8 Messages

This chapter describes system messages issued by VM Client. These messages are identified by the SMC prefix.

Message Descriptions


{(CCCCCCCC)} command string

Level: 0

Explanation: The VM Client received an input command from an operator virtual machine. The virtual machine ID, if available, is listed followed by the command string.

System Action: None.

User Response: None.


VM Client Vn.n.n system initializing

Level: 0

Explanation: The VM Client version n.n.n system initialization process has begun.

System Action: None.

User Response: None.


CCCCCCCCCCCC failed; return code=XXXX, reason code=XXXX

Level: 0

Explanation: Operating system facility CCCCCCCCCCCC completed with the specified non-zero return code and reason code.

System Action: Depending on the type of error, initiation/termination may try to continue.

User Response: Look for IBM related messages in the SYSLOG and refer to the appropriate IBM documentation for the explanation.


Invalid command CCCCCCCC [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: An undefined command, CCCCCCCC, was encountered by the VM Client.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Ensure that the syntax in the command data set is correct, or enter the corrected command.


Unable to acquire storage for CCCCCCCC; return code=XXXX

Level: 0

Explanation: During initialization, the SMC subsystem could not acquire sufficient storage for the specified dynamic control block or module, CCCCCCCC.

System Action: The SMC subsystem terminates.

User Response: Ensure that there is sufficient CSA storage available. Refer to the appropriate IBM documentation for the explanation of return code XXXX.


Load failed for module MMMMMMMM

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC subsystem could not load the required module MMMMMMMM.

System Action: The SMC subsystem terminates.

User Response: Ensure that the SMC startup procedure has access to all SMC distributed load libraries in its steplib concatenation.


TRACE settings:


Level: 0

Explanation: The TRACE command was specified with the LIST keyword. The SMC0013 multiline message lists the current settings for the VM Client.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Unmatched [quote|or invalid parenthesis] detected; command ignored [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: The VM Client encountered a command containing an unterminated quoted string, or invalid or unmatched parenthesis.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Ensure that the syntax in the command data set is correct, or enter the corrected command.


Invalid keyword KKKKKKKK for the CCCCCCCC command[at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: The VM Client encountered a command that specified an invalid keyword KKKKKKKK.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Ensure that the syntax in the command data set is correct, or enter the corrected command.


Invalid value VVVVVVVV for keyword KKKKKKKK of the CCCCCCCC command [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: The VM Client encountered a command that specified keyword KKKKKKKK with an invalid value VVVVVVVV.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Ensure that the syntax in the command data set is correct, or enter the corrected command.


Keyword KKKKKKKK of the CCCCCCCC command requires a value [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: The VM Client encountered a command that specified keyword KKKKKKKK without an accompanying value (required by most keywords).

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Ensure that the syntax in the command data set is correct, or enter the corrected command.


Keyword KKKKKKKK of the CCCCCCCC command is not allowed for EEEEEEEE [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC encountered a command that specified keyword KKKKKKKK, which is not valid in the current operating environment EEEEEEEE. For example, some keywords or keyword=value pairs may be invalid depending upon whether the user is executing JES2 or JES3.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Ensure that the specified keyword is valid in your environment.


Duplicate keyword KKKKKKKK specified for the CCCCCCCC command [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: The VM Client encountered a command that specified the same keyword, KKKKKKKK, more than once.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Ensure that the syntax in the command data set is correct, or enter the corrected command.


Keyword KKKKKKK1 of the CCCCCCCC command is mutually exclusive with keyword KKKKKKK2 [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: The VM Client encountered a command CCCCCCCC that specified multiple keywords, two of which (KKKKKKK1 and KKKKKKK2), are mutually exclusive.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Ensure that the syntax in the command data set is correct, or enter the corrected command.


Invalid format or missing keywords for the CCCCCCCC command [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: The VM Client encountered a command CCCCCCCC that contained either too many or too few keywords in the command line.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Ensure that the syntax in the command data set is correct, or enter the corrected command.


CCCCCCCC command successfully processed [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: The CCCCCCCC command was successfully validated and processed by the VM Client.

System Action: None

User Response: None


VM Client system initialization complete; RC=nn

Level: 0

Explanation: The VM Client system initialization process has completed with the return code indicated and the VM Client system is now ready to receive requests.

System Action: None

User Response: None


No {CCCCCCCC|control block} entries to list

Level: 0

Explanation: Command CCCCCCCC was specified with the LIST keyword. However, no entries were found in the VM Client queue for the specified command.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Keyword KKKKKKK1 of the CCCCCCCC command requires keyword KKKKKKK2 [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: The VM Client encountered a command that specified keyword KKKKKKK1, but not the required co-requisite keyword, KKKKKKK2.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Ensure that the syntax in the command data set is correct, or enter the corrected command.


CCCCCCCC command processing error; [matching entry not found|command line truncated; will be ignored|parameter truncated; command ignored] [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: An error was found processing the CCCCCCCC command.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Ensure that the syntax in the command data set is correct and enter the corrected command.


VM Client startup parameter PPPPPPPP must have a value

Level: 0

Explanation: During initialization, the VM Client system initialization program encountered a valid execution parameter, but it was not specified as a keyword value pair, and a value is required.

System Action: The VM Client system terminates.

User Response: Correct the VM Client system initialization exec to specify the correct execution parameters.


Error processing VM Client startup parameter PPPPPPPP; CCCCCCCCCCCC

Level: 0

Explanation: During initialization, the VM Client system initialization program encountered an error in the execution parameter string. The string CCCCCCCCCCCC indicates the type of error encountered.

System Action: The VM Client system terminates.

User Response: Correct the VM Client system initialization startup exec to specify the correct execution parameter string.


VM Client startup parameter PPPPPPPP successfully processed

Level: 0

Explanation: During VM Client initialization, the execution parameter PPPPPPPP was successfully verified and processed.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Invalid VM Client startup parameters; system terminating

Level: 0

Explanation: During initialization, the VM Client system initialization program detected an error processing the execution parameter string.

System Action: The VM Client system terminates.

User Response: Look for VM Client related messages in the service machine log. Associated messages may be (but are not limited to) SMC0033 SMC0034, or SMC0035.


{Command|Comment} beginning at line nnnn of {SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS} is unterminated

Level: 0

Explanation: A command or comment beginning at line nnnn of an input command file ended with a continuation character (+), but no continuation was found.

System Action: Processing continues. The command containing the unterminated string is ignored.

User Response: Ensure that the syntax in the command data set is correct.


**** VM Client U1099 ABEND AT CCCCCCCCn ****

Level: 0

Explanation: A VM Client task has abended in module CCCCCCCC at abend sequence number n.

System Action: If the abend occurs in the processing of a TMI request, the request will not be processed.

User Response: Save the associated logs and dumps, and contact StorageTek Software Support.


nn bytes:


Level: 0

Explanation: A VM Client LIst command was issued. The SMC0056 multiline message lists the nn bytes of storage in translated hexadecimal (XX.XX) and character (CC.CC) format, each line listing the next 16 bytes of storage beginning at hexadecimal address AAAAAAAA.

System Action: None

User Response: None


No {SMCPARMS|SMCCMDS} DDNAME statement found

Level: 0

Explanation: During VM Client initialization, the specified SMCPARMS DD or SMCCMDS DD was not present in the VM Client startup exec.

System Action: Initialization continues.

User Response: None



Level: 0

Explanation: The VM Client encountered a READ command, but the specified DDNAME or DSNAME could not be opened.

System Action: The READ command is ignored.

User Response: Look for IBM related messages in the log, and refer to the appropriate IBM documentation for more information.



Level: 0

Explanation: The VM Client received an I/O error attempting to read the SMCPARMS or SMCCMDS data set specified in the VM Client startup exec or a data set specified on a READ command.

System Action: The indicated data set is not processed.

User Response: Specify the correct data set name.


Command beginning at line nnnn of {SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS} is too long; input ignored

Level: 0

Explanation: The VM Client encountered a multi-line command beginning at line nnnn of the specified file. This command exceeds 1024 characters in length.

System Action: Processing continues. The entire multi-line is ignored.

User Response: Ensure that the command data set has the correct syntax.


Command CCCCCCCC [with parameter PPPPPPPP] is not allowed [{from console|at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS}]

Level: 0

Explanation: The VM Client encountered a command or a command parameter that is not supported for the indicated command origin.

System Action: The command is ignored.

User Response: Issue the command from a valid command origin.


MSGDEF settings:


Level: 0

Explanation: A MSGDEF command has been issued with the LIST keyword. The SMC0063 multi-line message lists the current settings for the VM Client.

System Action: None

User Response: None



Level: 0

Explanation: The Date (MMMM DD YYYY), time (HH:MM:SS), service machine user ID (UUUUUUUU), and hostid (VVVVVVVV) are displayed once a day at midnight and during VM Client initialization.

System Action: None

User Response: None


SMC system tasks:

A(PCE) Thread Use C-S Userid Last
-------- ------ ------ --- -------- ------------

Level: 0

Explanation: A VM Client LIst TASKs command was issued. The SMC0086 multiline message lists the SMCPCE address, thread ID, use count, and current status information for all VM Client tasks.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Unable to [acquire/release] resource CCCCCCCC; attempt by VVVVVVVV XXXXXXXX1 owned by XXXXXXXX2

Level: 0

Explanation: A shared VM Client resource could not be acquired or freed successfully. A task servicing virtual machine VVVVVVVV is attempting to acquire or free the resource, but cannot because another task holds the resource.

System Action: The request for virtual machine VVVVVVVV may not be processed correctly.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.




Level: 0

Explanation: A TCPIP LIst command was issued. The SMC0093 multi-line message lists the current settings for the VM Client system.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Keyword KKKKKKKK of the CCCCCCCC command is required

Level: 0

Explanation: The command CCCCCCCC was issued without the required keyword KKKKKKKK.

System Action: The command is not processed.

User Response: Re-issue the command with the required keyword.



Status={active|never active|inactive|disabled}

Level: 0

Explanation: A SERVer command has been issued with the LIST keyword. The SMC0113 multi-line message lists the server settings and status for each server defined to the VM Client. Refer to the SERVer command for the parameter descriptions.

  • STATUS indicates the status of the server.

  • Errors indicates the total number of errors on this server.

  • Messages indicates the number of logical messages (volume lookup requests, mounts, dismounts) on this server path.

  • Retries indicates how many message retries have been attempted.

System Action: None

User Response: None



Level: 0

Explanation: A SERVer command was issued with a TapePlex name that was not previously defined.

System Action: The server is not added or updated.

User Response: Specify a TAPEPlex command to define the TapePlex, then specify the SERVer command.


Cannot change TAPEPLEX name for existing SERVER SSSSSSSS [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: A SERVer command was issued with the NAME of an existing server and a TapePlex name, but the TapePlex name of the existing server did not match the TapePlex name in the new command.

System Action: The command is rejected.

User Response: Omit the TapePlex name, change the TapePlex name to match the existing server, or change the server name to add a new server to the specified TapePlex.


SERVER CCCCCCCC now disabled

Level: 0

Explanation: The VM Client detected TCP/IP errors in excess of the FAIL count. See the preceding SMC0128/SMC0129 messages for the reason for the disable.

System Action: None. If there are no additional server paths defined for the associated library, the library hardware is no longer accessible.

User Response: Correct the problem with the TCP/IP network, server, or host operating system, and re-ENABLE the SERVer.


Drive range mismatch between CLIENT(XXXX1-XXXX2) and SERVER (XXXX3-XXXX4)

Level: 0

Explanation: A DRIVemap command was issued. One of the specified CLient range did not match the format of the corresponding SErver range.

System Action: None

User Response: Reissue the command, ensuring that the CLient parameter and the SErver parameter have corresponding formats and number of drives.


TapePlex error:

{Fatal comm error detected|
Initialization error number nn or {nn|unlimited}|
Comm error number nn of {nn|unlimited}
Comm error limit exceeded}
{Client {IP=NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN} socket=NN port={nnnn|ANY}}
{Server IP=NNNN.NNNN.NNNN.NNNN port=nnnn}
{Bytes out=nnnn in=nnnn}
{Response from STK HTTP server follows: HHHH...HHHH}
VM Client comm RC=nnnn

Level: 0

Explanation: The VM Client encountered an interface or communication error attempting to communicate with a TapePlex. The SMC0128 multiline message first lists the VM user ID, transaction type, and TapePlex name associated with the error followed by the communication error and reason strings.

Examples of the reason strings include:

  • Specific TCP/IP function errors (connect, send, recv, and so on.)

  • Data errors (incomplete or invalid data response)

  • HSC server function errors

  • SMC HTTP server errors

Certain communication errors may result in a display of the entire HTTP server response as follows:

HTTP 1.0 401 Unauthorized
  • If the message indicates Comm error limit (nnn) exceeded then the SMC0128 message will be followed by an SMC0119 message and the server path will be disabled by the VM Client.

  • If the message indicates an Initialization error then the error occurred before any successful communication to the named server path. Such errors are not counted against the cumulative error count on the server path, and will not result in the named server being automatically disabled by the VM Client. Also, Initialization error messages will not be generated for every request, but will only be generated at 5 minute intervals until the path is successfully activated.

System Action: The allocation or mount event may not be processed by the VM Client.

User Response: Use the specified error reason to determine the cause of the problem.


{ERROR|WARNING}: No cartridge transport(s) for XXXX1- [XXXX2] for {UNITATTR|DRIVEMAP} {ADDRESS|CLIENT}

Level: 0

Explanation: A UNITATTR or DRIVEMAP command was issued specifying a device XXXX1 or range XXXX1-XXXX2. None of the specified devices is an MVS-defined cartridge transport device.

System Action:

  • If the message indicates an ERROR, the command is not processed.

  • If the message indicates a WARNING, the VM Client stores the value and may use it to translate addresses for non-MVS-defined RTD devices.

User Response: Review the devices specified in the command and re-issue the command if they are incorrect.



Status={disabled|active|inactive|never active}
Status={disabled|active|inactive|never active}]

Level: 0

Explanation: A TAPEPlex command was issued with the LIST keyword. The SMC0133 multiline message lists parameters and status for each TapePlex defined to the VM Client. Optionally, if the SERVerlist keyword was specified, the server status for all servers associated with this TapePlex is also displayed.

  • TapePlex status indicates the status of the TapePlex.

    • disabled indicates that the TapePlex has been disabled by an operator command.

    • active indicates that the last communication to this TapePlex was successful.

    • inactive indicates that a communication path to this TapePlex is no longer active, although one was previously active.

    • never active indicates that a communication path to this TapePlex was never successfully established.

  • Requests indicates the total number of requests (configuration, volume lookup, mount, dismount, and swap) that were directed to the specified TapePlex.

If the SERVER keyword was specified, then each server path defined for this TapePlex will also be displayed, along with its status.

System Action: None

User Response: None



Level: 0

Explanation: The ECHOMNTERR(ON) option is in effect. A mount or dismount was performed on an HSC TapePlex but did not complete successfully. The SMC0135 message indicates the TapePlex name and server name where the mount or dismount was requested. The SMC0136 message merely echoes the HSC server mount or dismount message on the VM Client.


Messages SMC0135 and SMC0136 are issued for all mount and dismount errors if the message level is 12 or greater regardless of the ECHOMNTERR setting, and for all HSC mount and dismount messages if the message level is 16 or greater.

System Action: None

User Response: Correct the problem indicated in the HSC mount or dismount message.


HSC mount or dismount message

Level: 4

Explanation: The ECHOMNTERR(ON) option is effect. A mount or dismount was performed on an HSC TapePlex but did not complete successfully. The SMC0135 message indicates the TapePlex name and server name where the mount or dismount was requested. The SMC0136 message merely echoes the HSC server mount or dismount message on the VM Client.

System Action: None

User Response: Correct the problem indicated in the HSC mount or dismount message.


XML {input|output} parse error RC=nnn; transaction=TTTTTTTT {TAPEPLEX|STORMNGR}=PPPPPPPP

Level: 0

Explanation: The SMC encountered an XML parse error. Input XML errors are produced when the input XML transaction cannot be parsed.

Output XML errors occur when transaction response data cannot be converted to XML.

System Action: Depending upon the type of error, and server characteristics, the allocation or mount event may not be processed by the SMC.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Invalid range XXXX1-XXXX2 for keyword ADDRESS of the UNITATTR command

Level: 0

Explanation: A UNITATTR command has been issued specifying a device range XXXX1-XXXX2, where XXXX1 is larger than XXXX2.

System Action: The UNITATTR command does not process this device range.

User Response: Reissue the command specifying a valid range.


Restoring all default settings for the CCC...CCC command

Level: 0

Explanation: The CCC...CCC command has been issued with the OFF parameter. All CCC...CCC values have been restored for the VM Client system.

System Action: None

User Response: None


CCC...CCC object successfully {added|updated|deleted}

Level: 0

Explanation: The CCC...CCC command has been successfully processed.

System Action: None

User Response: None


DRIVEMAP settings:


Level: 0

Explanation: A DRIVEMAP command has been issued with the LIST keyword. The SMC0163 multiline message lists the currently active DRIVEMAPs. One line is produced for each client/server range.

System Action: None

User Response: None


CLIENT range XXXX1{-XXXX2} not found for the OFF keyword of the DRIVEMAP command

Level: 0

Explanation: The DRIVEMAP command has been issued with the OFF parameter and CLIENT parameter. No matching DRIVEMAP range matching the CLIENT parameter was found.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Keyword {CLIENT/SERVER} range XXXX1{-XXXX2} overlaps with previous DRIVEMAP entry

Level: 0

Explanation: A DRIVEMAP command was issued containing a client or server range that overlaps a range specified on a previously issued DRIVEMAP command.

System Action: The DRIVEMAP command is not processed.

User Response: Issue the DRIVEMAP LIST command to view the list of currently active DRIVEMAP ranges. Correct the DRIVEMAP command to specify a new range. Or, use the DRIVEMAP CLIENT(XXXX1-XXXX2) OFF command to de-activate the existing overlapping range and re-specify the command with unique ranges.


Excessive READ depth at line nn of DSN DDDDDDDD

Level: 0

Explanation: A READ command was issued from a file. However, too many command files are already open, and the read command depth has been exceeded. Read command depth is defined as the number of files that can be open simultaneously due to imbedded Read commands.

System Action: The READ command is not processed.

User Response: Restructure your command files to reduce the READ command depth and ensure that the files referenced do not contain a recursive loop.


CCCCCCC summary:

TAPEPLEX PPPPPPPP is {disabled|inactive|active on
server SSSSSSSS}
{All TAPEPLEX(s) active|
n of n TAPE TAPEPLEX(s) active|
WARNING: All TAPEPLEX(s) inactive|
WARNING: No TAPEPLEX(s) defined|
WARNING: No TAPEPLEX(s) enabled}

Level: 0

Explanation: The CCCCCCCC command was issued and a TapePlex resynchronization was performed. Each TapePlex is represented by a line in the multiline WTO displaying its status.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Specified TAPEPLEX PPPPPPPP not {defined|HSC|active|enabled|valid for UUI}

Level: 0

Explanation: An VM Client command was issued specifying TAPEPLEX PPPPPPPP. However, the command cannot be completed because the TAPEPLEX is either not defined to the VM Client, or is not eligible.

System Action: The command is not processed.

User Response: Either name a valid TAPEPLEX, or correct the TAPEPLEX status and reissue the command.



Response RC=nn

Level: 0

Explanation: A VM Client Route command was issued that specified TAPEPLEX or STORMNGR PPPPPPPP. The SMC0173 message lists the TAPEPLEX or STORMNGR name, followed by the response, terminated by an SMC0173 message displaying the command return code.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Communication initialized on TAPEPLEX=name SERVER=name

Level: 0

Explanation: The VM Client has successfully communicated with the specified TapePlex for the first time.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: None


No active TAPEPLEX(s) for DISPLAY command

Level: 0

Explanation: A VM Client DISPLAY command has been entered. However, the VM Client cannot establish communication with any TapePlex.

System Action: If the DISPLAY (or QUERY) VOLUME was entered, the command terminates as there are no TapePlexes to direct the request. If the DISPLAY (or QUERY) DRIVE command was entered, the command continues although the drive information may not reflect TapePlex ownership.

User Response: None



Volser TapePlex Location Media Rectech Scr Volume Data
------ -------- -------- -------- -------- --- ----------

Level: 0

Explanation: A VM Client DISPLAY (or QUERY) VOLUME command was entered. The SMC0177 message(s) list the volsers that match the request. The displayed Rectech for a volume reflects a combination of the volume's media type, server VOLATTR settings (if any) and volume data such as density, For example, a volume with a displayed Rectech of STK1RC may have a server VOLATTR that specifies a RECTECH of STK1RC or may be known to have been mounted as a scratch on a 9840C drive. The Scratch status will be displayed as "Yes" or ""No". The Volume Data for a volume reflects known density and encryption characteristics of the volume as stored in the HSC CDS. Volume Data DEN=1 through DEN=3 means low, high, and highest density respectively.

System Action: None

User Response: None



Addr TapePlex Location        Model    Serv VM Client Status
------ -------- ------------- -------- ---- ----------------


Addr TapePlex Location        Model    Serv S Serial Number
------ -------- ------------- -------- ---- ----------------

Level: 0

Explanation: A VM Client DISPLAY (or QUERY) DRIVE command was entered. The SMC0178 message(s) list the drives that match the request. The address AAAA reflects the drive address as it is known to CP. VM Client will attempt to match the drive's VM Equivalency ID (EQID) to the serial number returned in the XAPI configuration request. If that is unsuccessful, DRIVEMAP entries are used to map server address (SSSS) to the client address (AAAA).

The DISPLAY DRIVE IDentity option replaces the "VM Client Status" field with the "S Serial Number" field where:

  • Z identifies the source or status of the serial number.

    • NNNNNNNNNNNN - Drive serial number or blank if unavailable

    • M - EQID serial number Matched to XAPI configuration

  • NNNNNNNNNNNN - Drive serial number or blank if unavailable

System Action: None

User Response: None



Level: 0

Explanation: The CCCCCCCC command was entered specifying TAPEPLEX or ESOTERIC VVVVVVVV. However VVVVVVVV is not defined to SMC or MVS.

System Action: None

User Response: Correct the specified command and re-enter.


CCCCCCCC entry EEEEEEE not found for {list|update|delete}

Level: 0

Explanation: A CCCCCCCC command was entered specifying that entry EEEEEEEE be either listed, deleted, or updated. However, no entry matching EEEEEEE was found.

System Action: None

User Response: Issue the CCCCCCCC command with the LIST option to list all CCCCCCCC entries. Then re-issue the command specifying the correct entry name.



Level: 0

Explanation: A CCCCCCCC command was entered specifying that option OOOOOOOO be set to ON, OFF, or the specified value XXXXXXXX. If multiple options were specified on a single CCCCCCCC command, then multiple SMC0190 messages are issued, one for each specified option.

System Action: None

User Response: None


SMC0190 messages are displayed only if MSGDef VERBose(ON) is specified.



Level: 0

Explanation: A CCCCCCCC command was entered specifying that option OOOOOOOO be set to ON, OFF, or the specified value XXXXXXXX for the CCCCCCCC entry EEEEEEEE. If multiple options were specified on a single CCCCCCCC command, then multiple SMC0191 messages will be issued, one for each specified option.

System Action: None

User Response: None


SMC0191 messages are displayed only if MSGDef VERBose(ON) is specified.


READ processing started for {SMCPARMS|SMCCMDS|data set name}

Level: 0

Explanation: The VM Client has begun processing commands in the named file.

System Action: None

User Response: None


READ processing complete; RC=nn from {SMCPARMS|SMCCMDS|data set name}

Level: 0

Explanation: The VM Client has completed processing commands in the named file. The highest return code for any command is nn.

System Action: None

User Response: None


SMC0196 messages are displayed only if VM Client MSGDef VERBose(ON) specified.



Client {IP=NNN.NNN.NNN.NNN} socket=NN port={nnnn|ANY}
Server IP=NNNN.NNNN.NNNN.NNNN port=nnnn
Bytes out=nnnn in=nnnn
{Response from STK HTTP server follows: HHHH...HHHH}
Current LIBPATH status=
{active|inactive|never active|disabled}
VM Client comm RC=nnnn elapsed time=nn.nn

Level: 0

Explanation: A COMMtest command was entered. The SMC0203 message is displayed for each communication path attempted.

System Action: None

User Response: None


No eligible COMMPATH(s) found

Level: 0

Explanation: A COMMtest command was entered, but the specified TAPEPlex, SERVer, and status parameters resulted in no eligible communication paths selected for the test.

System Action: None

User Response: Correct and reissue the COMMtest command.


Disabling bind to PORTRANGE nnnn-nnnn; any ephemeral port will be used

Level: 0

Explanation: A TCPip PORTrange (OFF) command was entered. Sockets will no longer be bound to the fixed port range of nnnn-nnnn, but any ephemeral port will be used.

System Action: None

User Response: None


No PORTRANGE currently defined

Level: 0

Explanation: A TCPip PORTrange (OFF) command was entered but there is currently no active PORTrange specified to disable.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Specified SERVER SSSSSSSS not {found|defined for TAPEPLEX=TTTTTTTT}

Level: 0

Explanation: A COMMtest command was entered specifying a specific TapePlex and server. However, the server is either not defined to the VM Client, or is not defined for the specified TapePlex.

System Action: None

User Response: Correct and reissue the COMMtest command.


Path switch from server=SSSSSSSS to PPPPPPPP for TAPEPLEX=TTTTTTTT

Level: 0

Explanation: The VM Client automatically switched the communication path from the secondary server SSSSSSSS to the primary server PPPPPPPP for TAPEPLEX TTTTTTTT.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: None


Keyword KKKKKKKK of the CCCCCCCC command ignored; RRRRRRRR

Level: 0

Explanation: The CCCCCCCC command specified a keyword that is no longer acceptable. Keyword KKKKKKKK may be obsolete in the current version of the product, or it may be unacceptable in the current processing environment.

System Action: Keyword KKKKKKKK and any associated value are discarded, but the remainder of the command is still processed.

User Response: If the keyword is obsolete in the current release, delete the keyword from the command as it may be flagged in error in subsequent releases, invalidating the entire command.


Copyright nnnn, nnnn, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

Level: 0

Explanation: The VM Client system is initializing.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: None


Warning: No TAPEPLEX command processed

Level: 0

Explanation: The VM Client system has completed initialization, but no TAPEPLEX commands were found in either the SMCPARMS or SMCCMDS data set.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Enter TAPEPLEX and SERVER commands.


CCC...CCC command RC=XX exceeds MAXRC=NN at startup

Level: 0

Explanation: The VM Client was started with the MAXRC startup parameter and during VM Client initialization the CCC...CCC command returned a completion code that exceeded the MAXRC specification.

System Action: Processing continues for the remainder of the commands specified in the SMCPARMS or SMCCMDS data set. However, VM Client system initialization will be terminated with the SMC0237 message at the completion of the SMCPARMS or SMCCMDS processing.

User Response: Correct the specified CCC...CCC command and restart the VM Client.


Multiple SMC0236 messages may be produced at startup as all VM Client commands in the SMCPARMS and SMCCMDS data sets are processed at startup, regardless of prior SMC0236 messages.


VM Client terminating due to MAXRC=nn exceeded at startup

Level: 0

Explanation: The VM Client was started with the MAXRC startup parameter, and during VM Client initialization an SMC0236 message was issued indicating that an VM Client command in the SMCPARMS or SMCCMDS data set returned a completion code that exceeded the MAXRC specification.

System Action: The VM Client terminates.

User Response: Review the VM Client log for the SMC0236 message(s) indicating the commands in error, correct the indicated commands, and restart the VM Client.


Cannot add STORMNGR CCC...CCC before TAPEPLEX(es)

Level: 0

Explanation: STORMNGR commands must be entered after TAPEPLEX commands.

System Action: Processing continues.

User Response: Enter TAPEPLEX commands before STORMNGR commands.



Level: 0

Explanation: The CCCCCCCC command was entered and specified the named TAPEPLEX or StorageTek Storage Manager. However, NNNNNNNN is not the type of entity described.

System Action: The command is not processed.

User Response: Change the entity type from TAPEPLEX to STORMNGR or vice versa, and reissue the command.


METADATA command not supported for {non-UUI origin|non-XML responses|command CCCC}

Level: 0

Explanation: A METADATA command was processed, but it is invalid for one of the following reasons:

  • non-UUI origin

    indicates that the command was received from an operators console, or from the SMCPARMS or SMCCMDS data sets. The METADATA command is only allowed from the UUI interface; either from the SMCUUUI or SMCUSIM utilities, or from the UUI programmatic interface.

  • non-XML responses

    indicates that the METADATA command originated from the UUI interface, but that XML responses were not requested. METADATA is only valid as a XML response.

  • command CCCC

    indicates that the specified command CCCC does not produce XML output, so metadata is not available.

System Action: None

User Response: Correct the METADATA command.


Code nnnn (X'xxxx'): sssssssssss

Level: 0

Explanation: A Display RC command was processed that specified reason code nnnn, or hex reason code xxxx. The corresponding reason is displayed. If the DETAIL option was specified, the reason code explanation is also displayed.

System Action: None

User Response: None



Level: 0

Explanation: SMC is unable to communicate to the TAPEPLEX or STORMNGR using the specified commpath PPPPPPPP, where PPPPPPPP is the server name or (local). The value RRRR is the decimal return code, with a translated explanation EEEEEEEEEEEE.

System Action: The message is issued for each defined local commpath or SERVER and is non-scrollable as long as SMC is unable to communicate with the TAPEPLEX.

User Response: Correct the reported error for at least one communication path.


TAPEPLEX|STORMNGR CCCCCCCC inactive; no available communication paths

Level: 0

Explanation: The TAPEPLEX or STORMNGR CCCCCCCC has no defined communication paths, or all paths have a disabled status.

System Action: No communication is attempted to the TAPEPLEX or STORMNGR.

User Response: Add a communication path, or enable an existing local path or SERVER.


Unrecognized XML tag=TTTTTTTT for command=CCCCCCCC

Level: 0

Explanation: An input request in XML format contained a tag that was not recognized as valid for the command.

This message can be caused when the current software level does not support a tag that was valid in an earlier level, or has not been upgraded to support a new tag.

System Action: The parameter is ignored.

User Response: Verify that the command is specified correctly.


Value=VVVVVVVV is invalid type for keyword or tag=KKKKKKKK in command=CCCCCCCC [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: An input command contained a value for a keyword or XML tag that was not of the required type, for example, not a valid number or a list for a parameter that does not allow a list.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Correct the error and re-specify the request.


Keyword or tag=KKKKKKKK may not have a value in command CCCCCCCC [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: An input command contained a value for a keyword or XML tag that does not allow a value.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Correct the error and re-specify the request.


Length of value=VVVVVVVV is invalid for keyword or tag=KKKKKK in command CCCCCCCC [at line nnnn of SMCCMDS|SMCPARMS]

Level: 0

Explanation: An input command contained a value for a keyword or XML tag that was shorter or longer than the required length.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Correct the error and re-specify the request.


Error parsing XML values for XML tag=TTTTTTTT in command=CCCCCCCCC; RC=nnn

Level: 0

Explanation: An XML command contained a value or parse error related to the listed tag. The parse return code is included in the message for diagnostics.

System Action: Processing continues. The command is ignored.

User Response: Correct the error and re-specify the request.


Message|Command nnnnn Help Text:

Level: 0

Explanation: A Help command has been issued. The help text for the message or command is listed.

System Action: None

User Response: None


HELP for XXXXXX not found

Level: 0

Explanation: A Help command has been issued. The subject XXXXXX is not found.

System Action: None

User Response: Re-enter the Help command with a valid subject.


XXXXXX is an invalid range

Level: 0

Explanation: A Help command has been issued. The subject XXXXXX is an invalid range.

System Action: None

User Response: Re-enter the Help command with a valid subject.


VM Client failed setting ANCHOR: rc=nnn

Level: 0

Explanation: A non-zero return code was received executing the CMS ANCHOR SET macro.

System Action: VM Client terminates.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


TCP/IP server available: id=YYYYYY

Level: 0

Explanation: VM Client successfully connected with TCP/IP id, YYYYYY.

System Action: None

User Response: None


TCP/IP server is unavailable; id=YYYYYY errno=NNN errmsg

Level: 0

Explanation: VM Client TCP/IP functions returned an error trying to establish a socket connection with YYYYYY.

System Action: None

User Response: Correct the TCP/IP id specified in the SMCPARMS file and re-start VM Client. If the TCP/IP id is correct, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Dynamic Allocation NOT supported

Level: 0

Explanation: The READ command attempted to dynamically allocate a file to read.

System Action: The command is not processed.

User Response: Re-enter the READ command, specifying the SMCCMDS file from the startup FILEDEF.


cp command

Level: 0

Explanation: The output from the CP command is displayed.

System Action: None

User Response: None


LOG command requires CONSOLE or DISK

Level: 0

Explanation: The LOG command requires that CONSOLE or DISK must be entered.

System Action: The command is not processed.

User Response: Reenter the LOG command with the proper options.


mmmm+nnnn - aaaaa - PSW data ppppEvent eeee - Data dddd - Thread nnnnData at PSW addr - xxxx<>xxxx

Level: 0

Explanation: An abend has been detected.

  • mmmm+nnn indicates the abending module and displacement

  • aaaa indicates the abend code

  • pppp indicates the PSW at abend

  • eeee indicates the address of the VMERROR data return by the error event

  • dddd indicates the address of the Data Area returned by the error event

  • nnnn indicates the abending thread id

  • xxxx<>xxxx indicates the data at the PSW address

  • <> marks the PSW address

The registers at abend follow

System Action: The command or TMI request is terminated.

User Response: Contact StorageTek Software Support.


Dump sent to nnnnn ddd dumps remain

Level: 0

Explanation: The system produced a storage dump in response to a DUMP command or because of an abending program.

System Action: The dump file is transferred to the user ID nnnnn.

User Response: If the number of dumps allowed (ddd) approaches 0, issue the DUMPOPTS RESET command to reset the number of dumps allowed and/or change the maximum dump limit. If this message is not in response to a DUMP command, contact StorageTek Software Support.


Dump not taken due to dump Max Count - nnnn

Level: 0

Explanation: The maximum number of dumps allowed by the DUMPOPTS command was produced.

System Action: This dump request is ignored. Until a DUMPOPTS RESET command is received, no dump requests are honored.

User Response: Issue the DUMPOPTS RESET command to reset the number of dumps taken and/or change the maximum dump limit.


DUMPOPTS settings:


Level: 0

Explanation: A DUMPOpts command has been issued with the LIST keyword. The DUMPOPTS settings are listed.

System Action: None

User Response: None


LOG settings:


Level: 0

Explanation: A LOG command has been issued with the LIST keyword. The LOG settings are listed.

System Action: None

User Response: None


OPERATOR settings:


Level: 0

Explanation: An OPERator command has been issued with the LIST keyword. The OPERATOR settings are listed.

System Action: None

User Response: None



Level: 0

Explanation: The disk specified in the FM parameter is READONLY. The disk must be writable.

System Action: The command is not processed.

User Response: Re-enter the command with proper parameters.


Disk FM m is not defined

Level: 0

Explanation: The disk specified in the FM parameter is not defined.

System Action: The command is not processed.

User Response: Re-enter the command with proper parameters.


UUUUUU is not a defined VM userid

Level: 0

Explanation: The value entered is not a defined VM user ID.

System Action: The command is not processed.

User Response: Re-enter the command with proper parameters.


XXXXXXXX has initiated VM Client termination

Level: 0

Explanation: An EXIT command has been received from the XXXXXXXX source.

System Action: VM Client is starting termination processing.

User Response: None


UUUUUUUU is not authorized for VM Client ZZZ requests

Level: 0

Explanation: A VM Client ZZZ request received from VM user ID UUUUUUUU has been denied. The user ID is not authorized to execute ZZZ requests.

System Action: VM Client ignores the request and continues processing.

User Response: Use the AUTHORIZE command to allow VM user IDs to execute VM Client TMI and command requests. Another option is to use the VM Client verification customer exit, SMCXIT01.


MOUNT|DISMOUNT command failed; RC=NNNN - Reason=MMMM

Level: 0

Explanation: The MOUNT or DISMOUNT command failed with a Return Code of NNNN. The Reason Code (MMMM) may be the HSC message number that describes the failure reason.

System Action: The command failed.

User Response: Correct the problem indicated in the HSC mount or dismount message.


FORCE parameter invalid for virtual drive DDDD

Level: 0

Explanation: The DISMOUNT FORCE parameter is not supported for virtual devices.

System Action: The dismount is not processed.

User Response: Re-issue the DISMOUNT command without the FORCE parameter. If necessary, issue the CMS TAPE RUN or CP DETACH command to unload the drive.


Authorized users: UUUUUUUU Requests: req1 req2 ...

Level: 0

Explanation: An AUTHorize command has been issued with the LIST keyword. The authorized users and the types of requests they are authorized for are displayed.

System Action: None

User Response: None



    SUBPOOL        CLASS

Level: 0

Explanation: A POOLmap command has been issued with the LIST keyword. The scratch subpool names, PPPPPPPPPPPPP, are displayed with their corresponding management class names, MMMMMMMM.

System Action: None

User Response: None


POOLMAP validation failed; reason

Level: 0

Explanation: The POOLmap command received an error validating the management class and subpool name with the HSC server.

The possible reasons are:

  • invalid management class

  • invalid subpool name

  • HSC server unavailable

System Action: None

User Response: Correct the invalid parameter and re-issue the command.


Mount of volume VVVVVV complete on drive DDDD

Level: 0

Explanation: Tape volume, VVVVVV, has been successfully mounted on tape drive DDDD.

System Action: None

User Response: None


Waiting for a TapePlex SSSS server to become active

Level: 12, 16, 20, 24, 28

Explanation: This message is displayed when the WAIT option is specified for the RESYNC command and no TapePlex servers are available.

System Action: None

User Response: None


MMMMMMMM Variable text

Level: 0

Explanation: SMC9999 messages are intended for StorageTek Software Support problem determination and resolution. MMMMMMMM is the name of the issuing module.

System Action: None

User Response: None. A message level (LVL) of 12 or higher should generally be specified only when directed by StorageTek Software Support.