Sun Ethernet Fabric Operating System CLI Reference Manual, Vol. 5

Part No: E60929-02

    August 2015

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Using This Documentation. 13

 29. DHCP. 15

29.1     DHCP Client 16

29.1.1       debug ip dhcp client 17

29.1.2       release dhcp. 18

29.1.3       renew dhcp. 20

29.1.4       show ip dhcp client stats. 22

29.1.5       ip dhcp client discovery timer 23

29.1.6       ip dhcp client idle timer 24

29.1.7       ip dhcp client arp-check timer 25

29.1.8       ip dhcp client fast-access. 26

29.1.9       ip dhcp client client-id. 27

29.1.10     ip dhcp client request 29

29.1.11     show ip dhcp client fast-access. 30

29.1.12     show ip dhcp client option. 31

29.1.13     show ip dhcp client client-id. 32

29.1.14     clear ip dhcp client statistics. 33

29.1.15     ip dhcp client vendor-specific. 34

29.2     DHCP Relay. 35

29.2.1       service dhcp-relay. 36

29.2.2       ip dhcp server 37

29.2.3       ip helper-address. 38

29.2.4       ip dhcp relay information option. 39

29.2.5       ip dhcp relay circuit-id option. 40

29.2.6       ip dhcp relay circuit id. 41

29.2.7       ip dhcp relay remote id. 42

29.2.8       debug ip dhcp relay. 43

29.2.9       show ip dhcp relay information. 44

29.2.10     show dhcp server 46

29.2.11     clear ip dhcp relay statistics. 47

29.3     DHCP Server 48

29.3.1       service dhcp-server 49

29.3.2       service dhcp. 50

29.3.3       ip dhcp pool 51

29.3.4       ip dhcp next-server 53

29.3.5       ip dhcp bootfile. 54

29.3.6       bootfile config-file. 55

29.3.7       ip dhcp. 56

29.3.8       ip dhcp option. 58

29.3.9       network. 59

29.3.10     excluded-address. 61

29.3.11     ip dhcp excluded-address. 62

29.3.12     domain-name. 64

29.3.13     dns-server 65

29.3.14     netbios-name-server 66

29.3.15     netbios-node-type. 67

29.3.16     default-router 69

29.3.17     option. 70

29.3.18     lease. 72

29.3.19     utilization threshold. 74

29.3.20     host hardware-type. 75

29.3.21     debug ip dhcp server 77

29.3.22     show ip dhcp server information. 79

29.3.23     show ip dhcp server pools. 80

29.3.24     show ip dhcp server binding. 83

29.3.25     show ip dhcp server statistics. 84

29.3.26     clear ip dhcp server statistics. 85

29.3.27     ip dhcp sip-server 86

29.3.28     ip dhcp ntp-server 87

29.3.29     ip dhcp dns-server 88

29.3.30     ntp-server 89

29.3.31     sip-server 90

29.3.32     vendor-specific. 91

29.3.33     host hardware-type - sip-server 92

29.3.34     host hardware-type - dns-server 93

29.3.35     host hardware-type - ntp-server 94

 30. DHCPv6. 95

30.1     DHCPv6 Client 96

30.1.1       snmp-server enable traps ipv6 dhcp client 97

30.1.2       ipv6 dhcp client port 98

30.1.3       ipv6 dhcp client syslog. 99

30.1.4       ipv6 address dhcp. 100

30.1.5       ipv6 dhcp authentication client 102

30.1.6       ipv6 dhcp client-id type. 103

30.1.7       ipv6 dhcp client-id interface. 105

30.1.8       ipv6 dhcp timer 107

30.1.9       ipv6 dhcp client information refresh minimum.. 109

30.1.10     debug ipv6 dhcp client 110

30.1.11     clear ipv6 dhcp client statistics. 112

30.1.12     show ipv6 dhcp. 113

30.1.13     show ipv6 dhcp interface. 115

30.1.14     show ipv6 dhcp client statistics. 117

30.2     DHCPv6 Relay. 119

30.2.1       snmp-server enable traps ipv6 dhcp relay. 120

30.2.2       ipv6 dhcp relay syslog. 121

30.2.3       ipv6 dhcp relay port 122

30.2.4       ipv6 dhcp relay. 123

30.2.5       ipv6 dhcp relay hop-threshold. 125

30.2.6       debug ipv6 dhcp relay. 126

30.2.7       clear ipv6 dhcp relay statistics. 128

30.2.8       show ipv6 dhcp. 129

30.2.9       show ipv6 dhcp interface. 131

30.2.10     show ipv6 dhcp relay statistics. 133

30.2.11     ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id. 135

30.2.12     ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id type. 136

30.2.13     ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id duid. 137

30.2.14     ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id userDefined. 138

30.2.15     ipv6 dhcp relay pd forwarding. 139

30.3     DHCPv6 Server 140

30.3.1       snmp-server enable traps ipv6 dhcp server 141

30.3.2       ipv6 dhcp server port 142

30.3.3       ipv6 dhcp server syslog. 143

30.3.4       ipv6 dhcp authentication server client-id. 144

30.3.5       ipv6 dhcp authentication. 146

30.3.6       ipv6 dhcp pool 147

30.3.7       vendor-specific. 149

30.3.8       sub option. 150

30.3.9       link-address. 151

30.3.10     domain-name. 152

30.3.11     dns-server 153

30.3.12     sip address. 154

30.3.13     sip domain-name. 155

30.3.14     option. 156

30.3.15     ipv6 dhcp server-id type. 157

30.3.16     ipv6 dhcp server-id interface. 159

30.3.17     information refresh. 161

30.3.18     ipv6 dhcp server 162

30.3.19     debug ipv6 dhcp server 163

30.3.20     clear ipv6 dhcp server statistics. 165

30.3.21     show ipv6 dhcp. 166

30.3.22     show ipv6 dhcp pool 168

30.3.23     show ipv6 dhcp interface. 170

30.3.24     show ipv6 dhcp server statistics. 171

 31. RIP. 173

31.1     router rip. 174

31.2     ip rip security. 176

31.3     ip rip retransmission. 177

31.4     network. 178

31.5     neighbor 181

31.6     passive-interface. 182

31.7     output-delay. 184

31.8     redistribute. 185

31.9     redistribute-isis. 186

31.10  distribute-list route-map. 187

31.11  default-metric. 188

31.12  distance. 189

31.13  auto-summary - enable | disable. 190

31.14  ip rip default route originate. 191

31.15  ip rip summary-address. 192

31.16  ip rip default route install 194

31.17  ip rip send version. 195

31.18  ip rip receive version. 196

31.19  ip rip authentication mode - key-chain. 197

31.20  timers basic – update-value. 199

31.21  ip split-horizon. 201

31.22  debug ip rip. 202

31.23  show ip rip. 204

31.24  ip rip send version none. 207

31.25  ip rip receive version none. 208

31.26  rip - authentication last-key infinite lifetime. 209

31.27  ip rip auth-type. 211

31.28  ip rip authentication key-id. 213

31.29  ip rip key-id - start-accept 214

31.30  ip rip key-id - stop-accept 216

31.31  ip rip key-id - start-generate. 218

31.32  ip rip key-id - stop-generate. 220

31.33  version. 222

31.34  version none. 223

31.35  auto-summary. 224

31.36  output-delay -value. 225

31.37  default-information originate. 226

31.38  ip rip authentication mode. 227

31.39  ip rip authentication key-chain. 228

31.40  timers basic. 229

31.41  debug ip rip - database/events/triggers. 230

 32. RIPv6. 233

32.1     ipv6 router rip. 234

32.2     ipv6 router rip - name. 236

32.3     ipv6 split-horizon. 238

32.4     ipv6 rip enable. 239

32.5     ipv6 rip enable - name. 240

32.6     ipv6 poison reverse. 241

32.7     ipv6 rip default-information originate. 242

32.8     ipv6 rip default-information - originate | only. 243

32.9     ipv6 rip metric-offset 245

32.10  redistribute. 246

32.11  redistribute-isis. 248

32.12  redistribute bgp. 250

32.13  distribute prefix. 251

32.14  distribute-list route-map. 252

32.15  distance. 253

32.16  debug ipv6 rip. 254

32.17  show ipv6 rip. 255

32.18  show ipv6 rip stats. 257

32.19  show ipv6 rip filter 258

32.20  ipv6 rip peer status. 259

32.21  ipv6 peer triggered-updated-interval 260

32.22  show ipv6 rip peer-table-status. 261

32.23  show ipv6 rip peer-trig-update-interval 262

 33. BGP. 263

33.1     router bgp. 264

33.2     ip bgp dampening. 270

33.3     bgp dampening. 273

33.4     ip bgp overlap-policy. 275

33.5     default-information originate. 276

33.6     ip bgp synchronization. 277

33.7     synchronization. 278

33.8     bgp router-id. 279

33.9     bgp default local-preference. 280

33.10  bgp default ipv4-unicast 281

33.11  neighbor - remote-as. 282

33.12  neighbor - activate. 286

33.13  neighbor - ebgp-multihop. 288

33.14  neighbor - next-hop-self 290

33.15  neighbor - interval 292

33.16  neighbor - timers. 294

33.17  neighbor - shutdown. 296

33.18  neighbor - update-source. 297

33.19  neighbor – gateway. 298

33.20  neighbor - network-address. 299

33.21  neighbor - default-originate. 300

33.22  neighbor - send-community. 302

33.23  neighbor - capability. 304

33.24  bgp nonbgproute-advt 306

33.25  redistribute. 307

33.26  import route. 309

33.27  bgp always-compare-med. 311

33.28  default-metric. 312

33.29  bgp med. 313

33.30  bgp local-preference. 315

33.31  bgp update-filter 317

33.32  aggregate-address index. 319

33.33  bgp cluster-id. 321

33.34  bgp client-to-client reflection. 322

33.35  neighbor - route-reflector-client 323

33.36  bgp comm-route. 324

33.37  bgp comm-filter 325

33.38  bgp comm-policy. 326

33.39  bgp ecomm-route. 327

33.40  bgp ecomm-filter 328

33.41  bgp ecomm-policy. 329

33.42  bgp confederation identifier 330

33.43  bgp confederation peers. 332

33.44  bgp bestpath med confed. 333

33.45  neighbor – password. 334

33.46  import ipv6-route. 335

33.47  address-family. 337

33.48  bgp graceful-restart 340

33.49  bgp update-delay. 341

33.50  restart-support 342

33.51  restart-reason. 343

33.52  distribute-list route-map. 344

33.53  distance. 345

33.54  clear ip bgp. 346

33.55  clear bgp ipv6. 348

33.56  do shutdown ip bgp. 349

33.57  debug ip bgp. 350

33.58  show bgp-version. 352

33.59  show ip bgp. 353

33.60  show ip bgp restart mode. 357

33.61  show ip bgp EndOfRIBMarkerStatus. 359

33.62  show ip bgp restartreason. 361

33.63  show ip bgp restartexitreason. 362

33.64  show ip bgp restartsupport 364

33.65  show ip bgp restartstatus. 365

33.66  show ip bgp community community-number 366

33.67  show ip bgp extcommunity – routes. 367

33.68  show ip bgp summary. 369

33.69  show ip bgp filters. 372

33.70  show ip bgp aggregate. 373

33.71  show ip bgp med. 374

33.72  show ip bgp dampening. 376

33.73  show ip bgp local-pref 379

33.74  show ip bgp timers. 381

33.75  show ip bgp info. 384

33.76  show ip bgp rfl info. 389

33.77  show ip bgp confed info. 391

33.78  show ip bgp community. 393

33.79  show ip bgp extcommunity. 395

33.80  show bgp ipv6. 398

33.81  neighbor - maximum-prefix. 402

33.82  neighbor - connect-retry-count 404

33.83  neighbor - allow-autostop. 406

33.84  neighbor - damp-peer-oscillations. 407

33.85  neighbor delay-open. 408

33.86  bgp trap. 409

33.87  neighbor – peer group. 410

33.88  neighbor <ip-address> peer-group. 412

33.89  neighbor – routemap. 413

33.90  neighbor - transport connection-mode. 415

33.91  nexthop processing-interval 416

33.92  bgp redistribute internal 417

33.93  show ip bgp peer-group. 418

33.94  redistribute ospf 421

33.95  neighbor – local-as. 423

33.96  maximum-paths. 425

33.97  tcp-ao mkt key-id - receive-key-id. 427

33.98  neighbor - tcp-ao. 429

33.99  neighbor - tcp-ao mkt 430

33.100     neighbor - tcp-ao mkt - start-accept 431

33.101     neighbor - tcp-ao mkt - stop-accept 433

33.102     neighbor - tcp-ao mkt - start-generate. 435

33.103     neighbor - tcp-ao mkt - stop-generate. 437

33.104     show bgp ipv6 tcp-ao neighbor 439

33.105     show ip bgp - tcp-ao neighbor 440

33.106     show ip bgp - tcp-ao mkt summary. 442

33.107     ip bgp four-byte-asn  444

33.108     bgp asnotation dot  445

33.109     neighbor - fall-over bfd. 446

33.110     address-family vpnv4. 448

33.111     label-allocation-mode. 449

33.112     show ip bgp vpnv4    450

33.113     show ip bgp l2vpn vpls. 453

33.114     neighbor - as-override. 455

33.115     redistribute  isis    456


Using This Documentation

•      Overview – Provides information on Oracle’s SEFOS CLI commands

•      Audience – Users and system administrators who configure SEFOS through the CLI

•      Required knowledge – Basic knowledge of UNIX CLI command syntax

Product Documentation Library

Documentation and resources for this product and related products are available at


Refer to the Sun Ethernet Fabric Operating System CLI Reference Manual, Vol. 1 for acronyms and abbreviations.

CLI Command Modes

Refer to the Sun Ethernet Fabric Operating System CLI Reference Manual, Vol. 1 for CLI command modes.


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 Chapter 29             


DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol) is used in a wide variety of devices like ISDN routers, firewalls, and so on, for assigning IP addresses to workstations. Besides obtaining IP address, other configuration parameters for a workstation can also be configured in a DHCP server. DHCP clients can retrieve these parameters along with the IP address.

DHCP is based on the client-server architecture. DHCP servers are configured with an IP address and several other configuration parameters. DHCP clients, typically workstations, obtain this IP address at start-up. The client obtains the address for a time period termed as the “lease” period. DHCP clients renew the address by sending a request for the IP address before the lease expires.

DHCP uses UDP as its transport protocol and a UDP port for communication. DHCP relay agents connect servers present on one LAN with the client present on another.

29.1        DHCP Client

DHCP client uses DHCP to temporarily receive a unique IP address from the DHCP server. It also receives other network configuration information, such as default gateway, from the DHCP server.

29.1.1     debug ip dhcp client


Command Objective

This command enables the tracking of the DHCP client operations as per the configured debug levels. The debug statements are generated for the specified trace levels.

The no form of the command disables the tracking of the DHCP client operations. The debug statements are not generated for the specified trace levels.

This command allows combination of debug levels to be configured (that is, more than one level of trace can be enabled or disabled). The debug levels are configured one after the other and not in single execution of the command.


debug ip dhcp client { all | event | packets | errors | bind }

no debug ip dhcp client { all | event | packets | errors | bind }

Parameter Description

•      all - Generates debug statements for all kind of failure traces.

•      event - Generates debug statements for DHCP client events that provide DHCP client service status. The DHCP client events are generated when any of the packets are sent successfully or when an ACK is received.

•      packets - Generates debug statements for packets-related messages. These messages are generated for all events generated during processing of packets.

•      errors - Generates debug statements for trace error code debug messages. These messages are generated for all error events generated.

•      bind - Generates debug statements for trace bind messages. These messages are generated when a DHCP ACK is received.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Tracking of the DHCP client operations is disabled.


SEFOS# debug ip dhcp client all

Related Command(s)

•      show debugging - Displays state of each debugging option.

29.1.2     release dhcp


Command Objective

This command immediately releases the DHCP lease obtained for an IP address from a DHCP server and assigned to the specified interface. The current lease assigned to that interface is terminated manually.

The lease is terminated to reset the DHCP client which faces a connectivity problem. The DHCP lease provided by the DHCP server represents the time interval till which the DHCP client can use the assigned IP address.


release dhcp { vlan <vlan-id (1-4094)> | <interface-type> <interface-id> }

When WGS is enabled:

release dhcp { vlanMgmt | <interface-type> <interface-id> }

Parameter Description

•      <vlan-id (1-4094)> - Releases the DHCP lease for the specified VLAN ID. This is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN created. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

•      vlanMgmt - Releases the DHCP lease for the management VLAN interface.

•      <interface-type> - Releases the DHCP lease for the specified type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

Note:     As of release, all interfaces are referred to as extreme-ethernet.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       i-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

•      <interface-id> - Releases the DHCP lease for the specified interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than i-lan. For example: 0/1 represents that the slot number is 0 and port number is 1. Only i-lan ID is provided for interface type i-lan. For example: 1 represents i-lan ID.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command executes successfully only if the VLAN interfaces and router ports are in BOUND state (that is, IP address is dynamically acquired from DHCP server and an active lease is bound to the interface). The port should have been configured as router port for dynamically acquiring an IP address from DHCP server.


SEFOS# release dhcp vlan 1

Related Command(s)

•      no switchport – Configures the port as a router port.

•      ip address – rarp/dhcp - Configures the current VLAN or OOB interface to dynamically acquire an IP address from the RARP or DHCP server.

•      show ip dhcp client stats - Displays the DHCP client statistics information for interfaces that are configured to acquire IP address dynamically from the DHCP server.

•      show ip interfaces - Displays the IP interface configuration for all interfaces available in the switch.


29.1.3     renew dhcp


Command Objective

This command immediately renews the DHCP lease for the interface specified. The current lease acquired by the specified interface is manually renewed. A new DHCP lease is acquired for the interface whose lease is terminated. The DHCP lease is automatically renewed once the lease expires.


renew dhcp { vlan <vlan-id (1-4094)> | <interface-type> <interface-id> }

When WGS is enabled,

renew dhcp { vlanMgmt | <interface-type> <interface-id> }

Parameter Description

•      vlan <vlan-id (1-4094)> - Renews the DHCP lease for the specified VLAN ID. This is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN created. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

•      vlanMgmt - Renews the DHCP lease for the management VLAN interface.

•      <interface-type> - Renews the DHCP lease for the specified type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       i-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

•      <interface-id> - Renews the DHCP lease for the specified interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than i-lan. For example: 0/1 represents that the slot number is 0 and port number is 1. Only i-lan ID is provided for interface type i-lan. For example: 1 represents i-lan ID.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command executes successfully only if the VLAN interfaces and router ports are in BOUND state (that is, IP address is dynamically acquired from DHCP server and an active lease is bound to the interface). The port should have been configured as router port for dynamically acquiring an IP address from DHCP server.


SEFOS# renew dhcp vlan 1

Related Command(s)

•      no switchport – Configures the port as a router port.

•      ip address – rarp/dhcp  - Configures the current VLAN or OOB interface to dynamically acquire an IP address from the RARP or DHCP server.

•      show ip dhcp client stats - Displays the DHCP client statistics information for interfaces that are configured to acquire IP address dynamically from the DHCP server.

•      show ip interface - Displays the IP interface configuration for all interfaces available in the switch.


29.1.4     show ip dhcp client stats


Command Objective

This command displays the DHCP client statistics information for interfaces that are configured to acquire IP address dynamically from the DHCP server.

The statistics information contains interface name, IP address assigned by DHCP server, DHCP lease details, details regarding number of DHCPDISCOVER, DHCPREQUEST, DHCPDECLINE, DHCPRELEASE and DHCPINFORM packets received, and number of DHCPOFFER packets sent from the DHCP client.


show ip dhcp client stats


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip dhcp client stats

Dhcp Client Statistics


Interface                     : vlan1

Client IP Address             :

Client Lease Time             : 3600

Client Remain Lease Time      : 3569

Message Statistics


DHCP DISCOVER                 : 1

DHCP REQUEST                  : 1

DHCP DECLINE                  : 0

DHCP RELEASE                  : 0

DHCP INFORM                   : 0

DHCP OFFER                    : 1

Related Command(s)

•      ip address – rarp/dhcp - Configures the current VLAN or OOB interface to dynamically acquire an IP address from the RARP or DHCP server.

•      release dhcp - Releases, on the specified interface, the DHCP lease obtained for an IP address from a DHCP server.

•      renew dhcp - Renews the DHCP lease for the interface specified.


29.1.5     ip dhcp client discovery timer


Command Objective

This command configures DHCP Client Discovery timer, which denotes the time to wait between discovery messages sent by the DHCP client. This value ranges from 1 to 9.

The no form of the command resets DHCP Client Discovery timer with its default values.


ip dhcp client discovery timer <integer (1-9)>

no ip dhcp client discovery timer


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


•      If DHCP fast mode is enabled, the default DHCP Client Discovery timer is 5.

•      If DHCP fast mode is disabled, the default DHCP Client Discovery timer is 15.


SEFOS# ip dhcp client discovery timer 8

Related Command(s)

•      show ip dhcp client fast-access - Displays DHCP fast access details.

•      ip dhcp client fast-access - Enables DHCP fast access mode.


29.1.6     ip dhcp client idle timer


Command Objective

This command configures DHCP Client idle timer which specifies the time to wait after four unsuccessful DHCP Client Discovery messages. This value ranges from 1 to 30.

The no form of the command resets the DHCP Client Idle timer with the default values.


ip dhcp client idle timer <integer (1-30)>

no ip dhcp client idle timer


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


•      If DHCP fast mode is enabled, the default DHCP Client Idle timer is 1.

•      If DHCP fast mode is disabled, the default DHCP Client Idle timer is 180.


SEFOS# ip dhcp client idle timer 8

Related Command(s)

•      show ip dhcp client fast-access - Displays DHCP fast access details.

•      ip dhcp client fast-access - Enables DHCP fast access mode.

29.1.7     ip dhcp client arp-check timer


Command Objective

This command configures DHCP client retransmission timeout between ARP messages. This value ranges from 1 to 20.

The no form of the command resets DHCP Client ARP timer with the default values.


ip dhcp client arp-check timer <integer (1-20)>

no ip dhcp client arp-check timer


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


•      If DHCP fast mode is enabled, the default DHCP Client arp-check timer is 1.

•      If DHCP fast mode is disabled, the default DHCP Client arp-check timer is 3.


SEFOS# ip dhcp client arp-check timer 8

Related Command(s)

•      ip dhcp client fast-access - Enables DHCP fast access mode.

•      show ip dhcp client fast-access - Displays DHCP fast access details.


29.1.8     ip dhcp client fast-access


Command Objective

This command enables DHCP fast access mode.

If fast access mode is enabled, time to wait between discovery messages, that is, discovery timeout, and time to wait after four unsuccessful discoveries will be user-configurable. The default value for discovery timeout is 5 seconds and null state timeout is 1 second.

The no form of the command disables DHCP Client fast access mode. If the mode is disabled, default value for discovery timeout and null state timeout will be 15 seconds and 180 seconds respectively. The timeout values cannot be changed under disabled mode.


ip dhcp client fast-access

no ip dhcp client fast-access


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# ip dhcp client fast-access

Related Command(s)

•      ip dhcp client discovery timer – Configures DHCP Client Discovery timer.

•      ip dhcp client idle timer – Configures DHCP client idle timer.

•      ip dhcp client arp-check timer - Configures DHCP client retransmission timeout between ARP messages.

•                                                                                                                   show ip dhcp client fast-access - Displays DHCP fast access details.


29.1.9     ip dhcp client client-id


Command Objective

This command sets unique identifier to DHCP client identifier. This command advertises the client-id in the DHCP control packets.

The no form of the command resets the DHCP client identifier.


ip dhcp client client-id {<interface-type> <interface-id> | vlan <vlan-id (1-4094)> | port-channel <port-channel-id (1-65535)> | tunnel <tunnel-id (0-128)> | loopback <interface-id (0-100)> | ascii <string> | hex <string> }

no ip dhcp client client-id

 Parameter Description

•      <interface-type> - Configures interface type for the DHCP client-id for the specified type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       i-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

•      <interface-id> - Configures interface ID for the DHCP client-id for the specified interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than i-lan. For example: 0/1 represents that the slot number is 0 and port number is 1. Only i-lan ID is provided for interface type i-lan. For example: 1 represents i-lan ID.

•      <vlan-id (1-4094)> - Configures DHCP client-id for the specified VLAN ID. This is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN created. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

•      <port-channel-id (1-65535)> - Configures the port to be used by the host to configure the router. This value ranges from 1 to 65535. The port channel identifier can be created or port channel-related configuration can be done, only if the LA feature is enabled in the switch.

•      tunnel<tunnel-id (0-128)> - Configures the tunnel identifier. This value ranges from 0 to 128.

•      loopback <interface-id (0-100)> - Configures the loopback identifier. This value ranges from 0 to 100.

•      ascii <string> - Configures the client-id in ASCII format. The client-id is given as a string.

•      hex <string> - Configures the client-id in hexadecimal format. The input type is a string.


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN / Router)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS (config-if)# ip dhcp client client-id extreme-ethernet 0/1

Related Command(s)

•      show ip dhcp client client-id - Displays client identifier of the DHCP client.


29.1.10  ip dhcp client request


Command Objective

This command sets the DHCP option type to request the server. This is required to send DHCP request to get the TFTP server name, boot file name, SIP server name and option240.

The no form of the command resets the DHCP option type to request the server.


ip dhcp client request { tftp-server-name | boot-file-name | sip-server-info | option240}

no ip dhcp client request { tftp-server-name | boot-file-name | sip-server-info | option240 }

Parameter Description

•      tftp-server-name - Sends the DHCP requests to get the TFTP server’s domain name.

•      boot-file-name - Sends the DHCP requests to get the boot file name.

•      sip-server-info - Sends the DHCP requests to get the SIP server details.

•      option240 - Sends the DHCP requests to get the option240 information.


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN / Router)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command executes successfully only if the VLAN interfaces and router ports are in BOUND state (that is, IP address is dynamically acquired from DHCP server and an active lease is bound to the interface).


SEFOS (config-if)# ip dhcp client request option240

Related Command(s)

•      show ip dhcp client option – Displays DHCP client options set by the server.


29.1.11  show ip dhcp client fast-access


Command Objective

This command displays DHCP fast access information such as Fast Access Mode status, DHCP Client Fast Access DiscoverTimeOut, DHCP Client Fast Access NullStateTimeOut, and DHCP Client Fast Access ARP Check TimeOut values.


show ip dhcp client fast-access


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip dhcp client fast-access

DHCP Client Timer Settings

---- ------ ----- -------

Fast Access Mode                       : Enable

Dhcp Client Fast Access DiscoverTimeOut : 5

Dhcp Client Fast Access NullStateTimeOut : 1

Dhcp Client Fast Access Arp Check TimeOut : 1

Related Command(s)

•      ip dhcp client discovery timer – Configures DHCP Client Discovery timer.

•      ip dhcp client idle timer – Configures DHCP client idle timer.

•      ip dhcp client arp-check timer - Configures DHCP client retransmission timeout between ARP messages.

•      ip dhcp fast-access - Enables DHCP fast access mode.


29.1.12  show ip dhcp client option


Command Objective

This command displays DHCP client options set by server which provides the details like interface, interface type, length, and value.


show ip dhcp client option


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip dhcp client option

Dhcp Client Options


Interface   Type   Len   Value

---------   ----   ---   ------


vlan1      43                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

vlan1      60      6    vendor                                                                                                                                                                                                 

vlan1      66                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

vlan1      67                                                                                                                                                                                                                   

vlan1      120                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

vlan1      240          

Related Command(s)

•      ip dhcp client request – Sets the DHCP option type to request the server.

•      ip dhcp client vendor-specific - Configures vendor-specific information for the DHCP client.


29.1.13  show ip dhcp client client-id


Command Objective

This command displays the unique identifier to DHCP client.


show ip dhcp client client-id


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip dhcp client client-id

Related Command(s)

•      ip dhcp client client-id – Sets unique identifier to DHCP client.

•      ip dhcp client request - Sets the DHCP option type to request the server.

29.1.14  clear ip dhcp client statistics


Command Objective

This command clears the DHCP client statistics for all ports or for the specified interface created in the system.


clear ip dhcp client statistics [interface {vlan <VlanId(1-4094)> |<interface-type> <interface-id>}]

Parameter Description

•      <vlan-id (1-4094)> - Clears the DHCP client statistics for the specified VLAN ID. This is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN created. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

•      <interface-type> - Clears the DHCP client statistics for the specified type of interface. The interfaces are:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

•      <interface-id> - Clears the DHCP client statistics for the specified interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. For Example: 0/1 represents that the slot number is 0 and port number is 1. Only internal-lan and port-channel ID is provided, for interface types internal-lan and port-channel. For Example: 1 represents internal-lan and port-channel ID.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# clear ip dhcp client statistics

Related Command(s)

•      show ip dhcp client statistics - Displays the DHCP client statistics information for interfaces that are configured to acquire IP address dynamically from the DHCP server.

29.1.15  ip dhcp client vendor-specific


Command Objective

This command configures vendor-specific information for the DHCP client.

The no form of this command removes vendor-specific information.


ip dhcp client vendor-specific <vendor-info>

no ip dhcp client vendor-specific


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN / Router)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS (config-if)# ip dhcp client vendor-specific vendor

Related Command(s)

•      show ip dhcp client option – Displays DHCP client options set by the server.

29.2         DHCP Relay

DHCP relay agent is a host or an IP router that allows the DHCP client and DHCP server in different subnets to communicate with each other, so that the DHCP client can obtain its configuration information while booting. The relay agent receives packets from the client, inserts information such as network details, and forwards the modified packets to the server. The server identifies the client’s network from the received packets, allocates the IP address accordingly, and sends a reply to the relay. The relay strips the information inserted by the server and broadcasts the packets to the client’s network.

29.2.1     service dhcp-relay

Command Objective

This command enables the DHCP relay agent in the switch. DHCP relay agent relays DHCP messages between DHCP client and DHCP server located in different subnets.

The no form of the command disables the DHCP relay agent.


service dhcp-relay

no service dhcp-relay


Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


DHCP relay agent is disabled (that is, the switch acts as a DHCP client).


The DHCP relay agent can be enabled in the switch, only if the DHCP server is disabled in the switch.


SEFOS(config)# service dhcp-relay

Related Command(s)

•      no service dhcp-service – Disables the DHCP server.

•      show ip dhcp relay information - Displays the DHCP relay agent configuration information for a specific VLAN interface or all interfaces in which relay agent details are configured.


29.2.2     ip dhcp server


Command Objective

This command adds the configured IP address to the IP address list created for the DHCP server. The switches or systems having these IP addresses represent the DHCP servers to which the DHCP relay agent can forward the packets that are received from DHCP clients.

The DHCP relay agent broadcasts the received packets to the entire network except the network from which the packets are received, if the DHCP server list is empty (that is IP address is configured as

The no form of the command deletes the mentioned IP address from the IP address list.

Note:     The IP address list can contain only 5 IP addresses (that is, only a maximum of 5 DHCP servers can be listed).


ip dhcp server <ip address>

no ip dhcp server <ip address>


Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


DHCP server list


SEFOS(config)# ip dhcp server

Related Command(s)

•      show ip dhcp relay information - Displays the DHCP relay agent configuration information for a specific VLAN interface or all interfaces in which relay agent details are configured.

•      show dhcp server - Displays the DHCP servers’ IP addresses.


29.2.3     ip helper-address


Command Objective

This command sets the IP address of the DHCP server. The relay agent starts forwarding the packets (that is, UDP broadcasts including BOOTP) from the client to the specified DHCP server. This command allows the addition of more than one DHCP server.

This command is a complete standardized implementation of the existing command ip dhcp server and operates similar to the command ip dhcp server. This command also explicitly enables the DHCP relay and disables the DHCP server.

The no form of the command deletes the IP address of the DHCP server.


ip helper-address <ip address>

no ip helper-address <ip address>


Interface Configuration Mode (Physical)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


The IP address is and the status of only the DHCP Relay Servers is disabled.


The relay agent will start forwarding the packets from the client to a specific DHCP server only when the relay agent is in the enabled state.


SEFOS(config-if)# ip helper-address

Related Command(s)

•      show ip dhcp relay information - Displays the DHCP relay information.

•      show dhcp server - Displays the DHCP server information.


29.2.4     ip dhcp relay information option


Command Objective

This command enables the DHCP relay agent to perform processing related to DHCP relay agent information option.

The options contain a sub-option for agent circuit ID details and another sub-option for agent remote ID details. The processing involves:

•      Insertion of DHCP relay information option in DHCP request messages forwarded to a DHCP server from a DHCP client.

•      Examining or removing of DHCP relay information option from DHCP response messages forwarded to the DHCP client from the DHCP server.

The no form of the command disables the processing related to DHCP relay agent information option.


ip dhcp relay information option

no ip dhcp relay information option


Global Configuration Mode

Note:     This command can also be executed in the VLAN Interface Configuration Mode for a code base using industry standard commands.


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Processing related to DHCP relay agent information option is disabled.


SEFOS(config)# ip dhcp relay information option

Related Command(s)

•      ip dhcp relay circuit-id option – Defines the type of information to be present in circuit ID sub-option that is used in the DHCP relay agent information option.

•      show ip dhcp relay information - Displays the DHCP relay agent configuration information for a specific VLAN interface or all interfaces in which relay agent details are configured.


29.2.5     ip dhcp relay circuit-id option


Command Objective

This command defines the type of information to be present in circuit ID sub-option that is used in the DHCP relay agent information option.


ip dhcp relay circuit-id option [router-index] [vlanid] [recv-port]

Parameter Description

•      router-index - Adds information related to router interface indexes in the circuit ID sub-option.

•      vlanid - Adds information related to VLAN IDs in the circuit ID sub-option.

•      recv-port - Adds information related to physical interfaces or LAG ports in the circuit ID sub-option.


Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




The type of information to be present in the circuit ID sub-option can be configured, only if the DHCP relay agent is enabled to perform processing related to DHCP relay agent information option.


SEFOS(config)# ip dhcp relay circuit-id option vlanid

Related Command(s)

•      ip dhcp relay information option - Enables the DHCP relay agent to perform processing related to DHCP relay agent information option.

•      show ip dhcp relay information - Displays the DHCP relay agent configuration information for a specific VLAN interface or all interfaces in which relay agent details are configured.


29.2.6     ip dhcp relay circuit id


Command Objective

This command configures circuit ID value for an interface.

The circuit ID uniquely identifies a circuit over which the incoming DHCP packet is received. In DHCP relay, it is used to identify the correct circuit over which the DHCP responses should be relayed.

The configured circuit ID is used in the DHCP relay agent information option to inform the DHCP server about the interface from which DHCP packet is received. The circuit ID is unique for the interfaces and ranges from 1 to 2147483647.

The minimum value depends upon the number of interfaces that can be created. For example, if a total of 160 interfaces are allowed to be created in the switch, then the circuit ID value range starts from 161 only. The interfaces include all physical interfaces, port channels, and logical L3 interfaces.

The no form of the command deletes the circuit ID configuration for the interface (that is, the circuit ID is configured as 0).


ip dhcp relay circuit-id <circuit-id>

no ip dhcp relay circuit-id


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN / Router Ports)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command is available only for the VLAN interfaces and ports that are configured as router ports.


SEFOS(config-if)# ip dhcp relay circuit-id 1

Related Command(s)

•      no switchport  – Configures the port as a router port.

•      show ip dhcp relay information - Displays the DHCP relay agent configuration information for a specific VLAN interface or all interfaces in which relay agent details are configured.


29.2.7     ip dhcp relay remote id


Command Objective

This command configures remote ID value for an interface.

The configured remote ID is used to inform the DHCP client about the remote circuit to which the DHCP packets should be forwarded from the interface. The remote ID is globally unique and an octet string of maximum size of 32. The remote ID should not be same as that of the default value.

The no form of the command deletes the remote ID configuration for the interface (that is, the remote ID is set with a string of length zero).


ip dhcp relay remote-id <remote-id name>

no ip dhcp relay remote-id


Interface Configuration Mode  (VLAN / Router Ports)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


XYZ. This value is internally assigned.


This command is available only for the VLAN interfaces and ports that are configured as router ports.


SEFOS(config-if)# ip dhcp relay remote-id Oracle

Related Command(s)

•      no switchport  – Configures the port as a router port.

•      show ip dhcp relay information - Displays the DHCP relay agent configuration information for a specific VLAN interface or all interfaces in which relay agent details are configured.


29.2.8     debug ip dhcp relay


Command Objective

This command enables the tracking of the DHCP relay module operations as per the configured debug levels. The debug statements are generated for the configured trace level.

The no form of the command disables the tracking of the DHCP relay module operations. The debug statements are not generated for the configured trace levels.


debug ip dhcp relay {all | errors}

no debug ip dhcp relay {all | errors}

Parameter Description

•      all - Generates debug statements for all kind of failure traces.

•      errors - Generates debug statements for trace error code debug messages. These messages are generated for all error events generated.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Tracking of the DHCP relay module operation is disabled.


SEFOS# debug ip dhcp relay all

Related Command(s)

•      show ip dhcp relay information -Displays the DHCP relay agent configuration information for a specific VLAN interface or all interfaces in which relay agent details are configured.

•      show debugging - Displays state of each debugging option.


29.2.9     show ip dhcp relay information


Command Objective

This command displays the DHCP relay agent configuration information for a specific VLAN interface or all interfaces in which relay agent details are configured.

The information contains status of the DHCP relay, DHCP server IP addresses, status of relay information option, configured debug level and statistics details regarding number of packets affected by relay information option, circuit ID sub-option, remote ID sub-option, and subnet mask sub-option.


show ip dhcp relay information [vlan <vlan-id>][<iftype> <ifnum>]

Parameter Description

•      vlan<vlan-id> - Displays the DHCP relay agent configuration information for the specified VLAN ID. This is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN created. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

•      <iftype> - Displays the DHCP relay agent configuration information for the specified type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

•      <ifnum> - Displays the DHCP relay agent configuration information for the specified interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than i-lan and port-channel. For example: 0/1 represents that the slot number is 0 and port number is 1. Only internal-lan ID is provided, for interface types i-lan and port-channel. For example: 1 represents internal-lan.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip dhcp relay information

Dhcp Relay                  : Enabled

Dhcp Relay Servers only     : Enabled

DHCP server 1               :

Dhcp Relay RAI option       : Enabled

Default Circuit Id information : Vlan-Id

Debug Level                 : 0x1

No of Packets inserted RAI option               : 0

No of Packets inserted circuit ID suboption     : 0

No of Packets inserted remote ID suboption      : 0

No of Packets inserted subnet mask suboption    : 0

No of Packets dropped                           : 0

No of Packets which did not inserted RAI option : 0

 Interface  vlan1

Circuit ID : 1

Remote  ID : Oracle

Interface    Ex0/2

Circuit ID : 2

Remote  ID : Oracle1

SEFOS# show ip dhcp relay information extreme-ethernet 0/2

Interface    Ex0/2

Circuit ID : 2

Remote  ID : Oracle1

Related Command(s)

•      service dhcp-relay - Enables the DHCP relay agent in the switch.

•      ip dhcp server - Adds the configured IP address to the IP address list created for the DHCP server.

•      ip dhcp relay information option - Enables the DHCP relay agent to perform processing related to DHCP relay agent information option.

•      ip dhcp relay circuit-id option - Defines the type of information to be present in circuit ID sub-option that is used in the DHCP relay agent information option.

•      ip dhcp relay circuit-id – Configures circuit ID value for an interface.

•      ip dhcp relay remote-id – Configures remote ID value for an interface.

•      debug ip dhcp relay - Enables the tracking of the DHCP relay module operations as per the configured debug levels.

•      ip helper-address - Sets the IP address of the DHCP server.

29.2.10  show dhcp server


Command Objective

This command displays the DHCP servers’ IP addresses. These addresses denote the PCs or switches that can act as a DHCP server.


show dhcp server


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# show dhcp server

DHCP server:

Related Command(s)

•      ip dhcp server - Adds the configured IP address to the IP address list created for the DHCP server.

•      ip helper-address - Sets the IP address of the DHCP server.

29.2.11  clear ip dhcp relay statistics


Command Objective

This command clears the DHCP relay statistics.


clear ip dhcp server statistics


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# clear ip dhcp relay statistics

Related Command(s)

•      show ip dhcp relay information - Displays the DHCP relay agent configuration information for a specific VLAN interface or all interfaces.


29.3         DHCP Server

DHCP server is responsible for dynamically assigning unique IP address and other configuration parameters such as gateway, to interfaces of a DHCP client. The IP address is leased to the interface only for a particular time period as mentioned in the DHCP lease. The interface should renew the DHCP lease once it expires. The DHCP server contains a pool of IP address from which one address is assigned to the interface.

29.3.1     service dhcp-server


Command Objective

This command enables the DHCP server in the switch (that is, the switch acts as DHCP server). The DHCP server assigns unique IP address and other configuration parameters such as gateway, to interfaces of a DHCP client.

The no form of the command disables the DHCP server in the switch.


service dhcp-server

no service dhcp-server


Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


DHCP server is disabled (that is, the switch acts as a DHCP client).


The DHCP server can be enabled in the switch, only if the DHCP relay agent is disabled in the switch.


SEFOS (config)# service dhcp-server

Related Command(s)

•      no service dhcp-relay - Disables the DHCP relay agent in the switch.

•      show ip dhcp server information - Displays the DHCP server configuration information.

•      show ip dhcp server binding - Displays the DHCP server binding information.

•      show ip dhcp server statistics - Displays various DHCP server statistics-related information such as number of DHCPDECLINE messages received, DHCPOFFER messages sent and so on.


29.3.2     service dhcp


Command Objective

This command enables the DHCP server in the switch and relay agent features on the router which assigns unique IP address and other configuration parameters to interfaces of a DHCP client.

The no form of this command disables the DHCP server.

This command is a complete standardized implementation of the existing command and operates similar to the command service dhcp-server.


service dhcp

no service dhcp


Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


DHCP server is disabled.


SEFOS(config)# service dhcp

Related Command(s)

•      no service dhcp-relay - Disables the DHCP relay agent in the switch.

•      show ip dhcp server information - Displays the DHCP server configuration information.

•      show ip dhcp server binding - Displays the DHCP server binding information.

•      show ip dhcp server statistics - Displays various DHCP server statistics related information such as number of DHCPDECLINE messages received, DHCPOFFER messages sent and so on.


29.3.3     ip dhcp pool


Command Objective

This command creates a DHCP server address pool and enters into the DHCP pool configuration mode in which the pool is customized.

The address pool has a range of IP addresses that can be assigned to the DHCP client and also information about client configuration parameters such as domain name.

The no form of the command deletes the existing DHCP server address pool.


ip dhcp pool <index (1-2147483647)> [<Pool Name>]

no ip dhcp pool <index (1-2147483647)>

Parameter Description

•      index (1-2147483647) - Creates pool with a unique ID for the specified DHCP server address pool. This value ranges from 1 to 2147483647.

•      <Pool Name> - Configures the name for the pool which is created. The name should be specified as a string.



Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS (config)# ip dhcp pool 1 pool1

Related Command(s)

•      network - Creates a subnet pool that defines a network IP subnet address for the corresponding DHCP address pool and contains IP addresses to be assigned to the DHCP client.

•      excluded-address - Creates an excluded pool that defines a range of IP addresses, which need to be excluded from the created subnet pool.

•      domain-name - Configures the domain name option for the corresponding DHCP server address pool.

•      dns-server - Configures the IP address of a DNS server for the corresponding DHCP server address pool.

•      netbios-name-server - Configures the IP address of a NetBIOS and WINS name server that is available to Microsoft DHCP clients.

•      netbios-node-type - Configures the NetBIOS node type for Microsoft DHCP clients, for the corresponding DHCP server address pool.

•      default-router - Configures the IP address of a default router to which a DHCP client should send packets after booting, for the corresponding DHCP server address pool.

•      option - Configures, for the corresponding DHCP server address pool, the various available DHCP server options with the corresponding specific values.

•      lease - Configures, for the corresponding DHCP server, the DHCP lease period for an IP address that is assigned from a DHCP server to a DHCP client.

•      utilization threshold - Configures pool utilization threshold value (in percentage) for the corresponding DHCP server address pool.

•      host hardware-type - Configures host hardware type and its DHCP option with specific values for the corresponding DHCP server address pool.

•      show ip dhcp server pools - Displays the global DHCP option configuration for all DHCP server address pools and configuration information, such as utilization threshold, of address pools for which subnet pool is created or host options are configured.

•      show ip dhcp server statistics - Displays various DHCP server statistics related information such as number of DHCPDECLINE messages received, DHCPOFFER messages sent and so on.


29.3.4     ip dhcp next-server


Command Objective

This command sets the IP address of the boot server (that is, TFTP server) from which the initial boot file is to be loaded in a DHCP client. This boot server acts as a secondary server.

The no form of the command deletes the boot server details and resets to its default value.

The DHCP server is used as the boot server, if no TFTP server is configured as the boot server.


ip dhcp next-server <ip address>

no ip dhcp next-server


Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro and Metro_E

Default (No boot server is defined. DHCP server is used as the boot server)


SEFOS (config)# ip dhcp next-server

Related Command(s)

•      ip dhcp bootfile - Configures the name of the initial boot file to be loaded in a DHCP client.

•      show ip dhcp server information - Displays the DHCP server configuration information.


29.3.5     ip dhcp bootfile


Command Objective

This command configures the name of the initial boot file to be loaded in a DHCP client. The file name is a string whose maximum size is 63. The boot file contains the boot image that is used as the operating system for the DHCP client.

The no form of the command deletes the boot file name (that is, no file is specified as the initial boot file).


ip dhcp bootfile <bootfile (63)>

no ip dhcp bootfile


Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro and Metro_E


SEFOS (config)# ip dhcp bootfile 53

Related Command(s)

•      ip dhcp next-server - Sets the IP address of the boot server (that is, TFTP server) from which the initial boot file is to be loaded.

•      show ip dhcp server information - Displays the DHCP server configuration information.


29.3.6     bootfile config-file


Command Objective

This command defines the name of the boot image file that the DHCP client should download during auto install process. The DHCP server passes this file name to the DHCP client. The maximum size of the string is 63.

The no form of this command deletes the specified boot file name and assigns the value of boot file name as None (that is, no file is set as boot image file).

This command is a complete standardized implementation of the existing command and operates similar to the command ip dhcp bootfile.


bootfile config-file <bootfile (63)>

no bootfile config-file


Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


None (Null terminated string)


SEFOS(config)# bootfile config-file boot.img

Related Command(s)

•      show ip dhcp server information - Displays the DHCP server information.


29.3.7     ip dhcp


Command Objective

This command enables ICMP echo mechanism or configures offer-reuse timeout for the DHCP server. These parameters are used to control the allocation of IP address to a DHCP client.

The no form of the command disables ICMP echo mechanism, resets server offer-reuse time to its default value or removes a bind entry from a server binding table.


ip dhcp { ping packets [<count(0-10)>] | server offer-reuse <timeout (1-120)> }

no ip dhcp { ping packets | server offer-reuse | binding <ip address> }

Parameter Description

•      ping packets  - Enables or disables ICMP echo mechanism. This mechanism allows the DHCP server to verify the availability of an IP address before assigning it to a DHCP client. DHCP server sends ping packets to the IP address that is intended to be assigned for the DHCP client. If the ping operation fails, DHCP server assumes that the address is not in use and assigns the address to the requesting DHCP client.

•      <count(0-10)> - Configures the number of ping packets to be sent from the DHCP server to the pool address before assigning the address to a requesting client. The pinging of pool addresses is disabled, if the count value is set as 0. This value ranges from 0 to 10. This feature has been included to adhere to the Industry Standard CLI syntax. This feature is currently not supported.

•      server offer-reuse - Configures the amount of time (in seconds), the DHCP server entity should wait for the DHCP REQUEST from the DHCP client before reusing the lease offer for other DHCP client. This value ranges from 1 to 120 seconds.

•      binding - Deletes the specified IP address entry from the server binding table. This frees the IP address allocated to a DHCP client, so that the IP address can be allocated for another DHCP client.


Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


•      ping packets - ICMP echo mechanism feature is disabled.

•      server offer-reuse - 5


SEFOS (config)# ip dhcp ping packets

Related Command(s)

•      show ip dhcp server information - Displays the DHCP server configuration information.

•      show ip dhcp server binding - Displays the DHCP server binding information.

•      show ip dhcp server statistics - Displays various DHCP server statistics related information such as number of DHCPDECLINE messages received, DHCPOFFER messages sent and so on.


29.3.8     ip dhcp option


Command Objective

This command sets the DHCP server options. This command globally configures the various available DHCP server options with the corresponding specific values. These values can be an ASCII string, hexadecimal string, or IP address. These global options are applicable for all DHCP server address pools.

The no form of the command deletes the existing DHCP server option.


ip dhcp option <code (1-2147483647)> { ascii <string> | hex <Hex String> | ip <address> }

no ip dhcp option <code (1-2147483647)>

Parameter Description

•      <code (1-2147483647)> - Configures the unique DHCP option code that represents a specific DHCP option used in a DHCP OFFER message in response to a DHCP DISCOVER message. This value ranges from 1 to 2147483647.

•      ascii<string> - Configures the ASCII value to be set for the corresponding option code that accepts ASCII string. This value is a character string that should contain only characters from NVT ASCII character set.

•      hex<Hex String> - Configures the hexadecimal value to be set for the corresponding option code that accepts hexadecimal string.

•      ip<address> - Configures the unicast IP address to be set for the corresponding option code that accepts IP address.


Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS(config)# ip dhcp option 19 hex d

Related Command(s)

•      show ip dhcp server pools - Displays global DHCP option configuration for all DHCP server address pools and configuration information, such as utilization threshold, of address pools for which subnet pool is created or host options are configured.


29.3.9     network


Command Objective

This command creates a subnet pool that defines a network IP subnet address for the corresponding DHCP address pool and contains IP addresses to be assigned to the DHCP client.

The no form of the command deletes the created subnet pool.


network <start- IP> [ { <mask> | / <prefix-length (1-31)> } ] [end ip]

no network

Parameter Description

•      <start-IP> - Configures the IP subnet address for the DHCP pool. The addresses within the specified network subnet are assigned to the DHCP client, if no restriction is applied. For example, when the value is configured as, then any one of the addresses within the range from to can be assigned to the DHCP client if no other limitations such as end IP address, are set. This value should be unique (that is, one subnet address can be assigned only for one DHCP address pool).

•      <mask> - Configures the subnet mask for the network IP address. This is a 32-bit number which is used to divide the IP address into network address and host address. This value is used to automatically calculate the end IP address for the pool. For example, the value represents that the end IP address is, if the network subnet is set as

•      <prefix-length (1-31)> - Configures the number of high-order bits in the IP address. These bits are common among all hosts within a network. This value should be preceded by a slash (/) with space before and after the slash. This value is used to automatically calculate the end IP address for the pool and set the mask for the subnet. For example, the value / 6 represents that the end IP address is and the mask is

•      <end ip> - Configures the end IP address for the network IP subnet, set for the DHCP address pool. This value restricts the IP addresses that can be assigned to the DHCP client. This value is used to manually set the end IP address. This value overrides the end IP address calculated automatically using the mask or prefix-length.


DHCP Pool Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


•      mask -

•      end ip - Represents the last possible subnet address. For example, if network subnet address is mentioned as, then end IP address would be


SEFOS(dhcp-config)# network

Related Command(s)

•      ip dhcp pool - Creates a DHCP server address pool and enters into the DHCP pool configuration mode in which the pool is customized.

•      excluded-address - Creates an excluded pool that defines a range of IP addresses which need to be excluded from the created subnet pool.

•      domain-name - Configures the domain name option for the corresponding DHCP server address pool.

•      dns-server - Configures the IP address of a DNS server for the corresponding DHCP server address pool.

•      netbios-name-server - Configures the IP address of a NetBIOS and WINS name server that is available to Microsoft DHCP clients.

•      netbios-node-type - Configures the NetBIOS node type for Microsoft DHCP clients, for the corresponding DHCP server address pool.

•      netbios-node-type - Configures the IP address of a default router to which a DHCP client should send packets after booting, for the corresponding DHCP server address pool.

•      option - Configures, for the corresponding DHCP server address pool, the various available DHCP server options with the corresponding specific values.

•      lease - Configures, for the corresponding DHCP server, the DHCP lease period for an IP address that is assigned from a DHCP server to a DHCP client.

•      utilization threshold - Configures pool utilization threshold value (in percentage) for the corresponding DHCP server address pool.

•      show ip dhcp server pools - Displays the global DHCP option configuration for all DHCP server address pools and configuration information, such as utilization threshold, of address pools for which subnet pool is created or host options are configured.

29.3.10  excluded-address

Command Objective

This command creates an excluded pool that defines a range of IP addresses which needs to be excluded from the created subnet pool. That is, the IP addresses in this range, including start and end IP address of the excluded pool, are not assigned to any DHCP client.

The no form of the command deletes the created excluded pool. The same start IP address and end IP address of the already created excluded pool should be provided while executing the no form of the command.


excluded-address <low-address> <high-address>

no excluded-address <low-address> [<high-address>]

Parameter Description

•      <low-address> - Sets the start IP address for an excluded pool. This address denotes the first IP address of a range of IP addresses which needs to be excluded from the created subnet pool. This IP address should be:

       lower than the end IP address, and

       in the same network of the subnet pool’s start IP address.

•      <high-address> - Sets the end IP address for an excluded pool. This address denotes the last IP address of a range of IP addresses which needs to be excluded from the created subnet pool. This IP address should be:

       higher than the start IP address, and

       within or equal to the subnet pool’s end IP address.


DHCP Pool Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


This command is executed successfully, only if a subnet pool is already created for the DHCP address pool.


SEFOS(dhcp-config)# excluded-address

Related Command(s)

•      ip dhcp pool - Creates a DHCP server address pool and enters into the DHCP pool configuration mode in which the pool is customized.

•      network - Creates a subnet pool that defines a network IP subnet address for the corresponding DHCP address pool and contains IP addresses to be assigned to the DHCP client.

•      show ip dhcp server pools - Displays the global DHCP option configuration for all DHCP server address pools.

29.3.11  ip dhcp excluded-address


Command Objective

This command creates an excluded pool to prevent DHCP server from assigning certain addresses to DHCP clients. The no form of the command deletes the excluded pool.

This command is a complete standardized implementation of the existing command and operates similar to the command excluded-address. This command is used to exclude a single IP address or a range of IP addresses.


ip dhcp excluded-address <low-address> [<high-address>]

no ip dhcp excluded-address <low-address> [high-address]

Parameter Description

•      low-address - Configures the excluded IP address or first IP address, in an excluded address range.

•      high-address - Configures the last IP address in the excluded address range.


Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Subnet pool should have been created before creating an excluded pool. This excluded pool should be within the range of the created subnet pool.

For example, the excluded pool – created using this command is within the already created subnet pool –


SEFOS(config)# ip dhcp excluded-address

Related Command(s)

•      ip dhcp pool - Creates a DHCP server address pool and places the user in the DHCP pool configuration mode.

•      network - Sets the network IP and mask in DHCP server configuration parameters.

•      service dhcp-server - Enables the DHCP server.

•      show ip dhcp server information - Displays the server information.

•      show ip dhcp server pools - Displays the DHCP server pools.

•      show ip dhcp server binding - Displays the DHCP server binding information.

•      show ip dhcp server statistics - Displays the DHCP server statistics.

29.3.12  domain-name


Command Objective

This command configures the domain name option for the corresponding DHCP server address pool. A DHCP client uses this domain name while resolving host names through a domain name system. The DHCP option code is 15. This value is a string whose maximum size is 63.

The no form of the command deletes the domain name option configuration for the DHCP server address pool. The domain name option configuration is deleted, if the no form of the network command is executed successfully.


domain-name <domain (63)>

no domain-name


DHCP Pool Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


The domain name configuration takes effect only after creating a subnet pool for a DHCP server address pool.


SEFOS(dhcp-config)# domain-name Oracle

Related Command(s)


•      ip dhcp pool - Creates a DHCP server address pool and enters into the DHCP pool configuration mode in which the pool is customized.

•      network - Creates a subnet pool that defines a network IP subnet address for the corresponding DHCP address pool and contains IP addresses to be assigned to the DHCP client.

•      show ip dhcp server pools  - Displays the global DHCP option configuration for all DHCP server address pools and configuration information, such as utilization threshold, of address pools for which subnet pool is created or host options are configured.


29.3.13  dns-server


Command Objective

This command configures the IP address of a DNS server for the corresponding DHCP server address pool. The client correlates the DNS IP address with the host name. The DNS server is used to translate domain names and hostnames into corresponding IP addresses.

The no form of the command deletes the DNS server IP address option configuration for the DHCP server address pool. The DNS server IP address option configuration is deleted, if the no form of the network command is executed successfully.


dns-server <ip address> [<ip address>]

no dns-server

Parameter Description

•      <ip address> [<ip address>] - Configures the unicast IP address to be set for the corresponding DNS server that accepts IP address.


DHCP Pool Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


The DNS server IP address configuration takes effect only after creating a subnet pool for a DHCP server address pool.


SEFOS(dhcp-config)# dns-server

Related Command(s)

•      ip dhcp pool -  Creates a DHCP server address pool and enters into the DHCP pool configuration mode in which the pool is customized.

•      network - Creates a subnet pool that defines a network IP subnet address for the corresponding DHCP address pool and contains IP addresses to be assigned to the DHCP client.

•      show ip dhcp server pools - Displays the global DHCP option configuration for all DHCP server address pools and configuration information, such as utilization threshold, of address pools for which subnet pool is created or host options are configured.


29.3.14  netbios-name-server


Command Objective

This command configures, for the corresponding DHCP server address pool, the IP address of a NetBIOS (Network Basic Input / Output System) and WINS (Windows Internet Naming Service) name server that is available to Microsoft DHCP clients.

The no form of the command deletes the NetBIOS and WINS name server IP address configuration for the DHCP server address pool. The NetBIOS WINS name server option configuration is deleted, if the no form of the network command is executed successfully.

The NetBIOS name server provides the following three distinct services:

1.     Name service for name registration and resolution.

2.     Session service for connection-oriented communication.

3.     Datagram distribution service for connectionless communication.


netbios-name-server <ip address>

no netbios-name-server


DHCP Pool Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


The NetBIOS WINS name server configuration takes effect only after creating a subnet pool for a DHCP server address pool.


SEFOS(dhcp-config)# netbios-name-server

Related Command(s)

•      ip dhcp pool - Creates a DHCP server address pool and enters into the DHCP pool configuration mode in which the pool is customized.

•      network - Creates a subnet pool that defines a network IP subnet address for the corresponding DHCP address pool and contains IP addresses to be assigned to the DHCP client.

•      show ip dhco server pools - Displays the global DHCP option configuration for all DHCP server address pools and configuration information, such as utilization threshold, of address pools for which subnet pool is created or host options are configured.


29.3.15  netbios-node-type


Command Objective

This command configures the NetBIOS node type for Microsoft DHCP clients, for the corresponding DHCP server address pool. The node type denotes the method used to register and resolve NetBIOS names to IP addresses.

The no form of the command deletes the NetBIOS node type option configuration for the DHCP server address pool.


netbios-node-type { <0-FF> | b-node | h-node | m-node | p-node }

no netbios-node-type

Parameter Description

•      <0-FF> - Allows NetBIOS over TCP/IP clients. This value ranges from 0 to 255.

•      b-node - Configures the DHCP server address pool to broadcast IP messages for registering and resolving NetBIOS names to IP addresses. The node type value is set as 1.

•      h-node - Configures the DHCP server address pool to initially query name server and subsequently broadcast IP messages for registering and resolving NetBIOS names to IP addresses. The node type value is set as 8. This node type is the best option for all conditions.

•      m-node - Configures the DHCP server address pool to initially broadcast the IP message and then query name server for registering and resolving NetBIOS names to IP addresses. The node type value is set as 4.

•      p-node - Configures the DHCP server address pool to have point-to-point communication with a NetBIOS name server for registering and resolving NetBIOS names to IP addresses. The node type value is set as 2.


DHCP Pool Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


The NetBIOS node type configuration takes effect only after creating a subnet pool for a DHCP server address pool.


SEFOS(dhcp-config)# netbios-node-type h-node

Related Command(s)

•      ip dhcp pool - Creates a DHCP server address pool and enters into the DHCP pool configuration mode in which the pool is customized.

•      network - Creates a subnet pool that defines a network IP subnet address for the corresponding DHCP address pool and contains IP addresses to be assigned to the DHCP client.

•      show ip dhcp server pools - Displays the global DHCP option configuration for all DHCP server address pools and configuration information, such as utilization threshold, of address pools for which subnet pool is created or host options are configured.


29.3.16  default-router


Command Objective

This command configures the IP address of a default router to which a DHCP client should send packets after booting, for the corresponding DHCP server address pool.

The no form of the command deletes the default router IP address configuration for the DHCP server address pool. The default router IP address configuration is deleted, if the no form of the network command is executed successfully.


default-router <ip address>

no default-router


DHCP Pool Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


•      The configured IP address of the default router should be on the same subnet of the DHCP client.

•      The default router IP address configuration takes effect only after creating a subnet pool for a DHCP server address pool.


SEFOS(dhcp-config)# default-router

Related Command(s)

•      ip dhcp pool - Creates a DHCP server address pool and enters into the DHCP pool configuration mode in which the pool is customized.

•      network - Creates a subnet pool that defines a network IP subnet address for the corresponding DHCP address pool and contains IP addresses to be assigned to the DHCP client.

•      show ip dhcp server pools - Displays the global DHCP option configuration for all DHCP server address pools and configuration information, such as utilization threshold, of address pools for which subnet pool is created or host options are configured.


29.3.17  option


Command Objective

This command configures, for the corresponding DHCP server address pool, the various available DHCP server options with the corresponding specific values. These values can be an ASCII string, hexadecimal string, or IP address.

The no form of the command deletes the DHCP server option for the DHCP server address pool. The DHCP server option configuration is deleted, if the no form of the network command is executed successfully.


option <code (1-2147483647)> { ascii <string> | hex <Hex String> | ip <address> }

no option <code (1-2147483647)>

Parameter Description

•      <code (1-2147483647)> - Configures the unique DHCP option code that represents a specific DHCP option used in a DHCP OFFER message in response to a DHCP DISCOVER message. This value ranges from 1 to 2147483647.

•      ascii<string> - Configures the ASCII value to be set for the corresponding option code that accepts ASCII string. This value is a character string that should contain only characters from NVT ASCII character set.

•      hex<Hex String> - Configures the hexadecimal value to be set for the corresponding option code that accepts hexadecimal string.

•      ip<address>  - Configures the unicast IP address to be set for the corresponding option code that accepts IP address.


DHCP Pool Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Option code - 1


The DHCP server options configuration takes effect only after creating a subnet pool for a DHCP server address pool.


SEFOS(dhcp-config) # option 19 hex f

Related Command(s)

•      ip dhcp pool - Creates a DHCP server address pool and enters into the DHCP pool configuration mode in which the pool is customized.

•      network - Creates a subnet pool that defines a network IP subnet address for the corresponding DHCP address pool and contains IP addresses to be assigned to the DHCP client.

•      show ip dhcp server pools - Displays the global DHCP option configuration for all DHCP server address pools and configuration information, such as utilization threshold, of address pools for which subnet pool is created or host options are configured.


29.3.18  lease


Command Objective

This command configures, for the corresponding DHCP server, the DHCP lease period for an IP address that is assigned from a DHCP server to a DHCP client.

The DHCP lease period represents the time interval (in seconds) till which the DHCP client can use the assigned IP address. The time interval is internally calculated in seconds based on the number of days, hours and minutes configuration.

The no form of the command resets the DHCP lease period to its default value for the DHCP server address pool. The DHCP lease period configuration is deleted and reset, if the no form of the network command is executed successfully.


lease { <days (0-365)> [<hours (0-23)> [<minutes (1-59)>]] | infinite }

no lease

Parameter Description

•      <days (0-365)> - Configures the number of days that is used to calculate the DHCP lease period. The period also depends on the configured number of hours and minutes. This value ranges from 0 to 365. The value 0 is valid only if either number of hours or minutes is configured with any value other than 0.

•      <hours (0-23)> - Configures the number of hours that is used to calculate the DHCP lease period. The period also depends on the configured number of days and minutes. This value ranges from 0 to 23. The value 0 is valid only if either number of days or minutes is configured with any value other than 0.

•      <minutes (1-59)> - Configures the number of minutes that is used to calculate the DHCP lease period. The period also depends on the configured number of days and hours. This value ranges from 1 to 59.

•      infinite - Configures the DHCP lease period as 2147483647 seconds.


DHCP Pool Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


3600 seconds (1 hour)


The DHCP lease period configuration takes effect only after creating a subnet pool for a DHCP server address pool.


SEFOS(dhcp-config)# lease 1

Related Command(s)

•      ip dhcp pool - Creates a DHCP server address pool and enters into the DHCP pool configuration mode in which the pool is customized.

•      network - Creates a subnet pool that defines a network IP subnet address for the corresponding DHCP address pool and contains IP addresses to be assigned to the DHCP client.

•      show ip dhcp server pools - Displays the global DHCP option configuration for all DHCP server address pools and configuration information, such as utilization threshold, of address pools for which subnet pool is created or host options are configured.


29.3.19  utilization threshold


Command Objective

This command configures pool utilization threshold value (in percentage) for the corresponding DHCP server address pool.

The no form of the command resets the pool utilization threshold to its default value for the DHCP server address pool.

If the pool utilization exceeds the configured threshold value, a syslog event and an SNMP trap message are generated. The threshold value ranges from 0 to 100 percentage.


utilization threshold { <integer (0-100)> }

no utilization threshold


DHCP Pool Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


75 percent


The pool utilization threshold configuration takes effect only after creating a subnet pool for a DHCP server address pool.


SEFOS(dhcp-config)# utilization threshold 76

Related Command(s)

•      ip dhcp pool - Creates a DHCP server address pool and enters into the DHCP pool configuration mode in which the pool is customized.

•      network - Creates a subnet pool that defines a network IP subnet address for the corresponding DHCP address pool and contains IP addresses to be assigned to the DHCP client.

•      show ip dhcp server pools - Displays the global DHCP option configuration for all DHCP server address pools and configuration information, such as utilization threshold, of address pools for which subnet pool is created or host options are configured.


29.3.20  host hardware-type


Command Objective

This command configures host hardware type and its DHCP option with specific values for the corresponding DHCP server address pool.

The no form of the command deletes the hardware type and its DHCP option.


host hardware-type <type (1-2147483647)> client-identifier <mac-address> { ip <address> | option <code (1-2147483647)> { ascii <string> | hex <Hex String> | ip <address> }}

no host hardware-type <host-hardware-type (1-2147483647)> client-identifier <client-mac-address> [{ ip | option <code (1-2147483647)> }]

Parameter Description

•      <type (1-2147483647)> - Configures the host hardware type for which the host address and the DHCP options need to be configured. This value ranges from 1 to 2147483647. Only the value 1 is supported, which represents that the hardware type is Ethernet.

•      client identifier<mac-address> - Configures the DHCP client identifier in a host declaration so that a host record can be found using this client identifier. The client identifier represents the physical address (MAC address) of a network card.

•      ip <address> - Configures the IPv4 address for the DHCP host.

•      option <code (1-2147483647)> - Configures the unique DHCP option code that represents a specific DHCP option used in a DHCP OFFER message in response to a DHCP DISCOVER message. This value ranges from 1 to 2147483647.

       ascii<string> - Configures the ASCII value to be set for the corresponding option code that accepts ASCII string. This value is a character string that should contain only characters from NVT ASCII character set.

       hex<Hex String> - Configures the hexadecimal value to be set for the corresponding option code that accepts hexadecimal string.

       ip <address> - Configures the unicast IP address to be set for the corresponding option code that accepts IP address.


DHCP Pool Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS(dhcp-config)# host hardware-type 1 client-identifier 00:11:22:33:44:55 option 1 ip

Related Command(s)

•      ip dhcp pool - Creates a DHCP server address pool and enters into the DHCP pool configuration mode in which the pool is customized.

•      show ip dhcp server pools - Displays the global DHCP option configuration for all DHCP server address pools and configuration information, such as utilization threshold, of address pools for which subnet pool is created or host options are configured.

•      show ip dhcp server binding - Displays the DHCP server binding information.


29.3.21  debug ip dhcp server


Command Objective

This command enables the tracking of the DHCP server operations as per the configured debug levels. The debug statements are generated for the configured trace levels.

The no form of the command disables the tracking of the DHCP server operations. The debug statements are not generated for the configured trace levels.

This command allows combination of debug levels to be configured (that is, more than one level of trace can be enabled or disabled). The debug levels are configured one after the other and not in single execution of the command.


debug ip dhcp server { all | events | packets | errors | bind | linkage }

no debug ip dhcp server { all | events | packets | errors | bind | linkage}

Parameter Description

•      all - Generates debug statements for all kind of failure traces.

•      events - Generates debug statements for DHCP server events that provide DHCP server service status. The DHCP server events are generated when any of the packets are sent successfully or when an ACK is received.

•      packets - Generates debug statements for packet-related messages. These messages are generated for all events generated during processing of packets.

•      errors - Generates debug statements for trace error code debug messages. These messages are generated for all error events generated.

•      bind - Generates debug statements for trace bind messages. These messages are generated when a DHCP ACK is received.

•      linkage - Generates debug statements for database linkage messages. This feature has been included to adhere to the Industry Standard CLI syntax. This feature is currently not supported.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Tracking of the DHCP server operations is disabled.


SEFOS# debug ip dhcp server all

Related Command(s)

•      show ip dhcp server information - Displays the DHCP server configuration information.

•      show debugging - Displays state of each debugging option.


29.3.22  show ip dhcp server information


Command Objective

This command displays the DHCP server configuration information.

The information contains status of DHCP server, ICMP echo mechanism status, debug level, boot server IP address, boot file name, and server offer reuse time.


show ip dhcp server information


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip dhcp server information

DHCP server status                 : Enable

Send Ping Packets                  : Disable

Debug level                        : None

Server Address Reuse Timeout       : 5 secs

Next Server Adress                 :

Boot file name                     :

Related Command(s)

•      service dhcp-server - Enables the DHCP server in the switch (that is, switch acts as DHCP server).

•      ip dhcp next-server - Sets the IP address of the boot server (that is, TFTP server) from which the initial boot file is to be loaded.

•      ip dhcp bootfile - Configures the name of the initial boot file to be loaded in a DHCP client.

•      ip dhcp - Enables ICMP echo mechanism or configures offer-reuse timeout for the DHCP server.

•      debug ip dhcp server - Enables the tracking of the DHCP server operations as per the configured debug levels.


29.3.23  show ip dhcp server pools


Command Objective

This command displays the global DHCP option configuration for all DHCP server address pools and configuration information, such as utilization threshold, of address pools for which subnet pool is created or host options are configured.


show ip dhcp server pools


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip dhcp server pools

 Global Options



Code       :     1, Value      :

Code       :     6, Value      :

Code       :    19, Value      : 0

Code       :    42, Value      :

Code       :   120, Value      : str,str1


Pool Id                        : 1


Pool Name                      : pool1

Subnet                         :

Subnet Mask                    :

Lease time                     : 86400 secs

Utilization threshold          : 76%

Start Ip                       :

End Ip                         :

Exclude Address Start IP       :

Exclude Address End IP         :


Subnet Options


Code       :     1, Value      :

Code       :     6, Value      :

Code       :    15, Value      : Oracle

Code       :    19, Value      : 0

Code       :    42, Value      :

Code       :    43, Value      : ven

Code       :    44, Value      :

Code       :    46, Value      : 8

Code       :   120, Value      :


Host Options


Client Identifier              Hardware type        Code       Value

00:11:22:33:44:55              1                    1

00:11:22:33:44:55              1                    6

00:11:22:33:44:55              1                    42

00:11:22:33:44:55              1                    120

Related Command(s)

•      ip dhcp option - Configures the various available DHCP server options with the corresponding specific values globally.

•      ip dhcp pool - Creates a DHCP server address pool and enters into the DHCP pool configuration mode in which the pool is customized.

•      ip dhcp sip-server - Sets SIP servers in the global DHCP server configuration parameters.

•      network - Creates a subnet pool that defines a network IP subnet address for the corresponding DHCP address pool and contains IP addresses to be assigned to the DHCP client.

•      excluded-address - Creates an excluded pool that defines a range of IP addresses which need to be excluded from the created subnet pool.

•      domain-name - Configures the domain name option for the corresponding DHCP server address pool.

•      dns-server - Configures the IP address of a DNS server for the corresponding DHCP server address pool.

•      netbios-name-server - Configures the IP address of a NetBIOS and WINS name server that is available to Microsoft DHCP clients.

•      netbios-node-type - Configures the NetBIOS node type for Microsoft DHCP clients, for the corresponding DHCP server address pool.

•      default-router - Configures the IP address of a default router to which a DHCP client should send packets after booting, for the corresponding DHCP server address pool.

•      option - Configures, for the corresponding DHCP server address pool, the various available DHCP server options with the corresponding specific values.

•      lease - Configures, for the corresponding DHCP server, the DHCP lease period for an IP address that is assigned from a DHCP server to a DHCP client.

•      utilization threshold - Configures pool utilization threshold value (in percentage) for the corresponding DHCP server address pool.

•      host hardware-type - Configures host hardware type and its DHCP option with specific values for the corresponding DHCP server address pool.

•      show ip dhcp server statistics - Displays various DHCP server statistics-related information such as number of DHCPDECLINE messages received, DHCPOFFER messages sent and so on.


29.3.24  show ip dhcp server binding


Command Objective

This command displays the DHCP server binding information.

A DHCP binding is created when a DHCP server assigns an IP address to a DHCP client. The information contains the allocated IP address, host hardware type, host hardware address, binding state and expiry time of the allocated DHCP lease.


show ip dhcp server binding


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


The DHCP server binding information is displayed, only if the DHCP server is enabled and the DHCP binding is created.


SEFOS# show ip dhcp server binding

Ip       Hw       Hw                Binding  Expire

Address  Type     Address           State    Time

-------  ----     -------           ------   ------ Ethernet 00:02:02:03:04:01 Assigned May 12 13:22:41 2009

Related Command(s)

•      service dhcp-server - Enables the DHCP server in the switch.

•      ip dhcp - Enables ICMP echo mechanism or configures offer-reuse timeout for the DHCP server.

•      host hardware-type - Configures host hardware type and its DHCP option with specific values for the corresponding DHCP server address pool.


29.3.25  show ip dhcp server statistics


Command Objective

This command displays various DHCP server statistics-related information such as number of DHCPDECLINE messages received, DHCPOFFER messages sent and so on.


show ip dhcp server statistics


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip dhcp server statistics

Address pools : 2

Message                Received

-------                --------

DHCPDISCOVER           6

DHCPREQUEST            2

DHCPDECLINE            0

DHCPRELEASE            0

DHCPINFORM             0

Message                Sent

-------                ----

DHCPOFFER              6

DHCPACK                2

DHCPNAK                0

Related Command(s)

•      service dhcp-server - Enables the DHCP server in the switch.

•      ip dhcp pool - Creates a DHCP server address pool and enters into the DHCP pool configuration mode in which the pool is customized.

•      ip dhcp - Enables ICMP echo mechanism or configures offer-reuse timeout for the DHCP server.

•      show ip dhcp server pools - Displays the global DHCP option configuration for all DHCP server address pools and configuration information, such as utilization threshold, of address pools for which subnet pool is created or host options are configured.

29.3.26  clear ip dhcp server statistics


Command Objective

This command clears the DHCP server statistics.


clear ip dhcp server statistics


Privileged EXEC Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# clear ip dhcp server statistics

Related Command(s)

•      show ip dhcp server statistics - Displays various DHCP server statistics-related information.

29.3.27  ip dhcp sip-server


Command Objective

This command sets SIP servers in the global DHCP server configuration parameters.

The no form of the command deletes SIP servers from the global DHCP server configuration parameters.


ip dhcp sip-server { {domain <string> [<string>] } | {ip <ip_addr> [<ip_addr>] } }

no ip dhcp sip-server

Parameter Description

•      domain <string> [<string>] - Configures domain names for the server. The domain name should be specified as ASCII string.

•      ip <ip_addr> [<ip_addr>] - Configures the unicast IP address to be set for the corresponding SIP servers in the global DHCP server configuration.


Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS (config)# ip dhcp sip-server domain str str1

Related Command(s)

•      show ip dhcp server pools - Displays the global DHCP option configuration for all DHCP server address pools and configuration information, such as utilization threshold, of address pools for which subnet pool is created or host options are configured.

29.3.28  ip dhcp ntp-server


Command Objective

This command sets NTP servers in the global DHCP server configuration parameters.

The no form of the command deletes NTP server from the global DHCP server configuration parameters.


ip dhcp ntp-server <ip address> [<ip address>]

no ip dhcp ntp-server

Parameter Description

<ip address> [<ip address>] - Configures the unicast IP address to be set for the corresponding NTP servers in the global DHCP server configuration.


Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS (config)# ip dhcp ntp-server

Related Command(s)

•      show ip dhcp server pools - Displays the global DHCP option configuration for all DHCP server address pools and configuration information, such as utilization threshold, of address pools for which subnet pool is created or host options are configured.

29.3.29  ip dhcp dns-server


Command Objective

This command sets DNS servers in the global DHCP server configuration parameters.

The no form of the command deletes DNS server from the global DHCP server configuration parameters.


ip dhcp dns-server <ip address> [<ip address>]

no ip dhcp dns-server

Parameter Description

<ip address> [<ip address>] - Configures the unicast IP address to be set for the corresponding DNS servers in the global DHCP server configuration.


Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS (config)# ip dhcp dns-server

Related Command(s)

•      show ip dhcp server pools - Displays the global DHCP option configuration for all DHCP server address pools and configuration information, such as utilization threshold, of address pools for which subnet pool is created or host options are configured.

29.3.30  ntp-server


Command Objective

This command sets NTP servers in the pool-specific DHCP server configuration parameters.

The no form of the command deletes NTP server from the pool-specific DHCP server configuration parameters.


ntp-server <ip address> [<ip address>]

no ntp-server

Parameter Description

<ip address> [<ip address>] - Configures the unicast IP address to be set for the corresponding NTP servers in the pool-specific DHCP server configuration.


DHCP Pool Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS (dhcp-config)# ntp-server

Related Command(s)

•      ip dhcp pool - Creates a DHCP server address pool and enters into the DHCP pool configuration mode in which the pool is customized.

•      show ip dhcp server pools - Displays the global DHCP option configuration for all DHCP server address pools and configuration information, such as utilization threshold, of address pools for which subnet pool is created or host options are configured.

29.3.31  sip-server


Command Objective

This command sets SIP servers in the pool-specific DHCP server configuration parameters.

The no form of the command deletes SIP server from the pool-specific DHCP server configuration parameters.


sip-server { {domain <string> [<string>]} | {ip <ip_addr> [<ip_addr>]} }

no sip-server

Parameter Description

•      domain <string> [<string>] - Configures domain names for the server. The domain name should be specified as ASCII string.

•      ip <ip_addr> [<ip_addr>] - Configures the unicast IP address to be set for the corresponding SIP servers in the pool-specific DHCP server configuration.


DHCP Pool Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS (dhcp-config)# sip-server domain str str1

SEFOS (dhcp-config)# sip-server ip

Related Command(s)

•      ip dhcp pool - Creates a DHCP server address pool and enters into the DHCP pool configuration mode in which the pool is customized.

•      show ip dhcp server pools - Displays the global DHCP option configuration for all DHCP server address pools and configuration information, such as utilization threshold, of address pools for which subnet pool is created or host options are configured.

29.3.32  vendor-specific


Command Objective

This command sets Vendor Specific Information in the pool-specific DHCP server configuration parameters. This value is a string of maximum size 254.

The no form of the command deletes Vendor Specific Information from the pool-specific DHCP server configuration parameters.


vendor-specific {<vendor-specific-string> [<string>]}

no vendor-specific

Parameter Description

•      <vendor-specific-string> [<string>] - Configures vendor-specific details for the DHCP server.


DHCP Pool Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS (dhcp-config)# vendor-specific ven

Related Command(s)

•      ip dhcp pool - Creates a DHCP server address pool and enters into the DHCP pool configuration mode in which the pool is customized.

•      show ip dhcp server pools - Displays the global DHCP option configuration for all DHCP server address pools and configuration information, such as utilization threshold, of address pools for which subnet pool is created or host options are configured.

29.3.33  host hardware-type - sip-server


Command Objective

This command sets SIP servers in the host-specific DHCP server configuration parameters.

The no form of the command deletes SIP servers from the host-specific DHCP server configuration parameters.


host hardware-type <integer (1-2147483647)> client-identifier <ucast_mac> sip-server { {domain <string> [<string>]} | {ip <ip_addr> [<ip_addr>]} }

no host hardware-type <host-hardware-type (1-2147483647)> client-identifier <client-mac-address> sip-server

Parameter Description

•      <integer (1-2147483647)> - Creates host hardware address type for the SIP servers whose value range from 1 to 2147483647.

•      <ucast_mac> - Configures the client identifier with the host MAC address.

•      domain <string> [<string>] - Configures domain names for the server. The domain name should be specified as ASCII string.

•      ip <ip_addr> [<ip_addr>] - Configures the unicast IP address to be set for the corresponding SIP servers in the host-specific DHCP server configuration.


DHCP Pool Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS (dhcp-config)# host hardware-type 1 client-identifier 00:11:22:33:44:55 sip-server domain sipsrv sipsrv1

Related Command(s)

•      ip dhcp pool - Creates a DHCP server address pool and enters into the DHCP pool configuration mode in which the pool is customized.

•      show ip dhcp server pools - Displays the global DHCP option configuration for all DHCP server address pools and configuration information, such as utilization threshold, of address pools for which subnet pool is created or host options are configured.

29.3.34  host hardware-type - dns-server


Command Objective

This command sets DNS servers in the host-specific DHCP server configuration parameters.

The no form of the command deletes DNS servers from the host-specific DHCP server configuration parameters.


host hardware-type <integer (1-2147483647)> client-identifier <ucast_mac> dns-server <ip address> [<ip address>]

no host hardware-type <integer (1-2147483647)> client-identifier <ucast_mac> dns-server

Parameter Description

•      <integer (1-2147483647)> - Creates host hardware type for the DNS servers. This value ranges  from 1 to 2147483647.

•      <ucast_mac> - Configures the client identifier with the host MAC address.

•      dns-server <ip address> [<ip address>] - Configures the unicast IP address to be set for the corresponding DNS servers in the host-specific DHCP server configuration.


DHCP Pool Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS (dhcp-config)# host hardware-type 1 client-identifier 00:11:22:33:44:55 dns-server

Related Command(s)

•      ip dhcp pool - Creates a DHCP server address pool and enters into the DHCP pool configuration mode in which the pool is customized.

•      show ip dhcp server pools - Displays the global DHCP option configuration for all DHCP server address pools and configuration information, such as utilization threshold, of address pools for which subnet pool is created or host options are configured.

29.3.35  host hardware-type - ntp-server


Command Objective

This command sets NTP servers in the host-specific DHCP server configuration parameters.

The no form of the command deletes NTP servers from the host-specific DHCP server configuration parameters.


host hardware-type <integer (1-2147483647)> client-identifier <ucast_mac> ntp-server <ip address> [<ip address>]

no host hardware-type <integer (1-2147483647)> client-identifier <ucast_mac> ntp-server

Parameter Description

•      <integer (1-2147483647)> - Creates host hardware type for the NTP servers. This value ranges from 1 to 2147483647.

•      client-identifier <ucast_mac> - Configures the client identifier with the host MAC address.

•      ntp-server <ip address> [<ip address>] - Configures the unicast IP address to be set for the corresponding NTP servers in the host-specific DHCP server configuration.


DHCP Pool Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS (dhcp-config)# host hardware-type 1 client-identifier 00:11:22:33:44:55 ntp-server

Related Command(s)

•      ip dhcp pool - Creates a DHCP server address pool and enters into the DHCP pool configuration mode in which the pool is customized.

•      show ip dhcp server pools - Displays the global DHCP option configuration for all DHCP server address pools and configuration information, such as utilization threshold, of address pools for which subnet pool is created or host options are configured.


 Chapter 30             


DHCPv6 (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol for IPv6) enables DHCP servers to pass configuration parameters, such as IPv6 network addresses, to IPv6 nodes. It enables automatic allocation of reusable network addresses and provides additional configuration flexibility.

Oracle DHCPv6 has DHCPv6 client, DHCPv6 server, and DHCPv6 relay functionalities. Oracle DHCPv6 runs as an application over IPv6 and uses SLI (Socket Layer Interface) to send or receive messages from the corresponding client or server.

30.1        DHCPv6 Client

The DHCPv6 client is a node that initiates requests on a link to obtain configuration parameters (such as list of available DNS (Domain Name Server) servers) from DHCPv6 servers. It transmits and receives DHCP messages using link-local address or addresses determined through other mechanisms.

30.1.1     snmp-server enable traps ipv6 dhcp client


Command Objective

This command enables the SNMP traps notification messages for DHCPv6 client. It enables all the traps, when executed without any option.

This command allows enabling multiple SNMP traps for the DHCPv6 client. That is, both the specified trap notifications can be enabled one after the other.

The no form of the command disables the SNMP traps for the DHCPv6 client. It sets the trap as none, when executed without any option.


snmp-server enable traps ipv6 dhcp client [invalid-pkt] [auth-fail]

no snmp-server enable traps ipv6 dhcp client [invalid-pkt] [auth-fail]

Parameter Description

•      invalid-pkt - Enables or disables the transmission of invalid packet trap notification message. This trap notification message is generated, when the received reply message is invalid.

•      auth-fail - Enables or disables the transmission of HMAC authentication fail trap notification. This trap notification is generated, when the received reply message contains the authentication TLV and digest calculated at the client side that does not match with the received digest value. The digest is calculated at the client side with the realm and key-id values.


Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SNMP traps are disabled for the DHCPv6 client.


SEFOS(config)# snmp-server enable traps ipv6 dhcp client invalid-pkt

Related Command(s)

•      show ipv6 dhcp – Displays the configuration information.


30.1.2     ipv6 dhcp client port


Command Objective

This command configures the listen or transmit UDP (User Datagram Protocol) ports, which contains the UDP listen port number. The client provides the listen port number in the UDP header of Information Request message. The client processes the received reply message only when the destination port number in the UDP header is equal to port value.


ipv6 dhcp client port { listen <value (1-65535)> | transmit <value(1-65535)>}

Parameter Description

•      listen<value (1-65535)> - Configures the UDP listen port number to be provided in UDP header of the information-request message. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

•      transmit<value(1-65535)> - Configures the UDP (User Datagram Protocol) destination port number to be provided in UDP header of the information-request message. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.


Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


•      listen - 546

•      transmit - 547


Client processes the received reply message, only when the destination port number in the UDP header is equal to the client listen port number.


SEFOS(config)# ipv6 dhcp client port listen 540

Related Command(s)

•      show ipv6 dhcp – Displays the configuration information.


30.1.3     ipv6 dhcp client syslog


Command Objective

This command enables or disables the syslog generation and transmission of syslog notification messages. The DHCPv6 client will generate the syslog messages only when syslog is set as enabled.


ipv6 dhcp client syslog {enable | disable}

Parameter Description

•      enable - Enables the transmission of syslog notification messages. DHCPv6 client generates syslog messages.

•      disable - Disables the transmission of syslog notification messages. DHCPv6 client does not generate any syslog messages.


Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




SEFOS(config)# ipv6 dhcp client syslog enable

Related Command(s)

•      show ipv6 dhcp – Displays the configuration information.


30.1.4     ipv6 address dhcp


Command Objective

This command enables the DHCPv6 client functionality over the interface and requests for configuration information from the client.

The no form of the command disables the DHCPv6 client functionality over the interface.


ipv6 address dhcp

no ipv6 address dhcp


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN Interface Mode / Router )


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


DHCPv6 client functionality is disabled.


SEFOS(config-if)# ipv6 address dhcp

Related Command(s)

•      no switchport – Configures the port as router port.

•      ipv6 dhcp authentication client– Defines the domain, client identifier, and the corresponding authentication MD5  keys used to authenticate the information-request message and validate reply message.

•      ipv6 dhcp client-id type – Configures the DUID type to be used for the client identifier.

•      ipv6 dhcp client-id interface – Configures the interface that is used in the formation of the DUID based on LLT or on LL.

•      ipv6 dhcp timer – Configures various timer parameters for a retransmission algorithm of the information-request message.

•      ipv6 dhcp client information refresh minimum – Sets the minimum refresh timer value for the information-request message for client.

•      clear ipv6 dhcp client statistics – Clears the DHCPv6 client statistics for the specified interface or all the interfaces.

•      show ipv6 dhcp interface – Displays the configuration information and the DHCPv6 information received from the server for client, relay, and server interfaces.

•      show ipv6 dhcp client statistics – Displays the DHCPv6 client statistics.

30.1.5     ipv6 dhcp authentication client


Command Objective

This command defines the domain, client identifier, and the corresponding authentication MD5 (Message Digest 5) keys used to authenticate the information-request message and validate reply message.


ipv6 dhcp authentication client {realm <string(1-128)> | key <string (1-64)> | keyid <value>}

Parameter Description

•      realm<string(1-128) - Configures the unique name of the container for the HMAC-MD5 (Hash Message Authentication Code - Message Digest 5) authentication key. This value is a string of size varying between 1 and 128.

•      key<string (1-64)> - Configures the HMAC-MD5 key string which is used to authenticate the information-request message. This value is a string of size varying between 1 and 64.

•      keyid<value> - Configures the key identifier which is transmitted in information-request message as part of authentication information. The server searches its local database, using this key identifier for the related key to calculate the HMAC. This value ranges from 0 to 4294967295.


Interface Configuration Mode(VLAN Interface Mode / Router)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


keyid - 1


The DHCPv6 client functionality should be enabled in the interface, before executing this command.


SEFOS(config-if)# ipv6 dhcp authentication client realm 1

Related Command(s)

•      no switchport – Configures the port as router port.

•      ipv6 address dhcp – Enables the DHCPv6 client functionality over the interface and requests for configuration information from the client.

•      show ipv6 dhcp interface – Displays the configuration information and also the DHCPv6 information received from the server for client, relay, and server interfaces.


30.1.6     ipv6 dhcp client-id type


Command Objective

This command configures the DUID (DHCP Unique Identifier) type to be used for the client identifier. DUID consists of a two-octet type code represented in network byte order and a variable number of octets, to make an actual identifier. This DUID is used to identify the client in messages where the client sends a client identifier TLV (Type Length Value) in the information-request message. The clients must treat DUIDs as opaque values and must compare DUIDs for equality clients.


ipv6 dhcp client-id type {llt | en | ll}

Parameter Description

•      llt - Configures the DUID which is formed based on LLT (Link-Layer Address plus Time). The DHCPv6 client uses the link layer address of the interface and current system time value for the client identifier option TLV value. This type of DUID consists of a two octet type field containing the value one, a two octet hardware type code, four octets containing a time value, and a link-layer address of any one network interface that is connected to the DHCP device at the time of generation of the DUID.

       For client ID configured as llt, the DHCPv6 client and server should:

§  Compulsorily have a stable storage.

§  Store DUID-LLT in stable storage.

§  Continue to use DUID-LLT, even if network interface used to generate the DUID-LLT is removed.

§  Attempt to configure the time prior to generation of DUID, if possible, and should use time source (for example, real-time clock) for generating the DUID, even if the source is not configurable prior to the generation of the DUID.

•      en - Configures the DUID which is assigned by the vendor based on EN (Enterprise Number). The DHCPv6 client uses the vendor-assigned unique ID based on the EN for the client identifier option TLV value. This type of DUID consists of vendor’s registered private enterprise number as maintained by IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority) and a unique identifier assigned by the vendor.

       For client ID configured as en:

§  The identifier assigned by the vendor should be unique to device.

§  The unique identifier should be assigned to the device during its manufacture itself and should be stored in a non-volatile storage.

§  The generated DUID should be recorded in a non-erasable storage.

•      ll - Configures the DUID which is formed based on LL (Link-layer Address). The DHCPv6 client uses the link layer address for the client identifier option TLV value. This type of DUID consists of two octets containing the DUID type 3, a two octet network hardware type code, and a link-layer address of any one network interface that is permanently connected to the client or server device.

       For client ID configured as ll:

§  DHCP-LL should not be used by clients or servers that cannot identify whether a network interface is permanently attached to the device on which the DHCP client is running.

§  Same DHCP-LL should be used in configuring all network interfaces connected to the device, regardless of usage of any interface’s link-layer address to generate the DUID.


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN Interface Mode / Router)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




The DHCPv6 client functionality should be enabled in the interface, before executing this command.


SEFOS(config-if)# ipv6 dhcp client-id type ll

Related Command(s)


•      no switchport – Configures the port as router port.

•      ipv6 address dhcp – Enables the DHCPv6 client functionality over the interface and requests for configuration information from the client.

•      show ipv6 dhcp interface – Displays the configuration information and also the DHCPv6 information received from the server for client, relay, and server interfaces.


30.1.7     ipv6 dhcp client-id interface


Command Objective

This command configures the interface that is used in the formation of the DUID based on LLT or on LL.


ipv6 dhcp client-id interface {<interface-type> <interface-id> }

Parameter Description

•      <interface-type> - Configures DHCPv6 for the specified type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

        internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

•      <interface-id> - Configures DHCPv6 for the specified interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than i-lan and port-channel. For example: 0/1 represents that the slot number is 0 and port number is 1. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided, for interface types i-lan and port-channel. For example: 1 represents i-lan and port-channel ID.


Interface Configuration Mode(VLAN Interface Mode / Router)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


An arbitrary interface value is used.


This command executes only if

•      The DHCPv6 client functionality is enabled in the interface.

•      The physical interface that is configured to be used in the formation of DUID is  configured as router port.


SEFOS(config-if)# ipv6 dhcp client-id interface extreme-ethernet 0/2

Related Command(s)


•      no switchport – Configures the port as router port.

•      ipv6 address dhcp – Enables the DHCPv6 client functionality over the interface and requests for configuration information from the client.

•      show ipv6 dhcp interface - Displays DHCPv6 interface-specific information.


30.1.8     ipv6 dhcp timer


Command Objective

This command is used to set the various timer parameters for a retransmission algorithm of the information-request message. The no form of the command is used to reset the timer parameters to the default value.

By default, the client calculates the retransmission time for the information-request message using the following formula:



•      RT - Retransmission Time

•      IRT - Initial Retransmission Time

•      RAND - Random number between -0.1 and +0.1

If the calculated RT becomes greater than the MRT (Maximum Retransmission Time), then the client calculates the RT using the following formula:



•      RT - Retransmission Time

•      MRT - Maximum Retransmission Time

•      RAND - Random number between -0.1 and +0.1


ipv6 dhcp timer { irt <value(1-255)> | mrt <value(0-120)> | mrc <value(0-10)> | mrd <value(0-100)>}

no ipv6 dhcp timer [( irt | mrt | mrc | mrd }]

Parameter Description

•      irt<value(1-255)> - Configures the initial retransmission time value. This value ranges from 1 to 255 seconds.

•      mrt<value(0-120)> - Configures retransmission time value. This value ranges from 0 to 120 seconds.

•      mrc<value(0-10)> - Configures the maximum retransmission count value. This value ranges from 0 to 10. If MRC (Maximum Retransmission Count) is zero, the client continues to transmit the information-request message until it receives a reply response. If MRC is non-zero, the client terminates the information-request message exchange and considers it as fail, on transmitting the information-request message MRC time.

•      mrd<value(0-100)> - Configures the maximum retransmission delay value. This value ranges from 0 to 100 seconds. If MRD (Maximum Retransmission Delay) is zero, client continues to transmit the information-request message until it receives a reply response. If MRD is non-zero, client terminates the information-request message exchange and considers it as fail, once MRD is elapsed since the initial transmission of the message.


Interface Configuration Mode(VLAN Interface Mode / Router)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


•      irt - 1

•      mrt - 120

•      mrc - 0

•      mrd - 0


DHCPv6 client functionality should be enabled in the interface, before executing this command.


SEFOS(config-if)# ipv6 dhcp timer irt 10

Related Command(s)


•      no switchport – Configures the port as router port.

•      ipv6 address dhcp – Enables the DHCPv6 client functionality over the interface and requests for configuration information from the client.

•      show ipv6 dhcp interface – Displays the configuration information and also the DHCPv6 information received from the server for client, relay, and server interfaces.


30.1.9     ipv6 dhcp client information refresh minimum


Command Objective

This command sets the minimum refresh timer value for the information-request message, at the client side. The client once again sends information-request message to the server for acquiring configuration information, if the refresh timer is expired. The configured minimum refresh timer value is used, if an information refresh time option sent by the server is less than the configured value. This value ranges from 600 to 4294967295 seconds.

The no form of the command sets the refresh timer value to default value.


ipv6 dhcp client information refresh minimum <seconds value(600-4294967295)>

no ipv6 dhcp client information refresh minimum


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN Interface Mode / Router)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


86400 Seconds (24 Hours)


The DHCPv6 client functionality should be enabled in the interface, before executing this command.


SEFOS(config-if)# ipv6 dhcp client information refresh minimum 10000

Related Command(s)


•      no switchport – Configures the port as router port.

•      ipv6 address dhcp – Enables the DHCPv6 client functionality over the interface and requests for configuration information from the client.

•      show ipv6 dhcp interface – Displays the configuration information and also the DHCPv6 information received from the server for client, relay, and server interfaces.


30.1.10  debug ipv6 dhcp client


Command Objective

This command sets the debug traces for the DHCPv6 client.

The no form of the command resets the debug traces for the DHCPv6 client.


debug ipv6 dhcp client {[init-shut] [mgmt] [ctrl] [pkt] [resource] [fail] [buffer] [critical] | [all]}

no debug ipv6 dhcp client {[init-shut] [mgmt] [ctrl] [pkt] [resource] [fail] [buffer] [critical] | [all]}

Parameter Description

•      init-shut - Generates debug messages for init and shutdown traces. These traces are used during the module initialization and shut down, and for cases such as failure of RBTree creation and so on.

•      mgmt - Generates debug messages for management traces.

•      ctrl - Generates debug messages for control plane traces. These traces are used for cases such as MBSM card removal, failure of state change and so on.

•      pkt - Generates debug messages for packet dump traces. These traces are used during the reception and transmission of packets.

•      resource - Generates debug messages for traces related to all resources such as memory, data structure and the like. These traces are used for failure of memory allocation and so on.

•      fail - Generates debug messages for all failure traces. These traces are used for all valid and invalid failures. The valid failures represent expected errors. The invalid failures represent unexpected errors.

•      buffer - Generates debug messages for buffer allocation or release traces.

•      critical - Generates debug messages for SL (Stateless)-DHCPv6 client critical traces. These traces are used for cases such as failure of RBTree addition, failure to program the hardware, and so on.

•      all - Generates debug messages for all traces.


Privileged Exec Mode / User Exec Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




SEFOS# debug ipv6 dhcp client mgmt

30.1.11  clear ipv6 dhcp client statistics


Command Objective

This command clears the DHCPv6 client statistics for the specified interface or all the interfaces.


clear ipv6 dhcp client statistics [interface {vlan <VlanId(1-4094)> | <interface-type> <interface-id>}]

Parameter Description

•      vlan<VlanId(1-4094)> - Configures DHCPv6 for the specified VLAN ID. This is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN created or to be created. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

•      <interface-type> - Configures DHCPv6 for the specified type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

        internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

•      <interface-id> - Configures DHCPv6 for the specified interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than i-lan and port-channel. For example: 0/1 represents that the slot number is 0 and port number is 1. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided, for interface types i-lan and port-channel. For example: 1 represents i-lan and port-channel ID.


Privileged Exec Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# clear ipv6 dhcp client statistics interface extreme-ethernet 0/1

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 address dhcp – Enables the DHCPv6 client functionality over the interface and requests for configuration information from the client.

•      show ipv6 dhcp client statistics – Displays the DHCPv6 client statistics.

30.1.12  show ipv6 dhcp


Command Objective

This command displays the configuration information.


show ipv6 dhcp


Privileged Exec Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ipv6 dhcp

Client information:

  Listen UDP port   : 546

  Transmit UDP port : 547

  Sys log status    : disabled

  SNMP traps        : none

Server information:

  Listen UDP port                       : 547

  Client Transmit UDP port              : 546

  Relay Transmit UDP port               : 547

  Sys log status                        : disabled

  SNMP traps                            : none

  Authentication Information:

    Client DUID : 636c69656e7431

      Realm Name  : real1

        Key Value      : 1

        Key Identifier : 74:72:69:61:6c

Relay information:

  Listen UDP port                       : 547

  Client Transmit UDP port              : 546

  Server Transmit UDP port              : 547

  Sys log status                        : disabled

  SNMP traps                            : none

Related Command(s)

•      snmp-server enable traps ipv6 dhcp client – Enables the SNMP traps for DHCPv6 client.

•      ipv6 dhcp client port – Configures the listen or transmit UDP ports.

•      ipv6 dhcp client syslog – Enables or disables the syslog generation.


30.1.13  show ipv6 dhcp interface


Command Objective

This command displays the configuration information and also the DHCPv6 information received from the server for client, relay, and server interfaces.


show ipv6 dhcp interface [ {vlan <VlanId(1-4094)> | <interface-type> <interface-id>}]

Parameter Description

•      vlan<VlanId(1-4094)> - Displays DHCPv6 for the specified VLAN ID. This is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN created or to be created. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

•      <interface-type> - Displays DHCPv6 for the specified type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       i-lan– Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

•      <interface-id> - Displays DHCPv6 for the specified interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than i-lan and port-channel. For example: 0/1 represents that the slot number is 0 and port number is 1. Only i-lan is provided, for interface types i-lan. For example: 1 represents i-lan ID.


Privileged Exec Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ipv6 dhcp interface

extreme-ethernet 0/3 is in client mode

 DHCPv6 unique type(DUID Type) : Link-layer Address Plus Time

  DHCPv6 unique identifier(DUID): 00010002000031b9fe80000000000000020102fffe0304


  Minimum Refresh Time          : 86400 sec

  Current Refresh Time          : 86400 sec

  Retransmission counters:

    Maximum Ret Count : 0

    Maximum Ret Delay : 0   sec

    Maximum Ret Time  : 120 sec

    Initial Ret Time  : 1   sec

    Current Ret Time  : 0   sec

  Authentication information:

    Realm Name     : -

    Key Identifier : -

    Key value      : 1

  List of known servers:

    Address    : fe80::202:2ff:fe03:401

    DUID       : 0001000200001b5bfe80000000000000020302fffe030401

    Preference : 5

      Status Code     : (Success)-SUCCESS

      SIP domain list :

      SIP servers     : fe80::200d:88ff:fe67:6666

      DNS servers     : fe80::200d:88ff:fe67:6666

      DNS search list :

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 address dhcp – Enables the DHCPv6 client functionality over the interface and requests for configuration information from the client.

•      ipv6 dhcp authentication client – Defines the domain, client identifier, and the corresponding authentication MD5 (Message Digest 5) keys used to authenticate the information-request message and validate reply message.

•      ipv6 dhcp client-id type – Configures the DUID type to be used for the client identifier.

•      ipv6 dhcp timer – Configures various timer parameters for a retransmission algorithm of the information-request message.

•      ipv6 dhcp client information refresh minimum – Sets the minimum refresh timer value for the information-request message, at the client side.


30.1.14  show ipv6 dhcp client statistics


Command Objective

This command displays the DHCPv6 client statistics such as number of PDUs (Protocol Data Units) transmitted or received, for the specified interface or all the interfaces.


show ipv6 dhcp client statistics [interface {vlan <VlanId(1-4094)> | <interface-type> <interface-id>}]

Parameter Description

•      vlan<VlanId(1-4094)> - Displays DHCPv6 for the specified VLAN ID. This is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN created or to be created. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

•      <interface-type> - Displays DHCPv6 for the specified type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

•      <interface-id> - Displays DHCPv6 for the specified interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. For example: 0/1 represents that the slot number is 0 and port number is 1. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided, for interface types i-lan and port-channel. For example: 1 represents i-lan and port-channel ID.


Privileged Exec Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ipv6 dhcp client statistics

extreme-ethernet 0/1


   information-request : 1


   reply        : 1

   invalid      : 0

   hmac-failure : 0

vlan 1


   information-request : 1


   reply        : 1

   invalid      : 0

   hmac-failure : 0

SEFOS# show ipv6 dhcp client statistics interface extreme-ethernet 0/1

extreme-ethernet 0/1


   information-request : 1


   reply        : 1

   invalid      : 0

   hmac-failure : 0

SEFOS# show ipv6 dhcp client statistics interface vlan 1

vlan 1


   information-request : 1


   reply        : 1

   invalid      : 0

   hmac-failure : 0

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 address dhcp – Enables the DHCPv6 client functionality over the interface and requests for configuration information from the client.

•      clear ipv6 dhcp client statistics – Clears the DHCPv6 client statistics for the specified interface or all the interfaces.


30.2         DHCPv6 Relay

The DHCPv6 relay is an intermediate node that relays DHCP messages between the DHCPv6 clients and DHCPv6 servers on different links.

30.2.1     snmp-server enable traps ipv6 dhcp relay


Command Objective

This command enables the transmission of SNMP traps notification messages for DHCPv6 relay. It enables all the traps, when executed without any option.

This command allows enabling multiple SNMP traps for the DHCPv6 relay. That is, both the specified trap notifications can be enabled one after the other.

The no form of the command disables the SNMP traps for the DHCPv6 relay. It sets the trap as none, when executed without any option.


snmp-server enable traps ipv6 dhcp relay [invalid-pkt] [max-hop-count]

no snmp-server enable traps ipv6 dhcp relay [invalid-pkt] [max-hop-count]

Parameter Description

•      invalid-pkt - Enables or disables the transmission of invalid packet trap notification, based on the relay agent which declares the received notification message as invalid. This trap notification is generated, when the received message is invalid or when the AdminControl value is set with value 0.

•      max-hop-count - Enables or disables the transmission of maximum hop count trap notification, based on the relay agent which receives the relay forward message with  hop count value less than one configured hop count. This trap notification is generated, when the relay agent is not able to add the relay header, as the received hop count value is equal to the configured maximum hop threshold limit.


Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SNMP traps are disabled for the DHCPv6 relay .


SEFOS(config)# snmp-server enable traps ipv6 dhcp relay max-hop-count

Related Command(s)

•      show ipv6 dhcp – Displays the DHCPv6 relay global configurations.


30.2.2     ipv6 dhcp relay syslog


Command Objective

This command enables or disables the transmission of syslog notification messages for the DHCPv6 relay.


ipv6 dhcp relay syslog {enable | disable}

Parameter Description

•      enable - Configures the DHCPv6 relay to generate syslog messages when the transmission of syslog notification messages enabled.

•      disable - Configures the DHCPv6 relay not to generate any syslog messages, when the transmission of syslog notification messages is disabled.


Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




SEFOS(config)# ipv6 dhcp relay syslog enable

Related Command(s)

•      show ipv6 dhcp – Displays the DHCPv6 relay global configurations.


30.2.3     ipv6 dhcp relay port


Command Objective

This command sets the listen UDP port number, and client and server transmit. And, configures the port on which the DHCPv6 relay agent listens on. This command facilitates the DHCPv6 relay to co-exist with the DHCPv6 server which can listen on a different port.


ipv6 dhcp relay port {listen <value(1-65535)> | client transmit <value(1-65535)> | server transmit <value(1-65535)>}

Parameter Description

•      listen<value(1-65535)> - Configures the UDP port number on which the DHCPv6 relay should listen. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

•      client transmit<value(1-65535)> - Configures the UDP port number on which the DHCPv6 relay sends reply message. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

•      server transmit<value(1-65535)> - Configures the UDP port number on which the DHCPv6 relay sends relay-forward message. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.


Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


•      listen - 547

•      client transmit - 546

•      server transmit - 547


SEFOS(config)# ipv6 dhcp relay port listen 34

Related Command(s)

•      show ipv6 dhcp – Displays the DHCPv6 relay global configurations.


30.2.4     ipv6 dhcp relay


Command Objective

This command enables the DHCPv6 relay feature on an interface and optionally sets the destination server address and the outgoing interface.

The no form of the command disables the DHCPv6 relay feature on the interface, and optionally resets the destination server address and the outgoing interface.


ipv6 dhcp relay [destination <prefix> [{link-local | <prefix Len> }] [interface {Vlan <vlan-id (1-4094)> | <interface-type> <interface-id>}]]

no ipv6 dhcp relay [destination <prefix> [{link-local | <prefix Len> }] [interface {Vlan <vlan-id (1-4094)> | <interface-type> <interface-id>}]]

Parameter Description

•      destination <prefix> - Configures the IPv6 address of the destination DHCPv6 server.

•      link-local - Configures the Link-local type IPv6 address of the DHCP Relay.

•      <prefix Len> - Configures the number of high-order bits in the IP address. These bits are common among all hosts within a network. This value ranges from 0 to 128.

•      Vlan<vlan-id (1-4094)> - Configures DHCPv6 for the specified VLAN ID. This is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN created or to be created. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

•      <interface-type> - Configures DHCPv6 for the specified type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan– Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

•      <interface-id> - Configures DHCPv6 for the specified interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than i-lan and port-channel. For example: 0/1 represents that the slot number is 0 and port number is 1. Only i-lan is provided, for interface types i-lan. For example: 1 represents internal-lan ID.


Interface Configuration Mode(VLAN Interface Mode / Router )


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


DHCPv6 relay feature is disabled.


SEFOS(config-if)# ipv6 dhcp relay destination 1111::2222 128 interface vlan 1

Related Command(s)

•      no switchport – Configures the port as router port.

•      ipv6 dhcp relay hop-threshold – Sets the hop threshold limit for the DHCPv6 relay packets.

•      ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id type - Sets the type of the remote-id option for the DHCPv6 relay.

•      ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id duid - Configures DHCPv6 Relay Unique Identifier (DUID) value for the interface.

•      clear ipv6 dhcp relay statistics – Clears DHCPv6 relay transmit and receive statistics for a particular interface or for all the interfaces.

•      ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id userDefined - Configures DHCPv6 relay user-defined value for the interface.

•      show ipv6 dhcp interfcae – Displays the DHCPv6 relay configurations on a particular interface or all the interfaces.

•      show ipv6 dhcp relay statistics – Displays the DHCPv6 relay statistics on a particular interface or on all the interfaces.


30.2.5     ipv6 dhcp relay hop-threshold


Command Objective

This command sets the hop threshold limit for the DHCPv6 relay packets. The limit represents the maximum number of hop count allowed by relay agent to pass through it. Packets are dropped at the relay agent, if the hop count in the DHCP message is greater than the threshold limit. This value ranges from 0 to 32.

The no form of the command resets the threshold limit to default value.


ipv6 dhcp relay hop-threshold <count>

no ipv6 dhcp relay hop-threshold


Interface Configuration Mode(VLAN Interface Mode / Router)


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




The DHCPv6 relay feature should be enabled in the interface, before executing this command.


SEFOS(config-if)# ipv6 dhcp relay hop-threshold 3

Related Command(s)

•      no switchport – Configures the port as router port.

•      ipv6 dhcp relay- Enables the relay feature on an interface and optionally sets the destination server address and configures an outgoing interface.

•      show ipv6 dhcp interface – Displays the DHCPv6 relay configurations on a particular interface or all the interfaces.

30.2.6     debug ipv6 dhcp relay


Command Objective

This command sets the debug trace levels for the DHCPv6 relay.

The no form of the command resets the debug trace levels for the DHCPv6 relay.


debug ipv6 dhcp relay {[init-shut][mgmt][ctrl][pkt][resource][fail][buffer][critical] | all}

no debug ipv6 dhcp relay {[init-shut][mgmt][ctrl][pkt][resource][fail][buffer][critical] | all}

Parameter Description

•      init-shut - Generates debug messages for init and shutdown traces. These traces are used during the module initialization and shutdown, and for cases such as failure of RBTree creation etc.

•      mgmt - Generates debug messages for management traces.

•      ctrl - Generates debug messages for control plane traces. These traces are used for cases such as MBSM card removal, failure of state change and so on.

•      pkt - Generates debug messages for packet dump traces. These traces are used during the reception and transmission of packets.

•      resource - Generates debug messages for traces related to all resources such as memory, data structure and the like. These traces are used for instances such as failure of memory allocation.

•      fail - Generates debug messages for all failure traces. These traces are used for all valid and invalid failures. The valid failures represent expected errors. The invalid failures represent unexpected errors.

•      buffer - Generates debug messages for buffer allocation or release traces.

•      critical - Generates debug messages for SL-DHCPv6 relay critical traces. These traces are used for cases such as failure of RBTree addition, failure to program the hardware, and so on.

•      all - Generates debug messages for all traces.


Privileged Exec Mode / User Exec Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




SEFOS# debug ipv6 dhcp relay all

Related command(s)

•      show debugging - Displays state of each debugging option.

30.2.7     clear ipv6 dhcp relay statistics


Command Objective

This command clears DHCPv6 relay transmit and receive statistics for a particular interface or for all the interfaces.


clear ipv6 dhcp relay statistics [interface {vlan <VlanId(1-4094)> |<interface-type> <interface-id>}]

Parameter Description

•      vlan<VlanId(1-4094)> - Configures DHCPv6 for the specified VLAN ID. This is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN created or to be created. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

•      <interface-type> - Configures DHCPv6 for the specified type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

•      <interface-id> - Configures DHCPv6 for the specified interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than i-lan and port-channel. For example: 0/1 represents that the slot number is 0 and port number is 1. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided, for interface types i-lan and port-channel. For example: 1 represents i-lan and port-channel ID.


Privileged Exec Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# clear ipv6 dhcp relay statistics

Related Command(s)


•      ipv6 dhcp relay– Enables the relay feature on an interface and optionally sets the destination server address and configures an outgoing interface.

•      show ipv6 dhcp relay statistics – Displays the DHCPv6 relay statistics on a particular interface or on all the interfaces.

30.2.8     show ipv6 dhcp


Command Objective

This command displays the DHCPv6 relay global configurations.


show ipv6 dhcp


Privileged Exec Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ipv6 dhcp


Client information:

  Listen UDP port   : 546

  Transmit UDP port : 547

  Sys log status    : disabled

  SNMP traps        : none


Server information:

  Listen UDP port                       : 547

  Client Transmit UDP port              : 546

  Relay Transmit UDP port               : 547

  Sys log status                        : disabled

  SNMP traps                            : none


  Authentication Information:  -


Relay information:

  Listen UDP port                       : 34

  Client Transmit UDP port              : 546

  Server Transmit UDP port              : 547

  Sys log status                        : enabled

  SNMP traps                            : max-hop-count

  Remote-ID(Option 37)            : enabled

  PD Forwarding                   : enabled

Related Command(s)


•      snmp-server enable traps ipv6 dhcp – Enables the SNMP traps for DHCPv6 relay.

•      ipv6 dhcp relay syslog – Enables or disables the syslog feature for the DHCPv6 relay.

•      ipv6 dhcp relay port – Sets the listen UDP port number, and client and server transmit UDP port numbers.

•      ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id - Enables or disables insertion of DHCPv6 option37-Remote-id option in DHCPv6 Relay FWD messages.

•      ipv6 relay pd forwarding - Enables insertion of DHCPv6 Prefix delegated routes into the routing table.

30.2.9     show ipv6 dhcp interface


Command Objective

This command displays the DHCPv6 relay configurations on a particular interface or all the interfaces.


show ipv6 dhcp interface [ {vlan <VlanId(1-4094)> | <interface-type> <interface-id>}]

Parameter Description

•      vlan<VlanId(1-4094)> - Displays DHCPv6 for the specified VLAN ID. This is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN created or to be created. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

•      <interface-type> - Displays DHCPv6 for the specified type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       i-lan– Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

•      <interface-id> - Displays DHCPv6 for the specified interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than i-lan. For example: 0/1 represents that the slot number is 0 and port number is 1. Only i-lan ID is provided, for interface types i-lan. For example: 1 represents i-lan.


Privileged Exec Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ipv6 dhcp interface

extreme-ethernet 0/2 is in relay mode

  HopThreshold value : 3

  Remote-Id Option Type  : duid

  Remote-Id Option Value : 12:12:ab

  Server Address     : unicast to configured servers only

    1111::2222 : vlan1


vlan 1 is in relay mode

  HopThreshold value : 3

  Remote-Id Option Type  : duid

  Remote-Id Option Value : 12:12:aa

  Server Address     : unicast to configured servers only

    1111::2222 : vlan1

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 dhcp relay – Enables the relay feature on an interface and optionally sets the destination server address and an outgoing interface.

•      ipv6 dhcp relay hop-threshold – Sets the hop threshold limit for the DHCPv6 relay packets.

•      ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id type - Sets the type of the remote-id option for the DHCPv6 relay.

•      ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id userDefined - Configures DHCPv6 relay user-defined value for the interface.

•      ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id duid - Configures DHCPv6 Relay Unique Identifier (DUID) value for the interface.

30.2.10  show ipv6 dhcp relay statistics


Command Objective

This command displays the DHCPv6 relay statistics on a particular interface or on all the interfaces.


show ipv6 dhcp relay statistics [interface {vlan <VlanId(1-4094)> | <interface-type> <interface-id>} ]

Parameter Description

•      vlan<VlanId(1-4094)> - Displays DHCPv6 for the specified VLAN ID. This is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN created or to be created. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

•      <interface-type> - Displays DHCPv6 for the specified type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

•      <interface-id> - Displays DHCPv6 for the specified interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. For example: 0/1 represents that the slot number is 0 and port number is 1. Only internal-lan or port-channel ID is provided, for interface types i-lan and port-channel. For example: 1 represents internal-lan and port-channel ID.


Privileged Exec Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ipv6 dhcp relay statistics

 extreme-ethernet 0/2


    information-request : 0

    relay-forward       : 0

    relay-reply         : 0

    invalid             : 0


 vlan 1


    information-request : 0

    relay-forward       : 0

    relay-reply         : 0

    invalid             : 0

Related Command(s)


•      ipv6 dhcp relay – Enables the relay feature on an interface and optionally sets the destination server address and configures an outgoing interface.

•      clear ipv6 dhcp relay statistics – Clears DHCPv6 relay transmit and receive statistics for a particular interface or for all the interfaces.

30.2.11  ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id


Command Objective

This command enables or disables insertion of DHCPv6 option37-Remote-id option in DHCPv6 Relay FWD messages.


ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id {enable | disable}

Parameter Description

•      enable - Enables insertion of DHCPv6 option 37 Remote-ID in DHCPv6 Relay Forward Messages

•      disable - Disables insertion of DHCPv6 option 37 Remote-ID in DHCPv6 Relay Forward Messages


Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Remote-Id Option is disabled.


SEFOS(config)# ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id enable

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id type - Sets the type of the remote-id option for the DHCPv6 relay.

•      ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id duid - Configures DHCPv6 Relay Unique Identifier (DUID) value for the interface.

•      ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id userDefined - Configures DHCPv6 relay user-defined value for the interface.

•      show ipv6 dhcp – Displays the DHCPv6 relay global configurations.

30.2.12  ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id type


Command Objective

This command sets the type of the remote-id option for the DHCPv6 relay.


ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id type {duid | switch-name | mgmt-ip | userDefined }

Parameter Description

•      duid - Configures the remote-id option as DHCP Unique Identifier.

•      switch-name - Configures the remote-id option as Current System Name.

•      mgmt-ip - Configures the remote-id option as Management IP of the system.

•      userDefined - Sets the type of the remote-id option for the DHCPv6 relay as userDefined.


Interface Configuration Mode(VLAN Interface Mode / Router )


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




SEFOS(config-if)# ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id type duid


This command executes only if

•      The DHCPv6 relay feature is enabled in the interface.

•      Remote-Id option is enabled.

Related Command(s)

•      no switchport – Configures the port as router port.

•      ipv6 dhcp relay- Enables the relay feature on an interface and optionally sets the destination server address and configures an outgoing interface.

•      ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id - Enables or disables insertion of DHCPv6 option37-Remote-id option in DHCPv6 Relay FWD messages.

•      show ipv6 dhcp interface – Displays the DHCPv6 relay configurations on a particular interface or all the interfaces.

30.2.13  ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id duid


Command Objective

This command configures DHCPv6 Relay Unique Identifier (DUID) value for the interface. DHCPv6 servers use the DUID to make decisions about information such as addresses, delegated prefixes, configuration parameters, and so on, that the client is to receive.

Relay agent uses the DUID to have a unique remote-id for its enterprise number, as sequence of enterprise number followed by remote-id must be globally unique.

DHCPv6 Relay DUID is a 128 octets long identifier, which can have Link-Layer Address as DUID octets, Link-Layer address along with some other parameter having variable octets, or can have any sequence of octets representing unique DUID.


ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id duid <duid-id string(128)>


Interface Configuration Mode(VLAN Interface Mode / Router )


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


All octets are zero


SEFOS(config-if)# ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id duid 12:12:aa


This command executes only if

•      The DHCPv6 relay feature is enabled in the interface.

•      Remote-Id option is enabled.

Related Command(s)

•      no switchport – Configures the port as router port.

•      ipv6 dhcp relay- Enables the relay feature on an interface and optionally sets the destination server address and configures an outgoing interface.

•      ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id - Enables or disables insertion of DHCPv6 option37-Remote-id option in DHCPv6 Relay FWD messages.

•      show ipv6 dhcp interface – Displays the DHCPv6 relay configurations on a particular interface or all the interfaces.

30.2.14  ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id userDefined


Command Objective

This command configures DHCPv6 relay user-defined value for this interface.


ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id userDefined <user-specific-ascii string(128)>


Interface Configuration Mode(VLAN Interface Mode / Router )


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-if)# ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id userDefined 1


This command executes only if

•      The DHCPv6 relay feature is enabled in the interface.

•      Remote-Id option is enabled.

Related Command(s)s

•      no switchport – Configures the port as router port.

•      ipv6 dhcp relay- Enables the relay feature on an interface and optionally sets the destination server address and configures an outgoing interface.

•      ipv6 dhcp relay remote-id - Enables or disables insertion of DHCPv6 option37-Remote-id option in DHCPv6 Relay FWD messages.

•      show ipv6 dhcp interface – Displays the DHCPv6 relay configurations on a particular interface or all the interfaces.

30.2.15  ipv6 dhcp relay pd forwarding


Command Objective

This command enables insertion of DHCPv6 Prefix delegated routes into the routing table.

The no form of this command deletes the DHCPv6 Prefix delegated routes from the routing table and the subsequent learned routes are not added.


ipv6 dhcp relay pd forwarding

no ipv6 dhcp relay pd forwarding


Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


Prefix Delegation is enabled.


This command should be executed prior to any relay configuration.


SEFOS(config)# ipv6 dhcp relay pd forwarding

Related Command(s)

•      show running config - Displays the configuration information currently running on the router.

•      show ipv6 dhcp – Displays the DHCPv6 relay global configurations.

30.3         DHCPv6 Server

The DHCPv6 server is a node that responds to requests from the DHCPv6 clients. It can be on the same link as the clients or on the different link. It receives DHCP messages from the clients using a reserved, link-scoped multicast address.

30.3.1     snmp-server enable traps ipv6 dhcp server


Command Objective

This command enables the transmission of SNMP traps notification messages for DHCPv6 server. It enables all the traps, when executed without any option.

This command allows enabling multiple SNMP traps for the DHCPv6 client. That is, all the three specified trap notifications can be enabled one after the other.

The no form of the command disables the SNMP traps for the DHCPv6 server. It sets the trap as none, when executed without any option.


snmp-server enable traps ipv6 dhcp server [unknown-tlv] [invalid-pkt] [auth-fail]

no snmp-server enable traps ipv6 dhcp server [unknown-tlv] | [invalid-pkt] | [auth-fail]

Parameter Description

•      unknown-tlv - Enables or disables the transmission of unknown TLV trap notification, based on the server which declares the received notification message as unknown TLV. This trap notification is generated, when received information-request or relay forward message contains invalid TLV type.

•      invalid-pkt - Enables or disables the transmission of invalid packet trap notification, based on the server which declares the received notification message as invalid. This trap notification is generated, when the received information-request or relay forward message is invalid.

•      auth-fail - Enables or disables the transmission of HMAC authentication fail trap notification, based on the server which declares the received notification message as authentication fail. This trap notification is generated, when the received information-request or relay forward message contains the authentication TLV and digest calculated at the server side that does not match with the received digest value. The digest is calculated at the server side with the realm and key-id values.


Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SNMP traps are disabled for the DHCPv6 server.


SEFOS(config)# snmp-server enable traps ipv6 dhcp server auth-fail

Related Command(s)

•      show ipv6 dhcp – Displays the various configuration information at server end.

30.3.2     ipv6 dhcp server port


Command Objective

This command configures the information request listen, reply transmit, and relay-reply transmit UDP ports. The server processes the received information request message and relay-forward only when destination port number in UDP header is equal to the configured listen port number.


ipv6 dhcp server port {listen <value(1-65535)> | client transmit <value(1-65535)> | relay transmit <value(1-65535)>}

Parameter Description

•      listen<value(1-65535)> - Configures the UDP listen port number. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

•      client transmit<value(1-65535)> - Configures the UDP transmit port, which is set as the destination port number in UDP header of the reply message. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

•      relay transmit<value(1-65535)> - Configures the UDP transmit port, which is set as the destination port number in UDP header of the relay-reply message. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.


Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


•      listen - 547

•      client transmit - 546

•      relay transmit - 547


SEFOS(config)# ipv6 dhcp server port listen 800

Related Command(s)

•      show ipv6 dhcp – Displays the various configuration information at server end.


30.3.3     ipv6 dhcp server syslog


Command Objective

This command enables or disables the transmission of syslog notification messages for the DHCPv6 server.


ipv6 dhcp server syslog {enable | disable}

Parameter Description

•      enable - Configures the DHCPv6 relay to generate syslog messages when the transmission of syslog notification messages enabled.

•      disable - Configures the DHCPv6 relay not to generate any syslog messages, when the transmission of syslog notification messages is disabled.


Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




SEFOS(config)# ipv6 dhcp server syslog enable

Related Command(s)

•      show ipv6 dhcp – Displays the various configuration information at server end.


30.3.4     ipv6 dhcp authentication server client-id


Command Objective

This command creates client configuration pool at the server and enters into the client information configuration mode. It allows creation of multiple client configuration pools at the server.

The no form of the command deletes the client configuration pool maintained at the server.


ipv6 dhcp authentication server client-id <string(128)> {llt | en | ll}

no ipv6 dhcp authentication server client-id string(1-128)

Parameter Description

•      <string(128)> - Configures the string as the name of the client. This value is a string of size varying between 1 and 128.

•      llt - Generates DUID based on LLT (Link-Layer Address plus Time) and indicates that the DHCPv6 client uses the link layer address of the interface and current system time value for the client identifier option TLV value. This type of DUID consists of a two octet type field containing the value 1, a two octet hardware type code, four octets containing a time value, and a link-layer address of any one network interface that is connected to the DHCP device at the time of generation of the DUID.

       For client ID configured as llt, the DHCPv6 client and server should:

§  Compulsorily have a stable storage.

§  Store DUID-LLT in stable storage.

§  Continue to use DUID-LLT, even if network interface used to generate the DUID-LLT is removed.

§  Attempt to configure the time prior to generation of DUID, if possible, and should use time source (for example, real-time clock) for generating the DUID, even if the source is not configurable prior to the generation of the DUID.

•      en - Assigns DUID by the vendor based on EN and indicates that the DHCPv6 client uses the vendor-assigned unique ID based on the EN for the client identifier option TLV value. This type of DUID consists of vendor’s registered private enterprise number as maintained by IANA and a unique identifier assigned by the vendor.

       For client ID configured as en:

§  The identifier assigned by the vendor should be unique to device.

§  The unique identifier should be assigned to the device during its manufacture itself and should be stored in a non-volatile storage.

§  The generated DUID should be recorded in a non-erasable storage.

•      ll - Generates DUID based on LL (Link-layer Address) and indicates that the DHCPv6 client uses the link layer address for the client identifier option TLV value. This type of DUID consists of two octets containing the DUID type 3, a two octet network hardware type code, and a link-layer address of any one network interface that is permanently connected to the client or server device.

       For client ID configured as ll:

§  DHCP-LL should not be used by clients or servers that cannot identify whether a network interface is permanently attached to the device on which the DHCP client is running.

§  Same DHCP-LL should be used in configuring all network interfaces connected to the device, regardless of usage of any interface’s link-layer address to generate the DUID.


Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS(config)# ipv6 dhcp authentication server client-id client1 en


Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 dhcp authentication – Configures the realm and key value.

•      show ipv6 dhcp – Displays the various configuration information at server end.


30.3.5     ipv6 dhcp authentication


Command Objective

This command configures the realm and key value through which the server authenticates the received information request with the HMAC MD5 algorithm when the received message contains the authentication option TLV.

The no form of the command deletes the realm and key value.


ipv6 dhcp authentication realm <string (1-128)> key <string(1-64)>

no ipv6 dhcp authentication realm <string (1-128)> [key <string(1-64)> ]

Parameter Description

•      realm<string (1-128)> - Configures the name of the container used to store the HMAC-MD5 authentication keys, where realms are containers for authentication information. The maximum string size is 128.

•      key<string(1-64)> - Configures the HMAC-MD5 key string used to authenticate the information-request message, where the authentication key IDs are assigned to the clients. The maximum string size is 64.


Client Information Configuration mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


•      The client configuration pool should be created, before configuring the realm and key value.

•      When this command is executed for next client ID with the same container name, the key-identifier and key value of the previous client-ID is inherited to the new client ID and then the concerned key identifier and key value are assigned to the new client ID based on the configuration.


SEFOS(config-d6clnt)# ipv6 dhcp authentication realm products key SEFOS

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 dhcp authentication server client-id – Creates client configuration pool at the server and enters into the client pool configuration mode.

•      show ipv6 dhcp – Displays the various configuration information at server end.


30.3.6     ipv6 dhcp pool


Command Objective

This command creates a DHCPv6 server pool and enters into IPv6 DHCP pool configuration mode where the pool is configured independently of the DHCPv6 service. The configuration information pool is a named entity that includes information about available configuration parameters and policies that control assignment of the parameters to clients from the pool. The maximum string size is 64.

The no form of the command deletes the DHCPv6 server pool.


ipv6 dhcp pool <string (1-64)>

no ipv6 dhcp pool <string (1-64)>


Global Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS(config)# ipv6 dhcp pool dhcp6pool1


Related Command(s)

•      vendor-specific – Enters into vendor-specific configuration mode with vendor-specific identification number.

•      sub option – Enables a sub-option of the configured vendor-specific information.

•      link-address – Sets a link-address IPv6 prefix.

•      domain-name – Defines the DNS domain suffix which is provided to the client in reply message on request.

•      dns-server – Defines the DNS server IP address which is provided to the client in reply message on request.

•      sip address – Defines the SIP server IP address which is provided to the client in reply message on request.

•      sip domain-name – Defines the SIP domain name which is provided to the client in reply message on request.

•      option – Sets pool-specific DHCPv6 server option.

•      ipv6 dhcp server-id type – Configures the DUID type to be used for the server identifier.

•      ipv6 dhcp server-id interface – Configures the interface that is used in the formation of the DUID based on LLT or on LL.

•      information refresh – Configures the refresh time value that is to be sent to the client.

•      show ipv6 dhcp pool – Displays the DHCPv6 server pool information.

•      show ipv6 dhcp interface – Displays the various configuration information at server end for specified interface or all the interfaces.


30.3.7     vendor-specific


Command Objective

This command enters into vendor-specific configuration mode with vendor-specific identification number and options which the server will reply in response to an information-request or relay-forward message. This value ranges from 1 to 2147483647.

The no form of the command deletes all configured vendor-specific information.


vendor-specific <vendor-id (1-2147483647)>

no vendor-specific <vendor-id (1-2147483647)>


IPv6 DHCP Pool Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


The DHCPv6 server address pool should be created, before configuring the vendor-specific information.


SEFOS(config-d6pool)# vendor-specific 10


Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 dhcp pool – Creates a DHCPv6 server address pool.

•      sub option – Enables a sub-option of the configured vendor-specific information.

•      show ipv6 dhcp pool – Displays the DHCPv6 server pool information.


30.3.8     sub option


Command Objective

This command enables a sub-option of the configured vendor-specific information. This entry is not lost upon reboot. It is backed up by stable storage. Each entry in this table contains the required attribute values.

The no form of the command deletes the sub-option.


sub option <option-id (1-4294967295)> { address <IPv6-address> | ascii <ASCII-string> | hex <hex_string>}

no sub option <option-id> { address <IPv6-address> | ascii <ASCII-string> | hex <hex_string>}

Parameter Description

•      <option-id(1-4294967295)> - Indicates a unique sub-option type. This value ranges from 1 to 4294967295.

•      address<IPv6-address> - Configures an IPv6 address that can be provided as a sub-option value.

•      ascii<ASCII-string> - Configures an ASCII string that can be provided as a sub-option value. The maximum string size is 255.

•      hex<hex_string> - Configures a hexadecimal string that can be provided as a sub-option value. This value is an octet string of size varying between 1 and 32.


Vendor Specific Information Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


The DHCPv6 server address pool should be created and the vendor-specific information should be configured, before enabling sub-option of the vendor-specific information.


SEFOS(d6pool-vendor)# sub option 3 address 0000::1111

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 dhcp pool – Creates a DHCPv6 server address pool.

•      vendor-specific – Enters into vendor-specific configuration mode with vendor-specific identification number.

•      show ipv6 dhcp pool - Displays the DHCPv6 server pool information.


30.3.9     link-address


Command Objective

This command sets a link-address IPv6 prefix. The server uses the configuration information pool, when an address on the incoming interface or a link-address in the packet matches the specified IPv6-prefix.

The no form of the command removes the link-address IPv6 prefix.


link-address <IPV6-Prefix>

no link-address <IPV6-Prefix>


IPv6 DHCP Pool Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


The DHCPv6 server address pool should be created before executing this command.


SEFOS(config-d6pool)# link-address 2222::1111

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 dhcp pool– Creates a DHCPv6 server address pool.

•      show ipv6 dhcp pool– Displays the DHCPv6 server pool information.


30.3.10  domain-name


Command Objective

This command defines the DNS domain suffix which is provided to the client in reply message on request.

The no form of the command deletes the DNS domain suffix.


domain-name <domain name> [preference <value (0-255)> ]

no domain-name <domain name> [preference value]

Parameter Description

•      <domain name> - Configures the domain name prefix that is used to resolve a domain name. The maximum string size is 64.

•      preference<value (0-255)> - Configures the preference value of the pool. This value ranges from 0 to 255. The DHCPv6 client uses this value to select the best information on receiving multiple reply messages from different servers.


IPv6 DHCP Pool Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


The DHCPv6 server address pool should be created before executing this command.


SEFOS(config-d6pool)# domain-name 34 preference 56

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 dhcp pool– Creates a DHCPv6 server address pool.

•      show ipv6 dhcp pool – Displays the DHCPv6 server pool information.


30.3.11  dns-server


Command Objective

This command defines the DNS server IP address which is provided to the client in the reply message on request.

The no form of the command deletes the DNS server IP address.


dns-server <ipv6-address>

no dns-server <ipv6-address>


IPv6 DHCP Pool Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


The DHCPv6 server address pool should be created before executing this command.


SEFOS(config-d6pool)# dns-server 3333::2222

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 dhcp pool – Creates a DHCPv6 server address pool.

•      show ipv6 dhcp pool – Displays the DHCPv6 server pool information.


30.3.12  sip address


Command Objective

This command defines the SIP server IP address which is provided to the client in reply message on request.

The no form of the command deletes the SIP server IP address.


sip address <ipv6-address> [preference <value (0-255)> ]

no sip address <ipv6-address>

Parameter Description

•      <ipv6-address> - Configures an IPv6 address that can be set as a SIP server.

•      preference<value (0-255)> - Configures the preference value of the pool. This value ranges from 0 to 255. The DHCPv6 client uses this value to select the best information on receiving multiple reply messages from different servers.


IPv6 DHCP Pool Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


The DHCPv6 server address pool should be created before executing this command.


SEFOS(config-d6pool)# sip address 0000::2222 preference 34

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 dhcp pool – Creates a DHCPv6 server address pool.

•      show ipv6 dhcp pool – Displays the DHCPv6 server pool information.


30.3.13  sip domain-name


Command Objective

This command defines the SIP domain name which is provided to the client in reply message on request. The maximum string size is 64.

The no form of the command deletes the SIP domain name.


sip domain-name <domain-name>

no sip domain-name <domain-name>


IPv6 DHCP Pool Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


The DHCPv6 server address pool should be created before executing this command.


SEFOS(config-d6pool)# sip domain-name sip

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 dhcp pool – Creates a DHCPv6 server address pool.

•      show ipv6 dhcp pool – Displays the DHCPv6 server pool information.


30.3.14  option


Command Objective

This command sets pool-specific DHCPv6 server option.

The no form of the command deletes the pool-specific DHCPv6 server option.


option <code (1-65535)> { ascii <string> | hex <Hex String> | ipv6 <address> }

no option <code (1-65535)> { ascii <string> |hex <hex_str> | ipv6 <address> }

Parameter Description

•      <code(1-65535> - Indicates a unique option type. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

•      ascii<string> - Configures an ASCII string that can be provided as an option value. The maximum string size is 255.

•      hex<Hex String> - Configures a hexadecimal string that can be provided as an option value. This value is an octet string of size varying between 1 and 32.

•      ipv6 <address> - Configures an IPv6 address that can be provided as an option value.


IPv6 DHCP Pool Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


The DHCPv6 server address pool should be created before executing this command.


SEFOS(config-d6pool)# option 30 ipv6 2222::1111

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 dhcp pool – Creates a DHCPv6 server address pool.

•      show ipv6 dhcp pool – Displays the DHCPv6 server pool information.


30.3.15  ipv6 dhcp server-id type


Command Objective

This command configures the DUID type to be used for the server identifier. DUID consists of a two-octet type code represented in network byte order and a variable number of octets, to make an actual identifier. Server sends a server identifier TLV in the reply message.


ipv6 dhcp server-id type {llt | en | ll}

Parameter Description

•      llt - Configures the DUID formed based on LLT. The DHCPv6 server uses the link layer address of the interface and current system time value for the server identifier option TLV value. This type of DUID consists of a two octet type field containing the value 1, a two octet hardware type code, four octets containing a time value, and a link-layer address of any one network interface that is connected to the DHCP device at the time of generation of the DUID.

       For server ID configured as llt, the DHCPv6 client and server should:

§  Compulsorily have a stable storage.

§  Store DUID-LLT in stable storage.

§  Continue to use DUID-LLT, even if network interface used to generate the DUID-LLT is removed.

§  Attempt to configure the time prior to generation of DUID, if possible, and should use time source (for example, real-time clock) for generating the DUID, even if the source is not configurable prior to the generation of the DUID.

•      en - Configures the DUID which is assigned by the vendor based on EN. The DHCPv6 server uses the vendor-assigned unique ID based on the EN for the server identifier option TLV value. This type of DUID consists of vendor’s registered private enterprise number as maintained by IANA and a unique identifier assigned by the vendor.

       For server ID configured as en:

§  The identifier assigned by the vendor should be unique to device.

§  The unique identifier should be assigned to the device during its manufacture itself and should be stored in a non-volatile storage.

§  The generated DUID should be recorded in a non-erasable storage.

•      ll - Configures the DUID formed based on LL. The DHCPv6 server uses the link layer address for the server identifier option TLV value. This type of DUID consists of two octets containing the DUID type 3, a two octet network hardware type code, and a link-layer address of any one network interface that is permanently connected to the client or server device.

       For server ID configured as ll:

§  DHCP-LL should not be used by clients or servers that cannot identify whether a network interface is permanently attached to the device on which the DHCP client is running.

§  Same DHCP-LL should be used in configuring all network interfaces connected to the device, regardless of usage of any interface’s link-layer address to generate the DUID.


IPv6 DHCP Pool Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




The DHCPv6 server address pool should be created before executing this command.


SEFOS(config-d6pool)# ipv6 dhcp server-id type en

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 dhcp pool – Creates a DHCPv6 server address pool.

•      show ipv6 dhcp pool – Displays the DHCPv6 server pool information.


30.3.16  ipv6 dhcp server-id interface


Command Objective

This command is used to configure the interface that is used in the formation of the DUID based on LLT or on LL.


ipv6 dhcp server-id interface <interface-type> <interface-id>

Parameter Description

•      <interface-type> - Configures DHCPv6 for the specified type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

•      <interface-id> - Configures DHCPv6 for the specified interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. For example: 0/1 represents that the slot number is 0 and port number is 1. Only internal-lan  or port-channel ID is provided, for interface types  internal-lan and port-channel. For example: 1 represents i-lan and port-channel ID.


IPv6 DHCP Pool Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


An arbitrary interface value is used.


•      The DHCPv6 server address pool should be created before executing this command.

•      The physical interface configured to be used in the formation of DUID should have been already configured as router port.


SEFOS(config-d6pool)# ipv6 dhcp server-id interface extreme-ethernet 0/3

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 dhcp pool – Creates a DHCPv6 server address pool.

•      show ipv6 dhcp interface – Displays the information at server end for specified interface.

30.3.17  information refresh


Command Objective

This command configures the refresh time value that is to be sent to the client. The minimum refresh time value that is to be set is 600 seconds (10 minutes).

The no form of the command deletes the refresh timer option from the pool.


information refresh {days < value integer(0-7) > [hours < value integer(0-24)> minutes(0-60) < value integer> ] | infinity}

no information refresh

Parameter Description

•      days< value integer(0-7) > - Configures the refresh time to be specified as number of days. This value ranges from 0 to 7.

•      hours< value integer(0-24)> - Configures the refresh time to be specified as number of hours. This value ranges from 0 to 24.

•      minutes(0-60) < value integer> - Configures the refresh time to be specified as number of minutes. This value ranges from 0 to 60.

•      infinity - Sets IPv6 value of 0xffffffff that is used to configure the information refresh time to infinity. That is, sets the refresh time value as 4294967295 seconds.


IPv6 DHCP Pool Configuration Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


The DHCPv6 server address pool should be created before executing this command.


SEFOS(config-d6pool)# information refresh days 4 hours 5 minutes 56

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 dhcp pool – Creates a DHCPv6 server address pool.

•      show ipv6 dhcp pool – Displays the DHCPv6 server pool information.


30.3.18  ipv6 dhcp server


Command Objective

This command associates the DHCPv6 server pool with an interface.

The no form of the command removes the association of the server pool with the interface.


ipv6 dhcp server [<pool-name (1-64)> [preference <value (0-255)>]]

no ipv6 dhcp server

Parameter Description

•      <pool-name(1-64)> - Configures the pool name which should be a unique and NULL terminated string. The maximum string size is 64.

•      preference<value (0-255)> - Configures the preference value of the pool. This value ranges from 0 to 255.The DHCPv6 client uses this value to select the best information on receiving multiple reply messages from different servers.


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN / Router )


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


preference - 0


SEFOS(config-if)# ipv6 dhcp server 33 preference 45

Related Command(s)

•      no switchport – Configures the port as router port.

•      clear ipv6 dhcp server statistics – Clears DHCPv6 server statistics for a particular interface or for all the interfaces.

•      show ipv6 dhcp pool – Displays the DHCPv6 server pool information.

•      show ipv6 dhcp interface – Displays the various configuration information at server end for specified interface or all the interfaces.

•      show ipv6 dhcp server ststistics – Displays the DHCPv6 server statistics.


30.3.19  debug ipv6 dhcp server


Command Objective

This command sets the debugging options and traces in the DHCPv6 server.

The no form of the command unsets the debugging options and traces in the DHCPv6 server, and resets the trace to the default value.


debug ipv6 dhcp server {[init-shut] [mgmt] [ctrl] [pkt] [resource] [fail] [buffer] [critical] | [all]}

no debug ipv6 dhcp server {[init-shut] [mgmt] [ctrl] [pkt] [resource] [fail] [buffer] [critical] | [all]}

Parameter Description

•      init-shut - Generates debug messages for init and shutdown traces.

These traces are used during the module initialization and shutdown, and for cases such as failure of RBTree creation and so on.

•      mgmt - Generates debug messages for management traces.

•      ctrl - Generates debug messages for control plane traces.

These traces are used for cases such as MBSM card removal, failure of state change and so on.

•      pkt - Generates debug messages for packet dump traces. These traces are used during the reception and transmission of packets.

•      resource - Generates debug messages for traces related to all resources such as memory, data structure and the like.

These traces are used for failure of memory allocation and so on.

•      fail - Generates debug messages for all failure traces. These traces are used for all valid and invalid failures (expected and unexpected errors).

•      buffer - Generates debug messages for buffer allocation or release traces.

•      critical - Generates debug messages for SL-DHCPv6 server critical traces.

These traces are used for cases such as failure of RBTree addition, failure to program the hardware, and so on.

•      all - Generates debug messages for all traces.


Privileged Exec Mode / User Exec Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E




SEFOS# debug ipv6 dhcp server mgmt

D6SR: Trace Option Set enable mgmt

30.3.20  clear ipv6 dhcp server statistics


Command Objective

This command clears DHCPv6 server statistics for a particular interface or for all the interfaces.


clear ipv6 dhcp server statistics [interface {vlan <VlanId(1-4094)> | <interface-type> <interface-id>} ]

Parameter Description

•      vlan<VlanId(1-4094)> - Clears DHCPv6 server statistics for the specified VLAN ID. This is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN created or to be created. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

•      <interface-type> - Clears DHCPv6 server statistics for the specified type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

•      <interface-id> - Clears DHCPv6 server statistics for the specified interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than  Internal-lan and port-channel. For example: 0/1 represents that the slot number is 0 and port number is 1. Only  internal-lan or port-channel ID is provided, for interface types internal-lan and port-channel. For example: 1 represents internal-lan and port-channel ID.


Privileged Exec Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# clear ipv6 dhcp server statistics

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 dhcp server – Associates the DHCPv6 server pool with an interface.

•      show ipv6 dhcp server ststistics – Displays the DHCPv6 server statistics.

30.3.21  show ipv6 dhcp


Command Objective

This command displays the DHCPv6 configuration information at server end.


show ipv6 dhcp


Privileged Exec Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ipv6 dhcp

Client information:

  Listen UDP port   : 546

  Transmit UDP port : 547

  Sys log status    : disabled

  SNMP traps        : none

Server information:

  Listen UDP port                       : 45

  Client Transmit UDP port              : 546

  Relay Transmit UDP port               : 547

  Sys log status                        : enabled

  SNMP traps                            : auth-fail

  Authentication Information:

    Client DUID : ers

      Realm Name  : 33

        Key Value      : 1

        Key Identifier : 33:33

Relay information:

  Listen UDP port                       : 34

  Client Transmit UDP port              : 546

  Server Transmit UDP port              : 547

  Sys log status                        : enabled

  SNMP traps                            : invalid-pkt,max-hop-count

Related Command(s)


•      snmp-server enable traps ipv6 dhcp server – Enables the SNMP traps for DHCPv6 server.

•      ipv6 dhcp server port – Configures the information-request listen, reply transmit, and relay-reply transmit UDP ports.

•      ipv6 dhcp server syslog – Enables or disables the syslog feature in DHCPv6 server.

•      ipv6 dhcp authentication server client-id – Creates client configuration pool at the server and enters into the client pool configuration mode.

•      ipv6 dhcp authentication – Configures the realm and key value.

30.3.22  show ipv6 dhcp pool


Command Objective

This command displays the DHCPv6 server pool information.


show ipv6 dhcp pool [<pool-name(1-64)>]

Parameter Description

•      <pool-name(1-64)> - Displays the server pool information of the configured pool. This name should be a unique and NULL terminated string.


Privileged Exec Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ipv6 dhcp pool server-pool1

Pool : server-pool1


  DHCPv6 unique type(DUID Type) : Link-layer Address Plus Time

  DHCPv6 unique identifier(DUID): 0001000200000167fe80000000000000020102ff


  Preference             : 255

  Associated Interfaces  : Xl0/3

  Associated IPv6 Prefix :

    SIP servers     : fe80::200d:88ff:fe67:6666

    DNS servers     : fe80::200d:88ff:fe67:6666

    SIP domain list :

    DNS search list :

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 dhcp pool – Creates a DHCPv6 server address pool.

•      vendor-specific – Enters into vendor-specific configuration mode with vendor-specific identification number.

•      link-address – Sets a link-address IPv6 prefix.

•      domain-name – Defines the DNS domain suffix which is provided to the client in reply message on request.

•      dns-server – Defines the DNS server IP address which is provided to the client in reply message on request.

•      sip address – Defines the SIP server IP address which is provided to the client in reply message on request.

•      sip domain-name – Defines the SIP domain name which is provided to the client in reply message on request.

•      option – Sets pool-specific DHCPv6 server option.

•      ipv6 dhcp server-id type – Configures the DUID type to be used for the server identifier.

•      information refresh – Configures the refresh time value that is to be sent to the client.


30.3.23  show ipv6 dhcp interface


Command Objective

This command displays the DHCPv6 configuration information at server end for specified interface or all the interfaces.


show ipv6 dhcp interface [ {vlan <VlanId(1-4094)> | <interface-type> <interface-id>}]

Parameter Description

•      vlan<VlanId(1-4094)> - Displays DHCPv6 for the specified VLAN ID. This is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN created or to be created. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

•      <interface-type> - Displays DHCPv6 for the specified type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       i-lan– Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

•      <interface-id> - Displays DHCPv6 for the specified interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than i-lan. For example: 0/1 represents that the slot number is 0 and port number is 1. Only i-lan ID is provided, for interface types i-lan. For example: 1 represents i-lan ID.


Privileged Exec Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ipv6 dhcp interface

extreme-ethernet 0/3 is in server mode

  Preference value : 255

  Using pool       : server-pool1

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 dhcp pool – Creates a DHCPv6 server address pool.

•      ipv6 dhcp server – Associates the DHCPv6 server pool with an interface.


30.3.24  show ipv6 dhcp server statistics


Command Objective

This command displays the DHCPv6 server statistics such as number of PDUs transmitted or received.


show ipv6 dhcp server statistics [interface {vlan <VlanId(1-4094)> | <interface-type> <interface-id>} ]

Parameter Description

•      vlan<VlanId(1-4094)> - Displays DHCPv6 server statistics for the specified VLAN ID. This is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN created or to be created. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

•      <interface-type> - Displays DHCPv6 server statistics for the specified type of interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

        internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

•      <interface-id> - Displays DHCPv6 server statistics for the specified interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than internal-lan and port-channel. For example: 0/1 represents that the slot number is 0 and port number is 1. Only internal-lan or port-channel ID is provided, for interface types internal-lan and port-channel. For example: 1 represents internal-lan and port-channel ID.


Privileged Exec Mode


Workgroup, Enterprise, Metro, and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ipv6 dhcp server statistics

 extreme-ethernet 0/3


    reply       : 1

    relay-reply : 0


    information-request : 1

    relay-forward       : 0

    invalid             : 0

    hmac-failure        : 0

    lastUnknownTlv      : 0

Related Command(s)


•      ipv6 dhcp server – Associates the DHCPv6 server pool with an interface.

•      clear ipv6 dhcp server statistics – Clears DHCPv6 server statistics for a particular interface or for all the interfaces.


 Chapter 31             


RIP (Routing Information Protocol) is a widely used protocol for managing router information within a self-contained network such as a corporate local area network or an interconnected group of such LANs. RIP is classified by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) as one of several internal gateway protocols.

RIP sends routing-update messages at regular intervals and when the network topology changes. When a router receives a routing update that includes changes to an entry, it updates its routing table to reflect the new route. The metric value for the path is increased by 1, and the sender is indicated as the next hop. RIP routers maintain only the best route (the route with the lowest metric value) to a destination. After updating its routing table, the router immediately begins transmitting routing updates to inform other network routers about the change. These updates are sent independently of the regularly scheduled updates that RIP routers send. RIP uses a hop count as a way to determine network distance. Each host with a router in the network uses the routing table information to determine the next host to route a packet to, for a specified destination.

•      The list of CLI commands for the configuration of RIP is common to both Single Instance and Multiple Instance except for a difference in the prompt that appears for the switch with Multiple Instance support.

The prompt for the Switch Configuration Mode is,


•      The parameters specific to Multiple Instance are stated so, against the respective parameter descriptions in this document.

•      The output of the show commands differ for Single Instance and Multiple Instance. Hence both the output are documented while depicting the show command examples.

31.1        router rip


Command Objective

This command enables RIP for default VRF instance or a specific VRF instance and enters the router configuration mode.

The no form of the command disables RIP on all the interfaces for the default or specific VRF instance. The default instance is used, if the VRF name is not specified.


router rip [vrf <name>]

no router rip [vrf <name>]

Parameter Description

•      vrf<name> - Enables or disables RIP for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string whose maximum size is 32.


Global Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


Router RIP is disabled.


VRF instance should be created before executing this command to enable the RIP in the specific context.


SEFOS(config)# router rip

SEFOS (config-router)#

Related Command(s)

•      ip vrf - Creates VRF instance.

•      ip rip default route originate - Sets the metric to be used for default route propagated over the VLAN interface or router port in a RIP update message and generates a default route into RIP.

•      ip rip summary-address - Sets route aggregation over a VLAN interface or router port for all subnet routes that fall under the specified IP address and mask.

•      ip rip default route install - Installs the default route received in updates to the RIP database.

•      ip rip send version - Sets the IP RIP version number for transmitting advertisements.

•      ip rip receive version - Sets IP RIP version number for receiving advertisements.

•      ip rip authentication mode - Configures the authentication mode and key to be used in RIP packets for VLAN interface or router port.

•      timers basic - Configures update, route age, and garbage collection timers for the VLAN interface or router port.

•      ip split-horizon - Enables the split horizon updates for the RIP.

•      debug ip rip – Sets the debug level for RIP module.

•      show ip rip – Displays IP RIP protocol database or statistics.

•      show ip protocols - Displays information about the active routing protocol process.

•      rip - authentication last-key infinite lifetime - Configures the crypto authentication type.

•      ip rip auth-type - Configures authentication type for crypto authentication.

•      ip rip authentication key-id - Configures the authentication key-id and key.

•      ip rip key-id start-accept - Configures the time when the router starts accepting RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      ip rip key-id stop-accept - Configures the time when the router stops accepting RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      ip rip key-id start-generate - Configures the time when the router starts generating RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      ip rip key-id stop-generate - Configures the time when the router stops generating RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      version - Sets global version of RIP.

•      version none - Sets IP RIP transmitting advertisements to neither be sent nor received.

•      redistribute – Enables or disables RIP participation in Route Redistribution.

•      redistribute -isis – Enables or disables RIP participation in Route Redistribution for ISIS.

31.2         ip rip security


Command Objective

This command configures the security level of the RIP in the system to accept or ignore RIPv1 packets when authentication is in use.

The no form of the command sets the security level to its default value.


ip rip security { minimum | maximum }

no ip rip security

Parameter Description

•      minimum - Denotes that the RIPv1 packets will be accepted even when authentication is in use.

•      maximum - Denotes that the RIPv1 packets will be ignored when authentication is in use.


RIP Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E




SEFOS(config-router)# ip rip security minimum

Related Command(s)

•      router rip - Enables RIP for default VRF instance.

•      show ip protocols - Displays information about the active routing protocol process.


31.3         ip rip retransmission


Command Objective

This command configures the retransmission timeout interval and number of retries to retransmit the update request packet or an unacknowledged update response packet.

The no form of the command sets the retransmission timeout interval or the number of retransmission retries to its default value.

If no response is received during retries, then the routes through the next hop router are marked as unreachable.


ip rip retransmission { interval <timeout-value (5-10)> | retries <value (10-40)> }

no ip rip retransmit { interval | retries }

Parameter Description

•      interval<timeout-value (5-10)> - Configures the timeout interval to be used to retransmit the update request packet or an unacknowledged update response packet. The packets are transmitted at the specified interval till a response is received or till the maximum number of retries. This value ranges from 5 to 10.

•      retries<value (10-40)> - Configures the maximum number of retransmissions of the update request and update response packets. This value ranges from 10 to 40.


RIP Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


•      interval - 5

•      retries - 36


SEFOS(config-router)# ip rip retransmission retries 30

Related Command(s)

•      router rip - Enables RIP for default VRF instance.

•      show ip protocols - Displays information about the active routing protocol process.


31.4         network


Command Objective

This command enables RIP on an IP network for an unnumbered VLAN interface or router port. It configures a list of networks for the RIP routing process.  RIP routing updates will be sent and received only through the specified interfaces on this network. If an interface's network is not specified, then the network will not be advertised in any RIP update.

The no form of the command disassociates RIP routing process with the specified IP network for an unnumbered VLAN interface or router port.


network <ip-address>[unnum {vlan <vlan-id/vfi-id> [switch <switch-name>] | <iftype> <ifnum>}]

no network <ip-address> [unnum {vlan <vlan-id/vfi-id> [switch <switch-name>] | <iftype> <ifnum>}]

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Configures the IP network address of the interface that is to be associated with RIP routing process.

       The network IP address specified must not contain any subnet information. RIP routing updates will be sent and received only through interfaces on this network.

       The IP address should be same as that of the existing VLAN interface or router port.

•      vlan <vlan-id/vfi-id> - Configures the unnumbered VLAN / VFI ID that is to be associated with RIP routing process. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

       <vlan –id> - VLAN ID is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

       <vfi-id> - VFI ID is a VLAN created in the system which contains pseudowires and attachment circuits as member ports. This creates a logical LAN for the VPLS service. This value ranges from 4096 to 65535.

Note:     The VLAN ID 4095 is reserved and may be used to indicate a wildcard match for the VID in management operations or filtering database entries.

Note:     VFI IDs 4096 and 4097 are reserved identifiers used in MPLS PW.

Note:     The theoretical maximum for the maximum number of VFI is 65535 but the actual number of VFI supported is a sizing constant. Based on this, the maximum number of VFI ID accepted in the management interface is restricted. For example if 100 VFIs are supported, the maximum number of VFI supported will be restricted to 100 added to the maximum number of VLANs. An error message is displayed for any value beyond this range.

•      switch<switch-name> - Configures switch context for the unnumbered VLAN ID. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string whose maximum size is 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature.

•      <iftype> - Configures the type of unnumbered router interface that is to be associated with RIP routing process. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       i-lan / internal-lan – Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

       port-channel – Logical interface that represents an aggregator which contains several ports aggregated together.

•      <ifnum> - Configures the unnumbered router interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface that is to be associated with RIP routing process. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than i-lan and port-channel. For example: 0/1 represents that the slot number is 0 and port number is 1. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided, for interface types i-lan and port-channel. For example: 1 represents i-lan or port-channel ID.


RIP Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


The IPv4 address can be set for the interface only after creating and mapping the VRF instance to it, for enabling RIP in the VRF instance.


SEFOS(config-router)# network

Related Command(s)

•      ip address – Creates an IP address.

•      router rip - Enables RIP for default VRF instance.

•      passive-interface – Suppresses the RIP routing updates on a specified VLAN interface in a defined L2 switch context or default context, or on a specified router port.

•      ip rip default route originate - Sets the metric to be used for default route propagated over the VLAN interface or router port in a RIP update message and generates a default route into RIP.

•      ip rip summary-address - Sets route aggregation over a VLAN interface or router port for all subnet routes that fall under the specified IP address and mask.

•      ip rip default route install - Installs the default route received in updates to the RIP database.

•      ip rip send version - Sets the IP RIP version number for transmitting advertisements.

•      ip rip receive version - Sets IP RIP version number for receiving advertisements.

•      ip rip authentication mode - Configures the authentication mode and key to be used in RIP packets for VLAN interface or router port.

•      timers basic - Configures update, route age, and garbage collection timers for the VLAN interface or router port.

•      ip split-horizon - Enables the split horizon updates for the RIP.

•      show ip rip – Displays IP RIP protocol database or statistics.

•      show ip protocols - Displays information about the active routing protocol process.

•      rip - authentication last-key infinite lifetime - Configures the crypto authentication type.

•      ip rip auth-type - Configures authentication type for crypto authentication.

•      ip rip authentication key-id - Configures the authentication key-id and key.

•      ip rip key-id start-accept - Configures the time when the router starts accepting RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      ip rip key-id stop-accept - Configures the time when the router stops accepting RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      ip rip key-id start-generate - Configures the time when the router starts generating RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      ip rip key-id stop-generate - Configures the time when the router stops generating RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      version - Sets global version of RIP.

•      version none - Sets IP RIP transmitting advertisements to neither be sent nor received.

31.5         neighbor


Command Objective

This command adds a trusted neighbor router with which routing information can be exchanged and from which RIP packets can be accepted. This command permits the point-to-point (nonbroadcast) exchange of routing information. When used in combination with the passive-interface VLAN, router configuration command, routing information can be exchanged between a subset of routers and access servers. On a LAN, multiple neighbor commands can be used to specify additional neighbors or peers.

The no form of the command deletes a trusted neighbor router.


neighbor <ip address>

no neighbor <ip address>


RIP Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor

Related Command(s)

•      router rip - Enables RIP for default VRF instance.

•      show ip protocols - Displays information about the active routing protocol process.


31.6         passive-interface


Command Objective

This command suppresses the RIP routing updates on a specified VLAN interface in a defined L2 switch context or default context, or on a specified router port. It denotes that the RIP process runs in a passive VLAN interface or passive router port.

If the sending of routing updates is disabled on an interface, the particular subnet will continue to be advertised to other interfaces, and updates from other routers on that interface continue to be received and processed.

The no form of the command restricts suppressing of RIP routing updates from an interface.


passive-interface {vlan <vlan-id/vfi-id> [switch <switch-name>] | <interface-type> <interface-id>}

no passive-interface {vlan <vlan-id/vfi-id> [switch <switch-name>] | <interface-type> <interface-id>}

Parameter Description

•      vlan <vlan-id/vfi-id> - Sets the specified VLAN/VFI interface as a passive interface on which RIP routing updates are suppressed. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

       <vlan –id> - VLAN ID is a unique value that represents the specific VLAN. This value ranges from 1 to 4094.

       <vfi-id> - VFI ID is a VLAN created in the system which contains pseudowires and attachment circuits as member ports. This creates a logical LAN for the VPLS service. This value ranges from 4096 to 65535.

Note:     The VLAN ID 4095 is reserved and may be used to indicate a wildcard match for the VID in management operations or filtering database entries.

Note:     VFI IDs 4096 and 4097 are reserved identifiers used in MPLS PW.

Note:     The theoretical maximum for the maximum number of VFI is 65535 but the actual number of VFI supported is a sizing constant. Based on this, the maximum number of VFI ID accepted in the management interface is restricted. For example if 100 VFIs are supported, the maximum number of VFI supported will be restricted to 100 added to the maximum number of VLANs. An error message is displayed for any value beyond this range.

•      switch <switch-name> - Configures the switch context for the VLAN interface that is set as passive interface. This value represents unique name of the switch context. This value is a string whose maximum size is 32. This parameter is specific to multiple instance feature. This feature has been included to adhere to the Industry Standard CLI syntax. This feature is currently not supported.

•      <interface‑type> - Sets the specified type of router interface as passive interface. The interface can be:

       fastethernet – Officially referred to as 100BASE-T standard. This is a version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 100 Megabits per second.

       XL-ethernet – A version of LAN standard architecture that supports data transfer up to 40 Gigabits per second.

       extreme-ethernet – A version of Ethernet that supports data transfer up to 10 Gigabits per second.

       i-lan– Internal LAN created on a bridge per IEEE 802.1ap.

•      <interface-id> - Configures the specified interface identifier. This is a unique value that represents the specific interface which is to be set as passive interface. This value is a combination of slot number and port number separated by a slash, for interface type other than i-lan and port-channel. For example: 0/1 represents that the slot number is 0 and port number is 1. Only i-lan or port-channel ID is provided, for interface types i-lan and port-channel. For example: 1 represents i-lan or port-channel ID.


RIP Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-router)# passive-interface vlan 1


This command executes only if RIP is enabled on an IP network.

Related Command(s)

•      router rip - Enables RIP for default VRF instance.

•      network – Enables RIP on an IP network for an unnumbered VLAN interface or router port.

•      show ip rip – Displays IP RIP protocol database or statistics.


31.7         output-delay


Command Objective

This command enables interpacket delay for RIP updates, where the delay is in milliseconds between packets in a multiple-packet RIP update. This interpacket delay feature helps in preventing the routing table from losing information due to flow of RIP updates from high speed router to low speed router.

The no form of the command disables interpacket delay for RIP updates.



no output-delay


RIP Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


Disabled (Interpacket delay feature is disabled)


SEFOS(config-router)# output-delay

Related Command(s)

•      router rip - Enables RIP for default VRF instance.

•      show ip protocols - Displays information about the active routing protocol process.

•      output-delay-value - Enables interpacket delay for RIP updates, where the delay is in milliseconds between packets in a multiple-packet RIP update.


31.8         redistribute


Command Objective

This command enables RIP participation in Route Redistribution.. When enabled, RIP starts advertising the routes learned by other protocols.

The no form of the command disables RIP participation in Route Redistribution. When disabled, RIP will stop redistribution of routes but will continue to send updates to the RTM.


redistribute { all | bgp | connected | ospf | static } [route-map <string(20)>]

no redistribute { all | bgp | connected | ospf | static } [route-map <string(20)>]

Parameter Description

•      all - Specifies that all routes have to be imported from the RIP. Redistributes all routes that are learned into RIP process.

•      bgp -  Imports routes that are learned by BGP into RIP process.

•      connected - Imports directly connected network routes into RIP routing process.

•      ospf - Imports routes that are learned by the OSPF process into RIP routing process.

•      static - Imports routes configured statically, into RIP routing process.

•      route-map<string(20)> - Specifies the name of the route-map in the list of route-maps. This value is a string with the maximum size of 20.


RIP Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


By default, Route Redistribution is disabled.


SEFOS(config-router)# redistribute all

SEFOS(config-router)# redistribute connected route-map route1

Related Command(s)

•      router rip - Enables RIP for default VRF instance.

•      default-metric – Sets the RIP default metric.

•      show ip protocols - Displays information about the active routing protocol process.

31.9        redistribute-isis


Command Objective

This command enables RIP participation in Route Redistribution for ISIS. When enabled, RIP will start advertising the routes learned by ISIS protocol.

The no form of the command disables RIP participation in Route Redistribution for ISIS. When disabled, RIP will stop redistribution of routes but will continue to send updates to the RTM.


redistribute { isis } [{level-1 | level-2 | level-1-2}] [route-map <string(20)>]

no redistribute { isis } [{level-1 | level-2 | level-1-2 }] [route-map <string(20)>]

Parameter Description

•      isis - Imports routes that are learned by ISIS into RIP routing process.

•      level-1 - Specifies that Level-1 routes have to be imported from ISIS.

•      level-2 - Specifies that Level-2 routes have to be imported from ISIS.

•      level-1-2 - Specifies that Level-1-2 routes have to be imported from ISIS.

•      route-map<string(20)> - Specifies the name of the route-map in the list of route-maps. This value is a string with the maximum size 20.


RIP Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


By default, Route Redistribution is disabled.


SEFOS(config-router)# redistribute isis level-1 route-map route1

Related Command(s)

•      router rip - Enables RIP for default VRF instance.

•      default-metric – Sets the RIP default metric.

•      show ip protocols - Displays information about the active routing protocol process.

31.10    distribute-list route-map


Command Objective

This command enables route-map filtering for inbound or outbound routes and defines the conditions for distributing the routes from one routing protocol to another.

The no form of the command disables route-map filtering for inbound or outbound routes.


distribute-list route-map <name(1-20)> {in | out}

no distribute-list route-map <name(1-20)> {in | out}

Parameter Description

•      <name(1-20)> - Configures the name of the existing route-map for which filtering should be enabled. This value is a string with the maximum size of 20.

•      in - Sets route-map filtering for inbound routes.

•      out - Sets route-map filtering for outbound routes.


RIP Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


Only one route-map can be set for inbound or outbound routes. Another route-map can be assigned, only if the already assigned route-map is disabled.


SEFOS(config-router)# distribute-list route-map rmap-test in

Related Command(s)

•      router rip - Enables RIP for default VRF instance.


31.11     default-metric


Command Objective

This command sets the default metric values to be used for redistributed routes for RIP, where the default metric will be used for the imported routes from RTM. The command is used in conjunction with the redistribute, router command to cause the current routing protocol to use the same metric value for all redistributed routes. A default metric helps solve the problem of redistributing routes with incompatible metrics. The default metric provides a reasonable substitute and enables the redistribution to proceed further. The metric value ranges between 1 and 16.

The no form of the command sets the metric used with redistributed routes to its default value.

Note:     The metric value given in the no form of the command will be ignored during the execution of the command.


default-metric [ <value> ]

no default-metric [<short (1-16)>]


RIP Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E




SEFOS(config-router)# default-metric 1

Related Command(s)

•      router rip - Enables RIP for default VRF instance.

•      redistribute – Enables or disables RIP participation in Route Redistribution.

•      redistribute -isis – Enables or disables RIP participation in Route Redistribution for ISIS.

•      show ip protocols - Displays information about the active routing protocol process.


31.12     distance


Command Objective

This command enables the administrative distance (that is, the metric to reach the destination) of the routing protocol and sets the administrative distance value. The distance value ranges between 1 and 255.

This distance value will not be used for distribute list. The administrative distance can be enabled for only one route-map. The distance should be disabled for the already assigned route-map, if distance needs to be enabled for another route-map.

The no form of the command disables the administrative distance.


distance <1-255> [route-map <name(1-20)>]

no distance [route-map <name(1-20)>]

Parameter Description

•      route-map <name(1-20)> - Configures the name of the existing route-map for which the distance value should be enabled and set. This value is a string with the maximum size of 20.


RIP Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E




SEFOS(config-router)# distance 10 route-map rmap-test

Related Command(s)

•      router rip - Enables RIP for default VRF instance.


31.13     auto-summary - enable | disable


Command Objective

This command enables or disables the auto summarization of routes in RIP and restores the default behavior of automatic summarization of subnet routes into network-level routes.


auto-summary {enable | disable}

Parameter Description

•      enable - Enables auto summarization feature in RIP, so that the summary routes are sent in regular updates for RIP.

•      disable - Disables auto summarization feature in RIP, so that either individual subnet route is sent or subnet routes are sent based on the specific aggregation configured over the interface.


RIP Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E




Auto-summarization feature must be disabled to configure interface-specific aggregation with RIP version 2.


SEFOS(config-router)# auto-summary disable

Related Command(s)

•      router rip - Enables RIP for default VRF instance.

•      ip rip summary-address - Sets route aggregation over a VLAN interface or router port for all subnet routes that fall under the specified IP address and mask.

•      show ip rip – Displays IP RIP protocol database or statistics.

•      show ip protocols - Displays information about the active routing protocol process.

•      auto-summary - Enables the auto summarization of routes in RIP and restores the default behavior of automatic summarization of subnet routes into network-level routes.


31.14     ip rip default route originate


Command Objective

This command sets the metric to be used for default route propagated over the VLAN interface or router port in a RIP update message and generates a default route into RIP. The metric value ranges between 1 and 15.

The no form of the command disables origination of default route over the interface.


ip rip default route originate <metric(1-15)>

no ip rip default route originate


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN Interface / Router port)


Enterprise and Metro_E


Default route origination is disabled.


•      This command executes only if RIP is enabled in the switch.

•      Only the configurations that are done after associating the IP address of the VLAN interface or router port with the RIP routing process, are applied to the RIP.


SEFOS(config-if)# ip rip default route originate 10

Related Command(s)

•      router rip – Enables RIP for default VRF instance or a specific VRF instance and enters the router configuration mode.

•      network – Enables RIP on an IP network for an unnumbered VLAN interface or router port.

•      show ip protocols - Displays information about the active routing protocol process.

•      default-information originate - Sets the metric to be used for default route propagated over the interface.


31.15     ip rip summary-address


Command Objective

This command sets route aggregation over a VLAN interface or router port for all subnet routes that fall under the specified IP address and mask.

The no form of the command disables route aggregation with the specified IP address and mask.


ip rip summary-address <ip-address> <mask>

no ip rip summary-address <ip-address> <mask>

Parameter Description

•      ip-address - Configures the IP address that is to be combined with the subnet mask to set route aggregation for all subnet routes that fall under the specified IP address and mask of the interface-specific aggregation.

•      mask - Configures the subnet mask that is to be combined with the IP address to set route aggregation for all subnet routes that fall under the specified mask and IP address of the interface-specific aggregation.


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN Interface / Router port)


Enterprise and Metro_E


•      This command executes only if RIP is enabled in the switch.

•      Only the configurations that are done after associating the IP address of the VLAN interface or router port with the RIP routing process, are applied to the RIP.

•      This command should not be used with RIPv1 send version.

•      Auto-summarization overrides interface-specific aggregation. Therefore, auto-summarization should be disabled for interface-specific route aggregation.


SEFOS(config-if)# ip rip summary-address

Related Command(s)

•      router rip – Enables RIP for default VRF instance or a specific VRF instance and enters the router configuration mode.

•      auto-summary enable-disable – Enables or disables auto summarization of routes in RIP.

•      network – Enables RIP on an IP network for an unnumbered VLAN interface or router port.

•      show ip protocols - Displays information about active routing protocol.

31.16     ip rip default route install


Command Objective

This command installs the default route received in updates to the RIP database.

The no form of the command blocks the installation of default route received in updates to the RIP database.


ip rip default route install

no ip rip default route install


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN Interface / Router port)


Enterprise and Metro_E


The installation of default route to the RIP database is restricted.


•      This command executes only if RIP is enabled in the switch.

•      Only the configurations that are done after associating the IP address of the VLAN interface or router port with the RIP routing process, are applied to the RIP.


SEFOS(config-if)# ip rip default route install

Related Command(s)

•      router rip – Enables RIP for default VRF instance or a specific VRF instance and enters the router configuration mode.

•      network – Enables RIP on an IP network for an unnumbered VLAN interface or router port.

•      show ip protocols - Displays information about the active routing protocol process.


31.17     ip rip send version


Command Objective

This command sets the IP RIP version number for transmitting advertisements (that is, version of RIP updates to be sent on a VLAN interface or router port).

The no form of the command sets IP RIP send version number to its default value.


ip rip send [demand] version  { [1] [2] }

no ip rip send version

Parameter Description

•      demand - Configures the RIP version number for demand trigger updates.

•       version  { [1] [2]} - Configures version of RIP updates to be sent. The options are:

       1 - Sends only RIP updates compliant with RFC 1058, on the interface.

       2 - Sends only multicasting RIP updates on the interface.


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN Interface / Router port)


Enterprise and Metro_E


•      This command executes only if RIP is enabled in the switch.

•      Only the configurations that are done after associating the IP address of the VLAN interface or router port with the RIP routing process, are applied to the RIP.


SEFOS(config-if)# ip rip send version 1

Related Command(s)

•      router rip – Enables RIP for default VRF instance or a specific VRF instance and enters the router configuration mode.

•      network – Enables RIP on an IP network for an unnumbered VLAN interface or router port.

•      show ip protocols - Displays information about the active routing protocol process.


31.18     ip rip receive version


Command Objective

This command sets IP RIP version number for receiving advertisements (that is, version of RIP updates to be received on a VLAN interface or router port).

The no form of the command sets IP RIP receive version number to its default value.


ip rip receive version { [1] [2]}

no ip rip receive version

Parameter Description

•      1 - Receives only RIP updates compliant with RFC 1058, on the interface.

•      2 - Receives only multicasting RIP updates on the interface.


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN Interface / Router port)


Enterprise and Metro_E


•      This command executes only if RIP is enabled in the switch.

•      Only the configurations that are done after associating the IP address of the VLAN interface or router port with the RIP routing process, are applied to the RIP.


SEFOS(config-if)# ip rip receive version 1

Related Command(s)

•      router rip – Enables RIP for default VRF instance or a specific VRF instance and enters the router configuration mode.

•      network – Enables RIP on an IP network for an unnumbered VLAN interface or router port.

•      show ip protocols - Displays information about the active routing protocol process.


31.19     ip rip authentication mode - key-chain


Command Objective

This command configures the authentication mode and key to be used in RIP packets for VLAN interface or router port.

The no form of the command disables authentication.


ip rip authentication mode { text | md5 } key-chain <key-chain-name (16)>

no ip rip authentication

Parameter Description

•      text - Configures the authentication type as simple text.

•      md5 - Configures the authentication type as keyed MD5 (Message Digest 5) authentication.

•      key-chain <key-chain-name (16)> - Configures the key-chain value to be used as the authentication key. If a string shorter than 16 octets is supplied, it will be left-justified and padded to 16 octets, on the right, with nulls (0x00).


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN Interface / Router port)


Enterprise and Metro_E


None (No authentication is set)


•      This command executes only if RIP is enabled in the switch.

•      Only the configurations that are done after associating the IP address of the VLAN interface or router port with the RIP routing process, are applied to the RIP.


SEFOS(config-if)# ip rip authentication mode text key-chain abcdea

Related Command(s)

•      router rip – Enables RIP for default VRF instance or a specific VRF instance and enters the router configuration mode.

•      network – Enables RIP on an IP network for an unnumbered VLAN interface or router port.

•      show ip protocols - Displays information about the active routing protocol process.

•      ip rip authentication mode - Configures the authentication mode for RIP version 2.

•      ip rip authentication key-chain - Configures the interface RIP version 2 authentication string.


31.20     timers basic – update-value


Command Objective

This command configures update, route age, and garbage collection timers for the VLAN interface or router port.

The no form of the command sets update, route age, and garbage collection timers to the default values.


timers basic <update-value (10-3600)> <routeage-value (30-500)> <garbage-value (120-180)>

no timers basic

Parameter Description

•      update-value(10-3600) - Configures the time interval (in seconds) at which the RIP updates should be sent. This is the fundamental timing parameter of the routing protocol. This value ranges from 10 to 3600 seconds.

•      routeage-value(30-500) - Configures the time (in seconds) after which the route entry is put into garbage collect (that is, marked as invalid). This value ranges from 30 to 500 seconds.

•      garbage-value(120-180) - Configures the time (in seconds) after which the route entry marked as invalid is deleted. The advertisements of this entry are set to INFINITY while being sent to others. This value ranges from 120 to 180 seconds.


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN Interface / Router port)


Enterprise and Metro_E


•      update-value - 30

•      routeage-value - 180

•      garbage-value - 120


•      This command executes only if RIP is enabled in the switch.

•      Only the configurations that are done after associating the IP address of the VLAN interface or router port with the RIP routing process, are applied to the RIP.


SEFOS(config-if)# timers basic 360 300 130

Related Command(s)

•      router rip – Enables RIP for default VRF instance or a specific VRF instance and enters the router configuration mode.

•      network – Enables RIP on an IP network for an unnumbered VLAN interface or router port.

•      show ip protocols - Displays information about the active routing protocol process.

•      timers basic - Configures update, route age, and garbage collection timers for the VLAN interface or router port.


31.21     ip split-horizon


Command Objective

This command enables the split horizon updates for the RIP which prevents the routing loops in distance routing protocol, by prohibiting the router from advertising a route back onto the interface. The split horizon updates are applied in the response packets sent.

The no form of the command disables the split horizon updates.


ip split-horizon [poisson]

no ip split-horizon

Parameter Description

•      poisson - Configures the split horizon with poisson reverse enabled.


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN Interface / Router port)


Enterprise and Metro_E


Split horizon with poisson reverse is enabled.


•      This command executes only if RIP is enabled in the switch.

•      Only the configurations that are done after associating the IP address of the VLAN interface or router port with the RIP routing process, are applied to the RIP.


SEFOS(config-if)# ip split-horizon

Related Command(s)

•      router rip – Enables RIP for default VRF instance or a specific VRF instance and enters the router configuration mode.

•      network – Enables RIP on an IP network for an unnumbered VLAN interface or router port.

•      show ip protocols - Displays information about the active routing protocol process.


31.22     debug ip rip


Command Objective

This command sets the debug level for RIP module.

The no form of the command resets the debug level for RIP module.

This command allows combination of debug levels to be configured (that is, more than one level of trace can be enabled or disabled). The debug levels are configured one after the other and not in single execution of the command.


debug ip rip [vrf <name>] { all | init | data | control | dump | os | mgmt | failure | buffer }

no debug ip rip [vrf <name>]{ all | init | data | control | dump | os | mgmt | failure | buffer }

Parameter Description

•      vrf <name> - Configures debug level for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string whose maximum size is 32. This feature has been included to adhere to the Industry Standard CLI syntax. This feature is currently not supported.

•      all - Generates debug messages for all traces.

•      init - Generates debug messages for initialization traces. This trace is generated on failed initialization of RIP-related entries.

•      data - Generates debug messages for data path traces. This trace is generated during failure in packet processing.

•      control - Generates debug messages for control plane traces.

•      dump - Generates debug messages for packet dump traces.

•      os - Generates debug messages for OS resource traces. This trace is generated during failure in message queues.

•      mgmt - Generates debug messages for management traces. This trace is generated during failure in configuration of any of the RIP features.

•      failure - Generates debug messages for all failure messages (All failures including packet validation).

•      buffer - Generates debug messages for buffer traces.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E




SEFOS# debug ip rip all


This command executes only if RIP is enabled.

Related Command(s)

•      router rip – Enables RIP for default VRF instance or a specific VRF instance and enters the router configuration mode.

•      debug ip rip - database/events/trigger - Sets the debug level for RIP module.


31.23     show ip rip


Command Objective

This command displays IP RIP protocol database ,statistics, or authentication-related information.


show ip rip [vrf <name>] { database [ <ip-address> <ip-mask> ] | statistics | authentication}

Parameter Description

•      vrf<name> - Displays RIP database or statistics-related information for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.

•      database [ <ip-address> <ip-mask> ] - Displays the RIP protocol database details for all RIP interface entry or for entry with the specified IP address and IP mask.

•      statistics - Displays the RIP statistics on the router.

•      authentication - Displays the authentication-related information configured for the RIP interface entry. The authentication information include the authentication type, authentication key-ids configured, and its associated lifetime values.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip rip database

Vrf default  [1]        auto-summary  [1]        directly connected, vlan1  [3]        auto-summary  [3]        directly connected, vlan2  [4]        auto-summary  [4]        via, vlan1

Vrf vrf1  [1]        auto-summary  [1]        directly connected, vlan2

SEFOS# show ip rip vrf default statistics

Vrf default

RIP Global Statistics:


 Total number of route changes is 1

 Total number of queries responded is 1

 Total number of dropped packets is 0

RIP Interface Statistics:


Interface Periodic  BadRoutes  Triggered  BadPackets Admin

IP Address Updates Sent Received Updates Sent Received Status

----------- ----------- -------- ------------ -------- ---       19          1         2         0  Enabled

SEFOS# show ip rip authentication


RIP Interface Authentication Statistics:


Vrf default

Interface Name                   vlan1

Authentication Type              3

Authentication KeyId in use:     0

Authentication Last key status:  false


RIP Authentication Key Info:


Authentication KeyId        0

Start Accept Time           2013-06-03,17:00:00

Start Generate Time         2013-06-03,17:00:00

Stop Generate Time          2013-06-03,17:00:00

Stop Accept Time            2013-06-03,17:00:00


RIP Authentication Key Info:


Authentication KeyId        1

Start Accept Time           2013-06-03,16:35:00

Start Generate Time         2013-06-03,16:35:00

Stop Generate Time          2136-02-06,06:28:15

Stop Accept Time            2136-02-06,06:28:15

Related Command(s)

•      router rip – Enables RIP for default VRF instance or a specific VRF instance

•      network – Enables RIP on an IP network for an unnumbered VLAN interface or router port.

•      passive-interface – Suppresses the RIP routing updates on a specified VLAN interface in a defined L2 switch context or default context, or on a specified router port.

•      auto-summary enable-disable - Enables or disables auto summarization of routes in RIP.

•      rip - authentication last-key infinite lifetime - Configures the crypto authentication type.

•      ip rip auth-type - Configures authentication type for crypto authentication.

•      ip rip authentication key-id - Configures the authentication key-id and key.

•      ip rip key-id start-accept - Configures the time when the router starts accepting RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      ip rip key-id stop-accept - Configures the time when the router stops accepting RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      ip rip key-id start-generate - Configures the time when the router starts generating RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      ip rip key-id stop-generate - Configures the time when the router stops generating RIP updates for the specified key-id.

31.24     ip rip send version none


Command Objective

This command stops the IP RIP transmitting advertisements to be sent on a VLAN interface or router port.


ip rip send [demand] none

Parameter Description

•      demand - Configures the RIP version number for demand trigger updates.

•      none  - Configures version of RIP updates to be sent as none and no RIP advertisements are sent.


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN Interface / Router port)


Enterprise and Metro_E


•      RIP should be enabled in the switch before executing this command.

•      Only the configurations that are done after associating the IP address of the VLAN interface or router port with the RIP routing process, are applied to the RIP.


SEFOS(config-if)# ip rip send none

Related Command(s)

•      router rip – Enables RIP for default VRF instance or a specific VRF instance and enters the router configuration mode.

•      network – Enables RIP on an IP network for an unnumbered VLAN interface or router port.

•      show ip protocols - Displays information about the active routing protocol process.

31.25     ip rip receive version none


Command Objective

This command sets that no IP RIP transmitting advertisements are received on a VLAN interface or router port.


ip rip receive version none


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN Interface / Router port)


Enterprise and Metro_E


•      This command executes only if RIP is enabled in the switch.

•      Only the configurations that are done after associating the IP address of the VLAN interface or router port with the RIP routing process, are applied to the RIP.


SEFOS(config-if)# ip rip receive version none

Related Command(s)

•      router rip – Enables RIP for default VRF instance or a specific VRF instance and enters the router configuration mode.

•      network – Enables RIP on an IP network for an unnumbered VLAN interface or router port.

•      show ip protocols - Displays information about the active routing protocol process.

31.26     rip - authentication last-key infinite lifetime


Command Objective

This command sets the flag to decide whether the last authentication key on expiry, should take its lifetime to be infinite or not.


rip [vrf <name>] authentication last-key infinite lifetime { true | false }

Parameter Description

•      vrf<name> - Enables RIP Crypto authentication for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string whose maximum size is 32.

•      true - Sets the lifetime of last key to be infinite. The last key on expiry resets its lifetime to be infinite and continues to be the Key until new Authentication key-id  is configured.

•      false - Sets the lifetime of last key not to be infinite. After the last key expires, the received RIP updates will be dropped and the routes may tear down. No updates will be sent on that interface.


Global Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E




This command executes only if RIP is enabled for default VRF instance or specific VRF instance.


SEFOS(config)# rip vrf vrf1 authentication last-key infinite lifetime true

Related Command(s)

•      router rip - Enables RIP for default VRF instance or a specific VRF instance and enters the router configuration mode.

•      ip vrf - Creates VRF instance.

•      ip rip auth-type - Configures authentication type for crypto authentication.

•      ip rip authentication key-id - Configures the authentication key-id and key.

•      ip rip key-id start-accept - Configures the time when the router starts accepting RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      ip rip key-id stop-accept - Configures the time when the router stops accepting RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      ip rip key-id start-generate - Configures the time when the router starts generating RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      ip rip key-id stop-generate - Configures the time when the router stops generating RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      show ip rip – Displays IP RIP protocol database or statistics.


31.27     ip rip auth-type


Command Objective

This command configures authentication type for crypto authentication.


ip rip auth-type { md5 | sha-1 | sha-256 | sha-384 | sha-512 }

Parameter Description

•      md5 - Configures the authentication type as keyed MD5 (Message Digest 5) authentication.

•      sha-1 - Configures the authentication type as Secure Hash Algorithm 1 (SHA1) authentication. SHA1 generates authentication digest of length 20 bytes.

•      sha-256 - Configures the authentication type as Secure Hash Algorithm 256 (SHA256) authentication. SHA256 generates authentication digest of length 32 bytes.

•      sha-384 - Configures the authentication type as Secure Hash Algorithm 384 (SHA384) authentication. SHA384 generates authentication digest of length 48 bytes.

•      sha-512 - Configures the authentication type as Secure Hash Algorithm 512 (SHA512) authentication. SHA512 generates authentication digest of length 64 bytes.


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN Interface / Router port)


Enterprise and Metro_E




SEFOS(config-if)# ip rip auth-type md5

Related Command(s)

•      rip - authentication last-key infinite lifetime - Configures the crypto authentication type.

•      ip rip authentication key-id - Configures the authentication key-id and key.

•      ip rip key-id start-accept - Configures the time when the router starts accepting RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      ip rip key-id stop-accept - Configures the time when the router stops accepting RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      ip rip key-id start-generate - Configures the time when the router starts generating RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      ip rip key-id stop-generate - Configures the time when the router stops generating RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      show ip rip – Displays IP RIP protocol database or statistics.

•      show ip protocols - Displays information about the active routing protocol process.

•      network - Enables RIP on an IP network for an unnumbered VLAN interface or router port.

31.28     ip rip authentication key-id


Command Objective

This command configures the authentication key-id and the authentication key.

The no form of the command deletes the authentication key-id.


ip rip authentication key-id <integer (0-255)> key <string (16)>

no ip rip authentication key-id <integer (0-255)>

Parameter Description

•      <integer (0-255)> - Configures the active authentication key ID currently used in the particular interface for sending RIP updates. This value ranges from 0 to 255.

•      key <string (16)> - Configures the key used as the authentication key. If a string shorter than 16 octets is supplied, it will be left-justified and padded to 16 octets, on the right, with nulls (0x00).


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN Interface / Router port)


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-if)# ip rip authentication key-id 0 key key1

Related Command(s)

•      rip - authentication last-key infinite lifetime - Configures the crypto authentication type.

•      ip rip auth-type - Configures authentication type for crypto authentication.

•      ip rip key-id start-accept - Configures the time when the router starts accepting RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      ip rip key-id stop-accept - Configures the time when the router stops accepting RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      ip rip key-id start-generate - Configures the time when the router starts generating RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      ip rip key-id stop-generate - Configures the time when the router stops generating RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      show ip rip – Displays IP RIP protocol database or statistics.

•      network - Enables RIP on an IP network for an unnumbered VLAN interface or router port.

31.29     ip rip key-id - start-accept


Command Objective

This command configures the time when the router starts accepting RIP updates for the specified key-id.


ip rip key-id <integer (0-255)> start-accept <key>

Parameter Description

•      <integer (0-255)> - Configures the active authentication key-id currently used in the particular interface for sending RIP updates. This value ranges from 0 to 255.

•      start-accept <key> - Configures the time the router will start accepting packets that have been created with this key. If the value is not set. current time (time at which authentication key-id is configured) will be taken as start-accept time.

Note:     For example, Tuesday May 26, 1992 at 1:30:15 PM should be entered as, 1992-5-26,13:30:15 (YYYY-MM-DD,hh:mm:ss format).


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN Interface / Router port)


Enterprise and Metro_E


This command only executes when

•      RIP is enabled on the interface.

•      RIP Authentication mode is configured.


SEFOS(config-if)# ip rip key-id 0 start-accept 2014-07-22,12:26:30

Related Command(s)

•      rip - authentication last-key infinite lifetime - Configures the crypto authentication type.

•      ip rip auth-type - Configures authentication type for crypto authentication.

•      ip rip authentication key-id - Configures the authentication key-id and key.

•      ip rip key-id stop-accept - Configures the time when the router stops accepting RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      ip rip key-id start-generate - Configures the time when the router starts generating RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      ip rip key-id stop-generate - Configures the time when the router stops generating RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      show ip protocols - Displays information about the active routing protocol process.

•      show ip rip – Displays IP RIP protocol database or statistics.

•      network - Enables RIP on an IP network for an unnumbered VLAN interface or router port.

31.30     ip rip key-id - stop-accept


Command Objective

This command configures the time when the router stops accepting RIP updates for the specified key-id.


ip rip key-id <integer (0-255)> stop-accept <key>

Parameter Description

•      <integer (0-255)> - Configures the active authentication key-id that is currently used in the particular interface for sending RIP updates. This value ranges from 0 to 255.

•      stop-accept <key> - Configures the time the router will stop accepting packets that have been created with this key. If the value is not set, then it will be taken as infinite and displayed as 2136-02-06, 06:28:15, the maximum date time equivalent.

Note:     For example, Tuesday May 26, 1992 at 1:30:15 PM should be configured as, 1992-5-26,13:30:15(YYYY-MM-DD,hh:mm:ss format)


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN Interface / Router port)


Enterprise and Metro_E


This command only executes when

•      RIP is enabled on the interface.

•      RIP Authentication mode is configured.


SEFOS(config-if)# ip rip key-id 0 stop-accept 2014-07-22,12:26:30

Related Command(s)

•      rip - authentication last-key infinite lifetime - Configures the crypto authentication type.

•      ip rip auth-type - Configures authentication type for crypto authentication.

•      ip rip authentication key-id - Configures the authentication key-id and key.

•      ip rip key-id start-accept - Configures the time when the router starts accepting RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      ip rip key-id start-generate - Configures the time when the router starts generating RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      ip rip key-id stop-generate - Configures the time when the router stops generating RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      show ip rip – Displays IP RIP protocol database or statistics.

•      network - Enables RIP on an IP network for an unnumbered VLAN interface or router port.


31.31     ip rip key-id - start-generate


Command Objective

This command configures the time when the router starts generating RIP updates for the specified key-id.


ip rip key-id <integer (0-255)> start-generate <key>

Parameter Description

•      <integer (0-255)> - Configures the active authentication key-id that is currently used in the particular interface for sending RIP updates. This value ranges from 0 to 255.

•      start-generate <key> - Configures the time that the router will start using this key for packet generation. If the value is not set, current time (time at which authentication key-id is configured) will be taken as start-generate time.

Note:     For example, Tuesday May 26, 1992 at 1:30:15 PM should be configured as, 1992-5-26,13:30:15 (YYYY-MM-DD,hh:mm:ss format)


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN Interface / Router port)


Enterprise and Metro_E


This command only executes when

•      RIP is enabled on the interface.

•      RIP Authentication mode is configured.


SEFOS(config-if)# ip rip key-id 0 start-generate 2014-07-22,12:26:30

Related Command(s)

•      rip - authentication last-key infinite lifetime - Configures the crypto authentication type

•      ip rip auth-type - Configures authentication type for crypto authentication.

•      ip rip authentication key-id - Configures the authentication key-id and key.

•      ip rip key-id start-accept - Configures the time when the router starts accepting RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      ip rip key-id stop-accept - Configures the time when the router stops accepting RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      ip rip key-id stop-generate - Configures the time when the router stops generating RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      show ip rip – Displays IP RIP protocol database or statistics.

•      network - Enables RIP on an IP network for an unnumbered VLAN interface or router port.


31.32     ip rip key-id - stop-generate


Command Objective

This command configures the time when the router stops generating RIP updates for the specified key-id.


ip rip key-id <integer (0-255)> stop-generate <key>

Parameter Description

•      <integer (0-255)> - Configures the active authentication key-id that is currently used in the particular interface for sending RIP updates. This value ranges from 0 to 255.

•      stop-generate <key> - Configures the time that the router will stop using this key for packets generation. If the value is not set, then it will be taken as infinite and displayed as 2136-02-06, 06:28:15, the maximum date time equivalent.

Note:     For example, Tuesday May 26, 1992 at 1:30:15 PM should be configured as, 1992-5-26,13:30:15 (YYYY-MM-DD,hh:mm:ss format)


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN Interface / Router port)


Enterprise and Metro_E


This command only executes when

•      RIP is enabled on the interface.

•      RIP Authentication mode is configured.


SEFOS(config-if)# ip rip key-id 0 stop-generate 2014-07-22,12:26:30

Related Command(s)

•      rip - authentication last-key infinite lifetime - Configures the crypto authentication type.

•      ip rip auth-type - Configures authentication type for crypto authentication.

•      ip rip authentication key-id - Configures the authentication key-id and key.

•      ip rip key-id start-accept - Configures the time when the router starts accepting RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      ip rip key-id stop-accept - Configures the time when the router stops accepting RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      ip rip key-id start-generate - Configures the time when the router starts generating RIP updates for the specified key-id.

•      show ip rip – Displays IP RIP protocol database or statistics.

•      network - Enables RIP on an IP network for an unnumbered VLAN interface or router port.

31.33     version


Command Objective

This command sets the global version of RIP.

The no form of the command sets the RIP global version to its default value.


This command is a complete standardized implementation of the existing commands and operates similar to the commands ip rip send version and ip rip receive version.


version ( [1] [2])

no version

Parameter Description

•      1 - Sets global version of RIP as 1. This implies that RIP updates are sent or received in compliance with RFC 1058.

•      2 - Sets global version of RIP as 2. This implies that only multicasting RIP updates are sent or received.


RIP Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


1 and 2


Only the configurations that are done after associating the IP address of the VLAN interface or router port with the RIP routing process, are applied to the RIP.


SEFOS(config-router)# version 1

Related Command(s)

•      router rip – Enables RIP for default VRF instance or a specific VRF instance and enters the router configuration mode.

•      network – Enables RIP on an IP network for an unnumbered VLAN interface or router port.

•      show ip protocols - Displays information about the active routing protocol process.

•      version none - Sets IP RIP transmitting advertisements to neither be sent nor received.

31.34     version none


Command Objective

This command sets the RIP version as none which implies that no RIP transmitting advertisements are sent or received.


This command is a complete standardized implementation of the existing commands and operates similar to the commands ip rip send version none and ip rip receive version none.


version none


RIP Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


Only the configurations that are done after associating the IP address of the VLAN interface or router port with the RIP routing process, are applied to the RIP.


SEFOS(config-router)# version none

Related Command(s)

•      router rip – Enables RIP for default VRF instance or a specific VRF instance and enters the router configuration mode.

•      network – Enables RIP on an IP network for an unnumbered VLAN interface or router port.

•      show ip protocols - Displays information about the active routing protocol process.

•      version - Sets global version of RIP.

31.35     auto-summary


Command Objective

This command enables the auto summarization of routes in RIP and restores the default behavior of automatic summarization of subnet routes into network-level routes.

The no form of the command disables the auto summarization of routes in RIP.

This command is a standardized implementation of the existing command auto-summary enable-disable. It operates similar to the existing command.



no auto-summary


RIP Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-router)# auto-summary

Related Command(s)

•      router rip - Enables RIP for default VRF instance.

31.36     output-delay -value


Command Objective

This command enables interpacket delay for RIP updates, where the delay is in milliseconds between packets in a multiple-packet RIP update. This interpacket delay feature helps in preventing the routing table from losing information due to flow of RIP updates from high speed router to low speed router. The delay  value ranges from 8 to 50 milliseconds.

This command is a standardized implementation of the existing command output-delay. It operates similar to the existing command.


output-delay <milli-seconds (8-50)>


RIP Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-router)# output-delay 10

Related Command(s)

•      router rip - Enables RIP for default VRF instance.

31.37     default-information originate


Command Objective

This command sets the metric to be used for default route propagated over the interface. This distance value will not be used for distribute list. The administrative distance can be enabled for only one route-map. The distance should be disabled for the already assigned route-map, if distance needs to be enabled for another route-map.

The no form of the command disables origination of default route over the interface.

This command is a standardized implementation of the existing command ip rip default route originate. It operates similar to the existing command.


default-information originate <metric (1-15)> [route-map < string(32)>]

no default-information originate

Parameter Description

•      <metric (1-15)> - Sets the metric value. This value ranges from 1 to 15.

•      route-map <name(1-20)> - Configures the name of the existing route-map for which the metric value should be enabled and set. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN Interface / Router port)


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-if)# default-information originate 10

Related Command(s)

•      router rip - Enables RIP for default VRF instance.

•      network – Enables RIP on an IP network for an unnumbered VLAN interface or router port.

31.38     ip rip authentication mode


Command Objective

This command configures the authentication mode for RIP version 2.

The no form of the command disables authentication mode for RIP version 2.

This command is a standardized implementation of the existing command ip rip authentication mode - key-chain. It operates similar to the existing command.


ip rip authentication mode { text | md5 }

no ip rip authentication

Parameter Description

•      text - Configures the authentication type as simple text.

•      md5 - Configures the authentication type as keyed MD5 (Message Digest 5) authentication.


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN Interface / Router port)


Enterprise and Metro_E


None (No authentication is set)


SEFOS(config-if)# ip rip authentication mode text

Related Command(s)

•      router rip – Enables RIP for default VRF instance or a specific VRF instance and enters the router configuration mode.

•      network – Enables RIP on an IP network for an unnumbered VLAN interface or router port.

31.39     ip rip authentication key-chain


Command Objective

This command configures the interface RIP version 2 authentication string. This value is a string of size 16.

The no form of the command disables authentication mode for RIP version 2.

This command is a standardized implementation of the existing command ip rip authentication mode - key-chain. It operates similar to the existing command.


ip rip authentication key-chain <key-chain-name (16)>

no ip rip authentication key-chain <key-chain-name (16)>


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN Interface / Router port)


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-if)# ip rip authentication key-chain abc

Related Command(s)

•      router rip – Enables RIP for default VRF instance or a specific VRF instance and enters the router configuration mode.

31.40     timers basic


Command Objective

This command configures update, route age, and garbage collection timers for the VLAN interface or router port.

This command is a standardized implementation of the existing command timers basic – update-value. It operates similar to the existing command.


timers basic <update-interval (10-3600)> <invalid (30-500)> <holddown (10-3600)> <flush (120-180)> <sleep (10-3600)>

Parameter Description

•      <update-interval(10-3600)> - Configures the time interval (in seconds) at which the RIP updates should be sent. This is the fundamental timing parameter of the routing protocol. This value ranges from 10 to 3600 seconds.

•      <invalid(30-500)> - Configures the time (in seconds) after which the route entry is put into garbage collect (that is, marked as invalid). This value ranges from 30 to 500 seconds.

•      <flush(120-180)> - Configures the time (in seconds) after which the route entry marked as invalid is deleted. The advertisements of this entry is set to INFINITY while sending to others. This value ranges from 120 to 180 seconds.

•      <sleep(10-3600)> - Configures interval (in milliseconds) for postponing routing updates in the event of a flash update. This value ranges from 10 to 3600 milliseconds.


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN Interface / Router port)


Enterprise and Metro_E


•      update-value - 30

•      routeage-value - 180

•      garbage-value - 120


SEFOS(config-if)# timers basic 360 300 130 125 3000

Related Command(s)

•      router rip – Enables RIP and enters the router configuration mode.

•      network – Enables RIP on an IP network for an unnumbered VLAN interface or router port.

31.41     debug ip rip - database/events/triggers


Command Objective

This command sets the debug level for RIP module.

The no form of the command resets the debug level for RIP module.

This command is a standardized implementation of the existing command debug ip rip. It operates similar to the existing command.


debug ip rip { [database] | [events] |[triggers] }

no debug ip rip { [database] | [events] |[triggers] }

Parameter Description

•      database - Generates debug messages for database-related traces.

•      events - Generates debug messages for events-related traces.

•      triggers - Generates debug messages for triggers-related traces.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# debug ip rip database

Related Command(s)

•      router rip – Enables RIP for default VRF instance or a specific VRF instance and enters the router configuration mode.


 Chapter 32             


RIPv6 functions the same and offers the same benefits as RIP in IPv4. RIP enhancements for IPv6, detailed in RFC 2080, include support for IPv6 addresses and prefixes, and the use of all-RIP-routers multicast group address as the destination address for RIP update messages. RIPv6 process maintains a local routing table, referred to as a RIB (Routing Information Database). The RIPv6 RIB contains a set of RIPv6 routes learned from all its neighboring networking devices.

Before configuring the router to run IPv6 RIP, the IPv6 unicast-routing must be enabled globally, and IPv6 must be enabled on any interface in which IPv6 RIP is to be processed.

32.1        ipv6 router rip


Command Objective

This command enables RIPv6 routing process and enters into the router configuration mode for the RIPv6 routing process.

The no form of the command disables RIPv6 on all VLAN interfaces and router ports.


ipv6 router rip

no ipv6 router rip


Global Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


This command executes only if IPv6 unicast routing (IPv6 forwarding) is enabled globally.


SEFOS(config)# ipv6 router rip

Related Command(s) (s)

•      ipv6 unicast-routing - Enables unicast routing.

•      distance - Enables the administrative distance of the routing protocol and sets the administrative distance value.

•      redistribute – Enables or disables redistribution of direct, static, and OSPF routes into RIPv6.

•      redistribute-isis – Enables or disables redistribution of ISIS routes into RIP6.

•      redistribute bgp – Enables redistribution of IPv6 prefix from configured protocol into RIPv6.

•      distribute prefix – Enables redistribution of IPV6 prefix from BGP protocol into RIPv6.

•      distribute-list route-map  - Enables route-map filtering for inbound or outbound routes.

•      ipv6 rip peer status  – Set the peer list to allow or deny.

•      ipv6 peer triggered-updated-interval – Configures the time interval, in seconds, by which further triggered updates are delayed after one triggered update is sent.

•      show ipv6 rip  – Displays IPv6 Local RIB and routing protocol information.

•      show ipv6 rip stats - Displays all the interface statistics-related information.

•      show ipv6 rip filter - Displays the details of the Advfilter type table.

•      show ipv6 peer-table-status  – Displays the status of the peers filter.

•      show ipv6 peer-trig-update-interval  – Displays the delayed triggered time interval.


32.2         ipv6 router rip - name


Command Objective

This command enables RIPv6 routing process and enters into the router configuration mode for the RIPv6 routing process.

The no form of the command disables RIPv6 on all VLAN interfaces and router ports.

This command is a complete standardized implementation of the existing command and operates similar to the command ipv6 router rip.


ipv6 router rip <name>

no ipv6 router rip <name>


Global Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


This command executes only if IPv6 unicast routing (IPv6 forwarding) is enabled globally.


SEFOS (config)# ipv6 router rip router1

For RIP6, process name is not supported.

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 unicast-routing - Enables unicast routing.

•      distance - Enables the administrative distance of the routing protocol and sets the administrative distance value.

•      redistribute – Enables redistribution of IPv6 prefix from configured protocol into RIPv6.

•      redistribute bgp – Enables redistribution of IPv6 prefix from configured protocol into RIPv6.

•      distribute prefix – Enables redistribution of IPV6 prefix from BGP protocol into RIPv6.

•      distribute-list route-map  - Enables route-map filtering for inbound or outbound routes.

•      show ipv6 rip  – Displays IPv6 Local RIB and routing protocol information.

•      redistribute – Enables or disables redistribution of direct, static, and OSPF routes into RIPv6.

•      redistribute isis – Enables or disables redistribution of ISIS routes into RIP6.


32.3         ipv6 split-horizon


Command Objective

This command enables the split horizon updates for the RIPv6 which prevents the routing loops in distance routing protocol, by prohibiting the router from advertising a route back onto the interface. The split horizon updates are applied in the response packets sent.

The no form of the command disables the split horizon updates.


ipv6 split-horizon

no ipv6 split-horizon


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN Interface / Router port)


Enterprise and Metro_E


Split horizon with poison reverse is enabled.


•      The split horizon updates can be configured, only if the IPv6 processing is enabled.

•      The configuration done is applied for all VLAN interfaces and router ports, in which RIPv6 processing is enabled.


SEFOS (config-if)# ipv6 split-horizon

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 enable – Enables IPv6 processing on VLAN interface or switch port that is not configured with an explicit IPv6 address.

•      show ipv6 rip – Displays IPv6 Local RIB and routing protocol information.


32.4         ipv6 rip enable


Command Objective

This command enables RIPv6 routing process on a VLAN interface or router port.

The no form of the command disables the RIPv6 routing process.


ipv6 rip enable

no ipv6 rip


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN Interface / Router port)


Enterprise and Metro_E


The RIPv6 routing process can be configured, only if the IPv6 processing is enabled.


SEFOS (config-if)# ipv6 rip enable

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 enable – Enables IPv6 processing on VLAN interface or switch port that is not configured with an explicit IPv6 address.

•      show ipv6 rip – Displays IPv6 Local RIB and routing protocol information.

•      show ipv6 rip stats - Displays all the interface statistics-related information.

•      show ipv6 rip filter - Displays the details of the Advfilter type table.

•      show ipv6 peer-table-status  – Displays the status of the peers filter.

•      show ipv6 peer-trig-update-interval  – Displays the delayed triggered time interval.


32.5         ipv6 rip enable - name


Command Objective

This command enables specified RIPv6 routing process on a VLAN interface or router port.

The no form of the command disables the specified RIPv6 routing process.

This command is a complete standardized implementation of the existing command and operates similar to the command ipv6 rip enable.


ipv6 rip <name> enable

no ipv6 rip <name> enable


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN Interface / Router port)


Enterprise and Metro_E


The RIPv6 routing process can be configured, only if the IPv6 processing is enabled.


SEFOS (config-if)# ipv6 rip rip1 enable

For RIP6, process name is not supported

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 enable – Enables IPv6 processing on VLAN interface or switch port that is not configured with an explicit IPv6 address.

•      show ipv6 rip – Displays IPv6 Local RIB and routing protocol information.

•      show ipv6 rip stats - Displays all the interface statistics-related information.

•      show ipv6 rip filter - Displays the details of the and Advfilter type table.

•      show ipv6 peer-table-status  – Displays the status of the peers filter.

•      show ipv6 peer-trig-update-interval  – Displays the delayed triggered time interval.


32.6         ipv6 poison reverse


Command Objective

This command enables poison reverse, which informs all routers that the path back to the originating node for a particular packet has an infinite metric. It will advertise that same route out of that same interface, to that same neighbor. The poison reverse algorithm is applied in the response packets sent.


ipv6 poison reverse


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN Interface / Router port)


Enterprise and Metro_E


Poison reverse algorithm is enabled.


The poison reverse algorithm can be configured, only if the IPv6 processing is enabled.


SEFOS (config-if)# ipv6 poison reverse

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 enable – Enables IPv6 processing on VLAN interface or switch port that is not configured with an explicit IPv6 address.

•      show ipv6 rip – Displays IPv6 Local RIB and routing protocol information.


32.7         ipv6 rip default-information originate


Command Objective

This command configures handling of default route origination. This command originates a default IPv6 route into RIP and also forces the advertisement of the route in router updates sent on the interface. The advertisement of the route occurs regardless of whether the route is present in the IPv6 routing table or not.

The routing process ignores all default routes received on any interface, after originating the IPv6 default route out of any interface to avoid routing loops.

The no form of the command disables handling of default route origination.


ipv6 rip default-information originate

no ipv6 rip default-information


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN Interface / Router port)


Enterprise and Metro_E


The default route origination can be configured only if the IPv6 processing is enabled.


SEFOS (config-if)# ipv6 rip default-information originate

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 enable – Enables IPv6 processing on VLAN interface or switch port that is not configured with an explicit IPv6 address.


32.8         ipv6 rip default-information - originate | only


Command Objective

This command originates the IPv6 default route into the specified RIP routing process updates, sent from the specified interface. The advertisement of the route in the process updates occurs regardless of whether the route is present in the IPv6 routing table or not.

This command is a complete standardized implementation of the existing command and operates similar to the command ipv6 rip default-information originate.

The routing process ignores all default routes received on any interface, after originating the IPv6 default route out of any interface to avoid routing loops.


ipv6 rip <process-name> default-information { originate | only } [metric <value>]

Parameter Description

•      <process-name> - Configures the RIPv6 process name for which the IPv6 default route should be originated. The name identifies a specific IPv6 RIP routing process and enables the router to run multiple segregated RIP processes on the same router. This feature has been included to adhere to the Industry Standard CLI syntax. This feature is currently not supported. The value entered is ignored during the command execution.

•      originate - Advertises the IPv6 default route in addition to all other routes in the updates sent from the interface.

•      only - Advertises the IPv6 default route, while suppressing all other routes in the updates sent from the interface. This feature has been included to adhere to the Industry Standard CLI syntax. This feature is currently not supported.

•      metric <value> - Configures the metric value keyword and argument, which allow more flexibility in topologies with multiple RIP routers on a LAN, and redistribute the routes. This feature has been included to adhere to the Industry Standard CLI syntax. This feature is currently not supported.


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN Interface / Router port)


Enterprise and Metro_E


The default route origination can be configured only if the IPv6 processing is enabled.


SEFOS (config-if)# ipv6 rip pname1 default-information only

For RIP6, process name is not supported

metric | only  are not supported

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 enable – Enables IPv6 processing on VLAN interface or switch port that is not configured with an explicit IPv6 address.

32.9         ipv6 rip metric-offset


Command Objective

This command sets the IPv6 RIP metric for an interface and adjusts default metric increment. The configured metric value is added before the received IPv6 RIP route prior to insertion of the route into the routing table. Therefore, increasing the IPv6 RIP metric offset of an interface increases the metric value of IPv6 RIP routes received over the interface. The value of the metric offset integer ranges between 1 and 15.


ipv6 rip metric-offset <integer (1-15)>


Interface Configuration Mode (VLAN Interface / Router port)


Enterprise and Metro_E


•      This command is used in conjunction with the redistribute command to cause the current routing protocol to use the same metric value for all redistributed routes.

•      The maximum metric that RIP can advertise is 16, and a metric of 16 denotes a route that is unreachable.

•      The metric offset can be configured, only if the IPv6 processing is enabled.


SEFOS (config-if)# ipv6 rip metric-offset 3

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 enable – Enables IPv6 processing on VLAN interface or switch port that is not configured with an explicit IPv6 address.


32.10     redistribute


Command Objective

This command enables redistribution of direct, static, and OSPF routes into RIP6. When enabled, the routes from the specified protocols will be imported into RIP.

The no form of the command disables redistribution of direct, static, and OSPF routes into RIP6. When disabled, the routes learned from the specified protocols will be removed from RIP and no route will be either distributed to, or imported.


redistribute { static | connected | ospf } [metric <integer(0-16)>] [route-map <string(20)>]

no redistribute {static|connected|ospf} [route-map <string(20)>]

Parameter Description

•      static - Redistributes statically configured routes into RIPv6 process.

•      connected - Redistributes the connected routes into RIPv6 process.

•      ospf - Redistributes the OSPF routes into RIPv6 process.

•      metric<integer(0-16> - Configures the metric to be used for the imported routes from RTM6. If 0, then the metric value from the RTM6 will be used. This value ranges from 1 to 16.

•      route-map<string(20)> - Specifies the name of the route-map in the list of route-maps. This value is a string with the maximum size 20.


RIPv6 Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


•      A route must be advertised with a metric of value 15 or less, as the RIP router always adds an interface cost (default 1) onto the metric of the received route. This makes the metric 16, which denotes that the route is unreachable.


By default, route redistribution is enabled.

Metric - 0


SEFOS (config-router)# redistribute static metric 6

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 router rip - Enables RIPv6 routing process and enters into the router configuration mode for the RIPv6 routing process.

•      show ipv6 rip  – Displays IPv6 Local RIB and routing protocol information.


32.11     redistribute-isis


Command Objective

This command enables redistribution of ISIS routes into RIP. When enabled, the routes from ISIS will be imported into RIP.

The no form of the command disables redistribution of ISIS routes into RIP. When disabled, the routes learned from ISIS will be removed from RIP.


redistribute { isis } [{level-1 | level-2 | level-1-2}] metric <integer(0-16)> [route-map <string(20)>]

no redistribute { isis } [{level-1 | level-2 | level-1-2}] [route-map <string(20)>]

Parameter Description

•      isis - Specifies that routes from ISIS can be redistributed into RIP.

•      level-1 - Specifies that ISIS Level-1 routes can be redistributed into RIP.

•      level-2 - Specifies that ISIS Level-2 routes can be redistributed into RIP.

•      level-1-2 - Specifies that ISIS Level-1-2 routes can be redistributed into RIP.

•      route-map<string(20)> - Specifies the name of the route-map in the list of route-maps. This value is a string with the maximum size 20.


RIPv6 Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


•      A route must be advertised with a metric of value 15 or less, as the RIP router always adds an interface cost (default 1) onto the metric of the received route. This makes the metric 16, which denotes that the route is unreachable.


By default, route redistribution is enabled.

Metric - 0


SEFOS (config-router)# redistribute isis level-1 metric 2 route-map route1

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 router rip - Enables RIPv6 routing process and enters into the router configuration mode for the RIPv6 routing process.

•      show ipv6 rip  – Displays IPv6 Local RIB and routing protocol information.


32.12     redistribute bgp


Command Objective

This command redistributes IPv6 prefix from BGP protocol into RIPv6. This command controls redistribution of BGP routes into RIP.

This command has been included to adhere to the Industry Standard CLI syntax. This command is currently not supported (that is, BGP redistribution is not supported).


redistribute bgp <as-no> [metric <integer(0-16)>]

Parameter Description

•      <as-no> - Configures the autonomous system number that identifies the BGP router to other routers and tags the routing information passed along. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

•      metric<integer(0-16)> - Configures the metric to be used for the BGP redistributed routes. This value ranges from 0 to 16.


RIPv6 Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


A route must be advertised with a metric of value 15 or less, as the RIP router always adds an interface cost (default 1) onto the metric of the received route. This makes the metric 16, which denotes that the route is unreachable.


SEFOS (config-router)# redistribute bgp 10 metric 10

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 router rip - Enables RIPv6 routing process and enters into the router configuration mode for the RIPv6 routing process.

•      show ipv6 rip  – Displays IPv6 Local RIB and routing protocol information.


32.13     distribute prefix


Command Objective

This command enables filter network in routing updates which are sent or received.

The no form of the command disables the filter network in routing updates which are sent or received.


distribute prefix <ip6_addr> {in | out}

no distribute prefix <ip6_addr> {in | out}

Parameter Description

•      <ip6_addr> - Configures the IPv6 address of the filter network.

•      in - Applies the configured filter network in routing updates which are received. Input distribute lists control route reception. Input filtering is applied to advertisements received from neighbors. Only those routes that pass input filtering are inserted into the RIP local routing table and become candidates for insertion into the IPv6 routing table.

•      out - Applies the configured filter network in routing updates which are sent out. Output distribute lists control route advertisement. Output filtering is applied to route advertisements sent to neighbors. Only those routes passing output filtering will be advertised.


RIPv6 Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS (config-router)# distribute prefix fe80::208:2ff:fe02:408 in

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 router rip - Enables RIPv6 routing process and enters into the router configuration mode for the RIPv6 routing process

•      show ipv6 rip filter – Displays peer and Advfilter table.

•      ipv6 rip peer status - Sets the peer list to allow or deny.

•      show ipv6 peer-table-status  – Displays the status of the peers filter.


32.14     distribute-list route-map


Command Objective

This command enables route-map filtering for inbound or outbound routes and defines the conditions for distributing the routes from one routing protocol to another.

The route-map filtering already enabled for inbound or outbound routes should be disabled, if another route-map should be enabled for inbound or outbound routes.

The no form of the command disables route-map filtering for inbound or outbound routes.


distribute-list route-map <name(1-20)> {in | out}

no distribute-list route-map <name(1-20)> {in | out}

Parameter Description

•      <name(1-20) - Configures the name of the existing route-map for which filtering should be enabled. This value is a string whose maximum size is 20.

•      in - Sets route-map filtering for the inbound routes.

•      out - Sets route-map filtering for the outbound routes.


RIPv6 Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS (config-router)# distribute-list route-map rmap-test in

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 router rip - Enables RIPv6 routing process and enters into the router configuration mode for the RIPv6 routing process.


32.15     distance


Command Objective

This command enables the administrative distance (that is, the metric to reach destination) of the routing protocol and sets the administrative distance value. The distance value ranges between 1 and 255.

This distance value will not be used for distribute list. The administrative distance can be enabled for only one route-map. The distance should be disabled for the already assigned route-map, if distance needs to be enabled for another route-map.

The no form of the command disables the administrative distance.


distance <1-255> [route-map <name(1-20)>]

no distance [route-map <name(1-20)>]

Parameter Description

•      route-map <name(1-20)> - Configures the name of the existing route-map for which the distance value should be enabled and set. This value is a string whose maximum size is 20.


RIPv6 Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


120 (Represents RIP route)


SEFOS (config-router)# distance 10 route-map rmap-test

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 router rip - Enables RIPv6 routing process and enters into the router configuration mode for the RIPv6 routing process.

•      show ipv6 rip  – Displays IPv6 Local RIB and routing protocol information.


32.16     debug ipv6 rip


Command Objective

This command sets debug level for RIPv6 module.

The no form of the command disables debug level for RIPv6 module.

This command allows combination of debug levels to be configured (that is, more than one level of trace can be enabled or disabled). The debug levels are configured one after the other and not in single execution of the command.


debug ipv6 rip { all | data | control }

no debug ipv6 rip

Parameter Description

•      all - Generates debug messages for all traces.

•      data - Generates debug messages for data path traces.

•      control - Generates debug messages for control plane traces.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


Debug level is disabled.


SEFOS# debug ipv6 rip all


32.17     show ipv6 rip


Command Objective

This command displays information in current IPv6 Local RIB and about RIPv6 routing protocol.


show ipv6 rip [ database ]

Parameter Description

•      database - Displays the details of the entries in the RIP IPv6 routing table database.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


The command displays the RIPv6 details only if the RIPv6 routing process is enabled in any one of the VLAN interface or router port.


SEFOS# show ipv6 rip database

RIP local RIB

4444::/64,  metric 10, local

      vlan1/::, expires in 180 secs

5555::/64,  metric 10, local

      vlan2/::, expires in 180 secs

6666::/64,  metric 7, static

      tunnel0/::, expires in 180 secs

SEFOS# show ipv6 rip

RIP  port 521, multicast-group ff02::9,Maximum paths is 16

Updates every 30 seconds; expire after 180

Garbage Collect after  120 seconds

Poison Reverse is on



Routes  Redistribution is enabled.

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 split-horizon – Enables the split horizon updates for the RIPv6

•      ipv6 rip enable / ipv6 rip enable - name – Enables RIPv6 routing process on a VLAN interface or router port.

•      ipv6 poison reverse – Enables poison reverse.

•      ipv6 rip default-information originate – Configures handling of default route originate.

•      ipv6 rip default-information - originate | only- Originates the IPv6 default route into the specified RIP routing process updates sent from the specified interface.

•      ipv6 rip metric-offset – Adjusts default metric increment.

•      redistribute – Enables or disables redistribution of direct, static, and OSPF routes into RIPv6.

•      redistribute – Enables or disables redistribution of ISIS routes into RIP6.

•      distribute prefix – Enables filter network in routing updates sent or received.

•      debug ipv6 rip – Enables IPv6 RIP routing protocol debugging.


32.18     show ipv6 rip stats


Command Objective

This command displays statistics-related information (such as number of requests received) for all VLAN interfaces or router ports in which the RIPv6 routing process is enabled.


show ipv6 rip stats


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ipv6 rip stats

        Interface Index     vlan1

        *****************    ***

Rcvd  :

Messages         0    Requests      0   Responses      0

UnknownCommds    0    OtherVer      0   Discards       0

Sent  :

Messages         1    Requests      1   Responses      0

Trigger Updates  0

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 rip enable / ipv6 rip enable - name – Enables RIPv6 routing process on a VLAN interface or router port.


32.19     show ipv6 rip filter


Command Objective

This command displays the filtering details (such as filter address) available in the Advfilter type table.


show ipv6 rip filter


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ipv6 rip filter

Filter Address                    FilterType

**************                    **********

fe80::200:ff:febb:e01                    IN

fe80::200:ff:fecc:102                    IN

3333::1111                               OUT

Related Command(s)

•      distribute prefix – Enables filter network in routing updates sent or received.

•      ipv6 rip enable / ipv6 rip enable - name – Enables RIPv6 routing process on a VLAN interface or router port.

32.20     ipv6 rip peer status


Command Objective

This command sets the flag to enable filtering of routes in the RIPng                  responses to be advertised.


ipv6 rip peer status { disable | enable }

Parameter Description

•      disable - Sets the peer list to deny. This disables the filter which implies that all the entries in the response message are going to be advertised.

•      enable - Sets the peer list to allow. This enables filtering of the corresponding routing entries in the response, match the Advertising Filter list.


RIPv6 Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E




SEFOS (config-router) # ipv6 rip peer status enable

Related Command(s) (s)

•      ipv6 router rip - Enables RIPv6 routing process and enters into the router configuration mode for the RIPv6 routing process.

•      show ipv6 peer-table-status  – Displays the status of the peers filter.

32.21     ipv6 peer triggered-updated-interval


Command Objective

This command configures the time interval in seconds by which further triggered updates are delayed after one triggered update is sent. This value ranges from 1 to 10.


ipv6 rip peer triggered-updated-interval <seconds(1-10)>


RIPv6 Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E




SEFOS (config-router) # ipv6 rip peer triggered-updated-interval 1

Related Command(s) (s)

•      ipv6 router rip - Enables RIPv6 routing process and enters into the router configuration mode for the RIPv6 routing process.

•      show ipv6 peer-trig-update-interval  – Displays the delayed triggered time interval.

32.22     show ipv6 rip peer-table-status


Command Objective

This command displays the status of the peer filter table.


show ipv6 rip peer-table-status


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ipv6 rip peer-table-status

Peer Filter Status : Enabled

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 rip enable / ipv6 rip enable - name – Enables RIPv6 routing process on a VLAN interface or router port.

•      ipv6 router rip - Enables RIPv6 routing process and enters into the router configuration mode for the RIPv6 routing process.

•      distribute prefix - Enables filter network in routing updates which are sent or received.

•      ipv6 rip peer status  – Set the peer list to allow or deny.

32.23     show ipv6 rip peer-trig-update-interval


Command Objective

This command displays the delayed, triggered time interval.


show ipv6 rip peer-trig-update-interval


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ipv6 rip peer-trig-update-interval

Triggered Delay Time : 5

Related Command(s)

•      ipv6 peer triggered-updated-interval – Configures the time interval, in seconds, by which further triggered updates are delayed after one triggered update is sent.

•      ipv6 router rip - Enables RIPv6 routing process and enters into the router configuration mode for the RIPv6 routing process.


 Chapter 33             


The BGP (Border Gateway Protocol) is an inter-autonomous system routing protocol. An autonomous system is a network or group of networks under a common administration and with common routing policies. BGP is a protocol for exchanging routing information between gateway hosts (each with its own router) in a network of autonomous systems and is used between Internet Service Providers (ISPs). BGP is often the protocol used between gateway hosts on the Internet. The routing table contains a list of known routers, the addresses they can reach, and a cost metric associated with the path to each router so that the best available route is chosen.

Hosts using BGP communicate using the Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and send updated router table information only when one host has detected a change. BGP is commonly used within and between Internet Service Providers (ISPs).

33.1        router bgp


Command Objective

This command configures the AS (Autonomous System) number of the BGP Speaker and enters into BGP router configuration mode. The no form of the command configures the AS number of the BGP Speaker to its default value.


If this value is already configured to a non-zero value, it must be reset to zero (using no form of the command) before reconfiguring.

The no router bgp or no router bgp vrf default command deletes all the BGP configurations done on all VRs.


router bgp <AS no> [vrf <vrf-name>]

no router bgp  [vrf <string (32)>]

Parameter Description

•      vrf <vrf-name> - Configures the AS (Autonomous System) number of the BGP Speaker for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.

Note:     When VRF is not specified, the configurations are done for the default VRF.

•      <AS no> - Configures the AS (Autonomous System) number of the BGP Speaker and enters into BGP router configuration mode. The AS number identifies the BGP router to other routers and tags the routing information passed along. This command also allows you to set up a distributed routing core that automatically guarantees the loop-free exchange of routing information between autonomous systems. This value ranges from 1 to 4294967295 or 0.1 to 65535.65535.

Note:     When four-bit-asn is enabled, this value ranges from 1 to 4294967295 or between 0.1 and 65535.65535.

Note:     When four-bit-asn is disabled, this value ranges from 1 to 65535 or between 0.1 and 0.65535.

Note:     When bgp asnotation is enabled, the AS number of the BGP speaker is displayed in the range 0.1 to 65535.65535.


Global Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E




SEFOS(config)# router bgp 100

Related Command(s)

•      as-num - Sets the autonomous number for the router.

•      ip address - Sets the IP address for an interface.

•      router-id - Sets the router ID’s address for the router.

•      ip bgp dampening – Configures the Dampening parameters.

•      ip bgp overlap-policy – Configures the Overlap Route policy for the BGP Speaker.

•      ip bgp synchronization / synchronization – Enables synchronization between BGP and IGP.

•      bgp router-id – Configures the BGP Identifier of the BGP Speaker.

•      bgp default local-preference – Configures the Default Local Preference value.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      neighbor - activate – Enables default capabilities for the peer and restarts the connection to the peer if negotiated  apabilities change.

•      neighbor - ebgp-multihop – Enables BGP to establish connection with external peers.

•      neighbor - next-hop-self – Enables BGP to send itself as the next hop for advertised routes.

•      neighbor - interval – Configures neighbor interval.

•      neighbor - timers– Configures neighbor KeepAlive Time and Hold Time intervals.

•      neighbor - shutdown – Disables the peer session.

•      neighbor – update-source - Configures the source address for routing updates and for TCP connection establishment with a peer.

•      neighbor - gateway - Configures gateway router’s address that will be used as nexthop in the routes advertised to the peer.

•      neighbor – network-address - Configures peer’s remote IPv6 network address for IPv4 peer and peer’s remote IPv4 network address for IPv6 peer.

•      neighbor – default - originate - Enables advertisement of the default route to the peer.

•      neighbor – send-community – Enables advertisement of community attributes (standard or extended) to peer.

•      neighbor - capability - Enables the specific BGP capability to be advertised and received from the peer.

•      neighbor - delay open - Configures a delay in sending the first OPEN message to the BGP peer for a specific time period.

•      neighbor - damp-peer-oscillations - Enables the damp peer oscillation option.

•      neighbor - maximum prefix - Configures the maximum number of peers supported by BGP.

•      neighbor – allow-autostop - Enables the auto stop option to stop the BGP peer and BGP connection automatically.

•      neighbor – connect-retrycount - Sets the retry count for the BGP peer.

•      neighbor – transport connection-mode - Configures the BGP Peer Transport Connection status as active or passive.

•      bgp nonbgproute-advt – Controls the advertisement of Non-BGP routes.

•      no ip bgp overlap-policy – Resets the Overlap route policy to default.

•      redistribute – Configures the protocol from which the routes have to be redistributed into BGP.

•      redistribute - isis – Controls redistribution of ISIS routes into BGP.

•      bgp always-compare-med – Enables the comparison of MED for routes received from different autonomous systems.

•      default-metric – Configures the Default IGP Metric value.

•      bgp med – Configures an entry in MED table.

•      bgp local-preference – Configures an entry in local preference table.

•      bgp update-filter – Configures an entry in update filter table.

•      aggregate-address index – Configures an entry in aggregate table.

•      bgp cluster-id – Configures the Cluster ID for route reflector.

•      bgp client-to-client reflection – Configures the route reflector to support route reflection to client peers.

•      neighbor - route-reflector-client – Configures the peer as client of the route reflector.

•      bgp comm-route – Configures an entry in additive or delete-community table.

•      bgp comm-filter – Allows or filters the community attribute while receiving or advertising.

•      bgp comm-policy – Configures the community attribute advertisement policy for specific destination.

•      bgp ecomm-route – Configures an entry in additive or delete-extended community table.

•      bgp ecomm-filter – Allows or filters the extended community attribute while receiving or advertising.

•      bgp ecomm-policy – Configures the extended community attribute advertisement policy for specific destination.

•      bgp confederation identifier – Specifies the BGP confederation identifier.

•      bgp confederation peers – Configures the ASs that belong to the confederation.

•      bgp bestpath med confed – Enables MED comparison among paths learned from confederation peers.

•      neighbor - password – Configures the password for TCP-MD5 authentication with peer.

•      bgp graceful-restart - Enables the graceful restart capability.

•      bgp update-delay - Configures the selection deferral time interval.

•      restart-support - Enables the graceful restart support.

•      restart-reason - Configures the reason for BGP graceful restart.

•      distribute-list route-map - Enables route-map filtering for inbound or outbound routes.

•      distance - Enables the administrative distance of the routing protocol and sets the administrative distance value.

•      debug ip bgp – Configures the Trace levels.

•      bgp trap - Enables or disables the BGP trap notification.

•      show bgp-version – Displays the BGP Version information.

•      show ip bgp – Displays the BGP-related information.

•      show ip bgp community - routes– Displays routes that belong to specified BGP communities.

•      show ip bgp extcommunity - routes – Displays routes that belong to specified BGP extended-communities.

•      show ip bgp summary – Displays the status of all BGP4 connections.

•      show ip bgp filters – Displays the contents of filter table.

•      show ip bgp aggregate – Displays the contents of Aggregate table.

•      show ip bgp med – Displays the contents of MED table.

•      show ip bgp dampening – Displays the contents of Dampening table.

•      show ip bgp local-pref – Displays the contents of Local Preference table.

•      show ip bgp timers – Displays the value of BGP timers.

•      show ip bgp info – Displays the general information about BGP protocol.

•      show ip bgp rfl info – Displays information about RFL feature.

•      show ip bgp confed info – Displays information about confederation feature.

•      show ip bgp community – Displays the contents of community tables.

•      show ip bgp extcommunity – Displays the contents of ext-community tables.

•      nexthop processing-interval - Configures the interval at which next hops are monitored for reachability.

•      redistribute ospf - Configures the OSPF protocol from which the routes are redistributed into BGP.

•      show ip bgp - tcp-ao mkt summary - Displays the BGP-related TCP-AO MKT information.

•      show bgp ipv6 tcp-ao neighbor - Displays the BGP(v6) neighbor TCP-AO related information.

•      tcp-ao mkt key-id - receive-key-id - Creates a TCP-AO MKT in the BGP instance.

•      neighbor - tcp-ao mkt - Associates a TCP-AO MKT to the BGP peer.

•      neighbor - tcp-ao - Sets BGP peer TCP-AO configurations.

•      ip bgp four-byte-asn - Enables 4-byte ASN support in BGP or in the specified VRF instance created in the system.

•      bgp asnotation dot - Changes the output format of BGP ASNs from asplain to asdot notation.

•      neighbor fall-over bfd - Enables BFD monitoring for the peer IP address or peer group name.

•      address-family vpnv4 - Enables configuration of the session that carries standard vpnv4 address prefixes.

•      label-allocation-mode - Configures label allocation policy.

•      neighbor - as-override - Enables the override capability for the CE peer.

33.2         ip bgp dampening


Command Objective

This command configures the dampening parameters, changes various BGP route dampening factors, and also enables BGP dampening in the system or the specified VRF instance when none of the RFD parameters are specified.

The no form of the command disables the dampening feature in the system or in the specified VRF instance. When the RFD parameter options are not specified in the no form of the command, it disables the dampening features and does not reset the values related to RFD. But when the RFD parameter options are specified in the no form of the command, the parameters are reset to its default values.

Note:      The RFD parameters configured can be viewed using the show ip bgp dampening command even when RFD is disabled.


ip bgp dampening [vrf  <vrf-name>] [HalfLife-Time <integer(600-2700)>] [Reuse-Value <integer(100-1999)>] [Suppress-Value <integer(2000-3999)>] [Max-Suppress-Time <integer(1800-10800)>] [-s Decay-Granularity <integer(1-10800)>] [Reuse-Granularity <integer(15-10800)>] [Reuse-Array-Size <integer(256-65535)>]

no ip bgp dampening [vrf  <vrf-name>] [HalfLife-Time [Reuse-Value [Suppress-Value [Max-Suppress-Time]]]] [-s Decay-Granularity [Reuse-Granularity [Reuse-Array-Size]]]

Parameter Description

•      vrf  <vrf-name> - Configures the dampening parameters for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.

Note:     When VRF is not specified the configurations are done for the default VRF.

•      HalfLife-Time<integer(600-2700)> - Configures the time (in seconds) after which a penalty is decreased by half after the half-life period. Once a route has been assigned a penalty, the penalty is decreased for every 5 seconds. BGP’s route flap damping algorithm calculates penalty for each route. This penalty increases by a fixed value when a flap occurs, and decreases exponentially when the route is stable. This value ranges from 600 to 2700.

•      Reuse Value integer(100-1999)> - Configures the reuse value. If the penalty for a flapping route  falls below this value, the route is reused. The unsuppressing of routes occurs at 10-second increments. This value ranges from 100 to 1999.

Note:     Reuse value can be configured only if the HalfLife Time value is set.

•      Suppress Value<integer(2000-3999)> - Configures the suppress value. The route is suppressed if the penalty associated with the route exceeds this value. This value ranges from 2000 to 3999.

Note:     Suppress value can be configured only if the HalfLife Time and Reuse value are set.

•      Max-Suppress Time<integer(1800-10800) - Configures the maximum time (in seconds) a route can be suppressed. This value ranges from 1800 to 10800. Max-Suppress Time can be configured only if the HalfLife Time, Reuse Value, and Suppress Value are set.

•      -s Decay Granularity<integer(1-10800)> - Configures the time granularity in seconds used to perform all decay computations. This value ranges from 1 to 10800.

•      Reuse Granularity<integer(15-10800)> - Configures the time interval between evaluations of the reuse-lists. Each reuse list corresponds to an additional time increment. This value ranges from 15 to 10800.

•      Reuse Array Size<integer(256-65535)> - Configures the size of reuse index arrays. This size determines the accuracy with which suppressed routes can be placed within the set of reuse lists when suppressed for a long time. This value ranges from 256 to 65535.


Global Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


•      HalfLife-Time - 900 seconds

•      Reuse Value - 750

•      Suppress Value - 2000

•      Max-Suppress Time - 3600 seconds

•      Decay Granularity - 1 second

•      Reuse Granularity - 15

•      Reuse Array Size - 1024


This command executes only if BGP Speaker Local AS number is configured.


SEFOS(config)# ip bgp dampening HalfLife-Time 1000 reuse-Value 1998 Suppress-Value 2000 -s Decay-Granularity 1 reuse-Granularity 135 reuse-Array-Size 257

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      bgp dampening – Sets the BGP dampening parameters.

•      show ip bgp dampening – Displays the contents of Dampening table.


33.3         bgp dampening


Command Objective

This command configures the dampening parameters or changes various BGP route dampening factors. The arguments half-life, reuse, suppress, and max-suppress-time are position-dependent. Hence, if any of them are used, they must all be specified.

The no form of the command disables the BGP dampening feature and does not reset the other configured RFD parameters.

Note:     The RFD parameters configured can be viewed by using the show ip bgp dampening command even when RFD is disabled.

This command is a complete standardized implementation of the existing command and operates similar to the command ip bgp dampening.


bgp dampening <HalfLife-Time(600-2700)> <Reuse-Value(100-10800)> <Suppress-Value(2000-3999)> <Max-Suppress-Time(1800-10800)>

no bgp dampening

Parameter Description

•      <HalfLife-Time (600-2700)> - Configures the time (in seconds) after which a penalty is decreased by half. Once a route has been assigned a penalty, the penalty is decreased for every 5 seconds. BGP’s route flap damping algorithm calculates penalty for each route. This penalty increases by a fixed value when a flap occurs, and decreases exponentially when the route is stable. This value ranges from 600 to 2700.

•      <Reuse Value (100-10800)> - Configures the reuse value. If the penalty for a flapping route falls below this value, the route is reused. The unsuppressing of routes occurs at 10-second increments.  This value ranges from 100 to 10800.

Note:     Reuse value can be configured only if the HalfLife Time value is set.

•      <Suppress Value (2000-3999)> - Configures the suppress value. The route is suppressed if the penalty associated with the route exceeds this value. This value ranges from 2000 to 3999.

Note:     Suppress value can be configured only if the HalfLife Time and Reuse value are set.

•      <Max-Suppress Time (1800-10800)> - Configures the maximum time (in seconds) a route can be suppressed. This value ranges from 1800 to 10800.

Note:     Max-Suppress Time can be configured only if the HalfLife Time, Reuse Value and Suppress Value are set.


BGP Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


•      HalfLife-Time - 900 seconds

•      Reuse Value - 750

•      Suppress Value - 2000

•      Max-Suppress Time - 3600 seconds


SEFOS(config-router)# bgp dampening 1000 300 2000 5000

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      ip bgp dampening – Sets the BGP dampening parameters.

•      show ip bgp dampening – Displays the contents of Dampening table.


33.4         ip bgp overlap-policy


Command Objective

This command configures the BGP Speaker's policy for handling the overlapping routes.

The no form of the command resets the Overlap route policy to its default value. By default, both less and more-specific routes are installed.


ip bgp overlap-policy [vrf <vrf-name>] {more-specific|less-specific|both}

no ip bgp overlap-policy [vrf <vrf-name>]

Parameter Description

•      vrf  <vrf-name> - Configures the BGP Speaker’s policy for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.

•      more-specific - Configures the Overlap Policy for BGP Speaker as more-specific. This implies that when an overlapping route is received, more-specific routes are installed in the RIB tree.

•      less-specific - Configures the Overlap Policy for BGP Speaker as less-specific. This implies that when an overlapping route is received, less-specific routes are installed in the RIB tree.

•      both - Configures the Overlap Policy for BGP Speaker as both. This implies that when an overlapping route is received, both more-specific and less-specific routes are installed in the RIB tree.


Global Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E




This command executes only if BGP Speaker Local AS number is configured and BGP Administrative status is DOWN.


SEFOS(config)# ip bgp overlap-policy more-specific

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      do shutdown ip bgp – Sets the BGP Speaker Global Admin status DOWN.

•      show ip bgp info – Displays the general information about BGP protocol.

33.5         default-information originate


Command Objective

This command enables and controls redistribution of default routes of a protocol or network into the BGP and advertisement of the default route ( The default route advertisement is possible only if the default route is present in the IP FDB or it is received from any peers.

The no form of the command disables redistribution and advertisement of the default route. The default routes are not redistributed into BGP.


default-information originate [vrf <vrf-name>]

no default-information originate [vrf <vrf-name>]

Parameter Description

•      vrf <vrf-name> - Enables and controls redistribution and advertisement of default routes for  the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.  


Global Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


Default Information Originate is disabled.


This command executes only if BGP Speaker local AS number is configured.


SEFOS(config)# default-information originate

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      show ip bgp info - Displays the general information about BGP protocol.


33.6         ip bgp synchronization


Command Objective

This command enables synchronization between Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) and Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP). BGP Speaker does not advertise a route to an external neighbor unless that route is local or exists in the IGP.

This command allows routers and access servers within an autonomous system to have the route before BGP makes it available to other autonomous systems.

The no form of the command disables synchronization between BGP and IGP.


ip bgp synchronization [vrf <vrf-name>]

no ip bgp synchronization [vrf <vrf-name>]

Parameter Description

vrf <vrf-name> - Enables synchronization between BGP and IGP for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.  


Global Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


Synchronization between BGP and IGP is disabled.


This command executes only if BGP Speaker local AS number is configured.


SEFOS(config)# ip bgp synchronization

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      synchronization - Enables synchronization between Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) and Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP).

•      show ip bgp info – Displays the general information about BGP protocol.


33.7         synchronization


Command Objective

This command enables synchronization between Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) and Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP). BGP Speaker does not advertise a route to an external neighbor unless that route is local or exists in the IGP. This command allows routers and access servers within an autonomous system to have the route before BGP makes it available to other autonomous systems. The no form of the command disables synchronization between BGP and IGP.

This command is a complete standardized implementation of the existing command and operates similar to the command ip bgp synchronization.



no synchronization


BGP Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


The synchronization between the BGP and IGP is disabled.


SEFOS(config-router)# synchronization

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      ip bgp synchronization - Enables synchronization between Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) and Interior Gateway Protocol (IGP).

•      show ip bgp info – Displays the general information about BGP protocol.


33.8         bgp router-id


Command Objective

This command configures fixed BGP router identifier for a BGP-speaking router. If loopback interface exists, the router ID is set to the highest address for loopback interface. Otherwise, it is set to the highest IP configured on the IP interfaces. Peering sessions will be reset if the router ID is changed. BGP router-id is a unique number associated with the BGP Speaker. This router-id is advertised to other peers and identifies the BGP Speaker uniquely. Administrator can set the router-id of BGP to any value. If router-id is changed, then all the active peer sessions will go DOWN and will be restarted with the new configured router-id.

The no form of the command resets the BGP Identifier of the BGP speaker to its default value.


bgp router-id <bgp router id (ip-address)>

no bgp router-id


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


The highest interface address is used as the router-id


SEFOS(config-router)# bgp router-id

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      show ip bgp – Displays the BGP-related information.

•      show ip bgp summary – Displays the status of all BGP4 connections.

•      show bgp ipv6 - Displays the BGPv6-related information.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.


33.9         bgp default local-preference


Command Objective

This command configures the default local preference value that is to be sent in updates to internal peers. The preference is sent to all routers and access servers in the local autonomous system. This value ranges from 1 to 2147483647.

The no form of the command resets the default local preference to its default value.


bgp default local-preference <Local Pref Value>

no bgp default local-preference


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E




SEFOS(config-router)# bgp default local-preference 150

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      show ip bgp info – Displays the general information about BGP protocol.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.


33.10     bgp default ipv4-unicast


Command Objective

This command enables default routing to IPv4-unicast. By default the MP (Multi Protocol ) IPv4 Unicast Address Family Capability is negotiated for a peer, when the peer is created. It will not be negotiated for a peer if the default routing configuration is reset. This command affects the negotiation of the MP IPv4 Unicast Address Family Capability for the peers newly created and will not affect the MP IPV4 Unicast negotiation status of the already existing peer.

The no form of the command disables default routing to IPv4 unicast which implies that if a neighbor is created, then IPv4 unicast capability will not be negotiated unless IPv4 unicast capability is explicitly configured for that neighbor.


bgp default ipv4-unicast

no bgp default ipv4-unicast


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


The default routing to IPv4-unicast is enabled.


SEFOS(config-router)# bgp default ipv4-unicast

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.


33.11     neighbor - remote-as


Command Objective

This command creates a peer, initiates the connection to the peer, and adds an entry to the BGP or multiprotocol BGP neighbor table. This specifies a neighbor with an autonomous system number that identifies the neighbor as internal to the local autonomous system. Otherwise, the neighbor is considered as external. By default, neighbors that are defined using this command in router configuration mode exchange only unicast address prefixes.

The administrator can create a peer and set the peer AS number with this command. The configured peer AS number is compared with the AS number received in the open message and a peer session is initiated only if both the AS numbers match.

The no form of the command disables the peer session and deletes the peer information.


neighbor <ip-address / peer-group-name> remote-as <AS no> [allow-autostart [idlehold-time <integer(1-65535)>]]

no neighbor <random_str> [remote-as <AS no> [allow-autostart]]

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> / <random_str> - Configures the BGP peer's remote IP address.

•      <peer-group-name> - Configures a BGP peer group by using the peer-group-name argument. The members of the peer group will inherit the characteristic configured with this command.

Note:     The peer group has be configured prior to setting the remote-as number for the peer group.

•      remote-as<AS no(1-65535)> - Configures the autonomous system number of the peer. This value ranges from 1 to 4294967295 or 0.1 to 65535.65535.

Note:     When four-bit-asn is enabled, this value ranges from 1 to 4294967295 or between 0.1 and 65535.65535.

Note:     When four-bit-asn is disabled, this value ranges from 1 to 65535 or between 0.1 and 0.65535.

Note:     When bgp asnotation is enabled, the AS number of the BGP Speaker is displayed in the range 0.1 to 65535.65535.

•      allow-autostart - Starts BGP session with the associated peer automatically. The peer session is automatically started in the IDLE state, after a BGP peer session is brought down either by Autostop or through reception of invalid BGP message. The BGP session is automatically started after an interval specified by idle hold timer.

•      idlehold-time <integer(1-65535)> - Configures the idle hold time. This specifies the length of time the BGP peer is held in the idle state prior to the next automatic restart. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

Note:     The IdleHoldTime can be configured only when the allow-autostart is enabled.
After each dampening, the value of the Idle Hold Time is doubled consecutively.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor remote-as 66


•      allow-autostart is disabled

•      idlehold-time-60 seconds

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - activate – Enables default capabilities for the peer and restarts the connection to the peer if the negotiated capabilities change.

•      neighbor - peer-group – Creates a peer group.

•      neighbor - ebgp-multihop – Enables BGP to establish connection with external peers.

•      neighbor - next-hop-self – Enables BGP to send itself as the next hop for advertised routes.

•      neighbor - interval – Configures neighbor interval.

•      neighbor - timers– Configures neighbor KeepAlive Time and Hold Time intervals.

•      neighbor - shutdown – Disables the peer session.

•      neighbor - update-source - Configures the source address for routing updates and for TCP connection establishment with a peer.

•      neighbor – gateway - Configures gateway router’s address that will be used as nexthop in the routes advertised to the peer.

•      neighbor - network-address - Configures peer’s remote IPv6 network address for IPv4 peer and peer’s remote IPv4 network address for IPv6 peer.

•      neighbor - default-originate - Enables advertisement of the default route to the peer.

•      neighbor - send-community – Enables advertisement of community attributes (standard or extended) to peer.

•      neighbor - capability - Enables the specific BGP capability to be advertised and received from the peer.

•      neighbor - password – Configures the password for TCP-MD5 authentication with peer.

•      neighbor  delay open - Configures a delay in sending the first OPEN message to the BGP peer for a specific time period.

•      neighbor  damp-peer-oscillations - Enables the damp peer oscillation option.

•      neighbor maximum prefix - Configures the maximum number of peers supported by BGP.

•      neighbor – allow-autostop - Enables the auto stop option to stop the BGP peer and BGP connection automatically.

•      neighbor – transport connection-mode - Configures the BGP Peer Transport Connection status as active or passive.

•      neighbor <ip-address> peer-group – Adds the neighbor as a member of the specified peer group.

•      neighbor – connect-retrycount - Sets the retry count for the BGP peer.

•      show ip bgp summary – Displays the status of all BGP4 connections.

•      show ip bgp – Displays the BGP-related information.

•      show ip bgp restart mode - Displays the restart mode of the BGP router and neighbors.

•      show ip bgp EndOfRIBMarkerStatus - Displays the End_Of_RIB marker status of the BGP router and neighbors.

•      show ip bgp restartexitreason - Displays the restart exit reason of the BGP.

•      show ip bgp restartsupport - Displays the restart support of the BGP.

•      show ip bgp restartstatus - Displays the restart status of the BGP.

•      show ip bgp timers - Displays the value of BGP timers.

•      show ip bgp info – Displays the general information about BGP protocol.

•      show bgp ipv6 - Displays the BGPv6-related information.

•      show ip bgp peer-group – Displays information about the peer group.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      neighbor - tcp-ao - Sets BGP peer TCP-AO configurations.

•      neighbor - tcp-ao mkt - Associates a TCP-AO MKT to the BGP peer.

•      neighbor tcp-ao mkt - start-accept - Configures the start accept value for the MKT for the specified BGP peer.

•      neighbor tcp-ao mkt - stop-accept - Configures the stop accept value for the MKT for the specified BGP peer.

•      neighbor tcp-ao mkt - start-generate - Configures the start generate value for the MKT for the specified BGP peer.

•      neighbor tcp-ao mkt - stop-generate - Configures the stop generate value for the MKT for the specified BGP peer.

•      ip bgp four-byte-asn - Enables 4-byte ASN support in BGP or in the specified VRF instance created in the system.

•      bgp asnotation dot - Changes the output format of BGP ASNs from asplain to asdot notation.

•      show ip bgp - tcp-ao neighbor - Displays the TCP-AO information for the specified BGP peer.

•      show bgp ipv6 tcp-ao neighbor - Displays the BGP(v6) neighbor TCP-AO related information.

•      neighbor fall-over bfd - Enables BFD monitoring for the peer IP address or peer group name.

•      neighbor - as-override - Enables the override capability for the CE peer.


33.12     neighbor - activate


Command Objective

This command enables the default capabilities associated with the address-family of the peer. If the capabilities negotiated with the peer are modified due to enabling of the default capabilities, the connection with the peer will be restarted. The default local capabilities for IPv4 peer are “IPv4 Unicast” and “Route Refresh”. The default local capabilities for IPv6 peer are “IPv6 Unicast” and “Route Refresh”

The no form of the command resets the peer after disabling the default capabilities associated with the address-family of the peer.


neighbor <ip-address|peer-group-name> activate

no neighbor <ip-address> activate

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Enables default capabilities for the specified BGP peer's IP address.

•      <peer-group-name> - Enables default capabilities for the specified BGP peer group.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


This command executes only if Peer or Peer Group is created and Peer AS is configured.


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor activate

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      neighbor - peer-group – Creates a peer group.

•      show ip bgp – Displays the BGP-related information.

•      show ip bgp info – Displays the general information about BGP protocol.

•      show bgp ipv6 - Displays the BGPv6-related information.

•      show ip bgp peer-group – Displays information about the peer group.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      neighbor fall-over bfd - Enables BFD monitoring for the peer IP address or peer group name.

•      address-family vpnv4 - Enables configuration of the session that carries standard vpnv4 address prefixes.


33.13     neighbor - ebgp-multihop


Command Objective

This command enables BGP to establish connection with external peers residing on networks that are not directly connected.

By default external BGP peers need to be directly connected. If external BGP peers are not connected directly, then EBGP-Multihop is enabled to initiate the connection with that external peer. If EBGP-Multihop is disabled and external BGP peers are indirectly connected, then BGP peer session will not be established.

The no form of the command disables the peer EBGP-Multihop feature.


neighbor <ip-address | peer-group-name> ebgp-multihop ebgp-multihop [ttl]

no neighbor <ip-address | peer-group-name> ebgp-multihop

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Configures the IP address of the BGP-speaking neighbor.

•      <peer-group-name> - Configures a BGP peer group by using the peer-group-name argument. The members of the peer group will inherit the characteristic configured with this command.

•      ttl - Configures the maximum hop limit that is allowed for indirect BGP session. This value ranges from 1 to 255.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


EBGP Multihop is disabled.



This command executes only if Peer or Peer Group is created and Peer AS is configured.


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor ebgp-multihop ttl 20

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      neighbor - peer-group – Creates a peer group.

•      show ip bgp info – Displays the general information about BGP protocol.

•      show bgp ipv6 - Displays the BGPv6-related information.

•      show ip bgp peer-group – Displays information about the peer group.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

33.14     neighbor - next-hop-self


Command Objective

This command configures the router as the next hop for BGP-speaking neighbor or peer group and enables BGP to send itself as the next hop for advertised routes. Administrator uses this command to make BGP Speaker fill its address when advertising routes to the BGP peer. This command is useful in non-meshed networks where BGP neighbors may not have direct access to all other neighbors on the same IP subnet.

The no form of the command resets the peer nexthop-self status to default. The next hop will be generated based on the IP address of the destination and the present next hop in the route information.


neighbor <ip-address | peer-group-name> next-hop-self

no neighbor <ip-address | peer-group-name> next-hop-self

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Configures the IP address of the BGP peer.

•      <peer-group-name> - Configures a BGP peer group by using the peer-group-name argument. The members of the peer group will inherit the characteristic configured with this command.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


This command executes only if Peer or Peer Group is created and Peer AS is configured.


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor next-hop-self

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      neighbor - peer-group – Creates a peer group.

•      show ip bgp info – Displays the general information about BGP protocol.

•      show bgp ipv6 - Displays the BGPv6-related information.

•      show ip bgp peer-group – Displays information about the peer group.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      address-family vpnv4 - Enables configuration of the session that carries standard vpnv4 address prefixes.

33.15     neighbor - interval


Command Objective

This command configures the minimum neighbor interval between the sending of BGP routing updates.

The no form of the command configures the neighbor interval to its default value.


neighbor <ip-address | peer-group-name> {advertisement-interval <seconds(1-65535)> | as-origination-interval <seconds(1-65535)> | connect-retry-interval <seconds(1-65535)>}

no neighbor <ip-address | peer-group-name> {advertisement-interval | as-origination-interval | connect-retry-interval}

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Configures the IP address of the BGP peer

•      <peer-group-name> - Configures a BGP peer group by using the peer-group-name argument. The members of the peer group will inherit the characteristic configured with this command.

•      advertisement-interval<seconds(1-65535)> - Configures the advertisement interval which is the time-interval (in seconds) for spacing advertisements of successive external route-updates to the same destination. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

•      as-origination-interval<seconds(1-65535)> - Configures the AS origination interval which is the time-interval (in seconds) for spacing successive route-updates originating within the same AS. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.

•      connect-retry-interval<seconds(1-65535)> - Configures the time interval (in seconds) after which a transport connection with peer is re-initiated. This value ranges from 1 to 65535.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


•      advertisement-interval - 30 seconds for EBGP Connections, 5 seconds for IBGP Connections

•      as-origination-interval - 15 seconds

•      connect-retry-interval - 30 seconds


This command executes only if Peer or Peer Group is created and Peer AS is configured.


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor advertisement-interval 45

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      neighbor - peer-group – Creates a peer group.

•      show ip bgp – Displays the BGP-related information.

•      show ip bgp info – Displays the general information about BGP protocol.

•      show ip bgp timers - Displays the value of BGP timers.

•      show bgp ipv6 - Displays the BGPv6-related information.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.


33.16     neighbor - timers


Command Objective

This command configures neighbor KeepAlive Time and Hold Time Intervals and sets the timers for a specific BGP peer or peer group.

The no form of the command configures the neighbor KeepAlive Time and Hold Time Intervals to its default value.


neighbor <ip-address | peer-group-name> timers {keepalive < (1-21845) seconds> | holdtime < (3-65535) seconds> | delayopentime <(0-65535)seconds>}

no neighbor <ip-address | peer-group-name> timers {keepalive | holdtime| delayopentime}

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Configures the BGP peer or peer group IP address.

•      <peer-group-name> - Configures a BGP peer group by using the peer-group-name argument. The members of the peer group will inherit the characteristic configured with this command.

•      keepalive < (1-21845) seconds> - Configures the keep-alive interval (in seconds) or frequency with keep-alive messages are sent to its peer for the peer session. The keep-alive value must always be less than the configured hold-time value. This value ranges from 1 to 21845.

•      holdtime < (3-65535) seconds> - Configures the hold-time interval (in seconds) for the peer, which is sent in the OPEN message to the peer. This is the time interval in seconds for the Hold Time configured for BGP Speaker with the peer. The system declares a peer dead, after ensuring that keep-alive message is not received within this time period from the peer. This value ranges from 3 to 65535 seconds.

•      delayopentime <(0-65535)seconds> - Configures the delay open time which is the amount of time that the BGP peer should delay in sending the OPEN message to the remote peer. This value ranges from 0 to 65535.

Note:     The value 0 implies that the BGP peer can send an OPEN message without any delay to its neighbor.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


•      keepalive - 30 seconds

•      holdtime - 90 seconds

•      Delayopentime - 0 seconds


This command executes only if Peer or Peer Group is created and Peer AS is configured.


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor timers keepalive 40

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      neighbor - peer-group – Creates a peer group.

•      show ip bgp – Displays the BGP-related information.

•      show ip bgp info – Displays the general information about BGP protocol.

•      show ip bgp timers - Displays the value of BGP timers.

•      show bgp ipv6 - Displays the BGPv6-related information.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.


33.17     neighbor - shutdown


Command Objective

This command disables the peer session and terminates any active session for the specified neighbor or peer group and removes all associated routing information. In the case of a peer group, a large number of peering sessions could be terminated suddenly.

The no form of the command enables the peer session for the specified neighbor.


neighbor <ip-address | peer-group-name> shutdown

no neighbor <ip-address | peer-group-name> shutdown

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Configures the BGP peer’s IP address.

•      <peer-group-name> - Configures a BGP peer group by using the peer-group-name argument. The members of the peer group will inherit the characteristic configured with this command.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


This command executes only if Peer or Peer Group is created and Peer AS is configured.


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor shutdown

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      neighbor - peer-group – Creates a peer group.

•      show ip bgp – Displays the BGP-related information.

•      show bgp ipv6 - Displays the BGPv6-related information.

•      show ip bgp peer-group – Displays information about the peer group.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.


33.18     neighbor - update-source


Command Objective

This command configures the source-address for routing updates and allows BGP sessions to use any operational interface for TCP connection establishment with a peer.

The no form of the command disables configured source-address for routing updates and for TCP connection establishment with a peer.


neighbor < ip-address > update-source <random_str>

no neighbor < ip-address > update-source <random_str>

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Configures the BGP peer’s IP address

•      <random_str> - Configures the IP address to be used as source for routing updates and TCP connection establishment. This IP address can be any interface address.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


The source address is set as, and the TCP fills the source address of the TCP session.


This command executes only if peer is created and Peer AS is configured.


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor update-source

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      show ip bgp – Displays the BGP-related information.

•      show bgp ipv6 - Displays the BGPv6-related information.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.


33.19     neighbor – gateway


Command Objective

This command configures gateway router’s address that will be used as nexthop in the routes advertised to the peer. This ensures that the traffic coming from this peer is routed through the gateway configured.

The no form of the command resets the configured gateway router’s address.


neighbor < ip-address > gateway <random_str>

no neighbor < ip-address > gateway

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Configures the BGP peer’s IP address.

•      <random_str> - Configures the IP address of the gateway to be used as next hop.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


This command executes only if peer is created and Peer AS is configured.


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor gateway

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      show ip bgp – Displays the BGP-related information.

•      show bgp ipv6 - Displays the BGPv6-related information.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.


33.20     neighbor - network-address


Command Objective

This command configures peer’s remote IPv6 network address for IPv4 peer and peer’s remote IPv4 network address for IPv6 peer.

The peer’s network address carries the IPv6 network address if the peer’s remote address is an IPv4 address. The peer’s network address carries the IPv4 network address if the peer’s remote address is an IPv6 address.

The no form of the command resets network address configured for the peer.


neighbor < ip-address > network-address <random_str>

no neighbor < ip-address > network-address <random_str>

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Configures the BGP peer’s IP address.

•      <random_str> - Configures the Remote IP address of the peer.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


•      This command executes only if peer is created and Peer AS is configured.

•      The peer’s remote network address can be configured only after configuring the peer’s remote address and the corresponding local interface.


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor network-address 3399::11

SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor 3399::11 network-address

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      show bgp ipv6 - Displays the BGPv6-related information.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.


33.21     neighbor - default-originate


Command Objective

This command enables advertisement of the default route to the peer or neighbor for use as a default route. This command overrides the global default route configuration and sends a default route to the peer with self next-hop.

The advertisement occurs irrespective of the presence of default route in FDB. This command does not require the presence of in the local router. When used with a route-map, the default route is injected if the route-map contains a match ip address clause. The route-map can contain other match clauses also.

The no form of the command disables advertisement of the default route to the peer.


neighbor <ip-address|peer-group-name> default-originate

no neighbor <ip-address|peer-group-name> default-originate

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Configures the BGP peer’s IP address.

•      <peer-group-name> - Configures a BGP peer group by using the peer-group-name argument. The members of the peer group will inherit the characteristic configured with this command.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


The advertisement of default route to the peer is disabled.


This command executes only if Peer or Peer Group is created and Peer AS is configured.


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor default-originate

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      neighbor - peer-group – Creates a peer group.

•      show ip bgp info - Displays the general information about BGP protocol.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

33.22     neighbor - send-community


Command Objective

This command sends community attribute  to a BGP neighbor and enables advertisement of community attributes (standard or extended) to the peer.

The no form of the command disables advertisement of community attributes (standard or extended) to the peer.


neighbor < ip-address|peer-group-name > send-community {both | standard | extended}

no neighbor < ip-address|peer-group-name > send-community {both | standard |extended}

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Configures the peer IP address.

•      <peer-group-name> - Configures a BGP peer group by using the peer-group-name argument. The members of the peer group will inherit the characteristic configured with this command.

•      send-community - Sends the communities to the peer.

       both - Sends both standard and extended communities to the peer.

       standard - Sends only standard communities to the peer.

       extended - Sends only extended communities to the peer.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


send-community - both


This command executes only if Peer or Peer Group is created and Peer AS is configured.


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor send-community both

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      neighbor - peer-group – Creates a peer group.

•      show ip bgp info – Displays the general information about BGP protocol.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      address-family vpnv4 - Enables configuration of the session that carries standard vpnv4 address prefixes.


33.23     neighbor - capability


Command Objective

This command enables the specific BGP capability to be advertised and received from the peer.

The no form of the command disables the capability for the peer.


neighbor <ip-address|peer-group-name> capability {ipv4-unicast|ipv6-unicast|route-refresh | orf prefix-list {send | receive | both}}

no neighbor <ip-address|peer-group-name> capability {ipv4-unncast|ipv6-unicast|route-refresh | orf prefix-list {send | receive | both}}

IF VPLSADS_WANTED Flag is enabled,

neighbor <ip-address|peer-group-name> capability {ipv4-unicast|ipv6-unicast|route-refresh | orf prefix-list {send | receive | both} | l2vpn-vpls}

no neighbor <ip-address|peer-group-name> {capability ipv4-unicast|ipv6-unicast|route-refresh | orf prefix-list {send | receive | both} }

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Configures the BGP peer’s IP address.

•      <peer-group-name> - Configures a BGP peer group by using the peer-group-name argument. The members of the peer group will inherit the characteristic configured with this command.

•      ipv4-unicast - Sets the IPv4 unicast address family capability.

•      ipv6-unicast - Sets the MP IPv6 unicast address family capability.

•      route-refresh - Sets the route refresh capability.

•      orf prefix-list - Enables address prefix-based Outbound Route Filter (ORF) for the specified BGP peer group.

       send - Enables ORF send capability.

       receive - Enables ORF receive capability.

       both - Enables both send and receive ORF capability.

•      l2vpn-vpls - Sets the peer capability for L2VPN address family.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


By default IPv4 unicast and route refresh capabilities are enabled for a peer.


This command executes only if Peer or Peer Group is created and Peer AS is configured.


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor capability ipv4-unicast

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      neighbor - peer-group – Creates a peer group.

•      show ip bgp neighbor – Displays the neighbor configurations.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

33.24     bgp nonbgproute-advt


Command Objective

This command configures the peer type to whom non-BGP routes can be propagated and controls the advertisement of non-BGP routes either to the external peer or both internal and external peer.

The no form of the command resets the non-BGP routes advertisement policy to its default value. The administrator can effectively control the advertisement of the route learned through redistribution.


bgp nonbgproute-advt <external|both>

no bgp nonbgproute-advt

Parameter Description

•      external - Indicates that the non-BGP routes can be exported only to external peers. All types of non-BGP routes can be propagated to external peers.

•      both - Indicates that the non-BGP routes can be propagated to both internal and external peers.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E




SEFOS(config-router)# bgp nonbgproute-advt both

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      show ip bgp info – Displays the general information about BGP protocol.


33.25     redistribute


Command Objective

This command controls redistribution of direct, static, and RIP routes into BGP and configures the protocol from which the routes have to be redistributed into BGP after applying the specified route-map. If this is set to enable, only the routes from the protocols are imported into BGP and BGP routes will not be distributed. If this is set as disable, then the routes learned from protocols are removed from BGP and no route is distributed.

The no form of the command disables the redistribution of routes from the given protocol into BGP. The route-map is dissociated from the redistribution, if the no form of the command specifies the route-map.


redistribute {static | connected | rip | all} [route-map <string(20)>] [metric <integer>]

no redistribute { static | connected | rip | all } [route-map <string(20)>] [metric]

Parameter Description

•      static - Redistributes routes, configured statically, in the BGP routing process.

•      connected - Redistributes directly connected networks routes, in the BGP routing process.

•      rip - Redistributes routes  that are learned by the RIP process, in the BGP routing process.

•      all - Redistributes routes, that are learned by all processes (RIP, statically configured, and connected routes), in the BGP routing process.

•      route-map <string(20)> - Identifies the specified route-map in the list of route-maps during redistribution of routes to BGP. If this is not specified, all routes are redistributed. This value is a string with the maximum size of 20.

•      metric <integer> - Specifies the metric value for the routes to redistribute to BGP. This value ranges from 0 to 4294967295. If the metric value is not specified, default metric value is considered.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


Redistribution is disabled.


Redistribution can be configured for only one route-map. Another route-map can be assigned, only if the already assigned route-map is disabled.


SEFOS(config-router)# redistribute all route-map rm metric 500

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      show ip bgp info – Displays the general information about BGP protocol.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.


33.26     import route


Command Objective

This command adds non-BGP IP routes imported into the BGP RIB and allows importing a static route into BGP, after updating the RIB tree If there is any change in the best route selected, then the route is updated to the Common Forwarding table.


This command is available only if RTM is disabled.


import route ip-address prefixlen nexthop metric ifindex protocol action route-count

Parameter Description

•      ip-address - Configures the prefix of the route to be imported.

•      prefixlen - Configures the number of high-order bits in the IP address. These bits are common among all hosts within a network. This value ranges from 1 to 32.

•      nexthop - Configures the Nexthop IP address for the route.

•      metric - Configures the metric value for the routes being imported. This value ranges from 1 to 2147483647.

•      ifindex - Configures the interface index of the route. This value ranges from 1 to 2147483647.

•      protocol - Configures the protocol value for the non-BGP routes. The values can be:

       2 – Local

       3 – Static

       8 – RIP

       13 – OSPF

Note:     Only Static routes (protocol 3) can be added through Common Forwarding table. All non-BGP protocol (Local, Static, RIP, and OSPF) routes can be viewed.

•      action - Controls addition or deletion of the non-BGP routes. The options are as follows:

       Add – Specifies the addition of non-BGP routes.

       Delete- Specifies the deletion of non-BGP routes.

•      route-count - Configures the number of routes to be imported.


BGP Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-router)# import route 10 10 2 3 add 4

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.


33.27     bgp always-compare-med


Command Objective

This command enables the comparison of Multi Exit Discriminator (MED) for routes received from different autonomous systems. The MED is one of the parameters that is considered when selecting the best path among many alternative paths. The path with a lower MED is preferred over a path with a higher MED.

The no form of the command disables the comparison of MED for routes received from different autonomous systems. MED will be compared only for routes from same neighboring autonomous system.


bgp always-compare-med

no bgp always-compare-med


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


The comparison of MED for routes received from different autonomous systems is disabled.


SEFOS(config-router)# bgp always-compare-med

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      show ip bgp info – Displays the general information about BGP protocol.


33.28     default-metric


Command Objective

This command configures the default IGP metric value for routes redistributed into BGP with the redistribute command. A default metric can be configured to solve the problem of redistributing routes with incompatible metrics. Assigning the default metric will allow redistribution to occur. This value ranges from 0 to 2147483647.

The no form of the command resets the Default IGP Metric value to its default value 0. If configured to 0, the metric received from the IGP route will be used. If configured to any other value, the MED value of the redistributed routes take this value. This value will have no effect on the direct routes.


default-metric <Default Metric Value(0-2147483647)>

no default-metric


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E




SEFOS(config-router)# default-metric 300

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      show ip bgp info – Displays the general information about BGP protocol.


33.29     bgp med


Command Objective

This command configures an entry in BGP4 MED table and contains the MED values that are to be assigned to routes.

The no form of the command deletes the entry from MED table and BGP4 MED table. The entry will not be matched when the MED value for an update is calculated, if the prefix length is set as zero.


bgp med <1-100> remote-as <AS no> <ip-address> <prefixlen> [intermediate-as <AS-no list- AS1,AS2,...>] value <value> direction {in|out}[override]

no bgp med <1-100>

Parameter Description

•      med <1-100> - Configures the entry containing information about the MED value. This value ranges from 1 to 100.

•      remote-as < AS no > - Configures the autonomous system number that identifies the BGP router to other routers and tags the routing information passed along. This value ranges from 0 to 4294967295 or 0.1 to 65535.65535.

Note:     When four-bit-asn is enabled, this value ranges from 0 to 4294967295 or between 0.0 and 65535.65535.

Note:     When four-bit-asn is disabled, this value ranges from 0 to 65535 or between 0.0 and 0.65535.

Note:     When bgp asnotation is enabled, the AS number of the BGP Speaker is displayed in the range 0.0 to 65535.65535.

Note:     A value of zero indicates that this entry is not valid and will not be matched when the MED value for an update is calculated.

•      <ip-address> - Configures the route-prefix on which MED policy needs to be applied.

•      <prefixlen> - Configures the number of high-order bits in the IP address. This is the length of the IP address prefix in the Network Layer Reachability Information (NLRI) field. These bits are common among all hosts within a network. This value ranges from 0 to 32.

Note:     A value of zero indicates that this entry is not valid and will not be matched when the MED value for an update is calculated.

•      intermediate-as<AS-no list- AS1,AS2,...>  - Configures the sequence of intermediate autonomous system numbers through which the route update is expected to travel. This is a comma-separated list of AS numbers that are to be checked against the AS_PATH attribute of the updates. This value is a string with a maximum size of 100.

•      value <value> - Configures the value assigned to the MED attribute for the route present in NLRI. This value ranges from 0 to 2147483647.

•      direction - Configures the direction of application of MED policy.

       in – Indicates that on received route-update with other matching attributes like as-number, intermediate-as numbers.

       out - Indicates that on route-update that needs to be advertised to peer.

•      override - Decides whether the configured MED value will override the received MED value.


BGP Router Configuration Mode  / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


•      remote-as - 0

•      Prefixlen - 0

•      direction - In

•      Value - 0


SEFOS(config-router)# bgp med 5 remote-as 200 24 intermediate-as 150 value 50 direction in override

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      show ip bgp med – Displays the contents of MED table.

•      ip bgp four-byte-asn - Enables 4-byte ASN support in BGP or in the specified VRF instance created in the system.

•      bgp asnotation dot - Changes the output format of BGP ASNs from asplain to asdot notation.


33.30     bgp local-preference


Command Objective

This command configures an entry in the Local Preference table. This table contains the value that is to be assigned to the Local Preference attribute.

The no form of the command deletes the entry from Local Preference table.


bgp local-preference <1-100> remote-as <AS no> <ip-address> <prefixlen> [intermediate-as <AS-no list- AS1,AS2,...>] value <value> direction {in|out} [override]

no bgp local-preference <1-100>

Parameter Description

•      local-preference <1-100> - Configures the local preference index. This value ranges from 1 to 100.

•      remote-as <AS no> - Specifies the remote autonomous system number for which the local preference is associated. This value ranges from 0 to 4294967295 or 0.0 to 65535.65535.

Note:     When four-bit-asn is enabled, this value ranges from 0 to 4294967295 or between 0.0 and 65535.65535.

Note:     When four-bit-asn is disabled, this value ranges from 0 to 65535. or between 0.0 and 0.65535.

Note:     When bgp asnotation is enabled, the AS number of the BGP Speaker is displayed in the range 0.0 to 65535.65535.

•      <ip-address> - Configures the route prefix in the Network Layer Reachability Information on which local preference policy needs to be applied. The input route IP address can be an IPv4 or an IPv6 address.

•      <prefixlen> - Configures the number of high-order bits in the IP address. These bits are common among all hosts within a network. This value ranges from 0 to 32 for IPv4 address and 0 to 128 for IPv6 address.

Note:     A value of zero indicates that the entry is not valid and will not be matched when the local preference value for an update is calculated.

•      intermediate-as<AS-no list- AS1,AS2,...>  - Configures the sequence of intermediate AS numbers through which the route update is expected to travel or a comma separated list of AS numbers that are to be checked against the AS_PATH attribute of the updates. This value is a list with a maximum size of 100.

•      value <value> - Configures the local preference value that needs to be associated with the route-update. This value ranges from 0 to 2147483647.

•      direction - Specifies the direction of the application of local preference policy with which the entry is to be associated.

       in – Indicates that on received route-update with other matching attributes like as-number, intermediate-as numbers.

       out - Indicates that on route-update that needs to be advertised to peer.

•      override - Decides whether configured local preference value overrides the received local preference value. If this keyword is not specified, then the received value will have precedence over the configured value.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


•      remote-as - 0

•      direction - in

•      Value - 100

•      ip-address -

•      prefixlen - 0


SEFOS(config-router)# bgp local-preference 5 remote-as 200 16 intermediate-as 150 value 250 direction out override

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      show ip bgp local-pref – Displays the contents of Local Preference table.

•      ip bgp four-byte-asn - Enables 4-byte ASN support in BGP or in the specified VRF instance created in the system.

•      bgp asnotation dot - Changes the output format of BGP ASNs from asplain to asdot notation.


33.31     bgp update-filter


Command Objective

This command configures an entry in Update Filter Table which contains rules to filter out updates based on the AS from which it is received, Network Layer Reachability Information (NLRI), and AS through which it had passed.

The no form of the command deletes the entry from Update Filter Table.


bgp update-filter <1-100> {permit|deny} remote-as <AS no> <ip-address> <prefixlen> [intermediate-as <AS-no list-AS1,AS2,...>] direction {in|out}

no bgp update-filter <1-100>

Parameter Description

•      update-filter <1-100> - Configures the entry containing information about the updates that are to be filtered. This value ranges from 1 to 100.

•      permit - Allows the route to pass filter policy test.

•      deny - Filters the routes when it passes through filter policy test.

•      remote-as <AS no> - Configures the autonomous system number that identifies the BGP router to other routers and tags the routing information passed along. This value ranges from 0 to 4294967295 or 0.1 to 65535.65535.

Note:     When four-bit-asn is enabled, this value ranges from 0 to 4294967295 or between 0.0 and 65535.65535.

Note:     When four-bit-asn is disabled, this value ranges from 0 to 65535. or between 0.0 and 0.65535.

Note:     When bgp asnotation is enabled, the AS number of the BGP Speaker is displayed in the range 0.0 to 65535.65535.

•      <ip-address> - Configures route prefix in the Network Layer Reachability Information on which the filter needs to be applied

•      <prefixlen> - Configures the number of high-order bits in the IP address. These bits are common among all hosts within a network. This value ranges from 0 to 32.

Note:     The NLRI field will not be matched if the prefix length is set as zero.

•      intermediate-as <AS-no list-AS1,AS2,...> - Configures the sequence of intermediate AS numbers through which the route update is expected to travel or a comma separated list of AS numbers that are to be checked against the AS_PATH attribute of the updates. This value is a list with a maximum size of 100.

•      direction - Specifies the direction of the application of filters with which the entry is to be associated.

       in – Indicates that on received route-update with other matching attributes like as-number, intermediate-as nos.

       out - Indicates that on route-update that needs to be advertised to peer.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


•      remote-as - 0

•      direction - in

•      ip-address -

•      prefixlen - 0


SEFOS(config-router)# bgp update-filter 6 deny remote-as 145 14 intermediate-as 150 direction in

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      show ip bgp filters – Displays the contents of filter table.

•      ip bgp four-byte-asn - Enables 4-byte ASN support in BGP or in the specified VRF instance created in the system.

•      bgp asnotation dot - Changes the output format of BGP ASNs from asplain to asdot notation.


33.32     aggregate-address index


Command Objective

This command creates an aggregate entry in a BGP or multiprotocol BGP routing table if any more-specific BGP or multiprotocol BGP routes are available that fall in the specified range. The entries in the table specify the IP address based on which the routing information has to be aggregated. The aggregate route will be advertised as coming from autonomous system. The atomic aggregate attribute will be set only if some of the information in the AS PATH is missing in the aggregated route, else it will not be set.

The no form of the command deletes the specified entry from the Aggregate table.


aggregate-address index <1-100> <ip-address> <prefixlen> [summary-only] [as-set] [suppress-map map-name] [advertise-map map-name] [attribute-map map-name]

no aggregate-address index <1-100>

Parameter Description

•      index <1-100> - Configures the entry containing information about the IP address on which the aggregation has to be done. This value ranges from 1 to 100.

•      <ip-address> - Configures route prefix in the Network Layer Reachability Information on which aggregate policy needs to be applied.

•      <prefixlen> - Configures the number of high-order bits in the IP address. These bits are common among all hosts within a network. This value ranges from 0 to 32 for IPv4 address and between 0 and 128 for IPv6 address.

•      summary-only - Specifies that aggregated (summarized) route alone will be sent to the peers.

Note:     If this is not specified , both the summary and the more-specific routes based on which the summary entry was generated are be advertised to the peers.

•      as-set - Generates autonomous system set path information.

•      suppress-map map-name - Specifies the name of the route-map used to select the routes to be suppressed. The route-map contains the rules for suppressing the more-specific routes in forming the aggregate route. When suppress-map configuration is used along with summary-only option, summary-only configuration command does not have any effect. And the more-specific routes that the suppress-map suppresses are not advertised. Other routes are advertised in addition to the aggregated route. This value is a string with a maximum length of 20.

•      advertise-map map-name - Specifies the name of the route-map used to select for forming aggregate routes. The route-map contains the rules for selecting specific routes for aggregation. Other routes are advertised. When advertise-map is used, only advertise-map influences the creation of aggregate entry. In absence of advertise-map, the aggregate route inherits the attributes of the more specific routes, both suppressed and unsuppressed. This value is a string with a maximum length of 20.

•      attribute-map map-name - Specifies the name of the route-map used to form the attribute of the aggregate route. The route-map contains the rules for setting the attributes for the aggregated route. When attribute-map and advertise-map, along with autonomous system set path information, are enabled and other configurations, the attribute-map overrides the attribute that is formed with the routes selected by the advertise-map. This value is a string with a maximum length of 20.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


The IP address and the prefix length can be configured, only if the aggregate admin status of the BGP is down.


SEFOS(config-router)# aggregate-address index 1 16 summary-only

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      show ip bgp aggregate – Displays the contents of Aggregate table.


33.33     bgp cluster-id


Command Objective

This command configures the Cluster ID for the Router Reflector of the BGP cluster which has more than one route reflector. This value ranges from 1 to 4294967295.

Usually in a cluster of clients with single route reflector the cluster is identified by the router ID of the route reflector. In order to increase redundancy and avoid a single point of failure, a cluster might have more than one route reflector. In this case, all route reflectors in the cluster must be configured with the 4-byte cluster ID so that a route reflector can recognize updates from route reflectors in the same cluster.

The no form of the command resets the Cluster ID for the route reflector.


bgp cluster-id {cluster id value ip_address/integer}

no bgp cluster-id


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-router)# bgp cluster-id

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      show ip bgp rfl info – Displays information about RFL feature.


33.34     bgp client-to-client reflection


Command Objective

This command configures the route reflector to support route reflection to client peers. By default, the clients of a route reflector are not required to be fully meshed and the routes from a client are reflected to other clients. If the clients are fully meshed, route reflection is not required.

The no form of the command disables client-to-client reflection. If disabled, then route reflector will not advertise routes learned from a client peer to other client peers. This occurs when all peers within a cluster are fully meshed and the client peer itself is able to advertise routes to other clients of the route reflector.


bgp client-to-client reflection

no bgp client-to-client reflection


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro


Route reflector will reflect routes learned from a client peer to all other client peers.


SEFOS(config-router)# bgp client-to-client reflection

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      show ip bgp rfl info – Displays information about RFL feature.


33.35     neighbor - route-reflector-client


Command Objective

This command controls client-to-client reflection and configures the specified peer as client of the route reflector. All the neighbors configured with this command will be members of the client group and the remaining IBGP peers will be members of the non-client group for the local route reflector.

The no form of the command resets the peer as conventional BGP peer.


neighbor <ip-address | peer-group-name> route-reflector-client

no neighbor <ip-address | peer-group-name> route-reflector-client

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Configures the peer’s remote IP address of the BGP neighbor being identified as a client.

•      <peer-group-name> - Configures a BGP peer group by using the peer-group-name argument. The members of the peer group will inherit the characteristic configured with this command.

Note:     This feature has been included to adhere to the Industry Standard CLI syntax. This feature is currently not supported.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


This command executes only if peer is created.


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor route-reflector-client

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      show ip bgp rfl info – Displays information about RFL feature.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.


33.36     bgp comm-route


Command Objective

This command configures an entry in additive or delete-community table for a given destination.

The no form of the command removes the entry from additive or delete-community table.


bgp comm-route {additive|delete} <ip-address> <prefixlen> comm-value <4294967041-4294967043,65536-4294901759>

no bgp comm-route {additive|delete} <ip-address> <prefixlen> comm-value <4294967041-4294967043,65536-4294901759>

Parameter Description

•      additive - Adds associated community value with the already existing communities in the route update.

•      delete - Removes the community attribute from the route-prefix when it passes through the filter process.

•      <ip-address> - Configures the route prefix on which community policy needs to be applied.

•      <prefixlen> - Configures the IP prefix length for the destination. These bits are common among all hosts within a network. This value ranges from 1 to 32.

•      comm-value <4294967041-4294967043,65536-4294901759> - Configures the community attribute value. This value ranges from 4294967041 to 4294967043 or from 65536 to 4294901759.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-router)# bgp comm-route additive 16 comm-value 429490

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      show ip bgp community– Displays the contents of route, peer, filter, and policy community tables.


33.37     bgp comm-filter


Command Objective

This command allows or filters the community attribute while receiving or advertising. The rules to filter out the updates are based on the AS from which it is received, NLRI, and AS through which it had passed.

The no form of the command removes the filter policy for the community attribute.


bgp comm-filter <comm-value(4294967041-4294967043,65536-4294901759)> <permit|deny> <in|out>

no bgp comm-filter <comm-value(4294967041-4294967043,65536-4294901759)> <permit|deny> <in|out>

Parameter Description

•      comm-value(4294967041-4294967043,65536-4294901759)> - Configures the community attribute value. This value ranges from 4294967041 to 4294967043 or from 65536 to 4294901759.

•      permit - Allows a particular community attribute to be received or advertised in updates.

•      deny - Filters the routes containing the community attribute value in received or advertised updates.

•      in - Configures the direction of route-updates on which the community filter policy needs to be applied as in. This indicates that the community filter needs to be applied on received routes.

•      out - Configures the direction of route-updates on which the community filter policy needs to be applied as out. This indicates that the community filter needs to be applied on routes advertised to peers.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E




SEFOS(config-router)# bgp comm-filter 75100 deny in

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      show ip bgp community – Displays the contents of route, peer, filter, and policy community tables.

33.38     bgp comm-policy


Command Objective

This command configures the community attribute advertisement policy for a specific destination.

The no form of the command removes the community attribute advertisement policy for a specific destination.


bgp comm-policy <ip-address> <prefixlen> <set-add|set-none|modify>

no bgp comm-policy <ip-address> <prefixlen>

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Configures the route prefix on which community policy needs to be applied.

•      <prefixlen> - Configures the number of high-order bits in the IP address. These bits are common among all hosts within a network. This value ranges from 1 to 32.

•      set-add - Sends only the configured additive communities with associated route.

•      set-none - Sends the associated route without any communities.

•      modify - Removes the associated route with received delete communities and adds the configured additive communities.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro




SEFOS(config-router)# bgp comm-policy 10 set-none

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      show ip bgp community– Displays the contents of policy community tables.


33.39     bgp ecomm-route


Command Objective

This command configures an entry in additive or delete extended community table.

The no form of the command removes the entry from additive or delete-extended community table.


bgp ecomm-route {additive|delete} <ip-address> <prefixlen> ecomm-value <value(xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)>

no bgp ecomm-route {additive|delete} <ip-address> <prefixlen> ecomm-value <value(xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)>

Parameter Description

•      additive - Adds associated extended community value with the already existing communities in the route updates.

•      delete - Removes the extended community attribute from the route prefix when it passes through the filter process.

•      <ip-address> - Configures the route prefix on which extended community policy needs to be applied.

•      <prefixlen> - Configures the number of high-order bits in the IP address. These bits are common among all hosts within a network. This value ranges from 1 to 32.

•      ecomm-value <value(xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)> - Configures the Extended Community Attribute Value. This is an octet string value.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-router)# bgp ecomm-route additive 2 ecomm-value 01:01:22:33:44:55:66:77

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      show ip bgp extcommunity – Displays the contents of route ext-community route tables.


33.40     bgp ecomm-filter


Command Objective

This command allows or filters the extended community attribute while receiving or advertising.

The no form of the command removes the filter policy for the extended community attribute.


bgp ecomm-filter <ecomm-value(xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)> {permit|deny} {in|out}

no bgp ecomm-filter <ecomm-value(xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)> {permit|deny} {in|out}

Parameter Description

•      <ecomm-value(xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)> - Configures the extended community value. This is an octet string value in the form xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx.

•      permit - Allows the route-update with the associated extended community value to pass the filter test.

•      deny - Denies the route-update with the associated extended community value to pass the filter test.

•      in - Configures the incoming direction of applied filter.

•      out - Configures the outgoing direction of applied filter.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E




SEFOS(config-router)# bgp ecomm-filter 01:01:22:33:23:43:44:22 deny in

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      show ip bgp extcommunity – Displays the contents of ext-community route table.


33.41     bgp ecomm-policy


Command Objective

This command configures the extended community attribute advertisement policy for a specific destination.

The no form of the command removes the extended community attribute advertisement policy for a specific destination.


bgp ecomm-policy <ip-address> <prefixlen > <set-add|set-none|modify>

no bgp ecomm-policy <ip-address> <prefixlen>

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Configures the route prefix on which extended community policy needs to be applied.

•      <prefixlen> - Configures the number of high-order bits in the IP address. These bits are common among all hosts within a network. This value ranges from 1 to 32.

•      set-add - Sends associated route with configured additive-extended communities only.

•      set-none - Sends the associated route without any extended-communities.

•      modify - Strips the associated route with received delete-extended communities and adds the configured additive-extended communities.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-router)# bgp ecomm-policy 14 set-add



Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      show ip bgp extcommunity – Displays the contents of policy ext-community route tables.


33.42     bgp confederation identifier


Command Objective

This command configures the BGP confederation identifier which specifies the confederation to which the autonomous systems belong to. This value ranges from 1 to 4294967295 or 0.1 to 65535.65535.

The no form of the command removes the configured BGP confederation identifier and resets the identifier to its default value.

Note:     If this value is already configured to a non-zero value, it must be reset to zero (using no form of the command) before reconfiguring.

Note:     When four-bit-asn is enabled, this value ranges from 1 to 4294967295 or between 0.1 and 65535.65535.

Note:     When four-bit-asn is disabled, this value ranges from 1 to 65535 or between 0.1 and 0.65535.

Note:     When bgp asnotation is enabled, the AS number of the BGP Speaker is displayed in the range 0.1 to 65535.65535.



bgp confederation identifier <AS no>

no bgp confederation identifier


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro




SEFOS(config-router)# bgp confederation identifier 1000

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      show ip bgp confed info – Displays information about confederation feature.

•      ip bgp four-byte-asn - Enables 4-byte ASN support in BGP or in the specified VRF instance created in the system.

•      bgp asnotation dot - Changes the output format of BGP ASNs from asplain to asdot notation.


33.43     bgp confederation peers


Command Objective

This command configures the autonomous systems that belong to the confederation. The autonomous systems specified in this command are visible internally to a confederation. Each autonomous system is fully meshed within itself. This value ranges from 1 to 4294967295 or 0.1 to 65535.65535.

Note:     When four-bit-asn is enabled, this value ranges from 1 to 4294967295 or between 0.1 and 65535.65535.

Note:     When four-bit-asn is disabled, this value ranges from 1 to 65535 or between 0.1 and 0.65535.

Note:     When bgp asnotation is enabled, the AS number of the BGP Speaker is displayed in the range 0.1 to 65535.65535.

The no form of the command removes the autonomous systems from the confederation.


bgp confederation peers <AS no>

no bgp confederation peers <AS no>


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


By default no AS will be added to the confederation.


This command executes only if the peer AS number is not equal to BGP Speaker Local AS number.


SEFOS(config-router)# bgp confederation peers 100

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      show ip bgp confed info – Displays information about confederation feature.

•      ip bgp four-byte-asn - Enables 4-byte ASN support in BGP or in the specified VRF instance created in the system.

•      bgp asnotation dot - Changes the output format of BGP ASNs from asplain to asdot notation.


33.44     bgp bestpath med confed


Command Objective

This command enables MED comparison among paths learned from confederation peers. The comparison between MEDs is only made if there are no external autonomous systems in the path. If there is an external autonomous system in the path, then the external MED is passed transparently through the confederation, and the comparison is not made.

The no form of the command disables MED comparison among paths learned from confederation peers and prevent the software from considering the MED attribute in comparing paths.


bgp bestpath med confed

no bgp bestpath med confed


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


In BGP route selection algorithm, MED attributes comparison between two routes originating within the local confederation is disabled.


SEFOS(config-router)# bgp bestpath med confed

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      show ip bgp confed info – Displays information about confederation feature.


33.45     neighbor – password


Command Objective

This command enables Message Digest 5 (MD5) authentication on a TCP connection between two BGP peers where each segment sent on the TCP connection between the peers is verified. The MD5 authentication must be configured with the same password on both BGP peers. If not, the connection between them will not be made.

The no form of the command resets the TCP-MD5 password set for the peer.


neighbor <ip-address> password password-string

no neighbor <ip-address> password

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Specifies the IP address of the BGP peer for which the TCP MD5 authentication password is to be set.

•      password- string - Configures the TCP MD5 authentication password that has to be sent with all TCP packets originating from the peer. This value is a string with a maximum size of 80.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


By default, the MD5 password setting is disabled.


This command executes only if peer is created.


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor password abcdef

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      show ip bgp info – Displays the general information about BGP protocol.


33.46     import ipv6-route


Command Objective

This command adds non-BGP IPv6 routes into BGP.


This command is available only if RTM is disabled.


import ipv6-route ip-address prefixlen nexthop metric ifindex protocol action route-count

Parameter Description

•      ip-address - Configures the prefix of the route to be imported.

•      prefixlen - Configures the number of high-order bits in the IP address. These bits are common among all hosts within a network. This value ranges from 1 to 32.

•      nexthop - Configures the nexthop IP address for the route.

•      metric - Configures the metric value for the route. This value ranges from 1 to 2147483647.

•      ifindex - Configures the interface index of the route. This value ranges from 1 to 2147483647.

•      protocol - Configures the protocol value for the non-BGP routes. This value can be:

       2 – Local

       3 – Static

       8 – RIP

       13 – OSPF

Note:     Only static routes (protocol 3) can be added through Common Forwarding Table. All non-BGP protocol (Local, Static, RIP, or OSPF) routes can be viewed.

•      action - Controls addition or deletion of routes. The options are:

       add – Specifies the addition of non-BGP routes.

       delete - Specifies the deletion of non-BGP routes.

•      route-count - Configures the number of routes to be imported.


BGP Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-router)# import ipv6-route 10 10 2 3 add 4

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

33.47     address-family


Command Objective

This command enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode. Routing information is advertised for IPv4 address family when a BGP session is configured, unless the default advertising is reset.

The no form of the command deletes the peers belonging to the IPV4, IPv6, and VPNv4 address family.


address-family [ipv4 | ipv6 | l2vpn] [vrf <vrf-name>]

no address-family { ipv4 | ipv6 | l2vpn } [vrf <vrf-name>]

Parameter Description

•      ipv4 - Configures session that carries standard IPv4 address prefixes.

•      ipv6 - Configures session that carries standard IPv6 address prefixes.

•      l2vpn - Configures session that carries L2VPN VPLS address prefixes.

Note:     This parameter is applicable only for Metro_E package with VPLS ADS enabled.

•      vrf <vrf-name> - Configures the address-family router configuration for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.


BGP Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-router)# address-family ipv4


SEFOS(config-router)# address-family ipv6


SEFOS(config-router)# address-family l2vpn

SEFOS afl2vpn)#)#

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      show ip bgp – Displays the BGP-related information.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      neighbor - interval – Configures neighbor interval.

•      neighbor - timers– Configures neighbor KeepAlive Time and Hold Time intervals.

•      neighbor - shutdown – Disables the peer session.

•      neighbor – update-source - Configures the source address for routing updates and for TCP connection establishment with a peer.

•      neighbor – gateway - Configures gateway router’s address that will be used as nexthop in the routes advertised to the peer.

•      neighbor - activate – Enables default capabilities for the peer and restarts the connection to the peer if  negotiated capabilities change.

•      neighbor - delay open - Configures a delay in sending the first OPEN message to the BGP peer for a specific time period.

•      neighbor - maximum prefix - Configures the maximum number of peers supported by BGP.

•      neighbor - damp-peer-oscillations - Enables the damp peer oscillation option.

•      neighbor – allow-autostop - Enables the auto stop option to stop the BGP peer and BGP connection automatically.

•      neighbor – connect-retrycount - Sets the retry count for the BGP peer.

•      neighbor – transport connection-mode - Configures the BGP Peer Transport Connection status as active or passive.

•      neighbor - peer-group – Creates a peer group.

•      tcp-ao mkt key-id - receive-key-id - Creates a TCP-AO MKT in the BGP instance.

•      neighbor - tcp-ao - Sets BGP peer TCP-AO configurations.

•      neighbor - tcp-ao mkt - Associates a TCP-AO MKT to the BGP peer.

•      neighbor fall-over bfd - Enables BFD monitoring for the peer IP address or peer group name.

•      neighbor - capability - Enables the specific BGP capability to be advertised and received from the peer.

•      neighbor - as-override - Enables the override capability for the CE peer.

•      redistribute – Configures the protocol from which the routes have to be redistributed into BGP.

•      redistribute ospf - Configures the OSPF protocol from which the routes are redistributed into BGP.

•      redistribute - isis – Controls redistribution of ISIS routes into BGP.

33.48     bgp graceful-restart


Command Objective

This command enables graceful restart capability in router which allows forwarding of data packets to continue along known routes, while the routing protocol information is being restored following a processor switch over. When graceful restart is enabled, peer networking devices are informed, through protocol extensions prior to the event.

The no form of the command disables the graceful restart capability and resets the restart-time or stalepath-time to the default value.


bgp graceful-restart [restart-time <(1-4096)<seconds>] [stalepath-time <(90-3600)<seconds>]

no bgp graceful-restart [restart-time] [stalepath-time]

Parameter Description

•      restart-time<(1-4096)<seconds> - Configures the estimated time (in seconds) taken for re-establishing a BGP session after restart. The default value for this should be less than or equal to Hold Time carried in OPEN message. This value ranges from 1 to 4096 seconds.

•      stalepath-time<(90-3600)<seconds> - Configures the time (in seconds) until which the router retains the stale routes. This value ranges from 90 to 3600 seconds.


BGP Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


•      Graceful restart is disabled.

•      restart-time -90 seconds

•      stalepath-time-150 seconds


SEFOS(config-router)# bgp graceful-restart restart-time 33 stalepath 789

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      show ip bgp info – Displays the general information about BGP protocol.

•      show ip bgp timers - Displays the value of BGP timers.


33.49     bgp update-delay


Command Objective

This command configures the selection deferral time interval. This time interval represents the time (in seconds) until which the router defers its route selection. This value ranges from 60 to 1800 seconds.

This time interval should be configured to provide enough time for all the peers of the restarting speaker to send all the routes to the restarting speaker.

The no form of the command resets the time interval to its default value.


bgp update-delay <(60-1800)seconds>

no bgp update-delay


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


60 seconds


SEFOS(config-router)# bgp update-delay 90

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      show ip bgp timers - Displays the value of BGP timers.


33.50     restart-support


Command Objective

This command enables the graceful restart support. Graceful restart support is provided for both planned and unplanned restart, if the command is executed without any option.

The entity should save any change made using this command in a non-volatile storage, as the configuration set using this command is persistent.

The no form of the command disables the graceful restart support.


restart-support [plannedOnly]

no restart-support

Parameter Description

•      plannedOnly - Supports only the planned restarts (such as restarting a control plane after a planned downtime).


BGP Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


Graceful restart support is disabled.


This command executes only if the graceful restart capability is disabled.


SEFOS(config-router)# restart-support

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      no bgp graceful-restart - Disables the graceful restart capability and resets the restart-time or stalepath-time to default value.

•      show ip bgp restartsupport - Displays the restart support of the BGP.


33.51     restart-reason


Command Objective

This command configures the reason for the graceful restart of the BGP router. The reason for restart can be unknown, software upgrade, scheduled restart, or switching to a redundant router.

The entity should save any change made using this command in a non-volatile storage, as the configuration set using this command is persistent.

The no form of the command resets the reason for restart.


restart-reason [{unknown|softwareRestart|swReloadUpgrade}]

no restart-reason [{unknown|softwareRestart|swReloadUpgrade}]

Parameter Description

•      unknown - Configures reason for graceful restart of the BGP router  as restart due to unplanned events (such as restarting after a crash).

•      softwareRestart - Configures reason for graceful restart of the BGP router  as restart due to restart of software.

•      swReloadUpgrade - Configures reason for graceful restart of the BGP router  as restart due to reload or upgrade of software.


BGP Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E




SEFOS(config-router)# restart-reason swReloadUpgrade

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      show ip bgp restartreason - Displays the restart reason of the BGP.


33.52     distribute-list route-map


Command Objective

This command enables route-map filtering for inbound or outbound routes and defines the conditions for distributing the routes from one routing protocol to another.

The no form of the command disables inbound filtering for the routes.


distribute-list route-map <name(1-20)> {in | out}

no distribute-list route-map <name(1-20)> {in | out}


This command is available only if route-map is enabled.

Parameter Description

•      <name(1-20> - Specifies  the name of the route-map to be used for filtering. This value is a string with the maximum size of 20.

•      in - Sets filtering for inbound routes.

•      out - Sets filtering for outbound routes.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode.


Enterprise and Metro_E


Only one route-map can be set for inbound or outbound routes. Another route-map can be assigned, only if the already assigned route-map is disabled.


SEFOS(config-router)# distribute-list route-map rmap-test in

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.


33.53     distance


Command Objective

This command enables the administrative distance value which is used as a preference parameter in IP for best route selection. This value ranges from 1 to 255.

The no form of the command disables the administrative distance.


distance <1-255> [route-map <name(1-20)>]

no distance [route-map <name(1-20)>]

If Routemap is disabled

distance <1-255>

no distance

Parameter Description

•      route-map <name(1-20)> - Configures the name of the route-map for which the distance value should be enabled and set. This value is a string with the maximum size of 20.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


Distance can be set for only one route-map. Another route-map can be assigned, only if the already assigned route-map is disabled.


SEFOS(config-router)# distance 10 route-map rmap-test

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.


33.54     clear ip bgp


Command Objective

This command resets the BGP connection dynamically for inbound and outbound route policy. The inbound routing tables are updated dynamically or by generating new updates using stored update information.

If the keyword soft and the associated direction are not specified, then this causes hard clear, that is, the BGP session with peer is reset.


clear ip bgp [vrf <string (32)>]  {dampening [<random_str> <num_str>] | flap-statistics [<random_str> <num_str>] | { * | <AS no>| external | ipv4 | ipv6 | <random_str> } [soft [{in [prefix-filter]|out}]] }

Parameter Description

•      vrf  <vrf-name> - Resets the BGP connection for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.

•      dampening [<random_str><num_str>] - Clears the dampening-related configuration for the BGP.

       <random_str> - Clears dampening information for the specified IPv4 or IPv6 address.

       <num_str> - Specifies the prefix length of the route. This value ranges from 0 to 128.

•      flap-statistics [<random_str> <num_str> - Clears the route flap statistics for the BGP.

       <random_str> - Clears flap statistics for the specified IPv4 or IPv6 address.

       <num_str> - Specifies the prefix length of the route. This value ranges from 0 to 128.

•      * - Resets All BGP peers

•      <AS no> - Clear peers with the specified AS number. This value ranges from 1 to 4294967295 or 0.1 to 65535.65535.

Note:     When four-bit-asn is enabled, this value ranges from 1 to 4294967295 or between 0.1 and 65535.65535.

Note:     When four-bit-asn is disabled, this value ranges from 1 to 65535 or between 0.1 and 0.65535.

Note:     When bgp asnotation is enabled, the AS number of the BGP Speaker is displayed in the range 0.1 to 65535.65535.

•      external - Clear all external peers.

•      ipv4 - Resets the BGP connection dynamically for all IPv4 address family peers.

•      ipv6 - Resets the BGP connection dynamically for all IPv6 address family peers.

•      <random_str> - Resets the BGP connection dynamically for the specified IP address or the configured peer group name.

       <ip-address> - Resets the BGP connection for the specified peer identified with the IP address.

       <peer-group-name> - Resets the BGP connection dynamically for all the members of the given peer group.

•      soft - Configures the soft clear which is automatically assumed when the route refresh capability is supported.

       in - Initiates inbound soft reconfiguration which causes the software to store all received updates without modification regardless of whether an update is accepted by the inbound policy.

§  prefix-filter - Pushes out prefix-list ORF and initiates inbound soft reconfiguration.

       out - Initiates outbound soft configuration which does not have any memory overhead and does not require any preconfiguration. An outbound reconfiguration can be triggered on the other side of the BGP session to make the new inbound policy take effect.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# clear ip bgp dampening 0

Related Command(s)

•      bgp dampening – Sets the BGP dampening parameters.

•      ip bgp dampening - Configures the dampening parameters  and changes various BGP route dampening factors.

•      show ip bgp – Displays the BGP-related information.

•      ip bgp four-byte-asn - Enables 4-byte ASN support in BGP or in the specified VRF instance created in the system.

•      bgp asnotation dot - Changes the output format of BGP ASNs from asplain to asdot notation.


33.55     clear bgp ipv6


Command Objective

This command dynamically resets the BGPv6 connection for inbound or outbound route policy.

If the keyword soft and the associated direction are not specified, then this causes hard clear (that is, the BGP session with peer is reset).


This command is available only if IP6RTR is enabled.


clear bgp [vrf <vrf-name>] ipv6 <*| ipv6-address> [soft <in[prefix-filter]|out>]

Parameter Description

•      vrf <vrf-name> - Resets the BGPv6 connection for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.

•      * - Configures all the BGP peers.

•      <ip-address> - Configures the remote IP address which is associated with specific BGP peer.

•      soft - Initiates soft reset (that is, the BGP session with peer is not reset). The available options are:

       in – Performs a dynamic soft inbound reset.

§  prefix-filter - Pushes out prefix-list ORF and initiates inbound soft reconfiguration.

       out – Performs a dynamic soft outbound reset.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# clear bgp ipv6 1111::2222

Related Command(s)

•      show bgp ipv6 – Shows the BGP IPv6-related information.


33.56     do shutdown ip bgp


Command Objective

This command sets the BGP Speaker Global Admin status DOWN.

The no form of the command sets the BGP Speaker Global Admin status UP. BGP functionally is active only when the global admin status is UP.

The shutdown command does not affect all the configurations. All peer sessions go down and routes learned through redistribution are lost. If RFD is enabled, then routes history is cleared.


do shutdown ip bgp [ vrf <vrf-name> ]

no shutdown ip bgp [ vrf <vrf-name> ]

Parameter Description

vrf <vrf-name> - Sets the BGP Speaker Global Admin status up or down for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.


Global Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


The BGP Speaker Global Admin status is DOWN.


The BGP Speaker Global Admin status can be made UP only if the BGP Speaker Local AS Number is configured.


SEFOS(config)# do shutdown ip bgp

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp - Configures the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      ip bgp overlap-policy – Configures the Overlap Route policy for the BGP Speaker.

•      ip bgp synchronization / synchronization – Enables synchronization between BGP and IGP.

•      show ip bgp info – Displays the general information about BGP protocol.


33.57     debug ip bgp


Command Objective

This command enables the tracing of the BGP module as per the configured debug levels. The trace statements are generated for the configured trace levels.

The no form of the command disables the tracing of the BGP module as per the configured debug levels. The trace statements are not generated for the configured trace levels.


debug ip bgp [vrf <vrf-name> ] [{all|ipv4 unicast |ipv6 unicast | <random_str>}] [{peer | update | fdb | keep | in | out | damp | events | gr | vpls}]

no debug ip bgp [vrf <vrf-name> ]{peer | update | fdb | keep | in | out | damp | events | gr | vpls | all}

Parameter Description

•      vrf <vrf-name> - Generates debug statements for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.

•      all - Generates debug statements for all peers.

•      ipv4 unicast - Generates debug statements for the trace code related to IPv4 peers or  related IPv4 unicast address family peers.

•      ipv6 unicast - Generates debug statements for the trace code related to IPv6 peers or  related IPv6 unicast address family peers.

•      <random_str> - Generates debug statements for the trace code related to the specified IPv4 or IPv6 peer address.

•      peer - Generates debug statements for the trace code related to peer processing.

•      update - Generates debug statements for the trace code related to update processing.

•      fdb - Generates debug statements for the trace code related to update of FDB.

•      keep - Generates debug statements for the trace code related to keep-alives.

•      in - Generates debug statements for the trace code related to incoming messages.

•      out - Generates debug statements for the trace code related to outgoing messages.

•      damp - Generates debug statements for the trace code related to dampening parameters.

•      events - Generates debug statements for the trace code related to BGP event processing.

•      gr - Generates debug statements for the trace code related to graceful restart.

•      vpls - Generates debug statements for the trace code related to BGP L2VPN-VPLS event processing.

•      all - Generates debug statements for all the BGP trace codes.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


This command executes only if BGP Speaker local AS number is configured.


SEFOS# debug ip bgp peer

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.


33.58     show bgp-version


Command Objective

This command displays the BGP Version information.


show bgp-version


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show bgp-version

OracleBGP Version : 4


33.59     show ip bgp


Command Objective

This command displays the BGP-related information.


show ip bgp [vrf <vrf-name>]{[neighbor [<peer-addr> [received prefix-filter]]]| [rib]| [stale]|[<ip_addr>] [prefix-len]}

Parameter Description

•      vrf <vrf-name> - Displays the BGP-related information for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.

•      neighbor <peer-addr> - Displays BGP information for the specified IP address of the neighbor.

       received prefix-filter - Displays the received ORF entries.

•      rib - Displays the BGP local RIB (Routing Information Base).

•      stale - Displays the routes which have gone stale due to graceful restart.

•      <ip addr> - Displays BGP information for the specified unicast IP address representing BGP identifier.

•      prefix-len - Displays BGP information for the specified prefix length. This value ranges from 0 to 32.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip bgp neighbor

BGP neighbor is, remote AS 100, external link

  BGP version 0, remote router ID

  Network Address: None

  BGP state = Idle

  Configured BGP Maximum Prefix Limit 10

  AutomaticStart DISABLED

  AutomaticStop DISABLED

  DampPeer Oscillations DISABLED

  DelayOpen DISABLED

  Configured Connect Retry Count 5

  Current Connect Retry Count 0

  Default-originate : DISABLED

  Peer Passive : DISABLED

  Peer Status : NOT DAMPED

  GateWay Address : NONE

  Rcvd update before 0 secs, hold time is 90, keepalive interval is 30 secs

  BFD Monitoring : Enabled

  Ip Prefix-list IN  : aa

Received 0 messages, 0 Updates

  Sent 0 messages, 0 Updates

  Route refresh: Received 0, sent 0.

  Minimum time between advertisement runs is 30 seconds

  Connections established 0 time(s)

  Graceful Restart Capability: advertised

  Local host:, Local port: 0

  Foreign host:, Foreign port: 0

  Last Error: Code 0, SubCode 0.

  Update Source

  Next-Hop is automatic

  MultiHop Status - disabled

  Send-Community is standard,extended

SEFOS# show ip bgp rib

Context Name : default


BGP table version is 1,local router ID is

Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal

Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

Type  Network      NextHop        Metric LocPrf Path Origin

----  -------      -------        ------ ------ ---- ------

   >      0      -      ?

SEFOS# show ip bgp stale

Context Name : default


BGP table version is 7,local router ID is

Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

Network        NextHop           Metric LocPrf Path Origin

--------       -------           ------ ------ ---- ------          100    200      ?

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      bgp router-id – Configures the BGP Identifier of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      neighbor - interval – Configures neighbor interval.

•      neighbor - timers– Configures neighbor KeepAlive Time and Hold Time intervals.

•      neighbor - shutdown – Disables the peer session.

•      neighbor – update-source - Configures the source address for routing updates and for TCP connection establishment with a peer.

•      neighbor – gateway - Configures gateway router’s address that will be used as nexthop in the routes advertised to the peer.

•      neighbor - activate – Enables default capabilities for the peer and restarts the connection to the peer if negotiated capabilities change.

•      neighbor - delay open - Configures a delay in sending the first OPEN message to the BGP peer for a specific time period.

•      neighbor - maximum prefix - Configures the maximum number of peers supported by BGP.

•      neighbor - damp-peer-oscillations - Enables the damp peer oscillation option.

•      neighbor – allow-autostop - Enables the auto stop option to stop the BGP peer and BGP connection automatically.

•      neighbor – connect-retrycount - Sets the retry count for the BGP peer.

•      neighbor – transport connection-mode - Configures the BGP Peer Transport Connection status as active or passive.

•      neighbor - peer-group – Creates a peer group.

•      clear ip bgp – Resets the BGP connection dynamically for inbound and outbound route policy.

•      neighbor – Local-as - Updates the local AS used for the peer connection.

•      neighbor - fall over bfd - Enables BFD monitoring for the peer IP address or peer group name.

•      neighbor - as-override - Enables the override capability for the CE peer.


33.60     show ip bgp restart mode


Command Objective

This command displays the restart mode of the BGP router and neighbors. The  BGP Speaker can be in restarting or receiving mode.


The show command displays information for all VRF instances only if the address-family is set for the specified instance.


show ip bgp {restartmode [neighbor [<peer-addr>]]}

Parameter Description

•      restartmode - Displays the restart mode of the BGP router.

•      neighbor <peer-addr> - Displays the restart mode for the specified IP address of the neighbor.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip bgp restartmode neighbor

Context Name : default


Oracle BGP4:- In Receiving Mode

 Neighbor   RestartMode

 ---------  -------  None

SEFOS# show ip bgp restartmode neighbor

Context Name : default


Oracle BGP4:- Restart feature is not enabled

 Neighbor   RestartMode

 ---------  -------  None

Context Name : vrf1


Oracle BGP4:- Restart feature is not enabled

 Context Name : vrf2


Oracle BGP4:- Restart feature is not enabled

Related Command(s)

•      bgp graceful-restart - Enables the graceful restart capability.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.


33.61     show ip bgp EndOfRIBMarkerStatus


Command Objective

This command displays the End_Of_RIB marker status of the BGP router and neighbors.


show ip bgp [vrf <vrf-name>] {EndOfRIBMarkerStatus [neighbor [<peer-addr>]]}


The show command displays information for all VRF instances only if the address-family is set for the specified instance.

Parameter Description

•      vrf  <vrf-name> - Displays the End_Of_RIB marker status for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.

•      neighbor<peer-addr> - Displays the End_Of_RIB marker status for the specified IP address of the neighbor.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip bgp EndOfRIBMarkerStatus

Context Name : default


 Neighbor   EORSent EORRcvd

 ---------  ------- -------   NA     Received   Sent   Received

SEFOS# show ip bgp EndOfRIBMarkerStatus neighbor

Context Name : default


 Neighbor   EORSent EORRcvd

 ---------  ------- -------   NA     Received

SEFOS# show ip bgp vrf vrf1 EndOfRIBMarkerStatus

 Context Name : vrf1


 Neighbor   EORSent EORRcvd

 ---------  ------- -------   NA   NA

Related Command(s)

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.


33.62     show ip bgp restartreason


Command Objective

This command displays the restart reason of the BGP.


show ip bgp restartreason


The show command displays information for all VRF instances only if the address-family is set for the specified instance.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip bgp restartreason

Context Name : default


Oracle BGP4: Restart reason is software restart

SEFOS# show ip bgp restartreason

Context Name : default


Oracle BGP4: Restart reason is software upgrade

SEFOS# show ip bgp restartreason

Context Name : vrf1


Oracle BGP4: Restart reason is unknown

Related Command(s)

•      restart-reason - Configures the reason for BGP graceful restart.


33.63     show ip bgp restartexitreason


Command Objective

This command displays the restart exit reason of the BGP. This is the outcome of the last attempt at a graceful restart.

The valid exit reasons can be:

•      None – The speaker has not restarted.

•      InProgress - A restart attempt is currently underway.

•      Success - A restart is completed successfully.

•      Failure - Failure due to the speaker is not completed the restart process within the restart interval.


The show command displays information for all VRF instances only if the address-family is set for the specified instance.


show ip bgp restartexitreason


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip bgp restartexitreason

Context Name : default


Oracle BGP4: Restart In Progress

SEFOS# show ip bgp restartexitreason

Context Name : default


Oracle BGP4: Speaker has not restarted

SEFOS# show ip bgp restartexitreason

Context Name : default


Oracle BGP4: GR Exit Reason is Success

SEFOS# show ip bgp restartexitreason

Context Name : default


Oracle BGP4: GR Exit Reason is Failure

Related Command(s)

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      bgp graceful-restart - Enables the graceful restart capability.


33.64     show ip bgp restartsupport


Command Objective

This command displays the restart support of the BGP.


The show command displays information for all VRF instances only if the address-family is set for the specified instance.


show ip bgp restartsupport


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip bgp restartsupport

Oracle BGP4: Both planned and unplanned restart are supported

SEFOS# show ip bgp restartsupport

Oracle BGP4: Planned restart is supported

SEFOS# show ip bgp restartsupport

Oracle BGP4: Speaker does not have restart support

Related Command(s)

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      restart–support - Enables the graceful restart support.


33.65     show ip bgp restartstatus


Command Objective

This command displays the current restart status of the BGP. This indicates if the speaker is restarted or not. If it is restarted, whether it is a planned restart or unplanned restart.


The show command displays information for all VRF instances only if the address-family is set for the specified instance.


show ip bgp restartstatus


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip bgp restartstatus

Context Name : default


Oracle BGP4: Restart status in none

 Context Name : vrf1


Oracle BGP4: Restart status in unplanned

 Context Name : vrf2


Oracle BGP4: Restart status in none

Related Command(s)

•      bgp graceful-restart - Enables the graceful restart capability.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.


33.66     show ip bgp community community-number


Command Objective

This command displays routes that belong to specified BGP communities.


show ip bgp community community-number(4294967041-4294967043,65536-4294901759) [exact]


To execute this command L3VPN flag should be enabled.

Parameter Description

•      community-number(4294967041-4294967043,65536-4294901759) - Displays the routes that belong to the specified BGP community attribute. This value ranges from 4294967041 to 4294967043 or from 65536 to 4294901759.

•      exact - Displays the routes that have the same specified communities.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip bgp community community-number 75000

BGP table version is 5,local router ID is

Status codes: d damped * valid, > best, i - internal

Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

Network         Next Hop   Metric LocPrf Path

-------         ---- ---   ------ ------ ----      1        100      1        100      1        100

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      bgp comm-route – Configures an entry in additive or delete-community table.


33.67     show ip bgp extcommunity – routes


Command Objective

This command displays routes that belong to specified BGP extended communities.


show ip bgp extcommunity <value(xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)> [exact]


To execute this command L3VPN flag should be enabled.

Parameter Description

•      <value(xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx)> - Displays the routes for the specified extended community value. This is an octet string value in the form xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx.

•      exact - Displays the routes that has the same specified extended communities.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip bgp extcommunity 01:02:33:33:33:33:33:33

BGP table version is 5,local router ID is

Status codes: d damped * valid, > best, i - internal

Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

Network         Next Hop   Metric LocPrf Path

-------         ---- ---   ------ ------ ----      1        100      1        100

SEFOS# show ip bgp extcommunity 01:02:33:33:33:33:33:33 exact

BGP table version is 5,local router ID is

Status codes: d damped * valid, > best, i - internal

Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

Network       Next Hop   Metric LocPrf Path

-------        ---- ---   ------ ------ ----      1        100

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp  – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      bgp ecomm-route – Configures an entry in additive or delete-extended community table.


33.68     show ip bgp summary


Command Objective

This command displays the status of all BGP4 connections. If the VRF option is specified, it displays the status of BGP4 connection for the specified VRF instance.


The show command displays information for all VRF instances only if the address-family is set for the specified instance.


show ip bgp summary [vrf <vrf-name>]

Parameter Description

vrf  <vrf-name> - Displays the status of BGP4 connections for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip bgp summary

Context Name : default



BGP router identifier is, local AS number 1

Forwarding State is enabled


BGP router identifier is, local AS number 1


 BGP table version is 0

 Neighbor   Version    AS    MsgRcvd  MsgSent   Up/Down    State/PfxRcd

 ---------  -------    --    -------  -------   -------    ------------     4       66        0       0        -           Idle

 Context Name : vrf1



BGP router identifier is, local AS number 1

Forwarding State is enabled


BGP router identifier is, local AS number 1


 BGP table version is 0

 Neighbor   Version    AS    MsgRcvd  MsgSent   Up/Down    State/PfxRcd

 ---------  -------    --    -------  -------   -------    ------------

 Context Name : vrf2



BGP router identifier is, local AS number 1

Forwarding State is enabled


BGP router identifier is, local AS number 1


 BGP table version is 0

 Neighbor   Version    AS    MsgRcvd  MsgSent   Up/Down    State/PfxRcd

 ---------  -------    --    -------  -------   -------    ------------

SEFOS # show ip bgp summary vrf default

 Context Name : default



BGP router identifier is, local AS number 1

Forwarding State is enabled


BGP router identifier is, local AS number 1


 BGP table version is 0

 Neighbor   Version    AS    MsgRcvd  MsgSent   Up/Down    State/PfxRcd

 ---------  -------    --    -------  -------   -------    ------------     4       66        0       0        -           Idle

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      bgp router-id – Configures the BGP Identifier of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      neighbor - peer-group – Creates a peer group.


33.69     show ip bgp filters


Command Objective

This command displays the contents of filter table.


The show command displays information for all VRF instances only if the address-family is set for the specified instance.


show ip bgp filters [vrf <vrf-name>]

Parameter Description

vrf <vrf-name> - Displays the contents of filter table for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip bgp filters

Context Name : default


Index AdminStatus Remote-AS Prefix PrefixLen Inter-AS Direction Action

----- ----------- --------- ------ --------- -------- ---

6      up         145 16       150     in filter

Context Name : vrf1


Index AdminStatus Remote-AS Prefix            PrefixLen Inter-AS Direction Action

----- ----------- --------- ----------------- --------- -------- --------- ------

SEFOS# show ip bgp filters vrf default

Context Name : default


Index AdminStatus Remote-AS Prefix PrefixLen Inter-AS Direction Action

----- ----------- --------- ------ --------- -------- ------

6      up         145 16       150     in filter

Related Command(s)

•      bgp update-filter – Configures an entry in Update Filter Table.

33.70     show ip bgp aggregate


Command Objective

This command displays the contents of Aggregate table.


The show command displays information for all VRF instances only if the address-family is set for the specified instance.


show ip bgp aggregate [vrf <vrf-name>]

Parameter Description

vrf <vrf-name> - Displays the contents of the Aggregate table for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip bgp aggregate

Context Name : default


Index AdminStatus  Prefix PrefixLen Advertise

 ----- -----------  ------ --------- ---------

 1        up  8       all

 2        up  8   summary-only

 3        up  8       all

Related Command(s)

•      aggregate-address index – Configures an entry in Aggregate table.


33.71     show ip bgp med


Command Objective

This command displays the contents of MED table.


The show command displays information for all VRF instances only if the address-family is set for the specified instance.


show ip bgp med [vrf <vrf-name>]

Parameter Description

vrf <vrf-name> - Displays the contents of MED table for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip bgp med

Context Name : default


Index Admin  Remote-AS Prefix PrefixLen Inter-AS Direction Value PreferenceStatus

----- ------ --------- ------ --------- -------- --------- ----- ----------

  5        up    200 24       150      in      50   true

Context Name : vrf1


Index Admin  Remote-AS Prefix PrefixLen Inter-AS Direction Value PreferenceStatus

----- ------ --------- ------ --------- -------- --------- ----- ----------

SEFOS# show ip bgp med default

Context Name : default


Index Admin  Remote-AS Prefix PrefixLen Inter-AS Direction Value PreferenceStatus

----- ------ --------- ------ --------- -------- --------- ----- ----------

  5        up    200 24       150      in      50   true


Related Command(s)

•      bgp med – Configures an entry in MED table.

•      bgp bestpath med confed – Enables MED comparison among paths learned from confederation peers.


33.72     show ip bgp dampening


Command Objective

This command displays the contents of Dampening table.


The show command displays information for all VRF instances only if the address-family is set for the specified instance.


show ip bgp dampening  [vrf <vrf-name>] [{flap-statistics | dampened-paths}]

Parameter Description

•      vrf <vrf-name> - Displays the contents of Dampening table for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.

•      flap-statistics - Displays the flap-statistic contents of Dampening table.

•      dampened-paths - Displays the dampened-path contents of Dampening table.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip bgp dampening

Context Name : default


Half Life Time is 900

Reuse value is 750

Suppress value is 2000

Max Suppress time is 3600

Decay timer granularity is 1

Reuse timer granularity is 15

Reuse index array size is 1024


 Context Name : vrf1


Half Life Time is 1000

Reuse value is 1998

Suppress value is 2000

Max Suppress time is 3600

Decay timer granularity is 1

Reuse timer granularity is 135

Reuse index array size is 257


 Context Name : vrf2


Half Life Time is 2000

Reuse value is 1990

Suppress value is 2050

Max Suppress time is 3600

Decay timer granularity is 1

Reuse timer granularity is 135

Reuse index array size is 257

SEFOS# show ip bgp dampening vrf default

Context Name : default


Half Life Time is 601

Reuse value is 750

Suppress value is 2000

Max Suppress time is 3600

Decay timer granularity is 1

Reuse timer granularity is 15

Reuse index array size is 1024

SEFOS# show ip bgp dampening flap-statistics

Context Name : default


BGP table version is 3,local router ID is

Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal

              S Stale

Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

Type   Network  NextHop  Flaps  Duration  Reuse  Path  Origin

----  -------  -------  -----   ------   ------- ----  -----

   >  1   00:00:4:8   -      100     ?

SEFOS# show ip bgp dampening dampened-paths

Context Name : default


BGP table version is 7,local router ID is

Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal

              S Stale

Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

Type   Network   NextHop      Reuse          Path     Origin

---   -------    -------      ------        ------    -------

 h       00:1:40:45      100     ?

Related Command(s)

•      ip bgp dampening – Configures the Dampening parameters.

•      bgp dampening – Configures the Dampening parameters.


33.73     show ip bgp local-pref


Command Objective

This command displays the contents of Local Preference table.


The show command displays information for all VRF instances only if the address-family is set for the specified instance.


show ip bgp local-pref [vrf <vrf-name>]

Parameter Description

vrf <vrf-name> - Displays the contents of Local Preference table for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip bgp local-pref

Context Name : default


Cluster id is

Desired Support of the route reflector - Client Support

 BGP Peer Extension Table

 Peer Address Client/Non-Client

 ---- ------- -----------------       Non-client

 Context Name : vrf1


Cluster id is  None

Desired Support of the route reflector - Client Support

 BGP Peer Extension Table

 Peer Address Client/Non-Client

 ---- ------- -----------------       Non-client

SEFOS# show ip bgp local-pref vrf default

Context Name : default


Cluster id is

Desired Support of the route reflector - Client Support

 BGP Peer Extension Table

 Peer Address Client/Non-Client

 ---- ------- -----------------       Non-client


Related Command(s)

•      bgp local-preference – Configures an entry in Local Preference table.


33.74     show ip bgp timers


Command Objective

This command displays the value of BGP timers.


The show command displays information for all VRF instances only if the address-family is set for the specified instance.


show ip bgp timers [vrf <vrf-name>]

Parameter Description

vrf <vrf-name> - Displays the value of BGP timers for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip bgp timers

Context Name : default


 Graceful restart Timers


 Restart Time   90

 Stale Time     150

 Selection Deferral Timer Time  60

    Peer Timers

    Peer Address Holdtime KeepAliveTime ConnectRetry ASOrig IdleHoldTime DelayOpenTime RouteAdvt RestartTime

    ---- ------- -------- ------------- ------------ ------ ------------ ------------- --------- ------------        90        30            30       15       60             0         30          NA

 Context Name : vrf1


 Graceful restart Timers


 Restart Time   90

 Stale Time     150

 Selection Deferral Timer Time  60

    Peer Timers

    Peer Address Holdtime KeepAliveTime ConnectRetry ASOrig IdleHoldTime DelayOpenTime RouteAdvt RestartTime

    ---- ------- -------- ------------- ------------ ------ ------------ ------------- --------- ------------

 Context Name : vrf2


 Graceful restart Timers


 Restart Time   90

 Stale Time     150

 Selection Deferral Timer Time  60

    Peer Timers

    Peer Address Holdtime KeepAliveTime ConnectRetry ASOrig IdleHoldTime DelayOpenTime RouteAdvt RestartTime

    ---- ------- -------- ------------- ------------ ------ ------------ ------------- --------- ------------

SEFOS# show ip bgp timers vrf default

Context Name : default


 Graceful restart Timers


 Restart Time   90

 Stale Time     150

 Selection Deferral Timer Time  60

    Peer Timers

    Peer Address Holdtime KeepAliveTime ConnectRetry ASOrig IdleHoldTime DelayOpenTime RouteAdvt RestartTime

    ---- ------- -------- ------------- ------------ ------ ------------ ------------- --------- ------------        90        30            30       15       60             0         30          NA


Related Command(s)

•      ip bgp dampening – Configures the Dampening parameters.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      neighbor - interval – Configures neighbor interval.

•      neighbor - timers – Configures neighbor KeepAlive Time and Hold Time intervals.

•      neighbor - peer-group – Creates a peer group.

•      bgp graceful-restart - Enables the graceful restart capability.

•      bgp update-delay - Configures the selection deferral time interval.


33.75     show ip bgp info


Command Objective

This command displays the general information about BGP protocol.


The show command displays information for all VRF instances only if the address-family is set for the specified instance.


show ip bgp info [vrf <vrf-name>]

Parameter Description

vrf <vrf-name> - Displays the general information about BGP protocol for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip bgp info

Context Name : default



Routing Protocol is "bgp 100"

Bgp Trap : Enabled

The route change interval is "60"

IGP synchronization is disabled

Both more-specific and less-specificoverlap route policy is set

Administrative Distance is 122

Default IPv4 Unicast Capability Status is set

Local Preference is 100

Non-bgp routes are advertised to bothexternal and internal peers

MED Comparision is disabled

Metric is 0

Default Originate Disable


 BGP GR admin status is enabled

Maximum paths: ibgp - 1 ebgp -  1 eibgp - 1

Maximum paths (Operational): ibgp - 1 ebgp -  1 eibgp - 1


Peer Table

Peer Address RemoteAS NextHop  MultiHop send-community

---- ------- -------- ------- -------- --------------    66      self          enable   standard,extended


 Context Name : vrf1



Routing Protocol is "bgp 1"

Bgp Trap : Enabled

The route change interval is "60"

IGP synchronization is enabled

More-specific overlap route policy is set

Administrative Distance is 122

Default IPv4 Unicast Capability Status is set

Local Preference is 100

Non-bgp routes are advertised to bothexternal and internal peers

MED Comparision is disabled

Metric is 0

Default Originate Enable


 BGP GR admin status is disabled

Maximum paths: ibgp - 1 ebgp -  1 eibgp - 64

Maximum paths (Operational): ibgp - 1 ebgp -  1 eibgp - 1


Peer Table

Peer Address RemoteAS NextHop  MultiHop send-community

---- ------- -------- ------- -------- --------------


 Context Name : vrf2



Routing Protocol is "bgp 1"

Bgp Trap : Enabled

The route change interval is "60"

IGP synchronization is enabled

Both more-specific and less-specificoverlap route policy is set

Administrative Distance is 122

Default IPv4 Unicast Capability Status is set

Local Preference is 100

Non-bgp routes are advertised to bothexternal and internal peers

MED Comparision is disabled

Metric is 0

Default Originate Enable


 BGP GR admin status is disabled

Maximum paths: ibgp - 1 ebgp -  1 eibgp - 64

Maximum paths (Operational): ibgp - 1 ebgp -  1 eibgp - 1


Peer Table

Peer Address RemoteAS NextHop  MultiHop send-community

---- ------- -------- ------- -------- --------------

 SEFOS# show ip bgp info vrf default

 Context Name : default



Routing Protocol is "bgp 100"

Bgp Trap : Enabled

The route change interval is "60"

IGP synchronization is disabled

More-specific overlap route policy is set

Administrative Distance is 122

Default IPv4 Unicast Capability Status is set

Local Preference is 100

Non-bgp routes are advertised to bothexternal and internal peers

MED Comparision is disabled

Metric is 0

Default Originate Disable


 BGP GR admin status is disabled

Maximum paths: ibgp - 1 ebgp -  1 eibgp - 64

Maximum paths (Operational): ibgp - 1 ebgp -  1 eibgp - 1


Peer Table

Peer Address RemoteAS NextHop  MultiHop send-community

---- ------- -------- ------- -------- --------------     500     automatic disable  standard,extended

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      ip bgp overlap-policy – Configures the Overlap Route policy for the BGP Speaker.

•      default-information originate - Enables redistribution and advertisement of the default router.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      neighbor - peer-group – Creates a peer group.

•      ip bgp synchronization / synchronization – Enables synchronization between BGP and IGP.

•      bgp default local-preference – Configures the Default Local Preference value.

•      neighbor - ebgp-multihop – Enables BGP to establish connection with external peers.

•      neighbor - next-hop-self – Enables BGP to send itself as the next hop for advertised routes.

•      neighbor - interval – Configures neighbor interval.

•      neighbor - activate – Enables default capabilities for the peer and restarts the connection to the peer if negotiated capabilities change.

•      neighbor - send-community – Enables advertisement of community attributes to (standard or extended) peer.

•      neighbor - timers – Configures neighbor KeepAlive Time and Hold Time intervals.

•      bgp nonbgproute-advt – Controls the advertisement of Non-BGP routes.

•      redistribute – Configures the protocol from which the routes have to be redistributed into BGP.

•      redistribute - isis – Controls redistribution of ISIS routes into BGP.

•      bgp always-compare-med – Enables the comparison of MED for routes received from different autonomous systems.

•      default-metric – Configures the Default IGP Metric value.

•      neighbor - password – Configures the password for TCP-MD5 authentication with peer.

•      bgp graceful-restart - Enables the graceful restart capability.

•      do shutdown ip bgp – Sets the BGP Speaker Global Admin status DOWN.

•      bgp trap - Enables or disables the BGP trap notification.

•      nexthop processing-interval - Configures the interval at which next hops are monitored for reachability.

•      redistribute ospf - Configures the OSPF protocol from which the routes are redistributed into BGP.

•      maximum-paths - Sets the BGP multipath count.

33.76     show ip bgp rfl info


Command Objective

This command displays information about route reflector feature.


The show command displays information for all VRF instances only if the address-family is set for the specified instance.


show ip bgp rfl info [vrf <vrf-name>]

Parameter Description

vrf <vrf-name> - Displays the information about route reflector feature for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip bgp rfl info

Context Name : default


Cluster id is

Desired Support of the route reflector - Client Support

 BGP Peer Extension Table

 Peer Address Client/Non-Client

 ---- ------- -----------------       Non-client

 Context Name : vrf1


Cluster id is  None

Desired Support of the route reflector - Client Support

 BGP Peer Extension Table

 Peer Address Client/Non-Client

 ---- ------- -----------------

SEFOS# show ip bgp rfl info vrf default

Context Name : default


Cluster id is

Desired Support of the route reflector - Client Support

 BGP Peer Extension Table

 Peer Address Client/Non-Client

 ---- ------- -----------------       Non-client

Related Command(s)

•      bgp nonbgproute-advt – Controls the advertisement of Non-BGP routes either to the external peer (1) or both to internal & external peer (2).

•      bgp client-to-client reflection – Configures the route reflector to support route reflection to client peers.

•      neighbor - route-reflector-client – Configures the peer as client of the route reflector.

•      bgp cluster-id – Configures the Cluster ID for route reflector.


33.77     show ip bgp confed info


Command Objective

This command displays information about confederation feature.


The show command displays information for all VRF instances only if the address-family is set for the specified instance.


show ip bgp confed info [vrf <vrf-name>]


Privileged EXEC Mode

Parameter Description

vrf <vrf-name> - Displays the information about confederation feature for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip bgp confed info

Context Name : default


Confederation Identifier is 1000

Confederation best path med comparision is set

Confederation peers: 100

 Context Name : vrf1


Confederation Identifier is 0

Confederation best path med comparision is not set

Confederation peers: None

 Context Name : vrf2


Confederation Identifier is 0

Confederation best path med comparision is not set

Confederation peers: None

SEFOS# show ip bgp confed info vrf default

Context Name : default


Confederation Identifier is 0

Confederation best path med comparision is not set

Confederation peers: None


Related Command(s)

•      bgp confederation identifier – Configures the BGP confederation identifier.

•      bgp bestpath med confed – Enables MED comparison among paths learned from confederation peers.

•      bgp confederation peers – Configures the autonomous systems that belong to the confederation.


33.78     show ip bgp community


Command Objective

This command displays the contents of community tables.


The show command displays information for all VRF instances only if the address-family is set for the specified instance.


show ip bgp community  [vrf <vrf-name>] {route|policy|filter}

Parameter Description

•      vrf <vrf-name> - Displays contents of community tables for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.

•      route - Displays the entry in additive or delete-community table.

•      policy - Displays the community attribute advertisement policy for specific destination.

•      filter - Displays the filter community attribute while receiving or advertising.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip bgp community route

Context Name : default


Additive Community Table

 Prefix     PrefixLen   AddCommVal

 -----      ---------   ----------      8        70000      8        75000      8        70000      8        75000      8        75000      8        75000      8        76000

Delete Community Table

 Prefix     PrefixLen   DeleteCommVal

 ------     ---------   --------------     8           80000     8           85000

SEFOS# show ip bgp community filter

Context Name : default


Incoming Filter Table

 CommValue  FilterStatus

 ---------  ------------

 70000      accept

 80000      deny

Outgoing Filter Table

 CommValue  FilterStatus

 ---------  -------------

 75000      accept

 85000      deny

SEFOS# show ip bgp community policy

Context Name : default


Community Policy Table

 Prefix     PrefixLen   SendStatus

 ------     ---------   -----------     8           set-add     8           set-none     8           modify

Related Command(s)

•      bgp comm-route – Configures an entry in additive or delete-community table.

•      bgp comm-filter – Allows or filters the community attribute while receiving or advertising.

•      bgp comm-policy – Configures the community attribute advertisement policy for specific destination.


33.79     show ip bgp extcommunity

Command Objective

This command displays the contents of extended community tables.


The show command displays information for all VRF instances only if the address-family is set for the specified instance.


show ip bgp  [vrf <vrf-name>] extcommunity {route|policy|filter}

Parameter Description

•      vrf <vrf-name> - Displays the contents of extended community tables for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.

•      route - Displays the entry in additive or delete-extended community table.

•      policy - Displays the extended community attribute advertisement policy for specific destination.

•      filter - Displays the extended community filters attribute while receiving or advertising.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip bgp extcommunity route

Context Name : default


Additive Ext-Community Table

Prefix      PrefixLen   AddEcommVal

------      ---------   -----------        8       1:1:22:33:44:55:66:77        8       1:1:22:33:44:55:66:88        8       1:1:33:33:33:33:33:33        8       1:2:44:33:33:33:33:33        8       1:2:33:33:33:33:33:33        8       1:2:33:33:33:33:33:44        8       1:2:33:33:33:33:33:44        8       1:2:33:33:33:33:33:33

Delete Ext-Community Table

Prefix      PrefixLen   DeleteEcommVal

--------    ---------   ---------------        8       1:1:55:33:44:55:66:77        8       1:1:22:33:44:55:66:99

Context Name : vrf1


Additive Ext-Community Table

 Prefix  PrefixLen AddEcommVal

 ------  --------- -----------



Delete Ext-Community Table

 Prefix PrefixLen DeleteEcommVal

SEFOS# show ip bgp extcommunity filter

Context Name : default


Incoming Filter Table

EcommValue              FilterStatus

----------              -------------

1:1:22:33:44:55:34:77     deny

1:1:22:33:44:55:66:77     accept

Outgoing Filter Table

EcommValue              FilterStatus

----------              -------------

1:1:22:33:44:55:99:77     accept

1:1:44:33:77:66:99:56     deny

SEFOS# show ip bgp extcommunity policy

Context Name : default


Community Policy Table

 Prefix     PrefixLen   SendStatus

 ------     ---------   -----------     8          set-add     8          set-none     8          modify

Related Command(s)


•      bgp ecomm-route – Configures an entry in additive or delete-extended community table.

•      bgp ecomm-filter – Allows or filters the extended community attribute while receiving or advertising.

•      bgp ecomm-policy – Configures the extended community attribute advertisement policy for specific destination.


33.80     show bgp ipv6


Command Objective

This command displays the BGPv6-related information.


The show command displays information for all VRF instances only if the address-family is set for the specified instance.


show bgp [vrf <vrf-name>]  ipv6 {[neighbor [<peer-addr> [received prefix-filter]]] | [rib] | [stale] | [[ip6_addr] [ip6_prefix]]}

Parameter Description

•      vrf <vrf-name> - Displays the BGPv6-related information for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.

•      neighbor [<peer-addr>] - Displays BGPv6 information for the specified  IPv6 address of the neighbor.

       received prefix-filter - Displays the received ORF entries.

•      rib - Displays BGP local RIB (Routing Information Base) related information.

•      stale - Displays the information related to routes that have gone stale due to restart.

•      ip6_addr - Displays BGPv6 information for the specified IPv6 address from the RIB.

•      ip6_prefix - Displays BGPv6 information for the specified destination prefix length from the RIB. This value ranges from 0 to 128.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show bgp ipv6 neighbor

Context Name : default


  BGP neighbor is 2130::1, remote AS 10, external link

  BGP version 4, remote router ID

  BGP state = Established, up for 11 minutes 19 seconds

  Rcvd update before 677 secs, hold time is 90, keepalive 

  interval is 30 secs

  Neighbors Capability:

  Route-Refresh: Advertised and received

  Address family IPv4 Unicast: Advertised and received

  Received 24 messages, 1 Updates

  Sent 24 messages, 0 Updates

  Route refresh: Received 0, sent 0.

  Minimum time between advertisement runs is 30 seconds

  Connections established 1 time(s)

  Local host:, Local port: 49153

  Foreign host:, Foreign port: 179

  Last Error: Code 0, SubCode 0.

  BGP neighbor is 2340::4, remote AS 40, external link

  BGP version 4, remote router ID

  BGP state = Established, up for 11 minutes 18 seconds

  Rcvd update before 0 secs, hold time is 90, keepalive interval 

  is 30 secs

  Neighbors Capability:

  Route-Refresh: Advertised and received

  Address family IPv4 Unicast: Advertised and received

  Received 23 messages, 0 Updates

  Sent 24 messages, 1 Updates

  Route refresh: Received 0, sent 0.

  Minimum time between advertisement runs is 30 seconds

  Connections established 1 time(s)

  Local host:, Local port: 179

  Foreign host:, Foreign port: 49153

  Last Error: Code 0, SubCode 0.

SEFOS# show bgp ipv6 neighbor 2130::1

 Context Name : default


BGP neighbor is 2130::1, remote AS 10, external link

 BGP version 4, remote router ID

 BGP state = Established, up for 12 minutes 18 seconds

 Rcvd update before 736 secs, hold time is 90, keepalive 

 interval is 30 secs

 Neighbors Capability:

 Route-Refresh: Advertised and received

 Address family IPv4 Unicast: Advertised and received

  Received 26 messages, 1 Updates

  Sent 25 messages, 0 Updates

  Route refresh: Received 0, sent 0.

  Minimum time between advertisement runs is 30 seconds

  Connections established 1 time(s)

  Local host:, Local port: 49153

  Foreign host:, Foreign port: 179

  Last Error: Code 0, SubCode 0.

SEFOS# show bgp ipv6 rib

Context Name : default


BGP table version is 1,local router ID is

Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal

Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

Type  Network     NextHop        Metric LocPrf Path Origin

----  -------     -------       ------ ------ ---- ------

   >  2091::/24  2130::1/16        1      100     10      ?

SEFOS# show bgp ipv6 stale

Context Name : default


BGP table version is 1,local router ID is

Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal

Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete

 Network    NextHop        Metric LocPrf Path Origin

  -------   -------        ------ ------ ---- ------

2091::/24  2130::1/16        1      100     10      ?

Related Command(s)

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      neighbor - fall over bfd - Enables BFD monitoring for the peer IP address or peer group name.

•      neighbor - peer-group – Creates a peer group.

•      neighbor - activate – Enables default capabilities for the peer and restarts the connection to the peer if negotiated capabilities change.

•      neighbor - ebgp-multihop – Enables BGP to establish connection with external peers.

•      neighbor - next-hop-self – Enables BGP to send itself as the next hop for advertised routes.

•      neighbor - interval – Configures neighbor interval.

•      neighbor - timers – Configures neighbor KeepAlive Time and Hold Time intervals.

•      neighbor - shutdown – Disables the peer session.

•      neighbor - update-source - Configures the source address for routing updates and for TCP connection establishment with a peer.

•      neighbor - capability - Enables the specific BGP capability to be advertised and received from the peer.

•      neighbor – gateway - Configures gateway router’s address that will be used as nexthop in the routes advertised to the peer.

•      clear bgp ipv6 – Dynamically resets the BGP IPv6-related information.

•      neighbor - as-override - Enables the override capability for the CE peer.


33.81     neighbor - maximum-prefix


Command Objective

This command configures the maximum number of peers supported by BGP. BGP Speaker imposes a locally-configured upper bound on the number of address prefixes the speaker is willing to accept from a neighbor.

The no form of the command resets the maximum number of routes that are learned from that particular peer.


neighbor <ip-address|peer-group-name> maximum-prefix <prefix-limit>

no neighbor <ip-address|peer-group-name> maximum-prefix

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Configures the remote BGP peer IP address for which the maximum peer is to be set.

•      <peer-group-name> - Specifies the name of the BGP peer group for which the maximum peer is to be set. The members of the peer group will inherit the characteristic configured with this command.

•      maximum-prefix <prefix-limit> - Configures the maximum number of address prefixes that the BGP peer is willing to accept from the neighbor. This value ranges from 1 to 2147483647.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E




This command executes only if Peer or Peer Group is created and Peer AS is configured.


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor maximum-prefix 255

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      neighbor - peer-group – Creates a peer group.

•      show ip bgp neighbor – Displays neighbor-related information for the peer.

33.82     neighbor - connect-retry-count


Command Objective

This command sets the retry count for the BGP peer. This counter denotes the number of times the BGP peer should try to establish a TCP-Connect issue with its neighboring peers. The default value for the counter is set as 5. If the BGP peer exceeds the maximum count value, automatic stop event takes place and the BGP peer is brought down to the Idle State.

The no form of the command resets the retry count of the BGP peer.


neighbor <ip-address|peer-group-name> connect-retry-count <value(1-50)>

no neighbor <ip-address|peer-group-name> connect-retry-count

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Configures the remote IP address of the BGP peer for which the retry count is to be set.

•      <peer-group-name> - Specifies the name of the BGP peer group for which the retry count is to be set. The members of the peer group will inherit the characteristic configured with this command.

•      connect-retry-count <value(1-50)> - Configures the retry count which specifies the number of times the BGP peer should try to establish a TCP-Connect issue with its neighboring peers. If the BGP peer exceeds the maximum count value, automatic stop event takes place and the BGP peer is brought down to the Idle State. This value ranges from 1 to 50.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E




This command executes only if Peer or Peer Group is created and Peer AS is configured.


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor connect-retry-count 50

Related Command(s)

•      as-num - Sets the AS (Autonomous System) number for the router.

•      router-id - Sets the router ID’s address for the router.

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      neighbor - peer-group – Creates a peer group.

•      show ip bgp neighbor – To display neighbor-related information for the peer.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

33.83     neighbor - allow-autostop


Command Objective

This command enables the auto stop option to stop the BGP peer and BGP connection automatically.

The no form of this command disables the auto stop option.


neighbor <ip-address|peer-group-name> allow-autostop

no neighbor <ip-address|peer-group-name> allow-autostop

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Configures the remote IP address of the BGP peer for which the auto stop option is set.

•      <peer-group-name> - Specifies the name of the BGP peer group for which the auto stop option is set. The members of the peer group will inherit the characteristic configured with this command.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


Auto stop option is disabled.


This command executes only if Peer or Peer Group is created and Peer AS is configured


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor allow-autostop

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      neighbor - peer-group – Creates a peer group.

•      show ip bgp neighbor – To display neighbor-related information for the peer.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.


33.84     neighbor - damp-peer-oscillations


Command Objective

This command enables the damp peer oscillation option. On implementing this logic, oscillations of BGP peers, in the face of sequences of automatic start and automatic stop in the IDLE state, are damped.

The no form of this command disables the damp peer oscillation option.


neighbor <ip-address|peer-group-name> damp-peer-oscillations

no neighbor <ip-address|peer-group-name> damp-peer-oscillations

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Configures the remote IP address of the BGP peer for which the damp peer oscillation option is set.

•      <peer-group-name> - Specifies the name of the BGP peer group for which the damp peer oscillation option is set. The members of the peer group will inherit the characteristic configured with this command.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


Damp peer oscillation option is disabled.


This command executes only if Peer or Peer Group is created and Peer AS is configured.


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor damp-peer-oscillations

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer

•      neighbor - peer-group – Creates a peer group.

•      show ip bgp neighbor – Displays neighbor-related information for the peer.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

33.85     neighbor delay-open


Command Objective

This command configures a delay in sending the first OPEN message to the BGP peer for a specific time period.

The no form of the command disables the delay open option.


neighbor <ip-address|peer-group-name> delay-open

no neighbor <ip-address|peer-group-name> delay-open

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Configures the remote IP address of the BGP peer for which the delay open option is set.

•      <peer-group-name> - Specifies the name of the BGP peer group for which the delay open option is set. The members of the peer group will inherit the characteristic configured with this command.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


Delay open option is disabled.


This command executes only if Peer or Peer Group is created and Peer AS is configured.


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor delay-open

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      neighbor - peer-group – Creates a peer group.

•      show ip bgp neighbor – Displays neighbor-related information for the peer.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.


33.86     bgp trap


Command Objective

This command enables or disables the BGP trap notification.


bgp trap <enable|disable>

Parameter Description

•      enable - Enables the trap notification for the BGP system. When there is any change in the graceful restart state of the router or peer, the BGP system sends the notification messages to the SNMP manager. For every graceful restart, appropriate trace messages are generated.

•      disable - Disables the trap notification for the BGP system and does not send the notification messages to the SNMP manager.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E




SEFOS (config-router)# bgp trap enable

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      show ip bgp info – Displays the general information about BGP protocol.


33.87     neighbor – peer group


Command Objective

This command creates a peer group with the specified peer group name. This value is a string with the maximum size of 20.

The no form of the command deletes the peer group.


neighbor <peer-group-name> peer-group

no neighbor <peer-group-name> peer-group


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor a1 peer-group

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor <ip-address> peer-group – Adds the neighbor as a member of the specified peer group.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      neighbor - activate – Enables default capabilities for the peer and restarts the connection to the peer if negotiated capabilities change.

•      neighbor - ebgp-multihop – Enables BGP to establish connection with external peers.

•      neighbor - next-hop-self – Enables BGP to send itself as the next hop for advertised routes.

•      neighbor - interval – Configures neighbor interval.

•      neighbor - timers– Configures neighbor KeepAlive Time and Hold Time intervals.

•      neighbor - shutdown – Disables the peer session.

•      neighbor - default-originate - Enables advertisement of the default route to the peer.

•      neighbor - send-community – Enables advertisement of community attributes (standard or extended) to peer.

•      neighbor - capability - Enables the specific BGP capability to be advertised and received from the peer.

•      neighbor  delay open - Configures a delay in sending the first OPEN message to the BGP peer for a specific time period.

•      neighbor  damp-peer-oscillations - Enables the damp peer oscillation option.

•      neighbor maximum prefix - Configures the maximum number of peers supported by BGP.

•      neighbor – allow-autostop - Enables the auto stop option to stop the BGP peer and BGP connection automatically.

•      neighbor – transport connection-mode - Configures the BGP Peer Transport Connection status as active or passive.

•      neighbor – connect-retrycount - Sets the retry count for the BGP peer.

•      show ip bgp peer-group – Displays information about the peer group.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      neighbor - fall over bfd - Enables BFD monitoring for the peer IP address or peer group name.

•      neighbor - as-override - Enables the override capability for the CE peer.


33.88     neighbor <ip-address> peer-group


Command Objective

This command adds the neighbor as the member of the specified peer group.

The no form of the command removes the neighbor as the member of the specified peer group.


neighbor <ip-address> peer-group <peer-group-name>

no neighbor <ip-address> peer-group <peer-group-name>

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Specifies the IP address of the peer or neighbor to be added or removed from the peer group.

•      peer-group-name - Specifies the peer group name to which the neighbor is to be added or removed.


BGP Router Configuration Mode  / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


This command executes only if:

•      Peer is created and Peer AS is configured.

•      Peer group is created.


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor peer-group a1

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      neighbor - peer-group – Creates a peer group.

•      show ip bgp neighbor – Displays neighbor-related information for the peer.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      neighbor - fall over bfd - Enables BFD monitoring for the peer IP address or peer group name.


33.89     neighbor – routemap


Command Objective

This command enables route-map or IP prefix list for the neighbor.

The no form of the command disables route-map or IP prefix list for the neighbor.


neighbor <ip-address|peer-group-name> { route-map <name(1-20)> | prefix-list <ipprefixlist_name(1-20)>} {in | out}

no neighbor <ip-address|peer-group-name> { route-map <name(1-20)> | prefix-list <ipprefixlist_name(1-20)>} {in | out}

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Enables or disables route-map or IP prefix list for the specified BGP peer's remote IP address.

•      <peer-group-name> - Enables or disables route-map for the specified BGP peer group. This value is a string with the maximum size of 20.

•      route-map <name(1-20)> - Specifies  the name of the route-map. This value is a string with the maximum size of 20.

•      prefix-list <ipprefixlist_name> - Configures IP prefix list for neighbor. This value is a string with the maximum size of 20.

•      in - Enables or disables route-map or IP prefix list for inbound routes.

•      out - Enables or disables route-map or IP prefix list for outbound routes.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


This command executes only if Peer or Peer Group is created and Peer AS is configured


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor route-map r1 in

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      neighbor - peer-group – Creates a peer group.

•      show ip bgp neighbor – Displays neighbor-related information for the peer.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.


33.90     neighbor - transport connection-mode


Command Objective

This command configures the BGP Peer Transport Connection status as active or passive.


neighbor <ip-address|peer-group-name> transport connection-mode <active | passive>

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Configures the transport connection status for the specified BGP peer's remote IP address.

•      <peer-group-name> - Specifies name of the BGP peer group for which the transport connection mode is set. The members of the peer group will inherit the characteristic configured with this command.

•      active - Sets the BGP peer as active. When a peer transport connection is made active, the peer will immediately initiate the session with the peer by sending an open message to it.

•      passive - Sets the BGP peer as passive. When the peer transport connection is passive, the peer will not immediately initiate the session. Instead, it waits for the peer to send the open message so that it can respond to it to create the session.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E




This command executes only if Peer or Peer Group is created and Peer AS is configured.


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor transport connection-mode passive

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      neighbor - peer-group – Creates a peer group.

•      show ip bgp neighbor – Displays neighbor-related information for the peer.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

33.91     nexthop processing-interval


Command Objective

This command configures the interval at which next hops are monitored for reachability. This value ranges from 1 to 120.


nexthop processing-interval <Next-Hop-Processing-Interval(1-120)>


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E




SEFOS(config)# nexthop processing-interval 100

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp - Configures the AS (Autonomous System) number of the BGP Speaker and enters into BGP router configuration mode.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      show ip bgp info – Displays the general info about BGP protocol.


33.92     bgp redistribute internal


Command Objective

This command enables IBGP routes to be redistributed to other IGP protocols.

The no form of the command disables IBGP routes to be redistributed to other IGP protocols.


bgp redistribute-internal

no bgp redistribute-internal


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


IBGP route redistribution is disabled.


SEFOS(config-router)# bgp redistribute-internal

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.


33.93     show ip bgp peer-group


Command Objective

This command displays information about the peer group.


The show command displays information for all VRF instances only if the address-family is set for the specified instance.


show ip bgp [vrf <vrf-name>] peer-group [<peer-group-name> [summary]]

Parameter Description

•      vrf <vrf-name> - Displays information about the peer group for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.

•      <peer-group-name> - Displays information for the specified BGP peer group.

•      summary - Displays the summary of the peer group neighbors.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip bgp peer-group

Context Name : default


BGP peer-group is a1, Remote AS 1

 BGP Version 0

 For address family: IPv4 Unicast

 BGP neighbor is a1,peer-group internal, members:

 BGP Maximum Prefix Limit: 2

 Connect Retry Count: 2

 Peer Passive :Enabled

 Damp Peer oscillatios:Enabled

 Rfl Status :Non Client

 In Route Map: n1

Out Route Map: -

SEFOS# show ip bgp peer-group summary

Context Name : default


BGP router identifier is, local AS number 1

Forwarding State is enabled

BGP table version is 0

Neighbor  Version  AS  MsgRcvd  MsgSent  Up/Down State/PfxRcd

---------  ------- -- -------  -------   ------- ------------     4        1        0       0      -      Connect

Related Command(s)

•      neighbor - peer-group – Creates a peer group.

•      neighbor <ip-address> peer-group – Adds the neighbor as a member of the specified peer group.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer

•      neighbor - activate – Enables default capabilities for the peer and restarts the connection to the peer if negotiated capabilities change.

•      neighbor - ebgp-multihop – Enables BGP to establish connection with external peers.

•      neighbor - next-hop-self – Enables BGP to send itself as the next hop for advertised routes.

•      neighbor - shutdown – Disables the peer session.

•      neighbor  delay open - Configures a delay in sending the first OPEN message to the BGP peer for a specific time period.

•      neighbor  damp-peer-oscillations - Enables the damp peer oscillation option.

•      neighbor maximum prefix - Configures the maximum number of peers supported by BGP.

•      neighbor – allow-autostop - Enables the auto stop option to stop the BGP peer and BGP connection automatically.

•      neighbor – transport connection-mode - Configures the BGP Peer Transport Connection status as active or passive.

•      neighbor – connect-retrycount - Sets the retry count for the BGP peer.

•      neighbor – local-as - Updates the local AS used for the peer connection.


33.94     redistribute ospf


Command Objective

This command configures the redistribution of OSPF routes into BGP.

The no form of the command disables the redistribution of routes from the OSPF protocol into BGP. The route-map is dissociated from the redistribution, if the no form of the command specifies the route-map.


redistribute ospf [match {external | internal | nssa-external}] [route-map <string>] [metric <integer(0-4294967295)>]

no redistribute ospf [match {external | internal | nssa-external}] [route-map <string>] [metric <integer>]

Parameter Description

•      match {external | internal | nssa-external} - Matches the OSPF route type to be redistributed into BGP.

       external - Redistributes OSPF external routes.

       internal - Redistributes OSPF internal routes.

       nssa-external - Redistributes OSPF NSSA external routes.

•      route-map <string(20)> - Identifies the specified route-map in the list of route-maps during redistribution of routes to BGP. If this is not specified, all routes are redistributed. This value is a string with the maximum size of 20.

•      metric <integer(0-4294967295)> - Specifies the metric value for the protocol specified. This value ranges from 0 to 4294967295. If the metric value not specified, default metric value is considered.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


•      Redistribution is disabled

•      Metric - 0


•      Redistribution can be configured for only one route-map.

•      Another route-map can be assigned, only if the already assigned route-map is disabled.


SEFOS(config-router)# redistribute ospf match external route-map rm metric 500

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      show ip bgp info – Displays the general information about BGP protocol.

33.95     neighbor – local-as


Command Objective

This command updates the local AS used for the peer connection.

The no form of the command resets the local AS used for the peer connection to the global local AS.


neighbor <ip-address|peer-group-name> local-as <AS no>

no neighbor <ip-address|peer-group-name> local-as

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Updates the local AS for the IP address of the peer used for the peer connection.

•      peer-group-name - Updates the local AS for the peer group name to which the neighbor is to be added or removed.

•      local-as <AS no> - Configures the autonomous system number for the specified IP address of the peer or peer group name. This value ranges from 1 to 4294967295 or 0.1 to 65535.65535.

Note:     When four-bit-asn is enabled, this value ranges from 1 to 4294967295 or between 0.1 and 65535.65535.

Note:     When four-bit-asn is disabled, this value ranges from 1 to 65535. or between 0.0 and 0.65535.

Note:     When bgp asnotation is enabled, the AS number of the BGP Speaker is displayed in the range 0.1 to 65535.65535.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


This command executes only if Peer or Peer Group is created and Peer AS is configured.


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor local-as 1

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      neighbor - peer-group – Creates a peer group.

•      show ip bgp neighbor – Displays neighbor-related information for the peer.

•      show ip bgp peer-group - Displays information about the peer group.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      ip bgp four-byte-asn - Enables 4-byte ASN support in BGP or in the specified VRF instance created in the system.

•      bgp asnotation dot - Changes the output format of BGP ASNs from asplain to asdot notation.


33.96     maximum-paths


Command Objective

This command sets the BGP multipath count. This is the maximum number BGP multipath routes to be added per destination network in the routing table.

Note:     This configuration is effective only after hard or soft reset.

The no form of the command resets the BGP multipath count to its default value.

Note:     If the no command is executed without the parameter ibgp or eibgp, the maximum path count is set to the default value 1 only for ebgp.


maximum-paths [{ibgp |eibgp}] <maximum path>

no maximum-paths [{ibgp |eibgp}]

Parameter Description

•      ibgp - Sets the maximum number of internal BGP multipath routes to be added per destination network in the routing table.

•      eibgp - Sets the maximum number of external and internal BGP multipath routes (with same AS PATH) to be added per destination network in the routing table.

•      <maximum path> - Configures the maximum path count for the specified IBGP or EIBGP. This value ranges from 1 to 64.

Note:     If this is set to 1, only the best route is added to the forwarding table.

Note:     If the command is executed without the parameter ibgp or eibgp, the maximum path count is configured for ebgp.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E




SEFOS(config-router)# maximum-paths eibgp 1

SEFOS(config-router-af4)# maximum-paths ibgp 1

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      show ip bgp info – Displays the general information about BGP protocol.


33.97     tcp-ao mkt key-id - receive-key-id


Command Objective

This command creates a TCP-AO Master Key Tuple (MKT) in the BGP instance.

The no form of the command deletes a TCP-AO MKT in the BGP instance.


tcp-ao mkt key-id <Key Id(0-255)>  receive-key-id <Rcv Key Id (0-255)> algorithm {hmac-sha-1 | aes-128-cmac} key <master-key>  [tcp-option-exclude]

no tcp-ao mkt key-id <Key Id(0-255)>

Parameter Description

•      key-id <Key Id(0-255)> - Configures the send key-id of the MKT. This value is used to fill the key-id field in the TCP-AO option in the TCP header. This value ranges from 0 to 255.

•      receive-key-id <Rcv Key Id (0-255)> - Configures the Receive key-id of the MKT. The MKT ready at the sender to be used for authenticating received segments is indicated to the peer by filling the receive key-id  of the MKT in of the TCP-AO option in TCP header. This value ranges from 0 to 255.

•      algorithm {hmac-sha-1 | aes-128-cmac}  - Configures the algorithm used for TCP-AO MAC or KDF calculation.

       hmac-sha-1 - Sets the algorithm type as hmac-sha-1.

       aes-128-cmac - Sets the algorithm type as aes-128-cmac.

Note:     This algorithm type is currently not supported.

•      key <master-key> - Configures the master key corresponding to the MKT. This value is an octet string with the size between 1 and 80.

•      tcp-option-exclude - Sets the exclude TCP option which excludes the TCP options other than TCP-AO during MAC calculation. If this is not set, TCP-AO MAC will be calculated on TCP segment including all other TCP options.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


algorithm - hmac-sha-1


This command executes only if BGP Speaker Local AS number is configured.


SEFOS(config-router)# tcp-ao mkt key-id 1 receive-key-id 1 algorithm  hmac-sha-1 key key1

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      neighbor - tcp-ao - Sets BGP peer TCP-AO configurations.

•      neighbor - tcp-ao mkt - Associates a TCP-AO MKT to the BGP peer.

•      show ip bgp - tcp-ao mkt summary - Displays the BGP-related TCP-AO MKT information.

•      show bgp ipv6 tcp-ao neighbor - Displays the BGP(v6) neighbor TCP-AO related information.


33.98     neighbor - tcp-ao


Command Objective

This command sets TCP-AO configurations for the specified BGP peer.

The no form of the command deletes TCP-AO configurations for the specified BGP peer.


neighbor <ip-address> tcp-ao { icmp-accept | no-mkt-match packet-discard}

no neighbor <ip-address> tcp-ao { icmp-accept | no-mkt-match packet-discard}

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Configures the BGP peer for which the TCP-AO configurations are done.

•      icmp-accept -. Accepts ICMPv4 type 3 and ICMPv6 type 1 messages for the TCP-AO authenticated peer.

•      no-mkt-match packet-discard - Discards packets for the peer, if packets are received with TCP-AO and no matching MKT is found.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


This command executes only if BGP Speaker Local AS number and peer is configured.


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor tcp-ao icmp-accept

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      tcp-ao mkt key-id - receive-key-id - Creates a TCP-AO MKT in the BGP instance.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      show ip bgp - tcp-ao neighbor - Displays the TCP-AO information for the specified BGP peer.

•      show bgp ipv6 tcp-ao neighbor - Displays the BGP(v6) neighbor TCP-AO related information.

33.99     neighbor - tcp-ao mkt


Command Objective

This command associates a TCP-AO MKT to the BGP peer.

The no form of the command dissociates a TCP-AO MKT to the BGP peer.


neighbor <ip-address> tcp-ao mkt <Key Id(0-255)>

no neighbor <ip-address> tcp-ao mkt <Key Id(0-255)>

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Configures the BGP peer for which the TCP-AO MKT configurations are done.

•      <Key Id(0-255)> - Configures the key-id of the MKT which needs to be associated with the peer. This value ranges from 0 to 255.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


This command executes only if BGP Speaker Local AS number and peer is configured.


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor tcp-ao mkt 2

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      tcp-ao mkt key-id - receive-key-id - Creates a TCP-AO MKT in the BGP instance.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      show ip bgp - tcp-ao neighbor - Displays the BGP(v4) neighbor TCP-AO related information.

•      show ip bgp - tcp-ao mkt summary - Displays the BGP-related TCP-AO MKT information.

•      show bgp ipv6 tcp-ao neighbor - Displays the BGP(v6) neighbor TCP-AO related information.


33.100 neighbor - tcp-ao mkt - start-accept


Command Objective

This command configures the time the router will start accepting packets that have been created with the MKT specified by the key-id.


This command is currently not supported.


neighbor <ip-address> tcp-ao mkt <Key Id(0-255)> start-accept <DD-MON-YEAR,HH:MM>

Example: neighbor tcp-ao mkt 1 start-accept  10-Jan-2012,10:10

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Configures the BGP peer for which the TCP-AO MKT configurations are done.

•      <Key Id(0-255)> - Configures the key-id of the MKT which needs to be associated with the peer. This value ranges from 0 to 255.

•      <DD-MON-YEAR,HH:MM> - Configures the date and time the router will start accepting packets that have  been created with the MKT specified by the key-id. For the router to start accepting packets by 10am on 10 January 2012, the input is given as 10-Jan-2012,10:00.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E




This command executes only if BGP Speaker Local AS number and peer is configured.


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor tcp-ao mkt 2 start-accept 10-Jun-2013,10:00

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      show ip bgp neighbor – Displays neighbor-related information for the peer.

•      show ip bgp peer-group - Displays information about the peer group.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

33.101 neighbor - tcp-ao mkt - stop-accept


Command Objective

This command configures the time the router will stop accepting packets that have been created with the MKT specified by the key-id.


This command is currently not supported.


neighbor <ip-address> tcp-ao mkt <Key Id(0-255)> stop-accept <DD-MON-YEAR,HH:MM>

Example: neighbor tcp-ao mkt 1 stop-accept  10-Jan-2012,10:10

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Configures the BGP peer for which the TCP-AO MKT configurations are done.

•      <Key Id(0-255)> - Configures the key-id of the MKT which needs to be associated with the peer. This value ranges from 0 to 255.

•      <DD-MON-YEAR,HH:MM> - Configures the date and time the router will stop accepting packets that have been created with the MKT specified by the key-id. For the router to stop accepting packets by 10am on 10 January 2012, the input is given as 10-Jan-2012,10:00.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E




This command executes only if BGP Speaker Local AS number and peer is configured.


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor tcp-ao mkt 1 stop-accept  10-Jun-2013,10:00

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      show ip bgp neighbor – Displays neighbor-related information for the peer.

•      show ip bgp peer-group - Displays information about the peer group.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

33.102 neighbor - tcp-ao mkt - start-generate


Command Objective

This command configures the time the router will start generating packets that have been created with the MKT specified by the key-id.


This command is currently not supported.


neighbor <ip-address> tcp-ao mkt <Key Id(0-255)> start-generate <DD-MON-YEAR,HH:MM>

Example: neighbor tcp-ao mkt 1 start-generate  10-Jan-2012,10:10

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Configures the BGP peer for which the TCP-AO MKT configurations are done.

•      <Key Id(0-255)> - Configures the key-id of the MKT which needs to be associated with the peer.. This value ranges from 0 to 255.

•      <DD-MON-YEAR,HH:MM> - Configures the date and time the router will start using the MKT specified by the key-id for packets generation. For the router to start generating packets by 10am on 10 January 2012, the input is given as 10-Jan-2012,10:00.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E




This command executes only if BGP Speaker Local AS number and peer is configured


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor tcp-ao mkt 1 start-generate  10-Jan-2012,10:10

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      show ip bgp neighbor – Displays neighbor-related information for the peer.

•      show ip bgp peer-group - Displays information about the peer group.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

33.103 neighbor - tcp-ao mkt - stop-generate


Command Objective

This command configures the time the router will stop generating packets that have been created with the MKT specified by the key-id.


This command is currently not supported.


neighbor <ip-address> tcp-ao mkt <Key Id(0-255)> stop-generate <DD-MON-YEAR,HH:MM>

Example: neighbor tcp-ao mkt 1 stop-generate  10-Jan-2012,10:10

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Configures the BGP peer for which the TCP-AO MKT configurations are done.

•      <Key Id(0-255)> - Configures the key-id of the MKT which needs to be associated with the peer. This value ranges from 0 to 255.

•      <DD-MON-YEAR,HH:MM> - Configures the date and time the router will stop using the MKT specified by the key-id for  packets generation. For the router to stop generating packets by 10am on 10 January 2012, the input is given as 10-Jan-2012,10:00.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E




This command executes only if BGP Speaker Local AS number and peer is configured.


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor tcp-ao mkt 1 stop-generate  10-Jan-2012,10:10

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      show ip bgp neighbor – Displays neighbor-related information for the peer.

•      show ip bgp peer-group - Displays information about the peer group.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

33.104 show bgp ipv6 tcp-ao neighbor


Command Objective

This command displays the BGP(v6) neighbor TCP-AO related information.


The show command displays information for all VRF instances only if the address-family is set for the specified instance.


show bgp [vrf <vrf-name>]  ipv6 tcp-ao neighbor [<peer-addr>]

Parameter Description

•      vrf <vrf-name> - Displays TCP-AO related information for the BGPv6 neighbor in the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.

•      [<peer-addr> - Displays TCP-AO information for the specified BGPv6 neighbor.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show bgp ipv6 tcp-ao neighbor

TCP-AO authentication neighbor summary



 Context Name : default



 Neighbor            : 1111::2222

MKT Assigned         : 1

 ICMP Processing      : Disabled

 No MKT Discard       : Enabled

 MKT In-use           : None

Related Command(s)

•      tcp-ao mkt key-id - receive-key-id - Creates a TCP-AO MKT in the BGP instance.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      neighbor - tcp-ao mkt - Associates a TCP-AO MKT to the BGP peer.

•      neighbor - tcp-ao - Sets BGP peer TCP-AO configurations.

33.105 show ip bgp - tcp-ao neighbor


Command Objective

This command displays the BGP neighbor TCP-AO related information.


The show command displays information for all VRF instances only if the address-family is set for the specified instance.


show ip bgp [vrf <vrf-name>]  tcp-ao neighbor [<random_str>]

Parameter Description

•      vrf <vrf-name> - Displays BGP neighbor TCP-AO related information for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.

•      <random_str> - Displays the BGP neighbor TCP-AO configurations for the specified BGP peer.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip bgp tcp-ao neighbor

TCP-AO authentication neighbor summary



 Context Name : default



 Neighbor            :

 MKT Assigned         : 2

 ICMP Processing      : Enabled

 No MKT Discard       : Disabled

 MKT In-use           : None

TCP-AO authentication neighbor summary



 Context Name : vrf1



 Neighbor            :

 TCP-AO is not enabled for this peer!!

Related Command(s)

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      neighbor - tcp-ao - Sets BGP peer TCP-AO configurations.

•      tcp-ao mkt key-id - receive-key-id - Creates a TCP-AO MKT in the BGP instance.


33.106 show ip bgp - tcp-ao mkt summary


Command Objective

This command displays the BGP-related TCP-AO MKT information.


The show command displays information for all VRF instances only if the address-family is set for the specified instance.


show ip bgp [vrf <vrf-name>] tcp-ao mkt summary

Parameter Description

•      vrf <vrf-name> - Displays the BGP-related TCP-AO MKT information for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.


Privileged EXEC Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


SEFOS# show ip bgp tcp-ao mkt summary



 Context Name : default


 ID(send)   Receive ID   Algorithm   MasterKey   OptionsExclude   Status

 --------   ----------   ---------   ---------   --------------   ------

 0          1            HMAC-SHA-1  ********    1                Active

 255        255          HMAC-SHA-1  ********    1                Active



 Context Name : vrf1


 ID(send)   Receive ID   Algorithm   MasterKey   OptionsExclude   Status

 --------   ----------   ---------   ---------   --------------   ------

1          1            HMAC-SHA-1  ********    1                Active

Related Command(s)

•      tcp-ao mkt key-id - receive-key-id - Creates a TCP-AO MKT in the BGP instance.

•      neighbor - tcp-ao mkt - Associates a TCP-AO MKT to the BGP peer.


33.107 ip bgp four-byte-asn


Command Objective

This command enables 4-byte ASN support in BGP Speaker or in the specified VRF instance created in the system. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.

Note:     When VRF is not specified, the configurations are done for the default VRF.

The no form of the command disables 4-byte ASN support in BGP or the specified VRF instance created in the system.


ip bgp four-byte-asn [vrf <vrf-name>]

no ip bgp four-byte-asn [vrf <vrf-name>]


Global Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E




This command executes only when BGP Speaker Global Admin status is shut down in the system or the specified VRF instance.


SEFOS(config)# ip bgp four-byte-asn

Related Command(s)

•      router-id - Sets the router ID’s address for the router.

•      bgp router-id – Configures the BGP Identifier of the BGP Speaker.

•      show ip bgp – Displays the BGP-related information.

•      show ip bgp neighbor – Displays neighbor-related information for the peer.


33.108 bgp asnotation dot


Command Objective

This command changes the output format of BGP ASNs from asplain to asdot notation.

The no form of the command resets the output format of BGP ASNs from asdot to asplain notation.


bgp asnotation dot

no bgp asnotation dot


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


By default , the output format of BGP ASNs is asplain.


BGP asnotation can be changed only if four-byte-asn is enabled. 


SEFOS(config-router)# bgp asnotation dot

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      show ip bgp neighbor – Displays neighbor-related information for the peer.

•      show ip bgp info – Displays the BGP-related information.

•      ip bgp four-byte-asn - Enables 4-byte ASN support in BGP or in the specified VRF instance created in the system.

33.109 neighbor - fall-over bfd


Command Objective

This command enables BFD monitoring for the peer IP address or peer group name. On enabling, BGP registers with BFD for IP path monitoring when the session state becomes ESTABLISHED.

The no form of the command disables BFD monitoring for the peer IP address or peer group name. On disabling, BGP de-registers with BFD if it was already registered.


neighbor <ipv4-address | ipv6-address | peer-group-name> fall-over bfd

no neighbor <ipv4-address | ipv6-address | peer-group-name> fall-over bfd

Parameter Description

•      neighbor <ipv4-address | ipv6-address | peer-group-name> - Specifies the BGP peer remote IPv4 or IPv6 address or name of the peer group for which BFD monitoring is to be enabled.

•      fall-over bfd - Configures BFD to monitor the IP path for sessionfall on the lost peer route.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Metro and Metro_E


BFD Monitoring is disabled


SEFOS (config-router)# neighbor fall-over bfd

SEFOS(config-router-af4)# neighbor fall-over bfd

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker and enters into router configuration mode.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      neighbor - activate – Enables default capabilities for the peer and restarts the connection to the peer if negotiated capabilities change.

•      neighbor - peer-group – Creates a peer group.

•      neighbor <ip-address> peer-group – Adds the neighbor as a member of the specified peer group.

•      show ip bgp – Displays the BGP-related information.

•      show bgp ipv6 - Displays the BGPv6-related information.

•      show bfd neighbors - Displays the BFD neighbor-related information.

33.110 address-family vpnv4


Command Objective

This command enables configuration of the session that carries standard vpnv4 address prefixes and enters into VPN Address Family Configuration Mode .

BGP4 VPN allows the Service Providers to use their IP backbone to provide VPN services to their customers. BGP is used to distribute VPN routing information across the provider’s backbone and MPLS is used to forward VPN traffic from one VPN site to another.

The no form of this command disables configuration of the session that carries standard vpnv4 address prefixes.


address-family vpnv4

no address-family vpnv4


BGP Router Configuration Mode




SEFOS(config-router)# address-family vpnv4


Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - activate – Enables default capabilities for the peer and restarts the connection to the peer if negotiated capabilities change.

•      neighbor - next-hop-self – Enables BGP to send itself as the next hop for advertised routes.

•      neighbor - send-community – Enables advertisement of community attributes (standard or extended) to peer.

•      neighbor - as-override - Enables the override capability for the CE peer.

•      show ip bgp vpn4 - Displays the status of all BGP4 vpnv4 routes.

33.111 label-allocation-mode


Command Objective

This command configures label allocation policy used for allocating the vpn label to be used for advertising the VPN routes.


label-allocation-mode { per-vrf | per-route }

Parameter Description

•      per-vrf - Configures label allocation policy as per VRF to advertise all routes learned in the router with the same label.

•      per-route - Configures label allocation policy as per route to advertise all routes learned in the router with the unique label.


BGP Router Configuration Mode




Per vrf


SEFOS(config-router)# label-allocation-mode per-route

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

33.112 show ip bgp vpnv4


Command Objective

This command displays the status of all BGP4 vpnv4 routes.



show ip bgp vpnv4 {all | vrf <string(32)> | <ip-addr> [prefix-len]}


Parameter Description

•      all - Displays the status of all BGP4 vpnv4 routes.

•      vrf <vrf-name> - Displays BGP4 vpnv4 routes-related information for the specified VRF instance. This value represents unique name of the VRF instance. This value is a string with a maximum size of 32.

•      <ip-address> - Displays the BGP4 vpnv4 routes-related information for the specified IP address of the BGP4 vpnv4 route.

•      [prefix-len] - Specifies the prefix length for the specified BGP4 vpnv4 route.



Privileged EXEC Mode






This command displays the output only if MPLS and BGP for L3VPN is configured.


SEFOS # show ip bgp vpnv4 all

Context Name : default


BGP table version is 2,local router ID is

Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal

              S Stale m - Multipath


Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete


   Type       Network            NextHop     Metric LocPrf       Path    Origin    Labels      Weight

   ----       -------            -------     ------  ------      ----    ------    ------      ------

   >i    100:1:       0     100         -         i      300001          0

   >i    100:1:       0     100          300         i      300002          0

 Context Name : vrf1


BGP table version is 8,local router ID is

Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal

              S Stale m - Multipath


Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete


   Type       Network            NextHop     Metric LocPrf       Path    Origin    Labels      Weight

   ----       -------            -------     ------  ------      ----    ------    ------      ------

         100:1:       0       0         -         i      300001      32768

   >i    100:1:       0     100         -         i      300001          0

         100:1:       0     100          200         i      300002          0

   >i    100:1:       0     100          300         i      300002          0

SEFOS # show ip bgp vpnv4 vrf vrf1

Context Name : vrf1


BGP table version is 8,local router ID is

Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal

              S Stale m - Multipath


Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete


   Type       Network            NextHop     Metric LocPrf       Path    Origin    Labels      Weight

   ----       -------            -------     ------  ------      ----    ------    ------      ------

         100:1:       0       0         -         i      300001      32768

   >i    100:1:       0     100         -         i      300001          0

         100:1:       0     100          200         i      300002          0

   >i    100:1:       0     100          300         i      300002          0


Related Command(s)

•      router bgp - Configures the AS (Autonomous System) number of the BGP Speaker.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      address-family vpnv4 - Enables configuration of the session that carries standard vpnv4 address prefixes.

•      label-allocation-mode - Configures label allocation by using per VRF and per route.

•      neighbor - remote-as - Creates a peer, initiates the connection to the peer, and adds an entry to the BGP or multiprotocol BGP neighbor table.

•      neighbor - activate - Enables the default capabilities associated with the address-family of the peer.

•      mpls ip - Enables MPLS on the specified interface.

•      entity - Creates an LDP entity and enters into MPLS LDP Entity sub mode.

•      mpls static binding ipv4 - Configures the static binding of labels to IPv4 prefixes.

•      ldp - interface - Enables label distribution protocol on the interface.

•      label distribution - Configures the label distribution method.

•      ip vrf forwarding - Maps the VLAN interfaces with the specified unique VRF name to the given virtual router.

•      ip route - Adds a static route.

•      rd - Sets the RD for the specified VRF.

•      route-target - Configures the route-target (RT) for the specified MPLS VRF name.


33.113 show ip bgp l2vpn vpls


Command Objective

This command displays the L2VPN routes of BGP.



show ip bgp l2vpn vpls



Privileged EXEC Mode






This command displays the output only if the VFI mode is selected as Autodiscover using the l2 vfi command. The L2VPN uses signaling protocol BGP to discover the PEs which are the part of the specified VPLS.


SEFOS# show ip bgp l2vpn vpls

Context Name : default


BGP table version is 1,local router ID is

Status codes: s suppressed, d damped, h history, * valid, > best, i - internal

              S Stale m - Multipath


Origin codes: i - IGP, e - EGP, ? - incomplete


  Type       Network           NextHop     RcvdLabel LocalLabel     RT     RD   VEid  VBO

 ----       -------            -------      --------  --------      --     --   ----  ----

   >      1/32      noLabel     400001   100:1  100:1  1  1


Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      rd - Configures the Route Distinguisher value (RD) for the specified VPLS.

•      rt- Configures the route-target (RT) and the apply policy for the specified VPLS instance.

•      site-identifier - Configures the VPLS Entity value and name.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      neighbor - remote-as - Creates a peer, initiates the connection to the peer, and adds an entry to the BGP or multiprotocol BGP neighbor table.

•      neighbor - activate - Enables the default capabilities associated with the address-family of the peer.


33.114 neighbor - as-override


Command Objective

This command configures the override capability for a CE peer.

The no form of the command disables the override capability for the CE peer.


neighbor <ip-address|peer-group-name> as-override

no neighbor <ip-address|peer-group-name> as-override

Parameter Description

•      <ip-address> - Configures the override capability for the specified BGP peer’s IP address.

•      <peer-group-name> - Configures the override capability for the specified BGP peer group. The members of the peer group will inherit the characteristic configured with this command.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


Override capability is disabled.


This command executes only if Peer or Peer Group is created and Peer AS is configured.


SEFOS(config-router)# neighbor as-override

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      neighbor - remote-as – Creates a peer and initiates the connection to the peer.

•      neighbor - peer-group – Creates a peer group.

•      show ip bgp neighbor – Displays the neighbor configurations.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.

•      address-family vpnv4 - Enables configuration of the session that carries standard vpnv4 address prefixes.

33.115 redistribute  isis


Command Objective

This command controls redistribution of ISIS routes into BGP after applying the specified route-map.

The no form of the command disables the redistribution of routes from ISIS into BGP. The route-map is dissociated from the redistribution, if the no form of the command specifies the route-map.


redistribute { isis } [{level-1 | level-2|level-1-2}] [route-map <string(20)>] [metric <integer(0-4294967295)>]

no redistribute { isis } [{level-1 | level-2 | level-1-2}] [route-map <string(20)>] [metric]

Parameter Description

•      isis - Redistributes routes learned by ISIS in the BGP routing process.

       level-1 - Imports routes learned by ISIS level-1 in the BGP routing process.

       level-2 - Imports routes learned by ISIS level-2 in the BGP routing process.

       level-1-2 - Imports all routes learned by ISIS in the BGP routing process.

•      route-map <string(20)> - Identifies the specified route-map in the list of route-maps during redistribution of routes to BGP. If this is not specified, all routes are redistributed. This value is a string with the maximum size of 20.

•      metric <integer(0-4294967295)> - Specifies the metric value for the routes to redistribute to BGP. This value ranges from 0 to 4294967295. If the metric value is not specified, default metric value is considered.


BGP Router Configuration Mode / Address Family Router Configuration Mode


Enterprise and Metro_E


Redistribution is disabled


Redistribution can be configured for only one route-map. Another route-map can be assigned, only if the already assigned route-map is disabled.


SEFOS(config-router)# redistribute isis level-1-2 route-map rm metric 500

Related Command(s)

•      router bgp – Sets the AS number of the BGP Speaker.

•      show ip bgp info – Displays the general information about BGP protocol.

•      address-family - Enters the router into the address-family router configuration mode.