About Patching an Oracle MySQL Cloud Service Instance

You can quickly and easily apply patches to a MySQL Cloud Serviceinstance from the user interface.

Once you navigate to the Patching page on the Oracle MySQL Cloud Service user interface, applying a patch to service instance is a one-click operation. See Patching MySQL Cloud Service.

What kinds of patches are available

You can patch the MySQL Server of an Oracle MySQL Cloud Service instance.

This patch is applied from the Patching page. See Patching MySQL Cloud Service.

About Operating System (OS) Patching

MySQL Cloud Service does not provide cloud tooling for OS patching. You are responsible for installing OS patches to existing service instances.

You can obtain Oracle Linux OS patches from the Oracle’s Unbreakable Linux Network if you have an Oracle Linux support subscription. You can also obtain Linux OS patches from the Oracle Linux Public yum server: http://public-yum.oracle.com.

When to Apply Patches

New approved patches are available and displayed on the Patching page roughly on a quarterly basis. Apply the most recent patches promptly. Delaying patches could cause your service to be unsupported for future patching and upgrade.

What Happens When Patching Starts

As patching starts, the patching operation first performs internal prechecks. If the prechecks fail, the patching operation will fail and leave the service instance untouched.

The prechecks check for the following:
  • Disk space shortage

  • Missing database connectivity

  • Servers not running

  • Storage access failure

The prechecks do not check whether another administration task (backup, restoration, or scaling) is in progress, which would prevent patching.

You can perform prechecks without attempting to patch, and first remedy any problems found. For more information, see Checking Patch Prerequisites.

An automatic backup to use for rollback and restoration is created only after patching prechecks succeed. If you need to restore the state of the service instance, use the backup and run patching again.


If automatic backup fails, then the patching operation fails and does not apply the patch.

What Happens to the Service During Patching

The MySQL Server is stopped for the duration of the patching operation. The MySQL Server is restarted when the patching operation is finished.