Using or Purging the Prospect Finder File (MPFF)

Purpose: You use the Purge Prospect Finder function to submit a purge of prospect finder records based on criteria such as offer, drop and finder number range.

About the Prospect table: This table contains a list of rented customer address information you can use in Order Entry. The system searches the Prospect Finder table to retrieve address information associated with the prospect finder number you enter in the Customer field on the Select Customer Sold To For Order Screen or the Customer Selection Screen in Order Entry. A prospect finder number is a number you use to define each customer in a catalog mailing. For example, a prospect finder number may consist of a source code and customer number, as in a rented mailing list. The address information retrieved from the Prospect table defaults onto the Work with Order Screen in Order Entry. This feature is helpful if you want to save time on keying in address information. The source code and customer name, phone numbers, and email address also default in Order Entry if they are specified in the table.

The system searches the Prospect Finder table only if the Use Prospect Finder File (E40) system control value is selected and the number you enter in the Customer field begins with an alphabetical character.

Note: The Prospect table is used only for sold-to customer information.

To use the Prospect Finder table, you need to populate the table directly. There is no function within CWSerenade that populates the table.

Purge Prospect Finder File Screen (MPFF)

Purpose: You can purge any prospect number and address information that is associated with a catalog mailing that has expired through the Purge Prospect Finder function.

How to display this screen: Enter MPFF in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Purge Prospect Finder File from a menu.




The offer the prospect information is associated with. Offer codes are defined in and validated against the Offer table; see Working with Offers (WOFR).

Alphanumeric, 3 positions; required if a Finder ID Range is not entered.


The drop, or catalog mailing to your customers, the prospect information is associated with.

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; optional.

Finder ID range

The range of prospect numbers to purge. Enter a prospect number in the From field to use as the first number in the purge and enter a prospect number in the To field to use as the last number in the purge. The numbers you enter in the From and To fields must contain an alphabetical character in the first position of the prospect number in order for the system to search the Prospect table.

From: Alphanumeric, 8 positions; required if an offer is not entered.

To: Alphanumeric, 8 positions; required if an offer is not entered.

Completing this screen: The system searches the Prospect table for any records that match the criteria you entered. Any records that match the criteria are flagged with a P status and are deleted from the Prospect table.

Note: The Purged Prospect Records Report prints when you submit a purge of prospect records.

MPFF Serenade 5.0 March 2015