This illustration shows the Oracle Container Cloud Service Container Console's Deployments page for the Hello World Application: * the Hello World Application section contains details of the deployment: - the Service field displays 'Hello World Application', followed by the word 'Service' in a grey box - the Status field displays the word 'Started' in a green box - the Deployment ID field displays 'Hello-World-Application' followed by a timestamp - the Resource Pool field displays 'default' - the Started field displays the date on which the deployment was started - at the bottom of the section are two buttons - Change Scaling, and Stop - to the right of the section, a large green box (with a red box drawn around it) contains the text '1 of 1 healthy services' * the lower half of the page has three tab pages (Containers, Stack YAML, and Webhook) of which the Containers tab is currently displayed, and contains: - details of the containers for the helloworld service in a table format with one row (with a red box drawn around it) populated as follows: + the Status field displays the word 'RUNNING' inside a green box + the Container Name field displays '0.helloworld.Hello-World-Application' followed by a timestamp + the Hostname field contains the name of the host running the service + the Uptime field contains '0m' + the Health Check field contains 'None configured' + the Details button appears at the right of the row