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Oracle® Argus Analytics Installation Guide
Release 8.0

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1 Oracle Argus Analytics Requirements


This section presents an overview of the Oracle Argus Analytics architecture, required hardware and software, and dependencies across the components. Before you begin the installation, confirm that your environment meets hardware and software requirements described in this section.

Technology Stack and System Requirements

The requisite technology stack for Oracle Argus Analytics is provided in the media pack, with the exception of Informatica products. It consists of the following products:

Server Components

Oracle Argus Analytics Database Server

Oracle Argus Analytics is certified for Oracle Database Enterprise Edition and Standard Edition

Supported Operating System

  • Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 and above (32/64 bit)

  • Oracle Solaris 10 (64 Bit)

  • Oracle Solaris 11

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R1 and above (32/64 bit)

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 and above (64 bit)

  • Memory: RAM 4-16 GB (based on organization size), HDD – at least 500 GB free space

  • CPU: At least 4 Dual Core CPUs

Oracle Argus Analytics ETL Server

This section comprises the following sub-sections:

Oracle Argus Analytics Informatica Server

Oracle Argus Analytics is certified against Informatica PowerCenter 9.0.1 with Hotfix2 and PowerCenter 9.6.1. Refer to the Informatica PowerCenter Installation Guide for recommended hardware and supported platforms.

Oracle Argus Analytics has got certified with the following:

  • Operating System: Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 or above (32/64 bit)

  • Memory: At least 8 GB RAM. HDD – at least 250 GB free space

  • CPU: At least 4 Dual Core CPUs

Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) Server

Oracle Argus Analytics is certified against Oracle Data Integrator or Refer to the ODI Installation Guide for recommended hardware and supported platforms.

Oracle Argus Analytics has got certified with the following:

  • Operating System: Microsoft Windows (32 bit), Oracle Solaris 10 (64 Bit), Oracle Solaris 11

  • Memory: At least 8 GB RAM. HDD – at least 250 GB free space

  • CPU: At least 4 Dual Core CPUs

Oracle Argus Analytics OBIEE Server

Oracle Argus Analytics is certified against Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition with latest patch set (The following patch has been verified with AN 8.0: at the time of the release).

Refer to the installation manual of OBIEE for further hardware and software requirements Oracle Argus Analytics would recommend the following:

Operating System

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R1 with SP2 or above (32/64 bit)

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 64 bit (Does NOT include 2012 R2)

  • Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 or above (64 bit)

  • Oracle Solaris 10 (64 bit)


    If Unix-based OS is used for the OBIEE server, then the OBIEE Admin tool must be installed separately on a Microsoft Windows box.

    Please refer to the version-specific certification matrix for detailed information on OS certification.

  • Oracle Solaris 11

  • Memory: RAM at least 8 GB, HDD – at least 250 GB free space

  • CPU: At least 4 Dual Core CPUs

Oracle Argus Analytics Data Warehouse Administration Console Server

Oracle Argus Analytics requires Oracle Data Warehouse Administration Console Server

Supported Operating System

  • Oracle Enterprise Linux 5 or above (32/64 bit)

  • Oracle Solaris 10 and 11 (64 bit)

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2008 or above (32/64 bit)

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 or above (64 bit)

  • Memory: RAM 4-16 GB (based on organization size), HDD – at least 500 GB free space

  • CPU: At least 2 Dual Core CPUs

Client Components

Oracle Database Client
  • Oracle Argus Analytics requires Oracle database client to connect to the database server. The supported client software version is and

  • Supported Operating System: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 or above (64 bit)

  • Microsoft Windows Server 2012 or above (64 bit)

Oracle Data Warehouse Administration Console Client
  • Oracle Data Warehouse Administration Console Client is required only when Informatica PowerCenter is used as an ETL Tool

  • Oracle Argus Analytics requires Oracle Data Warehouse Administration Console Client

  • Supported Operating System: Microsoft Windows Server 2012 or above (64 bit)

ETL Client

This section comprises the following sub-sections:

Informatica PowerCenter Client
  • An Informatica PowerCenter Client 9.0.1 with Hotfix 2 or PowerCenter Client 9.6.1 is required to connect to the Informatica Server.

  • Supported Operating System: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 or above (32/64 bit), Microsoft Windows Server 2012 or above (64 bit)

ODI Studio
  • An ODI Studio or is required to connect to the ODI Repository.

  • Supported Operating System: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 or above (32/64 bit).

    You can also refer to this link for supported platforms:

    ODI 11g:

    ODI 12c:

OBIEE Admin Tool
  • OBIEE Admin tool must be installed for configuring the repository file (RPD).

  • Supported Operating System: Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R1 or above (32/64 bit), Microsoft Windows Server 2012 64 bit (Does NOT include 2012 R2)

Optional Security Component

You can also configure Single Sign On Support for your reports and dashboards using Oracle Access Manager 10.1.4 or 11g. For more information regarding the Oracle Access Manager installation and supported platforms, please refer the Oracle Access Manager Installation Guide.

Miscellaneous Components
  • For running the reports and dashboards, your machine should have the Adobe Flash Player 10 or above installed.

  • Although OBIEE reports are supported on Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Chrome, and Safari, Oracle Argus Analytics is certified only for Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10, and 11.

Supported Sources

Oracle Argus Analytics, by default, supports only Oracle Argus Safety. It supports the following Oracle Argus Safety versions:

  • Oracle Argus Safety 8.0

  • Oracle Argus Safety 7.0.3

  • Oracle Argus Safety

Customers can add customer data sources to the application by adding their own ETL. For more information about customizing Oracle Argus Analytics, please refer to the Oracle Argus Analytics Administrator and User Guide.

Technology Stack Matrix

The following table displays the technology stack matrix diagram of all the components of Oracle Argus Analytics.

Specification OBIEE Server Database Informatica Server Oracle Data Integrator (ODI) Client
Operating System Windows Server 2008 or above (32/64 Bit)

Windows Server 2012 64 Bit (Does NOT include 2012 R2)

Oracle Enterprise Linux X86 Version 5 or above (32/64 Bit)

Oracle Solaris 10 (64 Bit)

Oracle Solaris 11

Windows Server 2008 or above (64 Bit)

Windows Server 2012 or above (64 Bit)

Oracle Enterprise Linux Version 5 or above (64 Bit)

Oracle Enterprise Linux with UEK 6.1 (32/64 bit)

Oracle Solaris 10 (64 Bit)

Oracle Solaris 11

Windows Server 2008 or above (32/64 Bit)

Windows Server 2012 or above (64 Bit)

Oracle Enterprise Linux X86 Version 5 or above (32/64 Bit)

Oracle Solaris 10 (64 Bit)

Windows Server 2008 or above (64 Bit)

Windows Server 2012 or above (64 Bit)

Windows 7 (all SP levels included)

Oracle Linux 5 (UL5+) or above (32/64 bit)

Red Hat EL5 (UL5+) or above (32/64 bit)

Oracle Solaris 10 (64 Bit)

Oracle Solaris 11

Windows 7

Apple iOS (for Oracle BI Mobile App)

Oracle Database Client Client (Enterprise) - AL32UTF8 character set (Enterprise) - AL32UTF8 character set

OBIEE OBIEE (With the latest patch set)        
Informatica Informatica Server 9.0.1 HF2 or Informatica Server 9.6.1   Informatica Server 9.0.1 HF2 or Informatica Server 9.6.1    
DAC DAC Server   DAC Server    
Browser IE 7.0 or

IE 8.0 or

IE 9.0 or

IE 10.0 or

IE 11.0

      IE 7.0 or

IE 8.0 or

IE 9.0 or

IE 10.0 or

IE 11.0

Adobe Reader Reader 9.0.3, 10.0.1       Reader 9.0.3, 10.0.1
Single Sign On Solution (Optional) Oracle Access Manager 10.1.4/11g        
Resolution         Minimal Resolution 1280x1024


DAC Server needs to be installed on a machine where Informatica home is present. DAC Server can be installed on the same machine where Informatica Server is located; there is no need that it should be a stand-alone server.

OBIEE Admin tool can be installed along with the OBIEE Server, provided the Operating System is Microsoft Windows.

Supported Security Configuration

Oracle Argus Analytics supports the following optional security configurations:

  • LDAP/LDAPS 3.0

  • Single Sign On Solution through Oracle Access Manager 10.1.4/11g


    If OAM is used, then the OBIEE Server must have Oracle Enterprise WebGate and Oracle Web Tier 11g installed.

Typical Hardware Architecture

A typical Oracle Argus Analytics installation contains the following hardware architecture:

  • Servers:

    • An Oracle Database Server with Oracle Database

    • An OBIEE Server with latest patch set

    • ETL Server * Informatica: Informatica PowerCenter 9.0.1 with Hotfix 2 or PowerCenter 9.6.1 Server + DAC Server


      * ODI Studio or


      The above three boxes can run on any of the supported platforms: Linux/Solaris/Windows.
  • Clients:

    • ETL Clients * Informatica PowerCenter Client 9.0.1 + Hotfix 2 or Informatica PowerCenter Client 9.6.1


      * ODI Studio or

    • Oracle Database Client or

    • DAC Client

    • OBIEE Admin tool


      All tools can be installed in a single Microsoft Windows 32 bit box.

      If the OBIEE server mentioned under the "Servers" section is a Windows 32 bit server, then all the clients can be installed in the same box itself.

      If the OBIEE Server is installed on a Windows 64 bit machine, then the OBIEE Admin tool can also be installed along with the server itself.

      Informatica PowerCenter and Oracle Database Client should be available in the same machine for Oracle Argus Analytics installer to run, if installation choice for ETL server is chosen as Informatica.


      It is important to get the technology stack products from the Oracle Argus Analytics media pack because newer versions of the technology stack products may have become available but may not be compatible with Oracle Argus Analytics.

      Figure 1-1 Oracle Argus Analytics Technology

      Surrounding text describes Figure 1-1 .

Installation Process Overview

The following steps describes the overview of the installation process:

  • Follow the steps described in Pre-requisites.

  • Execute the installer – to create the data mart and Informatica ETLs.

  • Follow the post-installation steps to configure DAC/ODI and OBIEE

For more information about certifications, refer to "Finding Certification Information".


Before proceeding with the installation, ensure that the following software is available.

  • Oracle Database Server – An Oracle or database server should be created before Oracle Argus Analytics installation. Follow the platform-specific Database Installation Guide for installing this server.


    The database server should be configured with AL32UTF8 character set.
  • ETL Server Choice

    Informatica PowerCenter Server – An Informatica PowerCenter 9.0.1 + HF2 or PowerCenter 9.6.1 should be created before running the Oracle Argus Analytics Installer. Follow platform-specific Informatica PowerCenter Installation.

  • Note:

    • Informatica Server needs a repository database. Customers can either use the database created in the previous step or can create a new database for holding the repository. A Versioned PowerCenter Repository should be created upon the installation of PowerCenter. This versioned repository information will be needed during Oracle Argus Analytics installation along with the admin user credentials.

    • An Oracle or Client should be available in the Informatica Server.

  • DAC Server (Required only for Informatica ETL Server) – An Oracle Data Warehouse Administration Console Server of version needs to be installed on the same machine where Informatica client is loaded. Follow platform-specific ODAC Installation Guide for installation instructions. OR

  • Oracle Data Integrator - ODI Studio or should be installed on the server machine where ETLs have to be configured.


    ODI Server needs Master and Work Repository Database, which can be created on the same DWH DB Server created above.
  • OBIEE Server - An Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition Server must be installed before the Oracle Argus Analytics Installation. Follow platform-specific OBIEE Installation Guide for installation instructions.

Client Tools

  • ETL Client Tools

  • Informatica PowerCenter Client - An Informatica PowerCenter Client 9.0.1 with Hotfix 2 or PowerCenter Client 9.6.1 must be present. Supported only on a Microsoft Windows 32-bit machine.

  • DAC Client - A DAC Client needs to be present. Supported only on a Microsoft Windows Server 2008 with SP1 or above (32 bit).


  • ODI Studio installation mentioned in the sever section above can be used as an ETL client to administer/manage ETL metadata.

  • Oracle Database Client - An Oracle or database client should be present. This should be present in the same machine where the Informatica PowerCenter client is loaded.


    • Oracle recommends that you enable HTTPS on the middle-tier computer that is hosting the OBIEE Web services, because otherwise, the trusted user name and password that are passed can be intercepted.