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Oracle® Hierarchical Storage Manager and StorageTek QFS Software samu User Interface Guide
Release 6.0
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4 Service and Support Commands

This section lists detailed summaries of samu service and support commands in alphabetical order.

:C (Display the Contents of Shared Memory at a Specified Address)

The C command displays the contents of a specified shared memory address. The screen supplies debugging information that may be needed by Oracle service and support staff.

The command is always issued with a parameter, the specified memory address in hexadecimal notation.

Command Synopsis



The following example shows part of the memory screen output:

Memory  base: 0x1234567   samu           version time date

00000000  05961000 1881c7e0 0891e800 1c9de3bf  ......G`..h...c?
00000010  40901020 90350419 207ffd0b d5921020  @.. .5.. .}.U..
00000020  00b61000 08a00220 08d07620 287fffff  .6... . .Pv (...
00000030  e5d05e20 10921020 00941020 06ba06e0  eP^ ... ... .:.`
00000040  4039004b 46d076e0 009006e0 48b80723  @9.KFPv`...`H8.#
00000050  d87ff93c 6f961020 009006e0 50921020  X.y<o.. ...`P..
00000060  00941020 0133004b 467ffb41 11961020  ... .3.KF.{A...
00000070  00901000 1d921020 00941020 022d004b  ....... ... .-.K
00000080  467ff959 8f961020 00ea06a2 a02f004b  F.yY... .j." /.K
00000090  46940663 64f873a8 af9805a3 749605e3  F..cdxs(/..#t..c
000000a0  6cc073a8 b7933d60 00b806a2 a0d05e20  l@s(7.=`.8." P^
000000b0  10ac1020 00b20720 c8400276 039a1020  .,. .2. H@.v...
000000c0  008b3da0 00d076e0 28af2970 03d05dc0  ..= .Pv`(/)p.P]@
000000d0  197ff96a fad25e20 10809000 08024000  ..yjzR^ ......@.
000000e0  08ac05a0 01973da0 0080a2e0 020a6fff  .,. ..= .."`..o.
000000f0  f78b3da0 00108000 091b041a b0150419  w.= ........0...

D (Display Disk Volume Dictionary Screen)

The D command displays the Disk volume dictionary screen. The screen supplies internal debugging information.

Command Synopsis



You can use the following control keys on this screen:

Ctrl-I (^j)

Use detailed, two-line display format.

Ctrl-J (^j)

Toggle between binary and decimal units of size.


The following example shows the device configuration screen.

Disk volume dictionary    samu           version time date

version 460

magic 340322 version 9 nkeys 2 ndata 2
index  space     capacity    used    flags  volume
  0  12882411520  12887785472  10291200  -----  disk01
  1   6443827200   6443892736    70656  -----  disk02
magic 340322 version 9 nkeys 1 ndata 1


Disk volume flags are five-character strings in which each character position represents an attribute of the disk volume. Character positions are numbered starting from the left, position 1, and ending at the right, position 5.

To set or clear a disk volume dictionary flag, use the diskvols (Set/Clear Flags on Disk Volumes Used for Archiving) operator command.

The following table defines the possible flag codes for each position in the string:

Position Flag Meaning
1 l---- The volume is labeled; a seqnum file has been created. An administrator set the flag to prevent the software from creating a new seqnum file.
2 -r--- The volume is defined on a remote host.
3 --U-- The volume is unavailable.
4 ---R- The volume is read only.
5 ----E A media error occurred when writing to the disk archive directory.

F (Display Optical Disk Label Screen)

The Optical disk label screen displays the label on an optical disc. Oracle support staff may request that you run this command in support of debugging.

I (Display Inode Information)

The I command displays the Inode screen for a given mount point. Oracle support staff may request that you run this command in support of debugging.

When issued without a parameter, the I command displays all inodes for the current file-system mount point, starting with Inode 0x1 (1). If a mount point directory is not currently specified, you are prompted for one.

When the command is issued with a decimal or hexadecimal inode number, the command displays the specified inode.

Command Synopsis

:I inode-number
:I 0xinode-number


You can use the following control keys on this screen:

Ctrl-B (^b)

Move back one inode.

Ctrl-F (^f)

Move forward one inode.

Ctrl-K (^k)

Step through the following display formats:

  • archive

  • raw

  • rawincore

  • file, Extents (4k displayed as 1k)

  • file, Extents (raw)


The following example shows an abbreviated inode screen for Inode 0x1 (1) in file, Extents (4k displayed as 1k) format:

Inode   0x1 (1) format: file      samu           version time date
  incore: y

00008100 mode    -r--------     409cdf57 access_time
00000001 ino        (1)         1d32ea20
00000001 gen        (1)         4096b499 modify_time
00000002 parent.ino (2)         02588660
00000002 parent.gen (2)         4096b499 change_time
00000000 size_u                 02588660
000c0000 size_l     (786432)    4096b443 creation_time
01000000 rm:media/flags         409a8a7c attribute_time
00000000 rm:file_offset         409c0ce6 residence_time
00000000 rm:mau                 00000000 unit/cs/arch/flg
00000000 rm:position            00000000 ar_flags ...

J (Display the Shared Memory Segment for the Load-Request Preview Queue)

The J command displays the Preview shared memory screen displays the shared memory segment for the removable media load-request preview queue. Oracle support staff may request that you run this command in support of debugging.

Command Synopsis

:J 0xMemoryAddress


Ctrl-B (^b)

Move back one page.

Ctrl-F (^f)

Move forward one page.

Ctrl-D (^d)

Move down the page.

Ctrl-U (^u)

Move up the page.

Sample Display

The following example shows the preview shared memory display. This sample output has been truncated.

Preview shared memory  size: 155648   samu           version time date

00000000 00040000 00014d58 00000000 00000000 ......MX........
00000010 00000000 00000000 73616d66 73202d20 ........samfs -
00000020 70726576 69657720 6d656d6f 72792073 preview memory s
00000030 65676d65 6e740000 00026000 00000000 egment..........
00000040 00025fff 00000000 00040000 00014d58 .._...........MX
00000050 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
00000060 0000d9e0 00000064 00000000 000001b8 ..Y.....d.......8
00000070 3f800000 447a0000 0000d820 00000008 ?...Dz....X ....

K (Display Kernel Statistics)

The K command displays the Kernel statistics screen. It shows various statistics for the Oracle HSM kernel module. The screen supplies debugging information that may be needed by Oracle service and support staff.

Command Synopsis



Ctrl-B (^b)

Move back one page.

Ctrl-F (^f)

Move forward one page.


The following example shows the kernel statistics display.

Kernel statistic                   samu              version time date

module: SAM-QFS name: general instance: 0 class: fs
version                    version date time 
configured file systems    8
mounted file systems       8
nhino                      16384
ninodes                    129526
inocount                   129527
inofree                    128577

L (Display Shared Memory Tables and System Defaults)

The L command displays the Shared memory tables screen. It shows shared memory-table attributes and system defaults that are kept in shared memory. The screen supplies debugging information that may be needed by Oracle service and support staff.

Command Synopsis





Shared memory tables             samu           version time date

shm ptr            tbl:                               defaults:
size               f000 (61440)                       optical            mo
left               212a (8490)                        tape               li
scanner pid        12673                              timeout            600
fifo path          01a8 /var/opt/SUNWsamfs/previews                      100
dev_table          01c4                               stages             1000
first_dev          0e80                               log_facility       184
scan_mess          6260                               label barcode      TRUE
preview_shmid      83886122                           barcodes low       FALSE
flags              0x40000000                         export unavail     FALSE
preview stages     53780                              attended           TRUE
preview avail      100                                start rpc          FALSE
preview count      0                                  div                OFF
preview sequence   0                                  distio             OFF
age factor         1                                  vsn factor         1000
fs tbl ptr         0xd1dc                             fs count           1
fseq  10 samfs1    state  0      0      0      0      0
fseq  20 samfs2    state  0      0      0      0      0
fseq  30 qfs1      state  0      0      0      0      0
fseq  40 qfs2      state  0      0      0      0      0
fseq  50 qfs3      state  0      0      0      0      0
fseq  60 qfs4      state  0      0      0      0      0
fseq 100 shareqfs1 state  0      0      0      0      0
fseq 110 shareqfs2 state  0      0      0      0      0

M (Display Raw Shared Memory)

The M command displays the Shared memory screen. The screen shows the raw shared memory segment at the current address or a specified address. Oracle support staff may request that you run this command in support of debugging.

Command Synopsis

:M 0xMemoryAddress


Ctrl-B (^b)

Move back one page.

Ctrl-F (^f)

Move forward one page.

Ctrl-D (^d)

Move down the page.

Ctrl-U (^u)

Move up the page.


The following example shows an abbreviated shared memory display.

Shared memory    size: 73728         samu           version time date

00000000 00040000 00014d58 00000000 00000000 ......MX........
00000010 00000000 00000000 73616d66 73202d20 ........samfs -
00000020 73686172 6564206d 656d6f72 79207365 shared memory se
00000030 676d656e 74000000 00012000 000044c8 gment..... ...DH
00000040 0000dd20 00000000 00000742 00000745 ..] .......B...E
00000050 00000001 00000000 00000000 c0000000 ............@...
00000060 00000001 0001534d 00000000 00000000 ......SM........
00000070 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

00000080 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
00000090 20000000 000001b0 000001cc 00000450  ......0...L...P
000000a0 0000cf50 00000001 00000001 4c696365 ..OP........Lice
000000b0 6e73653a 204c6963 656e7365 206e6576 nse: License nev
000000c0 65722065 78706972 65732e00 00000000 er expires......
000000d0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
000000e0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................
000000f0 00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000 ................

N (Display File System Parameters)

The N command displays the File system parameters screen. The screen shows mount-point parameters, the superblock version, and other file system information. Oracle support staff may request that you run this command in support of debugging.

Command Synopsis



Ctrl-B (^b)

Move back one stage request.

Ctrl-F (^f)

Move forward one stage request.

Ctrl-D (^d)

Move down one in the status queue.

Ctrl-U (^u)

Move up one in the status queue.

Ctrl-I (^i)

Display detailed status interpretations


File system Parameters            samu           version time date

mount_point    : /samma1          partial        : 16k
server         :                  maxpartial     : 16k
filesystem name: samma1           partial_stage  : 16384
eq  type       : 100 ma           flush_behind   : 0
state version  :    0   2         stage_flush_beh: 0
(fs,mm)_count  :    3   1         stage_n_window : 8388608
sync_meta      : 0                stage timeout  : 0
atime          : default          dio_consec r,w :    0    0
stripe         : 2                dio_frm_min r,w:  256  256
mm_stripe      : 1                dio_ill_min r,w:    0    0
high  low      :  50%  30%        ext_bsize      : 4096
readahead      : 1048576          def_retention  : 43200
writebehind    : 524288
wr_throttle    : 214725632
rd_ino_buf_size: 16384
wr_ino_buf_size: 512
maxphys        : ccc7400
config         : 0x0c08500c       config1        : 0x00000050
status         : 0x00000001       mflag          : 0x00000044
                                                 : WORM Emulation Lite mode
Device configuration:
ty  eq      state  device_name                    fs  family_set
mm  101     on     /dev/zvol/dsk/dpool/vol1       100 samma1
md  103     on     /dev/zvol/dsk/dpool/vol2       100 samma1
md  104     on     /dev/zvol/dsk/dpool/vol3       100 samma1

P (Display Active Services)

The P command displays the Active Services screen lists the services registered with the Oracle HSM single port multiplexer. Oracle support staff may request that you run this command in support of debugging.

Command Synopsis



Ctrl-B (^b)

Move back one page.

Ctrl-F (^f)

Move forward one page.


The following example shows the active services display.

Active Services              samu           version time date

Registered services for host 'server1':
  2 services registered.

R (Display SAM-Remote Configuration Information)

The R command displays the SAM-Remote screen, which shows the status of SAM-Remote configurations. Oracle support staff may request that you run this command in support of debugging.

S (Display Raw Sector Data)

The S command Sector data screen displays raw device data. Oracle support staff may request that you run this command in support of debugging.

When issued without a parameter, the S command displays sector data for the currently open device or prompts you to issue an open command if no device is open. When the command is issued with a user-assigned Oracle HSM equipment ordinal number, the command displays sector data for the specified device.

Command Synopsis

:S equipment-number


Ctrl-B (^b)

Move back one page.

Ctrl-F (^f)

Move forward one page.

Ctrl-D (^d)

Move down the page.

Ctrl-U (^u)

Move up the page.

Ctrl-K (^k)

Step through the following display formats:

  • raw

  • inode

  • archive

  • label

  • sblk


The following example shows an abbreviated raw data view for equipment ordinal 12:

Sector:   00000012 (18)       raw        samu           version time date
00000000  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
00000010  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................
00000020  00000000 00000000 00000000 00000000  ................

T (Display SCSI Sense Data for a Current or Specified Device)

The T command displays SCSI sense data screen. The screen shows the SCSI status of a current or specified SCSI device. Oracle support staff may request that you run this command in support of debugging.

When issued without a parameter, the T command displays SCSI sense data for the currently open device or returns No sense data available if no device is open.

When the command is issued with a user-assigned Oracle HSM equipment ordinal number, the command displays SCSI sense data for the specified device, if available, or returns No sense data available.

Command Synopsis

:T equipment-number


Ctrl-B (^b)

Move back one equipment ordinal number.

Ctrl-F (^f)

Move forward one equipment ordinal number.


This example shows some of the sense data returned by a drive with equipment ordinal number 101:


SCSI sense data eq: 101 addr: 0xADDRESS     samu              version time date
Sense data:                         Additional sense bytes:
00       valid/code: not VALID      [18] 00000000
00       segment                    [22] 00000000
00       fmk/eqm/ili/key:No Sense   [26] 00000000
00000000 info[0-3]                  [30] 00000000
      00 add_len ...

U (Display Device Table in Human-Readable Form)

The U command displays the Device table as a human-readable screen.

When issued without a parameter, the U command displays the device table for the device with the lowest, user-defined Oracle HSM equipment ordinal number or the most recently specified ordinal number.

When the command is issued with an equipment ordinal number, the command displays the device table for the specified device.

Command Synopsis

:U equipment-number


Ctrl-B (^b)

Move back one equipment ordinal number.

Ctrl-F (^f)

Move forward one equipment ordinal number.


The following example shows part of the device table for equipment ordinal 101, a tape drive:

Device table: eq: 803   addr: 000043e0      samu            version time date
message: empty
Inquiry: HP        Ultrium 4-SCSI   rev:     A3K6 serial: 10000033
4d58000100000004 0000000000000000            0000003c delay
0000000000000000 mutex                       0000000f unload_delay
00004b80 next                                00000000 mtime  
386c7476 set:  vtl800                        0000000a scan_tid
00003030                                     ffffffff slot
00000000                                     00000000 eod_position
00000000                                     00000000 stage position
03230320 eq/fseq                             00000000 next_read
02110211 type/equ_type                       00040000 def blk-size
0000     state                               00000708 pos timeout
00000000 st_rdev                             00000000 max blksize
0000002e ord/model                           9184e72a dflt cap
0000c2e8 mode_sense                          00000000 drvblksz
0000c0c0 sense                               00000000 fsn
00000000 space                               ffffffff mask
00000000 capacity                            0000 drv indx
00000000 active                              00 medium
00000000 open
00004000 sector_size  
00000000 label_address
00000000 vsn:
00000000  Wed Dec 31 17:00:00 1969
00020000 status: ---------p
00000000 samnm:
7665642f name: /dev/rmt/2cbn