2 HSC, VTCS, and CDRT Messages

This chapter describes messages issued by HSC, VTCS, and CDRT. These messages are identified by the "SLS" prefix.

Message Descriptions


command string

Explanation: This message echoes the command string entered by the operator.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Invalid Command CCCCCCCC

Explanation: An attempt was made to enter a command (CCCCCCCC) that was not a valid subsystem command.

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: Enter the correct command.


Keyword CCCCCCC1 must have a value for CCCCCCC2 command

Explanation: No value was specified for keyword CCCCCCC1 or the parser could not correctly interpret the value(s) specified for keyword CCCCCCC1.

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: Re-enter the command specifying the value(s) correctly for the keyword.


No value allowed for keyword CCCCCCCC1 on CCCCCCCC2 command

Explanation: Keyword CCCCCCCC1 for command CCCCCCCC2 does not allow a value, but a value was entered.

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: Re-enter the command keyword without a value.


CCCCCCCC1 mutually exclusive with CCCCCCCC2 for CCCCCCCC3 command

Explanation: Two mutually exclusive parameters (CCCCCCCC1, CCCCCCCC2) were entered for the CCCCCCCC3 command. Positional parameters are identified as POSxx where xx is the position of the parameter. Keyword parameters are identified by their names.

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: Re-enter the command eliminating one of the parameters.


Parameter error on CCCCCCCC1 for CCCCCCCC2 command

Explanation: The positional parameter denoted by CCCCCCCC1 had an invalid syntax for the command.

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: Re-enter the correct parameter.


Syntax error at parm offset DDDDDDDD for CCCCCCCC1 command -----CCCCCCCCCCCC2

Explanation: A syntax error was detected for the CCCCCCCC1 command at parameter offset DDDDDDDD for the CCCCCCCCCCCC2 reason.

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: Re-enter the command without the syntax error.


Data Base Status:

CDS        DSN                                    Active
Primary    Primary DSN                            Yes|No
Secondary  Secondary DSN or (not configured)      Yes|No
Standby    Standby DSN or (not configured)        Yes|No

Explanation: The configured and active HSC database names are listed.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


CCCCCCCC1 name changed from CCCCCCCC2 to CCCCCCCC3

Explanation: The name of a CDS object (record) has been changed. CCCCCCCC1 can be one of the following:

  • ACS

  • LSM

  • CAP

CCCCCCCC2 shows the old name.

CCCCCCCC3 shows the new name.

System Action: No action, processing continues.

User Response: Informational message, no action required.


Null is a reserved word and cannot be used

Explanation: An attempt was made to use the reserved word 'NULL' where it is not allowed.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: Choose a different word and resubmit the command.


Invalid value for CCCCCCCC1 on CCCCCCCC2 command

Explanation: The data entered for the specified parameter (CCCCCCCC1) is invalid on the CCCCCCCC2 command.

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: Re-enter the command with valid data.


Mandatory parameter CCCCCCCC1 missing for CCCCCCCC2 command

Explanation: A command (CCCCCCCC2) was entered without a mandatory parameter (CCCCCCCC1).

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: Re-enter the command with the mandatory parameter.



Explanation: Output from the NAME LIST command.

System Action: No action, processing continues.

User Response: Informational message, no action required.


Command CCCCCCCC not implemented

Explanation: A valid subsystem command was entered, but the command has not been installed.

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Keyword CCCCCCC1 specified more than once for the CCCCCCC2 command

Explanation: A duplicate occurrence of the keyword CCCCCCC1 was found for the specified command. The keyword is allowed only once in the command syntax.

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: Correct the command and re-enter.


Host to Host Broadcast failed for MODIFY command; RC=XXXXXXXX

Explanation: An attempt was made to broadcast a command to all online hosts. The broadcast failed.

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: Save the return code (XXXXXXXX) printed in the message, and contact StorageTek Software Support.


ACS subsystem command rejected; ASCOMM RC=XXXXXXXX

Explanation: An attempt to enter an ACS subsystem command was not processed due to a failure in the address space communication component of HSC.

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: Save the return code (XXXXXXXX) printed in the message, and contact StorageTek Software Support.


MODIFY command failed; LSM lock not available

Explanation: The LSM lock is a software construct used to serialize changes to the state of an LSM. There is one LSM lock for each LSM defined in the LIBGEN.

The LSM lock is held by the HSC ”MODify lsm” command during ONLINE/OFFLINE processing, and by the Configuration Control initialization task during HSC subsystem startup.

Message SLS0017I is issued when another MODify command for the same LSM is already in process, either on this host or on some other host in the system. The previous MODify command may be active, or it may be queued waiting for the LSM to become ready.

This message may also be issued if Configuration Control initialization is in process on another host in the system.

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: Wait a few seconds for any queued commands to complete, or for HSC subsystem initialization to complete on any other hosts in the system, and then reissue the command.

If the problem persists, issue the HSC Display Request command. If the command output indicates any requests with a type of ”Vary lsm” and a status of ”WAITING” or ”TEMP OUT”, there may be a hardware problem with the LSM. Investigate the LSM to ensure that it is in a ready state and communicating with HSC.

If the hardware problem cannot be corrected immediately, you may need to issue the HSC command ”MODify lsm OFFline FORCE”. After the hardware problem has been corrected, you may issue another MODify command to bring the LSM online.

Following a MODify lsm OFFline FORCE command, message SLS0057I may be displayed, indicating return code 45344534 from SLSFCONF. This message is issued because the LSM lock held by an active or queued MODify command was ”stolen” by the MODify FORCE command; the message may be ignored.


Use the MODify lsm OFFline FORCE command with extreme caution. If an LSM is forced offline, all outstanding requests to the LSM are purged, and the LSM may need to be IMLed.


Invalid keyword CCCCCCCC1 for CCCCCCCC2 command

Explanation: The keyword (CCCCCCCC1) entered for the specified command (CCCCCCCC2) was either invalid or greater than eight characters in length.

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: Re-enter the command with the correct keyword.


DISPLAY data unavailable; database I/O error

Explanation: An attempt was made to enter a Display command, but a control data set error occurred while gathering information.

System Action: The command is rejected. However, some information may be displayed if available.

User Response: Determine the cause of the control data set error and correct it. Then re-enter the command.


CCCCCCCC1 co-requisite CCCCCCCC2 missing for CCCCCCCC3 command

Explanation: A parameter (CCCCCCCC1) co-requisite with another parameter (CCCCCCCC2) was not entered on the CCCCCCCC3 command.

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: Re-enter the command with the correct co-requisite parameters.


Value for CCCCCCCC1 parameter contained invalid data for CCCCCCCC2 command

Explanation: The value entered for the parameter (CCCCCCCC1) was invalid or contained a syntax error for the CCCCCCCC2 command.

One common syntax error is text enclosed within apostrophes or parentheses where either the opening or closing apostrophe/parenthesis is missing or mispositioned.

A value specification error may be usage of the wrong character type, such as specifying a HEX value where a decimal value is required. Another may be that an invalid delimiter was specified, such as a library address where periods are used to delimit location rather than the colon, as required.

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: Re-enter the command with the correct value or syntax.


Invalid value length for CCCCCCCC1 parameter on the CCCCCCCC2 command

Explanation: The value entered for this parameter (CCCCCCCC1) exceeded its length specification for the CCCCCCCC2 command.

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: Re-enter the command with the correct value.


Invalid {CCCCCCC} range (CCCCCC-CCCCCC) for {CCCCCCCC} command

Explanation: An attempt was made to enter the CCCCCCCC command with an invalid range. The second element was not greater than the first, or, in the case of a CAP range, a PCAP was specified.

System Action: The command may not be executed in some cases. In other cases, the command is executed, ignoring the invalid portion.

User Response: Re-enter the command specifying a valid range where the second element is greater than the first; and, if a CAP range, neither CAPid specifies a PCAP



Explanation: An EJect command was entered for a volume which was SELECTED|ERRANT|NOT FOUND|NOT IN ACS|IN OFFLINE LSM|INVALID and could not be recovered.

  • SELECTED indicates that the volume was in use when an eject was attempted, e.g. the volume could have been mounted. If the volume is erroneously selected, run the UNSElect utility prior to re-entering the command.

  • ERRANT indicates that a volume was being moved from one location to another when an error occurred. The location of the volume is unknown. Since the volume was errant, it may be necessary to take other actions such as (1) running an audit against the cell location, (2) checking the CAP and previous MVS SYSLOGs/SCP CONSLOGs to find reasons for the volume becoming errant, (3) investigating the various locations with the VIew command relating to the actions being taken.

  • NOT FOUND indicates that the volume does not reside within any LSM. Check other non-library storage locations.

  • NOT in ACS indicates that the volume does not reside in the same ACS as the CAP. Enter an EJect command specifying a CAP in appropriate ACS. Determine the location of the volume by using the Display Volume command.

  • OFFLINE LSM indicates that the volume resides in an LSM that is offline.

  • INVALID indicates that the volume has an invalid volume serial label or media label. The eject continues.

System Action: An INVALID volume is ejected. For all other conditions, the volume is not ejected.

User Response: If the volume is:

  • SELECTED, wait until volume becomes unselected, and re-enter the command.

  • ERRANT, invoke errant recovery to locate the volume, and re-enter the command.

  • NOT FOUND, no response.

  • NOT in ACS, determine what ACS contains the volume, and re-enter the EJect command specifying the correct CAPid.

  • OFFLINE LSM, bring the LSM online, and re-enter the command

  • INVALID, no response.


Command CCCCCCCC not allowed from console

Explanation: A command was issued to the HSC system that is not a valid console command, but can be executed from a utility.

System Action: The command is not processed.

User Response: Use the Display CMD CCCCCCCC to determine the valid environments for HSC and VTCS commands. Run the SLUADMIN utility to execute commands that are not valid from the console.



Explanation: Volume volser encountered a command {ENter|EJect} error due to either a CAP IN PATH OFFLINE or an LSM IN PATH OFFLINE or a CAP IN PATH OFFLINE or A CAP IN PATH INVALID or a CARTRIDGE MADE ERRANT situation.

System Action: The command continues without operating on volume volser.

User Response: Correct the cause of the error.


CAP preference value for CAPid AA:LL:CC =D

Explanation: The CAPPref command has completed execution. Preference value is set as shown.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Message ID DDDD Help Info:

Explanation: A Display Msg command was entered. The data following the control (first) line is information about the message ID entered on the Display Msg command.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


CCCCCCCC command in progress; to continue termination reply DRAIN, else reply WAIT

Explanation: Operator command termination discovered one or more active tasks using a CAP. These were identified in previous SLS2628E messages. You can reply DRAIN to cause HSC to DRAIN all these tasks immediately, or WAIT to allow them to finish normally.

If you respond WAIT, this message reappears in three minutes, along with SLS2628E messages describing tasks still active. If you respond DRAIN, HSC acts as if you had entered a DRAin command for each task. SLS2628E messages describing active tasks appear every three minutes, but no more SLS0031D messages are issued.

An EJect stops after processing the current tape for each CAP, and the task ends once the CAPs are opened, emptied and closed. An ENter stops only when it has processed all cartridges in the CAP.

System Action: The task waits for you to reply DRAIN or WAIT.

User Response: Issue a Display Status command to determine any outstanding actions. Reply DRAIN or WAIT.


Operator Command Termination in progress

Explanation: Operator Command Termination is waiting for a command to terminate before continuing.

System Action: Termination waits for the operator command to complete.

User Response: Also, issue the Display Status command to determine any outstanding actions.


Enter password for EJECT command

Explanation: An attempt was made to enter the EJect command, and the ”EJCTPAS=” parameter was specified on the SLILIBRY macro in the HSC LIBGEN. A password must be entered to continue processing.

System Action: The command waits for a reply. If the password is verified, the command continues.

User Response: Enter the correct password.


Password not accepted; CCCCCCCC command rejected

Explanation: A command was rejected after an invalid password was entered.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: Re-enter the command specifying the correct password.


ENTER scheduled on CAPid AA:LL:CC

Explanation: A SENter command was entered for CAPid AA:LL:CC. The ENter was scheduled. The message is highlighted and remains on the screen until the EJect in progress on the CAP is interrupted and the ENter attempted.

System Action: Unlock the CAP after the next EJect to allow user to enter a cartridge.

User Response: Place the cartridge required in the first slot of the CAP the next time the CAP is opened for ejecting.



Explanation: The command released control of CAPid AA:LL:CC.

System Action: The CAP is made available for other operations.

User Response: None


CAPid AA:LL:CC has been allocated to the {ENTER|EJECT} command

Explanation: The specified CAPid AA:LL:CC was allocated to either the ENter or EJect command.

System Action: The CAP is allocated to perform the operation indicated.

User Response: None


Message ID DDDD No help available

Explanation: A Display Msg command was entered, but no help text was available for the message number.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


{ENTER|EJECT|MODIFY|RELEASE} command rejected; CAPid AA:LL:CC is busy

Explanation: The HSC attempted to execute an ENter, EJect, MODify, or RELease command for a specific CAPid (AA:LL:CC), but the CAP was busy.

System Action: The EJect, ENter, MODify, or RELease command is rejected.

User Response: When the command specified is EJect, ENter, or MODify, another process is actively using the CAP. Re-enter the command when the CAP becomes available or re-enter the command specifying a different CAPid. When the command specified is RELease, another RELease command is active or another process is releasing the CAP.


Command CCCCCC Help Info:

Explanation: A Display CMd was entered. The data following the control (first) line is information about the specified command (CCCCCC).

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


{ENTER|EJECT} volser failed; LMU/LSM error (XXXX)

Explanation: An attempt to ENter or EJect volume volser failed. Possible LMU/LSM errors are:

  • 6510 - No pass-thru port for transfer

  • 6511 - LMU offline

  • 6512 - Lost communication with LMU

  • 6514 - LSM hardware error

  • 6515 - LMU hardware error

  • 6528 - LMU Server Dead

  • 6592 - LSM is offline

  • 65FF - Request purged

System Action: The action in progress (ENter, EJect) will not complete. The cartridge may be made errant depending on the point at which the failure occurred.

User Response: Determine cause of error, correct it, and retry.


CCCCCCCCCCCC command ignored; ACS AA is switching

Explanation: Command CCCCCCCC was not executed because the ACS is switching. For the SWitch RESET command, the switch process is no longer active or the switch process has not yet reached a point in its process to allow the RESET. Please allow up to 10 minutes for the switch process to complete its execution. If after that interval, the switch process is still active, re-issue the SWitch RESET command. For the SWitch RESET FORCE command, the HSC is not able to communicate with the library.

System Action: The command is ignored.

User Response: Once the ACS has completed switching, re-enter the command. For the SWitch RESET command, the command can be re-entered after the switch process has executed for 10 minutes or the Display Status command no longer displays that SWitch RESET is suppressed. For the SWitch RESET FORCE command, wait for HSC to re-establish connection with the library.


CCCCCCCC command ignored; subsystem is shutting down

Explanation: Command CCCCCCCC was not executed due to subsystem termination in progress.

System Action: The command is ignored.

User Response: Once the HSC is operational, re-enter the command.


RECOVER CCCCCCCC ignored; recovery already active for specified host

Explanation: A RECover command was entered for a host that is currently being recovered by another host.

System Action: The RECover command is ignored.

User Response: None


ONLINE or OFFLINE required on {VARY|MODIFY} command

Explanation: The Vary or MODify command was entered without specifying ONline or OFFline.

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: Re-enter the desired command specifying ONline or OFFline.


Vary {ACS AA|station C...C} {ONLINE|OFFLINE} failed; command timed out

Explanation: The Vary Station command timed out, or Vary ACS command timed out for all stations. Most likely a hardware or communication error occurred.

System Action: The Vary command failed.

User Response: Correct communication problems with the hardware (LMU) and retry the command.



Explanation: The function specified on the command has been set to the indicated value. CCCCCCCC1 is the function entered on the command. CCCCCCCC2 is the value entered on the command.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None



Explanation: The command entered contained an invalid ID. For the VARY ACS ACSID NETC NETID command, the NETID is invalid because it may be the last active connection of the ACS to vary offline.

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: Re-enter the command specifying the correct ID. For the VARY ACS ACSID NETC NETID command, in order to vary the last active NETID offline, the ACS needs to be varied offline using the VARY ACS ACSID OFFLINE command.



Explanation: An attempt was made to enter a MODify|Vary|Enable|Disable|Journal request for a LSMid|ACS|STation|NETC|CDs|OPTion that was already ONline|OFFline|Enabled|Disabled|ON.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: None


CC..CC1 CC..CC2 now CC..CC3

Explanation: This message displays connected/disconnected, online/offline, unallocated, or standby status of an ACS, NETC, LSM, Station, or CAP.

  • CC..CC1


  • CC..CC2

    ACSid, NETid, LSMid, Station Number, or CAPid

  • CC..CC3

    • CONNECTED means at least one station is online to the ACS indicated.

    • DISCONNECTED means that no stations are online to the ACS indicated.

    • ONLINE means that a station can be used for transmitting work to LMU or that an LSM can be requested to perform work for the HSC or that a CAP is now available for ENter or EJect processing.

      For the network connection, it means that an active or standby connection is online to the Library. If the connection is active, it means that the connection can be used for transmitting work to the Library or that an LSM can be requested to perform work for the HSC or that a CAP is now available for ENter or EJect processing.

    • STANDBY means that a station is connected to the slave LMU in a Dual LMU configuration. For the network connection, it means the standby is connected to the an alternate controller in the Library for a Redundant Electronics configuration.

    • OFFLINE means that a station, network connection, or an LSM cannot be used for productive work.

    • UNALLOCATED ACS means the ACS is a place holder ACS. The ACS is added back into the HSC configuration with the command:

      F CONFIG ADD ACSType(SL8500 or SL3000)

    • UNALLOCATED CAP means the CAP is either not physically installed or it is dedicated to another partition.

System Action: An operator command caused the named component to assume the state indicated.

User Response: None



Explanation: An attempt was made to enter a command to an offline ACS (AA).

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: Issue a Vary command to bring the ACS online and re-enter the command.



Explanation: The ENter, SENter, EJect, or MODify command could not complete the requested operation.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response:

  • When the message indicates the ACSid, LSMid, or CAPid is offline, vary the element online and then re-enter the command.

  • When the message indicates the ACSid, LSMid, or CAPid is invalid, re-enter the command specifying the correct identifier.

  • When the message indicates the ACSid, LSMid, or CAPid is unavailable, verify that the CAP is drained before re-entering the ENter or EJect command.

  • When the message indicates the CAPid is not ejecting, cartridges may be entered into the ACS by issuing the ENter command.

  • When the message indicates the CAPid is releasing, wait until the RELease command has completed before re-issuing the ENter, SENter, or EJect command.



Explanation: The HSC COMPONENT that is active received a return code from a lower component and was unable to translate it to a message.

System Action: The request is rejected.

User Response: Refer to the appropriate ELS guide for additional information and explanations of the return code(s).


Cleaning {HAS BEEN|WAS NOT} scheduled for drive DDD

Explanation: The CLean command was entered for device number DDD. If cleaning WAS NOT scheduled, message SLS0069I is also issued to indicate the reason the cleaning request failed.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None



Explanation: Parse return codes that are not syntax errors are reported this way.

  • RC = 4

    the length of the string passed to the parser to be parsed was 0.

  • RC = 12

    the parameter list passed to the parser had an invalid format.

  • RC = 16

    the parse table passed to the parser had an invalid format.

System Action: The command is not executed. An internal reason code should generate an additional message.

User Response: Retry the command. If it continues to fail, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Structure CCCCCCCC1 not allocated; CCCCCCCC2 command rejected

Explanation: An attempt was made to enter a command (CCCCCCCC2) that needed addressability to the specified structure (CCCCCCCC1). The structure (data area) pointer was zero. Therefore, no access was possible.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: Re-enter the command with the correct structure name.


Invalid structure or equate name CCCCCCCC1;CCCCCCCC2 command rejected

Explanation: An attempt was made to enter a command (CCCCCCCC2) requiring access to a specific data area. The data area name (CCCCCCCC1) was not found in the symbol table.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: Re-enter the command with a correct structure or equate name.



Explanation: A LIST command was entered for the address or data area named.

System Action: The command lists the data at the address or structure name listed.

User Response: None


Current TRACE Status:

component_name {Traced|NOT Traced}

Explanation: The TRace command successfully completed. A list of ACS subsystem components and their tracing status is displayed.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Host to Host Broadcast failed: CCCCCCCC

Explanation: An LMU Server host to host broadcast request was issued as a result of a CLean drive command. The request failed. CCCCCCCC is descriptive text indicating the nature of the failure.

System Action: If the failure is recoverable, message SLS0059I is issued to indicate cleaning was not scheduled for the requested device, and CLean command processing continues. If the failure is not recoverable, the CLean command abends with the reason code 0018.

User Response: None


{ENTER|EJECT} rejected; CAPid AA:LL:CC recovery failed, RC XXXXXXXX

Explanation: An attempt was made to enter either an ENter or EJect command, but the command was rejected because the specified CAP (AA:LL:CC) required recovery. The recovery failed with a return code of XXXXXXXX.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: Use the RELease CAPid command to regain the CAP. After the release, use the ENter command to open the CAP to check for cartridges. Remove cartridges, if any, from the CAP, and re-enter the previous command (ENter|EJect).



Explanation: An unexpected return code, XXXXXXXX, was returned from component CCCCCCCC.

System Action: The request is not executed.

User Response: Wait for the ACS and LSMs to come online completely before reissuing command. If this fails, contact StorageTek Software Support.


EJECT failed; unable to recover errant volume volser

Explanation: During EJect processing an errant volume could not be recovered.

System Action: The volume is not ejected.

User Response: Investigate MVS SYSLOGs/SCP CONSLOGs to find the cause of the errant condition. Use the VIew command to look at home and destination locations. Run the AUDIt and/or the UNSElect utility as needed to recover the volume.


Length LLLL is greater than the 4096 byte limit

Explanation: An attempt was made to dump more then the limit of 4096 bytes. LLLL is the invalid length.

System Action: The command is terminated.

User Response: Re-enter the LIST command with a valid length.


Attempting immediate cleaning of drive DDDD

Explanation: The CLean command with the IMMED parameter has been issued for drive DDDD.

System Action: An attempt to reserve the drive will be performed. If successful, the drive will be cleaned.

User Response: None


SLS - software failure - XXXXXXXX volser

Explanation: The HSC has detected a software error. The specified error occurred.

  • If three hexadecimal digits are displayed for XXXXXXXX, the code is a system abend code.

  • If eight hexadecimal digits are displayed for XXXXXXXX, the code is an HSC abend reason code.

  • If volser is displayed, it contains the volser being processed. If a question mark is displayed, the volser is unknown.

System Action: An ERDS entry is created, and a dump is produced. Processing of the affected volume stops.

User Response: Save the dump. Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Dismount of volser from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Volume is selected

Explanation: An attempt was made to dismount volume volser from transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN}, where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = driveid, but the volume was already selected.

System Action: The dismount is not executed.

User Response: Issue a library DISMount from the host that mounted the volume, or perform cross-host recovery and issue library DISMount from host that does the recovery.


Dismount of volser from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Volume is errant

Explanation: An attempt was made to locate errant volume volser during processing of a dismount request for transport{XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN}, where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = driveid. Volume volser could not be located.

System Action: The dismount ends.

User Response: None


Mount of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Volume at AA:LL:PP:RR:CC

Explanation: The volume volser to be mounted on {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN}, where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = driveid, was located at AA:LL:PP:RR:CC (LSMid:panel number:row number:column number).

System Action: The mount continues.

User Response: None


Volume volser found mounted on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - attempting dismount

Explanation: The HSC found volume volser mounted on transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN}, where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = driveid, when it attempted to mount another volume. If the volume on the drive has an unreadable label, volser is displayed as a question mark.

System Action: The mount continues. The HSC attempts to dismount the mounted volume.

User Response: None


Mount of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - LSMid AA:LL is in manual mode; manual mount is required

Explanation: An attempt was made to mount volume volser on transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN}, where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = driveid, but the specified LSM AA:LL was in manual mode. A manual mount is required.

System Action: The mount fails.

User Response: Manually mount the volume.


Mount of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - ACS AA is disconnected; library mount is required

Explanation: An attempt was made to mount volume volser on transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN}, where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = driveid, but the specified ACS AA was disconnected.

System Action: The mount fails.

User Response: Enter the library Mount command from a host that is connected to the ACS.


Dismount of volser from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - ACS AA is disconnected; library dismount command is required

Explanation: An attempt was made to dismount volume volser from transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN}, where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = driveid, but the specified ACS AA was disconnected.

System Action: The dismount fails.

User Response: Enter the library DISMount command from a host that is connected to the ACS.


Dismount of volser from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - LSMid AA:LL is in manual mode; manual dismount is required

Explanation: An attempt was made to dismount volume volser from transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN}, where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = driveid, but the specified LSM AA:LL was in manual mode. A manual dismount is required.

System Action: The dismount fails.

User Response: Manually dismount the volume, and remove it from the LSM.


Dismount of volser from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Volume is not on drive

Explanation: The HSC attempted to dismount a volume volser from transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN}, where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = driveid, but either the drive is empty or a different cartridge is mounted.

System Action: The dismount fails.

User Response: Issue the Display DRives command to determine what volume, if any, is currently mounted on the drive. If the current volume is to be dismounted, issue the HSC DISMount command.


Mount of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Intervention required; Mount or Ignore (M/I)

Explanation: An attempt was made to mount volume volser on transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN}, where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = driveid, but operator intervention was required (e.g., IEC512I I/O ERR on this drive).

System Action: The mount waits until you reply M or I.

User Response: Reply with one of the following:

  • M, if the mount is to continue.

  • I, if the mount is to be ignored. The HSC leaves the mount pending.


Dismount of volser from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Unable to allocate cell in ACS AA

Explanation: An attempt was made to dismount volume volser from specified transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN} where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = driveid, but there were no free cells in ACS AA.

System Action: The dismount fails.

User Response: Free a cell (via EJect), and re-enter the DISMount command.


Dismount of volser from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Unable to insert volume in the database

Explanation: An attempt to dismount volume volser from specified transport{XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN} where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = DRIVE id failed because the volume could not be inserted in the control data set.

System Action: The dismount fails.

User Response: Verify that there is not a duplicate in the control data set, and re-enter the DISMount command.


Dismount of volser from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Complete

Explanation: The dismount of volser from specified transport{XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN} where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = DRIVEid is complete. Receiving this message does not necessarily indicate that the dismount was successful.

System Action: Normal processing continues.

User Response: None


Swap of volser to {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - LSMid AA:LL is in manual mode; manual mount is required

Explanation: An attempt was made to swap volume volser to specified transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN} where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = DRIVEid, but LSM AA:LL was in manual mode. Therefore, a manual mount is required.

System Action: The swap fails.

User Response: Manually swap the volume.


Swap of volser to {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - ACS AA is disconnected; library dismount command is required

Explanation: An attempt was made to swap volume volser on specified transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN}, where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = driveid, but ACS AA was disconnected. Therefore, a library DISMount command is required.

System Action: The swap fails.

User Response: To perform the swap, enter library DISMount command from a host that is connected to the ACS.


Dismount of volser from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - DRIVEid is AA:LL:PP:NN

Explanation: The dismount references specified transport {drive XXXX|driveid AA:LL:PP:NN}, where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = DRIVEid, but the transport was in an offline LSM.

System Action: The DISMount command is not executed.

User Response: Manually dismount the volume from the transport, and remove the volume from the LSM.


Immediate cleaning of drive DDDD has failed

Explanation: The CLean command with the IMMED parameter has failed.

System Action: An attempt to reserve the drive has failed. The drive will be scheduled for cleaning after the next dismount that occurs on the drive.

User Response: None


Dismount of volser from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - volume not dismounted

Explanation: An attempt was made to dismount volume volser from transport{XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN}, where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN= driveid, but an error occurred.

System Action: The dismount fails.

User Response: Correct the error, and re-enter the DISMount command.


Mount of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - No non-zero priority CAPs in ACS AA; reply C to cancel wait

Explanation: An attempt to permanently or temporarily enter and mount volume volser on {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN}, where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN= driveid, was made when no non-zero priority CAPs were available in ACS AA.

System Action: The mount waits until you reply ”C” or a CAP becomes available.

User Response: Make a CAP available using the CAPPref command or DRAin an active CAP. If the mount need not be processed, reply ”C”.


Dismount of volser from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Volume at AA:LL:PP:RR:CC

Explanation: The volume volser being dismounted from {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN}, where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN= driveid, is now at location AA:LL:PP:RR:CC.

System Action: The dismount continues.

User Response: None


CCCCCCCC invalid reply

Explanation: CCCCCCCC is an invalid reply to a WTOR.

System Action: The WTOR is reissued.

User Response: Respond with a valid reply.


Error parsing XML command input for CCCCCCCC command

Explanation: A command received by the system was in XML format (based on the XML start character "less than symbol" in position 1), but a parse error occurred when attempting to parse the XML.

System Action: The command is not processed.

User Response: Investigate the input for malformed XML and correct the command format.


Dismount of volser from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Drive unload error

Explanation: An attempt to dismount volume volser from transport XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN encountered a drive unload error.

System Action: The dismount fails.

User Response: Correct the error, and enter a library DISMount command for the specified transport and volser.



drive is loaded; reply I to cancel wait

Explanation: An attempt was made to determine the volume serial number for a dismount but the cartridge was loaded on the transport.

System Action: The dismount waits for you to reply.

User Response: If the dismount is to be ignored, reply ”I”. If the volume is known to be on the drive and not allocated to a job on any processor, unload the volume from the drive. (To unload a drive in MVS, issue an UNLOAD command. To unload a drive in VM, ATTACH the drive to some virtual machine and then DETACH it.) If the drive is in use, let the job finish processing the volume on the drive. If the drive cannot be unloaded due to a malfunction, place the drive offline, contact StorageTek Hardware Support and reply ”I” to this message.


Unrecognized XML tag for CCCCCCCC command: TTT...TTT

Explanation: An XML command was received that contained XML tags not defined for the command.

System Action: The unrecognized tag is ignored, and the command is processed normally.

User Response:

  • If the XML tag was not coded correctly, correct the tag and re-submit the command.

  • If the XML tag was not processed due to release or server incompatibility, then no action is required.


Dismount of volser from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - drive has loaded cartridge; reply Dismount, Retry or Ignore (D/R/I)

Explanation: A request was made to dismount a volume. However, the volume has not been rewound and unloaded.

System Action: The dismount waits for you to reply either "D" (dismount), "R" (retry), or "I" (ignore), or for the drive to be rewound and unloaded.

User Response: Wait for the rewind and unload to complete or reply with one of the following:

  • D, if the volume is to be rewound and unloaded.

  • R, if the dismount is to be retried without forcing the rewind.

  • I, if the request is to be ignored.

Replying ”D” can cause intervention required messages for the transport and cause jobs to abend if the transport is in use. In MVS, you must issue an UNLOAD command for the transport; and if it is online, the UNLOAD command delays unloading the device until it is no longer allocated. In VM, if the device is ATTACHed to the tape management virtual machine (such as VMTAPE), reply ”D”. If the device is not ATTACHed to any virtual machine, you should attempt to ATTACH the device to some virtual machine and then DETACH it which unloads the tape. If the transport is assigned to another system, the ATTACH fails.

Replying ”R” reissues the dismount request without first attempting to rewind the volume.

Replying ”I” allows the mounted cartridge to stay on the transport. In MVS, if the system wants to use the mounted cartridge, the transport is allocated without a mount request. If the transport is required for a different cartridge, a dismount request is followed by a new mount request. In VM, if the device is ATTACHed to a virtual machine other than the tape management system, it is unloaded when it is DETACHed.


Mount of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - External label is unreadable; reply Mount, Bypass, or Ignore (M/B/I)

Explanation: An attempt was made to mount volume volser on transport XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN, but the external label was unreadable.

System Action: The mount waits until you reply either Mount, Bypass, or Ignore.

User Response: Reply with one of the following:

  • M, if the volume is to be mounted. External label checking is temporarily bypassed for the duration of this mount.

  • B, if the volume is to be mounted and it is to be permanently marked as having an unreadable external label.

  • I, if the request is to be ignored. If necessary, an EJect command can be issued to eject the volume.


Swap of XXXX1 to XXXX2 - Volume volser is in the library; reply Eject, Dismount, or Ignore (E/D/I)

Explanation: An attempt was made to swap a volume to a transport outside the library.

System Action: The swap waits until you reply either Eject, Dismount, or Ignore.

User Response: Reply with one of the following:

  • Eject (E), if the volume is to be ejected.

  • Dismount (D), if the volume is to be dismounted and retained in the library.

  • Ignore (I), if the request is to be ignored.


Eject of volser from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Unable to eject, volume errant

Explanation: An attempt was made to eject volume volser from transport XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN, but an error occurred causing the volume to become errant.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: Determine why the volume became errant, and make the appropriate correction.



Explanation: When attempting to swap volume volser from XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN, an LMU error XXXXXXXX was received.

System Action: The swap fails.

User Response: Enter a library DISMount and Mount command for the volume. If the problem recurs, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Mount of volser1 on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - OCR volser mismatch (volser2); Retry, Eject, or Ignore (R,E,I)

Explanation: An attempt was made to mount volume volser1 on specified transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN} where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = DRIVEid, but the LMU found a volser with a different external label (volser2).

System Action: The mount waits for you to reply Retry, Eject or Ignore.

User Response: Reply with one of the following:

  • R, if the mount is to be retried.

  • E, if the volume is to be ejected. Volume volser1 will be deleted from the control data set. Additionally, if volser2 is not in the control data set, it will be physically ejected.

  • I, if the mount is to be ignored.


Enter of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - volser invalid; reply E,volser or I to Enter a different volume, or Ignore

Explanation: An attempt was made to ENter volume volser on specified transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN} where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = DRIVEid, but the volser was unacceptable.

System Action: The mount waits for you to reply ”E,volser” or ”I”.

User Response: Reply with one of the following:

  • E,volser, if a different volser is to be entered.

  • I, if the mount is to be ignored.


Mount of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Overridden by a dismount request

Explanation: An attempt was made to mount volume volser on specified transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN} where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = DRIVEid, but the mount was overridden by a dismount request (a mount and dismount request had been made for the same transport).

System Action: Neither the Mount nor the DISMount command is executed.

User Response: None


Dismount of volser from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID} AA:LL:PP:NN - Newly unreadable volser; EJECTING

Explanation: When dismounting volser, the LMU indicated that a formerly readable external label is now unreadable.

System Action: The volume is ejected from the library.

User Response: Inspect the label on the cartridge and determine the reason that the label is unreadable. Once corrected the cartridge can be entered into the library. If the volser in message SLS0116I is either #URBL# or SCRTCH then issue a DISPLAY VOLUME command using the actual volser from the cartridge. The cells from this display need to be audited.


Dismount of volser from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - LMU error XXXXXXXX ACS AA

Explanation: An attempt was made to dismount volume volser from specified transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN} where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = DRIVEid, but LMU error XXXXXXXX occurred.

System Action: The dismount fails.

User Response: Enter a library DISMount command for the volume. If the problem reoccurs immediately, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Enter of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN}; bad CAPid AA:LL:CC; reply "T,capid","U", or "I" - Try another/Use any/Ignore

Explanation: An attempt was made to enter volume volser on transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN}, but a bad CAPid (AA:LL:CC) was specified. Either the CAPid is not defined, or the CAP is in use.

System Action: The ENter waits for you to reply T,capid; U; or I.

User Response: Reply with one of the following:

  • T,capid (Try another CAP), if the entry of the volume is to proceed, where CAPid is the CAP to use.

  • U (Use any CAP), to allow the subsystem to select a CAP.

  • I (Ignore), if the entry of the volume is to be ignored.


Enter of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - volume already in database; reply "M,volser", or "I" to Mount or Ignore

Explanation: An attempt was made to enter volume volser on transport XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN, but volser was already included in the control data set.

System Action: The ENter waits for you to reply ”M,volser” or ”I”.

User Response: Reply with one of the following:

  • M,volser (Mount), if the entry of the volume is to proceed, specify a Volser which is not in the control data set.

  • I (Ignore), if the entry of the volume is to be ignored.



Explanation: An attempt was made to mount volume volser on specified transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN} where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = DRIVEid, but an LMU error XXXXXXXX occurred for ACS AA.

System Action: The mount fails. If the volume is not in its cell, it is made errant.

User Response: Correct the problem, and enter a library Mount for the volume.



Explanation: An attempt was made to mount or dismount a volume via operator command specifying an invalid library transport.

System Action: The mount or dismount fails.

User Response: Re-enter the command with a valid transport.


Enter of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - no cell space available in ACS AA; Retry or Ignore (R/I)

Explanation: An attempt was made to enter volume volser on specified transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN} where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = DRIVEid, but there was no cell space available in the ACS.

System Action: The ENter waits for you to reply Retry or Ignore.

User Response: Reply with one of the following:

  • R, if the entry of the volume is to proceed, eject some volumes prior to replying ”R”.

  • I, if the entry of the volume is to be ignored.


Dismount of volser from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Suppressed; mount was not initiated

Explanation: The dismount of volser was suppressed because the preceding mount was suppressed, and the volume had not been placed in the transport.

System Action: The dismount is not executed.

User Response: None.


Mount of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Complete

Explanation: In response to a mount request, volume volser was mounted on specified transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN} where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = DRIVEid.

System Action: Normal processing continues.

User Response: None


Mount of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Volume not in cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC; Retry, Eject, or Ignore (R,E,I)

Explanation: An attempt was made to mount volume volser, but no volume was found in cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC.

System Action: The Mount waits for you to reply Retry, Eject, or Ignore.

User Response: Reply with one of the following:

  • R, if the Mount is to be retried.

  • E, if the volume found is to be deleted from the control data set. If the volume is outside the ACS and needs to be entered, reply Eject. Then use HSC operator commands to enter and mount the volume.

  • I, if the Mount is to be ignored and the volume is NOT to be deleted from the control data set.


Dismount of volser from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Error doing scan

Explanation: An attempt was made to dismount volume volser from transport XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN which required a scan of either the drive or home location. However, the LMU indicated a move error occurred, or it could not communicate with the drive.

System Action: The dismount is not executed.

User Response: If needed, re-enter the command.


Mount of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Waiting for volume; reply "I" to cancel wait

Explanation: An attempt was made to mount volume volser on transport XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN, but the volume was in use.

System Action: The Mount waits until the volume becomes available.

User Response: Reply ”I” if the Mount is to be ignored.


XML input not supported for CCC...CCC command

Explanation: A command input beginning with an XML start character was received for a command CCC...CCC that does not support XML input.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: Enter the command using standard text syntax.


{DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} found full while attempting mount of volser

Explanation: An attempt was made to mount volume volser on specified transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN} where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = DRIVEid, but the transport was full.

System Action: The system attempts to dismount the cartridge on the transport and retry the mount. If the dismount is unsuccessful, the mount may be aborted, or SLS0105A may be issued.

User Response: None


Mount of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Error doing scan

Explanation: An attempt was made to mount volume volser on transport XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN which required a scan of either the drive or home location. However, the LMU indicated that a move error occurred or that it could not communicate with the drive.

System Action: The mount is not executed.

User Response: If needed, re-enter the command.


Dismount of volser from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Suppressed; prior dismount queued or active

Explanation: An attempt was made to dismount volume volser from transport XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN, but the dismount was suppressed because there was a preceding dismount active or queued for the drive.

System Action: The dismount is not executed.

User Response: None


Dismount of volser from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Mount active; attempting suppression

Explanation: An attempt was made to dismount volume volser from transport XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN, but a mount request was already active for volume volser on that drive.

System Action: The system attempts to suppress the mount. If the mount is successfully suppressed, the dismount is also suppressed.

User Response: None


Mount of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Volume and drive are in different ACSs; Eject, Retry, or Ignore (E,R,I)

Explanation: An attempt was made to mount volume volser on transport XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN, but the mount requires a volume in a different ACS.

System Action: The mount waits for you to reply Eject, Retry or Ignore.

User Response: Reply with one of the following:

  • E, if the volume required is to be ejected.

  • R, if the mount is to be retried.

  • I, if the mount is to be ignored.


Eject of volser from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - bad CAPid AA:LL:CC; reply "T,capid","U", or "I"; Try another/Use any/Ignore

Explanation: An attempt was made to eject volume volser and dismount it from transport XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN, but a bad CAPid was specified. Either the CAPid is not defined or the CAP is in use.

System Action: The EJect waits for you to reply T,capid; U; or I.

User Response: Reply with one of the following:

  • T,capid (Try another CAP), if the EJect is to proceed, where CAPid is the CAP to use.

  • U (Use any CAP), in order to have the subsystem pick a CAP.

  • I (Ignore), if the dismount is to be ignored.



Explanation: An attempt was made to eject volume volser from specified transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP: NN} where XXXX= drive and AA:LL:PP: NN = driveid, but an LMU error (XXXXXXXX) was received.

System Action: The eject fails.

User Response: Enter a library DISMount command for the volume and retry the EJect command. If the problem recurs immediately, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Eject of volser from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - No non-zero priority CAPs in ACS AA; reply C to cancel wait

Explanation: An attempt was made to eject volume volser from specified transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN} where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = DRIVEid, but there were not any non-zero priority CAPs available.

System Action: The dismount waits for you to reply C or until a CAP becomes available.

User Response: Enter the CAPPref command or DRAin an active CAP to make a CAP available. If the eject does not need to be processed, reply C.


Mount of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Suppressed

Explanation: An attempt was made to mount volume volser on specified transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN} where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = DRIVEid, but it was suppressed by a dismount.

System Action: The mount is not executed.

User Response: None


Mount of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Suppressed; prior scratch request active or queued

Explanation: An attempt was made to mount volume volser for a scratch request, but a prior nonspecific request was queued or active for that drive.

System Action: The second mount request is not executed.

User Response: None


Mount of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Unable to recover volume - XX

Explanation: An attempt was made to mount errant volume volser, but it could not be located. XX indicates possible reasons for not finding the volume as follows:

  • 04 - Recovery could not locate the volume

  • 08 - A control data set error occurred

  • 0C - Recovery abended

  • 10 - An LMU error occurred

System Action: The mount terminates.

User Response: None


Mount of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Cancelled due to operator request

Explanation: An attempt was made to mount volume volser on specified transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN} where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = DRIVEid, but the mount was cancelled due to operator request.

System Action: The mount processing terminates.

User Response: None


Mount of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Overriding a mount scratch request

Explanation: When starting to mount volser on specified transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN} where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = DRIVEid, the system detected a Mount SCRTCH request made for that drive and overrode the request.

System Action: The Mount SCRTCH is not executed.

User Response: None


Mount of volser from {{DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Mount scratch active; attempting suppression

Explanation: An attempt was made to mount volume volser on specified transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN} where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = DRIVEid, but a Mount SCRTCH request was active for that drive.

System Action: The system attempts to suppress the Mount SCRTCH.

User Response: None


Mount of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} suppressed - prior mount request queued

Explanation: An attempt was made to mount volume volser on specified transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN} where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = DRIVEid, but a prior mount request for that volume was queued for that drive.

System Action: The second mount request is not executed.

User Response: None


Mount of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Cancelled by overdue response handler

Explanation: An attempt was made to mount volume volser on specified transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN} where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = DRIVEid, but the overdue response handler determined that this request had taken too long and received permission from you to flush the request.

System Action: The mount request is cancelled.

User Response: Re-enter the mount request if necessary.


Dismount of volser from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Cancelled by overdue response handler

Explanation: An attempt was made to dismount volume volser from specified transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN} where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = DRIVEid, but the overdue response handler determined that this request had taken too long and received permission from you to flush the request.

System Action: The dismount request is cancelled.

User Response: Re-enter the dismount request if necessary.


Missing or invalid SLSIN DD statement

Explanation: The SLUADMIN utility program was not able to successfully OPEN the required utility control statements file (DD name SLSIN).

System Action: The utility function is terminated.

User Response: Supply the SLSIN data set containing 80 byte card-image control statements, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Value in JCL PARM field PPPPPPPP is invalid

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility job was submitted with PARM= parameters, and the value specified for the keyword PPPPPPPP is invalid. Valid keywords and their values are:


where nn is a value between 10 and 99. NOHDR and LINECNT are mutually exclusive.

System Action: The utility function is terminated.

User Response: Correct the value in the JCL PARM field or eliminate PARM value altogether and resubmit the job.


SLUCON must be authorized when specifying "LIBONLY" parameter

Explanation: The indicated Scratch Conversion utility MUST execute in an APF-authorized mode when the ”LIBONLY” execution-time parameter is specified.

System Action: The utility is terminated with a return code of 8.

User Response: Ensure that the library that the utility resides in is APF-authorized and resubmit the job.


Conflicting utility is currently active on the system -- try again later

Explanation: Another SLUADMIN utility job was active on the system and was running a utility function that conflicted with the utility function requested in this SLUADMIN utility job.

System Action: The utility function terminates.

User Response: Wait until the other SLUADMIN utility job finishes, and resubmit this SLUADMIN utility job.


A CCCCCCCCCCCCCC library utility active during termination; waiting for completion

Explanation: An attempt was made to terminate one or both HSC service levels but a CCCCCCCCCCCCCC SLUADMIN utility job requiring active Library Software on the system.

System Action: Termination waits until the utility function ends.

User Response: Execute one of the following actions based on your current situation:

  • Wait until the SLUADMIN utility job ends, and the library software termination continues.

  • Cancel the SLUADMIN utility job, and allow the library termination to continue.

  • Cancel the library software, and it terminates abnormally.


Condition code for utility function is DD

Explanation: A utility function represented by a single control statement in a SLUADMIN utility job has completed with the specified condition code. Possible condition codes are:

  • 0 - Utility function completed successfully

  • 4 - Error detected, but utility function was able to complete

  • 8 - Error detected, and utility function was cancelled

  • 12 - Error detected, and utility program (all utility functions) was cancelled

System Action: The utility function terminated as indicated.

User Response: If the condition code is other than zero (0), refer to other utility message(s) to resolve the exact reason for the error and determine if the SLUADMIN utility job needs to be resubmitted.


No qualifying SMF records found

Explanation: A SLUADMIN ACTIvities Report utility read all of the SMF records but found none in the specified date/time period.

System Action: The Activities Report utility terminates.

User Response: Check the supplied SMF data (DD name SLSSMF) and/or the requested reporting period (BEGIN and END parameters on the control statement), fix the error, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Host Software Component not active, a NCO, or a Switch event temporarily disabled utilities

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility function requiring the library software was attempted, but the library software was not active or Dynamic Reconfiguration (NCO), or Switch process is active and has temporarily disabled utilities.

System Action: The utility function is not executed.

User Response: Start the host library software, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.

  1. Start the host library software if not active, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.

  2. If a NCO or Switch event occurred then inspect the ELS log to determine at what point to re-submit the SLUADMIN utility.


Conflicting audit in progress on this Host

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility was attempted against library components that were already being audited by another SLUADMIN AUDIt utility, or there was an attempt to simultaneously execute an ”active” AUDIt utility (parameter APPly(YES)) with a ”report-only” AUDIt utility (parameter APPly(NO)).

System Action: The requested utility function is not executed.

User Response: Wait until the other AUDIt utility job is finished and resubmit this SLUADMIN audit job, or change the parameters on this AUDIt control statement to not conflict with the other AUDIt utility.


Conflicting audit in progress within the LSM

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility is in process within the same LSM(s) as those in the current AUDIt utility, initialize cartridge utility (MVS), or ENTEr cartridges utility (VM).

System Action: The utility function terminates.

User Response: Wait until the SLUADMIN AUDIt utility or series of concurrent AUDIt utilities complete, and then resubmit this SLUADMIN utility.


All DD journals are successfully sorted

Explanation: This is a checkpoint message from a SLUADMIN RESTore utility indicating that all journal records from DD (the number of active journals) files have been successfully sorted.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Control database is successfully copied from the backup copy

Explanation: This is a checkpoint message from the SLUADMIN RESTore utility indicating that the control data set is successfully replaced by the control data set from the backup data set.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


PPPPPPPP parameter value VVVVVVVV invalid

Explanation: The VOLRpt parameter value shown was specified with an invalid parameter value.

System Action: The VOLRpt utility terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Correct the indicated parameter on the volume report (VOLRpt) control statement, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Volume volser not in library

Explanation: A specific volume serial number (volser) was supplied for a requested function. However, the requested volume was not found in the library, so the volume serial could not be processed. This message may also appear when a specific volume serial number is not specified, but a volume is requested by an internal function call.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Review any volume serial numbers specified for the function, and if necessary, resubmit the request.


Volume volser already defined in library as scratch

Explanation: A SLUADMIN SCRAtch update utility attempted to add a specified volume serial number (volser) to the library scratch pool, but the volume was already defined as scratch.

System Action: The utility continues processing.

User Response: The error does not cancel the SCRAtch update utility, but you may want to check the specified volume serial number, correct it, and resubmit the SLUADMIN SCRAtch update job.


Control database is successfully restored by applying sorted journals

Explanation: This is a checkpoint message from the SLUADMIN RESTore utility indicating that the control data set, that was replaced from a backup, has been updated with records from all active journal files.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Volume volser not defined in library as scratch

Explanation: A SLUADMIN SCRAtch update utility attempted to remove a specified volume serial number (volser) from the library scratch pool, but the volume was not defined as a scratch volume.

System Action: The utility continues functioning.

User Response: This error does not cancel the SCRAtch update utility, but you may want to check the specified volume serial number and resubmit the SLUADMIN scratch update job.


Volume volser successfully added to library as scratch

Explanation: A SLUADMIN SCRAtch update utility has added the specified volume serial number (volser) to the library scratch pool.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Volume volser successfully deleted from library scratch pool

Explanation: A SLUADMIN SCRAtch update utility has deleted the specified volume serial number (volser) from the library scratch pool.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Secondary is successfully copied from the restored control database

Explanation: This is a checkpoint message from the SLUADMIN RESTore utility indicating that the secondary copy of the control data set has been successfully replaced by the contents of the restored control data set.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Volume volser in use; unavailable for processing

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility function was attempting to perform utility-specific processing against a specific volume serial number (volser), but the volume was either currently selected by another process or had been used before it could be scratched. The utility process could not be performed.

System Action: The process continues, but this volume has been ignored.

User Response: This is not considered an error, but you may want to resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job after the competing process/job releases the volume.


CAPid AA:LL:CC is invalid

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility function requiring a Cartridge Access Port (CAP) specified a particular CAPid (AA:LL:CC) in the utility control statement, but the CAPid was invalid.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Change the specification of the CAPid, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


CAP could not be successfully allocated

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility function requiring a CAP either could not allocate the specific CAP (if a CAP parameter was specified on the utility control statement) because that CAP was in use by another process, or no unreserved CAPs with a non-zero priority exist in the ACS where the CAP is required.

System Action: The utility terminates without performing the CAP operation.

User Response: Either specify a different CAPid, or wait for the process using the specific CAP to complete and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job. If no CAP is specified, display the preference priorities for CAPs in the ACS, and set an available CAP preference to non-zero (see Display and CAPPref library commands) and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Missing or invalid SLSTAPE DD statement

Explanation: A SLUADMIN initialize cartridge utility either could not locate an SLSTAPE DD statement, or the SLSTAPE DD statement did not represent a transport.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Make sure the JCL contains an SLSTAPE DD statement representing a valid library transport; and, if requesting a specific CAP, make sure the CAP is in the same ACS as the library transport represented by the SLSTAPE DD statement. Then resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Volume volser successfully ejected from library

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility function that involves cartridge ejection has successfully moved the identified volume serial number (volser) to a Cartridge Access Port (CAP).

System Action: The cartridge is ejected from the control data set.

User Response: None. (The operator is informed of the cartridge ejection and is required to empty the CAP either when the CAP is full or when the SLUADMIN utility function completes.)


Missing or invalid SLSCNTL DD statement

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility could not successfully open the control data set represented by the SLSCNTL DD statement.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Supply the SLSCNTL DD statement to for control data set and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Missing or invalid SLSBKUP DD statement

Explanation: A SLUADMIN BACKup or RESTore utility could not successfully open the backup data set represented by the SLSBKUP DD statement.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Supply the SLSBKUP DD statement to properly reference the backup data set for the SLUADMIN utility function and, resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Missing or invalid SLSJRNnn DD statement

Explanation: A SLUADMIN BACKup utility could not successfully open the journal represented by the SLSJRNnn statement (nn = 01 - 32).

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Supply the SLSJRNnn statements to properly reference all active journal files for the SLUADMIN BACKup utility, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


APPLY(YES) specified or defaulted, but journaling not active

Explanation: A SLUADMIN RESTore utility was submitted with a specified or implied APPly(YES) parameter meaning that journal records were to be applied to the restored control data set, but journaling was not in effect for the library software.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: If the control data set should really be restored to the state of the referenced backup data set (SLSBKUP DD statement), supply APPly(NO) on the RESTore utility (RESTore) control statement, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


I/O error reading backup file specified by SLSBKUP DD statement

Explanation: An I/O error occurred for the CDS backup data set.

System Action: The utility terminates. The CDS is not affected.

User Response: Re-establish another backup data set, and rerun the CDS BACKup utility.


I/O error processing control database

Explanation: An I/O error on the control data set occurred during processing of a SLUADMIN utility function.

System Action: The utility terminates without completing the requested function.

User Response: Determine the cause of the I/O error. Resubmit the utility after the control data set problem is corrected.


I/O error reading journal specified by SLSJRNnn DD statement

Explanation: An I/O error occurred, during a SLUADMIN BACKup or RESTore utility, reading the journal file represented by the SLSJRNnn statement. (nn = 01 - 32 for BACKup, 01 - 99 for RESTore).

System Action: The utility terminates prematurely.

User Response: Refer to local recovery procedures.

  • If BACKup had a journal I/O error, use SLICREAT to create new (reset) journal file(s).

  • If RESTore had a journal I/O error, determine if another copy of the journal file exists and use the copy.

  • If no copy exists, you are either left with an incomplete restore or with auditing your whole library.


I/O error writing journal specified by SLSJRNnn DD statement

Explanation: An I/O error occurred during a SLUADMIN BACKup or OFFLoad utility, writing the journal file represented by the SLSJRNnn statement. (nn = 01 - 02 for OFFLoad, 01 - 32 for BACKup.)

System Action: The utility terminates without resetting the journal file(s).

User Response: If OFFLoad had the I/O error, IMMEDIATELY take a BACKup. If BACKup had the I/O error, use SLICREAT to create (reset) the journal files.


Cartridge volser in cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC:NN has an unreadable external label; ejecting

Explanation: After dismounting a volser to a cell, the LMU indicated that a formerly readable external label is now unreadable.

System Action: The volume is ejected from the library.

User Response: Inspect the label on the cartridge and determine the reason that the label is unreadable. Once corrected the cartridge can be entered into the library.


DD1 hosts defined, but only DD2 SLSJRNnn DD statements supplied

Explanation: A SLUADMIN RESTore utility determined that the DD1 number of hosts defined showed that there was an insufficient number of SLSJRNnn statements. DD2 expresses how many SLSJRNnn statements were present. Each host attached to the library must have two journal files. ( = 01 - 32 for BACKup, 01 - 99 for RESTore.)

System Action: The RESTore utility terminates processing.

User Response: Supply two SLSJRNnn statements for each host attached to the library, and resubmit the SLUADMIN RESTore utility job.



Explanation: A utility could not successfully open the required SYSPRINT DD.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Supply the required SYSPRINT DD statement, and resubmit the utility job.


Journal specified by SLSJRNnn DD statement successfully reset

Explanation: A checkpoint message issued by a SLUADMIN BACKup or OFFLoad utility indicated that one of the journal files represented by the SLSJRNnn (nn = 01 - 02 for OFFLoad, 01 - 32 for BACKup) DD statement was successfully reset.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


I/O error writing to control database specified by SLSCNTL DD statement

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility encountered an I/O error on the primary control data set (DD name SLSCNTL).

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Check allocation parameters for the SLSCNTL DD statement and resubmit the utility.


I/O error reading from data set specified by SLSDELTA DD statement

Explanation: A SLUADMIN RESTore utility encountered an I/O error reading back the sorted journal records on the temporary work file (DD name SLSDELTA).

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Reallocate the temporary sorted journal records file represented by the SLSDELTA DD statement, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


LSM LL is invalid

Explanation: The LSMid (LL) obtained through the ”LSM” parameter on a SLUADMIN utility function control statement was invalid.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Check the configuration of the library, respecify the ”LSM”parameter, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


LSMid AA:LL is offline

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility function required a functional path to a specific LSMid (AA:LL) but found the LSM offline or not allocated to the host where the utility was executed.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Bring the LSM online to this host (see MODify command) and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job. If the LSM is unallocated, remove the LSM from the utility control statements and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Panel index DD is invalid

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility encountered an invalid panel index (DD) specified in the PANel parameter of the AUDIt control statement.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Respecify the panel index in the PANel parameter and, resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Volume volser in cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC is in control database at cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility function has encountered a library cartridge with the specified volume serial number (volser) that was in a different library location than the control data set (first cell is observed location, second is control data set location). If the audit was ”active” (APPly(YES) specified or defaulted on the control statement), the data set was updated.

System Action: Depending on the APPly parameter, the audit will change the location of the volume in the control data set.

User Response: None


Volume volser in cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC is not in control database

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility function has encountered a library cartridge with the specified volume serial number (volser) at the specified location (AA:LL:PP:RR:CC) that is not in the control data set. If the audit is ”active” (APPly(YES) specified or defaulted on the control statement), the volume is added to the control data set.

System Action: Depending on the APPly parameter specification, the volume may be added to the control data set.

User Response: None


Cartridge in cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC has an unreadable or illegal external label

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility encountered an unlabeled cartridge, a cartridge with an unreadable external label, or a cartridge with a label containing illegal characters in the defined location (AA:LL:PP:RR:CC). If the audit is ”active” (APPly(YES) specified or defaulted), the cartridge is ejected.

System Action: The cartridge is physically ejected from the library if APPly(YES) is specified.

User Response: If APPly(YES) is specified, take the cartridge out of the CAP, determine its volser, and re-enter the cartridge. If APPly(NO) is specified, you may have to invoke errant recovery on the original volume to have the cartridge logically ejected (deleted from the control data set). Errant recovery can be invoked by issuing a Mount or EJect command for the volume.


Volume volser in cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC is a duplicate with volume in cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility function encountered more than one library cartridge with the specified volume serial number (volser). The first specified location (AA:LL:PP:RR:CC) refers to the duplicate, while the second refers to the original. If the audit is ”active” (APPly(YES) specified or defaulted on the control statement), the volume is ejected.

System Action: The duplicate volume is physically ejected from the library if the audit is active.

User Response: Depending on which one is supposed to be in the library, the volume left in the library may have to be ejected and the other one re-entered.


ACS AA is invalid

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility function encountered an invalid specification of the ACS parameter on the utility control statement.

System Action: The utility function is terminated.

User Response: Respecify the ACS, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


ACS AA is disconnected

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility function required a functional path to a specific ACS (AA), but found the ACS disconnected to the host where the utility was executed.

System Action: The utility function is terminated.

User Response: Connect the ACS to this host (see Vary command), and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Missing or invalid SLSINIT DD statement

Explanation: A SLUADMIN INITialize cartridge utility could not successfully open the required prototype initialization control statement file (DD name SLSINIT).

System Action: The utility function is terminated.

User Response: Supply the SLSINIT DD statement with 80-byte card-image control statement records with a 6-character substitution field for the volume serial number (”******”), and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Missing or invalid initialization control statement (CCCCCCCC DD statement)

Explanation: A SLUADMIN INITialize cartridge utility could not successfully open the required initialization control statement file (DD name = CCCCCCCC; for IEHINITT this is SYSIN).

System Action: The utility function is terminated.

User Response: Supply the DD statement specified by the CNTLDD parameter of the initialize cartridge control statement (default DDname = SYSIN), and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Invalid SLSINIT prototype initialization control statement

Explanation: A SLUADMIN INITialize cartridge utility encountered an invalid prototype initialization control statement in the SLSINIT file. Either the file is null (contains no card-image records), or there are more than six card-image records, or there is no six-character volume serial number substitution field (”******”).

System Action: The utility function is terminated.

User Response: Supply the SLSINIT DD statement with 80-byte card-image control statement records and a six-character substitution field for the volume serial number (”******”), and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


OPTION parameter value invalid; must be SCRatch or EJEct

Explanation: A SLUADMIN INITialize cartridge utility encountered an invalid value in the initialize cartridge (INITialize) control statement OPTion parameter.

System Action: The utility function is terminated.

User Response: Respecify or remove the OPTion parameter from the initialize cartridge control statement, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Initialize cartridge program CCCCCCCC not found

Explanation: A SLUADMIN INITialize cartridge utility attempted to load the initialization program (CCCCCCCC) either specified on the PROGram parameter of the initialize cartridge control statement or defaulted to IEHINITT.

System Action: The utility function is terminated.

User Response: Check the specification of the initialization program in the PROGRAM parameter and/or make sure it is accessible to the SLUADMIN link list.


Library scratch list deletion completed successfully

Explanation: This is a checkpoint message issued by a SLUADMIN SCRAtch update utility with a REPLaceall control statement indicating that all scratch volumes are deleted from the current scratch list.

System Action: Normal operations continue.

User Response: None


Volume volser successfully entered into library

Explanation: A SLUADMIN INITialize cartridge utility (MVS) or ENTEr cartridges utility (VM) has entered a cartridge with an external label (volser) into the library. The MVS initialize cartridge utility issues this message prior to invoking the initialization program.

System Action: The cartridge has been entered into the library.

User Response: None.


Missing or invalid SLSSMF or SLSPARM DD statement

Explanation: A SLUADMIN ACTIvities Report utility could not successfully open the required SMF records file (DD name SLSSMF or SLSPARM).

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Supply the SLSSMF or SLSPARM DD statement, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Volume volser not located by Audit

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility did not find the specified volume serial number (volser) in the audited library elements, but the control data set contained that volume with a location within the audited library elements. If the audit is ”active” (APPly(YES) specified or defaulted), the volume is deleted from the database.

System Action: The volume is logically ejected (deleted from control data set) if APPly(YES) is specified.

User Response: If the volume is suspected to be in the library still, increase the library items being audited to include the whole LSM or its ACS. If the volume still cannot be found inside the ACS, examine SMF data and MVS SYSLOG/SCP CONSLOG to determine if the volume has been ejected or perhaps manually mounted and taken out of the library.


'APPLY' parameter value invalid; must be 'YES' or 'NO'

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility function specified an APPly parameter with a value other than YES or NO.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Correct the APPly parameter on the utility control statement, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


An error occurred in the initialize cartridge program CCCCCCCC

Explanation: A SLUADMIN INITialize cartridge utility invoked the initialize cartridge program (CCCCCCCC) and received a non-zero return code.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Check for an error message from the initialize cartridge program and correct the cause. Then eject the cartridges, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Invalid date and/or time specified on SLSIN control statement

Explanation: A SLUADMIN ACTIvities Report utility encountered a date and/or time on the BEGIN or END parameter of the ACTIvities control statement that was not in the proper format.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Respecify the BEGIN and/or END parameters on the ACTIvities control statement in the format ”MM/DD/YY” or ”YYYYMMDD” (01 =< MM =< 12, 01 =< DD =< 31) for date, and ”HH:MM:SS” (00 =< HH =< 23, 00 =< MM,SS =< 59) for time, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


BEGIN date and/or time is the same or later than END date and/or time

Explanation: A SLUADMIN ACTIvities Report utility encountered a date/time on the BEGIN parameter that was not earlier than the date/time parameter on the END parameter of the ACTIvities control statement.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Respecify the BEGIN and/or END parameters on the Activities control statement, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Invalid date specified in PARM parameter of JCL statement

Explanation: The date specified in the PARM field for the Scratch Conversion utility was not a valid date value.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Correct the date value, and resubmit the Scratch Conversion utility.


Missing or invalid SLSTMS DD statement

Explanation: The SLUCONDB Scratch Conversion utility program was not able to successfully open the required utility control statements file (DD name SLSTMS).

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Supply the SLSTMS data set containing the tape management system database to be processed. Resubmit the SLUCONDB utility.


Invalid command

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility encountered an unrecognized command on a SLSIN control statement.

System Action: The command statement is ignored.

User Response: Correct the command on the control statement, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


CCCCCCCC1 parameter mutually exclusive with CCCCCCCC2 parameter

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility encountered a SLSIN control statement with two mutually exclusive parameters (CCCCCCCC1 and CCCCCCCC2).

System Action: The control statement is ignored.

User Response: Correct the control statement by removing one of the referenced parameters, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


CCCCCCCC1 parameter requires corequisite parameter CCCCCCCC2

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility encountered a SLSIN control statement with a parameter (CCCCCCCC1) that required specification of another parameter (CCCCCCCC2) which was not present on the control statement.

System Action: The control statement is ignored.

User Response: Correct the control statement by supplying the required parameter, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job. This error could be associated with an invalid continuation.

Please note that the requested missing parameter may not be the only one acceptable. In some parameters, several corequisite parameters may satisfy the requirement and the message will only show one of them.


Parameter CCCCCCCC is an unknown parameter

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility function encountered a SLSIN control statement with either a parameter (CCCCCCCC) that was not allowed for the command or a parameter greater than eight characters in length.

System Action: The control statement is ignored.

User Response: Correct the control statement by either removing the invalid parameter or correcting the spelling of the valid parameter, and resubmitting the SLUADMIN utility job.


CCCCCCCC parameter has a value with a length error

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility encountered a SLSIN control statement with a parameter (CCCCCCCC) whose value was longer or shorter than permitted.

System Action: The control statement is ignored.

User Response: Correct the parameter value on the control statement, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


CCCCCCCC parameter requires a value

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility encountered a SLSIN control statement with a parameter (CCCCCCCC) without a value, but the parameter required a value.

System Action: The control statement is ignored.

User Response: Supply a value for the parameter on the control statement, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Value not allowed with CCCCCCCC parameter

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility encountered a SLSIN control statement with a parameter (CCCCCCCC) having a value, but the parameter does not allow a value.

System Action: The control statement is ignored.

User Response: Remove the value on the parameter on the control statement, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Parameter CCCCCCCC has an illegal value

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility encountered a SLSIN control statement with a parameter (CCCCCCCC) with an illegal value; either there is a list when a list is not allowed or the value type (i.e. hex, numeric, alpha) is of a different type than allowed.

System Action: The control statement is ignored.

User Response: Correct the value on the parameter on the control statement, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


CCCCCCCC parameter has too many values

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility encountered a SLSIN control statement with a parameter (CCCCCCCC) that had too many values in the value list. For example, a maximum of 20 panel indexes on a PANel parameter.

System Action: The control statement is ignored.

User Response: Correct the value list on the parameter of the control statement, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


PANEL parameter not allowed with LSM value list parameter

Explanation: A command or utility encountered a control statement with a PANel parameter and an LSM parameter that had a value list (more than one LSM number). Only one LSM is allowed if panel is also specified.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: Correct the parameters and resubmit the command.


Parameter PPPPPPP1 or PPPPPPP2 required

Explanation: A command or utility function was requested that required one of the listed parameters.

System Action: The command or utility is not executed.

User Response: Supply one of the parameters on the command or control statement, and re-enter the command or resubmit the utility job.


Audit phase 1 (Registration) completed

Explanation: This is a SLUADMIN AUDIt utility checkpoint message indicating the audit has completed the Registration phase. It has been verified that the requested audit is legal and does not conflict with any other library utilities; also a Cartridge Access Port (CAP) is reserved for the ACS encountering the error.

System Action: Audit processing continues.

User Response: None


Audit phase 2 (Volumes Check) completed

Explanation: This is a SLUADMIN AUDIt utility checkpoint message indicating the audit has completed the Volumes Check phase. All volume records in the control data set have been read and an entry built in the Audited Volume Table for those volumes in an audited library element; at the completion of the last active audit, all unlocated volumes are deleted from the control data set.

System Action: Audit processing continues.

User Response: None


Audit phase 3 (Cell Scan) completed

Explanation: This is a SLUADMIN AUDIt utility checkpoint message indicating the audit has completed the Cell Scan phase. All library elements to be audited have been scanned by the LSM camera, and if this is an ”active” audit (APPly(YES) specified or defaulted), the control data set has been updated to reflect the actual contents of those elements. Also, any cartridges with duplicate or unreadable labels have been ejected.

System Action: Audit processing continues.

User Response: None


Audit phase 4 (Finish) completed

Explanation: This is a SLUADMIN AUDIt utility checkpoint message indicating the audit has completed the final phase. All Cartridge Access Ports (CAPs) reserved by this audit have been released, and if this is the last ”active” audit (APPly(YES) specified or defaulted), the Audited Volume Table has been scanned and any volumes not located by the audit have been deleted from the control data set.

System Action: If this is (Final) started, audit processing continues; otherwise, audit processing is ended, and a termination return code message is issued (SLS0155I).

User Response: None


Audited volume volser is errant (lost)

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility has discovered a volume record in the control data set that has been marked ”errant” (lost) for a volume in an audited library element. If this is an ”active” audit (APPly(YES) specified or defaulted), the volume record is updated if the volume is found in the cell scan phase.

System Action: If APPly(YES) is specified and the volume is found during the LSM cell scan phase, the volume is removed from the errant set.

User Response: If the volume cannot be found, display the volume to determine its last known location. Use the VIew command to examine the last known location. If the volume still cannot be found inside the library, examine MVS SYSLOG/SCP CONSLOG and SMF data to determine if the volume was ejected or manually mounted and taken out of the ACS. Increase the scope of the audit.


Audited volume volser has a cell index mismatch

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility has discovered a volume record in the control data set that has a home location in an audited library element, but the cell index for that location reflects a different or no volume serial number. If this is an ”active” audit (APPly(YES) specified or defaulted), the cell index record is updated if it reflects no volume serial number, the volume serial number contained does not exist, or the volume record has a different home location.

System Action: The cell index portion of the control data set will be updated if APPly(YES) is specified.

User Response: If APPly(NO) is specified, a cell index mismatch occurs which can only be fixed if audited or if the volume actually in the cell is ejected or floated out of the LSM. Executing a location (specify ACS or LSM parameters) volume report will show the cell index mismatch.


Audited volume volser is errant (lost) and has a cell index mismatch

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility has discovered a volume record in the control data set that is marked errant (lost) and the cell index for its home location reflected a different or no volume serial number. If this is an ”active” audit (APPly(YES) specified or defaulted), the cell index record is updated if it reflects no volume serial number, the volume serial number contained does not exist, or the volume record has a different home location. Also, if the volume is located in the cell scan phase of the audit, the control data set is updated and the volume made non-errant.

System Action: The cell index is updated if active audit. If the volume is found during the LSM cell scan and this is an active audit, the volume is removed from errant state.

User Response: If the volume cannot be found, attempt to increase the scope of the audit. If the volume still cannot be found, examine MVS SYSLOG/SCP CONSLOG and SMF data to determine when the volume was ejected or manually mounted.


Audit scan for LSMid AA:LL, panel DD has completed

Explanation: This is a checkpoint message issued by a SLUADMIN AUDIt utility indicating the physical cell scan for the specified LSMid (AA:LL) and panel (DD) has completed.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Audit scan for panels in LSMid AA:LL has terminated

Explanation: This is a checkpoint message issued by a SLUADMIN AUDIt utility indicating the physical cell scan for the specified LSMid has either completed normally or was terminated early due to an error identified by another message in the SLSPRINT output.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Control data set configuration does not match the hardware configuration

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility has encountered a difference in the control data set configuration and the hardware configuration as discovered by the physical cell scan.

System Action: The AUDIt utility is cancelled.

User Response: Either change the control data set configuration via LIBGEN or have the CSE alter the ACS configuration stored in the LMU.


Invalid utility control statement

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility has encountered a continuation or other general syntax error (e.g. unmatched parentheses) on a utility control statement, or the concatenated control statement exceeds the maximum length of 32767 characters.

System Action: The control statement is ignored.

User Response: Correct the syntax error, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Required parameter CCCCCCCC is missing

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility function has encountered a control statement with a missing required parameter (CCCCCCCC).

System Action: The control statement is ignored.

User Response: Supply the missing parameter, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


LMU or LSM failure during operation in LSMid AA:LL, RC=XXXXXXXX

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility has encountered an error returned from a directed LMU or LSM operation.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Record the approximate time of failure, and contact StorageTek Software Support. After repair/adjustment actions have been performed, resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Scratch Redistribution completed successfully for ACS AA

Explanation: A SLUADMIN SCREdist (scratch redistribution) utility has completed balancing the scratch volumes (within the tolerance defined for the installation) for the specified ACS (AA).

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Specified ACS has fewer than two LSMs online; Scratch Redistribution will not run

Explanation: A SLUADMIN SCREdist (scratch redistribution) utility has determined that fewer than two online LSMs exist within the ACS being scratch balanced. Scratch redistribution cannot redistribute scratch volumes in this configuration.

System Action: The redistribution terminates without moving scratch cartridges.

User Response: If more than one LSM exists within the specified ACS, bring at least two LSMs online (see MODify command), and resubmit the scratch redistribution utility job.


No scratch volumes exist; Scratch Redistribution will not run

Explanation: A SLUADMIN SCREdist (scratch redistribution) utility has determined no scratch volumes exist within the ACS being scratch balanced.

System Action: The utility terminates without moving scratch cartridges.

User Response: Use the SCRAtch update utility to define scratch volumes in the ACS, then resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Offline LSM in path for ejecting volume volser

Explanation: A SLUADMIN EJECt utility attempted to eject a cartridge, but the cartridge resides in, or needed to pass-thru, an offline LSM.

System Action: The utility continues without ejecting the cartridge.

User Response: Resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job when all LSMs are online.


CAP is in offline LSM (LSMid AA:LL); eject utility terminating

Explanation: A SLUADMIN EJECt utility attempted to eject a cartridge, but the CAP, from which the cartridge was to be ejected, was in an offline LSM.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job when all LSMs are online.


Invalid scratch pool specified in PARM parameter of JCL statement

Explanation: The scratch pool specified is not one that is recognized by the SLUADMIN utility.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Specify AL, SL, NL, or NSL for the scratch pool, and resubmit the utility.


Unnamed Cartridge in CAP cell AA:LL:CC:RR:C; reply "V,volser" or "Eject"

Explanation: A cartridge with no optical label has been found in CAP cell AA:LL:CC:RR:C where RR is a CAP row and C is a CAP column. The operator is requested to provide a volume serial number for the cartridge. The cartridge is ”known” by this volume serial number.

System Action: Cartridge entry waits for the operator to respond to the query. If the volume serial number is not a duplicate of another library cartridge, it is entered into the library.

If an invalid response is entered, message SLS0926I is issued, then message SLS0250D is reissued.

User Response: Respond with one of the following:

  • V,volser, where volser is the appropriate volume serial number for the cartridge in question.

  • Eject, if the cartridge is to be ejected.


Cartridge volser in CAP cell AA:LL:CC:RR:C is a duplicate and cannot be entered

Explanation: A duplicate cartridge volser was found in CAP cell AA:LL:CC:RR:C where RR is a CAP row and C is a CAP column. Duplicate cartridges are not allowed to be entered into the library.

System Action: Cartridge entry leaves the cartridge in the CAP cell in which it is found and continues with the next cartridge in the CAP.

User Response: Remove the duplicate cartridge from the CAP. If the cartridge must be entered, eject the other cartridge with the same volume serial number and attempt the cartridge entry again.


Cartridge volser entered into LSMid AA:LL

Explanation: Volume serial number volser is entered into the library. Its location is within the specified ACS and LSM.

System Action: The cartridge is entered, its volume serial number optically verified, and it is moved to its new location.

User Response: None


Keyword CCCCCCCC cannot be specified more than once

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility function encountered a SLSIN control statement with a duplicate occurrence of the keyword CCCCCCCC.

System Action: The control statement is ignored.

User Response: Correct the control statement by and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Cartridge volser ejected to CAP cell AA:LL:CC:RR:C

Explanation: Volume serial number volser has been ejected and can now be found in the identified CAP.

System Action: The cartridge is ejected, and its volume serial number is deleted from the control data set.

User Response: Manually remove the cartridge from the CAP.


Cartridge volser in CAP cell AA:LL:CC:RR:C has an invalid volser and cannot be entered

Explanation: Volume serial number volser contains an invalid character and will not be allowed in the ACS.

System Action: The cartridge is left in the CAP and should be removed when the CAP is opened.

User Response: Remove the cartridge from the CAP.


Scheduled Enter (SENTER) cancelled

Explanation: A SENter command was entered for a CAP which was ejecting. No cartridge was entered, and the EJect completed without a cartridge being entered.

System Action: None

User Response: The operator may want to start an ENter on the CAP in order to enter the cartridge needed.



Explanation: ENTER|EJECT|END|BEGIN failed on specified CAPid (AA:LL:CC) due to an LMU error. DDDD1 is the LMU return code followed by DDDD2, the LMU error category and code. CCC...CCC is a 32-byte description of the error.

Possible LMU return codes are:

  • 6500 - Source is invalid

  • 6501 - Source is empty

  • 6502 - Source volser does not match

  • 6503 - Source volser is not readable

  • 6504 - Unexpected volser on source

  • 6505 - Target is invalid

  • 6506 - Target is full

  • 6507 - Source/target not in same ACS

  • 6508 - Source/target not in same LSM

  • 6509 - Source/target not the same type

  • 6510 - Connecting LSM path unavailable

  • 6511 - LMU is not online

  • 6512 - Lost communications with LMU

  • 6513 - Ended - Overdue Response Handler

  • 6514 - LSM hardware error

  • 6515 - LMU error

  • 6516 - CAP in maintenance mode

  • 6517 - CAP door is open

  • 6518 - Enter request pending

  • 6519 - Eject request pending

  • 6520 - CAP catalog pending

  • 6521 - Drive load error

  • 6522 - Drive unload error

  • 6524 - CAP already resvd to this host

  • 6525 - CAP reserved to another host

  • 6526 - CAP not reserved to this host

  • 6527 - Move is pending to/from CAP

  • 6528 - LMU is dead

  • 6529 - Invalid option flag specified

  • 6530 - Option code is invalid

  • 6532 - Volser unexpectedly readable

  • 6541 - LMU listener attach failed

  • 6542 - LMU timer attach failed

  • 6543 - LMU station driver attach failed

  • 6544 - LMU station simulator attach failed

  • 6545 - LMU simulator attach failed

  • 6546 - LMU worker attach failed

  • 6548 - No HCT address was found in LVT

  • 6549 - Offline rqst already in progress

  • 6550 - Station is not offline

  • 6551 - Station is not online

  • 6552 - LMU does not exist

  • 6553 - Station does not exist

  • 6554 - Source/target not in same panel

  • 6555 - Station is offline

  • 6558 - Invalid function

  • 6568 - No broadcast message present

  • 6574 - Invalid character in volser

  • 6575 - Invalid character in message

  • 6578 - No seq-no on vary station online

  • 6579 - Timeout to vary station online

  • 6582 - Volume motion is complete

  • 6584 - Invalid broadcast id

  • 6586 - Drive active or not rewound

  • 6587 - Drive load failed for special use cartridge

  • 6590 - Unable to allocate station

  • 6591 - Open failed for station

  • 6592 - LSM is offline

  • 6593 - Set host path group failed

  • 6595 - Enter operations terminated

  • 6596 - Cannot cancel enter on rel rqst

  • 6598 - Invalid response recd from LMU

  • 65A0 - LSM is online

  • 65A1 - LSM is pending online

  • 65A2 - LSM is pending offline

  • 65A3 - LSM is not ready

  • 65A4 - LSM not offline

  • 65A5 - LSM is in maintenance mode

  • 65A6 - LMU I/O error

  • 65A7 - Invalid cancel request

  • 65A8 - Request was canceled

  • 65A9 - Rqst to be canceled not active

  • 65AA - Too late to cancel rqst spec.

  • 65AC - Media miscompare

  • 65AD - Media and volser miscompare

  • 65AE - Incompatible media/drive

  • 65AF - Missing CAP magazine

  • 65FF - Request purged

System Action: The action in progress (ENTER, EJECT, END, or BEGIN) will not complete. The cartridge may be made errant depending on the point at which the failure occurred. This message may be followed by an SDUMP or SVC Dump.

User Response: Attempt to resolve the problem. If this is not possible, retain the dump, a copy of the MVS SYSLOG/SCP CONSLOG, and contact StorageTek Software Support.


Request allowed selection of CAPid AA:LL:CC

Explanation: An ENter or EJect request defaulted to a system-selected CAP (AA:LL:CC). The message indicates the CAP chosen by the system for the request.

System Action: The cartridges requested are ejected/entered via the CAP indicated.

User Response: None


Open CAPid AA:LL:CC for entering when unlocked

Explanation: CAP processing is attempting to enter cartridges through CAP AA:LL:CC. The CAP door is unlocked when the LSM indicator lights so that the operator may open the door to enter cartridges. The CAP is identified by AA:LL:CC where AA is the ACSid, LL is the LSMid, and CC is the specific CAP number within the LSM.

System Action: The system waits until the operator opens and closes the CAP door at which time the system examines the CAP and attempts to enter cartridges found in the CAP.

User Response: Open the CAP door, place cartridges to be entered in the CAP, and close the CAP door.


Volume volser made errant

Explanation: The current location of the volume could not be verified.

System Action: The volume is made errant.

User Response: None


No storage space available for enter; reply Retry or Abort (R,A)

Explanation: An enter request cannot complete due to one of the following conditions:

  • The TLSM parameter was specified on the ENter command, but the requested LSM has insufficient storage space, or is offline or pending offline.

  • The requested ACS has insufficient storage space, or all LSMs in the ACS are offline or pending offline.

If an audit is in progress, allocation of new cells is temporarily suspended.

System Action: The cartridge(s) remains in the CAP until the user responds.

User Response: Free the necessary storage space and retry the request, or abort the request and remove the cartridges from the CAP.

If LSM(s) are pending offline, abort the enter request to allow the LSM(s) to go offline. If the cartridges must be entered, modify the LSM(s) online temporarily and retry the enter.


More than one cartridge in CAPid AA:LL:CC; expected only cartridge volser

Explanation: Transport enter processing accepts only a single cartridge at a time to be entered and mounted. The referenced CAP contained more than one cartridge when scanned by the LSM.

System Action: Transport entry leaves all cartridges in the CAP and unlocks the door so that all cartridges except the one specified can be removed.

User Response: Open the CAP door, remove all cartridges except volser, and close the CAP door.


Invalid function code (XX) passed in parm list

Explanation: An invalid function code (XX) was passed to the CAP error handler program, SLSCESET. Valid function codes are:

  • 01 - ENTER

  • 02 - EJECT

  • 03 - END

  • 04 - BEGIN

System Action: This message precedes a user abend U1096, RC=262.

User Response: Retain the SDUMP and a copy of the MVS SYSLOG/SCP CONSLOG. Contact StorageTek Software Support.


CAP processing {ejecting|terminating}; empty CAPid AA:LL:CC

Explanation: Either a CAP eject process has loaded cartridges into the CAP for removal or a CAP enter process was unable to enter volumes from the CAP into the library. The operator can now open the CAP door and remove the cartridges from the indicated CAP.

System Action: The system waits until the operator opens and closes the CAP door at which time the robotics examines the CAP to ensure it is empty. After the system verifies that the CAP is empty, if the CAP process is not terminating, the enter or eject process continues. The system may reissue this message if cartridges are left in the CAP.

User Response: Open the CAP door, remove all cartridges, and close the CAP door. To continue a CAP enter process, wait until the system verifies the CAP is empty and unlocks the CAP door before placing cartridges in the CAP.


UNSELECT failed for volser, RC=XXXX; volume is still selected

Explanation: The source location was found empty on an EJect, and the operator requested the operation be ignored. An attempt was made to unselect the volume (volser), but that request failed with the specified return code (XXXX).

System Action: The volume remains selected, and a control data set entry still exists because the volume was not fully ejected.

User Response: Determine the appropriate course of action from the return code.


CAP termination found CAPid AA:LL:CC still active; will attempt Drain

Explanation: The HSC is attempting to terminate. CAP processing detects an active CAP for this host and attempts to stop its CAP processing.

System Action: The system invokes an internal end CAP which may cause all cartridges in the CAP to be ejected.

User Response: Wait for further messages which may request operator actions.


Attempt to enter duplicate volume volser rejected

Explanation: A SLUADMIN INITialize cartridge utility (MVS) or ENTEr cartridges utility (VM) encountered an attempted entry of a volume (volser) that was already in the library.

System Action: The SLUADMIN utility job continues with other volumes.

User Response: If the particular volume is required to be entered, relabel the cartridge, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Specified CAPid is not within ACS of Audit

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility requested a specific CAPid for an audit within a specified ACS, but the CAP was in a different ACS than the specified ACS of the audit.

System Action: The audit terminates processing.

User Response: Check the AUDIt utility control statement. Make sure that the specified ACS is actually the ACS containing the elements in which the audit is to be performed; and, if so, either change the CAP parameter to refer to a CAPid within the ACS, or do not specify the CAP parameter, allowing the utility to choose the highest priority CAP available. Then resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Volume volser is not in same ACS as CAP

Explanation: A SLUADMIN EJECt cartridge utility specified the volser of a cartridge which resides in an ACS other than the ACS whose CAP was chosen for ejection.

System Action: The volume is not ejected; the utility continues with the next volume specified.

User Response: Resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job, specifying a CAP from the ACS in which the requested volser resides.


Attempt to enter unlabeled cartridge rejected

Explanation: A SLUADMIN INITialize cartridge utility (MVS) or ENTEr cartridges utility (VM) encountered an attempted entry of an unlabeled cartridge into the library, and the operator has aborted the entry.

System Action: The SLUADMIN utility job continues with other volumes.

User Response: If the particular cartridge is required to be entered, either label the cartridge with an external volume label, or instruct the operator to reply to the operator message with an acceptable volser. Then resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Attempt to enter cartridge with invalid label volser rejected

Explanation: A SLUADMIN INITialize cartridge utility (MVS) or ENTEr cartridges utility (VM) encountered an attempted entry of a cartridge with an invalid volser or media label.

System Action: The utility job continues with other volumes.

User Response: If the particular volume is required to be entered, relabel the cartridge with an acceptable external label and resubmit the utility job.


HSC server task abend; completion code XXXXXX

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility function encountered an abend in its associated server task running in the HSC address space and terminated. The completion code (XXXXXX) indicates the abend code; either System (first three hex digits) or User (last three hex digits).

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support. There is also an SVC dump from the associated server task abend labeled ”UTILITIES ESTAE ROUTINE”; save a copy of this dump to aid in diagnosing the problem.


All journals are logically empty

Explanation: The specified journals had no deltas written to them since the last backup, and, so, were not applied to the control data set during restore processing. This occurred when the restore was performed immediately following a backup and simply means that no journal application to the control database is necessary.

System Action: None

User Response: None


LSM server subtask servicing LSMid AA:LL abended

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility has detected an LSM server subtask abend in the HSC Address Space and has terminated the audit.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support. There will also be an SVC dump from the associated server task abend labeled ”AUDIT LSM SERVER ESTAE ROUTINE”; save a copy of this dump to aid in diagnosing the problem.


An empty but allocated cell detected at cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility function encountered an allocated cell in the control data set. If the utility is VOLRpt, no volume is assigned to the cell. If the utility is AUDIt, the physical cell scan found the cell to be empty.

System Action: The utility continues processing.

User Response: If this message is issued from an audit with APPly(YES) specified, the cell is freed. Otherwise, free the cell by running an audit with APPly(YES) against the panel in which the cell is located.


Journaling is not active; journal offload is not performed

Explanation: A SLUADMIN Journal OFFLoad utility was attempted against the HSC journals for the installation, but the control data set indicated that journaling was not selected as a LIBGEN option for this installation.

System Action: The journal offload cannot be performed.

User Response: Refer to BACKup utility to determine if a regular BACKup utility should be executed or if the SET utility should be executed to change the recovery technique.


Missing or invalid SLSOFFdd DD statement

Explanation: A SLUADMIN Journal OFFLoad utility could not successfully open the offload file represented by the SLSOFFdd DD statement (dd = 01 - 02).

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Supply a correct SLSOFFdd DD statement to properly reference an offload file, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Journal at DDname SLSJRNnn1 successfully off-loaded to data set defined by SLSOFFnn2 DD statement

Explanation: A checkpoint message issued by the SLUADMIN Journal OFFLoad utility indicated that the identified journal file was successfully offloaded to the identified offload file (nn1 = 01 - 02; nn2 = 01 - 02).

System Action: None

User Response: None


Offload of journal at DDname SLSJRNnn failed

Explanation: A SLUADMIN Journal OFFLoad utility could not successfully copy the contents of the identified journal file to an offload data set.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Look at the preceding message to determine the cause of the error, and refer to the explanation and action for it.


SLSOFF02 DD statement specified, but no corresponding SLSJRN02 DD statement

Explanation: A SLUADMIN Journal OFFLoad utility encountered the identified offload file but could not find a corresponding journal file.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Specify corresponding offload and journal file DD statements in the SLUADMIN job JCL, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


DDDDD volumes have been selected for scratching

Explanation: The number printed represents the total number of volumes selected for scratching.

System Action: None

User Response: None


VOLSER parameter has a range value error

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility encountered a SLSIN control statement with a VOLser parameter that had a value in a range format, but the range was illegal. Either the lengths of the low and high values were not equal, the non-incremental portion of the low and high values were not the same, or the incremental portion of the low range was not less than the incremental portion of the high range.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Correct the range value on the VOLser parameter of the control statement and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


User not authorized to use this utility function

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility function that required execution out of an authorized library detected that it was invoked out of an unauthorized library. Either there has been an attempt to use a SLUADMIN utility function by an unauthorized user, or the utility software was improperly installed.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: You should check with your local systems programming staff to clarify your requirements for needing the StorageTek automated library utility function. System programming should assure that the library software is properly installed in an authorized library.


SORT failure; refer to the sort message data set or job log

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility function requiring the SORT program encountered an error return code from SORT.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Refer to the sort message data set (SYSOUT DD) or job log (if there is no SYSOUT DD) for a message from SORT, correct the problem, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Subsystem is active on this host; restore terminated

Explanation: The RESTore utility detected that the HSC software subsystem was active on the host on which the restore operation was running. A restore operation requires that the subsystem not be running.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Bring down the subsystem, and rerun the RESTore utility.


Volume volser is currently errant; unavailable for processing

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility function was attempting to perform utility-specific processing against a specific volume serial number (volser), but the volume was errant (lost) at that time and the utility process could not be performed.

System Action: The utility continues processing with the next volume serial number.

User Response: This is not considered an error, but you may want to resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job after the next HSC subsystem initialization has been performed or after errant recovery for the volume has been accomplished.


Scratch Redistribution failed - target LSM AA:LL has no available cells

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility function was attempting to perform SCREdist (scratch redistribution), but the LSM specified had no available cells in which to move a scratch volume. There must be at least one free cell in every target LSM for scratch redistribution to take place.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Attempt to free a cell within the specified LSM, and resubmit the utility job or reduce the scope of the redistribution to LSMs which have at least one free cell.


SLSTAPE DD statement does not identify a library transport

Explanation: A SLUADMIN INITialize cartridge utility encountered an SLSTAPE DD statement that did not represent a library transport.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Change the JCL so that the SLSTAPE DD statement identifies a valid library transport. Then resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


SLSTAPE DD statement identifies a library transport in a different ACS than the specified CAPid

Explanation: A SLUADMIN INITialize cartridge utility requesting a specific CAP encountered an SLSTAPE DD statement that allocated a library transport in a different ACS than the specified CAPid.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Either change the JCL so that the SLSTAPE DD statement identifies a specific library transport in the same ACS as the specified CAP, or change the initialize cartridge utility control statement CAP parameter. Then resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Scratch Redistribution failed; too many LSMids specified

Explanation: More LSMids were used as a parameter to the SCREdist (scratch redistribution utility) than were defined in the LIBGEN.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Resubmit the utility with the correct number of LSMids specified.


Scratch Redistribution prematurely ended; even distribution may not have occurred

Explanation: Prior to termination of the SCREdist (scratch redistribution) utility, it was determined that the number of scratch volumes in a particular LSM was greater than the expected value.

System Action: The utility completes processing.

User Response: Evaluate the spread of scratch volumes across LSMs within the given ACS and determine if the spread is sufficient. If sufficient, do nothing further. If not sufficient, try to determine why the spread of volumes was not as expected (average number of scratch volumes per LSM, plus or minus the scratch tolerance level). Resubmit the utility, if necessary, to complete process.


VOLSER parameter not present with SCRATCH or UNSCRATCH option

Explanation: A SLUADMIN SCRAtch update utility encountered a SCRAtch or UNSCratch control statement without the required VOLser parameter identifying which volumes to scratch or unscratch.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Supply a VOLser parameter on the SCRAtch or UNSCratch control statement, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Missing or invalid SLSSOUT DD statement

Explanation: A utility function could not locate the required output file in which to put selected transactions.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Supply the SLSSOUT DD statement, and resubmit the utility job.


Unexpected return code; RC=XXXXXXXX

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility received an unexpected return code from an HSC address space component.

System Action: Utility processing continues, and a final condition code of 4 is returned.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


No value for tag T...T within header H...H for command C...C

Explanation: While processing a header XML tag, a data tag was found but had no value specified. A value for the data tag is required when the header tag is specified.

System Action: The command is not processed.

User Response: Correct the input command syntax and resubmit the request.


Tag H...H missing required element preceding tag T...T for command C...C

Explanation: While processing a header XML tag, a data tag was found that was not valid, or was not in the correct position, for the header tag.

Note that library location tags, such as acs, lsm, cap, etc. must be in logical sequence within a group tag.

System Action: The command is not processed.

User Response: Correct the input command syntax and resubmit the request.


Both primary tag T...T and synonym T...T specified for command C...C

Explanation: Two XML tags considered to be synonyms were both specified on the same command.

System Action: The command is not processed.

User Response: Correct the input command syntax and resubmit the request.


Illogical XML table setup between keywords K...K and K...K for command C...C

Explanation: This is an internal error. The parsing table for the command had the same XML tag specified for two different keywords.

System Action: The command is not processed.

User Response: This is an internal error. Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Illogical XML table setup for keyword K...K for command C...C

Explanation: This is an internal error. The parsing table for the command had the same XML tag specified twice within the same keyword.

System Action: The command is not processed.

User Response: This is an internal error Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Header tag H...H contains unrecognized data tag T...T for command C...C

Explanation: While processing a header XML tag, a data tag was found that was not valid (such as a tag longer than 32 characters) or a data tag was found after all defined subordinate data tags were processed.

System Action: The command is not processed.

User Response: Correct the input command syntax and resubmit the request.


No compatible virtual scratch volumes found [in subpool S...S]

Explanation: In attempting to select a virtual scratch volume, no compatible volumes were found. If a subpool was specified in the request, then no volumes were available in the specified subpool.

System Action: No scratch volume is selected.

User Response: If possible, specify a different subpool for the request, or submit a scratch request to make a scratch volume available.


No compatible scratch volumes found in ACS AA [for media M...M] [for rectech R...R] [in subpool S...S]

Explanation: In attempting to select a scratch volume, no compatible volumes were found in the required ACS. If media, subpool, or rectech was specified, then no volumes were available that satisfied these criteria.

System Action: No scratch volume is selected.

User Response: If possible, specify a different subpool or media for the request, or submit a scratch request to make a scratch volume available.


No scratch volumes found [for media M...M] [for rectech R...R] [in subpool S...S]

Explanation: In attempting to select a scratch volume, no library scratch volumes were found. If media, rectech, or subpool was specified, then no volumes were available that satisfied these criteria.

System Action: No scratch volume is selected.

User Response: If possible, specify a different subpool or media for the request, or submit a scratch request to make a scratch volume available.


Volume volser1 media is incompatible with first volume volser2

Explanation: A QUery VOLUME_INFO request specifying both multiple volumes and drive information had an incompatible media between the first and subsequent specified volumes.

System Action: Media and recording techniques for selected drives are based on the first volume. If an attempt is made to mount both volumes on the same drive, the second mount request will fail.

User Response: Correct the input and resubmit the request.


Parameter P...P value V...V is incompatible with parameter P2...P2 volser2

Explanation: A parameter P...P had a value V...V which is incompatible with the presence of parameter P2...P2.

System Action: The command is not processed.

User Response: Correct the input and resubmit the request.


Either parameter P...P or parameter P2...P2 is required for command C...C

Explanation: A command C...C was entered that requires one of the two specified parameters.

System Action: The command is not processed.

User Response: Correct the input and resubmit the request.


No compatible drives for request volser2

Explanation: A query command for either a specific or scratch volume was received. Based on the volume's media and location, or the scratch policy, no compatible drives were found for the request.

System Action: No drive information is returned.

User Response: If possible, change the request and resubmit.


No virtual volumes in subpool

Explanation: A query a virtual scratch volume was received. The request specified a subpool that did not contain any virtual volumes, or specified no subpool in a system with VOLPARM in effect, and there are no virtual volumes in the DEFAULTPOOL.

System Action: The request returns a warning.

User Response: Ensure that virtual volumes are available in the subpool prior to selecting a scratch or attempting a scratch mount.


No valid media, model or rectech specified

Explanation: A query command was submitted with some combination of media, model and rectech parameters, but no valid values were found for any of these.

System Action: The request returns an error.

User Response: Correct the specified media, model, or rectech parameters and resubmit the request.


Invalid TMS specified in PARM parameter of JCL

Explanation: The name specified in the PARM field for the Scratch Conversion utility of the SCRAtch update function is not TMS, TLMS or RMM.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Correct the value, and resubmit the Scratch Conversion utility of the SCRAtch update function.


Scratch cartridges are within scratch tolerance level - Scratch Redistribution completed successfully

Explanation: A SCREdist (scratch redistribution) utility function completed successfully, and LSMs involved in the process contain the number of scratch cartridges that fall within the scratch tolerance level.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Audit unable to physically scan cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility function was unable to perform a physical scan of the specified cell (AA:LL:PP:RR:CC). If the audit is ”active” (APPly(YES) specified or defaulted on the control statement), corrective action could not be performed for that cell.

System Action: The situation is treated as a condition code 4 error; the audit job continues.

User Response: Depending on the cell contents and condition of the control data set, a secondary audit may have to be run against a library element containing the identified cell.


Audit unable to eject volume volser at cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC which is a duplicate with volume in cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility function has encountered more than one library cartridge with the specified volume serial number (volser). The first specified location (AA:LL:PP:RR:CC) refers to the duplicate, and the second refers to the original. An attempt was made to eject the duplicate, but the audit encountered an LMU error and was unable to successfully eject the duplicate volume.

System Action: The situation is treated as a condition code 4 error; the audit job continues.

User Response: If an error persists, contact your local StorageTek CSE. Depending on which volume should be in the library, the volume left in the library may have to be ejected, the duplicate located, and re-entered.


Audit unable to eject cartridge at cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC which has an unreadable or illegal external label

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility encountered an unlabeled cartridge, a cartridge with an unreadable external label, or a cartridge with a label containing illegal characters in the defined location (AA:LL:PP:RR:CC). An attempt was made to eject the cartridge, but the audit encountered an LMU error and was unable to successfully eject the cartridge.

System Action: The situation is treated as a condition code 4 error; the audit job continues.

User Response: If an error persists, contact your local StorageTek CSE. The cartridge should be located, and the label examined. If the label is destroyed, it should be relabeled and re-entered into the library or replaced in its original location and another audit performed on a library element containing its cell location.


ROW parameter not allowed with PANEL value list parameter

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility encountered a control statement with a ROW parameter and a PANel parameter that has a value list (more than one Panel id). There can only be one panel identified on the AUDIt control statement if the ROW parameter is supplied.

System Action: The control statement is ignored.

User Response: Correct the parameters on the control statement, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


COLUMN parameter not allowed with ROW value list parameter

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility encountered a control statement with a COLumn parameter and an ROW parameter that has a value list (more than one ROW id). There can only be one ROW identified on the AUDIt control statement if the COLumn parameter is supplied.

System Action: The control statement is ignored.

User Response: Correct the parameters on the control statement, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Row index XX is invalid

Explanation: The row number (XX) specified on the command or utility control statement is invalid for the LSM type.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: Respecify the ROW parameter, and resubmit the request.


Column index XX is invalid

Explanation: The column number (XX) specified on the command or utility control statement is invalid for the LSM type.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: Respecify the COLumn parameter, and resubmit the request.


{EJECT|AUDIT} Utility unable to reserve CAPid AA:LL:CC; utility waiting

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility function requiring a Cartridge Access Port (CAP) either could not allocate the specific CAP (if a CAP parameter was specified on the utility control statement) because that CAP was in use by another process, or no unreserved CAPs with a non-zero preference priority exist in the ACS where the CAP is required.

System Action: The utility waits until either a non-zero priority CAP becomes available or until the specific CAP is available.

User Response: Either cancel the utility and specify a different CAPid, or wait for the process using the specific CAP to complete. The utility continually attempts to acquire the CAP. If no CAP was specified, display the preference priorities for CAPs in the ACS, and set an available CAP preference to non-zero (see Display and CAPPref library commands), and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Duplicate CAPid AA:LL:CC specified; duplicate is ignored

Explanation: A SLUADMIN EJECt cartridges utility specified the same CAPid (AA:LL:CC) multiple times on the utility control statement.

System Action: The SLUADMIN utility job continues, while ignoring multiple occurrences of previously specified CAPids.

User Response: Remove the duplicate CAPid specification on the utility control statement.


Invalid specification of MIXED in PARM field of JCL statement

Explanation: The name specified in the PARM field for Mixed case report headings and messages is invalid.

System Action: The utility is terminated.

User Response: Specify Mixed correctly, and resubmit the SCRAtch update conversion program.


An audit of LSM AA:LL is recommended; utility terminated

Explanation: While running the SCREdist (scratch redistribution) utility, the utility chose an empty cell as the new location for a scratch volume. During the move of the scratch volume to its new home cell, a volume was found in the new home cell. The CDS information did not match the actual hardware status. When this error occurs three times, this message is issued and the utility is terminated prematurely.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: It is recommended that an audit of the specified LSM be run to correct the discrepancies. If the amount of time required to audit an LSM is prohibitive, review the SLS0698I messages on the HSC job log to determine the exact cells which should be audited. After the audit has completed, resubmit the utility.


Volume volser not found in location (AA:LL:PP:RR:CC) specified in Control Data Set

Explanation: During the process of verifying a volume and its location, the volume did not match the location specified in the control data set.

System Action: The volume was not moved during this operation.

User Response: An attempt should be made to locate the volume in question. If necessary, perform an audit of the panel where the volume resided.


External label on volume volser is unreadable

Explanation: While running the SCREdist (scratch redistribution) utility, the label on the referenced volume was not readable.

System Action: The volume was not moved during this operation. The control data set has been marked to reflect this condition.

User Response: The referenced volume should be ejected from the library and its external label examined to determine why the label is not readable. If this condition exists on several volumes, report this condition to a StorageTek CSE.


Cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC is empty - found during Scratch Redistribution

Explanation: While running the SCREdist (scratch redistribution) utility, the cell in question was found to be empty. The control data set indicated the cell contained a scratch volume and was attempting to move it when this condition was discovered.

System Action: None

User Response: Audit the specified cell to correct this condition.


Volume volser is a cleaning cartridge; labelling ignored

Explanation: While running the initialize cartridge utility, a cartridge was entered whose volser matches that of the cleaning cartridges. The tape is not initialized but is entered into the LSM.

System Action: None

User Response: If the cleaning cartridge was intended to be entered, do nothing. If the cleaning cartridge was unintentionally entered, you may wish to eject the cartridge.


Volume volser is a cleaning cartridge; cannot be entered into Scratch List

Explanation: A SLUADMIN SCRAtch update utility attempted to add a specified volume serial number (volser) to the library scratch pool, but the volser qualifies as a library cleaning cartridge and cannot be treated as a scratch volume.

System Action: The utility continues processing.

User Response: The error does not cancel the SCRAtch update utility, but you may want to check the specified volume serial number, correct it, and resubmit the SLUADMIN SCRAtch update job.


Required DDNAME CCCCCCCC not found

Explanation: The required DDname was not specified in the SLUADMIN JCL.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Make the necessary correction, and run the utility again.


DDname CCCCCCCC failed to open

Explanation: An attempt to open the specified file was not successful.

System Action: Refer to operating system messages and codes for appropriate action.

User Response: Make the necessary correction, and run the utility again.


Cleaning cartridge prefix has been set to CCC

Explanation: The Auto-Clean conversion utility ran successfully, and the prefix for the auto-clean cartridges was set to CCC.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Duplicate Data Set names have been found

Explanation: An attempt was made to run a utility, and it was found during execution that duplicate data set names existed for multiple DD statements.

System Action: Verify data set names on all DD statements.

User Response: Make the necessary corrections, and run the utility again.


Volume volser is now unselected; owning host was CCCCCCCC

Explanation: The UNSElect utility ran successfully, and the specified volume is now unselected. The host owning the volume is specified.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Volume volser was not selected

Explanation: The UNSElect utility found that the specified volume was not selected.

System Action: None

User Response: None


volser not ejected, not found in cell; IGNORED

Explanation: During EJect processing, a volume to be ejected was not found in its cell. The following messages may also be issued by HSC at the console: SLS0698I, SLS0699I, and SLS0925D. The operator replied ”I” in response to SLS0925D.

System Action: EJect continues without ejecting the cartridge. Condition code 4 is set.

User Response: None necessary; however, it may be desirable to run the AUDIt utility in an attempt to locate the volume.


volser not ejected, not found in cell; DELETED FROM CONTROL DATA SET

Explanation: During EJect processing, a volume to be ejected was not found in its cell.

System Action: EJect continues without ejecting the cartridge. The corresponding volume record is deleted from the control data set.

User Response: None necessary; however, it may be desirable to run the AUDIt utility in an attempt to locate the volume.


Unable to communicate with CCCCCCCC to unselect volser

Explanation: The UNSElect utility attempted to route the unselect request to the specified host in order to ensure that some in-memory tables were updated was unsuccessful.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Re-establish communication with the specified host, or run the UNSElect utility on the specified host.


{AUDIt|EJect|INITialize} Utility unable to reserve a CAP in ACS AA; utility waiting

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility function could not allocate a required CAP in the specified ACS because all CAPs were in use by another process, or no unreserved CAPs with a non-zero preference priority exist in the ACS where the CAP is required.

System Action: The utility waits until a non-zero priority CAP becomes available or until a zero priority CAP in the specified ACS is made non-zero.

User Response: Display the preference priorities for CAPs in the ACS, and set the preference of an available CAP to non-zero (see Display and CAPPref library commands). The utility continually attempts to acquire a CAP, so the newly preferenced CAP is selected.


SMF input file is not sorted by SMF record type, Date and Time; utility terminated

Explanation: A request to run the HSC Activities Report utility was made, but the SMF input data was not sorted by SMF record type, date and time.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Sort the SMF input data specifying the sort control statements as follows:

SORT FIELDS=(15,4,CH,A,11,4,PD,A,7,4,BI,A)


X&rsquor;FF' is the SMFid default of 255. SMFid range can be from 00-FF and should match SMFid you are using.

After sorting the SMF data, change Activities Report JCL to point to the newly sorted file, if necessary, and rerun the job.



Explanation: An I/O error occurred against one of the utility data sets. CCCCCCCC is message information describing the error. This could include the jobname, unit address, DD name, a hex dump of the DECB ECB, and the relative block number.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Correct the problem, and rerun the utility.


CCCCCCCC parameter changed from DDDDDDDD to EEEEEEEE

Explanation: The SET utility successfully changed the CCCCCCCC parameter from DDDDDDDD to EEEEEEEE.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Hostid CCCCCCCC is active

Explanation: The utility has determined that the specified host is active; however, the requested function requires the specified host to be down.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Ensure the specified host is inactive, and rerun the utility.


HOSTid CCCCCCCC is active

Explanation: The SET utility has determined that the specified host is active; however, the requested function requires the specified host to be inactive.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Rerun the utility specifying an inactive HOSTid.


Parameter CCCCCCCC1 would create duplicate values of CCCCCCCC2

Explanation: The SET utility has determined that a parameter specified duplicate values.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Rerun the utility, but do not specify duplicate parameters.


Hostid CCCCCCCC not found

Explanation: The Hostid CCCCCCCC was not found in database.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Correct the Hostid to be a valid CDS host and resubmit the job.


Database not formatted for dynamic Host addition

Explanation: The Database must be at HSC Release 2.1.0 or above to add a new Host to the database.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Install the current release of HSC and rerun the utility job.


Database already contains maximum number of Hostids

Explanation: The database already contains 16 Hostids.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Verify all Host in database are required by your installation. If so, you may not add another Host to this configuration. If not, rerun LIBGEN to delete the inactive Host and add the new Host.


All host DHBEFLAGS reset in CDS

Explanation: During execution of the SLUADMIN RESTore utility, after primary CDS is reconstructed, but before it is copied to the secondary copy, all DHBEFLAGS for all hosts were reset to null. This insures all hosts start normal with no residual status information.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Option CCC...CCC is invalid

Explanation: The option specified (CCC...CCC) is invalid.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Respecify the option, and resubmit the utility job.


Cell location parameter contains non-hex value

Explanation: A value in the cell location parameter does not contain valid hex data.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Correct the cell location parameter, and resubmit the utility job.


Audit at ROW or COLUMN level of non-existent cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility function was unable to perform a ROW or COLumn level audit of the specified cell (AA:LL:PP:RR:CC). This is due to the cell location specified being a non-existent cell.

System Action: No corrective action is required; however, you may wish to modify the AUDIt control statement to exclude non-existent cell(s). This is treated as a condition code 4 error, and the audit job continues.

User Response: None necessary; however, it may be desirable to modify similar AUDIt utility control statements to exclude non-existent cells when the audit is at the ROW or COLumn level.


Panel free-cell count corrected for LSMid AA:LL, panel PP

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility function found that the free-cell count for the panel PP in LSM AA:LL disagreed with the actual number of free cells found by the audit. This message is only issued when audits are performed at the panel level or higher (i.e., LSM or ACS). The count was corrected to agree with the actual number of free cells detected.

System Action: No corrective action is required. The audit job continues.

User Response: None


LSM free-cell count corrected for LSMid AA:LL

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility function found that the free-cell count in LSM AA:LL disagreed with the actual number of free cells found by the audit. This message is only issued when audits are performed at the LSM or ACS level. The count was corrected to agree with the actual number of free cells detected.

System Action: No corrective action is required. The audit job continues.

User Response: None


Volume volser not found in library; not ejected

Explanation: A SLUADMIN INIT utility function was attempting to perform EJECt processing against a specific volume serial number (volser), but the volser was no longer in the library.

System Action: This is the result of the volser (volser) being ejected through another CAP before the INIT job has completed. A return code of 4 is set, and processing continues with any other EJECt requests that may be present.

User Response: None


Host CCCCCCCC added to database

Explanation: The Newhost CCCCCCCC was added to the database.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: No action required.


Parameter CCCCCCCC has an invalid syntax

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility encountered a SLSIN control statement containing a parameter (CCCCCCCC) with invalid syntax such as a missing closing parenthesis.

System Action: The control statement is ignored.

User Response: Correct the syntax of the parameter on the control statement, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.



Explanation: The SET LOGFILE utility discovered a conflict between two logfile names such that logfile data set 1 is identical to logfile data set 2, or one of the new names specified conflicts with an existing name.

System Action: The utility terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Correct the SET LOGFILE data set names and re-submit the utility.


Disabled logfile [1|2] is queued to be re-enabled

Explanation: During the SET LOGFILE utility processing, a new logfile DSN was found to be the same as the DSN in corresponding active position, and that logfile is flagged as disabled. After formatting validation, the log file name is queued to be re-enabled.

System Action: None

User Response: The OFFLOAD LOG utility must be executed to re-enable the disabled log file.


SET LOGFILE not allowed; OFFLOAD LOG in progress

Explanation: During the SET LOGFILE process, the CDS indicated that a logfile OFFLOAD was in progress.

System Action: The utility terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: If the offload utility is currently executing, allow the offload to complete, then re-submit the SET LOGFILE utility.

If the offload utility previously failed, run the OFFLOAD LOGFILE with the RESTART keyword, then re-submit the SET LOGFILE utility.

To stop logging entirely without retaining any existing logfile data, run the following command:




Explanation: During the SET LOGFILE utility processing, the utility attempted to validate the requested new log file names, and the file for data set name CCCCCCC1 was found to have an error CCCCCCC2 that would prevent its use.

System Action: The SET LOGFILE utility terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Ensure that the log file for the indicated data set name exists and is cataloged, and that it has been formatted using the FMTLOG utility. If there is a currently active log file, ensure that the number of blocks in the new log file matches the number in the existing log file.


Volume Serial volser found selected at HSC Termination

Explanation: A library volume (volser) was found selected during termination of the HSC. This indicates the volume is still in use, or a HSC function abended while ”owning” that volume, i.e., had it selected, and the operator then stopped the HSC.

System Action: HSC Termination unselects the volume.

User Response: None


LOGFILE [1|2] DSN CCCCCCCC is unchanged

Explanation: During the SET LOGFILE utility processing, the indicated log file data set name was the same as the active log file in this position.

System Action: None

User Response: None


WARNING: Error on offload logfile restart; log offload flag is reset

Explanation: The OFFLOAD LOGFILE utility attempted to restart a failed offload, and the log files being offloaded do not match the names of the current active log files. The restart has also failed with the offloaded log files disabled.

System Action: The "offload in progress" indicator is reset.

User Response: The log file(s) for which the failed offload was executing cannot be offloaded. If new log file(s) were set by the previous offload, processing can continue normally. Otherwise, there are currently no active log files on the system. You can use the SET LOGFILE utility to establish new log file names or to re-activate disabled log files.


Free-Cell count error detected for LSM AA:LL, Panel PP

Explanation: The record in the HSC Control Data Set (CDS) which tracks available Free Cells for LSM AA:LL has an error for Panel PP. The HSC attempts to allocate a free cell in another panel in this LSM.

System Action: There is no immediate action to be taken. However, an audit for the specified panel PP in LSM AA:LL should be scheduled to correct the CDS error.

User Response: None


Free-Cell count error detected for LSM AA:LL

Explanation: The record in the HSC Control Data Set (CDS) which tracks available free cells for LSM AA:LL has an error. The LSM free cell count was non-zero, but there were no free cells available in any of the panel free cell maps. The HSC will zero the LSM free cell count.

System Action: There is no immediate action to be taken. However, an audit for LSM AA:LL should be scheduled to verify the CDS cell allocation information.

User Response: None


No matching HOSTid

Explanation: The host identifier found in the LVT does not match any host identifier found in the LCT. Configuration initialization could not complete.

System Action: The HSC terminates processing.

User Response: Possible LIBGEN error or execution of the HSC on a non-LIBGENed host is being attempted. Check the input on the LIBGEN macros; if an error is found, regenerate the control data set with another LIBGEN.


Attach failed for module SLSFLSMC

Explanation: Configuration Control initialization received an error return code from ATTACH when attaching SLSFLSMC (the LSM Change Function Listener Task) load module.

System Action: The HSC terminates processing.

User Response: Make sure that the SLSFLSMC load module is in a library available to the HSC through its JOBLIB or link list.


LMU error XXXXXXXX varying {ACS AA|station C...C} online

Explanation: A Configuration Control function received an error from the LMU driver (return code = XXXXXXXX) when attempting to vary station (device address C...C)|ACS AA online.

System Action: The Configuration Control function is aborted. This may cause other higher level functions to be aborted as well.

User Response: Examine MVS SYSLOG for LMU I/O errors which occurred during the same time frame to determine if it is an LMU device error, or a software problem. For an LMU error X'6559', there is an ACS switch in progress on another host. Wait for the switch to complete on the other host and then vary the ACS online. If a software problem is suspected, contact StorageTek Software Support.


LMU error XXXXXXXX modifying LSMid AA:LL online

Explanation: A Configuration Control function received an error return code (XXXXXXXX) from the LMU driver when attempting to modify a specific LSM (AA:LL) online.

System Action: The LSM remains offline.

User Response: Ensure the LMU is in communication with the host, is online, and the LSM is ready, and reissue the command.


LMU error XXXXXXXX modifying LSMid AA:LL offline

Explanation: A Configuration Control function received an error return code (XXXXXXXX) from the LMU driver when attempting to modify a specific LSM (AA:LL) offline, possibly even after issuing operator command MODify lsm OFFline with the FORCE option.

System Action: The modify request is aborted. The LSM is left in its prior state.

User Response: Ensure the LMU is in communication with the host, is online, and the LSM is ready, and reissue the command. If that is unsuccessful, vary the LMU stations offline and reissue the command.


LSM AA:LL not selected - Lock held by host CCCCCCCC

Explanation: HSC was attempting to bring LSM AA:LL online (either during initialization or because of a "MODify LSM AA:LL ONline" operator command). Exclusive control of the LSM record in the CDS could not be obtained because the record was locked by the HSC running on host CCCCCCCC.

System Action: Although the LSM will be brought online, some configuration validation is skipped. Particularly, tape drive types may not be recognized, and will be assigned to the default type. This can have negative results for allocation or RTD usage. Operator intervention will be required to remedy the situation.

User Response: First, determine whether the HSC host CCCCCCCC is active. In the unlikely event of that HSC having been in initialization at exactly the same moment, then the problem was transient. To recover, modify LSM AA:LL offline and then back online.


If HSC host CCCCCCCC is not active, or your attempt to modify the LSM offline fails, then you must Force the LSM offline before modifying it back online.


Once the LSM is back online, you may issue a Display Drives command to verify that all drives have been detected and configured.


LSM AA:LL mismatch: LMU value T - CDS value T

Explanation: The Configuration Control verification function detected a mismatch between the LSM configuration defined in the LMU and that found in the control data set for LSM AA:LL. Each T will be replaced by one of the following values:

  • X - the LSM is defined as a 4410 or 9310

  • 3 - the LSM is defined as a 9360

  • 6 - the LSM is defined as a 9740

  • 7 - the LSM is defined as a SL8500

  • 8 - the LSM is defined as a SL3000

  • . - the LSM is not defined

System Action: Configuration Control verification continues in order to report on all mismatches. The HSC remains up, but the station (LMU) will stay offline.

User Response: A comparison of the two status lines shows where the differences in LSM configurations are. Based on the actual physical configuration, (1) change the LIBGEN parameters to correspond to the LMU configuration and regenerate the control data set with another LIBGEN or (2) have the StorageTek CSE change the LMU configuration to match the LIBGEN parameters.


Date, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Explanation: This message is issued during host software initialization.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Module CCCCCCCC return code XXXXXXXX

Explanation: The module called completed with a return code of XXXXXXXX during initialization or termination list processing.

System Action: For most errors, the HSC terminates to the next level when an error is encountered during initialization. For certain severe errors, the HSC terminates. When an error is encountered during termination, the HSC continues termination processing.

User Response: If the problem occurs consistently during initialization or termination and the return code does not give sufficient information to point to the problem, contact StorageTek Software Support.


SMF subtype XX is invalid and is ignored

Explanation: The SUBPARM parameter for this subsystem specified an invalid subtype. The allowed values are between ”1” and the documented maximum value.

System Action: The value was ignored, and processing continues with the next subtype value, if any.

User Response: If the installation wishes to change the subtypes being recorded, edit the appropriate SMFPRMxx member in ”SYS1.PARMLIB” specifying SUBPARM(ssnx(SUBTYPE(a,b,c...))) with the correct subtypes. Then issue a SET SMF to place those subtypes into effect.


Error processing CCCCCCCC1; abend CCCC2 RCXXXXXXXX

Explanation: The call to module CCCCCCCC1 completed with either a user or a system abend (CCCC2) and reason code RCXXXXXXXX during initialization or termination list processing.

System Action: Depending on the type of abend, initialization/termination may continue.

User Response: Look for any related messages in the SYSLOG and the Job Log. If the problem is a system abend, consult the IBM MVS Extended Architecture Message Library: System Codes Manual. If the problem is a user abend, consult the appropriate IBM documentation. If you are unable to solve the problem using these manuals, contact StorageTek Software Support.


SSCVT CCCC not allocated for HSC subsystem

Explanation: During initialization, the HSC subsystem detected that no SSCVT had been created for this invocation of the subsystem.

System Action: The HSC terminates processing.

User Response: Ensure that the HSC subsystem is properly defined in the IEFSSNxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB and that module SLSBPREI is present in a library in the system linklist.


Modify commands not supported by CCCC HSC subsystem

Explanation: A MODify (F) command was directed to the HSC subsystem. The modify interface is not supported at this time.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: None


HSC preinitialization failure

Explanation: During initialization, the HSC subsystem detected an error in preinitialization.

System Action: The HSC terminates processing.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Multiple subsystem start not allowed; ACS CCCC {ACTIVE|TERMINATING|INITIALIZING| RECONFIGURING|INVALID FLAG} in single mode

Explanation: An attempt to start an additional HSC subsystem was rejected because another HSC subsystem is running in single mode.

System Action: The new subsystem terminates processing and the running subsystem continues processing.

User Response: Determine which subsystems are to be running and start or stop the correct subsystems.


Single mode HSC start rejected; another HSC subsystem is active

Explanation: An attempt to start an HSC subsystem was rejected because another HSC subsystem was running.

System Action: The new subsystem terminates processing, and the running subsystem continues processing.

User Response: Determine which subsystems are to be running, and start or stop the correct subsystems.


Multiple SSCVTs exist for HSC subsystem CCCC

Explanation: During subsystem initialization, the subsystem detected the presence of two HSC SSCVTs having the same SSCTSNAM field.

System Action: The HSC terminates processing.

User Response: Ensure that the subsystem name table only has one entry for the HSC subsystem. Re-IPL to recreate the SSCVT chain.


All keywords following error are ignored

Explanation: The EXECParm statement contained invalid keywords. Parsing stopped at the keyword displayed in the previous message, and the subsystem continues to initialize.

System Action: HSC initialization continues with only a portion of the PARM string parsed.

User Response: Restart the subsystem correcting the error displayed in the previous error message.



Explanation: The subsystem was started and has determined that another HSC subsystem with the name CCCC is ACTIVE|TERMINATING|INITIALIZING|RECONFIGURING| INVALID FLAG.

System Action: The new subsystem terminates processing.

User Response: If the operator determines that the message was issued in error, restart the subsystem specifying the RESET option on the start parameter.


*WARNING* The HSC subsystem is not in key 1-7; results may be unpredictable; reply YES to continue or NO to terminate execution

Explanation: The HSC protect key was found to be other than 1-7. The HSC subsystem should have a key of 1-7 to operate properly.

System Action: Initialization waits for a reply.

User Response: A reply of ”NO” results in termination of the HSC. If you reply ”YES,” initialization continues and the HSC executes in a limited capacity. Several unpredictable events can occur. As an example, HSC may generate an abnormal amount of SLS0107D messages or the EDL (eligible device list) may not be modified properly. Contact your local systems programmer or StorageTek Software Support.


HSC subsystem CCCC terminating abnormally

Explanation: The subsystem is going through abnormal termination as a result of an abend or an operator CANCEL.

System Action: The HSC terminates processing.

User Response: If the termination was not the result of an operator CANCEL, contact StorageTek Software Support.


{GTF EID|GTF FID} invalid or not provided, defaulting to XXXX

Explanation: The GTF EID, or GTF FID, was not specified or was incorrectly specified as a parameter on the EXEC statement of the procedure used to start HSC or the EXECParm control statement within PARMLIB.

System Action: The default EID or FID XXXX is used.

User Response: Correct GTF EID or GTF FID values on either the HSC EXECParm control statement or as EXEC statement parameter of the start procedure. During the next HSC startup the new values will be picked up.


CCCCCCCC failed to open; no automatic commands issued

Explanation: The HSC automatic command component requires a SLSSYScc member or DD name to be provided. cc refers to the suffix of a member or DD statement name. CCCCCCCC - data set name plus member or the DD statement name.

System Action: The HSC starts with no automatic command list.

User Response: If the installation wishes to issue automatic commands on subsystem startup, create a SYS1.PARMLIB member SLSSYScc, or a SLSSYScc DD statement and specify the suffix (cc) on the MEMBER parameter for the startup procedure.


Allocation of SYS1.PARMLIB(SLSSYScc) failed; no automatic commands issued; RC=XXXX

Explanation: The HSC automatic command component requires an issuing SLSSYScc member to be provided, or the member name on the EXEC parameter was incorrectly specified. cc refers to the suffix of a member or DD statement name. XXXX is the dynamic allocation error reason code (S99ERROR).

System Action: The system starts with no automatic command list.

User Response: If the installation wishes to issue automatic commands on subsystem startup, create a SYS1.PARMLIB member SLSSYScc, and specify the suffix on the MEMBER parameter for the startup procedure, or specify a SLSSYScc DD statement.


Volume volser found errant during reconfiguration, home location is AA:LL:PP:RR:CC

Explanation: The reconfiguration function encountered an errant volume (volser) in the old control data set whose home location is AA:LL:PP:RR:CC.

System Action: The errant volume detected was copied to the new control data set and marked errant (in the new control data set).

User Response: An audit of the specified cell should be performed on the new control data set in an attempt to clean up the above status.


Volume volser found selected during reconfiguration, home location is AA:LL:PP:RR:CC

Explanation: The reconfiguration function encountered a selected volume (volser) in the old control data set whose home location is AA:LL:PP:RR:CC.

System Action: The selected volume was copied to the new control data set and marked unselected (in the new control data set).

User Response: An audit of the specified cell should be performed on the new control data set to verify the volume status. Further verify that no other HSC subsystem was active on another host during the time reconfiguration was running. If HSC was active on another host, the newly created control data set may be corrupted. If HSC was not active on another host, the newly created control data set can be assumed to be correct.


Reconfiguration completed successfully

Explanation: The reconfiguration function has completed successfully.

System Action: None

User Response: The subsystem must be brought up pointing to the newly created control data sets. Then run the VOLRpt (Volume Report) utility function, and analyze the contents of the report.


Reconfiguration function is currently executing; DO NOT START other HSC subsystems

Explanation: The reconfiguration function is currently running. To prevent modifications and possible out of sync conditions, no other HSC subsystem should be running or started on any host sharing the same CDS.

System Action: Reconfiguration processing continues.

User Response: None


An empty but allocated cell detected at cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC

Explanation: The reconfiguration function was running and detected that a cell was allocated but empty.

System Action: The reconfiguration function continues processing.

User Response: As long as no error messages were issued by the reconfiguration function, the new data set is considered to be good. To clean up the empty but allocated cell condition, bring the HSC software up with the newly configured data set(s) and run an audit against the above mentioned cells.


Reconfiguration completed having found the above control data set conditions

Explanation: Reconfiguration completed. However, conditions were encountered during the function which may have resulted in the corruption of the control data set.

System Action: Examine other output messages from reconfiguration and determine the severity of the message.

User Response: Audit the cells in the newly created control data set for which messages were generated to correct any possible error conditions.


Database mismatch; Volume volser, Cell Index AA:LL:PP:RR:CC, VAR Location AA:LL:PP:RR:CC

Explanation: The reconfiguration function detected a mismatch when comparing the Cell Index location and the Volume home location.

System Action: None

User Response: Audit the cells in the newly created control data set for the generated message to correct any possible error conditions.


Unknown volume found, review prior SLS0874A Messages;'Y' to acknowledge

Explanation: During HSC startup, message SLS0874A was issued to indicate an unknown (to HSC) volume was found and must be removed manually from the LSM. This message will be issued at each startup of HSC until the volume has been removed. Response to this message simply indicates you have seen the message. Leaving the cartridge in the LSM will not prevent the HSC from normal function.

System Action: Processing continues normally following response. The cartridge is left where it was found.

User Response: Open the LSM and remove the cartridge from the library as indicated in message SLS0874A. This message will be issued at each startup of the HSC and each time the HSC Service Level is brought from Base to Full.


HSC subsystem CCCC STOP (P) command received

Explanation: An operator STOP (P) command was directed to the specified subsystem.

System Action: The subsystem begins termination.

User Response: None


LMURQST error XXXXXXXX for Read ACS statistics

Explanation: The performance monitor issued a READ ACS STATISTICS command and received the displayed return code.

System Action: No SMF statistical record is written.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.




NNLBDRV(CCCCCCCC)| ADJACNT(CCC)} parameter outside valid range



System Action: Processing continues. A return code of 12 is set.

User Response: Correct the error, and resubmit the LIBGEN assembly.





ADDRESS(XXXX2)| ACSDRV(CCCCCCCC6) parameter not found

Explanation: Required LIBGEN parameter was not specified.

System Action: Processing continues. A return code of 12 is set.

User Response: Correct the error, and resubmit the LIBGEN assembly.








parameter invalid value

Explanation: The value specified for a LIBGEN parameter is invalid.

System Action: Processing continues. A return code of 12 is set.

User Response: Correct the error, and resubmit the LIBGEN assembly.








Explanation: Too many values specified.

System Action: Processing continues. A return code of 12 is set.

User Response: Correct the error, and rerun the job.


Too many CCCCCCCC macros specified

Explanation: Too many CCCCCCCC macros were specified for the LIBGEN.

System Action: Processing continues. A return code of 12 is set.

User Response: Correct the error, and resubmit the LIBGEN assembly.


CCCCCCCC macro missing or out of sequence

Explanation: CCCCCCCC was not specified or was specified out of sequence in the LIBGEN.

System Action: Processing continues. A return code of 12 is set.

User Response: Correct the error, and resubmit the LIBGEN assembly.


Database successfully initialized; total cartridge capacity: DDDDDDDDDDDD

Explanation: All copies of the control database and/or journals have been successfully initialized. DDDDDDDDDDDD indicates the total cartridge capacity for this database.

When doing a LIBGEN for the SL3000 or SL8500, DDDDDDDDDDDD is not the actual capacity of your library. After varying the LSM online, use the D ACS or D LSM operator command to display the actual capacity.

System Action: None

User Response: None


CLNPRFX operand must be three volser characters, valid values are (A-Z, 0-9, AND $#@)

Explanation: The CLNPRFX operand is not three characters consisting of A-Z, 0-9, $, #, or @.

System Action: Processing continues. A return code of 12 is set.

User Response: Correct the error, and rerun the job.


Drive panel numbers must be in ascending order

Explanation: DRIVE PANEL numbers were not specified in ascending order.

System Action: Processing continues. A return code of 12 is set.

User Response: Correct the error, and resubmit the LIBGEN assembly.


CCCCCCCC errors encountered

Explanation: The CCCCCCCC function encountered errors.

System Action: The utility terminates with a non-zero return code.

User Response: Correct the errors, and resubmit the job.


CCCCCCCC - Installation verified

Explanation: The installation was verified by CCCCCCCC, where CCCCCCCC is the IVP that was executing.

System Action: The utility terminates with a 00 return code.

User Response: None


Host SID CCCCCCCC, UNITNAME CCCCCCCC is not in EDT or has no supported tape devices

Explanation: The utility (executing on host SID CCCCCCCC) determined that the unitname specified in either the SLILIBRY macro NNLBDRV parameter, or the SLIACS macro ACSDRV parameter was not in the EDT for this host, or the unitname existed but contained no supported tape devices.

System Action: Processing continues. A return code of 08 is set.

User Response: Perform one of the following actions:

  • Repeat the LIBGEN to change the unitname.

  • Use the SET utility.

  • Perform an EDTGEN for the host to add the unitname.


Host SID CCCCCCCC was not defined in LIBGEN

Explanation: The utility (executing on host SID CCCCCCCC) determined that host SID CCCCCCCC was not specified in the LIBGEN.

System Action: Processing terminates. A return code of 08 is set.

User Response: Perform one of the following actions:

  • Repeat the LIBGEN and specify CCCCCCCC in the SLILBRY macro HOSTID parameter.

  • Use the SET utility.

  • Run the job on a host that is defined to LIBGEN.


HOSTid CCCCCCCC; Device number XXXX is not a supported tape device

Explanation: The HOSTid (CCCCCCCC) has determined that device number XXXX is not a supported tape device as specified in the SLIDRIVS macro ADDRESS parameter.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Perform one of the following actions:

  • Repeat the LIBGEN and delete XXXX from the SLIDRIVS macro ADDRESS parameter.

  • Use the SET utility.

  • Use HCD to define the unit as a supported tape device.


HOSTid CCCCCCCC; Device number XXXX is not a 3278

Explanation: The HOSTid (CCCCCCCC) determined that device number XXXX was not a 3278 as specified in the SLISTATN macro ADDRESS parameter.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Perform one of the following actions:

  • Repeat the LIBGEN and delete XXXX from the SLISTATN macro ADDRESS parameter.

  • Use the SET utility.

  • Perform an HCD to make the device number a 3278.


Unable to allocate drive XXXX1; SVC 99 = XXXX2, XXXX3

Explanation: The utility was unable to allocate device number XXXX1. XXXX2 is the information reason code, and XXXX3 is the error reason code.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Correct the reason for the dynamic allocation failure, and resubmit the job.


Message DDDD does not exist

Explanation: The LIBGEN macros requested message DDDD be issued.

System Action: Processing continues. A return code of 14 is set.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Invalid LIBGEN load module specified

Explanation: A Load macro issued for the LIBGEN load module was unsuccessful.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Ensure the LIBGEN load module is available.


Macro CCCCCCCC already specified

Explanation: The specified LIBGEN macro has already been issued.

System Action: Processing continues. A return code of 12 is set.

User Response: Correct the label, and resubmit the job.


Number of values for {STATION|HOSTDRV} parameter must equal number of hosts

Explanation: The specified LIBGEN parameter must have a number of values specified that equals the number of host identifiers specified on the SLILIBRY macro HOSTID parameter.

System Action: Processing continues. A return code of 12 is set.

User Response: Correct the number of parameters, and resubmit the job.


Number of values for {PASTHRU|DRIVE} parameter must equal number of values for {ADJACNT|DRVELST} parameter

Explanation: The specified LIBGEN parameter pair must have the same number of values specified.

System Action: Processing continues. A return code of 12 is set.

User Response: Correct the number of parameters, and resubmit the job.


Parameter list is missing or invalid

Explanation: The utility has determined that the parameter specified to the utility is missing or invalid.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Specify a set of parameters.


CCCCCCCC program not permitted to do Dynamic Allocation

Explanation: The utility was not permitted to do dynamic allocation by the installation validation routine (IEFDB401).

System Action: Processing stops.

User Response: Authorize the program to perform dynamic allocation, and resubmit the job.


CCCCCCCC DD statement missing

Explanation: The specified DD statement could not be found.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Define the specified DD statement, and resubmit the job.


Unable to load LIBGEN module CCCCCCCC (XXXX1 - XXXX2)

Explanation: The specified load module CCCCCCCC could not be loaded. XXXX1 - XXXX2 are the abend code and reason code issued by the system.

System Action: Processing stops.

User Response: Make sure there is a STEPLIB to the library containing CCCCCCCC, and resubmit the job.


Panel number 10 must be specified as the last operand for the DRIVE= parameter

Explanation: DRIVE= parameter of SLILSM macro MUST specify panel 10 as a drive panel. It is either missing from the DRIVE= operands, or it is not specified as the last operand for the DRIVE= parameter.

System Action: Processing continues. A return code of 12 is set.

User Response: Correct the error, and rerun the job.


Invalid ACSid

Explanation: The ACSid specified on the PARM= parameter of the EXEC statement for the SLIEXERS program is invalid - out of range.

System Action: Processing stops.

User Response: Specify the correct ACSid, and resubmit the job.


Number of CCCCCCCC values specified is less than the number of hosts

Explanation: The macro parameter named by CCCCCCCC must contain as many operands as the number of hosts specified on the SLILIBRY HOSTID parameter. If an operand is intentionally omitted for a host, a comma must be used as a place holder.

System Action: LIBGEN assembly continues, and the assembly return code is set to 04.

User Response: Correct the number of parameters, and resubmit the job.


The RESERVE= parameter has been discontinued and is ignored; it should be removed

Explanation: The RESERVE= parameter was removed in an earlier maintenance cycle and is no longer used.

System Action: LIBGEN assembly continues normally and the resultant LIBGEN module is not affected.

User Response: Remove the RESERVE= parameter from the SLIRCVRY macro when convenient. It is not necessary to rerun the LIBGEN assembly.


SLIPTPCK - PASTHRU parameter #N of BBB does not have a corresponding ADJACENT parameter specified

Explanation: The Nth PASTHRU parameter defined on the SLILSM macro labelled BBB does not have a matching ADJACNT parameter entry.

System Action: LIBGEN assembly continues, and the assembly return code is set to 12.

User Response: Add an ADJACNT parameter entry which corresponds to the other LSM for which the pass-thru-port is being defined. Rerun the LIBGEN assembly.


SLIPTPCK - AAA is adjacent to BBB, but BBB is not adjacent to AAA

Explanation: LSM AAA is defined in the SLILSM macro for LSM BBB as being adjacent, yet BBB is not defined in the SLILSM macro for LSM AAA as being adjacent.

System Action: LIBGEN assembly continues, and the assembly return code is set to 12.

User Response: Place an entry for LSM BBB in the ADJACNT parameter of the SLILSM macro for AAA. Rerun the LIBGEN assembly.


SLIPTPCK - ADJACENT parameter N (VVV) of AAA does not have a corresponding PASTHRU parameter specified

Explanation: The Nth parameter in the ADJACNT keyword for the SLILSM macro labelled AAA, which contains the value VVV, has no corresponding PASTHRU parameter.

System Action: LIBGEN assembly continues and the assembly return code is set to 12.

User Response: Insert a value into the PASTHRU parameter which corresponds to the Nth ADJACNT parameter for LSM AAA. Rerun the LIBGEN assembly.


SLIPTPCK - PASTHRU parameter N of AAA and PASTHRU parameter O of BBB are both defined as type TTT

Explanation: The corresponding PASTHRU parameters N of LSM AAA and O of LSM BBB are both defined as the same PTP type TTT (MASTER/SLAVE).

System Action: LIBGEN assembly continues, and the assembly return code is set to 12.

User Response: Change either conflicting PASTHRU parameter to be of the opposite type.


SLILSM - SLILSM macro labeled CCCCCCC has a DRIVE/PASTHRU PORT/WINDOW assigned to number NN

Explanation: The macro labeled CCCCCCC has the same panel number assigned to a drive, pasthru port or window.

System Action: LIBGEN assembly continues, and the assembly return code is set to 12.

User Response: Change either PASTHRU, DRIVE or WINDOW parameter to the correct panel number.


SLISTATN address DDDD will not be used by HSC

Explanation: The SLISTATN Macro defined a Station Address of zero. HSC assumes a Station with an address of zero is a "dummy" one and will not use it.

System Action: LIBGEN assembly continues, and the assembly return code is set to 8.

User Response: If the Station is to be used, change it to a non-zero address.


PASTHRU parameter required when defining an ACS with multiple LSMS

Explanation: The SLIACS Macro defined more than one LSM. The SLILSM macro must define the pass-thru ports between adjacent LSMs by coding the PASTHRU parameter.

System Action: LIBGEN assembly continues, and the assembly return code is set to 12.

User Response: Define the pass-thru ports between adjacent LSMs by coding the PASTHRU parameter on the SLILSM macro.


Volume volser; AA:LL:PP:RR:CC, {Selected|Unselected}, {Scratch|Nonscratch}<, Mounted>

Explanation: A Display Volume command was issued for volume volser. The home cell for the volume is AA:LL:PP:RR:CC, where AA is the ACSid, LL is the LSMid, PP is the panel number in decimal, RR is the row number in decimal, and CC is the column number in decimal. The display indicates whether the volume is currently selected or unselected. The scratch status of the volume is also displayed. "Mounted" appears in the message only when the volume is mounted on a drive.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Volume volser - detail:

Home cell:         AA:LL:PP:RR:CC
Scratch:           {YES|NO}
Selected:          {YES|NO}
<Mounted:           drive DDDD|driveid AA:LL:PP:NN}>
<Owning host:       CCCCCCCC>
External label:    {YES|NO}
<Label readable:   {YES|NO}>
Inserted:           YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
Last selected:      YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS
Select count:       DDDD
Media type:         MMMMMMMM
Rectech:            RRRRRRRR
Media Label:        LLLLLLLL
Media Match:       {YES|NO|VOLATTR Only|Label Only|Undefined}
Warranty Life:      NNN%|UNKNOWN}
<Not eligible for SCRATCH>

Explanation: A Display Volume command with the DETail operand was issued for volume volser. All available information about the volume is displayed in a multi-line WTO.

In the ”home cell” line, AA is the ACSid, LL is the LSMid, PP is the panel number in decimal, RR is the row number in decimal, and CC is the column number in decimal.

The "Mounted" line is displayed only if the volume is mounted. Drive DDDD|driveid AA:LL:PP:NN indicates the drive on which the volume is mounted.

The ”Owning host” (CCCCCCCC) line is displayed only if the volume is selected.

The ”Label readable” line is displayed only if the volume has an external label.

The ”Inserted” and ”Last Selected” lines respectively show the date and time at which the volume entered the library and was last selected. The date is in YYYY-MM-DD format.

MMMMMMMM and RRRRRRRR are the media type and recording technique of the volume. LLLLLLLL indicates if the media type on the external label was readable or not. The value N/A, not applicable, appears if the media value shown was not read from the LMU.

The Media Match values indicate how the Media-type value was determined for the volume:

  • YES

    The LMU read a media label, and there is a VOLATTR/VOLPARM defined for the volume. The media label and VOLATTR/VOLPARM agree with respect to the media type.

  • NO

    The LMU read a media label, and there is a VOLATTR/VOLPARM defined for the volume. The media label and VOLATTR/VOLPARM do not agree with respect to the media type.

  • VOLATTR Only

    A VOLATTR/VOLPARM exists for the volume, but the LMU has not determined the media type. This is valid when a VOLATTR/VOLPARM is defined for a volume outside the library.

  • Label Only

    The LMU has determined the media type, but no VOLATTR/VOLPARM exists for the volume.

  • Undefined

    The LMU has not determined the media type, and no VOLATTR/VOLPARM exists for the volume.

A value of ”No”, ”Label Only”, or ”Undefined” indicates an error in VOLATTR/VOLPARM statements. A value of ”VOLATTR Only” for a volume inside the library also indicates an error in the VOLATTR/VOLPARM statements. Either condition can cause invalid scratch counts to occur for the Display SCRatch command.

”Not usable” indicates a non-authorized request attempted to mount a cleaning cartridge or diagnostic cartridge.

The "Warranty Life" is a percentage value that is obtained at volume dismount for tape libraries at LMU compatibility level 21 or above. "Unknown" is displayed for volumes that reside in unsupported libraries or for volumes that have not been dismounted after applying the MWL support.

The ”Not eligible for SCRATCH” is displayed if the volume is a VSM MVC and is an indication that the volume cannot be scratched.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Volume volser - errant:

Scratch:                 {YES|NO}
Selected:                {YES|NO}
<Owning Host:            CCCCCCCC>
Last known locations:
Home:                    CELL AA:LL:PP:RR:CC
Source:                  {CELL AA:LL:PP:RR:CC |
                         CAP AA:LL:RR:CC |
                         DRIVE XXXX
                         DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN}
Destination:             {CELL AA:LL:PP:RR:CC |
                         CAP AA:LL:RR:CC |
                         DRIVE XXXX
                         DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN}
<Lost in:                LSM AA:LL>

Explanation: A Display Volume command was issued for volume volser. The volume was found to be errant. The last known locations of the volume are listed. In the volume location lines, AA is the ACSid, LL is the LSMid, PP is the panel number in decimal, RR is the row number in decimal, CC is the column number in decimal, NN is the drive number in decimal, and XXXX is a device unit address. The ”owning host” line is only displayed if the volume is selected. The ”Lost in” line is only displayed if the volume is lost in an LSM.

System Action: The volume continues to be errant until processed by errant recovery or logically ejected from the library.

User Response: Invoke errant recovery for the volume. Some methods that can be used to invoke errant recovery are mounting the volume or modifying the LSM online.


Volume(s) volser1<-volser2> not in ACS

Explanation: One or more of the volumes requested on a Display Volume command were not found in the ACS. If a volume range was specified on the command and a sequential series of volumes within that range was not found, a single message will be displayed for the series.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Invalid volser range (volser1-volser2) for CCCCCCCC command, CC=XX

Explanation: A range of volumes (volser1-volser2) was specified on a CCCCCCCC command, but the range was syntactically invalid. XX is a condition code indicating the nature of the syntax error:

  • 08 - Overflow occurred when incrementing the volser. The result is larger than the incremental portion of the volser.

  • 12 - One of the volsers in the specified range has no incrementable portion.

  • 16 - One of the volsers in the specified range contains invalid characters.

  • 20 - The second volser in the specified range is less than or equal to the first volser in the range.

  • 24 - The incrementable portions of the volsers specified in the range are not compatible.

  • 28 - A comparand volser must be present for alphabetic volsers.

System Action: None

User Response: Re-enter the CCCCCCCC command, specifying a valid volser range.


Volser range (volser1-volser2) for CCCCCCCC command exceeds NNN volumes

Explanation: A range of volumes (volser1-volser2) was specified on a CCCCCCCC command. The specified range contains more than NNN volumes. Volume ranges for the CCCCCCCC command are limited to a maximum of NNN volumes.

System Action: None

User Response: Enter multiple CCCCCCCC commands specifying ranges of NNN volumes or less, or run the associated batch utility, which has no limit on volser ranges.


Invalid CCCCCCCC1 option - CCCCCCCC2

Explanation: An invalid option was specified for a keyword on a given command. CCCCCCCC1 is the keyword entered. CCCCCCCC2 is the option for the CCCCCCCC1 keyword.

System Action: Command processing terminates.

User Response: Refer to the appropriate ELS guide, or issue the HSC ”Display CMd” command, to determine the supported options for the specified command keyword.


Invalid {OPTION} CCCCCCCC1 CCCCCCCC2 value - DDDDDDDD1; value must be within range DDDDDDDD2-DDDDDDDD3

Explanation: A numeric value was specified for the OPTion command option. The specified value is either less than the minimum value allowed for the option, or greater than the maximum value allowed for the option. CCCCCCCC1 is the function entered on the OPTion command. CCCCCCCC2 is the option entered on the OPTion command. DDDDDDDD1 is the value entered on the OPTion command. DDDDDDDD2 is the minimum value allowed for the option. DDDDDDDD3 is the maximum value allowed for the option.

System Action: OPTion command processing terminates.

User Response: Refer to the appropriate ELS guide, or issue the HSC ”Display CMd OPTion” command, to determine the supported values for the specified function.


The CCCCCCCC1 command is at a command Service Level unknown to the HSC

Explanation: An operator command was entered, but the HSC did not recognize the Service Level of the command. CCCCCCCC1 is the operator command entered.

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: This is an HSC internal error and should be reported to StorageTek Software Support.


The CCCCCCCC1 command cannot be processed at the current HSC Service Level

Explanation: An operator command was entered, but the HSC was not at a Service Level that could execute the command. CCCCCCCC1 is the operator command entered.

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: Re-enter the CCCCCCCC1 command when the HSC is at the appropriate Service Level.


The number of ACSes to add exceeds Future ACS

Explanation: When the F CONFIG ADD ACSTYPE (acstype,N) command was issued, the number of ACSes specified exceeds the future ACSes reserved.

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: Re-enter the command and specify the number of ACSes to be less than or equal to future ACSes. Another choice is to regenerate the LIBGEN and increase the number of future ACSes. Refer to the LIBGEN source and check the FUTRACS parameter value.


Invalid ACSTYPE option format

Explanation: The parameter format specified of the ACSTYPE option is incorrect.

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: Refer to the appropriate ELS Guide, or issue the HSC "Display CMd" command, for the correct format of the ACSTYPE option.


Allocation of station device XXXX failed - XX1, XX2

Explanation: An error occurred while attempting to allocate the specified station. XX1 contains the SVC 99 error code, and XX2 contains the info code.

System Action: The station is not varied online.

User Response:

  • If the station address is valid, correct the problem and reissue the Vary Station command.

  • If an IP address has been defined for the ACS, verify that a valid LMUPATH statement has been created and placed in the LMUPDEF data set.

  • If the problem persists, contact Oracle Software Support.


Open of station device XXXX failed

Explanation: An error occurred attempting to OPEN the specified station.

System Action: The station is not varied online.

User Response: Correct the problem, and reissue the Vary Station command. If the problem persists, contact StorageTek Software Support.


SHPG of station C...C failed - CCCCCCCC

Explanation: The Set Host Path Group (SHPG) for the specified station has failed.

System Action: The station is marked offline.

User Response: Verify the LMU connection and status. Ensure that HSC full initialization is complete, and then vary the station or ACS online. If the problem persists, contact StorageTek Software Support.


ACS AA station C...C communicating

Explanation: The specified station started communicating.

System Action: All requests waiting for the LMU are reissued.

User Response: None


ACS AA station C...C not communicating

Explanation: The station cannot be used to communicate with ACS AA.

System Action: All requests are routed to another station (if available).

User Response: Diagnose and correct the problem. If I/O error messages are generated for a 3270 station, it may be necessary to vary the station offline.


A Configuration or Capacity Changed Request was received from ACS NN

Explanation: The Library issued an unsolicited Configuration or Capacity Changed message on LMU/ACS NN. This indicates that the library hardware configuration changed and an NCO configuration update is required.

System Action: A NCO configuration update will automatically be initiated. If the NCO attempt receives an SLS4458E message it may be re-initiated when the current NCO operation is completed.

User Response: If an SLS4458E message is received and if after the current NCO activity completes and NCO does not initiate the update on the requesting ACS, then a MODIFY CONFIG UPDATE ACS(NN) operator command must be issued.



Explanation: An invalid broadcast was received. This message describes the broadcast.

System Action: Processing continues. The broadcast is ignored.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


ACS AA not communicating

Explanation: All the stations used to communicate with ACS AA are not responding.

System Action: All requests are returned with an LMU hardware error (6515).

User Response: Use the Vary command to vary the stations offline, then online. If the stations do not come online, then contact StorageTek Hardware Support.


LMU Response error - AA,XXXX,XX,DD

Explanation: A response was received that was in error.

  • AA represents the ACSid of the ACS the block was being sent to or received from.

  • XXXX represents the station device number being used.

  • XX represents an error code:

    • 04 - Invalid multiple response type

    • 08 - Sequence number not numeric

    • 0C - Response not expected

    • 10 - Invalid response (see reason code)

    • 14 - Non-numeric response type

    • 18 - Error response received

    • 20 - Unknown broadcast type

    • 28 - Invalid broadcast (see reason code)

  • DD represents a reason code:

    • 00 - N/A

    • 01 - Invalid response code

    • 02 - Invalid response size

    • 03 - Invalid HOSTid

    • 04 - Invalid slave id

    • 05 - Invalid LSM vary status found

    • 06 - Invalid passthru port count

    • 08 - Invalid response len - too small

    • 09 - Invalid response len - not evenly divisible

    • 0A - Invalid month

    • 0B - Invalid day

    • 0C - Invalid hour

    • 0D - Invalid minute

    • 0E - Invalid second

    • 0F - Invalid arm utilization

    • 10 - Invalid passthru count

    • 11 - Invalid response len - too large

    • 12 - Missing response for LRQ

    • 13 - Invalid LSM

    • 14 - Invalid drive panel

    • 15 - Invalid drive row

    • 17 - Invalid softfail recovered count

    • 80 - Invalid configuration status

    • 81 - Invalid master LSM

    • 82 - Invalid master panel

    • 83 - Invalid slave LSM

    • 84 - Invalid slave panel

    • 90 - Invalid LSM count

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


LMU Block error - AA,XXXX,XX,DDD

Explanation: A block was received or sent that was in error.

  • AA represents the ACSid of the ACS the block was being sent to or received from.

  • XXXX represents the station device number being used.

  • XX represents an error code:

    • 1C - Deblocking error; LMU sent bad block

    • 24 - ACK error; LMU or HSC sent bad block

  • DDDD represents a reason code:

    • 1 - Valid block indicator not received

    • 2 - Start of transmission not found

    • 3 - End of transmission not found

    • 4 - Start of transaction not found

    • 5 - End of transaction not found

    • 6 - Interface not grouped to any host

    • 7 - Illegal HOSTid

    • 8 - Illegal set host path group option

    • 9 - Interface joined to another host

    • 10 - HOSTid does not agree with owning host

    • 11 - Non-numeric data in block header

    • 12 - Standby LMU cannot accept block of requests

    • 13 - Switchover already active

    • 14 - Unsupported compatibility level

    • 50 - Bad block seq. no. on unexpected ACK

    • 51 - Illegal ACK of request block from Standby LMU

    • 52 - Illegal ACK of request block from Standby LMU

    • 124 - Non-numeric block length on ACK from LMU

    • 136 - Bad block seq. no. on ACK from LMU

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Send the MVS SYSLOG/SCP CONSLOG and PM2 ACS deblocking report to StorageTek Software Support.


ACS AA Busy; station C...C offline pending

Explanation: A Vary OFFline was issued for the specified station or ACS. Station C...C was the last station online to the LMU, and there was work active for the LMU.

System Action: The request waits until active work for the LMU is complete.

User Response: None


ACS AA Degraded; LSM AA:LL, Condition D, FSC XXXX

Explanation: A message was received from ACS AA that a failure occurred that causes degraded performance. The ACS can continue normal functioning.

  • LL is the LSM. If ”FF”, the failing device is the LMU.

  • D is the condition code. If ”1”, device inoperative. A ”2” indicates performance is degraded.

  • XXXX is the fault symptom code (FSC). See fault symptom code dictionary for specific error codes.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support. Have the FSC (XXXX) available.


LSM AA:LL access door has been opened

Explanation: The specified LSM access door has been opened.

System Action: All requests involving the LSM wait until the door is closed, made ready, or the LSM is forced offline.

User Response: Close the LSM door, force the LSM offline to go into manual mode.


LSM AA:LL access door has been closed

Explanation: The specified LSM access door has been closed.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: None



Explanation: The LSM has been brought successfully online or offline according to the variable text portion of the message.

If the text for CCC...CCC reads:

Is Offline; Temp Outage Queue has been purged.

The LSM already was offline and no MODify lsm ONline was found on the Temp Outage Queue.

Ready; Temp Outage Queue Will Be Re-Driven.

Either a MODify lsm ONline command, an LSM Ready event, or an LMU Ready event has been successfully processed and any pending requests on the Temp Outage Queue will be re-queued to the Waiting Request Queue.

System Action: The system processes the Temp Outage Queue as indicated in the text of the message.

User Response: None


LSM AA:LL not ready (C)

Explanation: The specified LSM is not ready. C represents the reason the LSM is not ready. Reasons include:

  • 0 - Response indicates LSM not ready

  • 1 - Configuration mismatch

  • 2 - Failed initialization

  • 3 - Lost Communication

  • 4 - Mechanism failure

  • 5 - LSM Cannot initialize - CAP door open

  • 6 - LSM Cannot initialize - playground requires emptying

  • 7 - LSM has capacity mismatch

  • 8 - Key door has been opened

System Action: All requests involving the LSM wait until the LSM is made ready or the LSM is forced offline.

User Response: Ready the LSM. If this cannot be done, force the LSM offline to go into manual mode.


Modify of LSM AA:LL pending (DDDDDDDD)

Explanation: The MODify lsm request was issued while another modify for that LSM was active. The pending queue is now DDDDDDDD deep.

System Action: The modify waits.

User Response: None


Vary of ACS {AA|AA station C...C} pending (DDDDDDDD)

Explanation: The Vary STation or Vary ACS request was issued while another Vary for that ACS was active. The Vary pending queue is now DDDDDDDD deep.

System Action: The vary waits until it reaches the top of the queue.

User Response: None



Explanation: The specified drive needs to have a cleaning cartridge inserted. The transport is identified either by the unit address (XXXX) or, when the drive is not defined to this host, by the driveid (acs, lsm, panel and number of drive AA:LL:PP:NN).

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Mount a cleaning cartridge in the transport.


The automated clean function of the HSC is set to off. To prevent this message from being issued, turn the HSC automated clean function on via the HSC MNTD AUtocln(ON) command.


LSM AA:LL pending offline

Explanation: A MODify lsm OFFline request was issued for the specified LSM; however, the LSM was in use. Either a request (e.g. Mount, DISMount) was active, or the CAP was reserved.

System Action: The offline request waits. When no longer in use, the MODify lsm OFFline request will complete. If necessary, issue a MODify lsm OFFline with the FORCE option to bring the LSM offline regardless of activity.

User Response: None


ACS AA Station C...C driver cannot run without ESTAE

Explanation: This station failed three times to establish an ESTAE environment. Normally recoverable errors cannot be recovered without an ESTAE routine to schedule the retry routine. Schedule a recycle of the HSC if this station stops working.

  • AA is the ACS number.

  • C...C is the station address.

System Action: Processing continues for the HSC, but the station remains inactive.

User Response: This problem may be corrected by varying the ACS offline and back online.



Explanation: The indicated LSM failure or partial failure has been detected according to the variable text portion of the message.

If the text for CCC...CCC reads:

  • Try MODIFY Again; Config Request Failed.

    SLSLCLSM failed three times to obtain the current status of the LSM from the database. Even though the database may show the LSM to be in automatic mode, the LSM is still logically offline.

  • Try MODIFY Again; Read LSM Status Failed.

    SLSLCLSM failed three times to obtain the current status of the LSM from the LMU. Even though the database shows the LSM to be in automatic mode, the LSM is still logically offline.

  • Try Modify Again When LSM Is Ready.

    SLSLCLSM detected that the LSM is not ready, so the LSM cannot be brought logically online in its current state. Even though the database shows the LSM to be in the automatic mode, the LSM is still logically offline.

  • Try MODIFY Again; Modify LSM Online Failed.

    SLSLCLSM failed three times to bring the LSM online even though the LSM was detected to be in a ready status. Even though the database shows the LSM to be in automatic mode, the LSM is still logically offline.

  • Is Online, But CAP Query Failed.

    The LSM is now online, but the Configuration query for all CAP records of the LSM failed. CAP reserve/release handling cannot take place.

  • Is Online, But Failed To Re-Reserve CAP CC.

    The LSM is now online, but CAP CC is active. The LMU thinks that this host owns it, and SLSLCLSM failed three times in trying to re-reserve CAP CC to this host.

  • Is Online, But Failed To Lock CAP CC.

    The LSM is now online, but CAP CC is active. The LMU thinks that this host owns it, and SLSLCLSM failed three times in trying to lock CAP CC.

  • Is Online, But Failed To Unlock CAP CC.

    The LSM is now online, but CAP CC is active. The LMU thinks that this host owns it, and SLSLCLSM failed three times in trying to unlock CAP CC.

  • Is Online, But Failed To Release CAP CC.

    The LSM is now online, but CAP CC is not active. The LMU thinks that this host owns it, and SLSLCLSM failed three times in trying to release it.

  • Is Online, But Carts. In Motion Not Resolved.

    The LSM is now online, but SLSLCLSM failed three times in trying to read the in-transit set. There may still be cartridges lost in this LSM.

System Action: The system takes no immediate action, but errant recovery may be automatically invoked later for cartridges not found in their home cells.

User Response: Depends on the variable portion of the message text. If the text for CCC...CCC reads:

  • Try MODIFY Again ...

    then either open and close the LSM door or MODify lsm ONline. If that fails, has already failed, or yields LSM Lock Not Available, then MODify lsm OFFline (possibly FORCE) and MODify lsm ONline are necessary, assuming that the hardware is working.

  • Is Online, But ...

    The LSM is online but either the CAP was not properly reinitialized or we could not read the in-transit set. Errant recovery may automatically locate the unrecovered volumes. It does not have to be scheduled immediately, but the operator should eventually get the LSM offline and online again without any errors.


Can't process requests; LMU server is terminating

Explanation: The LMU server is not available to process requests. Yet due to timing, some task tried to queue a request for the LMU. This request will not be accepted.

System Action: Termination continues.

User Response: None


LMU I/O Error XXXX, XX1, XX2, XX3, XX4, XX5

Explanation: An I/O error occurred doing I/O to an LMU.

  • XXXX is the station device number.

  • XX1 is the CCW that was issued.

  • XX2 is the unit status.

  • XX3 is the channel status.

  • XX4 is sense byte 0.

  • XX5 is sense byte 1.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Hardware Support, if necessary.


LMU Attention Error DDD, SS

Explanation: Device DDD returned Channel/Device status SS during LMU attention interrupt processing.

System Action: If the status contains an attention indicator, the attention will be processed.

User Response: It is possible there is a device problem. Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Restart HSC sometime; an LMU server subtask has abended

Explanation: A non-critical resource has abended, and a restart of the HSC should be scheduled for a convenient time.

System Action: None

User Response: Vary offline the station that is incurring the problem and then vary it back online. If the problem persists report this abend to Oracle, and schedule a restart of the HSC for a convenient time.



Explanation: An LMU Server task has abended.

  • XXX1 is the abend code.

  • CCC1 is the name of the CSECT that abended.

  • XXX2 is the starting address of the CSECT that abended.

  • XXX3 is the address of the TCB that abended.

  • CCC2 is the name of the PRB that abended at the address of the RB that abended.

System Action: Terminates the failing task.

User Response: This message is generated for abends that occur within the LMU server. Another HSC message will depict the criticality of this XXX1 abend.



Explanation: The response wait time interval for a request has expired.

  • AA is the ACSid.

  • BB is the HOSTid.

  • CCC is the sequence number is missing if not on the Active REquest Queue.

    • ACT - Active Request Queue

    • WTG - Waiting Response Queue

    • TMP - Temp Outage Queue

  • CCCCCCCCCCCCCCC is the LMU request data in EBCDIC format.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: None


ORH aborted request: ACS AA, SEQNO BBCCC, {ACT|WTG|TMP}

Explanation: Request has been aborted by the Overdue Response Handler.

  • AA is the ACSid.

  • BB is the HOSTid

  • CCC is the request sequence number is missing if not on the Active REquest Queue.

    • ACT - Active Request Queue

    • WTG - Waiting Response Queue

    • TMP - Temp Outage Queue

System Action: HSC frees the selected volume and makes it errant.

User Response: Operator can enter override commands if desired.


ORH interval extended: ACS AA, SEQNO BBCCC, {ACT|WTG|TMP}

Explanation: The response wait time interval for a request has been extended by the Overdue Response Handler.

  • AA is the ACSid.

  • BB is the HOSTid

  • CCC is the request sequence number is missing if not on the Active REquest Queue.

    • ACT - Active Request Queue

    • WTG - Waiting Response Queue

    • TMP - Temp Outage Queue

System Action: HSC gives the LMU more time to finish working on this request.

User Response: None


ORH completed request: ACS AA, SEQNO BBCCC, {ACT|WTG|TMP}

Explanation: Request has been marked completed by the Overdue Response Handler.

  • AA is the ACSid.

  • BB is the HOSTid

  • CCC is the request sequence number is missing if not on the Active REquest Queue.

    • ACT - Active Request Queue

    • WTG - Waiting Response Queue

    • TMP - Temp Outage Queue

System Action: HSC marks the request as having been completed.

User Response: None


ORH redrive request: ACS AA, SEQNO BBCCC, {ACT|WTG|TMP}

Explanation: Request was redriven by the Overdue Response Handler.

  • AA is the ACSid.

  • BB is the HOSTid

  • CCC is the request sequence number is missing if not on the Active REquest Queue.

    • ACT - Active Request Queue

    • WTG - Waiting Response Queue

    • TMP - Temp Outage Queue

System Action: If the request ends up on the Temp Outage Queue again, the required station (path), LMU, or LSM is not ready.

User Response: Take the appropriate action to ready the required station, LMU or LSM.


Invalid reply <CCCCCCCC>

Explanation: A character string was not recognized by HSC. CCCCCCCC is the character string that was not recognized.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Invalid broadcast message received - XX (ignored)

Explanation: A Broadcast was received that was invalid.

XX defines what in the broadcast was invalid:

  • 04 - An invalid type was received.

  • 08 - An invalid number was received.

  • 0C - An invalid ACS was received.

  • 10 - An invalid ACS was received.

  • 14 - An invalid drive number was received.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


ORH request not on queue: ACS AA, SEQNO BBCCC, {ACT|WTG|TMP}

Explanation: Request is no longer on the indicated queue. Overdue response was received while SLS0682D was outstanding.

  • AA is the ACSid.

  • BB is the HOSTid.

  • CCC is the request sequence number is missing if not on the Active REquest Queue.

    • ACT stands for the Active Request Queue.

    • WTG stands for the Waiting Request Queue.

    • TMP stands for the Temp Outage Queue.

System Action: None

User Response: None


ORH: no stations ready for redrive: ACS AA

Explanation: Operator responded ”REDRIVE” to message SLS0682D. In looking for an available station driver to POST, HSC determined that all stations are not ready.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Operator should investigate status of stations. HSC requires one ready station for communication with the LMU.


Invalid UCB for station XXXX

Explanation: An invalid device type was provided by OPEN. In an SMS installation, ACS routines may have improperly altered the OPEN request.

System Action: The station is not varied online.

User Response: Ensure that ACS routines exclude the station devices from device preferencing schemes. If no ACS routines exist, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Physical audit in progress for LSM AA:LL

Explanation: A physical audit in progress is detected for an LSM. This can occur when the LSM goes ready or when a Display LSM command is issued.

System Action: When the physical audit has completed for the LSM, a SLS0693I message is displayed.

User Response: None


Physical audit has completed for LSM AA:LL

Explanation: A physical audit has completed for an LSM.

System Action: System continues processing.

User Response: None


ACS AA : Switch has completed

Explanation: A switch has completed for an ACS.

System Action: None

User Response: None


CAPid AA:LL:CC CAP reserve overridden by the CLI/SLC

Explanation: The cap reserve for specified CAP has been taken away via the CLI or the SLConsole by the site administrator.

System Action: The activity for this cap is terminated.

User Response: The cap will be available for new requests when the cap is again available.


CAPid AA:LL:CC CAP door opened

Explanation: The specified CAP has been opened.

System Action: The ENter or EJect waits.

User Response: Empty or fill the CAP, and close it.


CAPid AA:LL:CC CAP door closed

Explanation: The specified CAP has been closed.

System Action: The ENter or EJect continues.

User Response: None



LSM LL CCCCCCC                      A suffix
TGT LL/PP:RR:CC CCC XXX             B C D E suffix
                                    K suffix
VOL volser                          M suffix
TXT CCCCCC....(X53)....CCCCCC       P suffix
HST DD CCCCCCCC                     Q suffix
LSM LL                              R S ZG suffix
SEQ DD/DDD                          V W suffix
LSM LL CAP CC                       ZA ZB ZC ZD ZE suffix
LSM LL PNL PP                       ZH suffix

Explanation: This message describes a failing request. The LMU was unable to complete this request. The associated SLS0699I message describes the error response including the reason for the failure. The basic information is given for every type of request. A suffix is appended for some types of requests. Some request types do not require an additional suffix.

  • AA is the ACSid

  • DD/DDD is the HOSTid/Request Sequence Number

  • CC is the Request Code (see table below)

  • CCCCCCCCCCC is the Request Functional Description (see table below)

The following table lists the request codes and their functions:

Table 2-1 Request Code Descriptions

Request Code Request function


Vary LSM












Read Configuration


Read Volser Status


ACS Statistics


Host-to-Host Broadcast


Quiesce Host


Read Transition Cartridge


LSM Status


LMU Status


Query Request Status


Cancel Request


View Request


CAP Reserve


CAP Release


CAP Unlock


CAP Lock


CAP Status


LSM PTP Status


LSM Transport Status by Panel


Unknown Req

Type A Suffix (MODify LSM):


  • LL - the LSM Number (decimal)


Type B, C, D E Suffix (Mount, DISMount, Swap, MOVe):



  • volser - the volume serial number

  • LL/PP:RR:CC - the Source/Target LSM No.(decimal)/Panel/CAPid:Row:Column


    • CAP - CAP cell

    • CEL - Normal Storage Cell

    • DRV - Writable Drive

    • RDO - Read Only Drive

  • XXXX - Drive channel/unit address (DRV/RDO only)

Type K Suffix (Catalog/Cell Scan):


  • LL - LSM Number (decimal)

  • PP:RR:CC - Starting/Ending Panel:Row:Column


    • CAP - CAP Scan

    • CEL - Cell Scan

    • DGN - Diagnostic Cell

    • DRV - Drive Scan

    • PNL - Full Panel Scan

Type M Suffix (Read volser Status):

VOL volser

volser - Volume Serial Number

Type P Suffix (Host-to-Host Broadcast):

TXT CCCCCC......(x53)......CCCCCC

CCC...CCC - Up to 53 character broadcast message

Type Q Suffix (Quiesce Host):


  • DD - HOSTid

  • CCCCCCCC - Normal/Override

Type R,S,ZG Suffix (Read Transition Cartridges, LSM Status, LSM PTP Status):


LL - LSM Number (decimal)

Type V, W Suffix (Query Request Status, Cancel):


DD/DDD - HOSTid/REquest Sequence Number

Type ZA, ZB, ZC, ZD, ZE Suffix (CAP Reserve, RELease, Lock, Unlock, CAP Status):


  • LL - LSM Number

  • CC - CAP Number

Type ZH Suffix (LSM Transport Status by Panel)


  • LL - LSM Number (decimal)

  • PP - Panel Number (decimal)

System Action: See SLS0699I error response for types of errors that cause requests to be automatically retried. Otherwise, no further action is automatically taken by the HSC.

User Response: Response depends on the type of failure. See the subsequent message SLS0699I for the same ACS, HOSTid, and Request Sequence Number to determine the type of response necessary to recover from this error.



LSM LL Cartridge Status Suffix

CCC DD/D Manual Recovery Suffix

Explanation: This message describes the error preventing the completion of a request that is described in message SLS0698I issued previously. The basic information is given for all types of errors. The ”Cartridge Status” suffix is added for failing cartridge movement requests. The ”Manual Recovery” suffix is added if a cartridge is stuck in a mechanism in an LSM.

Basic Information (for all error types):

  • AA is the ACSid.

  • DD/DDD is the HOSTid/Request Sequence Number

  • DD/DD is the Error Category/Error Code (see below)

  • CCC..(x28)..CCC is the Error Descriptive Text (see below)

01/xx - Invalid Parameter Error Code Descriptions:

  • 01/01 - Bad Primary LSM

  • 01/02 - Bad Secondary LSM

  • 01/05 - Undefined Option Or Modifier

  • 01/06 - Invalid LSM

  • 01/07 - Invalid Panel

  • 01/08 - Invalid Row

  • 01/09 - Invalid Column

  • 01/10 - Invalid Drive

  • 01/11 - Invalid CAP Row

  • 01/12 - Invalid CAP Column

  • 01/13 - Invalid Cell Address

  • 01/14 - Invalid Label Modifier

  • 01/15 - Invalid Source Modifier

  • 01/16 - Illegal Source Type

  • 01/17 - Illegal Destination Type

  • 01/18 - Illegal Catalog Cell Range

  • 01/19 - Illegal Characters In Volser

  • 01/20 - Invalid Request Code

  • 01/21 - Invalid Transaction Length

  • 01/22 - Invalid HOSTid

  • 01/23 - Illegal Character In Request

  • 01/24 - HOSTid Does not Match

  • 01/25 - Duplicate Sequence Number

  • 01/26 - Expected Request Or Msg Ack.

  • 01/27 - Bad Cancel Request

02/xx - Configuration Error Codes:

  • 02/01 - LSM not in LMU configuration

  • 02/02 - Drive Does Not Exist

03/xx - CAP Procedural Error Codes:

  • 03/01 - CAP Not Reserved

  • 03/02 - CAP Already Reserved

  • 03/03 - CAP In ENTER Mode

  • 03/04 - CAP In EJECT Mode

  • 03/05 - CAP Move Active

  • 03/06 - CAP Door Open

  • 03/07 - CAP Catalog In Progress

  • 03/08 - Cannot Kill ENTER On REL Req.

  • 03/09 - Cannot free CAP, Door is open (Door may not be fully closed)

  • 03/10 - Cannot cancel ENTER

  • 03/11 - CAP magazine not present

04/xx - General Procedural Error Codes:

  • 04/01 - LSM Is Not Ready

  • 04/02 - LSM In Maintenance Mode

  • 04/03 - LSM Offline Pending

  • 04/04 - LSM Is Offline

  • 04/05 - Drive Is Full

  • 04/06 - Connecting LSM Not Available

  • 04/07 - Mult LSM Requests In Maint.

  • 04/08 - Path rej., full PTP deadlock

  • 04/10 - Path rej., full PTP deadlock

  • 04/11 - Maximum Requests Exceeded

  • 04/12 - Quiesce Host Already Active

  • 04/13 - Quiesce Host Over-Ridden

  • 04/14 - Max Read Volser Req/s Active

  • 04/15 - Cancel Pending For Request

  • 04/16 - Canceled By Cancel Request

  • 04/19 - Volser Unexpectedly Readable

  • 04/20 - Bad Read Of Volser

  • 04/21 - Volsers MisCompare

  • 04/22 - Cell Is Full

  • 04/23 - Cell Is Empty

  • 04/24 - Drive Is Empty

  • 04/25 - Drive Is Active

  • 04/26 - Drive Is Not Rewound

  • 04/27 - Cartridge Is Not Mounted

  • 04/28 - Media Miscompare

  • 04/29 - Media and Volser Miscompare

  • 04/30 - Incompatible Media/Drive

05/xx - LMU Hardware Error Codes:

  • 05/01 - Rejected; No LSM At Node

  • 05/02 - Rejected; Bad LSMid

  • 05/03 - Rej.; LSM Not Communicating

  • 05/04 - Rejected; Transmission Error

  • 05/05 - Rejected; No Acknowledgment

  • 05/06 - Rejected; No Operating LAN

  • 05/07 - Rejected; Buffer Shortage

  • 05/08 - Buffer Overflow

  • 05/09 - Rejected; No Response To Cmd

  • 05/10 - Rejected; LSM Forced Offline

  • 05/11 - CAP unlock already active

06/xx - LMU Logical Error Codes:

  • 06/01 - Unknown Allocation Request

  • 06/02 - Bad Qualifier Byte 0

  • 06/03 - Bad Qualifier Byte 1

  • 06/04 - Bad Qualifier Byte 2

  • 06/05 - LSM Online

  • 06/06 - Pending Offline Over-Ridden

  • 06/10 - Unk Panel Type in LMU Config

  • 06/11 - LMU Logical Problem Detected

  • 06/12 - Pass-Thru Port Cell Full

  • 06/13 - Pass-Thru Port Cell Empty

  • 06/15 - Dyn Task Found Full Mailbox

  • 06/16 - Allocation Pending Timed OUt

  • 06/17 - LSM Command Pending Time-Out

  • 06/20 - Path logically unavailable

07/xx - LSM Robotics Error Codes:

  • 07/01 - Arm Malfunction

  • 07/02 - Hand Malfunction

  • 07/03 - Pass-thru Port Malfunction

  • 07/04 - Non-Existent Pass-thru Port

  • 07/05 - CAP Malfunction

  • 07/06 - No Way to Get There

  • 07/07 - Required Element Malfunction

  • 07/08 - Robotic Move Failed

  • 07/09 - Bad Put

  • 07/10 - Bad Get

  • 07/11 - Bad Reach Retraction

  • 07/12 - Bad Reach Extension

  • 07/13 - Pass-thru Port Position Error

  • 07/14 - No Hands Operative

  • 07/15 - Drive Did not Detect Cart

  • 07/16 - Move Targeting Failed

  • 07/17 - Reach is in Unsafe Position

  • 07/18 - Cell Recalibration Failed

08/xx - LSM Hardware Error Codes:

  • 08/01 - LSM did not Respond

  • 08/04 - CAP unlock switch overload

  • 08/05 - Unlock Failed

  • 08/06 - Lock Failed

  • 08/07 - Drive not Communicating

  • 08/08 - Tape Unit Interface Failure

  • 08/09 - Copy Image to Memory Failed

09/xx - LSM Logical Error Codes:

  • 09/01 - Wrong LSM on Get Response

  • 09/02 - Response Packet Type Not Rec

  • 09/03 - Wrong Task ID on Response

  • 09/04 - Wrong Function ID On Response

  • 09/05 - Wrong Cell Address On Response

  • 09/06 - LSM is Offline

  • 09/07 - Bad Cell Location

  • 09/08 - Unknown Ending Status

  • 09/09 - LSM Gave Invalid Response

  • 09/10 - Illogical CAP message

  • 09/16 - Ending Status Ind. Failure

  • 09/17 - Ending Status Indicates Busy

  • 09/18 - Bad Command

  • 09/19 - Bad Parms On Command

  • 09/20 - Bad Address Type

  • 09/21 - Bad Panel, Row, Or Column

  • 09/22 - Arm Currently Reserved

  • 09/23 - CAP Currently Reserved

  • 09/24 - Port 1 Currently Reserved

  • 09/25 - Port 2 Currently Reserved

  • 09/26 - Playgrnd Currently Reserved

  • 09/43 - LSM Is Online

  • 09/44 - LSM Is In Maintenance Mode

  • 09/45 - LSM Is Offline

  • 09/46 - LSM Access Door Is Open

  • 09/47 - LSM Is Not Initialized

  • 09/50 - Non-Existent Cell Location

  • 09/51 - Hand Is Full

  • 09/52 - Hand Is Empty

  • 09/53 - Drive Is Full

  • 09/55 - Door Already Unlocked

  • 09/56 - Cannot Unlock In Idle

  • 09/57 - Door Is Open

  • 09/58 - Door Already Locked

  • 09/60 - Already In Idle Mode

  • 09/61 - Already In EJECT Mode

  • 09/62 - Already In ENTER Mode

  • 09/63 - Cannot EJECT In ENTER Mode

  • 09/64 - Cannot ENTER In EJECT Mode

  • 09/65 - Door Not Locked For Idle

  • 09/70 - Not A Drive Panel

  • 09/71 - No Drive Avail. At Address

  • 09/72 - Invalid Drive Command Spec.

  • 09/75 - Actively Passing Data

  • 09/76 - Cannot Rewind

  • 09/77 - Cannot Unload

  • 09/78 - Drive Cannot Honor Write Protected

  • 09/79 - Drive Currently Reserved

10/xx - Drive Error Codes:

  • 10/01 - Drive Is Not Communicating

  • 10/02 - Drive Is Not Operational

  • 10/03 - Pending Request For Drive

  • 10/04 - Drive Is Allocated

  • 10/05 - Drive Has Loaded Cartridge

  • 10/10 - Drive Cannot Load Cartridge

  • 10/11 - Load/Unload In Progress

  • 10/12 - Load Failure on Special Use Cartridge

  • 10/13 - Mount Failure Caused By Media Error

  • 10/14 - Drive Maintenence Required

Cartridge Status Suffix (for cartridge movement requests):


  • CCCCCCCCCCCC - Cartridge Status Descriptor:

    • Cart Not Mvd - Cartridge Was Never Moved

    • Recovered In - Cartridge Has Been Recovered

    • Retd To Src - Cartridge Was Returned To Source

    • Stuck In Mch - Cartridge Is Stuck In A Mechanism

    • Unk End Stat - Unknown Cartridge Ending Status

  • LL - LSMid where cartridge is now

Manual Recovery Suffix (after mechanical failures):

  • CCC DD/D - Mechanism cartridge stuck in:

    • HND D - Robotic Hand (0/1)

    • PTP DD - Pass-thru Port Panel (01-11)

    • DRV DD/D - Panel (01-11) & Drive (0/3)

System Action: No further action is taken automatically by HSC.


Requests ending with 04/01 errors are put in the Temp. Outage Queue and automatically retried when the affected LSM becomes ready again. Requests ending with either 04/11 or 10/03 errors are put on the Waiting Request Queue and retried after 10 seconds. These requests are never reported in SLS0698I and SLS0699I messages unless they eventually end with different errors.

User Response: Depends on the type of error encountered.

  • If the error indicates that the CAP door is open, insure that the CAP door is closed and latched.

  • If a 03/01 error is encountered for a CAP after a SWitch ACS was issued, refer to the ELS publication Managing HSC and VTCS for procedures on CAP Manual Recovery for switching a Library Controller while an Enter or Eject is in progress.

  • If a 07/05 error is encountered for a CAP after a SWitch ACS was issued, refer to the ELS publication Managing HSC and VTCS for procedures on CAP Manual Recovery for switching a Library Controller while a CAP is in automatic mode.

  • If a parameter error was encountered, modify the appropriate parameter and reissue the request.

  • If a timing problem was encountered, re-enter the request once the device in question becomes available.

  • If hardware problem is indicated, retry the failing request. If the problem persists, contact StorageTek Software Support.

  • If an HSC or LMU software problem is indicated, retry the failing request. If the problem persists, contact StorageTek Software Support.


DDname CCCCCCCC failed to open

Explanation: An unsuccessful attempt to open the named file was encountered.

System Action: Validate the data set names of the files being opened.

User Response: Attempt to start the ACS subsystem again. If the error continues, contact your systems programmer for further assistance. If further support is required, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Unable to acquire any ITT blocks; all are owned by host CCCCCCCC

Explanation: A search of the primary control data set revealed that the majority of the ITT blocks are owned by the specified host.

System Action: Attempt to bring up the listed host which will free up ITT blocks.

User Response: Restart the HSC subsystem.


VARINUSE flag off

Explanation: An attempt was made to update a volume record in the ACS control data set, and the in-use flag was not set.

System Action: The attempt is aborted.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


VARVOL mismatch

Explanation: An attempt was made to write a volume record, and the volume serial number in the record did not match the volume serial number in the parameter list.

System Action: The attempt is aborted.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


DCH invalid

Explanation: An attempt was made to update the control data set when an error was encountered.

System Action: The update attempt is terminated.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


VAR area overflow

Explanation: An attempt was made to add a volume to the control data set when an error was encountered.

System Action: The volume add is terminated.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


DCHFOLL invalid

Explanation: An attempt was made to locate the next DCH queue entry when an error was encountered.

System Action: The control data set request is aborted.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Database {switch|expand} complete

Explanation: The operation to add, delete, rename, or relocate a CDS copy (switch), or the operation to expand the CDS (expand) has completed. This message is issued when all active hosts in a multi-host environment complete synchronization.

System Action: The CDS switch or expand has completed on all HSC active hosts.

User Response: If the switch is due to an error, correct the error and enter the CDs Enable operator command to restore data sets to HSC. Also, a switch or expand can occur intentionally by using operator commands.


Attach for Insert/Delete User Exit 06 Server failed, RC=XX

Explanation: An attempt was made to attach the Insert/Delete User Exit Server routine (SLSDXIT6). XX is the return code from the ATTACH macro.

System Action: The User Exit 06 code will not be available.

User Response: Determine why the attach failed, and correct the problem. You must recycle the HSC to activate the exit. If you are unable to correct the problem, save all information and contact StorageTek Software Support.


Insert/Delete server routine - CCC...CCC

Explanation: The Insert/Delete User Exit 06 server routine (SLSDXIT6) ESTAE was invoked due to an abend. CCC...CCC is a 30 byte field that will contain one of the following:


- an abend has been detected in the SLSDXIT6 Insert/Delete server.


- an abend has been detected in the SLSDXIT6 Insert/Delete User Exit server task and the system did not supply the ESTAE routine with a SDWA.

System Action: User Exit 06 is disabled.

User Response: Save all information and contact StorageTek Software Support.


Insert/Delete User Exit 06 DISABLED, "Invalid Function" Return Code

Explanation: The Insert/Delete User Exit has been disabled because the User Exit 06 code gave a return code indicating an invalid entry type (Function Code) as passed to the User Exit by the HSC exit server task.

System Action: User Exit 06 is disabled.

User Response: Examine the user-written code for User Exit 06 to verify that the return code of hex FF is not the result of a coding error. If it is, correct and dynamically reload User Exit 06. If there is no coding error, save all information and contact StorageTek Software Support.


Dynamic LOad/Reload of User Exit 06 is possible only if the ”SLSUEXIT” DD card was included in the HSC JCL deck.


ESTAE creation failed in SLSDXIT6

Explanation: The Insert/Delete user exit server routine (SLSDXIT6) attempted to establish an ESTAE. The ESTAE creation failed. Register 2 at entry to abend contains the ESTAE return code.

System Action: User Exit 06 is disabled.

User Response: Check the return code in register 2 with return codes from the MVS ESTAE macro, and correct any errors. If unable to correct the problem, save all information and contact StorageTek Software Support.


Invalid entry type passed to user exit SLSUX06

Explanation: This is an internal error. The Insert/Delete user exit server routine (SLSDXIT6) passed an invalid function entry type to SLSUX06. Register 2 at entry to abend contains the invalid code.

System Action: User Exit 06 is disabled.

User Response: Save all information, and contact StorageTek Software Support.


Too many errant volumes in ACS AA

Explanation: ACS AA contains too many errant volumes. This number of errant volumes must be reduced before additional volumes can be added.

System Action: The addition to the errant set is not made.

User Response: Vary LSMs OFFline/ONline, or Mount or EJect the errant volumes listed on a volume report so as to invoke errant recovery. If the volumes cannot be located, logically eject them from the library.


Invalid ACSid in DESAD

Explanation: The computation for adding errant records detected that the ACSid being used is invalid.

System Action: The errant set add is aborted.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Permanent error attempting to write database

Explanation: The HSC has encountered a permanent I/O error attempting to write a heartbeat record to the CDS.

System Action: HSC abends.

User Response: Check console logs to determine the cause of the I/O error. If you cannot find and correct the error, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Confirm RECOVER for host CCCCCCCC, reply YES or NO

Explanation: A RECover HOSTid FORCE was requested by the operator.

System Action: This message requests confirmation that a RECover HOSTid is requested.

User Response: Determine if host CCCCCCCC is truly down.

If it is, reply YES to confirm recovery.



Reply NO to cancel recovery.

You may get the message:

SLS0851I Cross Host Recovery not needed for host CCCCCCCC.

This means there were no resources to be recovered on behalf of the dead host. The proper recovery flags have been set, and the dead host will NOT be permitted to update the control data set until it is recycled.


Duplicate volume volser found in database is being deleted

Explanation: The volume record for volser volser was a duplicate created during hash shuffle.

System Action: The duplicate volume record is automatically deleted.

User Response: None


Stray footprint volser found in database is being erased

Explanation: Volume record for volser volser was slated to be moved for hash compression. No duplicate was found.

System Action: The footprint is automatically erased.

User Response: None


Unexpected empty VAR block

Explanation: A severe logic error has occurred during volume deletion.

System Action: Abend 1096, reason code 747.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.



Explanation: An interface error has been detected in the subsystem message writer routine. This is an internal error.

XXXXXXXX1 is the address of the parameter list supplied to the message writer routine.

XXXXXXXX2 is the address of the register save area containing the registers at entry to the message writer routine.

XX defines the specific error reason code:

  • 01 - Invalid control block acronym

  • 02 - Invalid process request type

  • 03 - Invalid reply area address

  • 04 - Invalid reply ECB address

  • 05 - Invalid reply length

  • 06 - Unknown message id

  • 07 - No MLWTO label text supplied

System Action: The message request is aborted.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.



Explanation: A non-zero return code has been received from WTO while attempting to output a multi-line request. This is an internal error.

XXXXXXXX1 is the address of the parameter list supplied to the message writer routine.

XXXXXXXX2 is the address of the register save area containing the registers at entry to the message writer routine.

XX is the return code from WTO.

System Action: The message request is aborted.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


SLSWMRT Unknown message SLSNNNN from module CCCCCCCC

Explanation: A request for message NNNN to be issued was received, but the message did not exist within the message table given to SLSWMRT.

System Action: A dump is taken and processing continues.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.



Explanation: An I/O error occurred while attempting to READ or WRITE to the indicated control data set or journal. The operation was not completed successfully. Verify that the control data sets are online and accessible.

System Action: Subsystem issues an abend.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


{DATABASE|JOURNAL} {READ|WRITE} Permanent error; Unit XXX; Vol volser; DSname CCCCCCCC; Block DDDDDDDD

Explanation: An I/O error occurred on the indicated control data set or journal file.

System Action: Control data set or journal switch automatically occurs.

User Response: Refer to local disaster recovery procedures.



Explanation: An I/O error occurred while attempting to READ or WRITE to one of the control data set files. It is also possible that a successful READ of one of the control data set files occurred, but the data block was determined to be incorrect. RC= is the return code, in hex, from the I/O operation as found in the second byte of the DECB completion code field (DECCC2). The I/O operation was not completed to that file.

System Action: Control data set switch automatically occurs, an SDUMP is produced and the HSC continues operations. This is followed by a separate error message describing the control data set with the error. If the data block is determined to be incorrect, an SDUMP is not taken. SLS0761E is generated and a data base switch is invoked.

User Response: Refer to local disaster recovery procedures for recovery of the bad control data set. Save the SDUMP and contact StorageTek Software Support.


Switching journals; either backup the database or offload the journal(s)

Explanation: The current of the two journals is full, and the other journal is about to become the newly current journal. If journals were disabled, recording is discontinued until BACKup or OFFLoad is run. By doing BACKup or OFFLoad, the journal data set(s) are reset and automatically enabled for transaction recording.

System Action: The journal switch occurs.

User Response: Backup the control data set, or offload the full journal.


Journal DSname CCCCCCCC is DDD% full

Explanation: The currently active journal is DDD% full.

System Action: None

User Response: The journal file currently in use is becoming full. If the alternate journal is full, backup the control data set or off-load the journals.


Cannot switch journals; both journals have now had I/O errors

Explanation: The current journal had an I/O error, but the system cannot switch journals because the other journal has also had an I/O error.

System Action: Abend 1096, reason code 733.

User Response: Refer to local disaster recovery procedures.


Cannot switch journals; journal DSname CCCCCCCC has not been reset

Explanation: Both journals are full. Journaling cannot continue.

System Action: If JRNDEF FULL=Abend is specified in PARMLIB, the HSC issues abend 1096, reason code 736. If JRNDEF FULL=Continue is specified, journaling is discontinued. The HSC continues to process normally without journals.

User Response: If you receive an abend, run the control data set backups more frequently. If Continue is specified, run a BACKup of all data sets. Journaling continues automatically.


Error follows journal switch

Explanation: Journaling I/O error immediately follows a journal switch.

System Action: Abend 1096, reason code 735.

User Response: Refer to local disaster recovery procedures.


Neither journal has been reset; you must backup the database to reset them

Explanation: At HSC initialization time, the journaling initialization routine determined that both journals are full.

System Action: If FULL=Abend is specified on JRNDEF, HSC terminates. If FULL=Continue is specified on JRNDEF, HSC continues with journaling disabled.

User Response: Run the HSC BACKup utility to reset both journals. Restart the HSC subsystem.


One journal is full; you must backup the database to reset the journals

Explanation: At HSC initialization time, the journaling initialization routine determined that one journal is full.

System Action: HSC initialization continues, using the other journal.

User Response: Run the HSC BACKup utility to reset both journals.


Cannot start the oVTCS CDS server; CCCCCCCC

Explanation: The DBSERVER command specified the START option but the oVTCS CDS database server could not be started for the reason stated.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: Correct the condition and resubmit the DBSERVER command.


oVTCS CDS database server started on PORT=NNNN

Explanation: The DBSERVER command specified the START option and was successfully started listening on the specified PORT number.

System Action: None.

User Response: None.


Timeout waiting for oVTCS CDS database server startup

Explanation: The DBSERVER command specified the START option and but the oVTCS CDS database server did not successfully start within the allotted timeout period.

System Action: None.

User Response: Check the console for messages indicating the reason for the startup failure.


Cannot {LIST|RESET|STOP} the oVTCS CDS server; not currently active

Explanation: The DBSERVER command specified the LIST or STOP option but the oVTCS CDS database is not currently active.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: None.


Timeout waiting for oVTCS server CCCCCCCC termination

Explanation: The DBSERVER command specified the STOP option but the indicated oVTCS CDS database server component did successfully terminate within the allotted timeout period.

System Action: None.

User Response: Check the console for messages indicating the reason for the termination failure. If the problem persists, use the DBSERVER STOP FORCE option.


oVTCS CDS database server termination complete

Explanation: The DBSERVER command specified the STOP option and was successfully terminated.

System Action: None.

User Response: None.



Explanation: The oVTCS CDS database server encountered a TCP/IP error during its processing.

System Action: Depending upon the action specified, the oVTCS CDS database server will terminate, reset itself, retry the operation, or simply ignore the error and continue.

User Response: Run the HSC BACKup utility to reset both journals.


oVTCS server transaction error; CCCCCCCC

Explanation: The oVTCS CDS database server encountered an error processing an oVTCS transaction or response.

System Action: Communication with the oVTCS client is reset.

User Response: If the problem persists, then contact StorageTek Software Support.


oVTCS protocol failure: CCCCCCCC

Explanation: The oVTCS CDS database server detected a serious error communicating with the oVTCS client or processing an oVTCS request. This unexpected error or breach in protocol has affected the oVTCS server integrity.

System Action: Communication with the oVTCS client is reset..

User Response: If the problem persists, contact StorageTek Software Support.


oVTCS client has held the CDS reserve for NNNNN minutes

Explanation: The oVTCS CDS database server has detected a long database reserve initiated by the oVTCS client. This message is informational and is issued to inform the customer that the CDS has been reserved for NNNNN minutes. In most cases this is the normal result of processing a large CDS database from the oVTCS client.

System Action: If the time equals the CDS reserve timeout specified with the DBSERVER START RTIMEOUT command, the connection to the oVTCS client is terminated and then reset for a new connection.

User Response: Check log files for the oVTCS client and HSC. Use the DBSERVER LIST command to display oVTCS status and the DBSERVER START command to change the message interval.


oVTCS CDS server cannot continue; CCCCCCCC

Explanation: The oVTCS CDS database server encountered a serious error and cannot continue.

System Action: The oVTCS CDS database server terminates.

User Response: Issue the DBSERVER START command with the appropriate parameters to re-start the oVTCS CDS database server, and contact StorageTek Software Support.


oVTCS CDS server reset complete; awaiting new connection

Explanation: The oVTCS CDS database server stopped and then restarted itself in response to an unexpected event or operator DBSERVER RESET command.

System Action: The existing oVTCS client connection is closed and the connection process restarted. The oVTCS server is now ready for the oVTCS client to reconnect.

User Response: Check to MVS or HSC logs for the root cause of the reset event.


oVTCS client connection accepted from CCCCCCCC

Explanation: The oVTCS CDS database server accepted a new socket connection from IP address CCCCCCCC.

System Action: The oVTCS CDS database server is now ready to process requests from the specified client.

User Response: None.




Explanation: The DBSERVER command specified the LIST option.

System Action: The oVTCS CDS database server settings and status are displayed.

User Response: None.


{LET|EET|EOM} Subsystem Exit Not Used; RC=XXXXXXXX

Explanation: During HSC Subsystem Initialization, the Address Space Communications Component (ASCOMM) could not install the subsystem functional routine for the identified SSREQ subsystem exit/broadcast.

  • LET - Late-End-of-Task, function code 4

  • EOM - End-of-Memory, function code 8

  • EET - Early-End-of-Task, function code 50

  • XXXXXXXX = 12 - number of function code slots for the subsystem was zero, or 8 - all the defined function code slots for the subsystem were used.

System Action: ASCOMM initializes; however, some recovery function, {LET|EET|EOM}, is not available.

User Response: Notify the local System Programming staff. If the problem persists, contact StorageTek Software Support.



Explanation: The Address Space Communications (ASCOMM) Component has detected an abend.

  • XXXXXXXX1 is the abend completion code.

  • CCCCCCCC is the module name.

  • XXXXXXXX2 is the bottom half of PSW at time of error.

  • XXXXXXXX3 is the current TCB at time of error.

System Action: The ASCOMM request is terminated.

User Response: Refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support. There may also be an SDUMP associated with the abend. If it exists, save a copy of this dump to aid in diagnosing the problem.


Host CCCCCCCC is active

Explanation: Cross host recovery was requested, but the specified host was identified as active.

System Action: Cross host recovery is not performed.

User Response: Physically verify that the host in question is inactive. If and only if this host is inactive, reissue the RECover host command with the FORCE option.


Use the FORCE operand with great caution. Make sure the specified host is actually inactive before specifying this operand.

Forced recovery of an active host requires that the HSC on that host be recycled. All data base activity is prohibited on the recovered host, which can cause unexpected abends when tape activity occurs or when the HSC is recycled on that host.


Cross host recovery not required for host CCCCCCCC

Explanation: Cross host recovery was requested, but there was no work in progress for the specified host.

System Action: Cross host recovery is not performed.

User Response: None


Cross host recovery in progress for host CCCCCCCC

Explanation: Cross host recovery is in progress for the specified host.

System Action: Cross host recovery is being performed.

User Response: None


Cross host recovery complete for host CCCCCCCC

Explanation: Cross host recovery is completed for the specified host.

System Action: Cross host recovery is complete.

User Response: None


Volume volser not found; (logically) Delete or Ignore (D/I)

Explanation: Recovery has determined that the specified volume could not be found in the library. You must decide if the volume is to be logically deleted from the data base.

System Action: Recovery waits until you reply either Delete or Ignore.

User Response: Reply with one of the following:

  • D

    This response deletes the volume from the CDS. This may be the best response if you are certain the volume is not in the library.


    If the volume is still in the library, an Audit or manual intervention may be required to locate the missing volume.

    Other action messages may be issued and require operator responses as a consequence of logically deleting the specified volume.

  • I

    This response ignores the request for the volume. This may be the best response if you are uncertain of the location of the volume. This message can reappear if the volume has still not been located. In the meantime, the job waits for the volume to be located and mounted.


Volume volser not found; AUDIT or MANUAL intervention may be needed

Explanation: Recovery has determined that the specified volume could not be found in the library. The volume remains in the CDS in an errant status. Audit or manual intervention is recommended to attempt to locate the volume.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Execute the audit utility function to attempt to locate the volume. If the volume is not found by audit, it may be deleted from the CDS.


No available CAP in ACS AA for LSM LL; Retry or Cancel (R/C)

Explanation: Recovery requires a CAP in order to eject a volume, but there were none that could be selected. The CAPs could be in offline LSMs, have a zero priority, or all be allocated.

System Action: Recovery waits until you reply.

User Response: If a CAP can be made available (DRAIN a CAP, MODIFY a LSM online, or give a CAP a non-zero CAPPref), do so and reply R.

  • If none can be made available, reply C.

  • If this occurs during initialization and a CAP cannot be made available, reply C.

  • When the subsystem completes initialization, make a CAP available and modify the LSM offline and then online.


Invalid reply C

Explanation: A reply to a message was invalid.

System Action: The original message requiring a reply is reissued.

User Response: None



Explanation: Cross host recovery was requested for the specified host, but the host is either the same host or not defined to the library software.

System Action: Cross host recovery is not performed.

User Response: Reissue the command with a correct HOSTid.


Non-OCR volume volser not found; (logically) Delete or Ignore (D/I)?

Explanation: Recovery has determined that the specified non-OCR labeled volume (volser) could not be found in the library. You must decide if the volume is to be deleted from the data base.

System Action: Recovery waits until you reply.

User Response: If the volume should be deleted from the data base, reply D; otherwise, reply I. If recovery is invoked again, the message can reappear if the volume has still not been found.


Subtask attach failure; RC=XXXXXXXX; Subsystem not started

Explanation: During subsystem initiation, an ATTACH of a task failed with the specified return code.

System Action: The subsystem terminates.

User Response: Notify the system programmer.


Errant recovery of volser - Unable to scan {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN}; it is loaded

Explanation: In attempting to locate errant volume volser, a drive was found loaded.

System Action: Errant recovery of the volume stops.

User Response: Unload the drive; then retry errant recovery. To unload a drive in MVS, use the UNLOAD command. To unload a drive in VM, ATTACH the drive to some virtual machine and then DETACH it.


Attached task failure; RC=XXXX

Explanation: During recovery, a task responsible for performing a specific function failed with the specified return code.

System Action: A system dump is taken. Other recovery processing continues.

User Response: Notify the system programmer. Save a copy of the dump to aid in diagnosing the problem.


Host recovery already in progress for HOSTid CCCCCCCC

Explanation: Host recovery was already in progress for the specified host when another RECover host command was issued for that host.

System Action: Processing of the later RECover host command stops.

User Response: None


Attempting to locate errant volume volser

Explanation: The HSC had marked a volume as being errant because it was no longer certain of its location. This is due to many causes. These include modifying the LSM offline, cancelling the HSC, or an error occurring in the LMU or LSM. The HSC is now attempting to locate the volume, and issues this message.

System Action: Processing continues. The message will be DOMed when the location processing is complete.

If the HSC is reasonably sure the volume is not in the ACS, a message will be issued to allow the volume to be deleted from the control data set.


The message will NOT be issued if the HSC is unable to scan locations where the volume might be. For example, if the volume could be in an offline LSM, or on a loaded drive, and the volume could not be located elsewhere, the message will not be issued.

User Response: None



Explanation: The HSC had an error XXXXXXXX issuing requests to ACS AA.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Errant recovery of volser - {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} is loaded; reply Retry, Ignore, or Dismount (R/I/D)

Explanation: During errant recovery of volser, the drive XXXX or driveid AA:LL:PP:NN was found loaded. This implies that the external label could not be read by the robotic vision system.

System Action: Recovery waits for an operator reply.

User Response:

  • If the drive has completed the rewind and unload process, reply R to retry the dismount.

  • If the volume is known to be on the drive and not allocated to a job on any processor, reply D to force the dismount.

  • If the drive is in use, reply I to this message, and let the job finish processing the volume on the drive.

  • If the drive cannot be unloaded due to a malfunction, place the drive offline, contact StorageTek Hardware Support and reply I to this message.


If the volume is not on the drive, reply I. This causes the HSC to discontinue the current errant recovery attempt for the volume, leaving it errant. This reply has no lasting effect. This message will be reissued by future errant recovery attempts as long as the drive is loaded and the volume is presumed to be on the drive.


Errant recovery of volser - an audit of the locations associated with the volume may be required

Explanation: In attempting to locate errant volume volser, a scan of the errant locations could not resolve the location of the volume. Errant recovery found the same OCR readable volser at two locations, or both locations had unreadable volsers.

System Action: Errant recovery of the volume stops.

User Response: Schedule an audit of the errant locations associated with the volume at a convenient time. The locations can be determined by issuing a Display Volume command.


Errant recovery of volser - unable to scan (D)

Explanation: In attempting to locate errant volume volser, errant recovery was unable to scan a location.

D represents a reason code:

  • 7 - Drive not communicating. The LMU was unable to communicate with the drive.

  • 8 - Bad move. The LMU received an error trying to move to a location.

System Action: Errant recovery of the volume stops.

User Response: A Display Volume command shows the volume(s) errant location(s). Contact StorageTek Hardware Support.


Errant recovery of volser - Volume at {cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC|DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN}

Explanation: Errant recovery was able to locate the volume at the specified location.

System Action: If the volume is not in its home location, errant recovery attempts to move it to this location.

User Response: None


Manually remove cart XXXXXX from ACS AA LSM LL

Explanation: During HSC startup, cartridge XXXXXX was found in ACS AA LSM LL in the playground, a robotic hand, or the passthru port. HSC went into recovery mode to try to handle the cartridge. In this case, however, HSC does not have a volume record for this cartridge. HSC will leave the cartridge as found. The cartridge may be manually removed from the LSM, or with HSC 5.0 and later, run the Audit utility with the INTRANS parameter. These cartridges are normally in the playground.

System Action: Processing continues normally. The cartridge is left where it was found.

User Response: Open the LSM and remove the cartridge from the library, or run an Audit utility with the INTRANS parameter. If the cartridge is left in the LSM, this message will be issued at each start up of HSC and each time the HSC Service Level is brought from Base to Full.


Recovery of volser1 - found volser2 in cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC; new cell assigned for volser1

Explanation: During recovery volser2 was found in the home cell of volser1.

System Action: volser1 will be assigned a new home cell.

User Response: An audit of the home cell location AA:LL:PP:RR:CC may be required to locate volser2 and insert it into the CDS.


Recovery of volser - cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC requires auditing

Explanation: While attempting to recover the specified volume, an error occurred. The cell the volume was to be moved to was found to be occupied by another cartridge.

System Action: Recovery attempts to pick another cell and retries the move.

User Response: Audit the cell listed in the message text.


Mount of volser1 on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - volser readable (volser2); Retry, Bypass, Eject, or Ignore (R,B,E,I)

Explanation: When going to mount volser1, the LMU found a volser with a different external label volser2. The volume was originally marked in the control data set as having no external label.

System Action: Mount waits.

User Response:

  • If the mount is to be retried, reply R.

  • If the volume is to be marked as bypass label processing and the mount retried, reply B.

  • If the volume is to be ejected, reply E. Volser volser1 will be deleted from the control data set. Additionally, if volser2 is not in the control data set, it will be physically ejected.

  • If the mount is to be ignored, reply I.


Dismount of volser1 from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - volser readable (volser2); Retry, Bypass, Eject, or Ignore (R,B,E,I)

Explanation: When going to dismount volser1, the LMU found a volser with a different external label volser2.The volume was originally marked in the control data set as having no external label.

System Action: Dismount waits.

User Response: If the dismount is to be retried, reply R.

  • If the volume is to be marked as bypass label processing and the dismount retried, reply B.

  • If the volume is to be ejected, reply E. Volser volser1 will be deleted from the control data set. Additionally, volser2 will be physically ejected if it is not in the control data set.

  • If the dismount is to be ignored, reply I.


Swap of volser from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Error doing scan

Explanation: In an attempt to swap volser, a scan of the drive was required. However, the LMU indicated a move error occurred or it could not communicate with the drive.

System Action: The swap is not executed.

User Response: Enter a DISMount command for drive XXXX|driveid AA:LL:PP:NN (the ”from” drive) to retry the dismount portion of the swap. Then enter a Mount command to mount volume volser on the ”to” drive.


No cartridges to clean {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} ACS AA; Reply "I", "T,capid,volser", or "R" (Ignore, Temp Enter or Retry)

Explanation: There were no cleaning cartridges compatible with the drive found in ACS AA.


Different types of transports require different cleaning cartridge media types. For example, longitudinal transports (4480s, 4490s, and 9490s) require standard cleaning cartridges, and RedWood transports require DD3D cleaning cartridges.

System Action: Mount waits for a reply.

User Response: Reply with one of the following:

  • I

    Ignore the mount request. Cleaning will no longer be scheduled for this transport.

  • T,capid,volser

    Temporarily enter the specified cleaning cartridge from the specified CAP to clean the drive. (Note: The volser of the cleaning cartridge temporarily entered does not have to start with the cleaning prefix.)

  • R

    Retry the cleaner lookup (presumably after entering some cleaning cartridges).


New cleaning cartridges compatible with the transport must be entered for automated cleaning to proceed.


Mount of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Unable to mount

Explanation: The HSC on this host could not mount a volume. Other messages should be issued to indicate the source of the problem.

System Action: The mount fails.

User Response: Check for error messages on all systems attached to the ACS. Attempt to correct the problem, and reissue the mount request.


Mount of volser1 on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Overriding mount volser2 request

Explanation: An attempt was made to mount volser1, but there was a mount request queued for volume volser2.

System Action: The mount of volser2 is not executed. The mount of volser1 is executed.

User Response: None


Mount of volser1 on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Mount of volser2 active; attempting suppression

Explanation: The mount of volser1 found a mount request active for volser2.

System Action: The system attempts to suppress the mount scratch. Regardless of the success of the suppression, the mount of volser1 is executed.

User Response: None


Dismount of volser from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - LSM AA:LL in manual mode; reply Delete or Ignore (D/I)

Explanation: A request was received to dismount a volume in a manual mode LSM.

System Action: The dismount waits until you reply D or I, modify the LSM online, or issue a ”MNTD Dismount Auto” command.

User Response: If the volume is to be manually dismounted, reply D; otherwise, reply I.

  • If D, the volume is removed from the control data set. The volume should be removed from the library until an ENter can be performed.

  • If I, the volume is not deleted from the control data set.

  • If the LSM is modified online, the dismount continues.


{Mount|Dismount} of volser {on|from} driveid AA:LL:PP:NN - Request terminated {|ACS IS SWITCHING}

Explanation: A request was received to mount or dismount a tape. The request is terminating, and no other message was issued. Check for other outstanding messages or operations that might be holding the volume locked. If ACS IS SWITCHING is displayed, check to see if the ACS acs-id where the drive resides is switching using the Display Status command. If the ACS is switching, wait for it to complete before performing another mount or dismount.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Mount of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Manual volume at AA:LL:PP:RR:CC; reply Delete or Ignore (D/I)

Explanation: A request was made to mount a volume from a manual LSM.

System Action: The mount waits until you reply D or I, or modify the LSM online.

User Response: If the volume is to be manually mounted, remove the volume from location AA:LL:PP:RR:CC. When the volume IS IN YOUR HAND, reply D to delete it from the control data set. When dismounted, the volume should be removed from the library until an ENter can be performed.

  • If the request is to be ignored, reply I.

  • If the LSM is modified online, the mount proceeds normally.


Dismount of volser from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Drive is loaded; mount request is being aborted

Explanation: Mount found a drive that had a volume mounted so it invoked dismount. Dismount found that the drive was loaded, and the volume to be dismounted matched the volume to be mounted.

System Action: The dismount request is cancelled. The mount request will also be aborted.

User Response: If the volume really needs to be dismounted and the drive is not in use, unload the volume from the drive and reissue the mount. To unload a drive in MVS, use the UNLOAD command. To unload a drive in VM, ATTACH the drive to some virtual machine and then DETACH it.


Robotics request active for {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - unable to mount

Explanation: A robotic request was active for the mentioned drive by another system. Two mount requests for the same drive were issued, and the mount from this system found that the request from the other system was being processed first.

System Action: The mount request from this system is cancelled.

User Response: The job requesting the mount may have to be cancelled and resubmitted because the HSC found a mount in process for the same drive by another system. The mount on this system will not be redriven.


{DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} has been cleaned using volser

Explanation: The drive was automatically cleaned using the specified volser.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Eject of volser - Volume not in cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC; Reply (Logically) Delete or Ignore (D,I)

Explanation: An EJect operation found the volume location in the control data set, but the location was empty.

System Action: You are asked to Delete (D) the entry from the control data set, or to Ignore (I) the request.

User Response: A reply of D cleans up the control data set and assumes the volume is not in the library. A reply of I terminates the operation.


C invalid reply

Explanation: The operator reply does not match the options offered by the WTOR. C is the invalid reply from the operator.

System Action: The WTOR is re-issued to give the operator another chance.

User Response: Reply with a valid option.


C can only be one byte long.


Wrong cartridge entered; expected volser1 and found volser2

Explanation: The operator was requested to enter a specific Volser (volser1) in response to a temporary enter. The wrong Volser (volser2) was found in the CAP.

System Action: The CAP door is unlocked to allow the operator access.

User Response: Open the CAP door, and remove the incorrect cartridge (volser2). Replace it with the correct cartridge (volser1), and close the CAP door.


ENTER processing interrupted; empty CAPid AA:LL:CC

Explanation: Enter processing has been interrupted. Cartridges have been left in the CAP. CAPid AA:LL:CC needs to be emptied.

System Action: The system waits until the operator opens and closes the CAP door at which time the CAP is examined to ensure it is empty. The system may reissue this message if cartridges are left in the CAP. Once the CAP is empty, enter processing continues.

User Response: Open the CAP door, and remove all cartridges.


{Enter|Eject} of volser - CCC...CCC; run a utility audit against cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC

Explanation: Either an ENter operation found that a cell that was supposed to be empty was not. Or an EJect operation failed and the CAP component was unable to place the volume in errant status. volser is the volser of the volume. CCC...CCC is a 32-byte description of the error.

System Action: The ENter or EJect operation will terminate.

User Response: Run an audit against the reported cell location to correct the control data set.



Explanation: The specified LSM is OFFLINE, PENDING OFFLINE, or NOT READY.

System Action: The request found an LSM that was not online and ready.

User Response: Ensure that the specified LSM is online and ready.


EJECT of volser, Drive not rewound; reply Dismount, Retry or Ignore (D,R,I)

Explanation: An EJect operation from a drive found that the drive had not been rewound and unloaded.

System Action: The system waits for the operator to reply R (Retry), D (Dismount) or I (Ignore).

User Response: In MVS, use the MVS Unload command to unload the volume. In VM, ATTACH the drive to some virtual machine and then DETACH it.

  • A reply of R retries the eject without the rewind option.

  • A reply of D retries the operation with the rewind option.

  • A reply of I conditionally makes the volume errant and terminates the operation.


EJECT of volser - volser not readable; reply Bypass label checking or Ignore (B,I)

Explanation: An EJect operation was requested against a volume, but the operation failed because the cartridge label was not readable.

System Action: You are asked to Bypass label checking (B) or Ignore (I) the request.

User Response: A reply of B retries the EJect and will bypass label checking. A reply of I conditionally makes the volume errant and terminates the operation.


EJECT of volser - SOURCE VOLSER DOES NOT MATCH DB; reply Ejector Ignore (E,I)

Explanation: An EJect operation was attempted, and the volser found in the location specified by the control data set does not match the requested volser.

System Action: You are asked to Eject (E) or Ignore (I) the request.

User Response: A reply of E retries the EJect with bypass label checking. A reply of I unconditionally makes the volume errant and terminates the operation.


ENTER of volser - Source volser not readable; reply Bypass label checking or Eject (B,E)

Explanation: An ENter operation was requested for a volume, but the operation failed because the cartridge label was not readable.

System Action: You are asked to Bypass (B) the request, or Eject (E) the volume.

User Response: A reply of B retries the ENter with bypass label checking. A reply of E ejects the volume with bypass label processing.


ACS ACS_id status: ACS_status

[Waiting Queue elements           Q_count]
[Active Queue elements            Q_count]
[Temporary Outage Queue elements  Q_count]
 Partition ID=PART_id
 Compatibility levels: HSC=HSC_lvl, LMU=LMU_lvl

 Redundant Electronics "is"|"not" Configured
 Dual LMU "Is"|"Not" Configured
[Master is "A"|"B"; Standby is SBY_status]
[IP addr DDD.DDD.DD1
 Hostname STN_hostname
 Station STN_devno STN_status]
 Scratch Volumes available...... SCR_count
 Free Cells available........... FREE_count
[Library Summary:
 NETC Lib LC  Mode     Status       IP Addr/Host Name
 Nid  Lid Cid CNTR_mod CNTR_stat    DDD.DDD.DD2|CNTR_host]

[ACS slots available for COMPLEX       ACS_slots]

Explanation: Display Acs command response.

Message Variables:

ACS_id       (2) "00"-"99"
ACS_status   (11) "Connected"/"Disconnect"/"Unallocated"
Q_count      (8) Number of queue elements
                 Queue counts are only displayed if > 0.
PART_id      (3) "001"-"999" (Partition ID)
                 "000"       (Not partitioned)
HSC_lvl      (2) "10"-"23" (HSC maximum compatibility level)
LMU_lvl      (2) "00", "05"-"23" (LMU compatibility level)
                 "00" (LMU not connected)
                 NOTE: The functionality available is
                 implied by the lowest level listed (HSC or LMU)
SBY_status   (9) "ready"|"not ready" (Standby LMU status)
DDD.DDD.DD1  (9) Station IP address
STN_hostname (8) Station hostname
STN_devno    (4) Station Device Number
STN_status  (17) Station Status (Dual LMU):
                 ONLINE            Enabled Path to Master LMU
                 OFFLINE           Disabled Path to ACS
                 STANDBY           Enabled Path to Standby LMU
                 PENDING ONLINE    Path being varied online
                 PENDING OFFLINE   Path being varied offline
                 PENDING FORCE     Path being forced offline
                 NOT READY         Network attached LMU not
                 NETWORK RECONNECT Network recovery active
                 TCP/IP CON ERR    Network recovery failure
                 UNKNOWN           Status unavailable
SCR_count    (8) Number of Scratch Volumes available
FREE_count   (8) Number of Free Cells available
                 NOTE: The following information is
                       displayed when a specific ACS has been
                       requested this ACS supports Redundant
Nid          (2) "01"-"40" (Network Connection ID)
Lid          (1) "1"-"9" or "A"-"Z" (Library ID)
Cid          (1) "A" or "B" (Library Controller ID)
CNTR_mod     (7) "active"|"standby"|"switch" (Library
                 Controller Mode)                        
CNTR_stat   (17) Status values are the same as for STN status.
DDD.DDD.DD2 (11) Library Controller IP Address
CNTR_host    (8) Library Controller Hostname
                 NOTE: The following line is displayed
                       when no specific ACS requested by the
ACS_slots    (4) Number of available ACS slots for COMPLEX

System Action: System processing continues.

User Response: None


ENTER not scheduled on CAPid AA:LL:CC

Explanation: A SENter command was entered for CAPid AA:LL:CC. The ENter was not scheduled. No interruption of the EJect command occurs. Possible reasons for ”NOT ACCEPTED” are:

  • The CAP is not allocated by this host.

  • The CAP is not ejecting.

System Action: None

User Response: None


ACS AA: Switch already active

Explanation: A SWitch command has already been entered for the named ACS. AA is the ACSid.

System Action: This SWitch command is terminated, but the previous SWitch command continues processing.

User Response: If a previous SWitch command was entered, no response is necessary; otherwise, report this incident to StorageTek Software Support.


Switch failed, {ACSid|LIBid} is required

Explanation: There is more than one ACS in the configuration, so ACSid must be specified. Or, there is more than one Library in the ACS, so LIBid must be specified.

System Action: SWitch command processing is terminated.

User Response:

  • For ACSid required:

    Re-enter the SWitch command with the ACS parameter and the ACSid value. i.e. SW ACS 00.

  • For LIBid required:

    Re-enter the SWitch command with the ACS parameter, the ACSid value, the LIB parameter, and the LIBid value. i.e. SW ACS 00 LIB 1.


ACS AA cannot switch; CCCCCC1 CCCCCCC2 C3


  • For LMU compatibility level 22 and below:

    Even though the named ACS is a Dual LMU ACS, there are currently no standby stations connecting the HSC to the standby LMU for this ACS.

  • For Redundant Electronics (compat 23+):

    Even though the named ACS has the Redundant Electronics installed, the following reasons may apply for why the switch did not take place:

    1. No standby network connections connected to HSC.

    2. Redundant Electronics is not licensed.

    3. Standby Library Controller is not communicating.

    4. ACS is busy processing functions or utilities.

  • AA - ACSid: "00"-"FF"

  • CCCCCCCC1 - reason text:

    • no standby connections

    • RE not licensed

    • standby not communicating

    • ACS is busy

  • CCCCCCCC2 - "LIBID" or blank.

  • C3 - Library ID: "1"-"9" or "A"-"Z" or blank.

System Action: SWitch command processing is terminated.

User Response:

  • For LMU compatibility level 22 and below:

    Vary a station online to the standby LMU, and re-enter the SWitch command.

  • For Redundant Electronics (compat 23+):

    Connect the standby connection, or install/license Redundant Electronics, or repair the standby Library Controller.

  • For ACS is busy:

    Stop activity for the ACS. When stopped, verify all switch conflict functions or utilities are not active using the Display Status command. If none are active, re-enter the SWitch command for the ACS.


ACS AA cannot switch; ACS disconnected or not Dual LMU

Explanation: The named ACS is not a Dual LMU ACS or all stations to this ACS are offline, so no station is available to the standby LMU.

System Action: SWitch command processing is terminated.

User Response: None


ACS AA: Initiating switch via CCCCCCC1 C2 CCC3 CCCCC4 C5

Explanation: SWitch command parameters have been validated, and an available standby station or library ID has been selected for sending the SWitch command to the standby Library Controller who notifies the active Library Controller.

  • AA is the ACSid: "00"-"FF".

  • CCCCCCC1 is the "Station" or "LIBID".

  • C2 is the LIBid: "1"-"9" or "A"-"Z" or blank.

  • CCC3 is the "for" or blank.

  • CCCCC4 is the "LIBID" or blank.

  • C5 is the LIBid: "1"-"9" or "A"-"Z" or blank.

System Action: The selected standby station driver or Library Controller has been notified to initiate the switchover process.

User Response: None


ACS AA: Switch in progress flag and counts are reset successfully

Explanation: Switch in progress for an ACS has been reset successfully. Also, the switch utility and function counts are reset to zero.

System Action: None

User Response: None


CCCCCCCC1 value list not allowed with CCCCCCCC2 value list on CCCCCCCC3 command

Explanation: A CCCCCCCC3 command was entered that encountered a CCCCCCCC1 parameter having a value list (more than one value separated by commas or dashes) and a CCCCCCCC2 parameter having a value list. However, there can only be one CCCCCCCC1 value identified on the command if the CCCCCCCC2 parameter is supplied with a value list.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: Correct the command parameters, and re-enter the command.


The range specified on the CCCCCCC1 parameter of the CCCCCCCC2 command is invalid or not allowed

Explanation: A range of cells was specified on an operator command. The specified range contains more than 100 volumes or a range is not allowed for this parameter.

System Action: None

User Response: Enter multiple commands specifying ranges of 100 volumes or less, or run the corresponding batch HSC Utility (which has no limit on cell ranges), or remove the invalid range.


The value list specified for the CCCCCCCC1 parameter of the CCCCCCCC2 command exceeds the maximum number of list items

Explanation: An attempt was made to enter a command or utility function specifying a value list for the CCCCCCCC1 parameter of the CCCCCCCC2 command exceeding the maximum number of list items.

System Action: The requested command or utility terminates.

User Response: Re-enter the command or utility specifying a value list where the number of items is equal to or less than the maximum number listed.




Explanation: The Display SCRatch command successfully completed. The number of scratch volumes available for active subpools is displayed.

System Action: None

User Response: None


ACS AA LSM LL:CC...CC1|DD..DD1 invalid for CC...CC2 parameter on CC...CC3 command

Explanation: Invalid data was entered for the specified command.

  • AA is ACSid (decimal).

  • LL is LSMid (decimal).

  • CC...CC1|DD...DD1 is data entered on command in error.

  • CC...CC2 is option specified on command in error.

  • CC...CC3 is name of command whose syntax rules were violated.

System Action: The system takes no further action, except that a default value is used, and the command proceeds when the view time is invalid.

User Response: Re-enter the command with the correct parameters.



Explanation: The specified command was rejected due to the specified condition.

  • AA is ACSid (decimal).

  • LL is LSMid (decimal).

  • CCCCCCCC1 is name of command (VIew, etc.).

  • CCC...CCC2 is name of object (ACS, ACSid, ADDRESS, CAP column, CAP row, cell column, cell row, COLUMN, Connecting LSM, HOST, HSC, LMU, LSM, LSMid, PANEL, PLAYGRND, PTP column, ROW, XLSM) or LMU request return code (if logic error condition).

  • CCC...CCC3 is condition of object (does not exist, has downlevel micro-software, is disconnected, is invalid, is offline, is shutting down, not found, not specified, parameter specified in error, same as another parameter) OR logic error.

System Action: The command is rejected. The system takes no further action.

User Response: The user may re-enter the command when the condition has been alleviated.


ACS AA LSM LL; holding camera <N> for <time> seconds on <component> <location>

AA                ACSid (hexadecimal 00-FF)
LL                LSMid (hexadecimal 00-FF)
<N>               camera number (decimal 0-1)
<time>            5-120 as entered in the VIew command
                  or defaulted from the OPTion Viewtime
<component>       CAPid, CEll, HOSTis & Drive,
                  PLaygrnd, or PTp as entered
                  on the VIew command
<location>        address (ROW RR COL CC,
                  PP:RR:CC, XXX, CC, or LL:CC) as
                  specified on the VIew command

Explanation: The VIew command successfully completed. The camera is being held in the position requested.

System Action: The camera is held in position for the requested time interval, after which the robot is freed for other work. A record is optionally written to the SMF data set to log this event.

User Response: You should look at the monitor indicated by the ACS, LSM, and camera identifiers, note the status of the element being inspected, and then respond to the outstanding WTOR (any response at all) to free the hand to do other work. If you do not respond to the WTOR, the hand is automatically freed at the expiration of the specified or defaulted time interval.


Volser range (#-#) exceeds 300 volumes

Explanation: The specified range contains more than 300 possible volumes. A maximum of 300 volumes can be specified.

System Action: None

User Response: Decrease the range size.


CCCCCCCC of EXIT successful

Explanation: CCCCCCCC is the function. For the Load function, the requested exit was loaded successfully. If the exit is enabled, the new module will be invoked when the exit is invoked. For the Enable function, the most current module for the exit enabled successfully. When the exit is invoked, this module is used. For the Disable function, the most current module for the exit disabled successfully.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


CCC...CCC1 of EXIT failed, CCC...CCC2

Explanation: CCC...CCC1 is the function requested. For the Load function, the requested exit could not be loaded. For the Enable function, the most current exit could not be enabled. For the Disable function, the most current exit could not be disabled. CCC...CCC2 is the reason for the error message.

Reason explanations include:

  • all user exits are inactive--Self Explanatory

  • user exit number invalid--Must be UX01-UX99 format

  • module not found--Load Module not in Load Library

  • load error occurred--HSC internal error, try again

  • function is invalid--Not ”LOAD”, ”ENABLE”, or ”DISABLE”

  • exit status invalid--Not ”ACTIVE”, or ”DISABLE”

  • lock attempt failed--HSC internal error, try again

  • program error occurred--HSC internal error, try again

  • exit is not dynamic--Exit may not be reloaded

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: For the load function, verify that the requested module is a member name in the load module library described by the SLSUEXIT DD statement in the HSC startup procedure or within the STEPLIB data set concatenation. For the enable function, verify that a module is successfully loaded and is in a disabled state. For the disable function, verify that a module is successfully loaded and is in an enabled state.


User exit status:

User exit status:
ccc1 ccccccc2   ccccccccccccc3  ccccccc4 nnnnn ccccccccccccc5
QUERY of EXIT successful

Explanation: A UEXIT QUERY command was entered. The status of the requested user exit(s) is displayed. One line of information is presented for each exit requested, with the following format:

  • ccc1 is the user exit identifier.

  • ccccccc2 represents the user exit status. It is one of:

    • ACTIVE - The exit is loaded and active.

    • INACTIVE - The exit is not loaded.

    • DISABLED - The exit is loaded, but either was loaded in disabled status, or has been disabled.

    • ABENDED - The exit is loaded, but was deactivated due to an abend.

    • PENDING - the exit is loaded, and a UEXIT DISABLE command has been issued. The disable has not completed.

  • ccccccccccccc3 represents the date and time the user exit was loaded. The value is either yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss or NEVER LOADED if the exit is not loaded.

  • ccccccc4 shows the name of the module loaded for this exit, or N/A if the exit is not loaded.

  • nnnnn is is the number of times this exit has been loaded, or NONE if the exit is not loaded.

  • ccccccccccccc5 represents the date and time the user exit status last changed. The value is either yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss or NEVER CHANGED if the exit is not loaded.

System Action: The user exit status information is displayed.

User Response: None


HSC service level {BASE|FULL} active

Explanation: The command Display SRVlev successfully completed. The HSC is executing at the indicated service level. This message appears when the Display SRVlev command for the base or full service level is completed.

System Action: None

User Response: None


SUBpool(CCCCCCCCCCCCC) not found; operator command ended

Explanation: An attempt was made to enter an operator command with the optional parameter SUBpool, but the requested subpool was not known to the HSC.

System Action: The operator command terminates without performing the requested function.

User Response: Validate the SUBpool name, and re-enter the operator command.


No match found for ACSid AA; operator command ended

Explanation: An attempt was made to enter an operator command for a specific ACSid; however, a match for the ACSid was not found.

System Action: The operator command terminates without performing the requested function.

User Response: Re-enter the operator command with the correct ACSid.


No match found for LSMid AA:LL; operator command ended

Explanation: An attempt was made to enter an operator command for a specific LSMid, but the LSMid entered was not found.

System Action: The operator command terminates without performing the requested function.

User Response: Correct the LSMid, and re-enter the operator command.


No subpool data found for SUBpool XXXXXX

Explanation: An attempt was made to enter the Display SCRatch command with optional parameters such as ACSid, LSMid or SUBpool, but no match was found for the specified data. XXXXXX is the SUBpool name.

System Action: No information is displayed.

User Response: Correct the appropriate input parameter, and re-enter the operator command.


CCCCCC of EXIT failed; user exit index is not valid

Explanation: CCCCCC is a function of the UEXIT command. Functions include Load, Enable, Disable or Query. The exit number passed in the UEXIT command was not within the current existing exit numbers.

System Action: The command terminates.

User Response: Provide the correct user exit number.



ACS AA Threshold DDDDDD LSM LL Threshold DDDD
  Subpool CCC...CCC Threshold DDDDDD
  Subpool CCC...CCC Threshold DDDDDD
  Subpool CCC...CCC Threshold DDDDDD
  Subpool CCC...CCC Threshold DDDDDD

Explanation: The Warn command successfully completed. The Threshold values represent the values set by the Warn command.

System Action: The system takes no further action, and normal operation continues.

User Response: No further user action is required.


Scratch Subpooling not in effect; Operator command terminated

Explanation: An attempt was made to enter an operator command specifically dealing with scratch subpools; however, scratch subpooling was not in effect.

System Action: The operator command terminates without performing the requested function.

User Response: Enter the command only if scratch subpooling is active.


Invalid Subpool name S...S specified in C...C

Explanation: A command C...C was issued which specified an invalid subpool name. The subpool name itself may be invalid, or may not be valid from the requesting host.

System Action: The command is terminated without performing the requested function.

User Response: Re-issue the command, specifying a valid subpool name.



Explanation: This message indicates that CCCCCCCC1 value is CCCCCCCC2. As an example, the various option setting commands invoked at HSC start-up time can have a HOSTid keyword. If HOSTid is there, it will be confirmed prior to the command executing.

System Action: None

User Response: None


A keyword must be provided for the CCCCCCCC command

Explanation: Command CCCCCCCC was entered without a keyword.

System Action: None

User Response: Re-enter the command with an appropriate keyword.



Explanation: This message displays the setting of the CCCCCCCC keyword ACS list where AA is an ACS identifier.

System Action: None

User Response: None


CCCCCCCC information is not available; subsystem is not at the proper service level

Explanation: The Display command was not able to obtain the CCCCCCCC information because the subsystem was not at the correct service (functional) level. This message may be displayed before the HSC has fully initialized or when the service level has been changed by the SRVlev command. Display SRVlev can be used to display the current service level of the HSC.

System Action: None

User Response: Re-enter the Display request when the subsystem is at the proper level.


CCCCCCCC1 command not executed; HSC is at service level CCCC2

Explanation: The Subsystem did not execute the CCCCCCCC1 command because the Subsystem was not at the correct service level as indicated by CCCC2 (BASE or FULL).

System Action: None

User Response: Re-enter the request when the subsystem is at the proper level.


CCCCCCCC1 command not executed; HSC service level CCCC2 change in progress

Explanation: The Subsystem did not execute the CCCCCCCC1 command because the Subsystem is currently processing a change against CCCC2 (BASE or FULL).

System Action: None

User Response: Re-enter the request when the subsystem is at the proper level.


CCCCCCCC1 command not executed; VSM not active

Explanation: The Subsystem did not execute the CCCCCCCC1 command because the Virtual Tape Control System (VTCS) support for the Virtual Storage Manager (VSM) is not running on this system.

System Action: None

User Response: Re-enter the request when VTCS is active.


CCCCCCCC1 command not executed; MERGEcds is in progress

Explanation: The Subsystem did not execute the CCCCCCCC1 command because the MERGEcds utility is currently executing.

System Action: None

User Response: Re-enter the request when the MERGEcds utility has finished.


RELEASE CAP AA:LL:CC requested; reply N to cancel, or Y to continue

Explanation: The RELease CAP command was entered. Verify that the CAP is not in use by any system before replying Y to this message. To cancel the release of the CAP, reply N.

System Action: If the response is Yes, CAP release processing continues. If the response is No, the CAP is not released.

User Response: Reply with Y or N.


CAP AA:LL:CC released

Explanation: The RELease CAP command has successfully completed. CAP AA:LL:CC has been released.

System Action: None

User Response: None



CCCCCCCC2 - CCCCCCCC3 (for downlevel SMC)

Explanation: This message displays the setting of all keywords for one of the component related set option commands. If the individual keyword setting is followed by the text ”(for downlevel SMC)”, it means that the option is only in effect when servicing requests from a downlevel SMC client.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Dismount of volser from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Error on Tape; Ignore or Eject (I/E)

Explanation: An error (e.g., message IEC512I) caused the dismount of volume volser.

System Action: You are asked to Ignore (I) the error on the tape volume or to Eject (E) the tape volume from the library.

User Response: A reply of Ignore causes the volume to be dismounted normally. A reply of Eject causes the volume to be dismounted and ejected from the library. In either case, you should examine the system log for messages (e.g., IEC512I, IEC502E) which describe the tape error and may be important in deciding how to proceed with running the job.


CCCCCCCC1 parameter list not allowed with parameter CCCCCCCC2 value list, on CCCCCCCC3 function

Explanation: A CCCCCCCC3 function was processed that encountered a CCCCCCCC1 parameter and a CCCCCCCC2 parameter that had a value list (more than one value separated by commas or dashes). There can only be one CCCCCCCC1 value identified on the function if the CCCCCCCC2 parameter is supplied with a value list.

System Action: The utility control statement for the listed function is rejected.

User Response: Correct the parameters on the utility control statement for the function listed, and re-issue the command.


Move summary: DDD {volumes|cells} specified; {DDD volumes not found|DDD empty source cells}; DDD volumes moved; DDD move errors

Explanation: An HSC MOVe command has completed. If the MOVe command specified the Volume parameter then there were DDD volumes specified in the volume range and DDD volumes not found. Otherwise, if the MOVe command specified the Flsm parameter then there were DDD cells specified in the from LSM (or panel, row, or column), and DDD empty source cells. The number of volumes actually moved, and number of errors are also reported.

System Action: None

User Response: If the number of errors reported is greater than 0, then determine the cause if the error by checking prior error messages.


SCRATCH misspelled on ENTER utility control statement

Explanation: A SLUADMIN ENTEr utility was attempted; however, the SCRatch option specified on the ENTEr control statement was misspelled.

System Action: The requested utility function terminates.

User Response: Make the necessary control statement correction, and resubmit the utility.


SUBpool (CCCCCCCCCCCCC) is invalid - not known to system

Explanation: The EJECt utility requested scratch volumes to be ejected from a specific subpool; however, the subpool is not known to the system.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Select a different subpool from which to eject scratch volumes.


HSC Address Space Communications is not active

Explanation: The SCREdist (scratch redistribution) utility could not start an ASCOMM task.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Invalid keyword detected on PARM input

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility job was submitted with PARM= parameters with an invalid keyword. Valid keywords and their values are:


Where nn is a value between 10 and 99. NOHDR and LINECNT are mutually exclusive.

System Action: The utility function is terminated.

User Response: Correct the value in the JCL PARM field and resubmit.


Parm values LINECNT and NOHDR are mutually exclusive

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility job was submitted with a PARM= value containing both NOHDR and LINECNT. These two parameters are mutually exclusive.

System Action: The utility function is terminated.

User Response: Select either NOHDR or LINECNT for the SLUADMIN job and resubmit.


Invalid LINECNT on PARM input

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility job was submitted with a PARM= containing an invalid value for LINECNT. The value for LINECNT is a number between 10 and 99.

System Action: The utility function is terminated.

User Response: Correct the value for LINECNT in the JCL PARM and resubmit.


The CDS specified on the CDS keyword is inactive

Explanation: The CDS keyword specified a data set that incurred an error. Refer to other utility messages that should be present.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: If the CDS had an I/O error, run the backup against the other CDS if available. Restore the CDSs as soon as possible.


The block count between the primary and secondary control data sets do not match

Explanation: The BACKup utility data set validation found a mismatch between the number of blocks in the primary and secondary control data set.

System Action: If the CDS parameter indicated secondary, the utility terminates. Otherwise, the utility continues using the primary data set.

User Response: Ensure that the correct data sets are being used. If they are, this error implies that relative location addressing is inconsistent between the two data sets. Analyze the data sets to see if the block count is the same. It may be required to restore the data sets in order to correct this situation. In order to back up the Secondary CDS, if this is the case, specify the Secondary as SLSCNTL and the Primary as SLSCNTL2. This allows a proper reserve to occur on the primary while backing up the secondary.


Open failed for SLSCNTL

Explanation: An attempt to open the specified file was not successful.

System Action: Refer to operating system messages and codes for appropriate action.

User Response: Make the necessary correction, and run the utility again.


Open failed for SLSLIBGN

Explanation: An attempt to open the specified file was not successful.

System Action: Refer to operating system messages and codes for appropriate action.

User Response: Make the necessary correction, and run the utility again.


Wrong format CDS

Explanation: LISTCDS encountered a CDS prior to V1.0.4

System Action: The utility terminates without further action.

User Response: Correct the situation described in the error message, and resubmit the job.


Read error on CDS

Explanation: An attempt to read the file pointed to by the SLSCNTL DD statement has failed.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Make the necessary correction, and run the utility again.


LSM has no drives or passthru ports

Explanation: The HSC CDS pointed to by SLSCNTL has no indication of drives or a passthru port.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Verify that the SLSCNTL DD card specifies the correct CDS. If the CDS is correct, contact StorageTek Software Support.



Explanation: A record (CCCCCCCCCC) is being echoed to the SLSPRINT file from the LIBGEN decompile utility.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Possible invalid CDS - (CCC...CCC)

where (CCC...CCC) is:

No host count found

No TCHNIQUE specified

Unknown panel type

Explanation: SLUDBMAP has found a problem with the HSC CDS pointed to by the SLSCNTL DD statement.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Verify that the SLSCNTL DD card specifies the correct CDS. If the CDS is correct, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Maximum CCCCCCC discrepancy count reached

Explanation: The BACKup analysis routine found that the maximum count of discrepancies was reached for CCCCCCC. CCCCCCC can be SCRATCH, SELECT or AUDIT. Limits for each discrepancy type are:

  • AUDIT= 96,000

  • SELECT=10,000

  • SCRATCH=10,000

System Action: The utility discontinues discrepancy saving and output for the discrepancy type. All prior discrepancies for this type are still saved and output for RESTore processing.

User Response:

  • If the discrepancy type is AUDIT, a full audit should be run after the RESTore.

  • If the discrepancy type is SCRATCH, the SCRAtch utility should be run after the RESTore.

  • If the discrepancy type is SELECT, contact StorageTek Software Support.


(...ERROR TEXT...)

Explanation: LISTCDS encountered a problem. Valid error text messages include:

  • Premature end of file

  • No DPV record found

  • Invalid record in CDS

  • OBTAIN failed on CDS

  • No VOLSERs in PARM

  • No VOLSERs matched CDS

  • Invalid count

  • SLSCNTL DD not present

  • Track calculation error

  • Parameter syntax error

  • Too many record types in CDS

  • Range not allowed

  • List max exceeded

  • DVAR max of 1000 exceeded

System Action: The utility terminates without further action.

User Response: Correct the situation described in the error message, and resubmit the job. If you receive the message "Too many record types in CDS", it may be an internal error. Contact StorageTek Software Support.


CCCCCCCC1 parameter CCCCCCCC2 invalid

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility did not recognize a valid keyword CCCCCCCC2 combined with the input parameter CCCCCCCC1.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Supply the proper input keyword and parameter; then submit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Recovery techniques do not match

Explanation: The DPV recover technique flags did not compare between the primary and secondary control data sets.

System Action: The utility continues processing.

User Response: Ensure that the data sets provided are the correct ones. If not, obtain the proper data sets and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job. If these are the proper data sets, either run the SET utility to re-establish the technique or run a RESTore to resole the DPV flags.


A CCCC mismatch occurred in block XXXX1 at offset XXXX2

Explanation: A mismatch between the primary and secondary copies of the control data sets was detected. This error message occurs when a bit in either block does not compare. It does not mean that either data set is bad but rather that analysis of the block will be done. CCCC is the block name. XXXX1 is the hexadecimal number of the block that encountered the error. XXXX2 is the hexadecimal offset into the block of the first error.

System Action: The block will be analyzed.

User Response: This information can be used to diagnose a problem with the block indicated.


Unable to dynamically allocate the CDS, CCC...CCC

Explanation: An attempt was made to execute a utility which required access to the CDS, but no CDS DD statements were provided. The utility was unable to access the HSC subsystem to determine the active CDS files.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Correct the problem preventing dynamic allocation of the CDS files, or provide DD statements for the CDS.


Number of CDS statements does not match TCHNIQE parameter {NONE|SHADOW|JOURNAL|BOTH}

Explanation: The SET TCHNIQE utility function was run to set the recovery technique to the indicated value, but the number of input CDS DD statements did not match the new value.

  • For techniques SHADOW and BOTH, the SLSCNTL and SLSCNTL2 DD statements must be specified.

  • For techniques STANDBY and ALL, the SLSCNTL, SLSCNTL2, and SLSSTBY DD statements must be specified.

System Action: The utility function terminates with RC=8.

User Response: Supply the correct CDS DD statements and re-execute the utility.


CCCCCCCC is indicated but the DD statement is not present

Explanation: This is a warning message stating that the recovery technique indicates a secondary or standby data set. However, one of the required DD statements is not present. Valid secondary DD statements are SLSSHDW, SLSCNTL2 and DBASESHD. The valid standby DD statement is SLSSTBY.

System Action: The utility continues.

User Response: Provide the DD statement, if necessary, and resubmit the SLUADMIN backup utility job.


The CCCCCCCC control data set DD statement is invalid or not present

Explanation: The control data set DD statement was not found to be valid. Valid DD statement names are SLSCNTL or DBASEPRM for the primary control data set and SLSSHDW, SLSCNTL2 or DBASESHD for the secondary data set.

System Action: The utility will terminate if this is the primary control data set.

User Response: Provide the DD statement as necessary, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


The Backup being restored is from DDDDDDDD at HH:MM:SS

Explanation: The RESTore utility found that the backup being restored was taken on DDDDDDDD at HH:MM:SS. The format of DDDDDDDD depends on the DATE=4YR|2YR parameter on the BACKUP utility. For DATE=4YR (default), the date will be in YYYYMMDD format. For DATE=2YR, the date will be in MM/DD/YY format.

System Action: None

User Response: If this is not the backup desired, obtain the proper backup; and resubmit the SLUADMIN RESTore utility.


Invalid eyecatcher EBCDIC(CCCC) HEX(XXXX) found in CCCCCCCC

Explanation: An invalid block eyecatcher was found. The message gives both the EBCDIC CCCC value and an EBCDIC formatted hex XXXX value so that the actual four byte field may be seen for the CCCCCCCC DD data set.

System Action: The data set found with this condition is placed inactive. If no other control data sets are available, the utility terminates. If this is the BACKup utility and the CDS parm is specified for the data set that went inactive, processing terminates. Otherwise, processing continues on the other control data set if available.

User Response: Ensure that the correct control data set was supplied. Browse the given data set, and find the block in question. If this data set is correct, contact StorageTek Software Support.


SLUDRTLM could not find the VMF control record

Explanation: An attempt by SLUDRTLM to read the TLMS VMF control record was unsuccessful.

System Action: No further processing of the TLMS VMF will be attempted by SLUCONDB.

User Response: Ensure that SLUDRTLM is assembled with the same version of the TLMS source library as is the TLMS VMF. For example, if using a TLMS 5.4 VMF, SLUDRTLM must be assembled with the TLMS 5.4 source library in the SYSLIB concatenation for the assemble step.


Utility incomplete, make corrections and rerun

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility could not complete due to the errors indicated by other SLSxxxx messages.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Make corrections, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Missing or invalid CCCCCCCC DD statement

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility could not locate the required CCCCCCCC DD statement or the information provided (such as device type or data set) was invalid, or, if running VOLRPT and referencing data sets from HSC, either HSC was not active or was not at the same release level as the VOLRPT.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Supply the proper DD statement, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


I/O error reading the CCCCCCCC data set

Explanation: An I/O error occurred while reading from the CCCCCCCC DD data set.

System Action: If the data set in error is a CDS data set, then the data set is made inactive, and, if no other control data sets are available, the utility terminates. If the data set in error is not a CDS data set, then the utility terminates.

User Response: Supply the correct CCCCCCCC data set, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


I/O error writing the CCCCCCCC data set

Explanation: An I/O error occurred while writing to the CCCCCCCC DD data set.

System Action: If the data set in error is a CDS data set, then the data set is made inactive, and, if no other control data sets are available, the utility terminates. If the data set in error is not a CDS data set, then the utility terminates.

User Response: Supply the correct CCCCCCCC data set, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Not enough space in the CCCCCCC data set

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility could not continue to process against the CCCCCCCC data set because there was not enough space.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Supply the proper amount of space, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


The CCCCCCCC1 data set was made inactive; processing will continue on the CCCCCCCC2 data set

Explanation: The BACKup utility detected that one or the other CCCCCCCC DD control data sets went inactive and continued the BACKup on the other data set. Any discrepant data found before the CCCCCCCC1 data set error is kept. Compares are still performed on CCCCCCCC2 to obtain cell information and generate DSEL (UNSELECT), DSCR (UNSCRATCH), and DAUD (AUDIT) blocks.

System Action: The utility continues processing on one data set instead of two.

User Response: None


All Control data set copies found inactive; CCCCCCCC terminated

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility detected that all control data set copies went inactive. An I/O error or block error occurred.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Look for another SLSxxxx message that shows the cause of the error.


Processing has started for the CCCC block

Explanation: The BACKup utility has begun analysis of the CCCC block.

System Action: Detailed block analysis.

User Response: None


Processing complete for the CCCC block

Explanation: The BACKup utility completed analysis of the CCCC block.

System Action: None.

User Response: None.


CCCCCCCC1 has been verified for the CCCCCCCC2 utility

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility CCCCCCCC2 information CCCCCCCC1 has been verified. An example CCCCCCCC1 is JCL.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Discrepancy blocks have been generated

Explanation: At least one Discrepancy block was generated during backup. A Volser or cell location was found to be invalid. A block was placed in the SLSBKUP data set to allow for an action (AUDIT, UNSELECT or UNSCRATCH) upon restore.

System Action: A discrepancy block is output to the SLSBKUP data set.

User Response: None


No discrepancy blocks were generated

Explanation: No discrepancy blocks were generated during backup. The utility did not find any volser or cell discrepancies.

System Action: None

User Response: None


CCCCCCCC1 was successfully copied to CCCCCCCC2

Explanation: The data set specified by the CCCCCCCC1 DD statement was successfully copied to the data set specified by CCCCCCCC2.

System Action: None

User Response: None


CCCCCCCC was selected as the control data set to output

Explanation: The data set specified by the CCCCCCCC DD statement was selected to be output to the SLSBKUP data set. This is done by either the BACKup utility keyword CDS(Primary|Secondary) or by the BACKup utility program based on the data set seen to have the most updates.

System Action: None

User Response: None


CCCCCCCC data set was not on DASD

Explanation: The data set specified by the CCCCCCCC DD statement was not found to be on a DASD volume.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Place the CCCCCCCC data set on a DASD volume, and restart the utility.


DHBEFLAGS may not have been reset in a CDS

Explanation: The DHBE host active flags may not have been reset due to a previous error condition.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Check the report for a prior error and take action based on that message.


CCCCCCCC1 data set was successfully restored from CCCCCCCC2

Explanation: The data set specified by the CCCCCCCC1 DD statement was restored from the CCCCCCCC2 DD data set.

System Action: None

User Response: None


The HSC is not at the proper service level

Explanation: An attempt was made to run a given utility, but the HSC was not at the correct level to run this utility.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Bring the HSC up to the proper service level, and run the utility again.


No scratch volumes available for subpool CCCCCCCCCCCCC

Explanation: The EJECt utility requested scratch volumes be ejected from a specific subpool; however, there were no scratch volumes available in the subpool.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Select a different subpool from which to eject scratch volumes, or run the SCRAtch utility to make volumes scratch.



Explanation: An attempt was made to run a command or utility, but the HSC or VTCS was not at the required service level.

System Action: The command terminates.

User Response: Bring the HSC up to the proper service level, or ensure that VTCS is active if required, and re-execute the command or utility.



Explanation: The CDS host active and HSC level flags for the named host have been set to indicate that the host is inactive.

System Action: None, unless the named host is really active, in which case a running host will turn on its ”host active” and HSC level status flags again.

User Response: None


Cells AA:LL:PP:RR:CC- AA:LL:PP:RR:CC found empty or invalid

Explanation: The cell or cells in question were found empty or may not be a valid cell to hold a volume. Compare with past audits to check for validity.

System Action: The volume is made errant.

User Response: The mentioned cell should be audited to insure correctness, if necessary.


Request cancelled or subsystem terminating

Explanation: A utility command was attempted but did not complete, either because it was cancelled via a UUI CANCEL command, or because the HSC subsystem was in the process of terminating.

System Action: The command terminates.

User Response: Ensure that the HSC subsystem is active, and resubmit the request.


RESTORE is required before running SET TCHNIQE

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility (SET TCHNIQE) is attempting to SET the Control Data Set recovery TCHNIQE and has noticed that RESTore was not run. BACKup and RESTore must be run prior to running SET TCHNIQE.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: RESTore CDS copies and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility (SET TCHNIQE) job.


Unable to select HSC subsystem; all HSC subsystems are MULT

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility or UUI request attempted to select an HSC subsystem, but was unable to select a subsystem as all available HSC subsystems were started in MULT mode.

System Action: The utility terminates, or the UUI command is not executed.

User Response: If the message is from a SLUADMIN utility, resubmit the utility, specifying the SSYS=xxxx parameter on the EXEC statement (where xxxx = the subsystem name of the desired HSC subsystem).

If the message is from a UUI utility, it indicates that the correct interface parameters have not been specified. Contact StorageTek software support for assistance.


ENTER of volume volser encountered missing duplicate volser; (Logically) Delete, or Ignore (D,I)?

Explanation: An ENter operation found a duplicate volume in the control data set, but the volume could not be physically located in the library.

System Action: You are asked to Delete (D) the volume entry from the control data set or Ignore (I) the enter request.

User Response: A reply of Delete removes the volume entry from the control data set thus allowing the cartridge to be entered. A reply of Ignore terminates the entry of the new volume.



Explanation: The specified requestor (CCCCCCCC1) requested that the string CCCCCCCC2 be displayed when the CAP was opened or unlocked.

System Action: None. The message is unhighlighted when the CAP door is closed.

User Response: None


EJECT of volser - Volume deleted from the CDS

Explanation: An operator replied I to message SLS0925D.

System Action: None

User Response: None


CCC...CCC rejected - CCC...CCC is CCC...CCC

Explanation: A CAP operation failed. Possible responses are:

  • ENTER|EJECT rejected - ACSid AA is invalid

  • ENTER|EJECT rejected - ACSid AA is not connected

  • ENTER|EJECT rejected - CAP AA:LL:CC is busy

  • ENTER rejected - CAP AA:LL:CC is unavailable

  • ENTER|EJECT rejected - LSMid AA:LL is invalid

  • ENTER|EJECT rejected - LSMid AA:LL is offline

  • ENTER of volser rejected - LSMid AA:LL is full

  • ENTER of volser rejected - Operation is aborted by operator

  • EJECT of volser rejected - Volume is busy

  • EJECT of volume volser rejected - CAP AA:LL:CC is not in the same ACS as the volume

System Action: None

User Response: None


{ENTER|EJECT} rejected; non-zero return code XXXXXXXX

Explanation: An unexpected return code was returned from CAP processing.

System Action: The request is rejected.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Option DUPOFL set to ON, enter of dup volser allowed, scan of dup volser cell returned LMU RC - XXXX

Explanation: During the ENter of the volser it was found to be a duplicate of a volser the control data set believes is in the library. There is a hardware issue preventing a physical verification of what is in the cell where the control data set believes the volser exists. The LMU RC defines the hardware problem preventing the physical volser lookup.

System Action: The OPTion DUPOFL setting of ON has allowed the duplicate volser processing to occur. The duplicate volser was logically deleted from the control data set. The volser found to be a duplicate during ENter processing is entered into the library.

User Response: None


CAPid AA:LL:CC allocated to AUDIT Utility; KEEP or RELEASE the CAP? (K or R)

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility function has a Cartridge Access Port (CAP) allocated which may be released and reallocated to another function requiring the use of a CAP. If the CAP is released, the utility function may at some later time attempt to reallocate the CAP if required.

System Action: The utility waits until either a valid response is provided or for five minutes to pass.

User Response: Respond R if the CAP should be released. Then empty the CAP and close the door. The audit will then resume.

Respond K if the CAP should remain allocated for the duration of the utility. If no response is provided in the five minute time interval, a default response of K is assumed.


Invalid reply C

Explanation: A reply to a message was invalid.

System Action: The original message requiring a reply is reissued.

User Response: Give a valid reply when the message is reissued.


Unable to allocate CAPid AA:LL:CC, RC=XXXXXXXX

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility function requiring a Cartridge Access Port (CAP) could not allocate the CAP specified on the utility control statement.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Determine the reason for the indicated CAP error return code, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Unable to allocate CAP in ACSid AA, RC=XXXXXXXX

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility function requiring a Cartridge Access Port (CAP) could not allocate a CAP in the specified ACS.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Determine the reason for the indicated CAP error return code, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Invalid LIBONLY specified in PARM parameter of JCL

Explanation: A SLUCONDB utility program detected the LIBONLY positional parameter was incorrectly specified in the invoking JCL.

System Action: The parameter is indicated in error, and the utility terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Respecify parameter correctly.


Program interface error encountered while processing volume volser; RC=XXXXXXXX

Explanation: A SLUCONDB utility program encountered an error while attempting to place a volume into scratch status via the HSC Program Interface.

System Action: The volume and return code are indicated in the message text, and the utility terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Refer to other error messages issued with this message to determine the cause of the error, correct the error, and resubmit the job.


DDDDDDDD volumes successfully scratched

Explanation: A SLUCONDB utility program successfully placed the specified number of volumes into scratch status.

System Action: None

User Response: None


No valid parameters specified for the CCCCCCCC utility

Explanation: The utility depicted by CCCCCCCC requires at least one valid keyword or parameter.

System Action: None

User Response: Provide the appropriate keyword, and resubmit the utility.


CDS CCCCCCCCCC was not provided in the JCL

Explanation: Data set name CCCCCCCCCC was found in a CDS but was not provided in the utility JCL.

System Action: The utility terminates with RC=8.

User Response: Add the appropriate CDS DD statement in the utility JCL.


DDDDDDDD was selected as the CCCCCCCC control data set

Explanation: The utility function found that data set DDDDDDDD was the CCCCCCCC CDS according to the DHB block or the JCL.

System Action: The utility continues.

User Response: None


Standby control data set not used during analysis

Explanation: The utility function found that the standby DD statement was provided during the execution of BACKup OPT(Analyze).

System Action: The utility discontinues use of the standby data set.

User Response: None


No DES record found for errant volume volser

Explanation: During an AUDIt, a VAR record was found for volume volser that showed the volume to be errant. However, no matching DES record was located for the errant volume in the CDS. This message should be accompanied by message SLS0180I in the SLUADMIN AUDIt report.

System Action: The utility terminates without completing the requested function.

User Response: This message indicates a serious logical problem with the CDS, and probably indicates database corruption has occurred. Save all console logs (SYSLOG), and be prepared to provide a backup copy of the CDS as problem documentation. Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Volume volser now has a readable label

Explanation: During an AUDIt, a VAR record was found for volume volser that showed the volume to have an unreadable external label. However, the actual scan of the volume showed the OCR label was readable and matched the volser in the VAR.

System Action: The utility updates the CDS to indicate the volume has a readable external label.

User Response: None


Invalid parameter found at end of PARM parameter of JCL

Explanation: The SLUCONDB utility program detected additional characters after the end of valid parameters specified in the invoking JCL.

System Action: The utility terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Respecify the PARM parameters correctly. Then execute the utility again.


User exit 03 overridden by VOLPARM definitions

Explanation: The user exit 03 definitions have been overridden by the SET VOLPARM utility definition. If no TYPE(SCRATCH) POOLPARM definitions are included in the SET VOLPARM utility, no SCRATCH POOLs will be defined.

System Action: The SET VOLPARM utility definition is active.

User Response: None


Actual entries=nn or subpools=nn not equal expected

Explanation: The volume subpool built by the user's SLSUX03 user exit did not conform to the initial SLSUX03 user exit definitions.

System Action: None, the subpools are built using the actual number of subpools and entries.

User Response: Correct the SLSUX03 user exit to define the subpools correctly.


Parmlib control statement value CCCCCCCC invalid for SCRPOOL=CCCCCCCC

Explanation: Processing of the SCRPOol control statement has uncovered the specified error. &rsquor;CCCCCCCC' of &rsquor;value CCCCCCCC' can contain the following text:

  • RANGE indicates a problem with the ”RANGE” usage.

  • RANGE=(111111-222222) indicates a problem with the ”RANGE” list.

    • 111111 is the 1st value in a given SCRPOOL range list.

    • 222222 is the 2nd value in a given SCRPOOL range list.

  • NAME indicates a problem with the ”NAME” usage.

  • LABEL indicates a problem with the ”LABEL” usage.

  • HOSTID indicates a problem with the ”HOSTID” usage.

System Action: The SCRPOol control statement in error will not be processed, and that subpool definition will not be in the system.

User Response: Make the necessary corrections. Then bring HSC down and back up to activate the changes.


Duplicate definition(s) for SCRPOOL CCCCCCCCCCCCC

Explanation: HSC detected a SCRPOOL statement for a subpool name that was already defined.

System Action: HSC ignores the duplicate definitions.

User Response: Remove duplicate definitions of subpool CCCCCCCCCCCCC from the HSC start-up parameters or SCRPDEF file.


Virtual SCRPOOL CCCCCCCC not found in current definitions

Explanation: While calculating the current scratch counts for virtual volumes, the VTCS returned a scratch pool name unknown to the HSC.

System Action: The HSC DIsplay SCRatch command will not report the unknown virtual scratch subpool as a named subpool, but will add the subpool scratch count to the total virtual scratch count.

User Response: This condition should not occur and indicates a probable software error. Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Label Type CCC is already assigned to SUBPOOL CCCCCCCCCCCCC

Explanation: HSC initialization found multiple label types being assigned to the same subpool.

System Action: Probable user error. Ensure that only one label type per subpool is being specified when defining subpools to HSC.

User Response: Correct user error in either HSC User Exit 03 or HSC PARMLIB member defining scratch subpools.


User SCRATCH subpool definition from CCCCCCC initiated

Explanation: User SCRATCH subpool definition, using CCCCCCC as the source, has begun.

  • CCCCCCC =”PARMLIB”- Source for User SCRATCH subpool definition is the ”SLSSYSnn” DD card.

  • CCCCCCC =”UEXIT03”- Source for User SCRATCH subpool definition is User EXIT 03.

System Action: The user SCRATCH subpools are defined. This message is normally followed by messages SLS1969I and SLS1408I.

User Response: None


User SCRATCH subpool definition from CCCCCCC complete

Explanation: User SCRATCH subpool definition, using CCCCCCC as the source, is complete.

  • CCCCCCC =”PARMLIB”- Source for User SCRATCH subpool definition is the ”SLSSYS00” DD card.

  • CCCCCCC =”UEXIT03”- Source for User SCRATCH subpool definition is User EXIT 03.

System Action: None. This message is normally preceded by messages SLS1407I and SLS1969I.

User Response: None


Subpool CCCCCCCCCCCCC has duplicate volser range volser-volser

Explanation: The definition for subpool CCCCCCCCCCCCC has a duplicate volser range.

System Action: The subpool definitions are not loaded.

User Response: Ensure that the User Exit 03, parmlib SCRPool definitions, or SCRPDEF scratch subpool definitions for subpool CCCCCCCCCCCCC has no duplicate volser ranges.


VCAM cleaner error detected for LSM AA:LL

Explanation: The record in the HSC Control Data Set (CDS) which tracks cleaner cartridges for LSM AA:LL has an error. The low cartridge serial is greater than the high cartridge serial.

System Action: The HSC reads all cleaner volume records and synchronizes them with the LSM cleaner data. It then retries the cleaner selection process.

User Response: None


SCRPDEF cmd(s) disabled by PARMLIB SCRPOOL(s) or USER EXIT03


  1. SCRPDEF command has been disabled during HSC STARTUP by the presence of SCRPOOL command(s) or USER EXIT03 processing.

  2. The SLS1411I message is issued at the time HSC STARTUP processing disables the SCRPDEF command.

  3. This message is also issued if SCRPDEF command(s) are requested after the SCRPDEF command has been disabled.

System Action: SCRPDEF cmds(s) will be bypassed.

User Response:

  • If the SCRPDEF commands ARE NEEDED correct the HSC PARMLIB and HSC startup processing as appropriate:

    • Remove the SCRPOOL cmd(s).

    • Remove the USER EXIT03 processing.

  • If the SCRPDEF commands are NOT NEEDED there is no corrective action needed.


CAP cannot be released. LSM AA:LL is not available

Explanation: A request to release the CAP on LSM AA:LL could not be honored because the HSC could not communicate with the LSM.

System Action: The CAP will not be released by the HSC.

User Response: Examine the console log for other HSC messages which might indicate LMU errors or hardware errors. It is likely that the LSM is in an inactive or not-ready status. Correct any hardware errors which are found before attempting to release the CAP again.


Error copying primary data base to secondary and/or standby data base

Explanation: The secondary and/or standby control data set may be invalid.

System Action: The reconfiguration stops processing.

User Response: The installation may use a utility such as IEBGENER to copy the primary control data set to the secondary and/or standby control data set.


SYNAD Error Message text

Explanation: During the copy of the primary control data set to the secondary and/or standby control data set at the end of reconfiguration processing, the SYNAD error routine gained control. The message text is the text provided by SYNAD processing.

System Action: The reconfiguration stops processing.

User Response: After determining the cause of the error, the installation may use a utility such as IEBGENER to copy the primary control data set to the secondary and/or standby control data set.


SMF subparameter CCCCCCCC; no SMF data will be recorded

Explanation: The SUBPARM parameter for this subsystem was NOT SPECIFIED or was INVALID.

System Action: The subsystem defaults to no SMF recording.

User Response: If the installation wishes to add SMF recording, a SET SMF or SETSMF command may be entered specifying 'SUBPARM(ssnx(SUBTYPE(a,b,c...)))'.


HSC service level {BASE|FULL|JES3} initialization complete

Explanation: The HSC initialization process has completed for the indicated service level. This message appears when initialization for the base or full service levels or the JES3 subsystem is completed.

System Action: None

User Response: None


HSC service level {BASE|FULL|JES3} termination in progress

Explanation: The HSC has begun termination of the indicated service level. This message appears when termination for the base or full service levels or the JES3 subsystem has begun.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Command starting at line NN has excessive length

Explanation: The HSC was reading commands from the parameter data set when it encountered a command with an excessive length. For operator commands, this limit is 126. For other commands, this limit is 32767.

System Action: Processing continues. The command in error is ignored.

User Response: Ensure the parameter data set has correct syntax.


Unknown command CCCCCCCC at line NN

Explanation: The HSC was reading commands from the parameter data set when it encountered an undefined command.

System Action: Processing continues. The command in error is ignored.

User Response: Ensure the parameter data set has correct syntax.



Explanation: An I/O error occurred. CCCCCCCC is a message describing the error. For MVS, this is information from the SYNADAF message buffer. For VM, this includes the jobname, unit address, DD name, a hex dump of the DECB ECB, and the relative block number.

System Action: The remainder of the parameter data set is ignored. Statements successfully read before the error will be processed. The system continues with initialization, if possible. This will not be possible if the CDS or JOURNAL statements were missed.

User Response: Operator commands may be issued for many statements that were missed in the parameter data set. For the CDS or JOURNAL statements, correct the error and restart the HSC.


Comment not terminated near line NN

Explanation: While processing the parameter data set, a comment (initiated by a /*) was not terminated by a */. This occurred near line NN.

System Action: The remainder of the command after /* is ignored. Commands after the one in error will be processed. However, further errors may occur.

User Response: Put a closing comment indicator ( */ ) in the parameter data set.



Explanation: The HSC is sending the information from the parameter data set to the hardcopy log for documentation purposes.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: None


Error occurred processing CCC...CCC

Explanation: An error occurred processing the parameter data set (CCC...CCC).

System Action: The remainder of the parameter data set is ignored. Statements successfully read before the error will be processed. The system continues with initialization, if possible. This will not be possible if the CDS or JOURNAL statements were missed.

User Response: Operator commands may be issued for many statements that were missed in the parameter data set. For the CDS or JOURNAL statements, correct the error and restart the HSC.


HSC service level {BASE|FULL} termination complete

Explanation: The HSC has terminated the indicated service level. The termination is normal if initiated by operator command. The termination is abnormal if it is initiated by the HSC itself due to a software failure which could not be recovered.

System Action: None

User Response: None


MVS 4.1.0 services are not present

Explanation: An attempt was made to initialize the MVS 4.1.0 version of the HSC on an MVS that does not support the necessary services (CVTH4410 is not on).

System Action: The HSC does not initialize.

User Response: Initialize the correct version of the HSC.



Explanation: The version of the HSC being initialized is displayed in CCCCCCCC.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: None


The HSC task name does not match a subsystem name or the SSYS keyword was not provided

Explanation: During initialization a subsystem name must match either the startup procedure name or the PARM=”SSYS(CCCC)” definition in the startup procedure. CCCC is a one to four character subsystem name.

If the SSYS parameter is specified, the HSC uses the SSYS parameter value to search for a subsystem name that matches the value. If the SSYS parameter is not specified, the HSC uses the startup procedure name (started task name) for the search.

In MVS, the subsystem name is defined in IEFSSNxx. In VM, the startup procedure is the HSC startup SLKJCL file. The LIBSUBSYS parameter value in the system profile (SYSPROF) must match the jobname in the HSC startup SLKJCL file, or the SSYS parameter value must match the LIBSUBSYS parameter value.

System Action: The HSC terminates.

User Response: Supply the correct subsystem name or job name, and restart the HSC.


Pre-initialization complete

Explanation: The HSC startup procedure invoked using the INIT parameter has completed.

System Action: The INIT parameter sets the subsystem up to use the Job Entry Subsystem (JES) services.

User Response: None


PARMLIB command CCCCCCCC at line NN is not supported in this environment - ignored

Explanation: The HSC was reading commands from the parameter data set when it encountered a command that is not supported in this environment (MVS or VM).

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: None


PARMLIB command CCCCCCCC at line nn must be run as a utility - IGNORED

Explanation: A command CCCCCCCC in the HSC PARMLIB is valid only as a utility.

System Action: The command is not processed.

User Response: Use the Display CMD CCCCCCCC to determine the valid environments for HSC and VTCS commands. Run the SLUADMIN utility to execute commands that are not valid from the PARMLIB.


No TAPEPLEX name found in CDS

Explanation: During HSC startup it was discovered that the TAPEPLEX name had not been set.

System Action: None. SMF records will not contain the tapeplex name, which may affect statistical reporting.

User Response: Run the SET TAPEPLEX utility function to set the tapeplex name to the desired value, or start SMC to set the tapeplex name automatically. After the tapeplex name has been set, any SMC command sent from an unmatched tapeplex name is rejected.


Host-to-Host Summary:

     HOSTID   MTH    LIM   LMU      VTAM     TCP
[>>] host1    mth1   lim1  [lmu1]   [name1]  [tcppath1]
     host2    mth2   lim2  [lmu2]   [name2]  [tcppath2]
     .        .      .     .        .        .
     .        .      .     .        .        .
     .        .      .     .        .        .
     hostn    mthn   limn  [lmun]   [namen]  [tcppathn]

Explanation: A Query COMMpath command was entered. In response, a list is displayed of defined HSC HOSTid(s) with corresponding current method (MTH) and limit method (LIM). ">>" is displayed to indicate the parameters are for the executing host.

  • If LMUpath is defined and active, the active LMUpath ACSid is displayed.

  • If LMUpath is defined, but not active, the first ACSid in the LMUpath list is displayed.

  • If VTAMpath is defined, the VTAMpath APPLID is displayed.

  • If TCPpath is defined, the TCPpath IP address and port number are displayed.

System Action: None

User Response: If a displayed TCPpath starts with an "...", this indicates that the IPv6 address was too long to display in the message (and only the last part of the IP address is displayed). You may display the entire IPv6 address by issuing the Query COMMpath HOSTid(hhhh) command for a specific host.



      METHOD LIMIT=methlim
         acsid1   acsid2   acsid3   acsid4
         acsid5   acsid6   acsid7   acsid8
         .        .        .        .
         .        .        .        .
         .        .        .        acsidn]
      [ACTIVE LMUPATH=acsid]
      [TCPpath=ipaddress/port number]

Explanation: A COMMpath command or a Q COMMpath command specifying a hostid was entered. In response, the current COMMPATH settings for the specified HSC HOSTid(s) are displayed. ">>" is displayed to indicate the parameters are for the executing host.

  • If LMUpath ACSids have been defined, a list is displayed of ACSids in the order to be searched.

  • If LMUpath ACSids have been defined and the current method is LMU, the active LMUpath ACSid is displayed.

  • If the VTAMpath is defined, the VTAM APPLID is displayed.

  • If the TCPpath is defined, the TCPpath IP address and port number are displayed.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Method CCCC invalid; no CCCC path defined

Explanation: The communications method specified does not have corresponding paths defined.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: Re-enter the command specifying a method having path(s) previously defined or specifying the needed path(s).


Cannot delete all CCCC path definitions while current method is CCCC

Explanation: It is invalid to delete all path definitions for the currently active communications method.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: Re-enter the command specifying inactive path definitions for the current communications method, or first enter a command specifying a new communications method.


Cannot {delete|modify} active CCCC path definition

Explanation: It is invalid to delete or modify a path definition which is currently active.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: Deactivate or change the path or change the communications method. Then re-enter the command.


No matching CCCC path definition to delete

Explanation: A path definition specified with the DEL parameter is not currently defined.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: Re-enter the command with the correct path definition(s) desired.


Too many CCCC path definitions specified

Explanation: The number of path definitions has exceeded the maximum number of definitions allowed.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: Delete obsolete or unwanted definitions; then re-enter the command with the correct path definition(s) desired.



Explanation: This message is issued in response to the Display MONitor command. CCCCCCCC1 defines the console. CCCCCCCC2 specifies the type of monitoring in effect.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Undefined CCCCCCCC specified: XXXXXXXX

Explanation: A parameter value (CCCCCCCC) has not been previously defined. XXXXXXXX identifies what was specified.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: Re-enter the command with the correct parameter.


No valid parameters specified for CCCCCCCC command

Explanation: An attempt was made to enter the CCCCCCCC command, but the command was entered without any valid parameters. Previous messages will describe the errors.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: Re-enter the command with the valid parameters.


Method CCCC is higher than limit defined for host CCCCCCCC

Explanation: The communications method specified is higher in the method hierarchy than the limit defined for the specified host, which may be the host executing the command or the host specified by the command.

System Action: The command completes, but the method becomes the same as the method limit for the specified host, if possible. The result may be no actual method switch.

User Response: None. Or modify the method limit for the specified host, and re-enter the command.


Invalid RETRY function - CCCCCCCC

Explanation: An invalid function (CCCCCCCC) was specified on the RETry command.

System Action: RETry command processing terminates.

User Response: Refer to the appropriate ELS guide, or issue the HSC Display CMd RETry command to determine the RETry functions that are currently supported.



Explanation: CCCCCC1 is a data set name. A CDs Enable or Disable command was issued and completed.

System Action: The HSC resumes normal activity.

User Response: None



Explanation: Auto Enable was issued and is either enabled or disabled.

System Action: The HSC resumes normal activity.

User Response: None


Journal {ABEND|Continue} option enabled

Explanation: The Journal FULL=Abend or Continue command was issued and successfully completed.

System Action: The HSC resumes normal activity.

User Response: None


Disable request rejected; last active CDS cannot be disabled

Explanation: A disable request was made against the last active CDS.

System Action: The request fails. The system does not allow the action. The HSC must have at least one copy of the CDS active, or it comes down.

User Response: Issue the HSC Display CDS operator command to verify the condition of all copies of the CDS.


Request failed; data set CCCCCC1 not known to this host

Explanation: CCCCCC1 is a data set name. A CDs Disable request was issued and the data set entered was not known to this host.

System Action: The HSC resumes normal activity.

User Response: Only those data sets currently known to the HSC may be disabled. Use the Display CDS command to list the current CDS definitions and then reissue the CDs Disable command.


{ENABLE|DISABLE|EXPAND} request failed

Explanation: An error occurred while processing a CDs Enable, Disable, or EXpand request.

System Action: The HSC resumes normal activity.

User Response: Check other HSC error messages associated with the request.


Enable request validation for data set CCCCCC1 failed; CCCCCC2

Explanation: CCCCCC1 is the data set name. CCCCCC2 will be one of the following:

  • Allocation failed

  • Deallocation failed

  • Data set must be allocated

  • Open failed

  • Close failed

  • Read failed

  • Not a valid CDS.

  • Data set is in error

  • Invalid flag

In response to Enable CCCCCC1, the system attempts to validate the supplied data set name by allocating, opening, reading, and verifying the data set. The system then attempts to close and deallocate the data set. If these tests are successful, the CDS is enabled and/or a switch is performed. Otherwise, this message is issued to indicate what test failed.

System Action: The HSC resumes normal operation.

User Response: Call StorageTek Software Support if the CDS error and its resolution cannot be determined from preceding MVS or HSC console messages.


To enable a new CDS data set, only one CDS copy can be inactive; currently multiple copies inactive

Explanation: An attempt to activate a new CDS data set with a CDs Enable command has failed because more than one copy of the CDS is currently inactive.

System Action: The HSC continues operation with the current CDS definitions.

User Response: Use the Display CDS command to display the current CDS data set definitions. Use the CDs Enable command to activate one of the known CDS copies, then reissue the original CDs Enable command to activate the new CDS data set.


Down-level host CCC1 found active during attempt to CCCCCCCC2

Explanation: An attempt to issue a CDs command with an HSC 5.0 feature has detected a down-level HSC system active on host CCC1. CCCCCCCC2 is one of the following HSC 5.0 features:

  • Enable new CDS data set

  • Expand CDS

System Action: The HSC continues operation with the current CDS definitions.

User Response: Stop the down-level HSC on host CCC1 (and any other down-level HSCs on other hosts) and reissue the CDs command.


CDS CCCC...CCCC inactive; all CDS copies must be enabled to expand CDS

Explanation: An attempt to expand the CDS with a CDs EXpand command detected that a copy of the CDS, data set CCCC...CCCC, was inactive. To expand the CDS, all CDS copies must be active (enabled).

System Action: The HSC continues operation with the current CDS definitions.

User Response: Use the CDs Enable command to make CDS CCCC...CCCC active. Then reissue the CDs EXpand command.


Attempt to CCCCCCCC failed; could not read DHB

Explanation: An attempt to perform an HSC 5.0 feature with the CDs command has failed while reading the active CDS DHB record. CCCCCCCC is one of the following HSC 5.0 features:

  • Enable new CDS data set

  • Expand CDS

System Action: The HSC continues operation with the current CDS definitions.

User Response: Call StorageTek Software Support if the CDS read error and its resolution cannot be determined from previous IBM or HSC console messages.


CCCC..CCC1 obsolete; use CCCC..CCC2

Explanation: The requested function CCCC..CCC1 is no longer supported. Use the specified alternative CCCC..CCC2. Below are a list of requested functions with the specified alternatives:

  • LOad SLSDDQR - Display CDS

  • LOad SLSLDQR - Display Requests

  • LOad SLSMDQR - Display DRives


System Action: None

User Response: None


CCCCCCCC Parms installed from data set DDDDDDDD

Explanation: In response to the xxxxDEF command, the HSC has successfully loaded the parameter statements contained in the named data set. The parameters are in use by the HSC as soon as this message is issued.

  • CCCCCCCC is the type of parameters being installed (xxxxDEF).

  • DDDDDDDD is the data set name.

System Action: The loaded parameters are available for use by HSC and VTCS functions.

User Response: None


CCCCCCCC Parms not installed, Reason code XXXX

Explanation: In response to an xxxxDEF command, the HSC did not successfully load the parameter statements contained in the named data set.

  • CCCCCCCC is the type of parameters being installed (xxxxDEF).

  • XXXX is the hexadecimal reason code.

The following reason codes and definitions indicate why the parameters were not loaded:

  • 0008 - A syntax error occurred on at least one statement

  • 0009 - An inconsistency was found between two statements

  • 000B - Supplied information is invalid

  • 000C - An I/O error occurred reading the data set

  • 0010 - The HSC was not able to allocate the data set

  • 0014 - The HSC was not able to open the data set

  • 0018 - Sufficient memory was not available to process the data set

  • 001C - Excessive number of errors

System Action: The HSC resumes normal operation.

User Response: Correct the problem with the parameter data set, and retry the command.



Explanation: While processing an xxxxDEF command or SLSMERGE control statement, the HSC has encountered an error.

  • CCCCCCCC is the type of command (xxxxDEF) or control statement (SLSMERGE)

  • DDDDDDDD is the decimal number of the record within the file.

  • EEEE is the system-generated number used for identifying the following line of this multiple-line message.

The record number identifies the statement in error. A record number of zero (0) indicates a problem with the data set or an error involving more than one record.

This message is a two line message; the second line indicates the nature of the error. Second-line text will be one of the following:

  • ACS - unknown ACSid

    The ACSid specified with the ACS keyword is unknown to HSC.

  • ACSlist - duplicate ACSids

    The list of ACSids specified with the ACSlist keyword contains duplicate values.

  • ACSlist - maximum number of ACSids exceeded

    The number of ACSids specified with the ACSlist keyword exceeds the maximum number allowed.

  • ACSlist - unknown ACSid

    One or more of the ACSids specified with the ACSlist keyword is unknown to HSC.

  • ARCHAge - Must be between 1 and 999 days

    The ARCHAge parameter value exceeds these limits.

  • ARCHPol - Number of STORCLAS names exceeds maximum

  • ARCHPol - STORclas name is invalid

    Depending upon the CDS level for VTCS, the number of storage class names is either limited to 2 or 4.

  • CCCCCCC value out of range; must be D-DDD

    The value specified for an MVCPOOL parameter was not within the accepted range.


    D-DDD= acceptable range for parameter value

  • Comment unclosed at end of file

  • End of file found before end of last statement

  • CONSRC - invalid specification

    The storage class name does not start with an alphabetic character.

  • CONSRC - MIGpol does not specify > 1 STORclas name

    The MIGpol parameter is also required and must contain more than two unique names.

  • CONSRC - No matching STORclas name on MIGpol parameter

    The storage class name specified must match to one of the names upon the MIGpol parameter.

  • CONSRC - VSM(ADVMGMT) FEATures not active

  • CONTGT - invalid specification

    The storage class name does not start with an alphabetic character.

  • CONTGT - VSM(ADVMGMT) FEATures not active

  • DELSCR - invalid specification

    The value specified with the DELSCR keyword was not NO or YES.

  • DUPlex - invalid specification

    The value specified with the DUPlex keyword was not YES or NO.

  • Error allocating data set; Code XXXX-XXXX

    XXXX-XXXX = DYNALLOC error and reason codes

  • Error opening data set; Completion code XXX-XX

    XXX-XX = OPEN completion code and reason code

  • Error near column NNN:TTTTTTTT

    NNN = column number where error was detected

    TTTTTTTT = error text

  • Error on CCCCCCCC {parameter|list|range}: TTTTTTTT

    CCCCCCCC= parameter, list, or range that is in error

    TTTTTTTT= error text (listed below)

    Possible error text (TTTTTTTT) for the above two second-line messages includes:

    • Cleaning Media invalid as media value

    • Co-requisite parameter missing

    • Invalid length of value

    • Invalid value

    • Mandatory parameter missing

    • Mutually exclusive parameters found

    • Positional error

    • Required value not found

    • Syntax error

    • Unknown keyword

    • Value supplied when none allowed

  • File processing terminated due to excessive number of errors

  • FUNCTION - Unrecognized value

  • I/O error reading data set:CCCCCCCC

    CCCCCCCC = SYNADAF produced error message

  • IMMEDmig - invalid specification

    The value specified with the IMMEDmig keyword was not NO, KEEP, or DELETE.

  • Insufficient memory

  • LMUADDR IP addr invalid; CCCCCCCC

    An LMUADDR parameter appears to be an IP address but does not conform to either an IPv4 or IPv6 address format.

  • LMUADDR unknown hostname; CCCCCCCC

    An LMUADDR parameter is not a valid IP address and fails to resolve as a valid hostname.

  • LMUADDR no IPv6 support; CCCCCCCC

    An LMUADDR parameter specifies an IPv6 address and the host does not support the IPv6 protocol.

  • LMUADDR list contains duplicate entries

    The LMUADDR statement contains duplicate entries. Each entry in the LMUADDR statement must be unique.

  • LMUADDR list contains more than maximum allowed items

    A maximum of four (4) hostnames or IP addresses may be specified for a single LMUADDR keyword.

  • LMUADDR unable to initialize the EZASMI API

    The TCP/IP support modules are not available to allow the socket communication interface to initialize.

  • LMUPATH duplicate ACS ID found

    An ACS ID has been encountered that was specified on a previous LMUPATH statement.

  • LMUPATH Invalid ACS ID found

    The ACS ID specified has not been defined to HSC.

  • LMUPDEF: Does not contain any LMUPATH statements

    This text will be issued if while reading the LMUPDEF file a LMUPATH statement cannot be found on any line. If an LMUPATH statement is in the file then the previous comment statements should be reviewed. The comment must be within a comment block, which starts with a slash asterisk and ends with an asterisk slash, and columns 73-80 are ignored.

  • MAXCLEAN incompatible with implied/default MEDIA

    The MEDia keyword was not specified, and the implied or default media type is not STD, DD3D, STK1U, or STK2W (the only media types compatible with MAXclean). Either remove the MAXclean keyword or specify a MEDia keyword with a compatible media value.

  • MAXCLEAN incompatible with MEDIA(XXXXXXXX)

    XXXXXXXX is the value specified for the MEDia keyword.

  • MAXCLEAN valid only for Cleaning Cartridge Volsers (XXXXXX)

    XXXXXX represents the format of a Cleaning Cartridge Volser composed of the HSC Cleaner Prefix followed by xxx.

  • MAXCLEAN value not within allowable range

    The MAXclean keyword was specified, but the value is not within the allowable range of 1-32767

  • MAXVtvsz exceeds that supported by CDS - DEFAULTED

    The value specified in the MAXVtvsz parameter exceeds that which is supported by the level of CDS. The parameter will default to the highest value supported by the CDS level.

  • MAXVtvsz - invalid specification

    The value specified with the MAXVtvsz keyword was not 400, 800, 2000 or 4000.

  • MEDIA - cleaner cartridge media invalid

    Cleaner cartridge media types are invalid on the STORclas statement.

  • MEDIA - duplicate types in list

    Duplicate media types were found on the STORclas statement.

  • MEDIA - too many types in list

    The number of media types cannot exceed 20 on the STORclas statement.

  • MGMTCLAS is not valid with this FUNCTION

  • MIGpol - Number of STORclas names exceeds maximum

    Depending upon the CDS level for VTCS, the number of storage class names is either limited to 2 or 4.

  • MIGpol - STORclas name is invalid

    The storage class name does not start with an alphabetic character.

  • MIGpol - VSM(ADVMGMT) FEATures not active

  • MVCPOOL Names ALL and DEFAULTPOOL not allowed

  • MVCPOOL values conflict with those on Record DDDDDDDD

    An MVCPOOL statement has a different MVCFREE, MAXMVC, THRESH, or START value than that on a previous MVCPOOL statement with the same name.

    DDDDDDDD = record number of previous MVCPOOL statement



  • NAME - invalid specification

    The value specified with the NAME keyword exceeds 8 characters or contains invalid characters. The value specified for NAME must begin with A-Z and can contain only A-Z, 0-9, and $, #, @.

  • REPlicat - invalid specification

    The value specified with the REPlicat keyword was not NO or YES.

  • REPlicat(YES) - VSM(ADVMGMT) FEATures not active

  • RESTIME - invalid specification

    The RESTIME must have a value between 1 and 9999.

  • RESTIME - Mutually exclusive with IMMEDMIG(DELETE)

    You cannot specify that a VTV should be retained resident within the VTSS and also migrated and deleted immediately

  • RESTIME - VSM(ADVMGMT) FEATures not active

  • Statement is too long

  • STORclas - Migrate option invalid specification

    The value specified for the MIGRATE parameter is invalid.

  • STORclas - VSM(ADVMGMT) FEATures not active

  • Text indicating that unit, model, media type and rectech are invalid or incompatible

  • Unrecognized statement

  • Volser specification conflicts with that on Record DDDDDDDD

    The Volser specification on an MVCPOOL statement overlaps with the Volsers defined on a previous MVCPOOL statement having a different name.

    DDDDDDDD = record number of previous MVCPOOL statement


  • VTVPAGE - invalid specification

    The value specified with the VTVPage keyword was not STANDard or LARGE.

  • VTVPAGE value not supported by CDS - Ignored

    The parameter value of LARGE is not supported by the level of CDS. The request is ignored and the value of STANDard is assumed.

  • VTVPAGE(STANDard) is invalid with MAXVtvsz > 800 - defaulting to LARGE

    The parameter value of STANDard is not valid with MAXVtvsz > 800. The request is ignored and the value of LARGE is used.

  • Wild card(s) not allowed in MVCPOOL

    Wild card(s) are not permitted in Volser specifications on an MVCPOOL statement.

See message SLS1973I for a description of any text not listed here.

System Action: The HSC continues to process the data set unless the record number displayed is zero, or unless there have been 50 errors encountered in the file. For those two cases, processing of the data set is terminated.

User Response: Correct the problem with the parameter data set and re-issue the command.


CCCCCCCC: DDDDDDDD does not contain any stmts to process

Explanation: In response to an xxxxDEF command, the HSC has not found any statements of the appropriate type in the named data set.

  • CCCCCCCC is the type of parameters being installed (xxxxDEF).

  • DDDDDDDD is the data set name.

System Action: The HSC processing continues.

User Response: Correct the problem with the parameter data set, and re-issue the command.


CCCCCCCC parameters are not loaded

Explanation: In response to a Display xxxxDEF command, the HSC has found that no parameters of that type have been loaded. CCCCCCCC is the type of parameters being installed (xxxxDEF).

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


CCCCCCCC parameter status:

Explanation: CCCCCCCC = Type of parameters being displayed (xxxxDEF). In response to a Display xxxxDEF command, the HSC displays information about the requested parameters.

This message is the first of a three or four line display. The other lines displayed are:


    Displays the data set (including member name, if appropriate) from which the parameters were loaded.


    Displays the title (from an OPTIONS statement) which was in the data set from which the parameters were loaded. If the parameters did not contain a TITLE, this line of the display is omitted.


    Displays the date and time the parameters were loaded by the HSC.

  • No SCRATCH POOL(s) defined for this HSC

    When no POOLPARM statement was found that applied to this HSC and Display SCRPDEF was requested, this line replaces the date and time message line.

System Action: The HSC processing continues.

User Response: If no scratch pools are defined for the HSC, review the SET VOLPARM utility POOLPARM statements to determine what updates are required. Then re-submit the SET VOLPARM utility.


MODIFY command cancelled - a non-610 HOST active

Explanation: MODIFY CONFIG was entered, but one or more HOST(s) is at a level lower than HSC610.

System Action: None

User Response: Bring the non-610 HOST down and enter the MODIFY CONFIG command again.


SCRPDEF parameters not installed from DDDDDDDD

Explanation: In response to a SCRPDEF command, the HSC has either found no SCRPOOL statements or at least one invalid SCRPOOL statement in the data set named DDDDDDDD.

System Action: The HSC does not replace the previous HSC scratch subpool settings.

User Response: Correct the problem with the parameter data set and retry the command.


MODIFY command is cancelled - VTCS DR Test is active.

Explanation: A MODIFY CONFIG command entered with a VTCS DR Test active. The command is not executed.

System Action: None

User Response: Wait until the VTCS DR Test completes before reentering the command.


To allow RESET to proceed; Reply Y to continue or N to cancel.

Explanation: Before a CONFIG RESET or SWITCH RESET is allowed to continue, the Operator is asked to reply to a message to make sure the command wasn't entered accidentally.

System Action: None

User Response: Respond Y to allow RESET to continue, otherwise reply N to cancel the RESET option.


To allow DELETE ACS to proceed; Reply Y to continue or N to cancel

Explanation: Before an ACS can be deleted the Operator must reply to this message to make sure the command was not entered accidentally.

System Action: None

User Response: Respond Y to allow DELETE ACS to continue, otherwise reply N to cancel.


Verify the ACS is CCCCCCCC for the CCCCCCCC ACS command

Explanation: Verify the ACS is active (connected) for the UPDATE command and offline (disconnected) for the DELETE command.

System Action: The F CONFIG UPDATE/DELETE ACSid command is rejected.

User Response: Re-enter the command after the ACS is in the correct state.


MODIFY command cancelled; Switch in progress for ACS AA

Explanation: A switch is in progress for ACS AA which prevents the MODIFY CONFIG function to continue.

System Action: The MODIFY CONFIG command is cancelled.

User Response: Re-enter the command after the switch has completed.


Parameter PPPPPPPP is obsolete

Explanation: The indicated parameter is no longer supported.

System Action: The parameter is ignored.

User Response: If the command is part of the HSC startup parameters, it should be removed.


{Command|Parameter|Utility} CCCCCCCC is not valid in a tapeless configuration

Explanation: An attempt was made to issue a command or invoke a utility or specify a parameter that requires library hardware, but the system is defined as tapeless.

System Action: The command or utility request is rejected.

User Response: If the command or parameter is part of the HSC startup parameters, it should be removed.


ACS AA: Dual LMU {is|is not} configured; Master Is y, Standby is not ready

Explanation: The standby LMU is not ready. This may be a temporary condition due to an operator-induced switchover action. y will be the master LMU ID ”A” or ”B”, but could be ”0” due to an LMU error.

System Action: Processing continues using the master LMU.

User Response: If the standby LMU is not ready due to an operator-initiated switchover action, then no response is necessary.

If the standby LMU is not ready due to an apparent failure, then report this incident to StorageTek Hardware Support.


ACS AA: Dual LMU is configured; Master is y, Standby is ready

Explanation: This message indicates which LMU is the master LMU and the status of the standby LMU. Even though the standby LMU is ready, at least one station must have a STANDBY status for a fully automated switchover to occur.

  • AA is the ACSid number.

  • y will be the Master LMU ID ”A” or ”B”, but could be ”0” due to an LMU error.

System Action: Processing continues with the master LMU.

User Response: None


ACS AA: Switch aborted, C...C not standby station

Explanation: Station C...C was a standby station when the SWitch command was issued, but it is no longer a standby station. Presumably an automatic switchover has occurred.

System Action: SWitch command processing is terminated.

User Response: If SLS1650E or SLS1651I have been issued, then no response is necessary. If a hardware error is suspected, report this incident to StorageTek Hardware Support.


ACS AA: NN {CAP|CAPs} active; confirm switch to standby LMU (Y/N)

Explanation: This message indicates the number of CAPs that are active in the ACS and allows the operator to terminate the switchover process. NN is the number of CAPs active in the ACS.

System Action: The HSC waits for an answer before either proceeding with the switchover (Y) or terminating SWitch command processing (N).

User Response: Make sure all CAP doors are closed securely prior to responding Y to this message, or else reply N to abort the switchover.


ACS AA: Switch terminated due to operator response

Explanation: This message confirms that switch processing was cancelled due to operator response.

System Action: SWitch command processing terminates.

User Response: None


ACS AA, Station C...C: Switch uncertain, standby LMU CCCCCC error

Explanation: The HSC sent the SWitch command to the standby LMU but did not get a validated response due to the error that occurred.

CCCCCC will be one of the following errors:


  • ACK-1

  • ACK-2


  • READ-1

  • READ-2


  • EDIT-1

System Action: The switchover may or may not occur.

User Response: Wait 1 minute. If message SLS1650E or SLS1651I is not issued, enter the SWitch command again. Report this error to StorageTek Hardware Support.


ACS AA: Switch initiated

Explanation: The SWitch command has been accepted by the active Library Controller.

System Action: The active Library Controller (LC) should reIPL, and the standby LC should take over as the active LC.

User Response: If this message came from a refresh host, please refer to initiated host for related messages below:

  • If SLS1650E, SLS1651I, or SLS1667I is issued no response is necessary.

  • If SLS1650E, SLS1651I, SLS1667I is not issued, a problem exists. Try the SWitch command again. If the command fails, the switch may be generated by manually reIPLing the active LC. Report failures to StorageTek Hardware Support.


ACS AA: Switch rejected, CCC...CCC

Explanation: The standby LMU tried to tell the master LMU to reIPL, but an error caused the communication to be unsuccessful. CCC...CCC will be one of the following reasons:

  • Not ”Dual LMU”

  • Not standby Station

  • LAN link down

  • NAK from Master LMU

  • SWITCH already active

  • Master did not respond

  • Both active and standby connections required

  • Unknown error

System Action: SWitch command processing is terminated.

User Response: If SLS1650E, SLS1651I, SLS1666E, or SLS1667I have been issued, no response is necessary. Otherwise, try the SWitch command again, and report the failure to StorageTek Hardware Support. The switch may be generated by manually IPLing the Master LMU or switch using the SL Console of the RE library.


ACS AA: CCCCCCC station C...C connected to LMU y as ZZZZZZ

Explanation: Logical inconsistency detected:

  • CCCCCCC is station is either online or standby depending on connecting LMU status.

  • C...C is the station address.

  • y is the LMU ID, ”A” or ”B”.

  • ZZZZZZ is the LMU status, master or standby.

System Action: HSC attempts to continue.

User Response: Verify that the stations are connected to the correct ACS, then vary the ACS offline and then back online. If problem persists, notify StorageTek Hardware Support.



Explanation: Logical inconsistency detected:

CCCCCCC station is either online or standby depending on the connecting LMU status C...C is the station address. MMM...MMM will be one of the following:

  • not a Dual LMU station

  • invalid Dual LMU ident

System Action: HSC attempts to continue.

User Response: Verify that the stations are connected to the correct ACS, then vary the ACS offline and then back online. If problem persists, notify StorageTek Hardware Support.


ACS AA: Master LMU W level XX, Standby LMU Y level ZZ

Explanation: LMU microcode inconsistency detected. Master and Standby LMUs have different microcode.

System Action: HSC will continue.

User Response: Report this to StorageTek Hardware Support. Install the same LMU microcode level in both LMUs of the dual LMU configuration. The HSC can run with different compatibility levels on the two LMUs, but this is not the recommended procedure and should be corrected. Varying all standby LMU stations offline will stop the occasional reporting of this message but will impede automatic switchovers.


ACS AA, Station XXXX: LMU driver has been restarted

Explanation: The LMU driver for ACS AA and station XXXX has been restarted after a previous abend. A prior message, SLS0680I, describes the abend.

System Action: The station driver sends requests to and receives responses from the LMU.

User Response: No immediate action is required, but the previous abend of the LMU driver should be reported to StorageTek Software Support.


LMU driver monitor task has been restarted

Explanation: The LMU driver monitor task is restarting after a previous abend. A prior message, SLS0680I, describes the abend.

System Action: The station driver monitor task resumes responsibility for starting, monitoring, and restarting LMU driver tasks.

User Response: No immediate action is required, but the previous abend of the LMU driver monitor task should be reported to StorageTek Software Support.


ACS AA, Station C...C: Driver has abended

Explanation: The LMU driver for the named ACS and station has abended and has not been restarted. SLS0680I describes the abend.

System Action: The monitor task will restart the LMU driver unless the monitor task has abended, and the operating system does not permit the monitor task to be restarted.

User Response: No immediate action is required, but the previous abend of the LMU driver should be reported to StorageTek Software Support.


ACS AA is disconnected

Explanation: The HSC has determined that no LMU drivers are currently working for the named ACS. The HSC cannot automate cartridge motion requests with the current configuration.

System Action: HSC issues this message about once every five minutes and DOMs it after about 30 seconds even if the condition has not been resolved. This is a periodic reminder that an ACS is disconnected.

User Response: If the HSC is required to automate mounts and dismounts to the affected ACS, the operator should do one of the following: (1) Vary a station online, (2) Force a Dual LMU switch to activate a standby station, or (3) Restart the HSC.


ACS AA, Station XXXX: Driver CCC...CCC

Explanation: ACS AA, Station XXXX, has experienced one of the following conditions (CCC...CCC):

  • attach failed

    indicates that three attempts in a row failed to result in the driver task being established.

  • inoperable, maximum attach attempts failed

    indicates that 33 total attempts to attach this driver have been exhausted.

System Action:

  • attach failed

    The first time this message is issued for a station, SLSLDMON will abend to cause a dump to be taken. Then it will try to attach the driver again until the global attach limit is exhausted. On subsequent issuances of this message for a single station, no additional dumps will be taken.

  • inoperable, maximum attach attempts failed

    SLSLDMON will not try to attach this driver any more. The HSC should be restarted to re-enable this station.

User Response:

  • attach failed

    No immediate action is required, but the previous abend of the LMU driver and the subsequent abend of SLSLDMON should be reported to StorageTek Software Support.

  • inoperable, maximum attach attempts failed

    Report this occurrence to StorageTek Software Support and schedule a restart of the HSC at a convenient point in time.


ACS AA: RE LIBID C1 {is/is not} configured; Active y {is|not} ready, Standby not ready

Explanation: The standby library controller is not ready. This may be a temporary condition due to an operator induced switchover action or problem with LMUPDEF setup.

  • AA is the ACSid: "00"-"FF".

  • C1 is the Library ID: "1"-"9" or "A"-"Z"

  • y is the Active LC ID "A" or "B", but could be "0" due to an LC error.

System Action: Processing continues using the active LC.

User Response: If the standby LC is not ready due to an operator initiated switchover action, then no response is necessary.

If the standby LC is not ready due to an apparent failure, then report this incident to StorageTek Hardware Support.


ACS AA: RE LIBID C1 is configured; Active y {is|not} ready, Standby {is|not} ready

Explanation: This message indicates which Library Controller (LC) is the active LC and the status of the standby LC for a Library ID. Even though the standby is ready, at least one port (2A or 2B) must have a STANDBY status for a fully automated switchover to occur.

  • AA is the ACSid: "00"-"FF".

  • C1 is the Library ID: "1"-"9" or "A"-"Z"

  • y is the Active LC ID "A" or "B", but could be "0" due to an LC error.

System Action: Processing continues using the active LC.

User Response: None


CCCCCCCC parms not installed, reason code XXXX

Explanation: In response to an xxxxDEF command, the HSC did not successfully load the parameter statements contained in the named data set.

  • CCCCCCCC is the type of parameters being installed (xxxxDEF)

  • XXXX is the hexadecimal reason code

The following reason codes and definitions indicate why the parameters were not loaded:

  • 0008 - A syntax error occurred on at least one statement

  • 0009 - An inconsistency was found between two statements

  • 000B - Supplied information is invalid

  • 000C - An I/O error occurred reading the data set

  • 0010 - The HSC was not able to allocate the data set

  • 0014 - The HSC was not able to open the data set

  • 0018 - Sufficient memory was not available to process the data set

  • 001C - Excessive number of errors

In each case, this message will be preceded by message SLS1628I or SLS0002I giving details of the error(s) encountered.

System Action: No statements are loaded. The previous definitions (if any) remain active.

User Response: Correct the problem with the parameter data set and reissue the command.


ACS AA: Switch aborted

Explanation: A Switch for ACS AA on the initiated host has aborted.

System Action: The command processing is terminated.

User Response: Check the initiated host for related messages to determine appropriate user response.


DHB eyecatcher bad in CCC...CCC

Explanation: A DHB record (block zero of the CDS) was passed for validation but the program could not find the eyecatcher DHB.

System Action: This copy of the CDS will be disabled. If it is the last CDS copy, the HSC terminates processing.

User Response: Check the input CDS(s) to ensure you are running with the correct one(s). Check to see if you are attempting to run the HSC on a non-LIBGENed host.Also, check to see if they have not been corrupted and written over. If you are using the proper CDS copies and they have not been corrupted, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Self correcting out-of-sync CDS block blk-id

Explanation: A corrupted CDS block (blk-id) has been found when comparing the Primary and Secondary CDS copies.

System Action: The correct copy replaces the incorrect copy.

User Response: None


CCC...CCC is being copied to CCC...CCC

Explanation: A CDS data set is being enabled by copying the records from an existing CDS. This could be the result of a CDs Enable command issued on this host, or this host has recognized a new CDS that was enabled by another host. SLS1704I should follow this message when the copy process is finished. SLS0715I should follow when all active hosts in a multi-host environment have completed synchronization.

System Action: The CDS reserve is held at this time and will be released when the copy completes. HSC activity waits until all hosts synchronize to the new CDS configuration.


If after about 20 seconds, all hosts have not complied, the configuration reverts back to what it was before the copy, i.e., an enabled CDS will be disabled, or a disabled CDS may be re-enabled.

User Response: None


CDS copy complete for CCC...CCC

Explanation: Message SLS1703I should precede SLS1704I. A CDS synchronization has occurred for the named CDS and is now complete. The newly enabled CDS data set has had its data refreshed from an active CDS.

System Action: The HSC resumes normal activity using the new CDS allocations.

User Response: None


All Control Data Set allocations failed, HSC cannot initialize

Explanation: Dynamic allocation for ALL data sets specified in the PARMLIB CDSDEF (or RECDEF if this is Reconfig) entry have failed.

System Action: The HSC cannot initialize without at least one copy of the CDS.

User Response: The error may have been caused by a missing or invalid PARMLIB entry. Check the MVS SYSLOG/SCP CONSLOG to determine the dynamic allocation failure(s) from message SLS1706E, if present. Correct the problem, and re-start the HSC.


Allocation failed for CCC...CCC on volume volser, reason code XXXX, information code XXXX

Explanation: Dynamic Allocation failed for the specified data set on the specified volume. If no volume was specified, it will be blank or asterisks.

System Action: If this is during startup, HSC Initialization continues, but the data set is not allocated. If this is from a CDs Enable command, the HSC continues operation with the current CDS definitions.

The reason and information codes are from SVC99 (Dynamic allocation). One of the most common reason codes is 17xx indicating that the named CDS could not be found. Refer to the IBM SVC99 dynamic allocation documentation for further details and reason code definitions.

If the reason code is not 17xx, the information code may contain a key that provides more specific information about the cause of the error. Use the following keys to determine which parameter is in error:

  • 01 - Field: DDname

  • 02 - Field: Dsn

  • 04 - Field: Status

  • 07 - Field: Unconditional Unallocation

  • 10 - Field: Volser

  • 15 - Field: Unit

  • 55 - Field: Return DDname

User Response: Determine the cause of the dynamic allocation failures from the error messages presented. If this is during startup, correct the problem in PARMLIB or JCL and restart the HSC. If this is from a CDs Enable command, correct the specification of the DSn parameter, or for uncataloged data sets specify the NEWVol and possibly the NEWUnit parameters.



Explanation: A command to Enable or Disable a copy of the CDS has failed or a module name of a failed program is displayed along with the return codes. Therefore, CCCCCCCC can be either Enable, Disable, or a module name.

System Action: On an Enable/Disable command, the action does not occur. If a module name is displayed, the HSC is failing.

User Response: Determine the cause of the problem from the return codes. Correct the problem, and rerun.


Attach failed for CCCCCCCC, RC=XX

Explanation: An unsuccessful attempt was made to attach a database server task. XX is the return code from the ATTACH macro as documented in the MVS SPL: System Macros.

System Action: The I/O routines for the CDS are not available; the HSC cannot initialize.

User Response: Determine why the attach failed, and correct the problem. The HSC must be restarted. If you are unable to correct the problem, save all information and contact StorageTek Software Support.


Database switch failed

Explanation: During CDS recovery, the enabling of an alternate copy failed. This may be due to a dynamic allocation, open, or copying error.

System Action: If a viable primary copy is available, processing continues.

User Response: Determine the availability of alternate CDS copies, or any reason for an open failure, or an I/O error on the copy. If correctable, issue a CDs Enable command to bring the alternate back online.


Database services unavailable

Explanation: A catastrophic internal failure has occurred, and HSC CDS services cannot continue.

System Action: The HSC terminates.

User Response: Call StorageTek Software and/or Hardware Support. Save dumps to aid in the diagnosis of the problem.


Hostid CCCCCCCC not found in CCC...CCC

Explanation: The specified host identifier does not match any host identifier found in the copy of the control data set being scanned. Possible user error attempting to run with the wrong copy of the CDS or the CDS has been corrupted and/or destroyed.

System Action: If it is the last CDS copy, the HSC terminates processing.

User Response: Check the input CDS(s) to ensure you are running with the correct one(s). Check to see if you are attempting to run the HSC on a non-LIBGENed host.Also, check to see if they have not been corrupted and written over. If you are using the proper CDS copies and they have not been corrupted, contact StorageTek Software Support.


CDS CCC...CCC disabled

Explanation: CDS CCC...CCC has been disabled.

System Action: The CDS is unallocated from the HSC.

User Response: Check the system log for additional messages showing the reason the CDS was disabled.


CCCCCCCC initializing on: CCC...CCC1 CCC...CCC2 CCC...CCC3

Explanation: This host has initialized on listed copies of the CDS. CCCCCCCC is the HOSTid. CCC...CCC1, CCC...CCC2 and CCC...CCC3 depict the CDS data set names.Errors from previous HSC sessions or from other hosts could affect which copies this host initializes at startup. The HSC may not use all data sets as presented in PARMLIB, and they may not be in the same order.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Standby CDS CCC...CCC disabled due to "DISABLE" parameter in the CDSDEF PARMLIB command

Explanation: The user specified DISABLE on the CDSDEF statement when defining the standby CDS (DSN3) to the system.

System Action: An attempt is made to read that CDS copy to ensure it is a valid CDS; then it is made inactive and de-allocated.

User Response: Should this CDS be needed, the HSC will NOT automatically use it in the case of a CDS switch or disable of either the primary or secondary CDS. You must manually enable it for use with the CDs Enable operator command.


CDS CCC...CCC disabled, not in use by other hosts

Explanation: In order to prevent CDS corruption and mismatches, the named CDS copy was disabled because it was not being used by other active hosts.

System Action: The CDS is disabled and unallocated from this HSC.

User Response: If you wish to utilize that CDS copy, use the CDs Enable operator command to bring the copy online.


CDS CCC...CCC disabling due to operator command

Explanation: CDS CCC...CCC will be unallocated due to an operator CDs Disable command.

System Action: The CDS is disabled and unallocated from this HSC.

User Response: If you wish to utilize that CDS copy, use the CDs Enable operator command to bring the copy online.


Database {switch|expand} not adopted by active host CCCCCCCC

Explanation: After a successful CDS switch or expand, another active host failed to recognize the CDS change within a reasonable amount of time.

System Action: The issuing host continues with operations. This host may revert to a more restrictive CDS configuration.

User Response: If the HSC has been terminated precipitously on another host, it may appear active to other hosts. Verify if the other host has terminated. If it has, either recycle it or run SLUADMIN (SET HSCLEVEL) to reset it. If CDS Enable, Disable, or EXpand commands are entered simultaneously on multiple hosts, this message may appear on one or more of those hosts when it should not. If this occurs, use the Display CDS command to verify the CDS configuration. If it is correct, no further action is required. If all hosts are active or if the CDS configuration is incorrect when commands are entered from multiple hosts, there is an internal problem. In MVS, issue the MVS DUMP operator command against that host then recycle it. In VM, issue the CP VMDUMP command on the virtual machine of that host then recycle it. Collect the dump, MVS SYSLOG/SCP CONSLOG, and LOGREC/EREP data for problem determination, and contact StorageTek Software Support.


CDS CCC...CCC disabled, not in use at prior HSC termination

Explanation: CDS CCC...CCC was disabled at initialization because it was not in use when the HSC was last terminated.

System Action: The CDS is disabled and unallocated from this HSC.

User Response: To utilize this CDS copy, enter the CDs Enable command to bring the CDS online.


CDS CCC...CCC enabled, in use by other hosts

Explanation: It was determined that CDS CCC...CCC was disabled to this host and active to other hosts. This was the result of an operator CDs Enable command issued on another host. The CDS data set has been enabled for use by this host.

System Action: Enabling of the CDS on this host is automatic.

User Response: None


SVARSRV service detects invalid VALUEL XXXX

Explanation: While parsing a PARMLIB entry, an internal routine was passed an invalid length.

System Action: The HSC initialization fails.

User Response: Preserve a copy of the MVS SYSLOG/SCP CONSLOG and a copy of the HSC PARMLIB entry. Contact StorageTek Software Support.


CCCCCCCC1 is invalid on the CCCCCCCC2 statement

Explanation: While parsing the PARMLIB entry, an invalid command (CCCCCCCC1) was found on the specified PARMLIB statement (CCCCCCCC2).

System Action: The HSC initialization fails.

User Response: Correct the failing entry for the specified statement, and re-start the HSC.


Command parsed with no keywords

Explanation: While parsing a PARMLIB entry, a command was found that contained no keywords.

System Action: The HSC initialization fails.

User Response: Correct the PARMLIB command entry and re-start the HSC.


Invalid data set type (X) for dynamic allocation

Explanation: While parsing a PARMLIB entry, a command was found that contained no keywords.

System Action: The HSC initialization fails.

User Response: Correct the PARMLIB command entry, and restart the HSC.


The last copy of the CDS is in error; the HSC cannot continue

Explanation: Due to errors, the last remaining copy of the CDS was lost.

System Action: The HSC will not continue to run.

User Response: Look for previous messages which should explain why the CDS was lost. Correct these problems, and re-start the HSC. If you are unable to correct the problems, obtain a current copy of the MVS SYSLOG/SCP CONSLOG and/or the HSC job log. Also, IEBGENER dump a copy of each CDS used by the job, prior to any re-start attempts, to show their current state. Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Invalid return code from SLSDCOPY

Explanation: Internal error. During a switch to the Standby CDS, SLSDCOPY returned an unknown return code.

System Action: The copy operation terminates. The HSC continues to run if there is at least one good copy of the CDS. If not, the HSC terminates.

User Response: Attempt to restart the HSC. If an HSC is still running on another host, the restart should work. If restart does not work, it could be because all copies of the CDS are determined to be invalid. Obtain a current copy of the MVS SYSLOG/SCP CONSLOG and/or the HSC job log and a copy of all CDSs along with any system dumps that have been taken. Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Host-to-Host Communications registration failed, RC=XXXX

Explanation: An attempt to register for host-to-host communications failed. The return code is from the communications component.

System Action: Any communications between this host and any other active host in a multi-host environment will be through the CDS.

User Response: Look up the return code and follow the instructions. If unable to solve the problem, obtain a current copy of the MVS SYSLOG/SCP CONSLOG and/or the HSC job log along with any system dumps that have been taken. Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Hostid required for JRNDEF PARMLIB entry

Explanation: A JRNDEF statement found in PARMLIB did not contain a HOSTID parameter.

System Action: Since the system does not know which host owns those journal files and journaling was requested, the system will not come up.

User Response: Add the HOSTID parameter to the JRNDEF statement for the proper host.


Duplicate CDS names specified on CDSDEF command

Explanation: At least two DSNx parameters of the CDSDEF command specified the same data set name.

System Action: HSC initialization stops.

User Response: Correct the CDSDEF DSNx parameters.


No journal files available

Explanation: The HSC lost the last valid journal file for this host.

System Action: If the JRNDEF parameter FULL was set to Abend (the default), the journal task and the HSC will abend. If the JRNDEF parameter FULL was set to Continue, the journal task will quiesce and the HSC will continue without journals.

User Response: At this point, NO journal files are valid for any host. Also, any offloaded journal files will be invalid. You should take an immediate backup of the HSC system. The reason ”no files available” should be investigated. If the message is issued because the journal files filled up, the backup will reset them and journaling will continue automatically. If the message is issued because of an I/O error on the file, re-allocate that file and re-cycle the HSC. A backup should be taken as soon as that HSC is available again. If you cannot determine why this happened, notify StorageTek Software Support.


None of the Control Data Set copies is a valid primary CDS; processing terminated

Explanation: At HSC initialization, the subsystem attempts to open and read all CDS data sets specified by the CDSDEF parameter. At utility initialization, the utility attempts to open and read all CDS data sets specified in the JCL. The best CDS copy was not a primary or secondary CDS when it was last used and it has not been restored since, and thus it is not a valid primary CDS.

System Action:

  • If the message is issued by the HSC subsystem, the subsystem terminates.

  • If the message is issued by a utility, the utility ends with a return code of 8.

User Response: Review the CDSDEF PARMLIB control statement or utility JCL to determine if incorrect data set names were specified.

If the right data sets were specified, use the HSC BACKup utility to select and backup the most current CDS copy followed by an HSC RESTore to synchronize all CDS copies. When starting the HSC after a BACKup and RESTore, ensure that the order of the CDS copies is correct in the CDSDEF parameter.

When executing a HSC utility after a BACKup and RESTore, ensure that the SLSCNTL, SLSCNTL2 and SLSSTBY data set names are specified in the correct order.


The CDS copies appear to belong to separate library environments; processing terminated

Explanation: Based on the CDS data set information in the DHB, the data sets specified by the CDSDEF parameter or utility JCL do not appear to belong to a single library environment. Specific reasons for this are:

  • The CDS copies appear to belong to separate library environments or are the result of multiple HSCs running on separate hosts after a remote link was lost. The procedure for merging the separate control data sets was not followed after the link was restored.

  • The CDS copy with the highest shadow sequence number is not a valid primary CDS copy. This might be the former standby CDS copy after a reconfig.

System Action:

  • If the message is issued by the HSC subsystem, initialization terminates.

  • If the message is issued by a utility, the utility ends with a return code of 8.

User Response: Review the CDSDEF PARMLIB control statement or utility JCL to determine if incorrect data set names were specified.

If the correct data sets were specified, use the HSC BACKup utility to select and backup the most current CDS copy followed by an HSC RESTore to synchronize all CDS copies. When starting the HSC after a BACKup and RESTore, ensure that the order of the CDS copies is correct in the CDSDEF parameter.

When executing a HSC utility after a BACKup and RESTore, ensure that the SLSCNTL, SLSCNTL2 and SLSSTBY data set names are specified in the correct order.


The number of CDS copies specified does not match the recovery technique of {NONE|SHADOW|STANDBY}

Explanation: A utility attempting to update the CDS or the HSC subsystem is being run with a CDS that has not been successfully initialized by the HSC subsystem. The recovery technique for the CDS designated as the primary specifies a different number of CDS copies than were specified.

For example, the recovery technique specifies STANDBY but less than 3 CDS data sets were specified, or the recovery technique specifies NONE but more than one CDS copy was specified. The reported recovery technique does not include journaling, if specified.

System Action:

  • If the message is issued by the HSC subsystem, the subsystem terminates.

  • If the message is issued by a utility, the utility ends with RC=8.

User Response: Review the recovery technique listed in the message to determine if it is the desired technique. To change the recovery technique, execute the HSC SET TCHNIQE utility command, providing a number of CDS DD statements equal to the original technique, not the one specified by the SET.

In order to execute this utility, HSC must not be active on any host. After executing the utility, if you are increasing the number of CDS copies, you can use any operating system utility to create additional copies of the primary CDS.

If the recovery technique specified in the message is the desired technique, then specify the correct number of CDS copies in the CDSDEF command for subsystem initialization or the utility JCL to execute a utility.


Log data sets are full - run OFFLOAD LOGFILE

Explanation: The logging system was unable to write a log record because there are no free data blocks in the log file(s).

System Action: Logging is suspended on the host that issued the message until the OFFLOAD LOGFILE utility is run.


Because of the way data blocks are assigned by the logging service, other hosts may be able to continue to write records. The amount of time that other hosts are able to continue is dependent on their logging activity rate and the size of the logging records being written.

User Response: Run the OFFLOAD LOGFILE utility as soon as possible.


Log file utilization exceeds NN percent

Explanation: The number of assigned blocks in the log file(s) has exceeded the percentage reported. Utilization warnings begin at 70 percent and occur again at pre-defined percentage intervals.

System Action: None

User Response: o prevent the log file(s) from becoming full, run the OFFLOAD LOGFILE utility as soon as possible.


Logging {initialized|terminated} on data set CCCCCCC1

Explanation: Log data set (CCCCCCC1) has been either initialized (allocated and opened) or terminated (closed and de-allocated).

System Action: None

User Response: None



Explanation: Log data set CCCCCCC1 has been disabled for the reason identified by CCCCCCC2. The disabled log file is closed and de-allocated.

Additional information by reason:


    During the allocation process, the data set was found to be migrated.


    Allocation has failed for the data set for a reason other than its being migrated.


    The OPEN for the data set has failed. Possible reasons are file not formatted with FMTLOG, an incorrect DSORG or an incompatible block size.


    An attempt is being made to put a non-initialized log file into a configuration where logging is not currently active, or to add a non-initialized log file into an existing configuration. To add a new log data set, it must be formatted using the FMTLOG utility.


    A permanent I/O error occurred. The data set is unusable and should be re-allocated and re-formatted using the FMTLOG utility.


    During log file initialization, the indicated log file was not in an initialized state, and its block information does not match the block information in the CDS.


    An attempt is being made to add one or more initialized log files into a configuration, but the sizes of the two log files do not match. If both log files are in an initialized state, then both are disabled; if one file is active and the other is being added, then only the new file is disabled.


    An abend in the log file I/O routine occurred. Contact Oracle software support to determine the cause of the abend.

System Action: Recording to the data set is discontinued. If only one log file was defined, or if both log files are disabled, then logging is no longer operational.

User Response:

  • If there were two active log files and one is disabled, you can re-enable the disabled file using the following steps:

    1. Delete and re-allocate the file, ensuring that the number of blocks matches the active file.

    2. Run the FMTLOG utility to format the new file.

    3. Run the SET LOGFILE utility to stage the new file to be re-enabled.

    4. Run the OFFLOAD LOGFILE utility to offload the current existing log file and re-enable the new file.

  • If there are currently NO active log files, you can use the following steps to re-enable logging:

    1. It is recommended that you back up your CDS as soon as possible, since the logging feature is currently inactive.

    2. Delete and re-allocate the log file(s).

    3. Run the FMTLOG utility to format the new file(s).

    4. Run the SET LOGFILE utility to enable the new files immediately.


Log monitor task has terminated abnormally; logging now inactive

Explanation: An abend has occurred in the log monitor task. No logging can be performed.

System Action: None

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software support to determine the cause of the abnormal termination. Stop and restart the HSC subsystem to re-enable logging.



Explanation: The log data set (CCCCCCCC) is defined in the CDS but is in a disabled state.

System Action: This log data set is not used. If only one log file was defined, or if both log files are disabled, then logging is no longer operational.

User Response: See the User Response for message SLS1783E.


Log data set DDDDDDDD selected by the OFFLOAD LOGFILE utility

Explanation: The OFFLOAD LOGFILE utility has selected data set DDDDDDDD as the input file.

System Action: None

User Response: None


OFFLOAD LOGFILE utility successfully offloaded NNNN records

Explanation: The OFFLOAD LOGFILE utility completed successfully. The number of records offloaded is NNNN.

System Action: None

User Response: None


TTTTTTTT log file DSN has been set to DDDDDDDD

Explanation: The PRIMARY or SECONDARY (TTTTTTTT) log file data set name has been set to DDDDDDDD.

System Action: None

User Response: None


No data available for OFFLOAD LOGFILE utility - RRRRRRRR

Explanation: The OFFLOAD LOGFILE utility has determined that there is no data available to offload. RRRRRRRR indicates the reason.

System Action: The SLUADMIN return code is 4.

User Response: None


Error during OFFLOAD LOGFILE utility - RRRRRRRR

Explanation: The OFFLOAD LOGFILE utility terminated without offloading all data scheduled to be offloaded. RRRRRRRR indicates the specific error.

System Action: The SLUADMIN return code is 8.

User Response: The data in the log files remains available for offloading. Correct the problem, if possible, and re-run the utility.

If the problem cannot be corrected, activate new log files by running the SET LOGFILE utility, followed by another OFFLOAD LOGFILE utility (ignoring this error), followed by an immediate backup of the CDS.


Previous OFFLOAD LOGFILE has not completed

Explanation: SLUADMIN found that another OFFLOAD LOGFILE is still in progress or did not complete normally. Only one OFFLOAD LOGFILE is permitted to run at any given time against a CDS.

System Action: The utility return code is 8.

User Response: If the previous offload has terminated abnormally, use the RESTART keyword on the OFFLOAD LOGFILE utility control statement to restart that offload, otherwise wait for the active offload to complete.


Improper use of the RESTART keyword

Explanation: The RESTART keyword was specified on the OFFLOAD LOGFILE utility control statement, but the CDS does not show that an offload has failed.

System Action: The utility completes with a return code of 4.

User Response: Remove the RESTART keyword from the utility control statement and re-submit the job.


No qualifying MVCs found for ACTMVCGN utility

Explanation: The ACTMVCGN utility found no active MVC found.

System Action: The return code from SLUADMIN is 4.

User Response: None


Volume volser is not in the library

Explanation: The volume was not in the library.

System Action: The function does not process the volume.

User Response: None


Invalid reply: CCCCCCCC

Explanation: A reply to a WTOR was invalid.

System Action: The HSC reissues the WTOR.

User Response: Respond with a valid reply.


A communications path switched from CCCC to CCCC; {initiated by|with} CCCCCCCC

Explanation: The HSC on this host performed a switch of a communications method. If indicated, the switch was initiated by host CCCCCCCC, and this host has responded by performing a switch. Otherwise, a failure occurred on this host, and the other host will be notified to perform a switch. The previous and current methods are displayed.

System Action: If due to an error on this host, a search is performed to find the next lower level method available. If initiated by another host, the new method specified by that host is used.

User Response: If due to an error on this host (or possibly on an initiating host), find and correct the problem which prompted the switch. Then, if desired, return to the previous communications method by using the COMMPath command.


Specified communications method is VTAM and VTAM is not active; reply RETRY or NOVTAM

Explanation: The communications method is specified as VTAM, but VTAM was not active when HSC tried to open the VTAM ACB.

System Action: The next lower method available is used until VTAM becomes active.

User Response: Reply RETRY to cause HSC to try again to open the VTAM ACB. If VTAM is active, a switch to the VTAM method occurs. Reply NOVTAM to cause HSC not to wait for VTAM to become active and to continue using the method already selected.


Communications method switch not initiated; host CCCCCCCC specified unacceptable parm: CCCC

Explanation: The HSC on host CCCCCCCC requested a communications method switch, but the parm CCCC is unacceptable on this host.

System Action: The request is ignored.

User Response: Since a method switch was requested, you may need to check for error messages on the requesting host and respond accordingly. If the results would have been desired, modify the definitions for this host and the requesting host by using the COMMPath command.


Communications error: function XXXXXXXX1 XXXXXXXX2 [XXXXXXXX3]

Explanation: The HSC host-to-host communications component encountered a processing error for the specified function. XXXXXXXX1 and XXXXXXXX2 are the primary and secondary error codes, respectively. If present, XXXXXXXX3 is further error information. Possible function values and error codes include:

Table 2-2 Function Values and Error Codes

Possible function Values Primary Error Codes (XXXXXXXX1) Secondary Error Codes (XXXXXXXX2) Additional Information (XXXXXXXX3)


1 or 2












1 or 2
















1 or 2




















1 or 2



















Value definitions for primary and secondary error codes as well as additional error information include:

Primary Error Code (XXXXXXXX1) value definitions:

  • 1 - Primary return code from R15 (for VTAM requests)

  • 2 - Recovery action return code from R0 (for VTAM SYNAD and LERAD exits)

Secondary Error Code (XXXXXXXX2) value definitions:

  • 3 - Two bytes with value from RPLRTNCD field and two bytes with value from RPLFDB2 field in RPL

  • 4 - Value from ACBERFLG field in ACB

Additional Information (XXXXXXXX3) value definitions:

  • 5 - Two bytes with value from RPL6RCPR field and two bytes with value from RPL6RCSC field in RPL extension

  • 6 - Value of WHATRCV mask from RPL6WHAT field in RPL extension

Primary (XXXXXXXX1) and secondary (XXXXXXXX2) error codes as well as additional information (XXXXXXXX3) display when applicable. The codes consist of four bytes displayed as eight characters. For example,

SLS1904E Communications error: VTAM ALLOC 00000000 0000000B 00040000

VTAM code definitions are documented in applicable VTAM manuals.

System Action: Processing attempts to continue. Depending on the severity of the error, execution may be affected later on.

User Response: Determine and correct the problem. If the error caused a communications method switch, determine if you want to return to the higher COMM level (use the COMMPath command).



Explanation: An unexpected return code was returned from a component.

System Action: The system continues operating and bypasses the requested function of the component.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Invalid message data:


Explanation: Invalid character(s) were detected in a communications message being sent to another host. CCCCCCCCCC is the EBCDIC representation of the message data. ZZZZZZZZZZ and NNNNNNNNNN are the zones and numerics of the message data.

System Action: The system continues operating and the communications message is ignored.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


CDS output message queue count for host HHHH is CCCCCC

Explanation: There are CCCCCC messages on the CDS output message queue for host HHHH.

System Action: If the HSC on host HHHH is active, the messages will eventually be processed. If the HSC on host HHHH is inactive, then the messages will not be processed and will continue to accumulate.

User Response:

  • If the HSC on host HHHH is active and VTCS is installed, Oracle recommends that the HSC COMMPath METHod parameter be set to either LMU, VTAM, or TCP.

  • If host HHHH is not active then the RECOVER command can be used to delete the queued messages.


See the RECOVER command before using this command.



Explanation: The COMMPATH TCPPATH value was rejected for the specified reason, RRRRRRRR.

System Action: The entire COMMPATH command is rejected.

User Response: Correct the error as indicated by the specified reason, RRRRRRRR. A non-exhaustive list of individual reasons is as follows:

  • "port number delimiter not found" indicates that the specified TCPPATH value did not include the "/" delimiter that separates the IP address or host name from the port number.

  • "invalid port number" indicates that the specified TCPPATH value specified a port number > 65535 or < 1.

  • "invalid IP address format" indicates that the specified IP address portion of the TCPPATH definition is an invalid IPv4 or IPv6 format.

  • "EZASMI interface cannot be initialized" indicates that the z/OS TCP/IP interface is not installed or is inaccessible to the HSC subsystem.

  • "Cannot specify IP "*" for other host" indicates that the specified TCPPATH value of "*" is invalid for a HOST id other than the HOST id issuing the command. Substitute a resolvable host name or IP address for the "*".

  • "Host name cannot be resolved" indicates that the COMMPATH TCPPATH value was interpreted as a host name, but that host name could not be resolved. Substitute a resolvable host name or IP address for the host name in error.

  • "IPv6 not supported on host" indicates that the COMMPATH TCPPATH value was interpreted as an IPv6 format address, but IPv6 is not supported on this host. Substitute a resolvable host name or IPv4 address for the IPv6 address in error.

  • "SLSSPIP service error" indicates an ELS IP service validation error. This last error should be reported to StorageTek Software support.



RSN=NN {; connection lost | ignored}

Explanation: A host-to-host communications error occurred in TCP/IP communications initiated by client host CCCCCCCC to server host SSSSSSSS. The ELS or TCP/IP function, ELS return code, and ELS reason code (or TCP/IP function errno where applicable) are also displayed.

System Action: If the messages indicates "ERROR" and/or "connection lost", then COMMPATH TCPPATH between hosts CCCCCCCC and SSSSSSSS is terminated and an automatic switch to a lower level COMMPATH communications method is selected.

User Response: None



Explanation: A COMMPATH METHOD(TCP) command was issued to start a TCP/IP server socket listener subtask but the subtask could not be started due to the specified reason, or the subtask ended prematurely.

System Action: The TCP/IP server socket listener task is ended, and the COMMPATH METHOD is changed from TCP to a lower communications METHOD.

User Response: None

  • If the stated reason is "TCP/IP bind() error", then re-issue the COMMPATH TCPPATH command specifying a different port number value.

  • If the stated reason is "No TCPPATH defined", then re-issue the COMMPATH TCPPATH command specifying the current HOST.

  • If the stated reason is "No HPQE entry", then re-issue the COMMPATH TCPPATH command specifying a different HOST value.




Explanation: A host-to-host communications error occurred in the TCPPATH communications server. The ELS or TCP/IP function, ELS return code, and ELS reason code (or TCP/IP function errno where applicable) are also displayed. If available, the originating client IP address or host id is also displayed.

System Action:

  • If " ERROR" and/or "server terminated" are displayed, then the host-to-host TCPPATH communications server encountered an unrecoverable error and was terminated.

  • If "WARNING" is displayed, then a transient TCP/IP error occurred which causes the originating client to select a lower COMMPATH communications method.

User Response: If "server terminated" is displayed, and the function is "BIND", then attempt to re-enter the COMMPATH TCPPATH command specifying a different port number.


Volume volser moved from location AA:LL:PP:RR:CC to location AA:LL:PP:RR:CC

Explanation: Volume volser was moved to location AA:LL:PP:RR:CC.

System Action: The volume was moved as requested.

User Response: None


Volume volser not in ACS AA

Explanation: A volume, volser, requested in a command or utility was not found in the CDS if AA is blank or in the target ACS if AA is displayed.

System Action: The command or utility function is not performed for the volume.

User Response: If Flsm and TLsm are specified on a MOVe statement, insure they are within the same ACS configuration. Otherwise, a Display Volume may be used to determine if it exists and/or where.


{MOVe} Rejected; Conflicting audit in progress on {ACS|LSM} {ACSid|LSMid}

Explanation: A command or utility function was attempted against library volumes that were being audited by a SLUADMIN AUDIt utility.

System Action: The requested command or utility terminates.

User Response: Wait until the AUDIt utility job is finished, and re-enter this request.


I/O error processing control database

Explanation: An I/O error on the control data set occurred during processing of a command or utility function.

System Action: The command or utility terminates before completing the requested function.

User Response: Determine the cause of the I/O error. Re-enter the request after the control data set problem is corrected.



Explanation: A command was rejected because the specified component of the system required to complete the command was unavailable.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: Verify that the ACS is connected, the LSM is online (available) as indicated in the message, and then re-enter the command. If the ACSid or LSMid is invalid, re-enter the command with the correct ACSid or LSMid. If the problem persists, contact StorageTek Hardware Support.


Cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC is not a valid CELLid

Explanation: A Cell (AA:LL:PP:RR:CC) requested in a command or utility was found to be an invalid location for a storage cell.

System Action: The command or utility function is not performed for the cell.

User Response: Determine the correct location, and repeat the function.


Unable to select volume during CCCCCCC of volume volser

Explanation: During processing of the CCCCCCC command, Volume volser was already in use and could not be selected to complete the operation.

System Action: The CCCCCCC command continues with the next volume in the scope of the requested command.

User Response: Enter a separate CCCCCCC command for the volume when it is not in use.


MOVE rejected; no target LSMs are connected, online, or valid

Explanation: An attempt to move volume(s) to specified LSM(s) was rejected. None of the LSMs were valid, connected, or online to the host where the command was executed.

System Action: The operator command terminates.

User Response: Connect one or more of the LSMs to this host (see Vary and MODify commands), and re-enter the operator command.


No free cells found in specified PANEL or LSM(s) to continue the MOVE function

Explanation: A MOVe command was issued, but no free cells were found in the specified panel or LSM(s).

System Action: The MOVe function terminates due to lack of free cells.

User Response: Free up cells in the LSMs where volumes are to be moved by ejecting volumes from the LSM, or re-enter the MOVe command specifying a different panel in the LSM or a different LSM.


Volume in cell location AA:LL:PP:RR:CC does not physically match specified Volser volser

Explanation: During the process of verifying the volume and its location, the volume was not where the control data set indicated it should have been.

System Action: The volume was not moved during this operation and is made errant.

User Response: An attempt should be made to locate the volume in question. If necessary, perform an audit of the panel where the volume resided.


External label on volume volser is unreadable

Explanation: While executing a command, the label on Volume volser has become unreadable.

System Action: The volume was not moved during this operation. The control data set is marked to reflect this condition.

User Response: The specified volume should be ejected from the library and its external label examined to determine why the label is not readable. If this condition exists on several volumes, report this condition to StorageTek Hardware Support.


Cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC is empty - found during CCCCCCC

Explanation: While running the CCCCCCCC command, the cell in question was found to be empty.

System Action: The volume is made errant.

User Response: Perform one of the following actions:

  • Audit the referenced cell (AA:LL:PP:RR:CC).

  • Mount or eject the volume to invoke errant recovery to allow a logical eject to occur.


CCCCCCC of volser at AA:LL:PP:RR:CC failed; LMU/LSM error (XXXX)

Explanation: Command CCCCCCC of volume volser or Cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC failed. XXXX is an LMU/LSM error. Possible LMU/LSM errors are:

  • 6510 - No pass-thru port for transfer

  • 6511 - LMU offline

  • 6512 - Lost communication with LMU

  • 6514 - LSM hardware error

  • 6515 - LMU hardware error

  • 6528 - LMU Server Dead

  • 6592 - LSM is offline

  • 65FF - Request purged

System Action: The action in progress will not complete. The cartridge may be made errant depending on the point at which the failure occurred.

User Response: Use the Display Volume command to determine the status and location of the volume. If the volume is made errant, perform one of the following actions:

  • Audit the referenced cell (AA:LL:PP:RR:CC).

  • Mount or eject the volume to invoke errant recovery to allow a logical eject to occur.


Unexpected RC received in module CCCCCCCC1 while processing CCCCCCC2 (XXXXXXXX)

Explanation: Module CCCCCCCC1 returned an unexpected return code (XXXXXXXX) while attempting to perform the CCCCCCC2 function. The success or failure of the function is unknown.

System Action: The state of action in progress is unknown, and a SNAP dump has been taken.

User Response: Preserve the SNAP dump and contact StorageTek Software Support.


TPANEL specified for MOVE of volser conflicts with source location panel

Explanation: A MOVe command or utility function was attempted specifying the same panel where the source volume resides. A move to the same panel is not allowed.

System Action: The requested command or utility terminates. The move is not performed.

User Response: Re-enter the command or utility specifying a TPanel that is not the source location panel.



Explanation: In response to a MONITOR command, this message indicates that the specified job CCCCCCCC has issued a programmatic interface or VM TMI call requesting the specified motion against the specified volser (volser).

  • HH:MM:SS specifies the time the request was issued. If a single request specified multiple volumes (e.g. EJect), then each message for that request will display the same time.

  • DDDDDDDD specifies the type of motion. Valid values are Mount, DISMount, MOVe or EJect.

  • EEEEEEEE specifies the location involved. This is either a CAPid (EJect), LSMid (MOVe target), or a drive device number (Mount, DISMount).

System Action: None

User Response: None


CCCCCCCC task failed, attempting to restart

Explanation: The task (CCCCCCCC) either failed to initialize, or it completed its processing out of sequence, either normally or via an abend. An attempt will be made to detach and reattach the task in order to restart it.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


CCCCCCCC task restarted successfully

Explanation: The task that failed earlier was detached and reattached and now has initialized successfully.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


CCCCCCCC task could not be restarted

Explanation: The attempt to detach and reattach the task did not succeed. The maximum number of reattach attempts for this task was tried, but the task could not be restarted. The HSC should be recycled soon in order to re-establish the functions of this task.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: You should recycle the HSC in order to recover the functionality of the non-restartable task.



Explanation: The HSC User Exit Service responded with one of the following conditions:

  • If RRRRRRRR = ABENDED and DISABLED, User Exit CC had an error for module CCCCCCCC.

  • If RRRRRRRR = INACTIVE, User Exit CC returned inactive for module CCCCCCCC.

  • If RRRRRRRR = NOT DISABLED, User Exit CC was being processed when an abend occurred.

System Action:

  • If status displayed is INACTIVE, the system no longer executes the User Exit module, as this is the requested action.

  • If status is ABENDED and DISABLED, User Exit had a processing error and is no longer executed.

  • If status is NOT DISABLED, this implies there was an abend while processing this user exit, but it was outside the boundaries of the user exit itself. In this case, the exit is not disabled. The abend should still be investigated.

User Response: If status displayed is INACTIVE, no further action is required, as this is the requested action.

  • If status displayed is INACTIVE, no further action is required, as this is the requested action.

  • If status displayed is ABENDED and DISABLED or NOT DISABLED, notify the systems programmer immediately of this condition.


OPEN Error on User Exit Module Library: CCCCCCCC

Explanation: An error occurred at initialization time when the system attempted to OPEN the User Exit Module Library specified by the CCCCCCCC DD JCL card.

System Action: The System attempts to load the default User Exit Modules from JOBLIB/STEPLIB instead of specified User Exit Module Library. Dynamic LOAD/RELOAD of User Exits is --NOT-- possible due to OPEN Error.

User Response: Notify your systems programmer immediately of this condition. Correct the spelling of User Exit Module Library name and/or resolve the reason for OPEN Error.


HSC User Exit Service Error: User Exit CC Now INACTIVE

Explanation: An internal maintenance/check program detected a serious data structure error condition in the User Exit Table.

System Action: The System changes the status of problem User Exit to ”INACTIVE” and takes steps to correct the data structure error with next dynamic LOAD of User Exit CC.

User Response: Dynamically RELOAD User Exit CC via the UEXIT operator command. If this problem occurs again, notify your systems programmer immediately.


Dynamic LOAD/RELOAD of User Exit Modules is only possible if the ”SLSUEXIT” DD procedure statement was included in the HSC JCL.


ATTACH/Initialization of CCCCCCCC is OVERDUE; Retry or Cancel (R,C)

Explanation: The HSC is attempting to ATTACH and Initialize the required module CCCCCCCC, but, it is taking longer than expected. The ATTACH/Initialization process will continue for several minutes, but, could eventually abend the HSC startup process.

System Action: Processing continues, Response is NOT mandatory. The message is issued to give the customer an opportunity to enter the various user response options as described below.

User Response: Possible user responses:

  • R - Retry will restart the ATTACH and Initialization timers.

  • C - Cancel will force an HSC abend, take a system DUMP and Cancel the HSC startup process.

  • no action - The HSC will wait for several more minutes for the CCCCCCCC to ATTACH and initialize. If successful the HSC will continue processing. If not successful the HSC startup process will issue an abend and then begin its shutdown logic.


(...error text...)

Explanation: A specified value is invalid or an incompatibility exists between model, unit, media, and/or recording technique information for a request. Valid error text messages include:

  • RECTECH is incompatible with UNIT

    The value specified for the RECtech parameter is not compatible with the drive specified for the unit.

  • MODEL is incompatible with UNIT

    The value specified for the MODel parameter is not compatible with the drive specified for the unit.

  • MEDIA is incompatible with UNIT

    The value specified for the MEDia parameter is not compatible with the drive specified for the unit.

  • UNIT is incompatible with both MEDIA and RECTECH

    The drive specified for the unit is not compatible with the MEDia or RECtech values.

  • UNIT is incompatible with both MEDIA and MODEL

    The drive specified for the unit is not compatible with the MEDia or MODel values.

  • MEDIA is incompatible with RECTECH

    The value specified for the MEDia parameter is not compatible with the value specified for the RECtech parameter.

  • MEDIA is incompatible with MODEL

    The value specified for the MEDia parameter is not compatible with the value specified for the MODel parameter.

  • RECTECH is incompatible with both UNIT and MEDIA

    The value specified for the RECtech parameter is not compatible with the drive and MEDia parameters.

  • MODEL is incompatible with both UNIT and MEDIA

    The value specified for the MODel parameter is not compatible with the drive and MEDia parameters.

  • MEDIA is incompatible with both UNIT and RECTECH

    The value specified for the MEDia parameter is not compatible with the drive and RECtech parameters.

  • MEDIA is incompatible with both UNIT and MODEL

    The value specified for the MEDia parameter is not compatible with the drive and MODel parameters.

  • MEDIA, RECTECH and UNIT are all incompatible

    The values specified for MEDia, RECtech and the drive parameters are not compatible with each other.

  • MEDIA, MODEL and UNIT are all incompatible

    The values specified for MEDia, MODel and the drive parameters are not compatible with each other.

  • MEDIA is invalid

    The value specified for the MEDia parameter is unknown or incorrect.

  • RECTECH is invalid

    The value specified for the RECtech parameter is unknown or incorrect.

  • MODEL is invalid

    The value specified for the MODel parameter is unknown or incorrect.

  • MEDIA and RECTECH are invalid

    The values specified for the MEDia and RECtech parameters are unknown or incorrect.

  • MEDIA and MODEL are invalid

    The values specified for the MEDia and MODel parameters are unknown or incorrect.

  • UCB/LMU Drive type mismatch; UCB device type assumed

    The MVS UCB indicated a device type which is not compatible with the LMU device type. HSC will assume the UCB device type for this operation: 3480 is assumed to be 18TRACK; 3490/3490E are assumed to be 36ATRACK; and 3590 is assumed to be STK1R.

  • UCB/LMU UNITATTR Drive type mismatch; UCB/LMU type assumed

    The UNITATTR for the device does not match what the UCB or LMU indicates. HSC will use the type of device that the UCB/LMU indicates.

System Action: None

User Response: Correct the situation described in the error message and resubmit your job.


CAP Status:

CAP ID   Size   Partid  Hostid   Priority   Mode   Status
______   _____  ______  ______   ________   ______ ______
CCCC1    CCCC2  PPP     CCCC3    DD         CCCC4  CCCC5

Explanation: The status of one or more CAPs is displayed in response to the Display Cap command. One status line is displayed for each CAP. If there are no CAPs attached to the host, the message ”LSM AA:LL|AA:LL:CC has no CAPs available” is displayed instead of the CAP status messages.

  • CCCC1 is the CAPid (AA:LL:CC).

  • CCCC2 is the CAP size, which is one of the following:

    • 21-CELL: Standard 4410 CAP

    • 20-CELL: WolfCreek CAP

    • 30-CELL: WolfCreek optional CAP

    • 40-CELL: Enhanced CAP

    • PCAP: Priority CAP (Enhanced/Wolfcreek)

    • 14-CELL: 9740 14 cell CAP

    • 10-CELL: 9740 CAP with 10 cell magazine

    • 9740-TYPE: 9740 CAP when HSC does not yet know the number of cells

    • 26-CELL: SL3000 CAP with two 13 cell magazines

    • 36-CELL: Bulk 8500 CAP with three 12 cell magazines

    • 39-CELL: SL8500 CAP with three 13 cell magazines

  • PPP is the PARTid of the partition owning the CAP when active. When the CAP is not active, NONE will be displayed.

  • CCCC3 is the HOSTid of the host owning the CAP. This is only displayed if the CAP is active.

  • DD is the CAP priority.

  • CCCC4 is the CAP Mode, which is one of the following:

    • Entering: CAP is being used to enter tapes.

    • Ejecting: CAP is being used to eject tapes.

    • Draining: CAP is being drained.

    • Cleaning: CAP needs cleaning

    • Idle: CAP is idle.

    • Reserved: CAP is reserved by another partition.

    • Unknown: Error occurred. Unknown CAP type.

  • CCCC5 is the CAP Status, which is one or more of the following:

    • Manual: CAP is in Manual mode.

    • Online: CAP is Online.

    • Offline: CAP is Offline.

    • Active: CAP is performing a task.

    • Recovery: Error occurred. Recovery needed.

    • Automatic: CAP is in automatic mode.

    • Unknown: Error occurred. Unknown CAP status.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None



Explanation: An EJect|ENter|VIew command was rejected because an unexpected return code was encountered from Configuration Management (FIGMNGR) or CAP Services detected an error attempting to locate a CAP record (SLSCGREC).

  • XXXX is the called service return code.

  • FIGMNGR|SLSCGREC is the called service presenting the return code.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: None


The VIEW command is not supported for this library type

Explanation: An attempt to VIEW a cell in an SL8500 library has failed because this library has no lights or cameras.

System Action: The VIEW command is terminated.

User Response: None


DRAIN command rejected; CAP AA:LL:CC is OFFLINE

Explanation: The specified CAP cannot be drained, as it is not online. Since it is not online, it cannot be doing an enter or an eject and, consequently, should not need to be drained. AA:LL:CC is the CAPid.

System Action: The DRAin request is rejected.

User Response: Reissue the command with the correct CAPid.


EJECT rejected; No SCRATCH volumes in ACSid AA or parser error, invalid CAPid length detected|CAPid AA:LL:CC is of an unknown CAPtype |internal error

Explanation: An EJect command was unable to locate any scratch volumes in the named ACSid AA or the CAPid specified was not in the form of AA:LL or AA:LL:CC. ”EJECT rejected,” ”CAPid AA:LL:CC is of an unknown CAPtype,” and ”internal error” are HSC errors and should be referred to StorageTek Software Support.

  • AA is the ACSid specified in the AA portion of AA:LL:CC in the EJect command.

  • AA:LL:CC is the CAPid specified by the EJect command.

System Action: The EJect command is rejected.

User Response: None


LSM AA:LL Status:

LSM Type : DDDD1

{Pending                 |}- {Not Ready |} - {Automatic|}
Maint Mode               | Ready Manual
Offline                  |
CAP ID Size   Hostid   Priority   Mode   Status
______ ____   ______   ________   ____   ______
CCCC1  CCCC2  CCCC3    DD2        CCCC4  CCCC5
[AUDIT in progress.]
Scratch volumes available...DDDD
Free cells available..............DDDD
Panel PP frozen - DDD1 total cells, DDD2 free cells

Explanation: The status of one or more LSMs is displayed in response to the Display Lsm command. If Lsm is specified without lsm-list, a one line status summary is displayed for every LSM in the library.

LSM status information displayed is as follows:

  • Online/Offline/Pending Offline/Maintenance Mode Status

  • Ready/Not Ready status

  • Automatic/Manual Mode status

  • Not configured status

  • FREEZE status

LSM type displayed is as follows:

  • 4410 Standard LSM

  • 3000 StorageTek Library 3000

  • 8500 Oracle StorageTek Library 8500

  • 9310 PowderHorn

  • 9360 WolfCreek

  • 9740 TimberWolf

Depending on the format of the Display command, the following information may be included:

  • CAP status, which includes CAPid, Size, HOSTid, Priority, Mode and Status. The status of one or more CAPs is displayed in response to the Display Cap command. One status line is displayed for each CAP. If there are no CAPs attached to the host, the message ”LSM AA:LL|AA:LL:CC has no CAPS available” is displayed instead of the CAP status messages.

    • DDDD1 is the LSM type, which is one of the following:

      • 4410 Standard LSM

      • 3000 Oracle StorageTek Library 3000

      • 8500 Oracle StorageTek Library 8500

      • 9310 PowderHorn

      • 9360 WolfCreek

      • 9740 TimberWolf

    • CCCC1 is the CAPid (AA:LL:CC).

    • CCCC2 is the CAP size, which is one of the following:

      • 21-CELL: Standard CAP

      • 20-CELL: WolfCreek CAP

      • 30-CELL: WolfCreek optional CAP

      • 40-CELL: Enhanced CAP

      • PCAP: Priority CAP (Enhanced/WolfCreek)

      • 10-CELL: 9740 CAP with 10 cell magazine

      • 14-CELL: 9740 14 cell CAP

      • 26-CELL: SL3000 with two 13 cell magazines

      • 36-CELL: Bulk 8500 CAP with three 12 cell magazines

      • 39-CELL: SL8500 CAP with three 13 cell magazines

      • 9740-TYPE: 9740 CAP when HSC does not yet know the number of cells

      • 39-CELL: SL8500 CAP with three 13 cell magazines

    • PPP is the PARTid of the partition owning the CAP when active. When the CAP is not active, NONE will be displayed.

    • CCCC3 is the HOSTid of the host owning the CAP. This is only displayed if the CAP is active.

    • DD2 is the CAP priority.

    • CCCC4 is the CAP Mode, which is one of the following:

      • Entering: CAP is being used to enter tapes.

      • Ejecting: CAP is being used to eject tapes.

      • Draining: CAP is being drained.

      • Cleaning: CAP needs cleaning.

      • Idle: CAP is idle.

      • Unknown: Error occurred. Unknown CAP type.

    • CCCC5 is the CAP Status, which is one or more of the following:

      • Manual: CAP is in Manual mode.

      • Online: CAP is Online.

      • Offline: CAP is Offline.

      • Active: CAP is performing a task.

      • Recovery: Error occurred. Recovery needed.

      • Automatic: CAP is in automatic mode.

      • Unknown: Error occurred. Unknown CAP status.

  • Audits in progress, if any.

  • Number of scratch volumes and free storage cells available in each LSM

  • Display each frozen panel, showing the total number of cells (DDD1) and number of free cells (DDD2) on the panel.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


{ENTER|EJECT} command rejected; LSMid AA:LL does not control a CAP

Explanation: An ENter or EJect command specified an LSMid that does not control a CAP.

System Action: The EJect or ENter command is rejected.

User Response: To view the status of the eligible CAPs, issue the Display Cap command. Re-issue the command specifying an LSMid that controls an eligible CAP.


MODIFY LSMid AA:LL offline command rejected; CAPid AA:LL:CC reserved to CCCCCCCC

Explanation: An attempt was made to modify the last SL8500 LSM offline that can control the CAP(s) when at least one CAP was still active.

System Action: The MODify lsm OFFline command is rejected.

User Response: Ensure that all the CAPs for the LSM are inactive. Or, vary on another LSM that can control the active CAP. If further CAP processing is impossible due to a hardware error, issue the MODify lsm OFFline command with the FORCE keyword.


DRAin command rejected; ENter|EJect command not active on CAPid AA:LL:CC

Explanation: The specified CAP is not currently performing enter or eject processing or an ENter or EJect command is not in progress from the same host from which the DRAin command is entered. AA:LL:CC. is the CAPid.

System Action: The DRAin request is rejected.

User Response: Reissue the command on the host where the ENter|EJect is active.


{ENTER|EJECT} command rejected; no CAPs on {ACS AA|LSMid AA:LL} are eligible for selection

Explanation: An ENter or EJect command did not contain a specific CAPid, and no CAPs are eligible to be selected.

To be eligible for selection, a CAP must have a non-zero CAP preference value, it must be online, it must be idle, and it cannot be in RECOVERY Mode. In addition, for the ENter command, the CAP cannot be in AUTO mode.

System Action: The EJect or ENter command is rejected.

User Response: To view the status of the CAPs, issue the Display Cap command.

  • If CAP preference values need to be set to non-zero, this is done using the CAPPref command.

  • If a CAP needs to be brought online, this is done using the MODify command.

  • If a CAP mode needs to be changed from AUTO to MANual, this is done using the CAPPref command.

  • If a CAP is in RECOVERY mode then wait until the Recovery process is complete.

Once there are eligible CAPs from which to choose, re-issue the command. Alternatively, the command can be issued with a specific CAPid, so that the selection process is unnecessary.


Scratch warning thresholds have been set to DDDD for ACS acsid|LSM lsmid {SUBPOOL subpool} {MEDIA media RECTECH rectech}

Explanation: This message indicates that the scratch warning threshold has been adjusted by the Warn command. DDDD is the threshold, acsid or lsmid is the ACS or LSM for which the threshold has been set. subpool is the subpool to which the threshold applies. media is the media type to which the threshold applies. rectech is the recording technique to which the threshold applies.

System Action: None

User Response: None


CCCCCCCC command RRRRRRRR; reconfiguration is active

Explanation: While processing command CCCCCCCC dynamic reconfiguration was detected. If the field RRRRRRRR contains "not executed" or "terminated", then the command could not be executed while reconfiguration is active. If RRRRRRRR contains "delayed", then this command is delayed until dynamic reconfiguration is complete.

System Action: Depending on the text in the message the command is either rejected, terminated, or delayed. If the command is delayed then it will be executed once dynamic reconfiguration completes.

User Response: If the command was rejected or terminated then re-enter the command once reconfiguration completes.


Manually mounted volume volser from cell location AA:LL:PP:RR:CC deleted from the CDS

Explanation: A volume, volser, manually mounted in an offline LSM was dismounted manually. The volume is no longer within library control and has been deleted from the Control Data Set (CDS).

System Action: The volume is deleted from the CDS, and processing continues.

User Response: None


Unable to mark volume volser errant - volume is not selected

Explanation: During a dismount, an attempt was made to mark the specified volume errant. This could not be done as it is not in selected status.

System Action: The volume is not dismounted and is not marked errant.

User Response: Investigate why the volume is not selected and take appropriate action.


Unable to mark volume volser errant - VAT not owned by caller

Explanation: During a dismount, an attempt was made to mark the specified volume errant. This could not be done as the VAT is not owned by the caller.

System Action: The volume is not dismounted and is not marked errant.

User Response: Issue the DISMOUNT request from the same system that mounted the cartridge.


Unable to mark volume volser errant - VAR not owned by caller

Explanation: During a dismount, an attempt was made to mark the specified volume errant. This could not be done as the VAR is not owned by the caller.

System Action: The volume is not dismounted and is not marked errant.

User Response: Issue the DISMOUNT request from the same system that mounted the cartridge.


Dismount of volser from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Volume not in CDS; reply I, A, R or E to Ignore, Add, Retry or Eject

Explanation: An attempt was made to dismount volume volser from transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN}, but the specified volume was not in the control data set.

System Action: The dismount waits for you to reply I; A; R; or E.

User Response: Reply with one of the following:

  • Ignore (I), if the dismount is to be ignored.

  • Add (A), if the volume is to be added to the CDS and the cartridge dismounted to a new home cell.

  • Retry (R), if the control data set lookup is to be retried.

  • Eject (E), if the cartridge is to be ejected.


Mount of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - External media type unreadable; reply Retry/Bypass/Eject/Ignore (R,B,E,I)

Explanation: An attempt was made to mount volume volser on transport XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN, but the external media type was unreadable.

System Action: The mount waits until you reply either Retry, Bypass, Eject, or Ignore.

User Response: Reply with one of the following:

  • R, if the mount is to be retried.

  • B, if the mount is to be retried and media type verification bypassed.

  • E, if the volume is to be ejected. Volume volser will be deleted from the control data set.

  • I, if the mount is to be ignored.


Enter of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - volser cannot be used; reply E,volser to enter cartridge or I to Ignore

Explanation: An attempt was made to ENter volume volser to be mounted on drive XXXX or driveid AA:LL:PP:NN, but the volume is incompatible with the transport, has unreadable media, or is selected to another process.

System Action: The mount waits for you to reply ”E,volser” or ”I”.

User Response: Reply with one of the following:

  • E,volser, if a different volser is to be entered or if the same volume is to be entered after resolving the error condition.

  • I, if the mount is to be ignored.


Allocation record mismatch

Explanation: A DALM block mismatch was detected between the primary and the secondary control data set. This is a warning message that indicates that one or the other control data sets does not contain the correct record allocations.

System Action: None

User Response: Verify that the control data sets are the proper data sets to backup. If not, obtain the correct set, and resubmit the BACKup utility.


Manual Mount of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Complete

Explanation: In response to an SLS2911D manual mount request or in MVS the detection of mounted volume on the transport, volume volser was presumed mounted by the operator on transport XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN.

System Action: Normal processing continues. The volume is retained in the CDS.

User Response: None


Mount of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Volume not in library[; reply "I", "R", "T", "P", "T,capid" or "P,capid"]

Explanation: An attempt was made to mount volume volser on specified transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN} where XXXX = drive and AA:LL:PP:NN = DRIVEid, but volume volser was not in the library.

System Action: If the command is issued from the HSC console, the mount waits until you respond or the volume is entered.

User Response: For an HSC console command, reply with one of the following:

  • I, if the mount is to be ignored.

  • R, if the mount is to be retried.

  • T, if the volume required is to be temporarily entered. HSC attempts to allocate a CAP with nonzero CAPpref in the ACS in which the drive is located. HSC does not select a PCAP.

  • P, if the volume required is to be permanently entered. HSC attempts to allocate a CAP with nonzero CAPpref in the ACS in which the drive is located. HSC does not select a PCAP.

  • T,capid, if the volume required is to be temporarily entered. HSC attempts to use the CAPid specified.

  • P,capid, if the volume required is to be permanently entered. HSC attempts to use the CAPid specified.

Note the following:

  • When you enter ”T” or ”P” without a CAPid, HSC does not select a PCAP. You must enter ”T,capid” or ”P,capid” to use a PCAP for entering a cartridge to satisfy the MOUNT.

  • If your site does not have a tape management system, be sure to reply to this message (either I; R; T; P; T,capid; or P,capid). Otherwise, the cartridge may be selected and overwritten if a job requests a scratch after entering the volume.

  • If the command is entered via a UUI request, the mount is ignored.


XXXX of YYYYYYYY volumes in this report meet or exceed 100% of their warranty life, total volumes: ZZZZZZZZ

Explanation: A Media Warranty Life (MWL) percentage is obtained at volume dismount for tape libraries at or above LMU compatibility level 21. Of the volumes requested in this report, XXXX of the volumes are at or above 100% of their warranty life. YYYYYYYY is the number of volumes in this report that have a known MWL value. ZZZZZZZZ is the total number of volumes displayed in this report.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Volume(s) volser<-volser> not in library

Explanation: One or more of the volumes requested for a SLUADMIN utility function was not defined in the library. If a volume range was specified on the utility command and a sequential series of volumes within that range was not found, a single message will be displayed for the series.

System Action: The utility continues processing.

User Response: None


"SUMMARY(SUBPOOL)" specified and scratch subpool definitions not available

Explanation: The ”SUMMary(SUBpool)” keyword was specified on the VOLRpt utility statement, but no scratch subpool definitions were available either via an SLSSCRPL DD statement, an accessible SLSUX03 module or the SET VOLPARM definitions.

System Action: The utility continues processing. Scratch subpool totals will not be produced.

User Response: None


CCCCCCC1 keyword for CCCCCCC2 not supported in the CCCCCCC3 environment

Explanation: The CCCCCCC1 keyword found on the CCCCCCC2 utility control statement is not supported in the specific CCCCCCC3 environment.

System Action: A return code of 8 is set and the utility terminates.

User Response: Remove the keyword from the control statement and rerun the utility in the CCCCCCC3 environment, or run the utility in a compatible environment.


Volume volser in cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC has MEDIA-Type mismatch with database

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility function has encountered a library cartridge with the specified volume serial number (volser) at the specified location (AA:LL:PP:RR:CC) whose MEDIA-type specification in the control data set does not match LMU vision system results.

If the AUDIt is active with APPly(YES) specified or defaulted on the control statement, the volume's MEDIA-type specification will be altered to match the results from the LMU. If the AUDIt is active with APPly(NO) specified on the control statement, the HSC issues a warning message, and the control data set is not updated.

System Action: Depending on the APPly parameter specification, the MEDIA-type specification for the volume may be changed in the control data set.

User Response: None


"SUMMARY" must specify either "TOTal", "SUBpool", or both

Explanation: The ”SUMMary” keyword was indicated for the VOLRpt utility but did not specify a value or specified an invalid value.

System Action: A return code of 8 is set, and the utility terminates.

User Response: Specify either ”TOTal”, ”SUBpool”, or ”TOTal,SUBpool”, on the VOLRpt utility, and resubmit the job.


CCCCCCCC1 parameter CCCCCCCC2 already specified

Explanation: The CCCCCCCC1 parameter for the CCCCCCCC2 keyword had been previously specified.

System Action: A return code of 4 is set, and the utility continues.

User Response: None necessary; this message is for warning only.


No more SCRTCH volumes in ACS AA

Explanation: The EJECt utility was run specifying a number of scratch tapes to eject. HSC ejected all available scratch tapes within the ACS (AA) but did not have enough to completely satisfy the request.

System Action: The EJECt utility terminates with a return code of 4.

User Response: Perform another SCRTCH eject against a different ACS.


Unable to obtain storage for volume table

Explanation: There is insufficient storage to obtain a table to store requested volume information. This applies to the VM environment ONLY.

System Action: The VOLRpt utility terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Either define a larger virtual machine size (at least four megabytes is recommended), or reduce the amount of data requested.


SLSVA DD missing, data reported may be incorrect

Explanation: The SLSVA DD is needed when the volsers being reported are a mix of media types and recording techniques. When all volsers have the same media and recording technique, this message can be ignored. If mixed media types are involved, then the SLSVA DD should be supplied for the file containing the VOLATTR statements. If the SYSVA data set was to be determined from HSC, either HSC was inactive or was not at the same release level as the SLUADMIN program running VOLRPT.

System Action: The utility continues processing. Reported data may be incorrect.

User Response: Supply the SLSVA DD for the VOLATTR statements or set volume attributes via the SET VOLPARM utility.


CCCCCCC of volume volser - Access denied

Explanation: An attempt to access a volume was denied by user exit 14.

System Action: The utility continues without processing the volume. A return code 4 is set by the CCCCCCC utility.

User Response: None


volser not ejected, MEDIA MISCOMPARE

Explanation: During eject processing, a volume to be ejected was found to have a miscompare between the media information in the CDS and the media information returned by the LMU. The following messages may also be issued by the HSC at the console: SLS0698I, SLS0699I.

System Action: EJect continues without ejecting the cartridge. Condition code 4 is set.

User Response: The AUDIt utility should be run to correct the media mismatch.



Explanation: The data set CCCCCCCC2 defined by the DD statement CCCCCCCC1 was found not to have the necessary DCB attribute CCCCCCCC3.

System Action: A return code of 8 is set, and the utility terminates.

User Response: Ensure that the DD/FILEDEF statement specifies the proper DCB attributes and rerun the utility.


Input CDS from CCCCCCCC CDS level RRRRRRRR is inconsistent with utility maintenance level

Explanation: The input CDS, which is at release level RRRRRRRR cannot be used with the utility maintenance level. CCCCCCCC is the data set name.

System Action: The program terminates.

User Response: Resubmit the utility job using a load library for an HSC release level compatible with the current CDS.



Explanation: A database error occurred on the CCCCCCCC2 control data set. The error information is contained in CCCCCCCCCCCC1. DDDDDDD2 identifies the relative block number where the error occurred, and DDDDDDD1 identifies the record number within the block. (DDDDDDD1 may have a value greater than the number of actual records within the block for some CDS record types). SSSS identifies the subfile that contains the block and record in error.

If the error is 70787078 (length mismatch), the error may be because: 1) the record length of a variable-length CDS record is incorrect and is less than the minimum length allowed, 2) the record length of a variable-length CDS record is incorrect and is greater than the maximum length allowed (as defined in the directory entry for the CDS record), or 3) the length in the directory entry is incorrect and is less than the length of the CDS record.

If the error is 70847084 (subfile not found), it may be because one of the parameters in the utility control statement is out of bounds. An example of an out of bounds condition causing this error is if you specified LSM(00:06)for a library that only has one LSM. For any other conditions, there is a possibility of a CDS integrity error on the CCCCCCCC2 control data set.

System Action: The utility will go to normal termination with a return code of 8.

User Response: If the problem is an invalid parameter, correct the parameter and rerun the desired utility. If the problem is a length mismatch and the directory entry length is incorrect, run the Directory Rebuild utility to correct the length, then rerun the desired utility. For other error reasons, make a copy of the CDS as it currently exists for diagnostic purposes, then restore the respective CDS(s) and rerun the desired utility. If this error persists, call customer support with the appropriate information.


WARNING: CAP CCCCCCC1 unexpectedly released during CCCCCCC2 CCCCCCC3 processing

Explanation: CAP CCCCCCC1 had been released when the CCCCCCC3 process of the CCCCCCC2 utility expected it to be allocated.

System Action: A return code of 8 is set and the utility either continues or terminates, depending on the process CCCCCCC3.

User Response: If possible, the user should rerun the utility ensuring that the CAP which is allocated is NOT released prematurely.


XXXXXXXX command rejected; CAPid AA:LL:CC is in AUTOMATIC mode

Explanation: A utility was run with a specific CAPid. That CAP is currently not available because it is in AUTOmatic mode.

System Action: None

User Response: Rerun the utility specifying a different CAP, or take the CAP out of AUTOmatic mode.


CAPid AA:LL:CC is offline

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility function required a functional path to a specific CAPid (AA:LL:CC) but found the CAP offline to the host where the utility was executed.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Bring the CAP online to this host (see MODify command), and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


HSC Subsystem maintenance level is not correct for this utility

Explanation: HSC Subsystem maintenance level is not correct for this utility. A SLUADMIN utility function requires that the HSC subsystem and the utility modules are a certain release or PUT level.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Ensure that the HSC and utility load libraries are the same library concatenation. The user should select the libraries associated with the HSC currently running. Resubmit the job once the load library correction has been made.


Warning: Volume volser Media-type compare failed between VOLATTR and cartridge label

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility function has encountered a library cartridge with the specified volume serial number (volser). The robotics found the volume label to be of a Media-type that does not match the VOLATTR control statement Media-type specification.

System Action: None. This is a warning/informational message only.

User Response: Check to ensure that the VOLATTR Media-type specification or the volume Media-type label is correct.


(...error text...)

Explanation: A specified value is invalid or an incompatibility exists between model, unit, media, and/or recording technique information for a request. Valid error text messages include:

  • RECTECH is incompatible with UNIT

    The value specified for the RECtech parameter is not compatible with the drive specified for the unit.

  • MODEL is incompatible with UNIT

    The value specified for the MODel parameter is not compatible with the drive specified for the unit.

  • MEDIA is incompatible with UNIT

    The value specified for the MEDia parameter is not compatible with the drive specified for the unit.

  • UNIT is incompatible with both MEDIA and RECTECH

    The drive specified for the unit is not compatible with the MEDia or RECtech values.

  • UNIT is incompatible with both MEDIA and MODEL

    The drive specified for the unit is not compatible with the MEDia or MODel values.

  • MEDIA is incompatible with RECTECH

    The value specified for the MEDia parameter is not compatible with the value specified for the RECtech parameter.

  • MEDIA is incompatible with MODEL

    The value specified for the MEDia parameter is not compatible with the value specified for the MODel parameter.

  • RECTECH is incompatible with both UNIT and MEDIA

    The value specified for the RECtech parameter is not compatible with the drive and MEDia parameters.

  • MODEL is incompatible with both UNIT and MEDIA

    The value specified for the MODel parameter is not compatible with the drive and MEDia parameters.

  • MEDIA is incompatible with both UNIT and RECTECH

    The value specified for the MEDia parameter is not compatible with the drive and RECtech parameters.

  • MEDIA is incompatible with both UNIT and MODEL

    The value specified for the MEDia parameter is not compatible with the drive and MODel parameters.

  • MEDIA, RECTECH and UNIT are all incompatible

    The values specified for MEDia, RECtech and the drive parameters are not compatible with each other.

  • MEDIA, MODEL and UNIT are all incompatible

    The values specified for MEDia, MODel and the drive parameters are not compatible with each other.

  • MEDIA is invalid

    The value specified for the MEDia parameter is unknown or incorrect.

  • RECTECH is invalid

    The value specified for the RECtech parameter is unknown or incorrect.

  • MODEL is invalid

    The value specified for the MODel parameter is unknown or incorrect.

  • MEDIA and RECTECH are invalid

    The values specified for the MEDia and RECtech parameters are unknown or incorrect.

  • MEDIA and MODEL are invalid

    The values specified for the MEDia and MODel parameters are unknown or incorrect.

  • UCB/LMU Drive type mismatch; UCB device type assumed

    The MVS UCB indicated a device type which is not compatible with the LMU device type. HSC will assume the UCB device type for this operation.

  • UCB/LMU UNITATTR Drive type mismatch; UCB/LMU type assumed

    The UNITATTR for the device does not match what the UCB or LMU indicates. HSC will use the type of device that the UCB/LMU indicates.

System Action: The utility terminates without further action.

User Response: Correct the situation described in the error message, and resubmit your job.


No scratch volumes (MEDIA/RECTECH); Scratch Redistribution will not run

Explanation: The SLUADMIN utility determined that there are no scratch volumes available within the ACS that match the specified MEDia and/or RECtech criteria.

System Action: The utility terminates without further action.

User Response: Use the SCRAtch utility to define scratch volumes in the ACS, then resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Volume volser in cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC has unreadable MEDIA label

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility function has encountered a library cartridge with the specified volume serial number (volser) at the specified location (AA:LL:PP:RR:CC) that has an unreadable external MEDia label.

If the audit is active with APPly(YES) specified or defaulted on the control statement, the volume entry in the control data set is updated to reflect this fact. If the audit is active with APPly(NO) specified on the control statement, the HSC issues a warning message and the control data set is not updated.

System Action: Depending on the APPly parameter specification, the volume entry in the control data set will be updated.

User Response: Determine the reason the MEDia label is unreadable.


Volume volser in cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC is not in control database

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility function has encountered a library cartridge with the specified volume serial number (volser) at the specified location (AA:LL:PP:RR:CC) that is not in the control data set. However, the external MEDia label on the cartridge is unreadable.

If the audit is active with APPly(YES) specified on the control statement, the cartridge will be ejected. If the audit is active with APPly(NO) specified on the control statement, the HSC issues a warning message.

System Action: Depending on the APPly parameter specification, the volume may be ejected from the library

User Response: Examine cartridge to determine cause of unreadable external MEDia label.


No more SCRTCH volumes (MEDIA/RECTECH) in ACS AA

Explanation: The SLUADMIN utility determined that there are no scratch volumes available within ACS AA that match the specified MEDia and/or RECtech criteria.

System Action: The utility terminates without further action.

User Response: If you want this utility to continue, use the SCRAtch utility to define scratch volumes in the ACS with the correct MEDia and RECtech criteria, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Error ejecting Volume volser with unreadable MEDIA in cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility was unable to eject volume (volser) at cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC that is not in the control data set and has an unreadable MEDia external label. An attempt was made to eject the cartridge, but the AUDIt encountered an LMU error and was unable to eject the cartridge.

System Action: The situation is treated as a condition code 4 error; the AUDIt job continues.

User Response: If an error persists, contact your local StorageTek Software CSE. The tape may have to be removed by EJect command.


BALTOL parameter value invalid

Explanation: The BALtol parameter is not within the specified type or range of values.

System Action: The utility terminates without further action.

User Response: Permissible value for the BALtol parameter are 1 through 999 (inclusive). Correct the BALtol parameter value and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


VERIFY parameter invalid

Explanation: The VERIFY parameter was specified with an invalid program.

System Action: The JOB will end with a return code 8.

User Response: Remove the VERIFY parameter or change the program name to TMSTPNIT for CA1 Tape Initialization.


Attempting cleanup of CAP AA:LL:CC

Explanation: Cleanup is being attempted for CAPid AA:LL:CC.

System Action: The CAP is scanned.

User Response: None


CAP ejecting; please empty cartridges out of CAP AA:LL:CC

Explanation: When attempting to get a CAP for processing, volumes were found in the selected CAP. The volumes must be removed before processing can continue.

System Action: CAP processing waits.

User Response: Open the CAP door, remove the cartridges, and close the CAP door.


CAP processing terminating; please empty cartridges out of CAP AA:LL:CC

Explanation: The library subsystem is attempting to shutdown, but a CAP was in use.

System Action: Termination processing waits.

User Response: Open the CAP door, remove the cartridges, and close the door



Explanation: The HSC had an error XXXXXXXX issuing requests to ACS AA.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Empty CAP AA:LL:CC and close door

Explanation: At the beginning or termination of CAP processing, the CAP was found to contain cartridges, and those cartridges must be removed.

System Action: Processing waits.

User Response: The CAP door must be opened, the cartridges removed, and the CAP door closed.



Explanation: An HSC software failure occurred. CCCCCCCC is the abending module; XXXXX is the System or User ABEND code; XXXXXXXX is the reason code; and ZZ will be "NO" if no dump was taken or spaces if a dump was taken.

System Action: Application error handling routines attempt to resolve the problem.

User Response: Save any dumps taken. Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Automatic CAP Service {Available|Unavailable}

Explanation: An attempt was made to execute a CAP component feature supporting the Automatic CAP service. The Automatic CAP service may be available even though no ACSs are connected. A reply of Unavailable indicates this service is not functioning. Therefore, CAPs in the ”automatic” state will not process an automatic ENter.

System Action: HSC continues to function but without the Automatic CAP service.

User Response: If the Automatic CAP service is Available no response is needed.

If the Automatic CAP service is Unavailable you may set the CAP to manual mode and continue. Determine the cause of the problem and correct it, if possible. If accompanied by a dump, save the dump and contact StorageTek Software Support.

To reactivate Automatic CAP services, stop and restart the HSC.


Return code CCCCCCC1 from CCCCCCC2; unable to make CAP AA:LL:CC CCCCCCC3

Explanation: Operation CCCCCCC2 failed on CAP AA:LL:CC, and the CAP could not be put into a CCCCCCC3 (MANual or AUTO) state. CCCCCCC1 is the return code from operation CCCCCCC2.

System Action: The specified CAP is not put into the CCCCCCC3 state; execution continues.

User Response: Determine the reason for the return code and, if possible, correct and retry the command.


CAP AA:LL:CC unlocked; Magazine(s) installed improperly or CAP not closed completely

Explanation: Either there are no magazines in CAP AA:LL:CC, the magazines are installed incorrectly, or the CAP is not closed completely. The CAP must contain at least one magazine, and unless the CAP is an SL8500 CAP, it must be in the bottom position in the CAP

System Action: The system waits until the operator has opened and closed the CAP door. Then, the CAP is scanned again to ensure that the magazine(s) have been installed correctly. If the problem has not been corrected, this message is re-issued.

User Response: If the CAP contains no magazines, insert at least one. For the SL8500 CAP, the magazine can be placed at the top, middle or bottom position. For all other CAPs, insert the magazine(s) starting at the bottom of the CAP; if there is an empty magazine slot below any magazine, move that magazine down to fill the gap. Then close the CAP door completely.


A magazine without the "N" symbol on its top right corner is not recognized by WolfCreek LSMs. If one of these magazines is installed in the bottom position in a WolfCreek CAP, it causes this message to be issued. If one of these magazines is installed in a WolfCreek CAP but not in the bottom position, this message is not issued; however, only magazines beneath that one will be used.



Explanation: Volume volser was not entered because:

  • the LSM Path, ACS, LSM, or CAP were offline, or

  • the CAPid was invalid or Cartridge Made Errant.

System Action: The system operation continues. Volume volser remains in the CAP.

User Response: Make certain that the LSM path, ACS, LSM, and CAP are online; then retry the operation.


Auto CAP Enter - unexpected Return Code XXXXXXXX

Explanation: Auto CAP enter unexpected return code XXXXXXXX was received.

System Action: The auto CAP enter operation is not completed. However, system operation continues.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Return code CCCCCCC1 from CCCCCCC2; CAP AA:LL:CC is unlocked

Explanation: The specified operation (CCCCCCC2) failed trying to lock CAP AA:LL:CC. Return code CCCCCCC1 was issued.

System Action: The specified CAP is not locked from this host but is still set to manual mode in the CDS; execution continues.

User Response: You may need to open and shut the specified CAP door.



Explanation: CAP AA:LL:CC is now in the indicated mode (AUTO or MANual). If the indicated mode is AUTO, the CAP is unlocked and available for entering cartridges. If the indicated mode is MANual, you must issue the ENter command to unlock the CAP in order to enter cartridges.

System Action: The CAP is locked if the mode is MANual and unlocked if the mode is AUTO.

User Response: None


Auto CAP AA:LL:CC still active; CAP component termination pending

Explanation: During HSC level 2 termination, Auto CAP AA:LL:CC was still in active status.

System Action: HSC level 2 termination waits until Auto CAP AA:LL:CC is no longer active.

User Response: Ensure that the CAP door is closed. If the CAP is in recovery respond to any prior messages requesting removal of cartridges from the CAP.


Cartridge volser in CAP cell AA:LL:CC:RR:CC has an invalid media label and cannot be entered

Explanation: A cartridge (volser) has been found in CAP cell AA:LL:CC:RR:CC with an unreadable optical media label and cannot be entered.

System Action: Cartridge entry leaves the cartridge in the CAP cell in which it is found and continues with the next cartridge in the CAP.

User Response: Remove the cartridge from the CAP. If the cartridge must be entered, correct the media label.


Eject of volser into PCAP - media type changed from MM1 to MM2

Explanation: The initial attempt to eject volume volser into a PCAP failed with a media miscompare.

A media miscompare error occurs when the HSC-supplied media type to be verified (MM1) did not match the media type read by the vision system (MM2). The LMU reports the mismatch to the HSC as a media miscompare error. Media miscompare errors occur only when the HSC requests the LMU to perform media verification.

System Action: The media type for the volume in the Control Data Set (CDS) is changed to the media type read by the vision system. The eject is automatically retried.

This message is issued only when media verification is in effect, and media verification is done when the eject is automatically retried. If a miscompare occurs again the eject will fail and the PCAP will be released.

User Response: If MM1 and MM2 are the same, a hardware problem with the LMU or vision system may exist. If the automatically retried eject fails, try to eject the volume into a non-PCAP. If the retried eject is successful, no response is necessary.


CAP reserved to another host group; unable to make CAP AA:LL:CC AUTO

Explanation: Another host group, such as ACSLS, has reserved CAP AA:LL:CC, and the CAP could not be put into the AUTO state.

System Action: The specified CAP is not put into the AUTO state; execution continues.

User Response: Wait for the other host group to release the CAP; or, use the other host group software or the hardware mechanism to free the CAP.


CAP AA:LL:CC still active; CAP component termination pending

Explanation: During HSC level 2 termination, CAP AA:LL:CC was still in active status.

System Action: HSC level 2 termination waits until CAP AA:LL:CC is no longer active.

User Response: Ensure that the CAP door is closed. If the CAP is in recovery respond to any prior messages requesting removal of cartridges from the CAP.


CAP AA:LL:CC: unavailable for CCCCCCC1 CCCCCCC2

Explanation: CAP AA:LL:CC: had been unexpectedly released during a previous process for CCCCCCC1 and is hence unavailable for the CCCCCCC2 process. This message may accompany message SLS2189I.

System Action: The indicated phase of the utility is bypassed.

User Response: If possible, the user should rerun the utility ensuring that the CAP which is allocated is NOT released prematurely.


Drive XXXX is incompatible with media for volume volser

Explanation: The CARTINIT utility attempted to mount volume volser on the specified transport XXXX, but the tape media and transport are incompatible.

System Action: The system ejects the cartridge and continues with the next one.

User Response: On the SLSTAPE DD statement, specify a transport that matches the media being initialized.


RECONFIG volume copy started using DDDDDDDD

Explanation: The DDDDDDDD method is being used for the RECONFIGuration volume copy. DDDDDDDD may be CDS I/O or Data Space. The data space method offers improved performance.

System Action: The utility continues.

User Response: None


Creation of the RECONFIG utility Data Space failed - MMMMMMMM - CC - RRRRRRRR; reply CDS or Terminate (C/T)

Explanation: MMMMMMMM is the IBM macro call that failed creating the Reconfiguration utility data space. CC is the return code that describes the failure. RRRRRRRR is the reason code that describes the failure. Refer to the appropriate IBM documentation for an explanation of the return/reason code.

If the failing macro is DSPSERV with a 08 return code and a reason code of xx0005xx, the size of the data space violates installation criteria (IEFUSI exit). This indicates that the HSC is not running in Protect Key 1-7. Check the MVS Program Properties Table in the SCHEDxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB for proper specification of the Protect Key for HSC.

System Action: The RECONFIGuration utility waits until you reply with either CDS (C) or Terminate (T).

User Response: Reply with one of the following:

  • C, if the RECONFIGuration utility is to continue using the CDS I/O method for the volume copy step. This will lengthen the run time of the utility.

  • T, if the RECONFIGuration utility is to terminate.


RECDEF data set is not a newly recreated CDS

Explanation: The reconfiguration utility found volume records in the RECDEF CDS. The RECDEF CDS must be a newly created CDS.

System Action: The reconfiguration utility terminates with return code of 08.

User Response: Run the SLICREAT utility to create a new CDS.


Volume VVVVVV selected after SCRATCH command USETOKN

Explanation: The VVVVVV volume was specified in a scratch command. However, the select date and time of the physical volume, or last used date and time of the VTV, is later than the supplied token in the scratch command.

System Action: The volume is not scratched. If the volume remains in a scratch status in the tape management system, a subsequent scratch synchronization run will scratch the volume.

User Response: None


Volume VVVVVV not scratched - rejected by UX14

Explanation: The VVVVVV volume was specified in a scratch command. However, the Volume Access user exit (UX14) rejected the scratch of the volume.

System Action: The volume is not scratched.

User Response: None.


CAP AA:LL:CC released or drained

Explanation: The EJECt utility found that an allocated CAP AA:LL:CC was released or drained.

System Action: The utility continues if other CAPs are active.

User Response: None


Volume volser not ejected; CAP(s) released in ACSid AA

Explanation: The EJECt utility found that all allocated CAPs in ACSid AA were released or drained.

System Action: The utility continues if CAPs in other ACSs are active.

User Response: None


Unexpected EOF reading journal specified by SLSJRNdd DD statement

Explanation: The RESTore utility encountered the end-of-file condition while attempting to read the journal file SLSJRNdd. (dd=01 - 99.)

System Action: The utility terminates with a U1096-0202 abend.

User Response: Check to see that the specified journal file was properly formatted. If it was not, then use SLICREAT to format the journal file.

If the specified journal file is properly formatted, then contact StorageTek Software Support.


Volume VVVVVV is a VSM MVC cartridge; Cannot be entered into scratch list

Explanation: A SLUADMIN SCRAtch Update utility attempted to add a specified volume serial number (VVVVVV) to the library scratch pool, but the volser qualifies as a VSM MVC cartridge and cannot be treated as a scratch volume.

System Action: The utility continues processing.

User Response: The error does not cancel the SCRAtch Update utility, but you may want to check the specified volume serial number, correct it, and resubmit the SLUADMIN scratch update job.


Volume VVVVVV already defined in VSM as scratch

Explanation: A SLUADMIN SCRAtch Update utility attempted to add a specified volume serial number (VVVVVV) to the VSM scratch pool, but the volser was already defined as scratch.

System Action: The utility continues processing.

User Response: The error does not cancel the SCRAtch Update utility, but you may want to check the specified volume serial number, correct it, and resubmit the SLUADMIN scratch update job.


Volume VVVVVV not defined in VSM as scratch

Explanation: A SLUADMIN SCRAtch Update utility attempted to remove a specified volume serial number (VVVVVV) from the VSM scratch pool, but the volume was not defined as a scratch volume.

System Action: The utility continues functioning.

User Response: This error does not cancel the SCRAtch Update utility, but you may want to check the specified volume serial number and resubmit the SLUADMIN scratch update job.


Volume VVVVVV successfully added to VSM as scratch

Explanation: A SLUADMIN SCRAtch Update utility has added the specified volume serial number (VVVVVV) to the VSM scratch pool.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Volume VVVVVV successfully added from VSM scratch pool

Explanation: A SLUADMIN SCRAtch Update utility has deleted the specified volume serial number (VVVVVV) from the VSM scratch pool.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Volume volser is not eligible to be scratched: reason

Explanation: A SLUADMIN SCRAtch Update utility attempted to add a specified volume serial number (volser) to the library scratch pool, but the volser has been set as not eligible to be scratched.

The request was denied for one of the following reasons:

  • The volser has been set into the 'DO NOT SCRATCH' state because is was previously defined as an MVC.

  • The volser is defined as being in an external pool by a POOLPARM statement and the OWNRPLEX value did not match to the issuing tapeplex.

System Action: The utility continues processing.

User Response: The error does not cancel the SCRATch Update utility, but you may want to check the specified volume serial number (VVVVVV), correct it, and resubmit the SLUADMIN SCRAtch update job.


Volume volser not scratched, DFSMSRMM API Error, FFFFFFFFF, RC=xx, RS=yy

Explanation: A SLUADMIN SCRAtch Update utility has attempted to scratch the specified volume serial number (volser) but was unable to because DFSMSrmm returned a non zero return code. FFFFFFFFF is the RMM function that failed. The function will be either LISTVOLUME or CHANGEVOLUME. Reference the DFSMSRMM documentation to find the meaning of the return code xx and the reason code yy.

System Action: The utility continues functioning.

User Response: This error does not cancel the SCRAtch Update utility. Correct the problem and re-run the SCRAtch Update utility for this volser.


Volume volser not scratched because it is not a scratch in the DFSMSrmm database

Explanation: A SLUADMIN SCRAtch Update utility has attempted to scratch the specified volume serial number (volser) but was unable to because the volume was not in scratch status in the DFSMSrmm control data set.

System Action: The utility continues functioning.

User Response: This error does not cancel the SCRAtch Update utility. When the volume is placed in scratch status in the DFSMSrmm control data set then re-run the SCRAtch Update utility for this volser.


VTV VVVVVV not scratched because of status change

Explanation: When attempting to scratch VTV VVVVVV, VTCS found that the status of the VTV had changed since the command was originally issued.

System Action: The VTV has not been scratched.

User Response: None. This is only a warning. Because there may be a significant delay between the time that the request is validated and the time that the scratch command is attempted, it is quite possible for another request to update the VTV record and thus invalidate the scratch request.

The following may cause a VTV status change if it occurs after validation is performed and before the scratch request is attempted:

  • The VTV is mounted, but not dismounted.

  • The VTV is read/written (hence mounted and dismounted) by an application program.


VOLSAFE VTV VVVVVV not scratched; {userid UUUUUUUU not authorized | no userid for scratch request}

Explanation: When attempting to scratch VTV VVVVVV, VTCS found that the VTV was VOLSAFE protected. Either the userid UUUUUUUU is not authorized to scratch VOLSAFE protected VTV media or there was no userid associated with the scratch request.

System Action: The VTV is not scratched.

User Response: Ensure a userid is associated with the scratch attempt and that it has the level of authorization required to scratch VOLSAFE protected VTVs.

The equivalent of RACF ALTER authority with a CLASS of TAPEVOL is required to scratch VOLSAFE protected VTVs.

The RACF authority can be set with the following RACF commands:




User SCRATCH subpool definition unsuccessful - CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC2

Explanation: User SCRATCH subpool definition is unsuccessful. The reason is given by CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC2, and may be any one of the following:

  • Bad number of subpools: n

    The user attempted to define more than the maximum of 255 subpools, or zero subpools. n is the number of subpools specified.

  • Subpool defined out of order: n

    The user attempted to define subpools out of order. The subpool numbers presented to HSC must be sequential beginning with 1. n is the number of the first subpool which is defined out of sequence.

  • Bad number of subpool entries: 0

    The user attempted to define zero subpool ranges.

  • Bad volser range: vvvvv1-vvvvv2

    The user attempted to define a subpool with an invalid VOLSER range. The beginning and ending volsers of the invalid range are shown as vvvvv1 and vvvvv2.

  • Bad label type: X"xx"

    The user attempted to define a subpool with an invalid label type. The invalid label type is shown in hexadecimal as xx.

  • Subpools already defined

    The user attempted to define subpools a second time. HSC allows subpools to be defined only once during a single execution.

  • Expected entry number exceeded

    The user attempted to define a new scratch subpool volser range but the number of specified volser ranges has been exceeded.

  • Expected subpool number exceeded

    The user attempted to define a new scratch subpool but the number of specified subpools has been exceeded.

  • Invalid host list definition: n

    The user attempted to define a host list using a VER1 SLSUX03P parameter list, but the host list specification was incorrect. n is the number of the subpool defined with the incorrect host list definition.

System Action: Subpools are not defined.

User Response: Correct the invalid subpool definition and resubmit the definitions to HSC. This requires stopping and starting HSC unless the definitions are being submitted through the VM Tape Management Interface.


Scratch Pool Depletion Warning for ACS AA|LSM AA:LL {Subpool CCCCCCC1} {Media CCCCCCC2}, DDDDDDDDDD Scratch Volumes remaining

Explanation: The scratch warning threshold/interval has been reached for media type CCCCCCC2. The specified ACS (AA) or LSM (AA:LL) has (DDDDDDDDDD) scratch volumes remaining. If the threshold was specified for a subpool, the subpool is also identified by CCCCCCC1.

This message is first issued when the scratch pool has reached the initial scratch warning level. The message is repeated whenever the scratch pool is depleted by the scratch interval amount. (See the Warn and OPTion Warnmsg commands for more details on scratch thresholds and warning intervals.)

System Action: The ACS or LSM is running low on scratch volumes as specified by the user via the Warn command. When all scratch volumes have been used, the HSC attempts to allocate scratch mount requests to non-library transports.

User Response: Add more scratch cartridges to the ACS or LSM scratch pool for the correct media type (by running the SCRAtch update utility function), or lower the scratch warning threshold.


Configuration manager (FIGMGR) Error: Program - CCCCCCCC1, Function - CCCCCCC2, Level - CCC3, Type - CCCCCC4, RC - XXXX

Explanation: The HSC Configuration Manager reported an unexpected error condition.

System Action: The task is abended, and a dump is produced.

User Response: Save the dump. Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Previously unselected volume VVVVVV incurred an error while the record was being CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC

Explanation: Volume VVVVVV had the UNSElect utility run against it sometime prior to the CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC action.

The process encountering the error had the volume selected when the utility unselected the volume.

The CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC action is defined as follows:

  • Unselected

  • Made errant

  • Updated

  • Inserted as scratch

  • Deleted

System Action: The action is not completed. There might also be a subsequent U1096 abend with a return code 4004, ”volume not selected”.

User Response: The U1096 abend return code 4004 is the residual affect of a user action and is not applicable to the present volume circumstance. The conditions of the cartridge need to be determined and corrective action may be necessary. Scan the system logs to find out what the last system action against the volume was prior to this message. Display the volume to determine where HSC believes the cartridge is located. With this information use the VIew command to check each of the potential cartridge locations. If a VIew shows it is not in its home cell and a Display Volume shows it is in its home cell but it is unselected, two primary paths of resolution are present.

The first is that a VIew accounted for the physical location of the volume in the library based on system log messages or actions taken. If the volume is on a transport in MVS, you must issue an Unload command for the transport; and if it is online, the Unload command delays unloading the device until it is no longer allocated. If it is not online to any system, issue an HSC DISMount command without the volser. In VM, if the device is ATTACHed to the tape management virtual machine (such as VMTAPE), issue an HSC DISMount without the volser. If the device is not ATTACHed to any virtual machine, you should attempt to ATTACH the device to some virtual machine and then DETACH it which unloads the tape. If the transport is assigned to another system, the ATTACH fails. If the volume is in a CAP, input an HSC ENter command to allocate the CAP and then remove the cartridge. Follow the procedure below to logically remove the volume reference from the control data set. If the volume is in an inaccessible location due to a hardware failure, (PTP, Transport, CAP, LSM), contact StorageTek Hardware Support.

The second is that the volume was removed from the LSM during CAP processing or manual mode and is external to the library. This can usually be corrected by running an AUDIt against the cell. Another method is to perform an HSC EJect or Mount command against the volume and reply to the subsequent message to eject or delete the ”logical” volume reference from the control data set.


SET VOLPARM utility execution completed; *DEF commands {ENABLED|DISABLED}

Explanation: The SET VOLPARM utility has been executed successfully. This message is issued when the SET VOLPARM utility is run and will be displayed when HSC initializes if the subsystem was down while the utility executed.

System Action: When the message displays 'DISABLED' the following VOLUME/POOL definitions are updated:




The *DEF commands are not allowed.

When the message displays 'ENABLED' the *DEF commands are allowed.

User Response: None


Error reading VOLPARM data

Explanation: An error occurred while reading the data for the VOLUME/POOL definitions. See the previous messages for the type of error.

System Action: If any volume definitions were in effect at the time of the error (either old style VOLDEF, MVCDEF, and SCRPDEF, or a previous VOLPARM load), these definitions remain in effect. Otherwise, there are no volume definitions in effect for the HSC and VTCS processes until the error is corrected.

User Response: Investigate the cause of the I/O error and correct.


Error parsing VOLPARM data

Explanation: An error occurred while parsing the data for the VOLUME/POOL definitions. See the previous messages for the type of parsing error.

System Action: If any volume definitions were in effect at the time of the error (either old style VOLDEF, MVCDEF, and SCRPDEF, or a previous VOLPARM load), these definitions remain in effect. Otherwise, there are no volume definitions in effect for the HSC and VTCS processes until the error is corrected.

User Response: Investigate the cause of the parsing error and correct by rerunning the SET VOLPARM utility function. Check recent maintenance for updates to the SET VOLPARM utility.


VOLPARM VOLUME/POOL definitions are not active

Explanation: The VOLPARM VOLUME/POOL definitions are not active. The CDSDATA information for the following are not available:




System Action: None

User Response: Run the SET VOLPARM utility to activate the VOLUME/POOL definitions.


Error reading control database - RC = XXXX

Explanation: A Configuration Control function received an error return code from the Data Base Server and could not proceed.

System Action: The Configuration Control function is aborted. This may cause other top level functions to be aborted as well.

User Response: Check the device containing the control data set. If the device is operational, obtain the most recent backup of the control data set and run a SLUADMIN RESTore utility.


Panel Mismatch - LSM AA:LL

Panel Number 01234567890123456789

Explanation: The Configuration Control verification function detected a mismatch between the panel type definitions in the LMU and those found in the control data set for LSM AA:LL. Each status area contains two lines of characters, where the first line represents the high order of a panel type, and the second line represents the low order. Each high-order ”C” and low-order ”X” will be replaced by the following characters:

  • blank - no panel

  • empty - High Capacity LSMs (4410, 9310)

  • 00 - PowderHorn Window panel

  • 01 - cell panel

  • 02 - cell (panel 10) adjacent to door

  • 03 - door panel

  • 04 - passthru right panel (a master PTP panel, unless connected to panel 2 on a WolfCreek)

  • 05 - passthru slave panel

  • 06 - normal drive panel

  • 07 - drive (panel 10) adjacent to door

  • 08 - LCU Panel (panel 0)

  • 09 - Clipper door panel (panel 11)

  • 10 - inside cell (panels 13-18)

  • 11 - inside cell (panel 19)

  • 12 - inside door (panel 12)

  • 13 - wide drive panel (configured for 20 drives)

  • 14 - wide drive panel (configured for 20 drives) adjacent to door (panel 10)

  • 20 - panel 0

  • 21 - panel 2 with slave passthru

  • 22 - panel 0 with master passthru

  • 23 - panel 1 without drive

  • 24 - panel 1 with drive

  • 25 - panel 2

  • 26 - panel 2 with master passthru

  • 27 - panel 3

  • 28 - panel 3 with drives

  • 29 - panel 4 with 1 CAP

  • 30 - panel 4 with 2 CAPs

  • 31 - panel 3 without cells

  • 32 - panel 3 with drives without cells

  • 33 - panel 3 with viewing window

  • 34 - panel 3 with drive hole without drive

  • 35 - panel 4 with 1 CAP without cells

  • 36 - panel 4 with 2 CAPs without cells

  • 37 - panel 4 with CAP without optional cells

  • 40 - 9740 panel with no cells (door with a window)

  • 41 - 9740 panel with 4 columns of cells and no passthru port (panel 0 or door with cells)

  • 45 - 9740 CAP panel

  • 46 - 9740 drive panel

  • 47 - 9740 panel with slave passthru port (panel 0)

  • 48 - 9740 panel with master passthru port (panel 2)

  • 99 - unknown panel type for the LMU

System Action: Configuration Control verification continues in order to report on all mismatches. The HSC remains up, but the station (LMU) stays offline.

User Response: A comparison of the two status areas shows where the differences in LSM panel configurations are. Based on the actual physical configuration, (1) change the LIBGEN parameters to correspond to the LMU configuration and regenerate the control data set with another LIBGEN, (2) have the StorageTek Software CSE change the LMU configuration to match the LIBGEN parameters, or (3) change the drive panel type with the Set SLIDRIVS utility.


Select override occurred for a CCCC record at address HHHHHHHH

Explanation: The Configuration Manager timed out waiting for a lock to be released for a CCCC record. Since no update occurred, a new request was allowed to access the record at address HHHHHHHH.

System Action: Processing continues, some operator intervention may be required.

User Response: Take a dump of the HSC address space and call StorageTek Software Support.


Drive record for drive AA:LL:PP:NN not written; key CDS fields have changed

Explanation: The HSC attempted to rewrite a drive record, but either the driveID, unit address, or deleted status was changed by a Set SLIDRIVS command.

System Action: The rewrite of the drive record is bypassed.

User Response: Recycle the host to refresh the HSC drive records.


CCCCCCCC1 task was found to be active during HSC termination; waiting for completion

Explanation: The HSC found a CCCCCCCC1 task active during component termination and must complete before termination may continue. Below is a list of CCCCCCCC1 tasks:

  • Attach Service

  • CAP Auto Service

  • Configuration Receiver

  • Cross Memory Driver

  • Data Base Manager

  • Host to Host Service

  • LMU Listener

  • Performance Monitor

  • Recovery Driver

  • Station Monitor

  • User Exit 6 Server

  • VTCS Monitor

System Action: Termination waits until the action completes or a cancel is done.

User Response: Issue the Display Status command to obtain a list of current activities. Reply to any outstanding HSC WTOR messages. Complete any current activities. For example, if an enter operation is waiting, issue the DRain command. If a utility is active, it may be necessary to cancel the job.


HSC Initializing with a cold start because the release levels of the previous and current HSCs are different

Explanation: HSC initialization determined that the HSC subsystem that was previously active was at a different release level than the present HSC. An internal cold start is invoked to ensure that all in-memory data structures, etc. are compatible with this HSC release.

System Action: HSC initialization continues.

User Response: None


Reconfiguration function did not run successfully -- Component= MMMMMMMM, RC= XXXXXXXX

Explanation: An attempt was made to run the reconfiguration function; however, an error occurred which prevented the reconfiguration function from running successfully. Component is the name of the HSC component that failed. RC is the return code from that operation.

System Action: The reconfiguration function terminates processing.

User Response: Check the return code associated with the named component. If you are unable to ascertain the proper corrective measures, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Reconfiguration function has skipped the copy to the new secondary CDS.

Explanation: The secondary CDS was undefined, so the copy of the new primary to the new secondary was skipped.

System Action: The reconfiguration function continues processing, and a condition code 4 is set.

User Response: The installation may use a utility such as IEBGENER to copy the primary control data set to the secondary and/or standby control data set if they intend to use a shadow copy.


LLLLLLLL keyword value must be enclosed in double parentheses

Explanation: The value specified for the LLLLLLLL keyword must be enclosed in a set of double parentheses as required.

System Action: The LIBGEN assembly terminates with a condition code of 12.

User Response: Insert parentheses where necessary, keeping sets balanced, and resubmit the LIBGEN assembly.


Door type of DDDD not valid on this LSM type

Explanation: An invalid door has been specified on a SLILSM macro. The LSM type defined by the SLILSM macro does not support a DDDD door.

System Action: Processing continues. A return code of 0C is set.

User Response: Correct the error, and resubmit the LIBGEN assembly.


PASSTHRU parameter N of WolfCreek LSM LLLLLLLL1 must be "MASTER" for connection to adjacent MMMM LSM LLLLLLLL2

Explanation: The Nth passthru parameter specified for the WolfCreek LSM at label LLLLLLLL1 was defined as a "slave" and the adjacent LSM is the standard (4410) or Powderhorn (9310) LSM at label LLLLLLLL2. The WolfCreek LSM must ALWAYS be the "master" when it is to be connected via PTP to a standard or Powderhorn LSM.

System Action: The LIBGEN assembly terminates with a condition code of 12.

User Response: Redefine the passthru relationship between the WolfCreek and the standard/Powderhorn LSMs, and resubmit the LIBGEN assembly.


Insufficient space was allocated for the control data set; the number of blocks required is DDDDD

Explanation: During database creation, SLICDATA determined that the space allocated for the CDS data set was insufficient for the LIBGEN definition being used.

System Action: SLICREAT terminates.

User Response: Reallocate the data set with the appropriate amount of space.


No scratch volumes exist for device address DDDD recording technique RRRRRRRR; enter a scratch volser or I to Ignore

Explanation: While executing the SLIEXERS utility, it was determined that no scratch tapes exist that match the recording technique (RRRRRRRR) of the device identified (DDDD).

System Action: SLIEXERS waits for an operator response.

User Response: Respond with a six digit volser that can be used as a scratch tape, or respond with I to ignore exercising device DDDD.


The HSC is not at FULL service level

Explanation: An attempt was made to run a given utility, but the HSC was not at the correct level.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Bring the HSC up to the FULL service level, and rerun the utility.


Device address DDDD was Ignored|Verified|Not Available

Explanation: Unit DDDD was either ignored because no scratch tapes were available, verified by the SLIEXERS utility, or not available to the SLIEXERS utility.

System Action: The utility continues.

User Response: None


Error locating or attempting to use volser vvvvvv; Please enter another volser

Explanation: The SLIEXERS utility was unable to locate the specified volser (vvvvvv) in the ACS, or the media type of the volume was not valid for the tape drive.

System Action: Message SLS2581A is displayed.

User Response: Respond as indicated in message SLS2581A.


Module is not APF authorized

Explanation: The SLIEXERS utility must be executed from an APF authorized library.

System Action: The utility stops processing.

User Response: Execute the SLIEXERS utility from an APF authorized library.


HOSTid CCCCCCCC; Device number XXXX is a duplicate

Explanation: A comparison was made between all transports associated with HOSTid (CCCCCCCC). Device number XXXX was found to be duplicated for this host.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Confirm which XXXX device is correct in the LIBGEN and perform one of the following actions:


    • Change or delete the duplicate device XXXX associated with the incorrect SLIDRIVS macro ADDRESS parameter in the LIBGEN.

    • Assemble the new LIBGEN, and run the SLICREAT utility to recreate the database.

  • Use the Set SLIDRIVS utility to change or delete the duplicate device XXXX within the current database.


Invalid mix of LSM types found in an ACS

Explanation: LSMs that can not be connected via PTP were found in the same ACS.

System Action: Processing continues with RC=58305830.

User Response: Rework the LIBGEN to separate the invalid LMS types into separate ACSs. Examples of an invalid LSM mix are:

  • SL3000 libraries must be a single LSM per ACS.

  • SL8500 can only be in an ACS with other SL8500's.


CCCCCCCC command rejected; unable to activate CAPid AA:LL:CC; CAP {recovery|reserve} unsuccessful

Explanation: An attempt was made to execute an ENter, or EJect command for a specific CAP, but the CAP could not be placed in the requested state.

System Action: The ENter or EJect command is rejected.

User Response: Re-enter the command. If the problem continues and software is suspected, contact the StorageTek Software Support.


EJECT subtask failure XXXX; EJECT attempting to continue

Explanation: One of the CAP tasks for an EJect command terminated due to an abnormal condition as depicted by return code XXXX.

System Action: If other CAPs are still active for this eject then command processing will continue. If the command cannot continue then messages will be issued to display cartridges that were not ejected.

User Response: None


REPATH requested by EJECT for CAPid AA:LL:CC; Reply C to (C)ancel or R to (R)EPATH

Explanation: The CAP task for AA:LL:CC ended during an EJect command, and OPTion Repath was set to Reply.

System Action: If other CAPs are still active for this eject, command processing continues. If the command cannot continue, messages will be issued to display cartridges that were not ejected.

User Response: Reply with one of the following:

  • C, if the Repath is to be cancelled. Messages for cartridges not ejected are issued.

  • R, if the Repath is to be done. This will transfer cartridges for this CAP to another CAP if one is available. If no other CAP is available, messages for cartridges not ejected are issued.



Explanation: A CAP task ended during an EJect command and Repathing was not done. Repath was either set to No, no CAPs were available for a Repath, or a reply of (C)ancel was given to the Repath option reply message.

System Action: Messages will be issued to display cartridges that were not ejected.

User Response: None



Explanation: A CAP could not be selected for use by either an ENter or an EJect command. CCCCCCCCCCCC is either the condition of the CAP or an explanation stating that the CAPid has been bypassed.

System Action: If other CAPs are still active for this eject, command processing continues; otherwise, the command ends.

User Response: None


ENTER failed; no free cells in LSM LSMID

Explanation: The ENTER command requested an LSM that did not contain any free cells.

System Action: The ENTER command terminates.

User Response: Free up cells in the LSM where the volumes are to be entered and re-enter the ENTER command or select a different LSM that has free cells.


Unexpected return code XXXXXXXX processing {Volume|CAP} list; EJECT attempting to continue

Explanation: During processing of an EJect command an unexpected return code, XXXXXXXX, was detected while processing either a volume or CAP list.

System Action: The EJect command will attempt to continue unless no more CAPs are present.

User Response: None


EJECT rejected; Number of volumes specified (NNNN), exceeds EJLimit

Explanation: The number of cartridges specified exceeds the OPTion EJLimit.

System Action: The EJect command terminates.

User Response: Reduce the number of cartridges specified or expand the OPTion EJLimit.



Explanation: An error occurred during execution of the CAPPref command due to one of the following situations:






System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: Correct the cause of the error and re-issue the CAPPref command.


{CAPPREF} rejected; AUTO CAP services are not available

Explanation: The AUTO CAP feature is not functioning, most likely due to a prior abend. CAPs cannot be put into AUTO mode.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: HSC can continue to run without the AUTO CAP feature.

In order to restart the AUTO CAP feature, HSC must be brought down and restarted. If there is a dump from an AUTO CAP abend, save it and contact StorageTek Software Support.


CAPPREF rejected; preference value not allowed for CAP AA:LL:CC

Explanation: The command attempted to give a CAP preference value to a CAP (AA:LL:CC) that is not eligible to be preferenced (e.g., a PCAP).

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: Re-issue the CAPPref command, ensuring that the specified CAP is not a PCAP; or, if the CAPPref command is being issued for a PCAP to change it to AUTO or MANual mode, verify that 0 is specified for the preference value.




  • CCCCCCC1 will state either ”Cartridge” or ”Subpool”.

  • volser is a cartridge volser, the word ”SCRTCH”, or a subpool name.

  • CCCCCCC2 is ”not EJECTed” when a volser is present and ”count depleted” when ”SCRTCH” is present.

  • CCCCCCC3 is only displayed when the MEDia keyword is specified and no scratches exists for it.

System Action: None

User Response: This message provides an audit trail so you may recapture cartridges for a subsequent EJect by using the JOBLOG or SYSLOG.


{ENTER|DRAIN} command rejected; CAP AA:LL:CC is in AUTO mode

Explanation: The ENter command cannot be issued for a CAP which is in AUTO mode. A DRAin command also is not allowed, unless the AUTO CAP is ejecting.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: The ENter command cannot be issued for a CAP which is in AUTO mode. A DRAin command also is not allowed, unless the AUTO CAP is ejecting.

An AUTO CAP can be drained only when it is ejecting cartridges. To drain an ejecting CAP, the EJect keyword must follow the CAPid. Use the CAPPref command to change the CAP mode from AUTO to MANual.


CAP AA:LL:CC task found active for the CCCCCCCC command; awaiting completion of the task

Explanation: CAP AA:LL:CC task for the CCCCCCCC command was found to be active during command termination.

System Action: The command does not complete until the task ends. This message reappears every three minutes until the task ends. This message may be followed by message SLS0031D, asking if you want to DRAIN the tasks or WAIT for them to complete. Once you respond DRAIN, HSC issues additional SLS2628E messages to inform you of tasks in progress every three minutes.

User Response: Take any actions necessary to allow the commands in progress to complete. This may involve opening, emptying, and closing the indicated CAP.



Explanation: One of the CAP tasks for an EJect command ended and Repath was set to ON or Reply and the user responded R to Repath.

System Action: All volumes associated to this CAP have been assigned to a different CAP or CAPs. Processing will continue, however more passthrus than normal may occur during this time period.

User Response: None


CAPPREF command rejected; CAPid AA:LL:CC is already in {AUTO|MANUAL} mode

Explanation: An attempt was made to change a CAP to AUTO or MANual mode when it was already in the requested mode.

System Action: The CAPPref command is rejected.

User Response: None


{CAPPREF|RELEASE|MODIFY|DRAIN} rejected; XXX is not a unique CAPid

Explanation: The command requires a unique CAPid, and XXX does not uniquely identify a CAP. If the LSM access door contains the Enhanced CAP feature or the LSM is a WolfCreek, the CAPid must be specified as AA:LL:CC. If the LSM access door contains only one CAP, it may be specified as AA:LL:CC or just AA:LL.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: Reissue the command, ensuring that the CAPid is specified as described above.


CAPPREF for AA:LL:CC rejected; cannot specify AUTO/MANUAL when CAP is busy

Explanation: The CAP must be drained on all systems before AUTO or MANual can be specified on the CAPPref command.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: Wait until the CAP is drained on all systems, then re-issue the command. If it is not necessary to specify AUTO or MANual, the command can be re-issued prior to when the CAP is drained.

If the CAP is not active, and the Display Cap command shows that it is idle but scheduled for recovery, then issue the RELease CAP command for that CAP prior to re-issuing the CAPPref command.


UENT Control Block has no paired SRIB Control Block (uuuuuuuu;tttttttt;rrrrrrrr)

Explanation: A UENT (Utility Entry) Control Block was found that did not have a paired SRIB Control Block. The SRIB holds details (e.g. Jobname) of the Utility that was run.

  • uuuuuuuu is the address of the UENT Control Block.

  • tttttttt is the UENT Token used to find the paired SRIB Control Block.

  • rrrrrrrr is the Return Code from the SRIB search routine.

System Action: The ”Display Status” command is terminated.

User Response: At a convenient point, stop and re-start HSC. It may be useful to take a Dump of the Address Space first for later diagnosis.


(...error text...)

Explanation: Generally, a specified value is invalid or an incompatibility exists between volume, unit, media, and/or recording technique information for a request. Valid error text messages include the message explanations listed in SLS1973I and the following explanations:

  • Scratch mount invalid for cleaning cart

    Cleaning cartridges cannot be mounted as scratch volumes.

  • VOLATTR is incompatible with UNIT and/or MEDIA

    An incompatibility exists between the VOLATTR, unit, and/or media information for the request.

  • VAR is incompatible with UNIT and/or MEDIA

    An incompatibility exists between the VAR, unit, and/or media information for the request.

  • MEDIA is invalid.

    An invalid media type encountered.

System Action: Processing is terminated.

User Response: Correct the parameter value(s) and retry.



Explanation: User exit 15 returned authorization denied for command CCCCCCCC. The DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD may state that this request was for a console, a userid, an operator, or the user exit may specify site-specific information.

System Action: The command execution ends.

User Response: If you determine that the correct exit is loaded, contact your security administrator or system programming staff responsible for HSC user exits for assistance. Site-specific information should be detailed by site procedures. Re-issue the request after security measures have been corrected.



Explanation: User exit 15 has requested password checking for command CCCCCCCC. The DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD may state that this request was for a console, a userid, an operator, or the user exit may specify site-specific information.

System Action: The system waits for a reply. If an incorrect password is entered the command is rejected. Otherwise, processing continues.

User Response: Respond with the correct password. If the password is unknown, contact your security administrator or system programming staff responsible for HSC user exits. Reissue the request after security measures have been corrected.


User Exit SLSUX15 is inoperative; RC= XX

Explanation: User exit 15 is inoperative because it returned an invalid return code XX.

System Action: Operator commands are not sent to the user exit for processing while the user exit is inoperative.

User Response: Contact the system programming staff responsible for HSC user exits, and have them modify user exit 15 to return a valid return code.


Scratch Summary


Explanation: This is the output from the Display SCRatch command. The output produced varies depending on the parameters specified. Summary information may include:

  • AA:LL is the ACSid:LSMid.

  • SSSSS is the Subpool name.

  • XXX is the Label type.

  • MMMMM is the Media type.

  • RRRRR is the Recording Technique for the media.

  • DDDDD is the number of scratch tapes.

In addition, there may be total lines at the ACS, LSM, and Subpool level, or the text Nothing to Display may be shown.

System Action: None

User Response: None


{Display THReshld|Display SCRatch|Warn} command failed; Media type CCCCC is used for cleaning cartridges

Explanation: An attempt was made to issue a command for scratch volumes using a media type of CCCCC which can only be used for cleaner cartridges.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: Re-enter the command with a different media type.


Display Status command



TOTAL ACTIVE CAPS:               DDD1
Switch in progress for ACS AA


Explanation: This message displays the status of pending requests in the HSC.

  • CCCCCCC1 is the Requestor. This may be from an internal or external source. Internally, Operator is an operator command and Clean depicts an action by the Mount/Dismount process. Externally, system jobnames are used for utilities and normal Mount/Dismounts, or External for a process initiated by a broadcast from another HSC host. PGMI is used for external programmatic interface requests. UUIREQ is used for UUI requests.

  • CCCCCCC2 is the action being performed. Actions include Dismount, Enter, Eject, Modify, Mount, Move, Vary and View.

  • XXXXXXX1 is the physical element (CAPid, LSMid, ACSid, Station, DRIVEid, or Library).

  • volser is the volume serial number.

  • XXXXXXX2 is the identified ACS object or external host associated with the physical element, XXXXXXX1 or action, CCCCCCC2.


  • DDD1 is the total pending requests. If no pending or active requests are found, this section is not displayed.

  • DDD2 is the count of HSC functions and/or utilities executing in the complex. This line is only displayed when DDD2 is greater than zero.

  • DDD3 is the count of HSC functions and/or utilities executing for host CCCCCCC4. This line is only displayed when DDD2 is greater than zero.

  • CCCCCCC4 is a host name.

  • AA is the acs-id of ACS with switch in progress.

  • CCCCCCC5 is the host id initiated the switch command. Host id of LIBRARY means back end switch (SLC or Library Controller invoked switch).

System Action: None

User Response: If the NCO conflict count = DDD2 message line is displayed when no HSC functions and/or utilities are active in the complex, refer to SLS4424E user response section for a procedure to reset the counter. If the switch has completed and it is indicated to be in progress, issue the SWitch ACS acs-id RESET command.


{ENTER|EJECT} ended; No CAPs were selected

Explanation: The ENter or EJect command requires that at least one CAP be available for processing.

System Action: The ENter or EJect command processing ends.

User Response: Reissue the command, ensuring that at least one CAPid that is specified is available.


MODIFY command pending; CAPid AA:LL:CC reserved to CCCCCCCC

Explanation: An attempt was made to modify an LSM offline when the LSM still had CAPs active.

System Action: The MODify lsm OFFline command is pended until all CAPs are made inactive.

User Response: Ensure that all the CAPs for the LSM are inactive. If further CAP processing is impossible due to a hardware error, issue the MODify lsm OFFline command with the FORCE keyword.


MODIFY OFFLINE FORCE for LSM AA:LL rejected; MODIFY OFFLINE must be tried first

Explanation: An attempt was made to modify an LSM offline with the FORCE option. However, an attempt to modify the LSM offline without the FORCE option was not tried first.

System Action: The MODify lsm OFFline FORCE command is rejected.

User Response: Issue a MODify OFFline command for the LSM first. Do not attempt a MODify lsm OFFline command with the FORCE option until you receive one of the following messages - 1) SLS2644I, which states that the HSC cannot communicate with the LMU, or 2) SLS0017I, which states that the LSM lock is not available. Please note that the MODify lsm OFFline FORCE command will not be rejected if the LSM is already offline.


MODIFY command for LSM AA:LL failed; cannot communicate with LMU

Explanation: An attempt was made to modify an LSM offline, but the HSC cannot communicate with the LMU.

System Action: The MODify lsm OFFline command fails, and the state of the LSM does not change.

User Response: If the LSM needs to be placed in manual mode, issue the MODify lsm OFFline command using the FORCE option.


Unable to {DRAIN} {CAP} {AA:LL:CC}; {CAP} is in RECOVER processing

Explanation: An attempt was made to drain a CAP that is currently in recovery processing. The CAP cannot be drained until the recovery processing is completed.

System Action: The DRAin is rejected.

User Response: Complete the recovery processing (opening, emptying, and closing the CAP) and then re-issue the DRAin command.


Communications lost with LMU station XXXX

Explanation: LMU return code from a Vary station command indicates that communication with the LMU station is lost.

System Action: The Vary station command fails.

User Response: This is probably a hardware error. Contact StorageTek Hardware Support. This message can be normal if the LMU station was varied offline with the FORCE option.


{ENTER|EJECT|CAPPREF|RELEASE|MODIFY|DRAIN} command failed; LSM AA:LL is not available

Explanation: A CAP related command was executing against LSM AA:LL but it was not online.

System Action: The command terminates.

User Response: Examine the console log for other HSC messages which might indicate LMU errors or hardware errors. It is likely that the LSM is in an inactive or not-ready status. Correct any hardware errors which are found before attempting to reissue the command.


Threshold Value Summary:


Explanation: This is the output from the Display THReshold command. The output produced varies depending on the parameters specified. Summary information may include:

  • AA:LL is the ACSid/LSMid.

  • SSSSS is the Subpool name.

  • XXX is the Label type.

  • MMMMM is the Media type.

  • RRRRR is the Recording Technique for the media.

  • DDDD1 is the number of scratch tapes.

  • DDDD2 is the threshold number of scratch tapes.

In addition, there may be total lines at the ACS, LSM, and Subpool level, or the text Nothing to Display may be shown.

System Action: None

User Response: None


ACS AA: Switch aborted, CCC query error for ID III, return code XXXX

Explanation: A configuration return code XXXX other than zero returned for a query of ACS or LSM (CCC) records for an id III. Below are a list of the possible Configuration return codes:

  • 4502 - Invalid Plist

  • 4504 - Error reading/writing data base

  • 4512 - Subsystem is inactive

  • 4522 - ACS identifier is invalid

  • 4524 - LSM identifier is invalid

  • 453C - Data was invalid

  • 453E - Data type not found

  • 4556 - Not the FIGMGR move requested

  • 4568 - Database release failed

  • 456B - No reserve on the CDS

  • 456C - No record found

  • 456D - Record already selected

  • 456E - Insufficient space for output

  • Config manager error

System Action: The SWitch function is aborted.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


ACS AA has no requests queued

Explanation: A request was made to display the requests queued to ACSs via the Display Requests command. None were queued to ACS AA.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: None



Explanation: A request was made to display the requests queued to ACSs via the Display Requests command. This message describes a single request.

  • AA is the ACSid.

  • CCCCCCCC1 is the request type. Requests vary between a change of status, a query of status, and moving from one location to another. The LMU is also used to communicate between hosts for messages that need to be recognized globally. Request types include:

    • Vary LSM - Mount

    • Dismount - View

    • Swap - Move

    • Reserve CAP - Release CAP

    • Enter - Eject

    • Catalog - Read Config.

    • Read Volser Status - Read LMU Stats

    • Targeted Msg. Route - Host to Host Brdcst.

    • Quiesce Host - Read Trans. Carts

    • Read LSM Status - Read LMU Status

    • Query Request Status - Cancel

    • Catalog - Unlock CAP

    • CAP Status

  • CCC is the sequence number of the request.

  • CCCCCCCC2 describes the status of the request: ACTIVE (sent to the LMU), WAITING (waiting to be sent to the LMU), or TEMP OUT (the request is for a not-ready LSM).

  • XX1 is the source LSM.

  • XX2 is the destination LSM. This may not be present for all requests.

  • XX3 is the not ready LSM the request is waiting for. If this is 10, the field has no meaning.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: None


Invalid journal format

Explanation: User error. HSC 2.0.0 requires journals formatted by the HSC 2.0.0 or later version of SLICREAT. The journals specified on this invocation of HSC were formatted by an earlier version.

System Action: HSC initialization terminates.

User Response: Modify startup JCL to use HSC 2.0.0 journal data sets, or use the SLICREAT utility to reformat the journal data sets.


Unable to obtain CDS block; no FREE space remaining

Explanation: User error. HSC database services attempted to obtain a FREE block from the CDS. No FREE blocks are available.

System Action: HSC terminates.

User Response: Use the SLICREAT utility to create a larger CDS.


Journal corruption detected; journaling terminated

Explanation: HSC has detected an invalid journal block while attempting to write an update to the current journal. The journal is no longer valid.

System Action: HSC terminates journaling. If ”FULL=Abend” is in effect, HSC terminates.

User Response: BACKup the CDS to reset the journals and re-enable journaling. Send the associated dump to StorageTek Software Support for analysis.


Database Information

Explanation: This message issues a multi-line WTO showing certain database information. An example of the message is shown below:

-SLS2716I Database Information
PRIMARY   = dsname
VOLSER    = volser CDS_status
[ SECONDARY = dsname
VOLSER      = volser CDS_status
STANDBY     = dsname
VOLSER      = volser CDS_status ]
CDS LEVEL = 0n0n0n        VER = version
[ VSM LEVEL = level ]
CDS CREATE       = create_d create_t
LAST CDS BACKUP  = backup_d backup_t
LAST CDS RESTORE = restore_d restore_t
CDS BLOCK COUNT = blk_count
CDS FREE BLOCKS = blk_count
[ TAPEPLEX NAME = tplx_name ]
ENQNAME       = qname SMFTYPE = DDD
CLEAN PREFIX  = cln LABTYPE = (XX) label
[ JOURNAL1  = dsname
VOLSER      = volser - jrnl_stat NNN% FULL
JOURNAL2    = dsname
VOLSER      = volser
JOURNAL RECOVERY = jrnl_rcvy ]
{ LOGFILE1 = dsname
log__stat       log_util
LOGFILE2 = dsname
log__stat       log_util
                 ALLOCATED = vlt_count
{ CDKLOCK cdk_stat TOTBLKS = cdk_count INUSE = cdk_count
            { LOCK EXPIRATION IS exp_hours HOURS
hostid1    ... hostidn        ]
LAST NCO ON hostidx
START = nco_strt_d nco_strt_t
END = nco_end_d nco_end_t
[LAST VOLPARM APPLY = volp_app_d volp_app_t [volp_status]
BY volp_app_user(volp_app_host)]
hostid1  n.n.n    host_stat [ CDSactive ]
. . .
hostidn n.n.n host_stat [ CDSactive ]
Database Information End


  • dsname (44) - data set namevolser (6) - volume serial number


  • 0n0n0n (6) - HSC level in CDS (e.g. 060100)

  • version (8) - SLICREAT version when CDS created

  • level (1) - VSM CDS Level (A, B, C, D, E or F)

  • create_d (8) - Date CDS created (yyyymmdd)

  • create_t (8) - Time CDS created (hh:mm:ss)

  • backup_d (8) - Creation date of backup used when CDS was restored (yyyymmdd)

  • backup_t (8) - Creation time of backup used when CDS was restored (hh:mm:ss)

  • restore_d (8) - Date when CDS restored (yyyymmdd)

  • restore_t (8) - Time when CDS restored (hh:mm:ss)

  • blk_count (8) - Number of blocks (decimal)

  • tplx_name (8) - Name assigned to TAPEPLEX

  • qname (8) - ENQ name used when reserving this database

  • DDD (3) - SMFTYPE

  • cln (3) - Volser prefix for cleaning cartridges

  • XX (2) Label type (hexadecimal)

  • label (3) - Label type {SL|AL|NL|NSL}

  • jrnl_stat (8) - Journal status [CURRENT|SWITCHED]

  • jml_rcvy (8) - {ABEND|CONTINUE|DISABLED}

  • NNN (3) - Percent utilization of journal data set


  • log_util (3) - Percent utilization of log data set

  • vlt_count (8) - Count of vault volumes

  • cdk_stat (8) - {ACTIVE|INACTIVE}

  • cdk_count (3) - Count of CDKLOCK blocks

  • exp_hours (2) - CDKLOCK expiraton time in hours

  • hostid (8) - Host name

  • nco_strt_d (8) - Date when last configuration change began (yyyymmdd)

  • nco_strt_t (8) - Time when last configuration change began (hh:mm:ss)

  • nco_end_d (8) - Date when last configuration change ended (yyyymmdd)

  • nco_end_t (8) - Time when last configuration change ended (hh:mm:ss)

  • volp_app_d (8) - Date of last VOLPARM APPLY (mm/dd/yy)

  • volp_app_t (8) - Time of last VOLPARM APPLY (hh:mm:ss)

  • volp_status (8) - **INACTIVE** if VOLPARM disabled

  • volp_app_user (8) - User id of the VOLPARM APPLY job

  • volp_app_host (8) - Host name where the VOLPARM APPLY job was run

  • volp_st (8) - **INACTIVE** if VOLPARM disabled

  • n.n.n (5) - HSC level (e.g. 6.1.0)

  • host_stat (10) - {ACTIVE|-INACTIVE-}

  • CDSactive (25) - [ PRIMARY [SECONDARY] [STANDBY] ]

System Action: None. This is an informational message only.

User Response: None


CDS level V1.R1.M1 bb not supported by this HSC maintenance level

Explanation: This level of the Control Data Set is not supported by this maintenance or Release level of the HSC.

V1.R1.M1 bb = the version, release and modification level found in the Control Data Set

System Action: The subsystem is terminated with a 7004 return code.

User Response: The HSC must be started from a load library at a maintenance level which is compatible with the CDS level. If required, HSC utilities can convert the CDS to a later CDS level.


CDS Directory recovery operation successful

Explanation: The database directory was successfully re-built.

System Action: None. This is an informational message only.

User Response: None. This is an informational message only.


Journals specified but not allocated; RC=XXXXXXXX

Explanation: This message is normally produced when Journaling is specified in the LIBGEN but no JRNDEF statement is specified in the startup PARMLIB.

It can also result from allocation errors, in which case earlier console messages explain the error.

System Action: HSC terminates.

User Response: If the error was the result of a missing JRNDEF, add the necessary statement to PARMLIB. If it was the result of an allocation failure, correct the problem causing allocation to fail.


Unexpected return code NNNN on DB access request in module; resulting action

Explanation: An unexpected return code was received from the database access request specified in the module listed. Database access requests include:


    Open a database thread.


    Close a database thread.

  • DBREAD for subfile subfile-id

    Read a database record in the specified subfile.

  • DBWRITE for subfile subfile-id

    Write a database record in the specified subfile.

  • DBQSF for subfile subfile-id

    Query the attributes of the specified subfile.

The resulting action describes how processing continues.

System Action: HSC processing continues, as described in resulting action.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Errant recovery of volser - Volume may be within LSM AA:LL

Explanation: Errant recovery could not locate an errant volume. Indications for this volume suggest that it may be within an LSM that is not performing automated operations.

System Action: Errant recovery processing continues.

User Response: If the LSM will be returning to an automated condition soon, the user may want to reply ”Ignore” to any subsequent user prompts for errant recovery regarding this volume. Once automatic operations are restored and errant recovery is invoked for this LSM, the volume should be recovered or another prompt for this volume will occur. If the LSM will be disabled for a long time, the user may want to check the playground, passthru ports and hands within the LSM in question in order to locate the volume prior to logically ejecting it from the control data set.


Mount of volser1 on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - volser different (volser2); reply Retry, Bypass, Eject, or Ignore (R,B,E,I)

Explanation: An attempt was made to mount volume volser1 on transport XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN, but the LMU found a volume with a different external label of volser2.

System Action: The mount waits until you reply either Retry, Bypass, Eject, or Ignore.

User Response: Reply with one of the following:

  • R, if the mount is to be retried, reply R.

  • B, if the mount is to be retried and the volume is to be marked as having an unreadable external label, reply B.

  • E, if the volume is to be ejected, reply E. Volume volser will be deleted from the control data set.

  • I, if the mount is to be ignored, reply I.


All cleaners {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} ACS AA over-use; reply "I"gnore, "T,cap,volser"=Temp enter, "R"etry, "U"se over-limit

Explanation: All cleaning cartridges compatible with the drive in ACS AA are over-use (over-limit or over-limit and spent).

Over-limit cleaning cartridges have a select count greater than MAXclean. Spent cleaning cartridges have exhausted their cleaning material.


Different types of transports require different cleaning cartridge media types.

System Action: Mount waits for a reply. If no response is received within 5 minutes, the default action of "Use an over-limit cleaning cartridge" will be selected.

User Response: Reply with one of the following:

  • I - Ignore the mount request. Cleaning will no longer be scheduled for this transport.

  • T,capid,volser - Temporarily enter the specified cleaning cartridge from the specified CAP to clean the drive. (Note: The volser of the cleaning cartridge temporarily entered does not have to start with the cleaning prefix.)

  • R - Retry the cleaner lookup (presumably after entering some cleaning cartridges).

  • U - Use an over-limit cleaning cartridge.


Over-limit cleaning cartridges should be ejected from the ACS and replaced with new cleaning cartridges compatible with the transport.


Mount of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - manual volume at AA:LL:PP:RR:CC; reply Mount or Ignore (M/I)

Explanation: A request was made to mount a volume from a manual LSM.

System Action: The mount waits until you reply M or I, or modify the LSM online.

User Response: If no reply is given and the LSM is modified online, the mount proceeds normally.

  • If the volume is to be manually mounted, reply M and the message will be DOMed. Remove the cartridge from location AA:LL:PP:RR:CC as displayed on the transport and mount it.

  • If the request is to be ignored, reply I.


Dismount of fixed volume volser; volume displaced from manual LSM cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC to cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC

Explanation: A volume volser was in a fixed cell because MNTD Float was set to off. Between the time of the mount and the subsequent dismount, the LSM to which the volume is assigned went offline.

System Action: Volume volser is retained in an online, automatic LSM.

User Response: None


Display of drives complete

Explanation: The display of HSC-controlled drives, requested by the Display DRives command, has ended.

System Action: The Display DRives command terminates.

User Response: None


Nothing to display

Explanation: The display of HSC-controlled drives, requested by the Display DRives command, has ended. No drive activity was found by this function.

System Action: The Display DRives command terminates.

User Response: None





Explanation: In response to a Display DRives command, the status of the drive is displayed. The volume volser and status (CCCCCCCCC) is displayed when one of the following status values is true: (Dismount; Mounting; On drive, UNKNOWN).

If MEDia or RECtech parameters are specified, the drives displayed are only those that meet this specification.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Found DDD1 {over-use|over-limit|spent} cleaning cartridges in ACS AA; searched DD2 LSMs for cleaner compatible with {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN}

Explanation: HSC found DDD1 over-use cleaning cartridges in ACS AA while searching DD2 LSMs for a cleaning cartridge compatible with the drive. (Over-limit cleaning cartridges have a select count that is over the applicable MAXclean value. Spent cleaning cartridges have exhausted their cleaning material. Over-use cleaning cartridges are either over-limit or spent.)


There are at least DDD1 over-use, over-limit or spent cleaning cartridges compatible with the drive in the DD2 LSMs searched. However, there may be more over-use cleaning cartridges in the ACS if a compatible cleaning cartridge has been selected to clean the transport.

System Action: The drive cleaning process continues.

User Response: No immediate action is necessary.


Over-use cleaning cartridges should be ejected from the ACS and replaced with new cleaning cartridges compatible with the transport(s).


Cleaning cartridge volser select count DDD is greater than MAXclean; reply "E" to Eject or "K" to Keep cleaner

Explanation: The cleaning cartridge volser has select count DDD. The cleaning cartridge is over-limit (its use count is found to be greater than the applicable MAXclean value) or spent (the cleaning material has been exhausted). This message is issued after the cleaning cartridge mount, before the cleaning cartridge has been dismounted.

System Action: The dismount of the cleaning cartridge volser waits for the reply. If no response is received within 5 minutes, the default action of "Keep the over-use-limit cleaning cartridge" will be selected.

User Response: Reply with one of the following:

  • I, to eject the cleaning cartridge from the ACS when the cartridge is dismounted.

  • K, to keep the cleaning cartridge in the ACS when it is dismounted.


Over-limit and spent cleaning cartridges should be ejected from the ACS and replaced with new cleaning cartridges compatible with the transport(s).


Cleaning cartridge volser with select count DDD is {OVER-LIMIT|SPENT}; cartridge kept in ACS AA

Explanation: The cleaning cartridge specified has a select count of DDD. The cleaning cartridge has a select count of DDD. The cleaning cartridge is over-limit (its use count is found to be greater than the applicable MAXclean value) or spent (the cleaning material has been exhausted). This message is issued when HSC has been directed to keep an over-limit or spent cleaning cartridge in the ACS. The message is issued prior to dismounting the cartridge.

System Action: HSC continues with the dismount of this cartridge.

User Response: No immediate action is necessary.


Over-limit and spent cleaning cartridges should be ejected from the ACS and replaced with new cleaning cartridges compatible with the transport(s).


(...message text...)

Explanation: Generally, a specified value is invalid or an incompatibility exists between volume, unit, media, and/or recording technique information for a request. The message text can be one of the following:

  • Mount rejected - cleaning cartridge is not a scratch volume

    A cleaning cartridge cannot be used to satisfy a scratch mount request.

  • Mount rejected - VOLATTR media type for specified volume is incompatible with unit

    The media type of the specified volume, as defined by a VOLATTR statement, is incompatible with the media capabilities of the unit.

  • Mount rejected - VAR media type for specified volume is incompatible with unit

    The media type of the specified volume, as defined by a Volume Attribute Record in the CDS, is incompatible with the media capabilities of the unit

System Action: The mount of the specified volume is rejected and the original action message is re-issued to request a new volume.

User Response: Reply to the action message and specify a volume that is compatible with the media capabilities of the unit.


Mount of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - media type changed from MM1 to MM2

Explanation: The initial attempt to mount volume volser on transport XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN failed with a media miscompare error.

A media miscompare error occurs when the HSC-supplied media type to be verified (MM1) did not match the media type read by the vision system (MM2). The LMU reports the mismatch to the HSC as a media miscompare error. Media miscompare errors occur only when the HSC requests the LMU to perform media verification.

System Action: The media type for the volume in the Control Data Set (CDS) is changed to the media type read by the vision system. The mount is retried, but media verification is bypassed.

This message is issued only when media verification is in effect, so it is not issued again for this mount request. Other messages will subsequently indicate if the mount was completed successfully, or encountered additional problems.

User Response: If MM1 and MM2 are the same, a hardware problem with the LMU or vision system may exist. Otherwise, no response is necessary.


{DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} and volume volser are incompatible - request rejected {before|after} the mount was attempted

Explanation: An incompatibility was detected between the media and recording technique capabilities of transport {XXXX|AA:LL:PP:NN} and volume volser before or after the mount was attempted.

System Action: The mount is rejected. The job waits for the volume to be mounted, but this is impossible because the cartridge can never be physically mounted on the allocated device.

User Response: Cancel the job, correct the JCL, definition statements (VOLATTR, UNITATTR, TAPEREQ), and/or SMS routines, and rerun the job.


Volume volser not CCCCCCCC; No {CAPs|LSMs} were available in ACS AA

Explanation: Volume volser was either not pathed or not ejected because all CAPs or LSMs were unavailable in ACS AA.

System Action: Processing for other volumes continues.

User Response: Supply an online LSM or CAP within the ACS to satisfy the request.


Volume volser not CCCCCCCC; Volume not in the library

Explanation: Volume volser does not reside within any LSM.

System Action: The volume is not ejected.

User Response: No response.


Audit of LSM AA:LL is recommended

Explanation: A MOVe command or utility detected an error either in the source or target location. Additional messages should precede this one to let you know the exact nature of the error.

System Action: The MOVe for that cartridge fails.

User Response: As a result of the error, an audit of the specified LSM is recommended, at least for the location in error, if not a full audit of the LSM.


MOVE incomplete; Volume volser stuck in LSM AA:LL {HAND N|PANEL NN DRIVE NN|PTP PANEL NN}

Explanation: The MOVe of a volume was incomplete because of a hardware interruption of an LSM. The location of the volume is displayed.

System Action: None

User Response: If you did not reply Delete to the previous SLS0854D message for this volume, you may use the EJect command to remove it. When you receive the SLS0854D, reply Delete. This will remove the volume from the CDS. Afterwards, manually remove the volume from the specified location and use the ENter command to insert it into an LSM.


Panel index DD is invalid

Explanation: The target panel DD, of a MOVe request, is greater than the number of panels available in the LSM.

System Action: The MOVe function terminates processing.

User Response: Specify a Panel index that is within the range of the LSM.


Please enter the password for CCCCCCCC processing of volume volser for DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Explanation: User exit 14 has requested password checking for volume volser access during CCCCCCCC. The DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD may state that this request was for a job, a user, an operator or the user exit may specify site-specific information.

System Action: The system waits for a reply. If an incorrect password is entered, the request is rejected. Otherwise, processing continues.

User Response: Respond with the correct password. If the password is unknown, contact your security administrator or system programming staff responsible for HSC user exits. Reissue the request when security measures have been corrected.


User Exit SLSUX14 is inoperative; RC = XX

Explanation: The volume access user exit, SLSUX14, is inoperative because an invalid return code was returned.

System Action: User exit 14 is disabled.

User Response: Correct the user exit so that it returns a valid return code.


Access to volume volser denied for CCCCCCCC processing for DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Explanation: User exit 14 returned access denied for volume volser during a CCCCCCCC process. This process may be Mount or EJect. The DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD may state that this request was for a job name, a userid, an operator or the user exit may specify site specific information.

System Action: The Mount or EJect request ends without allowing the function to proceed.

User Response: Make sure the correct user exit is loaded and, if so, contact your security administrator or system programming staff responsible for HSC user exits for assistance. Site-specific information should be detailed by site procedures. Re-issue the request after security measures have been corrected.


volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN}; shortage AA; MMMMMMMM; RRRRRRRR; SSSSSSSS; reply I / T,capid,vol / R / M,vol

Explanation: There were no volumes found in ACS AA to satisfy a scratch mount for the requested media, recording technique, and/or subpool.

  • AA is the ACS number.

  • MMMMMMMM is the media type.

  • RRRRRRRR is the recording technique.

  • SSSSSSSS is the subpool name. If the subpool name is ”SUBPOOL 0”, either scratch subpooling is not in effect, or scratch subpooling is in effect but no subpool was specified for the request.

System Action: The Mount waits for you to reply I; T,capid,vol; R; or M,vol.

User Response: Reply with one of the following:

  • (Ignore), to ignore the Mount request. The HSC leaves the mount pending.

  • T,capid,vol (Temporarily enter), to temporarily enter (the specified volume) from the specified CAP and SUBpool to satisfy the mount.

  • R (Retry), to retry the scratch lookup (after replenishing the subpool scratch list).

  • M,vol (Mount), to mount the specified volume to satisfy the request.


Mount of volume volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - volume changed to write-disabled for DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

Explanation: A volume mount was attempted for volume volser on a drive. User exit 14 requested that virtual thumbwheel be set to write-disabled to protect the volume. DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD may state that this request was for a job name, a userid, an operator, or the user may specify site-specific information through the exit.

System Action: The Mount request continues, however if the user requested write privileges, the MVS or VM system will issue a message saying to mount a volume that is write-enabled.

User Response: None, if the job continues in a read-only mode for this volume. Otherwise, a different volume may be requested, or you will need to ensure the right exit is loaded for your shift. If the right exit is loaded, contact your security administrator or system programming staff responsible for HSC user exits. Site-specific information should be detailed by your procedures. Re-submit the job when security measures have been corrected or accommodated.



Explanation: A request to access a volume was rejected because an invalid password was entered.

System Action: The request is rejected.

User Response: Re-enter the request and specify the correct password.


Library client facility ended with RC = {0|4|7|8}

Explanation: The diagnostic test program has ended. The highest return code encountered while running the diagnostic test program is listed in the message text.

System Action: All diagnostic test program processing is now ended.

User Response: Examine the return code. The description of the severity and nature of the return code is:

  • 0 - All diagnostic tests completed successfully.

  • 4 - Diagnostic request to Query, Mount or Dismount was not successful.

  • 7 - LibraryStation or MVS/HSC software error (ABEND or STATUS_PROCESS_FAILURE).

  • 8 - Network Communications failed or LibraryStation of MVS/HSC inactive or not installed.

If the return code is not 0, then examine the messages in the SYSPRINT data set to determine the nature and extent of the error conditions. Correct the problems and rerun the diagnostic test program until a return code of 0 is returned.


Release AA:LL:CC rejected; CAP is active on partition PPP

Explanation: The RELease command was issued for CAP AA:LL:CC, but the CAP is active on another partition.

System Action: The CAP is not released.

User Response: Release the CAP on the host that is currently using the CAP.


CCCCCCCC CAPid AA:LL:CC failed. CAP not operational

Explanation: The CCCCCCCC requested a CAP that was not operational.

System Action: The command terminates.

User Response: Determine why the CAP is not operational. If the problem is corrected, then modify the CAP online and re-enter the failing CCCCCCCC command.

For SL8500 Bulk CAP, the robot assigned to the CAP may be not operational. In this case, contact StorageTek Hardware support.


CCCCCCCC CAP AA:LL:CC failed. CAP is unallocated

Explanation: The CCCCCCCC command requested an unallocated CAP.

System Action: The command terminates.

User Response: Determine why the CAP is unallocated. Once the problem is corrected, modify the CAP online and re-enter the failing CCCCCCCC command.


Current TRACELKP Status:

TAPEREQ        {Traced|NOT Traced}
UNITATTR       {Traced|NOT Traced}
VOLATTR        {Traced|NOT Traced}
LMUPATH        {Traced|NOT Traced}
MVCPOOL        {Traced|NOT Traced}
MGMTCLAS       {Traced|NOT Traced}
STORCLAS       {Traced|NOT Traced}
LKEYINFO       {Traced|NOT Traced}
LOOKFAIL       {Traced|NOT Traced}

Explanation: The TRACELKP command successfully completed. A list of LOOKUP tables and their tracing status is displayed.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Spent cleaning cartridge volser did not clean {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN}; cartridge {returned to home cell|left mounted|errant}

Explanation: The cleaning cartridge volser did not clean the drive because its cleaning material has been exhausted (spent).

System Action: The LMU returns the spent cleaning cartridge to its source. If it cannot do so, the volume becomes errant. In the event of a mount failure, the cartridge is left mounted and the HSC attempts to eject it.

User Response: Spent cleaning cartridges should be ejected from the ACS and replaced with new cleaning cartridges compatible with the transport(s).


Special use action by cartridge volser failed on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN}; cartridge {returned to home cell|left mounted|errant}

Explanation: A special use cartridge has been mounted on the indicated drive, but the requested action failed. Special use cartridges include 9840 microcode update and 9840 dump collection cartridges.

System Action: The LMU returns the special use cartridge to its home cell. If it cannot do so, the volume becomes errant. In the event of a mount failure, the cartridge is left mounted and the HSC attempts to eject it.

User Response: If the cartridge is left mounted, dismount it. Eject the special use cartridge. If it is a 9840 dump collection cartridge, there may be no dumps to collect. If it is a 9840 microcode update cartridge, contact your StorageTek Software CSE to determine the action required.


Cleaning cartridge volser with select count DDD is {over-limit|spent}; cartridge ejected from ACS AA

Explanation: The cleaning cartridge specified has a select count of DDD. The cleaning cartridge is over-limit (its use count is found to be greater than the applicable MAXclean value) or spent (the cleaning material has been exhausted). This message is issued when the HSC has been directed to eject an over-limit or spent cleaning cartridge in the ACS. The message is issued prior to dismounting and ejecting the cartridge.

System Action: The HSC continues with the dismount and ejection of the cartridge.

User Response: Remove the cartridge when the message to empty the CAP is received.


Unable to dismount volume volser to home cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC; ejecting volume on drive

Explanation: The dismount of volume volser encountered another volume in its home cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC. This message may be preceded by an SLS4081E message which displays the volume found in the home cell. If the SLS4081E message does not appear, the LSM may have a hardware problem.

System Action: Volume volser is ejected from the library.

User Response: If this message was preceded by an SLS4081E message, an audit of the home cell location AA:LL:PP:R:CC may be required to locate the volume in the home cell and insert it into the CDS.

  • If an SLS4081E message did not appear, audit the home cell location to determine whether a volume resides in the cell.

  • If no volume is found, contact your Oracle CSE to determine the action required.


Requested {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} reserved by host CCCCCCCC; reply Ignore or Retry (I,R)

Explanation: The HSC attempted to reserve a drive for mount or dismount. Another host has reserved the drive.

System Action: The HSC waits for the host to release the drive or for your response to this message.

User Response: Reply with one of the following:

  • I (Ignore), to cancel the mount/dismount request

  • R (Retry), to attempt to reserve the drive.


Dismount of cartridge volser1 from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN}; found volser2 in home cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC

Explanation: If volser1 and volser2 have the same volume serial, a duplicate volume may be present in the library, or two concurrent dismount requests may have been processed by the LMU. If volser1 and volser2 have different volume serials, another volume is in the home cell of volser1.

System Action: If volser1 and volser2 have the same volume serial, a cell scan of the drive is performed to determine whether a duplicate volume is in the ACS. If volser1 is not equal to volser2 then a new home cell is acquired for volser1.

User Response: An audit of the home cell location AA:LL:PP:RR:CC may be required to locate volser2 and insert it into the CDS.


Dismount of cartridge volser1 from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN}; expected volser2; drive found loaded

Explanation: The HSC attempted to dismount volume volser1 from a drive but the drive is loaded. The drive status information indicates that volser2 is mounted on the drive. Either a different physical volume volser1 is on the drive, or the internal volume serial volser1 does not match the external volume serial volser2.

System Action: The HSC continues processing.

User Response: If the volume on the drive should be dismounted, issue the MVS UNLOAD command and then issue the HSC DISMount command.


Dismount of cartridge volser1 from {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN}; volume location information is incorrect; volume deleted from database

Explanation: The HSC attempted to dismount volume volser1. The volume status information indicates the volume is errant, but the HSC failed to locate the volume.

System Action: The HSC deletes the volume from the database.

User Response: If the volume is not found on the drive and is believed to be in the library, run the audit utility.


Swap of volume to same {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN}; reply "S", "C", or "I" to Swap, Clean, or Ignore

Explanation: A swap operation specified the same drive that the volume is mounted on.

System Action: The HSC waits for a response to this message.

User Response: Reply with one of the following:

  • S (Swap), to dismount the volume and remount to the same drive.

  • C (Clean), to dismount the volume, mount a cleaner cartridge, and remount the volume when the cleaning is complete.

  • I (Ignore), to cancel the mount/dismount request.


Swap of volser on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - Volume not on drive

Explanation: The HSC attempted to dismount volume volser from a drive, but either the drive is empty or a different cartridge is mounted.

System Action: The swap operation fails.

User Response: If the swap operation is required, use HSC commands to perform the swap operation. First, issue the HSC DISMount command to remove the current volume from the drive. Then, issue the HSC Mount command to mount the volume on the new drive.


{Mount|Dismount} of volser {on|from} {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} sent to HSC

Explanation: This message is returned to SMC when a dismount or non-MVS mount is queued for processing by HSC.

System Action: None. The requested dismount or mount will be processed by HSC. No error messages from the operation are returned to SMC.

User Response: None


Dismount request for {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN} - found {drive reserved|drive loaded on scan|drive loaded on dismount}; request terminated

Explanation: The HSC was unable to complete a dismount operation requested from SMC because of the condition indicated in the message.

System Action: The dismount request is terminated. If the next mount for the drive is an MVS mount requested by SMC, the drive will be unloaded or the system will wait until the drive is no longer reserved. If the next mount for the drive is a non-MVS mount (for example, an RTD mount), WTOR messages will be issued to wait or force the drive unload.

User Response: None


Duplicate volser volser in cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC and on {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN}; ejecting volume on drive

Explanation: This message is displayed when the same volume serial is found both in the volume's home cell and on the drive during a dismount.

System Action: The volume on the drive will be ejected from the ACS, and the volume serial will be removed from the CDS.

User Response: Audit the cell shown in the message to re-add the volume to the CDS.


Mount/Dismount from SMC 6.0 is not supported.

Explanation: A mount/dismount request was made from SMC 6.0 to HSC 7.0 or above. HSC 7.0 or above does not support requests from SMC 6.0.

System Action: Mount/Dismount request fails.

User Response: Upgrade you SMC client to SMC 7.0 or above.


Number of drives per panel cannot be changed with FORHOST

Explanation: The number of drives specified on a SET SLIDRIVS utility control statement does not match the current number of drives defined for the panel. This SET SLIDRIVS statement included the FORHOST parameter. Changing the number of drives on a panel for only one host is not supported.

System Action: The control statement is ignored. A return code of 8 is set.

User Response: Correct the number of drives on the SET SLIDRIVS statement to agree with the existing value, or remove the FORHOST parameter from the statement to change the number of drives for all hosts, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


HSC Parmlib not accessible, data reported may be incorrect

Explanation: The HSC Parmlib is not accessible, and data reported may be incomplete or incorrect. The Parmlib may be identified by the SLSSCRPL DD statement or accessed by the active HSC on this host.

System Action: The utility continues processing. Scratch subpool totals will not be produced and scratch subpool IDs will not be reported for volumes. Because the global maximum cleaning limit cannot be determined, cleaning cartridges over the maximum usage limit are not reported.

User Response: Identify the HSC Parmlib via the SLSSCRPL DD statement or by running the utility on a host with an active HSC that accesses the correct Parmlib.


Panel must be empty to use SET SLIDRIVS to change cell geometry

Explanation: The SET SLIDRIVS utility control statement cannot be used to change one type of drive panel to another unless the two panels have the same cell geometry or the panel being changed is empty.

System Action: The utility control statement is ignored. A return code of 8 is set.

User Response: Either (1) resubmit the job, changing the number of drives defined for the panel, or (2) set MNTD Float(OFf) and do not enter volumes into the LSM, then use the MOVe or EJect command or utility to remove all volumes from the panel and then resubmit the job.


CDS C...C DDNAME DDDDDDDD is inconsistent with the active set; ignored

Explanation: A CDS input to the utility is not part of the active set based on the selected primary CDS.

System Action: The utility continues. The named CDS data set is not updated.

User Response: Examine the JCL supplied for the utility along with the HSC subsystem to determine the correct CDS names. You may want to issue a CDS ENABLE command to the HSC subsystem to re-enable a previously disabled CDS copy.


SET CDSLVL REGRESS is not allowed; host CCCCCCCC marked as active

Explanation: The SET CDSLVL REGRESS utility cannot be executed while the HSC is marked as active on any host.

System Action: The utility control statement is ignored. A return code of 8 is set.

User Response: Stop or recover HSC on all hosts and resubmit the job.


SET CDSLVL CONVERT requires all active hosts to have coexistence PTFs applied

Explanation: The SET CDSLVL CONVERT utility requires that all active hosts must be executing HSC 2.0.1 with the PTF(s) for HSC 2.1 coexistence applied.

System Action: The utility control statement is ignored. A return code of 8 is set.

User Response: Bring all hosts to the required HSC maintenance level and resubmit the job.


SET CDSLVL REGRESS failed; invalid LSM or panel type found in CDS

Explanation: The SET CDSLVL REGRESS utility attempted to regress a CDS to an earlier CDS level. However, an LSM or panel type was defined in the CDS which is not supported at the earlier CDS level.

For example, 9740 LSMs and drive panels configured for 20 drives are not supported at CDS level 2.0.0. Thus a 2.1.0 level CDS which includes 9740 LSMs or 20 drive panels cannot be regressed to CDS level 2.0.0.

System Action: The utility control statement is ignored. A return code of 8 is set.

User Response: All LSMs which are not supported at the earlier CDS level must be removed from the library configuration before the CDS can be regressed to the earlier CDS level. The LIBGEN, SLICREAT, and RECONFIG processes can be used to remove the LSMs from the library configuration. Then the CDS can be regressed to an earlier CDS level.


SET SLIDRIVS requires host CCCCCCCC down or LSM AA:LL offline

Explanation: The SET SLIDRIVS utility requires that all affected hosts be down or the LSM offline to change existing drives or panel type.

System Action: The utility control statement is ignored. A return code of 8 is set.

User Response: Bring down all affected hosts or modify the LSM offline, and resubmit the SET SLIDRIVS utility.


HOST CCCCCCCC LSM(AA:LL) PANEL(PP) drive unit addresses changed:

From:    XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX ...
To:      XXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXX ...
Model: NNNN

Explanation: The SET SLIDRIVS command has changed unit addresses for a host. MODEL is shown only when MODEL is specified on the SET SLIDRVIS control statement.

System Action: None

User Response: None


WARNING: REGRESS with HSC 2.1 created CDS

Explanation: The CDS was created with HSC 2.1 SLICREAT.

System Action: Regress of CDS continues, but the CDS may be incompatible with some utilities and may cause unpredictable results.

User Response: The regressed CDS should be run through RECONFIG. Create new HSC 2.0 CDSs and specify them in the RECONFIG RECDEF PARMLIB statement; specify the regressed CDS in the CDSDEF PARMLIB statement.


Number of drives is invalid

Explanation: The number of drives defined in the panel is not an allowable value or exceeds the maximum allowed for the LSM type.

System Action: A return code of 8 is set and the utility function terminates.

User Response: Correct the error and resubmit the job.


Panel map not found for panel PP in LSM AA:LL panel type TT

Explanation: The panel cell map for the indicated panel type was not found in the panel map table.

System Action: A return code of 8 is set and the utility function terminates.

User Response: Make sure that the utility is executing with the correct version of the HSC software. If the error persists, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Insufficient space for CCCCCCCC data set; number of blocks required is DDDDD

Explanation: Processing could not continue against the CCCCCCCC data set because insufficient space was allocated.

System Action: The program terminates.

User Response: Supply the proper amount of space and resubmit the job.



Explanation: A record was found with a key that does not match any existing ACS/LSM.

System Action: The utility terminates with return code 8. If the error is encountered in SLUDBMAP (LIBGEN), then statements are generated for portions of the library that are not in error.

User Response: Report this condition to StorageTek Software Support. It may be necessary to re-create the CDS using the merge or reconfigure utility.


Output of CDS convert may be invalid

Explanation: An LSM record was found with a drive panel which did not have a valid number of drive slots.

System Action: The utility completes and issues a return code of 4.

User Response: Report this condition to StorageTek Software Support. It may be necessary to re-create the CDS using the merge or reconfigure utility.


Number of ACSs is greater than 100

Explanation: During execution of the LIBGEN utility, a total ACS count greater than 100 was found.

System Action: The utility completes and issues a return code of 4. No output is generated for ACS IDs greater than 99 (hexadecimal 63).

User Response: If "place holder" ACSs defined in the CDS which cause the number to be greater than the new maximum of 100, you will need to create a new CDS with a number of ACSs less than or equal to the maximum, and execute the CDS MERGE utility to transfer data from the existing CDS to the new CDS.


ACS AA contains more than 100 LSMs

Explanation: During execution of the LIBGEN utility the ACS AA was found to have more than 100 LSMs. If the ACS FUTRACS is displayed, it indicates that the LSM portion of the FUTRACS parameter is too large.

System Action: The utility completes and issues a return code of 8 if the ACS is a real ACS or a return code 4 if the ACS is FUTRACS.

Generated SLIACS macros do not include the LSMs with IDs greater than hexadecimal 63, but SLILSM records are generated for them.

User Response: If this message appears for a real ACS, the output of the LIBGEN utility cannot be used as input to the LIBGEN assembly process.

Examine your configuration to determine how to eliminate unused LSMs, and create a new CDS with the corrected configuration. Then execute the CDS MERGE utility to transfer data from the existing CDS to the new CDS.


FUTRACS would create more than 100 ACSs, resetting to NN

Explanation: During execution of the LIBGEN utility it was determined that the number of existing ACSs plus the number of future ACSs would exceed the system maximum of 100.

System Action: The utility sets the FUTRACS parameter to the difference between 100 and the current number of ACSs and continues processing. If no other errors are found, the utility terminates with a return code of 4.

User Response: None


FUTRLSM would create more than 100 LSMs, resetting to NN

Explanation: During execution of the LIBGEN utility it was determined that the number of existing LSMs plus the number of future LSMs in an ACS would exceed the system maximum of 100.

System Action: The utility sets the FUTRLSM parameter to the difference between 100 and the current number of LSMs in the ACS and continues processing. If no other errors are found, the utility terminates with a return code of 4.

User Response: None


FUTRLSM would create more than 100 LSMs, resetting to NN

Explanation: An attempt was made to dismount volume volser to its home cell but the home cell was occupied by another volume and FLOAT OFF was in use.

System Action: The dismount waits for a reply of A or E.

User Response: Replying with A allows HSC to allocate a different home cell for volume volser. Replying with E causes volume volser to be ejected.


FUTRLSM would create more than 100 LSMs, resetting to NN

Explanation: The DDNAME specified refers to a data set that is not a valid CDS format. CCC...CCCC indicates the error.

System Action: Utility processing is terminated.

User Response: Correct the utility JCL and resubmit the job.


Duplicate vaulted volume VVVVVV found in "FROM" and "TO" CDS

Explanation: During the merge process, the indicated Vaulted Volume VVVVVV was found to be a duplicate in the "FROM" and "TO" CDS.

System Action: The utility continues. The merge process will not copy the Vaulted Volume information from the "FROM" CDS into the "TO" CDS. The existing Vaulted Volume in the "TO" CDS will be unaffected. A return code of 4 is set.

User Response: Verify that the duplicate Vaulted Volume is processed as intended.


Merge command with REALONLY|VIRTONLY parameter will be replaced by SLSMERGE parameter ALLREAL|ALLVIRT in a future release

Explanation: The REALonly|VIRTonly parameters in the MERGE command will be replaced by the ALLREAL|ALLVIRT parameters in a future release.

System Action: The utility continues.

User Response: In the future, use the SLSMERGE ALLREAL parameter instead of the MERGE REALonly parameter and the SLSMERGE ALLVIRT parameter instead of the MERGE VIRTonly parameter. Use the NOREAL, NOVIRT and NOVALT parameters to prevent specific data types from merging.


Merge command parameter REALONLY|VIRTONLY has been detected; SLSMERGE NOVIRT/NOREAL and NOVALT parameters have been automatically set

Explanation: The MERGE REALonly|VIRTonly parameters will be replaced in a future release with the SLSMERGE ALLREAL|ALLVIRT parameters. To support the MERGE REALonly|VIRTonly parameters, the SLSMERGE NOREAL|NOVIRT and NOVALT parameters will be set when the REALonly|VIRTonly parameters are detected.

System Action: The utility continues.

User Response: In the future, use the SLSMERGE ALLREAL|ALLVIRT|NOREAL|NOVIRT|NOVALT parameters instead of the REALonly|VIRTonly parameters.


SLSMERGE parameters:

have been requested which indicates to merge nothing

Explanation: Requesting SLSMERGE parameters:

  • NOREAL and NOVIRT without vault information in the CDS


in the same merge job indicates to merge nothing.

System Action: The CDS Merge process terminates.

User Response: Correct the error and resubmit the CDS Merge.


{ACS AA|LSM AA:LL} on MERGE control statement not found in {FROM|TO} CDS

Explanation: A MERGE control statement contains an ACS or LSM that does not exist in the specified CDS.

System Action: The utility continues with the validation process. The merge will not occur. A return code of 8 is set.

User Response: Correct the information and resubmit the utility job. If the TO CDS was just created with the SLICREAT utility, ensure that it contains the correct ACS and LSM information.


LSM AA:LL in MERGE TO CDS is not empty

Explanation: The merge utility has detected that the indicated LSM, which is a destination LSM for the merge, contains one or more volumes in the TO CDS.

System Action: The utility continues with the validation process. The merge will not occur. A return code of 8 is set.

User Response: Verify that the LSM is the intended merge destination. If it is, then EJect or MOVe all volumes before proceeding with the merge.


LSM AA:LL in FROM CDS is not same type as LSM AA:LL in TO CDS

Explanation: The source and destination LSMs in the CDS merge are not the same LSM type.

System Action: The utility continues. The merge is not performed for this LSM.

  • If the LSM was requested with a specific FLSM/TLSM parameter statement, then the merge will not occur, and a return code of 8 is set.

  • If the unmatched LSM is within an ALL or FACS/TACS parameter statement, and the VALIDate option was not specified, then the merge will occur for other LSMs, and a return code of 4 is set.

User Response: If the FLSM/TLSM parameter was specified for the LSM, correct the statement and resubmit the utility. If the LSM is within a specified ACS or is part of an ALL group, verify that the LSM should be bypassed in the merge process.


Panel PP LSM AA:LL in FROM CDS is not same type as LSM AA:LL in TO CDS

Explanation: The panel type for panel PP is not the same in the merge FROM and TO CDSs.

System Action: The utility continues. Volumes on the unmatched panel are not merged. A return code of 4 is set.

User Response: Verify that the panel is specified correctly in the TO CDS.


LSM AA:LL does not exist in TO CDS

Explanation: There is no LSM AA:LL in the MERGE TO CDS. The merge was specified using either the ALL option or the FACS/TACS control statement.

System Action: The utility continues. Volumes from the indicated LSM will not be merged. A return code of 4 is set.

User Response: Verify that the LSM should be bypassed in the merge process.


Duplicate volume volser found in FROM CDS; target location is ACS(AA) LSM(LL) PANEL(PP) ROW(RR) COLUMN(CC)

Explanation: During the merge process, a volume (volser) in a merged LSM on the FROM CDS already exists in the TO CDS.

System Action: The utility continues. The merge process will not copy the volume information into the destination LSM of the TO CDS. The existing volume in the TO CDS will be unaffected. A return code of 4 is set.

User Response: Verify that the duplicate volume is processed as intended. Following the merge, execute the AUDIt utility function on all target locations that contained duplicate volumes to eject the duplicates from the LSM.


Volume volser found errant during Merge; target home location is ACS(AA) LSM(LL) PANEL(PP) ROW(RR) COLUMN(CC)

Explanation: The merge function encountered an errant volume (volser) in the FROM CDS whose home location in the TO CDS will be AA:LL:PP:RR:CC.

System Action: The utility continues. If the VALIDate option was not specified, the errant volume was copied to the TO CDS and marked errant. A return code of 4 is set.

User Response: Perform an audit of the specified cell on the TO CDS after the merge to clear errant status.


Volume volser found selected during Merge; target home location is ACS(AA) LSM(LL) PANEL(PP) ROW(RR) COLUMN(CC)

Explanation: The merge function encountered a selected volume (volser) in the FROM CDS whose home location in the TO CDS will be AA:LL:PP:RR:CC.

System Action: The utility continues. If the VALIDate option was not specified, the selected volume was copied to the TO CDS and marked unselected. A return code of 4 is set.

User Response: Perform an audit of the specified cell on the TO CDS after the merge to verify the location of the volume.


FROM CDS name is the same as TO CDS name

Explanation: The FROM CDS has the same data set name as the primary, shadow, or standby version of the TO CDS.

System Action: The CDS Merge process terminates.

User Response: Correct the name of the file specified as the FROM CDS on the SLUADMIN jobstep.


CDS Merge Phase N (CCCCCCCC) completed

Explanation: This is a SLUADMIN MERGEcds utility checkpoint message, indicating that phase N, function CCCCCCCC, has completed. Phases are:

  • Phase 1-Initialization

    The merge process has successfully reserved the TO CDS and has allocated, initialized, and reserved the FROM CDS.

  • Phase 2-Validate Parameters

    The merge process has validated all LSMs being merged.

  • Phase 3-Build Dataspace

    The merge process has successfully allocated and populated the dataspace with merged CDS information.

  • Phase 4-Write Dataspace

    The merge process has successfully written the merged data to the primary CDS copy. Phase 4 is bypassed when the VALIDate option is specified.

  • Phase 5-Cleanup

    The merge process has successfully copied the primary CDS to the secondary version (if any), and has completed the termination process.

System Action: After completion of Phases 1 through 4, the merge process continues. After completion of Phase 5, the merge process terminates.

User Response: None


Creation of a utility data space failed - MMMMMMMM-CC-RRRRRRRR

Explanation: MMMMMMMM is the IBM macro call that failed while creating the CDS Merge utility data space. CC is the return code describing the failure. RRRRRRRR is the reason code describing the failure. Refer to the appropriate IBM documentation for an explanation of the return/reason code.

If the failing macro is DSPSERV with a return code of "08" and a reason code of "xx0005xx," the size of the data space violates installation criteria (IEFUSI exit).

This indicates that the HSC is not running in Protect Key 1--7. Check the MVS Program Properties Table in the SCHEDxx member of SYS1.PARMLIB for proper specification of the Protect Key for HSC.

System Action: The utility process terminates.

User Response: Determine the cause of the failure, and resubmit the utility request.


No DD statement(s) found for FROM CDS

Explanation: A MERGEcds command did not include any DD statements for the FROM CDS.

System Action: The CDS Merge process terminates.

User Response: Supply a DD statement for SLSFCNTL, specifying the FROM CDS. If shadow and/or standby copies are available, supply DD statements (SLSFCTL2/SLSFSTBY) for these files as well. The CDS merge utility will determine the current primary CDS and use it as the FROM CDS for the merge.


Missing or invalid SLSMERGE data set found for MERGEcds

Explanation: Either the SLSMERGE DD statement was missing, or the data set could not be opened, or no parameters were found and the keyword ”ALL” was not specified on the MERGEcds statement.

System Action: The CDS Merge process terminates.

User Response: Either specify ”ALL” on the MERGEcds statement, or include an SLSMERGE DD statement with one or more parameters in the SLUADMIN job.


MERGEcds ALL was specified with a SLSMERGE DD statement

Explanation: The MERGEcds statement specified ALL, but an SLSMERGE DD statement was found in the SLUADMIN job.

System Action: The CDS Merge process terminates.

User Response: Either remove the ALL keyword from the MERGEcds statement, or remove the MERGEDEF DD statement from the SLUADMIN job.


CDS Merge complete on CCCC...CCCC

Explanation: The CDS Merge has successfully updated the CDS with a data set name of CCCC...CCCC.

System Action: The CDS Merge process continues.

User Response: None


Unable to select a primary CDS for MERGEcds

Explanation: For all the FROM CDS copies specified as input to SLUADMIN, information in the DHB was inspected. The best CDS copy was not a primary or secondary CDS when it was last used, and it has not been restored since; therefore it would not be a valid primary CDS.

System Action: The CDS Merge process terminates.

User Response: Review the SLSFCNTL, SLSFCTL2, and SLSFSTBY data sets that were specified for the SLUADMIN job. If the right data sets were specified, use the HSC BACKup utility to select and back up the most current CDS copy, followed by an HSC RESTore to synchronize all CDS copies. Then restart the SLUADMIN job.


Cleaner prefix XXX on FROM CDS does not match XXX on TO CDS

Explanation: There is a mismatch in the cleaner prefixes for two CDSs being merged.

System Action: The CDS Merge process continues. If any cleaning cartridges are found in the FROM CDS they will be listed in message SLS4221E.

User Response: If the CDS Merge was run with the VALIDate option, eject all cleaning cartridges from the FROM LSM.

If the CDS Merge was run without the VALIDate option, eject all cleaning cartridges from the TO LSM after the merge completes.


Volume VVVVVV in LSM AA:LL merged as non-cleaner

Explanation: Volume VVVVVV has a prefix matching the cleaner prefix of the FROM CDS but not the TO CDS.

System Action: The CDS Merge process continues. The volume is added to the TO CDS, but it will not be used as a cleaning cartridge.

User Response: f the CDS Merge was run with the VALIDate option, eject the volume from the FROM LSM.

If the CDS Merge was run without the VALIDate option, eject the volume from the TO LSM after the merge completes.


Duplicate {FROM|TO} {ACS AA|LSM AA:LL} found on MERGE control statement

Explanation: A duplicate ACSid or LSMid was specified as the FROM or TO ACS/LSM on a MERGE control statement, or the ACSid of a FROM/TO merge parameter overlaps another FROM/TO LSMid.

System Action: The CDS Merge process terminates.

User Response: Correct the error and resubmit the CDS Merge.


Audit in progress on TO LSM AA:LL

Explanation: There is an audit in progress on LSM AA:LL which is the target of a CDS Merge.

System Action: If the VALIDate option was specified, a return code of ”4” is set and the validation process continues; otherwise, the CDS Merge process terminates.

User Response: Resubmit the CDS Merge after the audit completes. If the LSM contains volumes, it cannot be the target of a merge.


Unexpected CDS Merge error - Component=MMMMMMMM, RC=XXXXXXXX

Explanation: While processing a CDS Merge, an unexpected error occurred. MMMMMMMM is the name of the HSC component that failed. XXXXXXXX is the return code from the operation.

System Action: The CDS Merge process terminates.

User Response: Check the return code associated with the named component. If you are unable to resolve the problem, contact StorageTek Software Support.


SLSMERGE input parameter:XXXX...XXXX

Explanation: The indicated parameter statement has been read from the SLSMERGE data set.

System Action: None

User Response: None


VAR|VVOL area overflow during CDS merge

Explanation: There is no space in the TO CDS to add a volume in either the VAR or VVOL area.

System Action: The CDS Merge process terminates.

User Response:

  • If the overflow is due to no space in the VAR area, increase the size of the TO CDS with the LIBGEN process.

  • If the overflow is due to no space in the VVOL area, increase the size of the TO CDS with the LIBGEN process and SET VAULTVOL utility.


MERGECDS requires HSC at base level; MERGECDS terminated

Explanation: MERGEcds requires that HSC be at base service level.

System Action: The CDS Merge process terminates.

User Response: Use the SRVlev command to change the service level to BASE or stop HSC and restart it using the BASE parameter.


CCCCCCCC1 CCCCCCCC2 parameter not valid

Explanation: Parameter CCCCCCCC2 of command or control statement CCCCCCCC1 is not valid.

System Action: The utility continues processing. Reports generated may be incorrect. A return code of X'04' is set.

User Response: Correct the command or control statement in error and rerun the utility.



Explanation: Confirmation that LSM AA:LL Panel PP has been frozen or unfrozen.

System Action: The SET function is complete.

User Response: None



Explanation: Confirmation that the entire LSM AA:LL has been frozen or unfrozen. If the state is already what was asked for, the message will say that it is already frozen or unfrozen.

System Action: The SET function is complete.

User Response: None


Unable to Freeze/Unfreeze an unallocated or non-existent LSM or panel

Explanation: An attempt was made to freeze or unfreeze an unallocated LSM or a panel that is unallocated in an LSM.

Also, you can get this error if you try to Freeze or Unfreeze a non-existent LSM or panel. An unallocated panel will be bypassed and can not be frozen or unfrozen.

System Action: The SET function is complete with RC=8

User Response: None


Duplicate (MVC|VTV) volume (VVVVVV) found in FROM CDS

Explanation: During the merge process, a volume (VVVVVV) already exists in the TO CDS.

System Action: The utility continues. The merge process will not copy any MVC and VTV volumes to the TO CDS. A return code of 8 is set.

User Response: Correct the MVC/VTV conflict and resubmit the CDS Merge.


VTV/MVC conflicts detected; Virtual volumes not merged

Explanation: During the merge process, a virtual volume (VTV or MVC) on the 'FROM' CDS exists as a VTV, MVC, or real volume on the &rsquor;TO' CDS. The merging of virtual (VTV/MVC) volume information is not performed.

System Action: The utility continues. The merge process will not copy any MVC and VTV volumes to the &rsquor;TO' CDS, but real volume merge is done (if requested). A return code of 8 is set.

User Response: Correct the VTV/MVC conflict and resubmit the CDS Merge.


Duplicate {FROM|TO} VTSS NAME (XXXXXXXX) found on MERGE control statement

Explanation: A duplicate VTSS name (XXXXXXXX) was specified as the FROM or TO VTSS name on a MERGE control statement. The merge was specified using the FVTSS/TVTSS control statement.

System Action: The CDS Merge process terminates.

User Response: Correct the error and resubmit the CDS Merge.


VTSS NAME (XXXXXXXX) on MERGE control statement not found in the {FROM|TO} CDS

Explanation: There is no VTSS name (XXXXXXXX) in the MERGE FROM or TO CDS. The merge was specified using the FVTSS/TVTSS control statement.

System Action: The CDS Merge process terminates.

User Response: Correct the error and resubmit the CDS Merge.


{MVC|VTV} volume VVVVVV not configured in 'TO' CDS

Explanation: Correct the error and resubmit the CDS Merge.

  • The DELVirt parameter is specified, and

  • The 'FROM' CDS shows volume VVVVVV to be empty or uninitialized.

A VTV is considered empty if it is not resident and has no current MVC copies. An MVC is considered empty if it contains no current VTVs and, if previously used, has been drained.

System Action: The utility continues. The merge process will not copy any MVC or VTV volumes to the 'TO' CDS. Return code 8 is set.

User Response: If merge processing should copy volume VVVVVV to the 'TO' CDS, correct the configuration of the 'TO' CDS to include volume VVVVVV in an MVC or VTV range (as appropriate), then rerun the merge.

If merge processing should delete volume VVVVVV, by not copying it to the 'TO' CDS:

  • Ensure the DELVirt parameter is specified.

  • If volume VVVVVV is a VTV, ensure that the 'FROM' CDS shows VTV VVVVVV as not resident and with no current MVC copies. If VTV VVVVVV is scratch, the DELETSCR utility can be used to delete resident and MVC copies of the VTV.

  • If volume VVVVVV is an MVC, ensure that the 'FROM' CDS shows MVC VVVVVV to be empty, i.e. containing zero (0) VTVs. If MVC VVVVVV previously contained VTVs, run an MVCRPT. If a value is displayed in the 'Owner/Comment/Consolidate Time' column, MVC VVVVVV needs to be drained. Once drained, no value is displayed in that column.

  • Once the conditions for deleting volume VVVVVV have been met, rerun the merge.


MVC volume VVVVVV is a duplicate of a real volume

Explanation: During the merge process, a VTV volume VVVVVV was found to be a duplicate of a real volume.

System Action: The utility continues. The merge process will not copy any MVC and VTV volumes to the &rsquor;TO' CDS. A return code of 8 is set.

User Response: Correct the VTV/real volume conflict and resubmit the CDS Merge.


Parameter {ALL|ALLREAL|FACS} specified, but the {TO|FROM} CDS is a tapeless configuration

Explanation: The merge process found a parameter that indicates real volume data should be merged, but either the "TO" or "FROM" CDS is defined as a tapeless configuration.

System Action: The utility terminates following phase 2. No data was merged. A return code of 8 is set.

User Response: Correct the parameters or change the CDS definition of the "TO" CDS by using the LIBGEN/SLICREAT process and resubmit the CDS Merge.


PARAMETER ALLVIRT specified, but no virtual data defined in "TO"|"FROM" CDS.

Explanation: The specification of ALLVIRT was made, but no virtual configuration data was found in the "TO" or "FROM" CDS.

System Action: The utility terminates following phase 2. No data was merged. A return code of 8 is set.

User Response: Correct the parameters and resubmit the CDS Merge. Make sure that the SWSADMIN CONFIG function has been run against the "TO" CDS.


PARAMETER "ALL" specified, but no virtual data was defined in the "TO" CDS. No virtual data copied.

Explanation: The specification of "ALL" was made, but no virtual configuration data was found in the "TO" CDS. No virtual records were copied.

System Action: The utility has copied only "real" CDS data. A return code of 4 is set.

User Response: Run the SWSADMIN CONFIG function to define the virtual information, and resubmit the CDS Merge to copy the virtual information if desired.


MVC/VTV volume VVVVVV deleted from "TO" CDS during MERGE

Explanation: This message is issued whenever a VTV or MVC that is either uninitialized or empty in the source CDS and NOT defined in the target CDS is not copied to the target CDS during a MERGECDS operation.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Migrated VTV VVVVVV found in source CDS but corresponding MVC VVVVVV not defined in target CDS

Explanation: This message is issued during a MERGECDS operation when a migrated VTV is found in the source CDS but the MVC to which it has been migrated is not defined in the target CDS.

System Action: The REAL part of the CDS Merge process completes, but no VIRTUAL records are copied to the target CDS. The operation ends with a return code 8.

User Response: Either define the MVC in the target CDS or delete the VTV from the VTCS.


CCCCCCCC parameter value invalid; must be 'YES' or 'NO'

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility function specified a parameter with a value other than YES or NO.

System Action: The utility function terminates.

User Response: Correct the parameter on the utility control statement, and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


Volume VVVVVV location AA:LL:RR:CC; ACS|LSM not found in CDS

Explanation: While attempting to calculate VOLRPT summary totals, the ACS or LSM for the volume's location did not match the ACS or LSM table built from the CDS.

System Action: The utility continues processing. Reports generated may be incorrect. A return code of X'04' is set.

User Response: Investigate whether the volume's location is incorrect or whether ACS/LSM records on the CDS are incorrect.


Parameter "ALL" specified, but the "TO" CDS does not contain any VTV volumes

Explanation: The specification of "ALL" was made, but no virtual volumes are defined in the "TO" CDS.

System Action: The utility terminates following phase 2. No data was merged. A return code of 8 is set.

User Response: Run the SWSADMIN CONFIG function to define the virtual information, and resubmit the CDS Merge to copy the virtual information if desired.


Prior RELease AA:LL:CC executing; reply Cancel current command or Force release (C,F)

Explanation: A prior RELease command has been issued, or a release CAP request is executing for another host or a utility ESTAE.

System Action:

The command waits for you to reply 'C' or 'F'.

  • If you reply 'C', the RELease command is cancelled and the prior release process will continue executing.

  • If you reply 'F', the current release process will be cancelled and an abbreviated CAP release will be performed.

User Response: Attempt to determine the reason that the previous CAP task has not completed. Possible reasons may include an outstanding CAP operation or a WTOR. If so, attempt to perform the requested CAP operation. For example, empty the volumes from the CAP and close the CAP door, or reply to the outstanding message.

If no outstanding action message or WTOR exists, be aware that the release command may be performing a catalog of the CAP. The CAP catalog may take a few minutes, especially if the LMU is actively processing multiple requests. If this is the case, reply 'C' and wait for the prior release process to complete.

If no outstanding action message or WTOR exists, be aware that the release command may be performing a catalog of the CAP. The CAP catalog may take a few minutes, especially if the LMU is actively processing multiple requests. If this is the case, reply 'C' and wait for the prior release process to complete.


RELease AA:LL:CC command is waiting for {the CAP lock|LMU response}

Explanation: A RELease command has been issued and has posted an active CAP task to terminate, but the task has not yet terminated.

System Action: The command waits.

User Response: Attempt to determine the reason that the previous CAP task has not completed. Possible reasons may include an outstanding CAP operation or a WTOR. If so, attempt to perform the requested CAP operation. For example, empty the volumes from the CAP and close the CAP door, or reply to the outstanding message.

If no outstanding action message or WTOR exists, be aware that the active CAP process may be waiting for a response from the LMU. The response may take a few minutes if the LMU is actively processing multiple requests.


Cartridge volser in CAP AA:LL:CC has an invalid media label and cannot be entered

Explanation: A cartridge (volser) has been found in CAP AA:LL:CC with an unreadable media label and cannot be entered.

System Action: Cartridge entry leaves the cartridge in the CAP cell in which it is found and unlocks the CAP so the cartridge can be removed.

User Response: Remove the cartridge from the CAP. If the cartridge must be entered, correct the media label.


Duplicate {FROM|TO} VAULT name CCCCCCCC found on MERGE control statement

Explanation: A duplicate FROM|TO Vault name CCCCCCCC was specified on the SLSMERGE FVAULT/TVAULT parameter card.

System Action: The CDS Merge process terminates.

User Response: Correct the error and resubmit the CDS Merge.



Explanation: The Vault name CCCCCCCC specified in the SLSMERGE {FVAULT|TVAULT} parameter was not found in the {FROM|TO} CDS.

System Action: The CDS Merge process terminates.

User Response: Correct the invalid Vault name on the SLSMERGE {FVAULT|TVAULT} parameter and resubmit the CDS Merge.



Explanation: SLSMERGE MERGE ALLxxxx parameters are mutually exclusive with SLSMERGE Fxxxx|Txxxx parameters.

System Action: The CDS Merge process terminates.

User Response: Correct the error and resubmit the CDS Merge.


ALLVALT|FVAULT parm specified but no vaults were defined in "FROM" CDS

Explanation: SLSMERGE ALLVALT|FVAULT parameter was specified but there were no vaults found in "FROM"

System Action: The utility terminates following phase 2. No data was merged. A return code of 8 is set.

User Response: Correct the error and resubmit the CDS Merge.


Cannot merge into "TO" VAULT CCCCCCCC because it is not empty

Explanation: "TO" vault CCCCCCCC already has volumes stored in it. The "TO" vault must be empty to allow volumes to be merged into it.

System Action: The CDS Merge process terminates.

User Response: Correct the error and resubmit the CDS Merge.


Cannot merge into "TO" VAULT CCCCCCCC because it is set up for fewer slots than "FROM" VAULT CCCCCCCC

Explanation: "TO" Vault CCCCCCCC was set up with fewer slots than "FROM" Vault CCCCCCCC. The "TO" Vault must be created with the same or greater than number of slots then "FROM" vault to allow for all the volumes in the "FROM" Vault to be migrated to the "TO" Vault.

System Action: The CDS Merge process terminates.

User Response: Correct the error and resubmit the CDS Merge.


There is {REAL|VIRTUAL|VAULT} data in "FROM" CDS but merge options selected will not merge this data into "TO" CDS

Explanation: The merge options selected will not merge {REAL|VIRTUAL|VAULT} that was found in the "FROM" CDS.

System Action: The CDS Merge process terminates.

User Response: Use the {NOREAL|NOVIRT|NOVALT} SLSMERGE parameter to not merge the specific data and resubmit the CDS Merge.


LSM AA:LL in the FROM CDS and LSM AA:LL in the TO CDS are not in the same partition

Explanation: The source and destination LSMs belong to different partitions. A DISPLAY LSM will show UNALLOCATED if the LSM in the TO CDS is not allocated to the current partition.

System Action: The utility continues. The merge is not performed for this LSM.

  • If the LSM was requested with a specific FLSM/TLSM parameter statement, then the merge will not occur, and a return code of 8 is set.

  • If the LSM is within an ALL or FACS/TACS parameter statement, and the VALIDate option was not specified, then the merge will occur for other LSMs, and a return code of 4 is set.

User Response: If the FLSM/TLSM parameter was specified for the LSM, correct the statement and resubmit the utility. If the LSM is within a specified ACS or is part of an ALL group, verify that the LSM should be bypassed in the merge process.


CDS Merge terminated prematurely; merge complete on {NO CDS copies|PRIMARY CDS copy|ALL CDS copies}

Explanation: The HSC subsystem merge process was notified of an abnormal termination of the merge utility. The merge has already updated the CDS copies noted.

System Action: The CDS Merge process terminates.

User Response: Check the message to determine the status of the merge, then proceed as follows:

  • If no CDS copies were updated, then you can restart the merge at the beginning.

  • If only the primary CDS copy was updated, then the secondary copy will be disabled automatically. You can enable the CDS to force synchronization with the primary.

  • If all CDS copies were updated, then the merge is complete and no action is necessary.


Inconsistent copy flag found on DDDDDDDD

Explanation: The utility function found the inconsistent copy flag turned on in the CDS copy for DDNAME DDDDDDDD.

System Action: If a valid CDS copy exists, the utility continues. The data set DDDDDDDD is not processed.

User Response: Synchronize the inconsistent copy by doing one of the following:

  • Restore all CDS copies from a backup.

  • Enable the inconsistent copy to HSC. This will force synchronization of the inconsistent copy.


'DIAGSCAN' parameter value invalid; must be 'ONLY' or 'ALSO'

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility specified a DIAGScan parameter with a value other than ONLY or ALSO.

System Action: The AUDit utility terminates.

User Response: Correct the DIAGScan parameter on the utility control statement and resubmit the SLUADMIN utility job.


No diagnostic cells for LSMid AA:LL, panel DD

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility function was requested to scan diagnostic cells by the inclusion of the DIAGScan parameter. However, there were no diagnostic cells in the specified LSMid (AA:LL) and panel (DD).

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Diagnostic cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC is empty

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility function was requested to scan diagnostic cells by the inclusion of the DIAGScan parameter. The diagnostic cell at the specified location (AA:LL:PP:RR:CC) was found to be empty.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Cartridge in diagnostic cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC has an unreadable external label

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility function was requested to scan diagnostic cells by the inclusion of the DIAGScan parameter. The diagnostic cell at the specified location (AA:LL:PP:RR:CC) was found to contain a cartridge with an unreadable external Volser label.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: The cartridge may have been erroneously placed in the diagnostic cell during a time when the LSM was in manual mode. The user may wish to return the LSM to manual mode, enter the LSM and retrieve the cartridge. If it is a data cartridge, determine its Volser, label the cartridge and re-enter it through a CAP after the LSM has been brought back online.


Volume volser is in diagnostic cell AA:LL:PP:RR:CC

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility function was requested to scan diagnostic cells by the inclusion of the DIAGScan parameter. The diagnostic cell at the specified location (AA:LL:PP:RR:CC) was found to contain a cartridge with the external Volser label volser.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: If the cartridge is not a diagnostic cartridge (usually with an external label in the form "DG nnn", where nnn are decimal digits), then the cartridge may have been erroneously placed in the diagnostic cell during a time when the LSM was in manual mode. The user may wish to return the LSM to manual mode, enter the LSM and retrieve the cartridge and re-enter it through a CAP after the LSM has been brought back online.


Unable to scan diagnostic cells in LSMid AA:LL (9740)

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility function was requested to scan diagnostic cells by the inclusion of the DIAGScan parameter. The specified LSM (AA:LL) is a 9740 type LSM which currently does not support diagnostic cell scans.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


No in-transit cartridges in LSMid AA:LL

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility function was requested to process in-transit cartridges by the inclusion of the INTRANs parameter, but there were no in-transit cartridges in the specified LSM (AA:LL).

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Unable to select in-transit volume volser in LSMid AA:LL

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility function was requested to process in-transit cartridges by the inclusion of the INTRANs parameter, but was unable to select the specified library volume (volser) in the specified LSM (AA:LL).

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: Investigate if the volume is selected and if it is, consider running the SLUADMIN UNSElect utility to free the volume then rerun the SLUADMIN AUDIt utility with the INTRANs parameter.


DDname CCCCCCCC allocated to data set name DDD...DD

Explanation: The utility has allocated the DD name noted by CCCCCCCC to the data set name of DDD...DD (a string which may be up to 54 characters, including the member name if the data set is a PDS member). The DD name CCCCCCCC may be one of the following: SLSCNTL, SLSSCRPL, or SLSVA. The allocation may have been due to the JCL supplied to the utility job, or the allocation may have been dynamic, based on the data sets being used by the HSC active on this host system.

System Action: The utility continues.

User Response: This message is informational only. If the utility fails to produce the expected results, the series of SLS4203I messages should be examined to be sure that the intended data sets were actually the ones allocated to the job.


Ejected in-transit volume volser from LSMid AA:LL

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility function was requested to process in-transit cartridges by the inclusion of the INTRANs parameter. A library volume(volser) was found to be in-transit in the specified LSM (AA:LL) and was ejected.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: Consider if the volume should be re-entered into the library. (Note: the operator is informed of the cartridge ejection and is required to empty the CAP either when the CAP is full or the SLUADMIN AUDit utility completes.)


Error ejecting in-transit volume volser from LSMid AA:LL

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility function was requested to process in-transit cartridges by the inclusion of the INTRANs parameter. A library volume (volser) was found to be in-transit in the specified LSM (AA:LL) and was attempted to be ejected but the eject failed.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: Investigate other HSC messages associated with the eject failure. Consider re-running the SLUADMIN AUDit utility with the INTRANs parameter.


Ejected an in-transit cartridge with an unreadable external label from LSMid AA:LL

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility function was requested to process in-transit cartridges by the inclusion of the INTRANs parameter. A cartridge with an unreadable external label was found to be in-transit in the specified LSM (AA:LL) and was ejected.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: Consider if the volume should be labeled and re-entered into the library. (Note: the operator is informed of the cartridge ejection and is required to empty the CAP either when the CAP is full or the SLUADMIN AUDit utility completes.)


Error ejecting in-transit cartridge with an unreadable external label from LSMid AA:LL

Explanation: A SLUADMIN AUDIt utility function was requested to process in-transit cartridges by the inclusion of the INTRANs parameter. A cartridge with an unreadable external label was found to be in-transit in the specified LSM (AA:LL) and was attempted to be ejected but the eject failed.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: Investigate other HSC messages associated with the eject failure. Consider re-running the SLUADMIN AUDit utility with the INTRANs parameter.


Virtual Volume merge bypassed, VTCS has not been activated.

Explanation: A merge operation has been requested specifying a 'from' CDS that contains VTV and MVC entries. Since VTCS has not been activated on this system, these VTV and MVC entries will not be merged into the 'to' CDS.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


(…error text…)

Explanation: While processing a POOLPARM/VOLPARM control statement, an error was found. The error is one of the following:

  • SCRATCH pool name DEFAULTPOOL not allowed

  • MVCPOOL names ALL and DEFAULTPOOL not allowed

  • EXTERNAL pool name DEFAULTPOOL not allowed

  • MVCFREE value out of range; must be 0-255

  • INITMVC not Yes or No

  • MAXMVC value out of range; must be 1-98

  • THRESH value out of range; must be 4-98

  • START value out of range; must be 1-98


  • Suffix for Clean volser must be numeric


  • Duplicate SCRATCH pool names not allowed

  • Duplicate MVCPOOL pool names not allowed

  • Duplicate EXTERNAL pool names not allowed

  • INITSCR only valid with MEDIA(VIRTUAL)

  • Cleaning Cartridge must match the Cleaning Prefix

  • Invalid value for RANGE; low volume serial must be less than high volume serial, a six-digit virtual volume or MVC range must begin with the same digit, a character virtual volume or MVC range can be no larger than 26**4, two specified ranges cannot contain any common volumes


  • Invalid value for MAXCLEAN; must be 0-32767

  • MAXCLEAN required for TYPE(CLEAN) pool

  • MVCPOOL values conflict with those on Record

  • Volser specification conflicts with that on Record

  • RECLaim value must be AUTo, DEMand, REPortonly or NONe

  • MVCFREE can not be specified with RECLaim(DEMand/NONe)

  • MAXMVC can not be specified with RECLaim(REPortonly/NONe)

  • START can not be specified with RECLaim(DEMand/REPortonly/NONe)

  • THRESH can not be specified with RECLaim(REPortonly/NONe)

  • ADD, UPDATE or DELETE required

  • ADD or DELETE required

  • Invalid ADD, DELETE or UPDATE specification

System Action: The utility continues to process the POOLPARM/VOLPARM statements.

User Response: Correct the problem with the POOLPARM/VOLPARM control statements and re-run the SET VOLPARM utility.



Explanation: While processing POOLPARM/VOLPARM control statements, an invalid keyword (NNNNNNNN) was found while processing the PPPPPPPP POOLTYPE. The indicated keyword is not valid for the pool type.

System Action: The utility continues to process the POOLPARM/VOLPARM statements. A return code of X'08' is set.

User Response: Correct the problem with the POOLPARM/VOLPARM control statements and re-run the SET VOLPARM utility.


CDS not updated due to (ERRORS | APPLY(NO) | DR TEST STATUS)

Explanation: While processing a SET VOLPARM utility, the CDS was not updated due to one of the following:

  • ERRORS - Errors were encountered while processing the POOLPARM/VOLPARM control statements.

  • APPLY(NO) - The APPLY(NO) is specified or taken as the default.

  • DR TEST STATUS - The utility is not allowed to apply POOLPARM/VOLPARM statements from a DR test host.

System Action: The CDS is not updated. The POOLPARM/VOLPARM definitions are not enabled on the operational HSC systems.

User Response: Correct the errors or specify APPLY(YES) to write the VOLPARM definitions to the CDS. In order to update the DR test CDS, execute the VOLPARM utility on the production CDS and rerun the DRTEST CREATE.


The CDS has been updated

Explanation: The POOLPARM and VOLPARM additions and/or deletions have been made to the CDS.

System Action: Active HSC subsystems are notified of the POOLPARM/VOLPARM changes.

User Response: None



Explanation: An SLUINCT operation has been requested and drive XXXX has been requested.

System Action: Utility processing continues.

User Response: None



Explanation: A statement (CCCCCCCC) is being echoed to the SPSRINT file from the VOLPCONV utility. If SLS4366E is issued, the record number in the message will correlate to the statement number (NNNNN).

System Action: None

User Response: None


VIRTUAL VVVVVV-VVVVVV removed from SCRPOOL/VOLATTR - volume not in VTVVOL configuration

Explanation: Volume(s) with MEDIA/RECTECH(VIRTUAL) were removed from the SCRPOOL and/or VOLATTR definitions by the VOLPARM Conversion utility. These volumes are not within the VTCS VTVVOL configuration.

System Action: The utility continues.

User Response: Verify the output of the VOLPARM Conversion utility.


VVVVVV-VVVVVV removed from MVCPOOL - volume not in MVCVOL configuration

Explanation: Volume(s) were removed from the MVCPOOL definitions by the VOLPARM Conversion utility. These volumes are not within the VTCS MVCVOL configuration.

System Action: The utility continues.

User Response: Verify the output of the VOLPARM Conversion utility.


DRTEST not valid on VOLPARM in POOLs

Explanation: The DRTEST parameter is not valid when used on VOLPARM statements in a POOL defined with a POOLPARM statement. The VOLPARM DRTEST parameter is only valid in the non-pool section.

System Action: The utility continues to process the POOLPARM/VOLPARM statements. A return code of X'08' is set.

User Response: Correct the problem with the VOLPARM control statement and re-run the SET VOLPARM utility.


MEDIA incompatible with TYPE(CLEAN)

Explanation: The MEDIA specified on the VOLPARM statement with a POOLPARM TYPE(CLEAN) is not a valid cleaning media type.

System Action: The utility continues to process the POOLPARM/VOLPARM statements. A return code of X'08' is set.

User Response: Correct the problem with the VOLPARM control statement and re-run the SET VOLPARM utility.


Volumes with the Cleaning Prefix only valid with TYPE(CLEAN)

Explanation: Volumes with the cleaning prefix are only valid on VOLPARM statements after a POOLPARM TYPE(CLEAN) statement.

System Action: The utility continues to process the POOLPARM/VOLPARM statements. A return code of X'08' is set.

User Response: Correct the problem with the VOLPARM control statement and re-run the SET VOLPARM utility


Missing optional CCCCCCCC DD statement

Explanation: A SLUADMIN utility could not locate an optional DD statement.

System Action: The utility continues processing. A return code of X'04' is set.

User Response: Supply the DD statement if it is needed for the proper operation of the utility. Or specify CCCCCCCC DD DUMMY to obtain a return code of 0.


Invalid value for MODEL

Explanation: The model parameter contains a value that is invalid for a tape drive model.

System Action: The SET SLIDRVIS utility terminates with RC(8).

User Response: Correct the MODEL parameter.


MEDIA and RECTECH missing on input VOLATTR

Explanation: The VOLPCONV utility found an input VOLATTR with no MEDIA and RECTECH specified.

System Action: The utility continues processing. A return code of X'04' is set.

User Response: Verify that the MEDIA/RECTECH specification is correct.


SET VOLPARM JOIN completed; records in COUNT1, records out COUNT2

Explanation: The SET VOLPARM JOIN utility function has completed. The number of records input from the SLSPARM data set is COUNT1; the number of records output to the SLSPARM2 data set is COUNT2.

System Action: A new input data set for the SET VOLPARM utility has been created.

User Response: The new data set defined by the SLSPARM2 DD statement may be used as input to the SET VOLPARM utility to define the volume information to the CDS.


(...error text...)

Explanation: While processing a POOLPARM/VOLPARM control statement for the SET VOLPARM UPDATE utility an error was found The error will be one of the following:

  • POOLPARM ADD failed; POOLPARM found in CDS

  • POOLPARM DELETE failed; POOLPARM is not unique

  • POOLPARM DELETE failed; POOLPARM not found

  • POOLPARM UPDATE failed; POOLPARM is not unique

  • POOLPARM UPDATE failed; POOLPARM not found

  • VOLPARM ADD failed; prior POOLPARM command failed

  • VOLPARM ADD failed; prior POOLPARM deleted

  • VOLPARM ADD failed; volume range already exists

  • VOLPARM ADD failed; range shares duplicate volume: volser

  • VOLPARM DELETE failed; prior POOLPARM command failed

  • VOLPARM DELETE failed; VOLPARM not found

  • SET VOLPARM UPDATE not performed; no POOLPARM or VOLPARM information found in the CDS

System Action: The utility continues to process the POOLPARM/VOLPARM statements. A return code of X'08' is set.

User Response: Correct the problem with the POOLPARM/VOLPARM control statement and re-run the SET VOLPARM UPDATE utility.


SET VOLPARM UPDATE Completed; COUNT1 records updated, COUNT2 records added, COUNT3 records deleted

Explanation: The SET VOLPARM UPDATE utility function has completed. The number of POOLPARM records updated is COUNT1; the number of VOLPARM and/or POOLPARM records added is COUNT2 and the number of VOLPARM and/or POOLPARM records deleted is COUNT3.

System Action: When APPLY(YES) has been specified, the VOLPARM and POOLPARM records are updated in the CDS.

User Response: None


HSC dynamic reconfiguration initiated

Explanation: HSC dynamic reconfiguration processing has started.

System Action: Dynamic reconfiguration processing continues.

User Response: None


{Transport|Drive record|LSM/rail} {AA:LL:PP:NN|AA:LL} successfully {added to|removed from} current HSC configuration

Explanation: Dynamic reconfiguration has either added or removed a transport, drive record or LSM. Transport indicates both the HSC configuration drive record and the transport in the library have been processed. Drive record indicates only the HSC configuration was changed (i.e. when SLUADMIN is run to add configuration drive records but the transports are not yet connected). LSM/rail indicates a LSM has been processed based on the SL8500 configuration discovered.

System Action: HSC continues processing configuration changes until complete.

User Response: None


CDS {drive|LSM} record {not found|previously removed} for existing {transport|LSM/rail; id={AA:LL:PP:NN|AA:LL}

Explanation: Dynamic reconfiguration has found a connected tape transport or LSM in the SL8500 library with no corresponding configuration record on the CDS. Either the drive record was removed with SLUADMIN or was never present on the CDS. For LSMs, no corresponding record was established in the LIBGEN using the FUTRLSM parameter.

System Action: The HSC cannot add a transport to the current configuration without a corresponding drive record on the CDS. The same rule applies with LSMs. WTOR SLS4405D is issued to ask the customer to proceed or abort.

User Response: Reply 'N' to the SLS4405D message, add the specific record to the CDS and launch dynamic reconfiguration again. A reply of 'Y' will proceed with reconfiguration however, in this situation, the specific drive or LSM will not be added to the current configuration.


CDS {drive|LSM} record found with no matching {transport|LSM/rail}; library location = {AA:LL:PP:NN|AA:LL}

Explanation: Dynamic reconfiguration has found a configuration record on the CDS with no corresponding transport or LSM at the specified location. Either 1) the transport was removed from the library without removing the drive record from the CDS; 2) the drive record has been added to the CDS and the transport has not been added to the library or 3) the LSM/rail is being taken away from the HSC.

System Action: The HSC will issue WTOR SLS4405D in this situation asking the customer to proceed or abort.

User Response: If this mismatch is not expected, reply 'N' to the SLS4405D message, connect the transport to the library, and launch dynamic reconfiguration again. For LSMs, this mismatch is expected as no dynamic CDS updates can be made. A reply of 'Y' will 1) mark the drive record as "unconfigured" whether resulting from the addition of the drive record or removal of the transport or 2) remove the LSM from the HSC configuration.


{Drive {type|unit address|host definition|type and unit address}|{LSM {panel configuration|passthru configuration|panel and passthru configuration} successfully modified for {transport|LSM/rail} {AA:LL:PP:NN|AA:LL} during dynamic reconfig

Explanation: Dynamic reconfiguration has successfully modified 1) the specified drive's type, unit address, or host definition; or 2) the specified LSM's panel and/or passthru configuration.

System Action: The HSC has updated the current configuration accordingly.

User Response: None


CDS / LMU conflicts exist; allow dynamic reconfig to proceed; Reply 'Y'or 'N'

Explanation: Dynamic reconfiguration has either; 1) found a connected transport with no corresponding drive record; 2) found a configuration drive record on the CDS with no corresponding transport in the library; 3) found an LSM record on the CDS with no corresponding SL8500 LSM; or 4) found an SL8500 LSM/rail with no corresponding LSM record on the CDS. Preceding messages SLS4402I and SLS4403I provide the specific SL8500 elements and locations.

System Action: Dynamic reconfiguration waits to receive a reply to this message. If 60 seconds expires before a reply is received, dynamic reconfiguration is aborted and message SLS4405D is deleted from the console.

User Response: If reply of 'Y' is given, dynamic reconfiguration will process all eligible changes. Any other reply will result in dynamic reconfiguration aborting with reason = operator request.


Dynamic reconfiguration processing did not occur, no changes found or unable to process

Explanation: Dynamic reconfiguration processing determined that no configuration changes in the SL8500 library or in the HSC were made; or that changes were not able to be processed. Possible situations include: 1) new transports found with no corresponding drive records and 'Y' was replied to SLS4405D WTOR; 2) new LSM(s) found with no corresponding LSM records and 'Y' was replied to SLS4405D WTOR; 3) no SL8500 based elements found to process.

System Action: Dynamic reconfiguration processing ends.

User Response: If configuration changes were anticipated ensure all changes are in place, both in the CDS and the library.


HSC dynamic reconfiguration processing has ended. See prior messages for reconfiguration detail

Explanation: HSC dynamic reconfiguration processing has ended. In some cases hardware reconfiguration may not have taken place; message SLS4505D received a 'N' reply. See prior messages for reconfiguration detail.

System Action: Dynamic reconfiguration processing ends.

User Response: None


{LMU|Database|Configuration} request error during dynamic reconfiguration; rc = nnnn

Explanation: An LMU, database or configuration request has returned an error condition during dynamic reconfiguration processing. The failing component's return code nnnn is included in the message.

System Action: Dynamic reconfiguration processing ends.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


HSC dynamic reconfiguration has aborted; reason = RRRR

Explanation: Dynamic reconfiguration has aborted for one of the following reasons:

  • operator request: A reply of N was given to message SLS4405D to abort dynamic reconfiguration.

  • timeout: No reply was given to message SLS4405D within the 60 seconds allowed.

  • ACS cannot be deleted: The ACS specified was ineligible for deletion.

  • ACS cannot be added: No unallocated or future ACS was available.

  • LMU|database|configuration request error: the error prevents the continuation of dynamic reconfiguration.

  • Configuration verification request error: the error prevents the continuation of dynamic reconfiguration. This reason is followed by a return code.

  • SCR UPDATE|AUDIT|SCR REDIS|MOVE|other utility is currently executing which prevents the continuation of dynamic configuration.

  • utilities or functions active: eligible SLUADMIN utilities or HSC functions are active on the host as specified in the SLS4424E message.

  • library switch in progress: One or more of the ACSs going through Reconfiguration are currently switching.

  • unknown: An unexpected error, such as an abend, has been detected. This reason is followed by a return code.

  • Aborted by CONFIG RESET on hhhh: A MODIFY CONFIG RESET command was issued on host hhhh which caused the dynamic reconfiguration to be aborted.

System Action: Dynamic reconfiguration processing ends.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support for all errors except the following:

  • operator request|timeout: No response required.

  • ACS cannot be deleted|added: Review message SLS4423E for possible cause and corrective action.

  • utilities or functions active: Review message SLS4424E for possible cause and corrective action.

  • Aborted by CONFIG RESET on hhhh: No response required.

  • library switch in progress: Wait for the switch process(es) to complete. Use the Display Status command to see if the ACS(s) are switching. If ACS(s) are not switching, issue the F CONFIG command to reconfigure the ACS(s).


CDS drive record for library location AA:LL:PP:NN marked as unconfigured

Explanation: Dynamic reconfiguration has marked a drive record as unconfigured for one of two reasons; 1) Transports were removed but SLUADMIN has not run to remove the drive records from the CDS or 2) drive records have been added to the CDS using SLUADMIN however the corresponding transports have not been connected to the library.

System Action: The drive records remain in the HSC configuration but are marked as unconfigured and will not reflect valid types or recording techniques. They will display with a status of "unconfg" (unconfigured).

User Response: The drives can remain in the unconfigured state until transports are connected at the corresponding library location id or removed with SLUADMIN if no longer wanted.


Drive record AA:LL:PP:NN remains unconfigured, no changes made

Explanation: Dynamic reconfiguration has determined that a drive remains unconfigured since the last reconfiguration or initialization.

System Action: The drive record is not processed.

User Response: None



Explanation: A volume was found in the CDS still remaining in an LSM that has been unallocated via the partitioning process, or in a cell that has been unallocated via the capacity on demand process.

System Action: The volume is deleted from the CDS.

User Response: The volume will be "owned" by the new host (or host group) to which the unallocated LSM or cell has been assigned. The new host must perform an HSC audit to recover the volume. In the event the volume is mounted on a drive, the new host must issue an HSC DISMOUNT command to recover the volume.



Explanation: The HSC attempted to delete a volume from the CDS but was unable to do so. The return code identifies the reason for the failure but the most likely reason is that the volume was in use by another process when the attempt to delete the volume was made.

System Action: The volume remains in the CDS and becomes "inaccessable".

User Response: After the partitioning process or the capacity on demand process has completed the volume will be "owned" by the host to which the unallocated LSM or cell has been assigned. This host must do an HSC audit function to recover the volume. In the event the volume is mounted on a drive, the new host must issue an HSC DISMOUNT command to recover the volume.


Initial configuration for LSM AA:LL, total cells NNNNN, free cells NNNNN

Explanation: Config verification was executed for the first time for LSM AA:LL. Initial values are displayed for the total cells in the LSM and the number of free cells in the LSM.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: None


Configuration change for LSM AA:LL, total cells {UNCHANGED | INCREASED | DECREASED} by NNNNN, free cells {UNCHANGED | INCREASED | DECREASED} by NNNNN

Explanation: Config verification found the configuration for LSM AA:LL has changed. The differences in cell counts are displayed for the total cells in the LSM and the number of free cells in the LSM.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: None


Config verification for LSM AA:LL found something unexpected {for the following panel(s): P1{,P2, ... } }

Explanation: During config verification of the specified location(s) (AA:LL, p1, p2, etc.), something unexpected was found, such as, a cartridge in an unexpected location, a cartridge in a cell but no matching volser in the database, etc.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: First run the AUDIT utility with APPLY(NO) for the panel locations indicated to discover the problems found. The VOLRPT utility may need to be run to determine certain information for volumes. Part of problem resolution may be running the AUDIT utility with APPLY(YES). After problems are resolved, the SET utility specifying FREEZE OFF may need to be run.

  • It is recommended to run AUDIT with APPLY(NO) first in order to discover and resolve problems before any changes are made to the CDS with APPLY(YES).

  • During configuration changes, panels are initially set to "frozen" status. When the configuration change is completed, if something unexpected is found, panels will remain in "frozen" status.


Database I/O error (RC=XXXXXXXX) occurred with RECTYPE records during config verification


  • VAR records: A control data set error occurred while gathering volume information to verify volume and cell location status. Without the volume information, volume locations cannot be verified during the config verification.

  • DCX records: A control data set error occurred while updating location index records. The process did not complete.

System Action:

  • VAR records: Processing continues.

  • DCX records: Config verification terminates.

User Response:

  • VAR records: Determine the cause of the control data set error and correct it.

  • DCX records: Determine the cause of the control data set error and correct it. Then use the MODIFY CONFIG command to update the configuration.


LMURQST error (RC=XXXXXXXX) occurred during config verification; verification cannot continue

Explanation: A request to the LMU failed with error code XXXXXXXX during config verification.

System Action: Config verification terminates.

User Response: Determine the cause of the LMURQST error and correct it. Then use the MODIFY CONFIG command to update the configuration.



Explanation: During reconfiguration, the CAP state was changed in the SLC console from an SL8500 or SL3000 library. Also, when the CAP type changed from standard rotational to bulk CAP or vice versa in an SL8500 library.

System Action: HSC configuration accepts the CAP change from the library and is reflected in this message.

User Response: None


Invalid cell status N for cell location AA:LL:PP:RR:CC

Explanation: During processing of config verification the LMU returned an unknown or invalid cell position status for the specified location.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Determine the cause of the invalid cell position status code.


No more invalid cell status messages will be displayed

Explanation: Multiple invalid cell status messages have been displayed. This may indicate a problem with the hardware and/or software. In order to avoid flooding the console with messages, additional invalid cell status messages will be suppressed.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Determine the cause of the invalid cell position status code(s).


An abend occurred during config verification while CCC...CCC

Explanation: Config verification has ended because of an abend. CCC...CCC is a description of the active stage of the process at the time of the abend:

  • processing configuration records: Configuration records were being queried to determine the configuration previously defined.

  • processing volume records: Volume records were being processed to verify locations of volumes in the library.

  • obtaining library configuration: The current hardware configuration of each panel in the library was being obtained from the library hardware.

  • verifying library configuration: The previously defined configuration was being compared with the current hardware configuration of the library.

  • finalizing verification: Config verification was in the final stage and attempting clean up of acquired storage areas, etc.

System Action: Config verification terminates.

User Response: The action(s) to perform are dependent on the active stage of the process at the time of the abend. First determine and correct the cause of the abend. Then perform the action(s) shown below for the specified stage of the process.

  • processing configuration records: No configuration updates have been made. After determining and correcting the cause of the abend, use the MODIFY CONFIG command to verify/update the configuration.

  • processing volume records: No configuration updates have been made. After determining and correcting the cause of the abend, use the MODIFY CONFIG command to verify/update the configuration.

  • obtaining library configuration: No configuration updates have been made. After determining and correcting the cause of the abend, use the MODIFY CONFIG command to verify/update the configuration.

  • verifying library configuration: If any differences were found, updates to the configuration records may have occurred. After determining and correcting the cause of the abend, use the MODIFY CONFIG command to complete the verification/update of the configuration.

  • finalizing verification: Config verification has completed any configuration updates. No additional action is necessary.


{ACS|ACSTYPE} {AA|SL8500|SL3000} cannot be {DELETED|ADDED}

Explanation: In the case of DELETE ACS, the ACS cannot be deleted for one of the following reasons:

  • The ACS contains an LSM that is not an SL8500 or an SL3000.

  • The ACS has been unallocated and an allocated ACS exists that has a higher ACS identifier.

  • The ACS is the only allocated ACS in the configuration.

In the case of ADD ACSTYPE, an ACS cannot be added for one of the following reasons:

  • No future ACS or unallocated ACS was available.

  • No future ACS was available and the unallocated ACSs were not created from a future ACS.

System Action: None, the ACS ADD or DELETE does not occur.

User Response: Review the CDS configuration macros to verify that FUTRACS was specified on the SLILIBRY macro. Issue the Display ACS command to determine the current ACS configuration. Review the display and the LIBGEN SLIACS statements to determine the reason for the command failure.


Reconfiguration (reason) cannot proceed, utilities or functions are active on host (host name)

Explanation: Eligible SLUADMIN utilities or HSC functions are active on the host (host name). NCO cannot run with these utilities or functions executing on any host within the HSC complex. A list of eligible utilities and functions include:












  • MOVE






  • SET




  • VIEW


  • WARN

System Action:

  • If the HOST is trying to do NCO refresh and the SET utility is running, the message will wait and retry every 5 seconds until the utility completes then NCO REFRESH will continue processing.

  • If the HOST initiating the NCO update discovers a utility or function active and the reason is delayed, the NCO will wait for the current activity to end. No new activity will be allowed to start until dynamic reconfiguration ends.

  • If the HOST initiating the NCO update discovers a utility active and the reason is cannot proceed, NCO will fail and the update will not be executed.

User Response: Cancel the utility/function or wait until it completes then reissue the Modify Config or Modify Config Update command if necessary. When this message is issued and no utilities or functions are executing, please follow the procedure below:

  • Assure that no HSC functions or utilities are running in the Complex.

  • Issue a Display Status command to check the utility/function counters are greater than 0.

  • If the counters are greater than 0, issue the F CONFIG RESET command.

  • After the CONFIG RESET function has completed, resume operations.


LMU panel count for LSM AA:LL exceeds maximum panel count allowed in CDS. Reconfiguration cannot proceed

Explanation: During dynamic reconfiguration of an SL8500, the LMU responded with a panel count for the specified LSM that is greater than the maximum panel count in the specified CDS LSM record. If the CREATE field in the DISPLAY CDS is equal to I825061 then the maximum number of panels in the current CDS for an SL8500 is 44 panels per LSM.

System Action: The NCO update is not executed.

User Response: A new CDS will need to be created at a minimum level of I813156. After the new CDS is created a MERGECDS from the I825061 CDS to the I813156 CDS will need to be done.

Once the MERGECDS is complete then a MODIFY CONFIG command will initiate dynamic hardware reconfiguration.


Reconfiguration delayed due to switch in progress

Explanation: A switch in progress for an ACS is causing Reconfiguration to delay. With this delay, Reconfiguration may take as long as 10 minutes more to complete.

System Action: When the switch has completed, Reconfiguration will continue. If the delay exceeds 10 minutes, Reconfiguration will abort with the SLS4409I message displayed.

User Response: While Reconfiguration is delayed, optionally use the Display Status command to see which ACS(s) are switching.


Drive records are inconsistent with the CDS for LSM AA:LL; ACS disconnected

Explanation: An inconsistency was found between drive records in the CDS and the HSC in-memory version, probably due to a SET SLIDRIVS utility.

System Action: The affected ACS is disconnected.

User Response: Leave the ACS disconnected until the host is recycled.


Logically deleted record found on CDS for DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN

Explanation: A SET SLIDRIVS command caused deletion of the drive record in the CDS.

System Action: Either the LSM will remain offline, or the ACS will be disconnected. A subsequent message will indicate which action is taken.

User Response: Recycle the host to refresh the HSC in-memory drive records.


{Unit address|DRIVEID} does not match CDS for HSC {DRIVE XXXX|DRIVEID AA:LL:PP:NN}

Explanation: A SET SLIDRIVS utility caused a change to the CDS drive record, making it inconsistent with the HSC in-memory copy.

System Action: Either the LSM will remain offline, or the ACS will be disconnected. A subsequent message will indicate which action is taken.

User Response: Recycle the host to refresh the HSC in-memory copies of drive records.


Unexpected FIGMGR return code NNNN during Configuration processing

Explanation: An unexpected return code was received from a FIGMGR service during configuration processing.

System Action: HSC terminates.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Library configuration changes pending on HHHHHHHH

Explanation: Near Continuous Operation (NCO) library configuration changes in progress on host id HHHHHHHH.

System Action: Configuration change continues.

User Response: None


Down level host found active when attempting to change library configuration

Explanation: Near Continuous Operation (NCO) library configuration changes can not be run with a down level host active.

System Action: Configuration change not executed.

User Response: Insure all down level hosts are not active and start NCO configuration again.


Library configuration changes in progress on HHHHHHHH

Explanation: Near Continuous Operation (NCO) library configuration changes are in progress on host HHHHHHHH.

System Action: Configuration change not executed, it is already running. Also, some utilities will not run because NCO is in progress.

User Response: Wait on NCO configuration to complete before restarting if needed. In some cases NCO will queue the request and will process the queue when the NCO completes. It is possible however at vary online time of an SL3000 ACS that NCO updates may not be initiated. Indications of NCO initiated on an SL3000 would be cap status for that ACS. If the HSC log shows no cap status for a particular SL3000 ACS that was varied online, then the following Operator command must be issued to update the ACS:


This can also apply to a newly added SL8500 varied online during NCO REFRESH. In some cases a REFRESHing host may fail or be CANCELed by the Operator.

If the host (HHHHHHHH) is not responding, a RECOVER HOST command (with the FORCE option) may be required. If the RECOVER HOST command is required then a MODIFY CONFIG RESET command may also be required. A DISPLAY CDS command will show the REFRESH bit map of the HOSTs that have yet to complete NCO REFRESH.


Library configuration changes started

Explanation: Near Continuous Operation (NCO) library configuration changes started by this host.

System Action: Configuration change continues.

User Response: None


Library configuration changes complete on HHHHHHHH

Explanation: Near Continuous Operation (NCO) library configuration changes on completed on hostid HHHHHHHH.

System Action: Configuration change complete.

User Response: None


Library configuration changes in progress when HSC went down

Explanation: Near Continuous Operation (NCO) library configuration changes in progress on this host when HSC went down.

System Action: The prior configuration change is aborted.

User Response: None


Library configuration refresh started

Explanation: Near Continuous Operation (NCO) library configuration changes completed by another host are being synchronized on this host.

System Action: Configuration change refresh started.

User Response: None


Library configuration refresh complete

Explanation: Near Continuous Operation (NCO) library configuration changes completed by another host have been synchronized on this host.

System Action: Configuration change refresh complete.

User Response: None


Library configuration XXXXXXXX aborted on HHHHHHHH

Explanation: Near Continuous Operation (NCO) library configuration (UPDATE or REFRESH) failed on hostid HHHHHHHH.

System Action: Configuration change failed to complete successfully.

User Response: See previous message for the reason for the failure. Correct discrepancies and rerun NCO configuration.


Library configuration flags Reset complete

Explanation: Near Continuous Operation (NCO) library configuration CDS flags have been reset as requested by the Modify Config Reset command.

System Action: Configuration change flags are reset in the CDS.

User Response: None


Library configuration flags not set, Reset not required

Explanation: Near Continuous Operation (NCO) library configuration CDS flags were not set, the reset requested by the Modify Config Reset command was not required. Modify Config Reset command does not attempt to run a reconfig. To run a reconfig issue the Modify Config command.

System Action: Modify Config Reset command complete.

User Response: None


Down level CDS active, library configuration canceled

Explanation: Near Continuous Operation (NCO) library configuration changes can not be run with a down level CDS, a 6.1.0 CDS is required.

System Action: Configuration change not executed.

User Response: Libgen a 6.1.0 CDS and run the MERGECDS utility to enable NCO.


Library configuration util/func counters reset

Explanation: Near Continuous Operation (NCO) library configuration utilities and functions counters have reset.

System Action: Modify Config Reset function will continue until completed.

User Response: None


Library configuration initialization complete

Explanation: HSC initialization processing for the library configuration has completed for all ACSs.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Dynamic reconfiguration delayed. Reply C to terminate.

Explanation: Dynamic reconfiguration is delayed due to activity on other hosts. Message SLS4424E precedes this message for each host that has utilities or functions currently active. Dynamic reconfiguration will wait for the current activity to end. New activity on all hosts in the TAPEPLEX will be delayed until the dynamic reconfiguration ends.

System Action: Dynamic reconfiguration will wait:

  • for the current activity on each host to end

  • to receive a reply to this message

  • for the HSC to terminate

User Response: Wait for dynamic reconfiguration to end or reply C to terminate the dynamic reconfiguration.


AA:LL:PP:NN has new drive with serial number NNNNNNNNNNNN

Explanation: A new drive with serial number NNNNNNNNNNNN was found at location AA:LL:PP:NN.

System Action: HSC has updated the current configuration accordingly.

User Response: None


YYYY-MM-DD, HH:MM:SS HSC subsystem SSSS active on hostid HHHH

Explanation: The message is issued after HSC is initialized to Base service level and also when a new day has begun at midnight.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Number of drive addresses is not consistent with previous SLIDRIVS for this panel

Explanation: The number of drive addresses on the SLIDRIVS macro does not match the number of addresses on a previous SLIDRIVS macro for the same panel.

System Action: Processing continues. A return code of 08 is set.

User Response: Correct the number of addresses on the incorrect SLIDRIVS macro and resubmit the LIBGEN assembly.


The LIBSIZE parameter has been discontinued and is ignored; it should be removed

Explanation: The LIBSIZE parameter is no longer used.

System Action: LIBGEN assembly continues normally and the resultant LIBGEN module is not affected.

User Response: Remove the LIBSIZE parameter from the SLILIBRY macro when convenient. It is not necessary to rerun the LIBGEN assembly.


The minimum number of 4K blocks required for the CDS is DDDDD

Explanation: The calculated minimum number of CDS blocks is reported. SLICREAT can be executed with no CDS DD statements specified to only report the minimum CDS size for a LIBGEN configuration.

System Action: None

User Response: Use the calculated value to allocate CDS copies prior to initializing them with SLICREAT.


Number of drives on panel PPPPPPPP in LSM LLLLLLLL is invalid; it should be 4, 8, 10, 12, 16, 20, 24, OR 32

Explanation: The number of drives defined on the indicated panel does not match number allowed for any panel type.

Allowable numbers of drives (depending on panel type) per LSM are:

  • 4310 - 4, 10, or 20

  • 9310 - 4, 10, or 20

  • 9360 - 4

  • 9740 - 4 or 10

  • 8500 - 4, 8, 12, or 16

  • 3000 - 4, 8, 12, 16, 24, or 32

System Action: Processing continues. A return code of 12 is set.

User Response: Correct the error and resubmit the LIBGEN assembly.


The LIBGEN load module release level is inconsistent with the SLICREAT release level

Explanation: SLICREAT has been executed with a LIBGEN load module that was created using LIBGEN macros for an incompatible HSC release.

System Action: SLICREAT processing terminates. A return code of 0C is set.

User Response: Re-create the LIBGEN load module using a MACLIB for the same HSC release as the SLICREAT software.


Missing DD or invalid file allocation for DDname CCCCCCCC

Explanation: SLICREAT was unable to find or allocate the data set specified by the CCCCCCCC DD statement.

System Action: If the DD is SLSCNTL, or if you specified PARM='STBYONLY', a return code of 12 is set and SLICREAT processing terminates. A return code of 4 is set in all other cases and processing continues.

User Response: If the DDname is a control data set (SLSCNTL, SLSCNTL2, or SLSSTBY), check the file allocation to ensure that the data set does not have multiple extents, has either no blocksize specified or a blocksize of 4096, and that its organization is DA or PS. Correct the file allocation and rerun the SLICREAT program with all the expected DD statements.


Unable to create data set for DDname CCCCCCCC

Explanation: SLICREAT or the CDSCREAT utility was unable to create the dataset specified by the CCCCCCCC DD statement.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Check for other messages from the job, correct the problem(s) identified, and resubmit the utility.


SLSCNTL DD not found, control data set(s) not formatted

Explanation: SLICREAT was unable to find an SLSCNTL DD statement.

System Action: SLICREAT will not format any control data sets. The required CDS size is calculated and reported. Processing continues with journal data set formatting.

For STBYONLY processing, SLICREAT terminates with a return code of 12.

User Response: None


CDS size could not be calculated

Explanation: SLICREAT was unable to calculate the required CDS size.

System Action: SLICREAT processing ends with a return code of 12.

User Response: Check any error messages produced by SLICREAT and correct the indicated problem(s).


Additional control data set successfully created

Explanation: SLICREAT successfully satisfied the STBYONLY request and created the additional CDS.

System Action: SLICREAT processing ends with a return code of 0.

User Response: None


A CCCC LSM may not be connected to a CCCC LSM

Explanation: LIBGEN detected two different types of LSMs connected. A 9740 LSM may connect to 9740 LSMs only. A 8500 LSM may connect to 8500 LSMs only.

System Action: Processing continues. A return code of 0C is set.

User Response: Correct the SLILSM macro in error and resubmit the job.


Data set specified by CCCCCCC1 is an existing or CDS data set; CCCCCC2 data set not formatted

Explanation: SLICREAT identified an existing data set specified by the CCCCCCC1 DD statement. CCCCCC2 refers to the type of data set being processed, control or journal. For control data sets, SLICREAT will not format over an existing data set. For journal data sets, SLICREAT will not format over an existing CDS data set. This message is issued if SLICREAT determines that one of its output files contained records prior to being formatted. For SLSJRNnn, the output file was identified as an existing CDS data set.

System Action: If the DD statement is a control data set, no data sets are formatted and SLICREAT processing terminates. If the DD statement is a journal data set, the control data sets (if specified) and any valid journal files are formatted. A return code of 12 is set in all cases.

User Response: Either assign a different data set or delete and redefine the specified data set.


DDDDDDDD NNNNNNNN is an existing CDS; reply "YES" if the CDS can be overwritten

Explanation: SLICREAT identified an existing CDS data set NNNNNNNN specified by the DDDDDDDD DD statement.

This message is issued if SLICREAT determined that one of the output files contained records prior to being formatted. For SLSJRNnn, the output file was identified as an existing CDS data set.

This message is issued for VM/HSC only.

System Action: SLICREAT waits for an operator response.

User Response: Respond with "YES" if the data set can be overwritten. Any other response will terminate the SLICREAT process. SLS4561E will be issued to the SLICREAT SYSPRINT output messages.


The SMC is required for JES3; Start the SMC and resubmit the utility

Explanation: The SMC is required for SLIVERFY to locate the correct JES3 macro offsets to compare HSC library device addresses with actual system devices.

System Action: SLIVERFY processing terminates. A return code of 08 is set.

User Response: Start the SMC and resubmit the SLIVERFY utility.


Invalid ACS found; Number of SL8500 LSMs must be divisible by four.

Explanation: An ACS was found that contained SL8500 LSMs. The number of LSMs defined in this ACS was not divisible by four.

System Action: SLICREAT processing terminates.

User Response: Correct the configuration file. Re-execute the LIBGEN and the SLICREAT utility.


A non-SL8500 LSM conflicts with SLIACS specification of FUTRLSM

Explanation: LIBGEN detected an ACS containing non-SL8500 LSMs also specified the FUTRLSM parameter on the SLIACS macro. FUTRLSM may only be specified for an SL8500 ACS.

System Action: Processing continues. A return code of 0C is set.

User Response: Correct the SLIACS macro in error by removing the FUTRLSM parameter and resubmit the job.


FUTRLSM count + SLILSM definitions must be a multiple of 4

Explanation: LIBGEN detected for an SL8500 ACS that the value specified on the FUTRLSM parameter for the ACS is not a multiple of 4. StorageTek recommends when specifying the FUTRLSM parameter that the future LSM count be equal to the number of LSMs planned for the ACS.

System Action: Processing continues. A return code of 0C is set.

User Response: Correct the FUTRLSM count specification in error and resubmit the job.


Drive records are inconsistent with the CDS for LSM AA:LL; LSM will remain offline

Explanation: During an attempt to vary the LSM online, an inconsistency was found between drive records in the CDS and the HSC in-memory version, probably due to a SET SLIDRIVS utility.

System Action: The LSM remains offline.

User Response: Leave the LSM offline until the host is recycled.


Number of SL8500 LSMS in an ACS must be a multiple of 4

Explanation: LIBGEN detected for an SL8500 ACS that the number of LSMs specified is not a multiple of 4.

System Action: Processing continues. A return code of 0C is set.

User Response: Correct the LSM count specification in error and resubmit the job.


Hardware Exception Status:

Explanation: This command causes the LMU to be queried for the hardware status of the LMUs, each LSM, each CAP, each Robot Hand, each Pass-Thru Port, and each Station. Errors are reported in the format of:

LSM AA:LL error message


AA:LL:CC error message

where the AA is the ACS, the LL is the LSM, and the CC is the CAP identifier. The following error messages are possible:

  • CAP Not Operational

  • CAP Door is Open

  • CAP Door is Unlocked

  • CAP is Reserved by Host nn: Use the Display CDS command to show the hosts.

  • Pass Thru Port is Inoperative

  • Robot Hand is Inoperative

  • Robot Hand needs Maintenance

  • LSM is Not Ready

  • LSM is Offline

  • LSM is Offline Pending

  • LSM is in Maint Mode

  • LSM Door is Open

  • CAP status not Available for this LSM

  • LMU Compat 10 or less; not all functions supported: The LMU will not be able to respond correctly to some of the status queries until its microcode is updated. This condition will also cause SLS0662I LMU Response Error to be issued just before SLS4610I.

  • Station nn has Inactive Connection: A hardware connection to the LMU is not usable. This may be normal for your configuration if the connection has never been made and is not necessary. The station number is in hex, so Station 0A is the tenth station, and Station 10 is really the sixteenth.

  • Station nn Inoperative; Host not responding: The station number is in hex, so Station 0A is the tenth station, and Station 10 is really the sixteenth.

The following messages are summaries:

  • No CAP problems were detected

  • No Pass Thru Port problems were detected

  • No Robot Hand problems were detected

  • No LSM problems were detected

  • No Station problems were detected

Please note that these results only mean that the LMU did not detect Hardware Errors. Something could be wrong with the software configuration, or that the LMU could not detect.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


VAULT name invalid CCCCCCC1 on CCCCCCC2 command

Explanation: The data entered for the VAULT name (CCCCCCC1) is invalid on the CCCCCCC2 command.

System Action: The command is ignored.

User Response: Re-enter the command with a valid VAULT name.



Explanation: An attempt to free SLOT NNNNNN in VAULT VVVVVVVV failed because the slot is not allocated.

System Action: The command is ignored.

User Response: Re-enter the command with valid data.


SLOT NNNNNN is out of range for VAULT VVVVVVVV

Explanation: If the slot number NNNNNN is non-zero then an attempt to allocate the slot in VAULT VVVVVVVV failed because the SLOT is greater than the number of slots configured for the VAULT. When NNNNNN is zero the attempt to allocate the next slot in VAULT VVVVVVVV would have exceeded the number of slots configured for the VAULT.

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: For a non-zero slot number, re-enter the command with valid data. When the slot number is zero then use the SET VAULT utility to modify the number of slots configured for the vault.


Volume VVVVVV not found for VVOL CCCCCCCC

Explanation: Volume VVVVV was not found when the VVOL CCCCCCC command was run.

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: Re-enter the command with a valid VOLSER.


Volume VVVVVV duplicate for VVOL ADD

Explanation: Volume VVVVV was found to be a duplicate when the VVOL ADD command was run.

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: Re-enter the command with a valid VOLSER.


VSM records found - must have VIRTUAL|MVC volumes defined

Explanation: VSM records are present in the CDS. MEDIA(VIRTUAL) and MVC POOL definitions must be present in the SET VOLPARM definitions.

System Action: The utility continues to process the POOLPARM/VOLPARM statements. A return code of X'08' is set.

User Response: Correct the problem with the POOLPARM/VOLPARM control statements and re-run the SET VOLPARM utility.


The CDS has N free blocks, the SET VOLPARM needs N blocks

Explanation: An attempt was made to add VOLPARM and POOLPARM statements that requires more free space than is available in the cds.

System Action: The sluadmin utility terminates.

User Response: Make the necessary correction, and run the utility again.


CCCCCCC1 subfile not found in CDS

Explanation: The query for the Vault Volume or Vault records did not find the subfile in the CDS.

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: Depending on which subfile is not found, run the SET VAULTVOL utility to create the Vault Volume CDS subfile or the SET VAULT utility to create the Vault CDS subfile.


SLOT NNNNNN for VAULT VVVVVVVV was allocated but not used

Explanation: The Vault audit found SLOT NNNNNN in VAULT VVVVVVVV to be allocated but not used. SLOT NNNNNN has been freed.

System Action: The utility continues processing.

User Response: None


Drive DDDD rectech RRRRRRRR - volume volser rectech RRRRRRRR; reply M to mount or E to end mount

Explanation: An operator MOUNT command was entered for Volume volser on Drive DDDD, and the Rectech (RRRRRRRR) of the drive is not the same as the Rectech specified for the volume. Because the media type of the volume may be used in the drive, the operator is asked to confirm the MOUNT command. A reply of 'M' will cause the Mount to proceed; a reply of 'E' will cause the Mount command to end without the volume being mounted. Caution should be used because it is possible to mount a volume written at a high density on a drive that is not capable of reading the high density.

System Action: The MOUNT command waits for the operator reply.

User Response: Enter the reply of 'M' or 'E'.


Display Drives Command

UUUU      LLLLLLLLLLL  volser     SSSSSSSS   0000      MM...MM

Explanation: This message is received in response to a Display DRives command with the DETail or IDEntity options. DETail displays status and related information for the drives defined by the LIBGEN esoterics. IDEntity displays LMU information related to the identification of the transport.

Display information includes:

  • UUUU is the drive ID. A four-character driveid (unit address).

  • LLLLLLLLLLL is the drive location, AA:LL:PP:NN, or drive location with slot, AA;LL;PP/SS, or NONLIB (non-library).

  • volser is the volume serial number or ”?” if HSC cannot determine the volser.

  • SSSSSSSS is the drive status. Drive statuses include:

    • On drive

    • Dismount

    • Mounting

    • Not rdy

    • Offline

    • Online

    • (blank)

  • OOOO is the drive model.

  • MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM is the media type supported by this drive, as specified or defaulted by the UNITATTR statement. In the absence of a UNITATTR, the supported media is determined by the LMU and/or the UCB device type. It does not reflect the media type of a cartridge mounted on the drive.


    A blank media type will be displayed when the media type for a drive cannot be determined.
  • XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is the world wide name assigned to this transport.

  • NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN is the transport serial number.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Journal command is invalid when Journaling Technique is not enabled

Explanation: The Journal command was entered but the CDS Journaling Technique is not enabled.

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: None


CCCCCCCC command is no longer supported

Explanation: The CCCCCCCC command is no longer supported by HSC. The function has been removed from the HSC product.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: None. If the message is produced as part of HSC PARMLIB processing, then remove the offending command from the HSC PARMLIB.


ALLOC PPPPPPPP is no longer supported. Use SMC commands

Explanation: The ALLOC parameter PPPPPPPP is no longer supported by HSC. The function has been moved to the SMC product. Use the SMC command to control this function.

System Action: The command continues to process parameters. The unsupported ALLOC parameters are ignored.

User Response: Use the SMC commands to control processing.


{ALLOC|MNTD} PPPPPPPP is supported only for downlevel SMC compatibility

Explanation: The specified ALLOC or MNTD parameter PPPPPPPP is effective in HSC only in support of downlevel SMC clients.

If a current level SMC system is interfacing with this HSC then use the corresponding SMC ALLOCDEF or MOUNTDEF command to control this option.

System Action: The command continues to process parameters. The specified ALLOC or MNTD parameters are updated for downlevel SMC systems but will not be reflected in processing for current level SMC systems.

User Response: Use the corresponding SMC ALLOCDEF and MOUNTDEF commands to specify options to control processing on current SMC systems.


{TREQDEF|UNITDEF} is supported only for downlevel SMC compatibility

Explanation: The TREQDEF and UNITDEF commands are effective in HSC only to support downlevel SMC clients. If a current level SMC system is interfacing with this HSC then use the corresponding SMC TREQDEF and UNITATTR commands.

System Action: The command continues to process. The TAPEREQ or UNITDEF definitions are loaded in the HSC but will be used only for downlevel SMC system requests.

User Response: Use the corresponding SMC TREQDEF or UNITATTR commands to load definitions in the SMC system.


{CAPPREF} rejected; AUTO CAP services are not supported on a partitioned ACS

Explanation: The AUTO CAP feature is not supported on a partitioned ACS. CAPs cannot be put into AUTO mode on this ACS.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: HSC can continue to run without the AUTO CAP feature on this ACS. In order to use the AUTO CAP feature on this ACS, the ACS must not be partitioned.


Dismount of VVVVVV from drive XXXX - drive is loaded; issue dismount with FORCE parm

Explanation: A request was made to dismount a volume. However, the volume has not been rewound and unloaded.

System Action: The dismount is canceled.

User Response: Re-issue the dismount command with the FORCE parameter.


MOUNT of VVVVVV from drive XXXX - drive is loaded; issue DISMOUNT with FORCE parm

Explanation: A request was made to mount a volume. However, a different volume was found on the drive which had not been rewound and unloaded.

System Action: The mount is canceled.

User Response: Issue the dismount command with the FORCE parameter and re-issue the mount command when the dismount command completes.


CCCCCCCC command disabled by SET VOLPARM utility

Explanation: The SET VOLPARM utility has been run. The *DEF commands are disabled. CCCCCCCC can be:




System Action: The VOLUME/POOL definitions are set by the SET VOLPARM utility. The *DEF commands are ignored.

User Response: None


FORCE parameter invalid for virtual drive XXXX

Explanation: The FORCE parameter is not supported for virtual devices.

System Action: The dismount is not processed.

User Response: Re-issue the dismount command without the FORCE parameter. If necessary, issue the MVS UNLOAD command to unload the drive.


VTCS is not initialized or not configured

Explanation: VTCS is not initialized or not configured.

System Action: None

User Response: If VTCS is configured and HSC is initializing then re-issue the command once initialization is complete.


This HSC release does not support Host/LMU Interface compatibility level NN at LMU station XXXX

Explanation: This HSC release does not support Host/LMU Interface compatibility level NN returned from LMU station XXXX.

System Action: The LMU is not varied online.

User Response: If the Host/LMU compatibility level is 13 or greater, the LMU supports a StreamLine series Library. The HSC must be upgraded to a level that supports the StreamLine series Library before the ACS can be successfully varied online. Otherwise, report this to StorageTek Hardware Support. Install an LMU microcode level on the LMU that is compatible with this HSC release.



Explanation: The HSC is asking the system operator what to do with a request whose response wait time interval has expired. Message SLS0681I was previously issued for this request.

  • AA is the ACSid.

  • BB is the HOSTid.

  • CCC is the request sequence number (missing if not on the Active Request Queue)

  • CCC1 is the queue the request is waiting on:

    • ACT stands for the Active Request Queue

    • WTG stands for the Waiting Request Queue

    • TMP stands for the Temp Outage Queue

  • CCC2 is the type of request:

    • DMT - Dismount

    • MNT - Mount

    • MOV - Move

    • SWP - Swap

  • volser is the volume serial number of the cartridge.

System Action: Task waits for operator to enter a reply.

User Response: Answer can be one or more letters of one of the following words:


    HSC will extend the response wait time interval another increment to let the LMU finish working on this request. EXTEND is the recommended reply when SLS4682D is first issued for a given LMU request. (Each LMU request is identified by the unique SEQNO.) EXTEND is the recommended response if a dual-LMU switch has just occurred.


    HSC will free the selected volume so that the operator can enter manual override commands to move the cartridge. ABORT will purge the request from the HSC internal queues. Replying ABORT will probably mean that manual intervention will be necessary. Replying ABORT will also produce an SVCDUMP. A reply of ABORT is recommended if the LMU has reinitialized or if the request has been extended previously.


Command string SSS...SSS not supported for {UUI|METADATA}

Explanation: String SSS...SSS was entered as part of a METADATA command, but the command verb or parameter is not valid for the UUI or METADATA interface.

System Action: None

User Response: Re-enter a valid UUI or METADATA request.



Explanation: A request was found from an invalid origin. For example, a utility request was issued as a console command, or a command allowed only from PARMLIB was entered from a utility.

System Action: None

User Response: Re-enter the request from the required source.


Command not valid for {HSC|VTCS} source

Explanation: A UUI request for a VTCS function was submitted via the SLUADMIN utility or HSC command, or a UUI request for an HSC function was submitted via the SWSADMIN utility or VT command.

System Action: The request is not processed.

User Response: Resubmit the request from the correct source.


XML response format error

Explanation: A UUI request was entered which specified XML output. The XML output generated by the request was malformed.

System Action: Processing continues, but the output XML contains an error.

User Response: Save all information and contact StorageTek Software Support.


UUI callback exit not specified

Explanation: A UUI request was submitted which did not specify any valid callback exit type (text, XML, or CSV).

System Action: The request is not processed.

User Response: Resubmit the UUI request specifying a valid callback exit.


Completion code XXXX reason code XXXXXXXX loading module CCCCCCCC

Explanation: A utility request was entered that required module CCCCCCCC, but the module could not be loaded. The return code and reason code from the LOAD error are listed.

System Action: The request is not processed.

User Response: Review and correct the cause of the error, and resubmit the request.


VSM not active or VTCS load library missing

Explanation: A UUI request was submitted for a VTCS function, but the VTCS was not active, or the VTCS function load module could not be loaded.

System Action: The UUI request is not processed.

User Response: If the message is received in response to an SMC Route command, determine whether the requested ”route-to” LIBRARY is local or remote. If the LIBRARY is local, then add the VTCS link library to the SMC subsystem STEPLIB concatenation. If the LIBRARY is remote, then add the VTCS link library to the HTTP server STEPLIB concatenation on the host where the HSC is executing. If the request requires VTCS subsystem services, ensure that VTCS is active and resubmit the request. If the request is for a report function, ensure that the VTCS load modules are available in an accessible load library.


Inconsistent CSV parameters

Explanation: A UUI request was entered which specified a CSV callback exit but no CSV template data.

System Action: The request is not processed.

User Response: Correct the UUI request and resubmit.


CSV tag name format error

Explanation: A UUI request was submitted which had an associated CSV input template. One of the following errors was detected in the CSV input template:

System Action: The UUI request is not processed.

User Response: Correct the format of the UUI CSV input template and resubmit the request.


Error processing CCCCCCCC DD; {I/O error|statement exceeds maximum length|statement format error

Explanation: A UUI request was entered via the SLUADMIN utility or SWSADMIN utility, and an error was found processing a CCCCCCCC DD control statement.

System Action: The input statement from the CCCCCCCC DD is not processed.

User Response: Correct the input statement on the indicated DD and resubmit the job.


Data set specified by CCCCCCC1; CCCCCCC2; Data set not formatted

Explanation: An attempt to open CCCCCCC1 was not successful. CCCCCCC2 is one of the following reasons:

  • Invalid BLKSIZE (the BLKSIZE must be 4096)

  • Cannot format a file that has already been formatted

System Action: The SLUADMIN utility terminates.

User Response: Make the necessary correction, and run the utility again.


Volume vault CCCCCCC1 already exists

Explanation: An attempt to define a volume vault that already exists.

System Action: The SLUADMIN utility terminates.

User Response: Make the necessary correction and run the utility again.


VAULT CCCCCCC1 not found

Explanation: An attempt to delete or modify a vault that does not exist.

System Action: The SLUADMIN utility terminates.

User Response: Make the necessary correction and run the utility again.


Requested vault slots NNNNNNNN1 is less than current NNNNNNNN2 slots defined

Explanation: An attempt was made to change the number of slots for a vault to a value less than the current number of slots defined for the vault. The number of slots for a Vault can only be increased.

System Action: The SLUADMIN utility terminates.

User Response: Make the necessary correction and run the utility again.


Requested vault slots requires NNNN1 blocks in CDS, which is greater than the NNNN2 free blocks available in the CDS

Explanation: An attempt to add or increase the size of a vault requires more free space than is available in the CDS.

System Action: The SLUADMIN utility terminates.

User Response: Make the necessary correction and run the utility again.


ADD|MODIFY|DELETE of vault VVVVVVVV successful

Explanation: Add, Modify, or Delete of vault VVVVVVVV was successful.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Vaulted volumes already exist

Explanation: The vaulted volume records have already been defined and cannot be defined again.

System Action: The SLUADMIN utility terminates.

User Response: Run LIBGEN, SET VAULTVOL and MERGECDS to change the number of vaulted volume records.


Requested vaulted volumes requires NNNNN1 blocks in CDS, which is greater than the NNNNN2 free blocks available in the CDS

Explanation: A vault attempt requires more free space than is available in the CDS.

System Action: The SLUADMIN utility terminates.

User Response: Make the necessary correction and run the utility again.


Vaulted volumes successfully created

Explanation: Creation of vaulted volumes was successful.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Vaulted volumes must be defined before defining a volume vault

Explanation: The vaulted volume records must exist in the CDS before defining a volume vault.

System Action: The SLUADMIN utility terminates.

User Response: Run the SLUADMIN SET VAULTVOL utility to create the vaulted volume records and rerun the SLUADMIN SET VAULT utility.


Vaulted volser VVVVV1 not found

Explanation: VOLSER (VVVVV1) was not found in the group of vaulted volumes.

System Action: The UUI command is ignored.

User Response: Re-enter the UUI command with a valid vaulted VOLSER.


Cannot modify|delete vault VVVVVVVV because it is already deleted

Explanation: Vault VVVVVVVV has a status of deleted so it cannot be modified or deleted.

System Action: The UUI command is ignored.

User Response: Re-enter the UUI command with a valid Vault to modify or delete.


Available Vault volume records NNNNNNNN will not satisfy VAULT SLOT request

Explanation: The request for Vault Slots will exceed the number of Vault Volume records that are available.

System Action: The UUI command is not executed.

User Response: Lower the amount of Vault Slots requesting or increase the number of Vault Volume records in the CDS with the LIBGEN, SET VAULTVOL and MERGECDS process.


Volume VVVVVV used after SLUCONDB TTTTTT time

Explanation: The VVVVVV physical or virtual volume was a candidate for scratch selection. The select date and time of the physical volume, or last used date and time of the VTV, is later than the starting date and time of the SLUCONDB run or the scratch extract time from SMC or DFSMSrmm. The TTTTTT will either be start time or extract time.

System Action: The volume is not selected for scratch. If the volume is in scratch status in the tape management system, a subsequent scratch synchronization run will scratch the volume.

User Response: None


No local SMC TAPEPLEX and no SLSCNTL DD specified

Explanation: The SLUCONDB utility was started but there is no available target to receive the output. Either an local HSC, or an SMC TAPEPLEX, or an SLSCNTL DD statement must be present to receive the output.

System Action: The utility terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Either add an SLSCNTL DD statement to the JCL or enable an SMC TAPEPLEX and then resubmit the scratch synchronization utility.



Explanation: The SLUCONDB utility was started with the LIBONLY execution parameter to scratch volumes locally using the UUI interface. However there is no local HSC executing on the same host.

System Action: The utility terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Resubmit the scratch synchronization utility on a host with an active HSC or use the TAPEPLEX= parameter.


SLSCNTL DD statement not allowed with LIBONLY or TAPEPLEX

Explanation: The SLUCONDB utility was started with the LIBONLY or TAPEPLEX= execution parameters. However the JCL also contained an SLSCNTL DD statement.

System Action: The utility terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Remove the SLSCNTL DD statement from the JCL and resubmit the scratch synchronization utility.


ZARA subsystem name invalid

Explanation: The SLUCONDB utility was started with the ZARA execution parameter that specified the ZARA subsystem name. However the specified subsystem name is invalid.

System Action: The utility terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Correct the ZARA subsystem name and resubmit the scratch synchronization utility.


Could not load ZARA API module

Explanation: The SLUCONDB utility was started with the ZARA option, but the scratch synchronization ZARA interface module could not be loaded.

System Action: The utility terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Investigate the cause of the error and resubmit the scratch synchronization utility.


Unexpected return code from ZARA

Explanation: SLUCONDB encountered an unexpected return code when accessing ZARA for scratch synchronization.

System Action: The utility terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Investigate the cause of the error and resubmit the scratch synchronization utility.


Error initializing UUI

Explanation: During an execution of SLUCONDB, the UUI facility was used to access the HSC CDS, but an error occurred in trying to initialize the UUI interface.

System Action: The utility terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Ensure that joblib/steplib concatenations are correct for the SLUCONDB utility. If the problem persists, contact StorageTek Software Support.


SMC not active

Explanation: During an execution of SLUCONDB, the UUI facility was used to access the HSC CDS, but there was no active SMC subsystem on the host.

System Action: The utility terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Start the SMC subsystem on the host and resubmit the scratch synchronization job.


TAPEPLEX name not recognized by SMC

Explanation: During an execution of SLUCONDB, the UUI facility was used to direct scratch requests to a remote HSC system, but the tapeplex name specified in the SLUCONDB parm is unknown to SMC.

System Action: The utility terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Correct the tapeplex name in the SLUCONDB JCL PARM and resubmit the scratch synchronization job.


UUI failure: Request=RRRRRR, RC=XXXX, reason code=XXXX

Explanation: During an execution of SLUCONDB, the UUI facility was used and encountered the indicated error. The RC and reason code are decimal values.

System Action: The utility terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Review the ELS Programming Reference and the distributed NCSCOMM macro for a list of UUI error and reason codes. Correct the error if possible and resubmit the scratch synchronization utility. If the cause of the error cannot be determined, contact StorageTek Software Support.


ZARA subsystem is down

Explanation: During an execution of SLUCONDB, the ZARA subsystem was found to be inactive.

System Action: The utility terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Ensure that ZARA subsystem is active and resubmit the scratch synchronization job.


SAF access denied to ZARA API request

Explanation: During an execution of SLUCONDB, the ZARA interface module received an error indicating that it was not authorized to access ZARA.

System Action: The utility terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Change the SAF policy to allow the SLUCONDB job to access the ZARA API.


Incompatible HSC found active on HOST HHHHHHHH

Explanation: During initialization, HSC discovered an incompatible HSCHSC level running on the indicated host. The most probable cause is running a previous release without coexistence PTFs applied.

System Action: HSC terminates.

User Response: Terminate the HSC on the indicated host and reinitialize it with a compatible level of HSC.


CDS directory recovery operation failed

Explanation: An attempt was made to rebuild the database directory, but an error was encountered that made it impossible to continue.

System Action: HSC or utility terminates after taking an SVC dump.

User Response: Restore the CDS from backups. Save the dump and contact StorageTek Software Support.


CDS CCCC...CCCC disabled; inconsistent copy flag found on

Explanation: During initialization or database reserve a CDS copy was found to be inconsistent as a result of a partially completed CDS Merge, copy, or other process.

System Action: The inconsistent copy is disabled.

User Response: Enable this CDS to force synchronization with a valid copy.


Cannot enable new CDS CCCC...CCCC1; CCCCCCCC2

Explanation: An attempt to activate a new CDS data set, CCCC...CCCC1, with a CDs Enable command has failed because the data set is either unknown or unsuitable for use as a CDS copy. CCCCCCCC2 is one of the following reasons:

  • Invalid BLKSIZE (the BLKSIZE must be 4096)

  • Invalid DSORG (the DSORG must be PS)

  • More than one extent

  • Invalid UCB type (the data set must reside on a DASD)

  • Could not obtain VTOC info

System Action: The HSC continues operation with the current CDS definitions.

User Response: If attempting to activate a renamed existing CDS copy, make sure that the data set was properly renamed and that the DSn parameter was correctly specified on the CDs Enable command. If attempting to relocate a new CDS copy and the reason was ”Could not obtain VTOC info”, then it is likely that the DSn, NEWLoc, NEWVol, and/or NEWUnit parameters were either missing or incorrectly specified. For all other reasons, if the DSn parameter specified the correct data set, then the data set is unsuitable for use as a CDS; reallocate a new CDS data set with the proper attributes and reissue the CDs Enable command.


New CDS CCCC...CCCC is of insufficient size; capacity is DDD1 blocks, required capacity is DDD2 blocks

Explanation: An attempt to activate a new CDS data set, CCCC...CCCC, with a CDs Enable command has failed because the data set is not big enough. It can contain only DDD1 4096-byte blocks but the current CDS requires at least DDD2 blocks.

System Action: The HSC continues operation with the current CDS definitions.

User Response: Reallocate a larger new CDS data set and reissue the CDs Enable command.


BSAM Open failed for new CDS CCCC...CCCC

Explanation: An attempt to activate a new CDS data set, CCCC...CCCC, with a CDs Enable command has failed during its initialization process. A BSAM Open operation failed.

System Action: The HSC continues operation with the current CDS definitions.

User Response: Look for other error messages from BSAM that might help isolate the error. If the error cannot be resolved, contact StorageTek Software Support.


BSAM Write failed for new CDS CCCC...CCCC, block DDDD

Explanation: An attempt to activate a new CDS data set, CCCC...CCCC, with a CDs Enable command has failed during its initialization process. A BSAM Write operation failed writing block number DDDD.

System Action: The HSC continues operation with the current CDS definitions.

User Response: Look for other error messages from BSAM that might help isolate the error. If it is a permanent I/O error, delete and reallocate a new CDS data set and reissue the CDs Enable command. If the error cannot be resolved, contact StorageTek Software Support.


CDS EXpand failed, block count not greater than current size

Explanation: An attempt was made to expand active CDS, but HSC has determined there is no change in the current size of the CDS.

System Action: CDS EXpand fails.

User Response: Allocate new CDSs of a larger block size. CDS Enable the newly sized CDSs before issuing the CDS EXpand command.


Expand of the Secondary CDS has failed

Explanation: CDS EXpand has detected an error while reading the Primary CDS and expanding the Secondary CDS.

System Action: CDS Expand command terminates.

User Response: Investigate HSC Job Log and System logs for Database I/O errors and any related HSC messages. Correct the errors indicated. Restore all CDS files from backup copies and reenter CDS EXpand command.


Expand of Primary CDS has failed

Explanation: CDS EXpand has detected an error while expanding the Primary CDS.

System Action: CDS Expand command terminates.

User Response: Investigate HSC Job Log and System logs for Data base I/O errors and any related HSC messages. Correct the errors indicated. Restore all CDS files from backup copies and reenter CDS EXpand command.


Copies to Primary/Standby CDS have failed

Explanation: Secondary CDS copy to either Primary/Standby CDS encountered an error. Status of Primary/Standby CDS is unpredictable.

System Action: CDS Expand command terminates.

User Response: Investigate HSC Job Log and System logs for Data base I/O errors and any related HSC messages. Correct the errors indicated. Restore all CDS files from backup copies and reenter CDS EXpand command.


CDS DALM updates encountered an error

Explanation: DALM record updates to either Primary or Secondary CDS encountered an error. DALM record status is unpredictable.

System Action: CDS Expand command terminates.

User Response: Investigate HSC Job Log and System logs for Data base I/O errors and any related HSC messages. Correct the errors indicated. Restore all CDS files from backup copies and reenter CDS EXpand command.


CDS EXpand has completed successfully

Explanation: All CDSs now reflect the new database size.

System Action: HSC CDSs return to normal work activities.

User Response: Update HSC startup parameters with new CDS names, if appropriate.


CDS EXpand has completed unsuccessfully

Explanation: An error has occurred during the CDS EXpand process.

System Action: HSC issued an EXpand related messages prior to this message.

User Response: Investigate HSC Job Log and System Log for I/O errors and any related HSC messages. Correct the errors indicated. Restore all CDSs from backup copies and reenter CDS EXpand command.


Expanded CDS recognized and adopted

Explanation: It was determined that the CDS has been expanded. This was the result of an operator CDs EXpand command issued on another host. The expanded size of the CDS is adopted on this host.

System Action: The HSC continues operation.

User Response: None


Date conversion error on TMS extract file

Explanation: A tape management interface module return code indicated that a date from its input tape management system was invalid or not in the expected format.

System Action: The scratch synchronization run terminates.

User Response: Verify that the tape management extract file is specified correctly. If the input file is correct, contact StorageTek Software Support.


CDKLOCK subfile AAAAAA with active=SSS

Explanation: The CDKLOCK subfile was either created or updated. The active value, SSS, indicates the status of the subfile (YES = active; NO = inactive).

System Action: None

User Response: None


CDKLOCK subfile is already defined

Explanation: The CDKLOCK already exists and cannot be defined again.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Blocks requested (XX) exceeds the FREE blocks (YY) available in the CDS

Explanation: The CDKLOCK blocks specified, XX, is greater than the free blocks, YY, available in the CDS.

System Action: None

User Response: Make the necessary correction, and run the utility again.


Unrecognized parameter keyword KKKKKKKK

Explanation: The JCL parameter contained an unrecognized keyword of KKKKKKKK.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Correct the JCL parameter input and resubmit the job.


Duplicate parameter keyword KKKKKKKK

Explanation: The JCL parameter keyword KKKKKKKK was specified more than once.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Correct the JCL parameter input and resubmit the job.


Invalid JCL parameter format

Explanation: The JCL parameter contained an invalid format, such as two consecutive commas.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Correct the JCL parameter input and resubmit the job.


Invalid grace period

Explanation: The grace period parameter has an invalid value. Valid values are 000-999.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Correct the JCL parameter input and resubmit the job.


The SMC parameter is mutually exclusive with CCCCCCCC

Explanation: The CCCCCCCC parameter is not permitted with the SMC parameter.

System Action: Processing terminates.

User Response: Correct the JCL parameter input and resubmit the job.


Point-in-time copy initiated

Explanation: The point-in-time function has been initiated.

System Action: This message indicates that the last backup date in the CDS has been updated, and that the point-in-time copy function will be invoked.

User Response: Review the output of the request to ensure that either the backup is successful (message SLS4762I) or that the backup failed (SLS4763I). If the backup successful message is not received, then check for the presence of SLS4764I message that indicates that the last backup date in the CDS was successfully restored.


Point-in-time copy successful

Explanation: The point-in-time copy return code from the copy processing program indicates that the copy was successful.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Point-in-time copy failed; backup copy data set invalid

Explanation: The return code from the point-in-time functional module indicated that the copy failed. If a backup data set was created, it is invalid.

System Action: None

User Response: Check the output of the utility for message SLS4764I, indicating that the last backup date was successfully restored. If this message does not appear, it may indicate that the last backup date in the CDS is incorrect. Review the output of the utility to determine if an invalid backup copy was created and should be deleted.


Point-in-time last backup date successfully restored

Explanation: The point-in-time backup function failed after the last backup date in the CDS was updated. This message indicates that the previous last backup date was successfully restored.

System Action: If the backup failed but this message was not issued, then the last backup date in the CDS may be incorrect.

User Response: Review the output to determine the error that caused the backup to fail, and resubmit the request.


Vault VVVVVVVV cannot be deleted because it is not empty

Explanation: There are volumes in vault VVVVVVVV so it cannot be deleted.

System Action: The command is not executed.

User Response: Empty vault VVVVVVV. Once the vault is empty then the vault can be deleted.


ASCOMM failure for utility, RC=XXXXXXXX

Explanation: A request was sent to HSC via the Address Space Communications Service (ASCOMM), but that component failed with a return code of XXXXXXXX.

System Action: The utility request fails.

User Response: Look up the ASCOMM return code in the HSC Messages and Codes manual to determine the cause for the failure. If unable to remedy the error, contact StorageTek Software Support.


UUI output file record truncation occurred

Explanation: A UUI request was entered which specified file output, but one or more of the specified UUI file records was too long for the specified UUI file logical record length. As a result the UUI file output generated by the request resulted in one or more records being truncated. This error indicates an error in the program generating the output file.

System Action: Processing continues, but the output file contains incomplete record(s).

User Response: Contact StorageTek technical support.


UUI output file fixed record padding occurred

Explanation: A UUI request was entered which specified file output, but one or more of the specified UUI file records was too short for the specified UUI file fixed logical record length. As a result the UUI file output generated by the request resulted in one or more records being padded. This error indicates an error in the program generating the output file.

System Action: Processing continues, but the output file contains padded record(s).

User Response: Contact StorageTek technical support.


UUI output file hex data conversion error occurred

Explanation: A UUI request was entered which specified binary type file output, but one or more of the specified UUI file records contained data that contained non hexadecimal character content. As a result the UUI file output generated by the request resulted in one or more records that were not correctly convert from character hex to binary. This error indicates an error in the program generating the output file.

System Action: Processing continues, but the output file contains incorrect data record(s).

User Response: Contact StorageTek technical support.


No UUI response type specified

Explanation: A UUI command was encountered which did not request a valid response type (text, XML, or CSV).

System Action: The command is not processed.

User Response: Resubmit the UUI command to request a valid response type or types.


CDS CREATE successful; total blocks=NNNNN, number of copies={1|2|3}

Explanation: The CDS CREATE function executed successfully, with the number of blocks and number of copies indicated.

System Action: The CDS is available for use.

User Response: None


Dynamic allocation for DD SYSOUT failed RC CCCCCCCC RS SSSSSSSS

Explanation: An attempt to allocate DD SYSOUT failed. The CCCCCCCC is the return code and SSSSSSSS is the reason code from the MVS DYNALLOC service.

System Action: The request is terminated.

User Response: Determine the cause of the dynamic allocation failure and rerun the request.


SDD error: reason

Explanation: A UUI request was submitted which had an associated SDD input command. One of the following errors was detected in the SDD input template:

  • An SDD command parsing error occured.

  • The specified SDD DD name was not present in the JCL.

  • An I/O error occurred reading the specified SDD DD.

System Action: The UUI request is not processed.

User Response: Correct the UUI SDD command or file and resubmit the request.


NSDREQ error: reason

Explanation: A UUI request was submitted which requested logical work file I/O using NSDREQ services. One of the following errors was detected in the associated request:

  • The logical file DD could not be created.

  • An I/O error occurred accessing the specified DD.

  • An error occurred while physically writing the DD.

System Action: The UUI request is not processed.

User Response: Contact StorageTek technical support.


Local DD name DDDDDDDD used for CCCCCCCC command; SDD output file definition ignored

Explanation: UUI command CCCCCCCC was submitted which had an associated SDD output file command specified. However, the command was processed locally and the SDD output file definition was not required. Instead, DD name DDDDDDDD is written directly.

System Action: Command processing continues.

User Response: None


No SDD output file specified for remote CCCCCCCC command; using DD name DDDDDDDD

Explanation: UUI command CCCCCCCC was submitted for remote execution but had no associated SDD output file specification. Instead DD name DDDDDDDD will be used for remote file output.

System Action: Command processing continues.

User Response: None. It is recommended that you specify an SDD command for remotely processed commands that produce output files as the DD name can be validated before the command is processed and output written.


No SDD input file specified for DD name DDDDDDDD for remote CCCCCCCC command; cannot continue

Explanation: UUI command CCCCCCCC was submitted for remote execution but had no associated SDD input file specification for DD name DDDDDDDD.

System Action: The UUI request is not processed.

User Response: Add an SDD input file command for the DD name DDDDDDDD immediately before the CCCCCCCC command and resubmit the job.


SDD input file specification for DD name DDDDDDDD unnecessary for local CCCCCCCC command

Explanation: UUI command CCCCCCCC was submitted which had an associated SDD input file command specified. However, the command was processed locally and SDD input file processing is not required. However, DD name DDDDDDDD is processed using SDD services instead of being read directly.

System Action: Command processing continues.

User Response: None


SDD DD name DDDDDDDD for CCCCCCCC command conflicts with PPPPPPPP parameter DD name VVVVVVVV

Explanation: UUI command CCCCCCCC was submitted which specified SDD DD name DDDDDDDD. However, the command parameter PPPPPPPP specified a different DD name VVVVVVVV.

System Action: The UUI request is not processed.

User Response: Correct either the SDD command and JCL or the specified command so that the SDD DD name matches the parameter DD name.



Explanation: An XAPI command was entered with text output requested. This message precedes the command output.

System Action: None

User Response: None


VTCS not active; VTV status information not available

Explanation: A QUERY DRIVE_INFO commands processed that included a request for virtual drive status. However, VTCS was not active, so mounted VTV information was unavailable.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Volume list for group|drive information contains both real and virtual volumes

Explanation: A QUERY VOLUME_INFO command was processed with a GROUP or DRIVE mount format request. Because the input list contained a combination of real and virtual volumes, a list of compatible groups or drives could not be produced.

System Action: GROUP or DRIVE data is not produced.

User Response: Correct the list of input volumes to include only real or only virtual volumes and resubmit the request.


Requested drive count exceeded; drive list truncated

Explanation: A QUERY VOLUME_INFO command was processed with a maximum number of drives requested. The list of eligible drives returned was truncated because the number exceeded the requested maximum.

System Action: Number of drives returned equals the requested maximum.

User Response: None


Number of requested volumes exceeds maximum of NNN from console for CCC...CCC command

Explanation: A command CCC...CCC was received from the console. The number of volumes in the request exceeded NNN, the maximum allowed from the console.

System Action: The maximum number of volumes is displayed.

User Response: Submit an new request for additional volumes, or submit the request from a utility.


Command CCC...CC1 parameter CCCCCCC2 not allowed from console

Explanation: A command CCC...CC1 was received from the console with a parameter CCCCCCC2 that is not supported from a console request.

System Action: The command is not processed.

User Response: Submit the command without the parameter, or submit the request from a utility.


Subpool S...S label type LLL does not match request

Explanation: On a QUERY SCR_MNT_INFO request, the requested label type, if specified, did not match the label type LLL associated with the requested subpool S...S.

System Action: Processing continues. The requested label type is ignored.

User Response: If possible, resolve the discrepancy and resubmit the command. If a mount is attempted using the same label and scratch subpool parameters, it will be rejected if VOLPARM is in effect, or a scratch volume may be selected from an incorrect subpool.


Unrecognized value CCCCCCCC for media|rectech parameter; value ignored

Explanation: On a QUERY SCR_MNT_INFO request, a value in the MEDIA or RECTECH parameter did not match any of the values defined to HSC.

System Action: Processing continues. The requested MEDIA or RECTECH is ignored. If the input value is a list, valid values in the list are used to process the request; otherwise, the request is treated as though the parameter was not specified.

User Response: If the problem is because of an incompatiblity in the media or recording techniques supported on the server, then if possible ensure that both clients and servers support the same devices. Otherwise, correct the invalid value and resubmit the command.


No compatible values found between MEDIA and [rectech|model]

Explanation: Either MEDIA and RECTECH or MEDIA and MODEL were specified for a request, but the specified values contained no compatible types.

System Action: The request is not processed.

User Response: Resubmit the request, specifying only one of MEDIA or RECTECH or MODEL, or ensure that the values for the two parameters are compatible.


Move "To" panel is frozen

Explanation: A MOVe command or utility function was attempted specifying a move to a frozen panel.

System Action: The requested command or utility terminates. The move is not performed.

User Response: Re-enter the command or utility specifying a TPanel that is not frozen. If the panel should not be frozen, use the SET FREEZE(OFF) utility to unfreeze it.




Explanation: This is the output from the Display SEN Queue command. The output produced varies depending on the parameters specified. If no parameters are specified all entries in the SEN QUEUE are displayed. If REQname is specified then only Requestors matching REQname will be displayed. If LNRname is specified REQname must be specified. If LNRname is specified then only Requestors and Listeners matching REQname and LNRname will be displayed.

  • 99999999 is the number of requestors on the SEN QUEUE.

  • RRRRRRRR is the requestor name.

  • LLLLLLLL is the listener name.

  • TTTTTTTT is the Hex display of the Requestor Token.

  • FFFFFFFF is the description of the processing flags for the SEN QUEUE ENTRY.

  • EEEEEEEE is the description of the Event to be Listened for.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Significant Event Notification facility not active

Explanation: An attempt was made to display SEN Queue entries. However, Significant Event Notification facility is not active.

System Action: The DISPLAY SEN command is rejected.

User Response: Make certain you are running the correct version of HSC. If you are certain you are running the correct version contact StorageTek Software Support.


SEN QUEUE is empty

Explanation: An attempt was made to display SEN Queue entries. However, the SEN QUEUE contained no entries.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Make certain you have run the task to add entries to the SEN QUEUE. If the task has run correctly contact StorageTek Software Support.



Explanation: An attempt was made to display a specific Requestor on the SEN QUEUE. However, the specified Requestor was not found.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Make certain you have spelled the Requestor name correctly.



Explanation: An attempt was made to display a specific Listener on the SEN QUEUE. However, the specified Listener was not found.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Make certain you have spelled the Listener name correctly.


CCCCCCCC submitted to VSM system

Explanation: CCCCCCCC command has been submitted to the VSM system for processing.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None



Explanation: TTTTTTTT is the text of a response returned by VTCS for an input command.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: None


CCCCCCCC failed - VSM not active

Explanation: The CCCCCCCC command failed due to the VSM system not being active.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: Determine the cause of the VSM system not being active.



Explanation: The CCCCCCCC completed with a final result code of RRRRRRRR. If the RRRRRRRR value is not zero (0), a second line will be displayed that describes the reason for the failure.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None



Explanation: To respond to a Display request, VSM reports N processes. CCCCCCCC is the type of process (Active or Queue).

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Display RTD

Explanation: To respond to a VT DISPLAY RTD request, VSM reports RTD status. Information returned include status, status (ONLINE/OFFLINE/MAINTENANCE), activity (mounted,recalling,migrating,recalling,mounting) and the MVC volume id.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Display active/queued detail

Explanation: To respond to a VT Display DETail request, VSM reports the status of each VSM activity. Status includes function, process id, VTV id, MVC id, RTD and VTSS involved. Possible functions can be any of the following:

  • VTV_upd

    Resync VTV status and CDS.

  • MVC_upd

    Reset MVC status.

  • Dismount

    VTV dismount.

  • Sel_scr

    PGMI select scratch.

  • Recall

    Recall VTV from MVC.

  • MVC_inv

    Audit of an MVC.

  • VTSS_inv

    Audit of a VTSS.

  • Mount

    VTV mount.

  • Migrate

    Migrate VTV to MVC.

  • MVC_chek

    Query MVC.

  • Drain

    Drain VTVs from MVC.

  • Scratch

    Scratch VTV.

  • Transfer

    Transfer VTV between VTSSs.

  • Unscratch

    Unscratch VTV.

  • Vary@

    Vary RTD.

  • VTV_chek

    Query VTV.

  • Unload

    Unload MVC from RTD.

  • Audit#

    Audit utility request.

  • Migrate@

    Migrate command or utility

  • Recall@

    Recall command or utility

  • Reclaim@

    Reclaim command or auto reclaim request.

  • Drain@

    Drain command

  • Mig_set@

    Set migration threshold command

  • Mig_thr@

    Migrate to threshold command

  • Cancel@

    Cancel command

  • Display@

    Display command

  • QRY/SET@

    Query or set command

For QUEUED activity the reason for the wait is reported as follows:

  • TSK

    Waiting for processing lock on other host

  • VTD

    Waiting for VTD

  • MVC

    Waiting for MVC lock

  • VTV

    Waiting for VTV lock

  • INV

    Waiting for an available audit (inventory) task

  • CMD

    Waiting for the command processor task

  • DSP

    Waiting for the main dispatcher task

  • SS

    Waiting for an available VTSS task

  • RTD

    Waiting for an available RTD task

  • DRV

    Waiting for a free RTD

  • SCR

    Waiting for scratch tapes

  • RCM

    Waiting for the space reclaim manager task

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


CCCCCCCC Nothing to display

Explanation: The CCCCCCCC command completed with nothing to display.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Range/List item greater than maximum - First 64 processed

Explanation: The range/list of the RTD list in the VT Display/VT Vary RTD command contains a greater number than the 64 maximum allowed.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: Resubmit the command with a range/list smaller than 64 RTDs.


VT CCCCCCCC command not processed - RRRRRRRR

Explanation: The VT command CCCCCCCC was not processed for the following reason (RRRRRRRR):

  • VCI not initialized - The communication component to the VSM system has not initialized.

  • Processor not loaded - The command processor has not been loaded.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: Determine the reason for the failure and correct.


CCCCCCCC Nothing to display

Explanation: The VT command CCCCCCCC completed with nothing to display.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None



Explanation: The VSM MVC volume VVVVVVVV has been changed from scratch to non-scratch status.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


VT CCCCCCCC command cannot be processed - VTCS has not initialized. Reply if command is to be cancelled

Explanation: VTCS command CCCCCCCC can not be processed at this time because VTCS has not initialized.

System Action: The system waits for VTCS to initialize. Once that occurs the command will be processed. If HSC/VTCS termination is requested before the command has been processed, the command will be canceled.

User Response: Investigate why VTCS has not initialized. Reply to this message, with any single character value, only if the command is to be cancelled. Message SLS5023I will be output to confirm the command was cancelled. Leave the reply outstanding if the system is to process the command once VTCS has initialized.


VT CCCCCCCC command cancelled due to RRR

Explanation: Message SLS5022E was output previously for VTCS command CCCCCCCC, indicating that the command could not be processed because VTCS has not initialized. Subsequently, the command was cancelled without being processed for the reason given below:

  • If RRR is 'operator request', VTCS command CCCCCCCC was cancelled because message SLS5022E was replied to.

  • If RRR is 'HSC/VTCS termination', VTCS command CCCCCCCC was cancelled because HSC and/or VTCS termination was detected.The command was cancelled without being processed.

System Action: The command was cancelled without being processed.

User Response: If necessary, re-issue the command once VTCS has initialized.


Timeout on ECAM I/O to device NNNN

Explanation: VTCS is waiting for ECAM I/O to complete for device NNNN. This message indicates that a VTCS timer has expired and the I/O has not yet completed.

System Action: VTCS will continue to wait for the I/O to complete.

User Response: Check the HSC logs and SYSLOG to determine if any errors exist for the address identified in the message. If any IOSnnnn messages exist for the VTD address(es) in question, determine if the errors are limited to a single path. If so, vary the affected path(s) offline. If the errors appear to affect all paths, a Vary nnnn,OFFLINE,FORCE command can be issued to attempt to bypass the device. Once the problem has been corrected, the device can be brought back online. It should not be necessary to re-start HSC/VTCS once the errors have been corrected and the VTD addresses are properly online. If the VTSS was taken offline, a VT Vary VTSS(nnnnnnnn) ONline can be issued to bring the VTSS online. If the errors cannot be resolved, contact StorageTek Software Support.


MOUNT of VVVVVV on drive DDDDDD - Complete

Explanation: In response to a mount request, volume VVVVVV was mounted on specified VIRTUAL transport DDDDDD.

System Action: Normal processing continues.

User Response: None


DISMOUNT of VVVVVV from drive DDDDDD - Complete

Explanation: The dismount of VVVVVV from specified VIRTUAL transport DDDDDD is complete. Receiving this message does not necessarily indicate that the dismount was successful.

System Action: Normal processing continues.

User Response: None


MOUNT of VVVVVV on drive DDD - Failed (RC) - VSM is not active

Explanation: The mount of volume VVVVVV on VIRTUAL drive DDD failed due to the VSM system not being active. RC is the return code from HSC/VTCS.

System Action: Mount fails.

User Response: Attempt to correct the problem, and reissue the mount request.


DISMOUNT of VVVVVV from drive DDD - Failed (RC) - VSM is not active

Explanation: The dismount of volume VVVVVV from VIRTUAL drive DDDDDD failed due to the VSM system not being active. RC is the return code from the HSC/VTCS support system.

System Action: Dismount fails.

User Response: Attempt to correct the problem, and reissue the dismount request.



Explanation: The mount of volume VVVVVV on VIRTUAL drive DDDD failed. The reason for the failure is defined in the ERRTEXT portion of the message. RC is the return code from HSC/VTCS.

Explanations, System Actions and User Responses for the various Reason texts are detailed below. The context in which the message is issued should always be determined, as the text for a given Reason describes the most likely case and may not match the specific case in which it was output.


Explanation: A Mount was requested of Volume VVVVVV on device DDDD. VTCS determined that the device already has a VTV mounted on it.

System Action: The Mount fails.

User Response: Determine which VTV is Mounted on the device. If it should not be Mounted, attempt to Unload/Dismount it using the MVS Unload command and the HSC Dismount command.

  • If the Mount is still required, re-drive it.

  • If the reason for the failure is not understood, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Explanation: A Mount was requested of volume VVVVVV on device DDDD. VTCS suffered an internal error (Return Code X'RRRRRRRR') while processing the Mount.

System Action: The Mount fails.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Explanation: A Mount was requested of Scratch volume VVVVVV on device DDDD. The Scratch volume was associated with Subpool PPPPPPPP (e.g. by a TAPEREQ statement), but the Subpool was found to be invalid. To be valid, the Subpool must exist and contain Scratch volumes.

System Action: The Mount fails.

User Response: Determine how the Subpool was selected (e.g. TAPEREQ statement). Check that PPPPPPPP is the name of a Subpool and that it contains scratch volumes. Make any necessary corrections.

  • If the Mount is still required, re-drive it.

  • If the reason for the failure is not understood, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Explanation: A Mount was requested of volume VVVVVV on device DDDD. VTCS failed to find the internal control block for device (VTD) DDDD which is in VTSS SSSSSSSS.

System Action: The Mount fails.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Explanation: A Mount was requested of Migrated volume VVVVVV on device DDDD. Before the Recall and Mount were complete, the request was cancelled by the operator, e.g. by using the VT CANCEL command to cancel the Recall.

System Action: The Mount fails.

User Response:

  • If the Mount is still required, re-drive it.

  • If the reason for the failure is not understood, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Explanation: A Mount was requested of Migrated volume VVVVVV on device DDDD. VTCS initiated a Recall of the VTV from MVC MMMMMM, but the MVC could not be mounted.

System Action: The Mount fails.

User Response: Determine why the MVC Mount failed, e.g. from more specific error messages. Correct any problems found.

  • If the Mount is still required, re-drive it.

  • If the reason for the failure is not understood, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Explanation: A Mount was requested of Migrated volume VVVVVV on device DDDD. The VTV had previously been resident in VTSS SSSSSSSS. The VTSS could not be accessed by this Host to determine if it contains a copy of the VTV.

System Action: The Mount fails.

User Response: Check that VTSS SSSSSS can be accessed by, and is Online to, this Host.

  • If the Mount is still required, re-drive it.

  • If the reason for the failure is not understood, contact StorageTek Software Support.

MVC: MMMMMM No RTDs for requested media and ACS

Explanation: A mount was requested of migrated volume VVVVVV on device DDDD. During recall processing, it was determined that there were no RTDs in the ACS that could mount the requested media type.

System Action: The Mount fails.

User Response: This is probably due to a configuration change. Determine the MVC media type and ACS location of the volume, or if other MVCs are available to access the VTV.

  • If the mount is still required, move the MVC to an ACS with RTDs of the correct type and re-drive the mount -or- make other MVC copies available to use for recalling the VTV.

  • If the reason for the failure is not understood, contact StorageTek Software Support.

(MVC:MMMMMM) VTD status changed during Recall/Mount

Explanation: A Mount was requested of volume VVVVVV on device DDDD.

In the case of a Migrated VTV the message will contain "MVC:MMMMMM" to show the MVC containing the VTV and indicates a change of VTD status during Recall. When the Recall from MVC MMMMMM was complete, VTCS found that the device was associated with a different VTCS request. A common scenario that gives this message is:

  • A Batch Job requests VTV VVVVVV be mounted on a device DDDD.

  • As the VTV is migrated, VTCS initiates a Recall.

  • The Batch Job is cancelled.

  • A second job requests a different VTV be Mounted on device DDDD.

  • The Recall of VTV VVVVVV completes.

  • VTCS attempts to satisfy the original Mount, but finds the device is no longer processing volume VVVVVV

If the VTV was Resident, the message will not contain "MVC:MMMMMM" and indicates a change of VTD status during Mount.

System Action: The Mount fails.

User Response:

  • If the Mount is still required, re-drive it.

  • If the reason for the failure is not understood, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Explanation: A Mount was requested of volume VVVVVV on device DDDD. Because the VTV was Resident in a different VTSS from the one that contains device DDDD, a VTV transfer was initiated. The transfer is achieved by Migrating the VTV from the other VTSS and Recalling it into the VTSS containing device DDDD.

The VTV could not be Migrated from the other VTSS because no MVCs were available.

System Action: The Mount fails.

User Response: Determine where VTV VVVVVV is Resident. Then, either:

  • Change the JCL to select a device in that VTSS, or

  • Investigate why no MVCs could be selected for Migration. Correct any problems found.

If the Mount is still required, re-drive it. If the reason for the failure is not understood, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Explanation: A Mount was requested of volume VVVVVV on device DDDD. An internal error occurred within VTCS while processing the Mount.

System Action: The Mount fails.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Explanation: A Mount was requested of volume VVVVVV on device DDDD. VTCS could not process the Mount as the Task for the VTSS containing device DDDD was terminating/had terminated, e.g. as the result of a VT VARY VTSS(SSSSSSSS) OFFLINE command.

System Action: The mount fails.

User Response: Check the status of the VTSS containing device DDDD. If it should be Online but is not, issue VT VARY VTSS(SSSSSSSS) ONLINE. VTCS will process the Mount when the VTSS comes Online.

If the reason for the failure is not understood, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Explanation: A Mount was requested of volume VVVVVV on device DDDD. The VTV was found to be "fenced".

System Action: The Mount fails.

User Response: As for message SLS6657E, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Explanation: A Mount was requested of volume VVVVVV on device DDDD in VTSS SSSSSSSS. VTV VVVVVV could not be Mounted due to either:

  • The state of the VTSS. The VTSS could not be accessed by this Host or was not Online.

  • In the case of a Scratch Mount, the Mount failing and being re-tried too many times. This can happen if another product repeatedly rejects the VTV as not being in Scratch status.

System Action: The Mount fails.

User Response: In the case of a specific (non-scratch) Mount, check that VTSS SSSSSSSS can be accessed by, and is Online to, this Host. Correct any problems found.

In the case of a Scratch Mount, determine if another product is rejecting the Mount, e.g. because its scratch definitions are not synchronized with those of VTCS.

Make any necessary changes.

  • If the Mount is still required, re-drive it.

  • If the reason for the failure is not understood, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Explanation: A scratch mount was requested on device DDDD in VTSS SSSSSSSS. The mount request failed after an internally specified number of VTVs were selected as a scratch and then found to not be a qualified scratch.

Volume VVVVVV, which is listed in the message, is the last VTV found in this state. This error can occur if another product repeatedly rejects each VTV as not being in scratch status or if the VTV scratch status in the CDS is not synchronized with the VTCS internal scratch counts.

System Action: The VTV scratch mount request will be retried later.

User Response: Determine if another product is rejecting the mount, e.g. because its scratch definitions are not synchronized with those of VTCS.

Make any necessary changes. If the reason for the failure is not understood, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Explanation: A Mount was requested of volume VVVVVV on device DDDD. VTCS determined that the VTV is still Mounted from a previous Mount.

System Action: The Mount fails, though VTCS will attempt to re-drive it.

User Response: Determine whether the previous Mount of VTV VVVVVV was on a different Host to the current Mount. If it was, check that SYSZVOLS ENQueues are being correctly propagated across Hosts.

  • If the previous Mount was on the same Host, attempt to determine if there was any reason for the Dismount to have failed. Correct any problems found.

  • If the reason for the failure is not understood, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Explanation: A Mount was requested of volume VVVVVV on device DDDD.

VTCS determined that VVVVVV is not defined in the VTCS Configuration, via a VTVVOL statement, as being Virtual.

System Action: The Mount fails.

User Response: Determine why a non-virtual allocation was directed to virtual device (VTD) DDDD. Esoterics, JCL, TAPEREQ statements, ACS routines and User Exits influence allocation and should be reviewed.

Make any necessary corrections.

  • If the Mount is still required, re-drive it.

  • If the reason for the failure is not understood, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Explanation: VTV VVVVVV failed to mount due to an ECAM error. The ECAM completion code is CCC and the return code is RRR.

System Action: The Mount fails.

User Response: Consult the appropriate ELS Guide. If the reason for the failure is not understood, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Explanation: VTV VVVVVV was selected to satisfy a scratch mount, but the mount was rejected because User Exit 14:

  • set Return Code UX14RJCT (reject).

  • set Return Code UX14PWRD (password check) and the password check performed by HSC failed.

  • set Return Code UX14RACF/UX14RACL (RACROUTE check) and the RACROUTE check performed by HSC indicated the requestor does not have access to VTV VVVVVV.

  • set Return Code UX14RACF/UX14RACL (RACROUTE check) and the RACROUTE check performed by HSC indicated the requestor has READ, but not UPDATE, access to VTV VVVVVV. HSC therefore requested VTV VVVVVV be mounted as write-protected.

  • set Return Code UX14NWRT (write-protect).

This message may be preceded by one or more of messages SLS2978A, SLS2979I, SLS2980I, SLS2985I or SLS2986I.

X'RRRRRRRR' is the Return Code passed to VTCS by HSC after invoking User Exit 14 and performing any processing requested by User Exit 14.

  • X'91309130' indicates the request to mount VTV VVVVVV was denied by User Exit 14 or by HSC as a result of a password/RACROUTE check failing.

  • X'91319131' indicates that VTCS was requested to mount VTV VVVVVV as write-protected. This was rejected by VTCS because the VTV selected to satisfy a scratch mount must be mounted write-enabled.

System Action: The Mount fails.

User Response: Look for any preceding message SLS2978A, SLS2979I, SLS2980I, SLS2985I or SLS2986I. Determine why VTCS received Return Code X'RRRRRRRR' and whether this was the correct response for VTV vvvvvv given the details (e.g. jobname) of the address space requesting the mount.

If the mount is still required, make any changes that are needed so that the mount does not fail again, then re-drive the mount.


Explanation: VTV VVVVVV is not accessible as it is still pending completion of an IMPORT request.

System Action: The Mount fails.

User Response: Determine if there was an error condition during IMPORT processing. A possible cause of this would be having LOGPOL=REQUIRED specified, but logging is not active at the time of the IMPORT. This condition can be cleared by first correcting the problem that caused the failure and taking the following steps:

  1. Issue a 'Display VTV VVVVVV' and note the line:

    Importing: NNNN (VTD address)

  2. Issue 'Dismount VVVVVV NNNN'

Attempt to mount the VTV again. If the reason for the failure is not understood, contact StorageTek Software Support.

MVC:MMMMMM MMMMMM Partition map not found

Explanation: VTV VVVVVV has a migrated copy on MVC MMMMMM, which has been written in partitioned mode. Each partitioned mode MVC should have a record in the CDS that describes the usage of the partitions. This record is known as the partition (allocation) map. VTCS was unable to read the partition map for MVC MMMMMM.

System Action: The mount fails.

User Response: Drain or audit MVC MMMMMM, then attempt the mount again.

Recall from tapeplex TTTTTTTT failed

Explanation: In order to mount VTV VVVVVV, VTCS had to recall the VTV from tapeplex TTTTTTTT. The recall failed.

System Action: The Mount fails.

User Response: Message SLS7540E will also be issued to give details of the recall failure. Investigate and correct the cause of the failure.

SMC comms error (RC=RRR)

Explanation: In order to mount VTV VVVVVV, VTCS had to issue an internal request to SMC. This command failed due to an SMC communications error. If output, RC=RRR is the non-zero Return Code.

System Action: The Mount fails.

User Response: Check the status of SMC on the local tapeplex.

  • If message SLS6884E was issued, investigate and correct any errors reported.

  • If message SLS7540E was also issued, indicating a failure to recall VTV VVVVVV from another tapeplex (TTT), perform the same checks on tapeplex TTT as well.



Explanation: The Dismount of volume VVVVVV from VIRTUAL drive DDDDDD failed. The reason for the failure is defined in the ERRTEXT portion of the message. RC is the return code from HSC/VTCS.

Explanations, System Actions and User Responses for the various Reason texts are detailed below. The context in which the message is issued should always be determined, as the text for a given Reason describes the most likely case and may not match the specific case in which it was output.


Explanation: Volume VVVVVV was being Dismounted from device DDDDDD. VTCS determined that VTV VVV222 is still Mounted on the device.

The return code is:

  • 4 if VVVVVV and VVV222 are different. This typically indicates that Mount VVV222 and Dismount VVVVVV requests were presented to VTCS out of sequence.

  • 12 if VVVVVV and VVV222 are identical.

System Action: The Dismount fails.

User Response: If the return code is 4 and VTV VVVVVV is not mounted, there is no error.

Otherwise, determine the status of VTVs VVVVVV and VVV222 (if different). For each VTV, if the VTV is Mounted but should not be, attempt to Unload/Dismount it using the MVS Unload command and the HSC Dismount command.

If the reason for the failure is not understood, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Explanation: Volume VVVVVV was being Dismounted from device DDDDDD. VTCS suffered an internal error (Return Code X'RRRRRRRR') whilst processing the Dismount.

System Action: The Dismount fails.

User Response: Determine the status of the VTV. If it is Mounted but should not be, attempt to Unload/Dismount it using the MVS Unload command and the HSC Dismount command.

If the reason for the failure is not understood, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Explanation: Volume VVVVVV was being Dismounted from device DDDDDD. VTCS could not process the Dismount due to the state of VTSS SSSSSSSS, which could not be accessed by this Host or was not Online to this Host.

System Action: The Dismount fails.

User Response: Check VTSS SSSSSSSS can be accessed by, and is Online to, this Host. Determine the status of the VTV. If it is Mounted but should not be, attempt to Unload/Dismount it using the MVS Unload command and the HSC Dismount command.

If the reason for the failure is not understood, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Explanation: Volume VVVVVV was being Dismounted from device DDDDDD. VTCS could not process the Dismount due to the state of VTSS SSSSSSSS, which could not be accessed by this Host or was not Online to this Host.

System Action: The Dismount fails.

User Response: Check that VTSS SSSSSSSS can be accessed by, and is Online to, this Host.

When VTSS SSSSSSSS is next Online, determine the status of the VTV. If it is Mounted but should not be, attempt to Unload/Dismount it using the MVS Unload command and the HSC Dismount command.

If the reason for the failure is not understood, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Explanation: Volume VVVVVV was being Dismounted from device DDDDDD in VTSS SSSSSSSS. VTCS was unable to process the Dismount because VTSS SSSSSSSS was Offline.

System Action: The Dismount fails.

User Response: Check the status of VTSS SSSSSSSS. If it should be Online but is not, issue VT VARY VTSS(SSSSSSSS) ONLINE.

When VTSS SSSSSSSS is next Online, determine the status of the VTV. If it is Mounted but should not be, attempt to Unload/Dismount it using the MVS Unload command and the HSC Dismount command.

If the reason for the failure is not understood, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Explanation: Volume VVVVVV was being Dismounted from device DDDD. An internal error occurred within VTCS while processing the dismount.

System Action: The Dismount fails.

User Response: Contact StorageTek software support.


Explanation: VTV VVVVVV is not accessible as it is still pending completion of an IMPORT request.

System Action: The Dismount fails.

User Response: Determine if there was an error condition during IMPORT processing. A possible cause of this would be having LOGPOL=REQUIRED specified, but logging is not active at the time of the IMPORT. This condition can be cleared by first correcting the problem that caused the failure and taking the following steps:

  1. Issue a 'Display VTV vvvvvv' and note the line:

    Importing: nnnn (VTD address)

  2. Issue 'Dismount vvvvvv nnnn'

If the reason for the failure is not understood, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Explanation: The VTCS configuration specifies LOGPOL=REQUIRED, which indicates that certain updates must be logged before they are applied to the CDS.

Volume VVVVVV was successfully dismounted from VTD DDDD. VTCS attempted to log the change of status of VTV VVVVVV, but this failed with RC=RRRR. Message SLS6904E, which is output prior to this message, contains text explaining the meaning of RC=RRRR.

System Action: VTCS is unable to update the CDS as the attempt to log the update failed. The CDS will incorrectly show VTV VVVVVV as still being mounted on VTD DDDD.

User Response: The incorrect mount status shown for VTV VVVVVV will clear automatically when the VTV is next mounted and dismounted.

While the VTV is shown as mounted it cannot be migrated, replicated or electronically exported.

To clear the incorrect mount status manually:

  1. Issue command 'Display VTV(vvvvvv)' and note the line:

    "Mounted: dddd" (VTD address).

  2. Issue command 'DISMount vvvvvv,dddd'.


DISMOUNT of VVVVVV from drive DDDDDD sent to VSM

Explanation: A dismount request has been submitted to the VSM system for processing.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


MOUNT of VVVVVV from drive DDDDDD sent to VSM

Explanation: A mount request has been submitted to the VSM system for processing.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


MOUNT of VVVVVV on drive DDDD already in progress

Explanation: A mount request has been submitted to the VSM system for processing. However a duplicate request is currently being processed by the VSM. A duplicate request is one specifying an identical virtual device, volser, subpool, and management class.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: Wait for completion of the original request.


MOUNT of VVVVVV on drive DDDD already redriven

Explanation: A mount request has been submitted to the VSM system for processing. However a duplicate redrive request is already waiting for a final response from the VSM. A duplicate redrive request is one specifying an identical virtual device, volser, subpool, and management class.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: Wait for completion of the original request.


CCCCCCCC parms installed from data set DDDDDD

Explanation: CCCCCCCC = parameter being installed (VTMVCDef). To respond to a VT MVCDef command, HSC has successfully loaded the parameter statements contained in the named data set. The parameters are in use by HSC when this message is issued.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


CCCCCCCC parms not installed, reason code XXXX

Explanation: To respond to a VT MVCDef command, the HSC did not successfully load the parameter statements contained in the named data set.

  • CCCCCCCC = type of parameters being installed (VT MVCDef)

  • XXXX = Hexadecimal reason code:

The following reason codes and definitions indicate why the parameters were not loaded:

  • 0008 - A syntax error occurred on at least one statement

  • 0009 - An inconsistency was found between two statements

  • 000C - An I/O error occurred reading the data set

  • 0010 - The HSC was not able to allocate the data set

  • 0014 - The HSC was not able to open the data set

  • 0018 - Sufficient memory was not available to process the data set

  • 001C - Excessive number of errors (50)

In each case, this message will be preceded by message SLS5628I or SLS0002I giving details of the error(s) encountered.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: Correct the problem with the parameter data set, and retry the command.



Explanation: While processing a VT MVCDEF command or control statement, the HSC has encountered an error.

  • CCCCCCCC is the type of command or control statement (VT MVCDEF)

  • DDDDDDDD is the decimal number of the record within the file

  • EEEE is the system-generated number used for identifying the following line of this multiple-line message. The record number identifies the statement in error. A record number of zero (0) indicates a problem with the data set or an error involving more than one record.

This message is a two line message; the second line indicates the type of error. Second-line text is one of the following:

  • Error allocating data set; Code XXXX-XXXX

    XXXX-XXXX = DYNALLOC error and reason codes

  • Error opening data set; Completion code XXX-XX

    XXX-XX = OPEN completion code and reason code

  • Statement is too long

  • Comment unclosed at end of file

  • I/O error reading data set: CCCCCCCC

    CCCCCCCC = SYNADAF produced error message

  • Unrecognized statement

  • Parameter unsupported on JES3

  • Insufficient memory

  • File processing terminated due to excessive number of errors

  • Error on CCCCCCCC {parameter|list|range}: TTTTTTTT

    CCCCCCCC = which parameter, list, or range is in error

    TTTTTTTT = error text (listed below)

  • Error near column NNN: TTTTTTTT

    NNN = column number where error was detected

    TTTTTTTT = error text (listed below)

Possible error text for the last two second line messages includes:

  • Unknown keyword

  • Required value not found

  • Value supplied when none allowed

  • Mutually exclusive parameters found

  • Positional error

  • Syntax error

  • Invalid value

  • Mandatory parameter missing

  • Corequisite parameter missing

  • Invalid length of value

  • DD3D invalid as MEDIA value

See message SLS1973I for a description of any text not listed here.

System Action: The HSC continues to process the dataset unless the record number displayed is zero, or unless there have been 50 errors encountered in the file. For those two cases, processing of the dataset is terminated.

User Response: Correct the problem with the parameter data set, and re-issue the command.


CCCCCCCC:DDDDDD does not contain any STMTS to process

Explanation: In response to a VT MVCDef command, HSC has not found any statements of the appropriate type in the named data set. The appropriate statements by command are MVCPool.

  • CCCCCCCC is the type of parameters being installed (VT MVCDef).

  • DDDDDD is the data set name.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: Correct the problem with the parameter data set and retry the command.


CCCCCCCC parameters are not loaded

Explanation: In response to a VT MVCDef command, HSC has found that no parameters of that type have been loaded. CCCCCCCC is the type of parameters being installed (VT MVCDef).

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: See previous messages to determine the errors that prevent the parameters from being loaded.


CCCCCCCC parameter status:

Explanation: In response to a VT MVCDef command, HSC displays information about the requested parameters. CCCCCCCC is the type of parameters being installed (VT MVCDef). This message is the first of a three or four line display. The other lines displayed are:

  • LOADED FROM DDDDDD Displays the data set (including member name, if appropriate) from which the parameters were loaded.

  • TITLE : CCCCCCCC Displays the title (from an OPTIONS statement) which was in the data set from which the parameters were loaded. If the parameters did not contain a TITLE, this line of the display is omitted.

  • LOADED ON YYYY-MM-DD AT HH:MM:SS Displays the date and time the parameters were loaded by HSC.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


VTCS {SMF|LOGREC} write failed - RC = RRRR

Explanation: A SMF or LOGREC write for the VTCS system failed with a RRRR return code. For SMF, this is the return code from the SMFEWTM macro. For LOGREC, this is the return code from SVC 76.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: Consult IBM documentation to determine the cause of the failure.



Explanation: A request from VSM to perform the function CCCCCCCC (FileGet/FileSet) failed. RRRRRRRR describes the reason for the failure.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: Correct the reason for the failure.


VTCS CCCCCCCC failed - LRECL greater than 80/84

Explanation: A request from VSM to perform the function CCCCCCCC (FileGet/FileSet) failed. The data set being read or written has an LRECL greater than that which is allowed for the type of file. The maximums allowed are 80 for fixed length files and 84 for variable length files.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: Correct the reason for the failure. The maximums allowed are 80 for fixed length files and 84 for variable length files.


VTCS communications interface initialization started

Explanation: The Communication Interface to VTCS is starting.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


VTCS communications interface initialization failed

Explanation: The Communication Interface to VTCS failed to start.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: Determine the cause of the failure. Previous messages contain the reason for the VTCS Communication Interface Initialization failure.


VCI server controller attach error

Explanation: The VTCS Communication Interface Server Controller failed to start due to an attach error.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: Determine the cause of the failure. Previous messages contain the reason for the VCI Server Controller attach error.


VCI client controller attach error

Explanation: The VTCS Communication Interface Client Controller failed to start due to an attach error.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: Determine the cause of the failure. Previous messages contain the reason for the VCI Client Controller attach error.


VCI monitor restarted

Explanation: The VTCS Communication Interface Monitor task has restarted.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Shutdown HSC VCI client

Explanation: The HSC VTCS Communication Interface Client task is being shutdown in response to a HSC shutdown.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Shutdown HSC VCI server and connected clients

Explanation: The HSC VTCS Communication Interface Server task is being shutdown in response to a HSC shutdown. All connected clients are notified of the shutdown.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


VCI shutdown complete

Explanation: The VTCS Communication Interface has terminated.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


HSC VCI server controller started

Explanation: The VTCS Communication Interface Server Controller has started. The VCI Server controller is ready to service requests from clients.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


HSC VCI server controller restarted

Explanation: The VTCS Communication Interface Server Controller has restarted. The VCI Server controller is ready to service requests from clients.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Client socket - NNNNNNNN connected

Explanation: A VSM client has connected to the HSC VCI Server. This client is assigned socket number NNNNNNNN.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


HSC VCI client controller started

Explanation: The HSC VTCS Communication Interface Client Controller has started. HSC is ready to issue requests to the VSM system.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


HSC client socket - NNNNNNNN connected

Explanation: A HSC client has connected to the VSM Server. This HSC client is assigned socket number NNNNNNNN.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Client socket - NNNNNNNN I/O task restarted

Explanation: The I/O task for client socket NNNNNNNN has restarted.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Client socket - NNNNNNNN receive task restarted

Explanation: The Receive task for client socket NNNNNNNN has restarted.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Invalid packet received for socket - NNNNNNNN

Explanation: An invalid packet was received on client socket NNNNNNNN. The socket will be shutdown.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Cannot QUIM server request handler, error - CCCCCCCC

Explanation: The VCI Server Request Handler could not be started. A CCCCCCCC return code was received from the QUIM function.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


HSC server socket is active

Explanation: The HSC Server Socket is active. The HSC Server is ready to accept VCI requests from VSM clients.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None



Explanation: An error occurred in socket function SSSS. The error is described with the VVVVVVVVV CCCCCCCC EEEEEEEE values displayed.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


HSC client request driver restarted

Explanation: The Request Driver for the HSC Client has restarted.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Client user request block not found for SEQNO NNNNNNNN

Explanation: The Client User Request Block was not found to handle the response with NNNNNNNN sequence number.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Client receive task attach failed

Explanation: The Client Receive task failed to attach.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Socket - NNNNNNNN is disconnected

Explanation: Socket NNNNNNNN has disconnected. All activity on this socket is terminated.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Server socket is disconnected

Explanation: The socket for the HSC VCI Server is disconnect. All activity on this socket is terminated.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Invalid hostname specified for HHHH

Explanation: The HSC system is attempting to connect with the VSM Release 1 system. The VSMHNAME parameter is missing or the hostname HHHH is invalid.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


HSC/VTCS connect complete - Ready to process requests

Explanation: The HSC/VTCS connection is complete. The HSC/VTCS system is ready to process requests.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Vary online request cancelled by subsequent vary offline for ACS AA

Explanation: While executing a request to vary a station or ACS online, the ACS was varied offline by another request.

System Action: The vary online request is not executed.

User Response: If the ACS or station is to be varied online, reissue the request.


No stations defined for ACS AA

Explanation: A vary online request was issued for ACS AA, but no stations were found for this ACS.

System Action: None. The ACS remains disconnected.

User Response: Execute SET SLISTATN to define stations for the ACS. Then reissue the Vary ACS command.


Vary station not allowed for network attached ACS AA

Explanation: Network connections were defined for ACS AA via an LMUPATH parameter; therefore; the vary station command is not applicable.

System Action: The command is processed.

User Response: HSC automatically retries the network TCP/IP socket communication to the LMU for 30 minutes. Verify TCP/IP and LMUs are operational.


ACS AA forced offline due to configuration mismatch for station C...C

Explanation: In attempting to establish an LMU connection via station C...C, a mismatch was detected between the CDS and the LMU configuration definition. A previously issued message explains where the mismatch occurred.

System Action: All stations for this ACS are forced offline.

User Response: Check for previous messages and determine why the configuration does not match. If the problem persists, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Network attach function CCCCCCCC failed for station C...C with errno NNNN

Explanation: The network attach function CCCCCCCC failed.

System Action: The HSC begins network recovery for this station.

User Response: Refer to IBM TCP/IP for MVS Application Programming Interface Guide to determine the cause of the failure and take the appropriate action to correct the error. Once corrected, the next iteration for network connectivity to this station will reestablish communication to the LMU.


Network attachment failed for station C...C because function CCCCCCCC could not be loaded

Explanation: TCP/IP API load module cannot be loaded.

System Action: The station is varied offline.

User Response: Ensure TCP/IP is installed, configured and running properly on this host. When the problem is corrected recycle the HSC started task.


TCP/IP failure for station C...C detected

Explanation: Asynchronous select function failure.

System Action: The HSC begins network recovery for this station.

User Response: Ensure TCP/IP is installed, configured and running properly for this host. Verify the LMUs are operational. Once network problem is resolved, the next iteration for network connectivity to this station will reestablish communication to the LMU.


Network attach function CCCCCCCC failed because station C...C is no longer connected

Explanation: The socket connection to the LMU has been lost.

System Action: The HSC begins network recovery for this station.

User Response: Ensure TCP/IP is installed, configured and running properly on this host. Verify the LMUs are operational. Once network problem is resolved, the next iteration for network connectivity to this station will reestablish communication to the LMU.


No stations were found offline for ACS AA

Explanation: A Vary ACS ONline was issued for ACS AA, but there were no stations marked as offline.

System Action: None

User Response: None


ACS, STation, or station addresses required for Vary command

Explanation: An attempt was made to enter a Vary request, but neither the ACS or STation keyword or a list of device numbers was specified.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: Re-enter the command specifying either ACS, or STation, or list of device numbers.


VARY {ACS AA|STation C...C} OFFline not allowed; CAP is reserved to this host

Explanation: An attempt was made to Vary the ACS OFFline, either by specifying the ACSid or the device address of the last STation. The system has detected that a CAP within the ACS is reserved to this host.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: Issue the command Display CAP AA to display the status of all CAPs in the ACS. Terminate the CAP activity for the active CAP and reissue the command.


ACS nn: Recovery of network connection to station C...C is now active

Explanation: The HSC TCP/IP interface has detected an error or timeout condition with station C...C. Network recovery begins.

System Action: The HSC will continue trying to reestablish the connection between its socket and the remote station socket every 10 seconds for a total of 30 minutes.

User Response: In a dual LMU environment, a switch to the standby station can be done if other host processing is not greatly impacted. Otherwise, diagnose and correct the network problem with the LMU or host. Once corrected, the next iteration for network connectivity will reestablish communication to the LMU.


ACS nn: Recovery of network connection to station C...C successful

Explanation: The HSC has successfully recovered network connectivity to station C...C.

System Action: The HSC will redrive LMU requests that have accumulated during recovery.

User Response: None


ACS nn: Unable to reestablish network connection to station C...C

Explanation: The recovery process to reestablish network connectivity to station C...C has timed out.

System Action: HSC discontinues further connection attempts to the station. The station is considered in error. In a single LMU environment, the ACS is marked offline. In a dual LMU environment, the ACS is marked offline when network recovery has timed out on both stations.

User Response: In a single LMU environment, the ACS can be varied online after the network problem is corrected. In a dual LMU environment, the ACS can be varied online after recovery attempts for both stations have timed out. Note, in both instances all outstanding LMU requests are purged.


VARY ACS AA ONLINE/OFFLINE failed because the ACS is unallocated

Explanation: The HSC has determined that this ACS is UNALLOCATED.

System Action: None, the ACS remains in OFFLINE status.

User Response: If the ACS identifier was entered incorrectly, re-issue the command specifying the correct ACS identifier.


TCP/IP is not available. LMUPATH HOST NAME CCCCCCC is unresolvable. Reply I to IGNORE

Explanation: HSC has attempted to resolve HOST NAME CCCCCCCC specified on a LMUPATH statement. TCP/IP is not available and CCCCCCCC is unresolvable.

System Action: HSC will attempt to resolve HOST NAME CCCCCCCC every 10 seconds until it is successful or a reply of I is given to SLS6016D.

User Response: Initialize TCP/IP or reply I to message SLS6016D. If a reply of I is given then HSC will continue to initialize. Once TCP/IP is available the LMUPDEF command will need to be re-issued and then the ACS will have to be varied ONLINE.


HSC version incompatible with DR test

Explanation: An attempt to start the HSC failed because its version or release level conflicts with the DR test environment. The CDS indicates there is either an active DR test or the CDS is the DR test CDS.

System Action: HSC initialization terminates.

User Response: Only HSC 5.0 and above systems can participate in a DR test. Either terminate the DR test or start an HSC/HSC on this host at 5.0 or above.



Explanation: A DRTEST request was sent to the HSC via the Address Space Communications Service (ASCOMM), but that component failed with a return code of XXXXXXXX.

System Action: The DRTEST request fails.

User Response: Look up the ASCOMM return code in the appropriate ELS guide to try to determine the cause for the failure. If unable to remedy the error, contact StorageTek Software Support.



Explanation: A DRTEST request was sent to the HSC but an error condition was detected that prevented the request from being performed. CCCC...CCCC details the reason for the error and is one of the following:

  • Unrecognized DR test request

  • DR test environment not established (run DRTEST CREATE)

  • DR test request not permitted from DR test site

  • DR test already active

  • DR test not active

  • DR test request requires VTCS to be active

  • DR test START not allowed with back-level systems active (hostid)

  • Non-spare/shared DR test VTSS not offline

  • CAP(s) in the DR test ACS found active

  • CAP(s) in the DR test ACS in automatic mode

  • Not all hosts adapted the DR test state

System Action: The DRTEST request fails.

User Response: The explanations above are fairly self-explanatory. You must run the DRTEST CREATE utility function to create the DRTEST CDS before a DR test START request can be issued. All CAPs in the DR test ACS must be idle and in manual mode during a DR test. VTCS must be up and the non-shared DR test VTSS(s) varied offline to the production site. If the CDRT Clean Up software feature is installed, then for DRTEST START to be successful, all active hosts sharing the same CDS must have the feature installed. If that is found not to be the case the first back-level system discovered is reported in the error message as (hostid).



Explanation: A DRTEST request completed successfully

System Action: The HSC continues processing. If a DR test was started, some operational restrictions are now in effect such as: CAPs must remain in manual mode; dynamic reconfiguration is not allowed; Audit and Move utilities are not allowed; a DR test VTSS that is not shared with the DR test system cannot be varied online.

The MNTD command to set FLOAT(ON) or EJCTAUTO(ON) is permitted during an active DR test, but these options are not honored until the DR test is stopped. If a DR test was stopped, normal production operation continues without the above operational restrictions.

User Response: None


Parameter {FLOAT(ON)|EJCTAUTO(ON)} for acs XX [not allowed for DRTEST system]|[set but not honored during active DRTEST]

Explanation: A MNTD command specified FLOAT(ON) or EJCTAUTO(ON). If this is a DR test system, the parameter is not allowed. If this is a production system with an active DR test, the parameter is allowed but is not honored while the DR test is active.

System Action: The HSC continues processing. If this is a DR test system, the command is rejected. If this is a production system with an active DR test, the command is accepted, but the parameter is not honored until after the DR test is terminated.

User Response: If this is a DR test system, the command cannot be issued with the specified parameter. If this is a production system with an active DR test, no action is required. The parameter will be honored when the DR test is stopped.



Explanation: A CAPPREF, ENTER, EJECT, MOVE or VARY command, or a EJECT, MOVE, or SCREDIST utility function was requested but could not be performed because it conflicts with an active DR test. The CAP, ACS, or STATION where the function was not permitted is identified.

System Action: The HSC continues processing. The requested function cannot be performed until the DR test is terminated.

User Response: Wait until the DR test is terminated before attempting to perform the requested function on a production site HSC. The requested function can never be performed from a DR test site HSC.



Explanation: A HSC SLUADMIN Audit, Eject, Move, Scratch Update, or Scratch Redistribution utility function was requested but could not be performed because it conflicts with an active DR test.

System Action: The utility function terminates.

User Response: Wait until the DR test is terminated before attempting to execute the SLUADMIN utility function on a production site HSC. The utility function can never be performed from a DR test site HSC.


DR test {started|not started|stopped|not stopped} {successfully| unsuccessfully} on {host CCCCCCCC|all hosts}

Explanation: A DRTEST request was sent to an active HSC system. This message tells of the success or failure to set the DR test state on a particular host (CCCCCCCC) or for all hosts (from the controlling HSC).

System Action: The HSC continues processing.

User Response: If the message indicates the DR test was started or stopped successfully on all hosts, then continue with the DR test as desired. If the DR test state is not started or stopped successfully on a particular host, then investigate the cause on that host, possibly recycle the HSC there. If you are unable to remedy the problem, contact StorageTek Software Support.


ENTER rejected; TLSM ACS XX does not equal CAP ACS YY

Explanation: An attempt to process an ENter command was rejected because the LSMid specified by the TLSM parameter resides in a different ACS than the CAP.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: Re-enter the command specifying a CAPid and a TLSM LSMid in the same ACS.


No scratch volumes meet eject criteria in ACS AA

Explanation: An EJect command was issued specifying the SCRTCH parameter. A CAP was requested from ACS AA or no CAP identifier was specified and the command defaulted to ACS 00. ACS AA did not contain any scratch volumes as requested by the parameters of the EJect command.

System Action: The EJect command continues.

User Response: Re-enter the EJect command specifying scratch volume criteria for scratch volumes contained in ACS AA.


RELEASE AA:LL:CC rejected; host CCCCCCCC is active

Explanation: The RELease command was issued for the specified host, but the host was identified as active.

System Action: The CAP is not released.

User Response: Physically verify that the host in question is inactive.

  • If the host is active, issue the RELease command on the specified host.

  • If and only if the host is inactive, issue the RECover host command with the FORCE option. Then re-issue the RELease command specifying the host operand.


Use the FORCE operand with great care. Make sure the specified host is inactive before issuing the RECover command with this operand. Forced recovery of an active host requires that the HSC on that host be recycled. If the host was active at the time of the RECover host command execution, unexpected abends may occur during tape activity or when the HSC on the host is recycled.



Explanation: An attempt to create a DR test data set, CCCC...CCCC1, with the SLUADMIN utility has failed because the data set is either unknown or unsuitable for use as a CDS copy or journal data set. CCCCCCCC2 is one of the following reasons:

  • Invalid BLKSIZE (the BLKSIZE must be 4096)

  • Invalid DSORG (the DSORG must be PS)

  • More than one extent

  • Invalid UCB type (the data set must reside on a DASD)

  • Could not obtain VTOC info

System Action: The SLUADMIN utility terminates.

User Response: When attempting to create the DR test data set, make sure that the data set was specified correctly on the SWUNEWx or SLSJRNXX DD statement. If the reason was ”Could not obtain VTOC info”, then it is likely that the DSN= parameter (or VOL=SER= parameter for uncataloged data sets) was either missing or incorrectly specified. For all other reasons, if the DSN= parameter specified the correct data set, then the data set is unsuitable for use as a CDS copy or journal data set; reallocate a new data set with the proper attributes and re-execute the SLUADMIN utility.


New CDS CCCC...CCCC is of insufficient size; capacity is DDD1 blocks, required capacity is DDD2 blocks

Explanation: An attempt to create a DR test CDS data set, CCCC...CCCC, with the SLUADMIN utility has failed because the data set is not big enough. It can contain only DDD1 4096-byte blocks but the DR test CDS requires at least DDD2 blocks.

System Action: The SLUADMIN utility terminates.

User Response: Reallocate a larger new CDS data set and re-execute the SLUADMIN utility.


BSAM OPEN failed for new CDS CCCC...CCCC

Explanation: An attempt to create a DR test CDS data set, CCCC...CCCC, with the SWUADMIN utility has failed during its initialization process. A BSAM Open operation failed.

System Action: The SWUADMIN utility terminates.

User Response: Look for other error messages from BSAM that might help isolate the error. If the error cannot be resolved, contact StorageTek Software Support.


BSAM WRITE failed for new CDS CCCC...CCCC, block DDDD

Explanation: An attempt to create a DR test CDS data set, CCCC...CCCC, with the SWUADMIN utility has failed during its initialization process. A BSAM Write operation failed writing block number DDDD.

System Action: The SWUADMIN utility terminates.

User Response: Look for other error messages from BSAM that might help isolate the error. If it is a permanent I/O error, delete and reallocate a new CDS data set and re-execute the SWUADMIN utility. If the error cannot be resolved, contact StorageTek Software Support.



Explanation: An attempt to copy a DR test CDS data set, CCCC...CCC1, to a CDS copy, CCCC...CCC2 by the SLUADMIN utility has failed in the UBSMIO subroutine with a return code XXXX.

System Action: The SLUADMIN utility terminates.

User Response: Look for other error messages from BSAM that might help isolate the error. If it is a permanent I/O error, delete and reallocate a CDS copy and re-execute the SLUADMIN utility. If the error cannot be resolved, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Nonzero return code from UDB macro; function is CCCCCCCC, RC=XXXX

Explanation: A UDB macro was issued for a CCCCCCCC function against the CDS and received a non zero return code XXXX.

System Action: The DRTEST function terminates with a RC=8.

User Response: Message SLS6035E is preceded by another message giving a more detailed explanation of the error condition. If the error cannot be resolved, contact StorageTek Software Support.


RESET not allowed: CCCC....CCCC

Explanation: An attempt to RESET the CDRT flags in a CDS via the SLUADMIN utility was disallowed. CCCC....CCCC details the reason for the error and is one of the following:

  • Cannot reset DR test CDS

  • DR test is active

System Action: The SLUADMIN utility terminates.

User Response: RESET is used to remove all CDRT flags in a production CDS set by a previous execution of the SLUADMIN utility. It is not used against a DR test CDS. RESET cannot be performed if a DR test is active. Wait until the DR test is terminated before attempting to RESET the production CDS.


Journal CCCC...CCCC1 formatted

Explanation: The SLUADMIN utility has formatted a DR test Journal data set, CCCC...CCCC1.

System Action: The SLUADMIN utility continues.

User Response: None


Insufficient number of SLSJRNxx DD statements for number of DR Host IDs

Explanation: An attempt to create the required DR test Journal data sets with the SLUADMIN utility has failed because there were an insufficient number of SLSJRNxx DD statements for the SLUADMIN utility job.

System Action: The SLUADMIN utility terminates.

User Response: There needs to be two Journal data sets per DR host defined in the SLUADMIN jobstep. These should be SWUJRN00 and SWUJRN01 for the first host id, SWUJRN02 and SWUJRN03 for the second host id, etc. Allocate the proper number of Journal data sets, specify the correct SWUJRNxx DD statements, and re-execute the SLUADMIN utility.


CAP AA:LL:CC not in MANUAL mode or not IDLE

Explanation: An attempt to create the DR test environment with the SLUADMIN utility has failed because of the CAP status in the production HSC environment.

System Action: The SLUADMIN utility terminates.

User Response: All CAPs in the DR test ACS must be in Manual mode and idle. Issue a DISPLAY CAP command from an active HSC system. If a CAP in the DR test ACS is active, stop the Enter or Eject operation from the controlling HSC. If a CAP in the DR test ACS is in Automatic mode, use the CAPPREF command to set the CAP to manual mode. Then re-execute the SLUADMIN utility.


RELEASE AA:LL:CC rejected; CAP is active on host CCCCCCCC

Explanation: The RELease command was issued for CAP AA:LL:CC, but the CAP is active on host CCCCCCCC.

System Action: The CAP is not released.

User Response: Physically verify that the host in question is active.

  • If the host is active, issue the RELease command on the specified host.

  • If the host is inactive, re-issue the RELease command specifying the host operand.


Addition of HOSTID will exceed HSC maximum of 16

Explanation: An attempt to create the DR test environment has failed because of the number of host ids specified on the HOSTID parameter of the DRTEST control statement plus the number of hosts already defined in the CDS exceeds the maximum of 16.

System Action: The DRTEST function terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: If possible, reduce the number of HOSTIDs specified for the DR test environment. If the number of hosts in the production HSC environment is already at the maximum of 16, consider using the ELS client/server feature to reduce the number of HSC hosts needed and then re-generate the CDS with fewer host ids and re-execute the DRTEST function.



Explanation: An attempt to create the DR test environment with the SLUADMIN utility has failed because one of the following, specified on the DRTEST control statement did not exist in the current CDS:

  • The host id, CCCCCCCC, specified on the HOSTID parameter

  • The ACS id, AA, specified on the DRACS parameter

  • The VTSS name, CCCCCCCC, specified on the DRVTSS parameter

  • The storage manager name, CCCCCCCC, specified on the STORMNGR parameter

System Action: The SLUADMIN utility terminates.

User Response: All HOSTID host ids must exist in the current production HSC/VTCS CDS. If the HOSTID host id was incorrectly specified, correct the specification and re-execute the SLUADMIN utility. If the HOSTID host id does not exist in the production CDS, add it with the HSC SLUADMIN SLUSET utility function. Similarly, the ACS ID, VTSS names and storage manager id must exist in the production HSC CDS. If either of these were incorrectly specified, correct the error. Then re-execute the SLUADMIN utility.


Cannot create DRTEST CDS; DR test is active

Explanation: An attempt to create the DR test environment with the SLUADMIN utility has failed because the utility has detected an active DR test.

System Action: The SLUADMIN utility terminates.

User Response: Stop the current DR test; issue the DRTEST STOP command and re-execute the SLUADMIN utility.


DRTEST START/STOP parameter requires HSC to be active on this system

Explanation: An attempt to start or stop the DR test with the SLUADMIN utility has failed because the HSC is currently not active on this system.

System Action: The SLUADMIN utility terminates without starting or stopping the DR test.

User Response: The HSC (and VTCS) must be active on the system where the DRTEST START or STOP is issued. When the HSC is active, consider using the HSC DRTEST command to start of stop the DR test. If you desire to create the DR test environment and start the DR test in one operation from the SLUADMIN utility, then assure that the HSC and VTCS are both fully initialized on the system and re-execute the SLUADMIN utility.


RELEASE AA:LL:CC cancelled

Explanation: A RELease command was executing when a DRAIN command or a second RELease command began CAP recovery for the same CAP.

System Action: The RELease command is cancelled.

User Response: None



Explanation: An attempt to create the DR test environment failed because the DRTEST PRIMEPRD or DRTEST CREATE function was previously run, and the current DRTEST CREATE configuration does not match the production CDS. Either:

  • The ACS ID on the production CDS is set to DRTEST ON but the ACS ID is not in the current DRTEST CREATE.

  • The ACS ID on the production CDS is set to DRTEST OFF but the ACS ID is in the current DRTEST CREATE.

  • The VTSS ID on the production CDS is set to DRTEST ON but the VTSS ID is not in the current DRTEST CREATE.

  • The VTSS ID on the production CDS is set to DRTEST OFF but the VTSS ID is in the current DRTEST CREATE.

  • The VTSS ID on the production CDS is set to DRTEST ON and SPARE, but the DRTEST CREATE does not specify SPARE.

  • The VTSS ID on the production CDS is set to DRTEST ON and NOT SPARE, but the DRTEST CREATE specified SPARE.

  • The STORMNGR id on the production CDS is set to DRTEST ON but the STORMNGR id is not in the current DRTEST CREATE.

  • The STORMNGR id on the production CDS is set to DRTEST OFF but the STORMNGR id is in the current DRTEST CREATE.

System Action: The DRTEST CREATE terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Execute either the DRTEST RESET or DRTEST PRIMEPRD function to reset the production CDS DRTEST statuses to match the desired DRTEST configuration. Then, re-execute the DRTEST CREATE function.


NOUPDPRD not allowed; PRIMEPRD function was not executed

Explanation: An attempt to create the DR test environment failed because DRTEST CREATE option NOUPDPRD was specified but the PRIMEPRD function was not previously run.

System Action: The DRTEST CREATE terminates with a RC=8.

User Response: Execute either the PRIMEPRD function, or remove the NOUPDPRD parameter.


SLSCNTLx specifications do not match SLSNEWx specifications

Explanation: An attempt to create the DR test environment with the SLUADMIN utility has failed because the current HSC CDS configuration does not match that for the supplied SLSNEWx DD statements.

System Action: The SLUADMIN utility terminates.

User Response: The number of CDS copies in the DR test CDS must be the same as the number of copies of the current HSC CDS. If the current HSC CDS has a shadow and standby copy, then SLSNEW1, SLSNEW2, and SLSNEW3 DD statements must be supplied in the SLUADMIN JCL. Determine the number of current CDS copies and supply the proper number of SLSNEWx DD statements and re-execute the SLUADMIN utility.


MMMMMMMM macro failure RC=XXXX, reason code=XXXXXXXX

Explanation: The SLUCONDB utility program received an error invoking system macro (MMMMMMMM). The return code (XXXX) is the contents of R15. The reason code (XXXXXXXX) is the contents of R0.

System Action: The utility terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Determine and correct the problem. (Refer to the appropriate manual for the specified macro.) Then execute the utility again.


Insufficient work area length for CCC entries; increase value in program for max entries

Explanation: The data space work area created by the SLUCONDB utility program is not large enough to accommodate the number of CDS or TMC (CCC) records extracted. The data space size must be increased, which is the value in the field DATSPASZ.

System Action: The utility terminates with a return code of 8.

User Response: Increase the data space size value in the field DATSPASZ, then assemble and link the SLUCONDB program, and execute the utility again.


No CCC records found to extract

Explanation: The SLUCONDB utility program attempted to extract CDS or TMC (CCC) records, but no records were extracted.

System Action: The utility terminates with a return code of 4.

User Response: Determine if the results are correct, or determine the problem and execute the utility again.


VTCS CCCCCC CDS level is incompatible with utility maintenance level

Explanation: CCCCCC CDS was found to be of a type that is not supported by the current Merge utility. VTCS related Merge, supports extended mode formats for the 'to' and 'from' CDS.

System Action: Merge will not populate the 'to' CDS with VTCS related resources.

User Response: None


Merge unlinking VTV VVVVVV from MVC MMMMMM Maximum supported copies reached

Explanation: Merge processing is unlinking a copy of VTV VVVVVV from MVC MMMMMM during the process of merging the 'to' and 'from' CDS's. Merge has detected that the 'to' CDS does not support the same number of migrated copies of the VTV as the 'from' CDS. Extra copies will be unlinked from their respective MVC's.

System Action: Processing continues with populating the 'to' CDS.

User Response: None


{SCRATCH UPDATE} not allowed, volume invalid/not defined in DRTEST subpool

Explanation: A Scratch command function was requested in a DR test environment and the volume was not found in a DRTEST subpool. The scratch function was not performed. This message can also appear if the volume serial number (VOLSER) is not defined in the library.

System Action: The volume is not scratched.

User Response: To mark a volume scratch in a DR test environment, the volume must be defined in a subpool using the DRTEST parameter of the POOLPARM utility statement.



Explanation: The CDS Record Analyzer Utility encountered an error condition. CCCCCCCCCC can be one of the following:

  • Database initialization failed



  • CDS subfile read failed for subfile ssss

  • CDS subfile access failed for subfile ssss

  • CDS optional subfile access failed for ssss

  • Basic analysis: errors found

  • Detailed analysis: errors found

  • VSM analysis: errors found

System Action: The utility might run to completion or might terminate early with a condition code of 4, 8 or 12 depending on the condition encountered.

User Response: See the utility output for other messages that explain the failure in more detail. If necessary, make changes to fix the condition and execute the utility again.


Hostid CCCCCCCC already defined in the CDS

Explanation: The Newhost hostid CCCCCCCC is a duplicate of an existing hostid in the database.

System Action: The utility terminates processing.

User Response: Select a new hostid and resubmit the utility.


Cartridge volser entered into LSMID acsid:lsmid on DRTEST host, audit ACS or eject cartridge after DRTEST

Explanation: The cartridge is entered into a Disaster Recovery (DR) ACS, its volume serial number optically verified, and it is moved to its new location. After completion of the Disaster Recovery test either audit the DR ACS or eject the cartridge at the conclusion of the DRTEST.

System Action: Volume serial number volser is entered into the library. Its location is within the specified ACS and LSM.

User Response: Either eject the cartridge or audit the ACS after the DRTEST is complete .


STORMNGR CCCCCCCC not connected to any VTSS in the DRVTSS parameter

Explanation: An attempt to create the DR test environment with the SLUADMIN utility has failed because the storage manager id, CCCCCCCC, specified in the STORMNGR parameter is not connected to any VTSS specified in the DRVTSS parameter of the DRTEST control statement.

System Action: The SLUADMIN utility terminates.

User Response: Correct the storage manager id specified in the STORMNGR parameter and re-execute the SLUADMIN utility.


DRTEST parameter SHARE requires VOLPARM

Explanation: A DRTEST CREATE or PRIMEPRD request was specified with a SHARE parameter. However, the production CDS did not contain VOLPARM definitions.

System Action: The DRTEST utility request fails.

User Response: Run the SET VOLPARM utility to create VOLPARM definitions on the production CDS, then rerun the DRTEST utility.


Communications to TTTTTTTT is down and affecting DDDDDDDD

Explanation: A failure has been detected in communicating with TapePlex TTTTTTTT. Because of this, the path or device DDDDDDDD is unable to function.

System Action: Regular retries will be performed to detect when communication to the TapePlex comes back online. Up until this time, the path or device will not be used.

User Response: Find out why communication via SMC to the named TapePlex has a problem and correct it.


RTD path PPPPPPPP from SSSSSSSS to DDDDDDDD available for use

Explanation: The path named PPPPPPPP that connects SSSSSSSS to DDDDDDDD can now service requests. This message is issued either at HSC startup, after the path is varied online or after the path is reset following an error condition.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None



Explanation: An MVS catalogue lookup found NNNN data set names matching the specified pattern pattern.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: If no data set-names were correct the input and re-run the utility.


ttt VVVVVV information:

Explanation: Shows the results of the following commands:

  • Query CLINK

  • Query CLUSTER

  • Query CONFIG

  • Query LOCKs

  • Query MIGrate

  • Query MVC

  • Query MVCPool

  • Query PATH

  • Query REPLicat

  • Query STORMNgr

  • Query VSCRatch

  • Query TASKs

  • Query VTD

  • Query VTSS

  • Query VTV


Message SLS6603I shows various VTSS attributes after the SET MIGOPT command has been processed. The following is an example of the output:



VTSS is the name of the VTSS. The following values are for this VTSS:

  • HAMT - the high automatic migration threshold

  • LAMT - the low automatic migration threshold

  • MAXMIG - the maximum number of migration tasks

  • MINMIG - the minimum number of migration tasks

System Action: VTCS processing continues.

User Response: None


CDS format is not compatible with VTCS V5.0/V5.1

Explanation: The CDS can not be processed by VTCS V5.0/V5.1 because the format is unknown or unsupported.

System Action: VTCS processing terminates.

User Response: Check that the CDS format is one of the following:

  • Standard format (V4/V5.0.V5.1)

  • Extended format (V5.0.V5.1)

If the CDS has been configured correctly, refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.


Initiating swap of MVC VVVVVV from RTD DDDDDD

Explanation: A data check was encountered when reading or writing to MVC VVVVVV upon RTD DDDDDD.

System Action: The current action will be attempted once more upon another RTD. If the retry also fails upon a different drive, the MVC will be marked in error and an attempt will be made to use an alternate MVC.

User Response: The reason for the error should be investigated. Check the SYSLOG for other indications as to the nature of the error.

  • If the MVC is damaged or suspect, then use the VT MVCDRAIN command to remove any VTVs from the MVC.

    However, if the error occurred on a VOLSAFE (WORM) tape, do not drain the MVC without the recommendation of Oracle/StorageTek Support. Once a WORM tape is drained, it can no longer be used for migration and must be replaced.

  • If the problem keeps recurring upon the same RTD, use the VT VARY command to vary the RTD offline and contact StorageTek Hardware Support.


CDS is not configured for VTCS

Explanation: The VTCS component is installed and enabled, but no configuration information was found in the CDS.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


RC XXXX from SORT - MVC detail report not generated

Explanation: While attempting a sort during a MVC detail report, the return code XXXX was returned from the sort utility.

System Action: The detail part of the report is not produced.

User Response: Check the JOBLOG for further messages that may give further details as to the nature of the problem. Check that all of the requisite DD statements are present for performing a sort.


No virtual devices defined for VTSS XXXXXXXX

Explanation: There are no valid virtual devices defined for communicating with VTSS XXXXXXXX. This could be caused by a hardware error or because the devices in the configuration are not virtual devices upon the correct VTSS.

System Action: Processing continues, but the VTSS will be considered as being in an offline mode. VTVs in VTSS XXXXXXXX are still accessible via other VTSSs as long as there is a copy of the VTV upon an accessible MVC. Continued running of the VTSS in offline mode will result in old copies or duplicate copies of VTVs being left within the offline VTSS.

User Response: Review the SYSLOG to see if there is a reason for the virtual device not being found.

Check and review the VTCS configuration. Check and review the MVS and processor configuration. This message will normally be proceeded by SLS6675E messages.

Check and review the VTCS configuration. Check and review the MVS and processor configuration. This message will normally be proceeded by SLS6675E messages.



Explanation: The server task for VTSS XXXXXXXX has found that the VTSS name was not set.

System Action: The VTSS will be configured with the name stored in the CDS.

User Response: None


Unable to open DCB for DDDDDD DD

Explanation: While running a utility, a failure occurred when attempting to open the data set associated with DD DDDDDD.

System Action: The utility function will fail.

User Response: Check the JOBLOG for further messages that may give further details as to the nature of the problem. Check that all of the requisite DD statements are present for performing the requested utility function.



Explanation: There are NNNNNNNN empty MVCs in ACS AA or named MVCPOOL PPPPPPPP. These are available to receive migrated VTVs within that ACS or named MVCPOOL. This number does not include MVCS that contain VTVs

System Action: If the number of free MVCs drops too low, then automatic space reclaim will be started.

User Response: None


NNNNNNNN requests are stalled awaiting offline RTDs

Explanation: The indicated number of requests are held up in the system because all of the candidate RTDs are in an offline or maintenance state.

System Action: HSC processing continues

User Response: Use the VT DISPLAY QUEUE DETAIL command to find out which requests are held up. Use the VT VARY command to vary online some suitable RTDs.


Scratch subpool PPPPPPPP contains NNNNNNNN VTVs

Explanation: The scratch subpool PPPPPPPP contains the indicated number of scratch VTVs.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


NNNNNNNN MVCs are candidates for space reclaim in ACS|MVCPOOL AA|PPPPPPPP

Explanation: The indicated number of MVCs within ACS AA or named MVCPOOL PPPPPPPP have sufficient deleted space to qualify for space reclaim processing.

System Action: When this figure exceeds the reclaim start threshold, automatic space reclaim will be started.

User Response: None


Automatic space reclaim scheduled for ACS|MCPOOL AA|PPPPPPPP

Explanation: The number of MVCs eligible for space reclamation within ACS AA or named MVCPOOL PPPPPPPP has exceeded the start threshold and a space reclaim request has been submitted.

If reclaim is scheduled against an ACS, preference will be given to reclaiming space from eligible MVCs in ACS AA.

Eligible MVCs in other ACSs may also be reclaimed if the maximum number of MVCs that may be reclaimed has not been reached.

If reclaim is scheduled against an MVCPool, only MVCs from that MVCPool may be reclaimed.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


VTSS XXXXXXXX has no compatible devices for accessing MVC VVVVVV

Explanation: A request needs to access the volume VVVVVV from the VTSS XXXXXXXX. There are no compatible RTDs attached to the VTSS to support access to the volume.

System Action: The request is failed.

User Response: Review the VOLATTR definitions for the MVCs. This condition is most likely to occur in a multi-VTSS environment where there is an inconsistent RTD device mix between the VTSSs. It may be necessary to modify JCL to use a VTSS with a suitable RTD.


VTSS XXXXXXXX has no devices in ACS AA for accessing MVC VVVVVV

Explanation: A request needs to access the volume VVVVVV from the VTSS XXXXXXXX. The VTSS has no suitable RTDs in ACS AA that support the volume.

System Action: An RTD in another ACS is selected.

User Response: Operator action will be required to remove the volume from its current ACS and place it into the ACS that is finally selected.

This condition is most likely to occur in a multi-VTSS environment where there is limited access between VTSSs and the different ACSs. In order to stop the manual intervention, it may be necessary to modify JCL to use a VTSS with a suitable RTD.


RTD CCCCCCCC has an unrecognized device type of XXXXXXXX

Explanation: When initializing RTD CCCCCCCC, HSC indicated that it was a XXXXXXXX type of device. This is not a suitable device type for an RTD.

System Action: The RTD is regarded as broken and is unusable.

User Response: Review the configuration and restart HSC.


XXXXXXXX server task termination detected

Explanation: The XXXXXXXX server has abnormally terminated for some reason.

System Action: The remainder of the VTCS subsystem will close down.

User Response: Review the SYSLOG to see if there is a reason for the termination. Refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.


VCI response=#

Explanation: VTCS has given the indicated response to the listed VCI request (#). VCI is the protocol used internally within VTCS.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support, as VCI requests/responses should not be externalized to customers.


Invalid command string length for XXXXXXXX utility

Explanation: The parameters to the XXXXXXXX utility are either missing or exceed the size of an internal buffer.

System Action: The utility request is ignored.

User Response: Review the parameters to the utility request.



Explanation: An error has been reported upon RTD DDDDDD. The reason for the error is indicated by RRRRRRRR. XXXXXXXX contains the sense bytes reported back to the VTSS from the RTD.

System Action: If required, an error record will be written to SYS1.LOGREC. Depending upon the nature of the error and the processing at the time, the RTD may be made temporarily unavailable and the request retried upon a different RTD. If possible an alternative MVC may be used.

User Response: The reason for the error should be investigated. If the problem keeps recurring upon the same RTD, use the VT VARY command to vary the RTD offline and contact StorageTek Software Support.

If the problem follows the MVC, then the media is probably damaged in some way. Attempt recovery of the data from the MVC by the use of the VT MVCDRAIN EJECT command.

However, if the error occurred on a VOLSAFE (WORM) tape, do not drain the MVC without the recommendation of Oracle/StorageTek Support. Once a WORM tape is drained, it can no longer be used for migration and must be replaced.



Explanation: The ECAM request to vary offline the shared RTD DDDDDD from VTSS XXXXXXXX has failed. The switch-over of the device to another VTSS could not be completed.

System Action: Depending upon the nature of the error and the processing at the time, the RTD may be made temporarily unavailable and the request retried upon a different RTD. If possible an alternative MVC may be used.

User Response: The reason for the error should be investigated. Check the SYSLOG for other indications as to the nature of the error.

If the problem keeps recurring upon the same RTD, use the VT VARY command to vary the RTD offline and contact StorageTek Hardware Support.



Explanation: The ECAM request to vary online the RTD DDDDDD to VTSS XXXXXXXX has failed. Either the switch over of the device from another subsystem could not be completed or the device could not be varied online for the first time.

System Action: Depending upon the nature of the error and the processing at the time, the RTD may be made temporarily unavailable and the request retried upon a different RTD. If possible an alternative MVC may be used.

User Response: The reason for the error should be investigated. Check the SYSLOG for other indications as to the nature of the error.

Check that the RTD is not online to another system. If the problem keeps recurring upon the same RTD, use the VT VARY command to vary the RTD offline and contact StorageTek Hardware Support.



Explanation: The ECAM request to mount the MVC VVVVVV upon the RTD DDDDDD that is attached to VTSS XXXXXXXX has failed.

System Action: Depending upon the nature of the error and the processing at the time, the RTD may be made temporarily unavailable and the request retried upon a different RTD. If possible an alternative MVC may be used.

User Response: The reason for the error should be investigated. Check the SYSLOG for other indications as to the nature of the error.

  • If the problem keeps recurring upon the same RTD, use the VT VARY command to vary the RTD offline and contact StorageTek Hardware Support.

  • If the problem keeps recurring upon the same MVC, check the media for physical damage.



Explanation: The ECAM request to dismount the MVC VVVVVV from the RTD DDDDDDDD that is attached to VTSS XXXXXXXX has failed.

System Action: Depending upon the nature of the error and the processing at the time, the RTD may be made temporarily unavailable and the request retried upon a different RTD. If possible an alternative MVC may be used.

User Response: The reason for the error should be investigated. Check the SYSLOG for other indications as to the nature of the error.

  • If the problem keeps reoccurring upon the same RTD, use the VT VARY command to vary the RTD offline and contact Sun StorageTek Hardware Support.

  • If the problem keeps reoccurring upon the same MVC, check the media for physical damage.


Orphan copy of VTV VVVVVV in offline VTSS XXXXXXXX

Explanation: An old or duplicate copy of VTV VVVVVV has been created in VTSS XXXXXXXX because the VTSS was running in an offline mode.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: When the VTSS has been brought back into an online mode, a VTSS audit will need to be scheduled in order to remove any old or duplicate VTV copies.


VTSS: XXXXXXX1 VTV: VVVVVV duplicate deleted from XXXXXXX2

Explanation: When checking the status of VTV VVVVVV upon VTSS XXXXXXX1, a duplicate or out-of-date version of the VTV was found upon VTSS XXXXXXX2.

System Action: The copy of the VTV upon VTSS XXXXXXX2 is deleted.

User Response: This message can occur during normal operations if VTSS XXXXXXX2 has been offline and extra copies of VTV VVVVVV were created in another VTSS while VTSS XXXXXXX2 was offline.

For example, the sequence of events below will generate message SLS6631I:

  • VTV VVVVVV is created in VTSS XXXXXXX2.

  • VTV VVVVVV is migrated, but left resident in VTSS XXXXXXX2.

  • VTSS XXXXXXX2 is varied offline.

  • VTV VVVVVV is recalled into VTSS XXXXXXX1. VTCS will not be able to delete the copy of VTV VVVVVV in offline VTSS XXXXXXX2.

  • VTSS XXXXXXX2 is varied online.

Otherwise, this problem should be investigated. The message may indicate that VTCS has lost synchronization with the contents of the VTSSs.

If possible, attempt to track back through the life of the VTV to see if there are any other events that may have caused this problem.

Consider running the AUDIT VTSS utility to reconcile the contents of the VTSSs with the CDS.

If the problem persists or is not an isolated incident, contact StorageTek Software Support.


VTSS XXXXXXXX server ready; state is SSS

Explanation: The main server subtask for VTSS XXXXXXXX has initialized and is ready for work. State refers to one of the following:

  • OFFLINE - Offline state

  • ONLINE - Online state

  • QUIESCED - Quiesced state

  • RECONFIGURED - VTCS has detected that changes have been made to the VTCS configuration and has made appropriate changes to internal subtasks.

  • STARTED - The VTSS is initialized and in process of going to the requested state (online, offline or quiesced).

  • INCONSISTENT - The VTSS is initialized but its state is not online, offline, started or quiesced.

System Action: HSC/VTCS processing continues.

User Response: None


VTSS XXXXXXXX server task termination detected:

Explanation: The server task for VTSS XXXXXXXX has abnormally terminated for some reason.

System Action: The remainder of the VTCS subsystem will close down.

User Response: Review the SYSLOG to see if there is a reason for the termination. Refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.


RTD DDDDDD available for use

Explanation: RTD DDDDDD can now service requests. This message is issued either at HSC startup, after the RTD is varied online or after the RTD is reset following an error condition.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Auto migration TTTTTTTT


  • TTTTTTTT is "to MVC VVVVVV completed": Auto migration has finished migrating VTVs to MVC VVVVVV.

  • TTTTTTTT is "rescheduled because of MVC change": Auto migration was rescheduled as the selected MVC was found to not be a good candidate due to one of the following conditions: Incorrect storage class, Full, Read-only, or Draining.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Demand migration to MVC VVVVVV terminated

Explanation: An explicit request to migrate VTVs has completed and has finished using MVC VVVVVV.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Recall from MVC VVVVVV completed

Explanation: An explicit request to recall VTVs has completed and has finished using MVC VVVVVV.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None



Explanation: Migration has selected VVVVVV as a new volume for the function FFFFFFFF from VTSS XXXXXXXX. The function will either be migration, reclaim output, or consolidation. The MVC was selected with a criteria of storage class SSSSSSSS and optionally from ACS AA.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Waiting for host HHHH To complete CONFIG RESET for VTSS XXXXXXXX

Explanation: When the CONFIG utility was last run, the RESET parameter was specified. As a result, the host HHHH is at present clearing and resetting internal configuration of VTSS XXXXXXXX.

System Action: The startup of the VTSS server is delayed until the indicated host has completed its processing.

User Response: If the host HHHH is not active or has suffered some kind of failure, it may be necessary to correct the problem upon the other host and restart HSC. This will restart the processing.


VTV VVVVVV not migrated from VTSS XXXXXXXXX because of status change

Explanation: When attempting to migrate VTV VVVVVV out to an MVC from VTSS XXXXXXXXX, it was found that the status of the VTV had changed since the command was originally issued.

System Action: Migration of the VTV is skipped.

User Response: This is only a warning. Because there is a significant delay between the validation performed when the command was issued and the time at which the migration is attempted, it is quite possible for another request to update the VTV record and thus invalidate the original reason for the migrate.

The following may cause a VTV status change if it occurs after validation is performed and before migration is attempted:

  • The VTV is scratched.

  • The VTV is mounted, but not dismounted.

  • The VTV is migrated and deleted from the VTSS by another VTCS task.

  • The VTV is read/written (hence mounted and dismounted) by an application program.


VTV VVVVVV failed migration from VTSS XXXXXXXX because of a busy condition

Explanation: When attempting to migrate VTV VVVVVV out to a MVC from VTSS XXXXXXXX, the VTV busy condition was returned by the VTSS.

System Action: Migration of the VTV is skipped.

User Response: This problem should be investigated. The message implies that the VTSS is already performing some other kind of processing against the VTV. It is possible that VTCS has lost synchronization with the contents of the VTSS or that a hardware error condition exists.

If possible, attempt to track back through the life of the VTV to see if there are any other events that may have caused this problem. If the problem persists or is not an isolated incident, contact StorageTek Software Support.


MVC VVVVVV incorrectly mounted on drive DDDDDD

Explanation: The MVC VVVVVV was found mounted upon RTD DDDDDD and this was not the MVC that was expected.

System Action: The RTD is unloaded and the wait continues for the original MVC that was requested.

If the mount is still not satisfied after 15 minutes, the mount will time out and the MVC will be marked as LOST.

User Response: This could have been caused by volume being left upon a drive. In this case, the unload should allow the original mount to succeed.

If the correct MVC was loaded in response to the original mount request, then the appearance of this message indicates that the MVC is mislabeled. In this case, the MVC must be reinitialized.


MVC VVVVVV mounted on drive DDDDDD

Explanation: The MVC VVVVVV has been successfully mounted upon RTD DDDDDD and is available for use.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None



Explanation: The VTV VVVVVV has been successfully recalled from MVC MMMMMM. The VTV was recalled from the physical location consisting of partition PPPP and block BBBBBBBB on the MVC.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


VTSS XXXXXXXX is number1% full of number2 VTVS

Explanation: The VTSS XXXXXXXX is number1% full of VTV data. There are currently number2 VTVs resident in the VTSS.

System Action: If this percentage full exceeds the current high threshold for the VTSS, then auto migration will be started. Auto migration will also be started if the percentage full is 97% or higher.

User Response: None


VTSS VVVVVVVV has requests stalled awaiting CLINKs to XXXXXXXX

Explanation: The VTSS VVVVVVVV has requests to either replicate within cluster XXXXXXXX or an electronic export to tapeplex XXXXXXXX. Some of these requests are stalled because CLINKs are in an offline state.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: Use the VT DISPLAY REPLICAT command to find out which requests are held up. Use the VT VARY command to vary online some suitable CLINKs.


Stopping auto migration on VTSS XXXXXXXX

Explanation: The VTSS XXXXXXXX has reached the low threshold when performing auto migration.

System Action: Each auto migration request running against the VTSS will terminate when it reaches a convenient point.

User Response: None



Explanation: An attempt was made to recover from an error upon a recall of VTV VVVVVV back to VTSS XXXXXXXX, but the recovery failed.

System Action: The VTV will be skipped. This may ultimately cause the failure of the initiating request.

User Response: The reason for the error should be investigated. Check the SYSLOG for other indications as to the nature of the error.

If the problem keeps recurring upon the same RTD, use the VT VARY command to vary the RTD offline and contact StorageTek Hardware Support.


VTV VVVVVV had data errors on recall

Explanation: During the recall of VTV VVVVVV, data checks have occurred. The recall was completed, but the VTV contains virtual data checks to indicate the areas where data has been lost.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: The reason for the error should be investigated. Check the SYSLOG for other indications as to the nature of the error.

If the problem keeps recurring upon the same RTD, use the VT VARY command to vary the RTD offline and contact StorageTek Hardware Support.

The media is probably damaged in some way. Attempt recovery of the data from the MVC by the use of the VT MVCDRAIN EJECT command.

However, if the error occurred on a VOLSAFE (WORM) tape, do not drain the MVC without the recommendation of Oracle/StorageTek Support. Once a WORM tape is drained, it can no longer be used for migration and must be replaced.


VTCS communications interface initialization started

Explanation: The communication interface between HSC and VTCS has started.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


VTCS communications interface initialization failed

Explanation: The communications interface between HSC and VTCS has failed for some reason.

System Action: The remainder of the VTCS subsystem will close down.

User Response: Review the SYSLOG to see if there is a reason for the termination. Refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.


Copy of VTV VVVVVV missing from MVC MMMMMM

Explanation: While reconciling the contents of MVC MMMMMM within a virtual library, it has been discovered that the VTV copy for VVVVVV is missing.

System Action: The process against the MVC is aborted.

User Response: Investigate why the CDS and the virtual library are out of step. If necessary, contact StorageTek hardware support.

To bring the CDS contents back into line with the virtual library contents, perform a MVC AUDIT of the MVC.


VTCS main task starting

Explanation: The main task for processing requests in VTCS has started.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


VTCS main task waiting for work

Explanation: The VTCS main task is ready for processing requests from HSC.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


VTCS main task terminating

Explanation: The VTCS main task has received a shutdown request from HSC.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None



Explanation: When running the configuration utility, an error was detected in one of the previous statements in the configuration parameters. The message XXXXXXXX gives the reason for the error.

System Action: The remainder of the configuration statements will be processed, but the CDS will not be updated with the new details.

User Response: Review the configuration and change the statements and before rerunning the configuration utility.


Attempt to mount fenced VTV VVVVVV

Explanation: A mount request has been received for a VTV VVVVVV and it is in a fenced state. The contents for the VTV are in an unpredictable state and it is unsafe to perform the mount.

The VTV can be reused once it has been scratched and used for a successful scratch mount.

System Action: The mount request will be failed.

User Response: If possible, attempt to track back through the life of the VTV to see if there are any other events that may have caused this problem.

The data upon the VTV will need to be reconstructed. If the problem persists or is not an isolated incident, contact StorageTek Software Support.


VTV VVVVVV is being recovered on VTSS XXXXXXXX

Explanation: While performing a check of VTV VVVVVV, it has been found that the VTSS XXXXXXXX is performing recovery action against the VTV.

System Action: The action against the VTV will be retried at some later date. At that point the VTV may be fenced if the VTV contents are found to be unreliable. The request that discovered the problem will be failed.

User Response: This problem is the result of a previous hardware error on the VTSS. Contact StorageTek Hardware Support to ensure that the original problem has been logged and/or reported.

If possible, attempt to track back through the life of the VTV to see if there are any other events that may have caused this problem.

Once it has been discovered that the recovery action has finished, the VTV contents should be inspected to verify the data integrity.



Explanation: While performing ECAM to VTSS XXXXXXXX, an indication was returned that a SIM message was pending. The sense information from the SIM message is MMMM.

System Action: If required, an error record will be written to SYS1.LOGREC. Normal processing continues.

User Response: The information should be reported to StorageTek Hardware Support.


Termination of TTTTT task for device XXXXXXXX

Explanation: Server task TTTTT has abnormally terminated.

  • If TTTTT is RTD, XXXXXXXX shows the deviceid.

  • If TTTTT is CLINK, XXXXXXXX shows the vtssname and deviceid.

System Action: The affected CLINK/RTD becomes unusable.

User Response: Review the SYSLOG to see if there is a reason for the termination. Refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.


All RTD servers terminated - VTCS terminating

Explanation: All of the RTD server tasks for a VTSS have abnormally terminated for some reason.

System Action: The remainder of the VTCS subsystem will close down.

User Response: Review the SYSLOG to see if there is a reason for the termination. Refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.


RTD DDDDDD put in maintenance mode because of error

Explanation: A general failure has occurred on RTD DDDDDD. The device was reported either inoperable, unconfigured, inaccessible, or bad, and has been taken out of service.

System Action: The current request that is processing on the RTD will be retried on another RTD.

User Response: The reason for the error should be investigated. Check the SYSLOG for any other indications as to the nature of the error, and contact StorageTek Hardware Support.



Explanation: The VTCS task that provides services for the specified device is starting or has terminated. TTTTT is the type of device: 'RTD' or 'CLINK'.

  • If the device is an RTD, DDDD shows the device number.

  • If the device is a CLINK:

    • CC shows the number of the clink.

    • VVVVVVVV shows the primary VTSS that the clink is connected to (i.e. the VTSS from which data can be replicatedusing this clink).

  • AAAAA indicates the task activity: 'starting' or 'terminated'.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


CDS is not compatible with VTCS

Explanation: The CDS can not be processed by this level of VTCS because it either does not understand the format of the CDS or because an optional feature has been activated for which there is no programming support.

System Action: VTCS processing terminates. If VTCS was starting up in an HSC/VTCS subsystem, it will close down.

User Response: Ensure that the CDS was configured using the current version of the VTCS libraries, or a version of the VTCS libraries that produces a compatible CDS.

Additionally, check to see whether the correct maintenance has been applied to these libraries and that HCS/VTCS has been started up using the correct version of the code.

Finally, when running different levels of VTCS, read the appropriate documentation to see whether any steps have been omitted or been done incorrectly.

If the CDS has been configured correctly, refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.


VTCS main task normal termination complete

Explanation: The main task for VTCS has finished terminating.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


VTCS main task abnormal termination detected

Explanation: The main task for VTCS has abnormally terminated for some reason.

System Action: The remainder of the VTCS subsystem will close down.

User Response: Review the SYSLOG to see if there is a reason for the termination. Refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.



Explanation: The request of type XXXXXXXX has failed. The request was optionally directed towards VTD DDDDDD. The current MVC being processed was MMMMMM and the current VTV was VVVVVV. RRRRRRRR indicates the main reason for the request being failed. This may be either a textual explanation or an indication of the internal HSC return code that triggered the problem.

This is a general indication for the abnormal termination of a request. This could be caused by a hardware error, a software error, operator intervention, or some other unresolvable error condition.

System Action: The indicated request is terminated.

User Response: This message is normally the result of some other failure condition. Review the SYSLOG to see if there any other message that give a further indication as to the nature of the error. Depending upon the nature of the error, the original command or utility may need to be retried with the same or different parameters. If the error is the result of a software error, then refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.


Configuring RTD DDDDDD

Explanation: The server task for RTD DDDDDD has found that the RTD was unconfigured.

System Action: The RTD will be configured according to the details stored in the CDS.

User Response: None


RTD configuration mismatch DDDDDD1:DDDDDD2 CCC1:CCC2

Explanation: The server task for RTD DDDDDD1 has found a mismatch between the configuration details in the CDS and the details in the VTSS.

The RTD known as DDDDDD2 has channel interface details of CCC2 rather than CCC1.

System Action: Operation proceeds with the configuration stored in the VTSS.

User Response: If the configuration in the CDS is wrong, rerun the configuration utility to reset the RTD details.

If the configuration in the VTSS is wrong, reset the RTD to the unconfigured state by use of the VTSS operator panel and use the VT VARY command to bring the RTD online.


RTD DDDDDDDD failed XXXXXX configuration with CC=CCC RC=RRR

Explanation: The RTD DDDDDDDD was found to be unconfigured and an attempt was made to configure the device according to the details in the CDS. The request failed with Completion Code X'CCC', Reason Code X'RRR'. XXXXXX indicates whether it was the VTSS or a (Virtual) Library that reported the error.

System Action: The RTD is left in a broken state.

User Response: Check that the RTD configuration is correct.

Check that the RTD is not online to another system. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact StorageTek Hardware Support.


XXXXXXXX scratch pool empty (OF nnnGB... VTVS), reply R to retry


  • If the message is 'XXXXXXXX Scratch pool empty, Reply R to retry' subpool XXXXXXXX contains no Scratch VTVs.

  • If the message is 'XXXXXXXX Scratch pool empty of nnnGB VTVs, Reply R to retry' subpool XXXXXXXX contains no Scratch VTVs that would satisfy a request for an nnnGB Scratch VTV (where 'nnnGB...' is one or more of 0.4GB, 0.8GB, 2.0GB, 4.0GB, or 32.0GB).

System Action:

The scratch levels will be rechecked every 15 minutes.

  • If the message is 'XXXXXXXX Scratch pool empty, Reply R to retry' any scratch mounts for the indicated subpool will be placed on hold until a scratch volume becomes available.

  • If the message is 'XXXXXXXX Scratch pool empty of nnnGB VTVs, Reply R to retry' any scratch mounts for an nnnGB VTV from the indicated subpool will be placed on hold until a suitable scratch volume becomes available.

User Response: Run the scratch synchronization utility for HSC to ensure that the CDS contains details of the latest scratch volumes from the TMC.

Answer 'R' to this prompt to retry any held scratch mount requests.

Check the SCRPOOL definitions for HSC to ensure that they cover the correct virtual volume ranges. Consider adding extra ranges of VTV volumes to the CDS.

Note that scratches for which the only copy is resident are restricted in their ability to be reused. This is where the nnnGB size restriction originates.


Invalid utility control statement

Explanation: A SWSADMIN utility has encountered a continuation or other general syntax error (e.g. unmatched parentheses) on a utility control statement, or the concatenated control statement (including 9 bytes of SWSADMIN overhead) exceeds the maximum length of 32000 characters.

System Action: The control statement is ignored and Return Code 8 is set.

User Response: Correct the error and resubmit the SWSADMIN utility job.


Configured virtual drive DDDDDD marked nonexistent

Explanation: The VTD DDDDDD has been defined in the VTCS configuration but does not exist within the VTSS. This is most likely to occur if the configuration defines more devices than the VTSS model supports.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: Review the VTCS configuration.


Invalid range VVVVV1 - VVVVV2 specified

Explanation: The range of volumes VVVVV1-VVVVV2 specified in the utility or command does not constitute a valid volume range.

System Action: The command or utility will fail.

User Response: Correct the volume range in error and resubmit the command or utility.


VTSS:XXXXXXXX VTD:DDDDDD configuration error RC=RRRRRRRR subsystem info:ZZZZZ1/ZZZZZ2/ZZZZZ3

Explanation: While validating the configuration of the virtual drive DDDDDD attached to VTSS XXXXXXXX, either an error of RRRRRRRR was returned to an ECAM request or a configuration mismatch was detected.

The VTSS attached to the device returned a subsystem name of ZZZZZ1, a device Id of ZZZZZ2 and a frame serial number of ZZZZZ3.

If an ECAM error occurred, either something in MVS or the hardware prevented communication with the VTD or the device addressed is not a VTD.

The RRRRRRRR return codes are as follows:

  • 00000004 - In response to VTCS validating the configuration of a VTD in VTSS XXXXXXXX, ECAM returned a subsystem name (ZZZZZ1) other than 99999999, blanks or XXXXXXXX.

  • 00000008 - In response to VTCS validating the configuration of a VTD other than the first in VTSS XXXXXXXX, ECAM returned a different subsystem name of ZZZZZ1. Such a name mismatch should only ever occur on the first VTD.

  • 0000000C - In response to VTCS validating the configuration of a VTD other than the first in VTSS XXXXXXXX, ECAM returned frame serial number ZZZZZ3 which differs from the frame serial number returned from checking the first VTD.

  • 6A40FF0C - EXCP failed, unknown reason

  • 6A40FF10 - EXCP failed, interface control check

  • 6A40FF14 - EXCP failed, no comm path to the VTD

  • 6A40FF18 - UCBLOOK failed

  • 6A40FF1C - UCB capture failed

  • 6A40FE00 - Improperly formatted ECAM request (VTCS code error)

System Action: The VTD will be marked as broken and will not be used.

User Response: Check and review the VTCS configuration.

Ensure that the number and order of the VTDs in the configuration match that of the VTSS.

Check and review the hardware configuration of the MVS system. Ensure that the VTD addresses point to the correct VTSS and that all CHPIDs and paths for the failing device are online and operational.

If running under an MVS guest, ensure that the VM configuration is correct. Also, ensure that the VTDs are attached to the MVS guest with the 'NOASSIGN' option and that any real to virtual device mapping is correct.

If this message (with RC=6A40FF0C) occurs for every VTD followed by message SLS6608E and none of the responses listed above resolve the problem, then this is a VTSS hardware and/or microcode problem. Have your Oracle customer engineer check the VTSS op panel and logs for error conditions. A DAC condition (data assurance check) is a known cause of this error. If a DAC has occurred, you will need to run a VTSS Audit after the DAC condition has been reset by the customer engineer.


HSC/VTCS subsystem maintenance level is not correct

Explanation: A SWSADMIN function or VTCS Programmatic Interface (PGMI) request requires that the load libraries used by the HSC/VTCS subsystem and by the SWSADMIN function or VTCS PGMI request are at a certain release or PUT level.

System Action: The function/request terminates.

User Response: Ensure that the load libraries used by the SWSADMIN function or VTCS PGMI request are the same as those used by the HSC/VTCS subsystem that is active. Re-execute the function/request once the correction has been made.


Copy of VTV VVVVVV on VTSS XXXXXXXX has become inaccesible

Explanation: While performing a check of VTV VVVVVV upon VTSS XXXXXXXX, the VTSS has indicated that the entire VTV contents have become unreadable for some reason.

System Action: Recovery will be attempted using any other copies of the VTV. If the validity of the VTV contents is suspect, then the VTV will be fenced.

User Response: This problem is the result of a previous hardware error on the VTSS. Contact StorageTek Hardware Support to ensure that the original problem has been logged and/or reported.

If possible, attempt to track back through the life of the VTV to see if there are any other events that may have caused this problem.

If a valid copy of the VTV exists on an MVC, then the data upon the VTV is still accessible. Otherwise, the contents of the VTV will have been lost and the data will need to be reconstructed by other means.


Unexpected copy of VTV VVVVVV found on VTSS XXXXXXXX

Explanation: A copy of VTV VVVVVV was found upon VTSS XXXXXXXX when the CDS indicates that the VTV should not be present.

System Action: Recovery will be attempted using the copy found on the VTSS.

User Response: This message can occur during normal operations (and does not indicate an error) if VTSS XXXXXXXX has been offline and extra copies of VTV VVVVVV were created in another VTSS while VTSS XXXXXXXX was offline.

For example, the sequence of events below will generate message SLS6679E:

  • VTV VVVVVV is created in VTSS XXXXXXXX

  • VTV VVVVVV is migrated, but left resident in VTSS XXXXXXXX.

  • VTSS XXXXXXXX is varied offline.

  • VTV VVVVVV is recalled into another VTSS. VTCS will not be able to delete the copy of VTV VVVVVV in offline VTSS XXXXXXXX.

  • VTSS XXXXXXXX is varied online.

Otherwise, this problem should be investigated. The message may indicate that VTCS has lost synchronization with the contents of the VTSSs.

If possible, attempt to track back through the life of the VTV to see if there are any other events that may have caused this problem.

Consider running the AUDIT VTSS utility to reconcile the contents of the VTSSs with the CDS.

If the problem persists or is not an isolated incident, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Copy of VTV VVVVVV missing from VTSS XXXXXXXX

Explanation: While performing a check of VTV VVVVVV, the copy that should have existed upon VTSS XXXXXXXX has been found to be missing.

System Action: Recovery will be attempted using any other copies of the VTV. If the validity of the VTV contents is suspect, then the VTV will be fenced.

User Response: This problem should be investigated. The message implies that VTCS has lost synchronization with the contents of the VTSS.

If possible, attempt to track back through the life of the VTV to see if there are any other events that may have caused this problem

Consider running the VTSS audit utility to reconcile the contents of the VTSSs with the CDS.

If at least one copy of the VTV already exists upon another MVC, then the data upon the VTV is still accessible. Otherwise, the contents of the VTV will have been lost and the data will need to be reconstructed by other means.



Explanation: A copy of VTV VVVVVV has been successfully written out to MVC MMMMMM. The copy of the VTV was migrated to physical location PPPP/BBBBBBBB on the MVC. PPP indicates the partition number and BBBBBBBB indicates the block.

If the migration was for consolidation, the literal "for consolidation" is displayed. Otherwise, the Storage Class associated with the MVC and the Management Class associated with the VTV are displayed.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Space reclaim aborted for MVC: VVVVVV elapsed time of NNN minutes exceeded

Explanation: A demand space reclaim request has been entered specifying a time out of NNN minutes. This time has been exceeded. MVC VVVVVV will not be scheduled for space reclaim.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Bulk recall of number VTVS issued to MVC VVVVVV

Explanation: A request has been generated as part of drain or space reclaim processing to remove the indicated number of VTVs from MVC VVVVVV.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None



Explanation: An operation between RTD DDDDDDDD and VTSS XXXXXXXX has failed the request with a completion code of CCC and a return code of RRR. TTTTTT is the type of request that failed. It is either UUIREQ for an operation to a virtual library or ECAM for an operation to tape device. This could be caused by a hardware error, a software error, operator intervention, or an unresolvable error condition.

System Action: Depending upon the nature of the error and the processing at the time, the RTD may be made temporarily unavailable and the request retried upon a different RTD. If possible an alternative MVC may be used.

User Response: The reason for the error should be investigated. Check the SYSLOG for other indications as to the nature of the error. If the problem keeps recurring upon the same RTD, use the VT VARY command to vary the RTD offline and contact StorageTek Hardware Support.


RTD DDDDDD mount of VVVVVV timed out

Explanation: A request has been made of HSC to mount MVC VVVVVV upon RTD DDDDDD, but the RTD did not come ready within 15 minutes.

System Action: If an alternate MVC can be used, the request will be retried using the alternate MVC. If the volume is being used for migration, the request will be retried using a newly selected volume.

If it is not possible to retry the request, then the request will be cancelled.

The affected MVC will be marked as LOST. If a subsequent mount of the MVC is successful, then this status will be cleared.

User Response: Check the SYSLOG to see whether HSC detected some kind of problem when attempting the mount.

Ensure that all MVCs are library resident. If mounts cannot be satisfied using certain drives in the library, attempt to run with these RTDs offline.

If the problem keeps recurring upon the same RTD, use the VT VARY command to vary the RTD offline and contact StorageTek Hardware Support.


RTD DDDDDDDD volume mounted not an MVC

Explanation: The volume just mounted upon RTD DDDDDDDD is not a valid MVC.

System Action: If the mount was as a result of a migrate request, a new volume will be selected and the request will be retried.

As the MVC has been previously used and known to be valid, it is assumed that the wrong volume was mounted upon the drive. The request will be retried.

User Response: Check the SYSLOG to see whether HSC detected some kind of problem when attempting the mount.

Check the integrity of the MVC. It is possible that a previous event has somehow corrupted the MVC. Ensure that sufficient rules and processes are in place to stop overwrites of MVCs by external jobs.

If the problem keeps reoccurring upon the same RTD, use the VT VARY command to vary the RTD offline and contact StorageTek Hardware Support.


RTD DDDDDD new volume VVVVVV is not an MVC

Explanation: The MVC VVVVVV was just mounted upon RTD DDDDDD in response to a migrate request and was found to not be a valid MVC.

System Action: A new volume will be selected and the migrate requests will be retried.

User Response: Check the SYSLOG to see whether HSC detected some kind of problem when attempting the mount.

Check to see whether the MVC was properly initialized.

Check the integrity of the MVC. It is possible that a previous event has somehow corrupted the MVC. Ensure that sufficient rules and processes are in place to stop overwrites of MVCs by external jobs.

If the problem keeps recurring upon the same RTD, use the VT VARY command to vary the RTD offline and contact StorageTek Hardware Support.



Explanation: The MVC VVVVVV was mounted upon RTD DDDDDD in a read only state and a migrate request attempted to write more VTVs to the MVC.

System Action: A new volume will be selected and the migrate requests will be retried.

User Response: Check the SYSLOG to see whether HSC detected some kind of problem when attempting the mount. Check the physical media to ensure that it is not read protected.If the problem keeps recurring upon the same RTD, use the VT VARY command to vary the RTD offline and contact StorageTek Hardware Support.


FFFFFF found invalid version of VTV VVVVVV on VTSS SSSSSSSS

Explanation: A crosscheck between the contents of VTSS SSSSSSSS and the CDS whilst performing function FFFFFF has failed.

The CDS and the hardware contain different versions of the VTV. This could be due to running with the wrong CDS or as a result of a software problem in VTCS.

System Action: The function that encountered the problem will be aborted. This may result in orphaned copies of VTVs being left in the VTSS.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.

This problem should be investigated. The message implies that VTCS has lost synchronization with the contents of the hardware.

The VTSS indicated and any MVCs where the affected VTV resides should be audited. Without performing these actions, it maybe impossible to access the contents of the VTV.

Also investigate the HSC JOBLOG from all systems to see whether there are any other errors that could be related or occurred in the same time period.



Explanation: An attempt was made upon RTD DDDDDD to process VTV VVVVVV on MVC MMMMMM. For a recall, the VTV cannot be found at the position indicated within the CDS. For a migrate to a dynamic reclaimed MVC, the next available partition is not writable.

System Action: If an alternate MVC can be used, the request will be retried using the alternate MVC. Otherwise, the request will be cancelled. The MVC status in the CDS will be changed to audit.

User Response: This problem should be investigated. The message implies that VTCS has lost synchronization with the contents of the MVCs.

If possible, attempt to track back through the life of the MVC to see if there are any other events that may have caused this problem.

Consider running the MVC audit utility to reconcile the contents of the VTSSs with the CDS.

Check the integrity of the MVC. It is possible that a previous event has somehow corrupted the MVC. Ensure that sufficient rules and processes are in place to stop overwrites of MVCs by external jobs.

If the problem keeps recurring upon the same RTD, use the VT VARY command to vary the RTD offline and contact StorageTek Hardware Support.


RTD DDDDDD request cancelled

Explanation: A current long running ECAM request upon RTD DDDDDD was cancelled.

System Action: The request currently being processed upon the RTD is cancelled.

User Response: This problem should be investigated. The message implies that either a hardware error has occurred upon the VTSS or one of the other hosts is performing some kind of recovery action against the RTD.

Check the SYSLOG upon each host to see what may have been happening at the time of the problem.

If the problem keeps recurring upon the same RTD, use the VT VARY command to vary the RTD offline and contact StorageTek Hardware Support.



Explanation: An attempt was made upon RTD DDDDDD to read VTV VVVVVV from MVC MMMMMM. A data check occurred when attempting to read the tape labels. This copy of the VTV is inaccessible.

System Action: If an alternate MVC can be used, the request will be retried using the alternate MVC. Otherwise, the request will be cancelled.

User Response: The reason for the error should be investigated. Check the SYSLOG for other indications as to the nature of the error.

  • If the MVC is damaged or suspect, then use the VT MVCDRAIN EJECT command to remove any VTVs from the MVC.

    However, if the error occurred on a VOLSAFE (WORM) tape, do not drain the MVC without the recommendation of Oracle/StorageTek Support. Once a WORM tape is drained, it can no longer be used for migration and must be replaced.

  • If the problem keeps recurring upon the same RTD, use the VT VARY command to vary the RTD offline and contact StorageTek Hardware Support.


RTD DDDDDD failed, drive will be retried later

Explanation: A general failure has occurred upon RTD DDDDDD. The drive will be taken out of service for a short time and will then be reset.

System Action: The current request that is processing upon the RTD will be retried upon another RTD.

User Response: The reason for the error should be investigated. Check the SYSLOG for other indications as to the nature of the error.

If the problem keeps recurring upon the same RTD, use the VT VARY command to vary the RTD offline and contact StorageTek Hardware Support.


VTSS XXXXXXXX has too many VTVs

Explanation: An attempt has been made to place more than 100,000 VTVs in VTSS XXXXXXXX.

System Action: The request that attempted to exceed the limit will be cancelled.

User Response: Check the SYSLOG for other indications as to the nature of the error. Auto migration should have been started sometime before this condition occurred.

Use the VT MIGRATE command to make some space available in the affected VTSS.



Explanation: An attempt has been made to recall a VTV to VTSS XXXXXXXX, but there was insufficient space within the VTSS.

System Action: The request that attempted to exceed the limit will be cancelled.

User Response: Check the SYSLOG for other indications as to the nature of the error. Auto migration should have been started sometime before this condition occurred.

Use the VT MIGRATE command to make some space available in the affected VTSS.



Explanation: A mount request has been directed to VTSS XXXXXXX2 to mount VTV VVVVVV. The volume is not resident upon any MVCs. The VTV will be transferred from VTSS XXXXXXX1 via common RTDs in ACS AA.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: This is a costly action to perform and should be avoided if at all possible.

Check the JCL for the job, the TAPEREQ definitions and any user exit responses to see why the virtual mount was directed toward the wrong VTSS.


No compatible drives for transfer of VTV VVVVVV from VTSS XXXXXXX1 to XXXXXXX2

Explanation: VTCS received a request to mount VTV VVVVVV on a VTD in VTSS XXXXXXX2. The VTV is currently resident in VTSS XXXXXXX1 and has no migrated copies.

VTCS attempted to transfer the VTV by migrating it from VTSS XXXXXXX1, then recalling it to VTSS XXXXXXX2 and mounting it.

The transfer failed because VTCS failed to find RTDs (with the same location and device type) that are accessible to both VTSSs and compatible with the MVCs available for migration.

System Action: The mount request fails.

User Response: Check the JCL for the job, the TAPEREQ definitions and any user exit responses to see why the virtual mount was directed toward the wrong VTSS.


ECAM I/O error on VTD DDDD

Explanation: An I/O error occurred when ECAM-T was issued against a VTD address.

System Action: VTCS will retry the failure once against a different VTD address if possible. If the retry fails also, the invoking function will fail.

User Response: Investigate why I/O cannot be done to this address.


MVS space critical - Please add more MVCS to ACSxx|MVCPOOL (poolname) and reply R to retry

Explanation: The MVC Space critical has dropped below the configured threshold for ACSxx or named MVCPOOL (PPPPPPPP). See the last SLS6611I message for details of how many MVCs are free.

System Action: Automatic space reclaim is started. This message will be deleted when the shortage is relieved.

User Response: The VT RECLAIM command may free up some MVCs. Use the QUERY MVCPOOL command or utility MVCPLRPT to determine if other ACS(s) and/or named MVCPOOLs are short of free MVCs. The MVCPOOL definitions should be reviewed and/or new ranges of MVCs should be defined in the CDS. After adding the MVCs, reply R to this prompt to retry the migrate requests.


Auto migration for VTSS XXXXXXXX to target NN% is now active on host HHHH

Explanation: The DBU upon VTSS XXXXXXXX has exceeded the high threshold or a migrate to threshold operator command has been issued and auto migration is now active upon host HHHH. This host will manage auto migration by migrating and deleting VTVs from the VTSS until the DBU drops to the target NN%.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


No volumes available for auto migration selection on VTSS XXXXXXXX

Explanation: The auto migration process was unable to find any VTVs eligible to be migrated, but the migration target has not been reached. VTVs are ineligible to be migrated if they are in one of the following states:

  • mounted

  • already on another migration list (e.g. immediate migrate)

System Action: If the DBU is lower than the high automatic migration threshold (HAMT), VTCS will terminate auto migration. Otherwise, VTCS will pause auto migration by waiting some minutes before re-evaluating which VTVs require auto migration.

User Response: If ineligible VTVs can be identified, resolve the cause that makes them ineligible. If assistance is needed in getting auto migration to proceed, contact StorageTek software support.


Host HHHH is performing auto migration to target NN% on VTSS XXXXXXXX

Explanation: The message is issued periodically to indicate an active auto migration on another host. In general, the message is timed for about 60-minute intervals. However, depending on the point at which the check is done, it may be produced at a more or less frequent intervals.

System Action: Auto migration continues on the indicated host.

User Response: None


Auto migration for VTSS XXXXXXXX stalled because all storage classes are in error

Explanation: In attempting to select VTVs for auto migration, all eligible volumes require migration to storage classes which have been flagged in error, due to either MVC or RTD problems.

System Action: Auto migration waits for a while, and then attempts to re-select a VTV list.

User Response: Check for previously issued messages SLS6700E, indicating storage classes in error and associated reason codes. Correct the indicated problems, and reload storage class definitions if necessary.


Unconfigure failed with CC=CCC RC=RRR for RTD DDDDDD attached to VTSS XXXXXXXX

Explanation: Following a CONFIG RESET, VTCS issues an ECAM Unconfigure against each RTD before Configuring the RTDs as described in the CDS.

Unconfigure failed with Completion Code X'CCC', Reason Code X'RRR' for RTD DDDDDD attached to VTSS XXXXXXXX. Because the VTCS CONFIG is not used for the Unconfigure, the RTD name is not available at this stage, only its relative number D (0-7).

System Action: VTCS re-configuration processing continues, though it is likely that the later Configure for this RTD will also fail and the RTD will be put into Maintenance mode.

User Response: Check that the RTD configuration is correct. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact StorageTek Hardware Support.


Unconfigure failed with CC=CCC RC=RRRRRR for CLINK D attached to VTSS XXXXXXXX

Explanation: Following a CONFIG RESET, VTCS issues an ECAM Unconfigure against each Clink before Configuring the Clinks as described in the CDS.

Unconfigure failed with Completion Code X'CCC', Reason Code X'RRRRRR' for Clink D attached to VTSS XXXXXXXX. Because the VTCS CONFIG is not used for the Unconfigure, the Clink name is not available at this stage, only its relative number D (0-7)

System Action: VTCS re-configuration processing continues, though it is likely that the later Configure for this Clink will also fail and the Clink will be put into Maintenance mode.

User Response: Check that the Clink information is correct. If the problem cannot be resolved, contact StorageTek Hardware Support.


XXXXXXXX can only be executed as a TTTTTTT

Explanation: An attempt was made to execute command/utility XXXXXXXX in the wrong environment. TTTTTTT indicates the correct environment (command|utility).

  • If the error message reads: XXXXXXXX CAN ONLY BE EXECUTED AS A UTILITY An attempt was made to execute utility xxxxxxx as an HSC/VTCS operator command or by invoking the VTCS Programmatic Interface (PGMI) in a command-only environment. Utility XXXXXXXX can only be executed using SWSADMIN or in a VTCS PGMI environment that allows utilities.

  • If the error message reads: XXXXXXXX CAN ONLY BE EXECUTED AS A COMMAND An attempt was made to execute command XXXXXXXX using SWSADMIN or by invoking the VTCS Programmatic Interface (PGMI) in a utility-only environment. Command XXXXXXXX can only be executed as an HSC/VTCS operator command or in a VTCS PGMI environment that allows commands.

System Action: The command/utility is rejected.

User Response: Execute the command/utility in the correct environment.


Data space creation failed. DSPSERV CREATE gave RC=X'CC' RSN=X'RR'

Explanation: Import was accessing an inactive CDS, i.e. a CDS that was not in use by any Hosts.

The utility attempted to create a data space into which the CDS could be copied, but this failed. Specifically, the DSPSERV CREATE macro gave Return Code X'cc' and Reason Code X'rr'.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Check the relevant IBM documentation to determine the cause of the failure. If possible, correct this and rerun the utility. Otherwise, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Failed to obtain accessability to the data space. ALESERV ADD gave RC=X'CC'

Explanation: Import was accessing an inactive CDS, i.e. a CDS that was not in use by any Hosts.

The utility successfully created a data space into which the CDS could be copied, but failed to obtain an ALET with which to access the data space. Specifically, the ALESERV ADD macro gave Return Code X'cc'.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Check the relevant IBM documentation to determine the cause of the failure. If possible, correct this and rerun the utility. Otherwise, contact StorageTek Software Support.


No selection criteria specified for EXPORT

Explanation: The EXPORT utility was started, but with no selection of either VTVs or MVCs for export.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Correct the EXPORT control cards and rerun the job.


Failed to open DDNAME 'ddname' for manifest

Explanation: A utility attempted to open the dd-name ddname for the manifest file, but the operation failed.

System Action: The export or import utility terminates.

User Response: The most likely cause of the above is a missing dd-name. Amend the JCL for the utility job to include the correct dd-name.


DDNAME 'ddname' will be used for the manifest

Explanation: DD-name ddname will be used to read or write the manifest file.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Invalid value VALUE specified for option KEYWORD

Explanation: An invalid or unacceptable value VALUE was specified for keyword KEYWORD.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Correct the control cards as appropriate and rerun the job.


'volser1-volser2' does not represent a valid volser-range

Explanation: The specified volser-range volser1-volser2 is not a valid range.volser1 and volser2 are required to satisfy the following criteria:

  • volser1 and volser2 must be individually valid volsers.

  • volser1 and volser2 must consist of the same number of characters.

  • volser2 must be > volser1

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Correct the volser-range and rerun the job.


Unable to update the CDS. Following hosts are active: H1 (,H2, ..., H16)

Explanation: A utility that required update access to the CDS determined that it was accessing an inactive CDS, because:

  • The utility command explicitly stated that an inactive CDS was being used.

  • HSC/VTCS was not active on this system (and the utility command did not explicitly state that an inactive CDS was being used).

Processing of an inactive CDS requires that no Hosts are using the CDS. However, the CDS shows the listed Hosts (H1,..., H16) are active and using this CDS.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Shut down HSC on all listed Hosts, then rerun the utility. If a Host is listed but HSC is not active on that Host, HSC did not terminate cleanly. In this case, either start HSC on the Host and then shut it down cleanly, or RECOVER the Host from a different active Host (before shutting that Host down as well). Alternatively, if the utility is using the same CDS as the listed Hosts, ensure HSC/VTCS is active on this system then rerun the utility.


MVC VVVVVV is in use; EXPORT prohibited

Explanation: An attempt was made to export MVC VVVVVV, which was found to be in use at the time of export.

System Action: The MVC is ignored and processing continues.

User Response: Rerun the export job when the MVC is no longer in use.


MVC VVVVVV was selected for EXPORT, but was not found

Explanation: MVC VVVVVV was selected for exported, but an associated record could not be read from the CDS.

System Action: The volser is ignored.

User Response: Correct the export control cards, and rerun the job.


All EXPORT data for MVC VVVVVV successfully written to manifest

Explanation: All VTV and MVC data for MVC VVVVVV was written to the manifest file. The sub-operation for this MVC is now complete.

System Action: None

User Response: None


The manifest CHECKSUM is invalid; IMPORT aborted

Explanation: The 32-bit CRC (cyclical redundancy check) checksum written to the manifest did not match the checksum computed by the import utility.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


NNNN {VTV(S) | MVC(S)} selected for IMPORT:

Explanation: A number (NNNN) of VTVs or MVCs were selected for import; see the following SLS6727I messages for a list of the affected volsers.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Incomplete block encountered in MANIFEST-FILE, FIELD NO.NN

Explanation: When reading the manifest file, an incomplete block was discovered when field number NN was read. The previous block is the one that is incomplete.

System Action: The previous block is ignored, and the read of the manifest file continues.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


No input source specified; MVCMAINT aborted

Explanation: No MVCs were specified for maintenance.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Amend the control cards using either MVC() or MANIFEST() and rerun the job.


VTV VVVVVV cannot be imported; An associated MVC was not imported

Explanation: VTV VVVVVV cannot be imported as no MVC containing the VTV-copy has been imported.

System Action: VTV VVVVVV is ignored and the processing continues.

User Response: Determine why an appropriate MVC was not imported, and correct the problem that prevented it from being imported. Then rerun the job.


IMMDRAIN(YES) was specified, but ignored; UPDATE=NO

Explanation: IMMDRAIN(YES) was specified along with noupdate. Because of noupdate, the IMMDRAIN(YES) is ignored and no MVCs are drained.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: None


The manifest contains no applicable data; processing aborted

Explanation: The manifest file is empty; contains no VTVs and no MVCs.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: None



Explanation: A list of volsers. See preceding messages for an explanation.

System Action: None

User Response: None


NNNN {VTV(s)|MVC(s)} were {NOT|SUCCESSFULLY} imported

Explanation: A number (NNNN) of VTVs or MVCs were or were not imported; see the following SLS6727I messages for a list of the affected volsers.

System Action: The VTV or MVC is ignored and processing continues.

User Response: Correct the problem that caused the VTV or MVC to fail IMPORT and rerun the job.


NNNN item(s) selected for processing

Explanation: A number (NNNN)of items were selected for processing by a utility. See the following SLS6727I messages for a list of the affected volsers.

System Action: None

User Response: None



Explanation: A number (NNNN) of VTVS or MVCs were or were not imported; see the following SLS6727I messages for a list of the affected volsers.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Item VVVVVV not imported; not found in manifest

Explanation: The listed VVVVVV of type item was selected for import, but was not found in the manifest.

System Action: The listed volume is ignored and processing continues.

User Response: Amend the control cards and rerun the job.


Length (LENGTH) of metadata supplied for TYPE item is incorrect

Explanation: The metadata supplied for the specified item (VTV or MVC) does not have the correct length.

System Action: The item is ignored, and processing terminates.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Unable to retrieve record for item VVVVVV

Explanation: A VTV or MVC record, as specified by item, could not be read from the CDS.

System Action: The item is ignored, and processing terminates.

User Response: To complete the import, re-configure the CDS to include the appropriate definitions for the VTVs and or MVCs to be imported. Then rerun the job.


Item VVVVVV was not imported; REASON

Explanation: The specified item, VTV or MVC, could not be imported. The REASON explains why.

System Action: The item was ignored, and processing terminates.

User Response: If REASON is "volume is mounted", the VTV being imported was mounted and could therefore not be imported. To complete the import, dismount the volume and rerun the job.

  • If REASON is "update=no", the import was being run with NOUPDATE, and all attempted updates are reported in this manner.

  • If REASON is "duplicate exists" and the item is a VTV, the VTV appears to contain data, and is considered duplicate. To force update of a duplicate VTV, specify REPLACE(ALL).

  • If REASON is "duplicate exists" and the item is an MVC, the MVC has a number of VTV copies, and is considered duplicate. To import an MVC, it must appear to be either empty or un-initialized in the target CDS.


Item VVVVVVV was successfully imported

Explanation: An item of type VVVVVVV was successfully imported.

System Action: None

User Response: None


MVC VVVVVV already has READONLY/LOST(ON | OFF); request ignored

Explanation: A change to the readonly status of an MVC was requested using MVCMAINT, but the selected MVC was already in the desired state.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: None


{STORAGE/MANAGEMENT} class CLASS was either empty or undefined

Explanation: The specified storage or management class CLASS caused no MVCs or VTVs to be selected.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Correct the class name if required.


Duplicate {STORAGE/MANAGEMENT} class CLASS ignored

Explanation: A storage or management class named CLASS was specified more than once.

System Action: The duplicate class is ignored and processing continues.

User Response: Correct the control statement if required.


Syntax error (ignored) on the legacy FEATures VSM statement

Explanation: The VSM Advanced Management feature is now the default. It will be enabled whether the FEATures VSM(ADVMGMT) statement is specified correctly or not and also if it is absent.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Remove the now obsolete parameter or correct its legacy syntax.


Operation of VTSS XXXXXXXX initiated from host HHHH

Explanation: Host HHHH has initiated a vary operation for the VTSS specified.

System Action: VTCS processing continues.

User Response: None


Operation (scope) of VTSS XXXXXXXX complete

Explanation: A vary operation has completed for the VTSS specified. The scope indicates whether the operation has completed with respect to the local host only (local) or with respect to all hosts defined to HSC (global).

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None


Quiescing VTSS XXXXXXXX - NNN VTDs still allocated

Explanation: During the process of quiescing a VTSS, VTCS will wait until all VTDs are un-allocated. Until then the number of allocated VTDs will be reported whenever the number changes or at least every 30 seconds.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: None



Explanation: The VTSS listed has changed state on host HHHH.






System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: None


VTSS XXXXXXXX has been offline; A VTSS AUDIT is recommended

Explanation: The VTSS listed was previously off-line, and it is therefore possible that the actual VTSS contents have changed without the CDS being appropriately updated. To make sure the CDS reflects the current VTSS contents, it is recommended that the VTSS be audited. Until a VTSS audit is done, this message will continue to be issued each time HSC is started.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: None


Failed to VARY CLINK-ID clinkid online to VTSS vtssname

Explanation: During initialization of Clustered VTSS link clinkid, the VARY online to VTSS vtssname failed. See the last SLS6751I message for details of the ECAM error causing the failure.

System Action: The Clustered VTSS link is set offline and made unavailable for replication processing. VTCS will attempt to recover the link by periodically re-issuing the VARY online.

For failed synchronous remote links, an immediate attempt will be made to vary the CLINK on as asynchronous. If this attempt succeeds, VTCS issues message SLS6759I indicating the export CLINK is online in an asynchronous mode and will maintain this state with no further vary attempts. If this attempt fails, the remote link is set offline.

User Response: If the ECAM status indicates a configuration error, correct the error and allow VTCS to recover.



Explanation: VTCS has successfully replicated VTV VVVVVV from the sending VTSS SSSSSSSS to the receiving VTSS RRRRRRRR using the CLINK device number CC. The management class that initiated the replication is MMMMMMMM.

System Action: None. Information only.

User Response: None


VTSS VVVVVVVV configuration invalid: RRRRRRRR

Explanation: During initialization of VTSS VVVVVVVV, the CLINK connections were being validated. The problem RRRRRRRR was found with the state or type of the VTSS and requirements derived from the configurations.

Generally, this can be due to the level of microcode on the VTSS not fully supporting the capabilities requested.

For reasontext 'RTD/remote CLINK Configuration different', the ability to replicate to the receiving VTSS on the end of the CLINK will be disabled because the VTSSs in the cluster either do not have an identical RTD configuration or they do not have remote CLINKs to the same tapeplex. For RTD definitions, the VTSSs in the cluster must have connectivity to the same drive types in the same ACS. For remote CLINK definitions, if one VTSS in the cluster has a remote link to a tapeplex then all VTSSs in the cluster must have a remote link to the same tapeplex.

For reasontext 'No access to VTDs 0-15', the ability to perform synchronous replicates or exports will be disabled.

System Action: The VTSS remains online but will not have fully functioning CLINKs. Thus it may not be able to perform replicates or electronic exports.

User Response: Correct the configuration error(s). The VTSS maybe reset and retried by rerunning the CONFIG utility without the RESET option.


CLINK vtssname/clinkid iftype ifaddr RETURNED ECAM ERROR CC=CCC RC=RRR

Explanation: VTCS encountered an ECAM error on Clustered VTSS link clinkid with iftype ifaddr on VTSS vtssname. The command terminated with completion code CCC and reason code RRR. This could be caused by a hardware or software error, or some other unresolvable condition.

System Action: Depending on the nature of the error, the failing request may be re-tried on a different Clink.

User Response: Check the SYSLOG for other messages which may indicate the nature of the error.



Explanation: VTCS encountered an ECAM error on Clustered VTSS link CLINKID on VTSS XXXXXXXX. The reason for the error is indicated by RRRRRRRR. DDDDDD is the sense data returned from the VTSS.

System Action: If required, an error record will be written to SYS1.LOGREC. Depending on the nature of the error, the failing request may be re-tried on a different Clustered VTSS link.

User Response: Check the SYSLOG for other messages which make indicate the nature of the error. If the error persists, contact StorageTek Hardware Support.


CLINK SSSSSSSS/CC iftype II failed to dismount VTV VVVVVV

Explanation: During initialization of the CLINK device number CC attached to VTSS SSSSSSSS, VTCS determined that VTV VVVVVV was still mounted and attempted to dismount it. An error occurred during that dismount processing. The interface to which the device is connected is iftype II. This message is preceded by message SLS6751I indicating the ECAM error codes.

System Action: The link is unavailable for VTV replication.

User Response: None


Configuring CLINK SSSSSSSS/CC iftype II

Explanation: VTCS has determined that CLINK device number CC attached to VTSS SSSSSSSS requires configuring. The connection to the receiving VTSS will be via interface iftype II.

System Action: VTCS issues the ECAM commands required to configure the link.

User Response: None


CLINK SSSSSSSS/CC iftype II configuration mismatch NNNNNNN1-NNNNNNN2 II1-II2

Explanation: There is a configuration mismatch for the CLINK device number CC attached to VTSS SSSSSSSS and configured for interface ifaddr II. The VTCS CDS configuration contains a clink name of NNNNNNN1 and interface of II1, but the VTSS returned values of NNNNNNN2 and II2.

This message is normally produced as a result of running the CONFIG utility to add or change back-end connections from the VTSS.

System Action: VTCS will correct the configuration stored within the VTSS.

User Response: A check should be performed to ensure that the configuration information that has been activated is correct.


CLINK SSSSSSSS/CC iftype II failed initial configuration with CC=CCC RC=RRR

Explanation: During VTCS initialization, the CLINK device number CC attached to VTSS SSSSSSSS and with interface iftype II failed to configure with Completion Code X'CCC' and Reason Code X'RRR'.

System Action: The link is unavailable for VTV replication.

User Response: None


CLINK SSSSSSSS/CC iftype II failed to replicate/export VTV VVVVVV

Explanation: An error occurred during the replication or exporting of VTV VVVVVV over the CLINK device number CC from VTSS SSSSSSSS.

This message is followed by message SLS6751I indicating the ECAM error codes.

System Action: The VTV remains queued for replication or exporting and the link is flagged for recovery.

User Response: None



Explanation: VTCS successfully initialized and brought online the CLINK device number CC attached to VTSS SSSSSSSS.

The connection is via iftype II to the receiving VTSS RRRRRRRR. The replication capability supported by the CLINK, asynchronous or synchronous, is indicated in the message.

System Action: The link is now available for either asynchronous or synchronous VTV replication.

User Response: None



Explanation: Real tape device DDDDDD reported an error using MVC VVVVVV. The error is indicated by reason text RRRRRRRR. This error could be due to a device failure or a media error or exceptional condition.

System Action: This message may be followed by one or more other messages indicating further errors or recovery actions. Exact recovery depends on the initial error and may include swapping to an alternate device, selecting an alternate MVC or retrying or purging the request.

User Response: Scan the MVS SYSLOG for any necessary action to ensure that a defective device is repaired or a defective media is replace.


MVC VVVVVV contains an invalid MIR - processing may be delayed

Explanation: MVC VVVVVV has reported an Invalid Media Information Region and no alternate MVC is available. The invalid MIR condition will cause a slow speed locate operation which could result in extended migrate or recall time.

System Action: The operation continues at a potentially slower speed than normal.

User Response: To ensure optimum performance, take corrective action to repair the media invalid MIR condition.


MVC MMMMMM media type does not support MIR. Request ignored

Explanation: MVCMAINT has encountered an attempt to modify the MIR status of MVC MMMMMM. The media type of this MVC does not support MIR.

System Action: MVCMAINT will ignore the attempt to update the MIR for this MVC.

User Response: Re-code the MVCMAINT control statements and re-run the job.



Explanation: MVC VVVVVV had an unexpected status at the termination of a MVCDRAIN or RECLAIM. The actual VTV counts ACT_VTV_CNTS and the expected VTV counts EXP_VTV_CNTS are shown plus the actual MVC update sequence number ACT_MVC_UPD_SEQ_NUM together with the expected MVC update sequence number EXP_MVC_UPD_SEQ_NUM.

System Action: The MVCDRAIN or RECLAIM of the MVC will terminate. The MVC record in the CDS will not be updated and the MVC will remain in DRAIN status.

User Response: This problem may have been caused by MVCDRAIN and/or RECLAIM running concurrently on two hosts on the same MVC. Attempt to drain the MVC. If this fails audit the MVC.


Inconsistent counts for MVC MMMMMM detected on DRAIN/RECLAIM VTVPR A CNT B DEL C XXXX

Explanation: MVC MMMMMM had an unexpected VTV counts at the termination of a MVCDRAIN or RECLAIM. The count of the VTVs to be processed is A. The count of VTVs migrated to the MVC is B. The count of deleted VTVs is C. XXXX contains additional information about the state of the MVC when the problem was detected.

System Action: The MVCDRAIN or RECLAIM of the MVC will terminate. The MVC record in the CDS will not be updated and the MVC will remain in DRAIN status.

User Response: This problem may have been caused by MVCDRAIN and/or RECLAIM running concurrently on two hosts on the same MVC. Attempt to drain the MVC. If this fails, audit the MVC.


DRAIN/RECLAIM for MVC MMMMMM completed logical EOT PPP/BBBBBB VTV count V deleted VTV count D

Explanation: MVC MMMMMM completed the DRAIN or RECLAIM process normally. The new logical end of tape PPP/BBBBBB is given where PPP is the partition number and BBBBBB is the blockid. Non-partitioned tapes will show PPP as zeros.

The new VTV count for the mvc V is given. The new deleted VTV count for the mvc D is given.

System Action: The MVCDRAIN is now removed from DRAIN status and is usable for VSM processing.

User Response: None


The XML responses contain an error

Explanation: A SWSADMIN step contains DDname //SLSXML, causing VTCS to write XML data to this file. VTCS detected that the XML produced for a data item was not of the correct format: <tag>value</tag>.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: If the SWSADMIN Step was cancelled or abended, this is the most likely cause of the message, as VTCS processing may have been terminated before production of XML data was complete. If the SWSADMIN Step was not cancelled and did not abend, contact StorageTek Software Support.


TTTTTTTT have been refreshed


  • TTTTTTTT is "Virtual Scratch Subpools": VTCS has refreshed the definitions of its Scratch Subpools and the Scratch VTV counts within them because the Scratch Subpools were reloaded via the SCRPDEF command.

  • TTTTTTTT is "MVC pools": VTCS has refreshed the definitions of its MVC pool cache and the status of the MVCs within the pools as a result of issuing the MVCDEF command.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: None



Explanation: VTCS attempted the DFSMSRMM function FFFFFFFF against the volser VVVVVV and the it failed with Return Code RRRRRRRR and Reason Code XXXX.

System Action: The VTV will still me mounted.

User Response: Reference the DFSMSRMM manuals to understand the failing return code and reason code.



Explanation: VTCS checked the volume status in DFSMSRMM for VTV VVVVVV before mounting it as a scratch and discovered that the volume is not in scratch status in the DFSMSRMM database.

System Action: The mount continues.

User Response: None


Unable to determine DSNames for the CDS

Explanation: HSC and VTCS utilities use operating services READJFCB and LOCATE along with the Unified User Interface, to establish details of the CDS(s) specified in the utility JCL, and those used by HSC. One of these calls did not complete successfully.

System Action: The operation fails with RC=8.

User Response: Examine the utility JCL supplied for the SLUADMIN job and correct any errors. If the problem persists, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Unable to allocate the Control Data Set

Explanation: A HSC or VTCS utility is being run, and has attempted unsuccessfully to communicate with the HSC address space to establish details of the currently active CDS(s), and to perform dynamic allocation on them. Reasons for this message include the following:

  • HSC has not responded to the request.

  • Dynamic allocation of a CDS has failed.

  • HSC has reported that no CDSs are active.

  • There is a discrepancy between the CDS(s) specified in JCL and those CDS(s) currently active to HSC.

System Action: The operation fails with RC=8.

User Response:

  • If HSC is not active, and the JCL contains no DD statements, then either supply DD statement(s) for CDS(s) in the JCL, or ensure that HSC is active.

  • If a utility that requires update access to the CDS (e.g., EXPORT) is being run, HSC is active and CDS(s) have been supplied in the JCL, then they do not match those currently active in the HSC subsystem. Either correct the DD statements in the JCL to match the HSC subsystem, or remove them. If the problem persists, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Path PPPPPPPP to device DDDD is not supported by the VLE LLLLLLLL

Explanation: The path named PPPPPPPP to device DDDD that has been defined in the VTCS configuration is not supported by the code level of the VLE LLLLLLLL.

System Action: The path to the device will be placed into an offline/maintenance state. If this is the only path to the device, then the device will also be placed into this state.

User Response: Either remove the device from the VTCS configuration or upgrade the code level of the VLE.


DFSMSRMM inventory management in progress

Explanation: While attempting a DFSMSrmm CHANGEVOL command to change the status of a DFSMSrmm managed virtual tape volume, return code 12, reason code 24 was received. This indicates that DFSMSrmm BACKUP(AMS) is running, and updates to the DFSMSrmm CDS are not allowed.

System Action: For virtual MOUNT processing, the mount will be re-driven every five minutes while DFSMSrmm BACKUP(AMS) is running. For SCRATCH processing, the volume will be marked as SCRATCH in the HSC CDS, and will be marked as DFSMSrmm INITIALIZED when next mounted.

User Response: No user response is required. This message will be deleted when a subsequent DFSMSrmm CHANGEVOL command executes successfully.

If appropriate, this message may be avoided by specifying the DFSMSrmm command BACKUP(DSS) with the CONCURRENT option to enable updates to be performed while backup is executing.


MVC VVVVVV; No access to VTSS NNNNNNNN, unable to rename

Explanation: While attempting to change the name of the last mounted VTSS for MVC VVVVVV, it was determined that VTSS NNNNNNNN was not accessible by the host running the MVCMAINT utility.

System Action: The utility fails with a return code of 8 for this MVC. If other MVCs were specified in the control statements, they will be processed.

User Response: Re-run the utility on a host that has access to VTSS NNNNNNNN.


MVC VVVVVV; VTSS name NNNNNNNN does not exist, unable to rename

Explanation: While attempting to change the name of the last mounted VTSS for MVC VVVVVV, it was determined that the VTSS name NNNNNNNN did not exist on the system running the MVCMAINT utility.

System Action: The utility fails with a return code of 8 for this MVC. If other MVCs were specified in the control statements, they will be processed.

User Response: Re-run the utility and specify a valid VTSS name.


DDname dd_name will be used for the manifest merge input file

Explanation: The DDname of dd_name was specified in the MERGEIN parm as input into the merge manifest utility. This is the DDname that is allocated to the manifest merge input file.

System Action: None

User Response: None


DDname dd_name will be used for the manifest merge output file

Explanation: The DDname of dd_name was specified in the MERGEOUT parm as input into the merge manifest utility. This is the DDname that is allocated to the cumulative manifest output file.

System Action: None

User Response: None


The manifest input file contained no data, processing aborted

Explanation: The merge utility found no VTV or MVC data associated with the input DDname specified in MERGMFST command statement.

System Action: The merge manifest utility ends with a condition code of 8.

User Response: Ensure that the correct file was specified as the manifest input file. Correct the file name and resubmit the merge utility.


Failed to open DDname dd_name for manifest merge output file

Explanation: The merge manifest utility failed to open the DDname dd_name specified for the manifest merge output file.

System Action: The merge manifest utility ends with a condition code of 12 and processing is aborted.

User Response: Ensure the validity of both the DDname and file name used for the manifest merge output file and resubmit the merge process.



Explanation: VTCS has detected that VTSS NNNNNNNN is a VSM2 or VSM3, as indicated in the message. The configuration is invalid for reason RRR, which is one of:

  • 'Over 8 RTD/CLINKs' - more than 8 RTDs/Clinks have been defined.

  • 'Over 64 VTDs' - more than 64 VTDs have been defined.

  • 'RTD odd interface DDDDDDDD' - RTD DDDDDDDD has been defined on an odd interface.

  • 'CLINK odd interface TTTTTTTT' - a Clink connecting VTSS NNNNNNNN to VTSS TTTTTTTT has been defined on an odd interface.

System Action: Initialization of the VTSS is terminated and HSC processing continues with the VTSS set 'not accessible'.

User Response: Correct the configuration parameters, then run the VTCS CONFIG utility to redefine the VTCS configuration.


NNNN VOLSER_TYPE MVCVTV(S) are a result from manifest merge processing

Explanation: A number of volser types, either VTVs or MVCs, resulted from merge processing. See the following SLS6727I messages for a list of the affected volsers.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Duplicate manifest file (DD_NAME + NNNN) encountered while processing concatenated input; file skipped

Explanation: Manifest input processing detected a duplicate file within a concatenated list. A manifest file with an identical timestamp has been previously processed. DD_NAME + NNNN is the relative file location, within the DDname's concatenation, of the duplicate file.

System Action: The duplicate file is skipped and processing continues.

User Response: Ensure the validity of the manifest input files.


MVC NNNN VTV count is zero; considered drained

Explanation: While processing a concatenated list of input files, manifest input processing has produced a cumulative image of an MVC whose VTV count has gone to zero. This situation represents a logical drain of the MVC.

System Action: None

User Response: None


The warranty on MVC MMMMMM has expired

Explanation: The warranty on MVC MMMMMM has expired, due to the number of times it has been mounted.

System Action: The MVC status is changed to show the warranty expiration. The MVC remains eligible to be selected as an output MVC until it reaches End-of-Life, at which point the status is changed to Retired.

User Response: No action is required, though you may want to make plans for the future replacement of the MVC when it reaches End-of-Life.


MVC MMMMMM has reached end-of-life. Status changed to RETIRED

Explanation: MVC MMMMMM has reached End-of-Life, due to the number of times it has been mounted.

System Action: The MVC status is changed to Retired. The MVC is no longer eligible to be selected as an output MVC, though data can be read from it.

User Response: No action is required, though you may want to make plans for the future replacement of the MVC when it is empty.


MVC MMMMMM is retired. Warranty status cannot be changed

Explanation: An attempt was made to change the warranty expiration status of MVC MMMMMM using MVCMAINT MVC(MMMMMM) WARRANTY(ON|OFF). The warranty of a Retired MVC must necessarily have expired. Changes to the warranty expiration status are therefore inapplicable.

System Action: The operation fails with RC=8.

User Response: None


VTV VVVVVV is SIZE1 and resident in VTSS SSSSSSSS. However, the CDS records it as being SIZE2

Explanation: While processing VTV VVVVVV, VTCS has determined that the VTV is resident in VTSS SSSSSSSS where it is of size SIZE1. However, this is contradicted by the information recorded in the CDS, where the VTV is shown to be SIZE2. Each of SIZE1 and SIZE2 will be 800Mb or 400Mb.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Report the problem to StorageTek Software Support.


Invalid MIR reported for MVC MMMMMM on RTD RRRRRRRR

Explanation: RBL (Read Buffered Log) data from RTD RRRRRRRR indicates that MVC MMMMMM has an invalid MIR (Media Information Region).

System Action: The MVC record in the CDS is updated to show the MIR is invalid (the INVLDMIR flag is turned on). The MVC may still be selected for migration, but it will be depreferenced. For recall, VTCS will select the alternate MVC if one is available.

User Response: Recover the MIR by using the utility available through the operator panel for the transport, or by using the utility available through MPST, or by AUDITing the MVC. When the MIR has been recreated, run MVCMAINT MVC(MMMMMM) INVLDMIR(OFF) to turn the invalid MIR flag off.


VTCS main task terminating due to internal shutdown request

Explanation: A VTCS task initiated VTCS shutdown after encountering an error that made it impossible for VTCS processing to continue. The error was reported in preceding message(s).

System Action: VTCS terminates.

User Response: Determine from the preceding message(s) the error that caused VTCS to shut down. Take any corrective action indicated by the message(s), then recycle HSC/VTCS.


VTV VVVVVV found mounted during processing

Explanation: While performing a utility operation, the identified VTV VVVVVV was found to be in a mounted state.

System Action: A return code of 4 is set. Other operations may be attempted based on the function(s) being requested.

For DRAIN and RECLAIM operations, other MVCs will be processed as required.

User Response: Re-run the function when the VTV is no longer mounted.


VTV VVVVVV associated with MVC VVVVVV exceeds two copies for export

Explanation: VTV VVVVVV associated with MVC VVVVVV has been found to exceed the maximum number of VTV copies that may be exported to a VTCS system that does not support 4 migrated copies.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: None


Recall of VTV VVVVVV aborted - Attribute AAAAAAAA not supported by VTSS NNNNNNNN

Explanation: The attempt to recall VVVVVV was aborted because the microcode within (or model of) VTSS NNNNNNNN does not support VTVs with attribute AAAAAAAA. The VTV was created upon a VTSS that did have the requisite microcode levels installed.

The attribute AAAAAAAA can be one of MAXVTVSZ (maximum size of the VTV) or VTVPAGE (the page size used to store the VTV).

System Action: The recall request is failed.

User Response: Direct the recall to a VTSS that does support the requested attribute.

You also need to investigate how this came about. Within an installation, VTCS does stop this condition from arising. The most likely source is from importing VTVs from another installation.


The CDS supports AAAAAAAA VTVs but NNNNNNNN does not

Explanation: The CDS is configured to support VTVs with the AAAAAAAA attribute VTVs. However, VTCS has detected that VTSS NNNNNNNN is at a microcode level that does not support VTVs with this attribute.

System Action: Processing continues, but the creation of new VTVs with the AAAAAAAA attribute will be suppressed across ALL VTSSs, not just those for which this message is issued. The attribute AAAAAAAA can be: VTVPAGE(LARGE) or MAXVTVSZ. MAXVTVSZ will have a value of 800, 2000/4000, or 32000.

User Response: If the creation of VTVs with the indicated attribute is required:

  • For each VTSS for which SLS6793I is output, vary the VTSS offline, install the supporting microcode level then vary the VTSS back online. The attribute will be usable once all VTSS have been corrected.

  • If it is possible to run without the VTSS(s) for which SLS6793I is output, vary the VTSS(s) offline and then re-cycle HSC.


CDS type is not recognized

Explanation: VTCS has detected that the CDS associated with a decompile operation is not one supported by VTCS. Valid types are: Base, Extended, Extended (with VTCS V6 extensions).

System Action: The decompile process terminates.

User Response: Ensure that the target CDS has been successfully configured using the VTCS configuration process. Refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support if the CDS has been successfully configured.


Unable to delete VTV VVVVVV from VTSS SSSSSSSS

Explanation: Import was accessing an inactive CDS, i.e. a CDS that was not in use by any Hosts. VTV VVVVVV, which was being imported, already existed in the CDS and was resident on VTSS SSSSSSSS. Import was unable to delete the 'old' copy of the VTV from the VTSS because this mode of import has no access to the VTSS.

System Action: Processing continues. RC=4 is set for this VTV.

User Response: When HSC/VTCS is next active against the CDS, Audit the VTSS to re-establish synchronization between the CDS and the VTSS.


Data space action of item VVVVVV failed: RRR

Explanation: Import was accessing an inactive CDS, i.e. a CDS that was not in use by any Hosts.

Import failed to perform the specified action (read/update) against the indicated item (MVC or VTV, volser VVVVVV) in the data space to which the CDS had been copied, for the reason given (RRR). This indicates an internal processing error has occurred.

Reason is one of the following:

  • ”format conversion failed with RC=X'cc'” - conversion between internal formats failed with Return Code X'cc'.

  • ”format conversion returned volser C'cccccc'/X'xxxxxxxxxxxx'” - conversion between internal formats gave RC=0 but returned the wrong volume. C'cccccc'/X'xxxxxxxxxxxx' shows the returned volser in character and hex formats.

  • ”invalid location (X'pos1',X'pos2',X'pos3',X'pos4')” - the location to be accessed within the data space is invalid, as it is outside of the area containing this type of record (MVC/VTV). X'pos1' to X'pos4' are for Oracle internal use.

  • ”volser check failed - C'cccccc'/X'xxxxxxxxxxxx'” - the volume located within the data space did not match the volume being processed. C'cccccc'/X'xxxxxxxxxxxx' give the volser in the data space in character and hex formats.

  • ”record not found” - the volume was not located within the data space.

System Action: Processing continues. RC=8 is set for this item.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Audit required flag has been set for VTSS SSSSSSSS

Explanation: Import was accessing an inactive CDS, i.e. a CDS that was not in use by any Hosts. One or more of the VTVs being imported already existed in the CDS and were resident on VTSS SSSSSSSS. Import was unable to delete the 'old' copy of these VTVs from the VTSS because this mode of import has no access to the VTSS. Message SLS6795W was output for each such VTV. Synchronization between the CDS and the VTSS is lost.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: When HSC/VTCS is next active against the CDS, Audit the VTSS to re-establish synchronization between the CDS and the VTSS.


INACTCDS requires the CDS to be specified in JCL and to be different from the CDS used by HSC

Explanation: A Batch utility specified INACTCDS on the control statement, indicating that an inactive CDS was being used.

INACTCDS requires both of the following:

  • the CDS to be used by the utility must be specified in the JCL (on SLSCNTL, and SLSCNTL2/SLSSTBY if appropriate, DD statement(s)).

  • no Hosts to be using the CDS

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Ensure that the JCL defines the CDS to be used by the utility and that the CDS specified is not in use by HSC on any Host.


IMMDRAIN(YES) is not supported with IMPORT to an inactive CDS

Explanation: Import was accessing an inactive CDS, i.e. a CDS that was not in use by any Hosts. The IMPORT statement specified IMMDRAIN(YES), which is not supported in this mode because there is no HSC/VTCS system to perform the Drain(s).

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: If the imported MVCs need to be drained, ensure that HSC/VTCS is running on this system using this CDS then rerun the utility. If the imported MVCs do not need to be drained, remove IMMDRAIN(YES) then rerun the utility.



Explanation: VTCS attempted to connect to coupling facility structure SSS, but received unacceptable return/reason codes (X'CCCCCCCC'/X'SSSSSSSS') from the IXLCONN macro.

System Action: VTCS terminates.

User Response: Look up IXLCONN return code X'CCCCCCCC'reason code X'SSSSSSSS' in the relevant IBM manual in order to determine why the connect failed. If possible, correct the error then recycle HSC/VTCS. Otherwise report this problem to StorageTek Software Support.


AAAAAA failed against CF structure SSS. IXLLIST gave RC=X'CCCCCCCC' RSN=X'SSSSSSSS'

Explanation: VTCS issued action AAAAAA against coupling facility structure SSS, but received unacceptable return/reason codes (X'CCCCCCCC'/X'SSSSSSSS') from the IXLLIST macro.

The following shows the format of the IXLLIST macro issued for each action:


System Action: VTCS issues an Abend, then continues.

User Response: Report this problem to StorageTek Software Support.


CF structure SSS is full after formatting MM out of NN entries

Explanation: VTCS successfully connected to coupling facility structure SSS, then attempted to format all data entries.The structure became full after mm of the NN data entries had been written to the structure.

System Action: VTCS terminates.

User Response: Use mm and NN to calculate the factor by which the size of the current structure needs to be increased. When the structure has been re-defined with this larger size, recycle HSC/VTCS.


CF structure SSS shows host HHHH as inactive, but the CDS shows it as active

Explanation: After successfully connecting to coupling facility structure SSS, VTCS checks that each host shown as active in the CDS has updated its status in the structure. Host HHHH is shown as active in the CDS, but is not actively using the structure.

System Action: VTCS delays start-up, but continues to check the status of all hosts.VTCS will delete this message when the CDS and the structure show the same status for host HHHH.

User Response:

  • None if host HHHH is in the process of starting up. VTCS will delete this message once the host updates its status in the structure.

  • If the output from a 'D CDS' command shows host HHHH as active but HSC is definitely not running on that host, recover host HHHH from an active system. Once host HHHH has been recovered, re-issue 'D CDS' to check host HHHH is marked as 'assumed dead'. VTCS will delete this message when the CDS is next checked for the status of host HHHH.

  • If host HHHH is fully active or host HHHH has been recovered and this message remains outstanding, report this problem to StorageTek Software Support.


Correct the reported discrepancies, or reply T to terminate VTCS on host HHHH

Explanation: After successfully connecting to coupling facility structure SSS (named in message SLS6803E), VTCS checks that each host shown as active in the CDS has updated its status in the structure.

One or more hosts are shown as active in the CDS, but are not actively using the structure. Each such host is reported in message SLS6803E, output before this message.

System Action: VTCS delays start-up, but continues to check the status of all hosts.

When the CDS and the coupling facility structure show the same status for all hosts, VTCS will delete this message and start-up will continue.

If this message is replied to with a 'T', VTCS will terminate on this host (HHHH).

User Response: For each host listed in a SLS6803E message, take the action described in the help text for message SLS6803E.

If it is not possible to correct the discrepancy between the status of the hosts in the CDS and the coupling facility structure, report this problem to StorageTek Software Support. If you reply T to this message, VTCS will terminate on this host (HHHH) regardless of the status of the hosts in the CDS and the coupling facility structure.


NNN host to host messages queued for host HHHH, as the CF structure SSS list is full

Explanation: This host is unable to send a host to host message to host HHHH via coupling facility structure SSS, because the structure list used to hold the messages for host HHHH is full.There are now NNN such messages for host HHHH queued in storage in this host.

System Action: VTCS continues checking the coupling facility structure list. When the list is no longer full, VTCS will write the queued messages to the list and delete this message.

User Response:

  • If the output from a 'D CDS' command shows host HHHH as active but HSC is definitely not running on that host, recover host HHHH from an active system. Once host HHHH has been recovered, re-issue 'D CDS' to check host HHHH is marked as 'assumed dead'. VTCS will delete this message when it next checks the CDS for the status of host HHHH.

  • If host HHHH is fully active or host HHHH was recovered and this message remains outstanding, report this problem to StorageTek Software Support.


Disconnect from CF structure SSS failed. IXLDISC gave RC=X'CCCCCCCC' RSN=X'SSSSSSSS'

Explanation: VTCS attempted to disconnect from coupling facility structure SSS, but received unacceptable return/reason codes (X'CCCCCCCC'/X'SSSSSSSS') from the IXLDISC macro.

System Action: VTCS terminates.

User Response: Report this problem to StorageTek Software Support.


A rebuild of CF structure SSS has been initiated

Explanation: VTCS initiated a rebuild of coupling facility structure SSS in an alternate coupling facility after detecting an error accessing the current coupling facility. The error is described in the preceding SLS6801E message(s).

System Action: VTCS suspends access to the current coupling facility structure while all hosts rebuild the structure in an alternate coupling facility. When the rebuild is complete on all hosts, VTCS processing will continue using the alternate coupling facility.

User Response: None


Unable to initiate a rebuild of CF structure SSS. There is no alternate CF available

Explanation: VTCS attempted to initiate a rebuild of coupling facility structure SSS in an alternate coupling facility after detecting an error accessing the current coupling facility. The error is described in the preceding SLS6801E message(s). The response to the rebuild request (macro IXLREBLD) indicated no alternate coupling facility is available.

System Action: VTCS terminates.

User Response: Correct the problem with the coupling facility, then recycle HSC/VTCS. If the CFRM policy shows an alternate coupling facility should be available, report this problem to StorageTek Software Support.


Unable to initiate a rebuild of CF structure SSS. IXLREBLD gave RC=X'CCCCCCCC' RSN=X'SSSSSSSS'

Explanation: VTCS attempted to initiate a rebuild of coupling facility structure SSS in an alternate coupling facility after detecting an error accessing the current coupling facility. The error is described in the preceding SLS6801E message(s).

VTCS received unacceptable return/reason codes (X'CCCCCCCC'/X'SSSSSSSS') from the IXLREBLD macro.

System Action: VTCS terminates.

User Response: Report this problem to StorageTek Software Support.

If the rebuild was initiated by MVS or VTCS due to an error in the coupling facility (rather than by an operator command), correct the error then recycle HSC/VTCS.


Rebuild of CF structure SSS has started

Explanation: A rebuild of coupling facility structure SSS has started in response to an operator command or an error detected by MVS or VTCS.

System Action: VTCS suspends access to the original structure and begins rebuilding the data in a new structure.

User Response: None


Unable to participate in the rebuild of CF structure SSS. IXLEERSP gave RC=X'CCCCCCCC' RSN=X'SSSSSSSS'

Explanation: VTCS is unable to participate in the rebuild of coupling facility structure SSS, because it received unacceptable return/reason codes (X'CCCCCCCC'/X'SSSSSSSS') from the IXLEERSP (EVENT=REBLDQUIESCE) Macro.

System Action: VTCS terminates.

User Response: Report this problem to StorageTek Software Support, then recycle HSC/VTCS.


Unable to complete the rebuild of CF structure SSS. IXLREBLD gave RC=X'CCCCCCCC' RSN=X'SSSSSSSS'

Explanation: VTCS was unable to inform MVS that the rebuild of coupling facility structure SSS is complete, because it received unacceptable return/reason codes (X'CCCCCCCC'/X'SSSSSSSS') from the IXLREBLD (REQUEST=COMPLETE) macro.

System Action: VTCS terminates.

User Response: Report this problem to StorageTek Software Support, then recycle HSC/VTCS.


Rebuild cleanup failed for CF structure SSS. IXLEERSP gave RC=X'CCCCCCCC' RSN=X'SSSSSSSS'

Explanation: VTCS was unable to inform MVS that it had performed cleanup after the rebuild of coupling facility structure SSS, because it received unacceptable return/reason codes (X'CCCCCCCC'/X'SSSSSSSS') from the IXLEERSP (EVENT=REBLDCLEANUP) Macro.

System Action: VTCS terminates.

User Response: Report this problem to StorageTek Software Support, then recycle HSC/VTCS.


The rebuild of CF structure SSS failed

Explanation: VTCS was unable to rebuild the data maintained in storage on this host in coupling facility structure SSS during structure rebuild.

System Action: VTCS issues an Abend, then terminates.

User Response: Report this problem to StorageTek Software Support, then recycle HSC/VTCS.


The rebuild of CF structure SSS is complete

Explanation: The rebuild of coupling facility structure SSS has been completed successfully.

System Action: VTCS coupling facility processing continues against the rebuilt structure.

User Response: None


Unable to stop the rebuild of CF structure SSS. IXLEERSP gave RC=X'CCCCCCCC' RSN=X'SSSSSSSS'

Explanation: MVS informed VTCS that the rebuild of coupling facility structure SSS should be stopped. VTCS was unable to acknowledge to MVS that the rebuild should stop, because it received unacceptable return/reason codes (X'CCCCCCCC'/X'SSSSSSSS') from the IXLEERSP (EVENT=REBLDSTOP) macro.

System Action: VTCS continues with the rebuild.

User Response: Report this problem to StorageTek Software Support.


The rebuild of CF structure SSS has been stopped

Explanation: MVS informed VTCS that the rebuild of coupling facility structure SSS should be stopped. VTCS has successfully stopped the rebuild.

System Action: VTCS coupling facility processing continues against the original structure.

User Response: None


The CDS contains an unrecognized feature string (X'HH')

Explanation: The CDS uses a feature that was enabled by a PTF that has not been installed on this HSC/VTCS system. X'HH' shows the unsupported feature(s).

System Action: VTCS terminates.

User Response: Report this problem to StorageTek Software Support.


Disconnecting from CF structure SSS because a rebuild is in progress

Explanation: VTCS successfully connected to coupling facility structure SSS, which is in the process of being rebuilt. The rebuild started before this host connected to the structure, making it impossible for this host to participate in the rebuild.

System Action: VTCS will disconnect from the coupling facility, then retry the connection at a later time.

User Response: None if VTCS stays connected to the structure once the rebuild is complete. Otherwise, report this problem to StorageTek Software Support.


Wrong length message (LLL/'MMM') received from host HHHH via CF structure SSS

Explanation: VTCS received a host to host message from host HHHH via coupling facility structure SSS, but the message was not of the expected length. LLL and MMM show the length and contents of the message.

System Action: VTCS ignores the host to host message.

User Response: Report this problem to StorageTek Software Support.

Special Conditions:

  • If VTCS lock data is held in a Coupling Facility Structure (i.e. the VTCS configuration specifies LOCKSTR=structure-name on the GLOBAL statement):

    • The PTF that enables Coupling Facility access must be applied to ALL Hosts.

    • Hosts that do not have the PTF applied will be unable to process the CDS.

  • VTCS start-up in an HSC/VTCS address space will Abend U1096/X'6A24', or output message SLS6818E and then terminate.

  • VTCS utilities will terminate with RC=12 and message ”SLS6606I CDS IS NOT CONFIGURED FOR VTCS” or message SLS6818E.

  • If VTCS lock data is held in the CDS (i.e. the VTCS configuration does not specify LOCKSTR=structure-name on the GLOBAL statement), the PTF that enables Coupling Facility access may be applied to no Hosts, some Hosts or all Hosts.


MGMTclas/STORCLAS CCCCCCCC is not defined

Explanation: A Management or Storage class filter CCCCCCCC was specified on a utility command statement, however, the class is not defined either in any required POLICYDD file or to the active VTCS system.

System Action: The current utility request is terminated.

User Response: Correct the filter class specification or ensure that the class is defined either to VTCS or any required POLICYDD file.


MGMTclas CCCCCCCC does not specify any archive policies

Explanation: A Management Class filter CCCCCCCC was specified to the ARCHIVE utility; however the class does not contain any Archive policies (ARCHAge and ARCHPol specifications).

System Action: The current utility request is terminated.

User Response: Correct the filter class specification or ensure that the class specifies Archive policies.


Unable to access MVC for recall of VTV VVVVVV

Explanation: While attempting to recall VTV VVVVVV to satisfy a mount request, VTCS could not successfully mount an MVC to perform the recall. The primary MVC may have had mount failures or VTCS may not have been able to read the MVC. Other MVC copies were unavailable as no RTD access to them existed when the recall was attempted.

System Action: The recall/mount terminates.

User Response: Check the HSC logs to determine what errors caused the MVC mount or read failures. Determine why VTCS could not access other MVC copies in order to satisfy the VTV recall request. When the access problems to the MVC(s) have been corrected, issue a manual HSC mount command to re-drive the request. If the reason for the failure is not understood, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Parse error in Management Policy file POLICYdd CCCCCCCC

Explanation: An error was detected while parsing the Management Policy file. This message is followed by message SLS6603I detailing the precise error.

System Action: The current utility request is terminated.

User Response: Correct the Management Policy file definitions and re-run the utility request.


CDS conversion incomplete. Rerun CONFIG

Explanation: VTCS has determined that a CONFIG has been started on the CDS requiring conversion of the CDS. The CONFIG did not complete.

System Action: VTCS terminates.

User Response: The CONFIG must be rerun to complete the CDS conversion before other HSC functions can be run.


CDS conversion incomplete. CONFIG will complete CDS conversion

Explanation: VTCS CONFIG has determined that a previous CONFIG has been started on the CDS which required conversion of the CDS. This CONFIG did not complete successfully.

System Action: CONFIG will complete the conversion of the CDS.

User Response: None


Invalid Archive/Reconcil parameter PPPPPPPP value CCCCCCCC

Explanation: An error was detected while parsing the Archive/Reconcil utility statement. Parameter PPPPPPPP contains an invalid value CCCCCCCC.

System Action: The current utility request is terminated.

User Response: Correct the parameter value and re-run the utility request.


AAAAAAA in management classes not supported by RRRRRR

Explanation: One or more of the management class definitions specified the attribute AAAAAAA. This attribute is supported by the CDS level but it cannot be implemented because a hardware or configuration error has occurred.

System Action: Defaults will be applied to any VTVs created with these management classes.

User Response:

If the reason for the failure is "hardware":

  • Some features will require upgrades to the microcode on the VTSSs in order for support to become available. Other features may be limited by the model type of the VTSS.

  • The output from the 'QUERY CONFIG' command will report the VTSS model and the ability of the VTSS to support the required features.

If the reason for the failure is "configuration":

  • The VTCS configuration error has a mismatch in RTD device types between the VTSSs in a cluster. Other error messages may have been displayed to provide additional information.

  • Examine the VTSS and CLUSTER definitions in the VTCS configuration to identify the cause of the problem.

  • The output from the 'QUERY CONFIG' command will report the VTSS model and the ability of the VTSS to support the required features.


Configuration query of LSM AA:LL (containing RTD DDDD) failed with RC=X'RRRRRRRR'

Explanation: VTCS invoked the HSC configuration query service to obtain information about LSM AA:LL (that contains RTD DDDD). The query failed with Return Code X'RRRRRRRR'. The information would have been used by the RTD allocation routines, though VTCS is able to allocate RTDs without this information.

System Action: VTCS processing continues.

User Response: Report this problem to StorageTek Software Support.


Waiting for VTSS NNNNNNNN to complete initialization

Explanation: VTCS is waiting for VTSS NNNNNNNN to complete initialization during HSC/VTCS start-up. The initialization of the VTSS must complete before virtual processing can commence.

System Action: VTCS will continue to wait for the initialization to complete.

User Response: Check the HSC logs and SYSLOG to determine if any errors exist for VTD addresses associated with the VTSS. If any IOSnnnn messages exist for the VTD address(es) in question, determine if the errors are limited to a single path. If so, vary the affected path(s) offline. If the errors appear to affect all paths, a Vary nnnn,OFFLINE,FORCE command can be issued to attempt to bypass the device. Once the problem has been corrected, the device can be brought back online. It should not be necessary to re-start HSC/VTCS once the errors have been corrected and the VTD addresses are properly online. If the VTSS was taken offline, a VT Vary VTSS(nnnnnnnn) ONline can be issued to bring the VTSS online. If the errors cannot be resolved, contact StorageTek Software Support for assistance.


Additional copies of VTV VVVVVV retained because of status change

Explanation: When performing a recall of VTV VVVVVV, there was an additional requirement to delete copies of the VTV from other MVCs. A check has failed at this point because the status of the VTV had changed since the command was originally issued.

System Action: Processing continues without the copies of the VTV having been deleted. This may result in subsequent errors or retry conditions.

User Response: This is only a warning. Because there is a significant delay between the validation performed when the command was issued and the time at which the deletion is attempted, it is quite possible for another request to update the VTV record and thus invalidate the original reason for the delete.


VTV VVVVVV deleted from MVC mvclist

Explanation: VTV VVVVVV has been deleted from the VTSS and logically deleted from the MVC(s) specified in mvclist.

System Action: VTCS continues with the next VTV to be processed.

User Response: No action necessary.


VTV VVVVVV deleted

Explanation: VTV VVVVVV has been deleted from the VTSS.

System Action: VTCS continues with the next VTV to be processed.

User Response: No action necessary.


VTV VVVVVV excluded - referenced within NNN days

Explanation: VTV VVVVVV has not been selected for deletion as it has been referenced within NNN days. NNN is the period of grace supplied via the NOTREF parameter, and signifies that VTVs that have been referenced within this period are not to be considered for deletion.

System Action: VTCS continues with the next VTV to be processed.

User Response: No action necessary.


Duplicate PPPPPPPP VVVVVVVV ignored

Explanation: Value VVVVVVVV for parameter PPPPPPPP has been specified more than once within the DELETSCR command.

It has been detected more than once, but will only be processed once. PPPPPPPP is either scratch pool or VTSS.

System Action: VTCS continues processing each specified value once only.

User Response: No action necessary.


Error updating VTV VVVVVV

Explanation: An unexpected response was received when attempting to write the VTV record back to the database.

System Action: VTCS terminates the request, and supplies return code 12.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Unable to retrieve record for VTV VVVVVV

Explanation: An unexpected response was received when attempting to retrieve the VTV record from the database.

System Action: VTCS terminates the request, and supplies return code 12.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Error logically deleting VTV VVVVVV from MVC(s)

Explanation: An unexpected response was received when attempting to logically delete VTV VVVVVV from MVCs to which the VTV has been migrated.

System Action: VTCS terminates the request, and supplies return code 12.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Scratch pool definitions changed during program execution - could not locate Scratch pool PPPP

Explanation: VTCS detects when a resource (either a VTV or an MVC) is being used on either the same or a different host, waits until the resource becomes available, and then re-drives the request. Within this waiting interval, the scratch pool definitions have been re-loaded via the SCRPDEF command, and the new definitions do not include the VTV that was being processed when the task was interrupted. VTCS cannot therefore re-establish the point from which to continue processing. See message SLS6841E for details of the VTV involved.

System Action: VTCS continues processing the request from the next supplied scratch pool, and supplies return code 4 on termination.

User Response: Either re-load the original scratch pool definitions, or amend the SCRPOOL parameter to include existing scratch pools, and re-run the DELETSCR utility.


Scratch pool for VTV VVVVVV not found

Explanation: This message may be issued in conjunction with message SLS6840I and specifies the VTV that was contained in a scratch pool that has been removed from VTCS during program execution. If it was issued in conjunction with message SLS6840I, the scratch pool has been removed. If message SLS6840I was not issued, the scratch pool has been located, but re-defined to exclude the VTV.

System Action: VTCS continues processing the request from the next supplied scratch pool, and supplies return code 4 on termination.

User Response: Please see message help for message SLS6840I.


Unable to delete VTV VVVVVV from VTSS SSSS

Explanation: An unexpected response was received when attempting to delete the VTV from a VTSS.

System Action: VTCS terminates the request, and supplies return code 12.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Unable to locate any VTVs in scratch pool PPPP

Explanation: Either the named scratch pool has not been defined to HSC, or the scratch pool contains no VTVs.

System Action: VTCS ignores the unidentified scratch pool, continues processing any remaining scratch pools supplied to the utility, and supplies return code 4.

User Response: Remove or correct the unidentified scratch pool and re-submit the utility if necessary.


Invalid range VVVV1 - VVVV2 specified

Explanation: The range of volumes VVVV1-VVVV2 specified in the utility does not constitute a valid volume range.

System Action: The utility will fail and supply return code 12.

User Response: Correct the volume range in error and re-submit the utility.


No valid MVCPOOLS have been defined

Explanation: No valid MVC Pools have been defined via the VT MVCDEF command. This is due to one of the following reasons:

  • VT MVCDEF was not specified in SLSSYSxx and has never been entered as an operator command.

  • VT MVCDEF was specified in SLSSYSxx or entered as an operator command, but the MVC Pool(s)) were not installed (and valid MVC Pool(s)) have not been installed previously).

  • VT MVCDEF was specified in SLSSYSxx or entered as an operator command. The MVC Pool(s) were installed, but none of the volumes specified in the MVC Pool(s) are defined as MVCs in the VTCS Configuration (on MVCVOL statement(s)).

System Action: VTCS processing continues, though processing will be severely impacted due to an inability to migrate VTVs.

User Response:

  • If VT MVCDEF was not specified in SLSSYSxx and has never been entered as an operator command, define one/more valid MVC Pool(s) then issue the VT MVCDEF command to load the MVC Pool definitions.

  • If VT MVCDEF was specified in SLSSYSxx or entered as an operator command but the MVC Pool(s) were not installed, determine and correct the reason for the MVC Pool(s) not being installed (e.g. a syntax error in the command or the definition of the MVC Pool(s)).

  • Then issue the VT MVCDEF command to reload the MVC Pool definitions.

  • If VT MVCDEF was specified in SLSSYSxx or entered as an operator command and the MVC Pool(s) were installed but did not specify MVCs, ensure that the volumes specified in the MVC Pool(s) are defined as MVCs in the VTCS Configuration (on MVCVOL statement(s)). Then issue the VT MVCDEF command to reload the MVC Pool definitions.


No default MVCPOOL (DEFAULTPOOL) has been defined

Explanation: All MVC Pool(s) defined via the VT MVCDEF command are named MVC Pool(s) (of the format MVCPool Volser(VVVVVV) NAME(PPP) ...). There are no unnamed MVC Pool(s) defined (of the format MVCPool Volser(VVVVVV) ..., without the NAME(PPP) parameter. VTCS gives the name DEFAULTPOOL to the pool of MVCs that are specified in unnamed MVC Pool(s).

This pool is used when migrating:

  • VTVs that do not have a Management Class assigned (in which case the Storage Class name will be that of the VTSS from which the VTVs are being migrated), or

  • To a Storage Class that does not specify an MVC Pool, or

  • To Storage Class !ERROR (which occurs when a VTV has an undefined Management Class).

All such migrations will fail if the DEFAULTPOOL is not defined.

Even when not strictly necessary, it is useful to have a DEFAULTPOOL defined to allow for error situations.

System Action: VTCS processing continues.

User Response: Review the Storage Class definitions.

  • If all Storage Classes specify an MVC Pool, a DEFAULTPOOL is not required but may still be defined to allow for error situations.

  • If any Storage Class does not specify an MVC Pool, a DEFAULTPOOL is required.

If a DEFAULTPOOL is required (or desired to allow for error situations), define one/more unnamed MVC Pool(s) (of the format MVCPool Volser(VVVVVV) ..., without the NAME(PPP) parameter).

Then issue the VT MVCDEF command to reload the MVC Pool definitions.


MVCPOOL PPP contains no volumes that are defined as MVCS

Explanation: None of the volumes specified in MVC Pool PPP are defined as MVCs in the VTCS Configuration (on MVCVOL statement(s)). All migrations that request an MVC from this MVC Pool will fail.

System Action: VTCS processing continues, but ignores the definition of MVC Pool PPP.

User Response: Correct or remove the definition of MVC Pool PPP, then issue the VT MVCDEF command to reload the MVC Pool definitions.

The definition should only be removed if this is not the DEFAULTPOOL and no Storage Classes specify this MVC Pool.


STORCLAS SSS indicates MVCs are to be selected from undefined MVCPOOL PPP

Explanation: Storage Class SSS specifies/implies that MVCs are to be selected from MVC Pool PPP, but that MVC Pool is not defined.

The presence/absence of the MVCPool(PPP) parameter on the Storage Class definition indicates the MVC Pool from which MVCs are to be selected when migrating to that Storage Class.

  • If the definition of Storage Class SSS is of the format STORclas NAME(SSS) MVCPool(PPP) ..., MVCs are to be selected from MVC Pool PPP.

  • If the definition of Storage Class SSS is of the format STORclas NAME(SSS)... (without the MVCPool(PPP) parameter), MVCs are to be selected from MVC Pool DEFAULTPOOL.

VTCS gives the name DEFAULTPOOL to the pool of MVCs that are specified in unnamed MVC Pool(s) (of the format MVCPool Volser(VVVVVV) ..., without the NAME(PPP) parameter.

All migrations to Storage Class SSS, or that request an MVC from this MVC Pool, will fail.

System Action: VTCS processing continues.

User Response: If the MVC Pool specified/implied by the definition of Storage Class SSS is correct, add the definition of MVC Pool PPP to the MVC Pools then issue the VT MVCDEF command to reload the MVC Pool definitions.

If the MVC Pool specified/implied by the definition of Storage Class SSS is incorrect, correct the definition of Storage Class SSS then issue the MGMTDEF command to reload the Storage Class definitions.


There are no MVCs in MVCPOOL PPP with the MEDIA specified on STORCLAS SSS

Explanation: The definition of Storage Class SSS indicates that MVCs selected for migration to that Storage Class must have specific media and be in MVC Pool PPP.

MVC Pool PPP is defined, but none of the MVCs in MVC Pool PPP have the specified media.

All migrations to Storage Class SSS will fail. The media is specified by the MEDIA(media-value(s)) parameter on the Storage Class definition.

The presence/absence of the MVCPool(PPP) parameter on the Storage Class definition indicates the MVC Pool to be used.

  • If the definition of Storage Class SSS is of the format STORclas NAME(SSS) MVCPool(PPP) ..., MVCs are to be selected from MVC Pool PPP.

  • If the definition of Storage Class SSS is of the format STORclas NAME(SSS) ... (without the MVCPool(PPP) parameter), MVCs are to be selected from MVC Pool DEFAULTPOOL.

    VTCS gives the name DEFAULTPOOL to the pool of MVCs that are specified in unnamed MVC Pool(s) (of the format MVCPool Volser(VVVVVV) ..., without the 'NAME(PPP)' parameter).

System Action: VTCS processing continues.

User Response: If Storage Class SSS specifies the correct media and specifies/implies the correct MVC Pool, correct the definition of MVC Pool PPP to include MVCs of the requested media then issue the VT MVCDEF command to reload the MVC Pool definitions.

If Storage Class SSS specifies the incorrect media and/or specifies/implies the incorrect MVC Pool, correct the definition of Storage Class SSS then issue the MGMTDEF command to reload the Storage Class definitions.


STORCLAS SSS specifies unknown MEDIA X'NN'

Explanation: VTCS was unable to determine the media specified by Storage Class SSS. X'NN' shows the code used within VTCS to describe this media type.

System Action: VTCS processing continues, ignoring the unknown media.

User Response: Report this problem to StorageTek Software Support.


There are no RTDs in XXX capable of writing the MEDIA specified on STORCLAS SSS

Explanation: If XXX in the message is 'ACS aa', the definition of Storage Class SSS contains the usage of either the ACS and/or the STORMNGR parameters and there are no RTDs in indicated ACS capable of writing the specified media.

If XXX in the message is 'the configuration', the definition of Storage Class SSS contains usage of the MEDIA parameter and no usage of the ACS or STORMNGR parameters and there are no RTDs in the configuration capable of writing the specified media.

All migrations to Storage Class SSS will fail.

System Action: VTCS processing continues.

User Response: Correct or remove the MEDIA, ACS or STORMNGR parameters specified on the definition of Storage Class SSS in line with the media and ACSs that are supported by available RTDs, then issue the MGMTDEF command to reload the Storage Class definitions.


STORCLAS information:

Explanation: Displays the response to a VT D STORCLas(SSS) command. The output shows:

  • INPLACE YES/NO specifications or those that are inherited from the RECLAIM CONFIG statement. The CDS must be at level H for this information to be displayed.

  • The media, ACS, MVCPool and device type(s) specified/implied by the definition of Storage Class SSS.

  • Any incompatibilities between the media/device type(s) required when migrating to this Storage Class and the media/device type(s) available.

  • The VTVs awaiting auto/immediate migration from any VTSS to this Storage Class.

The following will/may be displayed:

  • 'Summary of storage class SSS:' is output to show the Storage Class (SSS) being displayed.

  • 'INPLACE(YES) set for storage class' is output when INPLACE(YES) is specified on the STORclas statement.

  • 'INPLACE(NO) set for storage class' is output when INPLACE(NO) is specified on the STORclas statement.

  • 'INPLACE not set for storage class, inherits RECLAIM value of YES/NO' is output when INPLACE is not specified on the STORclas statement and the storage class can include ALP media (T10KB or T10KC non-sport media).

  • 'INPLACE not set for storage class' is output when INPLACE is not specified on the STORclas statement and the storage class does not include ALP media.

  • 'MVCs must be in ACS NN and MVCPOOL PPP and be media type MMM' OR 'MVCs must be in MVCPOOL PPP and be media type MMM' OR 'MVCs must be in MVCPOOL PPP' is output to show the criteria that an MVC must satisfy in order to be used when migrating to this Storage Class. The criteria are taken/derived from the definition of Storage Class SSS.

  • 'MVCPool PPP is not defined' is output only if the MVCPool (PPP) specified/implied by Storage Class SSS is undefined.

  • 'The MVCs in MVCPool PPP are only of media type MMM' is output only if:

    • Storage Class SSS does not specify media, or

    • There is no overlap between the media (MMM) of the MVCs in MVCPool PPP and the media required when migrating to this Storage Class, or

    • There are no RTDs available in the configuration/ACS AA with device types capable of writing the media (MMM) contained in MVCPool PPP.

  • 'MVCPool PPP contains no free MVCs (in any ACS/in ACS NN) (with the specified media)' is output only if MVCPool PPP contains MVCs with the media required when migrating to this Storage Class, but none of the MVCs are free (empty).

    • 'in any ACS' is output if no ACS was specified by the definition of Storage Class SSS. The search for free MVCs is limited to MVCs in an ACS.

    • 'in ACS NN' is output if ACS(NN) was specified by the definition of Storage Class SSS. The search for free MVCs is limited to MVCs in ACS NN.

    • '(with the specified media)' is output if media were specified by the definition of Storage Class SSS.

    Migration to this Storage Class can be successful even if this message is output, as partially full (Used) MVCs of Storage Class SSS can be used (if there are any with the specified media and/or ACS).

    Non-library MVCs within MVCPool PPP with the specified media may also be used (if there are any).

  • 'RTDs can be any device type' OR 'RTDs must be device type DDD' is output to show the device type(s) that an RTD must have in order to be used when migrating to this Storage Class.

    The device type(s) are derived from the media specified/implied by Storage Class SSS.

  • There are no RTDs defined in the configuration/ACS AA' is output only if there are no RTDs connected to any VTSS (in ACS AA)'.

    If Storage Class SSS specifies 'ACS(AA)', only ACS AA is checked for RTDs connected to a VTSS.

    If Storage Class SSS does not specify an ACS, all ACSs are checked for RTDs connected to a VTSS.

  • 'The RTDs defined in the configuration/ACS AA are only of device type DDD' is output only if there is no overlap between the device type(s) (DDD) of the RTDs connected to any VTSS (in ACS AA) and:

    • the device type(s) required when migrating to this Storage Class, or

    • the device type(s) required to write the media contained in MVCPool PPP.

    If Storage Class SSS specifies 'ACS(AA)', only RTDs in ACS AA that are connected to a VTSS are checked.

    If Storage Class SSS does not specify an ACS, all RTD that are connected to a VTSS are checked.

  • 'VTSS TTT has no RTDs defined (in ACS AA)' is output only if there are no RTDs connected to VTSS TTT (in ACS AA).

    '(in ACS AA)' is output only if Storage Class SSS specifies 'ACS(AA)'.

    If Storage Class SSS specifies 'ACS(AA)', only ACS AA is checked for RTDs connected to VTSS TTT.

    If Storage Class SSS does not specify an ACS, all ACSs are checked for RTDs connected to VTSS TTT.

  • 'The RTDs connected to VTSS TTT (in ACS AA) are only of device type DDD' is output only if there is no overlap between the device type(s) (DDD) of the RTDs connected to VTSS TTT (in ACS AA) and the device type(s) required when migrating to this Storage Class.

    '(in ACS AA)' is output only if Storage Class SSS specifies 'ACS(AA)'.

    If Storage Class SSS specifies 'ACS(AA)', only RTDs in ACS AA that are connected to VTSS TTT are checked.

    If Storage Class SSS does not specify an ACS, all RTDs that are connected to VTSS TTT are checked.

  • 'VTSS TTT has no suitable RTD online (in ACS AA)' is output only if there are RTDs connected to VTSS TTT (in ACS AA) with the device type(s) required when migrating to this Storage Class, but none of the RTDs are online.

    The RTDs are derived from:

    • the device type(s) required when migrating to this Storage Class, and/or

    • the device type(s) required to write the media contained in MVCPool PPP.

    '(in ACS AA)' is output only if Storage Class SSS specifies 'ACS(AA)'.

    If Storage Class SSS specifies 'ACS(AA)', only RTDs in ACS aa that are connected to VTSS TTT are checked.

    If Storage Class SSS does not specify an ACS, all RTDs that are connected to VTSS TTT are checked.

  • 'There are no VTVs queued for auto/immediate migration' is output only if there are no VTVs queued for auto/immediate migration (or that failed auto-migration previously) to this Storage Class from any VTSS.

  • 'There are NN VTVs awaiting auto-migration from VTSS TTT' is output only if there are VTVs awaiting auto-migration to this Storage Class from VTSS TTT.

    If the DETail and/or MAXvtv parameters were specified, the VTV volsers will be listed.

  • 'There are NN VTVs awaiting immediate migration from VTSS TTT' is output only if there are VTVs awaiting immediate migration to this Storage Class from VTSS TTT.

    If the DETail and/or MAXvtv parameters were specified, the VTV volsers will be listed.

  • 'There are NN VTVs that failed auto-migration from VTSS TTT' is output only if there are currently no VTVs awaiting auto-migration to this Storage Class from VTSS TTT, but there were VTVs that failed auto-migration to this Storage Class from VTSS TTT previously.

    If the DETail and/or MAXvtv parameters were specified, the date and time of the previous failure and the VTV volsers will be listed.

  • '(This list was in use when migration failed at dttm)' is output after 'There are NN VTVs that failed auto-migration from VTSS TTT' if the DETail and/or MAXvtv parameters were specified, to show the date and time (dttm) of the previous auto-migration failure.

  • 'volsr1, volsr2, volsr3, ... , volsr8 ' OR 'volsr1 with MGMTCLAS mgmt1, volsr2 with MGMTCLAS mgmt2' is output only if the DETail and/or MAXvtv parameters were specified and there are VTVs awaiting auto/immediate migration (or previously failed auto-migration) from VTSS TTT.

    The volser (and Management Class if it has one) of each VTV is listed, up to the display limit (set by MAXvtv(NNNN) or the default limit).

System Action: None

User Response: None


Migration failed storage class: SSS ACS: AA VTSS: TTT - MVCPOOL PPP is not defined

Explanation: VTCS was attempting to migrate to Storage Class SSS, but was unable to select an MVC because the MVC Pool (PPP) specified/implied by the Storage Class is not defined.

Message SLS6860I, output after this message, shows the definition of Storage Class SSS (including the MVC Pool specified/implied).

The presence/absence of the MVC Pool(PPP) parameter on the Storage Class definition indicates the MVC Pool to be used.

  • If the definition of Storage Class SSS is of the format STORclas NAME(SSS) MVCPool(PPP) ..., MVCs are to be selected from MVC Pool PPP.

  • If the definition of Storage Class SSS is of the format STORclas NAME(SSS) ... (without the MVCPool(PPP) parameter), MVCs are to be selected from MVC Pool DEFAULTPOOL.

    • VTCS gives the name DEFAULTPOOL to the pool of MVCs that are specified in unnamed MVC Pool(s) (of the format MVCPool Volser(VVVVVV) ..., without the 'NAME(PPP)' parameter).

    • The VTV(s) are being migrated from VTSS TTT to MVC(s) in ACS AA (ACS FF indicates any ACS).

VTCS gives the name DEFAULTPOOL to the pool of MVCs that are specified in unnamed MVC Pool(s) (of the format MVCPool Volser(VVVVVV) ..., without the 'NAME(PPP)' parameter).

System Action: For demand migration, the migration is terminated. For immediate or automatic migration, the migration will be retried.

User Response: If the MVC Pool specified/implied by the definition of Storage Class SSS is correct, add the definition of MVC Pool PPP to the MVC Pools then issue the VT MVCDEF command to reload the MVC Pool definitions.

If the MVC Pool specified/implied by the definition of Storage Class SSS is incorrect, correct the definition then issue the MGMTDEF command to reload the Storage Class definitions.


Migration failed storage class: SSS ACS: AA VTSS: TTT - No MVCs found for specified MEDIA

Explanation: VTCS was attempting to migrate to Storage Class SSS, but was unable to select an MVC because the MVCPool (PPP) specified/implied by the Storage Class contains no MVCs in ACS AA of the media specified by the Storage Class.

If the definition of the Storage Class does not specify an MVCPool, DEFAULTPOOL is implied.VTCS gives the name DEFAULTPOOL to the pool of MVCs that are specified in unnamed MVCPool(s).

Message SLS6860I, output after this message, shows the definition of Storage Class SSS.

The VTV(s) are being migrated from VTSS TTT to MVC(s) in ACS AA (ACS FF indicates any ACS).

System Action: For demand migration, the migration is terminated. For immediate or automatic migration, the migration will be retried.

User Response:

  • Check the number/media of MVCs in MVCPool PPP.

  • The VT QU MVCP NAME(PPP) command can be entered to display the number and type of each media present, by ACS, in MVCPool PPP.

  • Check that all MVCs defined in MVCPool PPP are also defined in the configuration (on the MVCVOL statement(s)). MVCs will be used only if they are defined within both the MVCPool and the configuration. If necessary, make changes to the configuration (MVCVOL statement(s)).

  • Check the status of MVCs in MVCPool PPP. Check for MVCs in MVCPool PPP that are the requested media and are in ACS AA and have read-only, ejected or data-check status.

    The MVC cache, a storage area maintained by VTCS to provide a fast look-up of MVC attributes when selecting an MVC for migration, does not record the media of MVCs that have read-only, ejected or data-check status.

    If necessary, change the status of the read-only or ejected MVCs.

  • If MVCs have recently been added to MVCPool PPP, check the system security product.

    If MVCs that are the requested media and are in ACS aa have recently been added to MVCPool PPP (particularly if they have never been written to), check that the system security product allows write access to the MVCs.

    The MVC cache (see above) does not record the media of MVCs that the system security product denies write access to.

    If necessary, make changes to the system security product definitions.

  • Check the definition of Storage Class SSS.

    • In particular, check the MEDIA(MMM) specified and the presence/absence of the MVCPool(PPP) parameter (if MVCPool(PPP) is not specified, MVCpool DEFAULTPOOL is used).

    • The VT Display STORCL(SSS) command can be entered to display the Storage Class definition and each media type present in MVCPool PPP.

    • If the definition of Storage Class SSS is incorrect, correct the definition then issue the MGMTDEF command to reload the Storage Class definitions.

    • If the definition of Storage Class SSS is correct, add more MVCs with the requested media within the specified ACS to MVCPool PPP then issue the VT MVCDEF command to reload the MVCPool definitions.


Migration failed storage class: SSS ACS: AA VTSS: TTT - No MVCs found for specified MEDIA/SC/ACS

Explanation: VTCS was attempting to migrate to Storage Class SSS, but was unable to select an MVC because the MVCPool (PPP) specified/implied by the Storage Class contains MVCs of the media specified by the Storage Class, but those MVCs:

  • Were not in ACS AA, and/or

  • Were in ACS AA but there are no online RTDs in ACS AA connected to VTSS TTT that can write the specified media, and/or

  • Could not be selected for migrations to Storage Class SSS.

    An MVC can be selected for migration to Storage Class SSS only if it is empty (Free) or if it is partially full (Used) of VTVs that were migrated to Storage Class SSS.

    An MVC can not be selected for migration to Storage Class SSS if it is partially full of VTVs that were migrated to a different Storage Class.

    If the definition of the Storage Class does not specify an MVCPool, DEFAULTPOOL is implied. VTCS gives the name DEFAULTPOOL to the pool of MVCs that are specified in unnamed MVCPool(s).

Message SLS6860I, output after this message, shows the definition of Storage Class SSS.

The VTV(s) are being migrated from VTSS TTT to MVC(s) in ACS AA (ACS FF indicates any ACS).

System Action: For demand migration, the migration is terminated. For immediate or automatic migration, the migration will be retried.

User Response:

  • Check the RTDs in ACS AA.

    Ensure there are RTDs online in ACS AA that can write the specified media.If necessary, vary online a suitable RTD.

  • Check the number/media of MVCs in MVCPool PPP.

    The VT QU MVCP NAME(PPP) command can be entered to display the number and type of each media present, by ACS, in MVCPool PPP.

  • Check the status of MVCs in MVCPool PPP.

    Check for MVCs in MVCPool PPP that are the requested media and are in ACS AA and have read-only, ejected or data-check status.

    The MVC cache, a storage area maintained by VTCS to provide a fast look-up of MVC attributes when selecting an MVC for migration, does not record the media of MVCs that have read-only, ejected or data-check status.

    If necessary, change the status of the read-only or ejected MVCs.

  • If MVCs have recently been added to MVCPool PPP, check the system security product.

    If MVCs that are the requested media and are in ACS aa have recently been added to MVCPool PPP (particularly if they have never been written to), check that the system security product allows write access to the MVCs.

    The MVC cache (see above) does not record the media of MVCs that the system security product denies write access to.

    If necessary, make changes to the system security product definitions.

  • Check the definition of Storage Class SSS.

    Check the MEDIA(MMM) and ACS(AA) specified and the presence/absence of the MVCPool(PPP) parameter (if MVCPool(PPP) is not specified, MVCpool DEFAULTPOOL is used).

    The VT Display STORCL(SSS) command can be entered to display the Storage Class definition and each media type present in MVCPool PPP.

    If the definition of Storage Class SSS is incorrect, correct the definition then issue the MGMTDEF command to reload the Storage Class definitions.

    If the definition of Storage Class SSS is correct:

    • Add more MVCs that are the specified media and are within ACS AA to MVCPool PPP then issue the VT MVCDEF command to reload the MVCPool definitions, and/or

    • If possible, use RECLaim to free up some MVCs that are the specified media and are within ACS AA.


Migration failed storage class: SSS ACS: AA VTSS: TTT - No usable MVCs found for specified MEDIA/SC/ACS

Explanation: VTCS was attempting to migrate to Storage Class SSS, but was unable to select an MVC because the MVCPool (PPP) specified/implied by the Storage Class contains MVCs, of the specified media in ACS aa, that can be used for migrations to Storage Class SSS, but those MVCs were unusable. Reasons for an MVC being unusable include:

  • The MVC is full.

  • The MVC contains insufficient free space to contain the VTV being migrated.

    If the definition of the Storage Class does not specify an MVCPool, DEFAULTPOOL is implied. VTCS gives the name DEFAULTPOOL to the pool of MVCs that are specified in unnamed MVCPool(s).

    Message SLS6860I, output after this message, shows the definition of Storage Class SSS.

    The VTV(s) are being migrated from VTSS TTT to MVC(s) in ACS AA (ACS FF indicates any ACS).

System Action: For demand migration, the migration is terminated. For immediate or automatic migration, the migration will be retried.

User Response:

  • Check the RTDs in ACS AA.

    Ensure there are RTDs online in ACS AA that can write the specified media.If necessary, vary online a suitable RTD.

  • Check the number/media of MVCs in MVCPool PPP.

    The VT QU MVCP NAME(PPP) command can be entered to display the number and type of each media present, by ACS, in MVCPool PPP.

  • Check the status of MVCs in MVCPool PPP.

    Check for MVCs in MVCPool PPP that are the requested media and are in ACS AA and have read-only, ejected or data-check status.

    The MVC cache, a storage area maintained by VTCS to provide a fast look-up of MVC attributes when selecting an MVC for migration, does not record the media of MVCs that have read-only, ejected or data-check status.

    If necessary, change the status of the read-only or ejected MVCs.

  • If MVCs have recently been added to MVCPool PPP, check the system security product.

    If MVCs that are the requested media and are in ACS aa have recently been added to MVCPool PPP (particularly if hey have never been written to), check that the system security product allows write access to the MVCs.

    The MVC cache (see above) does not record the media of MVCs that the system security product denies write access to.

    If necessary, make changes to the system security product definitions.

  • Check the definition of Storage Class SSS.

    Check the MEDIA(MMM) and ACS(AA) specified and the presence/absence of the MVCPool(PPP) parameter (if MVCPool(PPP) is not specified, MVCpool DEFAULTPOOL is used).

    The VT Display STORCL(SSS) command can be entered to display the Storage Class definition and each media type present in MVCPool PPP.

    If the definition of Storage Class SSS is incorrect, correct the definition then issue the MGMTDEF command to reload the Storage Class definitions.

    If the definition of Storage Class SSS is correct:

    • Add more MVCs that are the specified media and are within ACS AA to MVCPool PPP then issue the VT MVCDEF command to reload the MVCPool definitions, and/or

    • If possible, use RECLaim to free up some MVCs that are the specified media and are within ACS AA.


Migration failed storage class: SSS ACS: AA VTSS: TTT - No RTDs for requested MEDIA and ACS

Explanation: VTCS was attempting to migrate to Storage Class SSS, but was unable to find an RTD that:

  • Is within the specified ACS(s), and

  • Is connected to VTSS TTT, and

  • Can write the media requested by the Storage Class.

Message SLS6860I, output after this message, shows the definition of Storage Class SSS.

The VTV(s) are being migrated from VTSS TTT to MVC(s) in ACS AA (ACS FF indicates any ACS).

System Action: For demand migration, the migration is terminated. For immediate or automatic migration, the migration will be retried.

User Response: Change the media and/or ACS specified in the definition of Storage Class SSS in line with the RTDs that are connected to VTSS TTT, then issue the MGMTDEF command to reload the Storage Class definitions.


Migration failed storage class: SSS ACS: AA VTSS: TTT - All RTDs for requested MEDIA and ACS are offline

Explanation: VTCS was attempting to migrate to Storage Class SSS, but was unable to find an online RTD that:

  • Is within the specified ACS(s), and

  • Is connected to VTSS TTT, and

  • Can write the media requested by the Storage Class.

Message SLS6860I, output after this message, shows the definition of Storage Class SSS.

The VTV(s) are being migrated from VTSS TTT to MVC(s) in ACS AA (ACS FF indicates any ACS).

System Action: For demand migration, the migration is terminated. For immediate or automatic migration, the migration will be retried.

User Response: Issue the VT VARY RTD(RRRR) ONLINE command to bring online an RTD that:

  • Is within the ACS(s) specified on the Storage Class definition (if applicable), and

  • Is connected to VTSS TTT, and

  • Can write the media requested by the Storage Class.


Migration failed storage class: SSS ACS: AA VTSS: TTT - Unknown reason (X'NN')

Explanation: VTCS was attempting to migrate to Storage Class SSS, but was unable to select an MVC due to an internal error reason (X'NN').

The VTV(s) are being migrated from VTSS TTT to MVC(s) in ACS AA (ACS FF indicates any ACS).

System Action: For demand migration, the migration is terminated. For immediate or automatic migration, the migration will be retried.

User Response: Report this problem to StorageTek Software Support.


Additional information:

Explanation: Output after any message that indicates a failure to select an MVC for migration (SLS6853E-SLS6859E), to give additional information that may be of use in determining why the failure occurred.

The output shows:

  • The media, ACS, MVCPool and device type(s) specified/implied by the definition of Storage Class SSS.

  • Any incompatibilities between the media/device type(s) required when migrating to this Storage Class and the media/device type(s) available.

  • The next VTV scheduled for auto/immediate/demand migration from VTSS TTT to this Storage Class.

  • LTO-6, LTO-7, and LTO-8 media and drive types when a migration is attempted and failed when media types are not defined in an MVC pool and/or drive types are not defined.


    • The RTV utility will not support LTO-6, LTO-7, and LTO-8 media and drives.

    • LTO-6, LTO-7, and LTO-8 media and drives are supported in VSM6 and VSM7 only.

    • LTO-6, LTO-7, and LTO-8 WORM media is not supported in VTCS.

    • VTCS can only support encrypted LTO-6, LTO-7, and LTO-8 drives and media when it is partitioned away from non-encrypted drives and media into a separate ACS.

    Example scenario:

    • Partition a SL8500 or SL3000 into 2 partitions ACS 0 and 1 or add another SL8500 or SL3000 library as ACS 1 to the complex.

    • Ensure that only non-encrypted LTO drives and media are in ACS 0.

    • Add encrypted LTO drives and enter encrypted media into ACS 1.

    • Define an SMC policy for specific jobs, job steps, etc. which assigns a management class that uses an encrypted storage class.

    • Define a MVC pool for encrypted media.

    • Add to the MGMTDEF file the following:

      • A management control statement using the same management class name from the encrypted SMC policy to migrate VTVs to the encrypted MVC storage class.

      • The appropriate storage class statement to allow VTVs to migrate to the encrypted MVC pool.

The following will/may be displayed:

  • 'Storage Class: SSS ACS: AA VTSS: TTT' is output so that this message may be related to the SLS6853E-SLS6859E message issued previously which also outputs this information.

  • 'Next auto-migration VTV: VVVVVV (with MGMTCLAS CCCCCCCC)' is output to show the volser (VVVVVV) and MGMTCLAS (CCCCCCCC, if the VTV has one) of the next VTV scheduled for auto-migration from VTSS TTT (if applicable).

  • 'Next immediate migration VTV: VVVVVV (with MGMTCLAS CCCCCCCC)' is output to show the volser (VVVVVV) and MGMTCLAS (CCCCCCCC, if the VTV has one) of the next VTV scheduled for immediate migration from VTSS TTT (if applicable).

  • 'Next migration VTV: VVVVVV (with MGMTCLAS CCCCCCCC)' is output to show the volser (VVVVVV) and MGMTCLAS (CCCCCCCC, if the VTV has one) of the next VTV scheduled for demand migration from VTSS TTT (if applicable).


    By the time migration to Storage Class SSS from VTSS TTT is next successful, VTCS may select a VTV other than the one listed under 'Next (auto/immediate) migration VTV:' as being the next one to be migrated.
  • 'MVC must be in ACS AA and MVCPOOL PPP and be media type MMM' OR 'MVC must be in MVCPOOL PPP and be media type MMM' OR 'MVC must be in MVCPOOL PPP' is output to show the criteria that an MVC must satisfy in order to be used when migrating to this Storage Class. The criteria are taken/derived from the definition of Storage Class SSS.

    'ACS AA' is output only if Storage Class SSS specifies 'ACS(AA)'.

    'media type MMM' is output only if Storage Class SSS specifies 'MEDIA(MMM)'.

    'MVCPOOL PPP' is always output. If Storage Class SSS does not specify an MVCPool, DEFAULTPOOL is implied.

  • 'MVCPool PPP is not defined' is output only if the MVCPool (PPP) specified/implied by Storage Class SSS is undefined.

  • 'RTD can be any device type' OR 'RTD must be device type DDD' is output to show the device type(s) that an RTD must have in order to be used when migrating to this Storage Class.

    The device type(s) are derived from the media specified/implied by Storage Class SSS.

  • 'RTD must be unknown device type(s)' is output if VTCS is unable to determine the device type(s) that an RTD must have when migrating to this Storage Class.

  • 'The MVCs in MVCPool PPP are only of media type MMM' is output if:

    • Storage Class SSS does not specify media, or

    • There is no overlap between the media (MMM) of the MVCs in MVCPool PPP and the media required when migrating to this Storage Class, or

    • There are no RTDs available in the configuration/ACS AA with device types capable of writing the media (MMM) contained in MVCPool PPP.

  • 'MVCPool PPP contains no free MVCs (in any ACS/in ACS NN) (with the specified media)' is output only if MVCPool PPP contains MVCs with the media required when migrating to this Storage Class, but none of the MVCs are free (empty).

    • 'in any ACS' is output if no ACS was specified by the definition of Storage Class SSS. The search for free MVCs is limited to MVCs in an ACS.

    • 'in ACS NN' is output if ACS(NN) was specified by the definition of Storage Class SSS. The search for free MVCs is limited to MVCs in ACS NN.

    • '(with the specified media)' is output if media were specified by the definition of Storage Class SSS.

    Migration to this Storage Class can be successful even if this message is output, as partially full (Used) MVCs of Storage Class SSS can be used (if there are any with the specified media and/or ACS).

    Non-library MVCs within MVCPool PPP with the specified media may also be used (if there are any).

  • 'VTSS TTT has no RTDs defined (in ACS AA)' is output only if there are no RTDs connected to VTSS TTT (in ACS AA). '(in ACS AA)' is output only if Storage Class SSS specifies 'ACS(AA)'.

    If Storage Class SSS specifies 'ACS(AA)', only ACS AA is checked for RTDs connected to VTSS TTT.

    If Storage Class SSS does not specify an ACS, all ACSs are checked for RTDs connected to VTSS TTT.

  • 'The RTDs defined in the configuration/ACS AA are only of device type DDD' is output if there is no overlap between the device type(s) (DDD) of the RTDs connected to any VTSS (in ACS AA) and:

    • the device type(s) required when migrating to this Storage Class, or

    • the device type(s) required to write the media contained in MVCPool PPP.

    '(in ACS AA)' is output only if Storage Class SSS specifies 'ACS(AA)'.

    If Storage Class SSS specifies 'ACS(AA)', only RTDs in ACS AA that are connected to VTSS TTT are checked.

    If Storage Class SSS does not specify an ACS, all RTDs that are connected to VTSS TTT are checked.

  • 'VTSS TTT has no suitable RTD online (in ACS AA)' is output only if there are RTDs connected to VTSS TTT (in ACS AA) with the device type(s) required but none of the RTDs are online.

    The RTDs device types are those that are required to:

    • migrate to this Storage Class,

    • restricted to the media contained in MVCPool PPP that match the Storage Class media specification.

    '(in ACS AA)' is output only if Storage Class SSS specifies 'ACS(AA)'.

    If Storage Class SSS specifies 'ACS(AA)', only RTDs in ACS AA that are connected to VTSS TTT are checked.

    If Storage Class SSS does not specify an ACS, all RTDs that are connected to VTSS TTT are checked.

  • 'VTVs can not be consolidated to an MVC in a VLE' is output if:

    • VTVs are being consolidated as a result of the EXPORT or CONSolid commands, and

    • VTCS processing has ignored MVC(s) of media VL-MVC or RTD(s) of device type VL because VTVs can not be consolidated to an MVC in a VLE.

System Action: None

User Response: Use the original error message (SLS6853E-SLS6859E) and its help text and the information output by this message to diagnose why an MVC could not be selected for migration.


VTV VVVVVV has VTVPAGE(SIZE1) and resident in VTSS SSSSSSSS, the CDS indicates VTVPAGE(SIZE2)

Explanation: Whilst processing VTV VVVVVV, VTCS has determined that the VTV is resident in VTSS SSSSSSSS where it is stored with a page size of SIZE1. However, this is contradicted by the information recorded in the CDS, where the VTV is shown to be stored with a page size of SIZE2. Each of SIZE1 and SIZE2 will be LARGE or STANDARD.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Contact StorageTek software support.


RRR VVVVVV attribute AAAAAAA not supported by output CDS

Explanation: The VTV/MVC record for volume VVVVVV has an attribute that is not supported by the CDS level or the CDS configuration being written to. Allowing it to be written to the output CDS could cause compatibility issues with lower releases of VTCS. The attribute AAAAAAA can be one of ">32000 VTVs", "VTVPAGE=LARGE", "MAXVTVSZ=2000/4000" "MAXVTVSZ=32000" or "INPLACE".

System Action: Processing aborts once all VTVs and MVCs have been checked.

User Response: Upgrade the CDS level using the VTCS CONFIG utility. For import, there is also the option of excluding the reported VTVs and MVCs by the use of parameters.


VTSSSEL function FFF (RECORD RRR) specifies undefined MVCPOOL PPP

Explanation: A VTSSSEL rule for function FFF specifies MVC Pool PPP, but that MVC Pool is not defined. The specification of this rule ends on record RRR within the MGMTDEF data set.

System Action: VTCS processing continues.

User Response: If the MVC Pool specified by the VTSSSEL rule is correct, add the definition of MVC Pool PPP to the MVC Pools then issue the VT MVCDEF command to reload the MVC Pool definitions.

If the MVC Pool specified by the VTSSSEL rule is incorrect, correct the definition of the VTSSSEL rule then issue the MGMTDEF command to reload the VTSSSEL rules.


Setting the VTCS status to SSSSSSSS failed with RC=X'RRRRRRRR'

Explanation: VTCS attempted to set its status in the CDS to SSSSSSSS (ACTIVE when initializing, INACTIVE when terminating), but the request failed with Return Code X'RRRRRRRR'.

System Action: VTCS terminates

User Response: Report this problem to StorageTek Software Support.


The CDS has been updated with feature(s) (X'HH') that are not supported by this version of CONFIG/DECOM

Explanation: A higher level system has updated the CDS with features (X'HH') that are not supported by this version of CONFIG/DECOM. HSC/VTCS at this version is able to run against the CDS.

System Action: The utility terminates with Return Code 12 for CONFIG or Return Code 8 for DECOM.

User Response: Use the latest version of CONFIG/DECOM to process the CDS.


RTDs are now available that are capable of writing the MEDIA specified on all storage classes

Explanation: Message &rsquor;SLS6851W There are no RTDs in the configuration/ACS AA capable of writing the media specified on STORCLAS SSS' was output earlier for one/more Storage Classes. That error no longer exists, due to changes in the device types available in the configuration/ACS AA.

System Action: VTCS processing continues.

User Response: None



Explanation: This message confirms that VTV VVVVVV has been electronically exported to remote VTSS RRRRRRRR via the CLINK configured as NN in VTSS XXXXXXXX.

System Action: None

User Response: None



Explanation: This message confirms that VTV VVVVVV is being imported from host HHHHHHHH MGMTCLAS: MMMMMMMM

System Action: None

User Response: None



Explanation: VTCS has discovered a synchronous export attempt for VTV VVVVVV from VTSS FFFFFFFF to VTSS TTTTTTTT in tapeplex PPPPPPPP has either succeeded, failed or been dropped. A dropped condition exists when synchronous export is initiated and either times out or does not report failed.

System Action: For successful VTV synchronous exports no further action is taken. If a non-enhanced export attempt has failed or been dropped VTCS will recover the associated CLINK and any secondary VTD and drive a single asynchronous attempt for the failed VTV. Failed enhanced export attempts currently do not attempt any resource recovery. However VTCS will attempt a single asynchronous request for the failed VTV.

User Response: No user response is necessary for successful synchronous exports. For failed enhanced export attempts manual state changes may be necessary. Issue the Display LINKSto command to show the current state of all links. If necessary vary the links back into the desired state.


MGMTclas MMMMMMMM, parameter XXXX incorrectly refers to SSSSSSSS

Explanation: The definition for the management class MMMMMMMM has a parameter called XXXX that incorrectly refers to SSSSSSSS. Typically SSSSSSSS is the name of a storage class definition. It maybe that the storage class definition is missing or is invalid in the context of the parameter XXXX.

System Action: The utility fails.

User Response: Check and correct the management and storage class definitions.



Explanation: Output after message SLS6824I to detail the error found (TTT) in the Management Policy file definitions.

System Action: The current utility request is terminated.

User Response: Correct the Management Policy file definitions and rerun the utility request.


LISTDELR is not valid with this CDS (level l)

Explanation: The DECOM LISTDELR keyword was specified. LISTDELR is valid only with a CDS of level G or above, whereas this CDS is level l.

System Action: DECOM terminates with a non-zero Return Code.

User Response: Remove the LISTDELR keyword and re-run DECOM.


AAA of CDS records for range RRR failed with return code X'CCCCCCCC'

Explanation: An internal service routine failed with Return Code X'CCCCCCCC' when VTCS was initializing/updating the CDS records for range RRR.

  • If AAA is Initialization, range RRR will not have been added to the CDS successfully.

  • If AAA is Updating, one/more of the records in range RRR will not have been added to/deleted from the CDS in line with the range being specified/not specified (respectively) in the CONFIG input.

System Action: CONFIG terminates with a non-zero Return Code.

User Response: Check the output for other error messages that may explain this error (e.g. the CDS is full). Take any relevant corrective action. If the error cannot be corrected, contact StorageTek software support


AAAAA of CDS record NNN DDD subfile SSS failed with Return Code X'CCCCCCCC'

Explanation: A read/write (AAAAA) of CDS record NNN from/to (DDD) subfile SSS failed with Return Code X'CCCCCCCC'.

System Action: CONFIG terminates with a non-zero Return Code.

User Response: Check the output for other error messages that may explain this error (e.g. the CDS is full). Take any relevant corrective action.If the error can not be corrected, contact StorageTek software support.


TTT VVVVVV (in range RRR) can not be deleted because BBB

Explanation: CONFIG could not delete volume VVVVVV, which is in range RRR and of type TTT (MVC/VTV), from the CDS for the reason given (BBB).

CONFIG was attempting to delete each volume in the range because the range was not defined on this execution of CONFIG, though it had been defined to the CDS in a previous execution of CONFIG.

Reason is one of:

  • it is mounted -

  • is not empty -

  • it is resident in a VTSS -

  • there are migrated copies of the VTV -

  • the volume is being used -

System Action: CONFIG terminates with a non-zero Return Code.

User Response: Check that the CONFIG input is correct, as this determines which ranges are to be deleted.

Ensure all MVCs to be deleted are not in use and are empty.

If this message shows an MVC as not being empty, drain the MVC.

Ensure all VTVs to be deleted are not in use and are not resident in any VTSS and do not have migrated copies.

When all MVCs and VTVs to be deleted are in the correct state, re-run CONFIG.


Connection to CF Structure SSS failed. IXLCONN gave RC=X'CCCCCCCC' RSN=X'SSSSSSSS'

Explanation: A VTCS utility attempted to connect to coupling facility structure SSS, but received unacceptable return/reason codes (X'CCCCCCCC'/X'SSSSSSSS') from the IXLCONN macro.

System Action: The utility terminates with a non-zero Return Code.

User Response: Look up IXLCONN return code X'CCCCCCCC' reason code X'SSSSSSSS' in the relevant IBM manual in order to determine why the connect failed. If possible, correct the error then re-run the utility. Otherwise report this problem to StorageTek software support.


Disconnecting from CF Structure SSS because a rebuild is in progress

Explanation: Whilst connecting to coupling facility structure SSS or accessing data in the structure, a VTCS utility determined that the structure is in the process of being rebuilt.

System Action: The utility will disconnect from the coupling facility without completing its processing and terminate with a non-zero Return Code.

User Response: Once the rebuild is complete, re-run the utility.



Explanation: A VTCS utility issued action AAAAAA against coupling facility structure SSS, but received unacceptable return/reason codes (X'CCCCCCCC'/X'SSSSSSSS') from the IXLLIST macro.

The following shows the format of the IXLLIST macro issued for each action:


System Action: The utility terminates with a non-zero Return Code.

User Response: Report this problem to StorageTek software support.


Disconnect from CF Structure SSS failed. IXLDISC gave RC=CCCCCCCC' RSN=X'SSSSSSSS'

Explanation: A VTCS utility attempted to disconnect from coupling facility structure SSS, but received unacceptable return/reason codes (X'CCCCCCCC'/X'SSSSSSSS') from the IXLDISC macro.

System Action: The utility continues processing.

User Response: Report this problem to StorageTek software support.


Coupling Facility Structure SSS can not be accessed from system TTT

Explanation: A VTCS utility running on system TTT was unable to access Coupling Facility Structure SSS because TTT is not defined as a Host in the CDS.

System Action: The utility terminates with a non-zero return code.

User Response: Run the utility on a system that is defined as a Host in the CDS.



Explanation: Problems were experienced when executing a command upon tapeplex TTTTTTTT. RRRRRRR indicates the nature of the problem. Optionally, if this error is related to a specific CLINK, then the VTSS name and CLINK Id will be added to the message.

If this is a result of a communication error, then the UUI return codes and reason codes will be reported.

All commands should generate a response. If none is received, irrespective of the return code, then the error reported will be 'No response from remote system'.

System Action: If the problem is aligned to a specific CLINK, then the CLINK will be put into an error state and an attempt will be made to reset the communications link. Depending upon the circumstances, the action that initiated the failure maybe retried or aborted.

User Response: Investigate and correct the cause of the error.



Explanation: The CLINK CC on VTSS VVVVVVVV is attempting to establish and verify communications via SMC with the remote VTSS RRRRRRRR within tapeplex TTTTTTTT. If problems occur, then these will reported by following messages.

System Action: None

User Response: None



Explanation: The error message EEEEEEEE was returned by tapeplex TTTTTTTT in response to a command directed to VTSS VVVVVVVV within the tapeplex. The command was executed at some level but generated an error.

System Action: If the problem is aligned to a specific CLINK, then the CLINK will be put into an error state and an attempt will be made to reset the communications link.

Depending upon the circumstances, the action that initiated the failure maybe retried or aborted.

User Response: Investigate and correct the cause of the error.



Explanation: VTCS issues this message when an error has been detected during the electronic export of VTV VVVVVV to TAPEPLEX TTTTTTTT. Error message EEEEEEEE describes the precise nature of the error:

  • 'Access denied by POOLPARM':

    The POOLPARM definitions in effect in TapePlex TTTTTTTT caused the electronic export of VTV VVVVVV to be rejected.

  • 'Attempt to import older version of the VTV':

    TapePlex TTTTTTTT contains a version of VTV VVVVVV that is more recent than the version that this system attempted to electronically export.

  • 'Does not support large page size VTVs':

    VTV VVVVVV was created using large page sizes, which TapePlex TTTTTTTT does not support.

  • 'Does not support this size VTV':

    VTV VVVVVV has maximum VTV size MMMM, which TapePlex TTTTTTTT does not support.

  • 'Not allowed to import from this TapePlex':

    TapePlex TTTTTTTT does not allow imports from this TapePlex.

  • 'Sent to the wrong TapePlex (WWWWWWWW)':

    The electronic export request was delivered to TapePlex WWWWWWWW rather than to TapePlex TTTTTTTT, indicating a configuration error.

  • 'Unsupported VTV attributes':

    VTV VVVVVV has attributes which TapePlex TTTTTTTT does not support.

  • 'VTV copy cannot be overwritten':

    VTV VVVVVV is in a state (e.g. mounted) in TapePlex TTTTTTTT which prevents the VTV from being overwritten.

  • 'VTV is import blocked':

    Processing of a previous import of VTV VVVVVV failed to complete in TapePlex TTTTTTTT, leaving the VTV unable to be imported again.

  • 'VTV is not defined in the CDS':

    VTV VVVVVV is not defined in the CDS used by TapePlex TTTTTTTT.

System Action: The electronic export fails. For some errors, VTCS will atempt to re-drive the electronic export.

User Response: Take the appropriate action in accordance with the error message.

  • 'Access denied by POOLPARM':

    Check that the POOLPARM definitions in effect in TapePlex TTTTTTTT are correct. Ensure that all VTVs electronically exported to TapePlex TTTTTTTT can be imported into TapePlex TTTTTTTT.

  • 'Attempt to import older version of the VTV':

    No action is necessary.

  • 'Does not support large page size VTVs':

    Ensure that all VTVs electronically exported to TapePlex TTTTTTTT have attributes that are supported by TapePlex TTTTTTTT.

  • 'Does not support this size VTV':

    Ensure that all VTVs electronically exported to TapePlex TTTTTTTT have attributes that are supported by TapePlex TTTTTTTT.

  • 'Not allowed to import from this TapePlex':

    Either change this system so that it does not attempt electronic exports to TapePlex TTTTTTTT, or change TapePlex TTTTTTTT to accept imports from this system.

  • 'Sent to the wrong TapePlex (WWWWWWWW)':

    Correct the system configuration(s) so that electronic exports to TapePlex TTTTTTTT are delivered to the correct TapePlex.

  • 'Unsupported VTV attributes':

    Ensure that all VTVs electronically exported to TapePlex TTTTTTTT have attributes that are supported by TapePlex TTTTTTTT.

  • 'VTV copy cannot be overwritten':

    No action is necessary.

  • 'VTV is import blocked':

    Issue command 'Query VTV(VVVVVV)' in TapePlex TTTTTTTT to determine the device (DDDD) that the previous import used. This is shown on the line 'Importing: DDDD'. The Query output should also show 'Electronic Imported: PPPPPPPP', where PPPPPPPP is the name of this TapePlex. Issue command 'DISM VVVVVV,DDDD' in TapePlex TTTTTTTT to dismount the VTV and allow future imports.

  • 'VTV is not defined in the CDS':

    Check whether VTV VVVVVV should be defined in the CDS used by TapePlex TTTTTTTT. Ensure that all VTVs electronically exported to TapePlex TTTTTTTT are defined in the CDS used by TapePlex TTTTTTTT.



Explanation: Command CCCCCCC (Drain/Reclaim) has started processing for MVC MMMMMM but has failed to process NN VTVs.

System Action: Drain or Reclaim ends with condition code 8.

User Response: See previous messages such as SLS6640I or SLS6790I for the cause of the failures. Correct the errors and rerun the job.


Demand FFFFFFFF to VTSS VVVVVVVV completed error-message

Explanation: This message confirms that the demand replicate/export to VTSS VVVVVVVV has completed successfully

System Action: None

User Response: None


VTV VVVVVV failed to FFFFFFFF from VTSS VVVVVVVV because of status change

Explanation: This message confirms that the required action FFFFFFFF against VTV VVVVVV from VTSS SSSSSSSS could not be accomplished because the status of the VTV has changed since the action was originally requested.

System Action: The VTV is not replicated/exported.

User Response: None


STORclas SSSSSSSS, parameter XXXX incorrectly refers to PPPPPPPP

Explanation: The definition for the storage class SSSSSSSS has a parameter called XXXX that incorrectly refers to PPPPPPPP. Typically PPPPPPPP is the name of another tapeplex.

System Action: The utility fails.

User Response: Check and correct the management and storage class definitions.


There are no RTDs in XXX capable of writing the media contained in MVCPool PPP (SC SSS)

Explanation: Storage Class SSS specifies/implies that MVCs are to be selected from MVCPool PPP.

If XXX in the message is 'ACS AA':

  • The definition of Storage Class SSS is of the format STORclas NAME(SSS) ACS(AA)

  • MVCPool PPP is defined, but none of the MVCs in MVCPool PPP have media that can be written by the RTDs in ACS AA.

If XXX in the message is 'the configuration':

  • The definition of Storage Class SSS is of the format STORclas NAME(SSS) ... (without the ACS(AA) parameter).

  • MVCPool PPP is defined, but none of the MVCs in MVCPool PPP have media that can be written by the RTDs in the configuration.

The presence/absence of the MVCPOOL(PPP) parameter on the STORCLAS definition indicates the MVCPool from which MVCs are to be selected when migrating to that Storage Class.

If the definition of Storage Class SSS is of the format STORclas NAME(SSS) MVCPOOL(PPP) ..., MVCs are to be selected from MVCPool PPP.

If the definition of Storage Class SSS is of the format STORclas NAME(SSS) ... (without the MVCPOOL(PPP) parameter), MVCs are to be selected from MVCPool DEFAULTPOOL.

VTCS gives the name DEFAULTPOOL to the pool of MVCs that are specified in unnamed MVCPool(s) (of the format MVCPool Volser(VVVVVV) ..., without the NAME(PPP) parameter).

All migrations to Storage Class SSS, or that request an MVC from this MVC pool, will fail.

System Action: VTCS processing continues.

User Response: If the STORCLAS definition specifies/implies the correct MVCPool, correct the definition of MVCPool PPP to include MVCs of media that can be written by the RTDs available in the configuration/ACS AA (as appropriate). Then issue the VT MVCDEF command to reload the MVCPool definitions.

If the STORCLAS definition specifies/implies the incorrect MVCPool, correct the Storage Class definition then issue the MGMTDEF command to reload the Storage Class definitions.


There are no RTDs in the configuration capable of writing the media contained in the DEFAULTPOOL

Explanation: VTCS gives the name DEFAULTPOOL to the pool of MVCs that are specified in unnamed MVCPool(s) (of the format MVCPool Volser(VVVVVV) ..., without the 'NAME(PPP)' parameter).

The DEFAULTPOOL is defined, but none of the MVCs in DEFAULTPOOL have media that can be written by the RTDs in the configuration.

There are no STORCLAS definitions that imply the use of the DEFAULTPOOL, as all STORCLAS definitions are of the format STORclas NAME(SSS) MVCPOOL(PPP) ...

VTCS has checked the MVCs in the DEFAULTPOOL because the DEFAULTPOOL will be used when migrating a VTV that has no MGMTCLAS or an undefined MGMTCLAS.

All migrations to this MVCPool will fail.

System Action: VTCS processing continues.

User Response: VT QU MVCP NAME(ALL) can be issued to display the media types in MVCPool DEFAULTPOOL.

VT QU CONFIG can be issued to display the RTD device types.

If it is possible that VTVs have/will be created without a MGMTCLAS, or with a MGMTCLAS that is undefined on this host (e.g. by being created on another host that uses different MGMTDEF definitions), correct the definition of the DEFAULTPOOL to include MVCs of media that can be written by the RTDs available in the configuration. Then issue the VT MVCDEF command to reload the MVCPool definitions.


M rtd-adr,mvcid,SL,,vtssname,calling-module,storclas

Explanation: This message details MVC mount requests where:

  • rtd-adr is the RTD address being mounted.

  • MVCid is the VOLSER to be used.

  • vtss-name is the name of the VTSS for this request.

  • calling-module is the VTCS module requesting the mount.

  • storclas is the STORCLAS for this request.

System Action: HSC has been directed to mount the indicated MVC on the RTD.

User Response: None. This is an informational message.


K rtdaddr,mvcid,volser,PVT,vtssname,calling-module

Explanation: This message details MVC dismount requests where:

  • rtd-adr is the RTD address being mounted.

  • MVCid is the VOLSER to be used.

  • vtss-name is the name of the VTSS for this request.

  • calling-module is the VTCS module requesting the mount.

  • storclas is the STORCLAS for this request.

System Action: HSC has been directed to dismount the indicated MVC from the RTD.

User Response: None. This is an informational message.


Mount of MVC volser on RTD rtdaddr failed. Enter CANCEL to terminate VTCS request or RETRY to attempt recovery

Explanation: The specified mount failed.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Enter CANCEL to terminate VTCS request or RETRY to attempt recovery.


Invalid TAPEPLEX name 'NNNN' specified for option 'KKKKKK'

Explanation: The name NNNN supplied in keyword KKKKKK is either not a tapeplex name or has not been added as a valid tapeplex name in the CDS.

System Action: The utility terminates.

User Response: Correct the control cards as appropriate and rerun the job. If the tapeplex name is correct, then review the VTCS configuration.


RTD RRRR device type of TTTTTTTT not verified. LSM AA:LL is offline

Explanation: VTCS has been unable to verify the device type of RTD RRRR since the containing LSM is offline. VTCS assumes the device is of the same type as it was the last time the LSM was online. If the device type is not a valid RTD device type, this message will be followed by message SLS6619E.

System Action: VTCS continues using the unverified device type.

User Response: The LSM should be varied online. If the device type is correct, no further action is required. If not, then the RTD should be varied online.


Device DDDD cannot be used as an RTD on this host because it is not defined to TTTTTTTT

Explanation: Device DDDD is defined as an RTD in the VTCS configuration. The definition is invalid because the device is not in the HSC configuration for the tapeplex TTTTTTTT.

System Action: VTCS continues processing but the device cannot be used as an RTD on this VTCS host.

User Response: Check the definition and usage of device DDDD in the VTCS CONFIG and the LIBGEN for the tapeplex TTTTTTTT.

  • If the definitions should be for a local device i.e. the tapeplex LOCALHSC, then DDDD should be defined as a device in the LIBGEN for the local host.

  • If the definition is for a remote device in storage manager TTTTTTTT, then DDDD should be defined in the LIBGEN for the host that is providing access to that tapeplex.

If necessary, use the HSC 'SET SLIDRIVS' utility to modify the appropriate HSC LIBGEN. Once the problem has been corrected, using the command 'VT VARY RTD(DDDD)' to attempt to relocate the drive information.



Explanation: VTCS has discovered the synchronous replication attempt for VTV vtvid from primary VTSS privtss to secondary VTSS secvtss has either succeeded, failed or been dropped. A dropped condition exists when synchronous replication is initiated and either times out or does not report failed.

System Action: For successful VTV synchronous replications no further action is taken. If a non-enhanced replication attempt has failed or been dropped VTCS will recover the associated CLINK and any secondary VTD and drive a single asynchronous replication attempt for the failed VTV. Failed enhanced replication attempts currently do not attempt any resource recovery. However VTCS will attempt a single asynchronous request for the failed VTV.

User Response: No user response is necessary for successful synchronous replications. For failed enhanced replication attempts manual state changes may be necessary. Issue the Display LINKSto command to show the current state of all links. If necessary vary the links back into the desired state.


VTV VVVVVV rejected; unknown tapeplex name TTTTTTTT encountered in the manifest file

Explanation: Within the manifest file, the tapeplex name of TTTTTTTT is associated with VTV VVVVVV but the tapeplex name is not defined in the VTCS configuration.

System Action: The VTV is ignored (and is not imported) and processing continues.

User Response: If the VTV was expected to be rejected (because tapeplex TTTTTTTT is no longer in the VTCS configuration), no action is necessary. Otherwise, define tapeplex TTTTTTTT in the VTCS configuration and then import the VTV.


STORCLAS SSS references invalid tapeplex XXX

Explanation: Storage Class SSS specifies that tapeplex XXX is to be used for storing copies of VTVs. Unfortunately, there appears to be no devices defined that reference this tapeplex.

System Action: VTCS processing continues. Any VTVs that reference this storage class will be locked down as resident until the problem is addressed.

User Response: Either add devices to the configuration that reference tapeplex XXX or correct the storage class definition.


VTSS NNNNNNNN does not have 32 RTD support

Explanation: VTSS NNNNNNNN has been detected without 32 RTD support. An invalid configuration has been defined which contains either more than 16 RTD/CLinks or a channel interface address of ci:n where n is 2 or 3.

System Action: Initialization of the VTSS is terminated and HSC processing continues with the VTSS set 'not accessible'.

User Response: Correct the configuration parameters and rerun the CONFIG utility to redefine the VTCS configuration.


RC CCCCCCC1 returned from CDS Logging request. An error message briefly describing the error condition is appended

Explanation: VTCS attempted to log an event, but the operation failed for the reason described in the error message.

System Action: The logging operation fails and the request to which it relates is either re-scheduled, or fails.

User Response: Take the appropriate action depending on the return code reported:

  • 7501 - No log files defined.

    The logging policy in VTCS is defined as required but logging has not been established in HSC. Consult the HSC documentation on how to set up logging within HSC.

  • 7502 - log file(s) are full.

    VTCS will be degraded as no further logging or CDS updates for important VTCS events will be allowed until the offload process has been performed and the ability to log re-established.

  • 7503 - Failure during logging operation.

    An internal error has occurred when VTCS attempted to log an event. Contact StorageTek Software Support quoting the return code produced.


VTCS batch updates to the CDS are disallowed where VTCS logging is mandatory. Run CONFIG to revert to optional VTCS batch updates to the CDS are disallowed where VTCS logging is mandatory

Explanation: VTCS attempted to perform a CDS batch update, but logging within VTCS is specified as mandatory.

System Action: The operation fails. To enable batch processes to update the CDS, logging in VTCS must be specified as optional.

User Response: The most likely cause of the above is that logging is specified within VTCS as required. Run CONFIG with global variable LOGPOL=OPTional to revert to optional logging within VTCS.



Explanation: MVCDRAIN specified READONLY(OFF). This message confirms that the READONLY(OFF) has been set for this MVC.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: None


MVC CCCCCCC1 unable to turn CCCCCCC2 Do Not Scratch indicator. RC=CCCCCCC3, Reason=CCCCCCC4

Explanation: While processing MVC CCCCCCC1, CONFIG was attempting to turn CCCCCCC2 (ON|OFF) the 'Do Not Scratch' indicator and encountered an error.

System Action: CONFIG terminates with Return Code CCCCCCC3 and Reason CCCCCCC4.

User Response: Check that the CONFIG input is correct, as this determines which MVCs are to be processed. Ensure all MVCs to be deleted are not in use and are empty. When all MVCs to be deleted are in the correct state, re-run CONFIG. If the error cannot be corrected, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Date error - CCCCCCC1

Explanation: VTCS attempted to convert a date to another format, but an error described by CCCCCCC1 was encountered.

System Action: The date conversion fails.

User Response: If the failure was caused by invalid user input, correct the date and re-submit the command.


CCCCCCC1 error for DDName CCCCCCC2

Explanation: VTCS attempted to perform operation CCCCCCC1 on DDName CCCCCCC2 but the operation failed.

System Action: The command that VTCS is attempting to process, fails.

User Response: If the failure was caused by invalid user JCL, correct and re-submit the job.


SWSLOGAN error message - CCCCCCC1

Explanation: VTCS module SWSLOGAN encountered the error described by CCCCCCC1 when it attempted to analyze the log files.

System Action: The recovery actions that VTCS is attempting to take fails.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software support.


Unknown sub-command CCCCCCC1 submitted with LOGUTIL recovery command

Explanation: VTCS attempts to take the recovery action specified via the input data stream, but is unable to determine what action to take as the sub-command CCCCCCC1 is not recognized.

System Action: The recovery actions that VTCS is attempting to take fails.

User Response: Correct the sub-command and re-submit the job.


Logging utility #

Explanation: VTCS attempted to perform a utility, but a warning or error condition was detected.

System Action: If a warning was produced, processing continues. If an error condition was reported, processing fails for that utility.

User Response: If the failure was due to user input, correct and re-submit the job.


OPEN error for DDName XXXXXXXX

Explanation: The Log Utility failed to open the specified DDname XXXXXXXX

System Action: The command that VTCS is attempting to process, fails.

User Response: If the failure was caused by invalid user JCL, correct and re-submit the job.


SORT error processing log file

Explanation: The Log Utility calls SORT to process the log file. A non-zero return code was passed back from SORT.

System Action: The command that VTCS is attempting to process, fails.

User Response: Examine the SORTOUT file for error messages produced by SORT and the SLSPRINT file for error messages produced by the Log Utility.


Sequence number check error: record NNNNNNNN, last seqno XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, next seqno YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY

Explanation: During the output phase of the Log Utility SORT exit, the records presented were found to not be in contiguous sequence number order. Record NNNNNNNN had sequence number YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY, but the previous sequence number read was XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX. This is a Log File integrity error.

System Action: The SORT is abandoned and the Log File Utility terminates.

User Response: Correct the input to the Log File Utility to supply a contiguous set of log file records.


BLKID validation error: record NNNNNNNN, last PPPPP blkid XXXXXXXX, next start blkid YYYYYYYY

Explanation: The Log Utility uses the Log File records to construct a picture of VTVs existing on MVCs. When processing Log File record NNNNNNNN adding a new VTV, the start block number YYYYYYYY of the VTV on the MVC was either not one greater than the end block number XXXXXXXX of the previous VTV when PPPPP = "end", or was not greater than the start block number XXXXXXXX of the previous VTV when PPPPP = "start". This indicates that there is some unknown activity that has not been captured in the Log File.

System Action: The SORT is abandoned and the Log File Utility terminates.

User Response: Determine the reason for the missing Log File activity


Reset EOT to 0 validation error: record NNNNNNNN, MVC MMMMMM VTV count XXXX, VTV del count YYYY

Explanation: The Log Utility uses the Log File records to construct a picture of VTVs existing on MVCs. When processing Log File record NNNNNNNN resetting the EOT blkid to 0 for MVC MMMMMM, the active VTV count and deleted VTV count fields should also be zero.

Either XXXX and/or YYYY were found to be non-zero. This is an unforeseen data validation error situation.

System Action: The SORT is abandoned and the Log File Utility terminates.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


CCCCCCC1 error for CDS

Explanation: VTCS attempted to perform operation CCCCCCC1 against the CDS, but the operation failed.

System Action: The command that VTCS is attempting to process fails.

User Response: If the failure was caused by invalid user JCL, correct and re-submit the job.


CCCCCCC1 transaction sequence number warning: CDS CCCCCCC2: Log files CCCCCCC3

Explanation: The logging system uses an ascending sequence number for each update that is logged. This sequence number is written to the log record and to the CDS.

VTCS logging utility CCCCCCC1 has detected that the last logged update recorded in the CDS caused log record sequence number CCCCCCC2 to be written.

The log files supplied to the job should include the next highest log record sequence number (CCCCCCC2 + 1), but the log files start from log record sequence number CCCCCCC3.

This difference implies that logged transactions have been excluded from the recovery process which may result in an incomplete recovery.

System Action: Processing continues, however the discrepancy should be investigated. If a logged transactions data set has been omitted from the recovery process, the data set should be included and the job rerun.

User Response: Investigate the discrepancy and if necessary, include any missing logged transactions data set(s) and rerun the recovery.


Reset EOT chain error A: record NNNNNNNN, MVC MMMMMM reset blkid XXXXXXXX, VTV start blkid YYYYYYYY, flags FF

Explanation: The Log Utility uses the Log File records to construct a picture of VTVs existing on MVCs. When processing Log File record NNNNNNNN resetting the EOT blkid to XXXXXXXX for MVC MMMMMM, the VTV with start blkid YYYYYYYY was found to have unexpected flags FF. There are two possible chain error situations detected: 'chain error A' may have the value 1 or 2.

This is an unforeseen data validation error situation, perhaps indicating that there is some unknown activity that has not been captured in the Log File.

System Action: The SORT is abandoned and the Log File Utility terminates.

User Response: If there are no reasons for missing activity in the Log File, then contact StorageTek Software Support.


Reset EOT BLKID validation error: record NNNNNNNN, MVC MMMMMM blkid YYYYYYYY, chain end

Reset EOT to BBBBBBBB error A: rec NNNNNNNN, MVC MMMMMM DDDDDD constructs CCCCCCCC, VTV count XXXX,VTV del count YYYY

Explanation: The Log Utility uses the Log File records to construct a picture of VTVs existing on MVCs. When processing Log File record NNNNNNNN resetting the EOT blkid to BBBBBBBB for MVC MMMMMM, error A was encountered validating the VTV count fields with the DDDDDD constructs count CCCCCCCC.

  • If error A is 1 then DDDDDD will be "VTV" and hence the VTV constructs count was not less than or equal to the reset VTV count XXXX.

  • If error A is 2 then DDDDDD will be "unlink" and hence the unlink constructs count was not less than or equal to the reset VTV del count YYYY.

This is an unforeseen data validation error situation.

System Action: The SORT is abandoned and the Log File Utility terminates.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


BLKID validation error: record NNNNNNNN, MVC MMMMMM reset EOT blkid XXXXXXXX, start blkid YYYYYYYY

Explanation: The Log Utility uses the Log File records to construct a picture of VTVs existing on MVCs. When processing Log File record NNNNNNNN adding a new VTV to MVC MMMMMM, the start blkid YYYYYYYY was not equal to the previous reset EOT blkid of XXXXXXXX.

This is an unforeseen data validation error situation, perhaps indicating that there is some unknown activity that has not been captured in the Log File.

System Action: The SORT is abandoned and the Log File Utility terminates.

User Response: If there are no reasons for missing activity in the Log File, then contact StorageTek Software Support.



Explanation: The Log Utility analysis phase has completed and various record/construct counts NNNNNNNN are reported.

XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX is variable text and can be the following:

  • Records read into SORT

  • Records included within date/time range

  • Records excluded by date/time range

  • SLS6925I Record types processed as follows

  • SLS6925I A - Add VTV to MVC 40,341

  • SLS6925I B - Imported VTV on MVC 515

  • SLS6925I E - Reset EOT backwards 336

  • SLS6925I F - First use or re-use of an MVC 237

  • SLS6925I G - Imported MVC 16

  • SLS6925I R - Reclaim VTV from MVC 17,866

  • SLS6925I U - Unlink VTV from MVC 20,508

  • SLS6925I V - New version of VTV 19,633

  • SLS6925I W - Imported VTV 515

  • SLS6925I X - Electronic export of VTV 196

  • Unwanted record types skipped

  • Number of systems processed

  • Records processed from system HOSTNAME

  • Number of MVCs

  • Number of VTVs

  • Number of VTV versions created

  • Number of VTV versions deleted

  • Number of VTV versions existing

HOSTNAME above is an HSC Host ID name. There will be one line for each system name encountered in the Log File.

System Action: The Log File Utility continues processing.

User Response: None. Informational messages only.


VTSS NNNNNNNN does not support the MVC initialization (Write New VOL1 Label) feature

Explanation: The MVC initialization feature has been requested but VTSS NNNNNNNN is at a microcode level that does not support this feature.

System Action: Processing continues, but MVC initialization cannot be performed from this VTSS.

User Response: If the MVC initialization feature is required then upgrade the VTSS to a supporting microcode level and recycle HSC/VTCS or vary the VTSS offline/online to activate the feature.


Add after reset EOT locate BLKID error: record NNNNNNNN, MVC MMMMMM blkid XXXXXXXX, chain end

Explanation: The Log Utility uses the Log File records to construct a picture of VTVs existing on MVCs. When processing Log File record NNNNNNNN adding to MVC MMMMMM which had previously had its EOT blkid reset to XXXXXXXX, a record was not found with a start blkid equal or greater before the end of chain was reached.

This is an unforeseen data validation error situation, perhaps indicating that there is some unknown activity that has not been captured in the Log File.

System Action: The SORT is abandoned and the Log File Utility terminates.

User Response: If there are no reasons for missing activity in the Log File, then contact StorageTek Software Support.


Reset EOT BLKID validation error: record NNNNNNNN, MVC MMMMMM blkid YYYYYYYY, chain end

Explanation: The Log Utility uses the Log File records to construct a picture of VTVs existing on MVCs. When processing Log File record NNNNNNNN resetting the EOT blkid to YYYYYYYY for MVC MMMMMM, the end of the chain was reached before finding a matching (equal or greater than) start blkid.

This is an unforeseen data validation error situation, perhaps indicating that there is some unknown activity that has not been captured in the Log File.

System Action: The SORT is abandoned and the Log File Utility terminates.

User Response: If there are no reasons for missing activity in the Log File, then contact StorageTek Software Support.


VTV # contains tapeplex # that is unrecognized to the target CDS

A tapeplex name on the VTV record is not defined in the VTCS configuration on the target CDS.

Explanation: Within the source CDS, a tapeplex name was encountered on a VTV that is unrecognized on the target CDS in the VTCS configuration.

System Action: Processing aborts once all VTVs and MVCs have been checked.

User Response: Add the tapeplex name to the target VTCS configuration via the TAPEPLEX statement and run the CONFIG utility.


Locate VTV connector error E: record NNNNNNNN, MVC MMMMMM t/s XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX, VTV start bilked YYYYYYYY, FLAGS FF

Explanation: The Log Utility uses the Log File records to construct a picture of VTVs existing on MVCs. When processing Log File record NNNNNNNN with VTV start blkid YYYYYYYY, a locate VTV connector error E was encountered for matching timestamp XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX and MVC MMMMMM with unexpected flags FF. Error E is an internal numeric diagnosis value.

This is an unforeseen data validation error situation, perhaps indicating that there is some unknown activity that has not been captured in the Log File.

System Action: The SORT is abandoned and the Log File Utility terminates.

User Response: If there are no reasons for missing activity in the Log File, then contact StorageTek Software Support.


No active VTCS system found. Command: XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX

Explanation: The MVC Pool Report Utility needs to acquire information from an active VTCS system. No active VTCS system was found when internal command XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX was issued.

System Action: The current utility request is terminated.

User Response: Ensure VTCS is active for the duration of the utility request.


Inventry syntax error: RRR

Explanation: The syntax of the INVENTRY utility printed prior to this message contains error RRR:

  • The value of CDScheck must be Full, Mvc or None.

  • The value of STOPleot must be NO or YES.

  • The value of TERMerr must be NO or YES.

  • STOPleot(YES) can only be specified with CDScheck(Full/Mvc).

  • TERMerr(YES) can only be specified with CDScheck(Full/Mvc).

System Action: Processing terminates. The return code is set to 8.

User Response: Correct the syntax before re-executing the utility.



Explanation: This message shows the details of VTV VVVVVV found on MVC MMMMMM while performing an inventory of the MVC. The details are those recorded on MVC MMMMMM, not in the CDS:

  • PPPP/BBBBBBBB shows the location on MVC MMMMMM where VTV VVVVVV begins - PPPP is the partition and BBBBBBBB is the block information.

  • CCC is the date/time VTV VVVVVV was created (if known).

  • RRR is the date VTV VVVVVV was migrated to MVC MMMMMM (if known).

  • OOO is an optional comment, which is output only if the INVENTRY utility specified CDScheck(Full/Mvc). If the CDS indicates that a resident or MVC copy of VTV VVVVVV exists and it differs from the copy described in this message, message SLS6934I will be output to describe the CDS copy of VTV VVVVVV.

OOO comments on the details of VTV VVVVVV recorded in the CDS relative to the copy of VTV VVVVVV found on MVC MMMMMM:

  • 'CDS VTV is not defined' - VTV VVVVVV is not defined in the CDS.

    This is an error. This situation should not occur if VTV VVVVVV was migrated to MVC MMMMMM while using this CDS.

  • 'CDS shows no VTV copy' - the CDS indicates no copy of VTV VVVVVV has ever been created.

    This is an error. This situation should not occur if VTV VVVVVV was migrated to MVC MMMMMM while using this CDS.

  • 'CDS shows an older VTV' - the copy of VTV VVVVVV recorded in the CDS has an older (less recent) creation date/time than the copy of VTV VVVVVV found on MVC MMMMMM.

    This is an error. This situation should not occur if VTV VVVVVV was migrated to MVC MMMMMM while using this CDS.

  • 'CDS shows a newer VTV' - the copy of VTV VVVVVV recorded in the CDS has a newer (more recent) creation date/time than the copy of VTV VVVVVV found on MVC MMMMMM.

    This is normal and can occur as follows:

    • VTV VVVVVV is created at date/time CCC and migrated to MVC MMMMMM at block BBB.

    • At later date/time DDD, another copy of VTV VVVVVV is created.

    • VTCS will update the CDS to show it has unlinked VTV VVVVVV from MVC MMMMMM, though VTV VVVVVV will still exist physically on MVC MMMMMM.

  • 'CDS shows same age VTV' - the copy of VTV VVVVVV recorded in the CDS has the same creation date/time as the copy of VTV VVVVVV found on MVC MMMMMM. However, the CDS does not show a copy of VTV VVVVVV at location PPPP/BBBBBBBB on MVC MMMMMM.

    This is normal and can occur as follows:

    • VTV VVVVVV is created at date/time CCC and migrated to MVC MMMMMM at block BBB.

    • MVC MMMMMM is drained.

    • VTV VVVVVV is recalled from MVC MMMMMM and migrated to MVC NNNNNN.

    • VTCS will update the CDS to show it has unlinked VTV VVVVVV from MVC MMMMMM, though VTV VVVVVV will still exist physically on MVC MMMMMM.

  • 'CDS shows matching VTV' - the copy of VTV VVVVVV recorded in the CDS has the same creation date/time as the copy of the VTV found on MVC MMMMMM. Additionally, the CDS shows a migrated copy of this VTV at location PPPP/BBBBBBBB MVC MMMMMM.

    This is normal and indicates this is a current copy of VTV VVVVVV.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: If comment 'CDS VTV is not defined', 'CDS shows no VTV copy' or 'CDS shows an older VTV' was output:

  • investigate why this is the case.

  • if comment 'CDS VTV is not defined' was output and VTV VVVVVV should be defined in the CDS, define it using the appropriate procedure.

  • if the CDS should be in step with the contents of MVC MMMMMM, perform an audit of MVC MMMMMM.

Otherwise, none.



Explanation: This message shows the details recorded in the CDS of VTV VVVVVV found on MVC MMMMMM while performing an inventory of the MVC:

TTT is:

  • 'Not on MVC MMMMMM' if the CDS shows there is no copy of VTV VVVVVV on MVC MMMMMM, or

  • 'MVC MMMMMM block BBB' if the CDS shows there is a copy of VTV VVVVVV on MVC MMMMMM, beginning at block BBB.

Regardless of the value of TTT, copies of VTV VVVVVV may exist on other MVCs.

  • CCC is the date/time VTV VVVVVV was created (if known).

  • 'Migrated RRR' shows the date VTV VVVVVV was migrated to MVC MMMMMM. It is output only if the CDS indicates there is a copy of VTV VVVVVV on MVC MMMMMM and the date is known.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: None



Explanation: This message shows the details recorded in the CDS of VTV VVVVVV:

  • PPPP/BBBBBBBB shows the location on MVC MMMMMM consisting of the partition and block where VTV VVVVVV begins.

  • CCC is the date/time VTV VVVVVV was created (if known).

  • RRR is the date VTV VVVVVV was migrated to MVC MMMMMM (if known).

Though the CDS indicates a copy of VTV VVVVVV is present on MVC MMMMMM, VTV VVVVVV was not found on MVC MMMMMM while performing an inventory of the MVC.

System Action: The return code is set to 8. If the INVENTRY utility specified TERMerr(YES), processing of MVC MMMMMM terminates. Otherwise, processing continues.

User Response: If the CDS should be in step with the contents of MVC MMMMMM, perform an audit of MVC MMMMMM. Otherwise, none.


The CDS does not contain VTV VVVVVV, found during inventory processing of MVC MMMMMM

Explanation: VTV VVVVVV was found on MVC MMMMMM while performing an inventory of the MVC, but the VTV is not defined in the CDS.

System Action: The return code is set to 8. If the INVENTRY utility specified TERMerr(YES), processing of MVC MMMMMM terminates. Otherwise, processing continues.

User Response: If VTV VVVVVV should be defined in the CDS, define it using the appropriate procedure. Then, if the CDS should be in step with the contents of MVC MMMMMM, perform an audit of MVC MMMMMM.


Inventory of MVC MMMMMM terminated at block BBB1, VTV VVVVVV. Logical end-of-tape is at block BBB2

Explanation: VTV VVVVVV was found at block BBB1 on MVC MMMMMM while performing an inventory of the MVC.

Block BBB1 is on/past block BBB2, which the CDS shows to be the logical end-of-tape (LEOT) position for this MVC, i.e. the position to which the next migration will occur. This does not indicate an error if MVC MMMMMM has been drained or reclaimed, as the recalled VTVs will still exist physically on the MVC.

The INVENTRY utility specified STOPleot(YES), i.e. that processing should terminate when the logical end-of-tape (LEOT) position was reached.

System Action: Processing of MVC MMMMMM terminates. The return code is set to 0.

User Response: None


VTV VVVVVV, found during inventory processing of MVC MMMMMM, is inconsistent with the CDS

Explanation: VTV VVVVVV was found on MVC MMMMMM while performing an inventory of the MVC. The details of VTV VVVVVV in the CDS differ from the details of VTV VVVVVV found on MVC MMMMMM in a manner that should not be possible if VTV VVVVVV was migrated to MVC MMMMMM while using this CDS.

Message SLS6933I, issued prior to this message, gives the details of the copy of VTV VVVVVV found on MVC MMMMMM and summarizes the differences.

Message SLS6934I, issued prior to this message if the CDS shows a resident or MVC copy of VTV VVVVVV exists, gives the details of VTV VVVVVV in the CDS.

System Action: The return code is set to 8. If the INVENTRY utility specified TERMerr(YES), processing of MVC MMMMMM terminates. Otherwise, processing continues.

User Response: Investigate the reason for the differences between the copy of VTV VVVVVV found on MVC MMMMMM and the CDS copy of VTV VVVVVV. If the CDS should be in step with the contents of MVC MMMMMM, perform an audit of MVC MMMMMM.


Unable to determine the position of the end of VTV VVVVVV. [Inventory of MVC MMMMMM terminated|Media verify of MVC DMV102 terminated.]

Explanation: VTV VVVVVV was found on MVC MMMMMM while performing an inventory, or media verify, on the MVC.

VTCS could not determine if more VTVs exist on MVC MMMMMM, as it was unable to determine the position of the end of VTV VVVVVV on MVC MMMMMM.

System Action: Processing of MVC MMMMMM terminates. The return code is set to 8.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


ECAM error CCC/SSS (possible data loss) occurred reading VTV VVVVVV, during [inventory|media verify] processing of MVC MMMMMM

Explanation: VTV VVVVVV was found on MVC MMMMMM while performing an inventory, or media verify, on the MVC. ECAM error CCC/SSS occurred reading this VTV, indicating this copy of the VTV may have been lost or corrupted.

System Action: Processing continues. The return code is set to 8.

User Response: If other usable copies of the VTV exist, consider using the VTVMAINT utility to unlink the VTV from MVC MMMMMM to ensure this copy of the VTV cannot be used. Contact StorageTek Software Support if assistance is required.


ECAM error CCC/SSS occurred reading VTV VVVVVV, during [inventory|media verify] processing of MVC MMMMMM

Explanation: VTV VVVVVV was found on MVC MMMMMM while performing an inventory, or a media verify of the MVC. ECAM error CCC/SSS occurred reading this VTV

System Action: Processing of MVC MMMMMM terminates. The return code is set to 8.

User Response: Perform any action indicated for this error in the appropriate ELS manual. Contact StorageTek Software Support if assistance is required.


No VTVs were found on MVC MMMMMM

Explanation: No VTVs were found on MVC MMMMMM, which was being inventoried.

System Action: Processing of MVC MMMMMM terminates. The return code is set to 0.

User Response: None


MVC MMMMMM is not empty, request failed

Explanation: The action requested requires the MVC MMMMMM to be empty. The action can not be completed since the MVC is not empty.

'Display MVC' or MVC report output may show the MVC has zero VTVs but the MVC is not empty. To be empty, the MVC must show zero VTVs and have been drained.

System Action: The action requested against the MVC fails.

User Response: Drain the MVC and then re-attempt the action against the MVC.


NNNN MVC|VTV definitions deleted from|targeted for deletion from|added to|targeted for addition to configuration

Explanation: While running CONFIG or SET VOLPARM, a change in VTV and/or MVC definitions occurred.

If CONFIG has NOUPDATE specified or VOLPARM has APPLY(NO), then the message reflects VTV and/or MVC definitions that would be targeted for change.

It should be noted when this message states VTVs and/or MVCs have been deleted that they have not been physically removed from the database. Rather a logical deletion state has been set and the space occupied will not be reused.

When this message states that VTVs and/or MVCs have been added this can reflect the logical deletion state has been removed or new volumes have been added that were not previously defined.

System Action: If running CONFIG without NOUPDATE or SET VOLPARM with APPLY(YES), VTV and/or MVC range definitions are changed in the configuration otherwise no update to the configuration takes place.

User Response: To obtain the list of VTV or MVC definitions deleted, run DECOMP with the LISTDELR keyword. When VTV or MVC definitions are added simply run DECOMP to obtain a report of all VTVs and MVCs defined.


MVC MMMMMM is mounted, request failed

Explanation: The action requested requires that the MVC MMMMMM not be mounted. The action can not be completed since the MVC is mounted.

System Action: The action requested against the MVC fails.

User Response: Dismount the MVC and then re-attempt the action against the MVC.


Host HHHHHHH1 (PROCESS ID IIIII, A BBB TASK) has waited N minutes for TTTT RRRRRR held by Host HHHHHHH2

Explanation: This message identifies the host, process identifier and task type that is waiting for a resource that is locked by another host or task in the system.

  • HHHHHHH1 is the host name that requires the resource.

  • IIII is the process id of the task that is waiting

  • BBB is the type of task that is waiting for the lock and will contain one of the following values:

    • Clk - Clink task

    • Cmd - Command task

    • Csh - Clink scheduler task

    • Drv - RTD scheduler task

    • DSP - Main dispatcher task

    • Inv - Inventory manager task

    • MSc - Migration scheduler task

    • RCM - Drain/space reclaim manager

    • RTD - RTD task

    • Scr - Scratch manager task

    • SS - VTSS task

    • unk - Unknown task

  • N is the elapsed time in minutes.

  • TTTT is the resource type that is locked and will contain one of the following values:

    • lock slot

    • VTD

    • VTV

    • MVC

    • RTD

  • RRRRRR is the resource that is locked and will contain one of the following:

    • lock slot number

    • VTD address

    • VTV volser

    • MVC volser

    • RTD address

  • HHHHHHH2 is the host name that has locked the resource.

System Action: The request that is currently being processed will be re-queued to be processed later. If the required resource is still not available at that time, the error message will be deleted, then reissued with an updated elapsed time. This process will be repeated until the lock on the required resource has been released by the owning host.

User Response: Examine the host that is currently holding the required resource. The Display LOCKS command may be used to provide detailed information on the locks that are currently being held by each host and task in the system. If the activity causing the lock to be held is processing normally, take no action. The lock will be obtained eventually and message SLS6946E will be deleted automatically by VTCS.

If the activity causing the lock to be held appears to be stuck, consider canceling the request. If you are unable to determine why the lock is held, or why it is not being released, contact StorageTek for assistance.


No MGMTCLAS statements have been defined or loaded. UUUUUUUU processing has been abandoned

Explanation: An attempt to execute VTCS utility UUUUUUUU failed because no MGMTCLAS statements have been defined or loaded. As the processing performed by the utility is determined by the MGMTCLAS (and associated) statements, processing has been abandoned.

If POLICYDD(ddd) was specified on the utility statement, no MGMTCLAS statements were present in the MGMTDEF file specified by //ddd.

If POLICYDD(ddd) was not specified on the utility statement:

  • no MGMTDEF file has been loaded in the HSC/VTCS address space, or

  • no MGMTCLAS statements were present in the file specified by the MGMTDEF command in the HSC/VTCS address space.

System Action: Processing terminates with return code 8.

User Response: Ensure MGMTCLAS statements are present in the relevant MGMTDEF file before re-executing the utility.


Initiating swap of MVC VVVVVV from RTD RRRRRRRR to device type TTTTTTTT

Explanation: An error has occurred while processing MVC VVVVVV. The MVC is being swapped from RTD RRRRRRRR to device type TTTTTTTT.

System Action: The current action will be attempted upon another RTD. The device type being swapped to has been influenced by an MVCATTR SWAPTO policy definition.

User Response: The reason for the error should be investigated. Check the SYSLOG for other indications as to the nature of the error.

  • If the MVC is damaged or suspect, then use the MVCDRAIN command to remove all VTVs from the MVC.

    However, if the error occurred on a VOLSAFE (WORM) tape, do not drain the MVC without the recommendation of Oracle/StorageTek Support. Once a WORM tape is drained, it can no longer be used for migration and must be replaced.

  • If the problem keeps reoccurring upon the same RTD, use the VARY command to vary the RTD offline and contact StorageTek Hardware Support.


The CDS contains BBBBB free blocks

Explanation: The CDS has BBBBB free blocks available for expansion.

System Action: None

User Response: None


VTSS VVVVVVVV does not support global MAXVTVSZ of NNNN - defaulting to DDDD

Explanation: VTVs of the size specified by the global MAXVTVSZ parameter (NNNN) cannot be created because VTSS VVVVVVVV is at a microcode level that does not support this VTV size.

System Action: Processing continues, but VTVs of the requested size will not be created. The MAXVTVSZ specification will now default to the largest VTV size supported by all of the VTSSs in the configuration (DDDD).

User Response: If VTVs of the requested size are required then upgrade the VTSS to a supporting microcode level and recycle HSC/VTCS or vary the VTSS offline/online to activate the feature.


Config Warning: XXXXXXXX

Explanation: When running the configuration utility, a situation was detected that may require attention. The message XXXXXXXX gives the reason for the warning.

System Action: The remainder of the configuration statements will be processed and the CDS updated provided no error conditions are encountered. Configuration ends with RC=4.

User Response: Review the message text to determine the reason for the warning. Perform any post configuration tasks necessary.


AAA VVVVVV is an invalid volser, it is not defined in the CDS

Explanation: The error occurred while running a LOGUTIL utility. Volser VVVVVV was specified on the AAA (VTV or MVC) keyword. VVVVVV is not a valid AAA (VTV or MVC) volser defined in the CDS.

System Action: The utility continues on to the next volser. If volser VVVVVV is the last volser to process then the utility ends.

User Response: Correct the volser parameter and re-run the utility.


MVC VVVVVV contains zero qualifying VTVs

Explanation: The FOR_LOSTMVC utility was requested to recover the VTVs on MVC VVVVVV. After applying the specific VTV filters, there were zero qualifying VTVs. Hence no recovery is necessary.

System Action: The utility continues on to the next MVC. If volser VVVVVV was the last MVC to process then the utility ends.

User Response: None, unless the VTV keyword was specified. If the VTV keyword was specified, remove it and re-run the utility.


VTV v1: MVC m1 was picked as the recovery MVC but contains errors

Explanation: A LOGUTIL utility selected MVC m1 as the best candidate to recover VTV v1. The MVC is either not in the CDS or has some combination of the LOST, BROKE, and DATA CHECK bits on. The MVC may have problems when RECALL or AUDIT is attempted against it.

System Action: The utility continues processing.

User Response: Try to correct the problem with the MVC before running RECALL or AUDIT against it. If the RECALL or AUDIT fails and there are alternate MVC copies, attempt the operation against a different alternate MVC copy of the VTV.


CCCCCCCC parameter exceeds NNNNNNNN volumes

Explanation: The CCCCCCCC parameter was specified for a LOGUTIL utility. The number of volumes specified on the parameter exceeds NNNNNNNN (maximum permitted).

System Action: The utility terminates with RC=8.

User Response: Correct the parameter and re-run the utility.


One or more volsers were duplicated on the CCC parameter

Explanation: The CCC parameter was specified for a LOGUTIL utility. At least one volser was found duplicated on the CCC parameter.

System Action: The duplicate volser is ignored.

User Response: Correct the parameter and re-run the utility if necessary.


Volume MMMMMM is not an MVC

Explanation: AUDIT or INVENTRY was being executed for MVC MMMMMM. VTCS issued an ECAM call to locate a VTV on the MVC. The ECAM response (RC=5/114, which is suppressed) indicates that the volume is not formatted as an MVC.

System Action: Processing of this volume terminates with RC=8.

  • If AUDIT was being executed:

    • VTCS will not check for VTVs that the CDS shows as being on the MVC but were not found. This is necessary to stop such VTVs from being unlinked from the MVC.

    • The MVC will be left in a state of 'Being audited/Audit failed'.

  • If INVENTRY was being executed and CDScheck(Full) was specified, then VTCS will check for VTVs that the CDS shows as being on the MVC, but were not found. It is safe to do this as INVENTRY does not update the CDS.

User Response:

  • Until the problem is resolved, the MVC should not be written to. This can be achieved by executing 'MVCMAINT MVC(MMMMMM) READONLY(ON)' to mark the MVC as read-only.

  • 'MVCRPT MVC(MMMMMM) DETail' can be executed to determine the VTVs that the CDS shows as being on the MVC, in case recovery action is necessary.

  • Check that the correct tape was mounted. Ensure there are not multiple volumes with the same volser, with the non-MVC volume being mounted rather than the MVC volume. If that is the case, re-run the AUDIT or INVENTRY, this time mounting the correct volume.

  • If the correct volume (which should be an MVC) was mounted, or the problem cannot be resolved, contact StorageTek Software Support.


XXXXXXXX copy of VTV VVVVVV found; recovery is not necessary since the VTV is not in deleted status

Explanation: Recovery of VTV VVVVVV was requested by the UNDELETE utility. The UNDELETE utility will only recover VTVs that are in deleted status. To be in deleted status, the VTV can not have any resident or migrated copies. VTV VVVVVV has a XXXXXXXX (resident or migrated) copy so recovery is not necessary.

System Action: The utility continues on to the next VTV. If volser VVVVVV was the last VTV to process then the utility ends.

User Response: None


The manifest file contains NN MVC volsers. The maximum number that can be specified is LL

Explanation: MVCMAINT was executed using a manifest file to specify the MVCs to be processed. The command was of the format 'MVCMAINT MANIFEST(ddname) options'. The manifest file contains NN MVC volsers. The maximum number of MVC volsers that can be specified using a manifest file is LL.

System Action: No MVCs are processed. The utility terminates with RC=8.

User Response: Rather than using a manifest file to specify the MVC volsers, construct MVCMAINT commands of the format 'MVCMAINT MVC(volser(s)) options'. The MVC volsers that would have been processed using the manifest file can be determined by running MVCRPT against the manifest file.


UUU parameter PPP requires HSC/VTCS active

Explanation: An attempt to execute utility UUU failed because parameter PPP was specified and HSC/VTCS is not active.

System Action: The utility terminates with return code 8.

User Response: Ensure HSC/VTCS is active on this system, then rerun the utility.


Requested version of VTV VVVVVV does not exist, recovery is not possible

Explanation: Recovery of the requested version of VTV VVVVVV is not possible. The VTV version to recover is specified on the VERSION or DATE/TIME parameters of the LOCATE_VTV command. There were no migrated or electronically exported copies found of this VTV version in the LOGUTIL structure so recovery is not possible.

System Action: The utility continues on to the next VTV. If volser VVVVVV was the last VTV to process then the utility ends.

User Response: Check to make sure the correct CDS log files were included on the LOGUTIL LOGDD. If not then include the correct log files and re-run the utility.

Also check to make sure the correct version number was specified on the VERSION or DATE/TIME parameters. All versions found are listed in the report output. If the wrong version was specified then re-run the utility with the correct version number specified.


Recovery of version 0 is not permitted, YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS matches version 0 for VTV VVVVVV

Explanation: Recovery of version 0 of a VTV is not permitted by the LOCATE_VTV utility. The LOCATE_VTV utility was run requesting recovery of VTV VVVVVV with DATE=YYYY-MM-DD and TIME=HH:MM:SS. Recovery of this VTV is not permitted since these values match version 0 for this VTV.

System Action: The utility continues on to the next VTV. If volser VVVVVV was the last VTV to process then the utility ends.

User Response: If recovery is needed for version 0 of this VTV then consider using another utility to recover the data (AUDIT, UNDELETE, etc.) If an incorrect value was specified for the DATE/TIME parameters then re-run the utility with the correct values specified.


VTV version VVVVVV CDATE CTIME is newer than version 0. Ensure correct CDS and log files were used

Explanation: The LOCATE_VTV utility was run requesting recovery of VTV VVVVVV. A version of VTV VVVVVV was found in the log files with a create date of CDATE and create time of CTIME. This version of the VTV is newer than version 0. This condition can only occur in one of two situations:

  • The data sets specified on the LOGUTIL LOGDD DD statement are not related to the CDS used by the utility.

  • A CDS copy is being used by the utility that is older than the log data sets.

System Action: The utility continues on to the next version of VTV VVVVVV. If CDATE CTIME is the last version of this VTV then the utility proceeds to the next VTV. If there are no more VTVs to process then the utility ends.

User Response: If incorrect data set names were specified for the CDS or log files then correct the data set names and re-run the utility. If recovery of this VTV version is still desired then re-run the utility specifying CDATE/CTIME on the DATE/TIME parameters.


An internal error has occurred during LOGUTIL processing: VTV VVVVVV, XXXXXXXX

Explanation: An internal error has occurred during LOGUTIL command processing. The VTV volser that is currently being processed and an internal storage address are displayed for diagnostic purposes

System Action: Log File Utility terminates abnormally.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


RTD: NNNN placed in OFFLINE/MAINTENANCE mode, XXXXXX does not support partitioning

Explanation: RTD NNNN has been placed in MAINTENANCE mode or the path to the RTD has been taken OFFLINE.

The VTCS configuration is enabled for partitioning, but the RTD or VTSS does not support partitioning. XXXXXX will state either "the RTD" or "VTSS: vtssname".

System Action: Depending on the RTD configuration, the indicated RTD will be placed in MAINTENANCE mode, or the path to the RTD will be put OFFLINE.

User Response: n configurations with partitioning enabled in VTCS, all RTD device types capable of supporting partitioning mode must have the proper microcode running in the drive.

In addition, any RTD capable of supporting partitioning mode attached to a non-capable VTSS will be placed into MAINTENANCE/OFFLINE mode when partitioning is enabled in VTCS.

Contact Oracle/STK support if necessary.


CF structure conflict:

CF structure SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS is in use by host(s) using
CDS: dsname
CDS creation     date=yyyymmdd time=hh:mm:ss
Last CDS restore date=yyyymmdd time=hh:mm:ss

Explanation: Multiple systems using different CDSs are not permitted to use the same Coupling Facility structure. Coupling Facility structure SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS has already been initialized by HSC/VTCS, running on this or another host, before this HSC/VTCS started.

The message shows the characteristics of the CDS used by the initializing HSC/VTCS. This HSC/VTCS is not permitted to use Coupling Facility structure SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS as it is using a different CDS to the initializing HSC/VTCS.

System Action: VTCS initialization terminates.

User Response: Ensure that different CDSs specify different Coupling Facility structure names, then stop and restart this HSC/VTCS. If further assistance is required, contact StorageTek Software Support.


MVC, MMMMMM, cannot be mounted on RTD RRRRRRRR because it is mounted on another device

Explanation: VTCS attempted to mount MVC MMMMMM on RTD RRRRRRRR in a Virtual Library Extension. The request failed because the MVC is mounted on another device, which may or may not be defined as an RTD to this system.

System Action: The request will be retried with an alternate MVC if one is available. Otherwise, depending on the number of consecutive errors that have occurred, VTCS will either retry the mount of MVC MMMMMM or cancel the request.

User Response: Investigate the problem as it indicates VTCS was not aware of the location of the MVC. If the cause is not understood, contact StorageTek software support.


RECLAIM MVC MMMMMM unable to free space EOT remains PPPP/BBBBBBBB VTV count VVV deleted VTV count DDD

Explanation: This message is generated for partitioned tape volumes. During reclaim processing no partitions could be freed for MVC MMMMMM. EOT is not reset and remains as PPPP/BBBBBBBB where PPPP is partition id and BBBBBBBB is block id. VTV counts VVV (total VTVs) and DDD (deleted VTV count) also remain unchanged.

System Action: MVC usage remains unchanged. This includes MVC wasted and used space as well as VTV counts.

User Response: MVCs with a small number of free partitions should be drained. MVCs with no free partitions must be drained. MVC detail reporting will list any free partitions.


CDS free block calculation failed with RC=X'RRRRRRRR'

Explanation: CONFIG processing invoked an HSC service to determine the number of free blocks in the CDS prior to updating the CDS with any configuration changes. This service failed with return code X'RRRRRRRR'.

System Action: The CDS is not updated with the configuration changes. CONFIG processing terminates with RC=12.

User Response: Report this problem to StorageTek software support.


The configuration changes require MMM free CDS blocks, but the CDS contains only NNN free blocks

Explanation: CONFIG processing has detected that the CDS must be updated, as the VTCS configuration has changed. These changes require MMM free CDS blocks, but the CDS contains only NNN free blocks.

System Action: The CDS is not updated with the configuration changes. CONFIG processing terminates with RC=12.

User Response: Resize the current CDS (using CDS EXpand) or create a new CDS, to ensure that the CDS to be updated contains at least MMM free CDS blocks. Then rerun the CONFIG utility.


VTV V1 cannot be chained to MVC V2. Partition PPPP is not empty

Explanation: The Log Utility uses the Log File records to construct a picture of VTVs existing on MVCs. A Log File record was encountered where VTV V1 was migrated to MVC V2. VTV V1 spanned to more than one partition on the MVC. A partition must be empty (no VTVs) in order for a spanning VTV to be chained to it. The Log Utility attempted to chain VTV V1 to partition PPPP but found that the partition was not empty.

System Action: The utility fails with return code 8.

User Response: The Log File contents are suspect. Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Illegal attempt to CCC the partition map for MVC V1

Explanation: While processing the Log File, a record was encountered that resulted in an attempt to CCC (create or free) the partition map for MVC V1. The attempt to CCC the partition map failed because there were active VTVs chained to the partition map.

System Action: The utility fails with return code 8.

User Response: The Log File contents are suspect. Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Fault reported by VTSS:VV Model:MM Serial:NN FSC:FFFF FRU:UU

Explanation: A hardware problem has occurred on VTSS VV with model number MM and serial number NN. The Fault Symptom Code (FSC) is X'FFFF' and the Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) information is X'UU'. The FRU information will only be displayed if it is available. The Service Information Message (SIM) sense bytes have been displayed in message SLS6659I.

System Action: Normal processing continues.

User Response: Contact StorageTek hardware support.


VTSS VV cannot generate a MIM request. Contact StorageTek hardware support

Explanation: VTSS VV has encountered a condition that would normally generate a MIM (Machine Initiated Maintenance) request. The maintenance ports are not enabled so the VTSS cannot initiate a service call. The Service Information Message (SIM) sense bytes have been displayed in message SLS6659I and additional information has been displayed in message SLS6974I.

System Action: Normal processing continues.

User Response: Contact StorageTek hardware support.


Mount of VVVVVV; MVC is X format, CDS shows MVC is Y format

Explanation: When the indicated MVC was mounted, the partitioning format of the MVC differs from that reflected in the CDS. The values of X and Y will show "Partitioned" or "Standard" as appropriate.

System Action: The indicated MVC is placed in AUDIT state.

User Response: The MVC should be audited to resolve the MVC format and contents with the CDS. Contact Oracle/STK support if necessary.


VTSS VVVVVVVV IP Client task manager unexpectedly failed

Explanation: The control task for VTSS VVVVVVVV has detected that the IP Client task manager has unexpectedly failed.

System Action: An abend is taken.

User Response: Look for error messages associated with the failing VTSS IP Client task manager to ascertain the cause of the problem. Refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.


VTSS VVVVVVVV IP Client task manager recovery processing

Explanation: The VTSS IP Client task manager recovery routine has been entered due to an abend. Recovery action will be attempted.

System Action: An abend is taken and the IP Client task manager attempts to restart itself.

User Response: Look for error messages associated with the failing VTSS IP Client task manager to ascertain the cause of the problem. Refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.



Explanation: The VTSS IP Client task manager module issued the command CCCCCCCCCCCCC at instance IIIIIIII (if applicable) and got an error.

  • RRRRRRR (if applicable) is the decimal value of the RETCODE field.

  • EEEEEEE (if applicable) is the decimal value of the ERRNO field.

  • DDDDDDDDDDDDD (if applicable) is the error number message name.

System Action: The action taken depends on the context of when the command was issued. There may be an abend. The IP Client task manager may attempt to restart itself or just fail the currently executing request. The error may just be related to a single connection in which case connection error isolation and recovery steps will be performed.

User Response: Look for error messages associated with the failing VTSS IP Client task manager to ascertain the cause of the problem. Refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.



Explanation: The VTSS IP Client task manager module has received an error while processing a command with VTSS VVVVVVVV using the IP definition in the CONFIG. The command failed for reason RRRRRRRR. See associated messages for further details of the TCP/IP connection and the command results.

System Action: If the VTSS IP Client task manager is initializing the connection is marked unusable. VTCS continues with any further connections.

  • If all defined connections fail to establish then the Client task manager for this VTSS will terminate.

  • If the VTSS IP Client task manager has initialized and this error occurs, the connection will be marked in error. Connection error recovery will attempt to reestablish the connection when it runs periodically.

User Response: Look for error messages associated with the failing VTSS IP Client task manager to ascertain the cause of the problem. Check that the IP connection definition specifies the correct name or IP Address. Check the networking infrastructure is stable, operational, and physically present!

Replace the IP card(s) in the VTSS if it seems like this is the source of the problem(s). Refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.


VTSS VVVVVVVV Connection N established

Explanation: The VTSS IP Client task manager module has successfully connected to VTSS VVVVVVVV using the IP definition n in the CONFIG. See associated message SLS6984I for the TCP/IP details.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: This is just for information.


VTV VVVVVV with MGMTCLAS MMM cannot be XXXXXXXXXX synchronously from VTSS SSS

Explanation: VTV VVVVVV with MGMTCLAS MMM has been mounted on a VTD in VTSS SSS. The management class, or an associated storage class, specifies that the VTV is to be:

  • replicated synchronously (REP(YES_SYNC) specified on the management class), or

  • exported synchronously (TAPEPLEX(TTT) SYNC(YES) specified on an associated storage class).

VTCS is unable to honor this request. Possible reasons for this are:

  • The VTCS configuration does not specify SYNCHREP=YES.

  • VTSS SSS or the target VTSSs do not support synchronous replications.

  • All target VTSSs are offline.

  • There are no clinks online from VTSS SSS to the target VTSSs.

  • The VTV is mounted on an 'ECAM only' VTD in VTSS SSS. These VTDs cannot be used for synchronous operations.

  • For synchronous replication requests, VTSS SSS is not part of a cluster.

  • For synchronous export requests:

    • ttt is not the name of a tapeplex.

    • ttt is the name of the local tapeplex, rather than of another tapeplex.

System Action: VTCS does not request (at mount time) that the requested action (replication or export) be performed synchronously on the VTV. If it is possible to do so, VTCS will perform the action asynchronously after the VTV is dismounted.

User Response: Check that all of the following are true and perform any necessary corrective action:

  • The VTCS configuration specifies SYNCHREP=YES. Command 'VT D CONFIG' will display the value of SYNCHREP

  • VTSS SSS and the target VTSSs support synchronous replications. Command 'VT D VTSS DET' will show if the VTSSs have 'Sync replicate' support.

  • A target VTSS is online. Command 'VT QU VTSS' will display the status of the VTSSs.

  • There are clinks online from VTSS SSS to the target VTSSs. Command 'VT D CLINK' displays clink status.

  • VTVs requiring synchronous replication/export are not mounted on 'ECAM only' VTDs in VTSS SSS. Command 'VT D VTD ALL VTSS(SSS)' will display the VTDs in VTSS SSS, including the 'ECAM only' VTDs.

  • For synchronous replication requests, VTSS SSS is part of a cluster. Command 'VT D CLUSTER' will show whether VTSS SSS is part of a cluster.

  • For synchronous export requests, TTT is the name of a tapeplex that is not the local tapeplex.


MVC VVVVVV has been initialized

Explanation: MVC VVVVVV has been initialized. A new VOL1 label has been written to this MVC because it had no VOL1 label and INITMVC=YES was in effect for this MVC.

System Action: HSC processing continues.

User Response: None



Explanation: This message provides the TCP/IP connection details and is issued in conjunction with a prior message describing the event that has occurred.

  • YYYYYYYY is the VTSS name

  • N is the ordinal connection definition for the VTSS as defined in the CONFIG

  • AAAAAAAA is the connection definition which may be a DNS name or an IP Address.

    • If AAAAAAAA is a DNS name then BBBBBBBB will be the corresponding IP Address.

    • If AAAAAAAA is an IP Address then BBBBBBBB will be a corresponding DNS name.

  • PPPPP is the port.

  • SSSSS is the socket.

If the length of the information to be displayed is greater than one message can handle, two messages are issued.

The first SLS6984 message has up to and including the AAAAAAAA field.

The second SLS6984 message begins with the characters 'continued...' and then has the BBBBBBBB, PPPPP and SSSSS fields.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: This is just for information.


VTSS VVVVVVVV X of Y IP Client task manager connections SSSSSSSS

Explanation: VTSS VVVVVVVV has X of Y IP Client task manager connections in state SSSSSSSS. State SSSSSSSS may be the following:

  • active - the connections are currently active processing commands

  • ready - the connections are ready to process commands

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: This is for information. If the value of X is less than the value of Y there will have been prior error messages issued indicating the nature of the connection problem(s).


VTSS VVVVVVVV IP Client task manager failed to RRRRRRRR any connections. Task shutting down

Explanation: The VTSS IP Client task manager for VTSS YYYYYYYY has failed to establish or verify (RRRRRRRR) any of the TCP/IP connection definitions in the CONFIG. The VTSS cannot be controlled by TCP/IP.

System Action: The VTSS IP Client task manager exits and the VTSS remains in an unusable condition.

User Response: Check the TCP/IP connection definitions in CONFIG are correct. Look for error messages associated with the failing VTSS IP Client task manager to ascertain the cause of the problem. Refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.


subsystem AAAAAAAA XXXXXXXX, but expected YYYYYYYY

Explanation: Subsystem field AAAAAAAA has value XXXXXXXX when value YYYYYYYY was expected.

System Action: The connection is marked unusable. VTCS continues with any further connections. If all defined connections fail to establish then the Client task manager for this VTSS will terminate.

User Response: This provides further information for the prior SLS6980 error message. This is indicative of a mismatch between the VTSS defined in the CONFIG and the VTSS that is connected over the IP link specified (either by name or IP Address). The mismatch may be because the wrong name has been specified or when multiple connections have been specified but they are resolved to different VTSSs.


VTSS VVVVVVVV All IP connections are now in an error state

Explanation: The VTSS IP Client task manager for VTSS VVVVVVVV has marked the last (or only) available IP connection in error. The VTSS has now lost its TCP/IP connectivity and can no longer be controlled by TCP/IP.

System Action: The VTSS IP Client task manager will periodically retry establishing connectivity with the VTSS using the connections marked in error. The retries occur more often during the system determined initial recovery time interval and less often thereafter. The retries will continue indefinitely while the VTSS is in an online state. All pending requests will be failed.

User Response: Look for error messages associated with the failing VTSS IP Client task manager for further indications of the problem. Check the networking infrastructure is stable, operational, and physically present!

Replace the IP card in the VTSS if it seems like it is the suspect at fault. Refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.


VTSS VVVVVVVV All connections in error and initial recovery time interval exceeded

Explanation: The VTSS IP Client task manager for VTSS VVVVVVVV has been trying often to reestablish the connections to the VTSS for the defined initial recovery time interval. This period of time has now expired and no connections have been reestablished.

System Action: The VTSS IP Client task manager continues trying to reestablish the connections indefinitely, but less often. The VTSS remains in an unusable condition.

User Response: Look for error messages associated with the failing VTSS IP Client task manager for further indications of the problem(s). Check the networking infrastructure is stable, operational, and physically present! The VTSS may be varied offline and online again to immediately retry establishing the connections. Replace the IP card(s) in the VTSS if it seems like this is the source of the problem(s). Refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.


If OPTION is specified, it must have the value UNAVAIL

Explanation: VTVRPT specified the optional parameter OPTION, but with a value other than UNAVAIL.

System Action: VTVRPT terminates with return code 8.

User Response: Specify OPTION(UNAVAIL) or remove the OPTION parameter, then re-run the VTVRPT utility.


VTSS VVVVVVVV Connection N attempting to reestablish connectivity

Explanation: The VTSS IP Client task manager for VTSS VVVVVVVV is attempting to reestablish connectivity with the IP definition N in the CONFIG. This is an automated connection recovery action which will occur periodically while the VTSS is in an online state.

System Action: VTCS attempts to reestablish connectivity with the IP connection. The success or failure of this attempt will be reported in subsequent messages.

User Response: Look for error messages associated with the failing VTSS IP Client task manager for further indications of the problem. Check the networking infrastructure is stable, operational, and physically present! Replace the IP card in the VTSS if it seems like this is the source of the problem. Refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.


VTSS VVVVVVVV TCP/IP SELECTEX error and all socket activity masks zero. Task shutting down

Explanation: The VTSS IP Client task manager for VTSS VVVVVVVV issued the SELECTEX macro to check for activity. No socket activity masks were set so presumably the error was concerning the timeout and/or ECB processing.

System Action: The VTSS IP Client task manager for this VTSS will terminate as this is an unexpected error.

User Response: Look for error messages associated with the failing VTSS IP Client task manager for further indications of the problem(s). Check the networking infrastructure is stable, operational, and physically present! The VTSS may be varied offline and online again to immediately retry establishing the connections. Refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.



Explanation: The VTSS IP Client task manager module for VTSS VVVVVVVV has encountered an unexpected situation. The contents of the message are variable depending upon the circumstances of the error. If the error is related to processing a connection, then the message will be constructed as follows:


The variable text MMMMMMMM will detail the particular error and any useful field information.

System Action: The nature of the unexpected error will determine what the system does in response, and how it continues to run.

User Response: Look for error messages associated with the applicable VTSS IP Client task manager to ascertain the cause of the problem. Refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.



Explanation: The VTSS IP Client task manager module has detected an error in the TCP/IP message received while processing a READ command with VTSS VVVVVVVV using the IP definition N in the CONFIG. The error is reported as reason RRRRRRRR. Variable fields AA and BB will be dependent on the error reason detected.

The following errors are detected:

  • Unsupported Protocol Type AA

  • Invalid Message Type / Protocol Type AA BB

    (AA = Message Type and BB = Protocol Type)

  • Inconsistent Message Type / Length AA BB

    (AA = Message Type and BB = Message Length)

  • Unexpected Sequence Number Received AA BB

    (AA = expected and BB = actual sequence number received)

  • CRC calculated not equal to CRC received AA BB

    (AA = calculated and BB = actual CRC value received)

System Action: If the VTSS IP Client task manager is initializing the connection is marked unusable. VTCS continues with any further connections.

  • If all defined connections fail to establish then the Client task manager for this VTSS will terminate.

  • If the VTSS IP Client task manager has initialized and this error occurs, the connection will be marked in error. Connection error recovery will attempt to reestablish the connection when it runs periodically.

User Response: Look for error messages associated with the failing VTSS IP Client task manager to ascertain the cause of the problem. Check that the IP connection definition specifies the correct name or IP Address. Check the networking infrastructure is stable, operational, and physically present! Replace the IP card(s) in the VTSS if it seems like this is the source of the problem(s). Refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.



Explanation: The VTSS IP Client task manager module has received an ECAM Error Response message from VTSS VVVVVVVV using the IP definition N in the CONFIG.

  • FFFF is the FSC field and EEEE the Error Indicator field.

  • DDDDDDDD is a description of the error.

See associated messages for further details of the TCP/IP connection and the command results.

System Action: The active VTCS ECAM request will be failed. If the FSC/Error is 0000/0000 or 0000/0004 then the connection will be marked in error. Connection error recovery will attempt to reestablish the connection when it runs periodically.

User Response: Look for error messages associated with the failing VTSS IP Client task manager to ascertain the cause of the problem. Check that the IP connection definition specifies the correct name or IP Address. Check the networking infrastructure is stable, operational, and physically present! Replace the IP card(s) in the VTSS if it seems like this is the source of the problem(s). Refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.


STORCLAS SSS is in error, STORMNGR NNNNNNNN does not support FFF

Explanation: STORCLAS SSS is in error. FFF is coded as a parameter for the STORCLAS statement but STORMNGR NNNNNNNN does not support the parameter.

System Action: The parameter is not supported so it cannot be honored.

User Response: Either correct the STORCLAS statement or determine why the parameter is not supported on the STORMNGR.


VTV VVVVVV is being recalled from tapeplex TTTTTTTT

Explanation: In order to satisfy a mount request on the local TapePlex, VTCS has issued a cross TapePlex autorecall (CTA) request to recall the VTV from remote TapePlex TTTTTTTT. The remote TapePlex will EEXPORT the VTV to the local TapePlex, which will then complete the mount.

System Action: Local system performs CTA processing to satisfy a mount request.

User Response: None



Explanation: The VTSS IP Client task manager module has received a Packet Transmission Error Indication message from VTSS YYYYYYYY using the IP definition N in the CONFIG. The error indicator field is EEEE with a description of DDDDDDDD. See associated messages for further details of the TCP/IP connection and the command results.

System Action: f the VTSS IP Client task manager is initializing the connection is marked unusable. VTCS continues with any further connections.

  • If all defined connections fail to establish then the Client task manager for this VTSS will terminate.

  • If the VTSS IP Client task manager has initialized and this error occurs, the connection will be marked in error. Connection error recovery will attempt to reestablish the connection when it runs periodically.

User Response: Look for error messages associated with the failing VTSS IP Client task manager to ascertain the cause of the problem. Check that the IP connection definition specifies the correct name or IP Address. Check the networking infrastructure is stable, operational, and physically present! Replace the IP card(s) in the VTSS if it seems like this is the source of the problem(s). Refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.



Explanation: The VTSS IP Client task manager module has either detected an error in the TCP/IP message received while processing a READ command, or has received a Packet Transmission Error Indication message. This message shows the first 60 bytes of the associated TCP/IP message which has been reported in error with a prior SLS6994, SLS6995 or SLS6999 message. See associated messages for further details of the TCP/IP connection and the command results.

System Action: If the VTSS IP Client task manager is initializing the connection is marked unusable. VTCS continues with any further connections.

  • If all defined connections fail to establish then the Client task manager for this VTSS will terminate.

  • If the VTSS IP Client task manager has initialized and this error occurs, the connection will be marked in error. Connection error recovery will attempt to reestablish the connection when it runs periodically.

User Response: Look for error messages associated with the failing VTSS IP Client task manager to ascertain the cause of the problem. Check that the IP connection definition specifies the correct name or IP Address. Check the networking infrastructure is stable, operational, and physically present! Replace the IP card(s) in the VTSS if it seems like this is the source of the problem(s). Refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.


No MVC volumes have been defined

Explanation: No MVC volumes have been defined in the CDS but RTDs have been defined.

System Action: VTCS processing continues, though processing may be severely impacted due to an inability to migrate VTVs.

User Response: Define MVC volumes or delete the RTDs from the VTCS configuration. MVC volumes may be defined by using one of the following methods:

  • The SET VOLPARM command.

  • CONFIG MVCVOL statement(s).

Message SLS7501E will be deleted automatically when MVC volumes have been defined or if the RTDs are deleted from the VTCS configuration.


VTSS VVVVVVVV Connection N closed

Explanation: The VTSS IP Client task manager module for VTSS VVVVVVVV has closed the IP connection definition N in the CONFIG. This may be as a result of a previous error, a reconfiguration, or a normal close event initiated by termination or the VTSS being varied offline.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: This is just for information.


VTSS VVVVVVVV Connection N dynamic IP Address/Port DDDDDD underway

Explanation: The VTSS IP Client task manager module for VTSS VVVVVVVV is making a dynamic change to the IP definition N in the CONFIG. The dynamic change description DDDDDD may be 'add', 'change' or 'delete'.

The definition in the CONFIG has been changed from the one which is currently running. An add will open a new connection. For a change the current connection will be closed and then reopened with the new definition. A delete will close the current connection.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: This is just for information.


No STORMNGRs were found with deduplication enabled

Explanation: No STORMNGRs were found with the deduplication feature enabled. The Storage Class report only reports on STORMNGRs with the deduplication feature enabled.

System Action: The utility ends with return code 8.

User Response: Once the deduplication feature is enabled, re-run the report.


No valid MVCs were found

Explanation: No valid MVCs were found. To be valid an MVC must be defined in the CDS and reside in one or more STORMNGRs defined to the CDS. Either no valid MVCs were found or they were disqualified by the STORCLAS parameter.

System Action: The utility ends with return code 4.

User Response: If valid MVCs exist, then try running the report without the STORCLAS parameter.


VTSS VVVVVVVV No (potentially) working IP connections remain

Explanation: A new CONFIG has been implemented and one or more IP connection definitions have been deleted. The VTSS IP Client task manager for VTSS VVVVVVVV has deleted the last available IP connection. The VTSS has now lost its TCP/IP connectivity and can no longer be controlled by TCP/IP.

System Action: The VTSS IP Client task manager remains active, but can only do anything when a new valid set of IP connection definitions are implemented by a new CONFIG run. All pending requests will be failed.

User Response: For the IP connection definition(s) that were not initialized at start up, look for error messages associated with the failing VTSS IP Client task manager for further indications of the problem. Check the networking infrastructure is stable, operational, and physically present! Replace the IP card in the VTSS if it seems like it is the suspect at fault. Ensure the new CONFIG being implemented is not inadvertently missing a number of IP connection definitions. Refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.


Invalid (MAXAGE|TIMEOUT) n specified

Explanation: An invalid MAXAGE and/or TIMEOUT value was specified on the DRMONitr utility command statement.

System Action: The DRMONitr utility aborts with return code 8.

User Response: Correct the value and re-submit the utility.


DRMONitr runtime has exceeded TIMEOUT limit of nnn minutes

Explanation: The runtime of the DRMONitr utility has exceeded the allowable runtime (nnn), in minutes, specified by the TIMEOUT parameter.

System Action: The DRMONitr utility continues processing, checking the DR copy status of all remaining VTVs specified. If the TIMEOUT value specified is non-zero, return code 8 is set. If the TIMEOUT value specified is zero, a return code 4 is set if a VTV's DR copy is found incomplete.

User Response: Investigate the reason for the timeout condition. Adjust the TIMEOUT value accordingly


VTV selection by (MGMTclas|VTVid|DSN) found no VTVs to monitor

Explanation: The specified VTV selection criteria choice (MGMTclas, VTVid or DSN) could not select any VTVs to monitor.

System Action: The DRMONitr utility aborts with return code 8.

User Response: Ensure the correct selection criteria is specified for VTV selection. Also note any utility exception messages which may indicate the reason for no VTV selection.


VTV {selection|destination} criteria not specified on DRMONitr utility command statement

Explanation: The DRMONitr utility command statement does not specify:

  • any selection criteria for identifying VTVs to monitor or

  • any destination criteria for identifying VTV copy destinations

System Action: The DRMONitr utility aborts with return code 8.

User Response: If VTV selection criteria not specified caused the error you must specify MGMTclas, VTVid, or DSN on the DRMONitr command statement to identify VTVs to monitor. If VTV destination criteria not specified caused the error you must specify STORclas and/or REPLICAT to identify VTV copy destination.


Required function not specified on DRCHKPT utility command statement

Explanation: The DRCHKPT utility command statement does not specify the required function. SET or CLEAR must be specified on the DRCHKPT utility command statement for this purpose.

System Action: The DRCHKPT utility aborts with return code 8.

User Response: Specify SET or CLEAR on the DRCHKPT command statement to specify the desired function.


MVC MMMMMM rejected for migration because it needs to be audited to resolve anomalies

Explanation: MVC MMMMMM was selected for migration, but cannot be used as VTCS has calculated that there is a negative amount of space remaining on the MVC. This can occur if the CDS is not synchronized with the contents of the MVC.

System Action: VTCS changes the status of the MVC to 'audit required' to prevent migrations to it until it has been audited.

User Response: Run AUDIT MVC(MMMMMM) to ensure the CDS accurately reflects the contents of the MVC. Contact StorageTek Software Support if you do not understand how this error occurred or if you require assistance.


RECALWER=YES|NO is an obsolete parameter. RECALWER=NO is now the default always used

Explanation: The default for recall with error processing may no longer be specified in the CONFIG GLOBAL statement. RECALWER=NO is the product default.

If recall with error processing is desired it may be specified explicitly on those commands which support it, e.g. CONSOLID, EEXPORT, MVCDRAIN and RECALL.

System Action: The CONFIG utility continues processing.

User Response: At a convenient time, update the CONFIG file to remove the obsolete parameter RECALWER.


Incompatible VTCS configuration detected by DRCHKPT utility

Explanation: The DRCHKPT utility detected a VTCS configuration incompatibility in the CDS.

System Action: The DRCHKPT utility aborts with return code 8.

User Response: Run the CONFIGuration utility to correct the VTCS configuration incompatibility in the CDS.


RTD CCCCCCCC has a bad configuration on the Library and/or paths: SSSS1/SSSS2

Explanation: When initializing RTD CCCCCCCC, VTCS obtained the device serial number from the device path (SSSS1) and from the HSC (SSSS2).

The two serials should match, but did not.

The test is designed to detect errors where the physical cabling of the RTD does not match the definition of the RTD in the VTCS configuration, but the message may also be output if the RTD is replaced with HSC/VTCS active.

System Action: The RTD is regarded as broken and will not be used, though will not be forced offline or put into maintenance mode.

User Response: If the configuration has been changed recently, check that the physical cabling of the RTD matches the definition of the RTD in the VTCS configuration. Correct any errors, then vary the RTD online (*) in order to perform a retry.

If the RTD has been replaced with HSC/VTCS active, perform one of the following actions so that HSC will recognize the new serial number:

  • If the ACS containing the RTD supports the F CONFIG command and this command was not issued between the time the RTD was replaced and varying the RTD online, issue the F CONFIG UPDate ACS(acs-id) DRVinfo command now. Then vary the RTD online (*) in order to perform a retry.

  • If the ACS containing the RTD does not support the F CONFIG command, modify the LSM containing the RTD offline and then online. Then vary the RTD online (*) in order to perform a retry. (*) even if it is already online.

  • If none of the above resolve the error, contact StorageTek software support.



Explanation: A Service Information Message (SIM) event has occurred on VTSS VVVVVVVV. The associated fault symptom code's (FSC) description is TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT.

System Action: Message SLS7516E will be succeeded by multi-line message SLS7517I if the specific FSC has any help information associated with it.

User Response: If unable to resolve error from the FSC description, contact Oracle/StorageTek hardware support.



Explanation: This multi-line message attempts to provide the explanation, TTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT, for fault symptom code, NNNNNNNN, that has occurred on the VTSS specified in the preceding SLS7516E message.

System Action: None

User Response: If unable to resolve error from the FSC's explanation, contact Oracle/Storage Tek hardware support.


Invalid cluster CCC

The configuration of cluster CCC is invalid
VTSSs PPP and SSS have different connectivity
VTSS XXX has clink connectivity to tapeplex EEE, but VTSS YYY does not
(Clinks from VTSS PPP to VTSS SSS will be terminated)

Explanation: VTCS found an error in the configuration of cluster CCC.

Each VTSS in a cluster must have identical clink connectivity to tapeplexes. That is, if one VTSS in the cluster has clink connectivity to tapeplex EEE, then so must all other VTSSs in the cluster.

VTCS found that VTSS XXX has clink connectivity to tapeplex EEE, but VTSS YYY does not. It will be impossible to perform electronic exports of VTVs from VTSS YYY to tapeplex EEE.

System Action: If there are any clinks from VTSS PPP to VTSS SSS, VTCS will terminate them. It will then be impossible to replicate VTVs from VTSS PPP to VTSS SSS.

User Response: Ensure that each VTSS in cluster CCC has identical clink connectivity to tapeplex EEE.

Depending on whether the VTCS configuration is correct for VTSS XXX or for VTSS YYY, change the configuration to:

  • add clink connectivity to tapeplex EEE to VTSS YYY (and any other VTSSs in cluster CCC that do not have such connectivity), or

  • remove clink connectivity to tapeplex EEE from VTSS XXX (and any other VTSSs in cluster CCC that have such connectivity).

Then run the CONFIG utility (the RESET option is unnecessary). The problem will be resolved automatically once VTCS recognizes the configuration change.


Invalid cluster CCC

The configuration of cluster CCC is invalid
VTSSs PPP and SSS have different connectivity
VTSS XXX has connectivity to TTT RTDs in LLL, but
VTSS YYY does not
(Clinks from VTSS PPP and VTSS SSS will be terminated)

Explanation: VTCS found an error in the configuration of cluster CCC.

In the message 'LLL' is 'ACS NNN' or 'stormngr MMM'

Each VTSS in a cluster must have identical connectivity to RTDs by device type and location. That is, if one VTSS in the cluster has connectivity to RTDs of device type TTT in location LLL, then so must all other VTSSs in the cluster.

VTCS found that VTSS XXX has connectivity to RTDs of device type TTT in location LLL, but VTSS YYY does not.

DDDD shows the device numbers (maximum of 6) of RTDs of device type TTT in location LLL where VTSS XXX has connectivity to these RTDs but VTSS YYY does not.

System Action: If there are any clinks from VTSS PPP to VTSS SSS, VTCS will terminate them. It will then be impossible to replicate VTVs from VTSS PPP to VTSS SSS.

User Response: Ensure that each VTSS in cluster CCC has identical connectivity to RTDs of device type TTT in location LLL.

D CONFIG displays the device type and location of each RTD in the configuration and the VTSSs that have connectivity to the RTD.

Depending on whether the VTCS configuration is correct for VTSS XXX or for VTSS YYY, change the configuration to:

  • add connectivity to RTDs of device type TTT in location LLL to VTSS YYY (and any other VTSSs in cluster CCC that do not have such connectivity).

    It is not necessary for VTSS YYY to have connectivity to each of the devices shown by 'LLL TTT RTDs: DDDD', but VTSS YYY must have connectivity to at least one RTD of device type TTT in location LLL, or,

  • remove connectivity to RTDs of device type TTT in location LLL from VTSS XXX (and any other VTSSs in cluster CCC that have such connectivity).

Then run the CONFIG utility (the RESET option is unnecessary). The problem will be resolved automatically once VTCS recognizes the configuration change.


Unable to read the partition map for MVC MMMMMM. The MVC has been marked as readonly

Explanation: MVC MMMMMM has been written in partitioned mode. Each partitioned MVC should have a record (known as the 'partition map') in the CDS that describes the usage of the partitions.

VTCS was unable to read the partition map for MVC MMMMMM, indicating the partition map does not exist or exists but is not correctly linked to the MVC record.

System Action: VTCS creates a partition map for MVC MMMMMM with default contents and links it to the MVC record. This partition map will not reflect the usage of the partitions until the MVC is drained or audited.

VTCS marks the MVC as readonly in the CDS in order to prevent migrations to the MVC until the partition map accurately reflects the usage of the partitions.

User Response: Drain or audit the MVC.

If this message is issued while the MVC is being drained or audited, it is not necessary to perform another drain or audit.

Once the drain or audit completes successfully, the MVC may be marked as writable by running MVCMAINT MVC(MMMMMM) READONLY(OFF).


Failed mount/dismount on DDDDDDDD: RRRRRRRR

Explanation: A RTD mount or dismount directed to another tapeplex for device DDDDDDDD failed. The message returned by the other tapeplex was RRRRRRRR.

System Action: Depending upon the reason for the error on the remote tapeplex, VTCS may either fail the mount or dismount or initiate a use dialogue to enable recovery of the situation.

User Response: The reason RRRRRRRR may contain an additional message to be looked up. This will typically contain more precise information about the error.

Also consult the logs of the tapeplex that is supposed to be servicing the device DDDDDDDD. This should be able to give additional information about the state of the RTD or the ability to mount volumes.

The associated SLS6894I or SLS6895I messages should give information as to the reason for the mount or dismount.


Found NNNN duplicate MVCs in SSSSSSSS

Explanation: When VTCS starts up or the MVC pools are changed, it instigates a search of all storage managers for MVCs. When scanning storage manager SSSSSSSS, it found NNNN MVCs that were also found in either the local CDS or other storage managers.

System Action: The effected MVCs will be placed into an error location called '*MANY*'. Any reference to VTV copies on an MVC with this location should fail as VTCS is unable to determine which location has the correct copy.

User Response: Run an MVC report to identify the affected MVCs. Then run a VOLRPT for both the local HSC and each of the storage managers. By cross checking the reports it should be possible to identify the multiple versions of each MVC.

The problem could also be the result of a configuration problem due to VTCS being pointed to storage manager via two different routes. It may also be that particular MVCs should not be defined in the CDS.


Error during {catalog lookup|SDD processing} for {DDN|DSN} DDDDDDDD; reason explanation

Explanation: A VTCS operation requested from an SMC client detected an error processing a DSN parameter or a translated DDN parameter.

System Action: The requested operation is not performed for the DSN in error. If the catalog lookup or SDD process could not be done, then no VTVs are processed.

User Response: Determine the reason for the error and resubmit the SMC request.


DELETSCR not allowed on a DRTEST system without POOLPARM/VOLPARM definitions in effect

Explanation: The DELETSCR Utility command may not be executed on a DRTEST system if POOLPARM/VOLPARM definitions are not in effect.

System Action: The DELETSCR Utility command is terminated.

User Response: Either run the DELETSCR Utility command on a Production system appropriately or set up the DRTEST environment using POOLPARM and VOLPARM definitions.


DELETSCR for non DRTEST volume VVVVVV not allowed on a DRTEST system

Explanation: The DELETSCR Utility command, while processing volumes after initial parameter validation, has encountered a situation which is not allowed.

DELETSCR for a non DRTEST volume VVVVVV is not allowed if running on a DRTEST system.

System Action: The utility terminates immediately.

User Response: If executing the DELETSCR Utility command on a DRTEST system, the only VTVs which may be deleted are those which have been defined as DRTEST volumes using the POOLPARM/VOLPARM definitions. Reconsider your DELETSCR processing requirements and resubmit the utility on chosen environment appropriately.


Attempt to vary LINKS AAAAAAAA/BBBBBBBB state1 failed, LINKS unexpectedly found state2.

Explanation: A command was issued to vary the LINKS from AAAAAAAA to BBBBBBBB into the state specified in state1. While waiting for the LINKS to get to this state, the LINKS were unexpectedly found in the state specified in state2.

System Action: The Vary will be abandoned and the LINKS will stay in state2.

User Response: If the LINKS are desired in a different state than they currently are, then re-issue the Vary LINKS command to change the LINKS to the desired state.


Migrate|Recall of VTV VVVVVV has failed because of a timestamp mismatch

Explanation: The TIMESTAMP parameter supplied on the MIGRATE or RECALL command does not match the VTV copy being requested for migration or recall.

System Action: The VTV is skipped and, if possible, processing continues.

User Response: If possible, make another attempt to migrate or recall the VTV while running GTF. Contact Oracle/StorageTek support and provide the trace dataset.


Copy of VTV VVVVVV on MVC MMMMMM rejected; MVC is located within unknown STORMNGR SSSSSSSS

Explanation: The manifest file indicates there is a copy of VTV VVVVVV on MVC MMMMMM, and that MVC MMMMMM is located within STORMNGR SSSSSSSS. That STORMNGR is not defined in the VTCS configuration.

System Action: The copy of VTV VVVVVV on MVC MMMMMM will be ignored, but other copies of VTV VVVVVV will be processed. If all copies of VTV VVVVVV are located within unknown STORMNGRs, the VTV will not be imported.

User Response: If the copy of VTV VVVVVV on MVC MMMMMM was expected to be rejected (because STORMNGR SSSSSSSS is no longer in the VTCS configuration), no action is necessary. Otherwise, define STORMNGR SSSSSSSS in the VTCS configuration and then (re-)import the VTV.


Recall failed VTV volser is archived

Explanation: A recall operation was attempted against VTV volser and has failed due to the VTV being archived in the cloud.

System Action: The recall request is purged from the system since this error requires manual intervention. If the recall was for a virtual mount, the job waiting for the mount to complete will go into a wait state. While in the wait state, the SMC mount monitor will continue to redrive the mount request. The wait state will persist until the VTV is either mounted, the mount times out, or the job is cancelled.

User Response: Use the SMC ROUTE command to start the VLE restore_VTV operation. Use the SMC ROUTE VLE query_restore operation to determine when the VTV is restored. If needed, cancel the job that is waiting for the mount.


Links to RRRRRRRR from VTSS VVVVVVVV established; state is SSSSSSS

Explanation: Replication links have been established from source VTSS VVVVVVVV to target VTSS RRRRRRRR. The state of the link can be ONLINE, OFFLINE or OFF-FAIL.

  • An ONLINE state indicates successful connectivity to the replication link and is ready for work.

  • An OFFLINE state indicates the replication link has been varied offline.

  • An OFF-FAIL state indicates that the replication link has been changed to an offline state due to a failure.

System Action: VTCS processing continues.

User Response: If the current status of the link does not show the desired state, issue the Vary LINKSto command to bring it into the desired state.


Replication link LLLLLLLL from VTSS VVVVVVVV returned ecam error CC=CCC RC=RRR from QQQQQQQQ attempt

Explanation: An ecam request, QQQQQQQQ, was issued for replication link LLLLLLLL from VTSS VVVVVVVV but failed with condition code CCC and reason code RRR.

System Action: Depending upon the nature of the error and the processing at the time, the replication link is disabled. However, VTCS will attempt replication with any available replication links.

User Response: The reason for the error should be investigated. Check the SYSLOG for other indications as to the nature of the error. If the problem persists contact Oracle/StorageTek hardware support.


VTSS VVVVVVVV cluster|tapeplex DDDDDDDD Enhanced Replication disabled, not all connectivity supports enhanced replication.

Explanation: Although VTSS VVVVVVVV supports the enhanced replication feature, enhanced replication capabilities have been suppressed because not all connectivity in the cluster, or to the remote tapeplex, DDDDDDDD, supports enhanced replication. Enhanced replication can only take place when all connectivity within a local cluster or to a remote tapeplex supports enhanced replication.

System Action: VTCS processing continues however all replication is made without enhanced replication methods.

User Response: If enhanced replication is desired all connectivity within the local cluster or to a remote tapeplex must support enhanced replication.


Determination of volsers in STORMNGR VVVVVVVV failed with RC=CCCCCCCC Reason=SSSSSSSS|- unable to issue the command

Explanation: VTCS maintains an area in storage called the MVC cache which contains details of each MVC's location, media and other properties. The primary use of the MVC cache is the selection of MVCs for migration.

The MVC cache is formatted when VTCS starts and when MVC pools are reloaded. The MVC cache is automatically refreshed periodically by VTCS and is also refreshed when the D MVCP command is entered or the MVCPLRPT utility is executed.

In order to format or refresh the MVC cache, VTCS must issue a command to storage manager VVVVVVVV to determine the volsers it contains. The command is routed through SMC.If the message text contains '- unable to issue the command', VTCS was unable to issue the command. This occurs if VTCS is unable to communicate with SMC. No MVC cache entries will have been formatted or refreshed.If the message text contains 'with RC=CCCCCCCC Reason=SSSSSSSS', VTCS issued the command but it failed with return code X'CCCCCCCC' reason code X'SSSSSSSS'. Some MVC cache entries may have been formatted or refreshed before the command failed.If the MVC cache was being formatted, any MVC whose cache entry was not formatted will not be available for migration.If the MVC cache was being refreshed, the failure will have no impact if the MVC cache was successfully formatted previously.

System Action: The command will be re-driven if:

  • the error resulted from automatic VTCS processing (rather than from a command being issued or a utility being executed), and

  • the return code (X'CCCCCCCC') was >= X'100' or the reason code (X'SSSSSSSS') was >= X'100', and

  • VTCS has never successfully determined the volsers in storage manager VVVVVVVV.

Any re-drive will occur only when VTCS can communicate with SMC.

User Response: If enhanced replication is desired all connectivity within the local cluster or to a remote tapeplex must support enhanced replication.

  • If the message text contains '- unable to issue the command', check that SMC is operational.

    Investigate and correct any errors reported by SMC.

  • If message SLS6884E was also issued, investigate and correct the cause.

    Investigate and correct the cause of return code X'CCCCCCCC' reason code X'SSSSSSSS' in this message. Consult the ELS Messages and Codes manual, sections 'VLE UUI Return Codes' and 'SMC UUI Return and Reason Codes'.

  • If the error can not be resolved, report the problem to StorageTek Software Support.


Recall of VTV VVVVVV from tapeplex TTTTTTTT failed {with RC=CCCCCCCC Reason=SSSSSSSS|- unable to issue the command}

Explanation: In order to mount VTV VVVVVV, VTCS had to issue a command to tapeplex TTTTTTTT requesting that it export a copy of the VTV back to the local tapeplex. The command is routed through SMC on the local tapeplex to SMC on tapeplex TTTTTTTT.

System Action: VTCS will fail the mount of VTV VVVVVV.

User Response: If the message text contains '- unable to issue the command', check that SMC is operational on the local tapeplex and on tapeplex TTTTTTTT. Investigate and correct any errors reported by SMC on either tapeplex.

If message SLS6884E was issued on either tapeplex, investigate and correct the cause of any errors. Check for messages on tapeplex TTTTTTTT relating to VTV VVVVVV. Investigate and correct any errors.

Investigate and correct the cause of return code X'CCCCCCCC' reason code X'SSSSSSSS' in this message. Consult the ELS Messages and Codes manual, section 'SMC Return and Reason Codes'. If the error can not be resolved, report the problem to StorageTek Software Support.



Explanation: The STORMNGR referenced by the STORCLAS does not support VTVs greater than 4GB.

System Action: The MGMTCLAS that references the STORCLAS will have its MAXVTVSZ set to 4000.

User Response: To avoid this message add MAXVTVSZ(4000) to any MGMTCLAS that references this STORCLAS or upgrade the STORMNGR to support VTVs greater than 4GB.


STORMNGR SSSSSSSS does not support VTVs greater than 4GB, global MAXVTVSZ set to DDDD

Explanation: The VLE does not support VTVs greater than 4GB or VTCS is unable to determine the features of the VLE due to communication errors.

System Action: Processing continues but the maximum VTV size will be 4GB or less, the maximum size is displayed.

User Response: Upgrade the STORMNGR to support VTVs greater than 4GB or establish communications with the VLE.


PATH: RRRR placed in OFLINE mode, VVVVVVVV does not support VTVs greater than 4GB.

Explanation: PATH RRRR is connected to STORMNGR VVVVVVVV which does not support VTVs greater than 4GB but the CDS does support VTVs greater than 4GB or there are VTVs within the CDS that are larger than 4GB.

System Action: The RTD and associated paths are placed offline.

User Response: Upgrade the STORMNGR to support VTVs greater than 4GB or remove the VTVs that are larger than 4GB from the CDS.


Partition ID service failure RC=NNNN RRR request from CCCCCCCC+XXXX VVVVVV TTTTTTTT

Explanation: The VTCS ALP partition ID access method service has detected an error processing request RRR from module CCCCCCCC plus offset XXXX. Request parameter VVVVVV identifies the VTV validation volser and TTTTTTTT represents the ALP token value.

System Action: The VTCS task will stop processing with more messages and in some cases an abend.

User Response: Collect diagnostic information and report this error to StorageTek customer support. If an ABEND does not occur, the error is not serious to the continued operation of VTCS.


EEXPORT Early Delete VTV(s) removed from VTSS VVVV

Explanation: During Auto Migration, VTV(s) that are pending Electronic Export to a remote Tapeplex are removed from VTSS VVVV due to the EDLTeexp Management Class setting. All CLINKs to the remote Tapeplex are not operational. The VTCS RECONCIL utility must be run when the Tapeplex CLINKs are varies ONLINE.

System Action: The Auto Migration task continues.

User Response: After the remote Tapeplex CLINKs are varied ONLINE, run the VTCS RECONCIL utility.


NNNN EEXPORT Early Delete VTV(s) removed from VTSS VVVV

Explanation: During Auto Migration, NNNN VTV(s) that are pending Electronic Export to a remote Tapeplex are removed from VTSS VVVV due to the EDLTeexp Management Class setting. All CLINKs to the remote Tapeplex are not operational. The VTCS RECONCIL utility must be run when the Tapeplex CLINKs are varies ONLINE.

System Action: None.

User Response: After the remote Tapeplex CLINKs are varied ONLINE, run the VTCS RECONCIL utility.


Unexpected exception thrown: RRRRRRRRR

Explanation: A software error has been detected and this has caused an exception to be raised. The reason RRRRRRRRR gives details of the error that occurred.

System Action: If necessary, a dump of the process will be taken. Attempts will also be made to recover the failing task or thread.

User Response: Because the error is unexpected, it is possible that any recovery action may not be successful. Therefore check the system and if necessary restart the process that suffered the failure. Refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.


PPPPPPPP/NNNN: Uncaught exception terminating thread

Explanation: A software error has been detected in process the PPPPPPPP with an Id of NNNN and this has caused an exception to be raised. There is no recovery routine active to recover from the error.

System Action: The effected task or thread will be terminated. Typically no additional recovery actions will be performed.

User Response: More than likely, the effected process will need to be restarted. Check for additional messages that might also be a trigger for this error message. Refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.


PPPPPPPP/NNNN: Abnormal thread termination: RRRRRRRRR

Explanation: A software thread has decided to terminate unexpectedly within process PPPPPPPP with an Id of NNNN. The reason RRRRRRRRR gives details of the triggering error.

System Action: The effected task or thread will be terminated. A dump may also be taken. Typically no additional recovery actions will be performed.

User Response: More than likely, the effected process will need to be restarted. Check for additional messages that might also be a trigger for this error message. Refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.


PPPPPPPP/NNNN: Call to terminate()

Explanation: A software error has occurred that means that the run-time environment for the process PPPPPPPP with an Id of NNNN has decided that it cannot continue.

System Action: The effected process will be terminated. A dump may also be taken. Depending upon circumstances, the system may restart the failed process.

User Response: Check that the failing process restarted. If not then perform a manual stop and start of the process. Check for additional messages that might also be a trigger for this error message. Refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.


PPPPPPPP/NNNN: Unexpected exception called

Explanation: A software error has been detected in process PPPPPPPP with an Id of NNNN and this has caused an exception to be raised. There is no recovery routine active to recover from the error.

System Action: The effected task or thread will be terminated. Typically no additional recovery actions will be performed.

User Response: More than likely, the effected process will need to be restarted. Check for additional messages that might also be a trigger for this error message. Refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.


PPPPPPPP/NNNN: Call to terminate()

Explanation: A software error has occurred that means that the run-time environment for the process PPPPPPPP with an Id of NNNN has decided that it cannot continue.

System Action: The effected process will be terminated. A dump may also be taken. Depending upon circumstances, the system may restart the failed process.

User Response: Check that the failing process restarted. If not then perform a manual stop and start of the process. Check for additional messages that might also be a trigger for this error message. Refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.


Cannot create TCP/IP socket: RRRRRRRRR

Explanation: An attempt was made to create a socket for TCP/IP communications. This failed with the error code RRRRRRRRR.

System Action: The function attempting to create the socket will fail.

User Response: This maybe a network or a server resource problem. Additional messages produced around the same time should also give an indication of what function is effected.


Cannot bind to port NNNN: RRRRRRRRR

Explanation: An attempt was made to bind to port NNNN for TCP/IP communications. This failed with the error code RRRRRRRRR. If this reason is 'address already in use', then it probably means that a server component has not completed termination before the replacement was started.

System Action: The function attempting to bind to the port will fail.

User Response: This maybe a network or a server resource problem. Additional messages produced around the same time should also give an indication of what function is effected.


Listen on port NNNN failed: RRRRRRRRR

Explanation: An attempt was made to listen for connections to port NNNN for TCP/IP communications. This failed with the error code RRRRRRRRR.

System Action: The function attempting to listen to the port will fail.

User Response: This maybe a network or a server resource problem. Additional messages produced around the same time should also give an indication of what function is effected.


Cannot create AF_UNIX socket: RRRRRRRRR

Explanation: An attempt was made to create a socket for internal communications as a server. This failed with the error code RRRRRRRRR.

System Action: The function attempting to create the socket will fail.

User Response: This is probably a server resource problem. Additional messages produced around the same time should also give an indication of what function is effected.


Cannot bind to file FFFFFFFF: RRRRRRRRR

Explanation: An attempt was made to bind to file FFFFFFFF for internal communications. This failed with the error code RRRRRRRRR. If this reason is 'address already in use', then it probably means that a server component has not completed termination before the replacement was started.

System Action: The function attempting to bind to the file will fail.

User Response: This is probably a server resource problem. Additional messages produced around the same time should also give an indication of what function is effected.


Listen on file FFFFFFFF failed: RRRRRRRRR

Explanation: An attempt was made to listen for connections to file FFFFFFFF for internal communications. This failed with the error code RRRRRRRRR.

System Action: The function attempting to bind to the file will fail.

User Response: This is probably a server resource problem. Additional messages produced around the same time should also give an indication of what function is effected.



Explanation: An attempt was made to resolve the network address of HHHHHHHH and port PPPP and this failed with the error code RRRRRRRRR.

System Action: The function attempting to resolve the address will fail.

User Response: Check that HHHHHHHH is either a valid IPv4 address, IPv6 address or DNS address. Short form DNS addresses are only valid if it can be converted to a full address by using one of the DNS search suffixes. Additional messages produced around the same time should also give an indication of what function is effected.



Explanation: An attempt was made to connect to the network address HHHHHHHH and port PPPP and this failed with the error code RRRRRRRRR. If this reason is 'connection refused', then it probably means that a server component is not running. If this reason is 'no route to host' or 'connection timed out', then it is probably some kind of network problem.

System Action: The function attempting to connect to the address will fail.

User Response: Check that the system HHHHHHHH is up. Then check that the network route to system is correct and functional. If the target system is on another sub-net, then the default router must be configured correctly. Additional messages produced around the same time should also give an indication of what function is effected.


Cannot create AF_UNIX socket

Explanation: An attempt was made to create a socket for internal communications as a client.

System Action: The function attempting to create the socket will fail.

User Response: This is probably a server resource problem. Additional messages produced around the same time should also give an indication of what function is effected.


Failed connect to FFFFFFFF: RRRRRRRR

Explanation: An attempt was made to connect to file FFFFFFFF for internal communication and this failed with the error code RRRRRRRRR. If this reason is 'connection refused', then it probably means that a server component is not running.

System Action: The function attempting to connect to the address will fail.

User Response: Check that the service that should connected to file FFFFFFFF is up. Additional messages produced around the same time should also give an indication of what function is effected.


Accept on port NNNN failed: RRRRRRRR

Explanation: An attempt was made to accept a connection on port NNNN and this failed with the error code RRRRRRRRR.

System Action: The function attempting to accept the connection will fail. Typically this will cause an additional failure within the server component attempting the connection.

User Response: Additional messages produced around the same time should also give an indication of what function is effected.


Connection from SSSSSSSS

Explanation: A server has received a TCP/IP connection request from the system SSSSSSSS.

System Action: Depending upon the nature of the connection, processing will proceed within the server component.

User Response: This is informational only.


PPPPPPPP: PGMI server running

Explanation: The process PPPPPPPP has started an instance of the server component for handling command execution.

System Action: Processing of commands now commences.

User Response: None.


Process PPPP trace state is SSSS

Explanation: The tracing state of process PPPP has now changed to SSSS.

System Action: If 'Off', then tracing has been disabled. If 'On', then the file to which tracing is now being done is reported.

User Response: None.


PPPPPPPP/NNNN: Normal shutdown complete

Explanation: The process PPPPPPPP with an Id of NNNN has shut down as a result of a service level change.

System Action: None.

User Response: None.


Dump written to FFFFFFFF

Explanation: A software error has occurred and a dump of the failing process has been written to file FFFFFFFF.

System Action: If possible, recovery routines will be invoked. Depending upon the nature and reason for the error, the recovery may or may not be successful.

User Response: Additional messages produced around the same time should also give an indication of what function is effected. Refer the problem to StorageTek Software Support.


Response to message NNNN was RRRRRRRR

Explanation: The REPLY command has been used against the outstanding message with the Id of NNNNN. The response text was RRRRRRRR.

System Action: The function awaiting the response to the message will be woken up and passed the relevant text.

User Response: None.


Message NNNN has been deleted

Explanation: The outstanding message with the Id of NNNNN has been deleted by the system.

System Action: None.

User Response: None.


Manual dump of process PPPP initiated: TTTTTTTT

Explanation: A manual dump of process PPPP has been initiated via a command. The reason for the dump was given as TTTTTTTT.

System Action: After the dump has been taken, processing should continue.

User Response: Assuming this is at the request of StorageTek Software Support, use the DIAGS command or the GUI to add the generated dump to the relevant support bundle.


Security failure on CCCCCCCC command matching rule on line LLLL RRRRRRRR

Explanation: A user attempted to execute CCCCCCCC command when matching the PERMIT/ALLOW rule on line LLLL. RRRRRRRR is additional resources that maybe triggering the failure.

System Action: Execution of the command will be rejected.

User Response: Contact your system administrator and get them to review the PERMIT/ALLOW rules for your User Id.


Security warning on CCCCCCCC command matching rule on line LLLL RRRRRRRR

Explanation: A user attempted to execute CCCCCCCC command when matching the PERMIT/ALLOW rule on line LLLL. RRRRRRRR is additional resources that maybe triggering the failure. The matching rule is currently set to just issue a warning.

System Action: Execution of the command continues.

User Response: Contact your system administrator and get them to review the PERMIT/ALLOW rules for your User Id.


Process PPPPPPPP/NNNN received termination request

Explanation: The process PPPPPPPP with an Id of NNNN has received a request to shut down as a result of a service level change.

System Action: Any work the process is performing will be quiesced before the shut down request is honoured. Typically from this point, new requests will be rejected.

User Response: None.


PPPPPPPP/NNNN: Communication failure writing TTTTTTTT to logger: RRRRRRRR

Explanation: An internal communications error has occurred when process PPPPPPPP with an Id of NNNN tried to send a message of type TTTTTTTT to the logger process. The reason for the failure is RRRRRRRR. The most likely reason for this problem, is the logger process failing.

System Action: The process PPPPPPPP will reset the connection and attempt to reconnect to the logger process. If the process is not available, then it will retry until the process becomes available. Some messages may have been lost as a result of this failure.

User Response: Check for additional messages that might also be a trigger for this error message.


Command CCCCCCCC: Internal Comms error: RRRRRRRR

Explanation: When executing the command CCCCCCCC, an internal communication failure with the reason RRRRRRRR occurred. This failure could have a number of reasons that are perfectly normal. A typical reason is a external command being cancelled or a service level change whilst a command is executing.

System Action: Depending upon the timing, the command CCCCCCCC may or may not continue executing.

User Response: Check for additional messages that might also be a trigger for this error message. Also review what any client systems were doing at the time.


Connection NNNNNNNN authorisation failure: RRRRRRRR

Explanation: When authorizing a client over a TCP/IP connection using the name NNNNNNNN, there was a failure with the reason RRRRRRRR. The previous SLS8017 message will give the network address of the client.

System Action: The connection request will be aborted after a short period of time.

User Response: Check the configuration and setup of the client. Also review what any client systems were doing at the time.


PPPPPPPP/NNNN: Communication failure to CDS proxy: RRRRRRRR

Explanation: The process PPPPPPPP with an Id of NNNN suffered an internal communication failure with the CDS proxy process. This can only occur in shared CDS mode where the CDS manages the connections to the ELS host.

System Action: This will typically cause follow-on errors as communications from the process to the CDS have been compromised and I/Os may have been lost.

User Response: Check the connection to the ELS host from the 'dbserv' process and confirm that the process is running. It maybe necessary to reset things by dropping and raising the service level.


Connected to CDS server SSSSSSSS

Explanation: The CDS proxy process has established a connection with the ELS system with then network address of SSSSSSSS.

System Action: Access to the CDS is now permitted and processing will continue.

User Response: None.


Communication failure to CDS server: RRRRRRRR

Explanation: The CDS proxy process has suffered a communications failure talking to the ELS host with a reason of RRRRRRRR.

System Action: This will typically cause follow-on errors as communications from other processes to the CDS have been compromised and I/Os may have been lost.

User Response: Check the connection to the ELS host from the 'dbserv' process and confirm that the process is running. Also check that the ELS host is running and that the DBSERVER command has been correctly issued. It maybe necessary to reset things by dropping and raising the service level.


Trying to reconnect to CDS server SSSSSSSS

Explanation: The CDS proxy process is trying to reconnect to the ELS host SSSSSSSS.

System Action: This will be done indefinitely until the connection has been established. Until this point, some functions that will require access to the CDS will fail and others will hang.

User Response: Check that the ELS host is running and that the DBSERVER command has been correctly issued.


Communication failure to CDS client: RRRRRRRR

Explanation: The CDS proxy process has detected that one of its client processes has dropped an internal connection for the reason RRRRRRRR.

System Action: Processing continues and the client's I/O requests will be dropped.

User Response: Check the other processes for error messages that may give an indication as to the source of the problem.



Explanation: The CDS proxy has successfully connected to the ELS system that is serving up the CDS. The version of ELS is VVVVVV and the primary CDS is DDDDDDDDDD

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: None.


Cannot create shared memory segment

Explanation: The process was unable to create the shared memory segment that is used for communication between processes.

System Action: The process will abort its start-up and take a dump.

User Response: Check the other processes for error messages that may give an indication as to the source of the problem. Try rebooting the LDOM.


Cannot attach shared memory segment

Explanation: The process was unable to attach to the shared memory segment that is used for communication between processes. It is possibly incompatible.

System Action: The process will abort its start-up and take a dump.

User Response: Check the other processes for error messages that may give an indication as to the source of the problem. Try rebooting the LDOM.


Local configuration change to host NNNN with name SSSSSSSS

Explanation: The local configuration has been updated and the system has been allocated an Id of NNNN and a name of SSSSSSSS.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: None.


Configuration connection from NNNN as host SSSSSSSS

Explanation: A cluster connection has been received from the system with an Id of NNNN and a name of SSSSSSSS.

System Action: Processing continues. This includes ensuring that both systems have correc6t configuration information.

User Response: None.


Configuration connection to NNNN as host SSSSSSSS using AAAAAAAA

Explanation: A cluster connection is been attempted to the system with an Id of NNNN and a name of SSSSSSSS using the network address AAAAAAAA.

System Action: Processing continues. This includes ensuring that both systems have correc6t configuration information.

User Response: None.


Configuration sent to NNNN as host SSSSSSSS

Explanation: This system has deduced that it has a more current configuration than the system with the Id of NNNN and the name of SSSSSSSS. It is therefore uploading the changed configuration to this target in order to bring both systems into line.

System Action: Processing continues. Once the configuration update has been received, notifications will be sent to the various processes to cause them to read in the update.

User Response: None.


Configuration received from NNNN as host SSSSSSSS

Explanation: This system with the Id of NNNN and the name of SSSSSSSS has deduced that it has a more current configuration than this system. It is therefore downloading the changed configuration to this system in order to bring both systems into line.

System Action: Processing continues. Once the configuration update has been received, notifications will be sent to the various processes to cause them to read in the update.

User Response: None.


Configuration connection to # NNNN as host SSSSSSSS terminated: RRRRRRRR

Explanation: The cluster connection to the system with the Id of NNNN and the name of SSSSSSSS has terminated for the reason of RRRRRRRR.

System Action: Processing continues. Depending upon the reason for the termination, other error messages maybe posted.

User Response: If this is not an expected condition, then check for error messages that may give an indication as to the source of the problem.



Explanation: The process PPPPPPPP with an Id of NNNN has suffered an internal SQL of EEEEEEEE when accessing the CDS. The return code from the operation was RRRR.

System Action: This will typically cause follow-on errors as access to the CDS will have been compromised and I/Os may have been lost. Depending upon the nature of the error, some retries maybe attempted before giving up. on the operation.

User Response: Check the other processes for error messages that may give an indication as to the source of the problem. It maybe necessary to reset things by dropping and raising the service level. In a clustering environment where there are two systems, errors can be posted if communications to the primary system is lost.


CDS unavailable: RRRRRRRR

Explanation: The current operation was unable to complete because the CDS is unavailable because of the reason RRRRRRRR.

System Action: The function attempting to access the CDS will fail.

User Response: Check the connection to the ELS host from the 'dbserv' process and confirm that the process is running. It may be necessary to reset things by dropping and raising the service level.


DS access error: RRRRRRRR

Explanation: The current operation was unable to complete because the CDS access returned the error with a reason of RRRRRRRR.

System Action: The function attempting to access the CDS will fail.

User Response: Check for additional messages that might also be a trigger for this error message.


PPPPPPPP: Parameter change detected

Explanation: The process PPPPPPPP has been notified of a change to the main parameter file,

System Action: The process will read and process the updated parameter file.

User Response: This is informational only.


Restart of process PPPPPPPP detected

Explanation: The process PPPPPPPP has been restarted after previously suffering an uncontrolled termination.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: None.


Received=RRRR/rrrrrrrr, Sent=SSSS/ssssssss, Duplicate reads=DDDD, Cache reads=CCCC

Explanation: This reports the statistics for accessing the CDS via an ELS host and is normally issued when the 'dbserv' process is shut down.

The RRRR/rrrrrrrr value is the number of messages received from the ELS host and the number of bytes transferred.

The SSSS/ssssssss value is the number of messages sent to the ELS host and the number of bytes transferred.

The DDDD value is the number of read requests to the ELS host that were suppressed because the same request was already in-flight.

The CCCC value is the number of read requests to the ELS host that could be satisfied from a client side cache.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: None.


Number of CDS I/O operations=IIII, Response time=TTTTTTT

Explanation: This reports the statistics for accessing the CDS via an ELS host and is normally issued by each process when it stops doing I/O to the CDS. The IIII value is the number of CDS I/O operations performed. The TTTTTTTT value is the average response time of the CDS I/O requests. At times this may appear lower than expected because some requests are services from a cache or because the request is a duplicate of an existing request.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: None.


Configuration connection from NNNN as host SSSSSSSS rejected

Explanation: This system with the Id of NNNN and the name of SSSSSSSS attempted to connect to this system in order to form part of a cluster. This was rejected because the system is not deemed to be part of the cluster.

System Action: Processing continues on this system. On the system attempting to connect, it should drop into a failed state and refuse to start. This is to avoid a split-brain scenario with the CDS.

User Response: Investigate the history of the two systems. Check for additional messages that might also be a trigger for this error message.

When attempting to recover from this situation it is important that a full picture of the state and history is obtained. If this is not done, then it is easy to make the wrong decision and destroy the CDS contents.


Allowing MySQL to start: RRRRRRRR

Explanation: The cluster control process has deemed that it is OK to permit access to the SQL based CDS. The reason for the decision is given as RRRRRRRR.

System Action: Processing continues and the internal SQL database is started up.

User Response: None.


Configuration shutdown - Possible split-brain condition

Explanation: The cluster control process has detected a condition whereby continuing to start could result in a split-brain condition.

System Action: The clustering process shuts down and this will in turn shut down all other dependent process. Access to the internal SQL CDS is disabled.

User Response: Investigate the history of the systems. Check for additional messages that might also be a trigger for this error message upon this and any other systems.

When attempting to recover from this situation it is important that a full picture of the state and history is obtained. If this is not done, then it is easy to make the wrong decision and destroy the CDS contents.


Cluster connection to NNNN down. In single server mode

Explanation: The connection from the cluster control process to the host with the Id of NNNN can either not be established or has failed.

System Action: Processing continues. This does mean that the CDS is only running with a single copy active and that any subsequent failure could be fatal.

Depending upon the reason for the connection loss, there maybe transient errors reported.

User Response: Investigate the history of the systems. Check for additional messages that might also be a trigger for this error message upon this and any other systems.


Database state compromised - Check service levels

Explanation: A check of the internal SQL database state has indicated that not all of the required parts are functional.

System Action: Processing continues. This does mean that the CDS is only running with a single copy active and that any subsequent failure could be fatal.

User Response: Investigate the history of the systems. Check for additional messages that might also be a trigger for this error message upon this and any other systems.

Check that the service levels are correct upon each member of the cluster and adjust if necessary.


Process PPPPPPPP/NNNN running

Explanation: The process PPPPPPPP with an Id of NNNN has started executing.

System Action: None.

User Response: None.