5 Performing Post Installation Tasks for ELS Additional Software

This chapter describes post-installation tasks for additional mainframe software included with the ELS package. The following topics are included:

Before proceeding, verify that you have completed ELS installation tasks. See "Installing ELS and Additional Software" for more information.

LCM Post-Installation Tasks

This section describes required LCM post-installation tasks. The following topics are included:

LCM Load Library Authorization

LCM must run as an authorized program in MVS. Therefore, you must perform the following steps to APF authorize the LCM load library:

  1. Add the LCM load library to either the IEAAPFzz or PROGzz member of SYS1.PARMLIB.

  2. Issue the commands described in "Authorizing the LCM Load Library" to authorize the load library.

Adding the LCM Load Library to the IEAAPFzz Member

Add the following entry to the IEAAPFzz member to authorize the LCM load library:

your.LCMLINK volser,

Before adding this entry to your authorized program list, edit the high level qualifier and volser with appropriate values for your system.

If there are multiple entries in the IEAAPFzz member, each entry (except the last) must end with a comma to indicate continuation. Omit the comma on the last entry.


If the LCM load library resides on an SMS-managed volume, you do not need to specify a volume in the authorized library entry. In this case, specify nothing after the library name, to indicate that SMS is managing the library. If you specify the wrong volume, the library cannot be authorized.

Adding the LCM Load Library to the PROGzz Member

Add the following entry to the PROGzz member to authorize the LCM load library:

    VOLUME(volser) | SMS

Before adding this entry to your authorized program list, edit the high level qualifier and volser with appropriate values for your system.


If the LCM load library resides on an SMS-managed volume, you do not need to specify a volume in the authorized library entry. In this case, specify the literal SMS after the library name, to indicate that SMS is managing the library. If you specify the wrong volume, the library cannot be authorized.

Authorizing the LCM Load Library

Adding an entry to the IEAAPFzz or PROGzz members is necessary so that the library will be authorized in event of an IPL. In the meantime, dynamically authorize the library on your running system by issuing one of the following MVS system commands:

If the library is SMS managed:


If the library is not SMS managed:


Edit the high level qualifier and volser with appropriate values for your system.

Excluding the HSC CDSs from EDI

If using the Enhanced Data Integrity (EDI) feature of z/OS 1.5 or above, all copies of the HSC CDSs must be excluded from EDI processing. For more information, see DFSMS: Using Data Sets for the installed version(s) or z/OS for appropriate entries in the IFGPSEDI PARMLIB member.

Verifying LCM Installation

You can customize LCM SAMPLIB member LCMRUN and run it to verify LCM installation. LCMRUN runs LCM with the CHECK option, which prevents LCM from making any changes to the LSM, the HSC database, or the tape management system files. Refer to the LCM User's Guide for more information about the CHECK option. LCMRUN runs with LCM default management techniques and default reports.

Before invoking LCMRUN, modify the job as follows:

  • Provide the data set name of your system's Tape Management Catalog (TMC) or Volume Master File (VMF).

  • Verify that the data set names on the STEPLIB DD statement for LCM and HSC are correct for your system.

  • Supply the name of the parameter file to use for verification. Select the appropriate verification parameter file from the provided SAMPLIB member described in Table 5-1.


It is recommended that you allocate at least 32 MB of region to run effectively. Some larger environments may require a larger region size to be specified.

Table 5-1 SAMPLIB Member Parameter Files

Tape Management System SAMPLIB Member













Installing and Configuring LCM Agent (Optional)

This section tells how to install and configure LCM Agent. The LCM Agent is an MVS started task that can access TMS information from multiple MVS hosts without shared DASD. The base LCM program executes on the same MVS host as HSC and uses TCP/IP to communicate with an LCM Agent on each host. Each instance of an LCM Agent operates as a started task on the MVS host it is serving.

Install LCM base as described in this guide before you install and configure LCM Agent. Refer to the LCM User's Guide for information about LCM Agent commands.


The host running the LCM batch job must be at the same version as the hosts running the LCM Agent. LCM Agent on hosts with LCM 4.0 installed are incompatible with batch jobs run on hosts with LCM 5.0.0 and above installed.

To install and configure LCM Agent:

  1. For OS/390 eNetwork Communications Server V2R6 or higher and above, ensure that the OpenEdition root file system is installed.

    The LCM Agent requires that the OpenEdition root file is installed in full-function mode. Refer to the IBM Open Edition Planning Guide for more information about creating an HFS root file, modifying the BPXPRMxx PARMLIB member, and creating the root file system directories.

  2. Create the LCM Agent access codes data set by customizing SAMPLIB member LCMCODES.

    Ensure that the access codes data set specifies a list of hosts authorized to retrieve information for each defined access code. After creating the LCM Agent access code data set, populate the data set with a string of random characters that will be used for the access codes. Also ensure that the access codes data set specifies a list of hosts authorized to retrieve information for each defined access code. An exact copy of this data set should exist on both the LCM Agent host and the host running the LCM batch job. The LCM batch job will use the access codes when communicating with the LCM Agent. If the access codes being used on both sides do not match, access to the remote TMS information will be denied by the LCM Agent.

  3. Use your system security software (such as RACF, ACF-2, or TopSecret) to give READ access to referenced data sets to the user ID associated with an LCM Agent started task.

    These data sets include the LCM Agent access codes data set you created in Step 2 and any TMCs that the LCM Agent accesses.

    Additionally, use your system security software to grant the following access:

    • WRITE access to the access codes data set to personnel who maintain access codes

    • READ access to the access codes data set to LCM jobs

    Create an LCM Agent started task procedure by customizing SAMPLIB member LCMAGENT.

    See "LCM Agent Started Task Parameters" for more information.


    • You must specify the security code data set (DDname LCMSECUR) in the JCL for both the LCM Agent started task and the batch job for base LCM. For example:

      //LCMSECUR DD DSN=<agent access code file>,DISP=SHR

    • If you use the custom TMS module interface, include the correct load module containing the custom TMS module in the STEPLIB ddname.

    • When starting more than one Agent in a shared environment, each Agent should have its own uniquely named dump data set.

  4. Install the agent started task procedure in your system PROCLIB.

  5. To connect the LCM batch job to an LCM Agent, do one of the following:

    • Specify the following TMS statement parameters in the LCM job:

      • For CA1, use TMCDSN to identify the data set name of the LCM Agent's TMS catalog.

      • For TLMS, use VMFDSN to identify the data set name of the LCM Agent's TMS catalog.

      • For all other TMS types, use DSN to identify the data set name of the LCM Agent's TMS catalog.

    • In Explorer, use the Access tab of the TMS property sheet.

  6. If you specified a value other than the default port (3002) in Step 6, insert a service entry (&rsquor;&rsquor;lcm­agent'') for this port number in your TCP/IP ETC.SERVICES file.

    For example:

    lcm­agent 4096/tcp # LCM Agent

  7. Optionally, reserve the LCM Agent's TCP/IP port for the LCM Agent's exclusive use with the PORT statement in your TCP/IP configuration profile.

    This is recommended to avoid port conflicts. In the following example, the first column is the PORT number:

    7 UDP MISCSERV          ; Miscellaneous Server 
    3002 TCP LCMAGENT       ; LCM Agent ******* ADD THIS LINE ** 


    You must restart your TCP/IP address space or use the OBEYFILE command or the MVS VARY TCPIP command to force a running TCP/IP address space to reserve the added port number.
  8. Optionally, set the TCP/IP address space to monitor the LCM Agent.

    This is recommended because this configuration causes the LCM Agent started task to automatically start or stop when the TCP/IP address space starts or stops. In addition, the TCP/IP address space periodically queries the state of LCM Agent, and restarts it if not active. You can set up this configuration in the AUTOLOG statement in the TCP/IP configuration profile.

    For example:

                          FTPSERVE  ; FTP Server 
                    LPSERVE         ; LPD Server 
                    NAMESRV         ; Domain Name Server 
                          NCPROUT   ; NCPROUTE Server 
                    PORTMAP         ; Portmap Server 
                          ROUTED    ; RouteD Server 
                          RXSERVE   ; Remote Execution Server 
                          SMTP      ; SMTP Server 
                          SNMPD     ; SNMP Agent Server 
                                  SNMPQE    ; SNMP Client 
                          MISCSERV  ; Miscellaneous Server 
                          LCMAGENT  ; LCM Agent *****ADD THIS LINE ******* 

LCM Agent Started Task Parameters

The following list describes the execution parameters you can specify in the LCM Agent started task JCL using PARM= on the EXEC statement:

  • PORT

    This parameter specifies the port number for client connections. The default is 3002.


    This parameter specifies that messages are in uppercase.


    This parameter displays the service level for the LCM Agent.


    This parameter specifies the maximum number of concurrent client connections. The default is 50.


    This parameter specifies the routing for messages.


    This parameter routes messages to the system console.

  • DD

    This parameter routes messages to the ddname LWSLOG (the default).

  • SWAPpable

    This parameter specifies that the LCM Agent is swappable during idle periods. The default is non­swappable.

    OPTFILE('filename') or OPTFILE(DD:ddname)

    Specifies a fully qualified MVS data set or MVS ddname that contains execution parameters for the LCM Agent. This statement enables you to bypass the JCL parameter length limitations when coding multiple execution parameters. If coding a ddname instead of data set name, you must prefix it with "DD:". For example:


Installing LCM Explorer (Optional)

LCM Explorer is provided in member LCMXPLR of the LCMGUI data set. Updates to the LCM Explorer are distributed as PTFs that replace this member. You can determine the build level of LCM Explorer that is installed on a workstation by viewing the &rsquor;&rsquor;About LCM Explorer'' item in its Help menu.

To update LCM Explorer on a workstation:

  1. Install the LCM PTF that contains the Explorer update on an MVS host running LCM.

  2. FTP a copy of the LCMXPLR member of the LCMGUI data set to each PC running Explorer and rename the member to LCMINST.EXE as follows:

    ftp <host name>
    User: <userid> 
    Password: <password> 
    ftp> binary 
    ftp> get &rsquor;LCM.LCMGUI(LCMXPLR)' LCMINST.EXE 
    ftp> quit 
  3. On each workstation run LCMINST.EXE and follow the instructions in the setup wizard.

Allocating the Explorer Configuration File Library

LCM Explorer produces a configuration file that must reside on the MVS host used to execute LCM runs. The library used to store configuration files should be a PDS. Allocation information can be found in the SAMPLIB member LCMINSTH.

Installing the JCL Procedure for Jobs Submitted by the Explorer

LCM Explorer 7.3 can submit LCM batch jobs. This function requires that you place a cataloged procedure to invoke LCM in SYS1.PROCLIB or another suitable location such as a private JCLLIB. SAMPLIB member LCMEXEC contains a sample JCL procedure.

The JCL contained in the cataloged procedure in SYS1.PROCLIB (LCMEXEC) must contain the same DD statements that are necessary to run the batch LCM application. This includes, but is not limited to, such DD statements as LCMTMSDB (tape management system catalog), LCMSECUR (LCM Agent access code file), and, if you are using the SMC 7.3 UUI, the SEALINK DD card (points to the SMC 7.3 libraries).

MVS/CSC Post-Installation Tasks

This section describes required MVS/CSC post-installation tasks. The following topics are included:

Defining MVS/CSC as an MVS Subsystem

MVS/CSC executes as a secondary subsystem under the primary Job Entry Subsystem.

To define SMC as an MVS subsystem, you must add a line to your subsystem name table (SYS1.PARMLIB member IEFSSNzz) identifying the following:

  • The one to four-character MVS/CSC subsystem name that corresponds to the procedure name for the MVS/CSC started task procedure.

  • The MVS/CSC subsystem initialization routine name, which must be SCSBPREI.

Assuming your MVS/CSC subsystem name is CSC0, the following line correctly adds MVS/CSC to your subsystem name table. This sample entry is contained in member IEFSSNYY of the MVS/CSC sample library.


You can also define the MVS/CSC subsystem name dynamically using the MVS SETSSI command. For example:


where CSC0 is the MVS/CSC subsystem name, and SCSBPREI is the name of the MVS/CSC subsystem initialization routine.


  • If you are not defining the MVS/CSC subsystem name dynamically, you must perform an IPL of the MVS host system before the MVS/CSC subsystem name entry takes effect.

  • MVS/CSC no longer interacts with tape management systems in processing MVS messages. Therefore, the order of definition of the HSC subsystem and a tape management subsystem is irrelevant. However, the SMC subsystem definition, if specified, must follow the tape management system entry.

  • Refer to your IBM z/OS publications for more information about defining subsystem names.

Defining Multiple MVS/CSC Subsystems Running on the Same MVS Host System

Multiple MVS/CSC subsystems can run on the same MVS host system. Each MVS/CSC must be defined as a separate MVS subsystem. Multiple MVS/CSC subsystems only require additional disk space for the multiple JCL startup procedures, additional startup parameter files, and optional event-log, trace, and TAPEREQ definition data sets.

If you intend to run multiple MVS/CSCs, each connected to a separate server, the following operating requirements and restrictions must be considered:

  • All MVS/CSC subsystems may run from a single copy of executable modules.

  • Each MVS/CSC requires its own MVS subsystem definition, cataloged procedure, startup parameters, virtual storage, and optional event-log, trace, and TAPEREQ definition data sets.

  • MVS/CSC user exits should be the same version running for each MVS/CSC subsystem.

  • Operator command prefix characters can be the same or different depending on local operating preferences.


The SMC interrogates MVS/CSC subsystems using volume and policy information to determine which subsystem owns the allocation request. The order of interrogation is determined by the order of the SMC LIBRARY commands (if specified). If LIBRARY commands are not specified, the order of the MVS/CSCs in the SSCVT table is used.

The following must be defined for each subsystem:

  • Server attachment

  • Startup parameter file

  • Communications links

  • MVS/CSC startup procedure

In addition, you can optionally define event-log and trace data sets for each subsystem.

The text from the USERDATA parameter specified in the startup parameter file is passed to these user exits. You can use this text and the parameter list (containing job name, data set name, and other information) to specify to the SMC which active MVS/CSC subsystem is considered the owner of the allocation request.


  • Refer to the ELS Legacy Interfaces Reference for more information about MVS/CSC user exits.

  • Refer to the MVS/CSC Configuration Guide for information about MVS/CSC configuration tasks.

  • Refer to the MVS/CSC Operator's Guide for information about MVS/CSC operating procedures.

MVS/CSC Load Library Authorization

MVS/CSC must run as an authorized program in MVS. Therefore, you must perform the following steps to APF authorize the MVS/CSC load libraries:

  1. Add the MVS/CSC load libraries to either the IEAAPFzz or PROGzz member of SYS1.PARMLIB.

  2. Issue the commands described in "Authorizing the MVS/CSC Load Libraries" to authorize the load library.

Adding the MVS/CSC Load Libraries to the IEAAPFzz Member

Add the following entries to the IEAAPFzz member to authorize the MVS/CSC load libraries:

your.SCSLINK volser,
your.SACLINK volser,
your.CSLLINK volser,

Before adding these entries to your authorized program list, edit the high level qualifier and volser with appropriate values for your system.

If there are multiple entries in the IEAAPFzz member, each entry (except the last) must end with a comma to indicate continuation. Omit the comma on the last entry.


  • If the MVS/CSC load libraries resides on an SMS-managed volume, you do not need to specify a volume in the authorized library entry. In this case, specify nothing after the library name, to indicate that SMS is managing the library. If you specify the wrong volume, the library cannot be authorized.

  • The TCPLINK load library is required if you are using CA Unicenter TCPaccess Communications Server:

    your.TCPLINK volser,

Refer to your CA publications for more information. If you are using IBM TCP/IP, this load library is not required.

Adding the MVS/CSC Load Libraries to the PROGzz Member

Add the following entries to the PROGzz member to authorize the MVS/CSC load libraries:

    VOLUME(volser) | SMS
    VOLUME(volser) | SMS
    VOLUME(volser) | SMS

Before adding these entries to your authorized program list, edit the high level qualifier and volser with appropriate values for your system.


  • If the MVS/CSC load libraries resides on an SMS-managed volume, you do not need to specify a volume in the authorized library entry. In this case, specify the literal SMS after the library name to indicate that SMS is managing the library. If you specify the wrong volume, the library cannot be authorized.

  • The TCPLINK load library is required if you are using CA Unicenter TCPaccess Communications Server:

    APF ADD    DSNAME(your.TCPLINK)    VOLUME(volser) | SMS

    Refer to your CA publications for more information. If you are using IBM TCP/IP, this load library is not required.

Authorizing the MVS/CSC Load Libraries

Adding an entry to the IEAAPFzz or PROGzz members is necessary so that the library will be authorized in event of an IPL. In the meantime, dynamically authorize the libraries on your running system by issuing one of the following sets of MVS system commands:

If the libraries are SMS managed:


If the libraries are not SMS managed:


Authorizing the MVS/CSC User Exit Library

The MVS/CSC user exit library can either be the same as the MVS/CSC load library, or a separate library. If the MVS/CSC user exit library is a separate library, you must perform the following steps to APF authorize the MVS/CSC user exit load library:

  1. Add the MVS/CSC user exit load library to either the IEAAPFzz or PROGzz member of SYS1.PARMLIB.

  2. Issue the commands described in "Authorizing the MVS/CSC User Exit Load Library" to authorize the load library.

Adding the MVS/CSC User Exit Load Library to the IEAAPFzz Member

Add the following entries to the IEAAPFzz member to authorize the MVS/CSC user exit load library:

your.SCSLINK   volser,
your.CSC_USEREXIT.LOAD   volser,

Before adding these entries to your authorized program list, edit the high level qualifier and volser with appropriate values for your system.

If there are multiple entries in the IEAAPFzz member, each entry (except the last) must end with a comma to indicate continuation. Omit the comma in the last entry.


If the MVS/CSC user exit load library resides on an SMS-managed volume, you do not need to specify a volume in the authorized library entry. In this case, specify nothing after the library name, to indicate that SMS is managing the library. If you specify the wrong volume, the library cannot be authorized.

Adding the MVS/CSC User Exit Load Library to the PROGzz Member

Add the following entry to the PROGzz member to authorize the MVS/CSC user exit load library:


Before adding this entry to your authorized program list, edit the high level qualifier and volser with appropriate values for your system.


If the MVS/CSC user exit load library resides on an SMS-managed volume, you do not need to specify a volume in the authorized library entry. In this case, specify the literal SMS after the library name, to indicate that SMS is managing the library. If you specify the wrong volume, the library cannot be authorized.

Authorizing the MVS/CSC User Exit Load Library

Adding an entry to the IEAAPFzz or PROGzz members is necessary so that the library will be authorized in event of an IPL. In the meantime, dynamically authorize the library on your running system by issuing one of the following MVS system commands:

If the library is SMS managed:


If the library is not SMS managed:


Edit the high level qualifier and volser with appropriate values for your system.

Copying or Moving the SCSBPREI Module to an MVS LINKLIST Library

The MVS/CSC subsystem pre-initialization routine module (SCSBPREI), which resides in the SCSLINK library, must also reside in an MVS LINKLIST library. You can copy or move the SCSBPREI module from SCSLINK to a LINKLIST library.

The SCSBPREI pre-initialization routine module is functionally compatible between MVS/CSC releases. For future compatibility, however, use the most current release of the SCSBPREI pre-initialization module.

Adding MVS/CSC to the MVS Program Properties Table

You must modify the MVS Program Properties Table (PPT) to include an entry for the MVS/CSC subsystem.


The MVS/CSC must run in a low key (from 1-7). The examples in this section use key 3. Using keys 8-15 causes unpredictable results.

Add the following entry to member SCHEDzz of SYS1.PARMLIB:


Allocating MVS/CSC Event-Log and Trace Data Sets

You can use the event-log data set to record events logged by MVS/CSC's Event Log facility. The trace data set records trace output produced by MVS/CSC's Trace facility. If you plan to use MVS/CSC's Event Log and Trace facilities, you must allocate event-log and trace data sets to record the output produced by these facilities. The following table provides recommendations for size definitions. The numbers provided for blocks are the minimum required for the data sets.

Refer to the MVS/CSC Configuration Guide and MVS/CSC System Programmer's Guide for more information about MVS/CSC's Event Log and Trace facilities.

The following table lists the MVS/CSC trace and event-log data sets:

Table 5-2 MVS/CSC Trace and Event-Log Data Sets

Data Set Name DSORG RECFM LRECL BLKSIZE Tracks Directory Blocks















LibraryStation Post-Installation Tasks

This chapter describes required LibraryStation post-installation tasks. The following topics are included:

LibraryStation Load Library Authorization

LibraryStation must run as an authorized program in MVS. Therefore, you must perform the following steps to APF authorize the LibraryStation load libraries:

  1. Add the LibraryStation load libraries to either the IEAAPFzz or PROGzz member of SYS1.PARMLIB.

  2. Issue the commands described in "Authorizing the LibraryStation Load Libraries" to authorize the load library.

Adding the LibraryStation Load Libraries to the IEAAPFzz Member

Add the following entries to the IEAAPFzz member to authorize the LibraryStation load libraries:

your.SLCLINK volser
your.SACLINK volser
your.CSLLINK volser

Before adding these entries to your authorized program list, edit the high level qualifier and volser with appropriate values for your system.

If there are multiple entries in the IEAAPFzz member, each entry (except the last) must end with a comma to indicate continuation. Omit the comma on the last entry.


  • If the LibraryStation load library resides on an SMS-managed volume, you do not need to specify a volume in the authorized library entry. In this case, specify nothing after the library name, to indicate that SMS is managing the library. If you specify the wrong volume, the library cannot be authorized.

  • The TCPLINK load library is required if you are using CA Unicenter TCPaccess Communications Server for TCP/IP communications:

    your.TCPLINK volser,

    Refer to your CA publications for more information. If you are using IBM TCP/IP, this load library is not required.

Adding the LibraryStation Load Libraries to the PROGzz Member

Add the following entries to the PROGzz member to authorize the LibraryStation load libraries:


Before adding these entries to your authorized program list, edit the high level qualifier and volser with appropriate values for your system.


  • If the LibraryStation load libraries resides on an SMS-managed volume, you do not need to specify a volume in the authorized library entry. In this case, specify the literal SMS after the library name to indicate that SMS is managing the library. If you specify the wrong volume, the library cannot be authorized.

  • If the LibraryStation load libraries resides on an SMS-managed volume, you do not need to specify a volume in the authorized library entry. In this case, specify the literal SMS after the library name to indicate that SMS is managing the library. If you specify the wrong volume, the library cannot be authorized.

    APF ADD    DSNAME(your.TCPLINK)    VOLUME(volser) | SMS

    Refer to your CA publications for more information. If you are using IBM TCP/IP, this load library is not required.

Authorizing the LibraryStation Load Libraries

Adding an entry to the IEAAPFzz or PROGzz members is necessary so that the library will be authorized in event of an IPL. In the meantime, dynamically authorize the libraries on your running system by issuing one of the following sets of MVS system commands:

If the libraries are SMS managed:


If the libraries are not SMS managed:


Defining the Persistent Data File (Optional)

LibraryStation software includes a Database Manager (DBM) that is initialized during LibraryStation initialization. The DBM manages several persistent data objects that are not maintained by the HSC, including resource locks and drive status.

Data objects managed by the DBM are stored in one or more VSAM files. These files are collectively referred to as the Persistent Data File (PDF). The PDF contains volume records, drive records, and lockid records.


  • If you are migrating from a previous release of LibraryStation, you must delete the existing PDF and define a new PDF for the new release.

  • You must define a PDF if LibraryStation is servicing heterogeneous clients (for example, non-MVS clients). If LibraryStation is servicing MVS clients in a sysplex environment, do not define the PDF. The PDF is not supported for sysplex environments. Refer to the LibraryStation Configuration and Administration Guide for more information about the PDF.

  • You must define a PDF if LibraryStation is servicing heterogeneous clients (for example, non-MVS clients). If LibraryStation is servicing MVS clients in a sysplex environment, do not define the PDF. The PDF is not supported for sysplex environments. Refer to the LibraryStation Configuration and Administration Guide for more information about the PDF.

You must define the PDF when LibraryStation is servicing heterogeneous clients. Use IDCAMS to define data sets for the PDF.

The following example shows the JCL to define data sets for the PDF. This JCL is contained in member SLGDBCR of the LibraryStation sample library.

Example 5-1 JCL to Define LibraryStation PDF Data Sets

//SLGDBCR JOB job card info,REGION=1M
//* NOTE: A minimum of 1 Meg of virtual storage is needed
//*    for this job (i.e., use REGION=1M on the job card)
  DELETE (cluster_name) CLUSTER 
  DEFINE CLUSTER (                       _
    NAME(cluster_name)                   _
    VOLUMES(volser)                      _
    RECORDS(nr,2*nr)                     _
    RECORDSIZE(30 100)                   _
    KEYS(12 0)                           _
    UNIQUE )
  REPRO INFILE(INPUT)                    _
  DEFINE ALTERNATEINDEX (                _
    NAME(alternate_index_name)           _
    RELATE(cluster_name)                 _
    KEYS(10 2)                           _
    RECORDS(nr,2*nr)                     _
    RECORDSIZE(27 27)                    _
    VOLUMES(volser)                      _
    UNIQUEKEY                            _
    UNIQUE                               _
    UPGRADE )                            _
    NAME(path_name)                      _
    PATHENTRY(alternate_index_name))     _
  BLDINDEX               _
    INDATASET (cluster_name)             _
    OUTDATASET (alternate_index_name) 
  LISTCAT ENTRIES (                      _
    cluster_name                         _
    alternate_index_name                 _
    path_name) ALL

You must supply or modify the following information:

  • Job card information

  • PDF Data set names

  • Volume location of the PDF

  • Record keyword values

PDF Data Set Names

You must supply names for the data sets listed in the following table:

Table 5-3 PDF Data Set Names

NAME Keyword Description


The name for the SLSPDF base cluster (cluster_name), such as LSTAT.PDF.


The name for the SLSPDFX alternate index (alternate_index_name), such as LSTAT.PDFAIX.


The name for the path to SLSPDFX (path_name), such as LSTAT.PDFPATH.


There is no predefined naming convention for data set names. You can use the same prefix for all three data sets and provide a unique file type for each name.

Volume Location

A single PDF is defined for LibraryStation, and the host system where LibraryStation is initialized must have access to the DASD volume where the PDF is located. Therefore, in a multiple host environment where more than one host can initialize LibraryStation, the PDF must be located on shared DASD that is accessible to each initializing host.

The volume where the PDF is to be allocated can be any available DASD. You identify the DASD by its volser.

Values for Record Keywords

The PDF record space calculation (nr) (shown below) is based on the maximum number of volumes (nv) that all client systems can have locked simultaneously, and the total number of tape cartridge drives that will be used by the network clients (nd).

number of records (nr) = (nv + nd) * 1.1

The secondary PDF space allocation is calculated as twice the number of records (2*nr).

Setting primary records to 2000 and secondary records to 4000 should be adequate for most LibraryStation installations. However, to verify the records for your specific installation, use the allocation formula with your site's number of volumes and network client data.