2 Installing the SRT

This chapter describes how to install and uninstall, configure and unconfigure, deploy and undeploy the Oracle Communications ASAP Service Request Translator (SRT).

The installation for the SRT consists of an ant build file in the install directory SRT/install.xml.

When you use ant (supplied with the ASAP environment) to run the installation, you can obtain help with the ant command as follows:

ant -projecthelp -buildfile install.xml

The project Help includes a description of the installation file, how to run it, and all available targets.

Installing and Managing the SRT

Install the SRT by doing the following:

Installing the SRT

  1. Go to the Oracle Web site:

  2. Download the ASAP.R7_3_0.BXXX.srt.tar file.

  3. Put the ASAP.R7_3_0.bXXX.srt.tar file in ASAP_Home directory, where ASAP_Home is the directory in which ASAP is installed.

  4. Source the ASAP_Home/Environment_Profile.

  5. Run the following command:

    tar xvf ASAP.R7_3_0.BXXX.srt.tar

    This creates two tar files srt.tar and srt_docs.tar.

  6. Run the following command:

    tar xvf srt.tar

    This creates the SRT directory.

  7. Go to the SRT directory.

  8. Run the following command:

    ant -buildfile install.xml


    If you enabled SSL when you installed ASAP, SRT will also use SSL.

This runs the default 'install' target identified in install.xml. This command customizes the SRT.ear file with the ASAP environment ID, creates all required resources, and deploys the SRT into the Oracle WebLogic Server.

Other targets are listed in Table 2-1:

Table 2-1 Ant Target

Ant Target Functionality


Configures the Oracle WebLogic Server, customizes the SRT.ear file, and deploys it to a server. Temporary files are deleted after completion. If no targets are specified, the ant command default to this value.


Removes the SRT.ear file from the Oracle WebLogic Server, and deletes Oracle WebLogic Server resources created during installation.


Creates resources on the Oracle WebLogic Server.


Removes resources on the Oracle WebLogic Server.


Deploys the SRT.


Checks WebLogic resources for the SRT.


Undeploys the SRT

Table 2-2 lists resources created by the 'configure' target. If a target already exists, the script will continue processing. These same resources will be deleted with the 'unconfigure' target, except for the JMSServer, which is assumed to have been created as part of an ASAP installation.

Table 2-2 Created Resources

Resource Name Resource JNDI Type Purpose




Hosts all JMS queues and topics. This is normally created by an ASAP installation.


System.asap_envid.ApplicationType. ServiceActivation.Application.1-0;7-2;ASAP.Comp.SRT.MessageQueue


The SRT processes all messages placed in this queue.


System.asap_envid.ApplicationType. ServiceActivation.Application.1-0;7-2;ASAP.Comp.SRT.ResponseQueue


If 'reply-to' is not specified for an inbound message, the response will be placed in this queue.


System.asap_envid.ApplicationType. ServiceActivation.Application.1-0;7-2;ASAP.Comp.SRT.MessageErrorQueue


The queue that stores messages from the SRTMessageQueue that cannot be processed.


System.asap_envid.ApplicationType. ServiceActivation.Application.1-0;7-2;ASAP.Comp.SRT.JSRPResponseQueue


The queue that SRT uses to listens for responses from the JSRP.


System.asap_envid.ApplicationType. ServiceActivation.Application.1-0;7-2;ASAP.Comp.SRT.EventErrorQueue


The queue that stores messages from the JSRPEventTopic that cannot be processed.

Upgrading the SRT

To upgrade an existing SRT installation with a newer version, do the following:

  1. Go to the Oracle Web site:

  2. Download the patch (for example, ASAP.R7_n_n.SRT.Bn.tar, where R7_n_n represents the ASAP release and bn represents the build number).

  3. Put the ASAP.R7_n_n.SRT.Bn.tar file in ASAP_Home directory, where ASAP_Home is the directory in which ASAP is installed.

  4. Source the ASAP_Home/Environment_Profile.

  5. Un-tar the patch:

    tar xvf patch 

    This creates two tar files srt.tar and srt_docs.tar.

  6. Un-tar the srt.tar file.

    tar xvf srt.tar 

    This creates the SRT directory.

  7. Change the directory to the SRT directory:

    cd ASAP_Home/SRT
  8. Run the following command:

    ant -buildfile install.xml undeploy
  9. Run the following command:

    ant -buildfile install.xml customize deploy clean