service VLAN assignment for the incoming packet based on different criteria.

      show service vlan – Displays Service VLAN configuration.

      show [provider-bridge] port config - Displays Service VLAN port information.

20.141              name


Command Objective

This command configures name for the VLAN. This value is a string of maximum size 32.

The no form of the command deletes the configured name for the VLAN.


name <vlan name string>

no name


Config-VLAN Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-vlan)# name vlan1

Related Command(s)

      vlan - Creates a VLAN / VFI ID and enters into the config-VLAN mode in which VLAN-specific configurations are done.

      show vlan - Displays VLAN entry-related information of all active VLANs and VLANs (that are not active) for which the port details are configured

20.142              l2protocol-tunnel override


Command Objective

This command enables or disables the Layer 2 control protocol (L2CP) tunnel Override option.


l2protocol-tunnel override { enable | disable }

Parameter Description

      enable - Enables L2CP tunnel Override option. This implies that tunnel status for all the Layer 2 control protocols is referred from Port Table.

      disable - Disables L2CP tunnel Override option. This implies that tunnel status for all the Layer 2 control protocols operating over a VLAN is referred from VLAN Table.


Interface configuration mode (Physical / Port channel)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




SEFOS(config-if)# l2protocol-tunnel override enable

Related Command(s)

      show l2protocol-tunnel vlan - Displays the entries in VLAN tunnel protocol table containing the number of ingress or egress STP BPDUs tunneled.

      l2protocol-tunnel (For vlan) - Enables the tunneling of Layer 2 protocols on the VLAN.

      l2protocol-peer(For vlan) - Enables the peering of Layer 2 Protocols on the VLAN.

      l2protocol-discard(For vlan) - Discards Layer 2 protocol packets  on the VLAN.

      l2protocol-tunnel - Enables the tunneling of L2 protocols on the port.

      l2protocol-peer - Enables peering of L2 protocols on the port.

      l2protocol-discard - Sets the option to discard L2 protocols received on the port.

20.143              l2protocol-tunnel (For vlan)


Command Objective

This command enables the tunneling of Layer 2 protocols on the VLAN.

The no form of the command disables the tunneling of Layer 2 protocols on the VLAN.


l2protocol-tunnel {gvrp | gmrp| igmp | mvrp | mmrp | ecfm}

no l2protocol-tunnel {gvrp | gmrp| igmp | mvrp | mmrp | ecfm}

Parameter Description

      gvrp - Enables or disables the tunneling of L2 protocols for GVRP BPDUs.

      gmrp - Enables or disables the tunneling of L2 protocols for GMRP BPDUs.

      igmp - Enables or disables the tunneling of L2 protocols for IGMP Packets.

      mvrp - Enables or disables the tunneling of L2 protocols for MVRP PDUs.

      mmrp - Enables or disables the tunneling of L2 protocols for MMRP PDUs.

      ecfm - Enables or disables the tunneling of L2 protocols for ECFM Packets.


Config-VLAN Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-vlan)# l2protocol-tunnel igmp

SEFOS(config-switch-vlan)# l2protocol-tunnel igmp

Related Command(s)

      show l2protocol-tunnel vlan - Displays the entries in VLAN tunnel protocol table containing the number of ingress or egress L2 packets tunneled.

      l2protocol-tunnel override - Enables or disables the Layer 2 control protocol tunnel Override option.

      vlan - Creates a VLAN in the SEFOS and enters into the config-VLAN mode in which VLAN-specific configurations are done.


20.144              l2protocol-peer (For vlan)


Command Objective

This command enables peering of Layer 2 Protocols on the VLAN.


l2protocol-peer {gvrp | gmrp| igmp | mvrp | mmrp | ecfm}

Parameter Description

      gvrp - Enables peering of L2 protocols on GVRP BPDUs.

      gmrp - Enables peering of L2 protocols on GMRP BPDUs.

      igmp - Enables peering of L2 protocols on IGMP Packets.

      mvrp - Enables peering of L2 protocols on MVRP PDUs.

      mmrp - Enables peering of L2 protocols on MMRP PDUs.

      ecfm - Enables peering of L2 protocols for ECFM Packets.


Config-VLAN Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-vlan)# l2protocol-peer gvrp

SEFOS(config-switch-vlan)# l2protocol-peer gvrp

Related Command(s)

      show l2protocol-tunnel vlan - Displays the entries in VLAN tunnel protocol table containing the number of ingress or egress L2 packets tunneled.

      l2protocol-tunnel override - Enables or disables the Layer 2 control protocol tunnel Override option.

      vlan - Creates a VLAN in the SEFOS and enters into the config-VLAN mode in which VLAN-specific configurations are done.


20.145              l2protocol-discard (For vlan)


Command Objective

This command discards Layer 2 protocol packets received on the VLAN.


l2protocol-discard {gvrp | gmrp| igmp | mvrp | mmrp | ecfm}

Parameter Description

      gvrp - Discards GVRP BPDUs received on the VLAN.

      gmrp - Discards GMRP BPDUs received on the VLAN.

      igmp - Discards IGMP Packets received on the VLAN.

      mvrp - Discards MVRP PDUs received on the VLAN.

      mmrp - Discards MMRP PDUs received on the VLAN.

      ecfm - Discards ECFM Packets received on the VLAN.


Config-VLAN Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-vlan)# l2protocol-discard gvrp

SEFOS(config-switch-vlan)# l2protocol-discard gvrp

Related Command(s)

      show l2protocol-tunnel vlan - Displays the entries in VLAN tunnel protocol table containing the number of ingress or egress L2 packets tunneled.

      l2protocol-tunnel override - Enables or disables the Layer 2 control protocol tunnel Override option.

      vlan - Creates a VLAN in the SEFOS and enters into the config-VLAN mode in which VLAN-specific configurations are done.

      show l2protocol -discard statistics - Displays the discard statistics for the L2 protocols.

20.146              show l2protocol-tunnel vlan


Command Objective

This command displays the entries in VLAN tunnel protocol table containing the number of ingress or egress L2 packets tunneled.


show l2protocol-tunnel vlan [{<vlan-id(1-4094)> | summary [ switch <context_name>]}]

Parameter Description

      <vlan-id(1-4094)> - Displays the VLAN tunnel protocol table information for the specified VLAN. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

      summary - Displays brief information about the L2 protocol-tunnels

      switch <context_name> - Displays the entries in VLAN tunnel protocol table for the specified context. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string with the maximum size as 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS # show l2protocol-tunnel summary

Switch default

Service Vlan Tunneling Summary:


 VLAN ID  Protocol  Received Pkt       Sent Pkt    Status

 -------  --------  ------------       --------- ----------

 1        GVRP      0                  0           Tunnel

 1        GMPR      0                  0           Tunnel

 1        IGMP      0                  0           Tunnel

 1        MVRP      0                  0           Tunnel

 1        MMRP      0                  0           Tunnel

 1        ECFM      0                  0          Peer

Switch sw1

Service Vlan Tunneling Summary:


 VLAN ID  Protocol  Received Pkt     Sent Pkt        Status

 -------  --------  ------------   --------      ----------

 1        GVRP      0                  0            Tunnel

 1        GMPR      0                  0            Tunnel

 1        IGMP      0                  0            Tunnel

 1        MVRP      0                  0            Tunnel

 1        MMRP      0                  0            Tunnel

 1        ECFM      0                  0            Peer

Related Command(s)

      l2protocol-tunnel (For vlan) - Enables the tunneling of Layer 2 protocols on the VLAN.

      l2protocol-peer(For vlan) - Enables the peering of Layer 2 Protocols on the VLAN.

      l2protocol-discard(For vlan) - Discards Layer 2 protocol packets  on the VLAN.

      clear l2protocl-tunnel - Clears the L2 protocol tunnel counters for the specified interface or VLAN.

20.147              vlan loopback


Command Objective

This command sets the loopback status for the VLAN interface.


vlan loopback {enable | disable}

Parameter Description

      enable - Enables loopback feature for the VLAN interface. When loopback is enabled, all data packets received in the VLAN will be sent back in the same port from which the packets are received.

      disable - Disables loopback feature for the VLAN interface.


Config VLAN mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




SEFOS(config-vlan) # vlan loopback enable

Related Command(s)

      show vlan - Displays VLAN entry-related information of all active VLANs and VLANs (that are not active) for which the port details are configured.

20.148              eoam-tunnel-address


Command Objective

This command configures the multicast destination MAC address to be used in tunneled EOAM PDUs.

When EOAM tunneling is enabled on the port, this MAC address will be used as destination MAC address of the EOAM packets received over the port. EOAM packets received with this MAC address will be treated as data packets and are not processed.

When the tunneled EOAM packets are sent out of the given network, this MAC address will be replaced with the reserved address defined for EOAM packets. This is done only when EOAM protocol tunnel status is set to Tunnel on the outgoing port, else the packets are dropped.


eoam-tunnel-address <aa:aa:aa:aa:aa:aa>


Global Configuration Mode / Switch Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




      This command executes only if VLAN is started in the switch.

      This configuration is effective only if EOAM tunneling is enabled.

      A specific MAC address can be assigned to any one of the L2 protocols DOT1X/ LACP/ STP/ GVRP/ ELMI/ LLDP/EOAM tunneling.


SEFOS (config)# eoam-tunnel-address 01:00:0c:cd:cd:da3

SEFOS (config-switch)# eoam-tunnel-address 01:00:0c:cd:cd:da

Related Command(s)

      no shutdown vlan – Enables VLAN on the switch.

      show l2protocol tunnel-mac-address - Displays the tunnel MAC address configured for Layer 2 protocols.


 Chapter 21             


VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol) is an election protocol that dynamically assigns responsibility for one or more virtual router(s) to the VRRP routers(s) on a LAN, allowing several routers on a multi-access link to utilize the same virtual IP address. A VRRP router is configured to run the VRRP protocol in conjunction with one or more other routers attached to a LAN. In a VRRP setup, one router is elected as the master router with the other routers acting as backups in case of the failure of the master router. VRRP is designed to eliminate the single point of failure inherent in the static default routed environment.

21.1      router vrrp


Command Objective

This command enables VRRP globally in the router and enters into the VRRP Router Configuration Mode, which allows the user to execute all the commands which support this mode.

The no form of the command disables VRRP in the router.


router vrrp

no router vrrp


Global Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS(config)# router vrrp

SEFOS (config-vrrp)#

Related Command(s)

      interfaceVRRP – Enables VRRP in the specified interface.

      vrrp -ipv4 address - Sets the associated IP addresses for the virtual router.

      show vrrp interface - vrid – Displays the VRRP status information.

      vrrp group shutdown – Shuts down all VRRP groups.


21.2      interface – VRRP


Command Objective

This command enables VRRP for the specified interface and enters into the VRRP Interface Configuration Mode, which allows the user to execute all the commands which support this mode.

The no form disables VRRP for the specified interface.


interface { vlan <vlan-id/vfi-id> | <interface-type> <interface-id> | <IP-interface-type> <IP-interface-number>}

no interface { Vlan <vlan-id/vfi-id> | <interface-type> <interface-id> | <IP-interface-type> <IP-interface-number>}

Parameter Description

      vlan <vlan-id/vfi-id> - Enables VRRP for the specified VLAN / VFI ID. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

        <vlan –id> - VLAN ID is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

        <vfi-id>. - VFI ID is a VLAN created in the system which contains pseudowires and attachment circuits as member ports . This creates a logical LAN for the VPLS service. This value ranges from 4096 to 65535.

Note:     The VLAN ID 4095 is reserved and might be used to indicate a wildcard match for the VID in management operations or filtering database entries.

Note:     VFI IDs 4096 and 4097 are reserved identifiers used in MPLS PW.

Note:     The theoretical maximum for the maximum number of VFI is 65535 but the actual number of VFI supported is a sizing constant. Based on this, the maximum number of VFI ID accepted in the management interface is restricted. For example if 100 VFIs are supported, the maximum number of VFIs supported will be restricted to 100 added to the maximum number of VLANs. An error message is displayed for any value beyond this range.

      <interface-type> - Enables VRRP for the specified type of interface. The interface can be:

        fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

        XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

        extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

        i-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

      <interface-id> - Enables VRRP for the specified interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, For example: 0/1 represents that the slot number is 0 and port number is 1. Only i-lan ID is provided, for interface types i-lan. For example: 1 represents i-lan ID.

      <IP-interface-type> - Enables VRRP in the specified L3 Pseudowire interface in the system.

      <IP-interface-number> - EnablesVRRP for the specified interface identifier.  This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value ranges from 1 to 65535 for Pseudowire interface.

Note:     Maximum number of pseudowire interfaces supported in the system is 100.


VRRP Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-vrrp)# interface vlan 1


SEFOS (config-vrrp)# interface extreme-ethernet 0/1

SEFOS (config-vrrp-if)#

Related Command(s)

      router vrrp – Enables VRRP in the router.

      show vrrp interface - vrid – Displays the VRRP status information.

      show vrrp interface - Displays the VRRP status information for all VR-ids created on that interface.


21.3      vrrp - ipv4 address


Command Objective

This command sets the associated IPv4 addresses for the virtual router. On executing this command the VRRP module starts the transition from ‘Initial’ state to either ‘Backup’ state or ‘Master’ state as per the election process on the specific interface.

The no form of the command deletes the associated IPv4 addresses for the virtual router.


vrrp <vrid(1-255)> ipv4 <ip_addr> [secondary]

no vrrp <vrid(1-255)> ipv4[<ip_addr>[secondary]]

Parameter Description

      <vrid(1-255)> - Configures virtual router identifier(VRID)which is a number along with an interface to uniquely identify a virtual router on a given VRRP router. This value ranges from 1 to 255.

      ipv4 <ip_addr > - Configures an IPv4 address for the specified virtual router ID.

      secondary - Configures the secondary IP address for the specified virtual router.


VRRP Interface Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-vrrp-if)# vrrp 3 ipv4 secondary

Related Command(s)

      router vrrp – Enables VRRP in the router.

      interface - VRRP - Enables VRRP for the specified interface and enters into the VRRP Interface Configuration Mode.

      vrrp - version - Sets VRRP version in the router.

      vrrp – preempt - Enables the pre-emption of state change from either Backup to Master or conversely based on the election process.

      vrrp - text-authentication / vrrp - authentication text - Sets the authentication type for the virtual router to simple password.

      vrrp - interval / vrrp - timers advertise - Sets the advertisement timer for a virtual router.

      show vrrp interface - vrid – Displays the VRRP status information.

      show vrrp interface - Displays the VRRP status information.

21.4      vrrp - ipv6 address


Command Objective

This command sets the associated IPv6 addresses for the virtual router. On executing this command the VRRP module starts the transition from ‘Initial’ state to either ‘Backup’ state or ‘Master’ state as per the election process on the specific interface.

The no form of the command deletes the associated IPv6 addresses for the virtual router.


vrrp <vrid(1-255)> ipv6 <ip_addr> [secondary]

no vrrp <vrid(1-255)> ipv6[<ip_addr>[secondary]]

Parameter Description

      <vrid(1-255)> - Configures virtual router identifier(VRID) which is a number along with an interface to uniquely identify a virtual router on a given VRRP router. This value ranges from 1 to 255.

      ipv6 <ip_addr > - Configures an IPv6 address  for the specified virtual router ID.

Note:     IPv6 address cannot be configured when VRRP version is set as Version 2.

Note:     VRRP is operational inside a single LAN, therfore IPv6 Address should be Link Local IP.

      secondary - Configures the secondary IP address for the specified virtual router.


VRRP Interface Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-vrrp-if)# vrrp 2 ipv6 fe80::1 secondary

Related Command(s)

      router vrrp – Enables VRRP in the router.

      interface - VRRP - Enables VRRP for the specified interface and enters into the VRRP Interface Configuration Mode.

      vrrp - version - Sets VRRP version in the router.

      vrrp – preempt - Enables the pre-emption of state change from either Backup to Master or conversely based on the election process.

      vrrp - text-authentication / vrrp - authentication text - Sets the authentication type for the virtual router to simple password.

      vrrp - interval / vrrp - timers advertise - Sets the advertisement timer for a virtual router.

      show vrrp interface - vrid – Displays the VRRP status information.

      show vrrp interface - Displays the VRRP status information.

21.5      vrrp – ip address


Command Objective

This command sets the associated IP addresses for the virtual router. On executing this command the VRRP module starts the transition from ‘Initial’ state to either ‘Backup’ state or ‘Master’ state as per the election process on the specific interface.


This command is a complete standardized implementation of the existing command and operates similar to that of the command vrrp - ipv4 address.

This command executes only if the associated primary IP addresses for the virtual router is set.


vrrp <vrid(1-255)> ip <ip_addr> [secondary]

Parameter Description

      <vrid(1-255)> - Configures virtual router identifier (VRID) which is a number along with an interface to uniquely identify a virtual router on a given VRRP router. This value ranges from 1 to 255.

      ip <ip_addr > - Configures a IPv4 addresses to be assigned to the VRID.

      secondary - Configures the secondary IP addresses for the specified virtual router.


VRRP Interface Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-vrrp-if)# vrrp 3 ip

Related Command(s)

      router vrrp – Enables VRRP in the router.

      ip address - Sets an IP address for an interface.

      vrrp – preempt - Enables the pre-emption of state change from either Backup to Master or conversely based on the election process.

      vrrp - text-authentication / vrrp - authentication text - Sets the authentication type for the virtual router to simple password.

      vrrp - interval / vrrp - timers advertise - Sets the advertisement timer for a virtual router.

      show vrrp interface - vrid – Displays the VRRP status information.

      show vrrp interface - Displays the VRRP status information.

21.6      vrrp group shutdown


Command Objective

This command shuts down all VRRP groups.


This command is a complete standardized implementation of the existing command and operates similar to that of the command vrrp - ipv4 address, except that all the associated IP address of the virtual router will be deleted.


vrrp group shutdown


VRRP Interface Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


This command executes only if the associated primary IP addresses for the virtual router is set.


SEFOS(config-vrrp-if)# vrrp group shutdown

Related Command(s)

      router vrrp – Enables VRRP in the router.

      show vrrp interface - vrid – Displays the VRRP status information.

      show vrrp interface - Displays the VRRP status information.


21.7      vrrp – ipv4 priority


Command Objective

This command sets the IPv4 priority for the virtual router.

The no form of the command sets the IPv4 priority for the virtual router to its default value.


vrrp <vrid(1-255)> [ ipv4 ] priority <priority(1-254)>

no vrrp <vrid(1-255)> [ ipv4 ] priority

Parameter Description

      <vrid(1-255)> - Specifies a virtual router ID created for which the priority is to be set. This value ranges from 1 to 255.

      ipv4  - Sets the priority value for  the IPv4 address assigned to the VRID.

      <priority(1-254)> - Sets the priority which is used for the virtual router master election process. Higher values imply higher priority. A priority of 255 is used for the router that owns the associated IP address(es).


VRRP Interface Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


This command executes only if the virtual router ID is created and associated primary IP addresses for the virtual router are configured.


priority -100


SEFOS(config-vrrp-if)# vrrp 3 ipv4 priority 1

Related Command(s)

      router vrrp – Enables VRRP in the router.

      interface - VRRP - Enables VRRP for the specified interface and enters into the VRRP Interface Configuration Mode.

      vrrp - ipv4 address - Sets the associated primary IPv4 addresses for the virtual router.

      show vrrp interface - vrid – Displays the VRRP status information.

21.8      vrrp – ipv6 priority


Command Objective

This command sets the IPv6 priority for the virtual router.

The no form of the command sets the IPv6 priority for the virtual router to its default value.


vrrp <vrid(1-255)> ipv6 priority <priority(1-254)>

no vrrp <vrid(1-255)> ipv6 priority

Parameter Description

      <vrid(1-255)> - Specifies a virtual router ID created for which the priority is to be set. This value ranges from 1 to 255.

      ipv6 - Sets the priority value for the IPv6 address assigned to the VRID.

      <priority(1-254)> - Sets the priority which is used for the virtual router master election process. Higher values imply higher priority. A priority of 255 is used for the router that owns the associated IP address(es).


VRRP Interface Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


      This command executes only if the virtual router ID is created and associated primary IP addresses for the virtual router are configured.

      This command is applicable only for Version 3.


priority -100


SEFOS(config-vrrp-if)# vrrp 2 ipv6 priority 1

Related Command(s)

      router vrrp – Enables VRRP in the router.

      interface - VRRP - Enables VRRP for the specified interface and enters into the VRRP Interface Configuration Mode.

      vrrp - ipv6 address - Sets the associated primary IPv6 addresses for the virtual router.

      show vrrp interface - vrid – Displays the VRRP status information.


21.9      vrrp – ipv4 preempt


Command Objective

This command enables the pre-emption of state change with respect to IPv4 address from either Backup to Master or conversely based on the election process.

The no form of the command disables the pre-empt mode.


vrrp <vrid(1-255)> [ ipv4 ] preempt [ delay minimum <value(0-30)> ]

no vrrp <vrid(1-255)> [ ipv4 ] preempt

Parameter Description

      vrid<vrid(1-255)> - Specifies a virtual router ID created for which the pre-empt state change is to be enabled. This value ranges from 1 to 255.

      ipv4 - Sets the pre-emption of state change for  the IPv4 address assigned to the VRID.

      delay minimum <value(0-30) - Sets the number of seconds that the router will delay before issuing an advertisement claiming Master ownership. This value ranges from 0 to 30.

Note:     This feature has been included to adhere to the Industry Standard CLI syntax. This feature is currently not supported.


VRRP Interface Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


      delay minimum - 0

      Pre-emption is enabled.


This command executes only if the associated primary IP addresses for the virtual router is set.


SEFOS(config-vrrp-if)# vrrp 3 ipv4 preempt

Related Command(s)

      router vrrp – Enables VRRP in the router.

      interface - VRRP - Enables VRRP for the specified interface and enters into the VRRP Interface Configuration Mode.

      vrrp - ipv4 address - Sets the associated primary IPv4 addresses for the virtual router.

      show vrrp interface - vrid – Displays the VRRP status information.

      show vrrp interface - Displays the VRRP status information.

21.10  vrrp – ipv6 preempt


Command Objective

This command enables the pre-emption of state change with respect to IPv6 address from either Backup to Master or conversely based on the election process.

The no form of the command disables the pre-empt mode.


vrrp <vrid(1-255)> ipv6 preempt [ delay minimum <value(0-30)> ]

no vrrp <vrid(1-255)> ipv6 preempt

Parameter Description

      vrid<vrid(1-255)> - Specifies a virtual router ID created for which the pre-empt state change is to be enabled. This value ranges from 1 to 255.

      ipv6 - Sets pre-emption of state change for  the IPv6 address assigned to the VRID.

      delay minimum <value(0-30) - Sets the number of seconds that the router will delay before issuing an advertisement claiming master ownership. This value ranges from 0 to 30.

Note:     This feature has been included to adhere to the Industry Standard CLI syntax. This feature is currently not supported.


VRRP Interface Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


This command is applicable only for Version 3.

This command executes only if the associated primary IP addresses for the virtual router is set.


      delay minimum - 0

      Pre-emption is enabled.


SEFOS(config-vrrp-if)# vrrp 2 ipv6 preempt delay minimum 2

Related Command(s)

      router vrrp – Enables VRRP in the router

      interface - VRRP - Enables VRRP for the specified interface and enters into the VRRP Interface Configuration Mode

      vrrp - ipv6 address - Sets the associated primary IPv6 addresses for the virtual router

      show vrrp interface - vrid – Displays the VRRP status information

      show vrrp interface - Displays the VRRP status information

21.11  vrrp - text-authentication


Command Objective

This command sets the authentication type for the virtual router to simple password.

The no form of the command sets the authentication type for the virtual router to none


vrrp <vrid(1-255)> text-authentication <password>

no vrrp <vrid(1-255)> text-authentication

Parameter Description

      vrrp <vrid(1-255)> - Configures a virtual router ID for which the authentication type is to be set. This value ranges from 1 to 255.

      <password> - Sets the authentication password which is used to validate the incoming VRRP packets. The maximum value of this string is 8.


VRRP Interface Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


This command executes only if

      The associated IP addresses for the virtual router is set

      Auth depreciate is disabled.


SEFOS(config-vrrp-if)# vrrp 3 text-authentication pwd

Related Command(s)

      ip address - Configures IP address for an interface.

      router vrrp – Enables VRRP in the router.

      interface – VRRP – Enables VRRP in the specified interface.

      vrrp - ipv4 address - Sets the associated IP addresses for the virtual router.

      auth-deprecate – Disables the auth depreciate.

      show vrrp interface - vrid – Displays the VRRP status information.


21.12  vrrp - authentication text


Command Objective

This command sets the authentication type for the virtual router to simple password.


This command is a complete standardized implementation of the existing command and operates similar to that of the command vrrp - text-authentication.

This feature has been included in adherence to the Industry Standard CLI syntax.


vrrp <vrid(1-255)> authentication text <password>

Parameter Description

      vrrp <vrid(1-255)> - Configures a virtual router ID for which the authentication type is to be set. This value ranges from 1 to 255.

      <password> - Sets the authentication password which is used to validate the incoming VRRP packets. The maximum value of this string is 8.


VRRP Interface Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


This command executes only if

      associated IP addresses for the virtual router is set.

      Auth depreciate is disabled.


SEFOS(config-vrrp-if)# vrrp 3 authentication text abcdefgh

Related Command(s)

      ip address - Configures IP address for an interface.

      router vrrp – Enables VRRP in the router.

      interface – VRRP – Enables VRRP in the specified interface.

      vrrp - ipv4 address - Sets the associated IP addresses for the virtual router.

      auth-deprecate – Disables the auth depreciate.

      show vrrp interface - vrid – Displays the VRRP status information.


21.13  vrrp – interval


Command Objective

This command sets the advertisement timer for a virtual router and sends only the master router advertisements.

The no form of the command sets the advertisement timer for a virtual router to default value.


vrrp <vrid(1-255)> timer [msec] <interval(1-255)secs>

no vrrp <vrid(1-255)> timer

Parameter Description

      vrrp <vrid(1-255)> - Configures the Virtual Router ID for which the advertisement timer is to be set. This value ranges from 1 to 255.

      msec - Sets the of advertisement time in milliseconds.

Note:     This feature has been included to adhere to the Industry Standard CLI syntax. This feature is currently not supported.

      timer <interval(1-255)secs> - Configures the time interval between successive advertisement messages in seconds. On expiry of the advertise timer, the Master sends advertisement packets to the Backup. This value ranges from 1 to 255 in seconds.


VRRP Interface Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


1 second


This command executes only if the associated primary IP addresses for the virtual router is set.


SEFOS(config-vrrp-if)# vrrp 4 timer 6

Related Command(s)

      ip address - Configures IP address for an interface.

      router vrrp – Enables VRRP in the router

      interface – VRRP – Enables VRRP in the specified interface.

      vrrp - ipv4 address - Sets the associated primary IP addresses for the virtual router

      show vrrp interface - vrid – Displays the VRRP status information

21.14  vrrp - ipv4 timer


Command Objective

This command sets the IPv4 advertisement timer for a virtual router and sends only the master router advertisements.

The no form of the command sets the IPv4 advertisment timer for a virtual router to default value.


This command is a complete standardized implementation of the existing command and operates similar to that of the command vrrp - interval

This feature has been included in adherence to the Industry Standard CLI syntax.


vrrp <vrid(1-255)> [ ipv4 ] timer [msec] <interval(1-255)secs>

no vrrp <vrid(1-255)> [ ipv4 ] timer

Parameter Description

      vrrp <vrid(1-255)> - Configures the Virtual Router ID for which the advertisement timer is to be set. This value ranges from 1 to 255.

      [ ipv4 ] - Configures an IPv4 address to be assigned to the VRID.

      timer [msec] - Sets the advertisement timer in milliseconds.

Note:     This feature has been included to adhere to the Industry Standard CLI syntax. This feature is currently not supported.

      <interval(1-255)secs> - Configures the time interval between successive advertisement messages in seconds. On expiry of the advertise timer, the Master sends advertisement packets to the Backup. This value ranges from 1 to 255 in seconds.

Note:     Interval should be in the range (1-255secs)/(100-255000) milliseconds in Version 2

Note:     Interval should be in the range (1-40secs)/(10-40950) milliseconds in Version 2-3 and Version 3


VRRP Interface Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


1 second


This command executes only if the associated IP addresses for the virtual router is set


SEFOS(config-vrrp-if)# vrrp 3 ipv4 timer msec 100

Related Command(s)

      ip address - Configures IP address for an interface.

      router vrrp – Enables VRRP in the router.

      interface – VRRP – Enables VRRP in the specified interface.

      vrrp - ipv4 address - Sets the associated IP addresses for the virtual router.

      show vrrp interface - vrid – Displays the VRRP status information.

21.15  vrrp - ipv6 timer


Command Objective

This command sets the IPv6 advertisement timer for a virtual router and sends only the master router advertisements.

The no form of the command sets the IPv6 advertisment timer for a virtual router to default value.


This command is a complete standardized implementation of the existing command and operates similar to that of the command vrrp - interval

This feature has been included in adherence to the Industry Standard CLI syntax.


vrrp <vrid(1-255)> ipv6 timer [msec] <interval(1-255)secs>

no vrrp <vrid(1-255)> ipv6 timer

Parameter Description

      vrrp <vrid(1-255)> - Configures the Virtual Router ID for which the advertisement timer is to be set. This value ranges from 1 to 255.

      [ ipv6 ] - Configures an IPv6 address to be assigned to the VRID.

      timer [msec] - Sets the advertisement timer in milliseconds.

Note:     This feature has been included to adhere to the Industry Standard CLI syntax. This feature is currently not supported.

      <interval(1-255)secs> - Configures the time interval between successive advertisement messages in seconds. On expiry of the advertise timer, the Master sends advertisement packets to the Backup. This value ranges from 1 to 255 in seconds.

Note:     Interval should be in the range (1-255secs)/(100-255000) milliseconds in Version 2

Note:     Interval should be in the range (1-40secs)/(10-40950) milliseconds in Version 2-3 and Version 3


VRRP Interface Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


1 second


This command executes only if the associated IP addresses for the virtual router is set


SEFOS(config-vrrp-if)# vrrp 3 ipv4 timer msec 10

Related Command(s)

      ip address - Configures IP address for an interface.

      router vrrp – Enables VRRP in the router.

      interface – VRRP – Enables VRRP in the specified interface.

      vrrp - ipv4 address - Sets the associated IP addresses for the virtual router.

      show vrrp interface - vrid – Displays the VRRP status information.

21.16  show vrrp


Command Objective

This command displays the VRRP status information. for the specified VR ID .


show vrrp [interface { vlan <VlanId/vfi-id> | <interface-type> <interface-id> | <IP-interface-type> <IP-interface-number> } <VrId(1-255)>] [{brief|detail |statistics}]

Parameter Description

      vlan <VlanId/vfi-id>- Displays the VRRP status information for the specified VLAN/ VFI ID. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

        <vlan –id> - VLAN ID is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

        <vfi-id>. - VFI ID is a VLAN created in the system which contains pseudowires and attachment circuits as member ports . This creates a logical LAN for the VPLS service. This value ranges from 4096 to 65535.

Note:     The VLAN ID 4095 is reserved and might be used to indicate a wildcard match for the VID in management operations or filtering database entries.

Note:     VFI IDs 4096 and 4097 are reserved identifiers used in MPLS PW.

Note:     The theoretical maximum for the maximum number of VFI is 65535 but the actual number of VFI supported is a sizing constant. Based on this, the maximum number of VFI ID accepted in the management interface is restricted. For example if 100 VFIs are supported, the maximum number of VFIs supported will be restricted to 100 added to the maximum number of VLANs. An error message is displayed for any value beyond this range.

      <interface-type> - Displays the VRRP status information for the specified type of interface. The interface can be:

        fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

        XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

        extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

        i-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

      <interface-id> - Displays the VRRP status information for the specified interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than i-lan and port-channel. For example: 0/1 represents that the slot number is 0 and port number is 1.

      <IP-interface-type> - Displays VRRP-related configuration for the specified L3 Pseudowire interface in the system.

      <IP-interface-number> - Displays VRRP-related configuration for the specified interface identifier.  This is a unique value that represents the specific interface . This value ranges from 1 to 65535 for pseudowire interface.

Note:     Maximum number of pseudowire interfaces supported in the system is 100.

      <VrId(1-255)> - Displays the VRID which is a number along with an interface to uniquely identify a virtual router on a given VRRP router.

      brief - Displays the brief VRRP status information.

      detail - Displays the detailed VRRP status information.

      statistics - Displays the statistical information for the VRRP.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show vrrp interface vlan 1 detail

vlan1  - vrID 1


  State is Init

  Virtual IP address is

  Virtual MAC address is 00:00:5e:00:01:01

  Master router is

  Associated IpAddresses :


  Advertise time is 1000 milli secs

  Current priority is 1

  Configured priority is 1, may preempt

  Tracked Group is not configured

  Accept Mode is Disabled

  Time Since Virtual Router is UP is 01:28:14


vlan1  - vrID 1


  State is Init

  Virtual IP address is fe80::3

  Virtual MAC address is 00:00:5e:00:02:01

  Master router is ::

  Associated IpAddresses :



  Advertise time is 1000 milli secs

  Current priority is 100

  Configured priority is 100, may preempt

  Tracked Group is not configured

  Accept Mode is Disabled

  Time Since Virtual Router is UP is 01:28:14


vlan1  - vrID 2


  State is Init

  Virtual IP address is ::

  Virtual MAC address is 00:00:5e:00:02:02

  Master router is ::

  Associated IpAddresses :


  Advertise time is 1000 milli secs

  Current priority is 100

  Configured priority is 100, may preempt

  Tracked Group is not configured

  Accept Mode is Disabled

  Time Since Virtual Router is UP is 01:28:14

SEFOS# show vrrp interface vlan 2 brief

P indicates configured to preempt

Interface   vrID Priority  P  State   Master   VRouter

                                       Addr    Addr

---------   ---- --------  -  -----   -------  -------

vlan2       1    100       P  Master  local

vlan2       2    255       P  Master  local

SEFOS# show vrrp interface vlan 1 statistics

vlan1  - vrID 1


 Transitions to Master          : 0

 Advertisements Received        : 0

 Advertise Interval Errors      : 0

 TTL Errors                     : 0

 Zero Priority Packets Received : 0

 Zero Priority Packets Sent     : 0

 Invalid Type Packets Received  : 0

 Address List Errors            : 0

 Packet Length Errors           : 0

 V3 Advertisements Sent         : 0

 V2 Advertisements Sent         : 0

 V2 Advertisements Ignored      : 0

 New Master Reason              : Not Master

 Last Protocol Error            : No Error


vlan1  - vrID 1


 Transitions to Master          : 0

 Advertisements Received        : 0

 Advertise Interval Errors      : 0

 TTL Errors                     : 0

 Zero Priority Packets Received : 0

 Zero Priority Packets Sent     : 0

 Invalid Type Packets Received  : 0

 Address List Errors            : 0

 Packet Length Errors           : 0

 V3 Advertisements Sent         : 0

 V2 Advertisements Sent         : 0

 V2 Advertisements Ignored      : 0

 New Master Reason              : Not Master

 Last Protocol Error            : No Error


vlan1  - vrID 2


 Transitions to Master          : 0

 Advertisements Received        : 0

 Advertise Interval Errors      : 0

 TTL Errors                     : 0

 Zero Priority Packets Received : 0

 Zero Priority Packets Sent     : 0

 Invalid Type Packets Received  : 0

 Address List Errors            : 0

 Packet Length Errors           : 0

 V3 Advertisements Sent         : 0

 V2 Advertisements Sent         : 0

 V2 Advertisements Ignored      : 0

 New Master Reason              : Not Master

 Last Protocol Error            : No Error

SEFOS# show vrrp interface vlan 2

P indicates configured to preempt

Interface   vrID Priority  P  State   Master   VRouter

                                       Addr    Addr

---------   ---- --------  -  -----   -------  -------

vlan2       1    100       P  Master  local

vlan2       2    255       P  Master  local

Related Command(s)

      router vrrp – Enables VRRP in the router.

      interface – Selects an interface to be configured.

      vrrp - ipv4 address / vrrp – ip address – Sets the IP address for the virtual router.

      vrrp group shutdown – Shuts down all VRRP groups.

      vrrp – preempt - Enables the pre-emption of state change from either Backup to Master or conversely based on the election process.

      vrrp - text-authentication / vrrp - authentication text - Sets the authentication type for the virtual router to simple password.

      vrrp - interval / vrrp - timers advertise - Sets the advertisement timer for a virtual router.


21.17  show vrrp interface


Command Objective

This command displays the VRRP status information for all VR-IDs created on that interface.


show vrrp interface [{ vlan <vlan-id/vfi-id> | <interface-type> <interface-id> | <IP-interface-type> <IP-interface-number>}] [{brief|detail |statistics}]

Parameter Description

      vlan <vlan-id/vfi-id> - Displays the VRRP status information for the specified VLAN/ VFI ID. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

        <vlan –id> - VLAN ID is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

        <vfi-id>. - VFI ID is a VLAN created in the system which contains pseudowires and attachment circuits as member ports . This creates a logical LAN for the VPLS service. This value ranges from 4096 to 65535.

Note:     The VLAN ID 4095 is reserved and might be used to indicate a wildcard match for the VID in management operations or filtering database entries.

Note:     VFI IDs 4096 and 4097 are reserved identifiers used in MPLS PW.

Note:     The theoretical maximum for the maximum number of VFI is 65535 but the actual number of VFI supported is a sizing constant. Based on this, the maximum number of VFI ID accepted in the management interface is restricted. For example if 100 VFIs are supported, the maximum number of VFIs supported will be restricted to 100 added to the maximum number of VLANs. An error message is displayed for any value beyond this range.

      <interface-type> - Displays the VRRP status information for the specified type of interface. The interface can be:

        fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

        XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

        extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

        i-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

      <interface-id> - Displays the VRRP status information for the specified interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than i-lan and port-channel. For example: 0/1 represents that the slot number is 0 and port number is 1.

      <IP-interface-type> - Displays VRRP-related configuration for the specified L3 Pseudowire interface in the system.

      <IP-interface-number> - Displays VRRP-related configuration for the specified interface identifier.  This is a unique value that represents the specific interface . This value ranges from 1 to 65535 for Pseudowire interface.

Note:     Maximum number of pseudowire interfaces supported in the system is 100.

      brief - Displays the brief VRRP status information for the specified interface.

      detail - Displays the detailed VRRP status information for the specified interface.

      statistics - Displays the statistical information for the VRRP for the specified interface.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show vrrp interface

P indicates configured to preempt


Interface vrID Prio P State  Master Address VRouter Address

--------- ---- ---- - -----  ------------------------- ----

vlan1     1    1    P Init 

vlan1     1    100  P Init   ::                fe80::3

vlan1     2    100  P Init   ::                ::

Related Command(s)

      router vrrp – Enables VRRP in the router.

      interface - VRRP - Enables VRRP for the specified interface.

      vrrp - priority - Sets the priority for the virtual router.

      vrrp - ipv4 address / vrrp – ip address – Sets the IP address for the virtual router.

      vrrp group shutdown – Shuts down all VRRP groups.

      vrrp – preempt - Enables the pre-emption of state change from either Backup to Master or conversely based on the election process.


21.18  auth-deprecate


Command Objective

This command enables or disables the Auth Deprecation flag.


auth-deprecate { enable | disable }

Parameter Description

      enable - Enables the AuthDeprecation flag.

      disable - Disables the AuthDeprecation flag.




VRRP Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-vrrp)# auth-deprecate enable


21.19  debug ip vrrp


Command Objective

This command enables the tracing of the VRRP module as per the configured debug levels. The trace statements are generated for the configured trace levels.

This command does not allow combination of debug levels to be configured (that is, more than one level of trace cannot be enabled or disabled). The debug levels are configured one after the other and not in single execution of the command.

The no form of this command disables the tracing of the VRRP module as per the configured debug levels. The trace statements are not generated for the configured trace levels.


debug ip vrrp { all | init | pkt | timers | events | failures | memory | buffer | version2 | version3 }

no debug ip vrrp { all | init | pkt | timers | events | failures | memory | buffer | version2 | version3 }

Parameter Description

      all  - Generates debug statements for all kinds of traces.

      init - Generates debug statements for init and shutdown traces. This trace is generated on failed and successful initialization and shutting down of VRRP-related module and memory.

      pkt   - Generates debug statements for packet dump traces. This trace is generated for all events generated during processing of packets.

      timers - Generates debug statements for timer traces.

      events  - Generates debug statements for event traces. This trace is generated when any of packets are sent successfully or when an ACK is received.

      failures - Generates debug statements for all kind of failure traces.

      memory - Generates debug statements for memory-related traces.

      buffer - Generates debug statements for buffer-related traces.

      version2 - Generates debug statements for version2-related traces.

      version3 - Generates debug statements for version3-related traces.


User Exec Mode / Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS # debug ip vrrp memory

21.20  track - interface


Command Objective

This command creates track group and adds an interface to the track group.

The no form of this command deletes a track group or removes an interface from the track group or both.


track <group-index> interface { vlan <vlan_vfi_id> | <iftype> <ifnum> }

no track <group-index> interface { vlan <vlan_vfi_id> | <iftype> <ifnum> }

Parameter Description

      <group-index>  - Configures the track group for an interface.This value ranges from 1 to 4294967295.

      vlan <vlan_vfi_id> - Enables VRRP for the specified VLAN / VFI ID. This is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

        <vlan –id> - This is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

        <vfi-id>. - VFI ID is a VLAN created in the system which contains pseudowires and attachment circuits as member ports . This creates a logical LAN for the VPLS service. This value ranges from 4096 to 65535.

Note:     The VLAN ID 4095 is reserved and might be used to indicate a wildcard match for the VID in management operations or filtering database entries.

Note:     VFI IDs 4096 and 4097 are reserved identifiers used in MPLS PW.

Note:     The theoretical maximum for the maximum number of VFI is 65535 but the actual number of VFI supported is a sizing constant. Based on this, the maximum number of VFI ID accepted in the management interface is restricted. For example if 100 VFIs are supported, the maximum number of VFIs supported will be restricted to 100 added to the maximum number of VLANs. An error message is displayed for any value beyond this range.

      <iftype> - Configures the VRRP status information for the specified type of interface. The interface can be:

        fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

        XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

        extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

        internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

      <ifnum> - Enables VRRP for the specified interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan, virtual, and port-channel. Only i-lan , virtual or port-channel ID is provided, for interface types internal-lan, virtual, and port-channel.


Global Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS (config)# track 1 interface vlan 1

Related Command(s)

      interfacevrrp – Enables VRRP in the specified interface.

      vrrp -ipv4 address - Sets the associated IP addresses for the virtual router.

      vrrp - track - Configures the tracking group and decrement priority.

      show - track - Displays VRRP track group information.

21.21  track - links


Command Objective

This command configures number of links to track.

The no form of this command resets the number of links to track.


track <group-index> links <links-to-track(1-255)>

no track <group-index> links

Parameter Description

      <group-index>  - Configures the track group for an interface.This value ranges from 1 to 4294967295.

      <links-to-track(1-255)> - Configures the number of links to track. This value ranges from 1 to 255.

Note:     Tracked Links count should be lesser than or equal to the tracked interfaces created


Global Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


This command can be configured only when a track group is already created and an interface is added.


SEFOS (config)# track 1 links 1

Related Command(s)

      track-interface - Creates track group and adds an interface to the track group.

      interfaceVRRP – Enables VRRP in the specified interface.

      vrrp -ipv4 address - Sets the associated IP addresses for the virtual router.

      show - track - Displays VRRP track group information.

21.22  vrrp - version


Command Objective

This command sets the VRRP version in the router.


vrrp version { v2 | v2-v3 | v3 }

Parameter Description

      v2 - Sets the VRRP version in the router as Version 2.

      v2-v3 - Sets the VRRP version in the router as Version 2 and Version 3.

      v3 - Sets the VRRP version in the router Version 3.


VRRP Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


Downgrading version is not allowed




SEFOS(config-vrrp)# vrrp version v3

Related Command(s)

      router vrrp – Enables VRRP in the router.

      vrrp - ipv4 | ipv6 - Sets the associated IP addresses for the virtual router.

      interface - VRRP - Enables VRRP for the specified interface and enters into the VRRP Interface Configuration Mode.

21.23  vrrp - ipv4 accept-mode


Command Objective

This command enables or disables accept mode status for the specified interface.


vrrp <vrid(1-255)> [ ipv4 ] accept-mode { enable | disable }

Parameter Description

      <vrid(1-255)> - Configures a virtual router ID for which the priority is to be set. This value ranges from 1 to 255.

      ipv4  - Configures an IPv4 address to be assigned to the VRID.

      enable - Enables accept-mode for the specified VRID.

      disable - Disables accept-mode for the specified VRID.

Note:     Accept mode is not supported in Version 2


VRRP Interface Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


This command executes only if the virtual router ID is created and associated primary IP addresses for the virtual router are configured.


SEFOS(config-vrrp-if)# vrrp 3 ipv4 accept-mode enable

Related Command(s)

      router vrrp – Enables VRRP in the router.

      interface – VRRP – Enables VRRP in the specified interface.

      vrrp - ipv4 address - Sets the associated primary IPv4 addresses for the virtual router.

      show vrrp interface - Displays the VRRP status information.

21.24  vrrp - ipv6 accept-mode


Command Objective

This command enables or disables accept mode status for the specified interface.


vrrp <vrid(1-255)> ipv6 accept-mode { enable | disable }

Parameter Description

      <vrid(1-255)> - Configures a virtual router ID for which the priority is to be set. This value ranges from 1 to 255.

      ipv6 - Configures an IPv6 address to be assigned to the VRID.

      enable - Enables accept-mode for the specified VRID.

      disable - Disables accept-mode for the specified VRID.

Note:     Accept mode is not supported in Version 2.


VRRP Interface Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


      This command executes only if the virtual router ID is created and associated primary IP addresses for the virtual router are configured.

      This command is applicable only for Version 3.


SEFOS(config-vrrp-if)# vrrp 2 ipv6 accept-mode enable

Related Command(s)

      router vrrp – Enables VRRP in the router.

      interface – VRRP – Enables VRRP in the specified interface.

      vrrp - ipv6 address - Sets the associated primary IPv6 addresses for the virtual router.

      show vrrp interface - Displays the VRRP status information.

21.25  vrrp - ipv4 track


Command Objective

This command configures the tracking group and decrement priority.

The no form of this command resets the tracking group and decrement priority.


vrrp <vrid(1-255)> [ ipv4 ] track <group-index> decrement <integer(1-254)>

no vrrp <vrid(1-255)> [ ipv4 ] track

Parameter Description

      <vrid(1-255)> - Configures a virtual router ID for which the priority is to be set. This value ranges from 1 to 255.

      ipv4  - Configures an IPv4 address to be assigned to the VRID.

      track <group-index> - Specifies the track group for an interface.This value ranges from 1 to 4294967295.

      decrement <integer(1-254)> - Configures the decrement priority for an interface. This value is from 1 to 254.


VRRP Interface Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


Tracked Links count should not exceed tracked interfaces created.


SEFOS(config-vrrp-if)# vrrp 3 ipv4 track 1 decrement 1

Related Command(s)

      ip address - Configures IP address for an interface.

      router vrrp – Enables VRRP in the router.

      interface – VRRP – Enables VRRP in the specified interface.

      vrrp - ipv4 address - Sets the associated primary IP addresses for the virtual router.

      track - interface - Creates track group and adds an interface to the track group.

      show vrrp interface - vrid – Displays the VRRP status information.

      show vrrp interface - Displays the VRRP status information.

21.26  vrrp - ipv6 track


Command Objective

This command configures the tracking group and decrement priority.

The no form of this command resets the tracking group and decrement priority.


vrrp <vrid(1-255)> ipv6 track <group-index> decrement <integer(1-254)>

no vrrp <vrid(1-255)> ipv6 track

Parameter Description

      <vrid(1-255)> - Configures a virtual router ID for which the priority is to be set. This value ranges from 1 to 255.

      ipv6 - Configures an IPv6 address to be assigned to the VRID.

      track <group-index> - Specifies the track group for an interface.This value ranges from 1 to 4294967295.

      decrement <integer(1-254)> - Configures the decrement priority for an interface. This value is from 1 to 254.


VRRP Interface Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


      Tracked Links count should not exceed tracked interfaces created.

      This command is applicable only for Version 3.


SEFOS(config-vrrp-if)# vrrp 2 ipv6 track 1 decrement 1

Related Command(s)

      ip address - Configures IP address for an interface.

      router vrrp – Enables VRRP in the router.

      interface – VRRP – Enables VRRP in the specified interface.

      vrrp - ipv6 address - Sets the associated primary IPv6 addresses for the virtual router.

      track - interface - Creates track group and adds an interface to the track group.

      show vrrp interface - vrid – Displays the VRRP status information.

      show vrrp interface - Displays the VRRP status information.


21.27  show - track


Command Objective

This command displays VRRP track group information.


show track


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS # show track

Track Group Information for Group 1


Number of Links Required to go down for state transition: 1

Interfaces Tracked are


vlan 1

Related Command(s)

      track - interface - Creates track group and adds an interface to the track group.

      track - links -  Configures number of links to track.