
This guide provides an overview of Oracle Communications ASAP Order Control Application (OCA), contains instructions for creating and managing work orders using OCA, and gives information on using audit log and setting up event notifications in OCA. This guide also explains how you can implement Oracle Business Intelligence Publisher to generate reports for ASAP.


This document is intended for system administrators, system integrators, and other individuals who need to maintain and work with ASAP.

Accessing Oracle Communications Documentation

ASAP documentation and additional Oracle documentation (such as database and WebLogic Server documentation) is available from the Oracle Help Center website:

Additional Oracle Communications documentation, including ASAP developer documentation, is available from the Oracle software delivery Web site:

Related Documents

For more information, see the following documents in the Oracle Communications ASAP Release documentation set:

  • Oracle Communications ASAP Release Notes

  • Oracle Communications ASAP Concepts

  • Oracle Communications ASAP Installation Guide

  • Oracle Communications ASAP System Administrator's Guide

  • Oracle Communications ASAP Service Request Translator User's Guide

  • Oracle Communications ASAP Security Guide

  • Oracle Communications ASAP Server Configuration Guide

  • Oracle Communications ASAP Cartridge Development Guide

  • Oracle Communications ASAP Developer's Guide


To download the Oracle Communications ASAP Developer's Guide from the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud site, you must select Oracle Communications ASAP Developer Documentation Pack. You can visit the Oracle Software Delivery Cloud site located at:

Document Revision History

The following table lists the revision history for this guide:

Version Date Description
E61081-01 July 2015 Initial release
E61081-02 March 2017 Removed specific BI Publisher version number and directed users to the ASAP Installation Guide for specifics.