1 Messages

The following sections list the Oracle Database Mobile Server thrown exceptions and returned error messages:

1.1 Oracle Database Mobile Server Messages

Each message code follows the format Product ID-nnnnn, where nnnnn is an integer. Messages specific to an operating system or another Oracle product are not listed here, although the message code may be listed with a reference to another Oracle document.

Each description contains the message number and text as well as the following:

Error message text
Cause: a description of the possible causes of the error.
Action: a description of the possible actions you can take to resolve the error.

Items in the error message text which appears in curly braces, for example, {publication name}, are replaced with values for objects which are then returned by the error message.

1.1.1 Abnormal Condition

Sometimes you may encounter an error that is known as an abnormal condition. These are errors for which the exact cause is not clear. The following sections describe the probable causes of abnormal conditions and the actions you can take to solve them. Cause

Abnormal conditions may arise from one of the following causes:

  • An invalid user action.

  • A bug in the component prevented the requested task from completing. Action

You should first contact your DBA and/or system administrator to determine if the message was caused by something other than Oracle Database Mobile Server. If you determine that the message was not the result of user error or a system problem, you should take the following steps:

  • Write down the message number and its text.

  • Write down the circumstances that led up to the message. Try to recall the actions you took, the objects involved (if any), and the exact sequence of keys that you pressed prior to the message.

  • Call Oracle Customer Support for assistance.

1.1.2 About Java Access Class Exceptions

The Java Access Class errors are processed through the Java exception handling mechanism. Errors appear with names such as the following:


There are no error codes associated with these Java exceptions. If an internal error code causes a Java exception, the general oracle.pol.jac.POLException appears and the internal error code that caused the exception is reported.

1.1.3 Oracle Customer Support

Some errors (such as internal errors) require you to call Oracle Customer Support to report the error. When you call Customer Support, you should have the following information available:

  • Your name, company, and Oracle Support ID number.

  • The hardware, operating system, and release number of the operating system on which Oracle Database Mobile Server is running.

  • The complete version number of Oracle Database Mobile Server that you were using when you encountered the error, including revision number and port release number, if any.

  • All other products and version numbers in use when the error occurred.

  • If you encountered one or more error codes or messages, the exact code numbers and message texts, in the order they appeared.

  • A description of the problem, including any unusual conditions.

  • The problem severity, according to the following codes:

    • 1 = Program not usable. Critical impact on operations of a production system.

    • 2 = Program not usable. Operations severely restricted.

    • 3 = Program usable with limited functions. Not critical to overall operations.

    • 4 = Problem circumvented by customer. Minimal effect, if any, on operations.

1.2 Exception Error Codes and Messages

When using the Oracle Database Mobile Server APIs, you may receive an error message from an exception. This section describes all errors that can be thrown within the Oracle Database Mobile Server APIs.

1.2.1 OSEException Error Messages

Table 1-1 lists the error codes and messages that can be returned in the OSEException class.

Table 1-1 OSEException Error Messages

Error number Error Code Error Message



Sync was canceled.



Expecting opcode <opcode>, received <opcode>.



Could not find database <database_name>.



User is not specified and the last user was not saved.



Password is not specified and was not saved for user <username>.



Received invalid record DML type <dml_type>.



Received invalid opcode <opcode>.



<numbytes> bytes for opcode <opcode> have not been read.



Plugin has thrown an exception, see the cause.



Invalid sync direction specified: <sync_direction>.



Invalid transport type specified: <transport_type>.



Could not find plugin with id <id>.



Got a record with BLOBs for a plugin that does not support BLOBs.



Could not find publication <publication_name>.



Could not find snapshot with id <id>.



Snapshot with id <id> already exists.



Opcode <opcode> was not expected at this time.



Sent encryption id <id> + 1 does not match received <id>.



Received erroneous unencrypted data.



Received erroneous uncompressed data.



Invalid encryption type specified: <encryption_type>.



Unsuccessful HTTP response



Server error, id = <id>.



Internal error has occurred (see the cause).



Plugin is missing default database needed to create snapshot.



Could not find publication with id <id>.



Could not find plugin class <class_name>.



Invalid priority specified: <priority>.



Failed to initialize plugin class <class_name>.



Blank password is not allowed.



Publication id <id> for snapshot with id <id> does not match publication id <id> in the current transaction.



Invalid string length <number> received in opcode <opcode>.



Failed to get credentials from the server (the current credentials are invalid or missing).



User name cannot be blank.



Failed to connect to mobile server. This error code is for pure java clients only.



Not ready yet for sync

1.2.2 BGException Error Messages

Table 1-2 lists the error codes and messages that can be returned in the BGException class.

Table 1-2 BGException Error Messages

Message Number Message Constant Message



Info: Sync agent has been started



Info: Sync agent has been stopped



Info: Sync agent has been paused



Info: Sync agent has been resumed



Info: Compose of priority %d has started for the database %s.



Info: Compose of priority %d has finished for the database %s.



Info: Sync of priority %d has started for publications %s.



Info: Sync of priority %d has finished for publications %s.



Info: Apply has started for database %s.



Info: Apply has finished for database %s.



Info: Server notification of priority %d has been received for publication %s.



Info: Network has changed from %s to %s.



Info: No network available.



Info: Evaluated network, name: %s, speed: %ld mbps, ping: %ld ms.



Info: Trace message: %s



Info: Unknown



Warning: Battery power is low (%d%).



Warning: Memory is low (%ld bytes are available).



Error: Compose of priority %d has failed for database %s.



Error: Sync of priority %d has failed for publications %s.



Error: Apply has failed for database %s.



Error: Could not load automatic synchronization rule %s for publication %s.



Error: Failed to evaluate automatic synchronization rule %s for publication %s.



Error: Network manager error has occurred.



Error: Power manager error has occurred.



Error: Internal error has occurred.



Error: Found platform rule %s in non-platform database %s.



Error: Failed to establish dialup connection.



Error: Failed to process server notification of priority %d for publication %s.



Eror: Control connection to the agent is closed due to an error.



Error: Invalid control command received: %d.



Error: Invalid server notification received: %s.



Error: Cannot stop the agent because %d active connection(s) are present.



Error: The agent cannot accept control command %s because it is in state %s.



Could not find platform database.



Invalid rule type: %s.



Invalid rule subtype: %s.



Invalid rule class: %s.



Invalid rule subtype %s for type: %s.



Invalid date format: %s.



Invalid subtype %s for an event rule: %s.



Invalid subtype %s for a condition rule: %s.



Invalid type %s for an event rule: %s.



Invalid type %s for a condition rule: %s.



Query is missing for a SQL rule.



Found duplicate platform databases: %s and %s.



Cannot start the sync agent because another instance is already running.



%s is not supported.



Invalid number parameter specified: %d.



Invalid string parameter specified: %d.



Invalid status to wait for: %d.



Invalid session handle provided.



Control operation has timed out.



Operation \"%s\" cannot be performed because sync agent is not running.



Cannot create message reader because the allowed maximum of %d running readers will be exceeded.



Message reader was canceled from another thread.



Cannot start sync agent because it has been disabled.



No background sync enabled publications were found on the client.



Failed to evaluate rules for database %s because it is locked by an application.



Invalid parameter specified: %d.



Failed to start the Sync Agent. See the cause for more information.



Failed to stop the Sync Agent. See the cause for more information.



Failed to pause the Sync Agent. See the cause for more information.



Failed to resume the Sync Agent. See the cause for more information.



Sync Agent encountered fatal error or cannot be stopped.

1.2.3 Client Database Error Messages

Table 1-3 lists the client database error messages.

Table 1-3 Client Database Error Messages

Message Number Message Constant Message



Invalid record format received.



Invalid column definition received for snapshot creation.



Invalid primary key definition received for snapshot creation.



Invalid value in the state column detected.



Snapshot with given id was not found.



Blob columns are not allowed in primary key definition.



Cannot send changes for read-only snapshot.



Snapshot with given id already exists.



Invalid index creation information received.



Error during script execution.



Internal error has occurred.



Invalid snapshot id detected.



Cannot create duplicate meta snapshot.



Cannot update or delete from read-only snapshot with no primary key.



Empty blobs are currently not supported.



User password is too short for encryption. This parameter is for Java DB client only.

1.3 CNS 9000–9099 Mobile Sync Error Messages

CNS-9000 Internal Error
Cause: Unrecoverable internal error has occurred.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
CNS-9001 Out of memory
Cause: Cannot allocate memory from the system.
Action: Increase available system memory either by closing other applications or increasing physical or virtual memory size.
CNS-9002 General memory error
Cause: Either your memory is corrupt or you have run out of memory.
Action: Increase available memory and restart Msync.
CNS-9003 Memory resize error
Cause: Out of memory.
Action: Increase memory.
CNS-9007 Cannot create new OKAPI class
Cause: Class exists, out of memory, or there are too many objects in the database.
Action: Drop the database tables created outside of the synchronization process that have the same name as the synchronization snapshots.
CNS-9008 Cannot create new OKAPI group
Cause: Group exists, out of memory, or too many objects in the database.
Action: Ensure database is created by synchronizing with Mobile Sync that the file system is not full.
CNS-9010 Cannot set new OKAPI object attribute
Cause: Corrupted database, or out of memory.
Action: Delete database and resynchronize.
CNS-9011 General error on application deployment
Cause: Application file exists locally already, or is too large.
Action: Delete excess files to increase disk capacity
CNS-9012 Application deployment directory not found
Cause: Destination directory not found.
Action: Create the directory where the application should reside and resynchronize. See the "Packaging Wizard" chapter in the Oracle Database Mobile Server Developer's Guide.
CNS-9013 General error on index creation
Cause: An invalid index was specified.
Action: Check the server side index definition using the CV$ALL_PUBLICATION_INDEX system catalog view. See the "System Catalog View" Appendix of the Oracle Database Mobile Server Developer's Guide.
CNS-9015 General error on shared library open/close
Cause: Shared library does not exist or has become corrupted.
Action: Re-install shared libraries.
CNS-9019 General compression error
Cause: An unrecoverable error has occurred while compressing or decompressing data.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
CNS-9022 Server/Client format mismatch
Cause: The server does not support the current version of the client.
Action: Upgrade server or client so that both versions match.
CNS-9023 Network disconnected during sync, check network is active
Cause: The network connection to the mobile server has been severed.
Action: Check to see if your device has an active network connection.
CNS-9024 Network disconnected during sync, check network is active.
Cause: The network disconnected during the sync.
Action: Check to see if the network is active.
CNS-9025 Server internal error.
Cause: The server has reported an error during the synchronization process.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
CNS-9026 Wrong username or password.
Cause: Login failed because of an incorrect username or password.
Action: Check login name and password and resynchronize.
CNS-9028 Compressed file access error.
Cause: Cannot open temporary compressed data.
Action: Check diskspace and ensure no other process is purging temp files during sync.
CNS-9029 Invalid Object
Cause: Cannot open temporary compressed data.
Action: Check diskspace and ensure no other process is purging temporary files during synchronization.
CNS-9030 Server and client versions do not match
Cause: Server sent a bad sync packet to the client.
Action: Check version of server or reinstall the mobile client from the mobile server.
CNS-9031 Cannot open file (Application Deployment)
Cause: Disk failure or other system problems.
Action: Check file system.
CNS-9032 User has cancelled Sync
Cause: The user cancelled the synchronization process.
Action: None needed.
CNS-9033 SQL command execution error.
Cause: Failed to execute a SQL command sent by the server.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
CNS-9034 Java class bundling error.
Cause: Java classes for the Java Stored Procedure were not packaged correctly.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
CNS-9035 Primary key info does not match.
Cause: There is a primary key mismatch between the client and the server.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
CNS-9036 Table not found for index item.
Cause: Table not found for index item.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
CNS-9037 Column not found for index item.
Cause: Column not found for index item.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
CNS-9038 Not enough memory for creating index.
Cause: Failed to allocate memory during index creation.
Action: Increase your system/program memory.
CNS-9039 ValidateDB error.
Cause: Failed to validate the mobile client database file.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
CNS-9040 ValidateDB executable not found.
Cause: The validatedatabase file could not be located in the binary directory.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
CNS-9041 EncrypDB failed.
Cause: Failed to encrypt the mobile client database file.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
CNS-9042 EncrypDB executable not found.
Cause: The encryptdb file could not be located in the binary directory.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
CNS-9043 Server busy. Try sync later.
Cause: The mobile server is busy processing other synchronization requests.
Action: Wait for some time and sync again.
CNS-9070 Duplicate Client Instance
Cause: Another instance of the Sync Client is already running. Only one Sync Client is allowed to execute at a time.
Action: Either switch to the original instance, or terminate the original instance and start a new instance.

1.4 CNS 9100–9199 Transport Errors

CNS-9100 HTTP pipe general error
Cause: Failed to send or receive data from the mobile server.
Action: Ensure that your network connection is active.
CNS-9101 Wrong hostname or network is not active
Cause: Could not locate the mobile server.
Action: Check server name, DNS servers and the network connection.
CNS-9102 Server could not be located
Cause: gethostbyname failed.
Action: Check DNS settings of client machine.
CNS-9103 HTTP cannot find host error
Cause: Proxy server could not be located.
Action: Check proxy server hostname and DNS server.
CNS-9104 Wrong IP address or hostname
Cause: Specified IP address or hostname may be incorrect.
Action: Check your network connection, if the network is active, contact your system administrator.
CNS-9105 HTTP cannot find proxy error
Cause: Proxy server may be down or unreachable.
Action: Restart proxy server or verify proxy hostname.
CNS-9106 HTTP send error.
Cause: The network connection has been severed.
Action: Check network connection and verify the mobile server version.
CNS-9107 Network disconnected during sync
Cause: Specified IP address or hostname may be incorrect. This error can occur if you are using SSL and the certificate is not valid.
Action: Check your mobile server URL; ensure that you have an active network connection.
CNS-9108 HTTP page not found.
Cause: Specified mobile server URL is not correct. This error may occur if you have a proxy server in your network.
Action: Check mobile server and proxy server.
CNS-9109 Network disconnected during sync
Cause: Specified IP address or hostname may be incorrect. This error can occur if you are using SSL and the certificate is not valid.
Action: Check your mobile server URL; ensure that you have an active network connection.
CNS-9110 HTTP pipe interpreted during transfer
Cause: Specified mobile server URL is not correct. This error may occur if you have a proxy server in your network.
Action: Check mobile server and proxy server.
CNS-9111 HTTP network library not found
Cause: Oracle Database Mobile Server is not properly installed.
Action: Re-install Oracle Database Mobile Server.
CNS-9112 HTTP resume error
Cause: An internal error has occurred during the recovery process.
Action: Ensure that you have a compatible version of the mobile server.
CNS-9113 HTTP page not found, check URL subdirectory
Cause: HTTP page not found.
Action: Check URL subdirectory.

1.5 CNS 9200–9299 Secure Socket Layer (SSL) Errors

CNS-9200 Internal SSL error
Cause: Network disconnected during synchronization.
Action: Check operating system, re-install the SSL components.
CNS-9203 Error creating the SSL credential
Cause: Failed to make a SSL (Secure Socket Layer) connection to the mobile server.
Action: Check SSL settings in the mobile server configuration file.

1.6 CNS 9300-9399 Automatic Synchronization Errors

These errors are received if a problem occurred within an automatic synchronization event.

CNS-9300 Internal error in Sync Agent
Cause: Internal error occurred in the Sync Agent, which caused it to halt.
Action: Look at the file autosyncerr.txt file located in the same directory as the Sync Agent executable. Call Customer Support for assistance.
CNS-9301 Error in loading the rule <rule_name> for pub <publication_name>: <internal error message>
Cause: The given rule stored on the server has an incorrect or invalid XML content. The rule will be ignored and Sync Agent will continue running.
Action: You can connect to look at the sync agent logs in the bglog directory for a more detailed error message. Then, check the given rule on the server for validity, modify the rule, and re-sync with a regular synchronization (msync).
CNS-9302 Error in evaluating the rule <rule_name> for pub <publication_name>: <internal error message>
Cause: Error occurred during evaluation of the given rule. Internal causes can be different depending on the kind of rule. Sync agent will continue running.
Action: Connect to conscli.odb for your user and check the C$BG_SYNC_LOG table for the internal error message pertaining to this error. If the cause is not obvious, call Customer Support for assistance.
CNS-9303 Failed to establish dialup connection
Cause: When the autosync network rule that specifies dialup was evaluated and no other network connection was detected, the dialup failed to establish connection.
Action: Connect to the conscli.odb for your user and check for the network script of type "NETCONFIG" that is stored in the C$SCRIPTS table. Check the script for the names of all dialup connections. If they are not correct, fix the script on the server and re-synchronize with a regular synchronize (msync). Otherwise, check your dialup network settings.
CNS-9304 Error in evaluating network state: <network_layer_error>
Cause: Sync Agent encountered an error when evaluating the system network state either during startup or when network has changed. Sync Agent will continue running.
Action: Connect to conscli.odb for your user and check the C$BG_SYNC_LOG table for the contents of the internal error message pertaning to this error. Check your network settings. Otherwise, call Customer Support for assistance.
CNS-9305 Error in evaluating system power state: <power_mgmt_error>
Cause: Sync Agent encountered an error when evaluating the system power state either during startup or when the power has changed. Sync Agent will continue running.
Action: Connect to conscli.odb for your user and check the C$BG_SYNC_LOG table for the contents of internal error message pertaning to this error. Check your system power settings. Otherwise, call customer support for assistance.
CNS-9306 Invalid server notification message
Cause: Sync agent has received an invalid notification message from the server. The message will be ignored and sync agent will continue running.
Action: Connect to conscli.odb for your user and check the C$BG_SYNC_LOG table for the details of this message. Call Customer Support for assistance.
CNS-9307 Database is not initialized
Cause: Metadata required for automatic sync is not present in conscli.odb for your user. Sync Agent is not able to run.
Action: Ensure that automatic sync publications are set up correctly on the server side and automatic sync is enabled for each publication. After that, re-synchronize with a regular synchronization (msync).
CNS-9308 Sync agent is already running
Cause: When trying to start, Sync Agent detects that another instance of it is already running.
Action: No action required. You can check that the running instance is functioning correctly.
CNS-9309 Failed to start Sync Agent
Cause: Sync Agent control API has failed to start Sync Agent due to some internal error.
Action: Stop or terminate all Oracle Database Mobile Server processes--such as dmagent, Sync Agent, msql, msync, and so on--and any user application using Oracle Database Mobile Server. Then, restart the Sync Agent. If the error still occurs, call Customer Support for assistance.
CNS-9310 Sync agent is not running
Cause: When trying to retrieve the Sync Agent status, the Sync Agent is not running.
Action: Start Sync Agent.
CNS -9311 More than one instance of Sync Agent is running
Cause: Sync Agent control API has detected that more than one instance of the Sync Agent is running.
Action: Call Customer Support for assistance.
CNS-9312 Failed to stop sync agent
Cause: The Control API has failed to stop the Sync Agent due to some internal error.
Action: Call the stop Control API with the kill option. If the situation repeats or additional problems occur, call Customer Support for assistance.
CNS-9313 Error getting Sync Agent status
Cause: Failed to retrieve Sync Agent status, even though sync agent is running.
Action: Retrieve the status again. If the same error occurs, call Customer Support for assistance.
CNS-9314 Error getting application message
Cause: Internal error has occurred during the read of Sync Agent messages by the application.
Action: Repeat the message read. If it fails again, call Customer Support for assistance.
CNS-9315 No auto-sync publication items
Cause: Sync Agent is not able to execute because no automatic synchronization publication items were found on the client.
Action: If automatic synchronization is needed, enable automatic synchronization for the publication you use on the server and re-synchronize with a regular synchronization (msync).
CNS-9316 Sync Agent is disabled
Cause: Sync Agent is not able to run because it is disabled.
Action: Enable the Sync Agent though control APIs or manually by setting BGSYNC.DISABLE=NO in OSE.INI file. Restart the Sync Agent.
CNS-9317 Operation timed out
Cause: Control API operation has exceeded time limit alloted for it.
Action: Retry operation. If you still receive the same error, call Customer Support for assistance.
CNS-9318 Application message read was canceled
Cause: The application thread receives this error when a message read is canceled from another thread while reading Sync Agent messages.
Action: No action required.
CNS-9400 (No Network)
Cause: Sync Agent has not detected a network connection.
CNS-9401 Network changed from <network_name> to <network_name>
Cause: Sync Agent has detected a network change from one network (<network_name>) to another (<network_name>).
CNS-9500 Idle
CNS-9501 Waiting on condition
CNS-9502 Waiting for task
CNS-9510 Starting Prepare
CNS-9511 Preparing
CNS-9512 Finished Prepare
CNS-9513 Starting Send
CNS-9514 Sending
CNS-9515 Finished Sending
CNS-9516 Starting Receive
CNS-9517 Receiving
CNS-9518 Finished Receive
CNS-9519 Starting Process
CNS-9520 Processing
CNS-9521 Finished Process
CNS-9524 Finished

1.7 CONS 10001–10100 Consolidator Messages

CONS-10001: Oracle Consolidator Message Generator and Processor Syntax: java MGPApp <delay> <restart> <schema> <password>
Cause: A syntax error is found in the command when starting MGPApp or mgp.bat.
Action: Check the command line for MGPApp or within mgp.bat.
CONS-10002: Exception on close() caught in MGPP/apply thread
Cause: Error displayed with the message may vary due to circumstances.
Action: Fix the error listed and try again. If the problem persists, contact your administrator.
CONS-10003: Exception on new MGPP# {apply phase thread #} ,reason: {Java exception}
Cause: Error displayed with the message may vary due to circumstances.
Action: Fix the error listed and try again. If the problem persists, contact your administrator.
CONS-10004: USER_INVALID in Consolidator auth; Logon denied
Cause: Either the user does not exist, or the username or password is misspelled.
Action: Check the spelling of the username and password and try again. If the spelling is correct, it means the user does not exist. Re-create the user and try again.
CONS-10005: USER_NOT_FOUND in Consolidator auth; Logon denied
Cause: Either the user does not exist, or the username or password is misspelled.
Action: Check the spelling of the username and password and try again. If the spelling is correct, it means the user does not exist. Re-create the user and try again.
CONS-10006: Invalid username/password; logon denied
Cause: Either the user does not exist, or the username or password is misspelled.
Action: Check the spelling of the username and password and try again. If the spelling is correct, it means the user does not exist. Re-create the user and try again.
CONS-10007: Feature not implemented
Cause: The feature that is being used is not implemented.
Action: Stop using the feature. If further help is needed, contact your administrator.
CONS-10008: Could not find publication item version for client {client name} , publication item {publication item name}
Cause: The user has not subscribed to any publication or publication item, or the name of the publication for which subscription is intended is misspelled.
Action: Check the spelling of the client and the publication. If no publication has been subscribed, subscribe to a publication and try again.
CONS-10009: Could not find publication for client {client name} , publication item {publication item name}
Cause: The user has not subscribed to any publication or publication item, or the name of the publication for which subscription is intended is misspelled.
Action: Check the spelling of the client and the publication. If no publication has been subscribed, subscribe to a publication and try again.
CONS-10010: Must instantiate {publication name} for at least one client before MetaData can be generated
Cause: The publication is not instantiated, or the name of the publication that is intended to be instantiated is misspelled.
Action: Check the spelling of the publication. If no publication has been instantiated, instantiate a publication and try again.
CONS-10011: Publication Item {publication item name} doesn't exist
Cause: The publication item that is being referred to does not exist, or the name of the publication item is misspelled.
Action: Check the spelling of the publication item. If the publication does not exist, create the publication item. After that also add the publication item to the corresponding publication.
CONS-10012: Cannot find Publication Item view {publication item name} in ALL_VIEWS
Cause: The publication item that is being referred to does not exist, or the name of the publication item is misspelled.
Action: Check the spelling of the publication item. If the publication does not exist, create the publication item. After that also add the publication item to the corresponding publication.
CONS-10013 : Could not find publication {publication name}
Cause: The publication that is being referred to does not exist, or the name of the publication is misspelled.
Action: Check the spelling of the publication. If it does not exist, create the publication.
CONS-10014: Weight must be: 0 <= weight < 1024
Cause: The weight that is being set on an publication item is either smaller than 0 or greater than 1023.
Action: Change the weight and add the publication item again.
CONS-10015: Could not find parent table for {owner}.{view name}
Cause: A view-based publication item is being added to an publication while a hint was not provided for the view's parent table.
Action: Call ParentHint () to associate the view and the parent table.
CONS-10016: {publication item name} is not an item of {publication name}
Cause: The publication item that is being referred to does not exist in the publication, or the name of the publication item is misspelled.
Action: Verify the existence or correct the spelling of the publication item and try again.
CONS-10017: {publication name} is not subscribed to {subscription name} or is already instantiated
Cause: Trying to drop a subscription that has not been subscribed or to instantiate a subscription that has already been instantiated.
Action: None.
CONS-10018: Cannot create Fast Refresh publication item {publication item name} because primary keys for {owner}.{store name} not found
Cause: Primary keys on the publication item is needed for Fast Refresh but there are none.
Action: Create primary key for the publication item or use CreateVirtualPKColumn () to create virtual primary key(s).
CONS-10019: Primary key hint for the parent table {owner}.{store name} not found
Cause: Primary keys on the parent table of the publication item has to be notified about for Fast Refresh but it has not been done.
Action: Call PrimaryKeyHint () for each of the primary keys on the parent table.
CONS-10020: Parent table for {owner}.{store name} must be set through ParentHint() API
Cause: When a view publication item is used, the parent table of the view must be specified with ParentHint (), but it has not; or the parent table name was misspelled.
Action: Call ParentHint() to set the parent table of the publication item.
CONS-10021: {client name} is not subscribed to {publication name}
Cause: While trying to retrieve information about the publication for the client, no relationship was found between the client and the publication.
Action: Verify the client name and the publication's spelling, and their relationship and try again.
CONS-10022: {clent name} is not a Consolidator client
Cause: While trying to retrieve information about the client, no such client is found.
Action: Verify the client name. If the spelling is correct, that means there is no such user and it must be created.
CONS-10023: Multiple publication items with the same store found for (store,client) ({store name},{client name})
Cause: The store name of a publication item must be unique, but this has been violated since more than one publication item has the same store name.
Action: Remove or modify the publication item and try again.
CONS-10024: Protocol Error: U not followed by u
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Report this to Oracle Customer Support.
CONS-10025: Unrecognized event {0}
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Report this to Oracle Customer Support.
CONS-10026: Can't select by tranid, seqno from IN QUEUE {publication item name}
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Report this to Oracle Customer Support.
CONS-10027: Conflict resolution rule must be either S (server wins) or C (client wins)
Cause: The only available options for resolution rule are 'S' or 'C' and something other than that has been used.
Action: Change it to 'S' or 'C' and try again.
CONS-10028: Publication name must be unique: {publication name} already exists
Cause: A publication with the same name already exists.
Action: Use a different name and try again.
Cause: When calling CreatePublicationItem, a value other than 'Y', 'N', or NULL has been used for ENFORCE_RI.
Action: Use 'Y', 'N', or NULL and try again.
CONS-10030: Publication item: {publication item} is already added to {publication}
Cause: The user is trying to add a publication item to a publication, and the publication item has already been added.
Action: No action required.
CONS-10031: Cannot instantiate publication {publication name} for client {client name} :: parameter <{subscription parameter}> not set
Cause: The user is trying to instantiate an publication and the parameter of the publication has not been set
Action: Set the parameter and try again.
CONS-10032: Publication item: {publication item name} cannot be updatable, primary keys for {owner}.{store name} not found
Cause: The primary key for the publication item is needed but it does not exist.
Action: Add a primary key for the publication item and try again.
CONS-10033: Parent table {owner}.{store name} not published for {owner}.{store name} view
Cause: The parent table of the view has not been published.
Action: Use CreatePublicationItem () to publish the parent table and try again.
CONS-10034: Cannot create publication item :: remote connection cannot be NULL
Cause: The user has submitted NULL for the remote database URL.
Action: Change that to a valid URL and try again.
CONS-10035: Database Connection Timeout
Cause: The database connection has been idle for too long and was closed by the database.
Action: Call OpenConnection () to reestablish the connection.
CONS-10036: Publication item name exceeds maximum supported length {length}
Cause: The name used for the publication item is longer than the maximum supported length.
Action: Use a name shorter than the mentioned length and try again.
CONS-10037: {type} {name} already exists
Cause: Trying to create the named object that already exists.
Action: Depending on your intention, you can:
  1. Ignore this error if it is for creating the same object.

  2. Use the corresponding API to remove the named object first and try again.

  3. Use another name.

CONS-10038: Found {number of the same} resources, expected 1 of {resource type} {resource name}
Cause: Unexpected table state for C$RESOURCES or C$SCRIPTS found.
Action: Verify that the above tables and their indexes are valid. If not, re-create the tables or indexes. Contact Oracle Customer Support.
CONS-10039: {type} {name} NOT FOUND
Cause: Trying to refer to the named resource but it is not found.
Action: When calling getSqlScript/isSqlScriptModified or removing a script from a publication, no action needed. For adding, ensure the presence of the script.
CONS-10040: {type} {name} already added to {publication}
Cause: Trying to add the named object that is already added.
Action: Depending on your intention, you can:
  1. Ignore this error if it is for adding the same object.

  2. Use the corresponding API to remove the named object first and try again.

  3. Use another name.

CONS-10041: {type} {name} is not part of {publication}
Cause: Trying to remove the named object from the named publication while the named object does not exist in the publication.
Action: Check the spelling. If the spelling is correct, you can ignore this error message.
CONS-10042: Internal Consolidator Error. {error message}
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Report this to Oracle Customer Support.
CONS-10043: Publication item refresh mode change from <refresh mode 1> to <refresh mode 2> not supported
Cause: When calling API setTemplateItemMetadata, switching from refresh mode 1 to refresh mode 2 is not supported.
Action: Correct it in the TemplateItemMetadata and try again.
CONS-10043: Publication item refresh mode change from <refresh mode 1> to <refresh mode 2> not supported
Cause: When calling API setTemplateItemMetadata, switching from refresh mode 1 to refresh mode 2 is not supported.
Action: Correct it in the TemplateItemMetadata and try again.
CONS-10044: Invalid {type} columns specified for {publication item}
Cause: Either the format or the number of the columns specified does not match the publication item.
Action: Check and fix the columns and the publication item and try again.
CONS-10045: Invalid restricting predicate specified for {publication item}
Cause: The restricting predicate submitted is invalid.
Action: Fix the restricting predicate and try again.
CONS-10046: Invalid PL/SQL {type} <{module}> specified: {error message}
Cause: The referred type module is invalid. The error message was generated during execution.
Action: Study the error message and fix the type module and try again.
CONS-10047: Client_storage_type is invalid
Cause: The specified Client_storage_type is invalid.
Action: Check and fix it, and try again. For a list of the supported Client_storage_type, refer the Consolidator API Specification.
CONS-10048: {type}: {name} not found
Cause: The referred object not found.
Action: Ensure the spelling is correct. Correct it and try again. If trying to drop the referred object, since the object does not exist, you can ignore this error.
CONS-10049: Consolidator Exception: {error message}
Cause: Java exception during execution of Consolidator java code.
Action: Fix the error by following the error message. Otherwise, contact Oracle Customer Support.
CONS-10050: Rollback failure: {error}
Cause: Error occurred while rolling back a connection.
Action: Fix the error by following the error message. If it is an Oracle Server error message (prefix with ORA), refer the Oracle Server documentation.
CONS-10051: Invalid refresh mode {mode} for {publication}. Supported modes are: 'F' - fast, 'C' - complete, or 'Q' -queue
Cause: The mode submitted is unsupported.
Action: Try it again with one of the supported modes.
CONS-10052: Server Busy: maximum number of wait period exceeded
Cause: MAX number of clients in the waiting stack exceeded MAX_NUM_CLIENT_WAITING (default 1000 ).
Action: Increase MAX_NUM_CLIENT_WAITING in mobile.ora or wait for the server to process queued clients and sync again.
CONS-10053: DeviceManager message: Device is not enabled
Cause: Disabled device
Action: Enable device
CONS-10054: WINDOW_SIZE cannot be less than 1
Cause: WINDOW_SIZE is less than 1
Action: Adjust WINDOW_SIZE
CONS-10055: INCREMENT_BY cannot be 0
Cause: Sequence parameter INCREMENT_BY cannot be zero.
Action: Adjust to non zero value.
CONS-10056: Unrecognized sequence mode
Cause: Invalid sequence mode.
Action: Specify sequence mode to be either "OA_SEQ" or "NA_SEQ".
CONS-10057: Unrecognized sequence property
Cause: Invalid sequence property.
CONS-10058: WINDOW_SIZE cannot be less than or equal to THRESHOLD
Cause: WINDOW_SIZE is less than or equal to THRESHOLD.
Action: Adjust WINDOW_SIZE or THRESHOLD values.
CONS-10059: WINDOW_SIZE cannot be less than or equal to INCREMENT_BY
Cause: WINDOW_SIZE is less than or equal to INCREMENT_BY.
Action: Adjust WINDOW_SIZE or INCREMENT_BY values.
CONS-10060: INCREMENT_BY cannot be greater than THRESHOLD
Cause: INCREMENT_BY is greater than THRESHOLD.
Action: Adjust INCREMENT_BY or THRESHOLD values.
CONS-10061: MIN_VALUE cannot be set lower than the previous MIN_VALUE
Cause: MIN_VALUE is set lower than the previous MIN_VALUE.
Action: Adjust MIN_VALUE.
CONS-10062: INCREMENT_BY cannot be changed
Cause: INCREMENT_BY cannot be changed.
CONS-10063: THRESHOLD cannot be less than 0
Cause: THRESHOLD cannot be less than 0.
Action: Adjust threshold.
CONS-10064: Syntax: java oracle.lite.sync.upgradeAToB <Schema> <Password> <from> <to>
Cause: Syntax error for upgrade usage.
CONS-10065: Supported versions:
Cause: Upgrade from A to B supported versions
CONS-10066: Invalid upgrade order: <from> version has to be prior to <to> version
Cause: Invalid upgrade order
Action: Adjust < from> or <to>
CONS-10067: Unrecognized version:: {0}
Cause: Unrecognized version
CONS-10068: Upgrade completed successfully
Cause: Upgrade completed successfully
CONS-10069: Sync rule parameter <{0}> is not set
Cause: Sync rule parameter is not set.
CONS-10070: {0} is queue-based publication item: shared map is not allowed
Cause: For queue-based publication item, shared map is not allowed.
CONS-10071: Script {1} of type {0} not found
Cause: Missing script of some type.
Action: Provide script.
CONS-10072: Sequence {0} not found
Cause: Missing sequence.
Action: Provide sequence.
CONS-10073: Sequence {0} not found for client {1}
Cause: Missing sequence for a particular client.
Action: Provide sequence for this particular client.
CONS-10074: Sequence {0} is already used by another publication
Cause: Certain sequence is already used by another publication.
Action: Adjust sequence.
CONS-10075: Complete refresh triggered during HIGH PRIORITY session
Cause: Complete refresh triggered during HIGH PRIORITY session.
CONS-10076: Device is not upgradable
Cause: Device is not upgradable.
CONS-10077: Complete refresh triggered during an automatic sync session
Cause: Complete refresh triggered during an automatic sync session.
Action: User-initiated sync should be performed.
CONS-10078: Mismatched txnid in Z and z ({0} and {1})
Cause: Mismatched transaction id in Z and z opcode.
CONS-10079: Mismatched priority in Z and z ({0} and {1})
Cause: Mismatched priority in Z and z opcode.
CONS-10080: Apply aborted for client {0} as resultant apply errors cannot be handled at this stage
Cause: Apply aborted for certain client as resultant apply errors cannot be handled at this stage.
CONS-10081: Another thread is applying transactions for client {0}. Will skip apply
Cause: Another thread is applying transactions for certain client. Will skip apply.
CONS-10082: {0} is a reserved database name and cannot be used for registration
Cause: Used a reserved database name and cannot be used for registration.
CONS-10083: Database change is not permitted for a publication item. Publication item: {0}
Cause: Database change is not permitted for certain publication item.
CONS-10084: Database {0} not found
Cause: Database not found.
CONS-10085: An internal error was encountered during encrypt/decrypt of information for a database. Error Code: {0}
Cause: An internal error was encountered during encrypt/decrypt of information for a database with error code.
CONS-10086: The publication item database ({0}) does not match that for the publication ({1})
Cause: The publication item database does not match that for the publication.
CONS-10087: The database is already registered under another name
Cause: The database is already registered under another name.
CONS-10088: The database is already registered to a different installation
Cause: The database is already registered to a different installation.
CONS-10089: Schema version of database is {0} which is different from that of main repository {1}
Cause: Schema version of database is different from that of main repository.
CONS-10090: Parent hint is not complete for base table {0}.{1}
Cause: Parent hint is not complete for certain base table.
CONS-10091: Member authentication failed
Cause: Member credentials supplied during sync were invalid.
CONS-10092: No association exists between USER '{0}' and MEMBER '{1}'.
Cause: Invalid association between certain user and certain member.
CONS-10093: Apply will be skipped for client {0}. Cause={1}
Cause: Apply will be skipped for certain client.
CONS-10094: Publication item {0} store name {1} is longer than MAX supported <{2}>.
Cause: Store name name is too long.
Action: Create a synonym with a shorter name and publish the synonym.
CONS-10095: Cannot add or modify virtual primary key for a published store:: {0}.{1}
Cause: Virtual primary key already exists for the store.
Action: Remove the store from any publications before creating or modifying any virtual primary keys.
CONS-10096: Plugin for creator id <{0}> is not properly registered
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Report this to Oracle Customer Support.
CONS-10097: OSE plugin ({0} , {1}) is not registered
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Report this to Oracle Customer Support.
CONS-10098: OSE plugin ({0} , {1}) is already registered with creator id = {2}
Cause: Internal error.
Action: Report this to Oracle Customer Support.
CONS-10099: Client uploaded transaction id greater than upper bound of {0}
Cause: Internal sync protocol error.
Action: Report this to Oracle Customer Support.
CONS-10100: Client uploaded database id great than upper bound of {0}
Cause: Internal sync protocol error.
Action: Report this to Oracle Customer Support.

1.8 CONSPERF 10001-10100 Consperf Error Messages

Cause: A value was not passed for the mobile server schema owner.
Action: The MOBILESCHEMA parameter must be passed with a valid mobile server schema owner.
Cause: A value was not passed for the publication name.
Action: The PUBLICATION parameter must be passed with a valid publication name.
CONSPERF-10003: Unable to write plan for {publication name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while trying to write the explain plan output file.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10004: Unable to retrieve plan data for {publication item name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while trying to retrieve the explain plan results from the mobile server repository.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10005: Unable to connect to the database. Check CONNECTSTRING:{connectstring}|SERVICENAME:{service name}], MOBILESCHEMA:{schema name}, MOBILEPASSWORD:{password}.
Cause: Consperf failed to connect to the mobile server repository.
Action: Verify CONNECTSTRING or SERVICENAME parameters. If these are correct, verify MOBILESCHEMA and MOBILEPASSWORD parameters. If these are correct, verify that database is available.
CONSPERF-10006: Unable to determine Consolidator version
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while retrieving the Consolidator version from the mobile server repository.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10007: Invalid client identifier {client identifier}
Cause: Consperf could not find the specified client identifier in the mobile server repository.
Action: The CLIENTID parameter must be passed with a valid mobile user.
CONSPERF-10008: Unable to set client subscription parameters for {publication item name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while setting subscription parameters for the publication item listed.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10009: Client identifier is not set
Cause: A value was not passed for the mobile user.
Action: The CLIENTID parameter must be passed with a valid mobile user.
CONSPERF-10010: Unable to execute profile for {publication item name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while executing the timing profile for the publication item listed.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10011: Unable to execute plan for {publication name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while executing the explain plan for the publication listed.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10012: Unable to create base view for {publication item name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while creating the base view for the publication item listed.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10013: Unable to execute tuning for {publication name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while executing tuning for the publication listed.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10014: Unable to clear profile for {publication item name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while clearing tuning settings from the mobile server repository for the publication item listed.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10015: Unable to retrieve dirty count for client {client name} and publication item {publication item name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while retrieving the outbound records for the mobile user and publication item listed.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10016: Unable to retrieve subscription count for client {client name} and publication item {publication item name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while retrieving the subscription count for the mobile user and publication item listed.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10017: Unable to execute query for publication item {publication item name} with template {query template identifier} as {query}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while executing timing for the publication item and template listed.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10018: Unable to build publication for {publication name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while gathering meta-data for the publication listed.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10019: Unable to verify base view for {publication item name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while verifying whether a base view can be used for the publication item listed.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10020: Unable to retrieve query types for {publication item name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while retrieving profiled query templates from the mobile server repository for the publication item listed.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10021: Unable to resolve table name for {owner }.{store name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while resolving the table name for the object owner and name listed.
Action: Verify that the object owner and name point to a valid database table. Check the exception stack for possible causes.
CONSPERF-10022: Unable to locate publication items for {publication name}
Cause: Unable to retrieve any publication items for the publication listed.
Action: Verify that the publication name listed is a valid publication. If so, verify that the publication name listed has at least one publication item added to it.
CONSPERF-10024: Invalid parameter passed {Consperf parameter}
Cause: An unrecognized parameter was passed to Consperf.
Action: Check the spelling of the parameter listed, and refer to the documentation for a complete list of valid parameters. Running Consperf without any arguments will also list the valid parameters.
CONSPERF-10025: Unable to generate plan for {publication item name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while generating explain plan data in the mobile server repository. The database running out of tablespace or rollback extents most likely causes this.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes. If necessary, increase the tablespace or rollback extents.
CONSPERF-10026: Unable to generate statistics for {publication name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while analyzing the mobile server objects. The most likely cause of this is the mobile server schema owner lacking the necessary privileges.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes. If necessary, assign the required privileges to the mobile server schema owner.
CONSPERF-10027: Unable to suspend MGP. Please wait and try again when MGP is not processing and clients are not synchronizing.
Cause: Consperf was unable to suspend the MGP compose phase while gathering statistics. This will occur if the MGP is currently in the compose phase or if a client is synchronizing, and Consperf is run with the GATHERSTATS parameter.
Action: Wait for the MGP to complete processing and for all clients to complete synchronizing, before running Consperf with GATHERSTATS enabled.
CONSPERF-10028: Unable to clear temporary data from {table name}
Cause: An unexpected error occurred while clearing plan data from the mobile server repository. The most likely cause of this is the database running out of rollback extents.
Action: Check the exception stack trace for possible causes. If necessary, increase the rollback extents.

1.9 OMS 3000–3099 Oracle Mobile Manager Messages

Cause: The user has been granted access by the administrator, but the user's connection privilege has not been raised to administrative privilege.
Action: Use the Mobile Manager to edit the user's privileges. Change the user's privilege to Administrator.
OMS-03001: Error retrieving {attribute} for {object}
Cause: There was a server-side error while retrieving the specified information for the specified system object.
Action: Turn debugging on at the server side for more detail.
OMS-03002: Error retrieving {object}
Cause: There was a server side error while retrieving the specified information.
Action: Turn debugging on at the server side for more detail.
OMS-03004: {object} not created! This User/Group already exists!
Cause: The object the administrator is attempting to create would overwrite an already existing object in the system.
Action: Either edit the existing object or create a new one with a unique name.
OMS-03005: Unable to find any Entries that Match Your Criteria
Cause: The Mobile Manager cannot find any entries in the repository that match your query.
Action: Use more general criteria for the search, or use no criteria to return all objects of the given type in the repository.
OMS-03007: The Administrator cannot be removed from the System
Cause: The administrator cannot be removed from the system.
Action: Do not attempt to remove the specified user from the system.
OMS-03008: The Mobile Manager cannot create a User that already exists!
Cause: The user that you attempted to create already exists in the system.
Action: Modify the existing user.
OMS-03009: Invalid file format!
Cause: JAR file is wrong.
Action: Must use JAR file from Packaging wizard.
OMS-03010: The application already exists.
Cause: The application already exists in the system.
Action: Delete previous one before trying to create a new one.
OMS-03013: You cannot remove yourself from the system.
Cause: You cannot remove yourself from the system.
Action: Do not attempt to remove the specified user from the system.

1.10 OMS 3100–3599 Errors from the oracle.lite.web.resource Package

OMS-03100: {resource} does not exist
Cause: The specified resource does not exist in the system.
Action: Create the desired resource and re-run the script.
OMS-03101: Parameter, {parameter name}, not registered
Cause: The snapshot parameter is not registered with the server.
Action: Ensure that the parameter is registered on the server.
OMS-03102: {field} cannot be null
Cause: The user name or password cannot be null.
Action: Verify that the user name and password contain values.
OMS-03103: Platform value is invalid.
Cause: Platform value passed is invalid.
Action: Pass valid Platform value.
OMS-03108: Invalid Username and/or Password.
Cause: The username and password entered for the database that you wish to import are incorrect.
Action: Try importing again with the correct username and password.
OMS-03110: Username or password cannot be an Oracle Database reserved word
Cause: The username and password entered for the mobile server repository database that you wish to import are Oracle database reserved words.
Action: Try importing again with the correct username and password.
OMS-03111: Password cannot be an Oracle database reserved word
Cause: The password entered for the mobile server database that you wish to import is an Oracle database reserved word.
Action: Try importing again with the correct password.
OMS-03112: Password contains special characters
Cause: The password entered for the mobile server database that you wish to import contains special characters.
Action: Try importing again with the correct password.
OMS-03113: Password cannot be more than 28 characters
Cause: The password entered for the mobile server database that you wish to import is more than 28 characters.
Action: Try importing again with the correct password.
OMS-03114: User {0} could not be created
Cause: User cannot be created.
Action: Check the mobile server log for the error.
OMS-03500: {0} does not exist.
Cause: The specified resource does not exist in the system.
Action: Create the desired resource and re-run the script again.
OMS-03501: Parameter, {0}, not registered.
Cause: The snapshot parameter has not been registered with the server.
Action: Ensure that the parameter you are registering on the server
OMS-03502: {0} cannot be empty.
Cause: The username or password cannot be null.
Action: Check the username or password of the user and ensure that it contains a value.
OMS-03503: Platform value is invalid.
Cause: Examine the Platform value passed.
Action: Pass a valid Platform value.
OMS-03504: User {0} does not have required privileges.
Cause: User with does not have required privileges to perform this operation.
Action: Pass a valid user with User privilege level.
OMS-03505: User {0} not found in the mobile server repository.
Cause: User not found in the repository.
Action: Pass a valid user.
OMS-03507: Privilege cannot be changed. User {0} is assigned to an Application.
Cause: Privilege for user cannot be changed as it is assigned to an Application and/or a Group.
Action: Remove the associated Application(s) and/or Group(s) from the User before changing the privilege.
OMS-03508: Privilege cannot be changed. User {0} is assigned to a Group.
Cause: Privilege for user cannot be changed as it is assigned to an Application and/or a Group.
Action: Remove the associated Application(s) and/or Group(s) from the User before changing the privilege.
OMS-03509: The user name {0} does not exist in the repository, please check the user name.
Cause: The user name provides does not exist in the repository.
Action: Ensure the user name is correct.
OMS-03510: Username cannot be empty.
Cause: The username cannot be null.
Action: Check the username of the user and ensure that it contains a value.
OMS-03512: Mobile Server user authentication error.
Cause: The User(s) cannot be authenticated from the mobile server.
Action: Check the mobile server log for the error.
OMS-03513: The group name {0} does not exist in the repository, please check the group name.
Cause: The user name provides does not exist in the repository.
Action: Ensure the user name is correct.

1.11 OMS 10000–10200 Oracle General Messages

OMS-10001: Cannot write to a closed stream
Cause: User tried to write data to a stream that is already closed.
Action: Re-open the stream before writing data.
OMS-10002: Cannot read from a closed stream
Cause: User tried to read data from a stream that is already closed.
Action: Re-open the stream before reading.
OMS-10003: Input buffer is either 'null' or empty
Cause: Invalid parameter is passed to the write method of the stream.
Action: Verify the validity of your input buffer.
OMS-10004: Buffer not large enough to hold data
Cause: The input buffer is too small to hold the data the user attempts to read.
Action: Increase the buffer size and read the data again.
OMS-10005: File Name is 'null' or empty
Cause: User tried to open a stream with an invalid file name.
Action: Provide correct file name and open the stream.
OMS-10006: Failed to open {file name} ({error code})
Cause: System could not locate the specified file.
Action: Verify the existence of the file in the file system.
OMS-10007: Failed to create directory {directory name}
Cause: The directory may already exist in the system.
Action: Verify the existence of the directory.
OMS-10008: Failed to remove directory {directory name}
Cause: The directory may not be empty.
Action: Delete all files in the directory before deleting the directory.
OMS-10009: File write error ({error code})
Cause: System failed to write the data to the file.
Action: Verify the validity of your input buffer.
OMS-10010: File truncation failed ({error code})
Cause: System could not truncate the file.
Action: The file may be opened by another user. Close all open references to the file.
OMS-10011: Invalid stream handle
Cause: Stream handle used for the operation is invalid.
Action: Re-open the file (stream).
OMS-10012: A directory {directory name} already exists
Cause: You attempted to create a directory that already exists.
Action: Select a different name for the new directory.
OMS-10013: Directory {directory name} is not empty
Cause: You attempted to delete a directory that is not empty (contains other directories and/or files).
Action: Delete all files from the directory before deleting the directory itself.
OMS-10014: Access violation: Cannot delete root directory
Cause: You attempted to delete the root directory.
Action: This action is not permitted.
OMS-10015: Directory {directory name} not found
Cause: System could not locate the specified directory.
Action: Verify the existence of the directory.
OMS-10016: File {file name} not found
Cause: File may not exist.
Action: Check for the existence of the file.
OMS-10017: Failed to mount file system on {service name}
Cause: The specified TNS name (DSN) may not exist.
Action: Verify the TNS name (DSN) and try again.
OMS-10018: The syntax of the command is incorrect
Cause: The number of arguments specified with the command is incorrect.
Action: Re-execute the command with the correct syntax.
OMS-10019: Command not recognized
Cause: You specified a command that is not supported by the tool.
Action: Check the syntax of the command.
OMS-10020: Script file processed completely
Cause: The script file executed completely, with no errors.
Action: No action necessary, this message is informative only.
OMS-10021: Cannot delete file {file name}
Cause: User attempted to delete an open file.
Action: Close the file before deleting it.
OMS-10022: File system not initialized
Cause: User tried to open a file from an unmounted file system.
Action: Mount the file system and try again.
OMS-10023: Unable to connect to the Application Repository
Cause: Mobile server could not connect to the repository.
Action: Provide a valid user name and password for the repository user.
OMS-10024: Failed to load script file
Cause: The path to the script file is invalid.
Action: Check the path of the script file and ensure that you have read access privileges on the file.
OMS-10025: Syntax error at line {line number}
Cause: The script file contains an error at the specified line.
Action: Correct the error in the script file and re-execute the command.
OMS-10026: Syntax error at line {line number}, expected {keyword}
Cause: A keyword, other than the given keyword, is in the script file at the specified line.
Action: Correct the error in the script file and re-execute the command.
OMS-10101: Mobile Server Security Violation!
Cause: User attempted to access a protected URL.
Action: Contact your system administrator to grant proper access.
OMS-10102: Logon session for {user name} has expired!
Cause: The browser idle time exceeded the logon expiration time.
Action: Log on again.
OMS-10104: You are not authorized to access this URL
Cause: User attempted to access a protected URL.
Action: Contact the system administrator to get proper access.
OMS-10106: Failed to logon to Mobile Server!
Cause: Logon information may be incorrect.
Action: Provide correct information.
OMS-10107: The logon information provided for {user name} is incorrect
Cause: Logon information may be incorrect.
Action: Provide correct information.
OMS-10108: Please verify your username, password and try again!
Cause: Logon information may be incorrect.
Action: Provide correct information.
OMS-10109: Mobile Server could not locate requested URL
Cause: System could not locate the URL specified by the user.
Action: Check the URL and try again.
OMS-10110: Mobile Server could not locate requested URL {URL}
Cause: System could not locate the URL specified by the user.
Action: Check the URL and try again.
OMS-10111: Please contact the application vendor
Cause: An error occurred in your application.
Action: Contact the application vendor.
OMS-10113: Mobile Server Error
Cause: User action caused an error.
Action: See the details displayed on your browser.
OMS-10116: The Mobile Server is down!
Cause: The mobile server may be down.
Action: Contact the system administrator.
OMS-10117: Please contact your system administrator
Cause: An error occurred in your system.
Action: Contact the system administrator.
OMS-10118: Mobile server is not running
Cause: The mobile server may be down.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
OMS-10121: Please provide valid information
Cause: Incorrect logon information provided.
Action: Provide valid information.
OMS-10122: Application Suspended!
Cause: The application has been suspended by the administrator
Action: Try again at a later time. If the application is not available, contact your system administrator.
OMS-10123: The application {0} you are trying to access is suspended by your administrator.
Cause: The application has been suspended by the administrator
Action: Try again at a later time. If the application is not available, contact your system administrator.
OMS-10124: You do not have enough privileges to logon to the System
Cause: User does not have CONNECT privilege to log on to the system.
Action: Contact your system administrator for this privilege.
OMS-10125: Unable to change password
Cause: The system cannot change your password. Either the current password is incorrect, or the new passwords do not match.
Action: Verify that you specified the correct current password. If you entered the new password twice, ensure the values match. Retry the operation.
OMS-10126: Unable to save preferences
Cause: The system cannot save your new user preferences. This is due to invalid input, or a more serious system error.
Action: Verify your input to ensure you specified legal values for your preferences. If this is the case, and you still receive this message, contact the system administrator. The system administrator should turn on the mobile server log messages to obtain more detailed information regarding the cause of this problem.
OMS-10127: Password not changed: new password is identical to old password
Cause: The system cannot change your password. The new password cannot be the same as the old password.
Action: Select a password that is different from your current password and retry the operation.
OMS-10131: Version not available.
Cause: The mobile server version was not available.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
OMS-10132: You cannot login to an account with Administrator privileges from {0}.
Cause: User cannot login to an account with Administrator privileges from this IP address.
Action: Login from a different IP address.
OMS-10133: Mobile Server MGP Process Busy
Cause: When MGP is busy process user changes, the mobile server is not available for synchronization.
Action: Try to synchronize at a later time. Contact the administrator if you still cannot synchronize.
OMS-10135: You do not have access on any Mobile Application
Cause: User do not have access on any mobile application.
Action: Contact the system administrator.
OMS-10136: Not enough privileges to perform this operation
Cause: User does not have CONNECT privilege to logon to the System.
Action: Contact your system administrator to grant connect privilege.
OMS-10137: The Mobile Server is terminating!
Cause: The System administrator has started graceful shutdown of the server.
Action: Wait for the server to be available again.
OMS-10341: Password should start with a alphabet.
Cause: During the change password if the password does not starts with a alphabet.
Action: Enter a password which starts with alphabet.
OMS-10342: Class Not Found sync again as application file sync may have failed or please contact your system administrator.
Cause: Class no the client side is not found or file sync failed.
Action: Sync again or contact the administrator.
OMS-10143: You do not have Administrator privileges to logon to the System.
Cause: User does not have the Administrator privilege to logon to the System.
Action: Contact your system administrator to grant connect privilege.
OMS-10144: Invalid Current Password.
Cause: You have provided an incorrect password.
Action: Provide the current password.
OMS-10147: Invalid Authentication Request
Cause: Out of request Error, Invalid Mac.
Action: Providing info that authentication request is invalid.
OMS-10148: Invalid Username and/or Password. for user {0}
Cause: Owner Credentials Are Invalid.
Action: Providing info to the user.
OMS-10149: Could not find the common access card configuration file
Cause: The Common Access Card (PKCS11) configuration file is not present at the expected location.
Action: Contact your system administrator to configure your system to use with smart card.
OMS-10150: Could not read data from the common access card
Cause: Software could not read data from common access card.
Action: Ensure that the common access card is inserted properly in the card reader.
OMS-10151: Error in connecting to card reader or corrupt smart card configuration file
Cause: The software could not connect to the common access card reader, either because the reader is not properly connected, or the common access card configuration file is corrupt.
Action: Ensure that the common access card reader is properly connected to the system. If it is, then contact your system administrator to configure your system to use with common access cards.
OMS-10152: Logging in using a Common Access Card requires Java Runtime Version 1.5 or higher.
Cause: The current Java runtime environment does not have the correct libraries to access the Common Access Card.
Action: Install JRE 1.5.

1.12 OMS 20500–20600 Packaging Wizard Messages

OMS-20501: At Line ({line number}, {column number}) in file {file name} {additional message information}
Cause: The XML file is not well-formed.
Action: Examine the XML file using a text or XML editor.
OMS-20502: Packaging Wizard failed {additional message information}
Cause: Failed to publish due to network or authorization reasons.
Action: Examine the file wtgpack.log in the mobile server root directory for more information.
OMS-20503: Packaging Wizard failed
Cause: Failed to publish due to network or authorization failure, or a non-valid XML file.
Action: Examine the file wtgpack.log in the mobile server root directory for more information.
OMS-20504: Publishing failed. Check wtgpack.log file for more detail
Cause: Failed to publish due to network or authorization failure, or a non-valid XML file.
Action: Examine the file wtgpack.log in the mobile server bin directory for more information.
OMS-20505: Cannot find wtgos.dll in the system path. Help will not be available
Cause: The file, wtgos.dll, is required to view the context-sensitive HTML help documentation.
Action: Ensure wtgos.dll is in the mobile server bin directory.
OMS-20506: Application already exists, use -o to override with the new settings
Cause: The application definition already exist on the server.
Action: Use -o to override the existing definition on the server.
OMS-20507: The Application {0} does not exist, please check the application name
Cause: the application name that user provides, does not exists in the workspace xml file.
Action: Ensure the application name is correct, note the application is case-sensitive.
OMS-20508: Invalid JAR file, it does not contain the web.xml file
Cause: Packaged application JAR file contains web.xml must include web.xml, which contains the application definition.
Action: Ensure the web.xml file exists in the JAR file
OMS-20509: Unable to contact Mobile Server. Make sure that you have specified the correct Mobile Server URL and that the server has been launched properly.
Cause: Mobile server started at the admin port only, the administrator has not logged in yet.
Action: Ensure the server is running completely with the database user's username and password.

1.13 OMS 21000–21999 Errors reported by the Tools classes in oracle.lite.web.tools.

OMS-21000: File Name or Application Id cannot be null
Cause: The FileName cannot be null.
Action: Examine the File name passed.
OMS-21001: File {0} cannot be found
Cause: The specified file does not exist in the system.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
OMS-21002: Application Id cannot be null
Cause: Application Id cannot be null.
Action: Examine the Application Id passed.
OMS-21003: Job class could not be found
Cause: Unable to find job class.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
OMS-21004: Error in retrieving Sequence
Cause: Error in retrieving Sequence.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
OMS-21005: Data saved successfully, Unable to refresh data
Cause: Data saved successfully, Unable to refresh data.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
OMS-21006: Error in getting data
Cause: Error in getting data.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
OMS-21007: This Application cannot be used in online mode
Cause: The administrator attempted to use this application in on-line mode.
Action: Use this application in off-line mode only.
OMS-21008: Job can only be scheduled for future time
Cause: Job can only be scheduled for future time.
Action: Change Date/Time.
OMS-21009: Error in saving file
Cause: Error in saving file.
Action: Contact your system administrator.
OMS-21500: File {filename} does not contain a valid SSL Certificate
Cause: File does not contain a valid SSL certificate for SSL communication with mobile server.
Action: Contact your system administrator and ensure that a valid SSL certificate is uploaded to the mobile server repository.
OMS-21501: This Feature is only available in SSL mode
Cause: This feature is only available if server is running in SSL mode.
Action: Contact your system administrator.

1.14 iOS Mobile Device Management Error Messages

This section contains server-side error messages that may be encountered while performing device management of iOS devices. Currently there are no numerical error codes are assigned to these messages. Here we provide text of each message with an explanation.


Some messages are parametrized (the parameter placeholder begins with %), the format specifiers are those used by java.lang.String.format() method.

Table 1-4 iOS Mobile Device Management Error Messages

Error Message Description

Null value at array index %d

Null values are not allowed in property list array element. MDM protocol error. Report to Oracle Customer Support.

Array index %d is invalid for array of size %d

Accessed property list array with index out of bounds. MDM protocol error. Report to Oracle Customer Support.

Value for array index %d is not of type %s

Unexpected type of property list array element. MDM protocol error. Report to Oracle Customer Support.

Array is null

Expected array is null in property list. MDM protocol error. Report to Oracle Customer Support.

Object is not array but of type %s

Expected array but got different object type in property list. MDM protocol error. Refer to Oracle Customer Support.

Value for dictionary key "%s" was not found

Property list dictionary was expected to contain value for given key but it was not found. MDM protocol error. Report to Oracle Customer Support.

Value for dictionary key "%s" is not of type %s

Unexpected type of value in property list dictionary. MDM protocol error. Report to Oracle Customer Support.

Dictionary is null

Expected dictionary is null in property list. MDM protocol error. Report to Oracle Customer Support.

Object is not dictionary but of type %s

Expected dictionary but got different object type in property list. MDM protocol error. Report to Oracle Customer Support.

Null element in property list

Unexpected null element in property list object. Internal error. Report to Oracle Customer Support.

Invalid element type in property list: %s

Unrecognized type of element in property list object. Internal error. Report to Oracle Customer Support.

Invalid dictionary representation

Invalid dictionary representation in property list. MDM protocol error. Report to Oracle Customer Support.

Invalid element name: "%s"

Unrecognized element name in property list. MDM protocol error. Report to Oracle Customer Support.

No root element in property list

Root element not found in property list. MDM protocol error. Report to Oracle Customer Support.

Repository exception occurred, see the cause

Error occurred while accessing Mobile Server repository. Enable tracing for more information, see section 3.1 "General Tracing for the Mobile Server" of the Troubleshooting and Tuning Guide. Make sure Mobile Server repository is accessible. If the error persist, report to Oracle Customer Support.

Invalid application URL returned from repository: "%s"

Invalid format for application URL stored in Mobile Server repository. Internal error. Report to Oracle Customer Support.

Access denied to "%s"

User is denied access to application URL. If you get this error when sending application install command to the device, make sure the application is assigned to the device's user. Otherwise, report to Oracle Customer Support.

Missing action parameter for Enrollment Servlet

Action not specified for device enrollment servlet. Do not attempt to invoke enrollment servlet manually. Instead, follow the link on the setup page. If error persist, report to Oracle Customer Support.

Invalid action parameter "%s" for Enrollment Servlet

Unrecognized action specified for device enrollment servlet. Do not attempt to invoke enrollment servlet manually. Instead, follow the link on the setup page. If error persist, report to Oracle Customer Support.

Could not find user for challenge token "%s"

Could not identify challenge token sent from the device during enrollment and find user information for it. This error is rare and could only happen if Mobile Server is restarted during device enrollment. Make sure Mobile Server is running and retry device enrollment. If the problem persists, report to Oracle Customer Support.

Invalid MDM response status "%s"

Invalid MDM response status received from device. MDM protocol error. Report to Oracle Customer Support.

Invalid command name "%s"

Invalid command name stored in Mobile Server repository. Internal error. Report to Oracle Customer Support.

Password is not set for MDM keystore

Password for MDM keystore was not initialized. Internal error. Report to Oracle Customer Support.

Could not find certificate authority entry at alias %s in MDM keystore

Could not find MDM Certificate Authority entry in MDM keystore. Make sure MDM CA was created and imported into MDM keystore as described in Section 11.2.1 "Creating and Configuring Certificate Authority" of the Administration and Deployment Guide. Make sure the CA alias name is exactly as specified in "Importing the CA into Mobile Server MDM Keystore" of the Administration and Deployment Guide. After correction, restart Mobile Server.

Certificate authority entry at alias %s in MDM keystore is %s, not private key entry

The entry at MDM CA alias in MDM keystore is not a private key entry but instead an entry of another type. Make sure that MDM CA is imported into MDM keystore as private key entry exactly as specified in in "Importing the CA into Mobile Server MDM Keystore" of the Administration and Deployment Guide. After correction, restart Mobile Server.

Could not find push notification entry at alias %s in MDM keystore

Could not find APNS Certificate entry in MDM keystore. Follow Section 11.2.3 "Obtaining and Importing APNS Certificate" of the Administration and Deployment Guide to import APNS certificate into MDM keystore. Make sure the APNS certificate alias name is exactly as specified in Section "Import APNS Certificate and Private Key into Mobile Server" of the Administration and Deployment Guide. After correction, restart Mobile Server.

Push notification entry at alias %s in MDM keystore is %s, not private key entry

The entry at APNS certificate alias in MDM keystore is not a private key entry but instead an entry of another type. Make sure that APNS certificate is imported into MDM keystore as private key entry as described in Section "Import APNS Certificate and Private Key into Mobile Server" of the Administration and Deployment Guide. After correction, restart Mobile Server.

Could not find certificate(s) at certificate authority entry in MDM keystore.

MDM CA entry in MDM keystore contains only private key but no certificates. Make sure CA entry is imported into MDM keystore exactly as described in Section "Importing the CA into Mobile Server MDM Keystore" of the Administration and Deployment Guide. After correction, restart Mobile Server.

Missing or invalid UID attribute in APNS certificate (%s, not %s)

Subject UID is missing from APNS certificate or not ASN string type. Make sure Subject UID is present in APNS certificate. Refer to Section "Push Notification Topic" of the Administration and Deployment Guide for more details. If the problem persists, report to Oracle Customer Support.

Invalid password provided for certificate authority

Invalid CA password provided when trying to sign uploaded configuration profile. Internal error. Report to Oracle Customer Support.

Missing or invalid HTTP content type for MDM Servlet: "%s"

Device message received with unrecognized content type. MDM protocol error. If this error persists, report to Oracle Customer Support.

MDM device management exception, see the cause

Generic MDM device management exception. Enable tracing for more information, see section 3.1 "General Tracing for the Mobile Server" of the Troubleshooting and Tuning Guide.

Execution of command %s(%s) has failed. Command status: %s, message: %s

Command execution error. Command execution errors should be reported in command history. If you encounter this exception as standalone message, report to Oracle Customer Support.

Configuration profile is invalid, see the cause

Uploaded configuration profile file is not valid configuration profile. Enable tracing for more information, see section 3.1 "General Tracing for the Mobile Server" of the Troubleshooting and Tuning Guide. After correcting, re-upload the configuration profile.

Could not find device with UDID %s

Could not find device with given UDID in Mobile Server repository. Internal error. Report to Oracle Customer Support.

Could not find private key in "%s"

Could not find Vendor CSR Signing Private key. This error may occur while using CSR signing tool described in Section "Sign CSR with MDM CSR Signing Certificate" of the Administration and Deployment Guide. Make sure the vendor private key file is specified correctly according to the instructions in this section. Then reattempt signing.

1.15 Mobile Manager Error Messages for MDM Support

Failed to download CA certificate
Cause: CA certificate is not downloaded during iOS device enrollment.
Action: Turn debugging on at the server side for more details.
Exception found during downloading CA certificate
Cause: Exception is thrown during downloading CA certificate.
Action: Turn debugging on at the server side for more details.
Exception found during set device type and platform
Cause: Exception is thrown during setting device type and platform.
Action: Turn debugging on at the server side for more details.
Username or password is empty
Cause: Username or password is not entered when users try to enroll an iOS device.
Action: Enter username and password on iOS device enrollment page.
No device platform is set, go back to setup page to choose your platform.
Cause: Users do not access iOS device enrollment page from setup page.
Action: Go to setup page and access iOS device enrollment page by clicking "BDB iOS" or "SQLite iOS".
Exception found while saving a profile in repository
Cause: Exception is thrown during saving a profile in repository.
Action: Turn debugging on at the server side for more details.
The configuration profile file is null
Cause: The configuration profile file uploaded is null.
Action: Upload a valid configureation profile file.
The provisioning profile file is null
Cause: The provisioning profile file uploaded is null.
Action: Upload a valid provisioning profile file.
The mobile server repository password is null
Cause: Mobile server repository password is not set during server start up.
Action: Turn debugging on at the server side for more details.
No profiles exist in the repository. Click on "Create or Update Profile" button to upload profiles.
Cause: No profiles exist in the repository.
Action: Click on "Create or Update Profile" button to upload valid profiles.