2 Administering Instant Messaging Server Components

This chapter explains how to administer Oracle Communications Instant Messaging Server components (server, multiplexor, Calendar agent, watchdog, and SMS Gateway) and perform other administrative tasks, such as changing configuration properties and creating backups.

Overview of Stopping, Starting, Refreshing, and Checking Instant Messaging Server Components

The imadmin stop command enables you to:

  • Start and stop all Instant Messaging Server components (server, multiplexor, calendar agent, watchdog, and SMS gateway)

  • Start and stop an individual Instant Messaging Server component

  • Refresh all Instant Messaging Server component configurations

  • Refresh an individual Instant Messaging Server component

  • Check the status of Instant Messaging Server components

The imadmin stop command can be executed only by root or a user who has administration rights to the system(s) on which the Instant Messaging server and multiplexor are running. This end user is typically the identity that the server runs as, and is designated during installation:

  • On Oracle Solaris - inetuser

The imadmin stop command is located in the InstantMessaging_home/sbin directory.

Starting the Instant Messaging server enables clients to connect to it. Stopping the Instant Messaging server closes all connections and disconnects all clients.

Using Service Management Framework (SMF)

Instant Messaging Server supports the Service Management Framework (SMF) for stopping and starting Instant Messaging Server. On supported platforms, an SMF service is registered when you install Instant Messaging Server. You can use either the svcadm command or the Instant Messaging Server imadmin stop command to start and stop Instant Messaging Server processes.

To start and stop Instant Messaging Server by using the svcadm command:

svcadm enable svc:/application/sunim
svcadm disable svc:/application/sunim

To check the status of the Instant Messaging Server service:

svcs sunim

SMF related log messages can be found in the /var/svc/log/application-sunim:etc-opt-SUNWiim-default.log file.

Starting Instant Messaging Server Components

You can start all the components together or a single component separately.

Use the imadmin stop command with the start option to start the Instant Messaging Server, multiplexor, Calendar agent, watchdog, and SMS Gateway, depending on which components are enabled.

Starting All Components

To start all Instant Messaging Server components, enter the following command:

imadmin start

If both server and multiplexor are enabled, this command first starts the Instant Messaging server, and then starts the multiplexor.

If the watchdog is enabled (default), this command starts the watchdog, then the watchdog reads the configuration file and starts the Instant Messaging server and/or multiplexor as necessary.

Starting a Single Component

To start a single Instant Messaging Server component, enter the imadmin start command with an argument that designates the component as follows:

  • Server:

    imadmin start server
  • Multiplexor:

    imadmin start multiplexor
  • Calendar agent:

    imadmin start agent-calendar
  • Watchdog:

    imadmin start watchdog
  • SMS Gateway:

    imadmin start sms-gateway

Stopping Instant Messaging Server Components

You can stop all the components together or a single component separately.

Use the imadmin stop command with the stop option to stop the Instant Messaging server, multiplexor, Calendar agent, watchdog, and SMS Gateway, depending on which components are enabled.

Stopping All Components

To stop all Instant Messaging Server components, enter the following command:

imadmin stop

If the watchdog is running, imadmin stop brings the watchdog down first, and then stops the server and the multiplexor, or just the multiplexor if that is running separately.

This command stops the server, multiplexor, Calendar agent, watchdog, and SMS Gateway, terminates all end user connections, and disconnects any inbound and outbound servers configured.

Stopping a Single Component

To stop a single Instant Messaging Server component, enter the imadmin stop command with an argument that designates the component as follows:

  • Server:

    imadmin stop server
  • Multiplexor:

    imadmin stop multiplexor
  • Calendar agent:

    imadmin stop agent-calendar
  • Watchdog:

    imadmin stop watchdog

Registering and Unregistering Service Management Framework

Service Management Facility (SMF) is a feature of the Solaris Operating System that creates a supported, unified model for services and service management on each Solaris system. It is a mechanism to define, deliver, and manage long-running application services for Solaris.

Registering SMF

There is no need to explicitly register SMF. The Instant Messaging Server initial configuration process registers SMF. However, if need be, at the command line, enter the following command:

imadmin smf-register

You must first stop services before running the command.

Unregistering SMF

To unregister SMF, enter the following command:

imadmin smf-unregister

Refreshing Component Configuration

Use the imadmin stop command with the refresh option to stop and restart an individual Instant Messaging Server component and refresh that component's configuration. You can refresh all the components together or a single component separately. Whenever you change a configuration property in the iim.conf.xml file, you also need to refresh the configuration.

Refreshing All Components

To refresh all Instant Messaging Server components, enter the following command:

imadmin refresh

This command stops the server, multiplexor, Calendar agent, watchdog, and SMS Gateway, terminates all end user connections, and disconnects any inbound and outbound servers configured.

If the watchdog is running, imadmin stop brings the watchdog down first, and then stops the server and/or the multiplexor. The command then starts the watchdog, which reads the configuration file and starts the Instant Messaging server and/or multiplexor as necessary.

Refreshing a Single Component

To refresh a single Instant Messaging Server component, enter the imadmin refresh command with an argument that designates the component as follows:

  • Server:

    imadmin refresh server
  • Multiplexor:

    imadmin refresh multiplexor
  • Calendar agent:

    imadmin refresh agent-calendar
  • Watchdog:

    imadmin refresh watchdog

Checking the Status of Instant Messaging Server Components

You can check the status of all the components together or a single component separately by using the imadmin stop command with the status option. This command returns results in the following format: Component [status].

For example:

Server [UP]
Multiplexor [UP]
Agent:calendar [DOWN]
Watchdog [UP]

To check the status of all components, enter the following command:

imadmin status

To check the status of a single component, enter the imadmin status command with an argument that designates the component as follows:

  • Server:

    imadmin status server
  • Multiplexor:

    imadmin status multiplexor
  • Calendar agent:

    imadmin status agent-calendar
  • Watchdog:

    imadmin status watchdog

Changing Instant Messaging Server and Multiplexor Configuration Properties

Instant Messaging Server stores configuration properties in the iim.conf.xml file. For a complete list of configuration properties, see "Configuration Properties."

To change configuration properties, use the imconfutil command then refresh the Instant Messaging Server configuration. If you change a multiplexor property, you only need to refresh the multiplexor as follows:

imadmin refresh multiplexor

Changing Configuration Properties

To change the configuration properties:

  1. Run the imconfutil command to set the configuration properties.

  2. Refresh the configuration:

    imadmin refresh

Backing Up Instant Messaging Server Data

Instant Messaging Server does not provide its own disaster recovery tools. Use your site's backup system to back up the configuration and database directories periodically. The following sections describe backing up Instant Messaging Server:

Backup Information

The types of Instant Messaging Server information that needs to be backed up are:

  • Configuration information

  • Instant Messaging Server end user data

The configuration information is stored in the configuration directory (InstantMessaging_cfg). The Instant Messaging Server data is stored in the database directory (InstantMessaging_database). Default paths are described in "Configuration File and Directory Structure Overview."

Performing a Backup

While the configuration information does not change frequently, the Instant Messaging Server end-user data changes rapidly and to prevent any loss of end-user data you should back up the Instant Messaging Server end-user data on a periodic basis. You must perform the backup before running the installation program and the uninstallation program.

To back up the end user data and the configuration information you do not have to stop the Instant Messaging server as all the disk commits by the server are automatically performed.

Restoring Backup Information

The end-user data and the configuration information need to be restored when there is a disk failure and all the end-user data and the configuration information is lost.

To restore the end-user data from backup:

  1. Change to the InstantMessaging_runtime directory.

    See "Configuration File and Directory Structure Overview" for information on locating InstantMessaging_runtime.

  2. Stop the Instant Messaging server:

    imadmin stop
  3. Copy the backed-up data to the InstantMessaging_database directory.

    Be sure to maintain the directory structure of the backed-up data.

  4. Verify the permissions and owner of the newly restored data.

    The files should be owned by the Instant Messaging Server system user. See the topic on creating a UNIX system user and group in Instant Messaging Server Installation and Configuration Guide. Permissions should be set as follows:

    1. Files: 600 (indicating read and write permissions for owner only)

    2. Directories: 700 (indicating read, write, and execute permissions for owner only)

      Refer to your operating system documentation for information on changing permissions and owners.

  5. Start the Instant Messaging server:

    imadmin start