E-Commerce Order Maintenance Errors Report

How to print: This report is generated automatically through the ECOMM_CANC job when a cancel request from the web storefront fails. You can also generate this report on demand by selecting Error List at the Work with Batch OM Transactions Screen, Display Batch OM Transactions Screen (Header), Display Batch OM Transactions Screen (Detail), or Display Batch OM Errors Screen.

For more information: See the sample report in PDF format.


• order number with ship-to number

• sold-to customer

• ship-to customer

• maintenance activity:

• cancel lines on an order

• cancel order

• cancel reason, if included in a cancel request

• email address (not currently implemented)

• description of each error at the header level; see Batch Order Cancel Errors

For each requested detail-level transaction that resulted in an error:

• activity (line cancellation)

• order line number

• cancel reason

• quantity to cancel

• description of each error at the detail level; see Batch Order Cancel Errors

SO10_10r Serenade 5.0 March 2015