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Oracle® Argus Safety Installation Guide
Release 8.0
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13 Enabling and Configuring BIP Periodic Reports

Argus BIP Periodic Reports are the flexible periodic reporting feature that has been introduced in 8.0. By default, this feature is not enabled in the Safety environment.

This chapter lists the various steps to enable and configure the BIP Periodic reports.

It includes the following sections:

Preparing BI Publisher Server

A standalone BI Publisher Server or BI Publisher on a OBIEE Server needs to be prepared before enabling the BIP Periodic reporting for Argus Safety.

Once the BI Publisher Server/OBIEE Server is successfully installed, make a note of:

TNS Names Configuration

During enabling, a database link would be created between the Argus Safety Database and the BIP Metadata repository database.

In order to have this link created, copy the TNS Names of the BI Publisher metadata repository database's TNS Names into the TNS Names.ora file of Argus Safety database server.

Database Configuration

Some database configurations need to be handled in order to enable the BI Publisher reporting in Argus. These steps need to be handled from a machine where the Argus 8.0 database can be accessed (preferably the Argus Safety Web Server).

* Open a command prompt and navigate to the directory where Argus_BIP_Enable.bat file is located.

* Execute the batch file. The batch file would prompt for few database details. Enter the following information, as prompted:


If you are using Argus Mart with BIP enabled in Argus Safety, make sure that you re-create the Safety RO user.

With this information, the batch file will execute and create the database objects that are needed for enabling and integrating the BI Publisher Periodic reports to Argus Safety.

A detailed log file called Argus_BIP_Enable_Batchfile_<datetime>.log will be created in the path of the batch file.


The following message can be displayed while installing over the Oracle Database:

Note: ZipUtil uses or overrides a deprecated API. Note: Recompile with -Xlint:deprecation for details. creating f_UnzipBlobThis note about deprecation can be safety ignored.

Setting up the BI Publisher for Argus Safety

This section contains the following topics:

Enabling a Local Superuser

BI Publisher enables you to define an administration Superuser. Using the Superuser credentials you can directly access the BI Publisher administrative functions without logging in through the defined security model. Set up this Superuser to ensure access to all administrative functions in case of failures with the configured security model. It is highly recommended that you set up a Superuser.

To enable a local superuser:

  1. Click Administration.

  2. Under Security Center, click Security Configuration.

  3. Under Local Superuser, select the box and enter the credentials for the Superuser, as shown.

  4. Restart the BI Publisher service.

    Surrounding text describes image1.jpg.

Configuring the Security Model

BI Publisher supports numerous security models. For Argus Safety 8.0, the following security models are supported:

  • BI Publisher Security (default)

  • Oracle Fusion Middleware

After setting up the security model, restart the BI Publisher server.

For more information about configuring BI Publisher over different security authentication and authorization models, refer to the BI Publisher Admin Guide.


The following sections of the BI Publisher setup are based on the default BI Publisher Security model. For more details about configuring the BI Publisher Security Model or Oracle Fusion Middleware Security set up, refer to the Extensibility Guide.

Surrounding text describes use2.jpg.

Configuring Server Settings

When using file systems such as NFS, Windows, or NAS for the repository, make sure that the file system is secured.

To configure the server settings for the BI Publisher Security Model, execute the following steps:

  1. Log on to BIP, using administrator credentials. This displays the BIP Home Page.

  2. Click Administration as highlighted in the following image:

    Surrounding text describes image2.jpg.
  3. Click Server Configuration in the System Maintenance section as highlighted in the following figure.

    Surrounding text describes image3.jpg.
  4. In the Catalog section, select Oracle BI Publisher - File System from the Catalog Type drop-down list. If the Catalog Type is not Oracle BI Publisher - File System, the folder level permission settings cannot be done in BIP. Refer to the Oracle Business Intelligence Developer's Guide for more information.


    Only Oracle BI Publisher - File System is supported in this release.

  5. Enter the path where all BIP folders, data models, and BIP reports will be stored in the BIP server as highlighted in the following figure:

    Surrounding text describes image4.jpg.
  6. Click Apply to save the changes.

  7. Restart your BI Publisher service.


    Since the repository is in the file system, the case sensitivity of folder and Report Names is determined by the platform on which you run BI Publisher. For Windows-based environments, the repository object names are not case-sensitive. For UNIX-based environments, the Repository Object Names are case-sensitive.

Creating Users and Assigning Roles

To create users and assign them roles in the BI Publisher Security Model, execute the following steps:

  1. Log in to BIP using administrator credentials. This displays the BIP Home Page.

  2. Click Administration.

  3. Click Users under Security Center.

    Surrounding text describes try1.jpg.

    This displays the Users screen.

  4. Click Create User.

    Surrounding text describes try2.jpg.

    This displays the Create User screen.

    Surrounding text describes try3.jpg.
  5. Enter the name of the user in the Username field.

  6. Enter the password in the Password field.

  7. Click Apply. The name of the user is displayed in the list of existing users.

    Once you have created the user, you need to assign the required roles to the user.

  8. Click the Assign Roles icon corresponding to the user that you have created as highlighted in the following figure:

    Surrounding text describes try4.jpg.

This displays the Assign Roles Screen for the user. The BIP system roles such as BI Publisher Administrator, BI Publisher Excel Analyzer, BI Publisher Online Analyzer, BI Publisher Developer, BI Publisher Scheduler, and BI Publisher Template Designer are available by default along with the custom roles (if any) that have been created by you.

Creating ASBIP JDBC Connection


If you are using the 12c database, you must make sure that the steps mentioned in Configuring12c Database Driver for BI Publisher 11g are completed BEFORE creating a JDBC connection.

All the users who have access to run the periodic reports using AS UI should be created in the BI Publisher local as well (applicable for BI Publisher Security model only).The password in BI Publisher local user corresponding to the AS UI need not to be same as that of AS UI.

To connect the BIP and the database, execute the following steps:

  1. Log on to BIP using the administrator credentials. This displays the BIP Home Page.

  2. Click Administration.

  3. Click JDBC Connection under Data Sources.

    Surrounding text describes try5.jpg.

    This displays the Data Sources screen.

  4. Click Add Data Source.

    Surrounding text describes try6.jpg.
  5. In the Add Data Source section:

    • Enter asbip in the Data Source Name field. Make sure that you enter this data source name in lowercase only.

    • Select the database from the Driver Type drop-down list. This auto-populates the Database Driver Class field.

    • Enter the connection string in the Connection String field. You must enter all the details in lower case in this field.

    • Enter the username (Argus Safety BIP DB Schema user, for example, bip_user, which got created during Argus Safety database installation) to connect to the database in the Username field.

    Click Test Connection.

    Surrounding text describes try7.jpg.

    If successful, this displays a confirmation message.

  6. Click Apply. This displays the ASBIP Data Source in the list of already existing data source names.

    Surrounding text describes try8.jpg.

    This successfully creates a connection between BIP and the database.

Configuring12c Database Driver for BI Publisher 11g

By default, the 12c driver type option is not shown in the list of drivers in BI Publisher JDBC creation screen.

This can be enabled by following any one of the following two options:

Option 1:

The 12c driver type could be added to the drop-down list, as follows:

  1. Login to the BI Publisher Server and open the file located at the following location:


  2. Add the following <defaultvalue> tag:

    <defaultvalue name="ORACLE"

    description="Oracle 12c"


    url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@[host]:[port]/[sid]" />

    Instead of this method, one may also consider:

    <defaultvalue name="ORACLE"

    description="Oracle 12c"


    url="jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(" />

  3. Save the file and restart the BI Publisher service.

Option 2:

The administrator can decide not to add the 12c driver type, but still retain the 11g driver itself.

However, the connection string should still be specified in the following way:


Uploading the Argus Safety.xdrz file to BIP

To upload the Argus Safety.xdrz file to BIP, execute the following steps:

  1. Copy the Argus Safety.xdrz file from the following location on the Argus Safety Web Server to the local file system:

    <Argus Installation Media>\SUPPORT\BIP

  2. Log in to BIP using BI Admin User credentials. This displays the BIP Home Page as depicted in the following figure:

    Surrounding text describes try9.jpg.
  3. Click Catalog.

    Surrounding text describes try10.jpg.

    This displays the Catalog screen with the Folders and Tasks sections.

  4. Click Shared Folders under Folders.

    Surrounding text describes try11.jpg.
  5. Click Upload under Tasks.

    Surrounding text describes image017.gif.

    This displays the Upload dialog box.

    Surrounding text describes image018.gif.
  6. Click Browse and navigate to the location where you have saved the Argus Safety.xdrz file on the local file system.

  7. Click Upload. Once done, an Argus Safety folder is created in Shared Folders.

  8. Expand the Argus Safety folder to verify whether the following data model and reports are present. It should look as shown below:

    Surrounding text describes try12.jpg.

Integrating Argus Safety with BIP

Perform the following steps for Argus Safety Web server configuration:

  1. Log in to the server that hosts the AGService and the Batch Periodic Reports process.

  2. Navigate to the ArgusInstallPath in the filesystem.

  3. Open the file AGProc.config for editing.

  4. Navigate to the <system.serviceModel> tag in this file.

  5. In the endpoint element that lies within the client element, enter the following text in the Address attribute:

    http://<host>:<port>/xmlpserver/services/v2/SecurityService where the name attribute is set to SecurityService

    http://<host>:<port>/xmlpserver/services/v2/ScheduleService where the name attribute is set to SchedulingService

    In the above instances,<host> refers to the IP address or the Fully Qualified Domain name of the BIP server and <port> refers to the BI Publisher port number.

    If the BI Publisher Server has been configured over an OAM/SSO controlled port, then that port number to be used here.

  6. The following URLs need to be excluded from SSO (if SSO is enabled):

    http://<host>:<port>/xmlpserver/services/v2/ScheduleService where the name attribute is set to SchedulingService

    http://<host>:<port>/xmlpserver/services/v2/SecurityService where the name attribute is set to SecurityService

    If OAM is the SSO being used, perform the following configuration:

    1. Add excluded resource (/xmlpserver/services and /xmlpserver/report_service) on OAM Server for the OBIEE/BIP server application domain.

      Surrounding text describes image101.jpg.
    2. Copy mod_osso.conf from the disabled directory to the moduleconf directory for editing. For example:

      From: ORACLE_INSTANCE/config/OHS/<ohs_name>/disabled/mod_osso.conf

      To: ORACLE_INSTANCE/config/OHS/<ohs_name>/moduleconf/

    3. Add the following Web services in the mod_osso.conf file:

      <Location /xmlpserver/services/>

      require valid-user

      AuthType Basic

      Allow from All

      Satisfy any


    4. Save the file and restart OHS Service.

Argus Console-level Configurations

To enable execution of the BIP reports from Argus Safety UI, configure the following console settings:

  1. Navigate to Argus Console > Enabled Modules.

  2. Enable the BIP Aggregate Reports module.

  3. Add iisreset on webserver to ensure that the changes made to enable the BIP Aggregate Reports module are visible.

  4. Navigate to Argus Console > System Configuration > Common Profile Switches.

  5. Expand the Reporting node on the tree that appears on the left pane.

  6. Click BIP Aggregate Reporting.

    Surrounding text describes image5.jpg.
  7. In the BIP Common User and Password fields, enter the username and password of a BIP user having administrative permissions. Save the changes. Make sure that the BIP User added here is not same as that of an actual Argus user. It can be a user which is available only for BIP, with complete administrator privileges.

  8. Set the Persist data in BIP Aggregate Temp tables to Yes or No. The default value is No.

  9. Set the Number of days to persist the BIP Aggregate Temp table data. Defaulted to null.


    The Persist data parameters are used to logically retain the data from the BIP temp tables and purge them after the specified number of days.

Configuring Code Lists

For BIP Reports to be run from Argus Safety, the BIP Report template path in the BIP Server to be configured.

Execute the following steps to configure the report template path in Argus Safety:

  1. Navigate to Argus Console > Code Lists > Flexible Data Re-categorization.

  2. Under the Flexible Data Re-categorization tree, navigate to Flexible Re-categorization.

  3. Select the Code List Name as REPORT_TEMPLATE and click Search.

  4. Update the REPPATH as follows:

    • For PBRER - /Argus Safety/PBRER/Reports/pbrer.xdo

    • For PMAR - /Argus Safety/PMAR/Reports/pmar.xdo

    • For DSUR - /Argus Safety/DSUR/Reports/dsur.xdo

  5. Click Save.


    The REPPATH value may be different based on the uploaded path of the templates in the BIP Server.

Creating the Database Jobs

A database job must be created for polling the BIP repository tables. It is up to the requirement of the customer to set up the interval based on the need.

The following example explains creating a job that would run every 3 minutes.

/*Database job that would repeat for every 3 minutes.This job will execute the procedure pkg_agg_rpt_util.p_fetchrptoutput, which will pull the BIP Output from the BIP Server into the Argus Database.*/




DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT (job => n,

what => ' BEGIN

pkg_agg_rpt_util.p_fetchrptoutput; END ;',

interval => 'TRUNC(SYSDATE + 3/1440,''MI'')',

no_parse => FALSE);

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Job Number is: ' || to_char(n));




Another database job is created to purge the data from the RM tables:

/*Database job that would repeat for every 3 minutes.This job will execute the procedure pkg_agg_rpt_util.Purge_RM_Data, which will purge the data from RM tables */




DBMS_JOB.SUBMIT (job => n,

what => ' BEGIN

pkg_agg_rpt_util.Purge_RM_Data; END ;',

interval => 'TRUNC(SYSDATE + 3/1440,''MI'')',

no_parse => FALSE);

DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Job Number is: ' || to_char(n));




Both the database jobs should be created and run as BIP Schema User.