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Oracle® Retail Xstore Point of Service Reports Guide
Release 18.0
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9 Labor Management Reports

This chapter contains information about the following reports:

Payroll Reports

This section describes the Payroll reports.

Payroll Summary Report

The Payroll Summary Report summarizes payroll information for the reporting period that you select. To access the report in base, from the Back Office select the following menu buttons:

Navigate: Employee Maintenance and Payroll > Time and Attendance > Payroll Summary Report.

The summary includes regular, overtime, and total hours per employee.

Table 9-1 Payroll Summary Report Parameters

Parameter Description

Employee Name/ID

The employee's name and ID number.

Date Range

The date and day of the week.


Regular working hours.


Overtime working hours.


Double-time working hours.


Hours categorized as non-working; vacation, sick time, and so on


Sum total for the date and categories for the employee.


Sum total for all dates per category for the employee.

Report Total (unlabeled)

Sum total for all dates per category for all employees.

Criteria Selections for Payroll Summary Report

Select a week from the Date Range list to determine report output:

  • Date Range: Select one of the weekly pay periods from the drop-down list.

Figure 9-1 Sample: Payroll Summary Report

Payroll Summary Report

Payroll Detail by Employee Report

The Payroll Detail by Employee Report provides a day-by-day record of the same information provided in the summary report as well as non-working hour detail such as vacation, personal, and sick hours. This report prints one employee per page and also includes an employee signature line.

Table 9-2 Payroll Detail by Employee Report Parameters

Parameter Description

Employee Name/ID

The employee's name and ID number.

Payroll Period

The date and day of the week.


Regular working hours.


Overtime working hours.


Double-time working hours.


Non-working vacation time-off hours.


Non-working personal time-off hours.


Non-working sick-time hours.


Non-working bereavement-funeral hours.


Non-working other hours.


Sum total for the date and categories for the employee.


Sum total for all dates per category for the employee.

Criteria Selections for Payroll Detail by Employee Report

Select a date range or enter an employee ID to determine report output:

  • Date Range: Enter a single fixed date, a date range (begin and end dates) or select a relative date option (Yesterday, Last Week, and so on) from the drop-down list.

  • Employee ID: Enter an individual employee ID (leave the field blank to run the report for all employees).

Figure 9-2 Sample: Payroll Detail by Employee Report

Payroll Detail by Employee Report

Posted Timecard Report

The Posted Timecard Report provides a day-by-day breakdown of an employee's clock-in and clock-out times, type of work performed and number of hours per work category, total hours for the day, and total hours for the weekly reporting period selected. This report also includes signature lines for the manager and employee.

Navigate: Employee Maintenance and Payroll > Time and Attendance > Posted Timecard Report.

Table 9-3 Posted Timecard Report Parameters

Parameter Description


The date (day of the week).


Clock-in time.


Clock-out time.


Work category.


Number of hours per work category.

Day Total

Total hours for the day.

Week Total

Total hours for the week.

Daily Total

Total hours for all work categories per day.

Weekly Total

Total hours for the week.

Criteria Selections for Posted Timecard Report

Select an option or make entries in any of the following fields to determine report output:

  • Date Range: Select a weekly pay period from the drop-down list.

  • Employee: Enter an Employee ID to specify which employee's report will be run.

Figure 9-3 Sample: Posted Timecard Report

Posted Timecard Report

Open Timecard Report

The Open Time Card Report provides a listing of employees who have time cards with Clock-In times but who have not yet clocked out from work. The report lists the employee name and ID, the clock-in time and the work code selected at clock-in time.

To access this report in base, from the Back Office select the following menu buttons:

Navigate: Employee Maintenance and Payroll > Time and Attendance > Open Timecard Report.

Table 9-4 Open Timecard Report Parameters

Parameter Description


The employee's identifier number.


The employee's name.

Clock In

The date and time the employee clocked in.


The register the employee used to clock in.

Work Code

The work code selected when the employee clocked in.

Criteria Selections for Open Timecard Report

Select an option or make entries in any of the following fields to determine report output:

  • Date Range: Enter a single fixed date, a date range (begin and end dates) or select a relative date option (Yesterday, Last Week, and so on) from the drop-down list.

Figure 9-4 Sample: Open Timecard Report

Open Timecard Report

Employee Performance Report

The Employee Performance Report provides a sales analysis for each employee by workcode for the selected date range. Scheduled hours are compared to actual hours worked and the difference is shown. The employee's sales performance is described in terms of total sales amount for the period, average sale amount, and average sales amount per hour.

Table 9-5 Employee Performance Report Parameters

Parameter Description

Employee data

ID: The identifier for the employee.

Name: The employee's name.


Scheduled: The number of scheduled hours.

Worked: The number of hours the employee worked.


The difference between the scheduled hours compared to the actual hours worked.

Number of Sales

The transaction count.

Average Sale

Per Trans: The average sales amount per transaction (Net Sales divided by # of Sales).

Per Hour: The average sales amount per hour (Net Sales divided by Actual Hours Worked).

Net Sales

The net sales amount.

Criteria Selections for the Employee Performance Report

Select an option or make entries in any of the following fields to determine report output:

  • Date Range: Enter a single fixed date, a date range (begin and end dates) or select a relative date option (Yesterday, Last Week, and so on) from the drop-down list.

  • Work Code: Enter a valid work code to restrict report data to a specific type of work (cashiering, inventory, administration, and so on).

  • Employee ID: Enter an employee ID to restrict the report data to one employee.

Figure 9-5 Sample: Employee Performance Report

Employee Performance Report

Employee Schedule Report

The Employee Schedule Report provides detailed information about an employee's scheduled work hours for the date range selected. Scheduled hours may be different from the actual hours worked. The report shows the work code and number of hours scheduled for each date that the employee had scheduled hours. A total of all hours scheduled for the week is provided at the end of the report.

Table 9-6 Employee Schedule Report Parameters

Parameter Description


The day of the schedule week.


The employee identifier.


The employee name.

Work Code

The work code associated with the task.

Start Time

The scheduled shift starting time.

End Time

The scheduled shift ending time.


The number of hours scheduled.

Criteria Selections for Employee Schedule Report

Select an option or make entries in any of the following fields to determine report output:

  • Date Range: Select a weekly period from the available weeks on the drop-down list.

  • Start Employee: To restrict the output to one employee, enter the employee ID. To report on a range of employees, enter the employee ID for the first employee to be included.

  • End Employee: To restrict the output to one employee, enter the same employee ID used in the Start Employee field. To report on a range of employees, enter the employee ID for the last employee to be included.

Figure 9-6 Sample: Employee Schedule Report

Employee Schedule Report

Employee Time Off Summary Report

The Employee Time Off Summary Report provides a listing of employees who have scheduled time off during the weekly period selected for the report. For every employee selected, the report shows the date, amount of time off, and the reason for the time off.

Table 9-7 Employee Time Off Summary Report Parameters

Parameter Description


The employee's name.


The time-off date.


The duration of the time-off event. (Full Day, Half Day, or hours requested off)


The reason code associated with the time-off event.

Criteria Selections for Employee Time Off Summary Report

Select an option or make entries in any of the following fields to determine report output:

  • Date Range: Select a weekly period from the available weeks on the drop-down list.

Figure 9-7 Sample: Employee Time Off Summary Report

Employee Time Off Summary Report

Employee Tasks Report

The Employee Tasks Report shows the employee tasks for the date range selected.


This report only displays tasks that were added in Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service or Oracle Retail Xstore Office.

Table 9-8 Employee Tasks Report

Parameter Description


The date the task is scheduled to begin.


The date the task is supposed to be completed.


The assignment type: Store, Employee Group, or Employee.


The task category type.


The short description for the task.


The priority for the task: High, Medium, or Low.


The task status: Open, Process, Completed, and Cancelled

Criteria Selections for the Employee Tasks Report

Select an option or make entries in any of the following fields to determine report output:

  • Due Date Range: Enter a single fixed date, a date range (begin and end dates) or select a relative date option (Yesterday, Last Week, and so on) from the drop-down list.

  • Status: Select the task status from the list: Open, Process, Completed, or Cancelled

  • Type: Select the task category type from the list.

Figure 9-8 Sample: Employee Tasks Report

Employee Tasks Report