Rebooting a Compute Node

On occasion, you might find it necessary to reboot a compute node associated with MySQL Cloud Service. Follow these steps to perform the operation.


Rebooting a compute node is different from restarting a compute node. Restarting a compute node, as described in Restarting a MySQL Server Deployment, stops and removes the Compute Cloud Service instance on which the compute node is running and then creates and starts a new Compute Cloud Service instance for the compute node. Rebooting a compute node uses a Linux command to restart the Compute Cloud Service instance on which the compute node is running.

  1. Connect as the opc user to the compute node.
  2. Start a root-user command shell:
    $ sudo -s
  3. Enter the command to reboot the compute node:
    # reboot


    Do not use the halt, shutdown or shutdown -h commands to shut down the compute node. Doing so will stop the compute node indefinitely and will require manual intervention by Oracle Cloud system administrators to restart the compute node.

    Your connection to the compute node is closed and the compute node reboots.