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Oracle® Argus Safety Installation Guide
Release 8.0
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1 Introduction

This section includes the following information:

General Installation and Software Requirements

This section contains table that show the software installation requirements for small, mid-sized, and large companies for the following:

See Hardware Requirements for Argus Safety for hardware requirements.

Pre-Requisite Installation Order

When installing the pre-requisites for the servers, the following order should be followed for installing each component. Depending on the server being installed, some of the pre-requisites may not be needed and can be skipped. After these are installed, you can install the rest of the pre-requisites (if any are needed) in any order prior to installing Argus.

Software Requirements for Argus Safety

The following table show the software installation requirements for small, mid-sized, and large companies:

Software Requirements Argus Safety Database Server Argus Safety Web Server Argus Transaction Server Argus Interchange Server Argus Safety Web Client Argus End of Study Unblinding Tool (EOSU) + Schema Creation Tool ** + Interchange Mapping Tool

Microsoft Windows 2008 R2 SP1

Microsoft Windows 2008 Yes Yes Yes Yes
IIS Version 7.5 ***

Microsoft Windows 2012

Microsoft Windows 2012 Yes Yes Yes Yes
IIS Version 8.0 ***

Microsoft Windows 2012 R2

Microsoft Windows 2012 R2 Yes Yes Yes Yes
IIS Version 8.5 ***

Windows Client Machines and Internet Explorer
Microsoft Windows 7 (32/64-bit)

Yes Yes
Microsoft Windows 8 (32/64-bit)

Yes Yes
Microsoft Internet Explorer, Version 9.0 (32-bit)

Microsoft Internet Explorer, Version 10.0 (32-bit)

Microsoft Internet Explorer, Version 11.0 (32-bit)

Microsoft Windows 2008/2012 Yes

Oracle Enterprise Linux X86/86-64 (Version UEK) Yes

Sun Solaris 10/11 Yes

Other Oracle Database Components
Oracle Advanced Security Transparent Data Encryption (TDE)**** Optional

Oracle Advanced Security Network Encryption Optional

Oracle 11g Client (32-bit only), OLE Objects, ODAC, MTS, ODP.NET
Yes Yes Yes
Oracle 12c Client (32-bit only), Oracle Call Interface, ODAC, MTS, ODP.NET
Yes Yes Yes

Microsoft Visual C++ 2012 Runtime
Yes Yes Yes
Microsoft Visual Basic Power Packs 10.0

Required for Interchange Mapping Tool
Microsoft .NET 3.5 SP1 Framework
Yes Yes Yes
Microsoft Word + Excel 2007/2010/2013 (32-bit)
Required for Dossier only Yes Yes Yes Required for Schema Creation MedDRA Recode and End of Study only
Adobe Acrobat Reader with East Asian Fonts


Documentum DFC Client, Version 6.5 SP2/SP3 Or 6.7 SP2 (64-bit)
Yes Yes Yes

RightFax 9.4/10.5 -Required files only


Oracle Components
Oracle Access Manager 11g - WebGate (32-bit only) Required only for Sign-On integration with Oracle Access Manager.
Oracle WebCenter - (on WebLogic 10.3.6) Required only for multi-tenant installations

(Optional - Required only to deploy the Global Application module. Ideally, the WebCenter Portal Server should be deployed on a separate Web Server. Alternatively, the Global Application module can also be deployed on Argus Safety Web Server directly).

Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition (OBIEE) / BIP -
Third Party Integrations
LDAP/LDAPS Protocol Version 3.0 LDAP authentication support
SMTP Protocol E-mail support
Documentum DFC, Version 6.5 SP2/SP3 Or 6.7 SP2 (64-bit) Required only when Documentum is used for Storage.
RightFax 9.4/10.5 Required only for faxing Expedited Reports.
Gateway for E2B Reporting
Oracle B2B - Certified with both AS1 and AS2 protocols for E2B exchanges between regulatory authorities and pharmaceutical companies.
Axway Synchrony, Version 5.10.1 (64-bit) Required for E2B Report Exchange.

* Note:

* Database Instance is required to be AL32UTF8 Character Set.

** Refer to Note 1 for Oracle Client Patch required for Schema Creation Tool.

*** Refer to Note 2 for mandatory IIS components.

**** Refer to Note 3 for Oracle Database TDE feature.

** Note 1:

Oracle Client Patch required for the Schema Creation Tool

Download the patch 19720843: WINDOWS DB BUNDLE PATCH through Oracle Support.

Apply the following workaround after successfully installing this patch:

  1. Set oracle_home to your client home location

    For example:

    SET ORACLE_HOME=C:\app\client32\product\12.1.0\client_1

    Go to %oracle_home%\bin\ of the client

    Copy file "oranfsodm12.dll" present in "\p19720843_121020_WINNT\19720843\files\bin\" and paste it under %oracle_home%\bin

  2. Run sqlldr help=y or sqlldr.exe.

*** Note 2:

To install IIS, the following components are required:
  • Web Server > Management Tools

    • IIS Management Console

    • IIS 6 Management Compatibility

    • IIS Management Scripts and Tools

  • Web Server > Application Development

    • ASP

    • ASP.NET 3.5

    • Server Side Includes

  • Web Server > Performance

    • Dynamic Content Compression

    • Static Content Compression

**** Note 3:

Oracle Database TDE feature is part of the Oracle Advanced Security option available for Oracle Database Enterprise Edition 11g (

TDE provides the capability to encrypt sensitive data in the Oracle Database in a manner that is transparent to applications.

Argus Safety product has been functionally certified with tablespace level encryption using the Oracle Database TDE feature.

Argus Safety Hardware Topology

This section provides information about the recommended hardware topology and hardware requirements for small, mid-size, and large companies.

The size of your company and licensed Argus components determines the distribution of the software among the servers.

The following are the definitions for small, mid-sized, and large companies.

Small Company: A small company is a company that has from 1 to 50 concurrent users and fewer than 200 new cases reported each month.

Mid-Sized Company: A mid-sized company is a company with 51 to 100 concurrent users and 300 to 600 new cases reported each month.

Large Company: A large company is a company with more than 100 concurrent users and approximately 1000 to 5000 new cases reported each month.

Recommended Hardware Topology for a Small Company

The following image shows the recommended hardware topology for the Argus Safety Hardware for a small company.

Surrounding text describes toposmall.gif.

Recommended Hardware Topology for a Mid-sized Company

The following image shows the recommended topology for the Argus Safety Hardware for a mid-sized company.

Surrounding text describes topomid.gif.

Recommended Hardware Topology for a Large Company

The following is an illustration of the recommended topology for a large company.

Surrounding text describes topolarge.gif.

Hardware Requirements for Argus Safety

The following table show the hardware requirements for Argus Safety installation for small, mid-sized, and large companies:

Hardware Requirements Argus Safety Database Server Argus Safety Web Server Argus Transaction Server Argus Interchange Server Argus Safety Web Client Argus End of Study Unblinding Tool (EOSU)

Small Mid-Size Large Very Large Small Mid-Sized Large Small Mid-Sized Large Small Mid-Sized Large

2 GB

4 GB

Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
4 - 8 GB Yes

8 - 16 GB

16 - 32 GB

Yes Yes

1 Dual Core CPU X 3 GHz




2 Dual Core CPUs X 3 GHz

Yes Yes
Yes Yes
Yes Yes

Equivalent to 2 - 4 Dual Core X 3GHz Yes

Equivalent to 4 - 8 Dual Core X 3GHz

Equivalent to 16 Dual Core X 3GHz

Yes Yes

Pentium IV X 3 GHz

Physical Server
Yes Yes Yes

Oracle Virtual Machine (OVM 2.2.1/2.2.2) Optional Yes Yes Yes

Exadata 11g R2 Optional

RAC 11g R2 Optional

Minimum Resolution
1280X1024 1280X1024 1280X1024 1280X1024 1280X1024

General Pre-Installation Tasks

Before installing the Argus Safety software, be sure to do the following:

Installation Process Overview

The following is the recommended order for installing the Argus Safety solution components:

  1. Install the Schema Creation Tool

  2. Create/Upgrade Argus Safety Database Schema

  3. Load the Factory Data

  4. Execute the Argus Safety Database Schema Validation

  5. Install the Argus Safety Web Component

  6. Load MedDRA

  7. Load WHO-Drug

  8. Load J Drug (if you are using Argus J)

  9. Install the Argus Safety Services / Interchange Service / Interchange Mapping

  10. Configure the Argus Safety Service

  11. Configure the Interchange Service

  12. Install and Configure Axway Synchrony

  13. Maintain Installation


In this release, merging of databases into a Multi-Tenant Database does not support merging of DLP data.

Converting Argus Safety Report Server to Argus Web Server

Execute the following steps to convert Argus Safety Report Server to Argus Web Server:

  1. Navigate to the Argus Safety Report Server.

  2. Go to C:\Windows and open the argus.ini file.

  3. Delete references to the ReportServerUser, ReportServerPassword and ReportServerPriority.

  4. Update the entry for ReportServer to HTTP://Localhost