A Pre-defined Scripts

This appendix describes the pre-defined scripts that are supplied with Oracle Communications IP Service Activator.

Save to NVRAM

The NVRAM.py script copies the Cisco running configuration to startup configuration (NVRAM). This is particularly useful if a number of changes have taken place during the current run period of the system and ensures these changes are saved for any future restarts.

Device Driver

Cisco IOS device driver

Objects Applied To

Script Type = Device

Device Role = Any Role

Scheduling Requirements

Installed = After configuration changes

Frequency = Once only

Install on restart = False

Variables Required


Commands Applied During Install

copy running-config startup-config

Commands Applied During Remove


Add VLAN to CatOS

The CatosAddVlna.py script adds a VLAN to a CatOS switch.

Device Driver

CatOS script driver

Objects Applied To

Script Type = Device

Device Role = Any Role

Scheduling Requirements

Installed = After configuration changes

Frequency = Repeatedly

Install on restart = False

Variables Required



Commands Applied During Install

copy running-config startup-config

Commands Applied During Remove


Force a FastStart Mode Exit for Cisco Devices

The NullCiscoScript.py script forces Cisco devices to exit from the FastStart mode.

Device Driver

Cisco IOS device driver

Objects Applied To

Script Type = Device

Device Role = Any Role

Scheduling Requirements

Installed = After configuration changes

Frequency = Once only

Install on restart = False

Variables Required


Commands Applied During Install


Commands Applied During Remove