Roles and User Accounts Predefined in My Services

After OTBI Enterprise is provisioned, Oracle Cloud creates a set of predefined roles and user accounts in My Services.

The predefined roles:

  • Include both administrative roles and non-administrative roles.

  • Give certain privileges to the users based on the role assigned to them. Users can be assigned more than one role.

The predefined roles include:

Administrative individuals are automatically granted the predefined roles that correspond to their administrator role.

For example, the service administrator for OTBI Enterprise is given the Service-name rolename predefined role.

In addition, an identity domain administrator is granted the Identity Domain Administrator predefined role when an identity domain is first set up. If an individual is both the identity domain administrator and the service administrator, then the individual is automatically assigned the Identity Domain Administrator and the Administrator predefined roles.


If an individual is both the service administrator and the identity domain administrator, one user account is created for that individual and then assigns multiple roles to the user.