Create MySQL Cloud Service: Service Page

Service is the first page in the wizard you use to create a new database deployment, as described in Creating a MySQL Server Deployment.

What You See in the Navigation Area

Element Description


Click to cancel the Create Service wizard without creating a new database deployment.


Click to advance to the Create Service: Service Details page.

What You See in the Page Content Area

The following table describes the key information shown on the Create Service: Service page.

Element Description

Service Name

The name for the new database deployment. The name:

  • Must not exceed 50 characters.

  • Must start with a letter.

  • Must contain only letters, numbers, or hyphens.

  • Must not contain any other special characters.

  • Must be unique within the identity domain.


(Optional) A description for the new database deployment.

Notification Email

(Optional) An email address where you would like updates about the deployment-creation operation to be sent.


(Available only if your identity domain is enabled for regions.)

The region for the database deployment. If you choose a region that supports Oracle Cloud Infrastructure, the Availability Domain and Subnet fields are displayed, and the deployment will be created on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. Otherwise, the deployment will be created on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic.

Choose No Preference to let MySQL Cloud Service choose an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Classic region for you.

Availability Domain

(Available only on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure)

The availability domain (within the region) where the database deployment will be placed.


(Available only on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure)

The subnet (within the availability domain) that will determine network access to the database deployment.

IP Network

(Not available on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure)

(Available only if you have selected a region and you have defined one or more IP networks created in that region using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute Classic.)

Select the IP network where you want the database deployment placed. Choose No Preference to use the default shared network provided by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute Classic.

For more information about IP networks, see these topics in Using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Compute Classic:


Metadata used to identify instances. Select the required tags from the drop-down list, or create the required tags. Tags can be defined as a comma-separated list of keys, or as a key:value pairs. For example: productionDB,owner:John,admin:John. You can search and filter on tags from the Instances page. You can also define tags on the Instance Overview page.