Credit Card Deposit Schedule

How to print: Select Submit at the Credit Card Deposit Schedule Screen to print this report, as well as the Credit Card Deposit Schedule Summary.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


• date range included in the report

• date of the expected deposit

• payment plan type:

I = installment

D = deferred

• ' ' (blank) = regular (non-pay plan) deposit

• pay type code

• order number

• invoice number

• deposit amount

• for installments:

• total number of installments

• total installments remaining

• installment interval, if the pay plan was set up to use a set number of days as an interval rather than to use a specific billing date

• for deferred or regular deposits:

• sold to customer name

• totals, including total debits and credits, for:

• all installments for a pay type on a given date

• all deferrals for a pay type on a given date

• all regular deposits for a pay type on a given date

• all deposit types (regular, installment, or deferral) for a pay type on a given date

• all expected deposits on a given date

• final totals for all dates on the report

SO07_04r Serenade 5.0 March 2015