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Oracle® Retail Xstore Point-of-Service Mobile User Guide
Release 18.0
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34 Reporting

Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service Mobile provides a wide variety of reports to help you monitor and analyze your store's operations and sales. All Xstore POS desktop reports are now available on Mobile Tablet. They are accessed via the Reporting option on the Xstore Mobile Tablet Context Menu. This option is only available when outside of a sale. The information in this guide will help you understand what reports are available and how to access the reports you need.


All Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service desktop reports are available on Mobile Tablet and Workstation 610 but not on the Mobile Handheld. See Oracle Retail Xstore Reports Guide for more information on report options and details of individual reports.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Report Menu Configuration and Security

The reports available on the Back Office menu are based on your business needs. The order in which the reports are displayed may also be customized. Because each Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service Mobile menu is configurable, the menu options and locations shown on your system may be different than the options shown throughout this guide.

Controlling access to company information on reports is a significant issue and Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service Mobile addresses that requirement through system security privileges. Access to reports can be controlled at an individual employee level or at a group level.

Table 34-1 List of Report Categories and Reports

Report Category Report

Airport Reports

Airport Sales Tax Report

Customer Account Activity Summary Reports

Customer List Report


Employee Reports

Employee Productivity Report

Employee Schedule Reports

Employee Performance

Employee Schedule Detail Report

Employee Time Off Summary Report

Employee Tasks

Time and Attendance Reports

Open Timecard Report

Payroll Detail by Employee

Payroll Summary

Posted Timecard

Fiscal Reports

Generate Last Daily Report

Flash Sales

Inventory Reports

Inventory Movement History Report

Inventory Movement

Inventory Movement Pending Report

Inventory Stock Cost

Item List Report

Receiving Exception Report

Receiving Report

Replenishment Open Product Requests Report

Replenishment Product Request Report

Restock Report

Shipping Exception Report

Shipping Manifest Report

Journal Report

Layaway Reports

Layaway Account Activity Report

Layaway Aging Report

Price Change Report

Sales Reports

Daily Sales & Cash Report

Best Sellers

Cancelled Transaction Report

Credit Card Report

Daily Sales Report

Gift Certificate Report

Line Void Report

Merchandise Sales Analysis Report

No Sale Report

Post Void Transaction Report

Price Override Report

Restock Report

Returned Merchandise Report

Sales By Department Report

Sales By Hour Analysis Report

Sales By Hour Report

Sales Goals Report

Suspended Transaction Report

Tax Exemption Report

Saved Reports

Special Order Reports

Store Locations Report

Till Reports

Cash Drawer Audit Report

Cash Drawer Report

Paid In/Paid Out

XBRi Sales &Productivity

How to Access Reports on Xstore Mobile Tablet

Xstore POS desktop reports are accessed via the Reporting option on the Xstore Mobile Tablet Context Menu. This option is only available when outside of a sale.

To access Xstore reports on your tablet, follow the steps below.

  1. At the Login screen, select the Context Menu button in the upper-right hand corner of the screen.

  2. On the Context Menu, select Reporting.

    Figure 34-1 Xstore Mobile Tablet Context Menu (Outside a Sale)

    Xstore Mobile Tablet Context Menu (Outside a Sale)
  3. Login with your Employee ID and password.

  4. Depending on your system's configuration Report Categories are displayed.

    Figure 34-2 Reporting Menu

    Reporting Menu
    • Select Cancel to return.

  5. Select a Report Category. Xstore Point of Service displays a list of available reports.

    • Select Cancel to return to Reporting.

  6. Select a report from the list. The system displays the Report Search screen where applicable. Enter the search criteria.

    Figure 34-3 Report Parameters

    Report Parameters
  7. Select Run Report. The report is displayed in the PDF viewer of your device, for example Apple devices use iBooks or PDF Reader depending on their default viewer.

    Figure 34-4 Flash Sales Summary Report

    Flash Sales Summary Report

    Close the report when done by selecting Xstore displayed in the very top left corner of the screen. Alternatively, select Save or Print.

Saving a Report

After running a report, it can be saved so that the data can be reviewed later. The system automatically stores your saved report in a location based on the system's configuration and your login ID.


Only you can view the reports you have saved. No one else has access to your saved reports.

  1. Select the Save option on the criteria selection form to rerun or view a report later.

    This option is also available when viewing a report using the Save menu option.

    Figure 34-5 Criteria Selection Form

    Criteria Selection Form
  2. The system displays the Save Form for the report.

    Figure 34-6 Save Form Window

    Save Form Window
  3. Edit or accept the report name in the Save Report As field.

  4. Select one of the two options in the Report Save Options field:

    • Save Report With Current Data: The next time you view this report, it will be exactly the same as it was when originally generated.

    • Save Report Parameters: The next time you view this report, it will be based on the same selection criteria (parameters). If you use a relative date parameter, the actual data retrieved is updated using current information.

  5. Select OK to save the report.

  6. The Report Criteria Saved or Running in Background prompt displays, select OK.

    Figure 34-7 Saved Report Confirmation Report - Report Running

    Report Running in Background Prompt

View Saved Reports

  1. Select Reporting in the Context Menu, login with your Employee credentials, and then choose the Saved Reports option, and select OK.

    Figure 34-8 Reports Window

    Reports Window
  2. Select the report you want to see. If necessary, use the up and down arrows to scroll and see additional saved reports.

    Figure 34-9 List of Your Saved Reports

    List of Saved Reports
    • To view a saved report, select the View option to display the report on the screen.

    • To delete a saved report, select the Delete option on the list of saved reports and select Yes to confirm that you want to delete the selected report.

  3. After you are finished viewing or deleting the report, select the Back option to return to the saved reports list.

Report Printing Options

An option to print a page range may be available for some reports. The reports that support this feature are determined by the Home Office. If a report supports printing a specified page range, you will be prompted to enter the page(s).

  1. After generating a report, and with the report displayed, select the Print option.

    Figure 34-10 Print Report

    Print Report
  2. If prompted, type the page, pages, or page range to be printed. For example, at the prompt, type 1-3,6,7-9,12 to print only those pages and press Enter to print the report.