31 passwordtool Command Reference

This chapter describes the Oracle Communications Instant Messaging Server passwordtool command.

passwordtool Overview

The passwordtool command makes it possible to:

  • Generate encryption keys for passwords

  • Regenerate encryption keys for passwords

  • Generate encrypted passwords

  • Verify that an unencrypted password matches an encrypted password

In versions prior to Instant Messaging Server, you had to enter unencrypted passwords in configuration files.

You can use the password tool with the following Web components that are provided with Instant Messaging Server:


  • Web Presence API

See "Examples" for how to use the password tool.

Requirements: Must be run locally as root.

Location: InstantMessaging_home/sbin/passwordtool


The syntax of the passwordtool command is:

passwordtool [ IM_Web_component ] [ command ] [ command specific options ]

where IM_Web_component is one of the following:

  • httpbind

  • presenceapi

Table 31-1 shows paswordtool commands and command-specific options.

Table 31-1 paswordtool Commands and Command-Specific Options

Command and Command-Specific Options Description


Generates a key for encrypting passwords. Passwords are generated using the generate command.


Creates a new key for generating passwords. Use this command when you think the current key may be compromised or when it has been in use for a long time and you want to change it. When you create a new key, create a new password to replace the password generated from the old key.

generate cleartext-password

Encrypts a given cleartext-password. You can then enter the encrypted password in the configuration file for an IM Web component. Before generating a password, you must use the generate-key or rekey command to generate a key for the password.

verify plaintext-password encrypted-password

Given a plaintext-password and an encrypted-password, verifies that the two match.


The following examples show how to use the Instant Messaging Server passwordtool command. You must be logged in as root.

To generate a key for creating passwords, change to the directory that contains the configuration file for the IM Web component and use the generate-key option:

cd config-file-dir
InstantMessaging_home/sbin/passwordtool IM_Web_component generate-key

To generate an encrypted password:

passwordtool IM_Web_component generate cleartext_password

Once generated, enter the password in the configuration file for the Web component.

To generate an encrypted password from the cleartext password abcd for the HTTPBIND component:

cd httpbind_config_dir
.../passwordtool httpbind generate-key
.../passwordtool httpbind generate abcd

The last line is the generated password.

To verify that a cleartext password and an encrypted password match:

.../passwordtool presenceapi verify drowp en!24Fedk#$dv==

To print a list showing passwordtool commands and command options:

Usage : passwordtool component{httpbind|presenceapi|sipgateway} generate password
passwordtool component{httpbind|presenceapi|sipgateway} verify cleartext-string encrypted-string
passwordtool component{httpbind|presenceapi|sipgateway} generate-key
passwordtool component{httpbind|presenceapi|sipgateway} rekey

The sipgateway is currently not available for use with the password tool.