Delete Coupons Screen (MDCP)

Purpose: Use this screen to delete coupons before they are redeemed. You can delete a single coupon or a range of coupons. You cannot delete a redeemed coupon, even if the coupon number falls within the range of coupons that you define for deletion.

Note: If the Create Random Gift Certificate/Coupon Numbers (H09) system control value is selected, it will not be practical to use this screen, because it requires that you enter the beginning and ending coupon number to reprint.

How to display this screen: Enter MDCP in the Fast Path field on any menu tor select this option from a menu.




Starting coupon #

The first coupon number that you want to delete.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.

Ending coupon #

The last coupon number that you want to delete. The ending coupon number can be the same as or greater than the starting coupon number. Repeat the starting coupon number in this field if you only want to delete one coupon. The system deletes the first and last coupons, and every unredeemed coupon whose number falls within the start and end range that you specify.

Numeric, 7 positions; required.

When you complete this screen, the system submits the DLTCOUPONS job to delete the selected coupons. Once the coupons have been deleted, the batch job disappears from job management listing. No report is generated. The deleted coupons are removed from the Work with Coupon Redemption Screen.

MCPN Serenade 5.0 March 2015