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Oracle® Retail Xstore Point of Service Reports Guide
Release 19.0
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10 Inventory Reports

This chapter contains information about the following reports:

Inventory Movement Report

The Inventory Movement Report lists items that were involved in a transaction and a code indicating the type of inventory movement. The report also shows the inventory location that each item came from, and where it was moved to (destination location). You can control the information on the report by specifying a range of item IDs, a date range when the movement occurred, and the type of inventory movement you want to list.

Table 10-1 Inventory Movement Report Parameters

Parameter Description


The activity date.


The item identifier.

Serial Number

The item's serial number.


The line item quantity.

Action Code

The code for the item movement activity. For example, ITEM_RETURN is a code for a returned item and an ITEM_SALE code indicates the item was sold.

Source data

Location: The inventory location from which the item was moved.

Bucket: The inventory bucket from which the item was moved.

Destination data

Location: The inventory location the item was moved into.

Bucket: The inventory bucket the item was moved into.

Criteria Selections for Inventory Movement Report

Select an option or make entries in any of the following fields to control report output:

  • Date Range: Enter a single fixed date, a date range (begin and end dates), or select a relative date option (Yesterday, Last Week, and so on) from the drop-down list.

  • Start Item ID: Enter the first item ID you want to include on the report.

  • End Item ID: Enter the last item ID you want to include on the report.

  • Movement Type: Select a movement type from the list of movement codes.

Figure 10-1 Sample: Inventory Movement Report

Inventory Movement Report

Inventory Stock Cost Report

This report looks at current on-hand inventory with the consideration of the item cost. These values together represent current cost of goods (on-hand). Use this report to understand your inventory.

Table 10-2 Inventory Stock Cost Report Parameters

Parameter Description


The item identifier.


The item description.


On-hand inventory quantity.

Unit Cost

Item unit cost.

Total Cost

On-hand quantity x Item Unit Cost

Criteria Selections for Inventory Stock Cost Report

Select an option or make entries in any of the following fields to control report output:

  • Item ID: Enter an item ID to view the stock cost for that item.

  • Department: Enter a department ID to view the stock cost for items in a department.

  • Show Criteria: Determines whether the report will show the criteria used to create it.

Figure 10-2 Sample: Inventory Stock Cost Report

Inventory Stock Cost Report

Shipping/Receiving Exception Reports

The Shipping/Receiving Exception Reports include two separate reports, one for Shipping Exceptions and one for Receiving Exceptions. Both reports show the differences between the amounts expected to be shipped or received and the actual amounts for each Inventory Document number.

Table 10-3 Shipping/Receiving Exception Reports Parameters

Parameter Description



The document identifier.


The activity date.

Carton Count

The number of cartons.

Note: Not available on the Shipping Exception Report.

Line Count

The number of lines.


The number of items expected in the shipment based on the Inventory Document.

Note: All store-created shipping documents have an expected item count of zero. Only documents downloaded from the home office have a value for the expected item count


The actual number of items shipped.


The count discrepancy between the expected and the item count actually shipped.


Totals for Carton Count, Line Count, Expected, Shipped, and Difference.



The carton number.

Note: Not available on the Shipping Exception Report.


The activity date.


The item identifier

Serial Number

The item serial number.


The item description.


The number of items expected in the shipment based on the Inventory Document.

Note: All store-created shipping and receiving documents have an expected item count of zero. Only documents downloaded from the home office have a value for the expected item count.

Shipped or Received

The actual number of items shipped or received.


The count discrepancy between expected and the item count actually shipped or received.


Totals for Expected, Shipped, and Difference.

Criteria Selections for Shipping/Receiving Exception Reports

Select an option or make entries in any of the following fields to determine report output:


The criteria selection forms for both shipping and receiving offer the same criteria options, except for the document type list. The types of documents available for shipping and receiving are listed separately below.

  • Report Date: Enter a single fixed date or select a relative date option (Today or Yesterday) from the drop-down list.

  • Report Type: Summary, Detail, Summary and Detail.

  • Document: Enter a specific shipping or receiving document number.

  • Carton: Enter a specific carton number.


    The Carton number is not supported in the Shipping Exception Report.

  • (Shipping) Doc. Type: Select the kind of shipping inventory document you want to include in the report. The following list shows examples of shipping inventory document types. Your list may be different based on your business requirements.

    • All

    • Return to Vendor

    • Call Back

    • Work Order

    • Sale

    • Repair

    • Store Transfer

    • Defective Return

    • Order

  • (Receiving) Doc. Type: Select the kind of receiving inventory document you want to include in the report. The following list shows examples of receiving inventory document types. Your list may be different based on your business requirements.

    • All

    • ASN

    • Transfer

    • Work Order

    • Special Order

    • Order

Figure 10-3 Sample: Receiving Exception Report

Receiving Exception Report

Figure 10-4 Sample: Shipping Exception Report

Shipping Exception Report

Shipping Manifest Report

The Shipping Manifest Report provides shipping manifest information including the shipment recipient, the carrier and shipping method, the date shipped, and the item information for the shipment.

Table 10-4 Shipping Manifest Report Parameters

Parameter Description

Ship to address information

Name, Address, City, State, Country, Zip and Phone

Ship Date

The date the shipment was shipped.


The shipper presenting the bill of lading for transferring the item.

Ship Via

The shipper method.


The number assigned by the carrier. This number is used to track the progress of this shipment with the carrier.


The item identifier.


The item description.


The item quantity.

Criteria Selections for Shipping Manifest Report

Select an option or make entries in any of the following fields to control report output:

  • Date Range: Enter a single fixed date, a date range (begin and end dates), or select a relative date option (Yesterday, Last Week, and so on) from the drop-down list (Ship Date).

Figure 10-5 Sample: Shipping Manifest Report

Shipping Manifest Report

Receiving Report

This report includes receiving details so that you can validate proper receiving procedures and maintain inventory levels. Each Document is on its own page.

Navigate: Reports > Inventory Reports > Receiving Report.

Table 10-5 Receiving Report Parameters

Parameter Description


The document identifier.


The carton identifier.


The department for the subset of items.


The item identifier and description.

Dimension 1

The item color.

Dimension 2

The item size.

Qty. Expected

The number of items expected in the shipment based on the Inventory Document.

Qty. Received

The received quantity of the item.

Qty. Verified

The verified quantity of the item.

Carton Total

Sum of the quantity expected, quantity received, and quantity verified for the carton.


Sum of the quantity expected, quantity received, and quantity verified for the document.

Selections for Receiving Report

Select an option or make entries in any of the following fields to control report output:

  • Date Range: Enter a single fixed date, a date range (begin and end dates), or select a relative date option (Yesterday, Last Week, and so on) from the drop-down list.

  • Specific Date: Choose a drop-down option.

  • Document: Enter the document identifier.

  • Carton: Enter the carton identifier.

  • Employee: Enter the ID of the person who received the carton.

Figure 10-6 Sample: Receiving Report

Receiving Report

Restock Report

The Restock Report reflects all items that have been sold at the register and must be replaced on the shelves in order to maintain a consistent quantity.

Information on the report is grouped by department and shows the item ID, item description, and quantities for the items within each department. A total number of items sold within the department is calculated, and a report total shows a count of all items from all departments listed.

Table 10-6 Restock Report Parameters

Parameter Description

Department data

ID: The department identifier.

Description: The department description.

Item data

ID: The item identifier.

Description: The item description.

Quantity Sold

The number of items sold.

Criteria Selections for Restock Report

Select an option or make entries in any of the following fields to determine report output:

  • Date Range: Enter a single fixed date, a date range (begin and end dates), or select a relative date option (Yesterday, Last Week, and so on) from the drop-down list.

  • Start Time: Enter the first time that you want to include in the report. The system will automatically enter ”:” between the hours and minutes. The first one or two digits you enter indicate the hours and the digits after the colon are minutes. You must then enter ”a” for morning hours (a.m.) or ”p” for afternoon hours (p.m.)

  • End Time: Enter the last time that you want to include in the report using the same format indicated for the Start Time entry.

  • Department: Enter a department identifier.

Figure 10-7 Sample: Restock Report

Restock Report

Item List Report

The Item List Report shows inventory items, their current location ID, the inventory bucket within the location, and the quantity of items at that location.

Table 10-7 Item List Report Parameters

Parameter Description


The item identifier.


The item description.


The inventory location for the item.


The inventory bucket for the item.


The number of items in this location and bucket.

Criteria Selections for Item List Report

Select an option or make entries in any of the following fields to control report output:

  • Location: Select one of the defined inventory locations from the drop-down list.

  • Bucket: Select one of the defined inventory buckets from the drop-down list.

Figure 10-8 Sample: Item List Report

Item List Report

Inventory Movement Pending Report

The Inventory Movement Pending Report shows items from transactions in which an inventory location has not yet been specified when Location Based Inventory is being used.


The Inventory Movement Pending Reconciliation option allows an item to be assigned to a location so it is no longer in a pending status.

The report shows the transaction number, transaction date, item ID and quantity, and the inventory action code that is currently assigned.

Navigate: Inventory > Location Based Inventory > Inventory Movement Pending Report.

Table 10-8 Inventory Movement Pending Report Parameters

Parameter Description


The activity date.


The transaction number.


The item identifier.


The item's description.

Serial Number

The item's serial number.

Action Code

The code for the activity performed on the item. For example:







The item count for the action.

Criteria Selections for Inventory Movement Pending Report

Select an option or make entries in any of the following fields to control report output:

  • Date Range: Enter a single fixed date, a date range (begin and end dates), or select a relative date option (Yesterday, Last Week, and so on) from the drop-down list.

Figure 10-9 Sample: Inventory Movement Pending Report

Inventory Movement Pending Report

Inventory Movement History Report

The Inventory Movement History Report is useful when using Location Based Inventory. Line items in the report include the current stock ledger count. Additional line items in the report show information about items in specific transactions. This report shows where the item came from (the item's source location and inventory bucket) and where it went to (the item's destination location and destination inventory bucket). The quantity of items that were moved is also shown.

Table 10-9 Inventory Movement History Report Parameters

Parameter Description

For each Item


Stock = The items recorded in the current stock ledger.

Date = The activity date of the transaction.


The transaction identifier.


The inventory location from which the item was moved.


The inventory bucket from which the item was moved.


The inventory location the item was moved into.


The inventory bucket from which the item was moved.


The inventory location the item was moved into.


The inventory bucket the item was moved into.

Action Code

The code for the activity performed on the item.


The item count for the action.

Criteria Selections for Inventory Movement History Report

Select an option or make entries in any of the following fields to control report output:

  • Item ID: Enter an item ID to include on the report.

  • Date Range: Enter a single fixed date, a date range (begin and end dates), or select a relative date option (Yesterday, Last Week, and so on) from the drop-down list.

Figure 10-10 Sample: Inventory Movement History Report

Inventory Movement History Report

Inventory Adjustment Report

The Inventory Adjustment Report prints automatically when you manually adjust item inventory outside a sale transaction. Inventory adjustments are performed using the Inventory Adjustment option on the Back Office Inventory menu. Adjustments are often used to track damaged items discovered on the selling floor or items donated to a charitable organization, and are associated with a reason code for the adjustment. An employee signature line is also printed at the bottom of the report.

Table 10-10 Inventory Adjustment Report Parameters

Parameters Description

For each Document # and Reason Code


The activity date of the adjustment.

Item and Description

The item identifier and description.


The item quantity.


The inventory bucket the item was moved into.


The inventory location the item was moved into.

Criteria Selections for Inventory Adjustment Report

This report prints automatically when you select Save & Exit from the inventory adjustment screen. There are no report parameters available.

Figure 10-11 Sample: Inventory Adjustment Report

Inventory Adjustment Report

Open Product Request Summary Report

The Replenishment Open Product Requests Report displays replenishment orders that are Open, Submitted, or Confirmed. The report can be viewed on the screen and printed.

Navigate: Reports > Inventory Reports > Replenishment Open Product Request Report.

Table 10-11 Open Product Request Summary Report Parameters

Parameter Description

Document Number

Replenishment request document ID number.

Date Submitted

The date the request was submitted. (The Date Submitted field will be blank if the order has not yet been submitted).

Source Entity Name

The fulfillment source for the document.

Criteria Selections for Open Product Request Summary Report

This report prints automatically when chosen, so there are no criteria selections available.

Figure 10-12 Sample: Open Product Request Summary Report

Open Product Summary Report

Replenishment Product Request Report

The Replenishment Product Request Report allows you to query by Order Status, Date Range or Specific Date, Requestor ID, Item ID, and Sourcing Entity. The report can be viewed on the screen and printed.

Navigate: Reports > Inventory Reports > Replenishment Product Request Report.

Table 10-12 Replenishment Product Request Report Parameters

Parameter Description

Report Header

Document Number

Document identifier

Request Date

Replenishment order request date.


Requesting system or user.


Source entity that will be fulfilling the replenishment request for this document/item.

Ship To

Ship-to details for the destination store address e.g. street, city, state and zip.


Shipper identifier.


Comments entered by the user when creating the document.

Report Detail


Item identifier.


Item description.


Requested quantity for this item

Confirmed data

Date. Date quantity for this item was confirmed.

Quantity: Confirmed quantity for this item.

Number: The PO number, DC shipment number, or any other number generated by the home office to fulfill the store's request.


Date: Date item was received for this request.

Quantity: Quantity of this item received for this request.


Status of this item.

Total Weight

Total shipping weight of all items for the request.

Criteria Selections for Replenishment Product Request Report

Select an option or make entries in any of the following fields to control report output:

  • Order Status: Select the status from the drop-down list; All, Open, Submitted, Confirmed, Partially Received, Closed, or Cancelled.

  • Request Date Range: Enter a single fixed date, a date range (begin and end dates), or select a relative date option (Yesterday, Last Week, and so on) from the drop-down list.

  • Requestor ID: Enter the user ID or system ID that placed the replenishment order.

  • Item ID: Enter an item ID to include on the report.

  • Sourcing Entity: Enter the identifier for the location that sourced the replenishment order.

  • Show Criteria: Select Yes to show the criteria in the report, or No to not show them.

Figure 10-13 Sample: Product Request Detail Status

Product Request Detail Status Report

Replenishment Order Worksheet

The Replenishment Order Worksheet is a summary by item ID and shows one line for each item Id on the current order.


In base, the Replenishment Order Worksheet is accessed through the Inventory Replenishment print options. Inventory Replenishment Print Options

Table 10-13 Replenishment Order Worksheet Parameters

Parameter Description


The default source id for the item.


ID: The item identifier.

Description: The item description.


The total number of items that have been ordered but not confirmed by the home office yet.

Pack Size

The item pack size.

On Hand

The on-hand quantity of the item.


The suggested quantity of the item.


The confirmed quantity of the item.


The shipped quantity of the item.


The received quantity of the item.

Criteria Selections for Replenishment Order Worksheet

This report prints automatically when chosen so there are no criteria selections available.

Figure 10-14 Sample: Replenishment Order Worksheet

Replenishment Order Worksheet

Shelf Labels

For information about creating Shelf Labels, see the Xstore Point of Service Manager's Guide.

Store Layout

For information about the Store Layout, see the Xstore Point of Service Shipping, Receiving & Inventory Guide.

Inventory Count Sheet

For information about the Inventory Count Sheet, see the Xstore Point of Service Shipping, Receiving & Inventory Guide.

Inventory Count Variance Reports

For information about the Inventory Count Variance Reports, see the Xstore Point of Service Shipping, Receiving & Inventory Guide.