Applying a Patch Using the MySQL Cloud Service Console

You can apply a patch to a database deployment on MySQL Cloud Service by using the MySQL Cloud Service Patching page.


To apply a patch to a database deployment:

  1. Open the MySQL Cloud Service console.

    For detailed instructions, see Accessing MySQL Cloud Service Console.

  2. Click the deployment to which you want to apply a patch.

    The MySQL Cloud Service Overview page is displayed.

  3. Click the Administration tile and then click the Patching tab.

    The MySQL Cloud Service Patching page is displayed. A list of patches you can apply appears in the Available Patches section.

  4. In the entry for the patch you want to apply, click the Menu icon menu and then select Patch.

    The Patch Service window closes and the patching operation begins. The patch process first performs a full backup before patching the database.

    The Administration tile shows the starting time of the patching operation and a Patching... message replaces the Patch button.

    When the patching operation completes, the Patching page shows the completion time of the patching operation, and a log of the operation’s activities appears in the Details of Last Patching Activity section. If the operation was successful, the patch is removed from the list of patches in the Available Patches. If the operation failed, the patch remains in the list. In this case, check the Details of Last Patching Activity section for information about the failure.


    Patching operations are performed with a minimum of impact on the functioning of the database. However, during part of the operation the database restarts, making it inaccessible for a period of time .