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Oracle® Retail Xstore Point of Service Reports Guide
Release 19.0
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6 Product-Oriented Report

This chapter contains information about the following reports:

Best Sellers Report

The Best Sellers Report lists the top-selling items or styles and totals the quantity sold and net sales in the store's currency. The Best Sellers Report may be filtered by quantity sold or net sales. The data may be restricted to a specific department.


Non-merchandise items are not included in this report.

Table 6-1 Best Sellers Report Parameters

Parameter: Description:

Item or Style

The item or style identifier.


The item or style description.


The number sold.

Net Sales

The total amount of sales.

Criteria Selections for Best Sellers Report

Select an option or make entries in any of the following fields to determine report output:

  • Date Range: Enter a single fixed date, a date range (begin and end dates), or select a relative date option (Yesterday, Last Week, and so on) from the drop-down list.

  • Start Reg: Enter the first register ID if you want to restrict the report to a single register or a range of registers.

  • End Reg: Enter the last register ID if you want to specify a range of registers, or enter the same register as the start register ID if you want to include only one specific register.

  • Report By: Select whether the organize the report by Item or by Style.

  • Department: Select a specific department from the drop-down list, or accept the default ALL to include every department.

  • Best Sellers Selected By: Select Net Sales or Quantity. The data will be sorted by the selection you make.

  • Ascending/Descending: Select whether to sort the report in ascending or descending order.

Figure 6-1 Sample: Best Sellers Report by Style

Best Sellers Report by Style

Figure 6-2 Sample: Best Sellers Report by Item

Best Sellers Report by Item

Returned Merchandise Report

The Returned Merchandise Report lists all merchandise items that match the specified criteria. Report totals include quantity of returned items, total unit price of all returned items, and total extended price of all returned items.


This report does not include non-merchandise items like services and warranties.

Table 6-2 Returned Merchandise Report Parameters

Parameter Description


The transaction number.


The register number.

Date & Time

The date and time of the return transaction.

Comm Assoc

The commissioned associate credited with selling the item.


The associate who performed the return transaction.


The item identifier and description.


The item count.

Return Price

The unit price for the item.

Extended Price

The total price paid for the quantity of the item.

Report Totals

Return Price

The total amount for each individual item.

Extended Price

The total of all extended prices for all items.

Criteria Selections for Returned Merchandise Report

Select an option or make entries in any of the following fields to determine report output:

  • Date Range: Enter a single fixed date, a date range (begin and end dates), or select a relative date option (Yesterday, Last Week, and so on) from the drop-down list.

  • Start Cashier: Enter an employee ID if you want to restrict the report to a single employee, or enter the first employee ID in the starting range of employee IDs.

  • End Cashier: Enter the last employee ID in the range of employees, or enter the same employee ID as the Start Employee if you want to restrict the report to only one employee.

  • Reason Code: Select a reason for the merchandise return from the drop down list.

  • Minimum Amount: Enter the value of the lowest item price that you want to include in the report.

  • Sort Order: Select the order in which the returned items will be arranged on the report. Options include Date & Time, Transaction Number, Associate, Item ID, Quantity, Extended Price, and Return Reason.

  • Ascending/Descending (Sort Order): Select ascending to arrange from smallest to largest value or to alphabetize the sorting column from A-Z. Select descending to arrange from largest to smallest value or to alphabetize the sorting column in Z-A order.

Figure 6-3 Sample: Returned Merchandise Report

Returned Merchandise Report

Price Change Report

The Price Change Report includes item prices that have been changed by the home office and match the user-selected criteria. This report does not include any item prices changed at the POS register. The report groups price changes by department and type of price change. Each price change record shows the item ID that was changed, its description, style ID, effective date and expiration date for the change, as well as the old price and the current price.

Table 6-3 Price Change Report Parameters

Parameter Description


The department identifier.


Promotional price change, regular price change or clearance price change.


The item identifier and description.

Style ID

The style identifier.


"Effective Date: The date the current price is in use.

"Expiration Date: The date the current price expires.


Old Price: The item's price before the price change.

Current Price: The item's new price after the price change

Criteria Selections for the Price Change Report

Select an option or make entries in any of the following fields to determine report output:

  • Date Range: Enter a single fixed date, a date range (begin and end dates) or select a relative date option (Yesterday, Last Week, and so on) from the drop-down list.

  • Price Change Type: Select ALL, Regular Price, Promotional Price or Clearance Price.

  • Department: Select a valid department from the list.

Figure 6-4 Sample: Price Change Report

Price Change Report