Resetting Serial Numbers (RSER)

Purpose: Use this screen to reset existing serial numbers, add new serial numbers, or change the status of serial numbers used to identify different units of an item.

Typically, you would use this screen to:

• correct data entry mistakes made during receiving or physical inventory when the wrong serial numbers were entered.

• reset the status of existing serial numbers when incorrect statuses were loaded into CWSerenade through your unique process.

• add serial numbers to an item in the warehouse, if you have turned on serial number tracking.

To create serial numbered items: select the Serial Number flag at the Create Item Screen. For a further discussion of serial numbered items, see the Work with Serial Numbers Screen.

Note: If you select Create to advance to the Create Serial Number Screen from the Work with Serial Numbers Screen, you can create serial numbers but they are created without statuses. When serial numbers are created without statuses, they are not counted as being on hand in the Reset Serial #’s Screen.

In this topic:

Reset Serial #’s Screen

Enter Serial Numbers Screen (Resetting)

Reset Serial #’s Screen

How to display this screen: Enter RSER in the Fast path field at the top of any menu or select Reset Serial #’s from a menu.




A user-defined code that represents a unit of inventory.

Item: alphanumeric, 12 positions; required.

SKU: alphanumeric, three 4-position fields; required if the item has SKUs.


The warehouse where the item/SKU is located.

Numeric, 3 positions; required.

Instructions: To display the on-hand quantity for an Item/SKU:

1. Enter the item or SKU’d item in the Item/SKU fields.

2. Select the warehouse for the Item/SKU from the drop-down box.

3. Click OK to display the On hand qty of the item/SKU that is available in the selected warehouse, from the On hand qty field in the Item Warehouse table.

4. Click OK again to advance to the Enter Serial Numbers Screen (Resetting).

Note: If the item/SKU has an on-hand quantity of 0 and you advance to the Enter Serial Numbers Screen (Resetting) screen, you cannot enter serial numbers because there are no entry fields.

Enter Serial Numbers Screen (Resetting)

Purpose: Use this screen to reset serial numbers when the existing numbers are inaccurate, to update serial number statuses, or to add serial numbers to items in the warehouse that never had serial numbers.

Resetting the serial numbers at the Enter Serial Numbers Screen (Resetting) creates new records with a status of received (R), and updates any existing serial number records to a status of no longer on hand (D).

You can reset serial numbers for an item more than once, if needed, as long as the on-hand quantity is greater than 0.

How to display this screen: Click OK at the Reset Serial #’s Screen.



Serial #

The serial number entry field(s) to replace existing or add new serial number records for the item/SKU.

The number of serial number entry fields equals the On hand qty.

For example, if the On hand qty is 3, there are three entry fields.

Alphanumeric, 20 positions each field; required.

Instructions: To reset serial numbers:

1. Enter a unique serial number in each entry field.

The system highlights incomplete serial number fields and displays a serial # is required error message.

2. Select Accept to replace the serial numbers.

3. The Confirm Accept pop-up window opens, click OK to confirm the new serial numbers.

Serial number updates: The system resets the serial numbers and updates the serial number records for the item in the Serial # table as follows:

If you reset serial numbers: the new serial numbers have a status of received (R), and any existing serial numbers (those serial numbers with a status of (R) in the Serial # table) are changed to a status of no longer on hand (D).

If you enter existing serial numbers: the serial numbers with a status of: returned to vendor (V), no longer on hand (D), shipped (S), did not exist (Z), or in use (U) are changed to a status of received (R). However, if the serial number already had a status of received (R), the status is unchanged.

Note: If the existing serial number for the item was for a different warehouse, the warehouse code changes to the current warehouse for the item.

If you enter new serial numbers: the serial numbers that never existed in the Serial # table have a status of received (R).

For more information: For a discussion of performing a serial number count, see Enter Serial Numbers Screen (Performing a Count).

RSER Serenade 5.0 March 2015