
Overview  |   Related MBeans  |   Attributes  |   Operations


This class represents a Transaction Log JDBC Store configuration.

Fully Qualified Interface NameIf you use the getMBeanInfo operation in MBeanTypeServiceMBean, supply the following value as this MBean's fully qualified interface name:
Factory Methods No factory methods. Instances of this MBean are created automatically.
Access Points You can access this MBean from the following MBean attributes:
    Access Points Inherited from DeploymentMBean Because this MBean extends or implements DeploymentMBean, you can also access this MBean by retrieving DeploymentMBeans. The following attributes contain DeploymentMBeans and its subtypes:
      Access Points Inherited from JDBCStoreMBean Because this MBean extends or implements JDBCStoreMBean, you can also access this MBean by retrieving JDBCStoreMBeans. The following attributes contain JDBCStoreMBeans and its subtypes:
      Access Points Inherited from PersistentStoreMBean Because this MBean extends or implements PersistentStoreMBean, you can also access this MBean by retrieving PersistentStoreMBeans. The following attributes contain PersistentStoreMBeans and its subtypes:

      Related MBeans

      This section describes attributes that provide access to other MBeans.


        The JDBC data source used by this JDBC store to access its backing table.

        The specified data source must use a non-XA JDBC driver since connection pools for XA JDBC drivers are not supported.

        Privileges Read/Write
        Relationship type: Reference.
        Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


        The server instances, clusters, or migratable targets defined in the current domain that are candidates for hosting a file store, JDBC store, or replicated store. If scoped to a Resource Group or Resource Group Template, the target is inherited from the Virtual Target.

        When selecting a cluster, the store must be targeted to the same cluster as the JMS server. When selecting a migratable target, the store must be targeted it to the same migratable target as the migratable JMS server or SAF agent. As a best practice, a path service should use its own custom store and share the same target as the store.

        Privileges Read/Write
        Relationship type: Reference.


        This section describes the following attributes:


        Private property that disables caching in proxies.

        Privileges Read only
        Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


        Advanced use only: gets the connection caching policy for the JDBC store.

        The return values will be one of:

        IMPORTANT: See the below for additional usage information, particularly regarding NONE


        The default mode of operation for the JDBC store. The JDBC store will open two connections to the database and it will keep these connections open for the life of the store. In addition, if the worker count for the store is two or more, then it will open one connection for each of the workers and those connections will also stay open for the life of the JDBC store. If the worker count is 3 then the JDBC store will use 5 database connections. If the worker count is the default of 1 then the JDBC store will use just 2 connections.The DEFAULT setting is the recommended setting to be used when the database backing the JDBC store is not constrained with respect to the number of open connections.


        The JDBC store will open one connection to the database and it will keep that connection open for the life of the store. In addition, if the worker count for the store is two or more, then it will open one connection for each of the workers and those connections will also stay open for the life of the JDBC store. If the worker count is 3 then the JDBC store will use 4 database connections. If the worker count is the default of 1 then the JDBC store will use just 1 connection. The MINIMAL setting may result in a slight reduction of through-put for low concurrency messaging scenarios in comparison to DEFAULT.


        The NONE connection caching policy is for 'advanced usage only'. The JDBC store will open one connection to the database on an as-needed basis to perform I/O and it will release that connection when the operation is complete. The NONE value is not compatible with a configured worker count of 2 or more and will result in a configuration validation exception. The NONE setting may result in a slight reduction of through-put for low concurrency messaging scenarios in comparison to DEFAULT or MINIMAL.

        NOTE: It is strongly recommended that a JDBC store be configured with a dedicated data source when the store is configured with the NONE connection caching policy. A store that shares a data source with other non-store components or applications runs the risk of failing due to dead-locks. Please note that a JDBC store will require more than one connection when first started. As such, a data source should be configured to grow and shrink so that the JDBC store can initialize.

        For more information, see:

        Available Since Release
        Privileges Read/Write
        Default ValueDEFAULT
        Legal Values
        • DEFAULT
        • MINIMAL
        • NONE


        Specifies the DDL (Data Definition Language) file to use for creating the JDBC store's backing table.

        Privileges Read/Write


        The maximum number of table rows that are deleted per database call.

        For more information, see:

        Privileges Read/Write
        Default Value20
        Minimum value1
        Maximum value100


        The maximum number of table rows that are deleted per database call.

        For more information, see:

        Privileges Read/Write
        Default Value20
        Minimum value1
        Maximum value100


        A priority that the server uses to determine when it deploys an item. The priority is relative to other deployable items of the same type.

        For example, the server prioritizes and deploys all EJBs before it prioritizes and deploys startup classes.

        Items with the lowest Deployment Order value are deployed first. There is no guarantee on the order of deployments with equal Deployment Order values. There is no guarantee of ordering across clusters.

        Privileges Read/Write
        Default Value1000
        Minimum value0
        Maximum value2147483647


        Specifies how the instances of a configured JMS artifact are named and distributed when deployed to a cluster. When this setting is configured on a Store it applies to all JMS artifacts that reference the store. Valid options:

        The DistributionPolicy determines the instance name suffix for cluster targeted JMS artifacts. The suffix for a cluster targeted Singleton is -01 and for a cluster targeted Distributed is @ClusterMemberName.

        For more information, see:

        Privileges Read/Write
        Default ValueDistributed
        Legal Values
        • Distributed
        • Singleton


        Return whether the MBean was created dynamically or is persisted to config.xml

        Privileges Read only
        Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


        When true, TLOGs are logged to a TLOG JDBC Store; otherwise, TLOGs are logged to the server's default store.

        When using the Administration Console, select JDBC to enable logging of TLOGs to a JDBC store; select Default Store to enable logging of TLOGs to the server's default store.

        Privileges Read/Write


        Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, to delay before failing a cluster targeted JMS artifact instance back to its preferred server after the preferred server failed and was restarted.

        This delay allows time for the system to stabilize and dependent services to be restarted, preventing a system failure during a reboot.


        This setting only applies when the JMS artifact is cluster targeted and the Migration Policy is set to On-Failure or Always>.

        Privileges Read/Write
        Default Value-1


        Return the unique id of this MBean instance

        Privileges Read only
        Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


        Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, to delay before starting a cluster targeted JMS instance on a newly booted WebLogic server. When this setting is configured on a Store it applies to all JMS artifacts that reference the store.

        This allows time for the system to stabilize and dependent services to be restarted, preventing a system failure during a reboot.


        This setting only applies when the JMS artifact is cluster targeted and the Migration Policy is set to On-Failure or Always>.

        For more information, see:

        Privileges Read/Write
        Default Value60


        The maximum number of table rows that are inserted per database call.

        For more information, see:

        Privileges Read/Write
        Default Value20
        Minimum value1
        Maximum value100


        The name used by subsystems to refer to different stores on different servers using the same name.

        For example, an EJB that uses the timer service may refer to its store using the logical name, and this name may be valid on multiple servers in the same cluster, even if each server has a store with a different physical name.

        Multiple stores in the same domain or the same cluster may share the same logical name. However, a given logical name may not be assigned to more than one store on the same server.

        Privileges Read/Write


        The maximum amount of time, in seconds, WebLogic Server tries to recover from a JDBC TLog store failure. If store remains unusable after this period, WebLogic Server set the health state to HEALTH_FAILED. A value of 0 indicates WebLogic Server does not conduct a retry and and immediately sets the health state as HEALTH_FAILED.

        Privileges Read/Write
        Default Value300
        Minimum value0
        Maximum value2147483647


        The maximum amount of time, in seconds, WebLogic Server waits before trying to recover from a JDBC TLog store failure while processing a transaction. If store remains unusable after this amount of time, WebLogic Server throws an exception the affected transaction. A value of 0 indicates WebLogic Server does not conduct a retry and an exception will thrown immediately. The practical maximum value is a value less than the current value of MaxRetrySecondsBeforeTLogFail.

        Privileges Read/Write
        Default Value60
        Minimum value0
        Maximum value300


        Returns the MBean info for this MBean.


        Privileges Read only
        Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


        Controls migration and restart behavior of cluster targeted JMS service artifact instances. When this setting is configured on a Store it applies to all JMS artifacts that reference the store. Valid options:


        Cluster leasing must be configured for On-Failure and Always.

        For more information, see:

        Privileges Read/Write
        Default ValueOff
        Legal Values
        • Off
        • On-Failure
        • Always


        The user-specified name of this MBean instance.

        This name is included as one of the key properties in the MBean's


        Privileges Read/Write


        Optional information that you can include to describe this configuration.

        WebLogic Server saves this note in the domain's configuration file (config.xml) as XML PCDATA. All left angle brackets (<) are converted to the XML entity &lt;. Carriage returns/line feeds are preserved.

        Note: If you create or edit a note from the Administration Console, the Administration Console does not preserve carriage returns/line feeds.

        Privileges Read/Write
        Security rolesWrite access is granted only to the following roles:
        • Deployer
        • Operator


        Specifies the number of restart attempts before migrating a failed JMS artifact instance to another server in the WebLogic cluster.

        Privileges Read/Write
        Default Value6


        Returns the ObjectName under which this MBean is registered in the MBean server.


        Privileges Read only
        Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


        Enables committing a batch of INSERT or DELETE operations with the last operation of the transaction instead of issuing a separate commit call to database server which saves a server round trip. This feature benefits applications that have many transactions of a small number of operations or small messages. This feature should be used only when configuring a JDBC store in Oracle Exalogic environments.

        Privileges Read/Write


        Return the immediate parent for this MBean

        Privileges Read/Write


        Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, to delay before a partially started cluster starts all cluster targeted JMS artifact instances that are configured with a Migration Policy of Always or On-Failure.

        Before this timeout expires or all servers are running, a cluster starts a subset of such instances based on the total number of servers running and the configured cluster size. Once the timeout expires or all servers have started, the system considers the cluster stable and starts any remaining services.

        This delay ensures that services are balanced across a cluster even if the servers are started sequentially. It is ignored once a cluster is fully started (stable) or when individual servers are started.

        For more information, see:

        Privileges Read/Write
        Default Value240


        When using multiple TLOG JDBC stores, use this attribute to create a label ending in "_" that is prepended to the name of the server hosting the JDBC TLOG store and ends in "_" to form a unique JDBC TLOG store name for each configured JDBC TLOG store.

        The default prefix name is "TLOG_" . For example, a valid JDBC TLOG store name using the default Prefix Name is TLOG_MyServer_ where TLOG_ is the Prefix Name and MyServer is the name of the server hosting the JDBC TLOG store.

        Privileges Read/Write


        The length of time in milliseconds between reconnection attempts during the reconnection retry period.

        The reconnection interval applies to JDBC connections regardless of the database that is used for the JDBC store.

        The default value is 200 milliseconds

        For more information, see:

        Available Since Release
        Privileges Read/Write
        Default Value200
        Minimum value100
        Maximum value10000


        Returns the length of time in milliseconds during which the persistent store will attempt to re-establish a connection to the database. Successive reconnection attempts will be attempted after a fixed delay that is specified by the reconnection retry interval.

        The reconnection period applies to JDBC connections regardless of the database that is used for the JDBC store.

        The default value is 1000

        For more information, see:

        Available Since Release
        Privileges Read/Write
        Default Value1000
        Minimum value200
        Maximum value300000


        Returns false if the MBean represented by this object has been unregistered.


        Privileges Read only
        Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


        Enables periodic automatic restart of failed cluster targeted JMS artifact instance(s) running on healthy WebLogic Server instances. Restart attempts occur before attempts to migrate an instance to a different server in the cluster. When this setting is configured on a Store it applies to all JMS artifacts that reference the store.

        For more information, see:

        Privileges Read/Write


        The amount of time, in seconds, WebLogic Server waits before attempting to verify the health of the TLOG store after a store failure has occurred.

        Privileges Read/Write
        Default Value5
        Minimum value1
        Maximum value60


        Specifies the amount of time, in seconds, to wait in between attempts to restart a failed service instance.

        Privileges Read/Write
        Default Value30


        Return all tags on this Configuration MBean

        Available Since Release
        Privileges Read/Write
        Typeclass java.lang.String[]


        Specifies the threshold, in bytes, when the JDBC store uses 3 steps (insert, select, populate) instead of 1 step (insert) to populate an Oracle Blob data type.

        Applies only to Oracle databases where a Blob data type is used instead of the default Long Raw data type for record data.

        The default value is 200000.

        Privileges Read/Write
        Default Value200000
        Minimum value4000
        Maximum value2147483647


        Returns the type of the MBean.

        Privileges Read only
        Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


        The number of JDBC store worker threads to process the workerload.

        Privileges Read/Write
        Default Value1
        Minimum value1
        Maximum value1000


        Specifies the batch size when the Worker Count attribute is configured to a value greater than 1.

        Used to configure the workload the JDBC store incrementally puts on each worker thread. The workload consists of IO requests which are grouped and pushed to each JDBC worker thread for processing. If the IO request is very large (for example 1M), then tune this attribute to a smaller value.

        Privileges Read/Write
        Default Value10
        Minimum value1
        Maximum value2147483647


        Overrides the name of the XAResource that this store registers with JTA.

        You should not normally set this attribute. Its purpose is to allow the name of the XAResource to be overridden when a store has been upgraded from an older release and the store contained prepared transactions. The generated name should be used in all other cases.

        Privileges Read only
        Redeploy or Restart required Changes take effect after you redeploy the module or restart the server.


        This section describes the following operations:


        Add a tag to this Configuration MBean. Adds a tag to the current set of tags on the Configuration MBean. Tags may contain white spaces.

        Operation Name"addTag"
        ParametersObject [] {  tag }


        • tag is an object of type java.lang.String that specifies:

          tag to be added to the MBean

        SignatureString [] { "java.lang.String" }
        Returns boolean
        • java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
          IllegalArgumentException if the tag contains illegal punctuation


        Targets a server instance to a store.

        Operation Name"addTarget"
        ParametersObject [] {  target }


        • target is an object of type that specifies:


        SignatureString [] { "" }
        Returns boolean


        If the specified attribute has not been set explicitly, and if the attribute has a default value, this operation forces the MBean to persist the default value.

        Unless you use this operation, the default value is not saved and is subject to change if you update to a newer release of WebLogic Server. Invoking this operation isolates this MBean from the effects of such changes.

        Note: To insure that you are freezing the default value, invoke the restoreDefaultValue operation before you invoke this.

        This operation has no effect if you invoke it on an attribute that does not provide a default value or on an attribute for which some other value has been set.


        Operation Name"freezeCurrentValue"
        ParametersObject [] {  attributeName }


        • attributeName is an object of type java.lang.String that specifies:


        SignatureString [] { "java.lang.String" }
        Returns void


        Return all properties' names whose value is inherited from template mbean. this is a convenient method to get inheritance info on multiple properties in one jmx call.

        Operation Name"getInheritedProperties"
        ParametersObject [] {  propertyNames }


        • propertyNames is an object of type [Ljava.lang.String; that specifies:

          properties to check

        SignatureString [] { "[Ljava.lang.String;" }
        Returns class


        Check if the value of a property is inherited from template mbean or not.

        Operation Name"isInherited"
        ParametersObject [] {  propertyName }


        • propertyName is an object of type java.lang.String that specifies:

          the name of the property

        SignatureString [] { "java.lang.String" }
        Returns boolean


        Returns true if the specified attribute has been set explicitly in this MBean instance.

        Operation Name"isSet"
        ParametersObject [] {  propertyName }


        • propertyName is an object of type java.lang.String that specifies:

          property to check

        SignatureString [] { "java.lang.String" }
        Returns boolean


        Remove a tag from this Configuration MBean

        Operation Name"removeTag"
        ParametersObject [] {  tag }


        • tag is an object of type java.lang.String that specifies:

          tag to be removed from the MBean

        SignatureString [] { "java.lang.String" }
        Returns boolean
        • java.lang.IllegalArgumentException
          IllegalArgumentException if the tag contains illegal punctuation


        Untargets a server instance from a store.

        Operation Name"removeTarget"
        ParametersObject [] {  target }


        • target is an object of type that specifies:


        SignatureString [] { "" }
        Returns boolean


        If the specified attribute has a default value, this operation removes any value that has been set explicitly and causes the attribute to use the default value.

        Default values are subject to change if you update to a newer release of WebLogic Server. To prevent the value from changing if you update to a newer release, invoke the freezeCurrentValue operation.

        This operation has no effect if you invoke it on an attribute that does not provide a default value or on an attribute that is already using the default.


        Operation Name"restoreDefaultValue"
        ParametersObject [] {  attributeName }


        • attributeName is an object of type java.lang.String that specifies:


        SignatureString [] { "java.lang.String" }
        Returns void


        Restore the given property to its default value.

        Operation Name"unSet"
        ParametersObject [] {  propertyName }


        • propertyName is an object of type java.lang.String that specifies:

          property to restore

        SignatureString [] { "java.lang.String" }
        Returns void