Working with Retail Fulfillment Selection (RFUL)

Purpose: Use the Retail Fulfillment Selection menu option to review the backordered items that you can fulfill by shipping them from retail outlets. Through this menu option, you can:

• specify the quantity of an item to fulfill from retail outlets

• review all backordered items

• indicate whether to sell out an item

Accepting your entries submits a job that determines the quantity of each selected item to allocate from each retail outlet, and updates the open orders you plan to fulfill from retail outlets.

For more information: For an overview of the retail fulfillment process, including setup, see Retail Fulfillment Overview.

In this topic:

Select Items for Retail Fulfillment Screen

Resetting the Retail Fulfillment Selection

Displaying All Backordered Items

Accepting or Rejecting

Selecting Backordered Items for Retail Fulfillment

Select Items for Retail Fulfillment Screen

How to display this screen: Enter RFUL in the Fast path field at the top of any menu, or select Retail Fulfillment Selection from a menu.

About this screen: This screen displays the items selected by the retail fulfillment selection batch job. Items appear here because they are backordered, but you may be able to fulfill them from a retail outlet that has stock on-hand.

This screen presents a “snap shot” of backordered items at the time you ran the batch job. Items' backordered statuses, including quantities, may have changed since you ran the job, especially if you have not run it recently.

You cannot advance to this screen if the retail fulfillment selection is already is process.

This screen will not display any items if:

• you have not yet run the retail fulfillment selection batch job, or

• you have previously selected Accept at this screen to allocate items for retail fulfillment, and you have not yet rerun the selection batch job

See Submitting the Retail Fulfillment Selection (SFUL) for more information on running the selection batch job.



Last update

The date and time you last ran the retail fulfillment selection batch job. You can run this job through the Submitting the Retail Fulfillment Selection (SFUL) menu option. You can also run this batch job by selecting Reset at the current screen.

The backorder status of any items may have changed since the last time you ran the update.

Date: numeric, 6 positions (MM/DD/YY format); display-only.

Time: numeric, 6 positions (HH:MM:SS format); display-only.


The item that is currently backordered.

Only backordered items/SKUs that are available in a retail outlet appear on this screen; however, you can select Toggle All Items to display all backordered items, regardless of retail availability.

Items are defined in and validated against the Item table. See Performing Initial Item Entry (MITM), for more information.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; optional.


The item's unique characteristics, such as its color or size.

Alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; optional.

B/O qty (Backorder quantity)

The quantity of the item that is backordered, calculated by subtracting the quantity already allocated for retail fulfillment from the backorder quantity for your warehouse(s). For example, if an item has a backorder quantity of 8, but 6 units are already allocated to be fulfilled by a retail outlet, a backorder quantity of 2 appears here. This calculation prevents you from over-allocating from retail outlets.

Some orders may not be eligible: The backorder quantity may include order lines that are not actually eligible for retail fulfillment. For example, if the order has more than one payment method or the item is a set component, it will not be selected for retail fulfillment when you select Accept to accept your entries. See Accepting or Rejecting for more information on exclusions.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Next del dte (Next delivery date)

The next date when the item is due to be received on an open purchase order. The system determines the next delivery date by checking the PO Layering table.

Numeric, 8 positions (MM/DD/YY format); display-only.

Retail qty (Retail quantity)

The total quantity available at all retail outlets. The system identifies a warehouse as a retail outlet if the Retail type field is set to S. Normally, you would set up retail outlets as nonpickable, non-allocatable warehouses, because you do not actually reserve or ship inventory from them in CWSerenade; you use them for retail fulfillment purposes only.

You should update the inventory quantities for each retail outlet before running the Submitting the Retail Fulfillment Selection (SFUL) menu option.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

Fill qty (Fill quantity)

The recommended quantity to allocate for fulfillment from retail outlets.

Calculation: The system sets the fill quantity to zero if there is a Next del dte (Next delivery date); otherwise, the system uses the B/O qty (Backorder quantity) or the Retail qty (Retail quantity), whichever is lower.

To override: Enter another number to override the fill quantity; or just set the fill quantity to zero. You cannot enter a quantity that is larger than the Backorder quantity or the Retail quantity.

When you select Accept to accept your entries on this screen, the system will allocate as many units as it can for retail fulfillment without exceeding the B/O qty (Backorder quantity) or the Retail qty (Retail quantity), whichever is lower. See Accepting or Rejecting for more information on the update process.

Numeric, 7 positions; optional.

SO (Soldout control code)

The soldout control code to assign to an item that should be sold out.

To update: Enter a soldout control code to sell the item out rather than attempting retail fulfillment; even if there is a quantity in the Fill qty (Fill quantity) field, the system will disregard it and assign the soldout control code. If the item is already assigned a soldout control code, it appears here and is display-only.

Processing at accept: When you select Accept to accept your entries on this screen, the system will update the item/SKU with the soldout control code you enter here. The next time you run Processing Auto Soldout Cancellations (MASO), the item may sell out, depending on the quantity available and on-order and the soldout control value entered.

Soldout control codes are defined in and validated against the Soldout Control Code table; see Working with Soldout Controls (WSLD).

Alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only for items that are already assigned a soldout control code in the SKU table; otherwise, optional.

Screen Option


Update the information on this screen based on current item, order, warehouse, and purchase order status

Select Reset. See Resetting the Retail Fulfillment Selection.

Display all backordered items

Select Toggle All Items to toggle to a display of all backordered items, regardless of whether there is a retail quantity available. See Displaying All Backordered Items.

Accept your entries and allocate items for retail fulfillment

Select Accept. See Accepting or Rejecting.

Reject your entries

Select Reject. See Accepting or Rejecting.

Resetting the Retail Fulfillment Selection

Purpose: Select Reset to resubmit the retail fulfillment selection at the Select Items for Retail Fulfillment Screen. You might choose to resubmit the selection if there has been substantial activity since the selection job was last run.

The Confirm Accept pop-up window opens. If you choose to continue at this window, you return to the previous screen.

For more information: See Submitting the Retail Fulfillment Selection (SFUL).

Displaying All Backordered Items

Purpose: Select Toggle All Items at the Select Items for Retail Fulfillment Screen to display all backordered items, regardless of whether there is a quantity available at a retail outlet.

Select Toggle All Items again to toggle back to the previous view, which includes backordered items only if they are available in retail outlets.

Accepting or Rejecting

Accepting: Select Accept at the Select Items for Retail Fulfillment Screen to accept your entries. The Confirm Accept confirmation window opens.

Note: You should not run any other program that updates inventory (such as batch PO layering, pick slip generation, or the inventory reset) at the same time as you run this job.

Updates at accept: The updates that take place when you accept your entries are:

Selecting Backordered Items for Retail Fulfillment

The system selects backordered order lines in order of arrival date, with the earliest arrival dates selected first. However, the following types of orders and order detail lines, which were included in the initial backorder quantity when you submitted the retail fulfillment selection, will not be selected for allocation:

• partially backordered order lines (for example, the customer ordered 10, but 5 are reserved or shipped)

• items with special handling

• components of sets

• orders with more than one payment method

• suspended orders

• order lines that cannot be fulfilled completely by the retail quantity available (for example, the customer ordered 10, but only 5 are available in retail outlets)

• order lines whose order ship-to is held (however, if there is a hold at the order header level only, not the order ship-to, the order line is eligible for retail fulfillment. You might find this situation if you put the order on hold by entering a user hold reason on the order header)

• order detail lines whose unit selling prices are not greater than the Minimum Item Price Eligible for Retail Pick Ticket (I76)

If you void a retail pick for an item, that unit will be available for selection and allocation again the next time you work with retail fulfillment. See Confirming Retail Fulfillment Selection (CFUL).

Select retail outlets to fulfill the backorders. The system selects a retail outlet separately for each backordered unit, in such a way as to keep the on-hand quantity of an item at each retail outlet as nearly equal as possible.

Example: For example, item AB100 is backordered on order #5001 for 5 units, and on order #5002 for 2 units. There are 23 units of the item available in retail outlet #10, and 20 units available in retail outlet #20. The system allocates from the retail outlets as follows:


Retail Outlet 10

Retail Outlet 20









Order #5001





















Order #5002









Create Retail Store Pick records. The system builds records in the Retail Store Pick table, which you can use to generate pick slips for retail outlets. The RTLPICKGEN user exit point is available to pass the required information; see Working with User Exit/Edit Point (WUEP), for more information. The Retail Store Pick records are created as described above.

Updates the order lines. When an order line is selected for retail fulfillment, the system changes the status of the backordered line to held (H), and sets the cancel date to the current date. The order line will not be eligible for regular reservation or for backorder notifications.

Writes an order history message. The system writes a message such as the following for each unit on an order that was selected for retail fulfillment:

6/08/06 M Line 1 Whs 7 selected for Rtl Fulfil 4.05 EKAPLAN

This message indicates:

• the date when the Retail Pick record was created

• the order line number of the backordered item

• the warehouse number that identifies the retail outlet

• the unit price of the backordered item

• the user ID of the person who generated the retail fulfillment selection

The Display Order History Screen screen is available by selecting Order History in standard order inquiry. You can also display this information in streamlined order inquiry by selecting History.

Updates the soldout control codes for soldout items. The system updates the soldout control codes for an item/SKU if you set the soldout control code at the Select Items for Retail Fulfillment Screen. If there is both a fill quantity and a soldout control code specified when you select Accept to accept, the system ignores the fill quantity and updates the soldout control code.

Updates the reserved and available quantities for the retail outlet warehouse. The reserved quantity for the item in the warehouse that represents the retail outlet increases by the total allocated quantity, while the available quantity decreases by this quantity.

Clears the Retail Store Fulfillment table. The system clears all items from the Retail Store Fulfillment table when processing is complete.

RFUL Serenade 5.0 March 2015