7 Using ASAP Reports

This chapter provides an overview of Oracle Communications ASAP Reports that are implemented with Oracle Business Intelligence (BI) Publisher. The chapter also provides information on how to install, upload, and view ASAP reports.

You can install Oracle BI Publisher report templates as part of the ASAP client installation. You can view reports in Oracle BI Publisher Enterprise using a web based URL. For more information on ASAP client installation, see the ASAP Installation Guide.

About Standard ASAP Reports

Table 7-1 lists the reports that are standard to ASAP and the necessary information to view them.

Table 7-1 Standard ASAP Reports

Report Name Source Type Table Name Required Information Information Included Sorting Order

Aborted Work Orders Report



Start and End dates and times of the report

Name of the Work Group(s) from which to retrieve a specific Work Group detail

Work Group name

ID of the user who aborted the work order

Order type

Work Order ID number

Due date

Ascending order by:

Work Group

User ID

Date and time

Work order ID

Activity Report



The Report Type to be generated based on the selected option.

  • Select P to generate a report for polling records

  • Select S to generate a report for summary records

Start and End dates and times of the report

Name of the Work Group(s) from which to retrieve a specific Work Group detail

Work Group name


Number of work orders received

Number of work orders that are future dated

Number of completed work orders

Number of failed work orders

Number of cancelled work orders

Percentage of work orders failed

Ascending order by:

Work Group

Date and time of each record

ASDL Details on ASDL Command(s) Report



Start and End dates and times of the report

Name of the ASDL(s) from which to retrieve a specific ASDL detail


Date received

Number of ASDL(s) received

Number of ASDL(s) completed

Number of ASDL(s) failed

Average time for the ASDL to complete

Maximum time for the ASDL to complete

Minimum time for the ASDL to complete

Ascending order by:

ASDL name

Date and time of each record

ASDL Detail on Network Element(s) Report



Start and End dates and times of the report

Name of the NE(s) from which to retrieve statistical ASDL detail

Network Element name

Date received

Number of ASDL received for the NE

Number of completed ASDLs for the NE

Number of failed ASDLs for the NE

Average time to complete ASDLs for the NE

Maximum time to complete ASDLs for the NE

Minimum time to complete ASDLs for the NE

Ascending order by:

Network Elements

ASDL names

Date and time of each record

CSDL(s) Detail Report



Start and End dates and times of the report

Name of the CSDL(s) from which to retrieve statistical CSDL detail

CSDL name

Date received

Number of CSDLs received

Number of CSDL completed

Number of CSDL failed

Average time to complete CSDL

Maximum time to complete CSDLs

Minimum time to complete CSDLs

Ascending order by:

CSDL name

Date and time of each record

Last Activity Report



The Report Type to be generated based on the selected option.

  • Select P to generate a report for polling records

  • Select S to generate a report for summary records

Name of the Work Group(s) from which to retrieve a specific Work Group detail

Work Group name

Number of work orders received

Number of work orders that are future-dated

Number of completed work orders

Number of failed work orders

Number of cancelled work orders

Percentage of work orders that failed

Ascending order by Work Group.

Last ASDL Detail on ASDL Command(s) Report



Name of the ASDL(s) from which to retrieve a specific ASDL statistical information

ASDL name

Number of ASDLs received

Number of ASDLs completed

Average time (in seconds) for the ASDL to complete

Maximum time (in seconds) for the ASDL to complete

Minimum time (in seconds) for the ASDL to complete

Ascending order by ASDL name.

Last ASDL Detail on Network Element(s) Report



Name of the NE(s) from which to retrieve statistical ASDL detail

Network Element name

Number of ASDLs received for the NE

Number of completed ASDLs for the NE

Number of failed ASDLs for the NE

Average time to complete ASDLs for the NE

Maximum time to complete ASDLs for the NE

Minimum time to complete ASDLs for the NE

Ascending order by Network Elements.

Last CSDL(s) Detail Report



Name of the CSDL(s) from which to retrieve statistical CSDL detail

CSDL name

Number of CSDLs received

Number of completed CSDLs

Number of failed CSDLs

Average time to complete CSDLs

Maximum time to complete CSDLs

Minimum time to complete CSDLs

Ascending order by CSDL name.

Last Soft Error Report



Name of the NE(s) from which to retrieve soft error detail

Network Element name

ASDL name

User Error description

Number of soft errors

Ascending order by:

Network Element


User error

Last Switch Error History Report



Name of the NE(s) from which to retrieve switch history detail

Base Error type

Network Element name

ASDL Command

User Error description

Number of errors

Number of NE errors

Total number of base errors

Ascending order by:

Base type

Network Element

ASDL name

User error

Soft Error Report



Start and end date of the report

Name of the NE(s) from which to retrieve soft error detail

Network Element name

ASDL name

Date Received

User Error description

Number of soft errors

Ascending order by:

Network Elements


User error

Date and time of each record

Switch Error History Report



Start and end date of the report

Name of the NE(s) from which to retrieve switch error history detail

Base error type

Network Element name

ASDL Command

Date received

User error description

Number of errors

Ascending order by:

Base type

Network Element

ASDL name

User error

Date and time of each record

Work Order Status Report




Start and End dates and times of the report

The name of the NE(s) from which to retrieve work order status detail

Work Order Status

NE name

Work order ID

Work order due date

Work order status (All, Pending, Completed, Cancelled, Failed, Stopped, or Other)

Description of due date (Past Due, Due Today, or Future Dated)

Ascending order by:

Network Element

Status of the work order

Provisioning date of the order

Work Order Summary Report




Start and End dates

Number of completed WO's

Number of completed WO's with soft fail

Ascending order by:

Status of the Work Order

Provisioning date of order

Work Order Summary by NE Report





Start and End dates

Name of NE (optional)

Number of completed WO's

Number of completed WO's with soft fail

Number of failed WO's

Number of timed out

Ascending order by:

Network Element

Status of the Work Order

Provisioning date of order

Work Order Summary by Source Report




Start and end dates

Source is an external system ID that is passed with the work order (optional)

Number of completed WO's

Number of completed WO's with soft fail

Number of failed WO's

Number of timed out

Ascending order by:


Status of the Work Order

Provisioning date of order

Work Order Processing Time Report



Start and end dates

Average WO processing time for WOs with a status of WO_COMPLETE (104) or WO_FAILED (253)

Ascending order by:

Status of the Work Order

Work Order Processing Time by NE Report




Start and end dates

NE (optional)

Average WO processing time for WOs with a status of WO_COMPLETE (104) or WO_FAILED (253) for the given NE

Ascending order by:

Status of the Work Order

Work Order Processing Time by Source Report



Start and end dates

Source is an external system ID that is passed with the work order (optional)

Average WO processing time for WOs with a status of WO_COMPLETE (104) or WO_FAILED (253) for the given Source

Ascending order by:

Status of the Work Order

Installation Overview

To set up your system to run ASAP reports, perform the following tasks:

  1. Installing and Configuring BI Publisher

  2. Installing ASAP Report Templates

Installing and Configuring BI Publisher

To set up BI Publisher, you need the following:

  • Administrator privileges on the computer where you install BI Publisher Enterprise. The administrators can assign user rights. Depending on the rights administrators give to themselves and to others, users can customize reports based on the available parameters or schedule reports to run.

  • BI Publisher Enterprise license

Installing BI Publisher

To install BI Publisher, download the software for the version specified in ASAP Installation Guide and follow the installation instructions in the BI Publisher documentation.

Setting Up Users for SARM and ADMIN Databases

Before you can access BI Publisher, you must create user IDs and passwords for the Service Activation Request Manager (SARM) and ADM databases. You must provide users with select access to the tables in these databases. For more information on setting up user IDs and passwords for SARM and ADM databases, see the ASAP Installation Guide.

You must ensure that the following servers are running:

  • ADM

  • SARM

To set up database user IDs and passwords:

  • You can give users the environment user IDs to access the databases. However, in most cases, set up separate reporting user IDs with only select access.

  • You must set up separate user IDs for different ASAP environments because you cannot use the same one across different environments.

  • You should limit the number of users with select access on SARM tables to avoid degrading ASAP performance.

Configuring JDBC Data Sources

For the ASAP report to run in BI Publisher, you need to configure data sources for the Admin and SARM databases.

To configure JDBC data sources for Admin and SARM databases:


Repeat the following steps for each database. For example, configure a JDBC data source for the ADMIN database, then repeat for the SARM database.
  1. Log in to BI Publisher with administrator's privileges using the following URL:


    Where ip_address and port are the IP address and port of the BI Publisher server.

    The Home screen appears.

  2. Click Administration.

    The Administration screen appears.

  3. Under Data Sources, click JDBC Connection.

    The Data Sources screen appears.

  4. In the JDBC tab, click Add Data Source.

  5. Enter the following fields for the new connection:

    1. In the Data Source Name field, enter a name to represent the data source. Oracle recommends entering ADM_DS and SARM_DM for the Admin and SARM databases respectively.

    2. From the Driver-Type list, select the database type.

      When you select a driver type, BI Publisher will automatically display the appropriate database driver class as well as provide the appropriate connection string format for your selected database.

    3. You can update the Database Driver Class field if required.

    4. In the Connection String field, enter the database host, port, and SID details.

    5. In the Username field, enter the username to access the data source on the Admin or SARM database.

    6. In the Password field, enter the password for the associated database user.

    7. Select Use Proxy Authentication, to enable Proxy Authentication.


      This is available only for Oracle 11g.
    8. Click Test Connection to verify that the information was entered correctly.

    9. Click Apply, if the connection is successful.

For more information, see "Setting Up Data Sources" in the Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher Administrator's and Developer's Guide.

Installing ASAP Report Templates

You must install the ASAP report templates before uploading on BI Publisher. For more information on installing the report templates, see the ASAP Installation Guide.


If you select the OCA thick client installation type as Custom, ensure that you select Report.

The reports templates are installed in the following directory:


For example:

C:\Program Files\Oracle Communications\ASAP\BIReports

Uploading and Configuring ASAP Reports

To upload and configure ASAP reports on BI Publisher:

  1. Log in to BI Publisher with administrator's privileges using the following URL:


    Where ip_address and port are the IP address and port of the BI Publisher server.

    The Home screen appears.

  2. Click the Catalog tab.

  3. Click the My Folders folder in which you want to upload the report.

  4. On the left-hand side of the window, under Tasks, click Upload.

  5. Click Browse.

    The Choose file dialog box appears.

  6. From the list, select the .xdoz file for the specific report which you want to upload.

    For example, if you are uploading the Activity Report, choose the Activity_Report.xdoz file from the ASAP_client_destination\BIReports\Activity Report directory.

  7. Click Open, then click Upload.

  8. Repeat steps 4 to step 7 for the .xdmz data model file for the specific report which you want to upload.

    For example, if you are uploading the Activity Report, choose the Activity_Report.xdmz file from the ASAP_client_destination\BIReports\Activity Report directory.

  9. Click Edit, for the newly uploaded .xdmz data model file.

  10. Verify that the Default Data Source is pointing to the appropriate data source for the report.

    The current report must point to the Admin data source or SARM data source. For more information on appropriate data sources for each report, see "About Standard ASAP Reports."

  11. Click the Save icon.

  12. Click Catalog.

  13. Click Edit for the newly uploaded .xdoz report.

  14. Click the Choose existing Data Model search icon below the report heading.

  15. Select the corresponding .xdmz data model for the .xdoz report.

  16. Click the Save icon.

Viewing ASAP Reports

You can generate the reports after uploading them on BI Publisher. For this, you can click Open on the specific report. You can view the generated reports using BI Publisher.

You can customize (filter) the reports based on the available parameters like Start Date, End Date, and so on. The availability of the parameters depends on the report.

Exporting Reports

You can choose a directory where you wish to save a report. The report can be saved in different formats namely, HTML, PDF, RTF, CSV, DATA (which is saved as a .xml file), and so on. The availability of formats depends on the report template.

To export a report:

  1. Upload a specific report and its corresponding report template. For information on uploading reports, see "Uploading and Configuring ASAP Reports."

  2. Click the Catalog tab.

  3. From MyFolders, open the folder containing the uploaded ASAP reports.

  4. Click Open on the report you want to view.

  5. Specify the parameters for the report like Start Date, End Date, and so on. See Table 7-1, "Standard ASAP Reports" for more information on the parameters.

  6. Click View to view the generated report.

  7. Click Export.

  8. Save the report on your local machine.

Printing Reports

To print a report to a printer:

  1. On the generated report window, select the required report format like HTML, PDF, RTF, and so on.

  2. Click Export to save the report onto your local machine. For more information on exporting reports, see "Exporting Reports."

  3. Use the print option, to print the report, as available by the report format.

For information on scheduling and analyzing, see Report Designer's Guide in the BI Publisher documentation. For information on sending documents by e-mail, see Administrator's and Developer's Guide in the BI Publisher documentation.