Printing the Vendor Charge Back Report (PVCB)

Purpose: Use the Print Vendor Charge Back Report function to print a Vendor Charge Back Report listing each item, its quantity, and its cost on vendor charge backs. You can select the vendor charge backs to include on the report based on vendor, status, and date range.

Print Vendor Charge Back Report Screen

How to display this screen: Enter PVCB in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Print Vendor Charge Back Report from a menu.



Vendor charge back status

This setting indicates the status of the vendor charge backs to include on the report.

Valid values are:





• blank = All charge backs


Inv vendor (Invoice vendor)

The code representing the vendor whose charge backs should be included in the report. Leave this field blank to include all vendors. Vendor codes are defined in and validated against the Vendor table.

Note: This is the vendor who shipped the merchandise (the Invoice vendor) as opposed to the vendor to whom you post the A/P credit (the Charge vendor).

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Date range

These fields represent the beginning entry date (first field) and ending entry date (second field) of vendor charge backs to include in the report. Although the system does not prevent you from entering a beginning date that is later than the ending date, no charge backs will appear on the report.

Leave both these fields blank to include vendor charge backs regardless of date; however, if you enter either a beginning or end date, you must enter both dates.

Two fields: numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); optional.

Completing this screen: Select OK. The system submits the job VCB_RPT, which produces the Vendor Charge Back Report.

PVCB Serenade 5.0 March 2015