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Oracle® Argus Insight Installation Guide
Release 8.0
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3 Creating the Argus Insight Data Mart Structure

The Argus Insight Schema Creation Tool lets you create the Argus Insight data mart structure. It creates a link between source Argus database and new Argus Insight data mart. The Extract Transform and Load (ETL) process uses this link to transfer data from Argus Safety database to the Argus Insight data mart for reporting purposes.

During the schema creation process, you are required to create database users:

This chapter includes the following topics:


The Argus Insight database must be created with the same character set as the Argus Safety database. Make sure you have installed the requisite software as explained in Section 1.2, "Software and Hardware Requirements".

3.1 Before You Run the Argus Insight Schema Creation Tool

The GLOBAL_NAME and NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS database parameters must be configured properly in order for the Argus Insight Schema Creation Tool to run. You must check those settings before you run the Argus Insight Schema Creation Tool. If the parameters are not set properly, the Schema Creation Tool will fail.

To review and modify these database settings:

  1. Contact your database administrator (DBA).

  2. Verify that the database configuration file for the Argus Insight database defines the following database parameter values:


      (This parameter must be set to FALSE for Argus Insight to be able to create the database links.)


  3. Restart the database instance to reflect the changes.

To create a DBA user:

If you want to use a different user than SYSTEM user to execute the Schema Creation Tool, then create a DBA user by executing the following .bat file:


Besides creating the DBA user, this .bat file also provides minimum necessary privileges required for executing the Schema Creation Tool.

3.2 Argus Insight Configuration Requirements

This section lists the required and recommended values for:

  • Database parameters

  • Database I/O configuration

  • RAM and CPU

3.2.1 Database Parameters

Table 3-1 lists the database parameters and the values that must be set for Argus Insight.

For those parameters that require a numeric value, Table 3-1 lists the minimum value recommended. You may need to increase the value depending on your system configuration and the number of cases. It is the responsibility of the database administrator to monitor the system and adjust the database parameters as necessary.

Table 3-1 Database Parameters for Argus Insight

Database Parameter Required Value

COMPATIBLE (for Oracle 11g R2) or later






10 (Minimum value recommended)








Minimum value recommended based on the total number of cases:

  • Small (< 30,000 cases): 16

  • Medium (30,000 to 200,000 cases): 32

  • Large (200,000 to 1,000,000 cases): Default

  • Extra Large (> 1,000,000 cases): Default


Minimum value recommended based on the total number of cases:

  • Small (< 30,000 cases): 0.5 GB

  • Medium (30,000 to 200,000 cases): 2 GB

  • Large (200,000 to 1,000,000 cases): 3 GB

  • Extra Large (> 1,000,000 cases): 4 GB


TRUE (if computing statistics regularly)

FALSE (if not computing statistics regularly)


Greater than or equal to the value of the SGA_TARGET parameter.


Minimum value recommended based on the total number of cases:

  • Small (< 30,000 cases): 1 GB

  • Medium (30,000 to 200,000 cases): 2.5 GB

  • Large (200,000 to 1,000,000 cases): 3.5 GB

  • Extra Large (> 1,000,000 cases): 4.5 GB

The 32-bit architecture allows for 4 GB of physical memory to be addressed. DBAs should verify the maximum addressable RAM for their respective architectures.






Leave set to the Oracle default value

DB_BLOCK_SIZE (in bytes)

Leave set to the Oracle default value


Leave set to the Oracle default value


Leave set to the Oracle default value

3.2.2 Database I/O Configuration

Table 3-2 lists the minimum amount of disk space to allocate for the redo log files, TEMP tablespace, and UNDO tablespace.

Table 3-2 Recommended Database I/O Configuration for Argus Insight

Total Number of Cases
Database I/O Configuration Small (< 30,000) Medium (30,000 to 200,000) Large (200,000 to 1,000,000) Extra Large (> 1,000,000)

Number and Size of Redo Log Files


3 X 500 MB

5 X 500 MB

5 X 500 MB

The value depends on the characteristics of the I/O subsystem such as the I/O bandwidth, storage disks type, and RAID level. (Oracle recommends RAID 1+0 or similar.)

TEMP Tablespace Size

32 GB

32 GB

64 GB

128 GB

UNDO Tablespace Size

16 GB

32 GB

64 GB

128 GB

The recommended UNDO tablespace size is based on the projections with the following two parameter values:


UNDO_RETENTION=900 (seconds)

3.2.3 Recommended Configuration for the Database Server

Table 3-3 lists the recommended configuration (RAM and CPU) for the Argus Insight Database Server.

Table 3-3 Recommended Configuration for the Argus Insight Database Server

Total Number of Cases
Database Server Configuration Small (< 30,000) Medium (30,000 to 200,000) Large (200,000 to 1,000,000) Extra Large (> 1,000,000)


4–8 GB

8–16 GB

16–32 GB

16–32 GB


Equivalent to 2–4 Dual Core, 3 GHz

Equivalent to 4–8 Dual Core, 3 GHz

Equivalent to 8–12 Dual Core, 3 GHz

Equivalent to 8–12 Dual Core, 3 GHz


The Argus Insight Database and Argus Safety Database TNS names entry must be available in both Argus Insight Database Server and Argus Safety Database Server. Argus Safety Database TNS should also be present in the Argus Insight Web Server.

3.3 Argus Insight Data Mart Tablespaces

Table 3-4 lists the tablespaces for the Argus Insight data mart. Argus Insight creates these tablespaces when you create a database schema.

Note that the tablespace names begin with APR. The Argus Power Reports (APR) product was renamed to Argus Insight.

Table 3-4 Tablespaces Created for the Argus Insight Data Mart

















































3.4 Starting the Argus Insight Schema Creation Tool

To start the Argus Insight Schema Creation Tool:

  1. Log in to the Argus Insight Web Server.

  2. Click Start.

  3. Navigate to Programs > Oracle > Argus Insight, and select Schema Creation Tool.

    The Schema Creation Tool appears.

    Surrounding text describes schemac.jpg.

Table 3-5 Summary of the Schema Creation Tool options

Option Description Reference

Create Schema

Creates a new database schema for Argus Insight.

Section 3.5, "Creating the Database Schema"

Schema Validation

Validates a newly-created database schema.

Section 3.6, "Validating the Schema"

Factory Data

Loads the factory data into the database.

Section 3.5.4, "Loading Factory Data"

Initial ETL

Runs the initial process of extracting, transforming, and loading data.

Chapter 5, "Extracting, Transforming, and Loading Data"

DB Upgrade

Upgrades an existing Argus Insight 7.0.4 database to an Argus Insight 8.0 database.

Section 3.8, "Upgrading Database from Argus Insight 7.0.4 to Argus Insight 8.0"

Export Data

Exports data.

Section 4.7.1, "Exporting Data"

Import Data

Imports data.

Section 4.7.2, "Importing Data"

Argus DBLink

Creates a link between Argus Insight and Argus Safety.

Section 3.7, "Creating a Database Link from Argus Safety to Insight Database"

Argus User Creation

Lets you create Argus Insight users and roles.

Section 3.5.1, "Creating Users and Roles in the Argus Safety Database"


Exits from the Schema Creation Tool.


3.5 Creating the Database Schema

This section describes the tasks associated with creating the database schema:

3.5.1 Creating Users and Roles in the Argus Safety Database

To create users and roles:

  1. Start the Argus Insight Schema Creation Tool.

  2. Click Argus User Creation.

    The Oracle Database Connect dialog box appears.

  3. Connect to the Oracle Database:

    1. In the User field, enter the name of Argus Safety SYSTEM or DBA user.

    2. In the Password field, enter the password for Argus Safety SYSTEM or DBA user.

    3. In the Argus Safety Database field, enter the name of your Argus Safety database instance.

    4. Click OK.

      The Argus Safety Read Only User Creation dialog box appears.

  4. Click New User.

    The New User dialog box appears.

    Surrounding text describes newuser.jpg.
  5. Complete the New User dialog box as follows:

    1. Enter a name for the new user.

    2. Specify and confirm the password for the user.

    3. Select the default and temporary tablespaces required by your corporate standards, or leave the default values.

    4. Click OK.

      You return to the Argus Safety Read Only User Creation dialog box.


    You must create the INSIGHT_RO_USER and INSIGHT_RO_ROLE, if they do not exist in the Argus Safety schema. Make the appropriate selection in Step 8 below for New User Name and New Role drop-downs and proceed.

  6. Click New Role.

    The New Role dialog box appears:

    Surrounding text describes newrole.jpg.
  7. Enter the name of the new role to create, and then click OK.

    You return to the Argus Safety Read Only User Creation dialog box.

    Surrounding text describes asrouc-lfn.jpg.


    In case you have upgraded the database from Argus Insight 7.0.4 to 8.0, you can also select the existing user, which you have already created earlier, from the New User Name drop-down list.

  8. Complete the Argus Safety Read Only User Creation dialog box as follows:

    1. In the New User Name field, select INSIGHT_RO_USER.

    2. In the New Role field, select INSIGHT_RO_ROLE.

    3. In the Log File Name field, enter the complete path for the location and name of the log file.

      Alternatively, you can click Browse to select the location for the log file, enter the file name, and then click Save.

  9. Click OK when you are ready to create the specified user with the specified role.

    The command prompt screen appears.

    Surrounding text describes syspassword.gif.
  10. Enter the password for the Argus Insight SYSTEM or SAFETY_DBA_USER user, and press Enter.

  11. Verify that the script is successfully connected as <SYSTEM/DBA User Name>@<Argus Safety Database Name>.

    Surrounding text describes scrptdtls.gif.
  12. Press Enter.

    The information about the Argus Safety database name, the name of the user to create, the role to assign to the user, and the name of the log file appears.

  13. Verify that the information is correct, and then press Enter to continue.

    The additional information about creating the user and granting privileges appears.

  14. Press Enter to complete the installation.

    A message stating that the user account has been created successfully appears along with the folder location of the log files.

  15. Click OK to close the message box.

    You return to the Argus Safety Read Only User Creation dialog box.

  16. Click View Log File.

    1. Review the information in the log file and check for any errors.

    2. After reviewing, close the log file.

  17. Click Close to close the Argus Safety Read Only User Creation dialog box.

3.5.2 Clearing the Cache

If you are using the same Database Installer used to create an earlier schema, you must clear its cache.

To clear the cache:

  1. Press and hold the CTRL key, and right-click the mouse.

    The Reset Cache? dialog box appears.

    Surrounding text describes resetcache.jpg.
  2. Click Yes.

    The cache is cleared and actions are logged in the createlog.rtf file.

3.5.3 Creating a New Schema for Argus Insight


Before executing the steps for creating a new schema for Argus Insight, ensure that you have remote access to the SYS user.

If you do not have remote access to SYS user, execute the ai_sys{grant}.sql script through SYS user. This SQL script is located in the following folder:

drive:\Program Files\Oracle\ArgusInsight\Database\DBInstaller\DDL Folder

To create a new schema for Argus Insight:

  1. Start the Argus Insight Schema Creation Tool.

  2. Click Create Schema.

    The Oracle Database Connect dialog box appears.

    Surrounding text describes odcdba.jpg.
  3. Connect to the Oracle Database:

    1. In the User field, enter the name of Argus Insight SYSTEM or DBA user.

    2. In the Password field, enter the password for Argus Insight SYSTEM or DBA user.

    3. In the Database field, enter the TNS entry for the Argus Insight database.

    4. Click OK.

    Note that:

    • If the NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS database parameter is not set to CHAR, an error message appears. You cannot proceed with the process of creating a new schema. You must set the NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS parameter to CHAR in the Argus Insight data mart and then restart the database instance.

      See Section 3.1, "Before You Run the Argus Insight Schema Creation Tool" for details.

    • If the NLS_LENGTH_SEMANTICS database parameter is set to CHAR, the New User dialog box for the APR_MART user appears.

      Surrounding text describes martnu.jpg.
  4. Enter a password for the APR_MART user (which is the schema owner), and then re-enter to confirm the password.

  5. Click OK.

    The New User dialog box for the APR_APP user appears.

    Surrounding text describes appnu.jpg.
  6. Enter a password for the APR_APP user, and then re-enter to confirm the password.


    Argus Insight uses the APR_APP user account for all application access and reporting. The password for this user is stored in encrypted form in the CMN_PROFILE_GLOBAL table. If you need to change this password in the future or if you forget the password, you must contact Oracle Support for assistance in resetting the APR_APP password in the CMN_PROFILE_GLOBAL table. If the password for this user is not in synchronization with the value in the CMN_PROFILE_GLOBAL table, the Argus Insight application will not work.

  7. Click OK.

    The Argus Insight Schema Creation Options dialog box appears.

    Surrounding text describes aisco.jpg.
  8. Click New User.

    The New User dialog box appears.

    Surrounding text describes stagenu.jpg.
    1. In the New User Name field, enter one of the following names:

      • APR_STAGE

      • APR_LOGIN


      • APR_HIST

      • RLS_USER

    2. In the New User Password field, enter the password for the specified user.

    3. In the Re-enter Password field, enter the user password again for verification.

    4. Click OK.

      You return to the Argus Insight Schema Creation Options screen.

    Repeat this step until you have created all the above users.

  9. Click New Role.

    The New Role dialog box appears.

    Surrounding text describes aprrole.jpg.
    1. Enter one of the following names in the New Role field:

      • APR_ROLE


      • APR_APP_ROLE

    2. Click OK.

      You return to the Argus Insight Schema Creation Options screen.

    Repeat this step until you have created all the above roles.

  10. Define the following users and roles in the Argus Insight Schema Creation Options screen:

    1. From the Staging Schema Owner drop-down list, select APR_STAGE.

    2. From the History Schema Owner drop-down list, select APR_HIST.

    3. From the VPD Admin Schema Owner field, select RLS_USER.

    4. In the Schema Options section, select the Database Size and the Time Zone.

    5. From the Mart Role drop-down list, select APR_ROLE.

    6. In Mart Grantee section, select the APR_LOGIN check box.

    7. From the Application Role drop-down list, select APR_APP_ROLE.

    8. Under the MART Database Link Information section:

      i. In the Database Link Schema Owner drop-down list, select APR_LINK_USER.

      ii. In the Database Link Role drop-down list, select APR_LINK_ROLE.

    9. In the Argus Database Link Information section:


      The value you enter in the Database Link Schema Owner field should be the name of the Argus Insight read-only user that you created earlier in the installation process. See Section 3.5.1, "Creating Users and Roles in the Argus Safety Database" for details.

      i. In the Database Name field, enter the name of the Argus Safety database.

      ii. In the Database Link Schema Owner field, enter INSIGHT_RO_USER.

      iii. In the Password field, enter the password for the INSIGHT_RO_USER.

      iv. In the Verify Password field, re-enter the password.

    10. Optionally, in the Credentials for APR_USER section, enter and verify a new password only if you want to change the password for APR_USER.

      All these inputs have been depicted in the following figure:


      You must update the APR_USER password using the instructions in the Section 2.2.1, "Changing the APR_USER Password" section, if you change the default APR_USER password. This is to update the password on the database level and the Argus Insight Web Server/Cognos Server.

      Surrounding text describes schemacreation.jpg.
  11. Click Generate.

    A dialog box to enter the password of the staging user (APR_STAGE user) appears.

    Surrounding text describes stageodc.jpg.
  12. Enter the password, and click OK.

    The system checks that Argus Insight and Argus Safety use the same character set. How the system continues depends on the result:

    • Different Character Set — If the character set for the Argus Insight database (that is, the MART character set) is different from the character set for the Argus Safety database, the system displays a warning message and prompts for confirmation that you want to proceed.

      Determine whether you want to continue with the schema creation.

      If the Argus Safety database uses the UTF character set and the Argus Insight database uses the ISO character set, the ETL process may fail due to the different character sets. In this case, Oracle recommends that you click No, fix the character set issue, and restart the create schema process.

      If the Argus Safety database uses the ISO character set and the Argus Insight database uses the UTF character set, then the system can proceed by ignoring the character set difference. In this case, you can click Yes.

    • Same Character Set — If the character set for the Argus Insight database is the same as the character set for the Argus Safety database, the following command prompt screen appears:

      Surrounding text describes syspassword.jpg.
  13. If you have remote access to the SYS user, enter the password for the SYS user, and press Enter.

    The command prompt screen appears.

    Surrounding text describes scrptdtls.jpg.


    If you do not have remote access to SYS user, then execute ai_sys{grant}.sql script through SYS user. This SQL script is located in the following folder

    drive:\Program Files\Oracle\ArgusInsight\Database\DBInstaller\DDL Folder

    Open the ai_sys{grant}.sql file from the above mentioned location.

    Execute all the GRANT statements after replacing the names of the variables with their corresponding Schema Owner name. For example:

    • &mart_user. = APR_MART schema owner (APR_MART)

    • &mart_app_user. = APR_APP schema owner (APR_APP)

    • &rls_user. = VPD schema owner (RLS_USER)

    If you have already executed the ai_sys{grant}.sql script through SYS user, then go to Step17 of this procedure.

  14. Verify that the script is successfully connected as <SYS User Name >@<Argus Insight Database Name>, and press Enter.

    The command prompt screen with the Grant succeeded message appears multiple times along with the location of the log file.

  15. Verify the location of the log file, and press Enter.

  16. Wait until the Tablespace Creation dialog box appears.

    Surrounding text describes tblspcrtn.jpg.
  17. Complete the Tablespace Creation screen as follows:

    1. In the Enter Database Server Directory where all Data Files will be Created field, enter the complete path to the directory for the tablespace data files that will be used by Argus Insight.

      For example, /u01/app/oracle/SMTEST.

      Note that the directory you specify must already exist.

    2. Click Generate DataFile Path and Name.

      The Complete Path and Datafile column for all tablespaces are automatically filled.

    Note that the system automatically selected the delimiter character to use for the directory path based on the Database Server operating system.

  18. Click Create Tablespace to create all tablespaces.

  19. Wait until the system creates the tablespaces and opens the Argus Insight Database Installation dialog box with the Application Type and the name of the default enterprise.

    Surrounding text describes aidi.jpg.
  20. Click Continue to start the schema creation.

    The system executes the scripts, displays status information during the schema creation process, and reports when the update is completed.

  21. Click the Book icon to view the log file and check for errors.

    Alternatively, you can view the log file at any time at the following location:


  22. Click Finish to close the dialog box.

3.5.4 Loading Factory Data

To load the factory data:

  1. Start the Argus Insight Schema Creation Tool.

  2. Click Factory Data to load the factory data.

    The command prompt screen appears.

    Surrounding text describes aprmartusr.jpg.
  3. Enter the password for the APR_MART User, and press Enter.

    The command prompt screen appears.

    Surrounding text describes verfyscrpt1.jpg.
  4. Verify that the script is successfully connected as <APR_MART User Name>@<Argus Insight Database Name>, and press Enter.

    The row creation messages appears multiple times along with the name (insight_factory_data_log.txt) and location of the log file.

  5. Press Enter.

    A message appears when the process to loading factory data is complete along with the location of the log file.

  6. Click OK to return to the Schema Creation Tool screen.

3.6 Validating the Schema

To validate the database schema:

  1. Start the Argus Insight Schema Creation Tool.

  2. Click Schema Validation.

    The Oracle Database Connect dialog box appears.

  3. Connect to the Oracle Database:

    1. In the User field, enter the name of the Argus Insight SYSTEM or DBA user.

    2. In the Password field, enter the password for the Argus Insight SYSTEM or DBA user.

    3. In the Database field, enter the name of the Argus Insight Data Mart instance.

    4. Click OK.

      The Schema Validation Utility dialog box appears.

    Surrounding text describes validation.jpg.
  4. Complete the Schema Validation Utility dialog box as follows:

    1. For the Validation CTL Folder and File field, click Browse next to the field to navigate to the location of the CTL file that you want to verify. Select the CTL file, and then click Open.

      You return to the Schema Validation Utility dialog box.

    2. For the Select Log Files Folder field, click Browse next to the field to navigate to and select the log files folder. Click OK to close the Select Folder dialog box and return to the Schema Validation Utility dialog box.

    Note that the default file names are automatically populated in the Validation LOG File Name (Record Diff) and Validation LOG File Name (Record Output) fields. You may change the log file names.

  5. Click Validate Schema.

    The command prompt screen appears:

    Surrounding text describes systempass.jpg.
  6. Enter the password for the Argus Insight SYSTEM or DBA user, and press Enter.

    Surrounding text describes verfyscrpt2.jpg.
  7. Verify that the script is successfully connected as <SYSTEM/DBA User Name>@<Argus Insight Database Name>, and press Enter.

    The command prompt screen appears with the Database Name, Database Administrator User Name, Validation File Name, and the Folder Name for Log Files.

    Surrounding text describes schedtls.jpg.
  8. Review the information on the command prompt screen, and press Enter.

    The next command prompt screen appears.

    Surrounding text describes systempass1.jpg.
  9. Enter the password for the Argus Insight SYSTEM or DBA user, and press Enter.

  10. Press Enter again on the next screen.

    A message appears stating that the validation of the Argus Insight Database is completed.

  11. Click OK.

When the system returns to the Schema Validation Utility dialog box:

  • To check for any schema discrepancies, such as missing objects, click View Difference Log File.

  • To see the list of errors, if any, which occurred during schema validation, click View Output Log File.

  • To close the dialog box, click Close.

If Argus Insight read-only user is created, then ignore the schema validation differences, where:

  • Objects are R_% views/columns

  • GRANTEE is Argus Insight Read-only user

3.7 Creating a Database Link from Argus Safety to Insight Database

This link allows real-time updates of some of the values from Argus Console to Argus Insight data mart.

To create the database link from the Argus Safety database to the Argus Insight database:

  1. Start the Argus Insight Schema Creation Tool.

  2. Click Argus DBLink.

  3. Connect to the Oracle Database:

    1. In the Password field, enter the password for the Argus Safety SYSTEM or DBA user.

    2. In the Argus Safety Database field, enter the name of your Argus Safety database.

    3. Click OK.

    The Argus To Insight Database Link Creation dialog box appears.

    Surrounding text describes dblinkcreation.jpg.
  4. Complete the fields in the Argus Safety Information section as follows:

    1. In the Schema Owner field, select the user account that owns the Argus Safety schema.

    2. In the Safety Role field, select the Argus Safety role.

    3. In the Read Only Role field, select the INSIGHT_RO_ROLE, which was created in Argus Safety.

  5. Complete the fields in the Argus Insight Information section as follows:

    1. In the Database field, enter the name of the Argus Insight database.

    2. In the RO User field, enter the name of the read-only user.

      See step 8 (a) of the Section 3.5, "Creating the Database Schema" section (APR_LINK_USER).

    3. In the RO User Password field, enter the password for the read-only user.

  6. Click the Log File Name field to specify the name of the log file that will store the DBLink creation information.

    You may click Browse to navigate to the file location, select the file, and Save your selection.

  7. Click OK to create the database link.

    A dialog box appears to enter the information required to connect to the database as the ARGUS_APP user.

    Surrounding text describes dblinkuser2.jpg.
  8. Enter the ARGUS_APP password and the Argus Safety database information. Click OK.

    A dialog box appears to enter the information to connect to the database as the Argus Safety SYSTEM or DBA user.

  9. Enter the password for the Argus Safety SYSTEM or DBA user, and click OK.

    The command prompt screen appears.

    Surrounding text describes appuser.jpg.
  10. Enter the password for the ARGUS_APP user, and press Enter.

    Surrounding text describes verfyscrpt3.jpg.
  11. Verify that the script is successfully connected as <ARGUS_APP User Name>@<Argus Safety Database Name>, and press Enter.

  12. Press Enter again.

    Wait until a message appears stating that the Argus Safety to Argus Insight database link is created successfully along with location of the log file.

  13. Click OK.

  14. Check the log files located in the following folder for status information:

    drive:\Program Files\Oracle\ArgusInsight\Database\DBInstaller

  15. Click Close to close the Argus To Insight Database Link Creation dialog box.

3.8 Upgrading Database from Argus Insight 7.0.4 to Argus Insight 8.0


The Argus Insight upgrade process will delete the CIOMS, CIOMS II Line listing and MedWatch reports entirely from the Argus Insight database. If you intend to retain this information, you must ensure that before starting the upgrade process, you have taken a back-up of this information.

To upgrade the database from Argus Insight 7.0.4 to Argus Insight 8.0:

  1. Start the Argus Insight Schema Creation Tool.

  2. Click DB Upgrade.

    The Oracle Database Connect dialog box appears.

  3. Connect to the Oracle Database:

    1. In the User field, enter the name of the Argus Insight SYSTEM or DBA user.

    2. In the Password field, enter the password for the Argus Insight SYSTEM or DBA user.

    3. In the Database field, enter the name of your Argus Insight database.

    4. Click OK.

      The Upgrade Parameters dialog box appears.

    Surrounding text describes upgrade4.jpg.
  4. Complete the Upgrade Parameters dialog box as follows:

    1. In the top section, verify that the database and upgrade information is correct. If the information is incorrect, click Cancel.

    2. In the Upgrade Parameters section, enter the correct password for each owner and user.

    3. In the Mart Login User field, select the user defined as mart login user (APR_LOGIN user).

  5. Click Next.

    The Tablespace Management dialog box appears.

    Surrounding text describes upgrade5.jpg.
  6. Verify that all tablespaces have enough free space.

    The green check mark indicates that the tablespace has enough free space.

    If the tablespace does not have enough free space, increase the size of the tablespace by below mentioned methods:

    • To add a new datafile to the existing tablespace, click Add.

      A dialog box appears to add a name for the new datafile, containing the required additional space.


      In case no datafile exists for any tablespace, click Create.

      A dialog box appears to create a new datafile containing the tablespace information.

    • Alternatively, if you do not wish to add a new data file, the database administrator can resize the tablespace from the back-end.

      After resizing, click the Recalculate button to re-evaluate the tablespace size and refresh the tablespace grid, as per the updated tablespace size.

      Once updated, the Add or Create button will not be displayed and the green check mark will be displayed, indicating that the tablespace has enough free space.

  7. Click Next.

    The Argus Insight Database Upgrade dialog box appears.

  8. Click Continue to start the upgrade process.

    During the upgrade process, the system loads the factory data, and then displays a message reminding you to check the Factory_Data folder for any .BAD files.

  9. Click OK to continue.

    The system executes the upgrade scripts, displays status information during the update, and reports when the update is completed.

  10. Click the Book icon to view the log file and check for errors.

    Alternatively, you can view the log file at any time at the following location:

    drive:\Program Files\Oracle\ArgusInsight\Database\Upgrades\UpgradeLog.rtf

  11. Click Finish to close the dialog box.

  12. Once you have upgraded the database from Argus Insight 7.0.4 to Argus Insight 8.0, you must create the Read-only user in the Argus Safety database using the steps given in Section 3.5.1, "Creating Users and Roles in the Argus Safety Database".

3.9 Running Additional Grant Scripts for Single DB Instance

If Argus Insight and Argus Mart are running on the same database, execute the following:



  • During execution of the utility, if a prompt appears to enter the user details, then enter Argus Insight DBA user and password.
  • After execution of the utility, Argus Insight schema validation file will reflect additional privileges.

3.10 Creating Argus Insight Read-Only User

You can create a read-only schema in Argus Insight. This schema will have read-only (SELECT) access on all the tables and views of the APR_MART and APR_HIST schema. Besides, this read-only schema can also be used for customized reporting purpose.

To create Argus Insight Read-only user:

  1. From the Utils folder, double click the AI_RO_USER.bat file.

  2. Enter the following inputs:

    1. Name of the Log file

    2. Name of Argus Insight database

    3. Password of the SYS user

    4. Name of Argus Insight Mart schema user (for example, APR_MART)

    5. Name of the History schema user (for example, APR_HIST)

    6. Name of Argus Insight Read-only user that you want to create

    7. Password of Argus Insight Read-only user

    Surrounding text describes aiparams.jpg.

    On successful connection to the SYS user, the script provides read-only access on objects of Argus Insight schema to the read-only user.