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Oracle® Retail Xstore Point of Service Manager's Guide
Release 20.0
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24 Tax Free Invoices

Some countries offer ”Tax Free Shopping” to shoppers from other countries, and allow for the reclaiming of value added tax (VAT) on their purchases. The final cost for the traveler is the value of the merchandise minus the taxes and the fee of the provider.

Xstore Point of Service has been integrated with the two largest providers:

If Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service at the store has been configured to integrate with one of these Tax Free Providers, then eligible shoppers can request a Tax Free Invoice (TFI) during the sale, which they can later use to reclaim the VAT they have paid on their purchases. See the Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service User Guide for more information.

The following functions are included in this section:

Issuing Tax Free Invoices

Tax Free Invoices for a sale (or multiple sales) can be issued and printed in the Back Office after the sales completion in the POS, from either the:

  • Journal or the,

  • Invoice Menu


The country where the store is located could have limitations in terms of how many days the sale can be held.

Issuing a Tax Free Invoice from the Electronic Journal

In the journal you can select a single sale for the issuing of the TFI.

Figure 24-1 Electronic Journal Screen

Electronic Journal - Tax Free Invoice
  1. Select the transaction that the invoice is required for.

  2. Select the Invoice Functions button.

    Figure 24-2 Invoice Functions Menu

    Invoice Functions Menu
  3. Select Issue Invoice.

    Figure 24-3 Issue Invoice Type

    Issue Invoice Type
  4. Select TaxFree as the type of invoice to print.

    The Tax Free Invoice form is displayed to capture the customer's information. Please see Oracle Retail Xstore point of Service User Guide for more information.

Issuing a Tax Free Invoice from the Invoice Menu

This option is similar to Issuing a Tax Free Invoice from the Electronic Journal but it allows more than one receipt to be collected as a group and one invoice printed. This is useful when a single receipt does not reach the minimum expected value. The receipts can be grouped disregarding any customers associated with them: the customer associated to the TFI is a separate entity, however.

  • In some countries it is not allowed to group receipts into only one TFI.

  • In some countries, the minimum expected value is intended to be valid for each single receipt.

  • Some countries have a limitation in terms of time frame: all the receipts must be issued in the same month, or in the last 30 days and so on.

    Figure 24-4 Invoice Options Menu

    Invoice Options Menu
  1. Select Issue Tax Free Invoice from the Invoice Options menu and select OK.

  2. Either:.

    1. Scan the receipt barcode or,

      Figure 24-5 Scan Receipt Barcode

      Scan Receipt Barcode
    2. Select the Search button to start a transaction search. Enter the search criteria and press Process.

      Figure 24-6 Transaction Search

      Transaction Search

      The option to select another store depends on the configuration of your store.

  3. Transactions eligible for the tax free are listed.

  4. Select one or more transactions and the transaction is added to the list of selected receipts.

    Figure 24-7 Transaction for Tax Free Invoice

    Transaction for Tax Free Invoice

    These receipts are shown in the port view:

    Figure 24-8 Tax Free Consolidation Port View

    Tax Free Consolidation Port View

    The screen displays the Totals (count and value of the selected receipts). You can remove a transaction using the Remove Transaction button if necessary.


    If the customer has the Xstore sales receipts, then these can scanned instead of searching for them.

    Select Issue Tax Free Invoice. Enter the customer's data to continue the process.

Reprinting Tax Free Invoices

A Tax Free Invoice (TFI) can be reprinted after a transaction that issued a TFI completes.


When integrated to Planet the reprint operation is allowed only once.

Reprinting a Tax Free Invoice from the Electronic Journal

From the journal you can select both "Retail Sale" and "Deferred Invoice" transactions. The "Deferred Invoice" transactions are created when a TFI is issued after the sale completion. In the journal you can see the reference to the invoice, for the "Retail Sale" transactions, and the reference to the sale, for the "Deferred Invoice" transactions. If the TFI was issued for more than one "Retail Sale", the "Deferred Invoice" transaction has a message with the number of the receipts included in it.

Figure 24-9 Electronic Journal Screen

Electronic Journal Screen
  1. Select the transaction that the invoice is required for (Retail Sale or Deferred Invoice).

  2. Select the Invoice Functions button, and then the Reprint Invoice option.

    Figure 24-10 Confirm Tax Free Reprint/Reissue

    Confirm Tax free Reprint/Reissue
  3. Select Yes to continue and reprint the selected tax free invoice.

Reprinting Tax Free Invoice from the Invoice Menu

  1. Select Invoice Search from the Invoice Options menu.

    Figure 24-11 Invoice Options Menu

    Invoice Options Menu
  2. Enter the invoice search criteria or scan the taxfree barcode.

    Figure 24-12 Invoice Search

    Invoice Search
  3. Select TaxFree as the invoice type and press Process to start a transaction search. The Electronic Journal is displayed showing only the transactions with valid invoices.

    Figure 24-13 Electronic Journal Screen

    Electronic Journal Screen with valid invoices
  4. Select the required transaction then select Invoice Functions and Reprint Invoice option.

Voiding a Tax Free Invoice

A Tax Free Invoice (TFI) can be voided but it may no longer be available to be voided after a certain amount of time has passed.

Figure 24-14 Electronic Journal Screen

Electronic Journal Screen before voiding
  1. Select the transaction that has the Tax Free Invoice that requires voiding.

  2. Select the Invoice Functions button.

  3. Select the Void Invoice button and press Enter for OK.

    Figure 24-15 Invoice Functions Menu

    Invoice Functions Menu

    Figure 24-16 Confirm Tax Free Invoice Void

    Confirm Tax Free Invoice Void Prompt
  4. Select Yes to continue and void the selected tax free invoice.

Tax Free Invoice Returns

If the current receipt contains both sales and returns, only the sales are used for the TFI.

If you try to return an item from a receipt that was already included in a TFI, the system informs you that the old TFI will be voided and a new one issued.

Figure 24-17 Return TFI Transaction

Return TFI Transaction

The void of the old TFI is only possible if all the constraints are satisfied. For more information see Returns of Tax Free Invoice Transactions in the Oracle Retail Xstore Point of Service User Guide.