5 Cisco Cartridge Configuration Utility

This chapter describes the Oracle Communications IP Service Activator Cisco IOS cartridge configuration utility and explains how to use it.

About the Cisco Cartridge Configuration Utility

The Cisco cartridge configuration utility is a command line tool that is installed with the Cisco IOS cartridge, and provides the ability to automatically generate options and registry files for your Cisco devices.

You can run the Cisco cartridge configuration utility to generate a CSV (comma-separated values) file containing entries for all the Cisco devices and IOS combinations in your IP Service Activator database. You can then run the Cisco cartridge configuration utility again to generate the options files for your devices. The Cisco cartridge configuration utility reads the options from the master options CSV file and matches them to your device and IOS combinations.

The Cisco cartridge configuration utility will create an options xml file for each device and IOS version. The tool can be run with a different parameter to generate a registry file that will use the newly generated options files. The necessary procedures are provided in this section, and cover the tasks listed in the task checklist.

The cartridgeConfigurationTool.sh script is the executable file used to invoke commands in the Cisco cartridge configuration utility.

Task Checklist

The following list displays the suggested order of tasks for using the Cisco cartridge configuration utility:

  1. Retrieving a List of Device Type and IOS Version Combinations

  2. Generating the Registry File

  3. Generating Multiple Options Files and/or Generating a Single Options File

  4. Generating Capabilities Files

Using the Cisco Cartridge Configuration Utility: General Commands

The Cisco cartridge configuration utility is installed with the IP Service Activator Cisco IOS cartridge. Following is the syntax of a list of device type and IOS version combinations:

Navigate to the IP_SERVICE_ACTIVATOR_HOME/bin directory.

For example:

bin/cartridgeConfigurationTool.sh -help

Table 5-1 displays general usage commands for the Cisco cartridge configuration utility.

Table 5-1 Commands for Cisco Cartridge Configuration Utility

Command Description


Generates an initial set of capabilities files.


Generates the complete set of options in the output directory.


Generates the complete set of options.


Generates the MIPSA_registry.xml file.


Generates a single options file.


Displays help text for the Cisco cartridge configuration utility.


Sets the output filename or directory.


Queries IP Service Activator for active Cisco device and IOS data.

Retrieving a List of Device Type and IOS Version Combinations

Using the cartridgeConfigurationTool.sh executable file in the Cisco cartridge configuration utility, you can retrieve a list of device type and IOS version combinations from the Policy Server database.

Table 5-2 lists the commands to retrieve device type and IOS version combinations.

To retrieve a list of device type and IOS version combinations:

  1. Navigate to the IP_SERVICE_ACTIVATOR_HOME directory.

  2. Execute one of the following commands:

    bin/cartridgeConfigurationTool.sh -queryActiveDeviceTypesAndIOS db [host_name port sid user_name password] [proxyagent] [-output output_filename]


    bin/cartridgeConfigurationTool.sh -queryActiveDeviceTypesAndIOS oim [hostname port username password] [proxyname] [-output output_filename]

Table 5-2 Commands to Retrieve Device Type and IOS Version Combinations

Where Is


Used to query data directly from the database.


Used to query data via the IP Service Activator Integration Manager.


The database (db) or IP Service Activator naming service (oim) host name or IP address.


The database (db) or IP Service Activator naming service (oim) port number. (Optional).


The database (db) SID.


The database (db) or IP Service Activator (oim) username.


The database (db) or IP Service Activator (oim) password.


Used to restrict the device query to devices managed by the specified proxy agent (optional).


The device IOS data output file (optional) that will be created in IP_SERVICE_ACTIVATOR_HOME directory

For example:

bin/cartridgeConfigurationTool.sh -queryActiveDeviceTypesAndIOS oim localhost 2809 orchestream orchestream -output device_ios.csv

Multi-valued List Options

The cartridge configuration tool can generate options for multivalued lists. An entry in the CSV provided as the base (cisco_options.csv) includes values for the option cartridge.cisco.qos.frameRelay.servicePolicyDirectReference.hardwareList. The multiple values for this option will be separated by "\" (single back slash) so that running the script (cartridgeConfigurationTool.sh on UNIX or Solaris and cartridgeConfigurationTool.bat on Windows) generates options XML with the multiple values provided.

The following is an example of the format of the CSV entry:

cartridge.cisco.qos.frameRelay.servicePolicyDirectReference.hardwareList,Cisco 7600,12.*\(.*\)SXE,12.2(18)SXE,,7600-SIP-200\7600-SIP-400\7600-SIP-600,Cisco service policy direct reference on frame-relay - Hardware list

For this example, the output generated in the generated XML will be as follows:






Generating the Registry File

Using the cartridgeConfigurationTool.sh executable file in the Cisco cartridge configuration utility, you can generate the MIPSA_registry.xml file with your set of device type and IOS version combinations.

Table 5-3 lists the commands to generate the registry file.

For more information about cartridge capabilities management and the registry, see IP Service Activator System Administrator's Guide.

To generate the registry file:

  1. Navigate to the IP_SERVICE_ACTIVATOR_HOME directory.

  2. Execute the following command:

    bin/cartridgeConfigurationTool.sh -generateRegistry device_ios_data package default|series|device|deviceios [-output output_filename]

    Table 5-3 Commands to Generate the Registry File

    Where Is


    The csv file of the device type and IOS version pairs that were generated in the procedure. For more information, see "Retrieving a List of Device Type and IOS Version Combinations".


    The package prefix for the generated options and capabilities files. This translates to an output directory. You can specify a multi-level destination sub-directory hierarchy by providing multiple sub-directory names separated by "." characters. The target directory will be created below the output directory for the registry file.


    Used to generate all capabilities references to cisco_default.xml.


    Used to generate capabilities references for each device series - for example: cisco_3600.xml.


    Used to generate capabilities references for each device type - for example: cisco_3640.xml.


    Used to generate capabilities references for each device IOS combination - for example: cisco_3640-12.2(13)T.xml.


    The name of the output registry file.

    For example:

    bin/cartridgeConfigurationTool.sh -generateRegistry device_ios.csv com.oracle.ipsa series -output MIPSA_registry.xml

    The MIPSA_registry.xml file is saved in the IP_SERVICE_ACTIVATOR_HOME directory.

  3. Update the MIPSA registry file to include the new IOS/device combinations. For information on how to include the new IOS/device combinations, see the discussion about creating or editing a cartridge registry file in IP Service Activator System Administrator's Guide.

  4. Copy the generated registry file to the following directory: IP_SERVICE_ACTIVATOR_HOME/Config/networkProcessor


If you need to re-generate the MIPSA_registry.xml file by running this procedure again at a later time, you must re-start the Network Processor or reload the registry after completion. When you reload the registry, the Network Processor reloads its configuration files. The path for the reload registry script is IP_SERVICE_ACTIVATOR_HOME/bin. To reload the registry, execute the following command:
npAdmin.sh reload_registry

Understanding Registry File Behavior

An entry in the MIPSA_registry.xml file matches a device if all of the following conditions are met:

  • driverType is equal to the Device Driver value from the Device Type entry on the Topology tab in the IP Service Activator GUI.

  • deviceType matches the Model, s/w Vn value from the Device Type entry on the Topology tab in the IP Service Activator GUI if useRegex is turned off.

  • osVersion appears as a substring in the Description field on the Device property page in the IP Service Activator GUI if useRegex is turned off.

If multiple entries in the MIPSA_registry.xml file match a given device, the first entry (the one listed first in the file) is used.

Regular expression matching is not supported for the driverType field. However, it can be enabled for the deviceType and osVersion fields by including the useRegex attribute as follows:

<deviceType useRegex="true" >Cisco 26[0-9][0-9]</deviceType>
<osVersion useRegex="true" >12.2(1[45])T</osVersion>

See the sample MIPSA_registry.xml file below for examples of the values mentioned above.

Sample Registry File Entry

The following is a sample MIPSA registry file entry:

<!-- Cisco 2611 --> 
<deviceType>Cisco 2611</deviceType> 
<smToDmQuery>com/metasolv/serviceactivator/cartridges/cisco/units/cu1/sm2dm.xq</smToDmQuery> <dmValidation>com/metasolv/serviceactivator/cartridges/cisco/units/cu1/dmValidation.xq</dmValidation>     <dmMigration>com/metasolv/serviceactivator/cartridges/cisco/xquerylib/dmMigration.xq</dmMigration>     <dmToCliQuery>com/metasolv/serviceactivator/cartridges/cisco/units/cu1/annotatedDm2Cli.xq</
<capabilities>com/oracle/ipsa/capabilities/cisco_2600.xml</capabilities> <options>com/oracle/ipsa/options/Cisco_2611-12.2(15)T16.xml</options> <errorMessages>com/metasolv/serviceactivator/cartridges/cisco/messages/errorMessages.xml</
errorMessages>     <warningMessages>com/metasolv/serviceactivator/cartridges/cisco/messages/warningMessages.xml</warningMessages>     <successMessages>com/metasolv/serviceactivator/cartridges/cisco/messages/successMessages.xml</successMessages> 

Generating Multiple Options Files

Using the cartridgeConfigurationTool.sh executable file in the Cisco cartridge configuration utility, you can generate a complete set of options configuration files for your Cisco device types and IOS versions.

Table 5-4 lists the commands to generate multiple options files.

For more information about cartridge capabilities management and option files, see IP Service Activator System Administrator's Guide.

To generate multiple options files:

  1. Navigate to the IP_SERVICE_ACTIVATOR_HOME/lib/java-lib/cartridges/cisco directory.

  2. Execute the following command:

    bin/cartridgeConfigurationTool.sh -generateOptionsZip options_filename device_ios_data package -output output_zipfile

    Table 5-4 Commands to Generate Multiple Options Files

    Where Is


    The path to the master options configuration data (cisco_options.csv).


    The csv file of the device type and IOS version pairs that was generated in the procedure. For more information, see "Retrieving a List of Device Type and IOS Version Combinations".


    The package prefix for options files. This translates to an output directory. You can specify a multi-level destination sub-directory hierarchy by providing multiple sub-directory names separated by "." characters. The target directory will be created below the output directory for the registry file.


    The file name of the output zip file.

    For example:

    bin/cartridgeConfigurationTool.sh -generateOptionsZip Config/cisco_options.csv device_ios.csv com.oracle -output cisco_options.zip

    The cisco_options.zip file is saved in IP_SERVICE_ACTIVATOR_HOME.

  3. Load the updated options by doing one of the following:

    • Extract the cisco_options.zip file to the IP_SERVICE_ACTIVATOR_HOME/Config/networkProcessor directory. The new options will be dynamically picked up from the classpath if you use the reload_registry command.

    • Shut down and restart the Network Processor. The updated options will be reloaded from the options.zip file.


If you need to re-generate options by running this procedure again at a later time, you must re-start the Network Processor after completing this procedure.

Generating a Single Options File

Using the cartridgeConfigurationTool.sh executable file in the Cisco cartridge configuration utility, you can generate a single options file for a specific Cisco device type and IOS version.

Table 5-5 lists the commands to generate a single options file.

For more information about cartridge capabilities management and option files, see IP Service Activator System Administrator's Guide.

To generate a single options files:

  1. Navigate to the IP_SERVICE_ACTIVATOR_HOME directory.

  2. Execute the following command:

    bin/cartridgeConfigurationTool.sh -generateSingleOptionsFile options_filename "device_type" "ios_version" [-output "output_filename"]

    Table 5-5 Commands to Generate a Single Options File

    Where Is


    The path to the master options configuration data file (cisco_options.csv).


    The Cisco device type entered between quotation marks.


    The Cisco IOS version entered between quotation marks.


    The name of the output XML file entered between quotation marks.

    For example:

    bin/cartridgeConfigurationTool.sh -generateSingleOptionsFile Config/cisco_options.csv "Cisco 3640" "12.2(13)T4" -output "cisco_options_3640_12.2(13)T4.xml"

    The generated file is saved in the IP_SERVICE_ACTIVATOR_HOME directory.

  3. Copy the output xml file to the following directory:

    IP_SERVICE_ACTIVATOR_HOME/Config/networkProcessor/com/oracle/ipsa/ options


    If you need to re-generate options by running this procedure again at a later time, you must re-start the Network Processor or reload the registry after completing this procedure. When you reload the registry from IP_SERVICE_ACTIVATOR_HOME/bin, the Network Processor reloads its configuration files. To reload the registry, execute the following command:
    npAdmin.sh reload_registry

Generating Capabilities Files

Using the cartridgeConfigurationTool.sh executable file in the Cisco cartridge configuration utility, you can generate an initial set of capabilities files based on the default cartridge capabilities.

Note that only new (missing) capabilities files are generated - existing files are not modified.

Table 5-6 lists commands to generate capabilities files.

For more information about cartridge capabilities management, see IP Service Activator System Administrator's Guide.

To generate capabilities files:

  1. Navigate to the IP_SERVICE_ACTIVATOR_HOME directory.

  2. Execute the following command:

    bin/cartridgeConfigurationTool.sh -generateCapabilitiesFiles device_ios_data package default|series|device|deviceios [-output output_dir]

    Table 5-6 Commands to Generate Capabilities Files

    Where Is


    The csv file of the device type and IOS version pairs that was generated in the procedure. For more information, see "Retrieving a List of Device Type and IOS Version Combinations".


    The package prefix for capabilities files. This translates to an output directory. You can specify a multi-level destination sub-directory hierarchy by providing multiple sub-directory names separated by "." characters. The target directory will be created below the output directory for the registry file.


    Used to generate the capabilities file cisco_default.xml.


    Used to generate the capabilities files for each device series - for example: cisco_3600.xml.


    Used to generate the capabilities files for each device type - for example: cisco_3640.xml.


    Used to generate the capabilities files for each device IOS combination - for example: cisco_3640-12.2(13)T.xml.


    The directory where the capabilities package and files are to be created (optional) - if you do not specify a directory, IP Service Activator will use the current directory.

    For example:

    bin/cartridgeConfigurationTool.sh -generateCapabilitiesFiles device_ios.csv com.oracle series -output ./Config/networkProcessor

    The Cisco cartridge configuration utility creates the capabilities file and places it in a package directory structure in the following directory:

    IP_SERVICE_ACTIVATOR_HOME/Config/networkProcessor/com/oracle/ipsa/ capabilities


    If you need to re-generate the capabilities files by running this procedure again at a later time, you must re-start the Network Processor or reload the registry after completing this procedure. When you reload the registry from IP_SERVICE_ACTIVATOR_HOME/bin, the Network Processor reloads its configuration files. To reload the registry, execute the following command:
    npAdmin.sh reload_registry

Upgrading VRF Configuration

Using the Upgrade VRF format, you can upgrade the existing VRF configuration format from ip vrf to vrf definition. The ”Upgrade VRF Format” menu will only be functional if a user has been given permission. Otherwise the menu will be visible, but the Upgrade button will be grayed out. To change user permissions, edit permissions under the Read/Write user group.


This process cannot be undone.

To upgrade VRF configuration:

  1. Select the Upgrade VRF Format menu from the Properties panel.

  2. Select either Entire Device to upgrade all VPNs or Selected Customer/VPN to select which VPNs to upgrade.

  3. If you are selecting VPNs, select all customers or VPNs that you want to upgrade.

  4. Click Upgrade, and then click Yes to confirm.

This will then sent a ComponentParameters call to the device managing the Network Processor.

The syntax for the ComponentParameters call is as below:

upgradeVrfFormat –device <deviceIp>
upgradeVrfFormat –selective <customer1> <customer2> <customer3> -device <deviceIp>
upgradeVrfFormat –selective <customer1>|<vpn1>,<vpn2>,<vpn3> <customer2>|<vpn1> <customer3>-device <deviceIp>

The CiscoIOS cartridge will then generate one of two CLI documents and update the DM doc.

If the user selected Entire Device:

vrf upgrade-cli multi-af-mode non-common-policies

If the user selected Selected Customer/VPN:

vrf upgrade-cli multi-af-mode non-common-policies vrf <vrfName>

The route target is now:

vrf definition IPSA_1:1650
  rd 1:1650
  address-family ipv4
    route-target export 1:1754
    route-target import 1:1754
  address-family ipv6
interface ATM2/0.32 point-to-point
  vrf forwarding IPSA_1:1650
  ip address